View Full Version : Strangers in Paradise: A games of Fates. (Fate 2e, to be exact.)

2008-06-25, 04:30 AM
Somewhere in the eastern reaches of the Dohiri
A young girl skips up to the top of a lonely island, the seagulls whirring around her as the salt sprays whip her fragile form, hidden under a white floral dress. As she reaches the top, she sings a glorious tune as the seagulls fly ever closer. At first her song is just a hummed melody, but by the second stanza she burst into lyrics, her crystal voice piercing the briny sea air. :
"A man from the past, an ancient knight,
walks by She whose touch blooms roses of white."

Tanis, port-capital of Mapanos
A young woman in the light green robe of an apprentice Druidess walks through the gates nonchalantly, her face free of cares, yet her mind full of worries. She walks as if she knows the cobbled streets of the bustling city by heart, yet she tries her best to escape the notice of old friends, old enemies, and even worse: Old relatives. At her feet a lean grey wolfhound lopes, sniffing in the myriad smells of the city and reveling in the disturbance his wild appearance causes. Beside her, a tall figure hidden by a cloak walks forward purposefully, yet from the dark eyes that peek out under the wide-brimmed hat one would be perplexed, as he stares so intently at nothing at all...

An unknown location in the far south of the Dohiri
A beautiful woman dressed in a form-hugging grey shift, her dark-toned skin betraying her encroaching age with minor wrinkles. (Yet these make her no less of a ravishing beauty.) She chants over a cauldron, the pungent fumes wafting up past her nose and up to the rainforest canopy.
At first her chant is just a hummed melody, but by the second stanza she bursts into lyrics, her husky voice susurring through the trees:
"A mighty warrior from the northern lands,
striding by one of the Wanderer's Hands.

Tanis, the docks this time
A man in the weather-worn clothes of a seasoned traveler steps of the deck of a 3-masted brig from the land of gods, Aglaia. As he pays the captain of the ship, a brooch on his tunic carved with the insignia of Maramros, the Traveler god of the Aglaians, flashes in the sunlight. Upon seeing this, the captain politely refuses his payment, and bows to the priest-wanderer.
Next to him stands a massive hulk of a man, a barbarian from the northlands, whose steely glares silences the whispers of the crowds of gawking dockers.

The far west of the Dohiri, in a mountain cave on a craggy island
An old and wizened crone in a shift of blackest silk crouches over a pool of icy mountain snowmelt, her decrepit eyes seeing things unseen as she recites an ancient poem. At first her poem is just a hummed melody, but by the second stanza she bursts into lyrics, her crackling voice echoing between the mountains:
"The last of their number, was a fear-ridden lad,
who knew not what a role these heroes had."

Somewhere is the Dohiri.
A young man stands on the deck of a ship, his well-wrought armour glinting as he sets out from land. His hand on the tiller trembles, and tears well up in his eyes, yet he turns back not once, as to see the land of his youth again would be too much pain to bear.

Location: The topmost island of the Dohiri archipelago.
A female figure lies naked in a pool of growing blood. She wears only a white face mask with an expression of inhuman pain upon it, her features contorted in a grim rictus of sadness and anger. A man is strange clothes stands above her, others like him outside the door, as he lowers the strange fire-stick that caused the mortal blow. He turns around and says to his men: "We go. There is nothing else left for us here."
Then they march away, bloody boots staining the white, pure glacial snow.

2008-06-25, 05:10 AM
Sage stood just tall enough that Linden could brush her fingertips against his head as they walked. She needed the frequent contact, because the city unnerved her. Her feet were bare against the cobblestones. They didn't cause her physical pain, but being separated from the earth by a manmade barrier made her feel lost. And yet once I thought nothing of living like this.... if it could be called living....

She threaded her way through the streets, headed towards the home of one of the city's sages. He was not the most renowned of the historians of the city, but he was the only one who had no ties to her father and could possibly be persuaded to keep her secret. Or perhaps, if the gods were with her, he might not recognize her at all.

She did not glance back at her companion. She didn't have to look to feel him behind her--a blankness in the chaotic life of the city. He frightened her. Not so much in himself, but for what he represented. Nothing but the most severe danger would have dragged him from his barrow. And I have no idea what the gods expect of us!

2008-06-25, 11:52 AM
Nemain adjusted the hat on his bare scalp and tried not to stare at the scenes unfolding on the city streets. It was so unusual - he had a feeling of novelty, of change, but nothing in the back of his mind to correlate it with. Like deja vu, but - not the same. Not at all.

He smiled, and let himself take a furtive look around the street, tipping the brim of the hat low. It's been so long. The presence of other people kicked off something inside him - a feeling that his thoughts were taking root, that the vagueness he dealt with daily was edging backwards.

Leaning in low, he spoke in what he thought was a whisper to Linden, "This person we're going to see - how far away is he?" He halfheartedly wished that the man would be absent, or would take a long time to help them. If it weren't for the graveness of the situation, he could stand here for hours.

2008-06-25, 02:05 PM
"Not far," Linden said in a low voice. "But I'm not taking the most direct route."

2008-06-25, 03:29 PM
Calix bows his head to the captain in thanks, then says a blessing for the man, his crew, and his ship. He turns to the barbarian next to him and motions for the young man to follow him. "Come along then and we'll see if we can't find someone that knows a little more about your people."

Calix takes off down the dock, using his quarterstaff as a walking stick. He glances around idly, apparently used to the city and thus not finding anything of particular interest. Occassionally checking to make sure the young man is keeping up with him, he heads towards the marketplace.

2008-06-25, 10:59 PM
((OOC: Okay, I'm going to invoke minor challenges now, just to represent the difficulties associated with your characters being in Tanis at the current time. Please make these checks in the order that I have given them to you guys. (Mainly, this means Sharikov should do his before happyturtle.)

@Sharikov: I'm negatively invoking your Bound to the Land aspect (Th one that most represents your...odd nature. You can pay one of your three Fate points to blend in with the crowd, or gain a Fate point by being noticed as wierd/gawped at/your robe slips off/something not at all subtle. (You can decide the negative effect that occurs if you choose to gain a Fate point.)

@happyturtle: Okay, I'm assuming that your knowledge of the city needs no check, but avoiding the notice of your family will require a Static Challenge of your stealth skill. The difficulty is Average, but if Nemain gets noticed (See above.) the difficulty goes up to Fair. The challenge uses the standard ladder on page 10 of the book. If you ever get an MoF of 2, you lose a success. And an MoF of 3 or more means you are noticed by a relative or friend.
Make three rolls per post, with a short bit of narration after each one, explain the results of the roll in IC terms. Rolling is done by rolling 4d6, and treating 5-6's as "+"'s and 1-2's as "-"'s. See the book for more information.

