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Lady Tialait
2008-06-21, 04:29 PM
Character Creation
-Generating Ability Scores-
-The Zero Level-
-Leveling Up-

Generating Ability Scores

The first step in creating a character is to generate your ability scores. Abilities in T.5 are generated using a standard 28 point buy system, with one exception—no ability score can begin higher than a 16 (before applying racial modifiers). The reason for this is that G6 characters aren’t the superhumans seen in other games, and almost no beginning adventurer has already reached the pinnacle of human capability.

All ability scores begin at 8, and may be increased by spending a number of points equal to the point cost of the desired score. The ability scores and their corresponding point cost are shown on Table 1-1: Ability Score Costs.

Table 1-1: Ability Score Costs











At the GMs discretion, the following variants may be used in place of the standard point buy:

Variable Point Buy: Like standard point buy, only your point buy is determined by 21+2d6.

Random Generation: Roll 4d6 for each ability score, eliminate the lowest result, and arrange the scores as you desire. Scores of 17+ should be re-rolled.

The Zero Level

Everyone has heard about the 6th level expert blacksmith or the 5th level town mayor. Occasionally they pop up in a campaign, and this begs an important question: since these people are tougher and more competent in combat than your typical 1st or 2nd level Player Character, why don’t they solve their problems themselves?

Additionally, where do adventurers begin? People aren’t born wizards, and don’t suddenly spring into being as fully trained marshals. Why don’t Player Characters have this transition stage?

Well, now they can. Welcome to the Zero Level, the second step in creating a G6 character. A character with no class levels is treated as being 0th level. A 0th level character has everything needed to function, but no class abilities. A character with character classes receives the benefits of being 0th level along with the benefits of his or her class.

The 0th Level Character
Hit Points: A 0th level character receives a number of Hit Points equal to her Constitution score.

Skill Points: (4 + Int Modifier) x3
*No single skill may have more than 3 ranks.
*All skills are treated as class skills for all classes.

Table 1-2: The 0th Level Character
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0| Bonus Feats[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: 0th level characters are proficient with all simple weapons.

Bonus Feat: The 0th level character gains two bonus feats, provided she meets the prerequisites for each.



All characters know how to speak Common. A dwarf, elf, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, or halfling also speaks a racial language, as appropriate. A character who has an Intelligence bonus at 1st level speaks other languages as well, one extra language per point of Intelligence bonus as a starting character.

Racial Profiles

• Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Human base land speed is 30 feet.
• 3 extra skill points at 0th level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
• +2 racial bonus to any two skills, chosen at character creation.
• Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic).

• Medium: As Medium creatures, dwarves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
• Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function just fine with no light at all.
• Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
• +1 racial bonus on Fortitude saves.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven. Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.

• Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
• Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
• Superior Low-Light Vision: An elf can see four times as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• +1 racial bonus on Reflex saves.
• +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.

• Small: As a Small creature, a gnome gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
• Gnome base land speed is 20 feet.
• Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• +1 Racial bonus on Fortitude saves and Reflex saves.
• +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc.

• Medium: As Medium creatures, half-elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Half-elf base land speed is 30 feet.
• Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
• Low-Light Vision: A half-elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
• +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.
• Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-elf is considered an elf.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic).

• Medium: As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Half-orc base land speed is 30 feet.
• Darkvision: Half-orcs (and orcs) can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.
• +1 racial bonus on Strength checks.
• +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.
• Orc Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Orc. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin.

• Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
• Halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
• +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks.
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
• +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
• +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Halfling. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc.


The Class

In T.5 there is only 1 class, it is highly generic, you use feats to costomize the class to what you see fit. Everyone ends up with the same chances, Depending on how they use their 0 level and how each level after that what feats they choose to learn. The object of this purging of class features in favor of even more powerful feats is both balance, and the give a feel of realism. So, here is the class.

HP 6
{table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Bonus Feat, Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat

+x|Advance Feat Step

+x|Bonus Feat, Bonus Feat[/table]

Skills: You may choose 10 skills of your choice when gaining your first level.
Skills points are 4+INTx4 at first level.

Saves: Choose two good save progessions and one poor one.

As a bonus feat, you may choose any feat you meet the Prerequites for.

Advance Feat step, allows you to gain the next teir of your feats. when you gain a feat you only have Step I of that feat.


Every feat has 4 teirs, you gain the first teir automanticly when selecting the feat. each feat you have advances a teir when you gain the Advance Feat Step class feature of your class. Some feats have describtors, this may have an effect of the abilities of the feat.

Designing a Feat

Feats follow the following formula:

[Feat Name]
I: The Stage I ability, this is gained when you take the feat. Stage I abilities are static benefits, or unlimited use abilities.
II: The Stage II ability, gained at first advancement. Stage II abilities are usable once per encounter, but usually have some power to back this limited use up.
III: The Stage III ability, gained at second advancement. Stage III abilities are static benefits, or unlimited use abilities.
IV: The Stage IV ability, gained at thrid advancement. Stage IV abilities are usable once per encounter, but are usually extremely potent.

Example Feats:

Shield Specialization
Prerequisites: Dextery or Strength 14
I: The Armor Penalty on all shields you are proficient with is reduced by 3. It is impossible to reduce the Armor Penalty over 0. In addition, if you are a Fighter or a Marshal, you may select one type of shield from the following list: buckler, heavy or light. When using a shield of the appropriate type, you increase its shield bonus to AC by 1.
II: Once per encounter, as a swift action, you can add 1/2 your DEX or STR modifier, rounded down, to the shield bonus AC. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the modifier (DEX or STR) selected to increase the shield bonus + 1 and stacks with the Stage I use of the Shield Specialization feat. If you are a Fighter or a Marshal, the number of rounds is increased by 2.
III: When using a shield the shield bonus it grants to AC is increased by 2. This stacks with the Stage I use of the Shield Specialization feat. Additionally, if you hit an opponent with your shield on a Charge, you may make a Bull Rush, Disarm or Trip attack without provoking attacks of opportunity, and the defender does not get to try Disarm or Trip you in return.
IV: Once per encounter you can make two free extra attacks with your shield on a full-attack or charge. In addition to any damage caused by your shield, you add +4d4, and the target hit by at least one of the shield’s attack needs to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + 1/2 the damage suffered from the shield 4d4 extra damage) or be Dazed for 2 rounds.

Drunken Mastery
Prerequisite: Chi Magic
Stage I: Your Dodge AC increases by +1 from your bobbing and weaving as if you where drunk.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may use any mundane item other then a weapon, this attack deals 4D6 subdue damage.
Stage III: You do not loose your Dex to AC even when Flat-Footed, this negates sneak attacks. Only when you unconsciousness are you deaned your dex.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may use 1 pint of alcohol and a source of fire, to produce a breath weapon, it deals 6D6 damage. Ref save is 12+wisdom Modifier.

Iron Mountain
Prerequisite: Chi Magic
Stage I: You may use up to Medium armor and retain your monk abilities, you also gain profiency in both light and medium armor.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may use a move action to gain +4 to fortitude saves. This lasts till the beginning of your next turn.
Stage III: You may use fortitude save in the place of a reflex save.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may attempt a fortitude save to take 1/2 damage. On any physical attack, this save is DC 10 + damage taken.

Prerequisite: -
Stage I: You may attempt a grapple check without invoking an attack of opportunity. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on grapple checks.
Stage II: 1/encounter you can 'throw' a creature you have in a grapple. This is a full-round action and pushes the target up to 20ft away. If they land in a occupied square you may attempt an attack roll with a -4, if you hit it deals 2D6 damage and leave both prone.
Stage III: When in a grapple you preform all attack normally, In addition you may take a standard action if your opponent provokes an AoO during a grapple.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may attempt an attack while in a grapple that deals subdue damage equal three times your regular damage on an attack.

Monkey Grip
Stage I: You may wield a weapon one size category larger then your own without penalty. ( that is how it's worded in my house ruled game anyway)
Stage II: 1/encounter if two enemies stand next to you, you may attempt to swing at both with the same attack. This attack takes a full round action make a single attack roll and damage roll. This counts for both enemies.
Stage III: You gain +8 on all str check and skills based in str.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may attempt a 'big swing' attack, this causes a shock wave. . The shock wave affects only creatures standing on the ground within the 20 ft. area. Creatures that fail their saves are thrown to the ground, become prone, and take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. The ref save DC is 11 + Str Modifier. This may only be used when you are wielding a weapon at least one size category larger then yourself.

Hero’s Luck
Prerequisites: None
I: You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
II: Once per encounter, as an immediate action, you may re-roll a single d20 roll. You must take the re-roll, even if it worse than the original roll.
III: Whenever you roll a natural 20, you gain a +2 luck bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws until the end of the current encounter. This bonus is cumulative, and stacks with all other luck bonuses.
IV: Once per encounter, when you roll a natural 1, you may treat the result as if you had rolled a natural 20 instead.

