View Full Version : Wake of The Creator (IC)

2008-06-27, 08:50 PM

A city obscured by a shadow, where humanities dreams are planted in infertile soil, doomed to die before they ever see the light of the sun. Underpaid soldiers roam the streets, living comfortably by robbing the desperate underclass. Their dreams are further crushed by the nobility, who spend their lives secluded in opulent estates built on the taxes of those who break their backs simply to survive from day to day.

Ensuring that this harsh reality never changes is King Pol'Nalyr and his formidable Priests, elite soldiers of noble blood who are rumored to have mystical powers. Little is known of their queer religion, for its details are told to no one but the Priests themselves. The King himself is even more enigmatic, having made no public appearances in over thirty years. Some say he is one thousand years old, while others claim he doesn't exist at all and is simply a ruse maintained so that the common folk will believe he is responsible for their hardships. The only evidence of his existence is the massive pyramid in which he dwells, visible from anywhere in the city and yet to which no roads lead to.

As one goes deeper into the city, down the main road and past the bustling marketplace and the heavily guarded merchant estates, the population becomes denser and denser. The dwellings begin with a handful of comfortable houses of the merchants and craftsmen that make up the tiny middle class, and gradually grow more crowded and decaying until one reaches the edge and to a jumble of scorching alleys lined with crowded mud-brick shacks.

After the last of these shacks and hovels, the Under Ruins begin. The cut-off from the rest of the city couldn't be more apparent. An immense spiral staircase, carved into the stone by whatever lost beings once lived in Nalyris and bordering the entire edge of a vast cyclopean crater. Stretching miles along, the path is marked by brief forays underground within the cliffside, gaps that must be leapt over or crossed with makeshift planks of drywood, and treacherous and deteriorated sections best navigated crawling hand and foot.

If a traveler descending into the Under Ruins expects any hospitality after their harrowing journey, then they have made a dangerous mistake. It is said that these low and dismal ruins once housed the slaves who built Nalyris, but now it houses the lowest of the low class, those who can't afford even the most wretched dwelling in the Higher City. They exist amongst a labyrinth of ruins from a time long gone, the crude and makeshift passways bordered by slates of granite and obsidian glass that makes the noon day sun hellish. They keep themselves firmly cloaked in whatever rags or garments they have scavenged, hiding their faces, avoiding others unless they intend to rob them. No soldiers patrol here, not due to callousness, but practicality, for any agents of the King foolish enough to enter the Under Ruins rarely return.

It is here where five fledgling adventurers, some local, some from other parts of the world were asked to come. Entering armed and armored does more harm than good, for the value of forged steel may well cause hordes of beggars to swarm and overpower any who enter in hopes of selling these goods to the shadowy and cunning merchants living deep within. But these five have a measure of protection in the Under Ruins, for these same merchants who manipulate and contain this anarchic society have promised a dire fate to any who should set upon them.

Having all arrived, the day that the adventurers were instructed to meet has come. One by one they arrive in The Dying Raven Tea House, a partially collapsed great hall where sturdy and ruthless thugs converse and joke amongst themselves while a hard-faced elf stubbornly refuses to serve alcohol, instead distributing a variety of cheap and bitter tea, drugged upon request.

2008-06-27, 09:08 PM

Entering the tea house with whisps of shadow following in his steps Tyrelius orders a simple green tea to drink and takes a seat at the table indicated in his instructions. Glancing around the establishment he deliberately reaches and grasps his cup taking care to move in a simple slow manner. Wincing slightly at the bitter taste he shrugs as he waits for the others to arrive.

Holocron Coder
2008-06-28, 01:30 AM
Kyeian Thark

Walking through the ruins of decay, Kyeian reigns in the urge to pity those among the wreckage. She knew well that such was a sign of weakness to these. She hadn't been much above them so many years ago.

Contenting herself with a small shake of her head, she steps into the dingy tea house, glancing from side to side. A well-worn sword hangs at her side near a dented buckler. An equally worn and patched outfit of thickened hide armor covers the large majority of her body.

Spotting the described table, she forgoes any drink and sits across from the man there, nodding a quiet greeting at him.

2008-06-28, 09:22 AM

Wandering into the ruins of a once great city, Perrin pauses as he remembers what life was once like in the city. It had been a long time since he had returned. The far north was a harsh and unforgiving landscape. Then again, this wasn't much better.

Entering the Tea House, Perrin glances around, looking for familiar faces. Seeing none, he crosses the room to the table mentioned in his letter. Instead of sitting, he backs up into the shadows. Whispering quietly, "Force of habit. There's nothing like an ambush to make my day. Lets hope we don't have to resort to our blades."

2008-06-28, 06:08 PM

The door quickly shuts as a young Eldrin quickly makes his way across the floor, barely managing to dodge chairs and patrons as he bee-lines for the table he was told the meeting would be at. Holding the pack on his back tightly, he slides into his seat before anxiously looking at his apparent "Brothers".
This place is a sore on the world! I was nearly mugged on my way here! Delzoun never said being a part of... our group... would be like this!?!
The eladrin's birght, pupiless eyes betray some of his nervousness as he hurriedly looks around the room.

2008-06-28, 07:11 PM

Looking at the arrivals around him Tyrelius shakes his head before speaking.

"Squalid as it may be this is often the state of things. Those who stand above often turn their eyes from what lies below. It's amazing what people will overlook, beggars, cripples, children, orphans bleeding as they stagger into town. The world is not a place that gives you much, and the powerless are often the first to suffer." He takes a sip of his tea before looking at Perrin.

"I would relax if I was you. They'll think you have something to be nervous about, like say gold or other valuables. You're best bet would likely be to look as much like the others here as you can."

Holocron Coder
2008-06-28, 08:30 PM
Kyeian Thark

Smirking, Kyeian quips, "Just tear up your clothes, roll around in the waste out back, then lose a few teeth... or mug a local. You'll fit in fine." She looks around the table. "We still missing anyone?"

2008-06-30, 07:43 PM
"I would relax if I was you. They'll think you have something to be nervous about, like say gold or other valuables. You're best bet would likely be to look as much like the others here as you can."[/color]

"I can tell you've never been ambushed from twelve different directions by a pack of wolves and all you had was a dinky dagger. Force of habit."

Glancing oddly at Tyrelius' drink, he remarked quietly, "Are you sure you want to drink that? The last I heard, the drinks are all drugged and there's not a drop of coffee in sight."

2008-06-30, 08:10 PM

"I'll admit I've never had that particular experience but my life, like most others in this world, has had it's fair share of hardships." His right shoulder drops slightly as his left hand shifts towards his right wrist.

"As for the tea, while it may be poor quality it is safe enough, assuming you won't perish from a bitter taste in your mouth that is. True there may be drugs here but I have confidence in my fortitude so that even if there were a mild drug I would be able to shake it's effects. But do sit down while we wait for our last ally to arrive. Words have a power of their own and the right ones have been whispered over this meeting. I trust we will be safe enough for now, and for however long we remain useful to our 'parents'. The tone of awe and scorn carries slightly on the last word.

2008-06-30, 08:35 PM
Therea Kruthram

The dwarven woman opened the door and walked steadily into the tea house, her scale armor gleaming as though freshly cleaned. Her long hair, a slightly faded red, is tied back in an intricate braid with several small metal clasps woven into it, each bearing the symbol of Ioun. With her fine made vestments and symbol of Ioun hanging around her neck, she looks an obvious target, a priest that clearly isn't struggling with money. However as she enters it appears as though she's had no trouble in these rough parts, no doubt partly from the large war hammer by her said with a hand ready, and partly from her strong face that shows an honest expression that anybody crossing her would quickly feel that hammer against their skull. Her strides take her towards the left table that lay farthest from the bar, and takes a seat, and needing to look up slightly at the rest of the occupants.

"Greetings brethren. May Ioun bless this meeting with great truth and knowledge about the service our family calls us to render." She says in greeting to the rest gathered about.

Holocron Coder
2008-07-01, 10:34 AM
Kyeian Thark

"Speaking of services to render... Do any of you know what we're going to be doing this time?" After a pause, she realizes she hasn't told anyone her name and does so quietly.

