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2008-06-27, 01:32 PM
Welcome to the Island of Griffon's Head.
Roughly a week ago, a black cloud appeared off the west coast of the island. It has moved uncommonly slowly, despite a strong following wind that should be signaling the return of winter. The cloud has resisted all attempts to discern its nature, including various forms of scrying. The cloud does not possess any magic of its own as far as can be determined, and so, the magistrate of Fyor has put out a call to any able adventurers to investigate the cloud.

That was two weeks ago. None of the adventurers who went to investigate the cloud have returned, or been heard from since. Contact with smaller thorps and hamlets where the cloud has passed has ceased completly, worse the cloud is growing and is, at most, a week's journey at it's present pace from the city of Fyor. This will be the last expedition the magistrate sends before he considers evacuating the city. If the cloud's black crusade across the sky isn't stopped, Fyor will have to be evacuated.

2008-06-27, 07:28 PM
You are all outside of the magistrate's office, located roughly in the center of Fyor. The room is rustic, but pleasantly appointed, well made chairs and benches line the walls, of the room, there are a few paintings, mostly landscapes. (At this point I am leaving it up to you if you are an existing adventuring company or if you are simply the magistrate scraping the bottom of the barrel. You may discuss this amongst yourselves, just please PM me the details.) [For those of you who would like to try, make a Knowledge (Local) Roll, and post the results in the dice roll thread. There will be a link in the OOC]

2008-06-29, 11:00 AM
A gray skinned elf sits in a chair, back straight, arms at his side, smells distinctly of the woods.
With striking green eyes and silver hair to the shoulders, this man has an air about him. He looks to the entrance every once in awhile, almost expecting something.
He seems to be silently waiting, not uttering a word, until the magistrate begins proceedings.
At his feet is a bag a little smaller than a backpack, nondescript. Worn is a breastplate made of fine quality metal, it does appear to be of elven craft. Around his waist is a many pouched belt, the contents of which cannot be seen.
He waits.

2008-07-01, 08:32 AM
"Hama, Esta sinome"The massive Bison gave a deep, rumbling low as it was persuaded to settle back in the shade cast by the Magistrate's building, the slender, tiny elf looking even smaller so close to the large creature. She patted its broad,flat nose, her grey eyes filled with warmth. Flocks of street children roamed this area, even so close to the magistrate's, and quite a few were eying the massive creature with interest. She chuckled,knowing the bison would probably be enjoying sneaked bits of pastry or sugar once she left.

The elf slipped easily into the magistrate's office, not seeming to mind relinquishing her weapons, humming softly as she was shown to the waiting room. She noticed the grey skinned elf and nodded politely, sliding herself into a chair a polite distance away. Her skin was tanned, an unusual trait in an elf, with pale, dusty blonde hair cut raggedly above her head, darker colored twists of a strange kind of fur braided in complex twists.Her wide, grey eyes took in the room slowly as she sighed and lounged back, her short frame nearly enveloped by the chair she sat in

Sir Shadow
2008-07-01, 10:56 AM
Agatha twitched nervously in her seat. She hated waiting in situations like this. She glanced at the two others also occupying this room and wondered just what lay for them under the black shadow.

She was scared, but determined. It was her duty to do this for her people, and she really needed the money. The witch wondered what the other two were thinking, since they made no attempts at small talk. Nervously she twirled her hair, and all of the sudden she became very self-conscious of her unusually long nose. Perhaps they hadn't spoken to her because she looked different? It was strange for her to think in this way, she had gotten over her deformity so long ago.

2008-07-01, 11:31 AM
The door opens quietly. The hinges must have been oiled. A young clerk steps through and motions for you to enter. As you move through from the waiting room the first thing that strikes you is the large pair of windows. An aged, hunched over man is standing in front of one of these, leaning on a cane. A large desk is scattered with various documents behind him. In one corner, huddled in a chair sits a pathetic example of a human, clutching a wooden symbol of some kind and muttering to himself. (For those of you who want to know what is being said, make a listen check.)
The magistrate turns around as you enter and looks at the clerk.
"That will be all Jordan. You may resume your duties elsewhere." The magistrate speaks in a strange, breathy voice, as though from very far off. He taps his cane on the ground as the clerk closes the door behind him. "So... this is it then."

