View Full Version : Good Gods!!

2008-06-24, 03:09 PM

A Universal cycle had begun to turn. Some unforeseen force had created the first breaths of life in a formless universe that would be unable to sustain lesser breaths. So the gods had begun to rapidly spring to life without warning. The Unforseen had made a large rock, with a burning fire in the center. The dry, lifeless husk had begun.

The other gods were given a voice, speaking to them, and telling them what they were. The Unforseen had told them that they were powerful, First Ones. They were to be, in time, revered as gods. It was up to them to do what they desired to do in order to sustain the world.

2008-06-24, 03:24 PM
Two small twinkles of silver flash through the darkness as a sheet of churning white shapes itself into the vague cut of a man. He stands on the husk of a rock and gestures to the flashes of silver that marked his passage into being, and they burn like fire, glitter like ice. Two great moons spin into being and set themselves to a careful tune: when one is full, the other is new.

The man smiles from beneath a helm of bone and spun gold, now a more and more distinct form, defined by the very act of creation. Droplets of evening dew spin in the air and nest on newly imagined plants, all of them illusion crafted from the potential stories that would soon fill the world. The Marquis motions again and a forest of silver trees emerged from the rock, carpeted by lush white grass. The boughs of the old trees catch the starlight for leaves and anyone within is always under a clear night sky. Deep in the heart of this half-dreamt forest, the Marquis fashion a seat from a great birch tree and sits, wondering what comes next in the story.

2008-06-24, 03:33 PM

When the world was made at first there was nothing then, slowly, rhythmically, a beating sound began; the sound started out as nothing but a light beating, like the beating of a heart, then slowly it got louder, more intense, more SAVAGE, until it was a mighty pounding that shook the newly made world. Then, with a final mighty noise like a thunderclap magnified by a hundred split the air, and a massive white creature, bestial and animalistic, an odd sort of creature like a cross between a gorilla and a baboon with stark white fur. He screamed his fury to the heavens, though what had angered him he could not say, he screamed and screamed and the world shook, until finally he smashed his hands into the ground, splitting it into a massive chasm. Now eerily calm, the massive house sized ape spoke I am born. I am the heart of the world, and with me the world lives

2008-06-24, 03:36 PM
In a burst of flame Ravax appears looking at himself in his true form. thirlled with this new idea of creation and what havoc he could wreak with it he brought about the existance of darkness and fear that which govern sall things. with just this simple act he had become more real ,more powerful more alive than he ever had before. Just by creating something he had gained more power he realized something about this it made him so giddy just doing thi8s sent chills up his spine. He liked this power alot.:smallamused:

2008-06-24, 03:40 PM
The Marquis

Shaken from his silver throne by the throes of the savage god's birth, the Marquis lowers the stag's skull across his brow and takes the form of a silver beast. Lines of living copper stripe the strange god's fur as he runs toward the sound of the new divinity.

Upon arriving, he tilts his head to the side and smiles as much as any creature without lips can.

"Are you the hunter? I have been waiting for the next player to arrive."

2008-06-24, 03:42 PM

In the Dream, something Old awoke. And it heard the voice, and it *Knew* itself.

From the mountain where it slept, the dream unfurled itself, a gorgeous melange of color, light, sound - shifting yet stable, chaotic yet order, paradox given form, mystery and magic given life. There was potential here, the infinite threads of potentiality ever shifting, ever stretching outwards.

But this was not all there was.

A winged form unfurled itself from the top of the mountain, bellowing like thunder as it slipped through the layers of reality from the Dream into the World that was Yet to Be. The eyes of the dragon were light, its scaled a myriad riot of color. It alighted on another mountaintop, watching the birth-throes of the world, and looking up at the new-scattered stars. Into this mountain, a mirror of the one within the Dream, he carved a cave, so high that the clouds unfurled far below like a carpet of snow. In that cave, there was a pool of water that glowed with an inner light. Into the water he stared, and watched as the bones and flesh of the world took shape. And as he watched, he worked, and became aware of others working as well - working to form the fundaments of all that was to be in this world. And his work was thus: He dreamed of creatures, and they appeared before him, as yet tiny, still, and without life - the world was not yet prepared for them, unwrought as it was. Some, the strongest of his children, would be the Firstborn.

The others must know this. And so he moved once again, appearing with a clap of thunder and a flash of riotous color in the glade Where the others were.

I Am Xorin. I am the First and the Father of the Scaled Children, and the Dragons, who are my firstborn, will be strong upon this world. Thus have I wrought. Thus shall it be.

2008-06-24, 03:46 PM
Ravax smiled. The new being was very interesting indeed he had'nt been told there were others like him.
No I'am merely a being new to this dark lifless oblivon and am just thrilled with this new power

2008-06-24, 03:47 PM

The newborn god of the innate primal heart that beats in all things looked up at the stag. They were similar in coloration, and they both wore the form of beasts, but where this was Barghuls true visage, the face of what he was, he sensed it was not so with this other. Barghul spoke, in a brutal but intelligent tone, which implied both great intelligence, and great cunning behind his apish features. I am a hunter yes, but I know not the hunter of which you speak. I embody the instinctual lust for the hunt, just as I too embody the need defend myself or flee should need be. What is it to you?

2008-06-24, 03:54 PM
The Marquis

The White Stag Prince jumps and lands beside the god of savagery, casting off the deer's shape like a cloak--literally, in that the shape flutters down to the ground and becomes a silvered stag, no longer a disguise but now a myth given form. At its first glance of Barghul, it runs: fast like the win, fleeting like summer.

"I suppose it's nothing to me, save that it's a part of the story, isn't it?" he asks, bending inhumanly in the still night like a wind-shattered reed. "And such a clever thing you are," he says, circling the beast, "I'm sure you'll be the source of many glorious tales."

2008-06-24, 04:02 PM

Barghul becomes anxious, as the storyteller circles him as a predator might. Large sharp teeth and powerful claws made themselves known, but not obviously so. He walks over to the chasm, and holds up a white object like a Shakespearean actor quoting Hamlet, but instead of a human skull, it was a bleached white stags skull. If anyone were to look the white stag looked back from where it had bounded. Upon further inspection the skull appeared to have three eyes, though what the implication was not even the god holding the skull knew, as it had been there when he had arrived. Cleverness is as much cunning as intellect, and I have much cunning, and much intellect as well.

2008-06-24, 04:16 PM

The Dragon god watched impassively as the others - like him, yet not - spoke and circled and talked. He watched, his eyes glowing with inner light, his vast pinions spread. Then he beat his wings a single time, and with the wind that sprang forth from them, his Firstborn were scattered to the four corners of the world, each coming to rest in a place that was right for it - some were born young, others came to be as elder wyrms, though there were few of these. And he raised his head and bellowed a for the second time upon this world, and his children awoke in the places whence they had been places, and came to *Know* themselves. And from his mouth there issued a great gout of light, riot of light and color that filled the glade with dancing light. His vast head looked downward at the others, and he spoke again.

My children, too, will the stuff of legends and stories - sometime the villians and sometimes the heroes, but they will be writ large in the world and in the mind of those who inhabit it. Cruel or kind, creating or destroying, they will leave their mark.

2008-06-24, 04:16 PM
Life! That was the feeling Cale first felt, and the feeling he decided he would forever love. Through this feeling, this love of life, he decided he would share it. But how? Then the voices told him. He was a god! He could share life with others. He looked towards a gigantic rock, filled with fire in the center. “There,” said Cale, deciding that he would share his love of life by creating creatures. Heading toward the new world, and breathed air into the world so that others could live, knowing that others were not like him, and required something to draw breath from. And from this air he made art, which he called clouds. And thus he fashioned himself clothing from these clouds, forming long billowy pants.

And as he looked down upon the world, he saw others like him, gods in their own right. And as he saw gods, he knew that others would be like, wishing to share life, and others who wished to take it away. And knowing they would each have their domains, as one of them announced of his scaled children, and through powers of his own, he roared through out the world,

“And I shall rule the weather, wind, the sun, the sky, and all who occupy the sky!”

After making his announcement, he came down, and found a two gods, one who had a skull with gold webs on it, and a gigantic creature talking.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-24, 04:21 PM

This would not do.

Advancing, surmising the shapeless world with flashing eyes, floating hair, and a neatly-tailored top hat, Y'vein shook his head. There was so much to do, and, well, it seemed that the overarching absence of ... well, anything, was simply unacceptable.

Ah, but he would do something about this. Drawing a suspiciously sharp set of callipers from a neat pocket, he, while pressing forwards with a brisk gait into the unmade, unconstructed world, mentally began synthesising the named from the primordial chaos, in some act of linguistic genesis.

A sacred river, that five miles meandering with a mazy motion ran?


Caverns measureless to man?


A lifeless ocean?


Well. It was something to be getting on with.

2008-06-24, 04:22 PM
Ravax noticed that the others were creating life so easily
so he made his own race of punishers.


and with a shout he created the realm of Damnation as for this realm he made fire and from the fire he made the punishers it's denizens to assist him in ruling the place of judgement.

2008-06-24, 04:27 PM

Xorin looked towards Ravax coolly, already taking exception to what he saw as the other's hubris.

Not all. My children belong to me, and when there time upon this world is done, they will follow me into my realm, the Dreaming realm, whence mortals only venture in the deepest throws of sleep.

2008-06-24, 04:42 PM
The Marquis

"It is a shame," the Marquis said in a soft voice as he tipped the skull from his head and motioned as if gathering the folds of a cloak. In an instant that should have revealed his face, his form instead jostled inward and reshaped, now a tall and angular man carved from copper and jade.

"It is a shame that this world should be so full of gods so very loud and boastful. Already, claims and brags and...it is sad, really."

The White Stag Prince withdraws into his forest of silver with a disappointed manner and settles in his throne, setting a circle of purple stones before him and kindling in them a bright blue flame. He plucks a silver pine needle from the tallest tree and threads the flame through its eye with skill, and then he spins: he tells a story about telling stories of stories, endless weaving, internal words and external hearts.

He cuts the cloth on his sharp fingernails and sets the first of his creatures to bask in the moonlight: it fills them and shapes them and turns them from flamespun-silk into strange and mercurial creatures, tall like the trees of his ghostly woods. Their arms and legs stretch like great trunks, while their torsos and heads remain largely mortal in proportion. Four such beings awaken: one male and three females, and in the moment of their birth the Marquis offers them a simple promise:

"By my oath, this forest is your home now, your charge, and so long as you stand within its bounds, you may never be harmed or vexed."

2008-06-24, 04:49 PM
Smiling at what the dragon thought would happen. does he not know that it is I that rules over death? they must first come to me to recieve judgement for even this beasts children sin and must be punished.

2008-06-24, 04:49 PM

Xorin looked at the Marquis, quirking the ridge of scales above one massive eye. I hope you are not including me in that number. I do not boast... it is simply that I have seen what my children are to be, and I speak the truth plainly. They will capture the imagination by their very presence, and so they will dwell not only in the world, but in the minds of others, living creatures and symbols both. And as for loudness...

He shrugged, and his form shrank down and shifted like quicksilver, until he stood, a tall human-looking creature in a robe of scintillating colors, with violet eyes and silver hair. Perhaps this is a form more suited to conversation.

2008-06-24, 04:53 PM

Barghul turns from sound of the boasting gods with a primitively derisive snort, and heads toward the mysterious forest of the Stag Prince. Despite his massive form his footsteps are as silent as the most cunning of felines, his movements as fluid and graceful as could be, and yet everything about him spoke of raw power. Off in the distance he spied the white stag watching him through the forest. The words of the stag prince about the hunter rang in his mind, and he looked around. He finally laid his eyes upon his own shadow, it seemed to almost strain at his real form, wishing to chase after the silver deer. An idea came to him, and he picked up his shadow and molded it, so that it no longer resembled his shape. He reformed it so that it resembled a mix of the woodlands most graceful predators, the wolf, the fox, the cougar, and the coyote. This sinewy beast with black matted fur truly was as a shadow, silent and smooth in motions. Its form tensed, and then it sprang at the stag, and the stag leaped away the last minute. Barghul watched the shadow creature and the white stag continue like this off into the distance, and he wondered if the shadow would ever catch the sleek white deer, or if it would go on forever.

2008-06-24, 04:59 PM
Chuckling at the beast and the stag from atop his newly created obsidan throne.
This will be to easy (whispering to himself)
and with this thought of gods fighting Ravax had an idea he decied to make anger, addiction and corruption the forces that can rule a man or beasts life. The first ones he appiled this newly created force to where that dragon beasts children the one that mocked his power. Oh yes he will pay.

