View Full Version : Create your own crazy person!

Don Julio Anejo
2008-06-21, 02:52 AM
Okay, my term paper for my theoretical therapy (something like intro to psychotherapy) class is coming up. So now I have to write about a made up person that has problems and figure out how best to treat them so the person could "lead a happier and more productive life..."

Any cool ideas? I just don't want to do something every single other person in my class will do - a depressed person with intimacy issues stemming from a controlling and unloving mother or some other cliche thing like that.

PS: please no psychopaths who want to murder everyone and take over the world, these people aren't really treatable because they don't think they have a problem (really).

2008-06-21, 02:59 AM
""September 1, 1939" (excerpt):

Accurate scholarship can
Unearth the whole offence
From Luther until now
That has driven a culture mad,
Find what occurred at Linz,
What huge imago made
A psychopathic god:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.

-W. H. Auden"

2008-06-21, 01:50 PM
Grab the DSM..
flip pages
That's your problem! :smallbiggrin: just give it a background story.

I dont know really, though. There are a million disorders out there you could use. Do something not generally seen uhmuhm schizophrenia?? Catatonic, mayhaps? haha im not sure how you'd improve that though.

Eh. Good luck?? :smallamused:

2008-06-21, 01:58 PM
Oo, you could write about me! I'm fairly abnormal! ...


An ACTUAL idea, though, would be to write about self-isolating people. Like this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikikomori). It's pretty much like me though, I suppose...

Dave Rapp
2008-06-21, 02:00 PM
One word:


2008-06-21, 02:02 PM
I don´t need to create a crazy person. I´m crazy enough by myself already...

2008-06-21, 02:05 PM
This is my crazy person, his name is Bruce *points to thin air*. This is my normal person, her name is Sophie *points to different thin air*.

2008-06-21, 02:09 PM
May I remind you that this is not the 'pretend to be insane' thread? :smallamused:

Besides, I can out-insane the lot of you put together.

...Hmmm... How about self-hating delusionals?

2008-06-21, 02:11 PM
Nah, I´m not pretending.

I pretty much keep Jacob and the old guy locked up in my head.

Dave Rapp
2008-06-21, 02:16 PM
May I remind you that this is not the 'pretend to be insane' thread? :smallamused:

Besides, I can out-insane the lot of you put together.

...Hmmm... How about self-hating delusionals?

Doubtful. We all like to think we're crazier than everyone else, but in truth we're all about the same level of crazy. Really, it's the totally normal ones that're crazy.

That being said, I'm crazy and proud of it.

2008-06-21, 02:24 PM
Doubtful. We all like to think we're crazier than everyone else, but in truth we're all about the same level of crazy. Really, it's the totally normal ones that're crazy.

That being said, I'm crazy and proud of it.

My off-the-wall comments should never be taken seriously. I should never be taken seriously. This is my basis of why I say that I am weird. Noone here is truly crazy, however I rank highly on the craziness scale. I would give you example sof this but that would be bragging. Crazy is the new black, afterall. I made it so.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-06-21, 02:28 PM
I used to have a very severe case of schizophrenia. I was truly crazy once.

As for creating a crazy person, her name is Veronica and she always thinks she is at a topless beach or is working at a strip club due to her mental hullucinations.

2008-06-21, 02:43 PM
A man, who sees a hero. But he believes that the hero is not strong enough. So he decides to begin hurting the hero, putting him through real tragedy, to make the hero better. To make the hero stronger.

2008-06-21, 02:49 PM
Besides, I can out-insane the lot of you put together.

I'm sorry? Oh, you jest. I'm known as more insane than any of my friends, one of whom is known as 'The Crazy Russian'. You don't outcrazy me.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-06-21, 02:51 PM
Grab the DSM..
flip pages
That's your problem! :smallbiggrin: just give it a background story.

I dont know really, though. There are a million disorders out there you could use. Do something not generally seen uhmuhm schizophrenia?? Catatonic, mayhaps? haha im not sure how you'd improve that though.
Catatonia in most of its forms takes a boatload of drugs and sometimes ECT (shock therapy), something that makes me want to shoot the psychiatrists and save the poor patients from that.
DSM-IV I'd love to, but it's something like 120 bucks over here. Can't really afford it :frown: Library copy won't be of much help because i'll still need to read that section and reference it about half-dozen times in the paper (I.hate.APA.format). Better not to use it at all IMO.