Power Attack
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +1, Str 13+
I: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn.
Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can’t add the bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealt with a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or natural weapon attacks), even though the penalty on attack rolls still applies. (Normally, you treat a double weapon as a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. If you choose to use a double weapon like a two-handed weapon, attacking with only one end of it in a round, you treat it as a two-handed weapon.)
II: Once per encounter, when wielding a melee weapon, you may take a standard action to deliver a crippling blow to your opponent. Make an attack against a single opponent. If the attack is successful your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Strength modifier) or be shaken until the end of the encounter.
III: If you deal a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.
IV: Once per encounter, when wielding a melee weapon, you may take a standard action to hideously wound your opponent. Make an attack against a single opponent. If the attack is successful your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Strength modifier) or take 2d4 points of Constitution damage. A successful save reduces this to 1d4 points of Constitution damage.

Powerful Charge
Prerequisites: None
I: You deal an additional +1d8 points of damage whenever you make a charge attack. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus to Strength checks involved in Bull Rush attempts and no longer draw attacks of opportunity for initiating Bull Rushes.
II: Once per encounter, as a standard action, you may make a charge attack against a single opponent. If the attack is successful, your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your class level + your Strength modifier) or be stunned for 1 round.
III: You deal an additional +1d10 points of damage whenever you make a charge attack. This overrides the additional damage from the stage I ability. Additionally, you gain an additional +2 bonus to your attack roll when you make a charge attack.
IV: Once per encounter, as a full round action, you may make a charge attack against a single opponent. If the attack is successful, you may choose to initiate a Bull Rush as a free action. You may push them as far as you would normally be allowed, so long as your movement does not exceed twice your land speed.

Precise Shot
Prerequisites: None
I: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when making ranged attacks against targets within 30ft. Additionally, you no longer take the -4 penalty for shooting into melee.
II: Once per encounter, as a standard action, you may make a single ranged attack against an opponent within sight. You take no penalty on this attack roll, regardless of the distance to the target.
III: You ignore all Cover bonuses to Armor Class with the exception of Total Cover. Additionally, the range increment for any ranged weapon you wield increases by 50%.
IV: Once per encounter, as a full round action, you may make a single ranged attack against an opponent within sight. If the attack is successful you deal an additional 10 points of damage.

Quick Draw
Prerequisites: None
I: You may draw a weapon as a free action. You may draw a hidden weapon as a move action. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Reflex saves.
II: Once per encounter, as a standard action, you may draw a weapon and make a single melee attack. Your opponent is considered flat-footed against this attack.
III: You deal an additional 2 points of damage against flat-footed opponents. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Initiative.
IV: Once per encounter, as a standard action, you may draw a weapon and make a single melee attack. Add your Initiative modifier to damage on this attack.

Weapon Focus
Prerequisites: None
I: Choose a specific weapon. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when wielding that weapon. If that weapon is an exotic weapon, you gain proficiency in it. Additionally, you gain a +1 weapon bonus to you Armor Class when wielding your chosen weapon.
II: Once per encounter, as a standard action, you may make a single attack with your chosen weapon. This attack deals an additional 5 points of damage.
III: When wielding your chosen weapon, your critical threat range increases by 1. Additionally, you deal an additional 2 points of damage when wielding your chosen weapon.
IV: Once per encounter, when you score a critical threat with your chosen weapon, you may automatically confirm the critical. You must choose to use this ability before you roll the confirmation roll.

Skill Focus
Prerequisites: Any two skills 1 rank
I: Choose two skill you have at least one rank in. You gain a +2 bonus to all checks with both of those skills.
II: Once per encounter, you may take 10 on a skill check involving one of the selected skills, even if under stress.
III: The bonus to your skill checks improves to +4.
IV: Once per encounter, you may reroll a skill check involving one of the selected skills and take the better of the two results.

Prerequisites: Reflex Save +2
Stage I - You gain +1D6 damage every three charitor levels, this applys only when your foe is denyed their dex against you, or is flanked.
Stage II - Once per encounter, when making rolling your backstab extra damage in melee, you may double the extra damage dice you roll.
Stage III - You gain a +2 cover bonus to armor class on any round in which you make a attack while flanking and do not move from the square that you made the attack in.
IV - Once per encounter, instead of extra damage, you may elect to strike a death blow. The victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + intelligence modifier) or die. A successful save negates this ability.

Chi Magic
Prerequisite: Stunning Fist 1/encounter
Stage I: You gain a +10 enhancement bonus to your speed. And, anytime you would take falling damage you take 1D6 less, as long as you have a surface to slow your fall with.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may ignite your fists or other natural weapon aflame, this deals 1D6 fire damage, and has a chance to catch the opponent on fire, Ref save (DC 12+wis modifier) to avoid catching on fire. This effect lasts till the beginning of your next round.
Stage III: You may spend a full-round action to gain SR equal to your monk level + 5. This effect lasts 1 round per wisdom modifier.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may throw a ball of fire from your palms, this effect deals 1D6 damage per monk level. It counts as a unarmed strike for all purposes.

Prerequisites: None
Stage I:m You gain an additional number of attacks of opportunity per round equal to your dexterity modifier. You cannot use more than one attack of opportunity per provocation.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may make an attack of opportunity against one foe within reach that has just been struck in melee.
Stage III: Victims of your attacks of opportunity are considered flat-footed until the beginning of their next action.
Stage IV: Once per encounter, you may enter a zenlike state of combat reaction. For a number of rounds equal to your dexterity modifier, any melee attack against you provokes attacks of opportunity.

Iron Will
Prerequisites: None
Stage I: You gain immunity to fear effects. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Will saves.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may add your Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus to any single attack roll, skill check, saving throw, or ability check.
Stage III: You no longer fall unconcious when reduced below 0 hit points and may continue fighting without penalty until slain.
Stage IV: Once per encounter, you may make a single melee attack using your wis in place of your str, for both attack roll and damage.

Lightning Reflexes
Prerequisites: None
Stage I: You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to Armor Class and a +4 Circumstance bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Reflex saves.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may make a single attack roll as an immediate action. Otherwise it had more uses than I'd like to see in a feat.
Stage III: You gain a +4 bonus to Initiative.
Stage IV: Once per encounter, you may take a full round action as an immediate action. Doing so is physically tiring, leaving you fatigued for the rest of the encounter.


Default Re: G6: Re-Imagining E6 and D&D
Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
I made a crapload of feats yesterday. They're ALIIIIIVE!

Prerequisites: None
Stage I:m You gain an additional number of attacks of opportunity per round equal to your dexterity modifier. You cannot use more than one attack of opportunity per provocation.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may make an attack of opportunity against one foe within reach that has just been struck in melee.
Stage III: Victims of your attacks of opportunity are considered flat-footed until the beginning of their next action.
Stage IV: Once per encounter, you may enter a zenlike state of combat reaction. For a number of rounds equal to your dexterity modifier, any melee attack against you provokes attacks of opportunity.

Natural Talent
Prerequisites: Any one skill 1 rank
I: Choose one skill. Whenever you roll a skill check against that skill, roll 2d20 and take the best roll.
II: Once per encounter, you can choose add 1/2 of the unused die to your skill roll (round down). You may choose to activate this power after your dice have rolled.
III: Your use of the skill is sped up. Skill checks that where swift actions can now be used twice from a single swift action. Skill checks that usually take a full a round or less are now swift actions. Skill checks that take 5 rounds or less are now Standard actions. Skill checks that usually take a minute or less are now Full Round actions. Longer skill checks are 10 times faster.
IV: Once per encounter, you can "take 30" at your skill.

Iron Will
Prerequisites: None
Stage I: You gain a +2 bonus on Will saves. You gain immunity to fear effects. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Will saves. Since it's only 6 levels, I'd like to avoid +2 boosts to saves.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may add your Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus to any single attack roll, skill check, saving throw, or ability check.
Stage III: You no longer fall unconcious when reduced below 0 hit points and may continue fighting without penalty until slain.
Stage IV: Once per encounter, when you would otherwise be slain, you may continue fighting without penalty or death for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier, after which you die. This ability is to close to the Stage III ability. We need something different...I'll have to think on this.

Lightning Reflexes
Prerequisites: None
Stage I: You gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saves. You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to Armor Class and a +4 Circumstance bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Reflex saves.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may make a single attack roll as an immediate action. Otherwise it had more uses than I'd like to see in a feat.
Stage III: You gain a +2 Dodge bonus to your Armor Class. You gain a +4 bonus to Initiative.
Stage IV: Once per encounter, you may take a full attack full round action as an immediate action. Doing so is physically tiring, leaving you fatigued for the rest of the encounter.