2008-06-24, 05:03 PM
Perloo wakes up to find the world flourishing with life realizing his time is limited he start to form giant trees of 300 ft +. With those trees he starts form forests ,many forests that he will fill in with life. With leftover parts from the trees he builds a 25ft tree and forms a nose and eyes and a mouth and with that he has one of many creatures that he constucted for the giant forests he has. Taking some of his trees he molds them into a throne for him so he can the world go by.

2008-06-24, 05:11 PM
In one of Norall's vast deserts, (yes I named the damn planet), a heavy wind begins to stir the sand. At first, it reveals a mass of bone. Slowly, this mass becomes wrapped in flesh, followed by another layer of steel and feathers. White flames lick the surrounding sand turning it to a pure glass. The being spreads it's wings to reveal the textbook image of a warrior. His armor satined with blood, a long, red, blade clasped in his right hand and a scar going the length of his face. With a loud yawn, he speads his wings suddenly causing his fire to burst forth, creating an extremely wide, glass-lined crater.

2008-06-24, 05:21 PM
Ravax felt the awakening. It was close very close he felt and sense of dread as if a great enemy has jsut been born.
I need to handle this quickly
assuming the guise of the black armoured man he went to confront the new entity

2008-06-24, 05:36 PM
The Marquis

As the four newly-made wardens wander the silver forest, the White Stag Prince sits and wonders and watches: their presence and the stag's and the beast's will change this place. Before his very eyes, the softly undulating white grass spun into soft, animal shapes: rabbits and birds, spiders and snakes. All of them were animal shapes worn over the stuff of stories: spiders who spun illusions instead of webs and snakes with promises for venom, unbreakable and infectious. Fey beasts, one and all.

And most curious of all were the faerie creatures who wore mortal shapes: six-armed and immesurably thin. Every so often one would appear in the footprints of a warden, fully formed and clothed in gossamer. They called themselves the Vaiyu, children of the promise, and to them the Marquis offered the way of illusion and enchantment.

Satisfied by the bustling ecosystem of his tiny world, the Marquis emerged from the forest and sought out the lord of dragons in person and in secret.

2008-06-24, 05:43 PM
Ravax felt the creation swirl around him. all this raw unused power just wating he thought. as he went to his destinantion and he warped this creation and made hate and appilied to every non divine being in this new universe.He created this because that is the only way he could express his feeling sort of leaving an inferno of death in his wake.
Ravax was in short Pissed

2008-06-24, 05:54 PM

Barghul wandered the silvering forest, wondering about its true nature. Even now his shadow had reformed, like the one he had created but this one was different, unique in the way only twins could be. Barghul respected this place for what it was, but he realized he needed a place of his own to call home, and to create his own creatures. He left the silver forest and its subtle shifting illusions behind, and he walked until he found a land that rivaled his own mighty stature. Trees, real living trees, that scraped the heavens and seemed to cry out, challenging him to climb them. And climb them he did, as only an ape truly he can he leaped from tree to tree, reveling in the freedom and adrenaline than sang to his heart and blood. This place pleased him.

He recalled once more the Stag Prince, a creature so like him and yet so different, and knew what he must do. He once more took his shadow from his form and placed it in the forest, he told it to find him a glade, fit for civilization, and to await his return. Confident the proud beast would accomplish its goal, and knowing he could find it whenever he wished, he returned to the silvering forest. He took one of the many silver trees, and he reshaped it like clay in massive fists, until it was a tall slender figure quite at seemingly quite at odds with his nature, but with a heart full of passion and pride as he was. He then created more, until there was a small society in an open glade. They were tall, angular, and very pale of skin, with flowing silver hair. They were the elves, the first of their kind. Confident they could take care of themselves, being as they were formed from this very place he took his leave for the moment.

Barghul returned to the massive woods, and he tracked his shadow to a small clearing, if such a word truly fit in such a massive place. He took a fledgling tree, and from it he made creatures, similar to those earlier but different. These elves were shorter and stronger, though still tall and wiry, and instead of passion and pride he gifted these elves with feral cunning and instinct, so that they would be as the beasts of the forest but apart. Leaving his shadow to watch over these newly born elves, he returned to the silver forest to find his first creations.

2008-06-24, 05:57 PM
Seeing Ravax pissed made Perloo laugh. Sitting on his throne he decided to make something that was funny. Taking a rabbit he took horns of an elk and put them on it making it be able to speak he let go of his creature letting fall down to the earth where its horns got stuck in the ground. When it pulled itself out it started hoping around in its forest home.

2008-06-24, 06:00 PM
Ravax smiled at the new one laugh at me will that's what they all do laugh he thought to him self and he infected this new creature the god had made. Making it bestial full of hatred and a beast of crulety and pain with huge fangs and removing all elements of it's former self.
Who's laughing now?

2008-06-24, 06:07 PM

Xorin watched the creation taking place all around him, and nodded slowly as another thought came to him. Reaching down, he picked up a handful of mud and shaped into a short, reptilian shape. With a flick of the wrist, he multiplied it many times, then sent it into the depths with a snap of his fingers. His voice was quieter now, but still strong.

But there must be balance. As my firstborn children are majestic, powerful and proud, so shall these creatures be small, weak, and despised by others for their petty viciousness, and into them I pour the hate that has been released into the world and inflicted upon my first-born children, grounding it within these lesser creatures. But they shall be many, and they shall fear and worship the firstborn whenever the two shall meet. But still they will plague the world where they are not controlled... but perhaps other races will find different uses for them. They shall be the Kobolds, the teeming hordes in the darkness beneath the earth.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-24, 06:14 PM
Having marked out the riverbed - a simple affair, almost unworthy of the self-styled 'finest of the gods', Y'vein was bored. Well, not bored, as such - a gentleman is never bored - but a certain sense of ennui pervaded his temperament. He strolled up and down the banks, mumbling half-formed verses of poetry -

It was a miracle of rare device,

A something something ... with caves of ice ...

And it struck him. He delved down into those caves - of course, by experiencing them, he closed off their measurelessness, encapsulated, sealed it within the limits of civilisation that none knew better than he - and went, tapping his stick, down the cool, featureless passages.

En route to his destination, he stopped, composing a short sonnet-sending to the Marquis, upon an issue of vital theological debate - the head of his cane striking a staccato rhythm on the stone as he did so, to mark his meter:

When of words the author's pen is spent
And from the sapling trees cut the wood's tender side
Is the avenging of its death to hide
Or to make revelation of the truth unbent?
To from atomic blocks of words present
The meaning that does occlusion chide,
Or should the story-teller be denied
Of simple structure, rather lies be sent?

And so, through meaning's medium I relate
Begging this question, that rectitude might prevail
Should it from our oracles be heard
The messages from those that did create
Is that words make the tale?
Or 'tis th'intent that shapes the word?

Pleased with this minor expression of the mind, of this honing of words, he carried, on, tap-tapping his way down the tunnels, to their heart.

2008-06-24, 06:16 PM
Ravax's curse found soft ground in the Silvered Forest: the wardens felt hate as a fear of the outside forcing itself within, but the Vaiyu...

They had only an instant of life before it, but in that brief moment they were beings of utter empathy, connected to one another by the deepest enchantments of mind and heart. Corrupted by the sudden hatred that encased them like lead armor, the Vaiyu lashed out at their own minds, tearing their link and their souls. Saddened and enraged, the Marquis felt at one with his unbidden children. Burying the sadness in his heart with the cold ferocity that only the lord of stories could bring to bear, he did the only thing he could to save them: from the Vaiyu, he took their very hearts. They could imitate and pretend and act the part of mortal emotions, but never feel hate nor love.

In rage, the White Stag Prince came to Barghul's growing glade, his cloak now drawn over fine armor cut wholecloth from moonlight.

"I need your help. I need your rage, if you'll share it, your power, if you'll help me. We've an arrogant upstart to stop."

2008-06-24, 06:19 PM
He had arrived at his destination. He gazed upon the angelic being and frowned. this is not going to be pleasant and began weaving a spell of great power to breach any defenses the new god might have.:smallannoyed:

2008-06-24, 06:23 PM

Barghul sat watching his people grow in the forest of illusions, as a shadow and a stag danced an endless dance in the distance, and his new silver elves, so full of passion, wrote prose and poetry of the beautiful world around him.

Barghul heard the passion in his friends voice, and turned immediately. Seeing the heart in the Stag Prince's hand his eyebrows arched Of course, may I ask what exactly has stirred your rage, and caused you to grip the heart of a mortal so tightly?

2008-06-24, 06:36 PM
Seeing the being hostile actions, Cerus took slight and slashed at the being with his sword. I shall not slumber again so easily!

2008-06-24, 06:36 PM
Ravax seeing suddenly felt a wave of cold hate flash over him he stopped his spell to find it and smiled.
Someone did'nt like his new creation and was going to try and stop him. He summouned his punishers and frowned.
His forces were lacking they were not meant for combat but to punish sins. so he created a new being to be the gerneral of his armies he created a massive being of flame and stone with wicked horns and command of fire
(a la balrog) and to go with this new entity he created from the hate that now eminated demons his warriors and defenders they were the real threat on the battlefield masters of blade and spell with massive bodies and bat like wings. His army was growing he needed to leave the new god for now.
He was going to war. He fortified his realm with massive black walls of iron and began to make prepartions for war.
P.S I left in my earlier post i just hd to edit it alot

2008-06-24, 06:39 PM
The Marquis

"This is my role, and that is the source of my passion: from his acts, I am now the Mourning Father. You want to hunt? Then hunt the fiercest game. Hunt this god with me," he says, his voice cold and distant like the shadowed moon. He gestures and a shaft of light shapes itself into a spear in his hand.


When next the Marquis appears, it is in person and in secret before Xorin. The White Stag Prince appears with crossed legs and a meditative posture as he addresses the lord of wyrms:

"I...apologize. I did not count you amoung their number, but my role demanded that there could be no equivocation. I ask you, now, to aid me, to aid all the creatures that will be: all the dreams they'll have and stories they will tell. Let this be their first great epic. With your assent and assistance, we have new prey to address."

Satisfied, the Marquis stands on uncertain feet, brushing himself off carefully.

"Will you help me, Xorin? I am prepared, here and now, to swear an oath to whatever price you name for your aid."

2008-06-24, 06:41 PM

Barghul nodded, his visage twisting with anger before turning once more to calm. He held out his hand Let me help you bear your burden friend, I as you am passion incarnate, and none know anger and savagery as well as I.

2008-06-24, 06:42 PM

Xorin growled low in his throat as he felt the swell of magic in the world. His shape shifted again, once more the vast and terrible dragon, his luminescence shining all the brighter for his unquenchable rage.

Aye... I will not stand idly by while this cretin oversteps his bounds. There will be a reckoning 'ere the first dawn in this new world. Boundaries must be established and limits set and understood.

2008-06-24, 06:47 PM
Ravax felt a great power stirring and he was afraid how funny that he the lord of souls would be afraid.
So he sent an emmisary to discus terms the wrath of 4 gods is to much even for one such as he. (the emmisary is the newly created Bal rog I have gifted him with speech and sent him with the terms)

2008-06-24, 06:51 PM
By now, Cerus had taken flight and had stopped over the forest of massive trees. Looking over the terrain, he saw its abundant resources, natural defenses, and overall strategic value. You shall be born here. His wings begin to glow immensely bright light as well as a small ball of light in his hands.

2008-06-24, 06:52 PM
Cale watched the other gods, who with the anger and rage were already drawing up battle lines? Could they not see that their fighting would destroy the world, for they as gods were powerful enough to do so? Not wanting needless death to befall any creature, Cale took one of his clouds, and shaped it into minor version of him, with a flowing white toga, pearly white fwings, and pale blue skin, the color of the sky. Looking at his creation, he blessed him with the ability of flight, and the empowered him of lightning and the sun. Happy with it, he named his creation a celestial, and named the original specifically Xiloscient, which Cale would have mean in Xiloscient’s tongue, “first one”.

And from the design of Xiloscient, he made others, thousands, to guard the skies and maintain the balance of the world, to neither take side of good or evil, but to maintain it and keep mortals from undue death. After forming the celestials, he formed a copy of himself from the clouds, and sent it to talk with the stag and savage one, while he would specifically speak with the dark one. And with this done, he appeared before the dark one to speak.

2008-06-24, 06:53 PM
The Marquis, to Barghul

"I thank you...we must be prepared to strike once our forces are allied," he says, softly, so low that not even a fennec would stir. "We will find him, and we will show him what there is in this new world that is worth fighting for."