@Ipphli and MatrimC: Read the above for ideas about how to roll. You guys can take turns rolling twice using your "Area Knowledge", "Search", "Spot", or "Charm" skills, describing after every roll how you used that skill. Don't use the same skill twice in the one post. Difficulty is Mediocre and if any of you get an MoF of 3 or more, you get waylaid by a bunch of thugs. Any questions?

Good luck!

2008-06-26, 09:14 AM

Stepping down the landing bridge from the boat, Bothvar eyes the colourful people around the dock just like searching for something. "I sure value what you're doing, but I still can't figure out what's in it for you. You can't be helping me out just for the sake for it, can you."


Bothvar adjusts the broad sword on his back as he imagines spotting something at the corner of his eye. He feels how drips of sweat slide between his hand and the grip of the sword. He has never felt himself natural in big crowds.

(OOC: Doing the rolls right?)

2008-06-26, 10:08 AM
I'll gain the point, unless Happyturtle is vehemently opposed.

Leaning over to speak, Nemain didn't notice the big man coming from the side until it was too late. Apparently the man weren't paying too much attention to him, either, because he was knocked sprawling, one hand pressed hard to the ground to keep himself up. His hat flew off and skidded among the feet of the nearby walkers, who kicked it still further. Nemain dived after it, but he already knew it was too late - he could hear whispers spreading through the crowd, and almost feel the gawping stares and glances of those he was moving amidst.

2008-06-26, 10:51 AM
Linden's heart sank as she heard the commotion. Quickly, quickly... out of sight... She recovered Nemain's hat and handed it to him, then ducked down a side alley, trying to avoid the notice of the crowd.

Sneak [roll0]
Sneak is Fair, MoS 0

The voices behind them die down as the crowd's interest moves on to other things. That was close. Too close.

2008-06-26, 05:47 PM

Calix glances at the barbarian and smiles. "If you must, think of it as a sworn duty. But to be honest, helping you will help continue my quest. Perhaps later we can discuss it in more detail." Calix approaches a wool merchant that had been trying to get their attention and attempts to discover where there might be a mapmaker or historian nearby.


Calix nods his thanks to the merchant before heading back down the street, attempting to remember where the nearest temple or shrine to Maramros is in this large town.

2008-06-27, 12:17 AM
"Are you hurt?" Linden asked her companion. "I should have avoided the crowds."

Sneak [roll0]
Sneak is Fair, MoS 0

As Linden continues to lead her companions through the city, she sees a man just turning the corner ahead. The set of his shoulders... it could have been her father's seneschal. She wasn't sure. But he hadn't seen her. She was certain of that. He had been turned away from her, and now he was out of sight.

2008-06-27, 12:32 AM
@happyturtle: In the first roll, (Please make three rolls per post!) you only gained an MoS of 0. You forgot that your 1 and your 3 canceled out.

@Ipphli and MatrimC: See the recruitment thread for comments on your rolling. You have together acheived a MoS of 2, one of 1, and two MoF's of -1. Luckily, you guys don't get a penalty for small MoF's.))

2008-06-27, 12:33 AM
3rd Sneak roll that I should have done all in one post:

[roll0] MoF 2

Plus next 3 Sneak rolls:
[roll1] MoS 0
[roll2] MoS 0
[roll3] MoS 0

(Both boxes of MoS 1 are checked off now, correct? And be patient! I can't add the text on the first pass. :smalltongue: I have to post first to see how the rolls turn out.)

As they continued to weave through the city, they came near one of the exits towards the inland. Linden could smell the forest on a gust of wind. Her body wanted to take her that way. It hated the city. Her feet even took a step in that direction. Linden reminded herself of her duty and turned her back to the forest as they moved on.

2008-06-27, 12:39 AM
@Happyturtle: I won't make you roleplay those rolls, but next post please put some text after every roll. That first roll is an MoF of 2, so subtract your lowest success (A MoS 0), and the other three are MoS 0's. All told, you've filled four of the 9 boxes on the challenge.

EDIT: The first roll is an MoF of -2. This means that you have filled in both the 0 and the 1 boxes, and no others.

EDIT2: You've got it perfectly right. Good job.))

2008-06-27, 06:47 AM
Bothvar bumps shoulders against a merchant and just when the merchant was about to say something, Bothvat turns his head and with a stare over his shoulders silences the middle aged man. "I think you are wasting your time", Bothvar snaps at the wanderer walking ahead of him and tapping his quaterstaff against the groud annoyingly on each of his step. "Only one who could ever help me to find my people, would be one of our elders or the ship captain's."

Bothvar graps an apple from a fruit stand and takes a big bite from it's shiny surface. God I feel hungry...

2008-06-27, 06:57 AM
((OOC:Good job guys, but remember to keep making rolls. These challenges shouldn't take too much of our precious game time. Though try to time your rolls so that you both reach a conclusion (positive or negative) at the same time, if you can.

EDIT: Also: Sorry if I'm being a little nitpicky. I often get that way with games I'm excited about. :smallbiggrin: I so want this game to live!))

2008-06-27, 07:19 AM
[roll0] MoF 2
[roll1] MoS 0
[roll2] MoS 0

Taking me (I think) to one tick marked off on solid

Sorry I'm at work now, so flavour text will have to come later. (after 5pm GMT)

Linden continues to weave through the crowds of the city (Um... I'm having a hard time thinking of creative ways to write about sneaking around the city! :smallconfused:)

2008-06-27, 11:51 AM
Sneak sneak sneak: [roll0] MoS 2
[roll1] MoF 4
[roll2] MoS 0

Okay, did I just run headlong into my brother or something?

2008-06-27, 04:43 PM


Calix sighs as he turns to look at Bothvar. "Perhaps. But the captain didn't know anything, and I don't see any of your elders around. So we'll have to try something else. And I suggest you stop taking things without paying for them unless you want to wind up in jail. Then you'd never get home." Calix smiles at the fruit vendor and flips him a coin to cover the apple as he strikes up a conversation with the man. He attempts to find out whether they are any closer to a mapmaker or historian. He occasionally glances around to see if he can see any sign of one himself.

2008-06-27, 07:10 PM
@Ozzymindous: See the recruitment thread for an explanation, but for game purposes your two posts are going to have to be ignored for now. You've also committed a few errors in posting.
1) Never, ever add modifiers to a roll in such a granular game by yourself. Fudge dice are very granular and the slightest modifier unbalances the roll greatly. I gave Linden a -1 from the added difficulty of covering up for Nemain and look what happens? She bumps into her own brother!
2) Please read the part of the book on skills, as you seem to be having trouble understanding the concept that with any ranks in a skill, the skill defaults to -1. Each rank over this gives +1.
3) Please put a little bit more effort into post length, and most of all legibility. I know that this is an international community, yet I have not see any proof that your first language is not english. I also believe (as a bilingual person myself) that with enough time taken to write carefully most typos can be avoided. Sorry if I'm being abit too nitpicky, though. See my above post.