Prerequisites: None
Stage I: You may make coup-de-grace attacks as a move action instead of a full-round action.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may strike a crippling blow that deals weapon damage plus two points of strength or dexterity damage to your victim. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this ability. You must declare that you are using this ability before you roll your attack, and a missed attack wastes the use.
Stage III: Your coup-de-grace attacks do not provoke attacks of oppotunity
Stage IV: Once per encounter, you may strike a vicious blow that deals weapon damage, plus an amount of strength and dexterity damage equal to your intelligence modifier. Creatures immune to critical hits are also immune to this ability. You must declare the use of this ability before you roll your attack, and a miss wastes the use.

Great Fortitude
Prerequisites: None
Stage I: You gain 2 hp plus an additional 1 hp for every Hit Die you possess, both past and future. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves.
Stage II: Once per encounter, you may roll a Fortitude save in place of a Reflex save.
Stage III: You may add your Constitution modifier to your Armor Class in place of your Dexterity modifier.
Stage IV: Once per encounter, you can enter a state where you feel no pain and shrug off even the fiercest of blows with ease. For a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, you gain DR 5/- and immunity to physical ability score damage. This lasts for 1/round per point of constution bonus.

Arcane Feats:
Arcane feats have the Arcane Describtor, and give magical ability, most of them require a Relevent Casting ability to be high, when you take your first Arcane Feat, you must choose a Casting Ability, it can by any mental ability you wish but it cannot change.

Magical Aptitude (Arcane)
I: You may treat spellcraft, knowledge (arcana), and Use Magical Device as class skills.
II: You may 1/encounter gain spell resistance 15+class levels, this may be used as an immediate action, and lasts till the beginning of your next turn.
III: You may make a Knowlage (Arcana) check DC 10+caster level of the item. If you succeed on this check you get the same effect on the item as Identify.
IV: You may 1/encounter produce a burst of pure destructive power, dealing 6D8 damage to anyone within 30ft. This effect can disregard 1 person per class level, but if you do not choose yourself, you will be hit with it also. Anyone caught is entitled a Reflex save (DC 10+class levels+Highest Mental Ability) to half the damage.

Step Through Space (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
Stage I - As a standard action you can teleport to any unoccupied square within 10ft.
Stage II - Once per encounter, as a swift action, you can teleport to any unoccupied square within 50ft.
Stage III - As a standard action you can teleport yourself or an adjacent ally to any unoccupied square within 15ft.
Stage IV - Once per encounter, as a standard action, you can switch locations with any creature within 50ft. Unwilling creatures are entitled to a Will save to negate this effect (DC 10+1/2 your character level+your revelent casting ability modifier).

Soul of Fire (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
Stage I - As a standard action you can cause an opponent within 30ft to burst into flames. Your target takes 1d6 points of fire damage and must succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire (DC 10+1/2 your character level+your revelent casting ability modifier).
Stage II - Once per encounter, as a standard action, you may launch a sheet of flame from your hands. All opponents within a 20ft cone take damage as if struck by your Stage I ability.
Stage III - Your stage I ability now deals 3d6 points of fire damage.
Stage IV - Once per encounter, as a full-round action, you can create a terrible explosion of flame. All creatures within 15ft of a point in space no more than 100ft away take 6d6 points of damage and catch on fire (A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the catching on fire).

Abjuration (arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The abjurer can magically protect himself with a magic field. The protection grants him +4 to AC. He can suppress and reactivate it as a free action.
II: Once per encounter, the abjurer can shield anyone with a powerful protection as a swift action. The protection grants DR 7/magic and lasts 3+int mod rounds. Alternately, the abjurer can keep the shield up if he stands still and takes no action but holding the shield.
III: The abjurer can alter the magical properties of a large area (up to a radius of 50 feet per level). He may opt to dampen a certain type magic (10+level+int mod SR vs all abilities from a base magic feat) or strengthen a certain type of magic (increase DCs/bigger damage die/increase bonus by half...). The area of effect is spherical, and applies to abjurer as well as other MUs. Creating such an area is a draining process that takes four hours which fatigues the abjurer. Only one such area may be maintained, it instantly dissipates if abjurer starts creating another area or is incapacitated.
IV: Once per encounter, the abjurer can ward himself against extreme hostility. He gains +8 AC, +2 all saves, DR 15/-, immunity to mind effecting spells and his wards reflect melee damage upon his attackers. The effect lasts 2+int mod rounds.

Conjuration (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The conjurer can summon summon a sapient, tiny sized outsider animal (such as reptiles, ferrets or birds) at will as a full round action. Such animals will not endanger themselves on behalf of the caster (no combat application), but are otherwise willing to serve as servitors, helpers, scouts or spies. Only one may be present at a time. Outsider animals can be kept on Prime for many hours. Conjurer can dismiss the creature as a free action.
II: Once per encounter, the conjurer can summon an outsider (as Summon Monster II) to fight for him as a full round action. The summon will vanish if its HP is depleted or within a few minutes. If used out of combat, the summon can perform some other task if doesn't think it's too demeaning.
III: The conjurer can permenantly bind an outsider (about as powerful as him, but not equal) to himself. The outsider acts as a servant and advisor, and will fight on conjurer's behalf. It's effectively a cohort NPC. If it's reduced to 0 HP, it's banished and can't be summoned again for many years.
IV: Once per encounter, the conjurer can summon a powerful outsider to aid him in combat. Such outsiders will expect a price. The outsider will resent having to perform for free, but will do so if no reward is offered. However, this will gain their enmity and they won't fight to the best of their abilities.

Divination (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The diviner can see all magical auras and understand all written and spoken languages. (note that a diviner automatically detects though not necessarily sees through all illusions)
II: Once per encounter, the diviner can see into immediate future to achieve one of the following as a swift action: increase AC by 20 for a round, get +20 to hit for a single attack, increase initiative by 5 or maximize one damage die.
III: The diviner can enter a trance and extend his sight OR hearing out of his body at will. His extended sense travels at a speed of 240, can pass ordinary barriers and can stay out of him indefinitely. Diviner must sit or lie without doing anything else during his trance. He can still perceive his surroundings but any movement or action instantly ends the trance.
IV: Once per encounter, the diviner can maximize all dice he rolls for 3 rounds.

Enchantment (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The enchanter has increased presence for all who can perceive him. He gains either +4 to any one of bluff, diplomacy, gather info, intimidate or perform skills; or a +4 to charisma as a free action. The effect is nullified if he's incapatitated.
II: Once per encounter, the enchanter can charm an opponent (will save negates) as a standard action.
III: The enchanter can hypnotize others with a glance (will save negates and grants immunity for a day). Hypnotized people will do as commanded to the best of their abilities, though the effect instantly wears off if they are wounded (HP reduced less than half).
IV: Once per encounter, the enchanter can dominate an opponent (will save negates). Dominated people are fully under the enchanter's control but will get additional saves every time they take damage or are forced to act against their interests. The effect will wear out in a few hours.

Evocation (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The evoker can create a magic missile at will as a standard action.
II: Once per encounter, the evoker can create a fireball that does 5d6 damage as a full round action.
III: The evoker's control over magic allows him to choose what sort of damage his attacks do (magic, fire, cold, electricity, acid, sonic, physical).
IV: Once per encounter, the evoker can blast an area into oblivion. Everything within a 20 foot radius sphere of target point (including the ground) will take 10d6 damage (ignores all DR). Any unattended item or creature reduced to 0 HP is disintegrated.

Illusion (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The illusionist can magically disguise himself as a free action. He may change his clothes, face, voice, height, weight, gender and race as long as his size category doesn't change. The change doesn't include smell or touch.
II: Once per encounter, the illusionist (and everything he holds) can become invisible. Invisibility can be maintained for quite a while, but anyone illusionist gets close (within a 5 foot step) can detect him with a spot check. Attacking doesn't cancel the ability, but will give a +10 spot bonus to defender.
III: The illusionist can create an illusionary creature of large or smaller size. It must be of something he has seen closely. The illusion is either controlled directly, or programmed at its creation to do specific things (go there, do that, come back). If programmed, it will perform as it was instructed with no heed to anything unless illusionist mentally changes its instructions. It can touch and be touched by living beings, but can't move objects. Any damage dispels it. Crafting an image takes an hour. More than one can be created but only one can be controlled at one time.
IV: Once per encounter, the illusionist can create up to 10 identical illusionary creatures (he must be familiar with the creatures). These creatures will fight on caster's behalf. Their attacks inflict real damage, but they have 1 HP. (he may, of course, create illusions of himself and run while enemies are busy)

Necromancy (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The necromancer can drain living beings' life. As a full round action, he can deal 1d6 damage to any living being up to 80 feet away and heal himself the same amount. His HP can't exceed the maximum.
II: Once per encounter, a necromancer can temporarily create a zombie or skeleton under his total control as a swift action, if a corpse is available. After some minutes, the undead reverts back to a corpse.
III: The necromancer can create undead (skeletons, zombies, ghouls, ghasts) from humanoid corpses. He can create as many as he likes, but can only control a number of them equal to his level. Ghouls and ghasts aren't mindless and hate their creator. Every time he creates an undead that exceeds his number of control, randomly one of the others go free. Skeletons and zombies usually wander off while ghouls and ghasts usually turn on their creator.
IV: Once per encounter, a necromancer can completely drain the life of a living creature. As a full round action, he can deal 3d6 con damage (fort save for half, but it's still crippling) to any living being up to 80 feet away and completely heal himself (or any other living creature he touches). If a creature is killed in this manner, its soul is absorbed by the necromancer (or whatever creature caster healed with the stolen life force).

