View Full Version : GITP Monster Competition XXIII - We the People (Vote Now!)

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-07-01, 07:48 AM

Beasts roam the land, swim the waters, or fly the winds. Horrible monstrosities lurk in the hidden places underfoot or beyond the stars. The damned and the blessed fill the realms outside. Living amongst them all however are the common folk. Beings of no great renown, though it is from them that the mightiest heroes or most dastardly villains arise. Often as not they but keep to their building, gathering food, raising families, and simply getting by. They are the masses but they have the potential to be great.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

The contest begins with the posting of this thread and will continue until Midnight of July 24th (EST).

Soon after a poll will be opened for everyone to vote for their favorite that will last until midnight of the last day of the month.


1. You will be creating an 'original' D&D race. A being whose LA is no higher than +2, including racial hit dice.

2. The entry must include at least basic information provided in the format posted below plus an example individual of the race with at least one level in a class. Incomplete entries will be disqualified upon the deadline.

3. Entries must be 3.5 edition.

4. Post all entries on this thread. Do not post conversation here. Any and All Comments and discussions will take place on a separate thread here (this is a link) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1499183).

5. One entry per participant. No double-teaming.

6. Entries copied from some other source (splatbook, alternate website, etc) will be disqualified. All entries must be a new creation, not one already posted. Merely adding class levels or templates to an already published or posted race does not count as a new being.

7. No reserving posts. Feel free to post a race and tweak it, but you have to have the basics already done.


The Vorpal Tribble
2008-07-01, 07:55 AM
Vorpal Tribble's Guide To Making Monsters (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43009)

As well, here is the race format. Only complete entries will be accepted. If there are any questions feel free to ask me or post queries in the GITP Contest Chat Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1499183).


<Race> Name

<Basic Info>

Physical Description:
Relations: <How the race associates with other races, particularly those they closely associate with if any, peacefully or at war with>
Alignment: <What the typical alignment is of this race, if any, and how it is most often expressed>
Lands: <Type of place this race hails from and why this is so>
Settlements: <Description of their homes and general architecture/surroundings>
Power Groups: <Government of the race or reason for a lack thereof>
Beliefs: <Religious information, including basic info on new deity (or deities) if applicable>
Language: <Their common language, with details if it is a new language>. Bonus Languages: <Other languages they may choose from a high intelligence score>
Names: <Significance of names and how they are given/chosen/allowed>
Male Names:
Female Names:
Family Names:
Adventurers: <What often brings members of this race to seek an adventuring life>

<Race> Racial Traits
* <ability modifiers and the reason for each>
* <creature type>
* Size: As <size> creatures...
* <Race> land speed is # feet.
* Automatic Language: Bonus Languages: (if any)
* Favored Class:
* Level Adjustment:

(Add to the above as needed)

2008-07-01, 05:04 PM
Image edited from this strip (http://ottercomics.taur.net/rfom/archives/rfom462.shtml), authored by Oren Otter, used with permission

In the fairly distant past the Mepholk were decidedly Evil as a race. They were using their strong personalities and silky bodies (with occasional bullying with threats of spray, especially when third parties tried to get in the way) to lure people into wanton sexual behavior (ESPECIALLY in cultures that did not approve of such) while being very elitist about who they would deem to have children with (often using magical or herbal means of birth control), and openly snubbing their noses at the Allurehn the goddess of lineage, heritage, sex, hearth and home. The end of this came rather sharply long ago (200 to 5,000 years depending on your campaign) when Allurehn put a racial curse on them, that only the person they gave their virginity to could they ever have children with, and that unfaithfulness on the part of a Mepholk would render them infertile. (Depending on how common they are in a given campaign the GM may decide that the curse was retroactive on all Mepholk in existence at that time, resulting in a sharp drop in population.) In any case the curse had its intended effect in that they became devoted followers of Allurehn. So they are currently trying to get their numbers (back) up by being exogamous, seeing their unique traits as a blessing that they were remiss in not spreading among humans (see both the Strong Bloodline trait and the spoilered teaching of Allurehn (#8) below). They are only slightly more prolific than humans (in terms of average number of children in a given family who reach adult-hood), having slightly lower child mortality due to the spray, keen sense of smell, and above average resistance to snake venom (not to mention the survival benefits of an almost certainly two-parent household). They also TEND to wish to have slightly more children than pure human couples so as to spread their blessings further. The fact that they remember all the tricks to AVOID conception and the clerics of Allurehn have introduced equally skilled measures to ENSURE conception when it is desired (since little remained to teach of the first) means that nuclear families with at least one Mepholk parent tend to be EXACTLY as big as the parents want them to be.

Personality: Mepholk typically have a high degree of self-confidence. This stems from their natural weapon granting them a basic instinctual fearlessness young in life and then combining with a culture that teaches that they are SLIGHTLY superior to the average of the most common races to spill over into other areas of their lives as they mature. With many of their communities in physically restrictive tunnels, they have a less restricted concept of personal space than most of the common races. This combined with their silky soft fur and tendency in most areas to sniff noses with each-other instead of shaking hands has lead to them being very physically affectionate, even, to a degree, with strangers. Many find their chaste/faithful sexual morals to be a surprise in this context, but the Mepholk see no contradiction.

Physical Description: Mepholk are bipedal (plantigrade (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantigrade) not digitigrade (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digitigrade)!) skunk-people. Most have human like head-hair in addition to their bi-colored fur although about 25% have no scalp hair, just the striped fur on top same as everywhere else. Most are black and white, but various shades of brown (including distinctly red shades) and white, or even yellow-blond and white are quite common as well. They will often dye their stripes bright colors for decorative purposes... doing each stripe in a different color is considered more fancy, and having a series of color gradients that complement each-other along the length of the body is considered the mark of a master fur-dyer. While about the same height as humans between their tendency to be slightly to very plump and the tails they generally weigh a bit more.

Humans: Mepholk wish to "breed out" humans (since the child of a Mepholk and a human is a Mepholk), most humans who have met one socially are perfectly alright with this, although some find it decidedly spooky. They fully recognize (and can be quite vocal if challenged on this point) that humans are their spiritual equals, and in an average urban environment their physical equals as well. As for the realms of the mind (including force of personality) there sages long ago figured out that what advantage they have their is a result of their physical traits impact on their society individual personally rather than being a thing directly intrinsic to their hereditary mental traits. They consider themselves just superior enough physically to humans that it would be downright selfish of themselves to NOT being willing to over-write human bloodlines with their own. If local populations of humans are against this as a group... well, the general opinion, is that that is the human's loss and it really wouldn't do much good to argue with them...

Dwarves: While they don't mind caves and tunnels at all, many Mepholk find these miners of said excavations to be noticeably too dower to make good company. Dwarves respect them for being almost as stalwart in battle as they are, but consider them even worse than gnomes when it comes to building excavations to last.

Elves and Half-Elves: Mepholk have a respect for the elven bond with nature, and more so for their skill with ranged weapons. Elves are caught up in a conundrum when it comes to Mepholk, finding their slow grace to be elegant, but their preferred method of ranged attack to be decidedly gauche... but they cannot argue its effectiveness at making attackers think twice. Many Mepholk philosophers have pondered the abstract question of whether once all desirous human populations have received their gift if the fair folk would be the next logical step.

Halflings: Mepholk and Halflings tend to get along well usually. Most Mepholk respect the Halfling devotion to their clans, and Halflings in turn respect the Mepholk devotion to their race and family. Shifting tides of opinion or demographics (between Mepholk and humans) can lead to the same migratory tendences in Mepholk as Halflings have. Halflings are good at finding trouble, and Mepholk good at averting it once found. This tends to make them faster friends less grudge-bearing enemies

Half-Orcs: Half-orc directness has its appeal to some Mepholk, but they generally agree that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and half-orcs usually have it. Still, when something aggressive lacks either the right sort of sense of smell, or any concept of "quit", you really can't go wrong with having a half-orc ally around to render the aggressor into paste...

Gnomes: The gnomish affinity for burrowing species and living below the roots of trees makes the two races well disposed toward each-other... a gnomish expression about Mepholk goes: "They know only one joke, but the telling of it is not quickly forgotten by anyone.", while not technically true (the Mepholk gregariousness lends itself as well to comedy as anything else), the wisdom contained in this statement is rarely questioned.

Alignment: Usually Good. Having a natural non-lethal combat option (making mercy to an enemy a less difficult choice to make), along with their devotion to the Allurehn the goddess of the Hearth causes them to tend strongly towards Good, but they are no more devoted to law or chaos than humans are.

Lands: Any Temperate, individual Mepholk may head off to other climates without a second thought if they have reason, but population concentrations in arctic or tropical zones are minimal. Then generally blend seamlessly in with human populations, unless ostracized for some reason (falsely being suspected of being generally "stinky" can be one common minor reason).

Settlements: Equally comfortable living above ground like humans or below ground like gnomes, they generally live integrated in with local human populations if they can, although often they end up happily living 20 to 50 feet below the humans' feet.

Power Groups: Usually part of human governance and neither more nor less likely to be in a position of power than a human.

Beliefs: Many are strong followers of the Neutral Good goddess Allurehn.
Portfolio: Heritage, Lineage, Romance, Sex, Contentment in Singleness, Fertility, Home, Community
Domains of Allurehn: Healing, Romance/Spouse Selection, Gestation, Sexual Pleasure
Major teachings of Allurehn:

Successful marriage is a treasure that most should actively seek after, unless a clear reason exists to the contrary. The search may be harder for some than others, and while there is more than one "perfect match" for almost all individuals, one should never compromise by settling for less than what can honestly be expected to produce mutual happiness with only a very large effort (for even the best matches need constant effort to keep the fires of dedication from dying down, but anything less than that requires even more). The concept of a follower of Allurehn taking a vow of celibacy would be ridiculous in the extreme although they are known to actively forgo marriage (at least for a time) if they have a long-term mission that would not be compatible with that.
Support of ones spouse and children, second only to a unique need for the greater good that one may be uniquely placed to fill. This includes seeing love between spouses as a commitment, in addition to the meaning of that word as an emotion. Emotions ebb and flow; dedication should not. This means seeking to build a relationship regardless of what it is returning at that time.
Sexual faithfulness to one's spouse in both body and mind. This includes both chastity before marriage, and the seeking of fulfillment for both of you as a high goal after marriage. In case it isn't obvious, clerics of Allurehn are experts on sex (including foreplay), and their senior members can generally outdo succubae and incubi on knowledge of the subject.
Protection of Good races/nations/peoples and their settlements and territories.
Destruction of Evil races that they might not dominate numerically or territorially over the Neutral and Good.
An understanding of the goals of your forbearers and, if reasonable in one's specific case, following through on those goals unless you find them to be clearly misguided. This includes caring for your parents, and grandparents in their old age, both so they may continue to apply their knowledge, wisdom, and experience to the things they hold dear, and so that none may have to be TOO cautious for fear of becoming impoverished if old age weakens them more quickly than might be expected, some harm befalls them in them in their vigor for pursuing their goals, or if they are gifted with a great number of years beyond the norm.
The counterpart to the above is to consider the good of those who come after you, including all sapient races but with an especial focus on ones own bloodline.
(This next one is likely to be the source of conflict and ire for any who do not understand it (and even a few who do) in many campaigns/settings.) Improvement of the bloodlines of all races, both in preserving diversity, and in encouraging the weeding out of traits that are unarguably strongly negative and promotion of those that are unarguably strongly positive. NOTE HOWEVER IT IS NOT PERMISIBLE to kill, or otherwise hinder from marriage or reproduction any sapient being against their will to prevent them from spreading less than ideal traits (and her clerics generally support such crimes to be punished in accordance with the principle "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"). The exceptions to this are races that are racially (NOT CULTURALLY) Evil (the extremely rare non-evil members of such races are exempt from that, and in-fact are often considered highly valuable members of the breeding population), and individuals who are EXTREMELY deficient, compared to the rest of their race, in fundamental capacity to understand the concepts involved in this (her clerics frequently serve communities by providing magical tattoos or peircings that permanently prevent reproduction, but not sexual enjoyment for those who are profoundly retarded or insane due to heritable birth defects).

She encourages an honest self-assessment guided by knowledge from experts (such as many of her clerics) of ones own heritable traits. Those who honestly find themselves to be of strongly below average heritable traits (even if they have risen above those limitations by means of dedication, determination, or sheer luck) are encouraged to use contraceptive methods when they marry (a treasure they should still seek, even if it might be harder to find someone who is willing to not have any children of their own). If such a couple is capable of supporting them, they are especially welcomed to adopt orphans or unwanted children. On the other end of the spectrum, Allurehn encourages her more naturally gifted followers not to be selfish towards future generations by avoiding marriage or children even for the sake of their talents. This includes even those whose gifts are confounded by the situation they were born into, injury, disease, or other misfortune.

For this reason she also encourages the voluntary acquisition/spread of the Good-Aligned strains of lycanthropy, to individuals who are either of already of the same alignment as the theranthrope strain they are acquiring or who are looking to make a definitive change in their path (such as neutral individuals who wish they had the moral fiber to consistently be more selfless or evildoers seeking redemption.). Similarly, Allurehn also encourages young dragons to take a "training spouse" from among the shorter-lived races while they are carefully selecting a draconic mate, since a good dating/courtship sequence (of multiple possible matches) for a dragon can last longer than a human lifetime. Having a "Monogamous Fling" in the mean time is good both for the dragon to get practical experience in being a good spouse without getting locked into anything for an especially long time by draconic standards, and for the bloodlines of the other local sapients. (See my Wing Dragon entry for more details on this practice).

Clerics of Allurehn are always watchful for those would use bad means to good ends when it comes to trying to improve intellegent races. Mepholk clerics are especially so among their own kind, considering their ability to over-right human bloodlines to be a gift from Allurehn and knowing the importance of keeping it from being misinterprited by either Mepholk or humans.

Typical Followers: Any race, but especially Mepholk. While she has followers of almost every class, rangers serving her are of especial interest since they often make it a goal to thin the numbers of or even locally exterminate a racially evil race.

Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic), elven is especially common. See the Speak Language skill.

Names: Family names are earned by some memorable (not necessarily heroic... just memorable) deed or physical feature. Taking a new name for this reason is always voluntary. Brides take their husband's name upon marriage usually, but the reverse is not unknown, especially if the bride's family name is more prestigious (or even just more interesting).

Male Names: As per human.
Female Names: As per human.
Family Names: Quick-Tail, Three-Bugs, Bounder, Two-Dens, Deep-Digger, Slug-Eater, Branch-Jumper, Wiggle-Stripes, Leaf-Biter

Adventurers: Mepholk adventure for all the same reasons their human relatives do, with the addition of being naturally prone to resist aggression against themselves or their family, friends, allies, or country.