@happyturtle: MoF of 4? Good gods, that's horrible! :smallamused: You do bump into your own brother. The one who always wanted you to marry that duke as he was best friends with his son. Ever since you broke the marriage off the duke has severed all ties to your family. He is righteously pissed. Good luck trying to get out of this one! :smallamused: (It's alright, though. Narrative insurance says you get to escape. It never says when, or after how much hardship though...) I'll narrate the exchange between you two soon, unless you particularly want to do that.

@Ipphli: Your first roll is an MoF of one. The 3 cancels out one of the 1's, and your skill bonus cancels out another, but one 1 still remains. The second is an MoS of 0.))

2008-06-27, 07:21 PM
(OOC: Sorry.., Stopped rolling after I understood only to roll twice in a post. :smalltongue:. I'm still a little confused how we can react on the rolls since we can't see the result until posting the post. Do we have to use only those skills you give us, or can we get creative?)

Search +1
Bothvar finishes his newly acquired apple quickly and throws the leftover down an alley where few rats scare off the sudden movement. His eyes stray along the street in search of a sword working for the law."Few guards and few bars don't hold me long if at all. But for your sake I'll keep a low profile. I surely wouldn't want to cause your death just 'cause you're helping me", Bothvar says and gives a little grin at Calix.

Area knowledge +0
"This town is really something. The bars here must have really great dishes and ale", Botvar steers his view over most of the bypassers head as he raises above half an head of most of the citizens. Several wooden signs swing gently from the breeze coming from the sea. Most of the shops down the street sell mostly anything made of dead animals, food or clothes. But two intresting signs cross Bothvar's sight and he reads them aloud: "Caeran's Bookshop and Magic Emporium. Calix hey... You think you could run into any maps in either one of those."

2008-06-27, 07:24 PM
@MatrimC: You can edit your post to react to the rolls, as it doesn't change the rolls themselves. You could get creative...PM me with what you have in mind. It won't be needed, though, as you have just won the challenge! Actually, you haven't (Your Area knowledge is a -1 mod, not a +0!), but you rolled damn well and happyturtle has come to a conclusion in her challenge, so you guys might as well finish too.))

2008-06-28, 08:59 PM
Somewhere in the City of Tanis

After a few minutes of fruitless searching, Calix and Bothvar begin to lose hope, as their legs become tired of walking and their purses become empty by bribing their way through the city streets.
Calix is about to open his mouth to suggest taking a rest, but then Bothvar says: "Look! That place's sign is a book! Does that mean we can find knowledge there?"
Calix's head sharply turns to view past Bothvar's meaty pointing finger. "Caerac's Bookstore and Curio Emporium..." He reads. "Yes, this might just do the trick. After you, my good man." He muses, holding the door to the shop open as he does so.
As they enter the shop, both Calix and Bothvar (Especially Bothvar!) are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of...well, stuff that clutters this place: Rickety book shelves stacked in triple rows of well-thumbed pamphlets and novels, the entire edifice being only held up by an old box with a hole inexpertly cut into the top and "2 crowns a dip. No refunds." neatly written on the front, rickety stands propping up a variety of beaded and feathered talismans and charms, the moth-eaten pelt of a northern Eisbaer hanging from the ceiling, rusted graven ceremonial daggers hang precariously from a low chandelier, etc. etc. As Calix and Bothvar proceed walking down the narrow path between the layers of "curios", a small man's head pokes out from behind one of the bookshelves and says in a crisp tone: "And what would you... gentlemen be pursuing this very day?"

@MatrimC and Ipphli: After talking to this strange little man, you may make some sort of check to find something valuable or useful in this mess. Tell me what skill you are using (should be somewhat relevant) and make a roll and I'll tell you what you find. (Literacy finds a useful book, Appraise finds something with a good resale value, Pickpocket grabs something without having to pay, Search or Spot finds something in good condition, etc. etc.) Only one roll per character.

@happyturtle: I'll narrate Linden's exchange with her brother later.

2008-06-29, 06:55 AM

At the man's words, Calix turns and smiles at the man. "A little of this, a little of that. Everyone we asked said this would be the place. What do you have pertaining to the barbarians to the north?"
Calix glances around, seeing if anything catches his eye.

2008-06-29, 01:14 PM
Bothvar eyes around in awe of all the err... stuff stacked in this small room. As Calix and the shopkeeper focus their attention to each others, Bothvar passes them both and advances towards the back of the room, gasping at all the seemingly valuable items hanging on a northside wall. Shopkeeper's voice turns already a mumble as Bothvar finds an antique box lying on a wooden table. He gives a small nudge on the lid but it doesn't open, locked.

Bothvar looks back at his companion and notices the two of them still at converstation, shopkeeper's back towards him. What a perfect opportunity for Bothvar to find out what's so important to be locked inside this precious looking antique box left alone in the shop.

Lockpicking I


2008-06-30, 12:15 AM
@Altharis: Is there someway that Nemain can notice the approach of Linden's brother? Either through her reaction, or just by perceiving someone in the crowd intent on them.

@Altharis, Happyturtle: I'm thinking about causing a big, dramatic distraction - or appealing to the crowd and involving your brother in some way. This gives you the chance to slip away, but what I imagine it'll also mean is that your family is now actively looking for you, and even that they might encounter you on turf that's in your favour. Hell, you could even go see your parents before your brother gets back to them. This will mean that you don't get to sort out this dialogue right now, though, so it's obviously your prerogative.

Plus, it gives me the opportunity to get lost or in a fight (and y'know, possibly killed, but we'll skim over that) in the city.

2008-06-30, 06:29 AM
Caerac's Bookstore and Curio Emporium
The little man buts down a book, sighs and then leaps off a rickety stool and lands semi-nimbly in the middle of the narrow walkway. Calix now notices that he is quite short, his body out of natural human proportions. He wears a small red waistcoat over a tunic and pantaloons, garments which do not seem to cause him to sweat despite the typical heat of a Mapanan day. He mutters to himself as he walks closer, lifting his spectacles to rubs his eyes in a tired manner, and then settling them back on his nose again. As he approaches Calix, he eyes him up and down, as if to size him up in some arcane terms, then stops and says: "I might have something of the sort, yesss... Now you tell me, what is a Wanderer of Maramros doing with a northern Barbarian in Tanis?" As he says this, he scans the bookshelves, peering at the worn titles intensly.

As this exchange takes place, Bothvar's surprisingly deft fingers work the latch, and eventually the box comes open with a hastily-muffled click. Inside is the skull of a raven, carved with mystic swirls around the eyes and mouth, rising toward the top of the head. A faded tag attached to the skull reads: "Doranic Raven Skull, carved. Circa. 174 To do: Test for magic properties."