Transmutation (Arcane)
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Relevant Casting Ability 14+
I: The transmuter can, at will, alter the body of any living creature (including himself) with a touch. He can increase/decrease a physical stat by 4 or increase one by 6 while decreasing another by 4 as a standard action. Unwilling targets need a touch attack and get a fort save to negate. Decreases can't bring an ability lower than 1. The effect lasts as long as transmuter wills. Unwilling targets get a fort save each round to end the effect.
II: Once per encounter, the transmuter can turn himself into a medium sized, normal animal that he's familiar with. He gains physical stats and speed of the animal. Transformation lasts about a few minutes, and transmuter must rest for half an hour between transformations.
III: The transmuter can increase his physical stats by a total of +8 points. At will, he can rearrange these bonus points as a full round action (he may opt not to have any bonus). He may also use stage I ability on top of this but they overlap, don't stack. This is a magical effect and is nullified if the transmuter is incapacitated. (note that an abjurer's area powers influence this)
IV: Once per encounter, the transmuter can turn any large or smaller sized creature into a little harmless animal (typically a toad). Victim gets fort saves to save himself only after 10 rounds.

Studious Magic
Prerequisite Magical Aptitude, 14 casting stat.
Stage I: At will, you may create the effects of prestidigitation . In addition, you gain +2 on Knowledge (arcane), Spellcraft, and Use Magical Device.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may use a scroll without expending the magic of that scroll. This ability can only be used on a particular scroll once.
Stage III: You may take a 10 on any Knowledge (Arcane), Spellcraft, or Use Magical Device check, even if you under pressure. In addition, you may use detect magic and read magic at will.
Stage IV: You may craft a magical staff this staff has up to 3 levels worth of spells in it. (0 level spells are 1/2 a spell level for this purpose). You may activate this one spell from this staff 1/encounter.

Blood-Born Magic
Prerequisite Magical Aptitude, 14 casting stat.
Stage I: Any weapon you wield gains an extra 1D6 of either acid, fire, cold, sonic, or electricity. This will be the energy type of your aura.
Stage II: 1/encounter you can shoot a ray, this ray deals the same type of damage as your aura, and deals 1D4 damage per class level.
Stage III: You are surrounded by an aura of arcane power. You radiate magic as a cleric of good radiates good. In addition, when you take damage in melee by a non-reach weapon the person who struck you takes 1D4 damage this damage deals either acid, fire, cold, sonic, or electricity.
Stage IV: Choose 3 levels worth of spells, these are now spell-like abilities you may use one of them 1/encounter. If they have a energy discribtor, it's discribtor becomes the same as your aura.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-21, 04:31 PM
Divine Feats:
Divine Feats are like arcane feats, but they all require the True Beliver feat, and they all have the Divine Descriptor. When you take your first divine feat you must choose a casting stat, this stat cannot be changed.

True Beliver
Prerequisites: A faith in a Deity.
I: You gain profencinacy in the favored weapon of your Deity. If you are already profenciant, you gain +1 to hit and Damage with your Deity favored weapon.
II: 1/encounter you may reroll a missed check, this reroll must be announced before the results of the roll are announced, and you must take the new results even if they are worse then the original one.
III: You may as a fullround action, perfrom a smite attack, adding your cha modifer to hit, but no bonus to damage.
IV: 1/encounter you may heal hit points to yourself, or anyone else within 60ft. This effect heals damage equal to your class levels plus your cha mod. A single person cannot receive more healing from this ability then half your full hit points. Useing this ability is an immediate action.

Prerequisites: True Beliver
Stage I: You gain +4 bonus on all sense motive vs. bluff opposed checks to tell if someone is lying.
Stage II: 1/encounter you make an immediate single melee attack again some one who uses the bluff skill to feint and fails. This attack deals bonus damage equal to your wisdom modifier.
Stage III: You may take a 10 on any sense motive check you make in combat, even if threatened or rushed.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may speak a word of utter truth, when you do all creatures within 20ft. become stunned, to avoid this effect they may make will save DC 12+wisdom modifier.

Nature's Lore
Prerequisite: True Believer, Casting Stat 14+
Stage I: You can use speak with animals and speak with plants at will as a spell-like ability. Add Knowledge (nature) to your list of class class skills.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may create a effect like entangle and spike growth. This effect lasts 1 round per class level, the save DC is 12+casting stat mod.
Stage III: You gain an Animal Companion as a druid of your class level -2. linkage
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may create the effect of Summon Nature's Ally II. Your caster level is equal to your class levels.

Prerequisite: True Believer
Stage I: You may use Detect Alignment at will. In addition, if you take 1 minuet you may loose this ability for 24 for the use of Detect Lies once.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may use a smite chaos attack, gaining +4 on the attack roll, and your cha modifier as extra damage. If this attack is aimed at a non-chaotic creature, it deals no damage.
Stage III: You gain the effect of Urban Tracking
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may produce a hold person effect, the will save is 12+Cha Mod. CL equal to your class levels.

Stalwart Faith
Prerequisite: True Believer.
Stage I: You gain a +1 divine bonus to your saves.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may re roll a D20 roll. You must make this reroll before you know the results of your action, and you must take the results of the reroll even if they are worse then the original.
Stage III: You gain a +1 divine bonus to your saves.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may take a full-round action to become immune to physical damage. This effect lasts till the beginning of your next turn.

Faithful Fire
Prerequite: True Believer, 14+ casting stat.
Stage I: You have a continued aura of flame. This ability can be suppressed as a full-round action, and is a free action to activate. When this aura is activated, one weapon per point of casting stat bonus plus 2, burst on fire dealing 1D6 fire damage per 3 class levels.
Stage II: 1/encounter Turn or destroy water creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster fire creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
Stage III: Your Aura of flame intensify. Any time you are struck by a non-reach weapon the attacker takes 2D6 fire damage. This effect continues as long as you have your Aura of Flame activated.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you engulf yourself with flames. In this form you gain fire resistance equal to your constitution score, may not deactivated your aura of flame, and a natural attack dealing 1D8 bludgeoning damage. You may also throw small fire balls. these projectiles deal 1D8+6 fire damage. This effect last for 6 rounds.

Faithful Earth
Prerequite: True Believer, 14+ casting stat.
Stage I: You become more resistant to moral weaknesses. Gaining immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning.
Stage II: 1/encounter Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster earth creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
Stage III: Your skin hardens providing a natural armor. This natural armor bonus is equal to your class level. In addition, you gain DR/Bludgening equal to your Constitution modifier.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you engulf yourself with earth. In this form you gain acid resistance equal to your constitution score and a natural attack dealing 2D8 bludgeoning damage. You may also throw chunks of rock. these projectiles deal 2D8+1 bludgeoning damage. This effect last for 6 rounds.

Faithful Air
Prerequite: True Believer, 14+ casting stat.
Stage I: Your feet shun earth. From now on, you can float a foot above the ground. Instead of walking you glides along, unconcerned with the hard earth or difficult terrain. While you remains within 1 foot of a flat surface of any solid or liquid, you can take normal actions and make normal attacks, and can move at your normal speed (you can even “run” at four times her normal speed). However, at distances higher than 1 foot above any surface, your speed diminishes to 10 feet per round.
Stage II: 1/encounter Turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
Stage III: You may, at will create areas of mist. A misty vapor cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high arises around you. It is stationary once created. The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph), disperses the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round. A fireball, flame strike, or similar ability burns away the fog in the explosive or fiery spell’s area. A wall of fire burns away the fog in the area into which it deals damage. This ability does not function underwater.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you engulf yourself with air. In this form you gain electricity resistance equal to your constitution score and a natural attack dealing 2D6 bludgeoning damage. You may also fly. Your fly speed is equal to your twice your base land speed with perfect control. This effect last for 6 rounds. If you are in the air when the effect ends, you take appropriate falling damage.

