View Full Version : Nicknames for Races (4e)

2008-06-22, 03:53 PM
Part of my roleplaying experience involves colloquialism for Race names to be throw about in conversations, especially ones that have bad reputations to the story characteres (Tieflings) or ones I don't like saying at table (Eladrin).

Many are plagerised from other games, I'm really hoping I can pick up some better ones.

Human: Hume- ripped from FFXI, it rhymes with Fume, suggesting they smell-comedy gold.

Eladrin: Fey, Felf, High elf. Based on reading their origin, I really want better ones as my next character's going to be one.

Dwarf: Beardos, Stoners, Stools- any short joke applies

Halflings: Hobbit- because no one is fooling anyone, copyright be darned.

Tieflings: Cursed Ones, devilborn- based on origins.

Anyone else want to contribute?

2008-06-22, 04:14 PM

2008-06-22, 04:18 PM
Dragonborn: "Lizard"

Any non-Dragonborn being addressed by a Dragonborn: "Pinky"

Innis Cabal
2008-06-22, 04:20 PM
dragonborn- Purse, Wallet

2008-06-22, 04:28 PM
All of the PHB races: meatbags, fleshsacks, organotrash

Warforged: perfection.


2008-06-22, 04:47 PM

QFT. Seriously, theie names are the meaning of emo and mary sue.

2008-06-22, 04:54 PM
Tieflings: Hellspawn, the Damned, Goats (from the horns)
Dragonborn: Scalies
Dwarves: Stunties, Shorties, Rockheads
Elves: Tree-huggers, savages, mossheads (if green haired)
Eladrin: Ponces, pointy-heads, Feylords (y'know :smalltongue:)
Halflings: Shorties, Kneehuggers, Lightfingers
Humans: meatbags (from Dragonborn), rats (from Eladrin; short lived and hyperactive), tallfolk (from halflings, dwarves).
Half-Elves: Halfbreeds, elftouched

How's that? Most of them are epithets, but if you're using slang, isn't that the point?

2008-06-22, 05:10 PM
All of the PHB races: meatbags


Statement: Indeed, master. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-22, 05:14 PM
Halflings: Hobbit- because no one is fooling anyone, copyright be darned

You are aware that they are referred to as "halflings" in several parts of The Lord of the Rings, right?

2008-06-22, 05:20 PM
You are aware that they are referred to as "halflings" in several parts of The Lord of the Rings, right?

Yea, the tall people refer to them as that mostly, they say Hobbit is a name the Hobbits made up.

2008-06-22, 05:37 PM
And, really, the halflings of 3e and 4e are quite un-hobbitish. They'd get weird looks from the Old Took himself.


Dragonborn: lizards, scale-heads, snout face, various references to bad breath
Halflings: rat, runt, kid
Dwarf: stunty, speedbump
Elves: tree-humper

Just off the top of my head.

2008-06-22, 06:21 PM
Not one I'd use IC, but I like to think of the Eladrin as "Bamf Elves".

2008-06-22, 06:23 PM
And, really, the halflings of 3e and 4e are quite un-hobbitish. They'd get weird looks from the Old Took himself.


Dragonborn: lizards, scale-heads, snout face, various references to bad breath
Halflings: rat, runt, kid
Dwarf: stunty, speedbump
Elves: tree-humper

Just off the top of my head.

Well, if you're in a party of adventurers, with a hobbit in it, they're already pushing some serious boundaries for Tolkien hobbits.