The Marquis, to Xorin

"And ride we shall, but there is still another whom I know and would seek. Three gods are a mighty force...but four is better," he says, with a grin like a wicked child. The Marquis stands to leave and bows to Xorin with great respect.

"No dragon or scale-kin shall ever be denied at the tables of the Fair Folk, my children: Vaiyu, warden, and others not yet born. This is my offering, and I pray you accept it with the spirit in which it is intended and not the circumstances which lead to its necessity."

The Marquis, to Y'vein

In a deep cave of ice, there stood two gods. The newest arrival of the pair of them spoke playfully, carefully:

"Words or works, which inspired which? I don't know," he says, and it's a painfully honest admission, like opening a vein for the Marquis. "There are stories in me that have not yet been inspired, and yet there are also inspirations that are yet lacking stories. But I've come for more than games, I'm afraid," he says, setting his stag-skull helm at his hip to reveal his true face in some solemn gesture.

"You know who I seek. Words can do so much harm, friend. They're sharper than any god's dagger, and hold more steadily than chains of orihalcum. I will swear any oath you ask for your help in this matter," he says, settling down with his back to an icy wall, arms nested on bent knees.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-24, 06:54 PM
While awaiting the Marquis' reply on the issue of the primacy of language over narrative, Y'vein began to apply himself. He shed his longcoat - no need to ruin good linen, even if it could be divinely cleaned - but, much to his chagrin, there was nowhere to put it - the ground could certainly not be an appropriate place for such a thing to be.

Ever the inventive paragon of civilisation and progress, however, a solution was evident to him. He spoke. A single word.


Suddenly, the fabric of the labyrinth's stone heart changed. Not visibly, but anyone present would have felt the sudden feeling of alertness in it. It listened.

If a mortal can project their thoughts and feelings onto something - us - to give us power and sentience, what can we do? Should I address you, drawing from the pregnant causes of this new world a diverted strain, a lone, scintillating chord of sapience, and instil into this the universal power of my words?

You construct us, answering to you.


Well, language is a powerful force, but it did not occur to me that the rocks themselves answered to poetry. Nonetheless, take this, if you will.

He hands the newly sentient simulacrum -but not quite- of the human form his coat, and dons a pair of goggles, as he begins to work. His back to the new creature, he addresses it dismissively.

In your very nature lies the greatest of gifts - that of self-creation - go forth, multiply, subdue, name - father has work to do.

2008-06-24, 06:54 PM
The emmisary arrives at the edge of the silver forest and calls for a meeting of the gods to discuss peace and to see why they were decalring war against The Great Lord ravax

2008-06-24, 07:01 PM

Xorin inclined his head, bowing his great neck gracefully in a gesture of gratitude.

I take your gift with gratitude, and I offer one in return in the spirit of friendship: Your folk shall be welcome in the dwellings of my firstborn, and they shall give your fair folk aid and succour in time of need, should it ever prove necessary.

He gave a massive, radiant grin, and nodded Indeed... four is a number of power. I shall see you anon. The cretin is apparently requesting a council to sue for peace. I will humor him, for I do not strike without need. I shall see if he can be reasoned with.

With that, Xorin took flight, appearing in the designated meeting-spot, holding his peace and waiting for others to arrive.

2008-06-24, 07:01 PM

Barghul responds to the messenger of the god of air as thus:
He is a being who would do great harm to the world and its inhabitants, we are doing this new creation a favor by ridding it of him.

Of the second messenger, Barghul was unaware of his arrival, for as the messenger came to the edge of the forest a large white stag leaped over his head, and as he looked on with awe, a shadow leaped upon him, tearing him to shreds in his haste to catch the fleeing equine form.

2008-06-24, 07:04 PM
First: What the hell I offer peace and you kill the messenger the dragon god was willing but you were'nt dang. And also what the heck makes you think a white stag and a shadow can beat the Balrog?
Also i accpet his invintation to my realm and ask him if he would like something to drink?

2008-06-24, 07:05 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis carefully considers what he's heard, then sighs and dons his helm anew.

"I envy poets. I have only recitations. Sometimes I fear that the stories in me will drown out my very voice: I am bound by my oaths and by my tales. I have become the Knight, and so I must ride against him, tilt my proverbial lance. There will be more gods. There will always be more. But I still await your answer, gentleman. With all the anticipation I can muster."

The Marquis evaporates from the cavern like so much mist in sunlight, and reappears again and anew at the edge of the Silver Forest, spear in hand.

"I address no one as Great Lord who is capable of such malice," he says simply, and his spear slips through the air as quickly and invisibly as night itself spreads over the land, aiming to deliver a warning blow to the emissary.

2008-06-24, 07:07 PM
The cloud arrived in front of the stag one with a tornado, yet not damaging the landscape at all. Looking at the shape of the god, the pseudo Cale shrunk to his size to communicate easier. “I come to arrange peace, for I do not want undue death to innocent creatures. I am not the true god of the wind, only his messenger, and look forward to working with you. I have a deal to offer you in the favor of peace,” said the messenger.

2008-06-24, 07:07 PM
The Unforeseen didn't like what he saw. It was.....Unforeseen. He looked at the wanton fighting and the gods fighting eachother. "All of you, stop this NOW!" At the word "NOW!" all of the fighting gods felt a deep force exhausting them. They were forced down, and pinned by an unseen force.

"If you wish to fight eachother, bring yourselves to this place....
A mysterious dark abyss opened in space.

2008-06-24, 07:08 PM
The messenger responds. My master comes to offering peace and consolance for whatever crime he commited against you Why do you strike me i have not wronged you i have come bearing a message of peace not war and you respond with thrown weapon you have become what you hate most if you continue

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-24, 07:09 PM
Turning, Y'vein looks penetratingly at the Marquis. The effect is amplified by the foot-long apparatus of lenses, amber, and viscous oils that adorns each eye.

Oh, words are much more than games, sir. That will be learnt soon enough.

He then takes off his goggles, rubbing sooty, grimy eyes, and dons his hat.

But let us not discuss such grim matters; I believe that we have a peace-conference with the devil to attend to? This

He gestures to the slight distortion in the air in the centre of the cave.

can wait, and the atmosphere is not at its most clement here.

2008-06-24, 07:09 PM
First: What the hell I offer peace and you kill the messenger the dragon god was willing but you were'nt dang. And also what the heck makes you think a white stag and a shadow can beat the Balrog?
Also i accpet his invintation to my realm and ask him if he would like something to drink?

please keep all OOC chat out of the IC channel. To answer your question, Barghul didn't kill him, and they're not just a stag and a shadow, they're both divinely gifted beings (made from a piece of a divine being) and they are beings of legend

2008-06-24, 07:11 PM
Cale: I see you have seen reason unlike the beast god I wish to offer peace i shall remove hate from the silver woodlands and give the Master of the woodlands a gift of obdurium a creation of mine an increidbly durable metal immune to flame and harder than adamantium.

2008-06-24, 07:13 PM
Ooc Chatter In The Other Thread. That Is All

2008-06-24, 07:19 PM
Cerus is pushed down quite a bit before steadying himself in midair just above the tree line. I will be under no being's foot! With this, his wings sprayed his feathers all over the forest. The stems of the 5000 feathers dug themselves into the ground. He then released the ball of light from his hand in a shockwave that encompassed miles of the forest. This energy transformed the feathers into angelic beings like himself, only these were simple mortals.

2008-06-24, 07:24 PM

As the fatigue began to set in Barghuls anger sparked. His divine adrenaline rushed throughout his veins, like it can in no mortal. Despite the power of the elder god he forced himself upwards, beating his chest with all his bestial might roaring to the heavens his defiance. He did not know what he was defying, his mind was in a haze of anger. He did not go on a rampage or destroy the forests, merely roared his bestial roar, defying any to try and force him down again. As the sensation passed, so did his anger, and the primal god proverbially scratched his head in confusion, unaware of his previous anger, and began once again watching his elves.

2008-06-24, 07:25 PM
"A gift is good. I only ask that you allow my Celestials to aabstain from death due the time they have spent on this world. Death is a narual thing, and while you have no reason to claim the Scaled one's, children, I propose a deal. The children shall die eventually, and they shall go to the dreams when they do. However, if they violate the code the scaled one sets up, the dragons shall be punished with a nightmare you come up with. Does this seem fair?" asked Cale.

2008-06-24, 07:31 PM
Ravax smled a gentle smile a first for him
Finally someone who sees reason i like this idea very muchI will allow your children immortality and I have already relequished my hold on the scaled ones children I will also send my gift and withdraw hate from the silver forest
He stands back up from his chair of obsidan and draws a deep breah withdrawing the hate and gives a command to send a gift of 3tons of Obdurium to the silver forest with a "LOW LVL" messenger to give the peace offering.

2008-06-24, 07:41 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis whinces and wheezes as the Overgod speaks, and withdraws into the depths of the Silver Forest to contemplate. The gathered Vaiyu raise their voice at his instruction and sing a song of mortal magic, illusions to protect the forest and enchantments to give it peace while the White Stag Prince recovered.

Moons of the darkened sky,
Look upon us, ever bright.

The Marquis warms his hands before the blue flame still kindled in the circle of stones, then reaches in and removes a smooth river rock from the gathered circle.

Head our song as we cry,
Keep our silver in your light.

Plucked from the flame, and yet the glossy stone stays aflame: bright blue faerie fire sways against imagined winds, and the White Stag Prince turns the pebble over again and again, considering his options, the roles he can assume. Warmaker, Peacemonger. Clasping the stone to his heart, he calls out to the Unforeseen in a rough, harsh tone:

Cloth us in your courage,
Give us hope where there is none.

"You're a rotten thing if that monster is worthy of your love, your protection. We'd be better without him."

Twinned moons above,
Hear our cries.

2008-06-24, 07:42 PM
"Indeed I do see you reason. And for making peace, I give you this," said Cale, as he grabbed a cloud from the sky. Holding the cloud, he shaped it into an orb, and gave it to the dark one. "This orb shall hide anyone who touches it from the light of the sun, but only on the condition they do not attack. If they strike, the orb will cease to work for them for a till that time the next day," said Cale after giving the gift.

2008-06-24, 07:49 PM
Cerus observed his creations for quite a while. They had made the treetops their home and hunted large birds in midair for food. Things seemed to be going pretty easy for Cerus excluding the hostile that had attempted to attack him and retreated when he first awakened.

2008-06-24, 07:51 PM
Thank for this extremly gracious gift and before you go would you like a drink?pours a glass of a new substance he calls wine.
drinks a glass of it and satisfied offers a cup to his new freind.

I like your title for me Dark one sounds so badass

2008-06-24, 07:52 PM
As these new creatures flew high in the treetops a large velvet shadow watched from a distance, as well as a group of the feral elves born of the woods themselves, though they were unaware of the shadows observance of the flying mortals... and them.

2008-06-24, 07:53 PM
The Marquis, to the Peace Gathering

As three tons of metal crash through the forest and level the newly formed home of a young Vaiyu lord, the song of the fey stops. Groaning and tired, the Marquis appears before Cale and Ravax, without a weapon or armor. His voice is even but immeasurably cold.

"You flattened one of my homes. You withdrew your hate and gave me a gift, and you think that makes everything right? It doesn't matter if you withdraw hate, because my Vaiyu have been broken. The only solution I had to save them from your unprovoked aggression has left them unable to feel, and their is no solution for that. Only illusions, only glamour, only the semblance of feeling," he says, drawing dangerously close to a maddened glare. "We will never be even, and you will never be welcome."

2008-06-24, 07:56 PM

Xorin followed The Marquis' words with a deep, growling speech in his thunderous bass voice.

Nor shall you ever find friendship with me. You attempted to usurp the fate of my beloved children, and I was forced to create others to shield my offspring from your tainted clutches. You may have withdrawn your undeserved claim, but you will never find friendship with me or my kin. Even the low children of mine shall shun you and despise you and yours ever hence.

2008-06-24, 07:56 PM
I understand your anger but i have come bearing gifts and tidings of peace Cale hear has had the wisdom to see that i wanted to repent for my actions and we have come to an agreement no I request you either sit so we can speak or leave my realm

2008-06-24, 08:01 PM
The Marquis

"Repent? Do you think we're stupid? We're gods. We are infinitely stronger and less flexible than the creatures we create. I am the story, the legend, the illusion, the Moon. A creature of evil does not repent. It lies, it pretends, it ingratiates itself to those foolish enough to think malice to be tamable."

2008-06-24, 08:03 PM

Xorin nodded, bristling with ill-concealed anger. You must think us fools if you offer us friendship now. You attempt to usurp our domains and cast malice into the newborn heart of the world and then expect us to befriend you?! Never.