Faithful Water
Prerequite: True Believer, 14+ casting stat.
Stage I: You may breath in water as easy as you breath air. You additionally gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
Stage II: 1/encounter Turn or destroy fire creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster water creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
Stage III: You can raise or lower any body of water:
Lower Water:
This causes water or similar liquid to reduce its depth by as much as 2 feet per class level (to a minimum depth of 1 inch). The water is lowered within a squarish depression whose sides are up to class level × 10 feet long. In extremely large and deep bodies of water, such as a deep ocean, the ability creates a whirlpool that sweeps ships and similar craft downward, putting them at risk and rendering them unable to leave by normal movement for as long as concentration is maintained. When cast on water elementals and other water-based creatures, this ability acts as a slow spell (Will save DC 13+casting stat modifier). The spell has no effect on other creatures.
Raise Water
This causes water or similar liquid to rise in height, just as the lower water version causes it to lower. Boats raised in this way slide down the sides of the hump that the ability creates. If the area affected by the spell includes riverbanks, a beach, or other land nearby, the water can spill over onto dry land.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you engulf yourself with water and shards of Ice. In this form you gain cold resistance equal to your constitution score and a natural attack dealing 2D8 bludgeoning damage. You may also throw small Ice Shards. These projectiles deal 1D8+6 cold damage. This effect last for 6 rounds.

Faithful Sun
Prerequites: True Believer.
Stage I: 1/encounter you may attempt a turn undead.
Stage II: At will you may create a small orb of light, this light floats no farther then 10ft. away form you. It produces light as a small torch.
Stage III: 1/encounter you can perform a greater turning against undead. The greater turning is like a normal turning except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead.
Stage IV: At will you may increase the light from your orb to extremely bright. This light can blind creatures and acts as natural sun light. The save vs. the blinding effect is 11+casting stat modifier.

Faithful Protection
Prerequisites: True believer, 14+ casting stat.
Stage I: You can generate a protective ward as a supernatural ability. Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your class levels on his or her next saving throw. Activating this power is a standard action. The protective ward is constant, but you may only have 1 such ward up at any given time.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may take 1/2 the damage from an attack directed to an ally, this ability may be used as an immediate action.
Stage III: You are continuously protected by a supernatural shield. This shield grants an AC bonus equal to your casting stat's Modifier.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may create a shield made of pure faith, this shield does not allow anyone to target you with an attack or spell till your next turn. It takes a full round action to activate this shield.

Smite the Heretic
Prereq: True Believer
I: You burn with holy fury. All your attacks deal extra +2 holy damage to all creatures not worshipping your deity. It's +1d8 against "heretics" of other deities.
II: Once per encounter, you may channel your deity's power upon the world. Every creature that isn't a follower of your deity within 30 feet of you takes 1d6 holy damage and is stunned for a round (fort save negates). "Heretics" of other deities take double damage and don't get to save.
III: Your zeal has no bounds. Any time you strike a heretic, your deity's power courses through you dealing +1d10 holy damage. You are healed (or gain temporary hp) by the same amount.
IV: You are a scourge to the heretics. Once per encounter, you may call your deity's fury upon a worshipper of another deity, dealing 6d8+2 per his cleric level holy damage.

Faithful Healing
Prerequisites: True believer, 14+ casting stat.
Stage I: Your and any person who rests within 60ft. of you gains x2 the natural healing rate from a night's rest.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may heal a person you touch this ability heals 2D8+1+Class Level this ability can not heal one person more then 10 times your class level in one day (to a max of 60 points) in one day.
Stage III: You regain 1 hit point per hour. This ability may be passed with a 10 minuet ritual, but it cannot be transfered more then 2 times in a 24 hour period.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may restore all allies within 10ft. up to 1/2 their max. HP.

Prerequisite: True Beliver
Stage I: You gain the constant protection from Chaos as per the spell.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may attempt a zealous strike against a chaotic enemy adding +4 to hit with this attack and your class level as extra damage.
Stage III: You gain a constant protection from a constant Magic Circle Vs. Chaos.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may attempt to banish a Chaotic outsider, to do so roll a Cha check adding your class level to the check, the outsider must make a will save vs. the results or be banished for 24 hours.

Faithful Destruction
Prerequisites: True believer, 14+ casting stat.
Stage I: You may use a full-round action to destroy nonmagical unattended objects of crystal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain. All such objects within a 5-foot radius of the point of origin are smashed into dozens of pieces by this ability. Objects weighing more than 1 pound per your level are not affected, but all other objects of the appropriate composition are shattered.
Stage II: 1/encounter you gain the smite power, the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack with a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a bonus on damage rolls equal to your class level (if you hit). You must declare the smite before making the attack.
Stage III: When you strike at an object held or carried by an opponent (such as a weapon or shield), you do not provoke an attack of opportunity.You also gain a +4 bonus on any attack roll made to attack an object held or carried by another character.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may produce a beam of destruction, dealing 1D4 damage per class level. If this attack deals enough damage to kill the target. They are utterly destroyed. Leaving nothing but a pile of dust, and cannot be identified as the target. This ability deals twice as much damage to objects.

Prereqs: True Believer
I: The priest gains +2 to hit and damage with his deity's favored weapon. He also gains all armor and shield proficiencies.
II: 1/encounter, the priest can make a battlecry that rallies his allies. All allies hearing it gain +1 to hit, damage and all saves plus a +2 AC. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal to priest's level.
III: The priest gains fighter BAB.
IV: 1/encounter, the priest can smite an enemy in his god's name. He gains +10 to attack and damage for a single melee attack. The attack ignores all DR and deals holy damage. If misses, the ability is not spent.

Prereqs: True Beliver
I: The priest gains +10' to his speed. He also treats climb, ride, survival, swim and tumble as class skills.
II: 1/encounter, the priest may haste himself.
III: The priest is constantly under the effects of freedom of movement.
IV: 1/encounter, the priest can use dimension door.

Prereqs: True Beliver
I: You may treat bluff, disguise, escape artist, forgery, hide, move silently, open lock and sleight of hand as class skills.
II: 1/encounter, you may fade out. People will see and hear you, but will not register your existence unless they make a will save (DC 10+level+wis). Even attacking in melee will not let them notice you, but will grant a new save with +5 bonus. Once saved, they can notice you normally. This is not an illusion of any kind, but a mind affecting divine power. It lasts 10 rounds. This is a free action.
III: You can only be detected by mundane senses (you can still hide and move silently to achieve nondetection). In addition to divination immunity, this means you don't exist to creatures that don't have conventional senses (like constructs and mindless undead). They won't react to you in any way. You can't turn this off.
IV: 1/encounter, you may create a false image of yourself as a swift action. The image is semi sentient, and will act as if it's really you. Its abilities are identical to yours but have half HP and deals half damage. It has no encounter powers. It lasts until destroyed (or one hour). (note that both II and IV can be activated at the same time)

Prereq: True Beliver
I: You can speak and understand all spoken languages.
II: 1/encounter, you can determine the abilities of any creature (stats)
III: You can understand understand what the effects of any power you see that’s being used within 200’. You gain +1 bonus to whatever applicable defense you have if it’s hostile to you.
IV: 1/encounter, you can see into the immediate future. This effect maximizes all dice that benefit you, and minimize all dice hostile to you (but modifiers are applied, and there’s neither autofail nor autosuccess). It takes a standard action to activate this power which lasts 5 rounds.

Prereqs: True Beliver
I: You are fearless. No effect can shake, frighten or panic you. Intimidate attempts are also at -10.
II: 1/encounter, you may radiate the chill of death. Everyone within 30' of you (including allies) is shaken for the rest of the encounter (no save). This is a mind affecting ability.
III: You gain an aura of death. All living beings within 10' of you feel very uncomfortable (-2 to all mental skill rolls). Undead are also repulsed. Mindless undead will not approach you, while sentient udead will be nauseated (even if they may technically be immune to it) within 10' of you. They will also recognize you as a priest to death on sight.
IV: 1/encounter, you may kill a living creature with a touch (will OR fort save negates, your choice). When used on undead, this ability will instantly destroy them (no save).

Magical Feats:
Magical feats use either True Beliver or Magical Aptitude, they are divine Feats if you have True Beliver and they are Arcane if you have Magical Aptitude.

Demonic Lore
Prerequisite: True Beliver or Magical Aptitude
Stage I: You are accompanied by an animal, it's HD may not exceed your own -2, this animal has the fiendish template. If this animal ever dies, you recipient another one after 24 hours of meditation.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may summon 1D4 drech, they follow your orders till the beginning of the next round, then vanish.
Stage III: You gain the Fiendish Template.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you gain:

* Darkvision out to 60 feet.
* Immunity to poison.
* Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
* Damage reduction: 5/magic (if HD 11 or less) or 10/magic (if HD 12 or more).

This effect lasts for 2 rounds.