2008-07-01, 03:50 PM
Therea Kruthram

"I'm afraid I have no knowledge of what will be asked of us. My name is Therea Kruthram, my parents are archivists and librarians for the family. Previously the clan has only asked me to be an assistant to my parents in collecting lost knowledge and protecting what we have." She replies with a downheartened look, as though she had puzzled over the fact many times during her trip, and was disappointed that knowledge should be kept from her.

2008-07-01, 06:00 PM

"I'm sure the reason for our summons should be made clear soon enough. My name is Tyrelius, should you care to remember it. I'd assume as an archivist you would be at least somewhat familiar with other tounges, <Perhaps you speak the tounge of the elements? Primordial>?"

Pausing for a moment Tyrelius continues. "Even if you don't I'm certain that your lore must have some interesting pieces in it. Perhaps we could discuss them sometime. I've seen a few of the smaller archives on more specialized subjects that the family keeps but I've never seen the lore your clan keeps. I have heard the odd whisper though, more discreet and respectful than the pointed remarks I've overheard about the Vann family and their ability to keep lore."

2008-07-01, 07:00 PM
Therea Kruthram

Therea shakes her head and a slight blush comes to her cheeks as the other language is spoken. "I'm afraid my studies thus far have been in history, religion and the arcane. I've yet to receive any tutoring in other tongues than common and my race, and as such I haven't been able to read as much of our family's archives as I could desire. The chief duty still lies with my parents afterall and both are in good health. I'm far from being able to take up the responsibility myself."

2008-07-01, 07:40 PM

Seeing the last individual enter the room, Perrin cautiously sits down with his back to the wall. "Perrin is what they call me. I hail from the desolate northlands. Perhaps you remember of the tale of the Queen and the city of Poleme...? Or perhaps... not at all, for the letter I bear is the only communication from here in the more southern lands in the past ten years."

2008-07-03, 08:05 PM
The evening becomes dusk. A few of the rough men and women slouching within the shelter of the makeshift roof put their hands to the daggers at their belts and slip out the door. Eventually you are the last customers in the Tea House. Without comment, the elven bartender tosses out an intoxicated patron and pulls a curtain over the entrance before beginning to collect cups and dishes from the crates and tables. He leaves you unmolested.

Soon after the curtain parts and a slender figure in a dark coat enters the hall. She pushes her hood back as she approaches your table and takes a seat without word. Gradually you realize that this can only be one person: Helaina, more commonly known as Grey Elder. Though she has the appearance of a newly developed maiden, this is an obvious deception. She is an eladrin, and as youthful as her body is, her spirit is ancient and powerful; almost a physical presence that causes her to look ghostly and unnaturally vigorous. Perhaps it won't be long before her spirit becomes too large to be contained in her body and the feywild will whisk it up in an arcane storm.

The inner circle has had little dealings with the rest of the family for ages, and as such, Grey Elder is of the outer. Ever since the death of her daughter, she has gained a reputation for efficiency and effectiveness in maintaining the families profit margins and expanding their illicit affairs.

Welcome, she says in a whisper. It was I who has asked you here. I am Grey Elder. I had been afraid you would not all come, but I see that the decision to ask you here was the right one. Her gaze rises from the table and with a glance, the elf at the bar disappears into a back room, emerging soon with plates of cold mutton. They are set before everyone except for the elder's. Tell me. What is it that you desire the most? Each of you?

2008-07-03, 09:39 PM

Watching the woman enter and sit Tyrelius opens his journal after she finishes speaking. He begins turning pages as he reads.

<It is an honor to meet you Lady Helaina(elven)>. I find your question to be a very interesting one. The answer can reveal rather a lot about a person. I'm sure you know could guess many things I would wish for, my history has been of note to the elders, has were the tasks entrusted to my mother's family. If I was to answer what my desire was at this point, I would have to say knowledge. I understand about half of this journal, which is only one very small portion of this worlds lore. From my training and skill I can use the lore to achieve my other goals so it becomes my priority. Of course I could very well achieve my goals while trying to hunt the lore I seek. But I'm sure what you called us for would be a more interesting discussion.

2008-07-04, 12:45 AM

Closing her eyes and giving a respectful bow of her head to the elder, Therea answers next. "Grey Elder, always will I desire to do the duty of the clan, and most I desire to one day be capable of continuing the duty that has been passed from parent to child through my branch of the family. However I also have a thirst for knowledge. Though I would not dare of claiming myself ready and capable to know all the knowledge of the family, there are questions I have, secrets kept from me, and some of them I would one day wish to know, if only to be more capable of the duty I will inherit."

2008-07-04, 09:08 AM

Bowing respectfully to the Grey Elder, he begins to speak, "It is my wish to serve the family in any way I can, as I once did before the city of Poleme was destroyed. It was survival and necessity that brought me here. I will not lie. There are still numerous survivors scattered in the north. I would like to see them unified and strong under a new banner. In short, I wish for the northlands to be rebuilt to their former glory and splendor."

2008-07-05, 01:15 PM
Quiet throughout the evening, Terrelen's head perks up when he sees this "Grey Elder". Although his Dwarven mentor had given him a brief introduction to the power structure of the family (one seeming more and more breif as he dived head first into this new world), he now could only think that he was in the prescence of real power.
Umm I...
He pauses as someone else speaks, slinking back, nervous. When silence comes again, he speaks up.
I... want to be part of something important. Not wate my life in my father's home, never really living in the world. I want... to be part of the Family. And to take every experience they can give me.
He blushes and looks away, his natural Eladrin confidence and pride paled in the light of this ancient one.
I am a lost sheep, ready to be brought back into the flock.

Holocron Coder
2008-07-05, 02:58 PM
Kyeian Thark

Watching the girl-woman as she approaches, Kyeian takes note of her power and station. Nibbling the mutton gratefully as the rest reply, Kye waits to be the last to respond. Not seeing a need for a flourishing speech, she says, "Life. And honor. I wish to be deserving of my family's care."

2008-07-05, 11:01 PM
A small smile appears on Grey Elder's face. Good. I am pleased with your answers. I asked you this because the time has come to seize your destinies. To do that, you must know yourselves and each other. It is knowledge that you will seek first, though you will gain no pleasure from realizing it. That is as it should be. Do not begrudge the loss of your innocence. Instead be grateful for the comfort it brought, and prepare yourselves to do battle with reality.

Her gaze turns to each of you, and for a moment she falls silent. Terrelen and Tyrelius, and perhaps you as well Kyeian. The time has come for you to journey to the Temple of the Void. It has existed underneath this city since before this city even existed. Each of our ancestors who sought the gift of sorcery has crawled through those fetid halls. You must not be any different. Therea and Perrin shall help you survive the perilous journey. I am unsure what a scion of the divine might gain from the temple, since yours is a tradition new amongst us. Nonetheless, both of your roles shall be clear very soon.

2008-07-06, 01:13 AM

"Ioun calls his disciples to seek out all knowledge. Even if I do not understand what sights I may see there and can make no use of the arcane secrets, I will observe and help out the members of my family. However, though you say it lies beneath the city, I have no knowledge of this temple, nor where we might gain entrance to it." Therea replies without any hesitation or doubt in her voice, however she also creases her brow in reflection as she tries to recall the name of the hall of sorcery from her teachings.

2008-07-06, 11:03 AM

His face showing awe, Terrelen's face grows wide with a smile.
The family is bestowing this honor upon me? I am. . . thank you, Gray Elder.
He makes a slight bow, looking to the others for their reactions to this news. As he ponders his assignment, his smile fades and an eyebrow rises as he turns back to the Eladrin mistress before him.
But tell me, Elder. What is this truth we will have to come to terms with? And what waits for us in the Temple?
While his eyes watched the Elder intensely, his thoughts raced as he tried to remember hearing anything about this temple from his father's teachings.
Arcana and History are both +11 Mods. Should I roll one of these, or will you just inform us as to what we know?

2008-07-06, 07:15 PM

Looking back down to his journal after the Grey Elder finishes Tyrelius waits for a moment and speaks up after his two companions.

"Knowledge is always something to respected as it is never without some cost. As for bemoaning the loss of innocence, since you called me for this task I'm sure you must know at least something of my past. Given that consideration I would have thought you'd have realized that I'd come to terms with some of the darker realities of this world a long time ago. I think the only one who hasn't is our young friend here." He motions towards Terrelen as he says such. But I believe that is more an effect of his upbringing than any intentional foolishness. At least I hope such is the case or the dangers we face may soon overwhelm him.