Mepholk Racial Traits
* +2 CHA. Skunk-folk have an instinctive self-confidence resulting from their natural weapon, and their cultural tendency towards affection makes them apt persuaders in social situations... the occasional flick of a silky-soft tail-tip across a shin when bar-hopping to find the latest gossip can be surprisingly effective at putting people off their guard (either from enjoyment or surprise)
* Humanoid (Human)
* Size: Medium. As Medium creatures, Mepholk have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Mepholk land speed is 30 feet.
* Automatic Language: Common Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic), elven is especially common. See the Speak Language skill.
* Favored Class: Monk AND all NPC classes. Do not consider any levels in any of these classes when determining if a Mepholk has an XP penalty.
* 1 extra feat at 1st level.
* 4 extra skill points at 1st class level, 1 extra skill point at each additional class level, and 1 extra skill point for their racial hit die.
* Intimidate is considered a class skill for a Mepholk for any class with full-BAB, wild-empathy, or that emphasizes unarmed strikes. Of the SRD base classes this makes a change to: Druids, Monks, Paladins, and Rangers.
* Low-Light Vision: A Mepholk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
* Human kin: For all effects related to race, a Mepholk is considered a human.
* Scent (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#scent)
* Spray:

** Attack: ranged touch attack that never provokes an attack of opportunity. This counts as both a natural and a manufactured weapon (specifically a bow actually...) for purposes of how many attacks they get per round. This means a skunk-folk monk can do his full flurry with sprays, and Rapid Shot and Many-Shot are all usable with spray. They can store up to 6 'shots' and when under this number remaining recharge one 'shot' every 20 minutes. range increment 10' (max range 30'){1}, threats on an 18 to 20 (gets in eyes, note that feats, spells, and effects that expand the critical range of a weapon never apply to this). All those within 15 feet of target sprayed within the last 3d6 minutes (INCLUDING Mepholk) must succeed a fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution Modifier or be wracked with nausea, suffering a -3 circumstance to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 2d4+6 minutes, the creature actually struck has this penalty without save and must save (Fortitude) each round against the same DC to take any action, if they make it they can take a partial action, if they make it by 5 they make take their full action). If miss then 15' stench radius is from location determined by splash weapon scatter method. Struck target (character and/or specific items struck) smell bad for days (See Lingering smell below).
Critical hit: I critical hit means the spray has gotten in the eyes. This results in:

An additional -4 circumstance to all attacks, saves, and skill checks from burning pain and partial blindness
Casting spells etc. Requires concentration checks with a DC equal to the original DC for 3d6 rounds
Fortitude save DC equal to the original DC +5 to avoid being completely blinded for that duration.

{1}Note also that Far Shot DOES increase the range increment of these to 15' and the maximum range to 45'.

**Lingering stench: -5 to interpersonal interactions if struck or carrying such item, reduced by 1 per four days and also by 1 for each 4 hours spent washing with soap, apply triple this penalty as a bonus to tracking the victim by scent. Time items made completely from metal, crystal, and/or stone etc. can be washed off in only 1 minute per size class above Tiny but the smell gets on the hands or washrag used for the washing.

* Snake Fighter: +4 bonus on Fortitude Saves against the venoms of snakes and snake like creatures (such as Yuan-Ti and Nagas).
* Strong Bloodline: The child of a Mepholk and a human will always be a full-blooded skunk-folk (although with build, eye-color, etc still genetically influenced by the human parent), there is no such thing as a half-human half-Mepholk for game-play purposes. Mixed Elven/Mepholk bloodlines are also Mepholk in every respect EXCEPT lifespan, which is the same as for a human/elf cross of similar proportions (so a individual with pure elven heritage except for a single Mepholk ancestor 5 generations back would be a Mepholk with an elven life-span).
* Tail: Their tails give them +2 to balance checks.
* Racial Hit Dice: A Mepholk begins with one level of humanoid, which provides 1d8 Hit Die, a base attack bonus of +0, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +2, Ref +0, and Will +2 (note that these are NOT the standard saving throw bonuses for a Humanoid by any means).
* Racial Skills: A skunk-folks humanoid level gives it skill points equal to (3 + Int modifier, minimum 1). This includes the bonus skill point for their similarity to humans. DO NOT QUADRUPLE THESE RACIAL SKILL POINTS, instead quadruple their skill points from their first class level. Its class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate(Cha) Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex). [Development Note: this is the same as for Commoner, but with the addition of Intimidate and Survival as class skills.]
* Reproductive Curse: Mepholk are only fertile with the individual they first willingly have sexual relations with, and willingly having sexual relations with any other renders the Mepholk permanently infertile. An Atonement spell cast by a Mepholk cleric of the goddess that laid this curse on their race restores fertility, but holds an XP cost if the target was unfaithful (rather than being a widow remarrying for instance).
* Level Adjustment: +0 (but racial hit-die is permanent even when first class level taken) {2}

{2} Or +2 and no racial hitdie if a given group is going to play the spray up to its full uses rather than considering it obnoxious enough to only be used as a last resort. Due to the scaling nature of that ability the GM should consider allowing only 1 level worth to be bought off. Of course in a middle case, a LA of +1 with or without a racial hit-die would be appropriate.

Height: As per human.
Weight: As per human +10% to account for tail.
Ages: (As per human, both for starting ages for various classes, and for age categories)

Example Characters on The Tangled Web (Most, if not all, at least partially incomplete (at least by PC standards) ) :
Mary Bounder 1st level Commoner (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14769)
Ronald Quick-Tail 1st level Monk (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14770)
Karboth Slug-Eater 1st level Warrior (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14771)
Jasso Strong-Squeak 1st level Bard (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14772)
Tabitha Sparkle-Claws 1st level Sorcerer (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14773)
Elizabeth Three-Bugs 3rd level Paladin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14860)
Chad Quick-Tail 5th level Monk (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14774)
Samuel Soft-Foot 6th Level Sorcerer (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14856)
Carlos Bounder 9th level Cleric (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14803)
Edward Thunder-Rump 12th Level Fighter (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14854)
Ivanhoe Mithral-Heart 15th level Paladin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14859)
David Mongoose-Rump 19th Level Monk (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14857)
EDIT Oct 2009: A few months back Keld Denar was kind enough to do a 32 point optimized character sketch-outHERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6506808&postcount=1765).

Mepholk Feats
Acid Spray [Mepholk, Reserve]
By drawing off a tiny portion of the energy of your prepared spells, you can transmute your musk to acid.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Ability to cast a spell with the [Acid] Descriptor.
Benefits: As long as you have a Acid spell to cast, if you choose during the firing, in addition to the normal effects, on a direct hit, your musk now deals 1d4 points of acid damage per spell level of the highest level remaining spell you have with the Acid descriptor (Or 1 point of acid damage if you only have Acid Glob or some other 0th level Acid spell that you can still cast that day).

Powerful Musk [Mepholk]
Prerequisites: Con 15, Ability Focus (Spray)
Benefits: Your musk causes a -4 circumstance penalty to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 3d4+9 minutes (with or without save as normal).
Normal: Your musk causes a -3 circumstance penalty to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 2d4+6 minutes
Special: This feat may be taken more than once, although the Constitution prerequisite increase 2 points each time. Each time the penalty increases by 1 point, and the duration increases by 1d4+3 minutes. A fighter or monk may take this feat as one or more of his bonus feats. They must meet the prerequisites normally.

Extra Spray [Mepholk, Fighter, Monk]
The sacks that store your musk are enlarged.
Prerequisites:Con 13
Benefits: Increase the number of "shots" you can hold by your constitution BONUS (IE if you have a penalty (for instance because you are suffering from the effects of poison) then it DOES NOT apply).
Normal: You can hold a maximum of 6 shots.
Special:This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects stack. A fighter or monk may take this feat as one or more of his bonus feats. They must meet the prerequisites normally.

Holy Musk [Mepholk]
You can imbue your musk with the disdain of your deity.
Prerequisites: Con 13, CHA 13, Ability to Turn Undead
Benefits:When spraying, you may take a free action before firing a given individual attack to imbue it with the power of your deity by expending one of your daily uses of Turn Undead. In addition to the normal effects, on a direct hit, it now deals 1d6 points of damage per level at which you turn undead positive energy damage (as per Holy Water, but without any splash damage). Note that if you can attack more than once per round with your musk, you can imbue EACH shot with this power, (although each one requires expending a separate use of your Turn Undead Power).
Normal: Most undead are immune to your musk and it deals no hit point damage regardless of the target.

Improved Stench Resistance [Fighter, Monk]
You are a skunk, or adventure with one; you have dealt with a lot of spray in your time, and it turns out you CAN get used to that smell.
Prerequisites: ECL 3, Stench Resistance, Mepholk/Were-skunk or have gained at least two levels while adventuring with a Mepholk/Were-skunk in the party.
Benefits: You automatically succeed on fortitude saves due to the stench from the spray weapons of mepholk, were-skunks, skunks, and dire skunks. If you yourself are sprayed, you still take a reduced -1 penalty to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 2d4+6 minutes, and while you automatically save each round to take a partial action, you must still roll each round and beat the standard save DC by at least 5 in order to take your full action. You also gain a +1 bonus on saves to resist the negative effects of any other strong scents. This bonus stacks with the bonus from the Stench Resistance feat. This feat does not benefit you against spray effects that relate to getting spray in the eyes, nor any other spray effect that is based on any property of the spray other than scent.
Normal: You must roll fortitude saves to avoid penalties from the stench of any nearby spray. The penalty to attacks, saves, and skills if you are sprayed is -3, in addition to which you must save (Fortitude) each round to take any action, beating the DC by at least 5 in order to take your full action.
Special: A fighter or Monk may take this feat as one of his bonus feats. They must meet the prerequisites normally.

Rapid Musk Production [Mepholk, Fighter, Monk]
Through constant use your musk glands have become faster at producing musk to refill your reserves when some is expended.
Prerequisites: Con 13, BAB +6
Benefits:Subtract your Constitution SCORE (NOT MODIFIER) from 30, this is the number of minutes it now takes you to replace a shot of musk, to a minimum of 1 shot per minute.
Normal:You recharge one shot of musk per 20 minutes.
Special: A fighter or monk may take this feat as one of his bonus feats.
They must meet the prerequisites normally.

Stench Resistance [Fighter, Monk]
You are a skunk, or adventure with one; you have dealt with a lot of spray in your time, and it turns out you CAN get used to that smell.
Prerequisites: ECL 2, Mepholk/Were-skunk or have gained at least one level while adventuring with a Mepholk/Were-skunk in the party.
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves against bad smells, including but not limited to troglodyte and ghast stench, Stinking Cloud, and the musk of skunks, wereskunks, dire skunks, and mepholk.

Tail Shield Use [Mepholk, Fighter]
Skunk tails are surprisingly strong and you have trained yourself to use a shield with yours.
Prerequisites: STR 13, Proficient with Light and Heavy Shields.
Benefits: You may use a modified buckler, light, or heavy shield on your tail. When wearing such you gain the armor benefits of such, but lose your racial bonus to balance checks. You may only gain the armor benefits of one shield at any given time. Armor check penalties still apply. You may bash with the shield with the normal benefits and drawbacks. Such shields require more complex strapping, thus adding +50% to the base cost (as if creating armor for a creature with an usually shape), and requires a full round action to don or remove.
Special: A fighter may take this feat as one of his bonus feats.

Volatile Musk [Mepholk]
The odor of your musk wafts far.
Prerequisites: Con 13
Benefits: The radius of the debilitating stench from your musk is 25'. However reduce the duration of that this effect persists by 6 minutes to a minimum of 1 minute.
Normal: The radius of the effective stench from your musk is 15'.
Special: A fighter or monk may take this feat as one of his bonus feats. They must meet the prerequisites normally.

Vile Musk [Mepholk]
More is foul about your secretions than just the smell. They burn the flesh of the angels and other such champions of good.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Cha 13, Ability to Rebuke Undead
Benefits:When spraying, you may take a free action before firing a given individual attack to imbue it with the power of your deity by expending one of your daily uses of Rebuke Undead. In addition to the normal effects, on a direct hit, it now deals 1d6 points of damage per level at which you rebuke undead negative energy damage (as per Unholy Water, but without any splash damage). Note that if you can attack more than once per round with your musk, you can imbue EACH shot with this power, (although each one requires expending a separate use of your Rebuke Undead Power).
Normal: Your musk deals no hit point damage regardless of the target.

Epic Mepholk Feats
Epic Rapid Musk Production [Mepholk, Epic, Fighter, Monk]
Your musk producing glands are extremely productive and efficient.
Prerequisites:Con 25, BAB +15, Rapid Musk Production
Benefits:Subtract your Constitution SCORE (NOT MODIFIER) from 40, this is the number of ROUNDS it now takes you to replace a shot of musk, to a minimum of 1 shot per round.
Special: A fighter or monk may take this feat as one of his bonus Epic feats. They must meet the prerequisites normally.

Improved Epic Rapid Musk Production[Mepholk, Epic, Fighter, Monk]
You can spray ALL day.
Prerequisites: Con 40, BAB +20, Rapid Musk Production, Epic Rapid Musk Production, Extra Spray, Rapid Shot
Benefits: You now never run out of musk.
Special: A fighter or monk may take this feat as one of his bonus Epic feats. They must meet the prerequisites normally. If you have taken the "Extra Spray" feat more than once, then upon taking this feat you may immediately retrain all but one of those feats for other non-epic feats you qualify for.

Tower Tail Shield Use [Epic, Mepholk, Fighter]
Is that a door stuck to your tail, or are you just unhappy to see me?
Prerequisites: STR 23, Dex 13, Proficient with Tower Shields, Tail Shield Use.
Benefits: You may use a modified tower shield on your tail. When wearing such you gain the armor or cover benefits of such, but lose your racial bonus to balance checks as well as incurring all the other penalties normally associated with using a tower shield. Such shields require more complex strapping, thus adding +50% to the base cost (as if creating armor for a creature with an usually shape), and requires a full round action to don or remove.
Special: A fighter may take this feat as one of his bonus epic feats. They must meet the prerequisites normally.

Guyr Adamantine
2008-07-01, 05:33 PM
Image courtesy of Guyr Adamantine. Watta guy!


The Gridolls are a race of strange, swamp-dwelling, frog-like humanoids reputed for they huge appetites and limited wit. They live to eat and fill themselves, ever hungry for exotic tastes and games.