Celestial Lore
Prerequisite: True Beliver or Magical Aptitude
Stage I: You are accompanied by an animal, it's HD may not exceed your own -2, this animal has the Celestial template. If this animal ever dies, you recipient another one after 24 hours of meditation.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may summon 1D4 Lantern Archon, they follow your orders till the beginning of the next round, then vanish.
Stage III: You gain the Celestial Template.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you gain:

* Darkvision out to 60 feet.
* Immunity to disease.
* Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, sonic 10, and electricity 10.
* Damage reduction: 5/magic

This effect lasts for 2 rounds.

Demonic Pact
Prerequisite: Demonic Lore
Stage I: You may summon a Quasit as a constant companion. This creature will assist to the best of his abilities, while still being true to his nature.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may summon 1D4 Fiendish Wolves. They apper in 1D8 rounds, and follow your orders. If you die before they arrive, they do not apper. They stay for one round per cha modifier.
Stage III: Your can attempt to cull a demon as a full-round action. If you see a demon (summoned or not) or fiendish creature, you make a cha check, the demon must make a will save vs. your Cha check or obey your commands for one round per cha modifier you have.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may summon 2D4 Fiendish Wolves, They apper in 1D8 rounds, and follow your orders. If you die before they arrive, they do not apper.They stay for one round per cha modifier.

Celestial Blessings
Prerequisite: Celestial Lore
Stage I: You may summon a Lantern Archon as a constant companion. This creature will assist to the best of his abilities, while still being true to his nature.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may summon 1D4 Celestial Eagles. They apper in 1D8 rounds, and follow your orders. If you die before they arrive, they do not apper. They stay for one round per cha modifier.
Stage III: Your can attempt to request the help of any celestial as a full-round action. If you see a celestial (summoned or not) or celestial creature, you make a cha check, the demon must make a will save vs. your Cha check or obey your commands for one round per cha modifier you have.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may summon 2D4 Celestial Eagles, They apper in 1D8 rounds, and follow your orders. If you die before they arrive, they do not apper.They stay for one round per cha modifier.

Magical Item Creation
Prerequisite: Magical Aptitude, or True Believer
Stage I: You may create a scroll of a single 1/encounter ability you possess, this scroll costs 200gp x Stage of the ability, it takes 1 day to create this scroll. You may only have scrolls created up to your int. Modifier. If any of the scrolls are destroyed or used you may make additional scrolls.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may Imbue a weapon or armor with magic. It gains a bonus to hit or damage (or a combination of both) equal to half your class levels. If the Item is armor, it gains a bonus equal to 1/4 your class levels as an enhancement bonus to it's armor bonus. This bonus lasts for rounds equal to your Int. Mod.
Stage III: You may create one magical ring, it gives twice your int. modifier as a bonus on one skill. The wearer gains that as a perminate bonus.
Stage IV: You may create one magical staff, it can hold up to your int. Mod in 1/encounter abilities, it my be used 1/encounter.

Disclaimer: I have taken alot of this from Djinn_In_Tonic's G6 system and adapted it to my purposes, it's still a little discombobulated, please give honest input, correct my mistakes, and help me make it correct.

2008-06-21, 05:21 PM
You don't have use the word class anymore, it's a classless level system. You may also remove that table and just describe what happens with level ups (BAB increases on each level up except multiples of 3, new feats on even levels, up existing feats on odd levels, 1st and 20th exceptions).

And 4+2d6 for stat generation will remove that annoying reroll business.

HP will be trouble if you try using stuff straight from G6. The average guy gets a total of 130 hp at 20th. Most of G6 feats will be quite underwhelming after level 10 I think.

Also the number of abilities a PC has access to skyrockets with 20 levels. Which may lead to all sorts of batmanry if you're not careful.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-21, 06:14 PM
You only gain 2 feats at level 20, and you only have stage 1 abilities of that, I could move it down. I agree this is basically a classless system, but it was for my own visual...I have a hard time thinking without visuals.

You have no class features, but you do have loads of feats. I was thinking of making PrC that excell your progress with certain feats. Like a mage that ups your Arcane feats by a step each level, but i'm unsure if that is a good idea, you don't gain anything for your other feats, but your arcane excell.

Any other comments? Fixes? Otherwise?

2008-06-21, 09:44 PM
Well, the 18th and 20th level feats will be incomplete. May I suggest level reqs on a certain few feats that would make up for this. For example, make a bunch of Level 18 req feats that only have 2 stages, and some Level 20 req feats that only have one stage (I'm envisioning something akin to the paragon things that you got at level 6 in g6)

Also, are you going to give other Magic spells that function in the way of spells in 4e? I'd love to see a magic missile feat.

Finally, can there be some kind of initial feat that can only be taken at lvl 1 that gives a full BAB? I'm not 100% on g6 dogma, but that's ok, right? I feel that without a feat that gives full BAB, there's no real disadvantage to becoming some sort of spellslinger that's also quite handy in close combat. At least with a feat for full BAB, it would limit the feats a caster could take towards spells if they wanted to mix.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-22, 01:42 AM
Well, the 18th and 20th level feats will be incomplete. May I suggest level reqs on a certain few feats that would make up for this. For example, make a bunch of Level 18 req feats that only have 2 stages, and some Level 20 req feats that only have one stage (I'm envisioning something akin to the paragon things that you got at level 6 in g6)

Very Interesting, I like the idea. Do you want to put some example feats. Additionally, they could have the higher stages, but stages that will only be available if you go to epics.

Example Feat:

Blitzing Attack
Prerequisites: Base Attack bonus 14+, Lightning Reflexes.
Stage I: At the end of a full round attack action, you may make an additional attack at your full base attack bonus. In addition, this attack Dex to AC of the target.
Stage II: 1/encounter you can move with such speed, at the end of a charge you may make a full round attack.
Stage III: You may travel at seven times your base land speed when charging.
Stage IV: 1/encounter as a full round action you may make a full attack action on each target that is within reach.

Also, are you going to give other Magic spells that function in the way of spells in 4e? I'd love to see a magic missile feat.

Not sure how spells in 4e work. I havn't played it yet, person stuff hasn't allowed me to shell out the money quite yet to get core. But, here is a magic missile feat:

Missile Magic
Prerequisite: Magical Aptitude, Casting Stat 14+, Evocation
Stage I: You produce magical missiles, you have 1 missile per 3 levels, Each missile hits the target unerringly. They deal 1d4 damage.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may ricochet each magical missile you fire to a second target. No target can be targeted by more then one ricocheted target.
Stage III: If you make a single attack against an opponent without using an arcane feat in a round, you may produce 1 magical missile as a swift action.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may use a full round action to produce magical missiles three times, using your move, standard, and swift actions for the round.

Not sure about this quite yet, but I like the idea of it. Any thoughts?

Finally, can there be some kind of initial feat that can only be taken at lvl 1 that gives a full BAB? I'm not 100% on g6 dogma, but that's ok, right? I feel that without a feat that gives full BAB, there's no real disadvantage to becoming some sort of spellslinger that's also quite handy in close combat. At least with a feat for full BAB, it would limit the feats a caster could take towards spells if they wanted to mix.

I thinking of a banning feat, that would bann a descriptor of feat in exchange for a major advantage. Like full BAB but you can't use Arcane feats. Or some such. I'm not sure how i'm going to do this, I still need to think about it.

Thank you for you imput, I am still brainstorming, but I had got as far as I could think without assistance.

2008-06-22, 09:39 AM
Very Interesting, I like the idea. Do you want to put some example feats. Additionally, they could have the higher stages, but stages that will only be available if you go to epics.

Example Feat:

[QUOTE=Tialait;4479994]Blitzing Attack
Prerequisites: Base Attack bonus 14+, Lightning Reflexes.
Stage I: At the end of a full round attack action, you may make an additional attack at your full base attack bonus. In addition, this attack Dex to AC of the target.
Stage II: 1/encounter you can move with such speed, at the end of a charge you may make a full round attack.
Stage III: You may travel at seven times your base land speed when charging.
Stage IV: 1/encounter as a full round action you may make a full attack action on each target that is within reach.

Yeah, this looks like a good idea. But isn't allowing epic levels completely going against the point of g6? Not that i'm complaining. I'm guessing that you're trying to use the g6 system in a way that's viable for a full d20 experience.

Not sure how spells in 4e work. I havn't played it yet, person stuff hasn't allowed me to shell out the money quite yet to get core. But, here is a magic missile feat:

Missile Magic
Prerequisite: Magical Aptitude, Casting Stat 14+, Evocation
Stage I: You produce magical missiles, you have 1 missile per 3 levels, Each missile hits the target unerringly. They deal 1d4 damage.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may ricochet each magical missile you fire to a second target. No target can be targeted by more then one ricocheted target.
Stage III: If you make a single attack against an opponent without using an arcane feat in a round, you may produce 1 magical missile as a swift action.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may use a full round action to produce magical missiles three times, using your move, standard, and swift actions for the round.