2008-06-22, 07:17 PM
Dragonborn: Drakeling, Coldblood, Leather.
Elf: Wildwalker, tree ghost, wild animal
Eladrin: Feywalker, ethereal, glow-eyes
Dwarf: rock-for-brains, stonehead, boulderbutt. (Which dwarves may take as compliments in any case)
Halfling: swamp midget, boat goblin, "me lad/lass", wee one, rat
Tiefling: Fiendblood, blackblood, fiendling, hellboy/lass, tail-for-brains (lifted from NWN2)

Dragonborn nickname for Humans: pinkskin
Dwarf nickname for humans: softie
Elf nickname for humans: stinking city-dweller
Eladrin nickname for humans: crude one
Halfling nickname for humans: extra large
Tiefling nickname for humans: mundane one

2008-06-23, 04:18 AM
Tieflings: Randy Pan/Goatboy (after Bill Hicks), can chewers, stinkbombs (for their slightly sulphurous smell), monkeylocks, bug eaters, Renfields, badtouched

Dragonborn: Lizards, scalebacks, handbags, DINO (Dragon In Name Only), dire kobolds, skinks, Draconians, Shin-Goji, Klingons

Dwarves: Stunties, hairballs, rockbiters, gritsuckers, lawn ornaments, moles, pit props, spudnoses, cubes, gnomes, Hi-hos, Weebles (don't fall down)

Elves: Spindlys, hippies, la-di-das, lotus-eaters, interminables, sloths, remedials (for their century-long year adolescence), eunuchs, beatniks

Eladrin: Pixies, twinkles, blinks (from their racial teleport ability), sparkly elves, Tinkerbells, vestiges, Eladregs, bi-sidhe-nen

Half-Elves: Wannabes, half'n'halfs, gardeners, half-men, mules, metoos, the nicheless, Paolinos (wholly derogatory)

Halflings: Ratlings, ballast, swamp rats, Kender, kneebiters, cowpats, cushions, maze rats (esp. halfling rogue trapfinders), bait, Gamgees

Humans: Soondeads or mayflies (short lifespan), heedless, tendeeps (for their habit of crowding into cities), Kirks (for their habit of trying to poke anything that moves), yokels, gurhuks, killemalls, t'other guy

Warforged: Tanks, clanks, Pinocchios, clickers, ticktocks, kitbashed, the soulless, tinmen, Aibos

Wheee! Fictional racial slurs are fun :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-23, 07:13 AM
Just among my gaming group, some nick names we'd give each other when we played D&D (Any edition):

Halfling: oompa-loompa
Elf: Egotistical Life Form
Half-Elf: Half-n-half
Dwarf: Lego people (Came form a joke that they're built like blocks)

2008-06-23, 07:44 AM
You are aware that they are referred to as "halflings" in several parts of The Lord of the Rings, right?

Yeah, but everytime I encounter "Halfling" I need to make sure I mentally separate it from terms like Half-elf or Half-breed. Hobbit just rolls out much easier.

2008-06-23, 07:50 AM
One from Shadowrun

Elf: Pointy Eared Dandelion Eater

2008-06-23, 08:12 AM
Yeah, but everytime I encounter "Halfling" I need to make sure I mentally separate it from terms like Half-elf or Half-breed. Hobbit just rolls out much easier.
Yeah. Because I really want to play a Ling.

2008-06-23, 10:53 AM
Yeah. Because I really want to play a Ling.

Makes one wonder what would a "Ling" be like. Assuming Halflings are half human, Lings would be shorter, with even hairier feet?

2008-06-23, 10:58 AM
Makes one wonder what would a "Ling" be like. Assuming Halflings are half human, Lings would be shorter, with even hairier feet?


It's a type of fish.

2008-06-23, 11:12 AM

It's a type of fish.

Makes perfect sense, seeing the halflings' affinity for water in fourth edition.

So, first halflings came to be when humans started to procreate with fish?

2008-06-23, 11:18 AM
So, first halflings came to be when humans started to procreate with fish?

Great, now I need brain-bleach.

Thanks a lot Tengu.

For dragonborn: Bangaa, dragoon.

...Am I really that much of a Final Fantasy nerd? I think so!

2008-06-23, 11:23 AM
Human: F***ers. Just think of all those half things...