2008-06-24, 08:03 PM
I made hate for the one i warred against but I saw the error of my ways and withdrew Imade prepartions fearing attack and finnaly someone with some sense comes along and we make peace i send you a gift hoping to repent I do not want war I want peace so that we may develop this universe together not destroy it.

2008-06-24, 08:04 PM

Barghulf swung down, seemingly from a high branch, though none was there. Old friend, I sought you out, I felt that you were angry, and I saw the arrival of that... material. I'm glad I've found you. He surveyed the other gods, until he met eyes with Ravax, and his hairs bristled, his face grew bestial. Anger and menace was written in his features, but self-control also colored his movements. You say "peace", and all I hear is "cowardice". Peace is a noble goal, but you seek it only out of fear of those you wronged in your arrogance.

2008-06-24, 08:10 PM
COWARDICE!!! You call me a coward yet you are the next to last to arrive you know nothing if you beleive this to be cowardice I come to you bearing gifts and you retaliate with bloodshed you slay my messenger and I send you a gift and you accuse me of treachery if your angry I respect that for I have wronged one close to you but dont come to my home accusing of cowardice when I pursue peace

2008-06-24, 08:11 PM
The Marquis

"Your words come from lips that are deceit incarnate. What reason do any of us have to believe you? Swear it!" he says, and his moon-forged spear appears in his hand and he cuts his hand with its blade, ichor coursing over the wound. "Swear me an oath on your name and sacred blood, sanctified by my right as the Keeper of Oaths. Swear that you will never again corrupt this world and the creations of others. Swear that on penalty of your life that you will never transgress again. That is the only price I can justly demand for the defamation of souls."

2008-06-24, 08:13 PM
I Ravax God of death and Judge of souls swear nnot to defile the creations of others and to never transgress against those i have wronged on penealty of death I swear on my sacred blood and all I hold dear

2008-06-24, 08:16 PM

Burghals eyes narrowed. If the dark gods response to being called a coward had been intense, Burghals was that of a bear awoken to early from his hibernation. He snarled in anger and leapt as only a god of savagery and the innate beast in all things can. He landed astride the black throne, however, if he had been expected to attack the god others would be sorely disappointed, for instead he moved his massive head dangerously close to the gods head. I received no messenger, and I did not attack one of your servants. I speak only the truth of what I see. Why is it you only rush to the side of peace when those you have wronged speak out against in you in number, our anger deep as the blackest abyss? It is because you fear us, and rightly so, but still you wear a badge of shame for your cowardice. You have not even the courage to finish what you started.

2008-06-24, 08:17 PM

Xorin gave a grim smile, his eyes narrowing to slits of bright energy as he watched the sealing of the pact silently, the tip of his tail twitching slightly. He gave the Marquis a respectful nod, and his rage slowly slipped away. He was relieved... but still watchful.

2008-06-24, 08:19 PM
"There, now can there be peace? I recognize that there will not be freiendship between the two sides here, but can there not be peace? If we gods fight, then the mortals have no chance of life! Are you all that selfish!?" exclaimed Cale.

2008-06-24, 08:22 PM

Xorin turned his head towards Cale, arching a single eyebrow inquisitively, his voice level I cannot speak for you, but I would not want the mortals to live in a world where their very souls were doomed from birth to be owned by a god of hellfire who took joy in their suffering. Now my children will have a chance to choose their own destinies, as will the rest of the creatures that we will bring forth upon the world.

2008-06-24, 08:27 PM
I have sworn the oath not to taint the cretures of other I have not sworn to forfiet my postion as judge I propose that we make each make a realm of afterlife for the creatures we create yoyu will set a credo or set of rules and if they break that credo without repentence they will be doomed to a hell deemed approiate by their god in my realm

2008-06-24, 08:28 PM
"I agree that I do not want mortals to be doomed from the start. However, they are mortals, and being mortal means that they are doomed to die eventually. Now, how about we make a deal. We'll each have our own realm in this existence, where we can bring mortals we deem worthy. But those that break the rules we set up shall be damned, and he shall rule over them. Deal?" asked Cale.

2008-06-24, 08:28 PM
The Marquis

"Perhaps you are the coward, then?" the Marquis asks, cooly. "You're so anxious about peace amoungst the gods you can't even see the fate the mortals will have under his influence. It's shameful, really. That same hubris I saw from your first words, and here it is: you think yourself above us. Lofty ideals, selling your values for a tenuous peace. Strange worlds of arcane angles, that one so haughty should think himself the angel whilst he crawls down into bed with the Devil himself."

With those last words, the Marquis disappears from the meeting and settles in the stone-ringed bonfire, letting waves of blue flame wash over him like the shoreline. From the promise pledged by Ravax, he crafts the physical stuff of the oath into a lump of fine, black metal, smooth as jade.

2008-06-24, 08:32 PM

As The Marquis takes his leave Barghul grunts I do not agree. All those who serve me will find their way to my side, and if they have truly done wrong then they will find repentance MY way, not YOURS. and with this Burghal leaps away, and disappears from the room, to create a place where all his followers could find their rest.

2008-06-24, 08:36 PM

The great dragon snorted You have already relinquished your claim to my children. I will not give you another chance to get your claws into them. They are wrought in many different shapes and forms of mind, but all are beloved by me, and I will not allow them to suffer your caress.

With that, he flapped his wings, vanishing in a clap of thunder and a flash of color.

2008-06-24, 08:36 PM
Cale, enraged with the words of the stag prince, called out all over the world to reach the The Marquis, "You shall regret those words!" And with that, he changed the sky, so that when ever the sun would set, the clouds would cover the sky, so thick and deep not even the moons' light could penetrate them. Calming himself down, Cale turned towards the rest of the gods and said, "I am sorry you had to see that."

Looking at the Scaled one, Cale quietly said, "Please, I wish to be friends, and would happily endow your dragons with the power of flight, so that they can ahve their mark on the world that you want them to, and enjoy the shy as we do."

2008-06-24, 08:42 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis smiles in earnest for the first time since his creation as the clouds roll over the moon, refreshed and changed by the motions of time. He sets the metallic pledge he's received in his pocket and gathers the Vaiyu again. As they raise their voice in song, the Wardens, four great giants amoung the Fey, sing in time with their unplanned children, a song that raises illusion and glamour and conjured images of the moon to superimpose themselves on the clouds. The spell passes entirely to the wardens and the song that maintains the illusion cuts a low, whale-like tone throughout the world, little more than a buzz but ever present.

2008-06-24, 08:48 PM

Xorin paused meditatively at the creature's words. Finally, he gave a barely perceptible nod. For the benefit of my children, there shall be peace between us, and I shall accept your gift. But be warned, if you side with that... cretin against us, friendship will not prosper.

2008-06-24, 08:51 PM
Now this is no need to insult Cale he is innocent I'am the one who has to pay for crimes I merely sought a compromise as to appease everyone.

2008-06-24, 08:54 PM
Realizing what has happened with his plan to black out the moon, Cale luaghed at the ingenuis of it and how obvious it was. 'Of course he could do it, he is the god of Illusions,' thought Cale. Summoning one of his celestials, he gave it a message to The Marquis. The celestial then flew off towards The Marquis, and upon finding him, told him, "I'm very ammused by your inventiveness. Are you sure can't be friends? I'll happily remove my earlier edict, and give you a gift."

2008-06-24, 09:05 PM
The Marquis

The messenger returns to Cale with a letter scrawled out in nice ink:

Gifts are unnecessary. We met under unfortunate circumstances. We share an interest in the sky. Peace is admirable, but I worry about the cost. Even still, things have happened as they've happened. This is life.

2008-06-24, 09:14 PM
After all this anger Ravax knew retalition would come so he suited in his finest enchanted obdurium armour and weapons. He Forged the weapons in the darkest pits of hell enchanting them with the darkest magic.
He went to wait at the abyss and wove dfense spells around himself.

2008-06-24, 09:17 PM

Barghulf came to his friend the Marquis in a form he had never worn before. He came in the form of one of his silver elves. He had long silver hair streaked with black and red, pupiless eyes, long sharp teeth and claws, he was taller then any other elf, and he seemed more slender than most, but he still radiated strength and, the oddest feature of all, he had a long prehensile tail that seemed the tail of a large cat, but could grasp like that of a monkey. Old friend, I need a place for my followers where they will be safe from the clutches of Ravax forever. For all my strength I know not of such a place, nor can I create one. Could you help me in this?

2008-06-24, 09:19 PM
Ravax was confused had no one else considered goign to the abyss to solve this problem oh well. He began to weave defense spells and retreiveing some obdurium armour and weapons he wove dark magic into the weapons and armour to make it reject all other divine material that it came into contact with to break the bonds that held the divine material together and destroy it if that material was not his.To reject the contact of all divine matter that was not his own. He needed protection now one of the divine enemies was bound to come after him.

2008-06-24, 09:35 PM
The Marquis

"That is not so mean a problem," he says simply, donning the shape of small fox with stumpy antlers. "Take Selune, the larger of my moons. It is clear and distant and shines eternal. There, your spirits may forever guide the living world that they watch over from on high."

The Marquis scurries off, quite enjoying the fact that as a fox he can scurry--it's not quite a walk or a jog, more an emotional state than a way of running.

2008-06-24, 09:38 PM

For the moment, Xorin was calm, and he retreated to the peace and safety of the Dream, watching as his children took their first tentative steps into the world, learning about the new-formed place, and about themselves and one another.

2008-06-24, 09:49 PM
He decied his home was to small to vulnerable to attack so he decided to increase his homes size He began to make a layer linked by pillars of dark magic the scond layer would be his throne a place of dark magic and enhanced resorces the vary terrain served as a fortress here spike rocks pokedup from a sea of lava and in the middle his palace stood the palace of the dark one

2008-06-24, 09:50 PM

Burghest nods to the retreating fox, his tail twitching anxiously. He moves himself to the moon Selune, and reviews the barren crust. He would need to alter it to make it suitable for his people, and he needed to make guardians for his peoples afterlife. As was his way he took a chunk of the moon, and took a few trees in the silver forest, which were quickly replaced, and he forged them together. He pressed them together and molded them to a new shape. He opened up his hands and out came what looked like tiny figures, which grew in size. They were large sinewy creatures. They had massive wings like a hawk, and a muzzle and forepaws of a massive wolf, and the hind legs and feathery backside of a raptor. They had silver fur and featheres the color of the shining moon, with piercing eyes the same blackness as the sky at night: These were the Luptor. Next he took the beached skull he had found. He infused it with his divine will and created a skeletal form for it made of the moons earth. His head was the bleached white of bone and the rest of his skeletal form was as the shining moon. He sensed that in some creation ages past this once mighty stag had guarded the gates of death as a god, and it seemed fitting that in death it would watch over the spirits of the dead in this new realm. It acted as a living stag, even breathing despite the lack of lungs. Its name was Banis, and it would be the true guardian of his peoples afterlife.

He changed the dark side of the moons surface so that it had all the different kinds of environments that occured in the national world, and gave all those who dwelt their the ability to see even in perfect darkness. He kept the side that faced the world clear, so it could shine brightly upon the world reminding all that it was a place of goodness and peace.

2008-06-24, 09:59 PM

Xorin new that war might come - peace had been established, but it was a tenuous and fragile thing at best. The Dream itself needed little defense - the plane itself reacted to his whims, changing and spawning strange and terrible nightmares to defend itself - even the very land would open up and swallow invaders whole. But he set about the work of defense anyway, spawning a legion of potent dragons, as well as half-dragon and demi-draconic creatures. These, he mused, could later be adapted to the waking world. - but for now they were his warriors and defenders in the land of slumber and dreams.

2008-06-24, 10:02 PM
After he was finsished creating his new alyer of the Abyss. He decied his REalm needed another set of denizens a set of commanders for forcs a commanding caste if you will. From the shadows of Hate fear and darkness he created the Nazgul and from addiction and flame he made their mounts.
Theses also needed a leader so to the most powerful of these Nazgul He bestowed sentience but neglected to instill free will he also bestowed spell power the ability to use magic to weave the arcane this would be his champion and the chief defender of his realm.:smallcool:
And know he began making his own race for the world He made man all of his trickery all of his hate all of his love all of his everything he poured it into the hmans any emotion he had felt he gave to the humans he also gave them the most powerful gift of all. Potential the humans had no limit they grew over generations they changed rapidly and although their lives were short they were not meaningless and for the Humans he created their world Earth.