Eh. Good luck?? :smallamused:
Thanks :smile:

An ACTUAL idea, though, would be to write about self-isolating people. Like this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikikomori). It's pretty much like me though, I suppose...
Dude, this is awesome! Exactly along the lines of stuff I was looking for :amused:

As for creating a crazy person, her name is Veronica and she always thinks she is at a topless beach or is working at a strip club due to her mental hullucinations.
And how would I go about meeting this "Veronica" person? For some... uhm.. therapy :biggrin:

2008-06-21, 02:52 PM
How's this;

Joe Bloggs has an acute fear of cardboard. He personally believes that all the cardboard in the world is conspiring against him as a hive mind and that if he were to burn down every piece he can find it would allow him to fill the resulting power vacuum and become the King of Earth (hence the assassination attempts). He carries a small bottle of petrol (gasoline to Americans), a lighter and a piece of plastic (which he considers the enemy of cardboard) at all times, becoming violent if he is deprived of them. He is also weary around paper, claiming that it is to cardboard as animals are to humans and may have been trained to attack or spy on him.

2008-06-21, 02:54 PM
I'm sorry? Oh, you jest. I'm known as more insane than any of my friends, one of whom is known as 'The Crazy Russian'. You don't outcrazy me.

Then let us battle...

...So... How's this work then...

I suppose I could take pictures of me pretending to be a squid or something...

...Hmmm... We could compare exploits, I suppose. :smallamused:

2008-06-21, 02:56 PM
...Hmmm... We could compare exploits, I suppose. :smallamused:

Very well. Swimming in -20 degrees. No wet suit.

Crossing a six lane highway at rush hour, just to beat a friend (no lights).

I've eaten: squid in black ink sauce. Locusts. Cockroaches. Live oysters.

And I'm only starting.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-06-21, 02:57 PM
How's this;

Joe Bloggs has an acute fear of cardboard. He personally believes that all the cardboard in the world is conspiring against him as a hive mind and that if he were to burn down every piece he can find it would allow him to fill the resulting power vacuum and become the King of Earth (hence the assassination attempts). He carries a small bottle of petrol (gasoline to Americans), a lighter and a piece of plastic (which he considers the enemy of cardboard) at all times, becoming violent if he is deprived of them. He is also weary around paper, claiming that it is to cardboard as animals are to humans and may have been trained to attack or spy on him.
Paranoid type schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur and persecution.

2008-06-21, 02:58 PM
Your actions speak only of stupidity, not insanity. :smalltongue:

I am currently wearing a pirate costume undernearth my lab coat.

2008-06-21, 03:03 PM
If it counts, worshiper of Suit Day (well, not worship per se, but you get the idea).

Played air drums in an air band.

Busked in Russia by dancing (doing the dead worm). Got money as well.

Been involved in a beard growing competition with a german.

I own a copy of the Holy Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Your ball.

2008-06-21, 03:11 PM
Are we grading on silliness or true mental problems here? Because if we're talking about mental illness I would point out that I haven't attended a social occasion in roughly a year and isolate myself because of my fear of other people.

If we're just talking about silly here:

Shouting obscenities in the middle of town for no reason.
Throwing glass bottles at buses for no reason.... Made a cool sound, though.
My cat is my best friend.
Making nowhere plans for nobody.
Commincating solely in references.
Spending all my money and the most inane things I can think of; face masks, wigs, things like that.
Trying to outstare my monitor.
I eat various household objects; pens, pencils, paper, the wrapping off of batteries...

2008-06-21, 03:16 PM

Running around in a cookiemonster suit screaming : GIMME UR COOKIES at a crowded street.

Ha, beat that. I'm proud of it! As long as the cops don't read this, I'm fine.

2008-06-21, 03:25 PM
Are we grading on silliness or true mental problems here? Because if we're talking about mental illness I would point out that I haven't attended a social occasion in roughly a year and isolate myself because of my fear of other people.

I have been assuming we've just been talking silly/insane, not mental problems. I haven't been diagnosed with a mental problem, although I think I might have mild paranoia, or something similar (we're talking a self diagnosis from someone who's never studied mental problems). And potentially mild kleptomania (I have sticky fingers). Although I return stuff, if I know who they belong to. Oh, and my mother at one point suggested the possibility of me having Bipolar. But no official diagnosises (never been tested).