2008-07-01, 07:22 PM
Kaseli notes the new arrival of the tanned elf, thinking to himself that it is a bit odd to be so colored, but the thought passes. I return the nod. The distance given by the new elf is appreciated.
The human with the large nose looks funny, as all humans will. Time will tell if this one is like all the others.
Upon being told of meeting the magistrate, he gathers his belongings and moves toward the open door. Along the way, he asks "sut naa lle umien sina re?" (how are you doing today?) to the tanned elf. He listens intently while the magistrate mumbles and looks for anything strange in the office.

Upon hearing the "this is it" remark, he glares at the magistrate, with a little more malice than intended.

2008-07-03, 01:26 AM
If there is a seat open , I sit nearest the door, place my pack at my feet slightly open so I can reach quicky if needed, and nod to the magistrate and the mumbling wreck in the corner.
To the mumbling wreck: Lle tyava quel? (are you feeling well?)
To the magistrate: Mani uma lle merna? (what do you want/need?)

2008-07-04, 01:43 PM
The creature in the corner looks up from his speaking in the corner and very quietly replies:
"N'uma er eithel, edhel." (No one is well, elf)
"Amin sinta lle?" (Do I know you?)

"I see you have noticed our friend-" The magistrate breaks into a fit of coughing, leaning heavily on his cane as he fumbles in a pocket and produces a slightly dirtied handkerchief. "He was found early on by one of the parties we sent out. They had the courtesy to send him back before they went to find the cloud."

(Roll a spot check)

2008-07-05, 12:32 AM
The tanned elf would only give her more lighter-skinned companion a broad smile, her teeth bright, contrasting white inside her head as he spoke, starting to reply before the doors slid open. She nodded to the long-nosed Edan companionably, not wanting to leave her out. It always paid to be polite after all.

She ignored the old man's tone, only giving the Yaaraer(ancient one) a small perfunctory bow. Standing straight see seemed much more effective than she had seated, her short frame lean and graceful, with odd patches of feathers, well worn fur and other such tokens tied decoratively into well worn but delicate worked leather. small bits of bone and metal studs made patterns across the leather, forming a large set of horns spreading across her shoulder blades. She looked like one of the human savages more than her elven brethren, especially with her deeply tanned skin.

"Oh?Then perhaps we will find others as well."She stated optimistically, though her expression showed she doubted finding any of the other parties alive. After a moment she let the silence stretch, not really having much more to add at the moment.

Sir Shadow
2008-07-05, 09:34 AM
Agatha quickly followed the others, not wanting to be left behind and miss anything the Magistrate had to say.

At his less than confident words, Agatha seemed to wither. Did he not have faith in them? Perhaps it seemed to him they would not fare any better than the previous groups dispatched. With a sigh she looked around at the office and listened to what was being said.

For a moment she wished she had taken the time to learn elvish as she listened to her companion speak his lyrical language with easy fluidity. Now, as she looked at the other two, she realized that she would probably lose much in translation between these two. Maybe the Ox was a good talker...

2008-07-06, 09:21 AM
"Please do not assume I am sending you to your collective demise. It is quite certain. The fact remains that you-' another short bout of coughing ensues' are all we have left.' The magistrate gestures at the babbling wreck in the corner' This... wreck was once a competent adventurer. He is unfortunately all I can send with you."
At this the babbling wreck in the corner jumps out of his seat and apparently attempts to push himself further into the corner than he had been before.
"No! Won't go back!"

2008-07-06, 10:43 AM
"Please do not assume I am sending you to your collective demise. It is quite certain. The fact remains that you-' another short bout of coughing ensues' are all we have left.' The magistrate gestures at the babbling wreck in the corner' This... wreck was once a competent adventurer. He is unfortunately all I can send with you."
At this the babbling wreck in the corner jumps out of his seat and apparently attempts to push himself further into the corner than he had been before.
"No! Won't go back!"

Attempting to look at both individuals in their eyes:
To magistrate: (elven) I am worried...about him and his condition. What do you know of the cloud and its effects?
To human wreck: (Diplomacy check) Journey with us, as far as you wish.
What is your name and what did you see in the cloud?

Kaseli was entirely too focused on his negotiations with the humans to notice the antics of the other two.