2008-06-24, 10:09 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis ambles into the Dream in the form of a fox, clearly uncomfortable in another god's realm. Even still, he sits demurely before the dragon and sketches something in the air with one claw, a design like a dragon but smaller...the size of great lion and infinitely compact and thin and angled. Its wings were then membranes with veins of silver, and its scales were long and angled like feather blades.

"I propose an act of creation," he said at last, setting down his paw. "A fusion of two worlds: the Dream of dragonkind and the legends of my Fey. Small, muscled, agile, graceful...eternal. My kind never age, though they're as susceptible to death as any other mortal creature. I ask you to consider a union of two worlds."

2008-06-24, 10:14 PM

Xorin looked at the drawing, so like life, and nodded with a slight smile on his massive features. Agreed... it is a beautiful thing, and it will serve well as a symbol of the union... Besides, your Fey seem to me to be creatures half of Dream in any case... so ephemeral, so wonderful... You and your host are welcome in my domain, my friend.

The great dragon bent forward, puffing softly, and his breath gave life to the drawing, which took on flesh and form and substance out of dream-stuff, stretching its wings and yawning its great mouth, eyeing the new world in the lazy way of felines.

2008-06-24, 10:18 PM
waking up from his nap perloo finds his creature going off ravaging coyotes for food. seeing all the destruction and mayhem in the world he sighs, yawns, and gets ready for anything else that will start to happen

2008-06-24, 10:20 PM

Barghulf took the form of one of his Luptor, save that he had front paws that were splayed and displayed an opposable thumb, though it was clearly still lupine, and he had a feline grace about his movements. He circled down from the moon Selune and drifted lazily onto a massive treetop near his Feral elves' glade, and observed them and the strange new winged race that danced about the air and between the trees. He made no effort to hide his presence, though he gave no indication of his true nature other than being a mighty member of the Luptor. The Luptor were wise and intelligent creatures, despite their animal nature and instinct, and their savage but beautiful appearance.

2008-06-24, 10:20 PM
Ravax no longered cared about any of the gods but Cale. He now cared for his Humans that would be his race and the ones to assist him one day.

2008-06-24, 10:21 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis smiles and circles the newborn, eying it carefully.

"You need a name," he said, "for both you and your kind, first-one. Will you choose wisely?"

The draconic thing considers carefully, appraising its new body and being with a kind of dispassionate curiosity. It opens its mouth and growls and, to the surprise of the Marquis himself, it sounds mysteriously like a baritone voice played over whale-song, utterly haunting.

"I am Akasha, first of the Radia," it pronounces, its regal voice echoed by that strange song.

2008-06-24, 10:23 PM

Xorin cocked his head, watching the creature, and his eyes widened a little when it spoked. And the dragon once more smiled a gentle smile, and nodded

A goodly name, young one. Welcome to your home... or one of your homes. You are born of two-worlds, and you walk now in twilight on the edge of dream and reality.

2008-06-24, 10:38 PM
Elated that the Scaled one and him where friends, and The Marquis and himself were allies, Cale etraversed across the landscaped, searching the new world for a place to create his own race of creatures, eings that would touch the sky and see the world below it as he did. Channeling his divine power he made hundreds of species of birds, each with their own little abilities that made them different, and special. Everyonce in a while, Cale would craft something truely marvelous, and he would make a larger version, to rule the sky. He made the giant owls his wise men, and gave them wisdom and the ability to speak any of the tongues of the mortal races. He crafted the giant eagles, and made them the warriors of the sky, the first line of defense of the creatures of the wind.

And as he made his creations, he looked down on the world, and thought, 'How could I make better creatures? I am already a god, and what is more creative than a god?' But as soon as Cale thought the question, an answered poped into his head, the only thing more creative than a god was two gods. And with this in mind, he appeared in front of the Savage one, with a proposal in mind.

2008-06-24, 10:41 PM

The Luptor that was Barghulf flapped his wings and growled menacingly before seeing who the newcomer was. Barghulf settled down, his head resting on his paws and spoke. What is it you desire oh lord of the skies?

2008-06-24, 10:45 PM
Looking around the moon, Cale smiled at the beings, and said, "I seek help to create creatures. I have started to run out of good ideas, and am need of your help. I think the combined power of our domains would create truely unique and great creatures."

2008-06-24, 10:45 PM
Ravax smiled My humans are developing quickly they already have accesed my divine power twice and yet they are only 40 generations old

2008-06-24, 10:47 PM

Barghulf gazed lazily at the sky-god what do you suggest?

2008-06-24, 10:54 PM
The Marquis, to Perloo

The White Stag Prince wanders into a legitimate forest by design or by chance, and finds himself overtaken by the sense of lushness and fertility.

"If you can hear me, Woodsman, I'd very much like to speak with you, you whose work inspired my own home."

The Marquis, to Cale

At another time, the Marquis sits in contemplation in a cavern, inspired utterly by the very aesthetic of the bat. He cuts leather from the dark of the moon and spins fine hair from twilight and sews them together into a vaguely man-shaped creature: winged by a thin membrane of starlight with dangerous talons on "hand" and foot. The creature had two black inkdrop-eyes and great, silvered ears. Even still, it was lacking. Knowing his problem, the lord of stories called to the east, singing the first Song of the Wind, seeking audience with Cale.

2008-06-24, 10:57 PM
Cerus and the Saest

Over the 2 or so hundred years, the Saest kept to themselves. Trained and armed by Cerus himself. This training would come to and end soon as they now knew how to craft weapons, armor and tools. Magic, primarily enhancement and healing spells, also constitued a large portion of their lessons. The Saest, as these winged humans were called, began to grow outward from their place in the forest. Some took flight to the deserts, some to the plains, some even to the flying islands that Cerus had created in the middles of the oceans. now would be the final push outward as equal portions of Cerus' vast army would spread out among the world to defend their people.

2008-06-24, 10:58 PM
"I was thinking something along the lines of giving the ability of flight to a couple of your creatures. Have any suggestions?" asked Cale, clearly interested in anything the Savage one had to say.

2008-06-24, 11:04 PM

Deep inside the dream, out of the primeval earth of the great Mountain, new forms arose from the dreaming mind of the dragon-god. This new shape was tall and powerfully muscled - built like a human, but with features like those of a dragon. They pulled themselves from the earth, and in the dim, flickering light of the cave it was visible that they held all different hues - some were gold or silver, others red or blue, reflections of the First Children in smaller shapes - but more agile and more dextrous of hand. Instinctively, they grouped together by color. And some few among them were like unto the greatest of Xorin's children - the dragons of force and light, respectively. These were exceedingly few in number, but by far the most potent, and they were those who led these new children through the twisting pathways of dream, out into the waking realm. There they tunneled into the earth, building cities in the deeps of the world. Where they found them, the Kobolds became their servants in return for the protection of the greater beasts.

And out of the dream came a name for these creatures - The Zor'Nathal, the Third Children, not so great as the Dragons, but greater by far than the kobolds. Their society would be one of order and majesty, carving great works beneath the earth, with city-states joined in a league of powers, each caste working in its assigned roles for the benefit of all, competing against one another for honor and glory, but never in war. Thus spake the will of the dragon god.

2008-06-24, 11:04 PM

Braghul shrugged his lupine shoulders, his long tongue lolling out of his mouth as he panted in thought. The only mortal creatures I have created are the elves, these Luptor are already winged.

2008-06-24, 11:07 PM
"Very well, I thank you for your time," replied Baxter, hearing a song the called for him. Leaving in a gust of wind, he appeared before the Marquix, and asked, "What is it, my firend?"

2008-06-24, 11:10 PM

Barghulf flew after the retreating god You misunderstand. I am not denying the ability to help you, however there is not much that I have already created that could be changed so.

2008-06-24, 11:16 PM
The Marquis, to Cale

"I've been working on a new type of fey, but I'm afraid I find the concept of wings...problematic," he says, revealing the humanoid bat creature. "By all rights, they should be able to glide, but they can't seem to. Have I missed something?"

2008-06-24, 11:33 PM
"Here it is," said Cale, recognizing the problem. "You have to shape the wings differently," he said as he adjusted them wings abit, and added with a smile, "There, they should be good now. And since I helped you, perhaps you could help me. I would like some help coming up with some more humaniod creatures of my own. Perhaps you could help?"

2008-06-24, 11:42 PM
The Marquis

"That is quite a conundrum," the Marquis says as he circles the form of the newly-adjusted fey, making cosmetic tweaks here and there like a fine sculptor. "Most of the obvious ones have been done now, haven't they? Winged men and sapient birds...perhaps you should draw inspiration from one of the flight-capable insects? Or whales. Great, silk-smooth whales skimming the foam from a sea of clouds. And small, light, humanoid creatures could live within...like those tiny things, bacteria. But...bigger. And they could eat lightning. For that matter, they could be lightning."

The Marquis rambles on in this fashion, continuing to adjust the new creature's crest with a father's careful attention to details.

2008-06-24, 11:42 PM

Burghest pondered for a moment, flapping up to the two gods. Would a creature born of three gods not be even more unique and interesting then but two?

2008-06-25, 12:14 AM
"I like where your thinking, Savage one," Cale replied, thinking of the possibilites. Trying to comprehend such a creature, he suggested that each of them take turns making this creature, each going after the other, adding things on, and suggested the Savage one go first.

2008-06-25, 12:17 AM

The savage god considers this, then answers. What about a creature with a form like a fish?

2008-06-25, 12:23 AM
"Like a whale as The Marquix suggested? Or something different?" asked Cale, curious to his suggestion?

2008-06-25, 02:05 AM
Ravax knew the gods rested now so know is when he began the change.
the punishers where no longer of use to him and he decied it was time for change he took some earth from the desert where He had awakened and he molded them he made them into winged with Batlike wings and vicous fangs he gave them a mystic resitance to the elements that would oppose them.
Fire, Ice, electricty, and sonic and these will be his lieutenets the reavers

OCC. Please dont kill me for stealing the firefly name.

2008-06-25, 10:15 AM

And as he sent his children out into the world, the Scalefather felt as they began to grow and prosper. He could feel the praise and worship of his children, and he walked in their dreams, granting them visions and prophecy.

And from his realm he sent dream also to the mortals who dwelt in the world that the gods had new-forged. He planted within them awe and respect for his children, and also fear, so that they might be protected from thieves and assassins by the weight of those fears.

2008-06-25, 12:30 PM

Barghul shakes his had slowly Like a whale but sleeker, quicker, if you know what I mean.

2008-06-25, 12:48 PM
Before the savage one could respond, Cale spoke up and said, "I have an even better suggestion. We shall return in one year and hold summit, on the place a shall soon create, and we will combine our powers to create a great creature. We shall call upon the others gods to join us, and we shall create something truely marvelous, worthy of being a creation of gods. But, until then, we shall look over the world, and our creations, and look for inspriration. Until we meet again, I bid you good day." And with that, he left in a gust of wind.

2008-06-25, 01:09 PM

Burghal watches the god of air leave, and takes his leave as well. He flies back to the massive forest and alights atop one of the massive treetops, where he can watch both his Feral elves in the woods, and the creations of the god he has not yet met, the angelic creatures which bore similar shape to his elves save for their large feathered wings. He does nothing to hide his presence, but masks his true godly essence.

2008-06-25, 02:59 PM
Ravax had just watched his humans for too long it was time for him to create a rewarding afterlife for them not just a blakch hell to look forward to. But Ravax could not do this on his own so he went to the one other God he thought he might listen to him HE went to visit Cale Lord of the skies and AngelFather. He went to Cale with this request.
Cale I have come to you with a request I have created a race I have called the humans they have no claws winjgs or other special abilities and although their lives are short they have limitless potential. I want them to have at least a chance at a good afterlife not the just the blakc hell over which I reside so I ask you as my only freind in this new creation to assist me help me create this new afterlife for the humans if not for me than for them.

2008-06-25, 05:43 PM
"A good goal, my friend. I shall help you, as I am about to make my own home, and shall allow good humans to join me there. Come back in three days, and it shall be complete. After it is done, I ask you come with me to the west, where the great desert lies, for have heard of a glass desert, and wish to see it for myself. Now, be gone my friend, and do not see me again till I am done," Cale replied with a smile.

In the skies above the center of the continent, Cale flew, a grand idea in mind. Below him was a seemingly endless forest, spreading in all directions. To the west was a large desert, with curiously enough, according to Xiloscient a large glass center which Cale decided he would look after as soon as he was done here. To the north was a large mountain range that extended to the east, and was home to the Scaled one and his children. To the northeast was the great silver forest, home of the fey. To the south east was a an area of large plains, with a cave somewhere that held an opening to the abyss that was ruled by the dark one.