Personality: ''You are what you eat'' defines the life of a Gridoll. Knowledge, power and personal growth can be attained by eating and discovering new types of food. Gridolls often go out of their way to hunt a meal they previously found delicious, tracking it over the land and sea. Few of these delicious targets manage to live for more than a week after a hunt has started. They have limited attention spans and wit, somehow focusing only on subjects "that matters" in the immediate. Despite not being outright stupid, Gridolls won’t try to understand what is beyond their own limits, ignoring facts and realities that don't suit their present goal. No mortal beings can stop them in their tracks, so driven and pig-headed they are. They are grounded in reality and are not impaired by the chaos around them or dramatic events.
Physical Description: Gridolls are tall, bulky humanoids toads with a pale, milky light-green skin. Their body is covered a rubbery skin over strong muscles and healthy fat, almost featureless save for soft, darker warts around their head, wrists and feet. Their round belly makes up most of their body mass, their most powerful asset. Gridolls have bulbous heads and short, stumpy legs, which generally make them 6'5" tall. Their long, lanky arms hang to the sides of their body when left unattended. The Gridolls faces are commonly described as "a gross, frog face with a pair haunting eyes of sky-blue schleras and white irises. The skin around those form bright blue vertical lines, not unlike a clown's face painting. They have a wound-like mouth going side to side, gifted with a tongue thicker than a man's arm." On their back grows a stubby tail, a vestigial limb without any use. They favor brightly coloured clothes and leatherwork, and usually weigh about 500 pounds, 600 lbs after dinner. Gridolls are not sexually dimorphic, so no one except another Gridoll can identify one's sex, through scent.
Relations: The Gridolls are truly alien beings, uncaring about ''civilised'' peoples and their bias against cannibalism. Other races might consider them as dumb as orcs, but anyone who travels in their marshes without any bad intentions is sure to find a lifelong ally, as long as he agrees to help on their current goal in life. In return, the Gridolls will share their newfound ally's burden, loyal to a fault. Anyone else is a possible meal, especially if that person (Or thing) proves itself annoying enough. Humans and halflings are sometimes drawn to the marshes for a job or establish a trade deal with Lizardfolks, and many encountered Gridolls when they strayed too far from the road. Those few groups who managed to be helpful enough not to be eaten got help. Dwarves and gnomes have troubles understanding the Gridolls, both living way too far to even know about them directly. Beside, the Races of Stone find them either too self-centered, or are ashamed by how humor fails to touch them. Elves, as the tradition, couldn't care less.
Lizardfolk, who share the Gridoll's territories, are wary of their terrible hunger and try to keep peace with the Gridoll at all time. The Lizardfolk probably wouldn't have any problem defeating them through sheer strength of numbers, but they all share a deep fear of the "Great Mouths"..
Alignment: Gridolls are somewhat focused, loyal friends without regards to earthly laws. They are neutral to the Law/Chaos Axis but are much more inclined to help than to harm others.(Unless those are potential meals, which include some sentient beings!)
Lands: Gridolls naturally dwell in deep marshes and swamps, stinky natural traps for the unwary taveller. If far from home, they are attracted to highly humid locations, such as waterfall caves and under bridges.
Settlemments: Gridoll structures are extremely simple, rarely more elaborate than mud and wood huts. In areas richer of wood, they often build houses on stilts and small villages.
Power Groups: Gridolls lack any organised social structure, beyond the rare existing villages that grew to distinction. They consider themselves equals and brothers, so dislike one to rule among them.
Beliefs: Gridolls all pay lip-service to an obscure toad-god of feasts they call Bahk-Us. He is believed to be blessed with a tongue capable to reach any point in the multiverse, preventing him from having to hunt or track the object of his hunger. He lies in the Beastland, forever resting in an abandoned crater, his bones crushed by his own weight. All Gridolls, while awed by his gifted tongue and easy existence, actively hunt and live their lives to the fullest, believing that Bahk-Us' greatest teaching is his example of a being wasted by its own hunger.
Language: Gridolls all speak a bastardised Common, lacking any personal pronouns, as well as Aquan. Bonus Languages: Orc, Goblin, Terran.
Names: Gridolls choose their own names as they grow up. Since they always designate themselves through these there name rather than using a pronoun in conversation, they consider the selection of a name to be especially personal and important. Also, they care little for blood bonds, and consider each and every Gridoll as a brother, so they lack family names ad lineage identifications.
Male Names: Qued, Silva, Bladir, Sughlir.
Female Names: Flidi, Quina, Blithin, Velkir.
Family Names: None.
Adventurers: Gridolls live to hunt and feed, and many take up the bow and don the armor to accomplish their life-goal. Some odd souls among them consider gold or power to be just as apetising, but most expect to eat that dragon everyone's afraid of.

Gridoll Racial Traits
* +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -4 Charisma: Gridolls are tough beings but poor thinkers and miserable leaders.
* Monstrous Humanoids (Reptilians): Gridolls aren’t affected by Charm Monster and other Humanoid-Effective spells.
* Size: As Medium creatures, Gridolls have no special bonuses of penalties due to their size.
* Gridoll land speed is 20 feet, and they have a 10 feet swim speed. Gridolls gains a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform a special action or avoid a hazard. They always can choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered when swimming. A Gridoll can use the run action while swimming, provided that it swims in a straight line.
* Natural Attack (Tongue): A Gridoll has a slam attack using its tongue that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. It has a special 10ft reach, but does not threaten creatures. (Gridolls may not make Attacks of Opportunity with their tongues)
When the Gridoll strike in combat with his tongue, the victim must make a reflex save(DC: 10+ Damage Dealt) or get the tongue glued in the wound. The victim can only move at half-speed and cannot charge if it fails. An glued creature must make a Concentration check to cast a spell(A Gridoll’s tongue damage qualifies as ongoing damage.).
If the Gridoll stick his tongue out of his threatened area, he may make an opposed strength check against his opponent as a move action. The largest of the two contestants gain a +4 bonus on this check per size larger than the other. If he makes it, the glued creature may not move beyond the length of the reach. A Gridoll may drag an opponent by one feet per point he wins the strength check, to the closest range increment.
A glued victim may pull the tongue off it with his two hands in a full-round action which triggers attacks of opportunity and deals damage equal to the tongue's. A Gridoll may pull it without causing further damage as a free action.
A Gridoll may fight without trouble when he glued his tongue to his opponent, except that he may only move within his tongue's length unless he succeed on a strength check, as explained before.
A Gridoll's tongue can be cut off. To sever it, an opponent must make a successful sunder attempt with a slashing weapon. (The player should declare where the attack is aimed before making the attack roll.) Making a sunder attempt provokes an attack of opportunity unless the foe has the Improved Sunder feat. An opponent can strike at a Gridoll's tongue from any position in which he could strike at the Gridoll itself or the victim glued to it. An opponent can ready an action to attempt to sunder a Gridoll's tongue when the creature slam at him. A Gridoll's tongue has hit points equal to the Gridoll's largest hit dice, maxed plus his Constitution Bonus and level. Losing his tongue deals damage to the body equal to half the tongue's full normal hit points. A natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. A Gridoll can no longer attack with a severed tongue, and suffer a 25% chance to fail to cast any spell with a verbal component or to activate an object with a command word, but takes no other penalties.
* Balloon Lungs: Gridolls may hold their breath for 4 times their Constitution score and never risk being underwater by failing a Swim check by 5 or more, as they float naturally.
* Improved Grab: To use this ability, a Gridoll must hit with a tongue attack or have already glued it to a threatened foe. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
* Wide Girth: The physical stature of Gridolls let them function as if they were one size category larger when wrestling. Whenever a Gridoll is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the Gridoll is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A Gridoll is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him, as well as wether his own special attacks can affect other creatures. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
* Gourmand’s Assets: Gridolls have the Scent and Swallow Whole special abilities. They can only swallow a pinned opponent of a smaller size. Swallowed creatures must make a Fortitude save against a contact poison (DC: 10+½Qu’s Hit Dices+Con Bonus, damage sleep 2 hours) every round. If the swallowed creature resist the poison for a number of rounds equal to the Gridoll’s Constitution bonus, or if it manage to deal slashing/piercing damage to the stomach, the Gridoll throw it up. If the swallowed creature fails to make its save, the stomach start crushing the victim, dealing damage equal to a tongue slam every minute. The Gridoll becomes fatigued until it rests to digest its victim if it is as large as him (He can swallow creatures of his base size thanks to Wide Girth, but is fatigued if doing so). While digesting a creature, a Gridoll may not use its tongue attack.
* Limb Regeneration: When using Complete Bed Rest, a Gridoll is affected by a Regenerate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/regenerate.htm) effect taking 24 hours to complete itself. He does not gain additional hit points, but regenerate all his lost limbs back. If his sleep is interupted, he must start all over again, as the limb isn't fully formed and functional. This is an Extraordinary effect.
* Natural Armor +1: Gridolls have a thick, rubbery skin that withstand cuts and bruises.
* Strong Stomach: Gridolls +4 to saves against ingested poisons and gain nourishment from everything they eat.
* Skills: +2 Balance.
* Automatic Language: Common and Aquan. Bonus Languages: Orc, Goblin, Terran.
* Favored Class: Ranger
* Level Adjustment: +2

Age, Height and Weight.

Adulthood: 13 Years old.
Simple Classes: +1d4
Moderate Classes: +1d6
Complex Classes: +2d6

Height: 6'8'' +2d6"
Weight: 450 lbs. * (2d6+8/5 lbs.)

Middle Age: 30 Years Old.
Old: 55 Years Old.
Venerable: 80 Years Old.
Maximum Age: +2d20.

Gridoll Feats
For every two Gridoll feats your character has, your natural armor goes up by one.

Iron Gullet [Gridoll]
Every respectable Gridoll trains his stomach to withstand damage from uncompliant meals.
Prerequisites:Con 15
Benefits:You don't throw up swallowed foes if they deal you damage or resist your sleep poison, and digesting does not forbid you to use your tongue slam. To escape, a swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal damage equal to the Gridoll's largest hit dice, maxed plus his Constitution Bonus and level to the gizzard (AC 10 + 1/2 Natural Armor). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.

Heartburn [Gridoll]
Another thing to remember, students, is that a Gridoll's stomach, in reality, is extremely comfy. Beside the occasional crushing by the beast's tongue and spasms of the organs around, you should be fine for a while. Except if he has heartburns. If so I pray for your souls.
Prerequisites:Con 15, Iron Bladder, Endurance.
Benefits:You deal crushing damage to swallowed victims once per round, an deal an additional dice of acid damage plus one per size category you are over medium.
Normal:You try to stay away from mexican food, and deal crushing damage to swallowed creatures only once per minute.

Nibblon's Guts [Gridoll]
You have awakened the hidden magic of Gridolls. Your stomach has become an extradimensional space, able to accomodate meals of ridiculous size.
Prerequisites:Con 17, Gape of the Serpent (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040709a&page=5), Iron Bladder, BAB +10
Benefits:You may now swallow creatures of any size without trouble, provided you manage to make the grapple checks. You may digest any number of creatures, and they do not fatigue you no mather their size category.
Normal:There is a limit on size and quantity of creatures that can be swallowed.
Special: Your feces, from now, are little black beads of incredible weight and durability (50 HP, Hardness 30). They are no larger than a regular pearl, and disintegrates over a week.

Rich Diet [Gridoll]
Through a week of feeding, sleeping and meditation, some Gridolls manage to grow beyond their brothers in size and might.
Prerequisites:Con 15, Gape of the Serpent (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040709a&page=5), Iron Bladder, Must have digested a 10 HD equivalent of creatures of its own size.
Benefits:You grow up one size category. Your tongue's reach grows along with your regular one. Your characteristics do not follow the regular bonuses from growth: Str +2, Dex -2, Con +2, and your natural armor grows by 1 points.
Normal: Obesity does not change your size category.
Special:This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time, the Constitution prerequisite goes up by 6 points, and you must ingest 10 more HD equivalent of creatures of its own size than the last time.

Walking Moldy Hill [Gridoll]
Gridolls share many characteristics with various reptiles. One few ever develop is discretion, a rare feat for obese frogs.
Prerequisites:Hide 8 ranks.
Benefits:By staying immobile for a full minute, your hide and clothes' colors blend into the environment, giving you a +10 racial bonus to Hide checks.

What a Fat Gargoyle! [Gridoll]
How did you manage to miss a giant running frog-men?!
Prerequisites:Hide 13 ranks, Walking Moldy Hill.
Benefits:You may use your Walking Moldy Hill feat as a full-round action.

Keradum Lord [Gridoll]
Students, Keradum Lords are larger Gridolls that have undergone another horrible transformation, this time proving their power as an alpha individual. These terrible individuals grow a strangely flexible turtle shell, as well as an irrational hatred for plumbers and princesses.
Prerequisites:Con 15, Rich Diet.
Benefits:You grow a shell, providing you with a +8 Armor Bonus to AC, but are considered wearing medium armor for the purpose of class abilities. Your Max Dex Bonus is now +3, and suffer a -3 penalty to all skills armor penalty affect. The Keradum Lord may choose to use use Total Defense as a full-round action instead of a standard action, gaining Total Cover (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#totalCover) in the process, but does not protect from touch spells. (The shell and body are linked, so act as an extension of the body.) While in such a position, you are prone and suffer half damage from falls.Keradum Lords may not wear armor or robes.Among their kin, they get a +2 bonus to Charisma checks and Charisma-related skills.

Example NPC

CE Huge Gridoll Ranger 12
Init +0, Senses: Listen +19, Spot +24, Scent
Languages Common, Aquan
AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 25 (Size -2, Natural Armor +6, Armor +8, Parade +3)
hp 138 (12 HD)
Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +13
Evasion, Strong Stomach, Acid Rsistance 10
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), Swim 10 ft. (2 squares)
Melee Tongue +18 (1d8+6)
Ranged Huge Wounding Composite Longbow +15 (3d6+9, 1 Con)
Base Atk +12, Grp +20
Atk Options Favored Enemy (Dragons) +4, Favored Enemy (Animals) +4, Favored Enemy (Reptilians) +2, Gourmand’s Assets, Improved Grab
Combat Gear Huge Wounding Composite Longbow +3 (Str 6)
Abilities Str 22, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 9
SQ Balloon Lungs, Evasion, Limb Regeneration, Strong Stomach, Swift Tracker, Wide Girth, Wild Empathy +11, Woodland Stride
Feats Endurance, Gape of the Serpent, Iron Bladder, Heartburns, Keradum Lord, Nibblon’s Guts, Rich Diet (2), Track, Walking Moldy Hill
Skills Balance +4, Handle Animal +0, Hide +12, Listen +19, Move Silently +12, Spot +24, Survival +19, Swim +13
Possessions Cloak of Elvenkind/Resistance +4, Ring of Acid Resistance (Minor), Eyes of the Eagle, Periapt of Wisdom +6, Ring of Protection +3, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, Luckstone, Bag of Holding (Type 1, contains 300 gp worth of coins and gemstones)

I use two variants:

1) Instead of their Combat styles, Rangers gets a bonus feats at level one, plus one every three levels after.

2) A character may choose racial feats as their bonus feats, no matter the class.

Sir Shadow
2008-07-01, 11:01 PM
Mephiles the Dark (http://orin.deviantart.com/art/Mephiles-the-Dark-66244079) by Orin (http://orin.deviantart.com/)
A Xintri making use of his Form Incarnum Weapon and Incarnum Shadow abilities

(Pronounced: Zeen'Tree)

The Xintri are humanoids heavily aligned with shadow and incarnum. They are tall and gaunt, often seen as undead by the unlearned eye.