Not sure about this quite yet, but I like the idea of it. Any thoughts?

This looks cool. In 4e, it's just a standard action whenever you feel like slinging around some weapons of magic destruction (hur hur). This seems to work just fine, as well as giving specialty powers per encounter.

I thinking of a banning feat, that would bann a descriptor of feat in exchange for a major advantage. Like full BAB but you can't use Arcane feats. Or some such. I'm not sure how i'm going to do this, I still need to think about it.

Thank you for you imput, I am still brainstorming, but I had got as far as I could think without assistance.

Well what you could do is make the magic, divine, and full BAB feats be only available at level 0. And if you can only get 1 feat at level 0, then it will restrict them appropriately.

2008-06-22, 09:40 AM
You sank my Battleship?

Lady Tialait
2008-06-22, 11:56 AM
You sank my Battleship?


2008-06-22, 10:28 PM
Seconded. Whaaaaaaaa?

Lady Tialait
2008-06-23, 01:21 AM
Perhaps this sounds good for an additional Arcane feat.

Elemental Soul (Arcane)
Prerequisite: Magical Aptitude, Blood-Born Magic, Casting Stat 16+
Stage I: You may treat energy resistance against your blood-born magic aura as 10 less, if the target has immunity to your aura, you may treat them as having resistance 30 instead.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may lower a target's energy resistance by another 10, this stacks with stage I lowering ability.
Stage III:You may as a full round action produce two 1/encounter arcane feats you possess, doing so provokes attacks of opportunity.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may deal double damage with a Arcane feat ability that uses your Blood-Born Magic's Aura's Element.

The effect of this feat should be that you are trying to grow more in tune with your Blood born magic.

Magical Lore
Prerequisite: Magical Aptitude, 16 casting stat, Studious Magic. And one of the following : Abjuration Conjuration Divination Enchantment Evocation Illusion Necromancy or Transmutation
Stage I: Choose one of your arcane feats. When using this feat's 1/encounter abilities, you gain an extra move action.
Stage II: You may use each of your arcane feats 1/encounter abilities one additional time per encounter.
Stage III: The Arcane Feat you chose at Stage I now advances by one stage, if it cannot advance an additional stage, you gain no benefit from this stage of this feat.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may use both of 1/encounter abilities from your chosen feat from stage I as a full round action. This only triggers stage I once. You may not use your additional uses per encounter till the next round.

That one is allowing specialization in a particular field. I'm not sure on it.

Any comments? Questions? Battleship sinking action?

Lady Tialait
2008-06-24, 12:27 AM
Barbaric Heritage (General)
Prerequisite: None.
Stage I : When you gain class levels your Base Attack bonus advances as a full base attack bonus. In addition, you gain +3 hit points per hit die. Choose either Arcane or Divine, you may not select feats of that subtype.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may fly into a rage, this rage lasts 1 round per point of constitution bonus. During rage you may not do any action that requires mental concentration, including spells. You gain +4 Str, and Con plus +2 to will saves till the end of the rage. At the end of the rage you Fatigued, if you were fatigued when you started the rage you are exhausted, if you are exhausted when you start the rage you are unconscious when it ends.
Stage III: You gain resistance to Acid, Fire, Cold, Electricity, or Sonic equal to your con score.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may let out a battle cry, this seething cry comes from your barbaric roots, and deals 1D8 sonic damage per 3 levels to a may of 6D8. The shout creates a 30ft. cone effect and allows for a DC 10+con modifier fort for half.
Special: You must choose this feat at level 0.

My first 'Gain Full BAB' feat. Comments? Anyone?

2008-06-24, 12:49 AM
I like it. Although, I think +3 to each hit die is a bit much. Maybe +1. For a fighter feat thingie, maybe it could give full BAB, and some tactical abilities.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-24, 01:15 AM
I was thinking some tactics abilities too for the Fighter, i am just working out the format.

As for the HP boost I don't see the problem with +3 the class gives 6 HP per level, with the +3 that gives 9+Con per level. Not that potent, and will make for some interesting melee builds. Plus, the Barbarian has a D12 in normal D&D. So ya'know, loads and loads of HP.

Military Background (General)
Prerequisites: None.
Stage I: When you gain class levels your Base Attack bonus advances as a full base attack bonus. In addition, you gain +1 hit points per hit die. You are proficient with all weapons. Choose either Arcane or Divine, you may not select feats of that subtype.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may make a wisdom check DC 10. Grant a your wisdom modifier on their next attack or damage roll, you choose either attack or damage roll, and the target must either be you or a target within 10ft per point of wisdom modifier.
Stage III: Choose any one General Feat you possess, advance this feat by one stage.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may choose any two willing targets within 20ft of each other and twitch their location, this effect is non-magical and does not provoke AoO.

What do you think? Good? Bad? Ugly?

2008-06-24, 10:18 AM
I like it. It gives a couple of 'smart moves' along with the feat bonus and the HP and BAB boost. I'm definitely liking these feats that encourage you to use them to their fullest.

2008-06-24, 12:49 PM


You call out letters and numbers, trying to sink each others ships.

I'm poking fun at the title :P

2008-06-24, 01:12 PM
I've got a couple of feats to humbly submit.

Inspiring Leader
Prerequisites: Cha 16+
I: On any successful melee hit against an opponent, you may forgo dealing damage to inspire your allies. Instead of dealing normal damage, you may elect to do damage equal to only your strength modifier. All allies within 20 ft. gain a +1 to all to hit rolls for the rest of the encounter. This may stack. The total bonus allowed from this is equal to the stage of this feat.
II: Once per encounter, you may take a DC 10 charisma check. If successful, give an ally a bonus to their attack roll equal to your charisma modifier.
III: You gain a +1 misc. bonus to all cha based skills.
IV: Once per encounter, you may stare down an opponent. By using a move action, you may force the target to take Will save equal to your charisma score. If they fail, they may take no actions on their next turn, as they are transfixed by your terrifying gaze.

Eloquent Blademaster
Prerequisites: Proficient with a rapier.
I: You gain Sneak Attack +d6
II: Once per encounter, you may add your Dexterity modifier to any roll made to feint with your rapier.
III: Sneak attack +2d6
IV: Once per encounter, with a successful feint attack, you may also make a 5 ft shift.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-24, 03:32 PM
I like your feats, they have good flavor and are balanced against the rest of the feats. Keep them coming! I can't think of a feat right now. My head is kinda dead, but any suggestions.

Xuincherguixe, i got your joke...just...now...sad huh?

2008-06-24, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, Tialat. More feats!

Drunken Dragon
I: You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC
II: By consuming one liter of alcohol while holding an ignition source, you may use a fire breath attack once per encounter. It is a 20 foot cone that deals d6 fire damage per 3 levels.
III: You may add your dexterity modifier to all to hit rolls.
IV: Once per encounter, you may imbibe alcohol to increase your combat capabilities. You may take in up to 3 liters of alcohol. For each liter ingested, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC, and a +1 to all to hit rolls. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your constitution modifier multiplied by the number of liters you ingested. Once the bonus is over, you take a penalty of -1 to your AC and -1 to all attack rolls for each liter you imbibed.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with some sort of bow, Dex 16+
I: You gain a +1 to hit with all bows, and the range increment of your bow is increased by 10 ft.
II: Sneak attack d6.
III: You gain a +3 bonus to all hide rolls in a woodland environment.
IV: Sneak attack 2d6

Lady Tialait
2008-06-24, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, Tialat. More feats!

Drunken Dragon
I: You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC
II: By consuming one liter of alcohol while holding an ignition source, you may use a fire breath attack once per encounter. It is a 20 foot cone that deals d6 fire damage per 3 levels.
III: You may add your dexterity modifier to all to hit rolls.
IV: Once per encounter, you may imbibe alcohol to increase your combat capabilities. You may take in up to 3 liters of alcohol. For each liter ingested, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC, and a +1 to all to hit rolls. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your constitution modifier multiplied by the number of liters you ingested. Once the bonus is over, you take a penalty of -1 to your AC and -1 to all attack rolls for each liter you imbibed.

This seems to me to work well with Chi Magic Feat. I'd add that as a Prerequisite.

Stage I sounds okay, but I'd make it level dependant, maybe +1 Dodge per 5 levels.
Stage II is awesome, I love it. Perfect effect.
Stage III is in addition to Strength right?
Stage IV is alright, but I'd make the limet equal to their con modifier, or perhaps level dependant. Other then that I like it.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with some sort of bow, Dex 16+
I: You gain a +1 to hit with all bows, and the range increment of your bow is increased by 10 ft.
II: Sneak attack d6.
III: You gain a +3 bonus to all hide rolls in a woodland environment.
IV: Sneak attack 2d6

Hmmmm, I like the Sneak attack additon, but not really a encounter ability. But it'll work.