2008-07-06, 07:59 PM

Upon hearing the words of the Grey Elder, Perrin bowed his head. It would be honorable to serve the family. Especially if the remnants of Poleme were to be reassembled. He had heard phrases such as, "Knowledge is Power," but something made him wonder... he had also heard that strange things lurked in the dark crevasses below the surface of the world... he shuddered at the very thought.

His thoughts turned back to the discussion at hand. Speaking up, "Maps are few and far between in the desolate north... but it sounds as if this Temple of the Void has been traveled to before. Is there a map, or is it an added test of our worth to locate the temple ourselves?"

2008-07-07, 12:07 AM
Grey Elder nods gravely at Tyrelius. I know well your past, young one. You in fact, concern me the most. But we will not speak of that further. Her gaze drifts off. This journey is not a test of your worthiness. Each of you are worthy already. Of that I am certain. A map will be provided, though it has been some time since anyone has made this journey, and so things may have changed since it was drawn. As for the temple itself, it will be discussed further upon your return. For now, I will warn you of the Naenn-Tru. They are a tribe that is... ancient just as we are. I do not know how long they have existed, but it may even be that they are older than our own family. Among other things, they are the caretakers of the temple. Tread carefully among them, and make no pacts.

2008-07-07, 09:54 PM

"I would think making deals with the caretakers of a temple devoted to the void would be foolish. I only know a little from what I've read but it is not a place to be tampered with lightly. But I believe we have taken enough of your time elder, should we expect to report back to you after we complete the task or should we act of our own accord with the knowledge we gain?"

Holocron Coder
2008-07-08, 09:18 AM
Kyeian Thark

Kyeian lets the others speak their minds as she listens. Flourid speeches, from all of them, she grumbles mentally. Showing a simple nod for her acceptance of their new mission, she takes in the details of the conversation otherwise. Though I suppose they have their uses, given the questions spawned.

2008-07-10, 05:32 PM

"We will do as you instruct us Grey Elder. The only pact of service I make is to the family of Lomuk-Emiv." Therea replies, looking over her companion, quite impressed that others take the duty of the family in such high regard as well "You say a map will be provided, and that is fortuitous. Is there another of the family that we are to get it from?"

2008-07-20, 12:23 PM
Back to regular posting, all. Sorry for the inconveinience

2008-07-20, 08:21 PM
Grey Elder shakes her head at Therea. I have the map here. Though many others have made the journey, none are available to guide you. This was drawn from my own memory, though unfortunately the last time I journeyed through these tunnels was long before any of you were born.

Though all she does is reach into her voluminous cloak you can't help but note how painfully graceful her movements are. Retrieving a faded roll of parchment, she spreads it before you, indicating various points on a map with her delicate, child-like finger as she speaks.

Pay attention. There are three entrances into the sewers, each marked by an arrow. The topmost indicates the Old Well, which has long been dry. It is in the northern region of the Under Ruins, which is out of my influence. You will have to rely on your own skills to reach it alive. To reach the entrance below that, you will instead need to travel to the shop known as the Blood Pit. This is closer and within our territory, but it is secretly controlled by the Naenn-Tru. It would be best to limit your exposure to them for now. The entrance at the bottom is reached through a secret passage within the Shylas House. Only Shylas halflings are allowed within, so I am not sure how you would reach it. The night guard, Osor, is secretly one of us, as are many other of the Shylas. But their word alone will not gain you access. If possible, try to avoid killing any of the Shylas, at least overtly. Doing so would bring complications to our family that I greatly wish to avoid. Grey Elder pauses and draws a very quiet breath. How you enter the sewers shall be decided by your own council. Once there, you will find a destroyed section of the wall in the northeast passage... here... which will lead to a series of natural caverns. The east caverns have nothing of interest, so instead head toward the Underdark. The full journey has not been mapped, but at this point the path is long, tiring, and very boring. You must simply follow the main tunnel and ignore all side passages. It will take you north-east until it opens up into a large cavern. Enter this cavern, continuing north-east. There you will find the Temple of the Void. She takes another breath. I believe I have told you what you need to know in order to make this journey. Is there anything else that you need?


2008-07-21, 07:30 PM

Carefully scanning the map, Perrin looks up. "Well, there's no approximation of scale, but it looks like a long distance to travel. Will traveling gear be provided to us? Provisions? Climbing gear? Torches?"

2008-07-21, 09:27 PM
Grey Elder inclines her head. We have a safehouse in this sector. You may take any equipment being kept there if you are lacking anything.

2008-07-21, 10:27 PM

Looking over the map Tyrelius waits for a moment before speaking.

I would imagine the old well would likely be the best means of entering the tunnels. While it is not within the family's control the inhabitants would not have as much of an interest in it as the other two entrances. Also with a group such as ours I imagine few would work against us. Especially if we found suitable rags to cover ourselves with as to not show our wealth as openly.

Holocron Coder
2008-07-22, 01:00 AM

"I concur. The less complications we have, the smoother this will be," Kyeian says, glancing over the map. "Where is the safe house from here, elder?"

2008-07-22, 01:20 AM
At the end of the path outside. You would know the place, Kyeian.

2008-07-24, 04:19 PM

"Before we do anything, we should probably head to the safehouse. There we can discuss our plans without anyone eavesdropping. That and we should also obtain all that is necessary to travel in the darkness below."

2008-07-24, 05:03 PM

Tyrelius shrugs before he begins to speak. Fair enough, sounds like a plan to me.

2008-07-24, 10:36 PM

I agree. Let us make our way to the safe house. From there, we can form a plan and assess our options.
He sighed.
Though I'm not looking foreword to heading back into that cess pit.

Holocron Coder
2008-07-25, 12:03 AM

Grinning, Kyeian nods and says, "That I do... Whenever the rest of you are ready, then."

2008-07-25, 02:49 AM
Elder Grey rises up and offers you a brief smile. Farewell. My presence is needed elsewhere for the moment.

You make your way through the ruined architecture of an alien civilization, your minds wondering exactly what these slabs of obsidian and ruined marble structures once were. But their original purpose is meaningless now. The wonders of the old civilization now exist only to house the garbage of the new. Spice addicts, orphans, and violent criminals all coexist as equals in a lawless slum. You catch glimpses of them hiding in the narrow alleys, watching you. Even here where your family is in relative control, a delicate balance of tension exists. A truce between you and these natives will only exist while their fear of you exceeds their greed and desperation.

The safe house isn't a far walk, and when Kyeian has led you to the place you see only a poorly-built shed. Inside however, a trapdoor lies open already in preparation for your arrival. In contrast to the blistering heat, the stone staircase and the room it leads to is refreshingly cold. When you enter, a halfling concealed by the shadows shuts the trapdoor quickly behind you and locks it. You are greeted by the sight of a dusty dwelling with rows of mildewy cots, a few of them occupied. In one corner an old woman is stirring a pot of stew. The halfling at the trapdoor follows you downstairs and gestures to the next room. Our extra supplies are in there. If you're looking for something in particular, I can help you find it... if we have it. He's a sturdy-looking fellow with a shaved head and a handlebar mustache. Oh... and the elder wanted you to have these. He hands Kyeian a pair of tiny vials, scarcely bigger than capsules, as well as a leather wallet that feels full. Healing potions. Down one of those after you take a hit and you'll be as good as new. Don't waste them, they aren't easy to come by. And of course, no matter how much you heal your body with magic, there's still only so much you can take before you're done for.

2008-07-28, 02:59 PM

I suggest we split our resources between us. If one particular person needs more than their equal share, then we can work as a group to aid them. We are Family.
He turns to the halfling.
Are there any ritual scrolls in this place for an apprentice wizard like myself? Some I can either use or copy for later?

2008-07-28, 04:17 PM
The man furrows his brow and gives his mustache a brief twing. Scrolls? Not exactly sure where you'd get those, but all we have are the basics here, nothing fancy like that.

2008-07-28, 09:52 PM

Walking through the building running his finger across the shelf as he does so Tyrelius grabs some more rations to suppliment the long journey as well as a few more torches.

I would recommend caution with how much you choose to carry. I'm sure we will find more to carry back and overloading ourselves would not serve our purposes.

Holocron Coder
2008-07-29, 08:17 AM

Thanking the halfling quietly, Kyeian accepts the wallet and the potions, stowing it in her bag to share as need be. Fully prepared otherwise, she waits for the others to ask their questions and load up on extra gear.