Spending all my money and the most inane things I can think of; face masks, wigs, things like that.
Trying to outstare my monitor.
I eat various household objects; pens, pencils, paper, the wrapping off of batteries...

Done, done, done. And we can add a hankercheif to the list of things eaten (it was clean!).

And we can add licking a dog back, and deciding to go on a year long exchange on a whim. It was literally ''I'm bored. Hmm. What can I do? *sees exchange program brochoure* ...well, why not? I'll go to...uh, Finland.''

Oh, I've gone up to someone and asked if I had black texta marks on my face. When they said no, I pulled out a texta, drew on my face, and said ''How about now?''

2008-06-21, 03:25 PM

Running around in a cookiemonster suit screaming : GIMME UR COOKIES at a crowded street.

Ha, beat that. I'm proud of it! As long as the cops don't read this, I'm fine.

You stay out of this. This is between me and him.

Besides, you aren't even worth killing. out-insaninging.

I have a hard time differentiating between real and imaginary.
I killed Mufasa.
Licked my cat.
Wear costumes in public whenever I ever go out for no reason.
Don't drink. Not really weird, but unusualy, I suppose.
I tend to post and say things in order to obtain a reaction. For instance, the reason why I started this was so that I could get a rise out of someone. You activated my trap card quite neatly.

Too bad about the 'no mental issues'... I've got quite a few of them if I'm any judge. Which I'm not.

Still, we need a judge. And also, we need to take this battle to hell PMs, so that we don't disturb people.

2008-06-21, 03:36 PM
I collect hats, pins (as in badges), hawaiian shirts (which I always wear) and bottle tops.

I get...annoyed if someone is sitting in my chair at the dinner table. I don't pressure them into leaving, I just refuse to sit down until my chair is vacant.

Don't drink beer (I'm Australian!).

L33T speak annoys me, as does American spelling.

I know, those last two are more normal than my previous ones, but if you're getting to the 'I killed Mufasa' stage, I don't need to worry.

Edit: on the no mental issues thing, that's none officially. (And I'm being serious) A lot of people think I might have one, and, to be honest, I think I might as well.
And if we go to PM's, how can someone judge it?

2008-06-21, 03:44 PM
I know, those last two are more normal than my previous ones, but if you're getting to the 'I killed Mufasa' stage, I don't need to worry.

Criticism will get you nowhere. 'Cept maybe jerksville. Ya' don't hear me sayin' 'everyone dislikes '1337 speak'' or 'collecting things is normal' do you? Because that would be rude. It'd be trying to dispel a persons delusions based on a cursory examination of the facts. :smalltongue:

Just so happens that quotations are my main form of communication, as they amuse me so.

But seriously, if you wish to continue this battle of epic proportions, petty insults and of general moronic nature as much as I do, then you'll use PMs. Divulging the many secrets and lies that I can accrue onto the board would be most ungentlemanly. Noone is gonna' bother to judge our base humour anyway.

2008-06-21, 03:51 PM
Well, there's me.
I hallucinate, which is to say I receive stimuli I only thought about.
I think about a specific injury, I feel it. I've bled to death in my mind more times than I can count.
I also have multiple personalities, kind of.
Theres me, there's the impulsive, aggresive me with little self control and no remorse, the weak me dominated by fear, and a few others I don't get to meet.

Also, obsessive compulsive. I cannot part with anything.
I have over 2000 empty waterbottles stored away, and I keep getting more.

2008-06-21, 03:55 PM
Criticism will get you nowhere. 'Cept maybe jerksville. Ya' don't hear me sayin' 'everyone dislikes '1337 speak'' or 'collecting things is normal' do you? Because that would be rude. It'd be trying to dispel a persons delusions based on a cursory examination of the facts. :smalltongue:

Being rude was not my intention (and I raise your :smalltongue: to a :tongue:). And the collections, it was more what I collect. I can't think of anyone I know who collects all of those.

Oh, and PM Ho!

2008-06-21, 03:58 PM
Since I'm kinda crazy as well I'l be the judge.

Just send your PM's to me also.