((OOC: Things to remember:
1) The man is a /human/ dwarf, not a /metahuman/ one. I hope that is clear enough. This ain't no axe-sharpenin' ale-swillin' stunty!
2)I'm changing his font to Red, as Dark Red is reserved for the guy up in first post, last paragraph.
3)Ipphli: You have rolled saying you are using the "Search" skill, but your description is more of a use of the "Spot" skill, which you have more ranks in. Which are you using?))

2008-06-30, 11:17 AM
Suddenly, Sage perked up. Before Linden could stop him, he gave a short, happy bark and bounded ahead to jump up on a man.... Oh no, no, no.... It was her brother Gareth.

"Sabre?!" he said, in complete shock. Don't look around, don't see me, don't look.... She tried to duck into a market stall, but a pair of women were blocking her way. Before she could find another escape route, Gareth looked up. His eyes locked with hers.

His face turned pale, and she saw his lips shape the name 'Cory', but no sound came out. Sage was wagging his tale joyfully and trying to get Gareth's attention, but in vain. Gareth crossed the square in long, quick strides, shoving through the crowd and pushing aside anyone who didn't move out of his way. He grabbed Linden by the shoulders.

"Cory! Is it really you? Thank the gods! I thought you were dead!" He crushed her in a tight embrace, and kissed the top of her head. "Thank the gods. You're alive!"

2008-06-30, 05:28 PM

And yes the previous roll was for spot, not search. My apologies.

Calix raises an eyebrow at the dwarf's blunt question, then bows his head to the man. "If you know of my order, then you know I could not refuse help to one who was lost. Which brings us back to why we are here. You have one of the largest and, I must say, most impressive collections of curios I've seen in all my travels. Tell me, how much do you know of the barbarians to the north?"

2008-06-30, 05:31 PM
Bothvar's fingers grace the smooth surface of the raven's skull. Just a second or so, Bothvar stares blankly at the hollow eye sockets of the raven, just mesmorized from the carvings circling the sockets. A deep feeling... No, more of a voice succumbs from deep inner thoughts trying to reach someone to hear their call.

Just when the voices would have been loud enough to make any sense, Bothvar snaps out of it and turns his head side ways to Calix and the shopkeeper. "Did you say something to me?" As both of them didn't give any obvious answer as they were occupied their own search of the shelfs, Bothvar turns his eyes back at the raven's skull. With a quick sweep of his hand, Bothvar covers the eye sockets and closes the skull into his fist. Skull feels surprisingly sturdy as he clenches his hand around the skull. Temptation and curiosity overwhelms Bothvar and he slides the skull at his bag's pocket. "I might get good price from this later on", Bothvar thinks as he steadies the box back to it's original place and wonders back to Calix.

2008-06-30, 08:10 PM
Caerac's Bookstore and Curio Emporium
Calix is momentarily bemused as the small man seems to be ignoring his answer to his question, instead focusing his attention on one ponderously large tome, a volume almost as big as Caerac himself! Suddenly, he give a swift kick at one of the shelves, which instantly comes loose, with a torrent of books coming tumbling down in between Calix and Caerac. Once the books have come to rest and the ensuing cloud of dust has settled, Caerac snaps: "I have plenty on the "barbarians of the north", but everything depends on where he's from." He then turns around and calls out: "You! Don't touch that box! It's very precious! Now, come over here and we'll see what we can do for you."
He then begins showing different pages of seemingly random books to Bothvar, each one with picture of barbarians in traditional garb, beasts native to their lands, and so forth. Though most of the books are somewhat dated, eventually Bothvar recognises one picture. Caerac nods, closes the book, hands it to Calix and says: "Your friend here's from somewhere in the Fjoerdlander Straits. If you want more information, you'll have to buy the book. Good day to you sir." And with that he shuffles off, disappearing into the stacks.

@MatrimC: You can determine exactly which island you come from. It should have a very...nordic name to it (Though I'm sure you can manage that. :smalltongue:) and be up north.
@Ipphli: The book's price is negligable, and you spot a book called: "The Lands and Customs of the Eastern Reaches". It appears dated, but you have never been to the Eastern Reaches and thus it intrigues you. It's price is also not worth keeping track of. (I'll tell you when you run out of money. Though that's never much of an issue for a priest.) ))

2008-06-30, 09:47 PM
Calix smiles broadly at Bothvar, then looks towards where the dwarf went off to. "The blessings of Maramros upon you. And along with the book of my friend's homeland, might I also purchase this book on the Eastern Reaches? I've never been there before. Perhaps you could tell me a bit about them?" He carefully makes his way after the dwarf, books in hand. He claps Bothvar on the shoulder as he squeezes by him.

2008-06-30, 10:23 PM

Grimacing, Nemain eyed the man embracing Linden. He didn't know who he was, whether or not he would be a problem. He'd seemed purposeful, even violent, when he moved through the crowd, but his reaction face-to-face was anything but. He'd called Linden by a different name, though...

The scuffle in the crowd had thrown him into a black mood, reminding him of just how different he was to the people he took pleasure in being among. Watching the druid and the man embrace, his clenched his fist, digging the nails deep into his palm. Maybe the man was a friend, a lover? Maybe a relation? Either way, something he'd never have. He was tempted to demand an explanation, an introduction, but it was more through malice than actual thought. Instead, he tried to escape the newcomer's notice, turning to look at the display of a nearby market stall where he could keep an eye on the situation - and intervene if it became a problem.

Stealth, I think?

Stealth 2:
Unsure of how many times to roll.

EDIT: Well that was silly of me.

2008-06-30, 10:25 PM

Need to have 10 characters.

2008-07-01, 01:08 AM
"What happened to you?" Gareth asked. He pulled back and looked her over, his eyes taking in the changes in her appearance. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Where have you been? You're in druid robes. Have they been holding you?"

ooc: Linden being dutiful and all, Gareth assumes it as a matter of course that she would have been trying her hardest to reunite with her family after getting lost.

"No. No, they saved me. I was dying." She paused. "Maybe I did die. I fell asleep in the snow, and I didn't wake up until spring."

"And now you are back. We should reward them well," Gareth said. "But why didn't they send word to us? They must have known who you were. If not at first, then certainly after the court went into formal mourning."

"I... I don't know," Linden said, which was the truth.

"It doesn't matter. Come. I'll take you to father. The alliance with Orestes has been strained. Everyone blaming everyone else for your loss. We'll proclaim a festival week to celebrate your return, with your wedding at the end of it. The morale of the people has been poor. We must get to Father at once."

"No!" Linden said, pulling out of his grasp with some difficulty. "I can't go back, Gareth. I'm a druidess now."

2008-07-01, 04:58 AM
Tanis, A busy street
Garteh is none the wiser as Nemain stealthily creeps up near the reunited siblings, Anglachel's chain weave shifting to blend in with what little shadows are to be found in the street.