Tiefling: Emoling FTW! Also Suckling, Gothling

Dragonborn: Dragonabort

Eladrin: Fairy

Elf: Mudlicker, Rootsucker, Branchhugger, Barkchewer

Warforged: Scrappy, Trashling, Junkie

Dwarf: Speedbump (QFT)

2008-06-23, 11:41 AM
Elf: Dandelion EaterHuh. I didn't know I was an elf. For the record, you can make a wonderful salad with the greens and some bacon dressing, but you have to pick them before they bloom.

And I don't think this topic is really all that specific to 4e... I've never played it, but I could still add:

Humans: Race-sluts (because whenever you encounter a half-anything, the other half is always human)

Dwarves: Children of Stone (not considered derogatory, just overly formal)
Beardy (or in full, Beardy McBeerstein)
Scotch on the Rocks
Piss-drinkers (the truly suicidal insulter would then go on to point out that their height puts their mouth at just the right level)

Elves: Hippy

Halflings: Boy (or Girl)
Laddie (or Lassie)

Gnomes: Acme (after the outlandish devices Wile E. was always using)
Rubes (Goldberg)
Bearded Halflings

Warforged: Bolts

Orcs: Ugly

2008-06-23, 12:55 PM
I think my favorite special insult was the boggies (halfling parodys) insult for humans in 'Bored of the Rings' - Biggers. Just stopping short of crossing the line.

2008-06-23, 01:09 PM
"So that was the plan. It would have worked, too, if the damn toad hadn't gone on honor-bound and refused to gang-up on the caster."
"He's a scammer, that one. Mostly targets humans and half-elves, but he's got a special scam he runs if a pig comes to town. Damn flatheads and their fool-headed honorable tendencies."
"So I walked in to the inn today to get and drink and you know what I saw? frillcheeks packed in like it was their sunning rock. I counted -- And I can count, you know. I'm a rancher, not a stableboy. I counted twenty frills in there. Duke's men will be down in a week. I hope they throw the snorts out."
"Denek, you know him? He's leather, and an especially tough one."
"Alright, scaledog. Before this muzzle comes off I want you to tell me what kind of cough you got. On tap if you're a scorch, two for foul, three for chill . . . "

"Oooooh, Stumpy's got a big ol' gut,
Rugpile walks <beat> on his butt,
Why's he so great with stone to cuuuuut?
He's got to find the rockwife's rut."

"Get your dye-eyed, bare-faced, fey-aged, sick-thin, sparkle-fart ass out of my house this instant! I don't care what bewitching charm you put on my mother when she was young. My father was a good man and I won't have you besmirching his name, you twiddle-fingered, wall-skipping, wisp-jack! Out, out, OUT!"

"Look here, rat-splitter. Don't give me that 'We are in harmony with nature.' line of crap. Your weedy ass is about to be in harmony with my boot if don't march your feather-feet out of town and back into your own mulch-eating, glen-bound pile of rot and choke vine."

"Watch out, Slick. These boys aren't going to leave your friend-maker face alone just 'cause you use some nice words."
"Let me see your ears. Yeah, you're human. What the hell is wrong with you, boy?!? You're in your twenty-fifth year and you still can't grow any more beard than a no-place, charmer, half-weed? What the hell are they feeding you, grass clippings?"

"What do you mean, 'How can you tell them from children?'? Are you daft? Little folk don't walk like kids, the move like grown men. And the hamstringers stab like grown men, too."
"You call me a wetling one more time and I'll give you reason to call me a gelder."
"That day an underfoot caravan comes down the road. They don't pay up, so the boys an' me mean to make the little turds pay in blood then take their crap. So I charge into a little cluster of the under-- underfoots? underfeets? Whatever. I tear into this group of belly-kissers and start swinging about. For some reason I couldn't hit a single longhead after Marce got in there with me."