2008-07-30, 08:32 AM
Looking over the supplies, Terrelen takes ten days worth of trail rations.
Better safe than sorry...
Having just whispered one of his father's mantras, he pauses briefly to wonder what his father has done since he left. Though it had been only a few months since his departure, it felt like a lifetime. He had learned so much from Delzoun, but he had learned even more from his father.
But now I get to implement it... you'll see, Father. You'll be proud of me...
Hurriedly stuffing the remaining rations into his pack, he then waits for the others to gather thair own supplies, before breaking in with a cough.
So... where do we go now? We have several options, and I think they all merit discussion.

2008-07-31, 02:58 PM

Therea adds to her backpack a pint of oil. Seeing what else has been given to Kyeian, Therea responds, "We thank you so much for what you give us, and please send on our thanks to the elder as well."


2008-07-31, 02:59 PM
Rummaging through the supply room, you are able to find a total of seven days worth of rations and about a dozen torches, though half of these look at least partially burnt out. There are also a pair of lanterns and a few pints of oil.

2008-07-31, 06:22 PM

Adjusting the straps of his bag Tyrelius turns to the others. Well I've stated my vote, I'm sure what trouble we face there wouldn't be too difficult to overcome. Easier than the more established groups over the other two entrances. Unless of course anyone knows something I don't about this place.

2008-08-03, 04:49 PM

Glancing at the supplies the group had found, he gave a small snort. "Well... it's better than nothing. Hopefully there's something decent to eat down there. I just hope anything we encounter down there isn't plagued or anything."

"As for our plans regarding the entrance to the sewer system... it would look quite peculiar for a group of people working together to be entering the sewers in an area outside of the control of our family. No doubt it would attract attention from those who inhabit the area already. I would most definitely prefer avoiding attention, seeing as we would probably stick out like a torch in darkness. Does anyone know anything more about the Shylas halflings?"

2008-08-03, 11:24 PM

Dissapointed to find so little, Terrelen simply dumps the few rations into his pack. Without looking up, he reiterates what he remembers about the Shylas halflings.
They are a staple from the underruins, there longer than any can remember. Their society values culinary skills and thieving- a display of either could gain their respect.
Reorginizing his pack, he turns back to them.
Do any of you have and skills in pickpocketing or the like? I don't see any frying pans...

2008-08-04, 01:21 AM

"They are three difficult options to choose from. The Old well is not only out of the protection we're afforded by our family's reputation, but may also attract attention for that very fact. The Blood pit seems a deceivingly easy option, within jurisdiction and only having to go through a tribe that we'll have to face eventually, yet the Grey Elder's warnings make me want to avoid it the most. As for going through the halflings, one wrong step could not only lead to bloodshed, but leaves the members of our family within the Shylas in a touch spot and could create much ill will." Therea is silent a moment as she considers things before saying, "I believe the Old well is the best option. We are fit to face any small trouble that might try to harm us, and if we go with as much stealth and disguise as possible, perhaps no connection may be made between us and the Children of Lomuk-Emiv. Many of us may not be recognized as part of the family anyway."

2008-08-04, 09:13 PM
"Yeaaah... about the frying pan? I'll see what I can do. You know I wasn't always a woodsman... The advantages of city life? Heh. That's what I miss sometimes. The ability to be a professional criminal. Those were the days. Of course I went straight now, so whatever. I'll scrounge around I suppose."

I have not read the 4e PHB in about a month, so I don't exactly remember how skill checks are rolled. I'll just roll dice like I did in 3.5e and you can correct me if I'm wrong or something. Oh yeah, I'm trying to find a Frying Pan. That's in addition to any other rare culinary objects I can find that aren't too hard to steal.

Stealth Check:[roll0]
Thievery Check:[roll1]

Or, if we're going via the Well, then this is utterly useless. I love advance rolling! :smallcool: Whatever. Discount this spoiler if we don't go via the Halflings.

Holocron Coder
2008-08-05, 10:12 PM
Kyeian Thark

Checking her pack, Kyeian comments, "In my own opinion, I'd rather the well. Better those that see us make guesses about who we are rather than trusting those that do know what we are to be quiet."

She looks up at the group, gear secure, "Unless saying such is being overly cautious?"

2008-08-06, 06:43 PM

No qualms here. It'd be simple enough to find some old cloaks here or merely buy them discreetly from some of the more unfortunate souls on the street. With those on and a varied procession I'm certain that we could pass relatively undetected to the well.

2008-08-06, 06:58 PM

"Well, that would seem to be three votes for the well then, and I believe we've thought of a way to prevent ourselves from being too conspicuous." Therea says to Perrin and Terrelen, trying to make it seem as a statement of fact rather than a confrontation. It would not do if their first decision making session began with an argument.

2008-08-07, 04:03 AM
Having finished searching for supplies, Terrelen turns to the rest of his group.
The well sounds fine to me. Any confrontations we have there will probably have no negative effect on the Family as a whole.

2008-08-09, 09:57 AM

"The well it is then... Either way, the things we'll be facing down in the darkness will probably be much more dangerous compared to anyone who follows us..."

Holocron Coder
2008-08-10, 12:27 PM

With a nod, Kyeian says, "If we're ready then?"

At confirmation, she'll start to leave the safehouse, making sure not to compromise it by being cautious about who sees when they leave.

2008-08-10, 01:21 PM
You return under the light of day to the Under Ruins, and make your way towards the Old Well. The wrath of the blazing sun has passed and the streets cool as evening swiftly approaches.

Despite your precautions however, it isn't long before trouble finds you. As you make your way down a long street, shadowy figures emerge from the shanties lining either side. Before you, a burly man leans against a ruined wall, leering at you and holding a mace at his side. He stands beside a cloth-draped box from which you can hear movement inside.

Casually, the man fishes through his pocket and draws out a crude bracelet made of broken shards of ceramics. He tosses it toward you, and it skids across the dirt before landing at your feet.

"Evenin' friends. That'd be a present to commemorate our friendship. Now I wonder, what sort of present will you be givin' me and me lads?"

2008-08-10, 07:38 PM
Oh damn. Looks like trouble. Oh, well. It seems like it's unavoidable in this hell hole.
Terrelen gripped his staff harder, watching the others, waiting to see how they responded. As his eyes quickly moved from one of his companions to another, he ran through his formidable array of spells inside his mind.
No more practice, Dad. Time for the real thing...

2008-08-10, 08:44 PM

Being an elf of the shadows, Perrin kept a short distance behind the group as they attempted to pass through unfriendly territory. Recalling skills he had used once before, he hunched in his shoulders and bent his head down. Subtly mixing in with the crowd, Perrin moved with a purpose, just like everyone else around him. These were not friendly parts of the city, and those with the street smarts generally were wise enough to mind their own business.

Streetwise Check:[roll0]

However, being a rogue and tailing the party, I think it would be slightly more beneficial and more in character if I were to make a stealth check to avoid people from noticing me. Also, it would seem like I was just another thief tailing the latest foreigner who was unlucky enough to stumble into this part of the city.

Stealth Check: (If Possible) [roll1]

2008-08-10, 11:06 PM

Therea put on a cloak over herself before she left the safehouse, to try and hide the valuables she wore and draw less attention to herself, despite the heat of the day. However in the end it seems that they were doomed to attract the attention of the thugs that considered the area their own. Still, it was best to try and talk by the situation if possible.

"My, how generous, to give out friendship so easily to those new to the city. I thank you." She says, picking up the bracelet and putting it around her wrist. "I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of gifts on me right now. Normally I'd invite a new friend to drinks, though I'm afraid I don't have the time at the moment. Nevertheless, perhaps this'll be enough of a gift and express my gratitude." She says, fishing out seven gold coins from her purse and taking off one of the hair ornaments with Ioun's symbol on it and handing it to him, overall giving a cheerful and grateful expression.


2008-08-11, 06:34 PM

Walking slowly wearing a worn cloak Tyrelius tosses 4 silver coins at the feet of the men as he trudges along, slowing his steps as Therea interacts with the men but still attempting to stay somewhat inconspicuous.