2008-06-21, 04:14 PM
Will do DD, however, you'll need P0 to send the one I just sent him, and goodnight to all! You have ridded yourself of me...for now.

2008-06-21, 04:22 PM
Hey, Op, here's an idea. Take these two jokers and put them in one person's mind; he has multiple personalities that change every second sentence. This lets him actually talk to himself.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-21, 04:49 PM
squid in black ink sauce.

Was this the ink that the squid produced, or distilled Parker Ink?

Because if it's the former, you're a feeble poser.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-06-21, 04:50 PM
The idea is cool, but unfortunately the course doesn't deal with psychopathology (mental disorders like schizophrenia, multiple personalities, etc). It's more along the lines of problems like "why is my life crappy, what's the point" or "I have trouble making friends" or "Why do my boyfriends always beat me up."

The social reclusiveness thing is perfect and I'm looking for stuff along these lines.

2008-06-21, 04:56 PM
Take your average NEET (Where did everyone else get this term from? because I got it from Welcome to NHK :smalltongue:) as an example. Mrs. Haversham was also one. :smalltongue:

...Seriously, I've got nothing. You're looking for a more specified personality, right? I suppose you could try an use a well-known literary figure as a base.

2008-06-21, 09:55 PM
I have a short story that I wrote from the perceptive of a depressed masochist if you want to have a look see at my character (who is totally not me. I swear. Seriously. It becomes unconvincing when I say it like this...). He's also a social recluse...

Inhuman Bot
2008-06-21, 10:23 PM
I read people thinking there crazt. THEIR WRONG.
(I'll edit my insanity into this later)

Also, you could make a person obbsed with something. He would take it everywhere and assume people are trying to steal it.
Maybe a ring...:P
I had a better Idea, but Can't remember it >.> sorry.

2008-06-21, 11:16 PM
I got one for you. A boy who can't figure out why his life seems to be so bad compared to others. His dad left his family for another woman in the boy's first grade year, so at age six, and the kid was forced to move to another state for two years afterward, before returning back to his hometown. Has a history of anger issues and depression, with attempts at suicide. Acts completely arrogant, but tries to get rid of all his emotion.

2008-06-22, 03:54 AM
I don't know enough about psychiatry to help, so... good luck! :smallsmile:

2008-06-25, 02:15 AM

Running around in a cookiemonster suit screaming : GIMME UR COOKIES at a crowded street.

Ha, beat that. I'm proud of it! As long as the cops don't read this, I'm fine.

What about SurlySeraph? He reads this forum!

My craziness is less 'silly', more 'okay, walking away now'. For example, yesterday I spent 3 hours learning ed (http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html). Even I don't know why.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-06-25, 02:26 AM
My craziness is less 'silly', more 'okay, walking away now'. For example, yesterday I spent 3 hours learning ed (http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html). Even I don't know why.
Lol with the other thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83966) going on right now, I read that as "Erectile Disfunction... :biggrin:

Thanatos 51-50
2008-06-25, 05:52 AM
Lets see if I can't make up a crazy person.

Meet Chuck. Chuck is a twenty-three year old white male. Chuck lives in a crowded, low-quality apartment complex, and works the night shift at Wal-Mart, restocking shelves. He pays his rent on time.
He also, while clearly capable of normal human communication, actively avoids such pursuits.
This is not a new thing, for Chuck has always been like this. He played alone on the playground through all of elementary school, and ate alone during lunch in junior and senior high. He was, during these times, rarely seen with a book, or other "average", hobby of the sort, and he, in fact, appeared to not be doing at all except sitting.
Whenever somebody approached him, be they geniunely friendly or out to mock him (becuase, lets face it, loners get mocked), he drove them away, frequently employing threats of violece to do so. Often as a first resort. He has, on occasion, been forced to, and succesfully backed up these threats.
He has no complications with his home life, being the only child of two parents with no relationship issues. His parents were of the impression that his behaviour was "just a phase".
There is no evidence of abuse.