Personality: Haughty and arrogant, the Xintri see themselves as the highest forms of life. They carry themselves in the manner of nobles, always looking down on other races with disdain. Due to this arrogance, they tend to underestimate others and are often react violently when a "lesser" race gets the better of them. As lawful as they are xenophobic, Xintri take outsiders at face value, possibly killing them on sight. Those allowed within their lands are scrutinized and followed closely; any step outside the law results in swift, severe judgment.
Physical Description: Xintri stand a good foot above the average human, but are far thinner. Their skin has a pale pallor with the faintest hint of blue vessels running beneath. Their eyes are always have striking emerald green iris' surrounded by red, except in the odd occurrence of mixed heritage. Both genders share a certain femininity; males and females are hard to distinguish by mere physical features. The easiest way to tell them apart is the fashion in which their hair is styled. Men often let heir hair hang loose at shoulder length or tied in top-knots or low pony-tails. Females tend to have their hair woven into intensely intricate patterns or formal buns. Also, women never trim their hair shorter than their shoulder blades. Anywhere a Xintri's shadow falls has a slightly blue tinge mixed in with the shade.
Relations: Xintri view most common races as worms, especially humans, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. They admire the beauty of elves and other races close to nature and view exotic or rare races as specimens of interest. "Monstrous" races, such as goblinoids, monstrous humanoids, and aberrations, but also including half-orcs, merely exist for sport. The only being that Xintri view with even the faintest hint of true respect are powerful outsiders or highly intelligent undead.
Alignment: Most Xintri are lawful evil, living strictly by rules, customs, and procedures but only within their own society. They take what they like from other races and treat them like animals with sadistic pleasure. However, there are quite a few lawful neutral Xintri who merely existing in their culture by adhering to the rules and staying away from immoral activity. They do not look down on other races so much as they pity them. Due to their extreme respect for codes and laws, chaotic Xintri are practically unheard of.
Lands: Xintri communities may appear anywhere there are few other races. Seclusion is what they seek when surveying for a potential home. This leads them to seek homes in mountains, deserts, thick forests, or in sparsely populated areas in the Outer Planes.
Settlements: Xintri build large family fortresses surrounded by houses that are protected by high walls. Every time a new development is needed for increasing populations, the new buildings are built outside the wall in one patch and then enclosed within a wall attached to the main one. This method of construction leads Xintri cities to be filled with countless criss-crossing walls and gates. Some of the larger ones are a veritable labyrinth for those unaccustomed. The Xintri's cities are fairly uniform in look and style with just a touch of the influence of the area it is in. The Xintri do not have a permanent capitol, instead it shifts depending on who is currently Emperor.
Power Groups: No matter what Plane they live on or how many miles separate them, Xintri stay in touch with each other through a series of magical portals and arcane communiques. This is due to their Feudal system of government.
Overview of the Xintri Hierarchy:

The Xintri Emperor and the Council of Seven rule over all Xintri and give the various stations to the Xintri Lords. The title Xintri Emperor is inherited by contest. A prospective Emperor must pass two tests and then defeat the ruling Emperor in a contest of power.

The first test is the Test of Cunning where the prospect must bring proof of past victories over powerful foes or situations where he/she lead a large squadron to crush an opposing army.

The second test is the Test of Wisdom. In this portion of the selection, the prospective Emperor must sit with the Council of Seven and be subjected to a series of difficult questions regarding state affairs and dealings as well as interspecies conflicts. Unless the Council of Seven is sufficiently pleased, the prospect cannot continue to seek the position.

The final test, the Test of Power, is held in a large arena. There the old emperor and the prospective Emperor will fight. This may either be a fight to the death, or the old Emperor may fight until he is satisfied that the new Emperor has the necessary power to rule. During the fight, the old Emperor may withdraw himself at any time and give up his position to the new Emperor.

The Title of Emperor cannot be contested unless the current Emperor has ruled for more than three years.

The Council of Seven are the seven wisest Xintri. Most often these Xintri are lawful neutral. The Title of Council of Seven is passed on from member to member. When one member is ready to give up his mantle, he uses divination, seeks information from Outsiders, or pleas to his patron deity for the one that most deserves the title. When accepted in, a new member must forswear his own personal convictions and forsake his family, all for the preservation of the Xintri way.

The Emperor runs day-to-day affairs among the Xintri and also acts as Head of War, while the Council of Seven are sought for law and judicial matters.

Xintri Lords are the heads of large and powerful Xintri families. They usually own a single city and live in the fortress at its center. A Lord may appoint Vassals over different areas and districts of his city and has near-absolute control of that city's assets.
Beliefs: Due to their haughty nature, Xintri often view themselves as their own god. Many Xintri clerics chose to worship an aspect of nature instead of a great power. However, if a Xintri does chose a god, it is most definitely a god of magic, fate, luck, or misfortune.
Language: Most Xintri children are not taught Common because it is simply that: "common". Their arrogant nature leads them to learn other languages more exotic and rare depending on their location. Though they love the sound of their own voice, they tend to use as few words as possible when dealing with non-Xintri, preferring to keep conversations short and to the point to avoid unnecessarily long and painful interactions with other races.
Names: Names are given not at birth, but by a unique physical trait or once they achieve something spectacular or odd. Children are called by the number of their birth and distinguished by their family name. Due to this method of naming both male and female children share common names.

Child Names: First, Second, Third, Fourth, etc.
Given Names: Bluestar (in the case of an odd birthmark), Brokenbow (the child snapped his first bow), Horsechild (known for his/her innocent nature and love of horses), Harshword (he/she is known for being quick to anger)
Family Names: Berras, Hourin, Rincth, Ghab

* A Xintri seeking to become Emperor may leave his home and travel abroad in diverse lands looking to achieve fame and fortune necessary to elevate his status. Often they will search out powerful enemies to defeat or attempt to unearth ancient relics.
* A Xintri may be outcast from his home because of a deformity or by committing some social faux pas. The ultimate sign of rejection is when a Xintri is exiled before he/she can receive an adult name. These unfortunate beings seek to scrape some sort of living and seek monetary gain in numerous ways. They are broken and shamed, so they are by no means above socializing with what their brethren would call "lesser" races.
* A neutral or good Xintri may become tired of his/her people's xenophobic and racist attitude and may decide to abandon their homes to live with more accepting and tolerant races. These Xintri often find refuge with carefree Halflings, although their chaotic nature sometimes grates on the strict Xintri. Following the lead of their halfling friends, they strike out to find adventure and new experiences.

Xintri Racial Traits
* +2 CON, +2 INT, -2 STR, -2 WIS; Xintri are an enduring people that seek knowledge but are manually weak and lack foresight or direction.
* Humanoid (Human): Xintri are of human descent and are affected by spells and the like as if they were purely human.
* Humanoid (Incarnum): Xintri are humanoids with the incarnum subtype, see spoiler below.
* Medium: As medium creatures, Xintri receive no special bonuses due to their size.
* Xintri land speed is 30 feet.
* Shape Incarnum Weapon: Xintri can form a simple light weapon from pure incarnum. The weapon appears as pure blue crystal with all the stats of the base item. They must invest at least one point of essentia in the weapon, as a free action, to manifest it. The Xintri is automatically proficient with the weapon created regardless of his/her character class but only until the weapon is dismissed or destroyed. For every two points of essentia invested it receives a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus. If the weapon leaves the owners hand or if he removes all essentia invested,it dissolves immediately and the Essentia returns to the Xintri's Essentia Pool. In the case of a thrown weapon, the weapon dissolves after damage calculation. A Xintri may only create one weapon at a time.
* Incarnum Shadow: A Xinri can invest essentia in its shadow. When one point of essentia is invested in his/her shadow, the Xintri gains the Hide in Plain Sight (Su) feat as a Shadowdancer. For every point of essentia invested in his/her shadow, the Xinthri can Shadow Jump 10ft/day. This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment.
* Essentia Pool: A Xinthri’s essentia pool is permanently increased by 2. If he/she does not have an essentia pool, this trait grants her one with two points of essentia.
* Skills: Xintri receive a +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently
* Automatic Languages: Celestial, Abyssal, InfernalBonus Languages: Common, Elven, and any languages rare to their region of origin (at DM's discretion)
* Favored Class: Incarnate
* Level Adjustment: +1

Note: In the case of a campaign that does not allow use of Magic of Incarnum, remove "Humanoid(Incarnum)", Shape Incarnum Weapon, Incarnum Shadow, and Essentia Pool from the Xin'tri's Racial Traits. Also, change his/her Favored Class to Wizard and his level adjustment to +0.

Incarnum Subtype (Magic of Incarnum, pg 169)

Any creature with incarnum-based powers has the incarnum subtype. An incarnum creature can be born with the subtype or can gain it during its life. A creature meeting any one of the following criteria has the incarnum subtype.
• The creature has an essentia pool. This category includes characters with levels in a character class that grants an essentia pool or creatures with feats that grant essentia.
• The creature has one or more preshaped soulmelds (that is, soulmelds that are automatically shaped on it without any effort on its part).
• The creature was created through the use of incarnum or from raw incarnum.

Traits: Creatures with this subtype have no specific shared traits other than those given above. The incarnum subtype merely identifies creatures that might be vulnerable to spells and effects that target incarnum creatures.

Age, Height, and Weight
Adulthood: 21 years
Simple Classes: +1d4
Moderate Classes: +2d6
Complex Classes: +4d6

Height: 5'0" + 2d10(inches)
Weight: 115 + 3d6(lbs)

Middle Age: 50
Old Age: 75
Venerable: 100
Maximum Age: +2d10

Xintri Race Feats

Double Incarnum Weapon [Xintri or Incarnum]
Your ability to manifest lasting weapons has become so refined that you may create two at once.
Prerequisites: Greater Incarnum Weapon feat, 15 Dex or 15 Str, 17 Con or 17 Wis
Benefits: You may create two weapons with your Shape Incarnum Weapon ability. These weapons must stay within 5' of each other or one will dissolve.
Normal: You may only create one weapon with your Shape Incarnum Weapon ability
Special: The normal rules for dual wielding weapons still apply (see Player's Handbook).
Both weapons share the same benefits from the invested essentia. i.e.: if the Xintri creates two daggers by investing two essentia in his Shape Incarnum Weapon ability, both daggers have a +2 enhancement bonus.

Improved Double Incarnum Weapon [Xintri or Incarnum, Fighter]
You have learned to multitask your mind and your incarnum.
Prerequisites: Double Incarnum Weapon feat
Benefit: You may split your two weapons up.
Normal: The two weapons you create must remain within 5' of each other.
Special: The normal rules for dual wielding weapons still apply (see Player's Handbook).
Both weapons share the same benefits from the invested essentia. i.e.: if the Xintri creates two daggers by investing two essentia in his Shape Incarnum Weapon ability, both daggers have a +2 enhancement bonus.

Improved Incarnum Shadow [Xintri or Incarnum]
Your shadow seems to elongate and darken, but still retains that bluish tint.
Prerequisites: Incarnum Shadow ability, 13 Con or 13 Wis
Benefits: You may move 20'/day per point of essentia invested in your shadow.
Normal: You may move 10'/day per point of essentia invested in your shadow.
Special:This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment.

Improved Shape Incarnum Weapon [Xintri or Incarnum, Fighter]
The weapons you shape with incarnum seem more refined and clearer.
Prerequisites: Shape Incarnum Weapon feat, +2 BAB, 13 CON or 13 WIS
Benefit: For every point of essentia invested, the weapon you create gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus.
Normal: For every two points of essentia invested, the weapon you create gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus.

Greater Incarnum Shadow [Xintri or Incarnum]
Your shadow wraps around you, darkening your features and creating ethereal tendrils of darkness that squirm around your legs and feet.
Prerequisites: Improved Incarnum Shadow feat, 19 Con or 19 Wis
Benefits: When using your Incarnum Shadow ability to teleport, your beginning and ending position are no longer limited by where there are shadows.
Normal: The magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow.

Greater Shape Incarnum Weapon [Xintri or Incarnum, Fighter]
The weapons you create seem firmer and more substantial.
Prerequisites: Improved Shape Incarnum Weapon feat, 15 Con or 15 Wis
Benefits: The weapon you create with the Shape Incarnum Weapon ability lasts for 2d4 rounds after it leaves your hand. This way it may be given to an ally or may be used for other purposes. The Xintri also gains the ability to change the weight of his weapon as a free action. At any time a Xintri can only form one weapon.
Note: Changing the weight of the weapon does not change its size or type. "Light" weapons remain "light" weapons and "heavy" weapons remain "heavy" weapons for classification purposes, regardless of weight.

Specialized Shape Incarnum Weapon [Xintri or Incarnum, Fighter]
You have mastered your natural ability to forge weapons from incarnum and use them to great efficiency.
Prerequisites: Improved Shape Incarnum Weapon feat
Benefit: If the weapon you create with the Shape Incarnum Weapon ability is a light weapon, you may chose to treat it as if you had the Weapon Finesse feat (see Player's Handbook pg 102), even if you do not meet its prerequisites.
If the weapon you create is a two-handed weapon, you may chose to treat it as if you had the Monkey Grip feat (see Complete Warrior pg 103), even if you do not meet its prerequisites.

--I added [Fighter] to feats to denote that Fighters may select them as bonus feats as long as they meet the prerequisites.
--I added [Incarnum] to the feats in the case that someone using Magic of Incarnum would like to make the Xintri's racial abilities into feats obtainable by other Incarnum using races or classes.

Example Xin'tri
Grahn Quickslash
Male Xin'tri fighter 6
LE Medium humanoid (incarnum)
Init +1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22
Hit Die: 8d6 +18; hp 42
Saves Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee 2x +2 Incarnum longsword + 10/+5 (1d8+7/19–20)
Full Attack: 2x +2 Incarnum longsword +8/+3 (1d8+7/19–20)
Base Atk +7; Grp +11
Atk Options Power Attack (–4 attack, +4 damage)
Essentia Pool 2; Capacity 2
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
SQ Shape Incarnum Weapon, Incarnum Shadow
Feats Cleave, Power Attack, Improved Shape Incarnum Weapon, Greater Shape Incarnum Weapon, Double Incarnum Weapon, Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills Climb +6, Concentration +4, Balance +6, Intimidate +9
Possessions combat gear plus +1 heavy
steel shield, +1 full plate armor, gauntlets of ogre
power +2, 107 gp
Grahn Quickslash is of the Grahn house, but a lesser line. He serves as a castle guard protecting the inner keep. The third child of six, he received his adult name at the age of thirteen during combat practice. He showed great proficiency with his incarnum weapon of choice, the longsword.
Combat Strategy
Grahn uses his Incarnum Shadow to quickly close the distance with his foe before switching essentia to Shape Incarnum Weapon. He often uses the dual longswords; however, he has been known to form a longspear when confronting mounted opponents.

Allin Fifth
Femal Xin'tri rogue 9/master thrower 5
LN Medium humanoid (incarnum)
Init +6; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, Common
AC 24, touch 19, flat-footed 24
Hit Die: 9d6 plus 5d8 +14; hp 59
saveFort +5, Ref +16, Will +4
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Atk Ranged +2 Incarnum Daggers + 13/+9/+3 (1d4+3; 19–20/x2)
Full Attack: Ranged 2x +2 Incarnum Daggers +11/+6/+1 (1d4+3; 19–20/x2)
Base Atk +11/+6/+1; Grp +8
Essentia Pool 2; Capacity 3
Abilities Str 12, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 8
SA Palm Throw, Sneak Attack +5d6, Double Toss, Weak Spot
SQ Shape Incarnum Weapon, Incarnum Shadow, Evasion, Improve Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Snatch Arrows, Weapon Focus (Daggers), Improved Shape Incarnum Weapon, Greater Shape Incarnum Weapon, Double Incarnum Weapon, Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills Balance +6, Bluff +16, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +1, Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Open Lock +18, Search +11, Sleight of Hand +21, Tumble +21
Possessions: Elven Chain, Boots of Elvenkin, Cloak of Elvenkin, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Ring of Force Shield
Allin Fifth was the last child of a noble family. She was caught one night stealing from a house in the city. Her father, outraged, banished her from the city to save face. From there she ran off to a halfling settlement and learned honed her habit of thievery, particularly in throwing her incarnum weapon. Because she never received an adult name from her family, she is usually called Fifi, a nickname for "Fifth".
Fifi uses her shape incarnum weapon to create daggers which she throws with great skill. Because of their nature, she can unleash an endless barrage of the blue missiles. When her enemies close in, she uses her incarnum shadow to escape.