Streetwise - [roll0]

2008-08-11, 07:45 PM
The thug stares quietly at the gold and silver given to him, and then his eyes glint with greed. He takes the five of you in once again, realizing suddenly that you're not simply a poor band of beggars who wandered into unfamiliar territory. He backpedals several steps and calls out. "This is it Boots! They've got gold! We'll be rich!" With that statement, he seizes the cloth on the obscured box and pulls it off to reveal a rotting wooden cage. He smashes the flimsy device with his mace and out pour a pack of enraged, dog-sized rats, shrieking and frothing at the mouth! The beasts are led by two especially bulky rats covered in grotesque red sores. Spikes protrude from their flesh, looking for all the world as though they had burst from the bloody skin of the rat.

You also see a halfling lurking on a nearby roof, taking aim at you with a sling.

Holocron Coder
2008-08-11, 09:20 PM

Rolling her eyes at Therea's act, Kyeian draws her sword and takes a stance. Watching the rats spill out of the cage, she grimaces and points her free hand, uttering words of arcane origin.

Regardless of its effect, she moves in front of her two companions, imposing herself between them and their foes.

Scorching Burst on the square 3 up-right diagonal, then 1 up from my position (should be the centermost red of that group)

Area Burst 1 within 10, Int vs Reflex
[roll0] - Middle
[roll1] - Top
[roll2] - Upper Left
[roll3] - Left
[roll4] - Bottom Right

Move diagonal up-right twice (above the purple-ish T)

2008-08-11, 10:03 PM

Walking towards the man Tyrelius shakes his head slowly from side to side.

"You have chosen poorly. It would have been far wiser to take the generosity we gave you than to attempt this against us." As he speaks Tyrelius raises his arm pointing first at the nearest rat chanting the phrase "Ana Simtim Alaku". As he does so a faint greenish outline can be seen moving out from his arm to encase the rat, with that finished he points to the man.

"Allow me to impart some of my knowledge to you, if you have a taste to learn it. Napalu

Initiative = [roll0]
Minor action = Warlock's curse
Move action = Move UR, R, UR to the square adjacent to Therea.
Standard Action = Dreadful Word [roll1] vs. will
Damage= [roll2] Psychic
Bonus effect= -3 will defense until end of my next turn if attack hits.

2008-08-12, 10:23 AM
Smiling slightly, Terrelen slides his wand from his sleeve. The small fragment of crystal, a light blue, begins to glow an even brighter blue as magical energy begins to channel its way through his arm into it.

You are right. We do have gold. Unfortunately, we also have the means to accumulate such wealth. Too bad you won’t live to spread the word to your thieving friends.

Pointing the wand at one of the smaller rats, the magical energy unleashes itself in the form of a bright, blue beam. Striking the ground, it immediately freezes the water from the air, forming a layer of sharp ice spikes across the ground. The ice flowers out, growing rapidly to fill the whole area. The feet under all the rats become both slippery and sharp, some of them feeling an icy sting as they fail to jump out of the way of the knife like shards. Terrelen then retreats, knowing his powers are better suited to the back of the party.

Casting Icy terrain, focused on Square J16 in order to hit all the rats. 5 attacks, top-to-bottom and left-to-right- Attacks [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]. And damage, [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]. Big money, no whammy. Then fleeing to Square T14. EDIT- just realized they might beat me on initiative, sorry. I may change my actions if the rats do. Also, Icy Terrain makes difficult terrain till the end of my next turn, but I will use my minor action to end it if someone needs me to. Only if they can't make it to their attack, though.

2008-08-13, 07:28 AM

Perrin cries out to the party ahead,"Halfling on the roof to your 10:00!" At the same time, he comes to a stop and whips out his longbow with an elegant flourish. Putting an arrow to the string, he pulls back and stares down the wooden shaft, tracing an imaginary line to the halfling. The string twangs as the arrow leaves the bow on a trajectory towards the halfling.

Okay, I don't have my 4e PHB on hand, but I assume that (in 3.5e terminology) I spend a move action (minor action?) to draw the bow, and the standard action to fire it at the halfling. Right? I haven't read everything completely. Too busy working. :smalleek:

Ranged Attack Roll:[roll1]

I think I did that right...

2008-08-13, 02:46 PM
Well prepared for the ensuing battle, the burly man hangs back, stepping away from the wrecked cage and whipping out a dagger to hurl at Therea. She dodges away as it streaks toward her chest, but it still manages to open up a cut on her arm (4 damage).

Terrelin works quickly to invoke his spell, and suddenly the ground before him is encased in deadly ice. Two of the rats are caught entirely in it and become nothing more than frozen blocks, while one of the spiked monstrosities slips and flips in the air, landing on its back and squawking with indignation.

The other rat however has already lunged forward and towards Therea. Slathering fangs sink deeply into her leg (critical hit, 8 damage). Its mate gets to its feet and confronts Tyrelius.

Suddenly a barrage of rocks flies in from the sky. One of them bounces off Kyeian's armor and another sails past Terrelin's head. A third however hits him squarely in the brow. His vision blurs (critical hit, 13 damag). Everyone can now see a halfling on a nearby rooftop, putting another bullet into his sling.

Perrelin returns fire with an expert strike from his hiding place, and his arrow grazes the halflings side, wounding him terribly. He stumbles but stays on his feet (bloodied).

Tyrelius unleashes his cosmic words and the thug doubles over, clutching his head. "Get out of my head!"

Kyeian completes her arcane spell and engulfs the horde of rats in flame. One of them bursts into flame and writhes on the ground before becoming still, and one of the spiked rats is singed but furious.

2008-08-13, 04:21 PM

Therea gasps at the sudden assault from dagger and rat, before backing away, blood dripping from her leg wound. Clearly generosity was not something that would help in this place. Brute force was all that mattered. If that was the case, she'd show them the power of her faith. Drawing her Warhammer in one hand, she aims her other hand right in front of her towards the two monstrous rats. "Oh Ioun, give me the power to destroy these abominations of nature." and with the end of her prayer, the ground beneath them suddenly a bright light seems to explode from her hand, it's radiance spreading over the small area.

Sliding back to N15, drawing weapon, using Divine Glow on area K-M/14-16
Attacks vs. Reflex
Kyeian (and possibly Tyrelius) will get a +2 bonus on attack rolls next turn.

2008-08-13, 04:45 PM
The two remaining vermin shriek and skitter away as holy light erupts from Therea, but nonetheless, her nearby allies are bolstered by her power.

The thug gazes at Tyrelius through blood-rimmed eyes and then growls, heading not into the thick of the fighting but around it, toward Perrin. He rushes at the elf, mace held high, but Perrin smoothly ducks a swing at his head. The man skids to a halt, recovering his balance.

2008-08-14, 09:57 AM

Putting a hand to the side of his head, Terrelen is horrified to see it come into his vision with blood smeared across it.
Blood? Real... blood? What... how...
In a flash, the life or death situation he is in dawns on him.
Combat is no game... this is a real wound... time to reciprocate!
Angered by the blood that has been drawn, Terrelen stands a bit firmer as he points his wand at the nearest rat and unleashes another blast of ice, this one a direct beam meant to freeze and hinder his opponents. He then ducks inside the nearest building, hoping to avoid fire.
Using Wand of Accuracy with Ray of Frost on the rat in L-16, the moving to T-16 to avoid the enemy. To hit- [roll0] and to hurt [roll1]. Also, bloodied.

2008-08-14, 10:24 AM
Terrelin's ray of ice strikes his target, causing the rat to hiss and shiver, twitching as it tries to shake off the layers of ice hindering its movements.

Intent on their target, the rat-monsters swarm around Kyeian, the dumb beasts unaware of the threat she poses. Her blade opens deep wounds into them, sending them skittering and shrieking about. Her timely intervention prevents their fangs from sinking into Therea once more, and the one that manages a feeble bite at her ankle is swiftly kicked back by the stout dwarf (both rats are bloodied).

The halfling on the roof lets out a cry of rage and lets a bullet fly at Perrin, striking the elf in the leg like a battering ram (9 damage).

2008-08-14, 12:49 PM

Thankful that someone more skilled in hand to hand combat has come to the front, Therea drops back slightly and turns to see Perrin by himself and being subjected to attacks by both the Thug and that halfling on the roof. With a prayer to her god, Therea clasps her holy symbol in hand and a lance of light shoots out, flying towards the thug.

Shift to O14, Lance of Faith on the thug. If I hit, Perrin gets a +2 on attacks against the thug next turn (Not this turn cause perrin actually acts before me).