Stage I try you gain +1 each five levels to hit and damage with all bows, additionally your range inerment is doubled.

Stage III: I would changed the +3 to Half your class level as a bonus to Hide checks in woodland Environments.

I really like your work, with a little modifing it works well. Like I said, good flavor, well though out. I have a couple more Feats to add myself.

Nature's Champion
Prerequisites: True Believer, Nature's Lore, Casting Stat 14+
Stage I: You gain minor control of plants, this allows vines you are controlling to make you move as per the levitate spell. You can only use this ability near a group of vines.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may order a plant you are controlling to grow painful spikes, this acts like 'Spike Growth' and takes a full-round action to perform.
Stage III: You gain a greater control of plants, this allows for you to at will use 'Entangle' as a spell-like ability, but it takes a full-round action to do this.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may grant plant life limited intelligence. This is a full-round action and lasts for 1 per point of wisdom modifier. The vine creature has HP equal to half your hitpoints and saves equal to yours. It may make a slam attack using your attack bonus and dealing 1d6+ your wisdom modifier damage. While this ability is in effect you may not make use of this feat in any other way.

This gives a plant-like Druidic Effect. whatchathink?

2008-06-24, 07:48 PM
This seems to me to work well with Chi Magic Feat. I'd add that as a Prerequisite.

Stage I sounds okay, but I'd make it level dependant, maybe +1 Dodge per 5 levels.
Stage II is awesome, I love it. Perfect effect.
Stage III is in addition to Strength right?
Stage IV is alright, but I'd make the limet equal to their con modifier, or perhaps level dependant. Other then that I like it.

Okay, I agree with you for the first two, and on the third, your answer is yes. For the Stage IV ability, I think it needs to be con mod * amount imbibed, because otherwise you'll typically opt for the lesser amount, which means that the difference between drunken master and drunken master with hangover is about 10% in evasion and accuracy. Compare that to full blown drinking, and there's a 30% drop in evasion and accuracy from peak of power to hangover. So, I really want to give more of an advantage to drinking more.

Drunken Dragon
I: You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC for every 5 class levels.
II: By consuming one liter of alcohol while holding an ignition source, you may use a fire breath attack once per encounter. It is a 20 foot cone that deals d6 fire damage per 3 levels.
III: You may add your dexterity modifier to all to hit rolls (on top of strength).
IV: Once per encounter, you may imbibe alcohol to increase your combat capabilities. You may take in up to 3 liters of alcohol. For each liter ingested, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC, and a +1 to all to hit rolls. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your constitution modifier multiplied by the number of liters you ingested. Once the bonus is over, you take a penalty of -1 to your AC and -1 to all attack rolls for each liter you imbibed.

Hmmmm, I like the Sneak attack additon, but not really a encounter ability. But it'll work.

Stage I try you gain +1 each five levels to hit and damage with all bows, additionally your range inerment is doubled.

Stage III: I would changed the +3 to Half your class level as a bonus to Hide checks in woodland Environments.

Thanks, I decided to change the woodman from less of a archer specific feat to a more ranger-in-general feel. What do you think of it?

I: You gain a bonus to all spot, listen, and survival checks in a woodland environment equal to the stage level of this feat (so at stage 4, it is a +4 bonus)
II: Sneak attack +d6.
III: You gain a bonus to all hide checks in a woodland environment equal to one half your level.
IV: Sneak attack +d6 (cumulative)

I really like your work, with a little modifing it works well. Like I said, good flavor, well though out. I have a couple more Feats to add myself.

Why thank you. I'm just glad that I'm can help out with this. If you ever decide to play test this, count me in! :smallsmile:

Nature's Champion
Prerequisites: True Believer, Nature's Lore, Casting Stat 14+
Stage I: You gain minor control of plants, this allows vines you are controlling to make you move as per the levitate spell. You can only use this ability near a group of vines.
Stage II: 1/encounter you may order a plant you are controlling to grow painful spikes, this acts like 'Spike Growth' and takes a full-round action to perform.
Stage III: You gain a greater control of plants, this allows for you to at will use 'Entangle' as a spell-like ability, but it takes a full-round action to do this.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may grant plant life limited intelligence. This is a full-round action and lasts for 1 per point of wisdom modifier. The vine creature has HP equal to half your hitpoints and saves equal to yours. It may make a slam attack using your attack bonus and dealing 1d6+ your wisdom modifier damage. While this ability is in effect you may not make use of this feat in any other way.

This gives a plant-like Druidic Effect. whatchathink?

Very cool. I think that is quite well done, and can make for a quite elemental force. I do believe that we need to take feats and group them into class characteristics for people. So, maybe something like 4e where there is Controller, Leader, etc, we could have feat lists like:

Clerical (I mean like a cleric, not a secretary. Though if we come up with some secretary feats, that would be cool)
Natural (druids and rangers)
Inspirational (group buffs that aren't healing and don't fit in with magic)

Lady Tialait
2008-06-24, 10:28 PM
Good idea on the organizing, I'm really happy someone will help. Playtesting I think will happen when we have a lot more feats, sense this is a feat based system it works only if you have tons to choose from.

Your new woodsman is a bit underpowered I think. Not sure. If it is it's just Stage I that is underpowered. Maybe give three class skills or something perhaps i'm not sure, if you can think of something tell me.

2008-06-24, 11:04 PM
I think that the woodsman is quite useful. Considering that this is designed for low-power gaming, I think it will lend itself to a RP that takes a lot of ideas from actual medieval Europe. And that means lots of forests and wolves, which makes the woodsman feat quite potent as its skills are always easily used. It actually lends well with synergy, allowing the character to hide amongst the forest to either loose some Sneak Attack arrows, or maybe a Sneak Attack blade to the head.

I do agree that tier 1 is a little weak. Maybe +2 per tier?

2008-06-25, 11:18 AM

You call out letters and numbers, trying to sink each others ships.

I'm poking fun at the title :P

That was quite obscure. Congrats.

Clerical (I mean like a cleric, not a secretary. Though if we come up with some secretary feats, that would be cool)

Carreer Secretary
I: Your rank in Profession (secretary) is considered double for purposes of typewriting.
II: 1/encounter, you may render an enemy immobile (no save). The victim can't take any actions that require movement as long as you take full actions sustaining the effect.
III: You can take 20 for Profession (secretary) checks as a full round action.
IV: 1/encounter you can render another you designate invisible and undetectable. No amount of mortal effort/magic will reveal him/her as long as you concentrate.

2008-06-25, 04:03 PM
Carreer Secretary
I: Your rank in Profession (secretary) is considered double for purposes of typewriting.
II: 1/encounter, you may render an enemy immobile (no save). The victim can't take any actions that require movement as long as you take full actions sustaining the effect.
III: You can take 20 for Profession (secretary) checks as a full round action.
IV: 1/encounter you can render another you designate invisible and undetectable. No amount of mortal effort/magic will reveal him/her as long as you concentrate.

We definitely need this, lol.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-25, 04:17 PM
Lol, yeah, funny. My brains isn't working well on making new feats. I guess, i'm getting writers block anyone else have any ideas?

2008-06-26, 12:16 AM
I think we need a bardic feat, some sort of undead smiting feat, and an animal companion feat. If i weren't so dead tired right now, I'd write some up for them.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-27, 04:10 PM
Voice of Angels
Prerequisite: None.
Stage I: Choose a Perform Skill you possess. You can as full round action give half of your ranks in the perform skill as an unnamed bonus to any skill check for one target.
Stage II: 1/encounter you can perform a song that bolsters your allies, and strengthens their resolves. When you do this you grant a resistance bonus equal to 1/4 your ranks in your chosen perform skill to everyone within 30ft's saves. This effect lasts 1 round per class level, unless you use a move action to continue the effect.
Stage III: You know your perform so well you may use it to harm others. Wracking them with psychical pain. As a standard action you may attempt to harm someone with your performance. This only target's one person and deals 1D6 every two levels. The target may attempt a will save to negate DC 10+1/4 your ranks in your chosen perform +your cha mod.
Stage IV: 1/encounter you may make a performance so powerful it causes pause. When you use this ability all beings within 60ft must make a will save DC 10+1/4 your ranks in your chosen perform +your cha mod if they fail you cannot take any action for their next round.

I give you music!

Lady Tialait
2008-06-29, 02:09 PM
Nothing? no comments?

2008-06-30, 04:29 PM
Damage doesn't seem very "angelic", as the title of the feat suggests.

Lady Tialait
2008-06-30, 04:41 PM
What can I say? Even the best singer can hit a sour note, and when they try...it's painful...