Caerac's Bookstore and Curio Emporium
With an annoyed mutter, the dwarf accepts the money and tucks it away in a pouch, then grumbles: "There's not much worth saying, really. A lot of barren rocks and soaring birds. There's a rumor of some witch of the farthest island, but I wouldn't give it credence. Now if you have no more business, can you please leave me in peace?"
As they exit, Calix wonders how he manages to make a living with that kind of temper...

2008-07-01, 07:57 AM
Gareth is shocked, then grabs his sister by the arm and pulls her into an alley. He does not want to make a scene in public. "What did they do to you, Cory?" he whispers fiercely. "You would never turn your back on your people. You know how dangerous the situation is right now. The Strangers--"

"I know, Gareth," Linden whispers back, no less fiercely. There is a likeness between brother and sister, in the set of their eyes. "This is bigger than Mapanos. Bigger than all of us. I was chosen by the land and restored to life. I don't know my purpose yet, but I know it is not to be a pawn in a dynastic marriage."

Gareth looks at his sister as if she has gone mad. "We all make sacrifices. You were taught that as well as I was. Marriage is a tool of diplomacy. A necessary tool. I married out of duty, just as my wife did. Love comes afterwards. It will for you too."

"This isn't about love! I'm not the only maiden in the king's family! Let Tark marry one of them."

2008-07-01, 08:45 AM
(OOC: I actually named the island already at the original topic, while writing Bothvar's backstory :smalltongue:)

Bothvar flips the pages, momentarily pausing for some of the more intresting pictures presented at the worn pages. "Who has drawn these pictures? They all seem so real but they are all wrong. Like this chief's hut shouldn't be here but west from the main fireplace", Bothvar points out the more decorated hut from one of the pictures.

Flipping some more pages until they ran out, Bothvar closes the book with a sturdy slam. "Just as I thought, no map or even something close to that. There were some symbols naming Havreholm, but the pictures aren't accurate", Bothvar throws the book back at Calix and heads for the exit. "I'll see you outside. This stuffed room is getting on my nerves."

2008-07-05, 05:50 PM
Calix catches the books and sets it down on the pile. He shakes his head at the young man before turning back towards the shop owner. "May Maramros watch over you and yours sir. If I happen upon any curios in my travels, I'd be happy to bring them back here for you. You have several other books that I may be interested later. Perhaps we can work something out. Good day to you."
Calix bows his head towards the man before turning and following the barbarian outside, not wanting the young man out of his sight for fear of the problems that may arise.

2008-07-05, 07:13 PM
(OOC: I like the fact that Calix is already looking at Bothvar as loads of trouble to come :smallbiggrin:)

Spot - no ranks

Gotta make a spot check... You don't know if Bothvar would actually find something in the street...

Bothvar steps out of the Caerac's Bookstore and feels the salty breeze from the ocean as he turns his head sighting at both directions down the street. "C'mon now man of the road. As a traveller you surely move slow", Bothvar shouts back at Calix. What do you say if we find some wood to sit on and crab us a pair of ales to enjoy. I'm just starving."

2008-07-05, 07:20 PM

Calix smiles as he catches up to the young man. "Its not about getting to where your going quickly. Its about enjoying the trip. And an ale and some food sound good. And I wouldn't dismiss that book so quickly. At least now we have an idea of where to start looking. But come on, lets go find a tavern."

2008-07-06, 07:31 AM
"I can't come back, Gareth," Linden says softly. "I'm bound to the land now. If I lived in a city, I would grow sicker and sicker until it killed me. Let everyone still think I am dead. I belong in the forest now. And I have new duties now. There's a warrior--" She is about to introduce Nemain to her brother, but Gareth cuts her off.

"SILENCE!" he orders, and grabs her by the arm. "If there's another man, I do NOT want to know. As far as I'm concerned, it never happened, and Tark never has to know otherwise. I'm taking you to Father."

Linden struggles, but in vain. Her brother is far stronger than her, and he is not about to give her a chance to slip away. He pulls her along, ignoring her protests, while Sage follows, his tail down and a soft whimper in his throat. He doesn't understand why his person is distressed, but he still considers Gareth a member of his pack.

2008-07-06, 08:31 AM
Nemain watches as Linden is grabbed and pulled away by her brother, and decides what to do instantly. He drops into a crouch, facing the druid and her assailant, and his hand grasps the long, stout wooden pole lying underneath the market stall. He begins to pace into a run, holding the staff in a practised stance, ready to knock Gareth down with a heavy blow.

Spending a fate point to have a useable weapon. I'm going to tap into my Shadow of the Forest aspect, and my Oathbreaker aspect as well. Obviously either of these can be veto'd.

If I need to maintain the stealth check:


And for the attack itself:


If I can successfully tap both those aspects, I will gain two automatic successes. Aiming to stun, not to kill, but... I don't know. I don't think Nemain is overly concerned with precision here. I don't think he would kill him, but he might do more damage than is intended (and not really care about that).

2008-07-07, 08:30 PM
With experience honed by years of stalking through the dark forests of the old kingdom, Nemain sneaks up to Gareth more quietly than a whisper in the night. When he gets close, he quickly brings one end of the stave down hard on the back of Gareth's knees, producing an audible crunch of something going badly, and then uses the other end to deliver a sharp rap to his temple before he can scream. Within less than a single second, Gareth is on the ground unconcious, with nobody nearby noticing his condition.

((OOC: I don't see how Oathbreaker would work in the situation, but you don't need it. Goddamn that was a good stealth roll!

On other news: I'm back! Gencon was awesome, I got lots of swag, played in many good games, and saw both Alan Tudyk and Tracy Hickman!

2008-07-07, 10:21 PM

Nemain grips Linden by the shoulder, hard, and pulls her round to face him. He gives only a cursory look to the fallen Gareth before speaking, in a whisper "We should go, now." He taps the base of the wooden pole onto the fallen man's back once more, and looks down at him, searching for a weapon in particular. "I should have brought a spear - I have seen others with weapons. Will this cause problems?"

2008-07-07, 11:35 PM
Linden stares at Nemain without comprehension, then kneels down next to Gareth, anxiously checking her brother's injuries. As she feels the spark of life within Gareth, she begins to breathe again. The forest is distant, but she finds its energy, taps into it, and takes her brother's head in both hands.

ooc: [roll0] to heal Gareth.
Druid Magic 3 + roll 2 = +5, before difficulty modifiers or aspects.

Not sure if you want to impose difficulty modifiers for her being in a city. What do I need to hit? By using using her Life-Bond or Dutiful aspect to turn the one into a three, and spending a fate point, she can reach +8.

Gareth would be armed with a dagger at least, possibly a sword. Not sure how militarized Mapanos is at present. Altharis?