Holocron Coder
2008-08-14, 02:19 PM

Taking advantage of the rats' positions, Kyeian swings her weapon hard and low, trying to hit them both.

Attacking with Cleave on the Rat in L14, secondary on the other Rat if it hits.

[roll1] CRIT! - 11 damage
Secondary Target Damage: 3

2008-08-14, 05:28 PM

Muttering a sharp syllable sounding almost like the noise of two rocks grinding together then snapping a blast of sound bursts from the ground to engulf the rats before Tyrelius moves towards the thug threatening Perrin.

Casting Thunderwave.

Rat 1 - [roll0]
Rat 2 - [roll1] vs. Fort

Damage = [roll2] and a 1 square knock back.

Moving 2 squares down left, then activating my curse on the thug.

2008-08-16, 09:34 PM

Grunting from the hit to his leg, Perrin stretches the bow taut again and takes deadly aim, calling to nature to guide his strike. He lets loose another arrow and watches it speed towards the halfling. He then draws his sword and turns his attention towards the action ocurring behind him.

Ranged Attack Roll:[roll0]
Damage:[roll1] + [roll2]

Feel free to NPC me now. Basically just mop up the guy behind me then turn my attention towards the other beggars. Oh and using my hunter's quarry this round too.

2008-08-17, 09:36 PM
Perrin's next shot at the halfling is ruined by a sound blow to his ribs by the human menacing him. The man jumps back, eyes darting around (4 damage).

One of the rats scurries out of the way, but the other is sent tumbling back by Tyrelius' spell, allowing him to leave the melee with the two vermin. As the rat tries to regain its balance, Kyeian steps on its neck and swings her sword in a low blow that almost crushes the creature's skull. With a swift follow-up, she cuts off the other monster's lashing tail, enraging the wounded beast further.

Therea shoots a bolt of holy light at the burly thug, but the man is very quick for his size and leaps out of the way.

The villain's eyes shift to Kyeian, and he rushes toward her, fearful of losing his rats. Tyrelius swings at him at he runs past, but isn't swift enough. Skirting around the battlefield, he comes up behind her and delivers a cheap shot to her head, punishing her all the more for her inability to defend against the attack (11 damage). Again he leaps back and away from a potential counterattack.

Thug - 24
Terrelen - 22+ <--
Rats - 22
Halfling - 14
Perrin - 13
Tyrelius - 8
Kyeian - 3
Therea - 2


2008-08-18, 11:13 PM
Terrelen leans against the building, catching his breath. He touches a hand to his head, realizing the bleeding has stopped. Bolstered by this thought, he takes a few seconds to catch his breath. Standing before the exit, he readies himself to head back into the fray, His wand held in one hand, his dagger in the other. He jumps out, his eyes immediately finding the Rats he already blasted. His pale green eyes blazing, his wand sends out another fire blast, trying to finish off the beasts.
Spending my Second Wind, 14 HP and +2 to all defenses this turn. Moving to square R-16, Action Pointing out a Scorching Burst, targetting M-17. Top Rat, then Bottom. [roll0] to hit, [roll1] Damage, and [roll2] to hit, [roll3] Damage

2008-08-18, 11:52 PM
As Terrelin casts his spell, one of the rats turns from Kyeian and lunges at him - the last mistake it ever makes as she adeptly breaks its back with a powerful smash from her sword. His spell complete, the evening erupts with light and smoke fills your nostrils as the wizard conjures a small explosion. The rat dives to the side and emerges a scorched, screaming wreck.

In a dying blood-craze the beast leaps at Kyeian, but she simply bats it back with a swing of her sword. Another stone flies at her from the building-top, but simply bounces off her stout armor.

Perrin stalks after the man who retreated from his combat, assaulting him with a dizzying display of blade-work. Not prepared for the elf's speed, the burly thug's shoulder is cut open, inflicting a grevious wound (bloodied).

Thug - 24
Terrelen - 22+ <--
Rats - 22
Halfling - 14
Perrin - 13
Tyrelius - 8
Kyeian - 3
Therea - 2

2008-08-19, 12:08 AM

As Perrin runs by to attack the thug, Therea spots the wounds on him and asks Ioun for healing upon her ally. Seeing that the others seemed well on their way in whipping the monstrous rats from the face of the earth and subduing their master, Therea then looks upwards to the halfling that was providing artillery for the man. Taking swift steps toward the collapsed building, Therea chants another battle prayer before shooting another lance of divine energy at the halfling.

I'm hoping I'm in range for everything because to be honest I'm sorta loosing track now.
Perrin gains his healing surge +4 +[roll0]
[roll1] If hits, +2 to hit bonus goes to...Terrelin

2008-08-19, 10:57 AM
Looking to the rooftop, Terrelen feels as though he was meant to attack the halfling who struck him, as though something else had willed it. Gathering his courage, he dashes out across the opening, his wand trained on the halfling's position. As soon as he gains a good footing, he lets loose another blast of flame, trying if nothing else to scare the halfling out of hiding, though if he was to fall, flaming and screaming to the stones, Terrelen would shed no tears. Blood pounded in his head, his wound burning, fueling the fires he unleashed.
Moving to Q-10 and bursting H-10 at a height to hit the halfling, assuming the map is similar to what is below. If not, tell me, I edit. To hit (not putting in the +2 from Therea's attack, but hoping for it) [roll0] and to hurt [roll1]

Holocron Coder
2008-08-22, 06:50 AM

Determined to end the rat quickly, Kyeian strikes broadly, catching the rat regardless of its defenses.

Reaping Strike on Rat

[roll1] / half of 3 on a miss

If the rat drops, shift after the thug. Else, remain on the rat.

2008-08-23, 12:58 PM

Walking slowly towards the thug Tyrelius mutters slowly under his breath. As he finishes a bright light casts down from over his shoulder at the thug.

I had warned you. We are not ones the likes of which you should be fighting.

moving towards the thug and using dire radiance.

[roll0] vs fort.
[roll1] damage. Additional [roll2] if he moves towards me.
extra [roll3] damage from my curse on the thug.

2008-08-23, 01:04 PM
The light of the dying sun seems to avoid the thug as Tyrelius curses it, and a grey light comes down from the sky. His eyes widen as otherworldly whispers appear hungrily near him, and then the light fades... and so does the man, dissolving with an agonized scream. There is nothing left. (pact boon for Tyrelius).

With a low slash, Kyeian cuts off the rat's ear and a good portion of its scalp. Blood is everywhere.

Divine light engulfs the halfling and he shrieks in pain and then collapses. No more stones are fired from the rooftop.

2008-08-25, 11:44 AM

Just to be absolutely sure that the rat has died, Perrin walks up and chops its head off. It never hurt to be absolutely certain.

Coup de Grace

Must I really roll for it? I mean seriously... the thing is lying on the ground and from my understanding of the battle after having missed a week, the thing is utterly incapacitated anyway.

2008-08-27, 10:50 PM
Terrelin's magic causes an inferno to burst forth, but the lone remaining rat's natural fear of fire serves it well as it scurries out of harms way. With a burst of dying strength, it savagely turns back at Kyeian and sinks its teeth into her arm, opening up a bleeding wound (8 damage).

2008-08-28, 06:25 PM

Turning away from the remains of the thug Tyrelius makes a quick flick of the wrist launching a bolt of energy into the rat.

"I'd say this is an interesting encounter. At least we have a better measure of each other now. Now if only this stubborn rat would fall."

2008-08-28, 10:29 PM
Tyrelius's eldritch blast flies through the air. The beast is weak from blood loss and in no condition to defend itself from the telling blow. It turns its head to face the unnatural energy just as it slams into its shoulder, disintegrating its forepaw and leaving it to squirm and bleed out on the ground until it is finally still.

Combat over.

100 xp each.

2008-08-28, 10:46 PM

"Desperate places drive men and beasts to desperate things. Though the world is well rid of these vermin." Therea says with a glance toward a rat corpse, then lifts a hand to her wounds and murmurs prayers to Ioun, the wounds healing. She then begins to climb the rubble of the collapsed building, to check upon the condition of the halfling. After determining the health of the halfling, Therea will try to bandage him up. In any event, when done with the halfling, Therea will look to the rest of the group and says "Who else is in need of healing."