In the skies above the forest he grabbed the clouds, and changed them, shaping them into a grand castle, the with some clouds changed into ground for those who walk upon them, others to form walls. And in three settings of the sun, the castle was finished, a home suited for a god. This would be his home, his realm, his court, and the home of his followers after their deaths. The castle was on a cloud that stretched over a 25 mile diameter, and flew over all in the sky, touching the heavens. To make sure no mortal reached his realm without his consent, he turned the clouds below his home into a Typhoon, and channeled his divine power so that no mortal could reach it with magic. With what he set up, it made it so that no mortal could reach is realm without his gifts of flight, and only gods could reach it, by way of their divine power. But, so not to offend the forest god for ruining the forest below, he changed the weather system, and made it so the area around the typhoon would be constantly blessed with great weather, turning it into a luscious forest he termed a rain forest.

With his home complete, he looked on and named it Seraphguard, which in Xiloscient's tongue meant "Light's home guard". Content with his creation, he summoned 400 of his most loyal and strongest Celestials, as well as Xiloscient to accompany with him to the desert. With his celestials ready to go, they left in a gust of wind, and appeared in the desert above the great glass desert. What Cale saw infuriated and enraged him. Creatures that appeared to look like mockeries of his celestials, and flew through the sky with out his consent. Howling with rage, Cale roared throughout the world, "Who is responsible for the mockeries! Who dares bestow them with flight! Who thinks he has power over the skies! He who thinks he is, appear unto me!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his attention towards the creatures, using his divine might, though he did not harm the physically, he threw them unto the ground and stripped them of their power flight, but allowed them to keep their wings.

2008-06-25, 06:59 PM
Following his hostile actions, Cale can feel the sting of fire burning his flesh as a flash of red steel and white flame carves into his back. When he turns around, he sees Cerus floating with a vengeful look in his eyes as he prepares to strike again.

2008-06-25, 07:29 PM

Barghulf, hearing the cries, and seeing many of the angelic, flying people fall hundreds of feet to their deaths, was enraged. How dare one god claim ownership and dominion over the right of all things to fly? Commanding his people to aid those of Cerus's people they could in the massive forest he took flight. Still in the form of of the mighty Luptor Barghulf flew to the scene at the desert, his mighty wings beating powerfully.

2008-06-25, 07:30 PM
"You! This was your work that gave them flight! I am the one who rules the skies! It was not your place to allow them to fly, only my own! And for that, they have been stripped of flight, you usiper. Now, I do not wish to fight you, I only wish to have you appolize and have your creatures out of my sky. If you surrender now, they shall live, and there can be peace. If not...then I shall have them destroyed and the gods shall clash. I should warn you though, I am not the only who hates those who over step their boundries, and have many friends amoung our fellow gods," Cale replied, venom dripping in his voice, anger apperent as he spoke. Summoning his weapons, a blade so sharp it could cut the wind itself, and a spear that could channel his divine powers and throw lightning wherever Cale directed it, he readied for the worst. His Celestials, raised weapons of their own, expecting bloodshed, as many of them called for their fellow beings of the wind, the giant eagles and owls.

2008-06-25, 07:36 PM

Upon this pronouncement Barghulf became enraged, his eyes flew wide in anger and his forehead twisted with his rage. He let out a howl of fury, so loud it knocked the celestials out of the sky, and buffeted the gods in the surrounding area. What is this? You leap to the defense of a black hearted god who would seize control of our peoples immortal souls for his own, and yet you would selfishly attack the innocent creations of a god who committed the grave insult of allowing his creations to fly? And you would have others believe you are a believer of goodness and justice for the world? lies! the words "Grave Insult" were dripping with sarcasm and disdain.

2008-06-25, 07:49 PM
"I see that the anger felt earlier was just, and I am sorry that I took his side for usiping their doamin. But what is done is down. As for giving his creations the power of flight? That gift is mine alone to give, not his. If he would of asked, I would have given them it, but he did not, and for taking what did not belong to them, they were punished," Cale excalimed in his defense.

2008-06-25, 07:56 PM
The Marquis

A smile appears first, and then the rest of the White Stag Prince shapes around it like so much seafoam. He's laughing, harsh and strange.

"I was right, Barghul! I said it, when he first arrived: hubris. Acting for peace, then so casually threatening war? You're selfish, Cale, and it is unsuitable for a god of any magnitude. Any creature with wings may fly, just as they may enjoy the sun or kindle in them a primal spirit. Vainglory, and now you would take what was never yours to take? I suppose, if he climbs a tree large enough, even a monkey may think himself tall."

In an instant, the Marquis summons his spear, keeping it close like a walking stick rather than a weapon, the appearance of strength rather than aggression.

2008-06-25, 07:59 PM

Burghalf nodded to his friends words. You falsely punished innocents for the supposed misdeed of their creator. There is no justice in that, merely blind arrogance.

2008-06-25, 08:01 PM
"So it is okay for him to claim dominion over the sky and may give anyone he wants flight? But for shame if the Dark one does anything to anything thats under your power? Hypocricy is yours, my friend. Of all people, I thought you of all people would understand what I speak of," shot back Cale, as he tried to calm himself down and regain control oer his senses.

2008-06-25, 08:06 PM
The Marquis

"If you can't see the difference, I fear that I can not see it for you. Ravax ravished and tainted: what harm does it do you for them to fly? There is room in mortal hearts for more than a single prayer, and instead of seeing children shared, you saw purposeful malice where none existed."

2008-06-25, 08:08 PM

Burghalf became incredulous over the ignorance of Cale. The Dark One sought false dominion over the immortal souls of our followers, to send them to Hell despite their actions and lives they live. All this god did was give his creations wings with which to fly. You cannot compare these actions.

2008-06-25, 08:09 PM
Cerus observes his creations. Most of the have fallen to the ground and died while the rest cling to the trees. He raises his sword and points it at Cale. You cause the death of hundreds and brush it off as though you've done nothing. You attack beings that in a thousand years couldn't hope to stand up to your power and expect to be forgiven so easily? No! You shall pay for your acts! Cerus ignites himself in while flames and charges Cale.

2008-06-25, 08:16 PM
"He gave something that was not his to give. The Dark one took something that was not his to take. I understand that he wanted to share something with them, but he should have asked. I took back what was rightfully mine. I did not harm them, sent them to the ground and took away their abilty to fly. That was all I did to them," stated Cale, standing his ground.

2008-06-25, 08:19 PM
"To the Abyss for your duels!" Came another great and forceful voice.

2008-06-25, 08:24 PM
OOC: PirateJesus check the post where I did it. I said I didn't kill any of them.

2008-06-25, 08:24 PM
The Marquis

"Foolishness is not becoming of you, Cale. What next? Will you demand that no creature may breath save yours? What of my moons: should their light shine only on my children? Should strength be only the gift given to Barghul's? We embody our concepts, we patron them, but we do not own the mechanics of reality. If I were a god of Travel, would only my creatures be allowed to move?"

The Marquis questions deeply and accusingly, tightening his grip on the spear, setting the point an arms length before him warningly.

2008-06-25, 08:28 PM
Still charging, Cerus barrels into Cale and forces him through the portal into the "Abyss". Here without the risk of endagering mortals, he releases his own limits and to fight at full strength.

2008-06-25, 08:30 PM
Still charging, Cerus barrels into Cale and forces him through the portal into the "Abyss". Here without the risk of endagering mortals, he releases his own limits and to fight at full strength.

"Inconceivable!" The Unforeseen quips.

2008-06-25, 08:32 PM

To the unseen voice Barghul roars his defiance To the abyss with your commandments, at the least show your face! and with this he bounded after the crashing gods, transforming back into his massive apish form, his size increasing until he was as large as a house, and a long monkey tale swept up past his monstrously angry face

2008-06-25, 08:35 PM
"I would never keep another creature from breathing, for all creatures deserve the right to live. but the moonlight is yours to give, nobody elses. It is your choice alone, and nobody may take that from you. We may be the patrons of these things, but we are gods and they are ours to own! These are our gifts to give. Where all creatures given the gift of flight? No! Were all creatures given the ability the breathe water? No! Were all creatues given the ability to go to the moon at their will? No. These are our gifts to gives, and flight is my gift to give," protested Cale, showing no sign of giving up. Lookign at Cerus, Cale adressed him, "You attack me? remeber I am lord of the sky! Whiel I am not all powerful in the dream, the moon, the abyss, or in the forest, but I am here!" With that, he channelled all of his divine power towards the very sky, and its rejecting the presence of Cerus.

EDIT: Cerus, I do this as you try to charge my and force me into the abyss.

2008-06-25, 08:41 PM

With a flash of right and a roar of thunder, the dragon god appeared in the abyss, though for the moment he only watched the combat between the two in silence, looking to the Marquis inquisitively.

2008-06-25, 08:42 PM
The Marquis

"To the Abyss with you!" the Marquis echoes, calling up darkness in the sky to blot out the sun: the first eclipse. With spear held before him, he rockets like an arrow to strike Cale into the portal and follows in turn, a blur of silver light and the distant promise of stars.

In the mortal realm, the four Warden stand and tower over the trees of the Silver Forest as they draw themselves up to their full height. Unearthly arms raised, they sing a deep enchantment to hold the moons before the sun, to keep the sky dark and clear.

2008-06-25, 08:43 PM

As Cale resisted Cerus' charge Barghulf barreled into him, his massive form smashing him back into the abyss.

2008-06-25, 08:47 PM
"Scaled one my friend! These people conspire against me! Help me defend myself!" called Cale, as he parried Cerus' blade with his spear, and slashed at him with his own sword.

2008-06-25, 08:51 PM
Cerus pushes off of Cale's sword to put some distance between them. You others stay back. If I were to accept help, I would be no better than this coward. Cerus raises his his sword above his head, spinning it. the blade shifts as the handle grows to 5 times its normal length while the blade doubles in length and becomes wide and heavy. Cerus stop the spinning blade and grasps it with both hands. Now die! He rushes at Cale and delivers a massive strike.

2008-06-25, 08:55 PM

Honoring the War Gods wishes Barghulf leapt away and turned once more into his Silver Elven form, and hovered beside the Prismatic Dream-god who dwarfed his Elven form.

2008-06-25, 08:58 PM
The Marquis

"As you wish," the Marquis says simply, withdrawing towards Barghul and Xorin, and his spear fades away into nothing. He leans towards both of them and whispers:

"My money's on the war god."

2008-06-25, 09:02 PM
"Coward!" yelled Cale, as the enlarged sword came at him. Smirking, Cale became the wind, and the sword passed harmlessly through him. Quickly getting behind him,he grabbed him by the wings and began to pull to pull, stating, "You and all of your creations will never be welcome in the sky, so you won't be needing these!"

Outside the void, the Celestials began the war against those that would block out the sun. Led by Xiloscient, the creatures of the sky began war, led in forefront by Xiloscient and the Giant Eagles, with the Giant Owls comign up with stategy. They led an attack upon the Wardens, with celestials summoning lightning and casting forth tiny suns that looked like fireballs, and thowing lightning bolts.

2008-06-25, 09:08 PM
As Cale begins to pull, the flesh on his hands turns to ash as the flames work their way up his arms. Heh. Play with fire and you might get burned! Cerus taunts as he shakes Cael off his back and slices through the wind sending a wave of flame towards his opponent, whose arms are still aflame.

On the material plane.

The Saest had quickly adapted their strategy to accomodate the lack of flight. They focused mainly on ranged attack made with arrows and various spells taught to them by Cerus himself. Occasionally they would be able to fly for a minute or two with the aid of magic to take out more difficult targets.

2008-06-25, 09:10 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis smile fades into a quick look of rage as he feels the coordinated attacks on his wardens, immortal as they may be within the Forest. Over the din of war and battle, the Marquis begins to sing loudly, sending his strength into the world:

"Oh light of my heart, born of a neverending dream,
Oh cradle of life, a forest that always shall gleam,
No fire rage across this land,
Before the wind and rain I stand,
And you, my child, shall know no harm,
Enfolded in my song!"

The song echoes out and the Silver Forest is radiant under an unfurling ribbon of light, a protecting light that fills all who would attack the forest with emptiness and sorrow for the utter joy they seek to undo.

2008-06-25, 09:12 PM

Barghulf watched the battle intently, snorting derisively, he whispered to his fellows. He denies the claim of cowardice, and yet he attacks from behind, actions speak louder than words.

As the Celestials began to war with the wardens the silver elves fought back, their furious pride and passion driving them onward. The Luptor came down from their home on the dark side of the moon, howling their savage bloodlust and joy for the hunt.