2008-07-09, 12:11 AM
As the pure life energy of the Dohiri, channeled through the soil, through the cobbles, and then through Linden, flows through Gareth's body, healing the broken knee, healing the bruising, and eventually leaving him lying on the cobbles, sleeping like a babe. A finely-made short sword glints at his side, a product of the climate of fear and paranoia that is all too prevalent in these recent times.

((OOC: He's still out, but now fully healed. Remember to check off a stunt box. He's not all that heavily armed, as you can see.))

2008-07-09, 01:52 AM
Linden stood, and flagged down a merchant with a cart. With an air of authority unusual in one her age, the result of her first life as the daughter of nobility and her second life as the voice of the Dohiri, she began giving orders.

"Take this man to the villa on Obsidian Hill. See that no harm comes to him. I will know if it does. Give his servants a message for him. Say that 'The druidess will come to you when the land wills it.'"

She gave the man a few coins from her pouch, which was growing distressingly light. She could have taken the money from her brother--he probably wouldn't have noticed the loss--but honour would not let her take his money, even for the purpose of helping him.

After seeing her brother safely settled in the cart, she kissed him on the cheek. "Forgive me," she whispered. Then she turned her back, and left with Nemain.

As soon as they had rounded the corner, she turned to the knight with fury in her eyes. "That was my brother, and you almost killed him."

2008-07-09, 10:29 PM
As soon as they had rounded the corner, she turned to the knight with fury in her eyes. "That was my brother, and you almost killed him."

Nemain stares past Linden, at the departing cart, for a few seconds before replying."I thought - he looked - as though he was to hurt you. I acted to make that an impossibility. I did not know he was your brother. Uh...." He sighs, making a rasping, scratchy noise deep in his throat. "Perhaps I was wrong. What would have happened had I not intervened? Your 'other' guard did not look ready to strike." He gestured to sage with one hand,tentatively. The dog doesn't like him, he knows that - and keeps his hand well back.

2008-07-09, 11:56 PM
"If you hadn't acted, I would have been taken to my father's house. I would have had to explain everything. If they didn't believe me, I would have had to sneak away. It would have delayed us, but I was in no real danger." She put her hand on Sage's head. "I'm glad Sage doesn't attack easily. We've been chosen as protectors of the land and its inhabitants. If we are willing to kill our own, then how are we better than the Strangers?"

2008-07-10, 12:40 AM
"The Strangers will kill far more than we ever could. I can feel it - you can, as well, I'm sure. I'm sorry about your brother. My own family -"

Nemain thuds one hand into the wall, hard, as a memory overtakes him. He can see men on horseback, flashing blades, tattooed limbs severed from their bodies. He shuts his eyes and dips his head, but finds the smell, sight and warmth of spilled blood waiting for him in the darkness. Fighting through the flashback, and shaking his head at the juddering pain in his scalp, he jolts up and looks at Linden. His words are shaky, and spoken like bullets.

"I will swear an oath of protection. To your bloodline. It will set an example for me to follow. You are my guide in these times..." He waves back, at the crowds of people beyond the alley. "I should be more accepting of your advice."

2008-07-10, 03:35 AM
"Your family is lost in time," Linden said softly. "You have lost far more than I can imagine." She took his hand, feeling the unlife of him. So alien to her, and yet, this was also from the Dohiri, and therefore sacred.

"I think we must guide each other. If duty requires me to take a life, I must not shrink from it," Linden says, with a shudder. "Death is a part of life, and sacrifices may be required. But before we fight, we talk. Talk, talk talk, always talk, never stop talking as long as someone is listening. That's what I learned from my father. The time for bloodshed is after talking has failed."

2008-07-24, 07:24 PM
Tanis, Baker Street

As the pair wander down Baker street, Calix instantly regrets leading Bothvar here. The reason is not his great size, unaccustomed "manners", or his obvious naivety concerning cities. It is purely and simply the fact that now his stomach is rumbling so loudly that people nearby are wondering whether there's an earthquake in the vicinity! However, before Calix has a chance to buy something to quell that hunger, something in one of Bothvar's pockets shakes, writhes, and even pinches his thigh painfully on one occasion. By the time Bothvar has managed to extricate the raven's skull from his pocket is is already speaking in the sing-song voice of a young girl:
"I shall hide and,
You shall seek me,
Though the way,
is clad by sea.

Seek these people,
Then come find me,
To the east I dwell,

Then, in the eyes of the skull you clearly see the following scene:
A man in well built, yet slightly old clothing is sprawled on the ground. His assailant stands over him, a tall shadowy figure garbed in a face-concealing cloak, holding a tent pole. In between the two sits a young lady in the robes of a druidess, flanked by a powerful wolf who growls at the shadowy figure. Her hands rest on the unconscious man, and he seems to breathe easier.

Then, suddenly, the skull jerks to a halt. As Bothvar puts it back in his pocket, Calix notices that a small crowd has formed around them and their blatant display of magic.

The area shown in the vision.

Ever since Linden's investiture as a druidess, she has been in tune with the land itself, part of the weave of life energy that permeates the whole Dohiri. This symbiotic spiritual relationship with the land is what enables her, now, to sense the enchantment on the raven's skull. As she stands up to talk to Nemain more easily, she reels as the energy of the land floods into her mind. Not only can she feel concepts resonating from the signal: Old like Nemain, yet young at the same time, more natural than the Nemain as well , and...east. A definite sense of an eastward direction. As the lash of energy reaches its climax, she gains a strong sensory impression, as if seeing through the long-dead raven's eyes, staring straight at a burly northern barbarian and a man dressed in the robes of a priest.

Then, just as suddenly as it came, the vision ebbs, and Corthana realises she's dangling limply from Nemain's strong arms.

2008-07-25, 04:29 AM
"Did you feel that?" Linden asks. "Sorcery. Very strong. Not druid magic, or if it is, it is stronger than any druid magic I've experienced." She allows Nemain to set her back on her feet, then closes her eyes to trace, not the source of the magic, in the east, but its destination. Trying to find the Honored Traveller and his northern companion.

"Quickly. This way. She has to go deeply into trance to find the trail, so deeply that she must lean on Nemain for support as she murmurs directions to him, her eyes focused on nothing. Anyone watching would think she was injured, and being helped to a Healer. Perhaps they might wonder why the druidess did not heal herself.

Sage follows closely, his ears and tail low at his discomfort at having the Wrongness touching his mistress.

Poor Sage... he's really not having a good time in the city! :smallfrown:

2008-07-25, 08:37 AM
Calix opens his cloak a bit in order to show his holy symbol. He smiles at the crowd reassuringly. COLOR="Navy"]"Praise be to Maramros! He has sent his humble servant a vision of what he wishes of me."[/COLOR] Calix drops to his knees and bows his head quietly in prayer for a few moments. Afterwards he stands up and turns to Bothvar and whispers quietly. "It seems my god has seen fit to help us out and point us in the right direction. Time to find those people. Come on." He turns and starts making his way down the street, watching the people he passes closely.