Sir Shadow
2008-07-07, 07:37 PM
Agatha sighed again. More elvish... at this rate she'd go insane herself. In the mean-time she thought about what the mayor had said. Why would he send someone clearly off-balance with them? With a gulp, she realized that maybe he was their only chance of survival within the black cloud. As she watched the male elf try and work his charms on the insane individual, she listened in to here what information he could give.

2008-07-08, 03:52 PM
The tanned elf chuckled,seeing the long nosed woman's confused looks.
"Don't worry, I've been told my common is quite good"She said with a flash of those bright teeth.

She tilted her head and examined the babbling man."He hardly looks all together. Perhaps he should spend some time resting somewhere comfortable, not slowing us down."She said bluntly, not meaning it to be taken harshly, merely stating facts.

2008-07-08, 09:28 PM
The mayor begins to reply to the tanned elf, but the wreck in the corner cuts him off. "Never got near the cloud. Came, nowhere. Black armor, swords. Black as the cloud. Strange lights, out of the fog. Fog came with the black men. Smelled bad, like a rotting carcass, but not... natural." His voice is almost a whisper, his eyes are glazed over, and his hands are shaking slightly as he grips the wooden symbol. "The smell, should have warned. But more than smell, was sound. No sound, no bugs, no wind, no animals, people. Even small village has noise, more noise, easier to hear, hear further, less noise around." The wreck's hands start shaking violently. "DEAD! THEY ARE ALL DEAD! YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" He points at thin air and starts convulsing, eyes bulging out of his sockets, mouth lolling open, limbs twitching violently.

2008-07-10, 04:48 AM
At this announcement, Kaseli simply sighs and states:

To Human Wreck: So let me get this straight-men came from the cloud with black armor and weaponry accompanied by strange lights that pierced the cloud, they smelled of death and all noise ceased while they were there, they killed everyone and we are next.
(elven) Good to know.

To everyone else: Anyone have an idea on how to stop this? Seems like the dead are walking from his description.
(elven) I just love the undead. Probably humans, I wouldn't doubt they had something to do with this.

After a couple seconds, Kaseli asks the wreck: Did you notice anything about their abilities, anything signature besides what you've already said? We'll likely have to contest these things at some point so anything you can offer would be helpful.

2008-07-10, 11:00 PM
The tanned elf raised an eyebrow critically at her rather callous teammate.
"Perhaps we should be more concerned with the fact that he is obviously in pain" She sighed and looked around, wondering what the magistrate was doing to help the poor wreck, her short frame standing cautiously just out of range of the human's flailing limbs.
"There is no Healer nearby to help calm him?I am better at healing creatures with four legs than two I'm afraid"She said calmly, staring at the magistrate as if the casual question was an order for the Magistrate to fetch one, not idle observation.

She refused to reply to the other elf's musings. There was no point in speculating what sort of adversary or obstacles they would face, save that they would be difficult, especially since other groups had gone in and only the human had survived. That fact alone rewarded him her sympathy. He had survived, and in nature, that was what mattered.

2008-07-25, 01:46 AM
When the other elf looks at him critically, he shrugs,
(elven)"What did I say?"

2008-07-29, 06:36 PM
Slowly the convulsions die down and the madman's breathing turns into a slow measured panting wheeze. A few moments pass and he appears to regain some semblance of consciousness, lying on the floor, limbs skewed at odd angles that don't quite appear to be possible. He mutters "It's never over. The battle is never over."
The magistrate, unperturbed by the rantings of the madman moves to sit behind his desk. "These spells apparently take him from time to time, always at the mention of whatever did this to him. They do no lasting harm, other than terrifying people, which is why we had him moved here. The locals thought perhaps he had been possessed." He lays his cane on the table in front of him, looking grimly across steepled fingers at all of you.
"I have kept you too long. Time is short. Our friend will recover soon, and you will, with all due haste, proceed to the place marked on this map. It is where we found him, and where you will likely find any clues. Assuming you are taking this task on of course." At that, two men wearing ill fitting black coats and shirts, not the clean black of assassins and other such unsavories but the black of the kind of men who don't like getting spots on their clothes, walk into the room from outside. They are large, and overbearing.

2008-08-07, 06:19 PM
To the mayor:
I don't mind, I am ready whenever everyone else is.
To the entering men:
(elven) Are you the escorts to this place on the map? We'll let you lead the way.
To the other PC's:
Are we all in agreement to take up this cause?