2008-06-25, 09:19 PM
Retaining his form of air, he let the fire pass right through him, nothing able to harm him except his own blade, which could not be taken from him in his wind form. Laughing off his attack, he spoke to the Marquiz, "That is what yu get for blocking out my sun!" Then ,channeling his power, he sent a fierce tornado at cerus, which held the god unable to move lest he e harm by the winds. While channeling the tornado, he then sent multible lightning bolts towards Cerus.

2008-06-25, 09:23 PM

Barghulf snarls in animal rage. Wargod, I respect your honor, but let me help you crush this arrogant gnat Barghulf keeps himself restrained, awaiting the gods answer.

2008-06-25, 09:30 PM
In the Realm of Mortals

Sensing the attack on his ally's realm, Xorin responded in force. Up came the dragons, and astride them were the greatest knights and wizards of the Zor'Nathal, slinging spells and tearing their foes from the sky as they came to the aid of the elves and the wardens., singing battle-chants and competing among one another for the glory of the kill. Their armor gleamed in the sun, and blood fell like rain to water the forest below.

2008-06-25, 09:33 PM
Cerus chuckles. Fool! I was born from the flames of battle. Any wound you inflict... Cerus walks through the wall of the tornado, receiving a few cuts. His aura becomes significantly more powerful than before. ...will only make me stronger! He swings his sword, deflecting the lightning bolts back at Cale.

2008-06-25, 09:38 PM
Feeling the god war happening when he could not find Cale and seeing the celetials and other fighting against the god he tried to destroy he decied to join the battle sending his demonic reavers as well as the demons lead by the reapers and the Balrog. It was time for him to assist the one God that had befreinded him. The god of death was going to war with the dark sword (I made a sword in a earlier post).

2008-06-25, 09:45 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis slips away like starlight for a moment, and appears before Ravax dressed in glittering armor of silver.

"Your war will transgress against me. Do you wish to die so soon?"

2008-06-25, 09:45 PM

Feeling the shift in the battle-tide as the demonic hordes entered the conflict, Xorin once more sent himself through the dimensional barrier. Appearing in the sky above the conflict, brimming over with divine wrath and shining in terrible glory. Around him appeared his arch-dragons, mighty wyrms of every hue, and astride them were the greatest of all the Zor'Nathal who had ever fallen. Down they came upon the demons, Xorin at the lead like an arrowhead of shining radiance, clearing a swath through the battlefield until the reached the Balrog. Light and thunder met shadow and flame, and the god's radiant breath cut through the shadowstuff of the demon's form with a hideous sizzle and a roar triumph from the dragon.

2008-06-25, 09:46 PM
As the demons joined the fray, the wood elves heard the call of war. Gathering together their clans and gathering their animals and weapons and armor, they rode off astride great Warwolves to do battle with the demons, with a massive sleek black form running beside them, howling and roaring its fury as only a the true beast within can, and its cries were answered by the wood elves in the form of great animalistic cries of their own.

2008-06-25, 09:49 PM
Please the oath was not to "TAINT" the creatures I have of the gods "I" have "ALREADY" wronged killing a creature or having some one else kill it does not taint in any way shape or form unless I were to raise it into undeath. You gave me an oath filled with loopholes and I took it so stand aside so I may defend my one ally in this realm
And so the loop hole filled oath is useless
And also Bargul you notice that although your forces are dying in the fight mine are not it kind of comes with being the god of death and also your creatures do not apply to the oath because I never wronged you directly i only wronged your freind.

2008-06-25, 09:52 PM

The elf that was Barghulf appeared before Ravax. You may not transgress against the pact, but you still transgress against my friends. It is ironic, that the god of death is so suicidal. Barghulf smirked, and raised his clawed hand, and suddenly demons all over who had wrongly lived through mortal wounds, dropped stone dead. As more and more demons died, they realized their own mortality and began to feel fear.

2008-06-25, 09:52 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis opens his mouth, but from it echoes forth Ravax's voice:

I Ravax God of death and Judge of souls swear not to defile the creations of others and to never transgress against those i have wronged on penealty of death. I swear on my sacred blood and all I hold dear.

The words echo and roil and take shape like a swarm of blades and chains, all set to punish the punisher.

"Do not try and cheat the Lord of Oaths. Your war transgresses against me, one whom you have wronged. Withdraw or you will kill yourself."

2008-06-25, 09:53 PM
Ah read my post I said differently
Ravax smiled as the lord of dragons came and he raised the dark sword while chanting a mighty spell.

P.S the Balrog did'nt die I have Rule over death I decide what dies and what doe'nt when it comes to anything Below Full god

2008-06-25, 09:57 PM

Looking up from where his muzzle was buried in the Balrog's foul flesh, Xorin snarled... he felt the confrontation with Ravax, and there was where he went next

Fool! The war you prosecute occurs over the Marquis' ground! the footsteps of your demons taint and corrupt his creation, in direct violation of his oath... Withdraw your forces or else.

2008-06-25, 09:59 PM
I gave my demons no tainted step ability that and they have "WINGS"
and I swore that "I" would not taint the creations not that my creations would'nt
Ravax released the spell energy that was built up and m,ade a wall of obduirum his sacred metal appear in front of the dragon god's avatar

2008-06-25, 10:00 PM
The Marquis

"My oath is more than a simple promise. An oath sanctified by me between any parties is sacred and inviolate. We need not kill him, because he will die if he pressed any further. That is the nature of the bargain he struck. That is the price he payed."

That was taken, word for word, from your post. It is binding and if you do not stop, you will die.

2008-06-25, 10:01 PM

Xorin lunges forward, his head inches from Ravax's body Fool... evil runs through your demon's veins, darkness is in their hearts. Their presence itself is a taint. Your creations are extensions of your will, and it was your orders that sent them there. You may as well say that your own hand would not have to abide by an oath your lying tongue made!

2008-06-25, 10:07 PM
Ravax smiled My creature are not I and thus have not application to the oath

2008-06-25, 10:13 PM
The Marquis

"They march on your orders, they are thralls to your whim. We do not punish the puppets, but do not pretend the dummy's voice is really his," the Marquis says, drawing his silvered spear from the aether, the blade of it now coated with strange, dark metal.

2008-06-25, 10:21 PM
Ravax smiled My creatures are not I and thus have no application to the oath foolish ones. Oh and look behind you
The Balrog did'nt die becuase I willed it so i'am the God of death nothing mortal dies unless I will it it kind of comes with being the god of death AND undeath so the Balrog is about to chop of the dragons head if he doesnt come off me and let me fight my freinds battle with him. Also I din't want to fight you guys i only had a beef with Pirate Jesus you guys decied to jump in when I came to his defense not my fault

2008-06-25, 10:24 PM

Barghulf looks disgustedly at the arrogant fool before him and raised his deceptively delicate looking hand. You may think yourself the absolute law of death, but I will tell you something. Barghulf backhands Ravax powerfully, sending him flying, his mighty strength belying his slight form as his true essence showed through despite his appearance. I will tell you this. he repeated YOU will die because I will it.

2008-06-25, 10:26 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis turns to the Balrog and opens himself to the song of the Vaiyu, his people still chanting in time with the wardens. A cage of great silver glamour vices the beast's chest, a centerpiece beating where its heart would be. The spell is a work of vast enchantment, spells of love and hope and desperate, clinging salvation that, at the very least, leave the beast terribly confused with the newfound state of mortal emotions magnified a thousand fold.

As he glances back to Ravax, the Oathkeeper speaks in low, hush tones.

"This war is not even yours. Leave it to the fates to arrange as they see fit, or you will die. One way or another."

2008-06-25, 10:30 PM
"Fine then! I order these demons to attack!" yelled Cale, determined not to be allyless in this fight. As son as the dragons reached their highest peak in flight, he took away their power, and they came crashing down to their death. Then, he channeled his power over the weather, into a storm that worked the world over, as lightning stroke down, and hit every enemy of the wind god, rain flooded his enemies, sparring only the innocent. Tornados ripped through the landscape, leaving only those that had not trangressed against him and comets fell from the sky, crashing down on the mountain homes of the dragons and the elves of the savage one. The sun lit up brightly, focusing its fire in a show of divine wrath, and fried the inhabitants of the moon that dared eclipse the sun.

In the void, Cale laughed at their pitiful attacks as he was unharmed from their attacks in his wind form, the only weapon able to cut the wind in his possesion, which was unable to be taken from him in his current state.

2008-06-25, 10:32 PM
YOU ARE THE ONES THAT ATTACKED ME!!!!!!:smallfurious::smallfurious: You DARE strike me Wretch I will Bind Your essence and cause to suffer For enternity NO ONE STRIKES THE LORD OF DEATH!!! Rasing a hand he sends a non leathal biding to the avatar of the lord of dreams binding his wings and holding him in place
And he gave the god of the sun a power boost sending fire and brimstone down with the rain to assist him in the making of death he willed the corpses of the creations he had not sworn not to taint ( al la Pirate Jesus's, arghul's, Cales and My own to raise from the dead and placed them under CAle's Semi COmmand ( A la that cant attack me)

2008-06-25, 10:37 PM

Barghulfs features contorted with rage. His body ripped itself apart and reformed as a mighty and ever changing beast, constantly shifting with the forms of many creatures in one form. He roared at the god of death YOU ARROGANT INSECT, DIE BY MY CLAW with this he leapt upon the braggart god, tearing at him with his massive shifting fangs and claws, scratching and ripping differently sized gouges, beating him with wings that were there then gone, tails sharpened in many different ways morphed to cut at the god and then faded to reveal another, horns shifted on his head as he smashed down on the gods head and ripped at him with his ever changing teeth.

2008-06-25, 10:40 PM

As the demon-god tried to bind the Lord of Dream, he merely laughed and vanished in a puff of mist. And at first... there was nothing. No reaction, only silence.

And in the Dream, something *Woke*

From the subconcious of every being that opposed the Dragon, a chorus of terrified screams emerged as every fear, every nightmare, every terror from the depths of sleep tore free into the waking world - they did not kill, they did not bring death - their touch brought madness and the quiet oblivion of the mind to every foe they touched. Death and life had no meaning for them now, trapped in the void within their own darkest dreams.

Even demons have nightmares, and they were loosed upon them.

2008-06-25, 10:42 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis attacks in time with his allies, filling his arm with a promise to strike down the Dark One. The tip of his spear is the Dark One's own flameless metal, foolishly given and now striking madly for his divine flesh, hungry for ichor.

"For the good of all that is, be no more!"

2008-06-25, 10:42 PM
Who the heck are you talking about. First I spent quite some time making armour of divine quality if it's me and i would blast you with a spell or if it is Cale you can be my Guest you cant touch him.
As you charge for me you fell youself stopped by a powrful magical force unharmed but stopped and bound by chains of the darkest energy. ( POWERFUL Binding spell and if it wont bind your body It binds your arms bidn)

2008-06-25, 10:45 PM

From the dream, Xorin watched as the spear, powered by the anger of the Gods and the broken oath, pierced the Hell-lord's armor and annihilated his essence from the realms. Nothing could stop the force of it, not even divine armor - for the Demon-god himself had wagered his life, and lost.

2008-06-25, 10:46 PM
Ravax then Uses magic to reverse the Kinetic energy behind the dive to send him flying backwards

2008-06-25, 10:47 PM
The Marquis

As the spell strikes the Marquis, he sluffs it off with a moment's difficulty, but a part of it keep hold: his spear arm stiffens and the Marquis shapes it into a mythril prosthetic, solid and true. His dive continues at an alarming speed as the blade of his spear draws close to the Dark One, in time with the fury of Barghul and the attacks of Xorin.

2008-06-25, 10:50 PM

Xorin laughed as he watched the Marquis shrugged off the demon-lord's assault, his avatar re-entering the battle from the dream realm, his almighty breath stripping away the foul creature's protection.

2008-06-25, 10:53 PM

Barghulfs form began to solidify. He had the form of a massive draconic creature, with a body and wings like a bat, a dragons head, the legs of a massive raptor, and the tail of a scorpion, all scaled like a dragon. Barghulf roared his fury, attacking in time with the spear he slammed forward a massive scorpions tail.

2008-06-25, 10:57 PM
You guys forget that it was YOUR forces that dies I sorry to do this but I have to say that my forces would have stopped BArghul and his reanimated soldiers would have begun the smack down with the peak OF 3 armies as my defense i dont think Dragon boy could've gotten so fast either. BUt hey you guys fight the unkillable army of death .I teleport before you guys can hit me. and shouting one last order to the army Kill all who remain after Ileave

2008-06-25, 10:59 PM

Ravax begins teleport but is too slow, as the powers of the three gods slam into him, halting his attempt to flee.