"Imperials. I hate imperials."
"Do you know why the god that created them is dead? Because he created the little cast-offs and all the other gods got together to punish him. They tried to kill the godless, too. But they're like cockroach magicians. Just when you think you've got them all killed off, another plain-shape pops up out of the ground with new tricks you've never seen before. And the bastard death-seeker won't hold back just because you can kill him."
"So she immortal now, right? Wrong. She's still a hazard and most of them don't live to die of old age even left to their own fickle devices. So she lives five hundred some-odd ageless years by her own magic before her round-eared head gets stove in while she was reading instead of looking up. Turns out she was using her magics to explore some 'daring' and 'innovative' architectural methods and forms. A little too daring, it turns out. But the world won't miss another little piece of god-trash.

"Faust and his friends can sleep in the rain. We don't serve fel-servers and we don't put them up, neither."
"I'mma step on that ass-worm of yours, you goat! You come near me again I'm going to put a bootprint in your tail so hard your damned ancestors will be constipated."
"So the singer has a voice like you wouldn't believe. Even dead-eyed sarge was breathing through his mouth by the time she got through the third song. I'd have given the whole squad's cashbox for a room with whatever was singing behind that screen. As it is I paid what I had to spend a bit of time with a nice girl, a normal human girl. Anyway, Marcus sneeks around that night and he swears it was a bleater! Sarge figures she was usin' some sort of hell-born sorcery to bewitch the whole crowd. 'Cause there's no way a she devil ought to be able to draw in such a group of good, healthy, Pelor-fearing men."

2008-06-23, 05:11 PM
Great, now I need brain-bleach.

Thanks a lot Tengu.

Glad to help!

For dragonborn: Bangaa, dragoon.

...Am I really that much of a Final Fantasy nerd? I think so!

You're sounding as if that was a bad thing.

Kurald Galain
2008-06-26, 07:04 AM
"Imperials. I hate imperials."

Except that every single race in the PHB, and most of those in the MM, are now descendants of an ancient and ruined empire :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-26, 07:25 AM
Except that every single race in the PHB, and most of those in the MM, are now descendants of an ancient and ruined empire :smallbiggrin:

And in the real world we are all descended from slaves, slavers, murderers, rapists and genocides ("genociders"? "genocidists"?). That doesn't keep some of those words from having racial connotations.

Kurald Galain
2008-06-26, 07:32 AM
And in the real world we are all descended from slaves, slavers, murderers, rapists and genocides ("genociders"? "genocidists"?).

And trilobites. Let's not forget trilobites.

Seriously though, I am unaware of any of the words you mention being an epiphet for one particular race (possibly excepting "slave", but only for people who've never heard of the Roman Empire). Also, I think you missed the smily in my previous post... :smalltongue:

2008-06-26, 07:40 AM
And trilobites. Let's not forget trilobites.

Seriously though, I am unaware of any of the words you mention being an epiphet for one particular race (possibly excepting "slave", but only for people who've never heard of the Roman Empire).

If you are not aware of the racial connotations currently read into words like 'slave' or 'master' then you are either haven't been to the right parts of the U.S (most of it, really) or are incredibly naïve.

I think you missed the smily in my previous post... :smalltongue:

Fear not, imaginative one, I remain in good humor.

Kurald Galain
2008-06-26, 07:57 AM
If you are not aware of the racial connotations currently read into words like 'slave' or 'master' then you are either haven't been to the right parts of the U.S (most of it, really) or are incredibly naïve.

If you are not aware that a significant amount of people on these boards are not from the U.S. at all (there are other cultures, you know), then you either haven't been paying attention to their profiles, or are incredibly naïve.


2008-06-26, 08:12 AM
If you are not aware that a significant amount of people on these boards are not from the U.S. at all (there are other cultures, you know), then you either haven't been paying attention to their profiles, or are incredibly naïve.

:smalltongue:I allowed for the possibility you hadn't been exposed to that facet of the U.S.

Did you miss it?

Being an ignorant American who only reads one language I can't blame someone for a reading comprehension failure when they have the capacity to step outside their mother tongue and I don't.