Currently, Chuck frequently speaks monosylabically, and only when nessecary.
"I'm in.", "Lunch Break", "I'm out", "Rent Check", "Power Bill", "Pay Check", "Yes," "No," and "Credit Card" are amongst the most common of his sentances.
Chuck has never been sighted going out to eat at a resturant, or indeed, anywhere but at his job or at home (Note: He does work at Wal-Mart, and he sometimes makes appearances during the day to purchase nessecities like food and toilitries) And no-one can remember him having a sinificant other, or even any number of friends (Besides, of course, Zero. Zero being a number and all).
When asked how he feels, he constanly responds "Sad" ("Depressed" being too big a word) or "Hungry" (This latter is evident around around the times Chuck usually partakes of a meal. There is no evidence of an eating disorder. I only use so many food referances because its kind of essential for survival).

... And, thats all I got.
Sorry, its kinda a shoddy, unrealistic character, but... eh.

2008-06-25, 06:11 AM
mmm if you really want something different

go for someone who is delusional (nothing new there) in thinking they're normal.

Who does everything compulsively what they think normal people do.

who holds sleepovers "because everyone does", looks at other people's grocery carts and just buys whatever is most common because that's what people buy.

Someone who is utterly confident in being normal, and acts that way.

Sounds like a nightmare to be and know to be honest.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-06-25, 06:48 AM
There is a character in a book I'm writing that you can feel free to use. Have to take out the supernatural bits, but basing on the same condition...

Lets say you have a guy who from his earliest memories sleepwalks continuously. Becomes obsessed with his dreams, as he has a condition where his subconscious doesn't always wait for sleep. He even thinks that some of the dreams he is seeing the future. Reoccurring nightmares, and the beings in it, become so real to him, he is filled with hatred and fear for them even while awake. Likewise, he falls in love with a girl he's dreamt up. He eventually starts to lose focus on what is real and what is dream as literally both intrude on the other.

Now, though you don't want homicidal murderers, try this on for size. While sleepwalking he sees what is actually going on around him, but he's seeing it superimposed through dreaming eyes, so monsters and shadows and the like spring up. He ignores these, and just keeps walking. In the meantime, his mother (he's in his later teens), notices he's gone sleepwalking and goes to stop him. In his state he sees her as a creature just pretending to be her, and is so infuriated that his dreams would try to turn her into a monster he kills it, thinking at this point that it's just a dream.

He's wakes up later and finds out what he does and is so horrified he swears he must never dream again. To make sure of this, he, in his unstable state, cuts off his eyelids so he can no longer sleep. This way, he believes, he won't hurt anyone by thinking they are nightmares.

This is when he is found and shipped off. He must have moist gauze or whatnot put to his eyes most of the time to keep them from drying out and also given drugs to put him to sleep, etc.

For added background if needed, maybe make him a fantastically gifted painter who paints scenes from his dreams, which can be beautiful or absolutely unspeakable, but they sell well either way. Think of him as someone who has an imagination almost unheard of, because his subconscious is always far too active.

Besides, I can out-insane the lot of you put together.
I'm not insane... per se, but fella, I can imagine enough insanity to say 'You wanna bet?' :smallamused:

2008-06-25, 11:53 AM
My person:

Bob is a generally okay guy. He seems well-adjusted, reasonably well-liked by their peers. 30 years old, average job in an office, average income, married reasonably happily, one kid about 3 years old. No history of mental illness, either in the person or in the family. He's a little bit overweight, and diets occasionally, but can't seem to get that last 15 pounds off. No signs of sexual dysfunction.


Feels a lack of interest in almost all daily activities. Oh, he goes about his day well enough. He goes out and socializes, does all the stuff he's supposed to do. But then he wonders, is this really all there is to it? He feels a vague sense of regret over lost opportunity, but can't really place his finger on what he's regretting. He's always been fairly low-energy, so nobody's really noticed that anything is the matter. He shows no other symptoms of depression. He's mentioned this to his spouse, who hasn't been able to help him figure out what's the matter. She's made a number of suggestions for changing his routine, none of which really seem to appeal to Bob. He just never seems to get around to making any kind of a change.

2008-06-25, 12:00 PM
I'm not insane... per se, but fella, I can imagine enough insanity to say 'You wanna bet?' :smallamused:

Yes. I think I do. I think so...

However, there is no suitable means of insanity measuring which I can perceive. I did battle bit SoD for a while, neither claiming absolute victory on account of no accurate craziness measuring. While I would say he performed the more zanier antics I was the most mentally unbalanced, see.

Of course, noone is really insane, they just indulge themselves... Noone here, anyway...