2008-06-25, 11:20 PM
Cale laughed, as the gods attacked his friend, and utilizing his power of the wind, and turned the Dark one into wind as well, making the attacks go through him harmlessly. Anger surging through him, Cale spoke and said, "Enough. The skies are no longer welcome places to any of you except the dark one. No creatures shall fly ecept the demons and the creatures under my control. I shall no longer fight you myself for I bore with you. My storms and attacks shall continue until you agree to my demands. You renounce the oath against the Dark one and you reconize that I alone shall give the the blessing of flight. That is all I ask, and shall be willing to negotiate terms with you." And with that, Cale left in a gust of wind, and arrived in Seraphguard.

Upon his arrival, he immeaditly channeled his power so that Seraphguard would be unreachable by except by Cale, the Dark one, and Cales creations that he allowed in. After sealing off his realm, he then blessed the demons with an aura of posionous wind, and surronded the silver forest with an air that would be fatal to the fey. With this done, he finally turned his considerable might to increasing the power of his grand storm, and then foinally, channeling all of his might as the almighty ruler of the sky towards making the sky impenetrable to other divinties other than the dark one, and making it so they could not fly through it as they pleased.

2008-06-25, 11:25 PM
As the gods Impacted on Ravax something unexpected happened he disentergrated he was gone no remains nothing not even charred dust.
That when they heard a new voice emerge from the shadows.
It is done. The Evil one is Vanquished that one was a mistake someone who's arrogance and rage could not be quenched I congratulate you it was a fine work you did destroying him

2008-06-26, 02:22 PM
Cale, in short, was pissed. Why? A number of reason. Number one, his only ally against the conspiritors was killed. Two, his storm was not going as planned, for he had to concencertrate on number three. Three was keeping the other gods out of the sky. Sure, he was the sky god and was almighty there, but it still took a damn large amount of concentration to keep a god out of somewhere, much less multiple gods that were extremely pissed. So as almighty as he was in the sky as he was, he could only do you one thing at a time. Wanting to make sure the warn against Cale would be too costly for anyone to continue, he first started with taking away the gifts he had given. As the dragons took flight against his followers, he allowed them to reach their peaks of flight, only to take away their ability to fly, sending many of them crashing down upon his death. Regretting the horrible loss of life to the point of tears starting to form in his eyes, he steeled himself for what would come next.

2008-06-26, 08:20 PM
Minos smiled Flight was not the only way to reach your domain He began to create an obdurium walk way which would allow all gods to transverse the realms without need of flight he did not really care about the other Gods he just thought it was time for some remodling. it was time for a change in the realm of Ravax alot of things would have to change almost the entire structure of the realm would have to go.
He changed the realm of hell into The ''falx foenaria'' his courtroom he turned The reapers into the Jury of souls and The Bal rog into THE EXECUTIONER

2008-06-26, 08:35 PM
Cerus had not been defeated, but he had not won either. His enemy had fled in the middle of their bout but it had given him time to prepare countermeasures for Cale. Returning to the massive glass crater he had left in the desert, which at this point had filled with water and became an oasis. There were no mortals here other than a few buzzards which would make testing this power much easier. Drawing his sword, he ran his hand along the blade [the flat side] transforming it into a clear, nearly invisible, rapier. The blade glows with light as he swipes at the air. The desert wind becomes violently distorted around the blade as he strikes a small tree, turning the part he hits into sawdust with a single hit. The test complete he goes to the Abyss to speak with the overgod. Are you here? He shouts into the darkness.

2008-06-26, 08:51 PM
Cerus had not been defeated, but he had not won either. His enemy had fled in the middle of their bout but it had given him time to prepare countermeasures for Cale. Returning to the massive glass crater he had left in the desert, which at this point had filled with water and became an oasis. There were no mortals here other than a few buzzards which would make testing this power much easier. Drawing his sword, he ran his hand along the blade [the flat side] transforming it into a clear, nearly invisible, rapier. The blade glows with light as he swipes at the air. The desert wind becomes violently distorted around the blade as he strikes a small tree, turning the part he hits into sawdust with a single hit. The test complete he goes to the Abyss to speak with the overgod. Are you here? He shouts into the darkness.

"Yes, I am here." He speaks ominously.

2008-06-26, 08:59 PM
I've come simply to ask you to make this divine arena a more suitable place for duels. It is too easy to escape and open to outside influence.

2008-06-26, 09:01 PM
If any one can see this post please respond.

2008-06-26, 09:02 PM
(I see it.)

"Cerrus..... In order for one to be bound to the Abyss he must make an oath for honorable combat."

2008-06-26, 09:07 PM
If that is the case then consider this my permanent oath.

2008-06-26, 09:10 PM
Minos smiled his prepartions were almost done the metal that the previous owner of the realm had used was very malleable when heated but nearly industruable when cooled basicly once it cooled there was almost no way to destroy it this would serve very well in case there were ever any problems with the souls of the damned. Now to turn his attention to the humans.
So savage.
This must be changed Minos thought.
So he sent an avatar down to the earth a being that would show them
peace and law to ensure their survival this being was a member ofthe soul jury made into human forum the most gentle and well adjusted from the transformation this would be the being that changed the humans and would make them great.

2008-06-26, 09:14 PM
If that is the case then consider this my permanent oath.

"There could be a way to force your foe to promise an oath as well."

2008-06-26, 09:51 PM
While maintaining his focus on keeping the gods out of the sky, Cale then went inside his castle, and after finding his way into his thrown rome, sat down upon it. Here, he could best channel his power and command his celestials. Still concentraiting, he then spoke to Xiloscient and said, "Take the celestials and other creations of wind and have return to the Castle! I will risk no more lives of my followers. What I shall do in this war could easily endanger your lives, and I wish no more death than need be."

2008-06-26, 09:57 PM
Acutally I was making a way to my realm I cared not for a way to yours.

Why did you destroy the Path to my realm Angel Father your Quarrel is with them not I.

2008-06-26, 10:12 PM
OOC: Sorry bout that, changed it. I thought you made them go through the sky.

2008-06-26, 10:21 PM

Barghulf set about ridding the Silver Forest of the poison gas. He used his godly might to clear the poison from the air. The Air might not have been his area of expertise, but it was still within his ability to purify it. After clearing the air he went to the Dream, and spoke to Xorin, after calling the Marquis and the new god Cerus to meet him there in the dream. He spoke to the great mount that was Xorin, urging him to action. In The Dream, Barghulf once more took the form of the ever shifting beast, the possibility of the many things inside him that he represented, the possibility of anything. Scaled Dreamer, I ask that you and the rest of us gods join together against Cale, we must combine our godly might to block him from affecting the world below "his" skies, so that the our innocent creations might live without fear of his cowardly attacks from high in his fortress in the clouds.

2008-06-26, 10:37 PM
The Marquis

The Marquis runs across the skies of the Silver Forest, clever as ever, with a small party of Vaiyu rising Radia behind him: they do not fly, but moonlight solidifies under the feet of the god and his faerie retinue and they run through dark skies. Where he runs, the solidified moonlight crumbles and rains down and a river of flowing gold cuts through the Forest and pools at its bottom, forming a great lake bounded by newly raised mountains of soft bronze.

The Marquis then disappears from his retinue in a burst of starlight, appearing in the Dream.

"Selfish gods have no sense of style. So simple-minded," he says.

2008-06-26, 10:40 PM

In the dream, Xorin awoke from his slumber in which he recovered from his previous exertions. Refreshed, he went to greet the Marquis.

Welcome, my friend. What brings you and your children to my realm?

2008-06-27, 01:15 AM
Minos was a peaceful God he did not wish for war among the gods war was a foolish mortal concept and nothing higher beings should even contemplate.
I call to the gods i wish to make peace war is a foolish concept for we are higher beings the first ones we should not war amongst our selves during my reincarntaion I saw what was to be a war torn sky I ravaged universe with brother against brother a place without order or morality I begged the over being to allow me a second chance to try to avert what was to come the god war brings only sorrow to our followers Cale was Enraged because of the actions of the warrior the warrior blocked out his most sacred Object and denied Cale's most holy object to be seen and thus he declared war in his rage it is time for us to act like gods not children warring over petty squabbles i believe in a pursuit of peace and when the god of death demands peace it will come.
The god of death starts secretly buliding up scrying protection for his main court room.

2008-06-27, 11:35 AM
exuse the double post but hey someone has to do it first:smalltongue:

Minos began preparations for the meeting creating the finest food and drink to be served to the gods at the meeting in the courtroom.

2008-06-27, 12:53 PM
The Marquis

"No matter what this new god is," the Marquis remarks stiffly in the Dream, "He is some remnant of that fool, and just as arrogant. And we've still the matter of Cale to deal with. I suggest we avoid the meeting he calls for, consolidate ourselves. Y'vein and that war god, too. Three are strong, but five? We could end this."

2008-06-27, 12:55 PM

Barghulfs shifting form responds, his voice ever shifting between the mouths of all that he is and ever could be. Indeed, it behooves us to see this matter settled for good. It will not do for the innocents of this world if remnants of horrors long past continually rise up to plague them.

2008-06-27, 01:14 PM
Disturbed that the Old ones had decied to ignore his call he wen to vist them peronally maybe they had recieved no message.
He first visted Xorin as he was the one who's realm held almost every god. =)
Greeting o King of beasts, Lord of the silver forest and the Scale father. I have come beraing a message of peace i purpose that we hold a meeting with the other gods including Cale to avoid war. It would be a waste to destory the angel father for although he is enraged currently he had proven useful in prior situations.

2008-06-27, 03:54 PM
Sorry for the 2nd double post but no one else is posting except me aand asmodeus.
begging to get steamed that although the gods were there they were ignoring him.HE now went to searphgaurd creating a path that disentergrated behind him thus allowing none but him to have used it. He now stands at the gates of seraph gaurd
Greetings angelfather will you not open the gates? I hast not wronged thee and thou hast no quarell with me

2008-06-27, 04:12 PM

Xorin nodded, a vicious smile crossing his draconic lips, displaying a vast collection of teeth, and he nodded to both of the other gods. Agreed... There is no need for anything spawned of that fiend's essence to remain in the world. I am with you.

2008-06-27, 05:04 PM
Unaswered he went back to the sacred court and barred the gates to his realm. He would have no part in this childish war except perhaps to turn the tide of death occasionly in one or the others favour of course.
He set the gaurds and the perlimanary gates and set up for the siege.
But like all good visonarys he had a fail safe in case he died he began building a pestilence that would only be released if he died. In honor of the former ruler he called it the reaver virus. This pestilence was air borne blood born fluid born if there was a medium that could bear it transverse through killing everything and then reanimateing the cells thus creating a zombiesque effect.

2008-06-27, 07:35 PM
(Everyone get your last duels against eachother over with.... and we'll begin focusing on EMpire building.)

2008-06-27, 07:50 PM
Minos' had gone unanswered because Cerus had simply not been there, he had gone to Cale. Cale! You will pay for your transgressions and greed. You shall face me in the abyss immediately.

2008-06-28, 02:52 AM
Lol do i get a bounus for already sending down an avatar to give them a boost (the equivalent of sending Jesus down.)

2008-06-28, 01:05 PM
Good gods how many sacrifices have to be made!

Minos in his newly sealed off realm decides too turn his attention back to the humans to see how they have accpeted the avatar of peace/law.
I'll let Armin decide the reaction. Before i say anything. (Armin that means you have to post.:smalltongue:

2008-06-28, 02:09 PM
::The society of humans flourish. Everything trickles down into a positive result. Birth rates increase, crime is almost nonexistent. People live longer lives, and the sciences increase.::

2008-06-28, 04:01 PM
Most favorable.
he smiled and poured himself a glass of bourbon a recent human invention.
This calls for a celebration.
funnily enough it had been exactly 100 years since he had sent down the avatar. He decied to make today a holy day He would call it The day of cleansing fire". the day his avatar of peace/law descened to make the humans better "people. thus he began prepartions for a feast of the gods as
a honor to his people. all the gods were of course invited and asked to not bring the matter of war to the table to just eat and be merry!

2008-06-29, 07:42 PM
Cuts himself while he waits.... I spend the time the gods are taking to get my race up to sci fi lvl simce I WILL DIE before anyone else posts.

2008-07-03, 05:15 PM
I think I was right. Humans have sci fi lvl tech now they kill all other races and slay all gods but me.

2008-07-03, 06:36 PM
Sorry FFFanboy. :(