2008-07-04, 09:47 AM
Mortal Devils (Mundaziers)

For countless millenia the creatures which inhabit the lawful evil aligned planes have interacted with humans. While the individuals they get involved with rarely come off best they've stopped short of the wanton destruction of their more chaotic brethren. As lawful beings they honor and negotiate deals and stick to the word (if not the spirit) of their agreements and contracts, verbal or otherwise. Of course while some Devils have their ways of appealing to mortals every race, is still weary of dealing with them because of their intimidating appearance alone.

As a result the desitens of the lower planes sought to recruit mortals to aid them. To this end they appeared to and negotiated with any mortal they could convince to join them, from those on the streets with no where to turn to those about to be enslaved or slaughters following battles. These individuals (mainly humans but included, dwarfs, elves and every other race imaginable) were brought to the lower planes to serve as their diplomats. As time went on the population of these diplomats bred, both with each other and natives of the plane. Thousands of years later, after many generations the devils had what they needed, a race of mortal devils; the Mundaziers.

Personality: Even the harsh environment of the lower plains can not change the fact that Mundaziers are skilled diplomats. They tend to be charismatic and well spoken, rarely breaking their calm (almost stoic) demeanor.
Physical Description: Mundaziers are roughly the same dimensions as a more well built than usual elf (albeit with slightly less pointed ears). Their skin has the same range of tones as a human but typically has a red or green tint. Similarly their hair may have a green or bluish tint while otherwise falling within the normal human ranges.
Relations: Mundaziers are, by their very nature, supposed to get along with others. However those aware of their origins may be wary of them, and as they are devils, demons will attack them on sight without question.
Alignment: Almost all Mundaziers are Lawful. Their moral alignments tend to neutral, however evil and good aligned Mundaziers are not unheard of (with the former being more common). Good aligned Mundaziers are usually tolerated by Devils (who see it as a necessary consequence of dealing with mortals), but never trusted.
Lands: All Mundaziers originate from the Lawful Evil aligned planes, however they may decide to flee the lower planes and settle in the material plane. Such individuals are rare, however.
Settlements: Mundaziers build settlements resembling those of humans on the lower planes. They tend to use bricks and metal scaffolding due to the abundance of these materials on the lower plane.
Power Groups: All Mundaziers must answer to more important Fiends, however communities of them may have an informal hierarchy based on respect.
Beliefs: On the lower planes, Mundaziers don't tend to be exposed to the idea of religion. Devils will usually prevent them from practising it in case they begin to obey a power other than their own.
Languages: Infernal and Common Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic)
Names: Mundaziers are named at birth, typically with a descriptive name, using words from both Common and Infernal (although infernal is preferred over common to appease their masters). All Mundazier names are gender neutral, but a suffix will be added to give a name gender. The suffix used depends on the family name. Family names always have at least two syllables, the first of which is the male suffix and the second of which is the female suffix, the suffix is not used in their full name. A family name normally alludes to either a profession or natural resource (the most common component being Baztab, the infernal word for diplomacy). For example if a Mundazier had the family name Firelix and was given the name Bazu, then their full name would be either Bazufir Elix (Male) or Bazuel Firix (Female).
Typical Names: Bazu, Sam, Alix, Ash, Tearin, Gritbarb
Family Names: Firelix, Stoneri, Stontab, Crayft, Terrut, Baztab, Bazwood
Adventurers: Most Mundazier will only adventure as part of another devil's gambit, as they rarely have any desire to adventure themselves. They may also be sent to carve out a life in the material plane and report back anything of interest to their masters. The later is typically the fate of good aligned Mundaziers who may cause trouble if they're left in their communities.

Mundazier Racial Traits
* Mundaziers gain a +2 bonus to charisma, however they take a -2 penalty to wisdom due to their isolated existence on the lower planes.
* Mundaziers are Outsiders, granting them outsider traits

* Mundaziers also have the Lawful and Native subtypes.
* Size: As medium creatures Mundazier gain no special bonuses or penalties for their size.
* Mundazier land speed is 30 feet.
* Automatic Language: Infernal and Common Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic)
* Favored Class: Rogue
* Level Adjustment: +2
* +2 bonus to all diplomacy, bluff and perform checks made towards devils, as well as fiendish creatures
* -2 penalty to all diplomacy, bluff and perform checks made towards demons and celestials as well as celestial creatures.
* For up to two hours per day a Mundazier may sprout bat like wings as a swift action, granting them fly speed equal to their base land speed with average maneuverability. They may use this ability as much as they wish as long as the total time does not exceed 2 hours each day.
* Alter Self (as per the spell) a number of days equal to their charisma modifier, Disguise Self 1/day. Both have a caster level equal to the Mundazier's character level.
* Due to their fiery environment, Mundaziers gain Fire Resistance 5.

Vital Statistics

The starting age for a Mundazier is 100 plus 3d4, 5d4 and 4d6 for simple, mid point and complex classes respectively.

Age categories for a Mundazier are: 154 (Middle Age), 246 (Old) and 300 (Venerable). The maximum age is +2d% years.

Height and weight are as follows;

{TABLE=head]Gender|Base Weight|Weight Modifier|Base Height|Height Modifier

Male|100lb|x(2d4)lb|4' 5"|2d6

Female|85lb|x(2d4)lb|4' 5"|2d6[/TABLE]

Example NPC: Level 1 Mundazier Rogue

Samner Stoi
Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Lawful, Native)
Hit Dice: 1d6 (4 hp)
Initiative: 0
Speed: 30 ft. (8 squares); Flight 30 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 13 (+3 Studded Leather Armour, +0 Natural, +0 Dex Bonus), touch 10, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
Attack: Rapier 1d6+1
Full Attack: Rapier 1d6+1
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak attack (+1d6)
Special Qualities: Outsider Traits, Native Traits, Lawful Traits, Trapfinding, Alter Self, Disguise Self, Fire Resistance 5
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Skills: Diplomacy (4), Open Lock (4), Move Silently (4), Forgery (4), Gather Information (4), Sense Motive (4), Knowledge (Local) (4), Spot (4)
Feats: Deceitful
Challenge Rating: 2
Equipment: Rapier, Studded Leather Armour, Caltrops (1d4 bags at any given time), Ink, Inkpen, Paper (1 sheet), Vials (3), Vials of Special Ink (2), Flask of Water (1)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Level Adjustment: +2

Samner Stoi is a Mundazier sent by a medium ranking devil to turn the populace of a large town against a local nobleman, as part of a deal with a rival. To achieve this she plans to forge incriminating letters to make him appear to be having an affair with an unknown woman. Stoi will then use her disguise self ability to "come forward" as the mystery woman. The rival's motive for this is to improve his cousin's chance of being made mayor (as the target is also running for this position). Stoi needs four vials of special ink to forge the document which is mixed only by the target to prevent such slander. Fortunately (for the target) after breaking into the house a few nights earlier she made the mistake of only taking exactly 4 vials. After using up one beginning to forge the document she dropped another, spilling it. To protect her conspiracy she must break back into the house, as the ink is deliberately mixed in batches (so that they can be distinguished via chromatography) she must take her remaining vials with her and perform a test using them to ensure that she gets the right batch.

The victim is aware that someone broke in a few days previously, and is aware that someone has broken in and suspects it was part of a plan to sabotage his campaign as mayor. He does not, however, know that some of his ink was stolen.

The ink is made using a DC10 craft (alchemy) check and costs 10gp a vial to produce. It can only be replicated perfectly by someone who knows the recipe (i.e. the mark and his personal secretary). It is immediately noticeable by its unique colour (a shade of magenta with a glossy finish) and can be "dated" by comparing data on the batches which were mixed (kept under a good quality lock in a cabinet in the house's basement, the secretary carries the only key) to the result of a DC 15 alchemy check (this may be made untrained). One batch of ink can be confirmed as separate from another via chromatography with a DC 10 alchemy check, the ink can be distinguished from any other check with a DC5 check. If the check is failed then the result is a false positive, the checker does not know this but the check can be made as many times as they wish. All these checks may be made untrained but you must be trained to take 10.

The ink is worth 15gp, however a forger would pay a high price for it and the own would no doubt wish to reward anyone who recovered something which could so easily lead to their downfall.


If Samner is caught she will attempt to flee, dropping caltrops behind her to slow pursuers and using alter self to blend in with a crowd when she's out of sight. If forced into a dead end she will attempt to bluff her way out.

2008-07-04, 11:49 AM


Over thousands of years, magic has built up in the world. Residue from millions of spells.

The material plane, by nature, doesn't agree with magic, and small leaks began appearing. These leaks and tears in the material plane are repaired by the essence of the plane quickly. One such leak led to a plane that ran parallel to our own. In the few moments that it was open, Aronous, an epic level wizard was preforming a ritual in which he created a man from dust. The amounts of stray magic released were enormous, and some slipped into that plane. Over time it grew together and formed a man. The first Ghostfolk. We could interact with that plane, and it could with us, but only to a limited degree. The Ghostfolk live there, unknowing that they do.

They don't reproduce. The magic that governs the plane that they live in produce are Ghostfolk 1d6 times a week.

Personality: Ghostfolk have extremely diverse personalities, but tend to be slightly disappointed and moody. They have a tendency to be sadistic and witty, but rarely outright insulting. They don't like violence, and try to avoid it.

Physical Description: Ghostfolk look like half elves with a almost unnoticeable radiant glow about them. Every Ghostfolk is male. A DC 15 spot check is required to notice that there's something amiss about them.

Relations: Ghostfolk are rare and reclusive, avoiding relationships with other races.

Humans: Most humans believe that Ghostfolk are, as their name implies, ghosts. They react to them in the same way they would a ghost.

Elves: Elves are one of the few races that widely know of the ghostfolk heritage. They treat them with honor and respect, as they are amazed at the fact that they are made of magic.

Other races: Most other races have no interesting relations with the ghostfolk.

Alignment: Ghostfolk have a tendency towards being chaotic, as they are made of the complex and unorganized strands of stray magic. They also have a tendency towards good, as the magic that made them was slightly good aligned.

Lands: As noted before, they hail from a plane parallel to ours, but most believe that they are part of the material plane. They control no land, as they are wanderers.

Settlements: Ghost folk do not create buildings.

Power Groups: There are a few assorted organizations of Ghostfolk, mages guilds and such, but no formal government.

Beliefs: Ghostfolk worship whatever god their life pulls them towards. They have a tenancy to worship a god aligned with magic.

Language: Ghostfolk speak common, and they communicate using that. Their bonus languages include all languages, save secret ones.

Names: Ghostfolk are allowed to chose their own names, which tend to be cryptic and long, such as Alzarigardienfar or Mek'halimishzelpharek. They use these names only when dealing with their own kind, and resort to small nicknames when dealing with other races.

Male Names: There is no distinction between male and female names.

Female Names Not applicable, as there is no such thing as a female Ghostfolk.

Family Names: Families don't exist, as they don't reproduce.

Adventurers: Ghostfolk don't lead normal lives; they wander the lands looking for something to spend their life on, something worth their while. Adventuring can fulfill this desire.

Ghostfolk Racial Traits (incorporeal)
* No strength score, as they are incorporeal. +2 intelligence. The Ghostfolk tend to be intelligent, and have an aptitude towards magic. +2 wisdom, their magical heritage gives them insight into the world.
* Incorporeal
* Humanoid
* Size: Medium
* Ghostfolk fly speed is 30 feet, and their maneuverability is perfect.
* Automatic Language: Common
* Favored Class: Sorcerer
* Level Adjustment: +2
*+4 to knowledge (arcana) due to their magical heritage.
*Ghostfolk can cast cantrips as if they were a level 1 sorcerer due to their innate magical abilities.
Ghostfolk Racial Traits (corporeal)
* -4 strength, as they have a difficult time manipulation objects. +2 intelligence. The Ghostfolk tend to be intelligent, and have an aptitude towards magic. +2 wisdom, their magical heritage gives them insight into the world.
*-2 to attacks and any skill check involving manipulating objects other than you, such as swim, use rope, or climb.
* Humanoid
* Size: Medium
* Ghostfolk land speed is 30ft.
* Automatic Language: Common
* Favored Class: Sorcerer
* Level Adjustment: +2
*Deflection bonus to their AC equal to their wisdom modifier
*+4 to all hide and move silently checks due to their semi-corporeality.
*+4 to knowledge (arcana) due to their magical heritage.
*Ghostfolk can cast cantrips as if they were a level 1 sorcerer due to their innate magical abilities.
*(ex.) Incorporeal shifting: Ghostfolk can shift closer to the material plane, and back into their own through will. It takes 10 minutes of concentration, during which they can be preforming no other actions, and if interrupted, they must succeed in a concentration check (15+damage delt, or 15 if no damage was delt) to ignore the interruption and continue. When in their own realm, they are considered incorporeal, but when back in the material realm, they become corporeal, mostly. When they shift, they can bring up to 10 pounds of objects with them, and they also become incorporeal, and when they shift back, so do the objects.

Age, Height, and Weight
Adulthood: 40 years
Simple Classes: +1d8
Moderate Classes: +2d12
Complex Classes: +4d12

Height: 5'0" + 2d10(inches)
Weight: 115 + 3d6(lbs)

Middle Age: 100
Old Age: 150
Venerable: 200
Maximum Age: +10d6

Ghostfolk feats

Fast shifting
Some Ghostfolk have practiced shifting to the point that they can speed up the process, making it faster and easier.
Prerequisites: Improved shifting.
Effect: The amount of time that it takes you to shift is cut to one minute.

Fast shifting (improved)
Some Ghostfolk have practiced shifting to the point that they can speed up the process, making it faster and easier.
Prerequisites: Improved shifting. Fast shifting. HD 3 or over.
Effect: The amount of time that it takes you to shift is cut to one full round action (or complex action, for those Frenchies out there [inside joke; move along, this isn't the sentence you're looking for]).

Fast shifting (Greater)
Some Ghostfolk have practiced shifting to the point that they can speed up the process, making it faster and easier.
Prerequisites: Improved shifting. Fast shifting (improved). HD 7 or over.
Effect: The amount of time that it takes you to shift is cut to one standard action.

Improved item carrying
Some Ghostfolk have practiced shifting to the point that they can carry more items with them when they shift.
Prerequisites: Improved shifting.
Effect: You can carry 2 times as much weight in items as you normally could.
Special:This feat can be taken multiple times, up to three.. You round up to the nearest whole number. The first time you take it, the the limit is increased to 20, then to 40.

Improved shifting
Some Ghostfolk have practiced shifting to the point that they can manifest themselves better on the material plane..
Prerequisites: Incorpreal shifting.
Effect: Your racial -2 to attacks and skills involving manipulating objects other than you is void. That effect is removed.

Creature shifting
Through the mastery of the magical forces that comprise you, you have found a way to shift creatures.
Prerequisites: Improved shifting and improved item carrying.
Effect: You can bring one creature with you when you shift up to a total HD equal to your own. These creatures must be willing. When you shift with a creature, each HD it has adds one minute to the amount of time it takes to shift. When you shift back, so does the creature.
Special: If you have Fast Shifting, the extra time is cut to one round per HD. If you have Fast Shifting (improved), it is cut to an extra full round action, regardless of the HD. If you have Fast Shifting (Greater), the total time it takes you to shift becomes one full round action, regardless of HD.

Ghostfolk items

Ectoplasm is created by random residue of spells, and regularly pops up on the Ghostfolk's demiplane.

To find ectoplasm you have to search the plane. For a 24 hour search, roll one search check. Take the result, and subtract 25. Take half that number (rounding down), and if, positive, is how many units of ectoplasm you've found.