Using healing word to heal [roll0] Hp.
Then Using a heal check to see the condition of the halfling and try stablizing.

2008-08-29, 12:28 PM

Bleeding all over, Perrin crosses over to Therea. "I'm pretty beat up, but we should probably take care of that halfling first... I wonder if he has any information worthwhile to our task at hand... he is a halfling after all..."

2008-08-29, 01:01 PM
I am hurt, but horribly. If I were to receive divine aid in my healing, it would probably be less stressful to my body. You are right to prioritize the prisoner, however.
He touches a hand to his sore head, feeling the already healed cut with a wince.
AKA, healing word would only take 1 surge, normally I'd need two.

2008-08-29, 07:19 PM

Therea look over the unconscious form of the halfling before turning toward her allies. However it can be seen that her breathe comes slightly more readily and beads of sweat have formed on her face. Looking over the wounds of her companions, Therea then says, "I will pray for healing in a few moments. Channelling the blessings and power of the Lord Ioun can be too much for me at times. The halfling that struck at us from the roofs is unconcious and a bit worse for the wear, but will recover."

Signifying the 5 minute rest. Please tell me if something happens that would interrupt this rest, and if I can then use another 2 healing words in my next post.

2008-08-29, 07:24 PM
After the battle, all is silent. Taking a moment to catch your breath, the pain of your injuries fades away in the face of your resolve. You reflect on the hardened killers and their feral pets. They made a living doing what they did well, and they were no match for you at all.

5 minute rest, everyone who wants to can spend one healing surge.

2008-08-29, 07:50 PM

Regaining her breath Therea goes first to heal Terrelen who came forward, placing her hands over the open wounds and chanting the words begging healing from Ioun, and then spots the blood running down Kyeian's limbs and moves forward to heal the brave fighter who fended off the rat's attack. Seeing that this is still not enough, Therea apologizes "Just give me a few more minutes and I will help to heal your wounds."

Yep, two more healing words, then sitting down for another rest.
Terrelen Heals [roll0]+<H.S. Value> and loses a healing surge

Kyeian Heals [roll1]+<H.S. Value> and loses a healing surge

2008-08-29, 08:19 PM

Picking up the dropped coins Tyrelius wrinkles his nose as the rat's blood pools around the body. He points and mumbles a phrase "Melammu, Qamu," calling down once more the shaft of light to burn what remains of the corpse. He walks to the building and hands the gold back to Therea.

"These are yours. I think you see now the risk inherent in showing such wealth in a place like this. But we came through well and now have a better view of our respective talents, particularly the strength of your faith. I will leave you to tend to our allies. My preparations should be complete by the time you finish.

With that Tyrelius moves to the shade of the building and begins a slow chant as his right hand drifts lazily in front of him, it's fingers tracing patterns in the air that grow more complex with time. He finally culminates with the phrase "Ati Me Peta Babka" and his face flinches momentarily before he releases a soft sigh.

2008-08-31, 08:27 AM

"We'd best get moving. Who knows what this commotion might have attracted. In a place like this? There's probably another gang around the corner... Oh and one more thing... try not to show your wealth in a city. Especially one like this. Good way to get mugged."

Perrin crosses over to the halfling. "Any plans for this guy? I'd rather not just... leave him here." Perrin performs a quick search of the halfling for any identification or things of importance. He also spends the rest of the time looking nearby for the arrows he had shot.

2008-08-31, 10:49 AM
After dragging the halfling down from his perch atop the building, you notice that he is stirring and beginning to come to.

2008-08-31, 02:52 PM

Noticing that the halfling is awakening, Perrin draws his sword and crosses over to the halfling, just in case he decides to make a run for it. Calmly waiting until the halfling is capable of speaking, Perrin begins to question him. "Who are you? Who do you work for? What do you know of the Shylas family?" Perrin is especially keen on hearing the last answer.

Here's a Charisma check if you need it. I'm not sure whether Diplomacy would apply, and I'm not sure Intimidate would either... [roll0]

2008-09-01, 05:51 PM
The eladrin wonders at the power of the divine, a power so different from his own arcane abilities. He then turns to the unconscious halfling, his strength renewed, but the bitterness from the near lethal blow still shadowing his eyes.
If it tries anything... it dies.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-01, 07:22 PM

Resting her hands on her knees after the fight ends, Kyeian inspects her injuries. Finding herself not in imminent danger of collapse, she waits for Therea's healing assistance.

After Therea finishes, Kyeian waves away further healing. "Only a scratch remains. Do not worry yourself over it."

Standing, she glances around the immediate vicinity and states, "I agree. I do not think we should linger here."

2008-09-01, 07:35 PM
The halfling blinks several times and sits up. There's still an arrow head coming out of the side of his stomach from the earlier fight and he doesn't look completely coherent. I'm uhh... Boots, and I don't work for no one. I know lots a things. Got a question about the Shylas?

2008-09-01, 07:56 PM

"Well... are you part of the Shylas family? Do you know of any alternative routes into the sewer system under their estate? Or just any sort of sewer entrance in general that isn't surrounded by cutthroats such as yourself?"

2008-09-02, 10:08 PM

Walking to join his party over the halfling Tyrelius looks down momentarily before turning away.

We should move on. I don't care if he's alive or dead but I wouldn't trust him too much. I'm certain he has other friends and he may walk us into an ambush worse than this one.

2008-09-02, 10:12 PM
The halfling's eyes widen. How did you know about the passage below our house? He clears his throat. Never mind, forget about it. They won't let you in anyway. If you're heading to the sewers, you might as well just keep going to the Old Well. You're almost there already.

2008-09-03, 12:15 AM

Therea accepts Kyeian's wish to forgo further healing. hearing what the rest of the party are doing with the captive, Therea agrees with what the street halfling says, "We are quite close already, and surely we'll...I'll know better how to avoid a similar experience if it comes up." She says, putting her gold back as well as her weapon and getting ready to continue.

2008-09-05, 06:44 PM

"Who said I knew anything about a secret passage under your house... well, actually you just told me about one under the Shylas Estate. However, I may decide to make it worth your while if you provide me some more answers to questions. Allow me to collaborate with my associates before coming to a decision. Oh and I wouldn't suggest trying to run." To reinforce the image, Perrin sheaths the sword and grabs his bow and puts an arrow to the string. He then retreats over to where the rest of the party is.

In a low whispered voice to avoid being heard, Perrin speaks to the party. "Well, the halfling is right about the well. We are quite close. What I'm worried about is whether this halfling will run off and tell someone about us. Anyone have any ideas? I'd rather not kill him to keep our journey under wraps, but if we have to... If he's as blabby as he was to me, chances are he may either run to find more of his compatriots or even worse... members of the Shylas House. They may of course decide to execute him for telling us a secret of that house, but they may also decide to exterminate us first. Ideas?"

• Attempting to... how shall I put it... bribe him?
• Attempting to scare him away from the thought of running.

2008-09-05, 07:05 PM

The simplest solution to not killing him is to confine him. Admittedly we cannot confine him in a room but we have rope and other supplies that we can use to bind him. Find an out of the way location, bind him and move on. True he'll get loose in time but by then we should be far enough away to be safe from pursuit.

2008-09-06, 01:14 PM
Terrelen's eyes shift back to the halfling, still wary of him. He whispers back to his allies.
Perhaps they could keep him at the safe house for a short period of time. Keep him well fed and kept after, but confined. I'm sure even if he has connections to the Shylas, they could not object to that. He would be released, days or even weeks later, no harm done. That would ensure our Family is kept safe in this ordeal.

2008-09-07, 12:41 AM

"If we take him back to the safehouse we take up more time. We take further risk of being noticed as well as more risk that some other ruffian will take up residence in our path when we return. That matter aside, do we really want to risk having him, or anyone who might've noticed us perhaps, having any chance of finding out where the safehouse is? That could endanger our fa-...Our friends who hold it." Therea whispers back with a shake of her head at Terrelen's suggestion.
"If we are to detain him at all we are best to do as Tyrelius says. I do not agree with the way. If I hadn't been most recently proven unknowledgeable of the morals and values of those that inhabit this area, I would suggest giving him some coin to forget he saw us."

