View Full Version : Eastern Gods Ultimate Fate

2008-07-01, 07:15 AM
One of my favorite things in worlds such as the OotS is that various pantheons of Gods exist and get along with one another. They just have their own areas of control and let everyone else do as they please. This was done to great effect in the old cheesy Hercules and Xena television shows.

Anyways, my question is do you guys think that the Eastern Gods (the Greek based ones) are dead and gone for good? What happens to a God when they die? Can they be brought back from death if enough people find out that they existed and start to worship them again? Who do the people of the East worship in the OotS world since the Eastern Gods are gone?

I doubt there are any of them still around because the Snarl appears to have killed them all at the dawn of the second worlds creation. This is a real shame to me because the Greek Gods are near and dear to my heart. I suppose it's years of reading the various myths and the Odyssey one too many times.

And maybe it's just because I want to see Thor drunkenly hit on Aphrodite.:smallwink:

2008-07-01, 07:21 AM
Not sure if OOTS does the whole Planescape thing. If it did:

Dead god would have a stone body on the astral plane, no matter how it was killed.

Said body could be resurrected by a powerful priest of it, if priest could find to "essence" of the god in some way and bring it to the body.

However it is possible that the snarl consumes all essence, and none of the deities had an item with spare essence in hidden somewhere: artifact of some kind, like the Hand of Bane or the Finder's Stone. Orcus/Tenebrous's Last Word seemed to kill godly entities permanently: snarl may be same way.

2008-07-01, 07:29 AM
Here is what i think : When Snarl killed the gods, he destroyed their essence, just like he destroy's peoples souls... so, no i dont think they will be back... and about what did the East people do, well the Eastern gods were killed along with the whole world, and the remaing pantheons created a new world centuries after they died. so everyone who was created on with world 2.0 they either worship one of those 3 remaining pantheons, or The Dark One or the elven god, or is a mindless monster with the purpose of being killed by adventurers.......

2008-07-01, 07:39 AM
Ahh, good point. I had forgotten that the second world was created after they were unceremoniously taken out of the equation. Brings me to wonder though with there being Northern, Southern, and Western continents (and associated Gods) why has no one ever wondered what happened to the East. Roy seemed to be pretty confused when Shojo was explaining things to him.

2008-07-01, 08:05 AM
If there's never been a continent to the east, why would anyone question that? It would be like you and I questioning what happened to the continent that sits between Europe and North America. Nothing happened, it never existed. To the people of the current world, the Eastern Continent never existed, either.

2008-07-01, 08:14 AM
I suppose that's true. Maybe I'm just trying to rationalize my desire for the Greek Gods to be in there somewhere.

2008-07-01, 09:46 AM
Maybe the elves live on the eastern continent and so the elven gods make up the new eastern pantheon