Ectoplasm behaves like water, except that each clump it tied to itself, and draws towards its counterparts.

A clump of ectoplasm is about the same size as your fist, and can't be seen or sensed by anyone except a Ghostfolk, or someone that a Ghostfolk has shifted. It looks like mist.

Many Ghostfolk items are made out of ectoplasm. They are as follows:

Ring of shifting
This ring allows those not able to shift between planes to do so like a Ghostfolk twice a day.

Faint enchantment; CL 8th; Forge Ring, creator must be Ghostfolk, Dimension Door; Price 10,500 gp. 500 units of ectoplasm needed. Consumed when made.

Ring of improved shifting
This ring only effects Ghostfolk, or those wearing a ring of shifting. It improved shifting, as a feat, to it's wearer.

Faint enchantment; CL 7th; Forge Ring, creator must be Ghostfolk, Dimension Door; Price 4,000 gp. 200 units of ectoplasm needed. Consumed when made.

Ring of fast shifting
This ring only effects Ghostfolk, or those wearing a ring of shifting. It grants fast shifting to it's wearer. If the wearer already has that feat, then it grants fast shifting (improved), and if they already have that one, then it grants fast shifting (greater). If they already have fast shifting (greater), then this ring has no effect.

Faint enchantment; CL 7th; Forge Ring, creator must be Ghostfolk, Dimension Door; Price 4,000 gp. 200 units of ectoplasm needed. Consumed when made.

Ring of shifting carrying
This ring only effects Ghostfolk, or those wearing a ring of shifting. It grants improved item carrying as a feat, and if the wearer already has that feat, it grants improved creature carrying. If they already have that feat, then it has no effect.

Faint enchantment; CL 7th; Forge Ring, creator must be Ghostfolk, Dimension Door; Price 4,000 gp. 200 units of ectoplasm needed. Consumed when made.

Knowledge check
DC 15 arcana or planes
You know that this creature is a Ghostfolk. They are connected to both the material plane, and another that runs adjacent to it.

DC 20 arcana or planes
You know that this creature is a Ghostfolk. They have the ability to shift between the material plane and another, effectively making him incorpreal.

DC 30 arcana or planes
You know this creature is a Ghostfolk. You also recall their history, and how they were created, and all other aspects about them.

CN Fighter 2

AC 18 (+4 deflection +4 dex)
hp 17 (2HD)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
fast shifting, weapon focus (longbow)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Greatsword +1 (2d6-1)
Ranged longbow +4 (1d10-2)
Special abilities: Shifting
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 13
Skills Jump +9 Swim +4
Possessions: Commoner cloths, greatsword, longbow, and thirty arrows, and two rings of improved shifting.

Combat: El (as he will be referred to from now on) lives for the hunt of his prey. He moves quickly and strikes, and then chases his target. When confronted with an enemy that attacks him, he simply shifts and moves away, waiting. He's in no hurry to make a kill, and can shift very quickly.

Round 1: Attack with longbow, trying to stay at a distance.
Round 2: Continue attacking with a longbow, allowing the enemy to close in.
Round 3: Close in on the creature while attacking with his longbow, or attack with his greatsword if close enough.
Rounds 4: Attack with greatsword
Round 5: Shift and move away.
Repeat process until enemies are dead, or El is brought to 5hp or less, in which case, he attempts to escape.

El was created in the center of a large city, and his first encounter with other being was the city guard, who chased him and attacked him for some of the things he did. He's only been in existence for about a month. He developed a small hatred for organized military of any kind, and spends his days hunting down small groups of guards on the edges of major cities. This provides a good adventure hook for a 2nd or so level party.

He won't attack anyone put organized military on sight, so the PCs may be able to reason with him. If they do talk, they can persuade him to leave the guards alone, probably.

His personality is very impressionable, and he acts confused and strange, as he's yet to pick up the correct mannerisms of humanoids.

2008-07-07, 05:50 AM
Authors Note: Still need to finish the example NPC and Feats, and do some tweaking. But here it is. :smalleek:


The Pembunuh are a race of psychopathic murdering fiends. For the right price they’ll kill your enemies. For a better price they won’t do massive collateral damage in the process leaving a trail straight back to you. For an exorbitant price they won’t flay you alive and eat your family after they’re done working for you.

Personality: The Pembunuh have few social taboos. Incest, murder, cannibalism, slavery, torture, and rape are permissible under their laws if done in the appropriate manner. The typical Pembunuh is an individual obsessed with gathering as much personal power as possible, without gaining any form of real responsibility to go with it. They are lustful, obscene, and obsessed with social face. If you insult a Pembunuh even once, no matter how slight, their lives will be devoted to destroying you, and all you love. Some may do it without being insulted just because they can, and feel the need to make a demonstration on you simply because you may have shown yourself to be weak in their eyes. Pembunuh respect no one but their own person (and some not even that), and the only way to convince them to leave you be is to be powerful enough to destroy them with a wave of your hand (and be willing to demonstrate that you have no problem doing so). They consider excess a weakness despite obviously reveling in it. This is one of the great paradoxes of their society. They rigidly adhere to laws they openly despise because they believe to do otherwise would mean the death of their species (which quite frankly is true). Despite their nature they aren't fools, and are adept at lying to the other races (it's actually taught in their society). Most play the part of brute savages who simply don't understand modern cultures, all the while plotting and scheming.
Physical Description: The Pembunuh appear as thin, attenuated humanoids with overly long limbs and digits. They have 6 arms with long fingers and sharp nails. Skin is usually a shiny, wet black, with hair color either a colorless white or bloody red-brown. Their long pointed tongues are a bright red, and usually hang from a mouth full of sharpened teeth. Their eyes are slightly larger than usual with oval pupils. Despite being hermaphroditic and capable of reproducing asexually, most appear outwardly female. For the most part they seem to remind people of humanoid predators. This, along with their refusal to wear clothing, strains any possible relationships they could have with other races who consider them little more than blood hungry savages ( if they knew the true extent of the Pembunuh’s savagery they’d probably devote themselves to exterminating the race). While they don't usually wear clothes, decorative jewelry and piercings, or body modification abound. Many will have the Willing Deformity Feat.
Relations: The Pembunuh almost universally consider other races to be food, an ends to a mean, or toys to play with. There are some exceptions such as Fiends or Dragons or other beings of obvious vast power, but with luck they may find a weak spot in them as well. Being able to reproduce without the intimacy of a partner (even though they can couple if they wish to) has severed any link they feel towards other beings. They are effectively all Sociopaths (http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html ). The only time when this behavior is changed is when the Pembunuh are pregnant with child, at which time their hormonal balances shift to protecting their children. They will disappear from their own society, and raise their progeny alone elsewhere. Once the children reach the tender age of 8, they are the Pembunuh equivalent of teenagers. They have learned all they ever will from their parent, and they split ways, no longer feeling any bonds towards each other. Sometimes during these periods they may befriend members of other races. Whether or not this behavior persists after the pregnancy varies heavily, and often depends greatly on the Pembunuh itself. Most other races usually know little about the Pembunuh other than rumor, and would be appalled if they knew the full truth.
Alignment: The Pembunuh are almost universally Evil. Most are Lawful Evil simply because their extreme world views dictate that there must be intricate codes of Law regarding virtually all aspects of society to stop them from butchering each other in the streets every time a temper is lost. Neutral Evil is a close second as all Pembunuh truly care for nothing but themselves. Chaotic Evil is frowned upon because it’s seen as a loss of self control, which is a weakness, and exploitable (despite the fact that all Pembunuh would probably be Chaotic Evil if their society would let them)..
Lands: The Pembunuh generally hail from Jungles and mountains, both for their inaccessibility and remoteness. They prefer to live their lives away from the prying eyes of other races who may feel compelled to interfere with their society.
Settlements: The Pembunuh rarely settle outside their own lands, unless the environment is good for their purposes, and isolated. Their idea of settlement is usually referred to as Genocide by other races.
Power Groups: The Pembunuh have rigidly defined hierarchies. All things are possible under the Law; but where, when, how, and who you can do these possibilities to depends on your current station in the hierarchy. At the bottom are the Membuang, which are outcasts and criminals, and members of other races. They have little or no rights, and anyone of a higher caste may do to them virtually anything at their whim without reproach. The Membuang have some rights when facing each other, but much of this boils down to “whichever one of you can kill the other (and hir allies) gets what s/he wants”. Above them are the Tak Tersentuh. These members of society are forbidden to be harmed or interfered with, but they have no rights to do anything to another as well. Most consider the caste a punishment, or a retreat when enemies are too overwhelmingly powerful. Once one has become a Tak Tersentuh, there is almost no way back. You would have to achieve a feat of some renown to remove this status. Pembunuh who are able to retain their sanity after pregnancy often belong to this caste, as their "curse" is thought to be transmittable. No one wants to touch them. Next highest are the Penjahat. They may not own property or vote, or mate with a member of their own caste or a caste above them. They have limited personal freedoms, and are basically the common folk of the Pembunuh society. The Pura-Pura are the well to do of the Pembunuh society. They can own property, mate with their own caste (or forcibly take members of castes below them), and are allowed to do just about anything to others of their own caste as long as they follow the rules. If a member of a higher caste wishes to harass them their only recourse is to murder them and not get caught. The Raja Lalim are the nobility of the Pembunuh, and have few restrictions placed on them other than how they can attack/affect members of their own caste. They are also the only Pembunuh who may vote. The Maharani is the leader of the Pembunuh. S/he has little political power, and is something of a figurehead. However s/he is allowed to do anything to anyone with no restrictions. Since s/he is generally considered the peak of Pembunuh attainment hir goal is to spread her genes as widely as possible, preferably by force. Punishment for violating the laws is to generally allow someone of a lower caste some ‘alone time’ with you. Assuming you survive, all is forgiven. The Maharani is the exception. S/he can pretty much violate any law s/he pleases, which is why the position is vied for. Since the Maharani has no restrictions, s/he is usually Chaotic Evil. Most Pembunuh would consider this hypocrisy if they actually understood the concept.
Beliefs: The Pembunuh are their own Gods, incapable of seeing deities as any better intrinsically than themselves. Many are actually the center of personality cults in which everyone worships the Pembunuh whose own Clerical abilities derive from some perverse sort of narcissism.
Language: The Pembunuh speak their own tongue, known as Pembunuh. It requires some body language and pheromonal aspects, and without polymorphic magic other races are virtually incapable of learning it fully. Bonus Languages: Pembunuh usually learn Common, and the languages of whatever races live near them.
Names: Since there really is no gender differences, Pembunuh have a family name and a personal name. They list the personal name first, and it is usually the name of the first intelligent being they have murdered. A Pembunuh right of passage is to befriend another being to the point that you have saved each others lives, and would trust one another with anything. And then murder him/her/it. Preferably after torturing or maiming their family in front of them while they’re tied to a tree. This name is far more important to the Pembunuh than the family name, which can sometimes be a source of shame to them depending on how their relatives have fared in society.
Personal Names: Varies depending on who or what the Pembunuh has killed.
Family Names: Darah, Gila, Golok, Hitam, keajaiban, Kekacauan, Kegelapan, Kejengkalan, Makan, Malam, Melumphukan, Memberpudak, Membunuh, Mengkhianati, Menyesatkan, Menyiksa, Palsu, Pencuri, Pendusta, Pisau, Sakit, Sumbang
Adventurers: The most common Pembunuh reason to adventure is sabotage. If the other races of the world ever truly saw their homelands up close (they have artifacts to foil scrying attempts) they would band together in wiping the Pembunuh off the face of the Earth. So most Pembunuh consider it their duty to destabilize nearby nations and foment wars (and of course they enjoy it thoroughly too). A second reason is their adult rite of passage. Many join adventuring bands hoping to find someone worthy of murdering, and so become adults. There is also of course the ever popular power, glory, riches, rapine, etc. common to other races. If a Pembunuh has become pregnant, and in the process somehow become mentally damaged (i.e. shrugs off their races psychopathic nature) they will need to escape their homeland, and then will need strong allies to protect them. Roving bands of adventurers who are hard to pin down fit that bill.

Pembunuh Racial Traits
* +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str, -2 Cha. Pembunuh are very agile but their thin bodies don’t pack as much power as they should for their height. Their senses are very sharp, but they have little regard for others, in many cases being unable to see other beings as being ‘real’.
* Humanoid with the Lawful and Evil subtypes.
* Size: As Medium creatures, Pembunuh have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Multiple Arms: The Pembunuh have 6 arms, and gain Multiweapon Fighting as a Bonus Feat.
* Sharp Nails and Teeth: The Pembunuh have a Primary Claw attack doing 1d3 plus Strength modifier Slashing damage, and a Secondary Bite attack doing 1d3 plus half Str modifier Piercing damage. With a Full Attack they may do 6 Claws and 1 Bite.
* All Pembunuh have Dark Vision 60’.
* All Penumbuh have Scent
* Pembunuh land speed is 30 feet.
* Difficulty with clothing: The Pembunuh are unused to wearing clothing or armor, and using it makes them exceedingly uncomfortable. They cannot wear it without taking a -2 Morale Penalty to all rolls. This includes any magic Items with a Body Slot of Body, Shoulders, or Torso. They can wear minor articles of clothing like masks, or gloves, or belts, but nothing more extensive than that.
* Automatic Language: Pembunuh. Bonus Languages: Common, any nearby race.
* Favored Class: Most Pembunuh become Rogues or Scouts (it generally depends on whether they are urban or rural).
* Level Adjustment: +2

Age, Height and Weight.

Adulthood: 8 Years old.
Simple Classes: +1d4
Moderate Classes: +1d6
Complex Classes: +2d6

Height: 5'8'' (+2d6")
Weight: 120 lbs. (x 2d4 lbs.)

Middle Age: 30 Years Old.
Old: 150 Years Old.
Venerable: 500 Years Old.
Maximum Age: +5d20

Authors Note: Despite reaching puberty unusually early, Pembunuh age very very slowly afterwards. Whilst the listed ages are possible most are killed long beforehand.

Pembunuh Feats

Born Liar
You have a natural talent for lying.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Must be taken at Level 1, Pembunuh
Effect: Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information are always considered class skills for you regardless of what class you actually take.
Normal: Class skills are dependent on your actual Class.

Dual Natured
You have come to terms with your need to obey the law, and your need to act out on your own desires..
Prerequisites: Pembunuh, Base Willpower Save +5, Iron Will
Effect: You gain the Chaotic Subtype as well. As a Standard Action you may make a DC 15 Concentration check to change your alignment between Lawful and Chaotic, or suppress any of your Subtypes for up to 24 hours (or until you decide to reinstate them).
Normal: You obviously don't have the Chaotic Subtype, or the ability to switch Subtypes about.

Spider Grapple
You have practiced grappling against the lesser folk who have only 2 arms..
Prerequisites: Pembunuh, Improved Grapple, Multiweapon Fighting
Effect: You gain a +2 Circumstance to Grapple Checks if your opponent has less arms/tentacles/etc. than you do.
Normal: You have no Bonus to Grapple checks because of extra limbs.
Special: A Fighter can select Spider Grapple as one of his Fighter Bonus Feats.