2008-09-07, 08:50 PM

I don't particularly care what we do as long as we move on. If we're to bind him and hide him so be it. Going back is counterproductive, I'd kill him before that option. That may well be the best solution anyways, if none of you care to dirty your hands for that reason then you can go on ahead, I'll do it and catch up. What most concerns me is that we come to a solution then move on.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-08, 07:00 AM

"Coin may work to silence his tongue, but that is a unreliable option at best," Kyeian comments in a whisper, glancing at the halfling. "We could always ask him why we shouldn't rid ourselves of him. Perhaps he could be convincing."

2008-09-08, 10:41 PM

Therea gives a stern look at Tyrelius after his last comment. "I really wouldn't like to think that killing him is an option we should be considering. As far as we know he's a simple urchin, a halfling though and therefore with some connection to the halfling clan of this area. However the Shylas are not enemies of us if we don't make them, so that shouldn't be of any concern. That being said, we really shouldn't linger here much longer or else we may risk attracting attention of those who are or could be enemies. If we cannot decide then I say we ask Ioun to show us his wisdom and settle it with a coin toss. Heads we tie him up and leave, tails we give him some coin and impress heavily that he should take no further interest in us." she finishes by pulling out on the the coins given back to her.

2008-09-09, 08:50 AM
If you want to reward the little beast for his violence against us, it is your prerogative. I however, will have no part in it. Tell me when we are ready to continue.
With that, Terrelen moves to the side, watching to see the outcome of the debate.

2008-09-09, 06:13 PM

Very well, flip the coin and we will proceed from there. Either course is fine with me as long as we continue our mission.

2008-09-09, 08:50 PM
The halfling Boots glances nervously your way from time to time, looking like he's trying very hard not to fidget.

2008-09-11, 09:04 PM

"Well, if we can't kill him, nor confine him... why don't we take him with us? We can see if he has any knowledge of the sewer system. If he does, we take him along and he can guide us to a place close to where we need to go, then turn him around and send him home."

Perrin turns an eye towards Boots. "We're almost done. Don't try anything funny. You do know I still have this bow here right?"

2008-09-11, 10:29 PM

"Well since there is no way to assure he wouldn't talk, having him lead us would only give him more information that he could potentially say to others. As it is what does he know of us but that we're strong in battle and our appearance...and that we're heading to the sewer systems." Therea says to Perrin. Then, getting the coin ready she utters her prayer, "Oh Ioun, Lord of Knowledge, please, with your wisdom, show your hand in how we should deal with this halfling." And with that, flips the coin and allows it to land on the ground, looking down to observe what the result is.

2008-09-12, 12:45 AM
The halfling grins ruefully. Aye, hasn't exactly slipped my mind.

When the coin calls from Therea's hands, it spins and then lands tail-side.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-12, 06:54 AM

Kyeian glances at the result and nods. "So, who's doing it?"

2008-09-12, 06:35 PM

Reaching for 4 gold coins from his pouch Tyrelius hands it to the halfling and then speaks to him. "It would do you well to remember what we are capable of. Luck was on your side this time, it would be foolish to waste what was so graciously spared by pushing your luck further. With that Tyrelius turns away and begins to head towards the well.

We are close to completing the first stage of our journey, let us hurry on with more care this time to avoid any further delays.

2008-09-13, 12:53 AM

Therea permits herself a small smile as the halfling is sent on his way before following Tyrelius. "Yes, We may have stayed here too long already, let us continue on."

2008-09-13, 03:13 AM
The halfling stares in shock at the coins in his palm, not seeming to comprehend them at first. He hasn't moved much since Tyrelius' abrupt departure, but just before you're out of sight you can hear him shouting. Hey, wait! Wasn't no small thing what you done! I won't forget this, ya hear? I'll pay ya back for what you done for me! Wasn't no small thing sparin' my life!

With that he clutches his side with a grimace and hobbles to a nearby shadow, vanishing from sight.

Left with nothing to do but continue forward, you again make your way through the Under Ruins. Past crumbling marble statues of things no longer remembered in this world and through the hastily constructed tents and shanties crammed in between bizarre, cyclopean temples, you finally arrive in a rubble-strewn courtyard.

On one side is a short, wide, cylinder of masonry, with an old wooden top closed, concealing what may be underneath.

2008-09-14, 01:11 PM

"Well... anyone wanna go first? No? Alright." With that, he walks over to the opening of the sewer and slides it off.

2008-09-14, 01:16 PM
Beneath the slab of wood there is indeed a hole stretching down into darkness.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-14, 02:17 PM

"Lovely, a dark hole to the sewers. Guess this is what we were looking for anyway..." She glances at the rest of the group and takes out a torch, striking it alight. "Ready?"

2008-09-14, 04:36 PM

Perrin grabs a nearby rock and tosses it into the hole. He carefully listens, counting the time between the rock's release and the surface it lands upon. When he hears what he needs, he casts about for a rope.

2008-09-14, 05:17 PM
The rock hits a surface after about a second or two, though the light from Kyeian's torch doesn't reach the bottom. It looks like whatever pulley system the well had has been destroyed, and there is no rope lying around.

2008-09-14, 05:23 PM

"Well... that's just fine and dandy. Doesn't seem to be too far down, but then again, we can't really see far enough to be sure. I don't especially feel like jumping down their either. Anyone have any suggestions? Or did anyone think to bring a rope?"

2008-09-14, 07:11 PM

Pulling the rope from his bag Tyrelius begins looking for a secure anchor to attach it to. It is common to carry rope to meet any challenges one might find during travels. Also I had mentioned using this to detain the halfling we had met earlier, I guess it's just luck in our favor I didn't have to use any of it then.

2008-09-15, 04:27 PM

Tie a line then. I am eager to move on towards our mission.
Terrelen flicks his wand, the crystal starting to glow, blue light flowing from the sapphire crystal.

2008-09-16, 01:01 PM
The first thing you notice is a crumbling statue. But upon further inspection you realize that it's core has been fractured and it could easily break under significant weight. A bit farther away however, you find a crumbling stone wall and manage to secure the rope to a protrusion that looks sturdy.

2008-09-16, 03:09 PM

Taking the lead Tyrelius begins to climb down after lighting and dropping a torch before him. When he reaches the bottom he lifts the torch with his left hand as he readies a blast of energy in his right.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-17, 07:11 AM

Having another source of lighting, Kyeian clambers down the rope second, taking her time to hold onto the torch.

2008-09-17, 06:13 PM

Smoothly rappelling down the line, Perrin immediately draws his sword. Who knew what lived down in this decrepit place.

2008-09-18, 11:36 AM
Slowly, Terrelen lowers himself onto the rope, waiting for everyone else to go.
I'm not suited for these escapades! Why couldn't there have been stairs!
Wand firmly ties to his wrist, he begins to climb down last, making his way slowly.

2008-09-19, 05:12 PM
You seem to be in a dank access tunnel. Only Terrelen's wand and Kyeian's torch allow you to make anything out. The ground is cracked and sparse with rubble, but as long as you watch your step, it won't prove to be much of an obstacle. The ceiling is curved and only extends a few feet above your head. To your left, the tunnel stops abruptly, having collapsed into rubble. To your right, you hear the sound of running water, and can faintly smell something terrible.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-20, 07:02 PM

Gagging slightly, Kyeian waves the torch in the right-hand hallway. "Obviously this way..."

Actively looking for danger (non-passive Perception checks)

2008-09-20, 07:29 PM
Waving his hand before his nose, Terrelen evokes a smell of fresh cut flowers before his nose, trying to mask out the stench. Due to the limited nature of the Prestidigitation, he has to irritatedly repeat this every few seconds, keeping the phantom smell from overwhelming him.
We have to head INTO the smell!?!? Oh, damnable sewers, full of muck and mire. Why do I have to crawl through this drudge and sewage. damn it...
Turning to the group, he speaks louder.
I think I should stand in the rear of the party, where my projectile spells can be of most use.
Hopefully prestidigitation is strong enough to keep that smell down. If it mattered in combat, I would definitely say it did nothing. Calling the last spot in the marching order.

2008-09-22, 07:56 PM

Looking rather unimpressed by Terrelen's comments Tyrelius moves forward and takes up a position with a torch towards the middle of the group.

I think the stench will be the least of our worries on this journey. I would get used to it so something worse doesn't catch you unawares.

Also keeping a sharp eye out for anything out of the ordinary

2008-09-23, 07:01 PM

"Welcome to the Jungle Sewers! We got fun and games smelly drains! Lets get a move on."