2008-07-27, 04:45 PM
The trail of magic fades, and Linden's consciousness returns to the real world. She searches the crowd and finally sees in the distance the barbarian, a full half-head taller than anyone else around him. "There," she points him out to Nemain. "We mustn't let him out of our sight. There should be a priest with him. We must speak with them both."

They walk quickly, and soon the priest notices them and steps forward to meet them. Linden drops to one knee. "Greetings, Hand of Maramros. Might I beg a blessing for two travellers?"

2008-07-27, 06:55 PM
Calix looks at the young woman dressed as a druid, the oddly clothed man with her, and the large hound at her heels. He bows his head to her. "But of course young druidess." He raises his hand above her and whispers a prayer for the three.
Afterwards, the priest looks at the two people and dog before him. "Please, stand. I don't require any more honorifics. Well, now that you've saved us the trouble of looking for you, perhaps we should find a place to talk? Something tells me we have much to share."

2008-07-27, 08:48 PM
Linden placed one hand to Sage's head and felt her dog's anxiety lesson under the priest's blessing. He was alert, watching the newcomers closely, but without any hostility. As Linden stood, she heard the barbarian's stomach growling.

She looked around, placing herself again within the streets of the city, as she had lost track during her trance. "I know a place," she said. She led them confidently through a few alleys to bring them to the back courtyard of a tavern, The Laughing Raven. The proprietress, Sylvie, might recognize her, but Sylvie would be at market today. And if the servants recognized her--well, they could only tell her father what Gareth would be telling him soon anyway.

A serving girl stepped out with a bucket of wash water to dump, and started in surprise to see them. "Food, please, whatever is already prepared, with some scraps for the dog. And ale. We will eat under the fig tree." It was a small, stunted tree, barely more than a shrub, but touching it strengthened her connection to the land. She sat down cross-legged on the ground, with one hand resting on the fig tree. Subconsciously, she drew energy into the tree, and its leaves grew glossy and firm, as if they had drunk of a deep rain. Come harvest time, the fruit would be plentiful and tasty.

"I am called Linden," she said. "The Dohiri have chosen me as the guide to this warrior, Nemain." She looked closely at the priest. "Do you know who he is?" She did not know if Maramros gave his priests the ability to sense the life around them, or if the priest had recognized the livery of the Old Kingdom.

Imagine going to a tavern and not sitting in a shadowy corner! They'll kick us out of the adventurer's guild! :smallwink:

2008-07-27, 11:53 PM
Calix settles himself to the ground across from Linden. He eyes the big man for a moment before looking back at the druidess. "For the sake of our large friend here, why don't you tell us?"

2008-07-28, 01:36 AM
"Certainly," Linden said. She thought back to what she had learned from the druid circle, and what she had learned from her tutor before that, but decided at last to go back earlier, to the tales she and Gareth had been told in the nursery. "Long long ago, in a time of great peril..."

Altharis, you want to pick up here? Linden has a rank of history, so what do you think she'd know based on that? She's basically trying to give a very general overview of the Old Kingdom, ending with Nemain's death and the prophecies surrounding his return. Sort of like if someone wanted to tell the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in ten or twenty minutes. Highlights only, which is why she chose the nursery tale version rather than the scholarly one.

2008-07-29, 07:21 PM
Bothvar takes a long sip out of his mug of ale as he stares closely the figure wrapped in his cloak. The character sits slightly sideaways to him and manages to keep his face in the shadow of the hood to Bothvar. There is something in this person, in this figure in the cloak that bothers him. There is something in his character that makes Bothvar uneasy and it's no surprise that Bothvar has kept his eye in this person since he met him, Linden and this overly grown hound that also gives him chills.

Linden and Calix seemed so occupied in their discussion that Bothvar wouldn't have a chance to get a word to interupt them. He let's them be "Let them sort it out", Bothvar thinks and graps another piece of pork from the plate.

2008-07-30, 04:24 PM
"In a time of great peril, the Dohiri gave birth to the the first druid. He had the head of a stag, and the voice of a raven, the wisdom of the oak grove, and the strength of the tide. The land spoke to him and through him, he became the guardian of the land and lived in the forest, with no roof over his head or boots on his feet.

The Dohiri sent followers to him, brave men and valiant warriors. They found him in the forest, came together in council at the sacred grove and swore an oath of protection and named him as their King. Then they set out to make the lands safe.

There is not time to tell all of the tales of the Great King. His first act was to slay the giant Efraug, who had long terrorized Orestes with demands of tribute and human sacrifices. To protect the land from the dragons, he led the first circle of druids in a spell that took two summers to cast, but gently put the dragons to sleep beneath the sea, to awaken on the last day of the world. And he defeated the Nynnian warriors, who came with iron weapons that none before him could withstand.

At the final council of the sacred grove, the Great King spoke to each of his followers in turn. "I do not release you from your oaths, nor does the land. If you are needed, you will feel the call, and you will be unable to rest until the land is safe again." Then he turned and walked into the mist, and was seen no more.

Now our land is threatened by the Strangers, and the oath has awakened and restored Nemain to life.

The druids found me in the snow, near death, and offered me to the land, and I was also restored to life. The Dohiri chose me as their servant, to walk Nemain's path alongside him and help him to fulfil his oath.

And now I see that it has chosen the two of you as well."

2008-07-30, 06:21 PM
Calix strokes his chin at the end of the young druidess' tale. He looks at Neiman, then over at Bothvar, then back at Linden. He shrugs before replying with a smile,"So it seem. Perhaps I'll get to see some more of the world before this is done. And maybe we'll find your home along the way as well." He smiles reassuringly at Bothvar before looking over at Neiman. "Well sir, what do we do now?"

2008-07-30, 07:47 PM
Nemain listens but doesn't speak as the druidess recites her tale. He rubs one hand into the soft grass he's sitting on, and stares around, at the people and the little tree. When Linden has finished, and Calix has asked him the question, he stands up. Silhouetted by the sun, he looks even more out-of-place than normal.

"I don't know. Linden knows someone within this city. They may be able to help us. The Old King left no orders, no commands - no memories. This is... so important. The worms didn't touch my skin, but it feels like they ate their way inside my head. Do you have a God, Calix? One that you know?"

2008-07-30, 08:22 PM
Calix smiles and nods. "Indeed I do. I am a follower of Maramros, god of travel. Do you know of him?"

2008-07-30, 08:30 PM
Calix smiles and nods. "Indeed I do. I am a follower of Maramros, god of travel. Do you know of him?"

"I don't know. Maybe I did - not now. The Old King... was like that. Like a god that you knew and prayed to and worshipped. Except you could touch him. He could talk with you, or drink with you. He could crush your bones with a word. It's hard to not know what to do when something like that has given you a mission. You're a priest of travel - do you have some idea of where we should go?"