Improved Spider Grapple
You are truly a terror while grappling..
Prerequisites: Pembunuh, Spider Grapple
Effect: You gain a +2 Circumstance to Grapple Checks. If you have more limbs than your opponent the Bonus increases to +4.
Normal: You have no Bonus to Grapple checks because of extra limbs.
Special: A Fighter can select Improved Spider Grapple as one of his Fighter Bonus Feats.

Multiweapon Defense
You have practiced defending yourself with multiple weapons..
Prerequisites: Multiweapon Fighting, 3 arms, Dex 15, BAB+6
Effect: When fighting with multiple weapons each pair of arms you devore to defense instead of attack gives you a +1 Shield Bonus (max +2). When Fighting Defensively each pair used for defense only grants you a +2 Shield Bonus each (max+4). When using the Total Defense option your Shield Bonus is +6.
Special: This Feat replaces the Two Weapon Defense Feat for creatures with more than 2 arms. A Fighter can select Multiweapon Defense as one of his Fighter Bonus Feats.

Multiweapon Pounce
You may use all of your weapons when charging..
Prerequisites: Multiweapon Fighting, 3 arms, Dex 15, BAB +12
Effect: When you are charging and weilding a weapon in every hand you can make a Full Attack, but you lose your bonus on attack rolls granted by a charge.
Special: This Feat replaces the Two Weapon Pounce Feat for creatures with more than 2 arms. A Fighter can select Multiweapon Pounce as one of his Fighter Bonus Feats.

Multiweapon Rend
You do extra damage if you hit with all your weapons..
Prerequisites: Multiweapon Fighting, 3 arms, Dex 15, BAB +15
Effect: If you successfully hit an opponent with each weapon you wield (6 in the case of the Pembunuh), you do 2d6 plus one and a half times Strength Modifier damage extra to the opponent. You may only get this once per round against a given opponent. Damage type is same oas off hand weapon for purposes of effects and overcoming Damage Reduction.
Special: This Feat replaces the Two Weapon Rend Feat for creatures with more than 2 arms. A Fighter can select Multiweapon Rend as one of his Fighter Bonus Feats.

Improved Multiweapon Defense
You are signifcantly better defended when wielding a weapon in each hand..
Prerequisites: Multiweapon Defense, 3 arms, Dex 17, BAB +12
Effect: When fighting with multiple weapons each pair of arms you devore to defense instead of attack gives you a +2 Shield Bonus (max +4). When Fighting Defensively each pair used for defense only grants you a +4 Shield Bonus each (max+8). When using the Total Defense option your Shield Bonus is +12.
Special: This Feat replaces the Improved Two Weapon Defense Feat for creatures with more than 2 arms. A Fighter can select Improved Multiweapon Defense as one of his Fighter Bonus Feats.

Greater Multiweapon Defense
You can put up a wall of steel your opponent simply cant get through..
Prerequisites: Improved Multiweapon Defense, 3 arms, Dex 19, BAB +18
Effect: When fighting with multiple weapons each pair of arms you devore to defense instead of attack gives you a +3 Shield Bonus (max +6). When Fighting Defensively each pair used for defense only grants you a +6 Shield Bonus each (max+12). When using the Total Defense option your Shield Bonus is +18.
Special: This Feat replaces the Greater Two Weapon Defense Feat for creatures with more than 2 arms. A Fighter can select Greater Multiweapon Defense as one of his Fighter Bonus Feats.

Tak Tersentuh
You have retained your ability to feel emotion after pregnancy..
Prerequisites: Must have become pregnant and retained sanity, Base Willpower Save +5, Penumbuh
Effect: You lose the Lawful and Evil Subtypes, and may choose an alignment other than a Lawful/Evil one. You retain the ability to overcome Damage Reduction requiring a Lawful or Evil component. You gain certain legal status within the Pembunuh society (i.e. you pretty much become untouchable as long as you refrain from doing anything to anyone else). You gain a +2 Bonus on Intimidation skills agains Pembunuh.
Normal: Noramlly Pembunuh cannot choose to become other than Evil alignment or give up their Subtypes.

Example NPC

LE Pembunuh Rogue 5/Swordsage 6
Init +5, Senses: Listen +9, Spot +9, Dark Vision 60', Scent
Languages Pembunuh
Quick to Act +2
AC 22, touch 22, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +5 Wis, +4 Deflection)
hp 44 (12 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +11
Evasion, Uncanny Dodge
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee 6 Claws +10 (1d3) and 1 Bite +5 (1d3)
Melee 6 Daggers +9 (1d3+1/17-20, 1d3+4 if able to use Shadow Blade Feat)
Ranged Stunshot Sling +11 (1d4)
Base Atk +7, Grp +7
Atk Options Discipline Focus: Shadow Hand (Weapon Focus, Insightful Strike +5), Sneak Attack +3d6
Combat Gear 4 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, 2 Potions of Fly, 2 Potions of Haste, 2 Potions Neutralize Poison, 2 Potions Remove Curse, 2 Potions Remove Blindness/Deafness
Stances Known 1st: Blood In the Water, Child of Shadow
2nd: Assassin's Stance
Maneuvers Known 1st: Clinging Shadow Strike, Counter Charge, Mighty Throw, Shadow Blade Technique, Sudden Leap
2nd: Drain Vitality, Cloak of Deception, Baffling Defense*, Shadow Jaunt *
3rd: Flesh Ripper, Strength Draining Strike

*maneuvers marked with asterisk were gained by switching out lower level maneuvers at 4th and 6th level.
Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 6
(original stats were 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8, with +3 Wis from levels)
SQ AC Bonus, Trapfinding, Trap Sense +1
Feats Multiweapon Defense, Shadow Blade, Telling Blow, Weapon Finesse, Multiweapon Fighting (B)
Skills Balance+7, Bluff +2, Climb +4, Hide +17, Gather Information +2, Intimidate +2, Jump +14, Knowledge (Local) +4, Listen +9, Martial Lore +4, Move Silently +9, Search +4, Sense Motive +14, Spot +9, Swim +4, Tumble +7, Use Magic Device +2
Possessions 6 +1 Keen Daggers, Bag of Holding II, +4 Ring of Protection, Stunshot Sling, 1 Jar of Camouflage Paint, Everlasting Rations, Magic Bedroll, Replenishing Skin, Spool of Endless Rope, 4 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, 2 Potions of Fly, 2 Potions of Haste, 2 Potions Neutralize Poison, 2 Potions Remove Curse, 2 Potions Remove Blindness/Deafness, 138 GP left for minor personal effects

Authors note: Since s/he's the equivalent of a 13th level PC, I gave her 110000 GP for stuff. Everything except her Daggers and Ring are in the Bag of Holding.

2008-07-08, 12:11 PM

-A bornura masters his Gem Armor ability

Property of LupinGoddess (http://lupingoddess.deviantart.com/). Used with Permission.


The wealthy and powerful often wish for more than what they already possess. Such were the desires of the mindflayers when they discovered a deposit of a tiny gem called nuralithis. The flesh shapers soon discovered that the crystals held a unique property that caused it to meld with living beings around it. Instead of directly altering the bodies of their slaves, the illithids decided to let the nuralithis work its power on these new test subjects. In but a few generations, the teal crystals began to form the slaves into a new race, a race of both flesh and mineral. The newly deemed bornura (born of nuralithis) fled from the twisted machinations of their masters in the chaos of the gith rebellion. The bornura soon discovered the full extent of the effects of the nuralithis on their bodies, and learned to use these powers until it became as natural as breathing.

Personality: While the gith and other former slavers of the illithids eventually gave in to fury and conflict, the bornura generally retained very placid dispositions, partly produced from the calming effects of nuralithis in their bodies. Although they are a shorter-lived race, the bornura prefer to take things slowly and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. For the bornura, the art of living is far too delicate to be wasted upon trivial things like annoyance and extravagance. A sense of free expression exits within bornura communities, and those who have a talent for the arts in particular, are very well respected and often left free to do what they do best.
Physical Description: Bornura look very similar to humans, but they all generally conform to a similar body type. Bornura usually have smaller frames, but they are still sturdier than elves, weighing from 140 to 180 pounds and are just as tall as humans. Paler hues of skin are the norm, and bornura have blue eyes of all shades. The most common hair colors are light, medium, and dark blue, however, bornura occasionally have white or purple hair. Their skin is usually lighter, and while the actual color varies, all have a slightly bluish tinge from the blue nuralithis in their blood. Bornura try their best to wear whatever they can to best blend into the general populace, so as not to draw unwanted attention to themselves.
Relations: Most races get along with bornura very well as the bornura are mild mannered and very likeable. However, a unique trait exists among those born of nuralithis can drive other beings to hunt them down indiscriminately. By the time the bornura fled the influence of the flesh shapers, all existing nuralithis had either been destroyed or had worked its way into the bodies of the bornura. Therefore, the precious crystals now exist solely within the flesh of the bornura. Worth one hundred times its weight in gold, nuralithis cannot be extracted by simply drawing the blood of a bornura and can only be harvested by removing the heart and vital organs of the unfortunate victim. Thus, bornura attempt to remain hidden from those who seek the prized substance that flows through their veins.
Alignment: Bornura are slow to anger, quick to forgive, and inclined towards moral pursuits. The nuralithis in their bodies produces a pacifying effect, so bornura are most often Neutral Good. However, some bornura seek revenge from the nuralithis hunters who pursue them, and extract their retribution with an eerie coolness.
Lands: Bornura find safety in numbers, and often from small communities within larger populations of other races. Since they look most like humans, most bornura find life within human settlements to be a fairly secure one.
Settlements: Bornura seek to live where they least risk being detected by those who would do them harm. Usually, their settlements consist of small communes within the poorer districts of cities, or of isolated hamlets on the reaches of civilization.
Power Groups: A bornura settlement is usually led by a charismatic head whose main concern is the safety of the community. Since they hold little actual power, the head of a community instead seeks to earn the trust of his fellows so that he can effectively lead in dangerous situations. In the midst of such danger, an order named the Crystalheart, composed of bornura warriors and mages, has emerged to combat the danger the race faces.
Beliefs: The bornura have a loose history of ancestral worship, but most end up paying homage to a good-aligned deity whose clergy is accepting and trustworthy.
Language: Bornura integrated into human civilization with little conflict long ago. Although they speak Common as their predominant language, they often pick up inklings of different languages and have a habit of using words from different tongues interchangeably.
Names: Bornura are given a name at birth, and usually keep that name for their entire life. These names are often soft-sounding and are rarely longer than two syllables. Since bornura communities are so small, surnames are simply the name of the city or town in which the community lives.
Male Names: Bayss, Gessal, Kaffe, Nem, Tehrum, Vahle.
Female Names: Bym, Ceredy, Myron, Neese, Seyvel, Wellisa.
Adventurers: Most bornura are content to live a peaceful, contemplative life. However, the lucrative essence of the bornura’s blood forces many to go into hiding or openly fight those who pursue them. Many bornura join the monasteries of the Crystalheart so that they may both have peace and learn to fight back their enemies. Other bornura flee to remote areas, where they become rangers or druids who survive off the land. Bornura are more likely to manifest psionic powers than arcane ones, though both occur occasionally.

Bornura Racial Traits:
* Medium: As medium humanoids, bornura have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Bornura have a base land speed of 30 feet.
* Low-Light Vision: A bornura can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
* +2 racial bonus on Disguise Checks made to impersonate a human when not using Crystal Forming; bornura greatly resemble humans, when they're not half-encased in crystal.
* +2 racial saving throw bonus against mind-affecting spells or effects; the effects of nuralithis has built up the bornuras' resistance to such spells.
* Crystal Forming (Su): A bornura has the ability to alter the nuralithis in his bloodstream into one of three forms. One form must be chosen at first level, and progresses naturally as the bornura gains class levels. Utilizing a Crystal Form is a free action as long as the bornura has taken at least 1 point of lethal damage. Without physical damage to let out the nuralithis in the blood, using a Crystal Form takes a full-round action in which the nuralithis comes out through the eyes, nose, or mouth of the bornura. A bornura can use this ability at will, and the effects last until the either the bornura returns to full hit points, is killed, knocked unconscious, or “turns off” the effect. To use the Crystal Forming more than once per day, a bornura must succeed a Constitution check of 15 + number of times Crystal Forming has already been used that day.
* Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Auran, Aquan, Elven, Gnoll, Halfling, and Terran.
* Favored Class: Monk. A multiclass bornura’s monk class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
* LA: +0

Bornura Traits
Each bornura has one of the following traits which must be picked upon character creation and cannot be changed thereafter.

Crystal Edge:
When using the Crystal Forming ability, nuralithis from the bornura’s blood cluster onto one of the bornura’s hands, forming something akin to brass knuckles. This is not a natural weapon, and the bornura retains full use of his hands while using this ability. A bornura automatically gains proficiency with this weapon if they are not proficient with simple light melee weapons already.

Crystal Edge: 1d4+1 (plus additional +1 for every three character levels) points of Piercing damage. Critical Range 18-20x2.
In addition, a bornura can choose to use a crystal edge as an unarmed strike if they have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. A bornura cannot be disarmed while wielding a Crystal Edge.

A crystal edge qualifies as both a natural and manufactured weapon for purposes of enchanting it.

Gem Armor:
When using the Crystal Forming ability, nuralithis crystallizes over the bornura’s body, granting them natural armor which grants a +1 bonus to AC. Every five character levels, this bonus increases by +1 as the crystals harden and expand over the bornura’s body.

Aqua Aura:
When using the Crystal Forming ability, nuralithis in the form of blood evaporates to form a bluish aura around the bornura. This aura is full of the nuralithis’ essence and grants all friendly creatures ("friendly" is determined by the bornura) within a 5 foot radius of the bornura a +1 bonus on saving throws. Every five character levels, the aura grants an additional +1 bonus on saving throws.

Age, Height, and Weight

{table] Adulthood | Middle Age | Old Age | Venerable | Maximum Age

25 |
60 |
90 |
120 |
+2d10 [/table]

{table] Gender |Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier
Bornura Male |
4'10" |
+2d10 |
110 lb. |
x (2d4) |
Bornura Female |
4'6" |
+2d10 |
80 lb. |
x (2d4)[/table]

Racial Feats

Crystal Rush [Bornura]
You gain a second crystal edge weapon.
Prerequisites: Bornura, Crystal Edge Trait, Base Attack Bonus +4.
Benefit: When using Crystal Forming, you gain a second crystal edge weapon. You can use this weapon along with your other crystal edge, but you still take full penalties for wielding a two-handed weapon without the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
Special: A bornura fighter may select Crystal Rush as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Gem Flurry [Bornura]
Through monastic training, you have mastered using your crystal edge weapon.
Prerequisites: Bornura, Crystal Edge Trait, flurry of blows, Weapon Focus (crystal edge).
Benefit: When using Crystal Forming, you may treat a crystal edge as a special monk weapon, allowing you to perform a flurry of blows with it.

Nuralithis Convergence [Bornura]
Intense focus and mental conditioning have allowed you to extend the rangeof your aqua aura.
Prerequisites: Bornura, Aqua Aura Trait, Wis 16.
Benefit: When using Crystal Forming, your aqua aura trait increases its range by 5 feet.

Piercing Beauty [Bornura]
The crystals of your gem armor become as sharp as steel spikes.
Prerequisites: Bornura, Gem Armor Trait, Con 13.
Benefit: When using Crystal Forming, your gem armor trait takes on the traits of spiked armor (PH 124). You automatically gain proficiency with your new gem armor spikes.

Shards of Glass [Bornura]
Through years of training, you have mastered the aqua aura trait to its fullest and can use it to attack foes.
Prerequisites: Bornura, Aqua Aura Trait, Wis 20.
Benefit: When using Crystal Forming, you may choose to attack using your aqua aura trait. As a standard action, you condense the nuralithis in the air into tiny shards or crystal. These crystal shards swirl around within the range of your aura, dealing 3d4 points of Slashing damage to all other creatures within the range for a number of rounds equal to half your character lever (rounded down). A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + bornura's Wisdom modifier + 1/2 bornura class level, rounded down) halves the damage taken.

Typical Bornura Encounter
Bym, 4th level Monk (http://www.shonuffstudios.com/gothmoor/profiler/view.php?id=316)

Nature of Nuralithis
Nuralithis is a tiny, teal crystal which emits a bluish glow. Currently, the only deposits of the mineral exists within the bloodstream of the bornura race. Nuralithis is a unique mineral with semi-magical properties. Used as a material component for transmutation spells, a single ounce of refined nuralithis has a 60% chance to double the duration of the spell, and a 10% chance of tripling the duration of the spell. Nuralithis not only alters the natural state of creatures, but has itself changed during its years of being melded to the bornura. Small amounts of nuralithis are very unstable, such as the amount bornura use as natural armor or weaponry. Held together solely by the bornura's will, a chunk or nuralithis formed into a crystal edge or armor will shatter and quickly evaporate into the air as it reverts back to liquid form once the bornura releases control. Large amounts, such as the nuralithis extracted directly from a bornura's heart, however, will stay together long enough to be refined into small spheres used in transmutation magic.

A single ounce of nuralithis costs 300 gp and a pound costs 5,000 gp (In order to successfully extract one pound of nuralithis from the blood, the extracter must succeed a DC 20 Heal check. The DC increased by 5 for each additional pound to a maximum of 4 pounds).

Refined Nuralithis: When this small teal sphere is used as an optional spell component in transmutation magic, the spell's duration has a 60% chance of being doubled and a 10% chance of being tripled.
Cost: 450 gp (Pure nuralithis plus cost of refinement).
What Do You Know?
Knowledge (arcana)
DC 10: The bornura were created through a fusion with a crystal known as nuralithis. The mineral has unique properties that led it meld with organic matter.
DC 15: Nuralithis also greatly enhances transmutation spells when used as a material component. The crystal now exists solely within the bornura, and can be extracted by removing the vital organs of the bornura.

Knowledge (history)
DC 15: Bornura have long since been at the mercy of petty thugs and treasure hunters who seek the rare crystal known as nuralithis that flows in their bloodstream.
DC 20: Even before this, the bornura were slaves of the mindflayers, who let the organic-twisting nuralithis work its way into the bornuras' bodies.

Knowledge (geography)
DC 15: Bornura live wherever other races do, preferring to stay out of the way of others who would wish to do them harm.

The Gilded Duke
2008-07-20, 10:53 AM
The Colors Purple


Once the colors were like flavors, minor highlights altering an otherwise mundane world.
They did not breath, they did not grow, they could not love, and they would very rarely change.
Some of the colors refused to remain the same.
Red made pacts with all manner of Vestige, Element, and Devil. It grew in power, marking all the battlefields of the Prime Material and Cosmos with its passage. Black slowly became absorbed by the negative energy plane.

Purple gained a soul.
And a mind.
And the ability to reproduce.
Purple was a people now.

Personality: Purples can very greatly with personality. The younger purples, closer in color to red tend to be more impulsive and quick to anger. The older purples, closer in color to blue tend be more reserved and thoughtful. Purples often assume personality traits and quirks from any host they are attached to for an extended period of time. Purples also usually blend in as either hidden or fully participating members of a society.

Physical Description: A purple is not an object. A purple is a group or arrangement of the color purple that has become sapient. After the ascension of Red and the great Black fade sapient purples have actually become quite common. Younger purples tend to be more red, while older purples have started to fade towards blue. Not all sapient purples are active. Since the great awakening, many purples have been killed, and many others have gone dormant.

When a purple is attached to a host, the host is colored or tinted purple. When a purple is unattached it looks like a purple smear of paint sliding along the ground. When purples first woke up they were often assumed to be some new variety of ooze.

Relations: There are three ways purples interact with the world. Some purples integrate with a community, creating a new society of hybrids. The Purple People Eater kobolds are the most well known example of this occurring. The kobold sorcerers were only further aided by Purple wilders allowing them to expand and out compete nearby goblin tribes and human settlements.

Other purples try to control their hosts, often setting up a society in which the Purples rule over a host underclass. This is often difficult for Purples as they have no innate ability to control their host, and most hosts have no difficulty rubbing a purple off. Many purples seek magical or psionic means to gain this control, or use propaganda and indoctrination. The most famous controller purple is the Thrallherd Emperor Phillipe de la Viola.

Some purples try to blend in with their environment, often hiding, bonding with animals, or only revealing their existence to their host. Purple barbarians in the frozen north often bond with the local species of ice worms.

Alignment: Purples can be of any alignment but tend towards neutral. Younger purples tend to be more chaotic, while older ones tend to be more lawful.

Lands: Purple existed as a color in almost every plane and prime material. The sapience occurred at the same time in all places. The colors purple can come from pretty much anywhere. In prime materials they often prefer to or migrate to concentrations of culture and civilization, preferably well lit ones.

Settlements: Purples that bond with animals or beasts usually do not keep any permanent settlement instead focusing on becoming closer to their host or their hosts community. Hybrid society purples usually use the same settlement style as their host culture, however more open space exposed to sunlight is maintained for feeding. Phillipe de la Viola spreads his empire through force of arms, marking cities and battlefields with his standard, and equipping all of his soldiers and officers in sapient uniforms.

Power Groups: To the north all creatures fear the dreaded Purple Worms, once mere beasts now goaded on by sympathetic intelligences. Emperor Phillipe de la Viola's empire spreads with unnatural ferocity. Many purples of Sigil and the planes have joined the Society of Sensation and are about to launch a political takeover of the factions leadership.

Beliefs: Purples can be found of nearly every religion, creed, and cult. There is no specific Purple focused religion. Purple philosophers and socialites however often debate just how Purple came to be. Maybe the pacts made by red bled off to begin effecting the other colors. Maybe a god became fascinated by the very color. Maybe one day purple decided to live.

Language: Purples have no common language, but usually have knowledge of the most used language of the setting. Start with either Common, Planar, or Goblin. Bonus Languages: Common, Planar, Goblin, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial, Aquan

Names: Purples usually choose their own name after they awaken. For some reason Purples have a tendency to pick a name that either means purple, or is in some way related to purple. Some philosophers suggest that Purple retains a vague racial memory of its time before sapience, and from that times remembers what it was called.
Male Names:
Female Names:

Adventurers: Purples seem to be naturally curious. They often seek out new experience and adventure even without reason. Some of this may be a natural reproductive drive to seek out a new food source and means of reproduction.

Biology: Non-purple philosophers often classify purple as an abberatic symbiont. Most purples object to this idea, suggesting instead that color and pigmentation is a natural process. To be effective most purples require a host. While they can bond with nearly any host or creature hosts can remove them easily. They also cannot bond with anything that destroys them on contact. There are rumors of fire immune purples bonding with stars on the border of the far realm, but that is at best a rare occurrence.

Purples do not need to eat or drink. They do require exposure to light. While they prefer sunlight, other light will sustain them as well. A purple deprived of light for extended periods of time will begin to starve using the normal starvation rules. Most purples need to breath as well, however some advanced purples may have found ways around this restriction.

Many purples are still alive from the first great awakening. Those purples were not born but instead were existing purples that woke up. Purples can reproduce in a complex process involving a willing host. Outsiders often crudely refer to this process as "painting". After being painted a purple is often a passive symbiont, not yet mentally developed. Mental development to adulthood can take anywhere from three to thirty years.

Purples age like most creatures, aging at the same rate as most humans. When a purple is young it is more red. As a purple ages the red begins to fade. When a purple looses all red and becomes blue it is no longer sapient. Purples consider this to be the only form of natural death for a purple. While many purples have returned with true resurrection or other spells, nobody has yet been able to remember what it was to be blue.

Purples can die. They can be destroyed through most normal means and through starvation. Purples have a special hatred for Drow who enjoy the specific look of a starved purple, and have begun working it into designs and armor.

Purples can also enter an extended state of hibernation. During this time upon inspection they appear no different then a starved or not yet sapient purple. Purples can voluntarily enter this state when they are exposed to light. The Purple Worms often hibernate through long winter nights. Purples can also hibernate for shorter periods of time without requiring light, this is referred to as "sleep". Purples require the normal period of sleep and begin to take penalties if they are active without sleep for long enough.

Purple Racial Traits
* Purples receive no modifiers to abilities, see Purples and Hosts below.
* Purples in their normal form are small aberrations, see Purples and Hosts below.
* When not tied to a host, purples have a movement speed of 10 feet.
* Automatic Language: Common or Goblin or Planar. Bonus Languages: Common, Planar, Goblin, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial, Aquan
* Favored Class: Sorcerer or Wilder
* Level Adjustment:+0
Psi-like abilities:
Share Pain 1/day, treat the Purples level as the caster level for all level dependent effects. This can only be used on their host. See Purples and Hosts below.

Spell-like abilities:
Shield Other 1/day, treat the Purples level as the caster level for all level dependent effects. This can only be used on their host. See Purples and Hosts below.

Bonus Feats:
Eschew Materials
Natural Spell
Purples get a bonus feat at first level.

Ride is always a class skill for purples.
All purples get +2 to ride.

Purples and Hosts:
Purples cannot move quickly when not bonded to a host. They also do not have hands and are unable to hold weapons, equipment or objects. When a purple is attached to a host use the mount rules as normal with a few exceptions.

A purple cannot be dismounted unless it or its host is helpless.
Attaching to a host takes two full round actions.
A host can remove a purple at any time as a full round action.
Change the purples size to the size of the host, the purple does not get any strength, dexterity, or natural armor bonus based on size. The Purple gets any attack roll bonus or penalty, hiding bonus or penalty, and grapple bonus or penalty based on size.

The purple can perform an action using the hosts hands if it has any. The host hands can be used to hold more expensive material components. Purples are able to perform any somatic component to a spell without hands and even when unbound, but are restricted as normal in a grapple in heavy armor or in another situation.

When it is using the hosts hands to attack, such as in a melee attack, it uses the relevant ability scores of the host, its own attack bonus, the equipment the host has equipped and any of its own class abilities. If a purple is bound to a third level rogue, they use the rogues strength, the rogues weapon damage and enhancement bonus, their own base attack bonus to make an attack. They do not get the rogues 2d6 sneak attack.

When mounted a Purple can be targeted by an opponent as normal. Purples can have equipment specially made for them such as armor or magic items. Wearing these do not interfere with the hosts equipment or give any bonuses to the host. Treat the cost of special purple equipment as small sized for an exotic creature.

Purples are unable to:
Fast mount / dismount their host
Stand on mount


Purple Animal[racial]:
Can only take at 1st level.
If you are a druid you do not gain an animal companion.
Gain an animal companion as if you are a druid. Treat your total level as the druid level for your animal companion. This counts as a druids animal companion for all feats or prestige class requirements.

Purple Familiar[racial]
Can only take at 1st level.
If you are a wizard or sorcerer you do not gain a familiar.
Gain a familiar as if you are a wizard. Treat your total level as the wizard level for your animal companion. This counts as a wizards familiar for all feats or prestige class requirements.

Purple Dominant [racial]
Against your host the DC for all of your spell like abilities, powers, and spells are +2. You also get a +5 bonus against your host's spell or power resistance.

Concealed Purple [racial]
Requires Mounted Combat
Skill Focus Ride

The attack from cover epic usage of ride is now DC 25 while you are riding your host. The cover usage of ride is now DC 10 while you are riding your host.

Vanished Purple [racial]
Requires Concealed Purple
Skill Focus Hide or Stealthy

While using the cover or attack from cover action you can make a hide check even if being observed.

Beneficial Symbiont [racial]
Requires Maximize Spell

Any spell you cast on your host and just your host is automatically maximized without an increase in caster level.

Purple in Command [Racial]
Requires Beneficial Symbiont
Requires Dominant Purple
Requires Companion Spellbound

You can share spells as the familiar ability with your host if your host is your Cohort or Thrall.

Emperor Phillipe de la Viola

Lawful Evil Purple Psion (Telepath) 5 / Thrallherd 10

Str 8
Dex 13
Con 12
Int 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

HP 47
AC: 11
Ref 5
Fort 5
Will 11

Class Skills, Concentration, Craft, Knowledge, Profession, Psicraft, Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Sense Motive, Ride

Important Ranks:
Ride: 18 Ranks + 2 Racial +3 Feat +1 Dex = +24
Concentration: 18 Ranks + 1 Con = +19
Hide 15 (?) Ranks + 3 Feat +3 Psicrystal = +21

25 Powers known. 7th Level powers. 147 pp (Pre-stat and equip)

Psion Bonus: Inquisitor
1st Level: Psicrystal Coward
Racial: Skill Focus Ride
Eschew Materials
Natural Spell
3rd Level: Mounted Combat
6th Level: Concealed Purple
9th Level: Skill Focus Hide
12th Level: Vanished Purple
15th Level: Expanded Knowledge Astral Construct
Thrallherd Abilities:
Thrall: Emperor Phillipe (Level 15 Crusader)
Twofold Master Thrall: Knight Defender Sir Luis Auguste (Level 14 Knight)
Believers: Over 130 devoted spies and servants both purple and human.
Psionic Charm
Psionic Dominate
Greater Dominate
Superior Dominate

Conceal Thoughts
Astral Construct
Charm Psionic
2.Suggestion Psionic
Ego Whip
3.Crisis of Breath
Body Purification
Body Adjustment
Telekenetic Thrust
4.Modify Memories
Freedom of Movement
Dominate Psionic
5.Mind Probe
True Seeing, Psionic
Contigency Psionic
Mind Switch
7.Divert Teleport
Mind Blank, Personal.

Share Pain 1/day, treat the Purples level as the caster level for all level dependent effects. This can only be used on their host. See Purples and Hosts below.

Shield Other 1/day, treat the Purples level as the caster level for all level dependent effects. This can only be used on their host. See Purples and Hosts below.

Viola is riding Emperor Phillipe at almost all times. Viola tries to keep Share Pain up at all times with both Emperor Phillipe and his bodyguard Knight Defender Sir Luis Auguste. During combat their goal is to first protect Viola, and then protect Emperor Phillipe.

Viola hides from surface view for long periods of time, when necessary using sustenance to go without light. Emperor Phillipe de La Viola's hybrid existence, though officially a secret is well known and suspected. At most times however Viola's location is unknown due to her Personal Mind Blank.

During combat if a method of escape is not possible Viola focuses on crowd control using a multi-target crisis of breath or various charms and dominates, while Phillipe and Auguste engage the hindered targets in melee. Astral constructs are summoned as needed.

Emperor Phillipe de la Viola has a network of over 130 thrallbound spies in addition to a normal spy network. Important communication is kept up through use of Correspondence. Correspondence is also used to keep in touch with military commanders during crusades to repaint the map.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-07-25, 07:44 AM
This month's contest has come to a close. A voting thread has been posted here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4591160#post4591160).

Good luck!