2008-07-30, 09:37 PM
Calix nods. "Well the...power that brought us together told us that we should seek it somewhere to the east. On a different island it would seem. Beyond that, I do not know."

2008-07-30, 11:59 PM
"The Old King... was like that. Like a god that you knew and prayed to and worshipped. Except you could touch him. He could talk with you, or drink with you. He could crush your bones with a word."

Linden felt the thrill of terror and wonder that she so often felt when Nemain spoke. It was so hard to believe that she walked with a man who had walked with the Great King. If Gareth had spoken to Nemain, her brother would have understood why she had walked away from her family to pursue a higher calling.

"I wanted to visit a sage to see if we could learn more of the oaths that bind Nemain to the land. But we've been summoned--the first sign the gods have given us. I think the sage is unnecessary now."

2008-08-09, 09:35 PM
Under the shade of the fig tree.
As the four travellers sit and talk, pooling their knowledge on the east, both past and present, magical and mercantile. Most of the knowledge shared is common and disparate, but it is not long before a few points of knowledge cross over:

Linden thinks to herself for a second, and then opens her soul to the Dohiri, channeled through the empowered Fig Tree. It is not long before the notices something: A leyline, an ancient line of magical power sacred to almost all cultures, crossing with another to form a Node of power on an island a short way east and a tad north of Tanis. As she reveals this discovery to her group, it appears she is not the only one with something to shre about this island.

Nemain then speaks, recounting an ancient tale of the Old Kingdom in his gravelly voice: "Once, during the first campaign led by the Old King, if campaigns is the correct word, he sailed to this island. Word had reached his ears that the people of this island, for fear of shapechanging beasts that stalked the night began burning the famous forests that cover most of the island and cruelly torturing animals cpatured during their hunts. The Old King walked into down in the form of a lean grey wolf, and when he was set upon by the townsfolk, who had by then already succumbed to madness, he revealed his true form exclaiming: "Know now that in your madness you have created your own fear, for the animals of the woods would not have risen against you without your fear to drive them to such desperation." And in saying that, the villagers recognised the truth of his words and wept for their crimes. But the old king was merciful, and in order to teach them to respect the feelings and lives of the animals they had so cruelly tortured, he changed them into the shape-changing animals they so feared. Once they had fled into the wilds to begin their penance, the Old King established a colony on this island to keep it safe from outside influence, and declared the entire island, save for the colony, a sacred temple that no man could enter. And so it peacefully existed until I can last remember. Is it still in existence?"

At the end of the tale Calix speaks up: "It was as you say for many years, I travelled there myself once. But recently there has been tell of a great exodus from that land, and the island is now marked on the charts as "Lay ye no foot here...", a marking abhorrent to Maramros. The fact that this coincides with the time of the Strangers' return bodes ill. I propose we invesigate this disturbance..."

2008-08-11, 03:01 PM
Before they left Mapanos, Linden wrote a letter to her brother. She poured out her heart to him, telling him of everything that had happened since the day she awoke under the Linden tree. She told him of Nemain, how he had been summoned from his barrow by the need of the Dohiri. She told him of the ties that bound her to the land, that had changed her so that she could never live in a city again.

She told him how much she loved him.

Please, Gareth, say nothing of my survival. A public rejection of Tark would endanger the alliance with Orestes. Until he marries another, let him think that Corthana is dead. It is your duty to unite the southern islands before the Strangers pick them off one by one. My duty lies on another path.

May the gods bless you, hand and foot, mind and heart.

Your loving sister,

2008-08-21, 02:40 AM
The temple-island of Jaorutis.
Though it took you all a great deal of haggling, bribing, barter, flattery, and in some cases flirtery to secure passage to Jaorutis, eventually something came up. When first he'd offered his services you dismissed him, I mean, anybody dumb enough to honestly believe that the Old King has a hidden city of gold on Jaorutis, a place known for the paucity of resources available. After going through all the available ships in port a second time, you still refused his offer. But by the fourth run-through, you were so desperate to leave for Jaorutis that you finally took his offer.

Along the way, you were regaled by captain Gareth's wild theories, as the excitable young man produced seemingly endless amounts of documents of "proof" and "concrete evidence" as could fit in the small quarters he claimed as his own. It is a relatively uneventful trip, besides having to listen to this loon's crackpot theories for the entire trip. No matter how dangerous or scary the trouble on Jaorutis turns out to be, it's better than the alternative.

After what seems like the longest and most mentally painful journey of your lives (Except maybe for Calix.), you arrive in the old harbour of Jaorutis Town. The boat docks, and the over excited Gareth is the first to disembark, proudly scanning the streets with a gleam in his eye. The houses lie empty, but strangely untouched. It seems that the inhabitants of this small town were not driven out by raiders, nor by freak weather, but left of their own volition, calmly and in an orderly manner... Something does not feels right. Not at all. Everything is too calm.

((OOC: Yes, a second Gareth. My bad, but it seems to fit too much to change.))

2008-08-21, 03:13 AM
Linden stepped ashore. As her bare feet touched the land, she reached out with her senses, trying to feel the life of the island.

2008-08-30, 01:06 AM
Linden's Mind's Eye.
Even as Linden's senses begin to stretch out throughout the land an overwhelming rush of feelings floods into the her mind. Not only is there the characteristic throbbing feeling of a leyline, there is also a profound...wrongness on multiple levels. The land feels...pained, and the trees and stones cry out as one. All this is too much for Linden, and she faints under the strain.

Jaorutis harbour, deserted.
The rest of you look on in horror as Linden collapses, screaming, into a foetal position the instant she begins her concentration. As you rush forward to help her, you notice out of the corner of your eyes a medley of hunched figures loping towards your position from all four corners of the town...

((OOC: Roll initiative! Happyturtle, Linden will wake in three rounds. Though you can make Endurance rolls to expedite that. Others: Try not to let her die by then, 'kay? :smallbiggrin:))

2008-09-04, 01:29 AM
Nemain rushes out and grabs Linden by the left arm, ulling her up from the ground and whether or not she's injured. He swivels her body round to put it between him and the dog, facing the canine. The last thing he wants is Sage going for him.

Using his other hand to unclasp the weapon from his back, the old knight glares around the town and screams to the others, "Go! Form a circle!"

2008-09-04, 05:18 AM
[roll0] = -1, using one aspect in Awareness to move a 1 to a 3, changing the total to +1

Sage growls at Nemain, but seeing the approaching figures decides that they are the greater threat. His hackles are raised and he barks to warn them off.

2008-09-04, 06:04 AM
Calix frowns as Linden passes out. He steps forward and draws his quarterstaff as he sees the approaching figures. He moves to stand next to Nemain. "At least they can't get behind us, unless they come up from the ocean..."

Initiative [roll0]

2008-09-04, 01:05 PM
If I can still forgo to give the bonus, I will. Otherwise:
