View Full Version : Keep On The Shadowfell-IC-TQ

the quinn
2008-07-01, 10:55 AM
The world is a more savage place than it used to be. Wilderness has overcome once great cities, little is know about the world. The civilized world was once ruled over by a great kingdom know as the Nerath empire, it employed people of all races, but was still largely human. Many years ago, like all civilizations it crumbled, leaving small bastions of life. But nothing could stand against time, and what was left fell apart. Now a new empire has begun to be reborn, called the Melorian alliance. Made up of the common races, but it is small, and nothing in comparison to the size the Nerath empire.
You find your selves in the town of Feraina a once large city, now a population of 10000. It is located near the boarder of the know world. Knowledge of this area tells you that this is town dedicated to suppling food, protection, and hope, to even smaller towns on the boarder.
As each of you enter the town from either the East or South gate, a guard, hand you a letter. As you open the letter rushed hand writing asks that you to come to the temple of Avandra,
Mighty adventurer
You must come to the temple of Avandra, these are matters of great importance, all shall be explained when you all have arrived.
Signed Laurel High Priestess of Avandra
What you know: Pretty much nothing, you have never met the rest of the party. Yet some thing about this letter calls you to the temple.
Well this is my first time, so not sure the best way to do things
When posting, Write in bold you characters name
Then under that write the description of what you are doing
Then in your color please Write you what you charater says
Then in a spoiler write what you character does in OOC terms and roll dice

I will post a map at the beginning of every round, and write down the movement and actions of every character.
Most of you are new to this area so you have no idea what the surrounding look like.
Hope this goes well
The Quinn

2008-07-01, 11:23 AM

Leo reached for his weapon as he saw the guard approach--there had been more than one time he was challenged, and almost imprisoned, due to his "suspicious" appearance. When he saw that the soldier was handing a letter to him, he relaxed his stance (slightly). Taking the letter, he nodded politely to the guard, and proceeded into the city. Walking normally a while, he suddenly ducked into a quiet alley to finally open the parchment.

After finishing the letter, the armoured figure regards it curiously a while. There is little said, and it could be a trick to capture him (the "Black Prince" had gained a few enemies and minor renown on his travels). However, Leoguard wasn't here, so far away from home, to be cautious and hide: He was here to adventure, to make a name for himself. Clutching the letter, his hand near his axe, the Dark Hunter went towards the Temple of Avandra--making a few stops around the town to gather what information he could about this mysterious letter...

Streetwise: [roll0]

((OOC: I'll wait till you tell me about the temple before I state what I do. Please tell me what I discover about the place and the letters. If there's anything else interesting I find out, please tell me about that, too.))

2008-07-01, 11:37 AM

Melkor gives the guard a puzzled look as he takes the letter. He didn't expect anyone to know he was here in Feraina, except for perhaps his father. Upon opening the note he knew right away he would not be reading of home.

Melkor folds the note neatly and stores it in a breast pocket of his clothes. Melkor briefly asks for directions to the temple and begins to make his way there.

the quinn
2008-07-01, 11:51 AM
You find that temple very easily in this town, but while gathering information about the temple, you find that a dragonborn came to the temple but one week ago, and the high priestess has not left the temple since. This is quite odd, usually she is very sociable learning stories of travelers and helping where she can. You also learn that the leader of this town left three days ago heading to the main city
Leoguard & Melkor & the rest of the party
As the letters where handed to you from the guard, they seemed as spooked as you. As if they didn't think they would end out giving you the letter.
Leoguard & Melkor
You both reach the temple after gaining directions
Melkor your were the first to reach the temple, and the door was closed, as soon as Leoguard you hear a click.
You look at each other, not sure what to think.

2008-07-01, 01:27 PM
Aur van'Dil

Aur sighed happily as she reached the gates of Feraina, thoughts of a quiet inn and a well-deserved soak in a hot bath running through her mind. Brushing back a wisp of stray hair, she hitched her rucksack higher on her shoulder and walked confidently through the south gate. She smiled at the two rather nervous-looking gate guards, her patiently carved holy symbol of Avandra hanging about her neck. She stopped with surprise when one of the guards thrust out a mailed hand, barring her passage, but quickly recovered her poise when he stammered out an apology and handed her a parchment bearing the seal of her church. Moving into a small alcove within the gate, Aur broke the seal and quickly read the summons of the town's priestess of Avandra. Her eyes wide with surprise at the unexpected summons, Aur hastened down the nearest street in search of the temple - all thoughts of inns and baths had gone from her mind.

2008-07-01, 02:02 PM

The proud Dragonkin emerges from a deer trail in the meadows nearby and joins the road, moving towards the gates of town. His deep amber eyes fall upon the smaller human watchmen as he is to pass through the gate in reserved greeting, and is suprised when the man takes this as invitation to move forward, rummaging about in his pockets.

"What'ss thiss?" The soft, slightly drawn hiss of the reptilian's speech seems to counterpoint the almost spat hard syllables as the guardsman hands him folded and sealed sheet of parchment. The somewhat intimidated guard's helpless expression provides answer enough, and the dragonborn turns and continues his steady pace past the gatehouse, contemplating the parchment in his claw for a time before tucking it into the animal-skin pouch at his belt. He waits until passing a small grass-covered square before crouching on his heels beside a tree and producing the note again. A call to the temple of a god with ties to his own a thing he cannot refuse, he sets off in search of the temple immediately.

streetwise [roll0] to find the temple

the quinn
2008-07-01, 02:29 PM
Four adventurers have gathered around the door to a large yet beautiful church of Avandra. The large door, has the marksmanship of a dwarf, and the beautiful carvings of the elves,pictures of road and adventures are depicted, the door stands flush against the walls of the church. The doors seems worn with many years of use, yet some how cold as if neglected. The ground underneath your feet is cobbled and many carts come and go. A sign denotes that this is the main street of the town and this church is a center point of activity... Or at least is was. The air is warm, and few clouds are in the sky.

The door opens, on its own will, revealing a flourishing courtyard. Seven chairs have been laid out on, each calling to a perfect fit. A large structure stand behind the courtyard. Its door dwarfed by the size and beauty of the main one, a large sign denotes that it is home to the pantheon of the region.

A cool wind crosses your face and seemingly invites you to take a seat.

You are unable to gain any useful informations, but after getting directions, you find the Temple.

Aur van'Dil
You are some what surprised that there was not an immediate greeting from the church, which is a tradition. You are further surprised that there was a chair set out and not getting down to business, with the rushed letter send to you.

Out of Charcter(everyone read)
When Vaelnea arrives please give a description of you character, his or her voice and all that jazz.

2008-07-01, 02:37 PM
copy/paste from char sheet:

Bal'Koth's brown and ochre scales are mottled in a pattern suggestive of camoflage. He is tall, but lanky for his race, and the lean muscle beneath his hide has no padding of softer flesh. A wide, powerful maw and deep-set amber eyes dominate his face, while a dragonborn's long, ropey frills dangle from his head like dreadlocks and feather his jawline. Emerald-green scale armour and a tough hide shield emphasize his earthy appearance, and much of the leather apparent on his person retains its' fur.

He tends to speak as little as possible and waste few words, but when he does, he slightly overemphasises hard syllables or hisses, giving his speech a somewhat feral cant. He casually crouches on his heels with a fist on the ground while resting, and has slightly unnerving habit of absentmindedly drawing his sword and running a long, scaley finger along the edge.

2008-07-01, 05:22 PM

Vael enters the town from the South, feeling a lingering sense of regret the further she goes from the wilderness and, by extention, the Feywild. Setting her features in a resolute expression, she walks on towards the gates. Though her eladrin appearance is alien to most, her concerns are presently on to her unfamiliar human matters: where her next meal is to come from, and where she is to sleep tonight.

She barely notices the guards as she approaches the gate. They, however, are evidently aware of her. A hand on her shoulder makes her start and turn, and the human guard has to make several attempts to persuade her to take the letter. Mystified, at last she shrugs and accepts the missive. Shielding it with one hand, she opens the letter with the other and reads it, silently mouthing some of the less familiar human words. Surprised, she places the letter in her belt while she walks through the town, considering the contents.

Vael pauses at first to purchase a small pastry from a street vendor for a few of her remaining coins. Savouring her first food for almost a day, she ends up reaching the temple by a circuitous route, ending up standing behind the others as the temple doors silently open.

Vael is a tall, fair skinned Eladrin woman with flowing silver-gold hair. Her arms are bare and encircled with finely crafted silver jewelry which tinkles very gently as she moves. She wears fine, flowing clothes that seem more at home in the court of some Eladrin noble than on the road. She has made some concessions to practicality by adding leather high boots and a warm deep blue cloak to the ensemble. She has a sheath for a longsword across her back, but the sheath is empty.

Her eyes are a deep violet colour. She expresses herself by gesturing gracefully, but pauses and considers before comitting herself to speech. Her voice is eloquent and assured, with a strange accent that cannot quite be placed.

2008-07-01, 05:39 PM

Cautiously, Leo enters the church, his hand still by his weapon. He had little trust for other deities than his own. Each step of a steel boot clangs loudly through the door, hard as Leo tries to be quiet. Looking around carefully, he tries to make sure this isn't a trap--no men at the pews concealing weapons, no archers on balconies, no trapdoors to open up beneath him.

As other bearers of the letter (though Leoguard doesn't realize them to bear the same invitation) move into the church, a shocking premonition enters the warrior's mind: Why conceal an ambush within the church when you can attack and seal the enemy in from the outside of the church? The people entering seemed to be well armed, some of them looking as casters. A moment of shock and uncertainty freezing him, he suddenly yanks his axe from his belt with a great flourish -- he learnt how to do this years ago, and draws the weapon this way naturally lest he remembers not to do so -- wrecking any stealth he might have intended.

"K-Keep--" the ominous, blacked-armoured figure began nervously, his voice booming from the echoes of his armour--after a moment, he seemed to regain his composure, and with a now confident voice, he said, "keep your distance! I would like thy selves to tell me what reason you are here, so armed? If you have come to attack me, I will be unable to show any remorse in our ensuing fight--if thy dost not mean me harm, convince me of this or keep distance between us."

The fighter before the other adventurers is clad in pitch-black armour, a helmet obscuring his face. His voice is hard to distinguish with the echoing his suit causes, but his words are elegantly chosen, his voice likely to be suiting this elegant tone. The armour, in detail, is very well made, and is very thick with a full inch of steel--though you are not sure the armour is fully the same as steel...
Masking his face is a helmet, slightly thicker, the lighting of the church making the eye-slots show only darkness. The helmet is decorated by two, steel, ram-like horns, beginning near the top and reaching up (just above the tip of the helmet), then curling down and forward till they reach out a full inch from the helmet, but curve just above his range of vision. Something about them strikes you as dangerous, as though he might drag his foot across the cobbles, snort, then charge at you head-first with them (though this entertaining fantasy is much less than half-realistic or likely).
There is little more that can be noted about this ominous being: His axe is masterfully made, completely of the same, strange, metal. The engraved shield he bears holds a carving of a great lion, its mouth wide--a large spike protruding from the centre of the mouth.

On a successful perception check (14 or more):One detail you almost missed, is that the shield seems to interlock with the armour. Without such a suit, you puzzle over how someone would use the shield, though you guess there might be a way.
You also notice the sparkle of human eyes, within the helmet. It would thus appear to not be empty, or filled with a skeleton.

Perception: [roll0]

Leo tries to see if there are any dangers, or anything of interest in general.

For the other players: If you want to convince Leoguard you're not a threat, try making a skill check :smallsmile:.

2008-07-01, 06:46 PM

Vael's eyes widen and she halts at the warrior's challenge. She spreads her empty hands wide. Peace, bold warrior. She regards the adventurer with deep violet eyes.


I, for one, bear no weapon. She half-turns, displaying the empty sword sheath on her back. She smiles, a touch sardonically. And I mean you no harm, though your vigilance does you great credit.


As for what brought me here? Why, my wandering feet, though in this case they were guided by this. Vael took the note from her belt. A letter, from a High Priestess, given to a stranger who follows not the diety of this cleric, or has ever beheld her face... curious, would you not say?

Vael looks at the rest of the group as she says this, trying to gauge their reactions.


2008-07-01, 07:11 PM

Melkor enters the church courtyard behind the others and takes in the environment. Once inside, he pulls back the hood of his cloak revealing shoulder length blue-black hair, carefully tied in a pony tail, keeping it between his devilish horns. He takes a moment to wipe some of the dust off his finely crafted, black leather outfit. The leather does not cling to him, but is still formfitting, crafted with care to look fine but also be fully functional. Melkor's skin is a ruddy redish-gold and sun-drenched giving his leathery texture a bit of shine. The top ridge along his tail is only slightly darker.

He appears clean and well kept otherwise as he briefly removes his cloak and takes off his backpack. All of his equipment is immaculately clean and well cared for. He takes a moment, ignoring the others, to check his pack and makes sure all the straps are still tight. With his cloak now off, a sickle and a rod can be plainly seen hanging from his belt.

Melkor's head snaps up as the armored warrior stammers nervously, clinging to his axe. Melkor glares at the man in contempt, "Calm down you oaf! I doubt anyone of us is here to kill you or we would have done so already." The tiefling's baritone voice carries in the confines of the stone walls surrounding the courtyard. His speach is clean, crisp, and educated, like one who is used to talking at others, not likely to be commanded.

His black eyes carry over the eladrin as she speaks. He nods briefly at her calm words while he reaches into his breast pocket pulling out his own note. "I too bear such a note from the high priestess," he says as he tosses his note at the fighter's feet without care. Looking around at the others he continues, "And I would wager the rest of you do too.

"I am Melkor, son of Manorior," he notes to the others in the room, "I wish none of you any ill will or harm, lest you deserve it." His tail pushes his backpack against the nearest pillar/wall after which he too leans against it, staying on the side of the shadow and crossing his arms, ignoring the chair before him. The tip of Melkor's tail sways slowly as though counting the moments.

[OOC] Melkor makes no check towards Leoguard, seeing as he could care less. No offense of course, he's just not a nice guy.

2008-07-01, 07:12 PM

The "Bold Warrior" lowers his weapon, slightly embarrassed by his sudden outburst--he keeps the axe drawn, however, eyeing the other adventurers curiously... "I see that you are no threat, fair maiden," he begins, not in the least awkward about referring to the Eladren as he does, "though I would like to ask those others within the church whether their intentions are just as peaceful, if I may. I also received a letter from this priestess, of a goddess I do not know and am uninterested in knowing.
"She has also been scarce to leave her temple, these past days, and I have gathered that this is very unusual behaviour for this particular woman. A dragonborn, the race of one of thy before me, visited the day before this, and I would like to ask said dragonborn if he is the same man that entered here one week before?" After finishing, Leoguard asks himself, What exactly do I hope to gain by telling them I know this? And what, exactly, does it matter if he is the dragonborn? Won't he lie that he isn't, if he is...? Sighing, he realizes that he has probably messed things up with his brashness, once again...

Regaining his composure, the warrior listens carefully as he can (through the echoing suit or steel) to the others, trying to detect any deceit or agression they might hold.

Insight: [roll0]

Leoguard pays careful attention to what the next person says.

EDIT: Leoguard's eyes narrow into a glare, as he looked over the "demon" which had entered. Dark Hunters had little-to-no trust in tieflings. He tightens the grip on his axe for a moment, but reluctantly puts the weapon away as it would appear likely all before him have such a letter as he does.
"Very well, demo--...Melkor son of Manorior," he replied, quickly correcting what he was to call Melkor. "Is it true what this... tiefling says, you all bear such a letter of invitation from this temple's priestess?"

[OOC] No offence taken... but I REALLY have to get off this habit where I swap tenses...

the quinn
2008-07-01, 07:40 PM
As Leoguard begins to lower his battle axe, the plain door to the church area slams opens. Immediately Leoguard raises his axe once again. Everyone looks to see what is happening, two people exit the church. First is a short yet elegant young human, she is wearing a white robe, with many symbols of Avandra, The holy symbol about her neck is gold, and inlaid with silver. Her hair is dark brown. Behind her is a dragons born wearing the same garb, yet much less adorned, denoting a lower class in the church. The dragon born is also female and has white scales, unlike the high priestess, she is huge, looming over the priestess. A vacant look is about her face.
She speaks in a calming voice,
Peace young leoguard, this is a place of peace and friendship. I mean you no harm, nor do these others. Melkor, Aur, Bal'Koth, Vaelnae, I am highpriestess Laurel of Feraina. I shall explain everything, these rushed letters, and your convening in this garden, but first please take a seat, all shall be much easier without this hostile air.

Her words are calming, and she holds no weapons, she holds out her arms asking all of you to seat.
If there are any questions that must be answered now, state them.

The large dragonsborn holds her head low, as she takes a seat, as if ashamed of something. Laurel then follows taking a seat next to this quiet dragonborn.

2008-07-01, 09:38 PM

Bal'Koth tenses as the plate-clad fighter's axe whirls from its scabbard, then snots in soft derision as the man stammers uncertainly.

perception [roll0]

With a toss of his head that sets the dangling ropey scales behind his brow ridge to swinging, he turns away from the startled human and strides across the courtyard to the largest chair, which he stands behind resting his claws on the back. He notes the eladrin woman's soothing words, and turns to look back at the tiefling with slight incredulity as the warlock's arrogance becomes apparent.

His attention focuses on the priestesses as they emerge, and he listens intently to their words. Into the silence that follows, his deep but rasping voice asks;

"What doess Avandra assk of Melora'ss sservent?" The tone is not unfriendly, yet neither submissive... though he seems open to offering aid, it is clear he feels no true compulsion.

Though we seem to be past the point of Leogaurd starting a duel, Koth isn't concerned with the fighter actually attacking him provided he doesn't escalate the tension, so he's not going to bother calming him down.

2008-07-02, 01:53 AM

For a moment, Leoguard thinks he is surrounded, a giant dragon-like creature at his back, and one at his front! He draws his axe so hastily he doesn't bother any sort of flourish. As the priestess speaks, however, he is mostly calmed and again -- reluctantly -- puts away his axe.
"I have three questions for thou, fair Priestess of Avandra," he began, his voice no longer nervous, and now strong, confident and elegant. "First, I would like to how thou speak my name when we are not introduced--I would hope it to be my fame a a warrior spreading this far, but I find that unlikely.
"My second question, Fair Priestess: I have heard thou has taken to odd behaviour these past days, after the appearance of a dragon born. I would like you to explain this, if you will, for I believe this may be why you have summoned us."
Leoguard awaits questions to be answered, then continues onto his last question: "My last question, fair Priestess, is whether I must forsake Lashaynero to serve you in what task you have for me, or rather us. Nothing could bring me to forsake my patron, but I will help this Avandra if her work is no affront to the One I worship."

Leo wouldn't attack someone who doesn't threaten him, so you're doing the best thing a giant, armed, dragon-thing could do in this situation :smallbiggrin:.

Note that if you want to open that spoiler tag, you can just keep making perception rolls.

2008-07-02, 10:10 AM

Melkor flashes the fighter a smile, exposing his sharp canines, as the word "demon" escapes Leoguard's tongue. Before having a chance to correct him on the finer differences of demons and devils, the two priestesses enter. He listens quietly before moving to one of the chairs, sitting across it with his feet on the seat, allowing his tail to rest over the arm.

Melkor winces slightly at the armored fellow's choice of questions but does not interfere or intervene. He simply waits for what she has to say.

2008-07-02, 10:12 AM
[OOC] Out of question, what was it about Leoguard's choice of words which made Melkor wince :smalltongue:?

2008-07-02, 10:48 AM
It would seem that two of us are sharing colors, so Aur is now ORANGE.

Aur slips quietly into the courtyard, pushing the hood of her long blue cloak down around her shoulders as she enters. She stiffens momentarily as she sees the rather hostile scene in front of her, but instantly relaxes when she sees the familiar symbols of a temple to her deity displayed throughout the courtyard. She breathes deeply, letting the familiar serenity of a temple to her goddess sweep across her. She brushes back her long braid of brown hair, touches a finger to the sigil of her goddess tattooed under her left eye, and sighs as the stiff and unsure warriors in the courtyard challenge each other over seemingly meaningless trivialities.

She smiles at the eladrin, sensing the presence of a fellow spellcaster, and gives a wide berth to both the tiefling and odd black-armored being as she makes her way towards an empty seat. She settles into her chair, crossing her long legs and revealing practical-looking thick leather greaves and boots as she sits. The silver hilt of a dagger peeks out of the top of her left boot.

She looks up as the priestess Laurel enters, and instantly sinks to her knees respectfully, her eyes fixed on the shining holy symbol on Laurel's chest. Holy Priestess, I am at your service. Whatever path I take I know will lead me towards the embrace of Avandra.

[roll0] To determine how much Aur knows about Laurel's place within Avandra's priesthood.

the quinn
2008-07-02, 09:13 PM
She answers one more time to all of you still standing motioning for you to seat you selves once more.
High Priestess Laurel says
The answers to the first two questions is the same, but what I am about to say are heavy words, I know that they will not fall on deaf ears. My dragonborn friend Torianna came to Feraia one week ago very sick. After entered this church she collapsed, unconscious. Moments later she stood again, with full health, eyes glazed over, she began saying things that had happened in the past, but with extreme precision. Things then worsened, she collapsed again, screaming in her sleep, only after two days did she awaken, remembering nothing of past three days. Then she awoke, she was icy cold, her eyes seemed to be glass orbs filled with swirling mist.
She spoke in a booming voice which penetrated that walls my body, and my spirit. She said:
This sphere has lost its outer layer, leaving it unprotected, cracks on world have been formed in many parts of the world. These cracks are spilling darkness, and death. If not stopped the world will not be able protect its self and nothing shall be left but dark husks of men, and death. These cracks are not forming by them selves, one on the realm of hell is behind it, the one who is lord of undead. Yet five have the possibility to hold back the darkness and seal the cracks. Five adventurers have the ability to prevent destruction, there will be death, there will be pain, but also great rewards.
She then collapsed once more, waking and hour later, and things seemed to be fine until this morning, when you five seem to enter the town. Sunrise, she started giving another prophecy:
The five that can stop the spreading darkness shall come to Feraina, on the eve of moons blessing, these five will come from all areas of the world, the feywild, the nomad tribe of darkhunters, the road... one shall be named Melkor a tiefling coming from the east gate, a conjuror of demon magic, yet his power will not work for the forces of evil. Aur van'Dil a cleric, comming from the south gate, that learned her power on the road saving her father. Varlnae a'Vaerna Eladrin of the Feywild, comming from the south gate. Bal'Koth dragonborn sevant of Avandra, from the east gate, whose power was proven in the wild. Finally Leoguard darkhunter, one who wished to prove him self and return home.
This was all fine but, the date that was given was a old calender, this took many hours till I uncovered the calender of the Nerath empire, this date was today, this is why I rushed to get these short letters to gates, and a description of all of you to the guards.

As for your final question, a simple answer is no. I hope you understand the seriousness of the situation. I apologize for the mystery of the situation. I ask for your cooperation.

2008-07-02, 10:30 PM
"Foreboding. Yet, the question goess unansswered. What iss it you assk of..." Bal'Koth pauses, and swivels his head to take in the other attendees "...uss?"

2008-07-03, 02:02 AM

Leoguard stays silent for a moment, staring in surprise from within his helmet. Finally, he takes a breath, looks at each person in the room, and says, "Firstly, before I accept this quest: My name is Leoguard, and I am a warrior of the mighty race, the Nhavrea--whom thy may know as the 'Dark Hunters'. I'd like to offer my deepest apologies, for my... outburst--to all of you." Having said this, he bows to each person, somewhat rigidly due to his armour.
"My thanks, for calming me, fair maiden," he said, bowing to Vael.
"I hope I did not startle thou, milady. I assure thee I am usually more gracious than I have just acted," he apologizes to Aur.
"Please forgive my suspicion, I have been wronged several a time by people of these lands," he tells Bal'Koth.
The 5' 10" (not counting his horns) suit of armour then turns to the tiefling, Melkor. For a moment, he pauses... then begins several different sentences--all of which he stops after the first two or three words. You have a feeling he'd like to say, "I forgivest thou for thy crime of in being an evil, demonic sorcerer--for now at least..." Finally, he makes do with, "Very sorry..." then quickly turns to the priestesses. "Please forgive me for acting so foolishly within your goddess' temple, it does not say much for the appearance of my faith -- or my people -- for me to act as I did. I will gladly use my axe for your quest, even if only to show that my race are more virtuous than I would make them first appear."

2008-07-03, 07:27 AM

Vael inclines her head in acnowledgement of Leoguards response, and does likewise in turn to Melkor. She is quietly pleased at the forthrightness of these two. These folk who speak their mind at once are like to be easier to deal with than the nobles and fine folk of my mother's court. There every compliment conceals with it thorns.

When the High Priestess comes forth, Vael walks slowly to her seat, sitting there with legs crossed.

She listens intently to the tale that the High Priestess tells. As the words of the prophecy are told, she repeats them silently to herself, her mouth moving as if whispering, intending to commit them to memory in order to reflect on them later.

"Your tale explains much, my Lady." She pauses, thinking of her next words. "Yet it raises more questions than it answers. I thank you for your full explanation, nonetheless."

Your sibyl says not what form these rewards do take, whether they be treasure, knowledge, or fulfillment of the soul. I confess they intrigue me the more so for this, and I will gladly follow this way. If we counter some great threat by our deeds, all the better. She speaks the last lightly, as if to make a joke of it.

She addresses the High Priestess again. "Do you have more to tell us, to set our feet on this path?" She regards the rest of the company. "That is, those who chose to walk it."

Vael smiles at Leo's compliment. "If we choose to follow this quest we shall be travelling a dark road. It would be well if we do not also have trouble from our companions on it. I think that, if the words of prophecy are true, that we should have little to fear from each other, unless we allow dissent to grow within our ranks. It is well, then, that we agree at the outset to speak our minds over any dispute rather than let it fester and anon come to blows. Can we agree on this?"

2008-07-03, 07:59 AM
Leoguard nodded in agreement to Vael's reply. "It hast been a long time since I've heard such wisely spoken words... Your presence does this group great favour," he said. Then, giving a nod of admiration, he proceeded with his apologies.

Note, he said this before giving his apologies to Aur, just as I assume Vael replied before Leo moved on.

the quinn
2008-07-03, 10:56 AM
You are right Bal'Koth, I have yet to tell you where to go, for I am not certain. But there have been troubles to the west in the town of Winterhaven. This town is the supplier for food, and when our food shipments the send an animal messenger. Five days ago the lord sent out a shipment with one months food, it was never hear back from.
I have suspicions this is a clue, a starting point. Winterhaven is very old town, yet small, they have little that can defend them selves, I ask you please, help them. I have intentions of my own, my husband Douven staul, left with that caravan of food. He can hand him self in a fight, yet I fear for him. He went there in search of a dragon burial site.
If you are willing, please go west to Winterhaven, it is three days travel. Go north on the drawnerwoods road, when you reach a cross roads take kings road, and in two days you should reach Winterhaven.
If there is anything I can do to help you, I shall, the fate of this realm is on your hands.
She thanks you once more.
The sun has now begun to descend into the mountains, the air gradually becomes colder, as night begins to take Feraina.

2008-07-03, 12:37 PM

My feet are on the path that you have set, priestess. I will leave for Winterhaven at first light, and, should any of those present wish to join me, I will be at the west gate when dawn crests over Feraina. Avandra teaches that the road is safer for those who travel as a group. I wonder, however, whether the temple has any minor items of healing or protection that it might spare for this journey? I sense that we will be much in the wilds around Winterhaven, and may need greater boons from Avandra than those I can provide...

With your permission, high priestess, might I spend the night in the temple's sanctuary to Avandra?

[roll0] Diplomacy check to see whether (1) high priestess has any minor healing/protection items she can spare for the party and (2) whether Aur can spend the night praying/meditating in the temple sanctuary.

2008-07-03, 08:36 PM

Melkor's tail ceases to sway as the high priestess speaks. The mention of his name in the prophecy causes his brow to furrow and his eyes focus in on her. He listens attentively.

Melkor nods at the dragonborn's question for more information in agreement. before he can fully take a moment to think though, the words of the fighter causes his jaw to drop. The gall!, Melkor thinks to himself. He keeps his tongue, but the look on his face is obvious. He must be dim. There can be no other explanation. I just hope he's better at swinging his axe than using his mind!
Holding himself back is made easier by the Eladrin. Not so much for her way of soothing the bucket head, but rather her keen observation as to what rewards may come.

"I'm careful about what stock I put into prophecies... Especially when they do little to guide. But I know not to ignore a god's will. I will come, but I would like to know that we'll be compensated for at least the safe return of your husband, lest we fine nothing but a famine in Winterhaven."

2008-07-03, 09:31 PM
[OOC] Awesomologist, what did Leoguard do now to upset the tiefling O_o? Is he just sensitive :smalltongue:?


"I remember seeing such a place on my map, Priestess, and even considered on travelling there next," Leoguard states, unfurling said map and showing it to the rest off the party. "I trust it to be very useful for our journey to Winterhaven, I have gone through much to acquire a map so skilfully made as this one." As the fighter says, it is skilfully made. it shows the area for many miles around, yet still manages to draw attention to small towns no bigger than a few specks on the large map. Another feature is that everything to do with the map is coloured, with monster illustrations and, "Here be great danger" inscribed on areas of landscape that are known for orcs, trolls, and whatever other monsters dwell in the region.

"My only request, fair Priestess, would be whatever you could spare to finance our journey's rations..." Leoguard lifts his purse, showing that it is very light, "I have enough for the journey there and back, if we are not too-long distracted, but I have known many a failure due to overconfidence--including overconfidence in one's supplies. This, however, is only a request, and I would not think of pressing this should it offend thou goddess or thy self."

Leoguard sees if he can gain any financing for rations or travelling in general (horses would be nice :smallbiggrin:).

the quinn
2008-07-04, 06:52 PM
High priestess Laurel show all of you who wish to the church housing, the area is small, but shall due for anyone wanting a good rest.
I do not know of anything I have right now, but if I can search, by tomorrow I am certain I will find something.

If there is anything you want to do before morning just say so.

2008-07-04, 09:49 PM

Bal'Koth's reptilian eyes narrow at the mention of a dragon's burial ground, twin fascinations of the Elders and the undead invoked in the same sentence.

"Tell me more of this placsse Douven ssought. If he iss losst to the dead... one would be overjoyed to sseek out hiss undoing." The ferocious gleam in the Dragonborn's eyes at the thought of hunting the risen dead emphasises his untamed, beastial demeanor tenfold.

2008-07-05, 03:52 AM

"I will leave examining the detail of our quest to thee, my companions," Leoguard states, as he looks around at the various people in the room. "Before I rest, I would know this town and any others within who need a warrior's help." He hen nods politely to everyone--other than Melkor, who he just looks at for a moment as though saying, ".... Bye" in a way not exactly polite, but not so much that you could claim it to be impolite. This done, he leaves the church, each step a loud clang as when he entered...

Leo explores around town. In a way, he's looking for trouble... Drunken, or just wicked/stupid, men harassing a woman, an old man having to carry something heavy a long way, corrupt guards extorting merchants, or even children beating on a smaller child, anything his sword or his strong back is good for, Leo is willing to use it.

Leoguard is merely looking for people to help, whether it's beating up punks with too many hands, or helping an old man carry something heavy.


If he finds something: You, the DM, could either make a note of it as we leave, "Leoguard saved a merchant from the corrupt debt collectors... now, back to the plot:" or we could do a side-quest through PM (continuing the main quest at the same time as the side-quest is played out).

2008-07-06, 06:50 AM

Vael speaks to the High Priestess before she leaves. I would also be grateful if you could find some additional provisions for the road.

Vaelnae spends the night meditating in the courtyard, among the plants and greenery there. While she rests she thinks again of the words of the prophecy, mulling them over in her mind to try to understand their deeper import.

[roll0] What do the words of the prophecy mean, that "This sphere has lost its outer layer"?

[roll1] What could be the nature of "a crack on the world... spilling darkness and death"?

[roll2] Who is "on the realm of hell... the one who is lord of undead"?

ooc: I realise assisting the best person with the checks would be better but oh well... gotta play the character :smalltongue:

2008-07-06, 07:54 AM

Aur spends the night before the main altar to Avandra, her mind awash with the possibilities of the coming travels. She ponders over the prophecy that brought this strange group of individuals together, and wonders for a moment what possible plan her goddess could have for such a strange and motley assortment of persons. She dismisses this thought as impious and settles back on the cool stone floor for a night of meditation and dreams.

Aur arises, refreshed, the next morning, and spends a full hour in prayer before Avandra's altar. She smiles as she feels the newly familiar radiance of Avandra course through her. Looking out of one of the temple windows to the east, she sees the first rays of dawn creeping over the rooftops of the town, and, with a small twinge of regret, leaves the temple and heads for the western gate. She stops briefly at a just-opening bakery to purchase some sweetbreads for breakfast, buying extra for any who might join her at the gate.

2008-07-06, 11:35 AM

Is the high priestess going to answer our questions about compensation for her husband's safe return?

"I thank you for the offer of hostpitality," Melkor says to the high priestess, "But I believe I will find my own lodging for the evening. I mean you and your god no disrespect, but I don't do much like being in a temple unless I have to be, or if the Raven Queen commands it."

Melkor gather's his belongings and puts his cloak on, pulling the hood well over his head. "I will see you all at the west gate when the sun rises."

Melkor will make his way first to the market area of town before finding a tavern with lodging.

Let me know the cost of lodging if it's different than the average cost in the PHB. I'll make a note on the character sheet of my dagger purchase.

the quinn
2008-07-06, 02:10 PM
Bal'Koth, IC
I am sorry i know little of this burial site my husband is looking for, he often leaves with telling me little, for he only hears rumors, and myths. I can tell you that it was south of Winterhaven, not far though.
You travel amounts the city, much of the town is dark, yet for the most part safe, everything seems to be normal, yet not quite, you had heard of this town having a large night life that seems no more. You go to several taverns in order to try and stop some bar-fights, yet it seems that guards seem to be posted at every inn, tavern and place of interest. You are however able to find a merchant who was beat up, to pack up, and find a place to rest for the night.
This town seems oddly bogged down and at a loss of beggars and people to give food, while talking to the town you find that the lord and mayor of the town left three days ago and is now at the main city, his business was urgent.
Very well, The high priestess says
OOC: Not sure what rolls you got so I rolled for you at home, you got
Q1:After thinking long and hard about you studies in the fey wild, you believe that there was once a force which was put in world of Mel-adrin this world that protected the people and the planet from evil or chaos, not something has happened to the shield leavin Mel-adrin unprotected.
Q2:This was some sort of portal you think, a gateway to the realms of darkness and disappear, at certain points in Mel-adrin whick some thing may emerge from.
Q3: You are unable to recall anything from this is any books.

I am sorry but i am not a rich person, I spend much of my time helping others, for I can give you only 250 gold.
You find a Tavern/Inn not 300 meters from the church, It cost the regular amount of coin as in the book,
The bar seems quiet, and no one seems to ask questions about you hood, or tail, you also see two guards at the door each quiet.

The dawn rises, the sun is creeps over the north, and illuminates the town, it is six o'clock, and the days begins cool, the sky has but wisps of clouds, and the road beneath your feat is hard.
You each reach the west gate at about the same time, each of you prepared for a three days journey to Winterhaven. Several guards give you funny looks at the odd group of people, an Eladrin, a Dark human, a Dragon born, a Plain human, and a Tiefling. Several minutes later high priestess Laurel come from church carrying two large backpacks, as well as a wood box with dimension of .5X1X1.5 Feet.
She greets all of you:
Hello mighty adventurers, it seems that it is time to leave, I have brought you fifteen days of trail rations in these two back packs. As well as this box,
which holds two potions which will be able to heal some of the worst wounds a sword can deal.
She opens the box, and inside you see two flasks inlaid with silver against a green cloth. The two flasks hold blues liquid that viscosity is quite high, moving like molasses.
I hope these gifts will sever you well, these prophecies do not bode well, please hurry, there is also fifty gold in that box, use it wisely, I worry you do not have much time.

You then head out on long three day travel, the road is hard and easy to travel for the first day, you then reach a cross roads on the end of the first day, one leads forward and the other leads north, there is a sign one points north the other points further west and reads Kings road, this road is in much worst quality, and the sun is setting you decide to find a good place to rest out from the road get not to deep into the forest. Everything seems to be normal in the night, as each of take a watch, only the calming sound the the forest are present. Many of you dream that night picturing your own version of darkness and death, you friends and family lost to the undead. You deduce that it is two hours till the sun rises and none of you are able to gain any more sleep.

You many now talk among your selves, learn about what each of you do. Reveal what you wish to the others and hopeful gain some trust.

2008-07-06, 10:29 PM

"I propose we make a camp-fire," Leoguard suggests (still armoured with his shield ready), then collecting the wood for said fire. He scrapes the bark off some of the wood, then using his flint-and-steel to try and ignite the exposed wood. After a few minutes of unsuccessful attempts, he turns to get dryer wood, but then he remembers the dragon born... "If it is not rude of myself to ask thee, Bal'Knoth," he says, putting his flint-and-steel away, "could thou, perhaps, use a breath of thy dragonfire?" Should Bal'Knoth comply, Leo will take a few steps back, guarding the women with his shield should he really consider the flames dangerous.

After the fire is lit (and regardless of how it's lit) Leoguard sits down with the others, not minding the hard ground with his thick suit of armour. "I was wondering," he began, trying to start conversation, "what skills do thyselves possess?
"Thou, Bal'Knoth, look to be a warrior of fine quality--but there be something different about thy nature that perplexes me..." after talking with Bal'Knoth, Leoguard turns his attention to the girls*. "I was also wondering about the maidens whom accompany us. Be Aur a Sword Sister, or Battle Maiden? Is the wise Vael here to advise us alone, or does she have some sorcerous talent?" After talking with the girls, he looks to Melkor for a moment... but then enters conversation with Bal'Knoth, Aur and Vael again, telling them of how he got his wonderful map, and how it should help them pick the better road at sunrise.

In case it's needed to convince Bal'Knoth.

*: On the matter of "girls", SwordofUriel, any reason you decided to play one? I've been considering playing one myself, to better my understanding of how to portray females with writing (I'm trying to become a writer).

2008-07-07, 09:54 AM

Having packed away his share of the rations in his pack, Melkor defers to the cleric of Avandra, Aur, when it comes to the healing draughts.
"I believe you would be best suited with these," says Melkor as he looks around to the others for objections.

Melkor is silent for the most part of the group's journey on the first day. He seems comfortable on the open road, often walking with his hood down, exposing his horns except when other travelers pass them by.

Melkor laughs at Leoguard's request for Bal'Knoth to light the campfire. "Perhaps you aren't familiar with how a dragonborne's breath works. Just like their larger breathren, they don't always breathe fire!" With some amusement in his voice Melkor turns to Bal'Knoth, "I hope our ironclad companion did not offend you with his request."

Melkor pulls some flint and steel from his pack and holds them up, showing them to Leoguard, "Sometimes the most mundane tasks are best resolved by mundane means." Melkor then turns to light the fire.

Not sure as to the exact timeline, if we should be carrying on from the second morning or the first night. Sorry if I'm jumping ahead.
Also everyone should be sure to copy their post before hitting submit since these boards frequently become too busy. I've lost way too much time retyping posts...

Edit 07/09: removed next day action as quoted:
After a night of restless sleep, Melkor awakens early and notices that the others too are either already awake or also stirring earlier than expected.
"First it's bloody prophecies, now it's restless nights. I have the sinking suspicion that rest won't be coming easily for us."

2008-07-07, 11:05 AM

For a moment, Leoguard's visor points at Melkor. If the warlock could see the warrior's eyes, he may have felt a little intimidated--or, perhaps the huge form of steel was enough even without eye contact..."I'm well aware that not every of a dragonborn bares flames," the small tower of steel claims, coldly as he keeps his gaze, "my people have fought with the dragonborn before, and I've been trained in the ways of their breath somewhat. I was curious whether a dragonborn could spare a small amount of their breath without wasting their best weapon, and meant no offence." Holding the stare a few moments longer, the warrior believes the conversation is done, and turns back to the other three.

While Leoguard isn't openly threatening Melkor, this is just to see if Leo can make him back off--for kicks.

[OOC:] Remember that you can just press the back button to go back to the posting thing.

2008-07-07, 03:41 PM

Aur sighs to herself as she observes the simmering tensions between the strange black-armored human and the elegant, but disconcerting, tiefling. Pulling her tent from her rucksack, she smiles at Vael as she removes it from its protective oilskin.While our fine swordsmen argue, perhaps we could see to getting this camp into some sort of order? I have spent many nights in the wild, and have made camp in far worse places than this. She looks up at the dragonborn, noting his capable and rather serene features. Perhaps I could prevail upon you, my new friend, to gather some extra wood for our campfire here? In times such as this, we do not wish for our fire to burn low. Also, we should all work out some sort of watch schedule. I would be happy to take first or last watch, as I spend much time in meditation, communing with my goddess. Aur smiled as the black-armored human proffered his strangely drawn map. Avandra would smile on such a rendering of the wide world, good sir. Such a wonderful depiction of the many roads we might travel is a sign of good favor. And, in response to your question, I am naught but a simple servant of my goddess. I follow her guiding stars, and strive to bring Avandra's radiant light and healing to new lands. With a sidelong glance at the tiefling, Aur lowers her voice, speaking quietly to Leo. And if I might say such, my new companion, we will be spending much time together on these roads. It might be meet to put aside whatever hostilities you bear towards our horned compatriot, as I am sure we shall face much greater dangers than a friendly tiefling as we travel.

2008-07-07, 09:43 PM

Bal'Koth looks up from his crouch without expression as Leogaurd addresses him, pausing in the act of crumpling dried leaves and scraping together small twigs, then allows his gaze to pan to Melkor as he jumps in before the dragonborn can answer, claws now once again gathering detrius from the dirt.

"Ssparkss light no logss, axxe." he finally responds, though not unkindly. "Young flamess musst feed on ssmaller prey." He places his newly finished tinder ball in the ring of stones, and lines it with the tinest twigs in a cone rising to a point that leaves only a small gap on one side. Each layer of twigs becomes thicker, and he is soon reaching into the meager pile of firewood and snapping sticks to length. Before long the wooden structure rises well above his knee, twice as tall as it is wide, at which time he retrieves his own flint and steel. He begins a flurry of strikes, showering a curtain of sparks into the gap in the structure, which coat the dry, fluffy tinder and begin a tiny blaze. As the heat, trapped beneath the insulating wood, soaks into the thinnest materials, they reach the heat of fire and burst into flame. In moments, the voracious young fire sends licking tongues to twice the height of its fuel and causes the travellers to fall back from the heat, before the pyramid shifts and collapses inwards into a slower heart of bright warmth. A smile of genuine pleasure peels Bal'Koth's lips back from his fangs, before he adds "Asz to your ssugesstion..." with a turn away from the party, a sizzling crack and eruption of illumination fill the air as a bolt of white light joins the dragonborn's mouth and a nearby treestump, which is obliterated, sending lumps of rotting wood flying. An amused smirk seems to form as he turns back in search of shocked expressions.

With that, Bal'Koth nods at Aur's suggestion and steps softly away into the brush, returning periodically with various thicknessess of dry wood and breaking them to size.

you guys ever started a fire without a lighter/match? it's one of the most joyful experiences ever. I <3 my firebow.

2008-07-08, 02:16 PM

Vael takes her share of the provisions and stows them in her backpack with a word and smile of thanks. She shoots one long glance towards the gold and the healing potions but defers to Melkor's judgement in the matter.

We shall return, or send word to thee, as quickly as we may. The graceful Eladrin woman bows in farewell. Farewell, milady. May the gods of all our peoples watch over us.


Vaelnae watches the men of the party arrange the campfire with a look of gentle amusement on her face. As Melkor and Leoguard face one another, her eyes turn to the fire site and she gestures and murmors the first word of an incantation before noticing Bal'Koth's preparation. Seeing the loving care with which he crafts the fire, she steps back and stops her incantation with a rueful smile.

She starts inperceptively at Aur's address before turning and smiling warmly back. Of course. She assists Aur with her tent, before turning to her own pack. I need no bedplace myself to rest, though I carry one in case I am stricken by wounds or sickness. My kin need not sleep as you do. I can stand watch through all the night, and though sometimes my thoughts will wander far I shall remain as aware of dangers and foes as I am now.

Though I would appreciate the company through the long marches of the night. Two pairs of eyes are better than one, also.

In answer to Leo's question Vael laughs a little before briefly pausing in thought. I have some knowledge of the magely arts, it is true. With a gesture an iridescent gemstone appears in her hand. She places this in the palm of Leo's hand, whereapon it remains for a few moments before vanishing.

Edit: Prestigitation

I do find that my wits serve me better than blade or spell. She sighs and gestures to her empty sword-sheath. Betimes both wits and steel fail me it seems, and I am left to fall back on magery alone. I hope that this will be enough, she finishes, a touch drily.

2008-07-09, 04:25 AM

The warrior is about to reply to Aur, but his attention is interrupted by the Dragonborn's reply.

After Bal'Knoth's demonstration of fire-breath, Leoguard comments, "Then I assume that thou cannot use they breath more sparingly..." half to himself. "Thy flaming-breath is certainly more impressive than any other dargonborn's I have yet to have seen."

As Vael places the lovely gem in Leo's hand, he lifts it to his visor for closer inspection. When it vanishes, he jerks abruptly in what appears to be a mobile-defence stance -- ready to jump out of the way of a mages fireball, for example -- with his right hand griping his shield and his left holding his axe backwards... With a second-long pause, Leo puts away his weapon and shield (in the wrong places, at first) and exits his battle-stance, quite embarrassed. "I--I am certain that thou is quite adept in thy skill..." he finally mummers. Upon Vael finishing, Leo quickly snaps in -- believing her dry tone is due to his absurd reaction -- , "Thou mustn't worry! What thee lacks in a blade I can gladly help with, and thy talent with speech shall serve us better than we could've hoped," After the burst of words, he seems quite stunned with awkwardness, as to whether he was helping or making things worse... Standing still for a while, the armoured suit braces himself for reactions.

[roll0] Just for the heck of it.

This is the most fun RPing I've had for a long time in a DnD game :smallbiggrin:! You guys all play your characters excellently. Am I doing OK with Leoguard?

2008-07-09, 12:54 PM

Melkor sits in silence for most part of the evening, crossing his legs as he sits on his bedroll. After eating his meal he takes some time cleaning the dirt and dust off of his armor. He applauds after the dragonborn shatters the dead tree with his lightning breath, a justified smile creeping along his face.

Melkor laughs at the startled Leoguard in honest amusement but says nothing as he continues to clean his equipment. He looks around at the others, observing them in an almost bird like fashion without interfering with them.

He stretches before laying on his roll, his tail once again arching with his stretch, "Wake me whenever it is my turn to take watch." With that he lays himself down, still awake as he listens to the sounds of the night animals, looking to the sky. Barring interruption he drifts off into what will become a restless sleep.

OOC: I edited my above post. See spoiler for more information

2008-07-09, 06:53 PM

Vael draws back herself in surprise and alarm at Leo's reaction, eyes wide. She then blinks several times, taking in Leo's awkward posture and comically mishandled weapons. Giggling a little behind her hand, she controls herself with an effort. Uh... um.

Uh... fear not. Vael is obviously still trying not to decend again into laughter that the proud warrior might take the wrong way. I shall reserve my skill, such as it is, for enemies of our band.

Come now, though. We are among friends and comrades-in-arms here. If thou are determined to wear thy armor always in case of attack, might we at least prevail upon you to draw back your visor? I do confess I am afire with curiosity as to whether man, elf, or stranger folk stands within. She smiles calmly in reassurance, seeking to calm the jittery fighter.


OOC: I'm really enjoying the RP and everyone's characters playing themselves out, but feel free to move everything on to the next day when it suits so we can RP being freaked out at these horrible dreams *grin*

the quinn
2008-07-10, 12:33 AM
You all awaken under the dark sky, the sleep being too disturbing and the thoughts of darkness and death cloud your minds. The fire has died down as the last person on watch drifted into sleep, but just recently awoken. The moons in the sky are all full, and even in the dark light is present. Sounds of the forest are all around the camp, but when usually calming and pleasant, they are cold and uncaring. Everyone looks around the camp thinking to find several other still asleep, yet all have the same look. Some try to hide their uneasiness but are ineffective.
You can continue your conversations your still doing, or you can skip ahead, the night passed uneventfully, but there was the whole deal with the dreams. You then can continue on your second day to Winterhaven the city where Douven Staul is located.
On another note: Is everyone enjoying the game? This is my first Play-By-Post, and is the RPing good enough if is too much? too little, or just right?

2008-07-10, 07:14 AM

Somewhat taken aback, at first, by the idea of removing his visor, Leo institutes several arguments, excuses, and denials about why he won't or can't show them his face. All the sentences, however, as in the past, end after the first two or three words. So, drawing a large sigh, he takes off his helmet--revealing the face of a child...

While the manner of the warrior's face, and his height, would make him seem as old as sixteen years (or more) careful study of his face -- particularly his eyes -- shows he couldn't be any older than fourteen.
Pitch-black, healthy, clean hair reaches almost to his shoulders, styled in a way which rarely obscures his vision. From his pale and handsome (though young) face, two dark eyes shine, innocent, but pained. One thing that looks particularly pained, is a scar, running an inch long down his right cheek--a thick, deep scar, somewhat fresh as it is still a dark red...

The boy pauses for quite some time, regardless of anything said or done by the others.

I was hoping for a situation where Leo would have to take off his helmet, thanks Vael! So... how many of you knew of Leoguard's (pre-)adolescence :smallbiggrin:?

@DM: We could always continue at the same time as continuing the RP. Example: "At the campsite, Leo had said, 'XYZZ Zeekybuggydook *World Explodes*,' in reply to Melkor's, 'It's over NINE THOUSAAAND!!!'.
Back in the present, Leo attacks Splugg the goblin by trying to poke him in the eyes. Splugg, however, blocks--so Leoguard does the two-handed poke (Who gets the reference?)!"
Sort of thing.

You're doing a great job with the RPing, some DMs really don't bother at all... The only question I have is about your unusual writing grammar--is english a second language for you, or perhaps you typed it in a hurry? Don't worry, though, I mess up my typing ecstatically plenty of the time *oyu souhld see how badyl I mess up wen type to fast(.

PS: I hope we get into a random encounter on the way to Winterhaven, I can't wait to actually play out a 4th edition fight :smallbiggrin:.

2008-07-10, 01:10 PM

As the party rises to the grim morning, going about their awakening habits in an air of mild discomfort, the brown Dragonborn rises in silence and strides away into the bush. Any concern on the part of his party is eased when, shortly after vanishing from sight, the sound of his footfalls stops.

The huge reptilian warrior kneels in a loamy accumulation of fallen leaves, one palm resting against the bark of an ancient tree, eyes raised into the branches and the clouds beyond. The early morning is a time of contemplation for this devout wanderer, and he spends a short time in communion with his God.

After reinforcing a state of harmony and peace within, the sound of a large creature moving about returns to the camp, announcing the return of their new companion.

I'm liking the rp, things will probably become more plot-focused once we feel like we've all had a chance to properly introduce and display our characters. I read Leo's background so I knew he was young.

Last post until sometime the middle of next week.

2008-07-10, 02:22 PM

After a night of restless sleep, Melkor awakens early and notices that the others too are either already awake or also stirring earlier than expected.
"First it's bloody prophecies, now it's restless nights. I have the sinking suspicion that rest won't be coming easily for us."

Melkor readies his equipment, "I suppose we should get an early start on the day. The sooner we get to Winterhaven the better."

2008-07-10, 09:18 PM

Genuinely surprised by the revelation of Leo's youth, perhaps due to her inexperience with humans in general, Vael gazes for a long moment at his face before, helpless to stop herself, she reaches out towards his painful scar. Catching herself before her hand makes the boy flinch, she draws back with a rueful smile.

There. It can be good to let down our guard, once in a while. With a long, sympathetic look she moves back and makes a show of arranging her possessions for the night, with the occasional glance back at Leo to ensure that the young warrior remains calm and unflustered.

Among her other preparations, Vael draws out a crystal orb from her pack which she carries in her hand thereafter.

After this Vaelnae patiently helps the others make their sleeping arrangements before sitting with her back against a tree a few paces back from the fire where the shadows grow longer. Her sole preperation for the night is to remove her long boots and go barefoot in the grass.

Through the night she exchanges a few words with those on watch, and once paces silently for a time. Through most of the dark hours her eyes are half-closed as she sits soundlessly. An extended look reveals a glimmer of awareness beneath her eyelids. A sybillic smile plays on her face: one moment she seems to be smiling kindly, the next with a touch of cruelty. A second glance reveals only an expression of peaceful contemplation.

Her thoughts turning darker unbidden, Vael is for a time unsure whether she is awake or lost in her own imaginings. Her eyes unfocused but open, she stands unheeding whispering a phrase in Elven again and again.
Not again... Aramil... don't make me go into the dark again...

At once she blinks rapidly and collects herself before looking around at the others. Uncharactaristically she frowns and utters an oath in Elven, before pacing over to the fire and poking it with a nearby stick. Adding any spare fuel, she incants and gestures until the fire flares up brightly once more.

Prestigitation again :smalltongue:

Self-possessed once again, Vael paces back and forth, eyes and ears alert to the suddenly strange noises of the forest. She shakes her head, saying Something is wrong... in the feel of the world. I can feel it on my skin, and I like it not.

Looking at Melkor she nods once in agreement. We should resume our journey as soon as possible. We can travel by the light of the moons. Let us see how far we may go by daybreak. It may well be that a new dawn will see us in better cheer.

OOC: I knew all along that Leo was so young, but IC Vael had no idea at all!

2008-07-11, 03:45 AM

Although Vael reaching at Leoguard's scar does not cause him to jolt--a moment later he strokes the wound gently, sadly... a shudder running throughout him.

In the part of the night Leoguard takes watch with Vael, he finds it very hard to stay awake... Even with all his training, Leoguard was still a child, and needed more sleep. He does his best to keep up a general conversation, but it has short pauses where he must wake himself up again.

Hearing Vael's murmuring, the Boy manages to sharpen his wits to almost full-awareness, as he responds in Elven, "Dlan yumaron rein glah, nhrea Dala-Vael?" Without his helmet on, his voice no long echoes--and oyu can now tell how young he sounds.

Translation: "What troubles you, fair maiden Vael?"

Language notes: [Elven word] [English Translation or Meaning] [Pronunciation]

Dlan – What – dlahn
Yumaron – “Troubles” or “is troubling” – yoo-mar-on
Rein – “You” or “Yourself” – ray-en
Nhrea – Feminine: “Fair”, “Beautiful”, or “Lovely” – Nah-ray-a
Dala – “Maiden”, “Young Woman” or “Unmarried Woman” – dah-lah

When a question, end sentence with: “Glah” – glah

Later: After the restless sleep, Leoguard agrees with Vael's suggestion of travelling further, though he is obviously still tired from the lack of sleep for one his age.

OOC: Heh, so I guess you all knew? I had the impression you guys didn't realize, for some reason or other, and thought you'd all be shocked when I revealed it ICly (next time I do this, I'll keep the character sheet hidden so as to surprise the other players :smallbiggrin:).
This should explain quite well to your characters why Leoguard is so "nervy". His inexperience makes him overly "cautious" :smalltongue: (and you can't exactly blame him for it).

One question I have for Melkor and Bal'Knoth, though: Why no reaction... :smallfrown:? I was so looking forward to Melkor's jaw dropping at the idea a child was in charge of defending the Spellcasters. And to Bal'Knoth widening his eyes slightly, or whatever unworried reaction I'd expect he'd have. :smallfrown:

2008-07-19, 02:38 PM
I didn't imagine Bal to be paying attention during the whole visor-removal incident... he was pretty occupied building the fire. In other news, I'm back. Seems like I didn't miss much while I was out of town, at least.

Bal'Koth responds to the suggestions of breaking camp by packing his bedroll and what small posessions he had used throughout the night. While the foreboding air of the day hangs over him as much as the others, he clearly does not intend to let it disturb his practical mindset.

2008-07-19, 09:14 PM
OOC: Wait, so you came back the very day the forums started working again? XD

Don't have anything to p-ost for the moment, merely showing that I'm still playing and not turned off by the server changing lasting so long.

the quinn
2008-07-20, 11:05 PM
The day slowly brightens till the sun is visible once more. The dreams of the night are still present in your minds. Wasting no time you break camp, quickly putting out the smoldering fire, packing the tents and dawning your armor. The sky appears darker that a regular summer, even with little time in this world all realize the signs of rain. The dark clouds come closer, gaining speed till right on top of you, light droplets of water begin hitting your skin. The light rain continues for only five minutes, then the heavy unyielding rain clatters against you. The unkept kings road quickly turns to mud, making your travel to Winterhaven harder than the previous days travel. The air that was once warm, has become cold. You think the weather could not become much worse, then the winds pick up and blowing your cloaks away from you. The party quickly becomes soaked, if you had not already been. Travel comes but is much harder and in no comfort.

2008-07-21, 10:02 AM

Melkor shifts his backpack so that this cloak drapes over it. Although his lower legs and tail are now more exposed, hopefully his belongings won't get too wet and his cloak won't gather too much mud.

Speaking loudly over the din of the wind and rain, "I suppose now is as good of a time as any, but before we reach Winterhaven perhaps we should decide upon a primary speaker. Not for every situation, I'm sure we each have our talents..." Melkor pauses briefly as if to think his words out as best as possible, "I just think we should appoint a leader of sorts, give the people of Winterhaven someone to address directly should it be needed.

"I'll be honest, I'm used to dealing with such things on my own. However my experience has been that these," Melkor pulls back the hood of his cloak exposing his horns and hair to the pouring rain, "Don't always lend themselves to receptive situations." He covers his head again and continues, "I recommend that perhaps Aur take that role. Clerics are nearly always welcomed especially out here in these more... backwater areas. If not, perhaps Vael could be persuaded to help in more diplomatic situations. Should things get rough, I'm sure Bal'Koth or myself can step in. Of course these are just my opinions, I do not wish to impose duties upon anyone that does not wish them."

Melkor caught the exchange between Leo and Vael. Thats the kind of information that Melkor likes to keep quiet about and then use when the oppertunity is right :smallamused:

2008-07-21, 11:25 AM

Leoguard is mostly unworried by the rain. His armour does well to its design and keeps most of the liquid out--whatever gets in Leoguard is quite capable of managing, having spent many nights out-of-doors in such weather.

At Melkor's suggestion of a leader, Leo becomes utterly stiff. Darkhunters are natural leaders, and it was expected of them to lead non-darkhunters. Leoguard, however, had not stayed in his tribe long enough for officer-training, and had no wish to demand his elders that they follow his lead--especially when he didn't know how to lead them... As he begins to understand Melkor was meaning to appoint more of a public-speaker, he relaxed visibly (even in his concealing armour).

"I second the idea of wise Vael speaking for us," he begins (his voice booming again, due to his helmet), then turning to Vael, "worry not if thou wishes not to speak for us, fair maiden--for even if maiden Aur also wishes not to, I will agree to the task in thy stead--I have some talent with speech craft, little though it be."

Please forgive any sloppy typing, I was quite tired when I wrote this. I'm still disappointed by the lack of shocked reactions, but meh... it don't matter much.

2008-07-21, 04:35 PM

As the party travels, Aur loses herself in contemplation of the inclement weather and ill-kept road; her earliest training as a devoted child of Avandra, mistress of travel, screams to her that this party ventures into lands and situations of ill aspect. She absently touches the tattoo below her eye as she contemplates these signs from her goddess. After a few miles, she shakes off her melancholy (and not a few muddy raindrops), and rouses herself to speak with her travel compatriots.

As a servant of Avandra, I have received much training in the ways of the language of the road. We are taught that all beings capable of speech are best dealt with through conversation. I would be more than happy to engage any that we meet in negotiation, but will defer to others should the party prefer it. I take comfort in the silver tongue of Avandra, but I certainly understand if others do not!

Aur notes with a wry smile to herself that all beings on the road tend towards excess formality when first encountering each other, but trusts to the way of her goddess in bringing travellers together. She also smiles to herself as she considers the rather obvious (seeming) infatuation of their young warrior companion with the eladrin, and resolves to see what she can do to bring the young warrior out of his shell (literally and figuratively). She also contemplates the enigma of their party tiefling, curiously pondering his strange arcane allure. She strolls forward and walks with Bal'Koth as much as is possible given the weather, engaging the taciturn dragonborn in light conversation while keeping to the edges of the road where overhanging tree limbs provide some limited shelter from the pounding rain. As the day presses on, Aur goes on her habitual lookout for a suitable place to spend the coming night (preferably a site well-sheltered by trees and set back a slight distance from the road).

[roll0] - An attempt to find a suitable (dry) campsite for the evening.

I apologize if Aur's slightly world-weary approach offends any other characters' sensibilities!

2008-07-22, 04:15 AM

Vael walks on, drawing her cloak around her as closely as she may. Even so, it is quite clear that she soon becomes soaked to the skin. The young eladrin withdraws into herself, paying little attention to the conversation of the others.

She pauses for a moment to recall what was said before she replies to Melkor's suggestion, her attention having been caught by her name. "Uhh... yes, of course." She smiles at Aur, though but briefly before she shivers again at the rain. "I am certain that our cleric will be a welcome sight to all, and a far more familiar one than such as I. I can speak my part also, if needed."

"Wise Vael?" She shakes her head at this. "If I were so wise I would not be so wet! In truth, I might be the most foolish one of my kind. It was not wisdom that led me here..."

With this she draws back her hood and walks onwards with her head exposed, as thanks to the wind she is just as soaked one way or the other. With arms folded under her cloak in an attempt to keep warm, she contemplates the rarely told drawbacks of an adventuring life, and considers just what she would sacrifice just to be warm and dry.

Edit-OOC: If Leo is infatuated with Vael, she'll remain horribly oblivious of the fact :smalltongue: She's pretty unperceptive of things like that, especially when it comes to humans.

2008-07-22, 10:50 PM
Away from the rustle of leaves and tracing fingers of the treetips, Bal'Koth's heavy Dragonborn form seems to pound the mud with each steady, plodding step. Rain pelts his muddy scales, colours an dapples blending together, and streams in rivulets along their grain all without apparent effect on the woodsy warrior. His head remains high and his eyes unfurrowed as he scans calmly but ceaselessly. He gives little outward reaction to the conversation of his party members, though his apparent oblivion is betrayed in the way he casually repositions himself upon Aur's joining him to keep the girl at the center of the knot of warriors. His responses to her tend to be short and without breaking his endless surveying of the surroundings, though they convey only slight detatchment and no disinterest.

He voices no opinion to Melkor's suggestion, trusting that as situations arose, others' willingness and tact would decide his actions at the time.

2008-07-23, 04:00 PM

"Thank you Aur. I know it cannot be easy to take on such a duty without knowing each of us and where our talents may lie. Hopefully we will each have the opportunity to prove ourselves when called upon."

Melkor seems relaxed, as much as he can be in this weather, and keeps watch from the rear of the party.

2008-07-24, 05:57 AM
Just posting to say that I can't think of anything else my character wants to do. If you're waiting to see if we're all done, DM, I think we are.
Any of the rest of you want/need to do anything before moving on?

2008-07-24, 08:28 AM
I asked the DM what was up, and he sent me this reply:
I had just gotten back from the robotics meet, then I have to leave again for three days, got little sleep and now the rest of the summer is relatively calm So, unless I misunderstand, he is leaving three days and will have plenty of time when that's done.

Let's just RP till he's back :smallbiggrin:.


Tramping along, his heavy feet spluttering deep into the mud with each step, Leoguard ponders over Vaelnae's reply. "Thou may have my helmet, maiden Vael--it would keep some of this retched downpour off of thee," Leoguard offers, already undoing several latches. "I would offer more, but my armour is hard to remove and I am doubting that thou could manage to travel in such heavy arms*."

*: "Arms" as in, armour and weapons. "To arms my knights!"

Make a diplomacy check to convince Leoguard not to offer you his helmet :smallbiggrin:.

the quinn
2008-07-24, 07:39 PM
The day slowly darkens as the travel continues, the rain and mud had begun to tire you all. Soon, what little light there was begins to fade, with rain continuing to fall. You attempt to find a dry spot to rest for the night but to no avail. Finally after searching till sundown, the party is able to find small group of trees. You all rest, thought sleep does not come easily.
You awaken having no dreams, yet the clouds have darkened even more. your cloths are wet despite you efforts.
I am ready to go on to Winterhaven if there is nothing else anyone wants to do.
Sorry I mis-typed there, I meant I just got back from a three day thing. everything should be returning to normal now

2008-07-24, 09:06 PM
happy to arrive in Winterhaven at this point, there's probably only so many inane conversations we can rp before it's time to bump the plot along. Wouldn't object to a random encounter en route, but turning up is great.

2008-07-24, 09:32 PM
I don't see much else we can do. We could always do the RPs when we travel to the dragon's graveyard, or wherever it is we go next.
So, yeah. Onto Winterhaven I say :smallbiggrin:! A random encounter would be nice, too.

the quinn
2008-07-24, 10:12 PM
The travel to Winterhaven on the last day takes even longer than the first and the second. Five miles out of Winterhaven you cross over a large hill, there you have a clear sight of the area, a small forest surrounds the area. Large mountains known as the Carigorn peaks are to the north, and the Gardbury Downs are to the south. You continue on towards Winterhaven and even with the heavy rain it is clear that clawed feet have traveled this ground recently.
What do you do?

only one post till the others respond please
Light green - grass
Dark Green - foliage, difficult terrain, hampers vision, grants cover
Circular brown - boulders, cannot move into unless jump on top of
Brown, mountains.
White - Road

2008-07-25, 06:12 AM
The image doesn't show up on my screen, by the way, the quinn. I had to go into quoting your post so I could copy the image link into another tab (it works fine there). Not sure why it doesn't show up normally, though.


Upon seeing the clawed foot-prints, the warrior's axe (which was put away so that he could travel better) flourishes into his hand. He quickly lifts his shield as he circles the non-combatants* with his back to them--using his shield as cover for thee whole group should they be suddenly attacked. As he circles around, he looks around the edges of his shield to see what's in front of him, scans trees and foliage for hidden enemies, looking behind himself every now and again to see what everyone else thinks or has to say of this.
*: In this case meaning, people who don't fight on the front-lines like Fighters and such.

Should there appear to be no danger, Leoguard still keeps his axe and shield ready. He says, quietly as can be managed, "Should we perhaps keep to the trees and undergrowth, so that we are not an easily sighted targets by the evil which hast stalked this area?" Should the party agree, Leoguard takes the front, going as quietly as he can manage in his, normally-clanking, metal suit.

[roll0] To search the area to the best of his abilities.
[roll1] To make as little noise as he can.

Leoguard, with the consent of the party, moves along into the foliage on his left (square 9M) continuing along to the next group of foliage should he not notice anything more.

[roll2] For when he reaches the next point he's allowed to make another check.

2008-07-25, 12:27 PM

Seeing the claw prints in the ground, Melkor calmly and quietly draws his rod and loosens the strap to his sickle. He looks around and scans for danger. He then moves quietly off to the right to check the area south of the road. After a short distance Melkor seems to become enveloped in shadows.

OOC: iPhone + airport wireless = post!
IC: Perception: [roll0]
Melkor will move to H4 if possible.
Gains +2 concealment from Shadow Walk (I
don't have my PHB with me. Does
concealment stack?)
Stealth Check: [roll1]

2008-07-26, 08:24 AM

A long moment passes before Vael replies to Leo's offer. The look she turns him is initially inscrutable, but softens into a smile. There is no need, friend Leo. There is nothing more that can be done, save making me look rather ridiculous in your helm. At least now I may walk free, if damp, under the sky.

Vael is largely silent for the rest of the journey, yet seems more content. When the party camp she takes a great deal of care to dry out. Once she is relatively dry, she braids her long hair to keep it safe from some of the rigours of the road. Finding it impossible to keep truly dry during the night, she shelters as much as she can within her cloak.


As she is made aware of the clawed prints, Vael draws her glass orb from her backpack, holding it within her cloak. Drawing up the front of her hood with her other hand, she scans the area for the creatures who made these tracks.


Should the party not be ambushed immediately, she watches Melkor move off. She nods assent to Leo, and moves a few paces behind him. We should not seperate too far, in case one of us comes under sudden attack.

2008-07-26, 08:26 AM


2008-07-26, 01:21 PM

Bal'Koth's sword moves absently into his hand as he crouches at the ground, fingers tracing the air above the prints in the mud, eyes following invisible steps across the ground and envisioning the attitude they move with, the urgency of the stride, the gait and weight of the creature, the things that would make the earth move just so beneath its feet.

I miss tracking animals. Pressure releases are mad fun. Wish I had my Knowledge - Nature... I think I'll end up grabbing Warrior of the Wild for it next level. That's over half the party multiclassing in Ranger, all mainly for skill training. Kinda neat.

nature [roll0] and/or streetwise [roll1] to identify what made the tracks

perception [roll2] to learn anything about the trail... where they were going, how fast, if their trail feels meandering or decisive, if one creature is leading the others, where they were coming from... all the stuff that influences how you walk around

the quinn
2008-07-27, 12:10 AM
As you approach, thick foliage and trees block you vision. Your are unable to hear or see anything through the heavy rain. Its is still clear that the tracks lead towards Winterhaven.
Everyone didn't respond or give a square so I gave a quick guess to where you moved. We can now start at the top with everyone moving(telling me which square you went to.


Not sure how combat will work on PBP but we'll see.
I hope you can see this Conners, (What is your name)?
Is everyone still enjoying themselves?
Mike did you have fun to where ever you went?

2008-07-27, 01:12 AM
PbP combat is generally PCs post in initiative order, and after all the characters choose their actions the DM posts a round summary that fits monster actions in where they belong and describes the events that transpired (including hit/miss/damage type info). It can take a while since everyone has to post in turn... probably 2 rounds per 3-4 days. Games where people can give if-then style posts (if I am in range of X, I shoot, otherwise, I do this other thing... etc) seem to help speed things along.

Bal'Koth didn't want to move until he got the results back for his skill checks. If he gains no info from his study of the tracks, let me know.

the quinn
2008-07-27, 01:18 AM
- The claw marks from the mud were extremely hard to analyze but after carful looks, you are able to discover these creatures are of small size and are quick. As for moving my bad, wasn't sure if you moved or not.

2008-07-27, 11:37 AM
Aur tightens some of the straps on her carefully cured hide armor and ties her cloak carefully about her shoulders, freeing her arms should she need to fight. Pulling her shield from its sling over her shoulder, she mutters a brief prayer for the luck of the goddess under her breath and moves in front of Melkor in the thick underbrush.

Aur moves to H6. I apologize for not responding sooner, I lost internet access at home.

2008-07-27, 02:44 PM

From Melkor's shadowy form, an arm extends out motioning for Aur to follow as he moves forward within site of the road and the other half of the party.

Melkor will move to D11, Shadow Walk +2 concealment.
Perception Check: 1d20

OOC: I'm still away until tomorrow afternoon. I love my iPhone.

2008-07-27, 02:52 PM

Rolls don't seem to work when you edit.
Perception: 1d20+0
Stealth: 1d20+3

Edit: for whatever reason the rolls aren't working for me. Quinn feel free to roll for me if you post before I do tomorrow night.

2008-07-27, 06:43 PM

Bal'Koth moves ahead on the north side, eyes darting between places for danger to hide and the earth, sweeping his keen eyes back and forth in search of more tracks or sign of where the creatures they hunt may be. He gestures fangs and skulls vaguely waist high to those in his line of sight, signalling to expect smaller creatures.

Koboldss, perhapss crosses his mind, disdain for the small, craven weaklings who pretend at his noble race's station envenoming the thought.

Bal'Koth moves to P14 stealth 1d20

perception 1d20+4 looking for more tracks, mainly to suggest where they are, and also to not blunder right into them

2008-07-27, 06:47 PM
stealth [roll0]
perception [roll1]

2008-07-27, 10:01 PM

Seeing the others moving again, Leo decides to do the same. A sudden thought strikes him, and he immediately communicates it to Vael, quietly, "I now move to lure our enemies from their hiding, by travelling along the road with no apparent worry. Take heed, Vael, hide with Aur and the rest--watching for my ambushers and ready to strike them as they me."

Having said this, the warrior sneaks back closer to their starting point, then goes along the road like he has no reason to expect an ambush here, clattering only slightly less than normal, discreetly motioning allies he passes to hide themselves well and wait till something happens.

Unless someone does a good job of convincing Leoguard otherwise, he will sneak the the start of the road then begin travelling the length of it normally.

[roll0] He takes a quick look around before enacting his plan.
[roll1] If needed to sneak back to the beginning of the road.

2008-07-28, 05:27 PM

Shrugging helplessly, Vael does not object to Leo's plan. She concentrates on moving stealthily forwards so that she can strike any foes should they appear.

Move stealthily to L9.


Readied Action: Cast Ray of Frost on any creature which appears to threaten a party member.

the quinn
2008-07-28, 08:01 PM
As brave Leoguard runs over towards the road, he hears no signs of any creatures. Aur, Vael, Bal'koth, and Melkor dart inside of side trees attempting to hide them selves. As Leoguard reaches the 5 small reptilian humanoids with dark red scale jump from behind the rocks, where they were out of sight.

Combat rules:
State your actions, the way you do them, (i.e. minor action- draw weapon ,Move action-(B6), Attack-kobold (R4) with cleave to (R2), roll attack, roll damage) Role playing is still welcomed during battle
1. Aur
2. Vaelnea
3. Leoguard
4. Kobolds
5. Bal'koth
6. Melkor

You hear a series of high picked yelps
For those who speak draconic,
More them, can't see

2008-07-29, 12:24 AM
I think you got the initiative order slightly wrong--Vael should go before me since she got 17 and I got 16 :smalltongue:


Seeing the kobolds make themselves apparent, Leoguard charges at the largest cluster of them, swinging his axe mightily. Kobolds were hated intensely by darkhunters, for their cowardice and ugly appearance, and the fighter had no wish to be subjected to the same trick which almost took his life, on that awful day...

Supposedly, I'll charge to E17 and attack kobold D18--unless that kobold is dead when I act, or several of them group together somewhere else (in which case I attack the closest one of them, instead).
[roll0] [roll1] On whichever kobold I'm attacking.

2008-07-29, 01:09 AM
are initiative ties still broken by init mod? if so, kobolds go before me and I'll wait to post my turn

2008-07-29, 10:31 AM

At the sight of the kobolds, Aur draws a hissing breath between her teeth and touches a finger to the star tattoo below her eye. Drawing her mace, she hastens to Vael's side, wishing to protect the spellcaster.

Aur moves as far as possible towards Vael - I don't have my PHB with me at work (big surprise), so I can't recall the rules on movement right now.

2008-07-29, 01:55 PM

The cowled eladrin woman stifles a curse at the sight of the kobolds. She gives a slight smile at seeing Aur coming to her defence, yet her narrowed eyes are focused on the creatures before her.

She incants a spell, gesturing towards the larger group of creatures. A dark ball of energy springs from her palm, darting towards the enemy.

Casting Force Orb on the Kobold in D19. There may be additional modifiers to this roll depending on if he gets concealment, and if I have combat advantage. Lets see if I can get this right.

Int VS Reflex on primary target: [roll0]
Damage if hits: [roll1]

(Secondary attack on D18 creature if Primary hits)
Int VS Reflex: [roll2]
Damage if hits: [roll3]

(Secondary attack on E20 creature if Primary hits)
Int VS Reflex: [roll4]
Damage if hits: [roll5]

Whether the orb hits or misses, Vael then moves to M9 and takes cover behind a tree, looking around it in order to follow the battle and find a target for her next spell (next round).

the quinn
2008-07-29, 02:53 PM
The kobolds shriek as both magic and blades burst out of the trees. The orb of dark magics shoots from Vaelnae's palm. The orbs spins off target as the trees hamper it's path. Yet the globe explodes at it hits the boulder the kobold hides behind it unharmed. Leoguard charges with a great burst of speed and strength, he brings down his battle ax with deadly precision, the blow is a light one yet the kobold shrieks out with a cry of agony as the battle ax strikes it's back and falls to the ground dead.
Many screams of kobolds fill the air, (Open if you can speak draconic)
They killed yak-tar, call the bosses, kill that man in the plate.

Everyone read
The boulders are quite high and you are unable to see passed them, (i.e. you have no line of sight) the trees make it difficult see, giving cover if shooting through one, and superior cover if shooting through three.

The kobolds begin to act, they look weak but their speeds makes up for it, one charges at Leoguard, which he blocks with ease imposing his shield between he and it, while he turns to block the blow another kobold shifts behind to flank, but he remembered this tactic from swarm training, and quickly turns to deflect it harmlessly away The others spread out attempting to find more travelers, one cries out as Bal'koth is spotted, and throws a javelin, The weapon flies passed the trees and collides with his scale armor. The remaining one stands in the middle of the road and hurls his javelin at Aur, but it stops short and imbeds the javelin into the tree.
Everyone read
Kobold(K18) charges to F17,
[roll0] Damage: 4
Kobold(D19) shifts D18 (minor special action), Shifts D17(move action),
[roll1] Damage: 4

Kobold(C22) moves to G20,
[roll2] Damage: 4 You have cover from trees +2 AC

Kobold (E20) moves to J17
[roll3] Damage: 4 You have cover from tree +2 AC

Kobolds are now are at

2008-07-29, 03:33 PM
As a human in non heavy armour a move action is worth 6 spaces. Diagonal movement is fine. The bushes are difficult terrain and cost 2 squares to move into. You can probably take a move action and still have a standard left for non-movement.

2008-07-29, 03:51 PM
Caught slow to act and far from the action, Bal'Koth's shield comes up as he begins barreling towards the young fighter being surrounded by kobolds. His usually rasping voice roars out strange words as his feet tear the ground and carry him crashing into his companion's assailents.

Fall before the Storm, cowards!

Move action to K15, minor action divine challenge the kobold on F17, standard action charge to G17 and attack F17 with combat advantage.

attack [roll0] (right? +2 str, +3 proficiency, +2 combat advantage, +1 charge)
damage [roll1]

2008-07-29, 08:08 PM
Important: Gaaah...... ooooaaah.... As you might be able to tell, I'm groaning in pain. Why? Because I'm very sick.... just using the computer is pretty painful.
Point: It'll be hard for me to post often, due to the fact I'm so sick and not allowed to use the computer. If I don't act within a day or two, DM, please take my action for me.
Another point: Please don't get annoyed if I mess up stuff with typing, crunch, or roleplay.


Leoguard swings light, but ever so swift, at the nearest kobold which Bal'Knoth isn't challenging.

Sure Strikon D17 kobold. I'll attack a different one if it's dead by the time I acted.
[roll0] [roll1]

2008-07-30, 12:16 AM
Seeing the far kobold come out from behind the boulder on the north side of the road Melkor quickly lets lose a shadowy bolt at it before making a move to the northern side of the road near Vael.

Standard Action:
Eldritch Blast at kobold in J17.
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
(I believe I have Combat Advantage, if not -2 from that roll)
Damage: [roll1]

Minor Action: Place Warlocks curse on kobold at F17.

Move to J10, gain Concealment from Shadow Walk, and Cover from kobold in J17.

Just as a point of order, could you update the map at the end of the Monster's turn?

2008-07-30, 09:46 AM

I apologize for missing that action, I misread the map.

Aur winces as a javelin pierces her shoulder, and she begs Avandra for her favor in this fight. Her eyes briefly flash silver as she gestures quickly at the offending kobold, encasing it in silver flames reminiscent of starlight. A tendril of starlight also strikes the charging dragonborn, infusing him with a hint of power.

Minor Action - Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune) - +1 on Aur's next save

Standard Action: Sacred Flame at Kobold in G20
Attack = [roll0] vs Ref
Damage = [roll1] (+3 Wis and +1 Astral Fire) and Bal'koth gets 2 temporary HP if a hit

Minor Action - designate the kobold nearest her at the end of her turn as her hunter's quarry

the quinn
2008-07-30, 11:55 AM
As Bal'koth charged the tiny kobold he left himself open to the passing one that just threw a javelin, then he pulled out his spear and thrust it at Bal'koth.
As the kobold finished trying to stab Bal'koth, he looked up just a half a second to late, as Melkor's Eldritch blast collided with his body.
Once that was complete, everyone hears a clear word in common coming from the end of the road, NOW!,
Three kobolds burst from the shadows, two of them wielding short swords and a large shield that looks to be that of a dragon scale, the other is much smaller but holds a slings and a bandolier with three ceramic orbs.

1. Aur
2. Vaelnea
3. Leoguard
4. Kobolds
5. Bal'koth
6. Melkor
7. S
8. D

(S) moves to F20 from D21
Attacks Melkor with stone
[roll0](+6 regular, -2 concealment)[roll1]

Opportunity Attack from kobold(J17) on Bal'koth when he charged
[roll2] Damage 4 actually 6 because it crit

D1 moves to H17 from M20, attacks Bal'koth
1d20+8 (+6 regular, +2 advantage)[roll3]+marked

Moves to M15 from N20,
Shift M14 from M15 (Special Minor)
Moves to L11 from M14 (Standard action)

the quinn
2008-07-30, 11:59 AM

Sorry messed up on that last attack,
[roll0] (+6 regular, +2 advantage)[roll1]+marked(-2 attacks that don't include him)
Aur, might want to redo that last action.

2008-07-30, 01:08 PM

Bah, just wasted my best spell as I assumed I had line of sight. Apologies, I'm really struggling to follow what modifiers apply, whose round it is, etc.

Vael's eyes widen in fear as the new opponent confronts her. She steps back rapidly before fiercely incanting another spell.

Move action: Shift to N8

Standard Action: Ray of Frost vs D2.
Damage if Hits: [roll1]
If hits: target slowed until the end of my next turn

2008-07-30, 08:36 PM

Cursing in his language, the fighter quickly shouts, "Bal'Knoth, I must get back and save the others! Try to manage till I am back!" This said, Leoguard swings his axe behind him, under his left arm to attack the kobold at his back--stepping forward as he walk. As he draws his axe back to his front, he spins to his right while still moving, slicing at the kobold flanking Bal'Knoth against the sword-wielder. This done, he moves at full speed back to the others, meaning to protect them from the other swordskobold or die trying!

My action is pretty well described above. I use Passing Attack to strike at Kobolds D17, then shift to F16 and attack kobold F17. I then use my move action to get as close to the others as possible. I will either reach J12, or I13, depending on the exact rules of moving through the bushes (it really depends if moving out of them hinders your movement). Even if running toward my other allies provokes an attack of opportunity from one of the kobolds, I'll still do it.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

the quinn
2008-07-30, 09:12 PM
The remaining kobolds duck and skill fully dodge Leoguard's attacks, He rushes backwards to protect to casters, leaving his back open to attacks from the missed kobold. Aurs divine light streaks across the battle field finding its mark, and killing to kobold. The small reptilian like creatures swarm on Bal'koth.

[roll0] Damage 4

Kobold F17 attacks Bal'koth, shift G16
[roll1](+4, +2 combat advantage) Damage 4
Kobold C17 Charges Bal'koth,
[roll2](+4, +2 combat advantage, +1 charge) Damage 4
Ouch that make 16 points of damage to Bal'koth (I already included Aur's 2)
Leoguard makes it to I10
The trees are difficult terrain (i.e 2 square per 1 to move into it)

2008-07-30, 11:12 PM
OOC Question: I'm confused... So let's get this straight:
I figured my first attack would miss, but I had thought the second one (17 to hit) would cream the minion. They have 18 AC or more :smalleek:...?

2008-07-30, 11:54 PM
I checked and double-checked before posting my action... I'm POSITIVE I could have made that charge without incurring an opportunity attack. I specifically stated the finishing square of my move action in order to clarify that. Should have been able to go left, left, down-left, down-left from there and not get poked in the face.

Either way I'm down over 7 damage (10 if I'm allowed to dodge the opportunity attack) so my turn should't be incorrect. I believe I'm up in the initiative order?


The larger reptilian roars in pain and fury, a whirling vortex of steel, fangs, and claws towering over the smaller swarm of scaley ones and barely holding them at bay. Suddenly, his lunging defense breaks the ring around him as the kobolds step back, and the furious dragonborn's scales seem wreathed with lightning as he emenates divine power. A step back behind a raised shield puts his momentarily shocked assailents before him at once, and his roaring maw erupts with brilliant light in a mighty crash. A thick rope of lightning twists and writhes in the air, arcing and snapping from foe to foe.

round of many action substitutions!

minor action: lay on hands targetting me. Spend 2 healing surges, regain 7 hp.
minor action: shift to G18
minor action: dragon breath, centering the blast on G16 to hit all 3.
(rolling to hit left to right)
[roll0] vs ref
[roll1] vs ref
[roll2] vs ref
damage: [roll3] lighting

2008-07-31, 10:07 AM
I think you missed my action. I am after Aur in initiative.

2008-07-31, 03:35 PM

Melkor's brief shock of being pelted by the kobold's sling bullet fades quickly as he notices Leo coming towards him to attack the lone kobold in the trees.
"You fool! Why did you leave Bal'Koth!?!" Melkor waits for no answer as he points his rod towards the shield bearing kobold next to Bal. A brief curse is whispered, then the ground underneath the armored kobold erupts into flames. Using the immediate confusion to his advantage he moves into the trees behind Bal'Koth.

Minor Action: Warlock's curse on the shield kobold in H17

Standard Action: Cast Flames of Phlegethos at the same kobold in H17.
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2] from Warlock's Curse.
Ongoing 5 Fire Damage (Save Ends)

Move Action: Move to E14. Gain Concealment from Shadow Walk and Cover from trees/brush.

the quinn
2008-07-31, 04:55 PM
Bal'koth shifts back and lets loose with glowing bolts of electricity, only the one in the middle was able to dodge to blast. One shrieks as lightning courses through his body, then falling to the ground limp. Melkor then lets loose with hellish fire, but they seems less effective as some fire seems absorbed by the shield, resistant aside he stumbles then strikes with renewed vigor. The small slinger runs as the huge dragon born moves closer. Then pulls out a small ceramic orb and slings it at Leoguard. The other shielded kobold turns its back to Aur and moves to Vaelnae and swings.

Kobold that Bal'koth and Melkor attacked is bloodied
Kobold H17 attacks Bal'koth
[roll0] [roll1]+marked

Kobold F20 moves to K18 attacks Leoguard
[roll2] [roll3]+ongoing fire 2 (save ends)

Kobold L11 moves to M9 Aur gets opportunity attack, attacks Vaelnae
[roll4] [roll5]+marked

2008-07-31, 09:36 PM
This, unfortunately, is part of Leoguard's inexperience (he's quick to rush into things): His code of honour states he "protects women or dies trying," to put it simply. I had hoped I would manage to kill the two kobolds (I would've killed one if not for the fact I misunderstood the rules of it), but I think we'll turn out all right.


Noticing Melkor's shouting, the boy is torn as to whether he should actually have stayed with Bal'Knoth. He now saw the two kobolds he attacked were still up... until Melkor and Bal'Knoth burnt and electrocuted them, that is. But now what to do? he asks himself, looking back to Vael and seeing her get att-- Instantly, Leoguard clanks along the track, turning to behind the foliage. There, he leaps into the bushes right beside the kobold shouting, "Rue thy birth on thy path to HELL!!!" and striking at it with all the strength he had!

I move up to the kobold attacking Vael, I'm certain there's at least one way to reach it. I go up one square to I12, diagonally up-right to K8, then diagonally down to L9 right by the kobold. If this doesn't work for some reason, please have me go any other way available to me.

The attack...? VILLAIN'S MENACE!! [roll0] (6 + 1 flank = 7?) [roll1]

EDIT: Good lord in heaven those are some fantastic rolls :jawdops: :smalleek:. If this keeps up, you'll all think I'm cheating :smalltongue: (note that if you quote someone you can see if it's an actual roll or not).

2008-08-01, 12:33 AM
Things are getting confusing here. I really think it would be best if we each waited for an "offical" end of round post before we post our character's next turn if we're not going to post in initiative order. I'm completely confused as to what round we're on, let alone who's turn it is, and by all appearances hesitating to post out of htis uncertainty costs us our turn. Extra glad we did a random encounter now, this appears to be an important learning experience.

Also, please let me know if I definitely take that aoo or not, and I'll update my health. I'm down 9 if I did and 3 if I did not. Oh, and that dragon-shield kobold's last attack missed... am I marked?

Conners: I imagine Melkor's complaint is also roleplay. I'm a Paladin, I can tank for a bit :)

2008-08-01, 01:15 AM
Sorry about posting out of init order...

I call Combat Challenge on the Kobold I just attacked, by the way.

2008-08-01, 09:28 AM

I agree with sleepy on the need for official end-of-round posts and keeping to initiative order. I *think*, given the kobolds' attack, that Aur is up, and that her actions will occur before Leo's. So, here we go. Also, I don't think Aur gets an AoO - shifting one space doesn't provoke one.

Aur blanches as she sees the dragonborn reel from the concerted attacks of the kobolds, and sprints in his direction, hoping to reach him before he is felled. Crying out to Avandra, she makes a swift circular motion at the kobolds between her and the dragonborn, willing them to their knees as she whispers a sacred word of healing, willing her powers to heal Bal'Koth.

Move Action - Aur moves to H16

Standard Action - Beacon of Hope (close burst 3, targets self and all in burst). Self and allies in burst heal 5 HP each, and all of Aur's healing abilities heal +5 HP until end of encounter. [roll0] vs Will on each enemy, if hit, they are weakened until end of next turn.

Minor Action - Healing Word on Bal'koth - he regains healing surge + [roll1] HP

EDIT: If that doesn't bring you back to full HP, my dragonborn friend, I don't know what will! :smallamused:

2008-08-01, 08:31 PM
It's +13 actually (on top of my 7 healing surge value), you add your Wis mod from Healer's Lore I believe. Talk about overkill, I was only down 9 hp :D

Going away for the weekend. If I'm unmarked and can shift into range of the weak kobold when my turn rolls around, I'll attack him with Bolstering Strike, otherwise I'll attack the dragonscale shield one. If both are dead by my turn I'll charge the sling one. If I have a minor action left I'll mark the dragonscale shield one (unless I have to not engage him, in which case I'll challenge the minion). If Aur takes damage, use Paladin's Judgement and she gets the healing.

Feel free to npc me further, I'll be back Sunday night. As Aur's turn resolving my character sheet is up to date on hp, surges used, and powers used.

2008-08-02, 10:56 AM

Vael cries out in unexpected pain as the kobold's blow strikes home. The new sensation of overwhelming physical pain bites home as she moves back away from the kobold. Looking forward she is unsure of the exact position of her allies due to the intervening trees.

Could use a little help here!

Cradling her wound with one hand, her eyes narrow with raw fury. She points her free hand towards the creature and incants another spell.

HP: 13/21

Shift to O8, Ray of Frost on kobold D2.

Damage if hits: [roll1]
Kobold is slowed if hits until the end of my next turn.

Not sure if the slowing effect already on it affected its ability to shift, thus meaning it had to move normally to cover a square and thus took the AoO from Aur - guess this is up to the DM!

My action might change Leo's action if the kobold goes down but by the looks of things so far he's not going to so easily!

the quinn
2008-08-04, 12:17 AM
The kobolds wince as a flurry of daily powers connect. The remaining minion shift to bal'koth's position attempting to bring down the mighty giant. Gaining strength from the shielded one is stabs it's spear into the chest of Bal'koth, but weakened from Aurs blinding light.

Kobold G16 shifts G17
[roll0] damage - 2

FYI: Aur when using an attack that targets multiple creatures make sure to attack each one separately, that is an attack roll against each
EDIT: sorry for the delay, I was waiting for Leoguard to go after Vaelnae, but he already posted before.
Aur, Vael, Leo, wave1, Bal, Melkor, Wave2

2008-08-04, 12:59 PM

The dragonborn's shield walls out the smaller kobold's thrust as he slips behind the leader as it turns to face Aur, longsword whirling through the air to exploit its distraction. The paladin's fury bolsters the cut's strength and shocks it's target with its brutality.

The kobold that moved according to the last post's grid reference was from wave 2 (g17) but With Vael being the last PC to act and g16 being occupied by Aur, plus the description implying the minion attacked, I'm guessing that was wave 1's turn, which would make it my action. Sorry if I'm incorrect.

hp: 27/27 (good call RavenGirl)

minor action: shift from g18 to h18
minor action: divine challenge h17
standard action: fearsome smite

attack: [roll0] vs ac (includes combat advantage)
damage: [roll1]
effect on hit: target has -3 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn

2008-08-04, 04:43 PM

Melkor's shroud evaporates around him. He raises his hand sends another shadowy bolt at the kobold then quickly makes his way across to the north side of the road before once again being enveloped in shadows and trees.

If Bal's attack does not kill the shield bearing kobold in H17 then he gets blasted by this attack. If he's dead then this attack is made against the kobold in G17.

Current HP: 24(+1 Temp HP)/28
Minor Action: Warlocks Curse on G17 (H17 is already cursed)
Standard Action: Eldritch Blast
Attack: vs Reflex
Damage: [roll]1d10+1d6+3
Move Action: Move to J11. Gain Concealment from Shadow Walk and Cover from trees/brush.

2008-08-04, 04:46 PM
I messed up the damage roll trying to fit 1d10+1d6+3 in the same roll
Damage roll: [roll0] + [roll1]

the quinn
2008-08-04, 09:57 PM
As Melkor's eldritch blast strikes his target just after bal'koth's strike misses, the shield falters then, its body goes limp. The slinger kobold's eyes widen as the his comrades fall, it turns to runs, getting several feet away, then turning around to fling as ceramic orb at Bal'koth. Leoguard also challenges the other shielded one, it then turns to attack.
Wave 2
Kobold slinger K18 moves to O21 (Undamaged)
attacks Bal'koth
[roll0] [roll1]+2 ongoing fire

Kobold M11 attacks Leoguard (Bloodied)
[roll2] [roll3]+marked

after attacks start of round 4

2008-08-05, 01:59 AM
Still here, just waiting for my turn via initiative order before I post.

2008-08-05, 10:30 AM
Sighing with relief as the kobolds start to fall, Aur's eyes widen as the sling-kobold's fiery globe flies through the air towards Bal'Koth, but is confident that her ally can withstand the attack long enough for her to provide healing to the wounded eladrin. Moving slightly to take advantage of the natural cover the rocks provide, she whirls and makes a chopping gesture at the sword-bearing kobold still menacing the dragonborn, then turns and whispers a mystical word of healing at Vael.

Move Action:Aur moves to K13
Standard Action:Lance of Faith at Kobold at G17. [roll0] vs. Reflex. [roll1] and Bal'Koth gets a +2 to next attack against the kobold. EDIT: It'd appear that I got a critical hit! Woohoo! I guess that would make the damage 12.
Minor Action:Healing Word at Vael. 5 (Vael's healing surge value) + [roll2] + 5 from Beacon of Hope + 3 for Healer's Lore

2008-08-05, 02:44 PM

Vael's pained look turns into a triumphant smile as the healing energies wash over her, curing her wounds completely. She calls out to Aur and Leoguard both,

"My thanks!"

Taking two quick paces to her right to keep the trees between her and any further threats, she incants the same spell once more.

HP: 21/21

Shift to O8
Casting Ray of Frost (again!) at Kobold on M9:

Slowed to end of my next turn if hits.

the quinn
2008-08-06, 12:04 AM
Aur's target falters, then falls, leaving only two creatures left.

This is just saying kobold on G17 had died,
FYI Aur when using a ranged attack in combat, that would provoke an opportunity. But it's fine,
And kobold(D2) is bloodied
and kobold(S) is not bloodied

2008-08-06, 01:00 AM

Sparing a glance to Vael and nodding, Leoguard immediately brings his attention back to the sworded kobold. After all the damage it had taken (especially from his own strike), it would seem likely that the creature was near the point of collapse. Pondering whether these kobolds are part of the strange quest he was part of, the fighter decides to try and take a prisoner--striking at the sword-bearing kobold with his shield and the pommel of his axe.

Attack on kobold D2: [roll0] (+2 from Villain's Menace) [roll1] (+4 from Villain's Menace) + Marked.
Leoguard tries to knock out this kobold, rather than kill it.
((OOC: Typical that when I roll a 5 to-hit I also roll maximum damage...))

the quinn
2008-08-06, 01:10 AM
Bal'koth is up seeing that wave 1 is all dead

2008-08-06, 01:14 AM
@DM: Pardon...?

2008-08-06, 01:47 AM

Black bolts of flame and beams of radiant light flash around the dragonborn warrior, striking down the foes around him as his companions bring their advantage to bear. With a glance for the kobolds behind him finding them well in hand, he snarls at the slinger as its projectile hurtles towards him and explodes into a run after the now-fleeing creature, soon catching it as it circles around a boulder.

Was the slinger's attack vs AC?

hp: ?/27 (full if the sling wasn't vs ref)
move action to m18
divine challenge
charge to o20

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2008-08-06, 09:59 AM

Seeing Leoguard's hard swing go wide, Melkor shrugs off his shadowy veil muttering a curse at the shield bearing kobold. Melkor raises his rod and points it at the kobold. Dark tendrils from the head of his rod envelop the kobold and pulse with energy towards Melkor.

Current HP: 24 (+1 temp HP)/28
Minor Action: Warlocks Curse at the D2 Kobold
Standard Action: Vampiric Embrace
Attack: [roll0] vs. Will
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Move Action: Move to O14. Gain Concealment from Shadow Walk and Cover from trees/brush.

Edit: Added "vs. Will" and if I hit i get +8 Temp HP (and yes i know it doesn't stack). Looks like the little bugger gets to live to see another round...

the quinn
2008-08-06, 11:15 AM
The shielded kobold dodges all your attacks, but it begins to look extremely tired, it movement are slowing, but its shield still raised. It is easy to see that the sling kobold trained for melee combat, Bal'koth's smite lands heavily. The shielded kobold does the only thing it can, it strikes against Leoguard. The slinger shifts back and pull's out his last ceramic orb, hurling it at Bal'koth, this one was different its contains is white and extremely sticky.

Sling kobold
Special Minor action: shift to O22
Standard action: Attack Bal'koth vs AC
[roll0] [roll1] + Immobilized(save ends) ohhh... that was a crit, so 9 damage
Move action: Move to P28

Shield kobold
standard action: attack Leoguard vs AC
[roll2] [roll3]

ooc: I might have made a mistake when moving your characters, if you are not where you want to be just say and i'll fix it on the next page, if the kobolds are not all dead

2008-08-06, 01:12 PM

Aur's eyes narrow with anger as the shield-bearing kobold menaces her friends further. Moving slightly so that she might better see it, she makes another chopping gesture, and a blazing lance of radiant light slices at the shield-bearing kobold.

Move Action: Move to M13
Minor Action: Designate the shield-bearing kobold at M9 as Aur's Hunter's Quarry
Standard Action: Lance of Faith at M9 kobold. [roll0], [roll1] plus [roll2]. Leo gets a +2 on his next attack vs the shield-bearing kobold at M9.

EDIT: Great. I rolled a 2. Fantastic.

2008-08-06, 09:49 PM
I know how you feel, I rolled max damage and a 5 to-hit :smalltongue:. So.... do I still get the +2 to attacks on the shield-kobold :smallbiggrin:?

2008-08-07, 02:18 AM

Somewhat amazed by the fortitude of her scaly foe, Vael speaks: "Will you never give up?" Again she incants her frost spell, before moving behind a tree next to Melkor.

Standard Action: Ray of Frost on D2 again :smallbiggrin:

Slowed until end of its next turn if hits.

Move Action: Move to P14

2008-08-07, 02:19 AM
Heh, I'd roll damage again but it won't be needed with that roll :smalltongue:

2008-08-07, 03:37 AM

The young warrior is surprised at himself, swinging powerfully but with no aim. He would've been knocked over the head with a large stick if he had done that in training, to get his brain working properly again. Still, Leo could understand why: The last attack on the kobold took all his strength. The vibrations of his axe, crashing through the kobold's armour and flesh, had laid his arm almost completely numb.... however, he couldn't let this stop him, not in a real battle against kobold rabble.
Howling suddenly and moving in close to the lizard-creature, Leoguard slams his shield into it, swinging with the blunt of his axe as it is (hopefully) propelled backward!

Tide of Iron on Shield-kobold (non-lethal to try and knock it out): [roll0] (+2 from Villain's Menace, +2 from Aur's Hunter's Quarry) [roll1] (+4 from Villain's Menace) + Shift the target to N11 (if applicable) and shift into the square they occupied + Combat Challenge on target (hit or miss).

OOC: .... Did I just roll a five on Attack AGAIN :smalleek:!?!?!? I was actually thinking, "Well, even if I rolled as bad as a 5 again, Aur's +2 bonus in conjunction with Villain's Menace's means I have at least some chance of hitting it," :smallannoyed:....

2008-08-07, 06:24 AM
Conners - sadly, no, the +2 to your attack roll only happens if Aur's Lance of Faith hits. Also, it looks like you might be adding your modifiers twice - if you enter your roll as [ roll ] 1d20+8 [ /roll ] or whatever, the site adds in your +8 modifier for you. You don't need to add it in yourself after the site posts the roll.

Will this kobold DIE?

2008-08-07, 06:42 AM
Conners - sadly, no, the +2 to your attack roll only happens if Aur's Lance of Faith hits. Also, it looks like you might be adding your modifiers twice - if you enter your roll as [ roll ] 1d20+8 [ /roll ] or whatever, the site adds in your +8 modifier for you. You don't need to add it in yourself after the site posts the roll.

Will this kobold DIE?
Drat.... back to square one (except I might have moved the kobold and myself one square depending if Tide of Iron needs a hit to move us). Um, note that I was merely pointing out why my attack was a +10 modifier rather than the usual +6, I didn't intend for the modifiers to be added twice.

2008-08-07, 10:22 AM

Sticky white webbing sprays across the Dragonborn, hampering his movement as his foe slips away. His faith does not falter, however, as he lunges after the fleeing kobold.

minor action: channel divinity to grant myself a save against immobilization. If it works I'll take the rest of my turn.


(edit: oops I get +3 on this roll. This ability seems good.)

2008-08-07, 10:24 AM
Bal'Koth's eyes flash with thunder as he bursts free of his restraints, hot on the tail of his foe once more.

Saving like that means I can take the rest of my actions without sufferin the condition, right?

move action to m24
charge to o27

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2008-08-07, 02:23 PM

Ugh... This little bastard just doesn't quit!, Melkor thinks to himself as he points his hand towards the the shield bearing kobold, unleashing another bolt of shadow.

Behind him, the sound of Bal'Knoth chasing after the other kobold causes Melkor to turn and look. Seeing his new companion run off, Melkor turns and takes off after him. Once in range, he places a curse on the little slinger and draws up some more dark energy which he unleashes on the Sling bearing kobold.

Current HP: 24(+1 Temp HP)/28

Standard Action: Eldritch Blast vs the shield kobold
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex (added +1 from Bloodhunt)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Move Action: Move to P20
Minor Action: Warlocks Curse on the slinger

I'll burn my Action Point!
Standard Action: Eldritch Blast vs the slinger.
Attack: [roll3] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

the quinn
2008-08-07, 03:30 PM
The shielded kobold falters, then a blast of eldritch strikes it. It then falls to the ground dead. The Final kobold shifts back then runs,

The S kobold shift back one and runs twice, moving 16 squares to the south,
you can chase him but he is at near full HP
That battle is won
95 (XP)
And its roll playing time, the initiative is over, the simple question to ask is,
What do you do next?

2008-08-07, 04:49 PM

Aur breathes a sigh of relief as the shield-bearing kobold finally succumbs to its wounds. She then moves to the other fallen beasts, and begins the distasteful task of stripping their bodies of valuables and preparing the bodies for disposal through flame.

Search the bodies! :smallbiggrin:

the quinn
2008-08-07, 05:01 PM
The party begins to take a short rest, but is not satisfying there is no dry place to rest, Winterhaven is but 3 miles away.
after searching their bodies you find:
34 silver pieces
2 shields that look like dragon scales
5 spears
2 less than average short swords

2008-08-07, 05:53 PM

Melkor's eyes tail the fleeing kobold. Seeing the bodies shuffled through, Melkor's tail flicks.
"Leave them where they lie. It'll serve as warning to the others. Besides we should get to Winterhaven as soon as possible. I'm sure they'd be interested in knowing that kobolds are attacking travelers so close to their walls.

How do we want to do the break down of loot? Melkor's not one for taking mundane items. He has no problems with items of worth or money :smallcool:

2008-08-07, 08:59 PM

Bal'Koth hisses in frustration when the tip of his sword barely rakes the fleeing slinger as it accelerates out of reach. He slows and bares his fangs, wrist unconsciously flicking his blade, futiley burning holes in the coward's back with his amber eyes. Finally, his battle fever subsides and he returns to the group. His head ***** ((ooc: as in c-ck a pistol)) at Melkor's suggestion, and he pauses before responding.

"Sso closze to the hauntss of men, the dead bring a pesstilence. The wild doess not own thiss land. She cannot reclaim them asz easzily here." His eyes then travel to Aur's looting, and a curious look comes over his face. He strolls over to her as she rummages through a shielded kobold's belongings, and picks up the scaled shield, claws tracing its overlapping pattern so like his own skin. He turns to Aur momentarily, and asks "if you would, friend, I could besst use my full endurance in a moment." He then lays his own shield upon the ground and lifts the kobold's, and shouts to Melkor "Hornss! I sseemed to notice thiss shield gaurding againsst your flamess. Let uss tesst thiss theory!"

Bal asks Aur for a Healing Word, which would put him at full health from one surge. Either way he will spend a surge and be at at least 25/27. He wants Melkor to shoot him and see if the shield has a resist fire property :)

2008-08-07, 10:14 PM

"Come back coward!!" Leoguard shouted as he charged after the final kobold. When he saw everyone else ignoring it, however, and himself greatly slowed by his heavy armour--he knew pursuit was useless. Walking back to the group, he sighed and asked Vael, "Are you all right, Maiden Vael?" After speaking with her, he would check the shields and compare them to his own--beginning to pack any martial equipment his allies weren't interested in.

2008-08-07, 11:50 PM

Melkor shrugs his shoulders and flicks his tail as though ambivalent to Bal'Koth's justification to the clearing of bodies.

Melkor takes a moment to tend to his wounds. Bal's slur rolls off Melkor, interrupting the tiefling as he cleans the spear wound. He points a finger at the dragonborn, igniting the air around him and the dragon scale shield, scouring both in flames.

Hellish Rebuke
Attack Roll: [roll0] (+2 for combat advantage since he's a willing target; that sound fair Quinn?)
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Edit: Attack is versus Reflex, which I believe hits, but the math is wrong on your sheet :smalltongue:

the quinn
2008-08-08, 09:23 AM
Vael by using her arcana check in the short rest... determines that shields are not magical, it was the scales of the shielded ones which conferred this ability. Now after dead the magic has dissipated.

2008-08-08, 10:36 AM
are the shields light or heavy? I can definitely see Bal taking a shine to a dragonscale shield.

Awesomeologist: Melkor may not interpret it this way but OOC "horns" was not an insult. Bal'Koth actually has yet to use an actual name in this campaign, just "friend" or obvious nicknames. Don't be suprised if you all end up with some such title ;)

I'll double check ref defense when I get home.

the quinn
2008-08-08, 10:44 AM
The light shields are red
A few questions:
Who is your leader, that is the one who decides when you will leave or basic diplomacy?
Do you take a short rest?
What do you do with the loot?
How long do you spend at the kobold site?

2008-08-08, 10:54 AM
@DM's questions:

As leader, Leoguard would vote for Vael, and if she didn't want to: Bal'Knoth. It'd certainly be VERY interesting if he was leader, though :smallbiggrin: (the preasur would rip him to bits).
I think we should definitely at least take a short rest.
Any weapons and armour no one else wants, Leoguard will take--to the maximum amount of weight he can carry without slowing him down too much, that is.
Leoguard will leave when the others are ready--though he thinks they should at least rest for a moment (meaning: Take a short rest before leaving).

2008-08-08, 11:19 AM
Melkor has already voiced his support for Aur as leader when it comes to diplomacy and such, as for a field leader I suppose Aur or Bal will do. No offense to Vael but I think even she had deferred to Aur as well?

I thought a short rest is what we were on, hence why i was RPing Melkor cleaning his wound (ie "spending a healing surge").

Melkor will just take his due SP (7?) and not worry about the mundane items.

Melkor has already expressed interest in leaving and getting to Winterhaven as soon as possible.

2008-08-08, 01:10 PM

Aur leaves the bodies of the kobolds in a small heap near the roadside, content that they will succumb quickly to the scavengers of the wild. Taking the attack as a reminder of the dangers of the road, she looks over her equipment and, after a moment of meditation, heals her wounds. She looks up at Bal'Koth's request, and concentrates heavily, requesting that Avandra smile upon the dragonborn and heal his battle wounds. She then takes her share of the silver collected from the kobolds and buries one silver piece near their bodies as an offering of thanks for the luck provided by her goddess. Her devotions complete, she hoists her pack and scans the trail leading to Winterhaven.

Not sure how healing words work outside of an encounter - if I can use them, I will. As mentioned before, Aur will take on the mantle of group diplomat if need be.

2008-08-08, 04:58 PM

Vael closes her eyes in relief as she realises the battle is over and the party has prevailed. Struck by a sudden thought she opens them again, glancing swiftly around the other four members. Content that none have fallen, she sits on a nearby tree branch and closes her eyes again for a moment.

When Leo approaches her she smiles cautiously. "I am... intact." She closes her eyes for a moment, then reopens them, smiling warmly. "I am very glad indeed that we all have survived unscathed, at least after the application of Aur's healing gifts. I fear my cloak is a little torn, but nothing more."

She then rises slowly and helps with Aur's search of the bodies, though she touches the small creatures gingerly and with a wince. Her share of the silver is gratefully taken and placed in her pack. She swings one of the shortswords several times and then puts it down, saying regretfully, "Would that this were a longsword, such as my people bear. The creatures would not have the stature to wield such weapons, however." She shivers, remembering the determination of the shieldbearing kobold. "We should be grateful for this, I think."

Vael is grateful for the short rest, and all too soon must stand once more and make her way through the rain towards Winterhaven.

Aww, no mending cantrip in 4E :smalltongue: Unless the DM rules prestigitation can be used to mend her cloak?

Vael already agreed that Aur should lead. She is quite happy to let a human speak for the party, and to listen to everyone else's views before adding her own slant.

2008-08-08, 09:13 PM
As far as leadership goes, Bal is happy to let whomever else lead so long as he doesn't feel things are being handled poorly, at which point he'd move to take charge of the situation himself. He's not averse to making descisions, he just figures as long as things are going fine there's no need to impose himself. He'd probably support Aur in particular as the least likely of his companions to come across all wrong when speaking on behalf of the party, though.

He'll happily take his share in the silver and equip one of the shields unless someone objects.

He/I definitely want a short rest. He'll spend another surge to heal up the damage from Melkor.

SwordOfUriel: every 5 minutes we chill out recharges your encounter powers, so as long as we don't rush off you can pretty much cast freely between battles.

Awesomologist: good catch, I entered my shield bonus to ref under "arm./ability" but apparently that's wrong and it calculates it in from the shield bonus field automatically.

Conners: there is no N in Bal'Koth ;)

Bal'Koth flinches as he's blasted with the full force of the tiefling's eldritch fire. He shakes his head thoroughly as the flames extinguish like a dog drying himself, ropey scales swinging wildly from the back of his head.

"It sseemss I wass misstaken." he allows with an ironic twist to his mouth. "Nonetheless, iss it not beautiful?" The dragonborn admires the dragonscale shield on his arm, claws tracing their overlapping plates. "One hopess none would object to my carrying thiss."

the quinn
2008-08-09, 11:05 AM
The party begins to rest, attempting to find a solid rock to sit on, or trees that have enough leaves to block the majority of the rain. Yet, the rest is still nothing compared to a warm fire and a mug of mead. The sky begins to become darker and darker. Your recent travels and experience in the wild tells you that this would not be a suitable place to rest. Someone suggest that the group heads to Winterhaven. You pack up, some what refreshed from your long walk, and small battle. Your feet are heavy on the ground, the mud stick to the feet. Smoke is now visible coming from Winterhaven, several smaller ones, from several chimneys. The sky has now become completely black, the star shielded from the clouds, the walls of Winterhaven are now visible. Lanterns are posted outside the walls to bring travelers and passengers into the town. You aren't able to make out much of the surroundings, only two guards on top of the parapets, and several thatched homes each with a small patch of land. You begin climbing the small 20 ft. hill on which winterhaven is placed.
The guards yell out from atop the parapets:
What business do you have in Winterhaven, their voices are cautious, and it is extremely visible that no visitors have come for some time.
They await your answer with great anticipation, ready to draw their weapons if your answer does not strike true.

2008-08-09, 05:30 PM

Aur looks up towards the parapet, the hood of her cloak falling back as she cries, "We come on behalf of the high priestess of Avandra, Laurel of Feraina. We seek only to help your town. We were beset by kobolds on the road, and slew a number of them - please, let us in that we might aid you in your struggle!"

If necessary, [roll0].

the quinn
2008-08-09, 11:39 PM
The guards tone lightens as he realized that you five are humble travelers,
or adventures, same thing right?
you are allowed into winterhave
What do you do?

What you can tell is the opening is the top of the page
the first thing you see is a large sign displaying the name Wratons Inn

2008-08-10, 11:37 AM

As they enter town, his allies seem unready to suggest a course of action, so the Dragonborn turns back to the town gaurds on the wall and hails

"Our thankss, gatekeeperss. What way to a temple of Melora, or Avandra?"

2008-08-11, 04:34 AM

Vael huddles in her cloak. Many things are on her mind: the fate of the missing caravan, which they saw no sign of on the road. If the caravan had arrived, then the lack of a message in return from the town was mysterious. The disappearance of Douven Staul, which they had pledged to investigate. Most of all the mysterious prophecy they had heard, the words of which yet haunted her rests.

None of these promised swift resolution though. She half-turned seeking shelter in the first available place, the inn, before hearing Bal'Koth's question. Speaking half to herself she murmored "A wise suggestion, yet I pray that they have a fire in this shrine, and a roof to keep us dry!"

2008-08-11, 05:31 AM

Leoguard nods in agreement to Vael's hope. Noting that the guards' supposed stares, he remember to put his axe away--though keeps his shield on his arm and his helmet on his head.

the quinn
2008-08-11, 10:45 AM
The guard motions the shut the gate as soon as the party arrives, he then yells out, but his voice is almost lost in the heavy wind and rain:
"The temple is just down the road on the west wall, but you will find the doors locked, priestess Linora is out in the area helping the peasants. But if you wish a dry place to sleep and a fire in which to warm your self I suggest Wrafton's Inn. We haven't seen travelers for several days, where did you come from?"

2008-08-12, 04:42 AM
"Ferania. At the behesst of Avandra'ss sserventss. Iss there none of ssuch to whom we may pressent oursselvess?"

the quinn
2008-08-12, 12:44 PM
"Today is the day before the marketplace" the guard says, his voice just barely audible above the strong winds. "You'll likely find most of the town inside Wraftons Inn, Lord Padgraig might even make an appearance. Though Lord Padraig wouldn't be the best to talk to, he has little concern for the town. Did you not say that the high priestess of Ferania send you? Our food has been running low, what happened to the last shipment?"
Time has passed since the conversation started, your clothes are wet and your feet tired. The large building in front of the gate begins to glow from lit fires and candles. You see several men running with hands above their head, entering this building. Now that you have begun to rest from walking your senses sharpen you hear steady clanging originating from deeper into town. You also see that there is a second gate leading towards an enclosed area. Just to the left of Wrafton's Inn you see a medium sized building with no front wall and several horses in stables.
You belly's begin to rumble, not having eating warm dry food for several days.
What do you do?

2008-08-12, 01:49 PM

Aur tenses as she hears the sound of metal striking metal, her hand straying towards the well-tended mace hanging at her belt. She brushes a stray lock of wet hair out of her face and hitches up the hood of her rather sodden wool cloak. Perhaps we might investigate what is happening in the tavern, my friends? If, as the guard suggests, the lord of the city is to be present there, we might glean some information about Winterhaven's troubles...

Sorry for my non-posting lately. It's been crazy at work the past couple of days.

2008-08-12, 06:06 PM

The warrior's hand flashes to his axe as the clanging becomes apparent--but as he listens on, he recognizes something different about the sound... "DOEST THAT CLANGING COME FROM THY TOWN'S SMITH OF METAL?" he echoes from within his armour, as loudly as he can manage, to the guards--trying to get his voice over the loud wind. "I WOULD HOPE THEE DOST NOT HAVE A BATTLE RAGING WITHIN THY HOME!" He will put away his axe should the guards give a positive answer.
To Aur's comment: "Yes, yes.... that would be the best course of action," Leoguard agrees (again talking loudly as can be managed through his armour), feeling sympathetic and guilty towards his wet companions--himself far drier from his mostly water-tight armour and clothing.

the quinn
2008-08-12, 06:28 PM

2008-08-12, 10:19 PM

Melkor reaches up to pull his hood tighter and closer over his head. The banter with the guards has caused him to become impatient, his tail beginning to swish as he counts the moments by. Upon hearing Aur's request to head into Wrafton's Inn, Melkor seems to perk up slightly.
"That's the best I've heard tonight!", says Melkor to his companions as he moves rather quickly into the inn.

2008-08-12, 11:58 PM
With one last scan of the surroundings and a glance off in the direction of the supposedly locked temple, Bal'Koth follows Melkor towards the tavern wordlessly.

2008-08-13, 09:26 AM

Seeing the other begin to leave, Leoguard motions to Vael that she should follow. Walking along beside her -- feeling wretched that he should remain warm and dry while a woman beside him is soaked to the skin in the cold rain -- a stroke of genius comes into his head.
Moving to the right of Vael he lifts up his shield with it facing the sky, holding it over her head and deflecting most of the rain away from her. His armour, however (despite the lighter metal), is greatly heavy due to its thickness and was designed for the suit itself to take the full burden of weight when the wearer was not moving actively. Still, he grits his teeth and keeps his arm up, the shield's own weight being a major hindrance.

"I wouldst suggest that thyselves do thy best to imitate me," he yells to the rest of the group, "that is, should thou wish to be no more one with the rains than thy hast already become."
The straining warrior is about to speak to Vael, but remembers that Aur is also at the mercy of the downpour. A mixture of confusion of guilt strikes him, as he realizes he has aided one maiden and forsaken another. Taking another breath, he shouts through his metallic shell and the out burst of the heavens, "Pass to me a shield from my load, Maiden Aur, and I will do my best to protect thee from the rain." Assuming Aur does so, Leoguard grits his teeth harder and tries to keep his arms up till they reach the inn.

Stupid, stupid, STUPID...! How could I have NOT have thought of something so obvious sooner :smallfurious:!?!? What sort of a writer am I :smallfrown:...? ..... Now that my dramatics are over, back to the game :smallbiggrin:.

[roll0] Just for fun, and in case :smalltongue:.

the quinn
2008-08-13, 10:21 PM
You enter the Inn, immediately the smell of mead of and the warm fire reach your nose. There are many people inside this large building, peasants and towns folk gathered at tables, singing and dancing are present every where. Several people sick out, the only elf in the tavern sits at the bar, alone and quietly drinking wine. A beautiful woman behind the bar is taking all the gold and distributing the food, mead, and wine, as well as talking with everyone. A large group of people surround a table towards the middle of the room. The atmosphere is light, and Leoguards arms begin to tire, your wet feet land on the floor, several eyes are drawn as the large Bal'koth enters.
What do you want to do?

2008-08-14, 04:53 PM

Aur smiles at the chivalrous (if slightly clumsy) act of Leo. Do not worry about me, my friend. I long ago learned to ignore what the elements throw at me as I travel. Avandra's faith teaches much in the way of patience. As she walks into the inn, Aur lets the hood of her blue woolen cloak fall back around her shoulders, shaking out her mass of wet brown hair. I suggest that we see the barmaid for rooms for the night. Perhaps two or three rooms would suffice? I think it best that Vael and I share, and you gentlemen can make arrangements as suits you. With this, Aur walks towards the attractive woman behind the counter, intent on making arrangements for the evening (and getting herself a warming draught while she's at it).

2008-08-15, 09:43 AM

Melkor nods in agreement with Aur and makes his way with her to the barmaid. After making arrangements for rooms, he heads up to the room and unload his belongings. Melkor takes his time to hang his cloak and change his wet clothes, hanging them to dry, as well as checking his dark leather armor. After donning what dry clothing he has left, Melkor makes sure his rod and sickle are strapped to his belt, along with his gold. Mindful that he won't have his cloak to cover his head, he returns to the main room in hopes of finding an empty table or a seat with his companions.
When seated he orders himself some dinner and some wine, while scanning the room absently.

Melkor would likely try to get a room by himself. It's a pity multi-class wizards don't get cantrips, would have been great to be able to dry his clothing!
I was going to roll a Perception and Streetwise check to listen in on the tavern patrons but myth weavers is down it seems.

2008-08-15, 06:55 PM

Vael simply stands in the rain with her eyes shut while the others debate where to go. Their conversations wash over her as she wanders, lost in her own thoughts. Her attention has to be regained with a brief tap on the arm before she moves with the others to the inn, although Leo's gesture causes her to smile to herself, a flash of white teeth in the gloom.

"Stay your arm and save thy strength, warrior. You cannot battle the skies themselves, and they have quite won their tussle with us already."

In saying this she lifts the hem of her cloak, causing runnels of water to drip onto the ground. She does not protest further if Leo continues, simply stepping sharply towards the door of the inn.

The Eladrin woman is exceedingly glad to step within the inn, at once casting her hood back and letting her long braided hair hang freely. She smiles at Aur's suggestion, simply replying "I concur." Casting a longing glance at the fire, she walks together with Aur readying what money she has to pay for her share of room, food, and whatever the lady at the bar considers best to take the chill from an exhausted traveller. Just as soon as she has a drink in her hand she moves quickly to the fire and begins the process of drying herself off.

2008-08-15, 08:49 PM

Leoguard, to Aur's statement in the rain, replies, "Still, my honour is injured that I should remain dry whilst two maidens under the full force of the elements--please allow me to do this much, for my arms are strong and not unused to holding up great weights for a long period."
To Vael's denial he replies, "Darkhunters fight long after 'losing'. Many a loss we have turned into victory, by never as much as considering the solution of accepting defeat. And So, if it be no insult to thy honour, maiden Vael, I will continue protecting thee from the rains."

When they finally reach the rain, and the girls are in, Leoguard lowers his heavy shield(s), aiming the accumulated water at Melkor (perhaps unintentionally).
Inside the inn, the warrior is curious of who will attract the most attention: The seven-foot dragonborn, the disguised demon, the maiden of the feymire, or himself with his inch-thick metallic suit? Regardless, he agree with Aur's advice and volunteers, "Bal'Koth, perhaps we should share a room--for I would not trust myself asleep with that demon." Assuming Bal'Koth agrees, Leo will then go to arrange and pay for their room.
After the room are settled, the young warrior would see to satisfy his now dire hunger--were it not for his wish to conceal his age... He ponders a long time what to do, his first burning and his stomach protesting at the wait ((I could think of some things, but Leo is torn as to what to do at the moment. Want to give him a hand :smalltongue::smallbiggrin:?)).

[roll0]? I guess it's against your Reflex, Melky :smallbiggrin:. On hit: Get extra soaked. :smalltongue::smallbiggrin:

the quinn
2008-08-15, 09:19 PM
As you approach the bar maid, you notice that she is both concerned at the extremely soaked travelers, and curious at the lack of new people to the town.
"Oh my, you are soaked, can I get you anything?" After relaying you want for a room she speaks once more
"Very well, three rooms is it? that will be 1 gold piece."
Just after purchasing three rooms for the night a loud eruption of noise is emitted from the center table, the large crowd then makes a whole as a young man, no older than the age of 16 leaves, his head drawn down and spirit somewhat broken. You hear a deep and joyful voice emerging from the center,
"Who wishes try their hand at Bytan, vs an old farmer?" No one seems to raise their hand, or challenges him
You enter your rooms they are nothing special, but the rooms are adequate, there is only bed, but there is much room for a sleeping bag. However there is nothing else.

What do you do?

So... as mike had said thing seem to have slowed down,
Is it because of busy time in your real life?
Or is it that you have somewhat lost interest in the game?
Hope your still enjoying your selves

2008-08-15, 11:13 PM

After getting dunked Melkor flashes with restrained anger, eyes glowing with eldritch power, "Lets get one thing straight, boy... Neither one of us asked to be in this together. Keep up the childish antics and no one will ever take you seriously, nor will you earn their respect. Bloody hell! I'm not here to babysit you either, I've already made my own sleeping arrangements. Why don't you go be a good troll knuckle and go lose your gold to the hustler."
With that Melkor makes his way up to his room (after paying), ignoring anything said to him. After shedding his wet clothes and changing he returns to eat and have a drink.

While he's eating Melkor will keep his ears alert, keen for the local banter.
Perception: [roll0]
Streetwise: [roll1]

2008-08-16, 04:18 PM

Bal'Koth's head raises proudly as he gathers the attention of the crowd, proud of his noble heritage and unashamed to be found impressive... or perhaps simply outlandish. He places a gold piece on the bar as the barmaid states her price, and nods to Leo, though slight exasperation grows on his face as the young fighter again begins to voice his almost supersticious distrust of Melkor.

"Perhapss we will find a time without the weight of ssteel about uss ssoothing." he suggests, making for the stairs. Upstairs, he removes his armour and shield, and locking the door on his descent returns to the common room, where he asks a warm meal of the barmaid and joins Aur if she is downstairs, or Melkor if she is not.

been busy, still having fun

2008-08-17, 07:26 AM
Aur sighs inwardly at the young warrior's posturing and superstition, and Melkor's obvious discomfort with his presence. She murmurs a prayer to Avandra, begging that by a twist of luck that her two fellow travellers will put aside these small differences. She takes a seat at a table near the fire after paying for the room, a haunch of whatever meat was roasting on a spit in the fire, and a glass of warm spiced wine, and smiles at Bal'Koth as he joins her. I do hope that our young warrior friend does not fall for the rather obvious posturing of that man in the circle of townsfolk. We have much to accomplish in the morning - I wish to discover what exactly the threat to this city is, as they seem rather afraid of discussing it. While she speaks to the dragonborn, Aur absently toys with her silver-edged holy symbol of Avandra, enjoying the flickers of radiant light that sometimes play across its face.

2008-08-17, 07:05 PM

"One gold piece each?" The young eladrin woman took on a slightly concerned expression and spoke softly to Aur. "I fear you must use a little of the gold that the priestess gave us for my share, as I have not one gold to my name."

Vael notices the aftermath of the scene between Melkor and Leoguard and simply watches Leo with the slightest of frowns on her face. Assuming she can afford it, she also takes a glass of warm spiced wine and dries herself briefly by the fire. Her cantrips, cast subtly, soon ensure she is quite dry, at which point she acquires some food and sits with the others with her back against the wall.

She speaks softly for the two at the table. "I too am concerned for our young warrior friend. This quest will be the making or breaking of him, I deem."

After having said her piece, she smiles at Melkor, hoping that he will take this as an invitation to join the group. Though she tries to conceal it, her eyes are also on the human patrons and fixtures of the tavern, quietly drinking in a scene which is quite strange and new to her.

2008-08-17, 09:16 PM

"It is not as though thou is wetter than to begin with," Leoguard says, half to himself and half to the storming Melkor. As he shrugs his heavy armour (he and his friends would often play minor tricks on one-and-other between training--or during training) his attention is caught by the old man screaming of bytan. His youthful curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to one of the gathering people and asks, "What be this 'Bytan'?"

I looked it up on wikipedia and google, and got zilch.... so if you expect we all know what Bytan is, you're in for a surprise from me :smalltongue:.

The reason I've been lax on posting is a mixture of things. 1) We got "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King" and I've been pretty addicted to that previously. 2) I'm now getting addicted to, "Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2". 3) Mount&Blade Starwars mod. 4) Trying to get over IRL problems to do with work. And finally 5) I guess all of this in combination made me a bit less eager, but that's no your fault in any way, quinn :smallwink:--I'll manage to post every once in a while, still. So don't worry :smallbiggrin:.

2008-08-18, 10:29 AM

With a full stomach and a cool head Melkor joins his three companions and seats himself next to Vael.
"It's nice to be warm and dry for once, although by the festivities in here tonight, the weather does not seem to be affecting the locals too much." Melkor sips his drink and then turns to Vael, "I've been meaning to ask you, what is the purpose of your empty scabbard?"

the quinn
2008-08-18, 11:15 AM
Now to get down to what each of you do, one at a time
by the way Bytan is something of my own creation, you can try it as a mini game or we can do it as a roll, up to you.

Melkor, After entering the tavern the sounds of many conversations mix together finding anything of interest is somewhat difficult. Once you sit down at the bar, the only bar lady begins to engage you in conversation. "Hello there and welcome to Wrafton's Inn, can I get you something to eat?" After getting your food she asks "So how did you five travel to this town is such weather? Did you see any other travelers on the road, perhaps a caravan?"

Bal'koth, you make way into your adequate room finding little room to place all of you belongings, the room will hold two people but not as conformable if you had your own room. You then make you way down to the common room and find that the crowd has grown even more, seeing more cold and wet peasants wringing their cloths in an attempt to dry them selves, you are able to locate both Melkor and Aur, taking a seat beside which every you wish.

Aur, as you approach the fire you notice a old man currently in the seat you wished to sit on. The man is garbed in robes and wears a pair of spectacles hung on the tip of his nose. In his lap he is reading a large tomb, when ever his turns the page a large amount of dusts is scattered in to the room. You glimpse a look curious to see what he is reading, you find the words to be magical and of arcane nature.

Vaelnae, you begin talking to the barmaid, she introduces her self very eager to hear your stories and learn of why no travelers have passed in recent times? bringing you into the conversation with Melkor "Hello there madam eladrin, I mean by all mean, not one gold piece per person, I run a reputable business and do not gouge my costumers, It is one gold piece for the lot of three rooms. I am Silvana Wrafton. If you have any question I am always happy to help travelers such as yourselves."

Leoguard, you find the same situation that was presented to Bal'koth, but you make it down to the common room. When entering the tavern you find the old man still attempting to find someone to play a game of Bytan against him. You have heard of this game only once before, never before having the chance to learn the game or find the basics about it. He gives another yell this time directed at you once you hear the business about bytan. "Have a seat you traveler, and lets teach you the game of bytan. It is always a great way to pass the time and have some fun."

Leoguard I wasn't sure what you were wearing so I assumed you took of your armor, having you dark skin and young face shown to the room.
again I made up bytan and this can end actually three different ways,
We actually play it, I'd rather not
We roll
or we roll-play it.

2008-08-18, 08:19 PM

Melkor smiles at Silvana and after having ordered his meal answers her question, "We've come up from Feraina on foot. Not a horrible three day's travel but with the rain, well let me say it's nice to be under a warm roof." Melkor sips more of his wine and continues his conversation, "As for other travelers we saw none. We were however attacked by a small band of kobolds just a few hours back before we reached Winterhaven. Is it common for kobolds to attack travelers so close to town? Or is this a recent problem?"

the quinn
2008-08-18, 08:52 PM
"Ahh those kobolds" Silvana says with a hint of hatred in her voice.
"They've becoming more and more brave, coming closer and closer to the town, attacking our live stock with increasing regularity. My friend Torrin's live stock was only attacked maybe once or twice a year along with several other farms probably just to feed. Now its every month, if not every week. We have been trying to get Lord Padraig to find where they live and eradicate them. But he stay sober enough to listen to our needs..., even if he does give a beholder's eye not enough of the town will follow his orders. As you can see, he isn't liked very much."

2008-08-18, 10:02 PM

Bal'Koth shrugs at Aur's concern over Leo's interest in the farmer. "A losss of a wager will do little harm. Sshould our charge prove asz harrowing asz the propheciess imply, he will grow quickly, or he will die. A lessson in sseeing the dangerss before you may be for the besst." he responds, nodding at the "old farmer" and his act of harmlessness at the game he is sharking.

2008-08-19, 04:51 AM
@DM: Leoguard's still wearing his armour, he's doesn't like people to find out about his age. I'm guessing the "dark skin" is a typing error since you don't have much time :smallsmile:.

I'd like to actually play it providing three things: 1) It's the sort of game I like, or at least understand and won't mind playing. 2) It won't take up too much time and stall the game. 3) It isn't too much trouble for you.
Even if the game doesn't provide all these things, please give me an overview of how it works for RP, and to feed my curiosity.

If the above three things don't hold true, I'd like to do a mixture of rolling and RPing. In other words, if I roll a twenty I certainly win that round--but if I roll a 15 and you a 16, then perhaps I'd still win if I RPed it well.
If I can only pick RP or Rolling (assuming we don't actually play the game), however, then I'll pick after you give me an overview of the game. If it is mostly a game of skill and bluffing, then I'd like to RP it. If it's a game of pure chance, I don't see why we shouldn't use the randomness of dice.

So, I guess I'll pick something after you tell me a bit about the game, thanks :smallbiggrin:.


Pausing for a moment, Leo steps forward and says, "I would not mind a game, Elder, assuming it will not deprive me of the night's sleep I hast been looking so forward to." He pulls forward the opposite chair, testing its strength carefully before sitting down his armoured form. "Please be patient with myself if I learn sluggishly, for I have heard of the game only once or twice," he adds, finishing with, "now if thyself, Elder, would instruct me as to the rules--then we may begin."

2008-08-20, 10:10 AM

Aur nods, somewhat sadly, at the dragonborn's observation, her attention drawn more to the aged, bespectacled man so intently poring over the dusty tome. She moves her chair closer to his, and speaks softly towards him. "Many pardons for interrupting you, grandfather, but I cannot help but notice the tome that you are reading. I am something of a student of history and the arcane, and I wonder if you might be willing to discuss what you are reading with me."

EDIT: MythWeavers is down, but I'm going to add a Diplomacy check once I can access my sheet.

2008-08-20, 02:43 PM

Vael bows her head at Silvana's welcome. "Many thanks. We have been long on the road and at the moment simply need to rest our minds and bodies, but I shall bear your offer in mind."

Relaxing more now that she has a drink in her hand, Vael orders her meal and listens to Melkor and the barmaid's conversation. "I wonder what is driving the kobolds to act like this. We saw none other on the road, though we hoped to come upon a caravan from Feraina. Has the caravan been lost then? It would be ill news if it were so."

She shrugs a little at Melkor's question. "I lost it along the road." She gives a long pause, then shakes her head and laughs a little. "In sooth I had to sell it to pay for my keep. Not such a noble story, but one that is a little sad, nonetheless." She leaned back in her chair, becoming more comfortable and smiling at Melkor. "It is a strange fate that has thrown us all here together, but not an ill one, I venture."

2008-08-20, 03:32 PM

Melkor listens intently at Silvana as she speaks of the recent aggressions made by kobolds. He turns to Vael and quickly notes, "Perhaps we should try to find Lord Padraig in the morning. Hopefully he won't be too inebriated to listen about our encounter with the kobolds so close to his town."

Turning back towards Silvana, he picks up where Vael left off about the caravan, "Indeed, as my companion here suggested, we are in search of a caravan that was to have returned to Feraina already. Douven Staul, a member of this caravan, has a worried wife back in Feraina, and part of this journey is to find him. Have you seen him? I would imagine if they made it here to Winterhaven in the first place he would have come by here to your establishment Madam Wrafton."

Melkor can't help but to laugh at Vael, as polite as a tiefling's laugh can come across. "I had imagined there would be some grand story behind the loss of your blade! But I find value in your honesty Vaelnae. If you need a replacement blade, perhaps we can see the local smith tomorrow. Before you object, I'm sure you can pay me back once we come upon more treasure. Besides I'd rather know that all my companions are fully prepared, should we ever be unable to practice our finer arts. "

The intensity in Melkor has obviously shed itself as he becomes more relaxed. He notes Aur's departure as she makes her way to the table with the old man. Melkor orders another wine for himself and Vaelnae, as well as Bal if he is still seated with them.

2008-08-20, 08:55 PM

'Koth's careful attention becomes apparent as Melkor's relating comes to Douven Stall. "He wass ssaid to be interessted in a dragon'ss burial ground. Where would one ssearch for ssuch a plasce?" he adds, his interest in the possible locations of the caravan and his interest in the place itself appearing to overlap.

He nods in genuine appreciation for the drink Melkor sends his way, and signals his intent to order the next round.

the quinn
2008-08-21, 01:10 AM
We have no idea what would be causing the kobolds to act this way, he have had a tradition of not bothering each other for quite some time. I fear that they will only become more and more aggressive. I thought you we scouters for the caravan, does that mean we lost the caravan? This does not bode well. We have some food, but just before the harvest we are in dire need for food. As for your question about a dragon burial site? I have heard rumors about a mighty black dragon that Sir Keegan felled, but that was many years ago, perhaps Ellian might have heard of such a place.

Ellian the player of Bytan:
Hello there traveler, I am always seeking a game with a new out look on the game. Have a seat then. So this is your first time playing Bytan? It is a simple game of luck and skill, and ability to read each other. He begins teaching you the game, the rules come easy enough yet the intricacies of the game are lost on you.

Ok. Just roll a d20 and add you wisdom for the first game.

Gramps (as you have begun to call him):
The old man begins to speak, his voice is raspy and his tone isn't the friendliest. "You should not give false titles to those you don't know young one. I would enquire who you are before revealing my intentions."

2008-08-21, 09:56 AM

I meant no offense, good sir, I was merely attempting to show my respect. My name is Aur, child of the Dil ironmerchant family. I am but a simple servant of Avandra, Mistress of Luck and Fortune, and I have spent much my life on the road in service of the Lady. My friends and I have come to this town to offer our aid in quelling the kobold raids and other problems that have surfaced of late. I would ask your forgiveness for any insult, and would offer you a glass of spiced wine as a sign of my apologies."

[roll0] to convince him to soften his stance towards her, accept the spiced wine, and spill about the tome that he reads.

And Aur would NEVER call him "Gramps". Ever.

2008-08-21, 09:42 PM

Leoguard, after a moment to fully comprehend the rules, nods that they should begin the game. He does his best to read the Elder's face, but he had little training in doing such and darkhunters never lied unless they needed to. The one advantage he had, he knew, was that his helmet concealed his face. The Elder could still likely read his weighed down movements and general demure (depending on the Elder's skill, that could be enough). Still, it was a good handicap for the experienced elder, and Leo made the best of it he could throughout the first round.

[roll0] to try and win the first round. You may want to give a penalty to the elder since he can't see Leo's face :smallbiggrin:.

2008-08-22, 06:44 AM

Vael muses, "We have evidence too of their presence, in the arms and shields of the attackers. Surely if this Lord will listen to anyone, he will listen to us."

She turns to look at Melkor as Silvana reveals more about the caravan, a look of concern on her face. "This bodes ill. It may be that we have to retrace our steps, to see if we can track where it disappeared." She speaks again to Silvana, "How many wagons and folk make up this caravan? If we are to seach for it, it would be well to know what we look for."

Bowing her head deeply, she thanked Melkor for his offer. "I would be most grateful for such a loan. I do confess that I miss the feel of a blade in my hand, though my magics serve me better." Her tone is a little relieved somehow, as she thinks I am glad he did not ask how I came to be in the mortal world... I am not sure I am ready to tell that tale yet!

Accepting the drink gracefully Vaelnae casts the occasional glance over to Leoguard in puzzlement and wonder at his stubborn refusal to take off his armored suit.

2008-08-22, 09:37 AM

Melkor thinks for a moment while having his drink and addresses both Bal'Koth and Vaelnae, "We should find where this Ellian is and find the burial site first I would think. With all the rain and the time that has already passed I doubt we'll find the traces of the caravan. Maybe by starting at the burial site we can trace our way back to the road from there. Bal'Koth here seems to be adept at such things. What do you think?"

2008-08-22, 02:15 PM

The dragonborn nods in agreement. "Any tracse of the caravan'ss goodss, be itss abscensss by foul play or misshap, will ssurely have been sscavenged away. It will do uss little good to sseek itss return on the roadsside. Though I've little true sskill in tracking, the rainss may make thingss eassy for uss."

the quinn
2008-08-24, 09:13 PM
The Old Man with the book:
Very well, Aur was it? I am Valthrun, I am the Prescient of this town, I would gladly accept your offer of spiced wine. This book is filled with many secrets, the ability to speak with animals and many others. What do you know of these kobolds? Perhaps anything that would aid Winterhaven to rid us of them?

The Bytan player:
You begin playing the game with this old man but as the game continues phrases such as "Ooh... I forgot to mention you can only play that when fool is out." or when the game begins, several turns are take after a run of good cards.
The Spectators laugh and some whispers reveals that the rules are true, but the old man is a swindler. While the game goes on the man attempts to make conversation.
"So... I don't believe I got your name? I am Ellian but most know me as Ellian the Old. Haven't seen many travelers around these parts lately, its probably because of them Kobolds, or was it Redcaps, the ones that escape from the fey wells. No wait, maybe they come from that creepy place in the peaks. Wait what were we talking about, sorry I tend to ramble, right, right, right, Bytan."

In response to Vaelnae question.
"Not sure it varies every time, usually it was about 5 people, but there have been strange things going on in the outlands, less and less people are willing to risk their lives to travel."

the quinn
2008-08-24, 09:14 PM
Up forgot to get his roll.
A small amount of that bonus is from his neglect to mention all the rules

2008-08-25, 11:27 AM

Melkor listens in as Silvana tries her best to describe the caravan and nods in understanding as she further laments on recent troubles. He takes time to look about the room, checking in on Aur as she talks to sagely looking man.
Melkor returns to conversation with Silvana and his two companions, "So what else can you tell us of Winterhaven? So far you have an uncaring and drunken lord, kobolds on the rise, and weather fit for a fish!" Melkor flashes a joking smile and continues, "While not exactly a finalist on my list for a summer manor, I would like to think they may be some other things of interest around here."

the quinn
2008-08-25, 12:29 PM
"Well there isn't much in Winterhaven, this weather comes once a year, but usually not for another three tendays, it's usually quiet nice place."
Everyone this is a must read!

Sorry I have a large change to make on this game, the name given in the adventure manual is called Winterhaven, but I want to translate this into my world. The real town is called silvervale, and is located in the west. Near the out lands. Feraina's is a large town, most of its resourses come from the great lake. I made this map in on my own with no outside help, using the word processing program pages for the mac.
The name of this world is ORIN
The border lands:
By the way awesomologist, awesome avatar

2008-08-25, 01:15 PM
What sort of wisdom score does he have :smalleek:....? I'm guessing about 18, with a +1 level bonus and a +2 circumstance bonus, judging from the mod on that roll. It's a bit rotten considering my high roll (I thought I actually had a chance), I don't think I can do better than I have already :smalltongue:...
PLEASE don't tell me that was counting the penalty of the fact Leo is wearing a helmet and the old man can't see Leo's face :smalleek::scared:.


Leoguard patiently undergoes the trickery, more annoyed by the snickering of the townsfolk than the trick itself. As long as the Elder does not wish this to become a game of risk or gambling, I have no reason for complaint, he thinks to himself.
When conversation begins, the young player tries his best to answer his opponent properly, his mind straining to keep up at a game he has had no practice with, "Mine name? 'Tis Leoguard, Elder Ellian. I and my comrades have travelled from the city of Feraina, by request of the city's High Priestess, to investigate as to thy troubles of late. Another problem be that a caravan travelling to this town would seem to have vanished--we be curious to know the fate of the caravan and its people, which may well be linked to thy town's despair." Supposing the fascinating story distracts the old man and listening peasants, Leoguard acts quickly to capitalize on this however he can by the game's rules he knows of.

[roll0] Not sure if you wanted another roll, but here's one in case you did.
EDIT: WOW... I did do better than my last roll :smalleek:.

the quinn
2008-08-25, 01:24 PM
The old man quietly listens to your story

I considered he was trained in the game of gambling, so I gave him a +5 bonus, and +2 from the rules, finally a +2 because of Wisdom.
With out being able to see the rules, he quickly, lost that plus two he was given from either the rules or the wisdom, now that you fully understand the rules he has a plus 5 the roll, He also did roll an 18
You are rolling great, when rolling just under you, and having played this game many, many, many years he continues to beat you.

After winning the second hand, he asks:
So do you want to make this game interesting?
How about a 1 copper a game, to start out with?
A caravan you say, weren't they supposed to arrive several days ago OR was that this horrible rain, I can't remember.

2008-08-27, 08:45 AM
Sorry for not posting for so long... I've been having family issues of late.


Leo pauses a moment and -- while you couldn't see his face -- one could imagine his eyebrows raising at the old man's suggestion for betting. "I hast done my best, Elder, yet still thou hast beaten me: A madman, and a madman alone, would take uppon himself the task of defeating thee at Bytan--without fully mastering the rules of the game," with that, Leoguard does his best to measure Ellian's reaction, ready to leave should the elder become sour. "If thy dost not mind playing without wager, then I would gladly continue."

[roll0] In case we continue the game, and supposing that we'll continue with wisdom rolls and not other types of rolling.

the quinn
2008-08-27, 07:17 PM
You continue talking the Ellian, for the rest of game, learning he knows allot about this area, Leoguard learns more of the games trick and tip, getting a +1 to Bytan the next time you play.
You awaken the next morning to the bustling of the town, rain still falls yet the town has gathered outside of this building

2008-08-28, 03:43 AM

After the game was finished, Leo said goodnight to the old man before returning to his companions to see if they had learnt anything interesting. After conversing with them and finding out what they now knew, he bids them too a goodnight before retuning to his and Bal'Koth's room. Taking a quick look at the armour and weapons he obtained from the kobolds, he dismantles his armour from his body and blows out the candle (with Bal'Koth's permission), sleeping in his leather-and-silk attire, sound as a log from the hard day's travel...


In the morning, Leoguard remains asleep -- dreaming of the great battles he would win against hordes of rampaging orcs, tyrants with their massive armies, and flocks of the mightiest dragons -- needing more than an adult in rest, due to his adolescence. ((Someone will need to wake him up[ unless you're willing to wait a couple more hours or so.))

2008-08-28, 04:44 PM

When she has a moment, Bal'Koth signals for Silvania's attention and asks "The town watchmen ssugessted your priesstess wass not to be found. What holy plascess are houssed in ssilvervale?"

the quinn
2008-08-28, 04:49 PM
"She spends most of her time out side to city helping the less fortunate, those not sister of the Padraig. She in right now though giving her weekly sermon. She'll be here for the rest of the day."
As you awaken, the sun is high, what is your action?

2008-08-28, 09:08 PM

Melkor awakens with the dawn and makes his way down to from his room after a quick wash and a once over of his still damp clothing. Afterwards he comes down to the tavern proper, staying long enough only to drink some milk and grabs some bread and cheese, taking some with him as he walks out the door.
Melkor makes his way to the blacksmith and purchases a longsword for Vaelnae, then goes back to the inn and waits for the rest of his party.

I'll tick off the 15 gold.

2008-08-28, 10:43 PM

The dragonborn rises with the dawn and, suiting up and packing his belongings, heads toward the town's church, respectfully observing the rites of another's god.

Assuming no one dedicating a ceremony to Melora appears in his path, Bal'Koth will go to the temple and respectfully observe (but not participate in) whatever morning rituals are observed there. Provided nothing untoward occurs he will approach the priestess when she is no longer occupied.

2008-08-29, 08:30 AM
Guess Leo's stuck sleeping for a few more hours, then :smalltongue:--assuming no one goes out of their way to wake him up.

2008-08-29, 09:02 AM
Since it appears we're moving on to morning, I'm going to play off Aur's conversation with Valthrun, assuming that she quietly chatted with him about unimportant things while at the fire and promised to speak with him again in the morning.


Aur rises, refreshed and dry for the first time in days, as the morning sun peeks through her window. Raising her holy symbol to the four cardinal directions, Aur murmurs a lengthy prayer to Avandra, splashes water on her face, pulls on her boots and cloak, and leaves her small room that she shares with the eladrin. Passing through the quiet common room, she leaves the inn, and overtakes a passing laborer, asking him for directions to the house of Valthrun, the town Prescient.

2008-08-29, 02:53 PM

Vael rests long and deeply, enjoying the comfort and warmth of the inn. Even so, she completes her meditations to find her human companions still slumbering. She enjoys sitting in silence for a time, content to be surrounded by a nascent band of people who wished her well and who seemed as though they could be trusted.

As the sun rises and the inn stirrs, Vael makes her way to the common room and arranges to have a hot bath, or as close as can be managed. The others thus miss her on their seperate ways out, though Melkor returns to find her sitting in the common room with her spellbook open on a table, combing out her long hair. She rises and greets him with a smile which grows on seeing the longsword he bears for her. Accepting it gracefully she almost seems younger than her years as she tests the balance before placing it in her sheath.

"I am grateful beyond words... it is almost as though something has been restored that was lost." She goes to speak further before stopping slightly confusedly and bowing her head again.

Moving quickly to change the subject she asks Melkor, "Have you seen the others of our band? Perhaps we should ask the inkeep where they fare."

Edited for tenses :smalltongue:

2008-08-29, 03:46 PM

Melkor smiles at Vaelnae's expression of gratitude as he presents her with the longsword. "You are most welcomed Vaelnae. I feel better just knowing you are able to defend yourself."
He watches as the elf sheaths the blade and continues, "I personally find such large blades unwieldy and cumbersome, but then again I do not have the grace, nor the training of the fey.
I think I saw our friend the paladin head towards the local temple. I take it you did not catch Aur this morning? Last I saw she was still engaged in conversation with the older gentleman from last night. I'm afraid the wine and lack of rest got the better of me last night, so I went straight to bed. Perhaps they both went to the temple? Either way we should make our presence known to the priestess at some point this morning. Of course I wouldn't mind meeting with the lord mayor or guard captain and make them aware of our encounter with the kobolds.
Why don't we head first to the temple? If nothing else I'm sure we can find Bal'Koth there and hopefully Aur."

2008-08-30, 06:39 AM

"I did not see Aur this morning, I fear." She laughed a little. "I was rather preoccupied with finding a hot bath."

Vael rises, pulling on her cloak and stowing her spellbook safely in her backpack. "That seems like an excellent idea. This settlement is a small one, so even if we do not find them at the temple they cannot have gone far."

Together with Melkor, Vael makes her way to the temple to speak with the priestess and hopefully locate the rest of the party.

OOC: poor leo, no-one has realised he's not with anyone else!

2008-09-02, 01:40 AM
((Bump. I think you may be best for us to move on, DM. Leo is still asleep for the moment.))

the quinn
2008-09-02, 05:53 PM
Melkor 1:
You exit the tavern, to a large market, full with booths and peasants, however there is a large lack of merchants. One voice becomes extremely easy to hear. A deep, hearty one, yelling "GET YE ARMS AND ARMOR, HAN' CRAFTED BY ME THAIR COLESTRIKER!", You take a minute to find the origin of the claim, you enter into the main market area, rounding a corner of a watermelon vendor. Seeing in front of you, a sturdy dwarf, with red hair and a large amounts of weapons behind him. Over several minutes of haggling over the price you are able to get a decent longsword, from twenty 20 gold pieces to 15.

You make your way to the temple across the town, apart from getting through the market place. The market is packed, and you have to force your way through a crowd of people. After exiting the marketplace the church stand tall against the west wall, standing two stories tall. There is no direct path to the church, however a small path winds around what looks to be tiny houses does. One the short way there, you notice that there are very little people on this side of town. You get to the church a short while later, while approaching a group of about 20 or 30 people exit. Once the crowd has dispersed, or at least thinned enough to enter the stone structure, you see a large symbol of Avandra as well as a smaller one of Pelor and Erathis. In front of the symbol of Avandra, several peasant stand around a priestess.

You talk semi-late into the night, learning that the book he was reading held a very powerful ritual. He has lived here for 62 years, and has spent just a little less then than at Brindolkeep. Other than that you make small talk. He seems a bit standoffish.
The dark sky still looms over the town, yet the rain has let up very slightly. You ask the first market person you see, who easily points you to the Valthrun's residence. You laugh as you area pointed in the right direction, as his residence is called the tower of Silvervale. It is just to the left of the gate of the inner wall, and five stories tall, a large door stands closed next to the road.

You exit the tavern seeing many booths and venders.Upon closer inspection you learn that all of them are from surrounding areas none of them traveling more than a mile. There is talk of kobolds and their increasing boldness, as well a the increase on the price of grain. "THIS IS OUTRAGES" someone yells out "TWO GOLD PIECES FOR THIS? I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY MORE THAN A SILVER FOR A BAG OF WHEAT!". This is then conveyed by several other people until, a peasant with a voice of reason stands up a few seconds later. You then continue to the church, a two story stone building.


Sorry I have been a bit late, I'll try to post every day as long as two people have posted.

2008-09-03, 10:39 PM

Finally waking, Leo yawns loudly and rubs his eyes in the stereotypical waking-stretch. Sitting on his bed for a few minutes, he adjusts his mind out of dreamworld -- where he had just been sanctioned a royal knight by the Two Kings of the Darkhunters themselves -- and back to real-life, where his scar had stabbing-pains that spread into the rest of his face. Opening his bag, he finds the special ointment he got a few weeks back from a cleric, rubbing some into the scar. Before putting the lid back on, he notices there's barely enough left for another of the quarter-doses he had been forced to take, over the past week. Sighing, he decides to use up the rest now, and throw the jar away--continuing his daily routine.

The first part of Leoguard's routine is generally to have a bath. Lately, however, the natural hot springs his division lived near were growing continually scarce... Again sighing, Leo does his warm-up exercise (to avoid muscle-cramp from fighting or just wearing his heavy armour), changes some of his clothing, then gets into his thick suit of plate. Heading towards the innkeeper to see what sort of bath he can get, he stops to greet Vaelnae and Bal'Koth. "Good morning, Bal'Koth, Maiden Vael. Thou both are well, I trust?"

2008-09-04, 09:48 PM
Spotting Bal'Koth at the temple, Melkor nudges Vaelnae, "There's Bal'Koth."

Melkor greets Bal'Koth, "Good morning Bal'Koth. Figured we'd find you here. Have you spoken to the priestess yet? I wasn't sure if we should wait for Aur before speaking to her. I was telling Vaelnae here we should try to speak with Lord Padraig. Early may be best since he apparently also doubles as the town drunk."

Edit: Ummm Conners, we've all left the inn. We should probably try to speed the roleplay up and get on with the rest of the adventure though. We could just say you've caught up with us outside the temple.

the quinn
2008-09-04, 11:48 PM
You approach the church of Avandra, you see the priestess glance around room, when she sees the small group, a odd look crosses her face, then begins to hasten her conversation with the peasants.

2008-09-05, 08:51 AM

Her eyes widening as she approaches the closed door of the Valthrun's tower, Aur realizes, with a flash of chagrin, that morning services at the temple of Avandra were likely already underway. Hurrying through the still-sodden streets of the village, she makes her way to the temple, resolving to speak further with the Valthrun later in the day.

2008-09-05, 08:01 PM

Seeing Aur as she aproaches the temple, Melkor welcomes her, "Ah! There you are Aur! We seem only to be missing Leoguard, but no matter. With you here we can surely gather what information we need and find out what is amiss here."

2008-09-07, 09:36 PM
Assuming Vael is going to the church, Leoguard does the same. He tries to keep next to Vael, while away from Melkor, occasionally eyeing him suspiciously from within his helmet.

2008-09-08, 04:26 PM
((sorry for the long abscence, moving has been a nightmare))

Bal'Koth scours the temple and its inhabitants for anything of interest. He then approaches the priestess, and waiting respectfully for her attention, introduces himself.

"Fair morning, priesstess. I am Bal'Koth, Melora'ss sservent. My company, who arrived during the night, hail from Feraina in ressponsse to reportss of dissturbancsess in thesse partss, ssuch asz the errant caravan. I am interessted to hear all you may know or ssusspect, esspecially with regardss to a burial plasce of dragonss, lasst known desstination of the caravan'ss guardian."

2008-09-08, 04:28 PM
edit: forgot. Insight here at the temple. [roll0]

2008-09-10, 12:22 PM

Little confused by the chronology here, but ok! :smalltongue:

Vael smiles and bows her head when she sees Bal'Koth, the more formal greeting seeming appropriate for the dignified dragonborn. "I hope that we can find this Lord Padraig awake. I am not sure he will be in good humour before midday, but we cannot help that, I deem." Her expression turned mischevious. "I am certain I can find a way to wake him, if need be."

Vael welcomes Aur and Leo with a bright smile, soon finding herself standing between Leo and Melkor. Leo has great difficulty in avoiding Melkor, as Vael is walking by his side. His attempts to do so cause the pair to walk at different speeds, resulting in a comedic effect for bystanders. Vael frowns briefly at both of them before breaking into an enigmatic smile. She mutters a few words behind her hand and a spectral floating hand (Mage Hand) appears behind Leoguard's helmet.

The hand immediately busies itself subtly loostening the straps on Leo's helmet while endeavoring to remain out of his view. If it is successful it will scamper off down the street, helmet in hand. Vael will meanwhile dissolve helplessly into giggles.

Sorry Leo :smalltongue:

Roll for Stealth or Bluff, not sure which but my mod is the same.


the quinn
2008-09-14, 10:18 AM
Greeting Bal'koth, may Avandras presents guide you. You probably know the food caravan has yet to come, I hope that the kobolds did not do something to the much needed food. As for a resting place of might dragon, I have no answer. This guardian of the caravan wouldn't be Staul would it?
Light rain collides with the roof, As you enter you see a large room with a many muddy shoes.

As far as I can tell, Leoguard, Melkor, Aur, and Vaelnae, are just outside of the church, and Bal'Koth has entered and began talking to the priestess.

2008-09-14, 10:57 AM

Melkor follows Bal'Koth into the temple and beckons the others to follow.

2008-09-17, 01:49 PM

No matter the outcome of her little trick, Vael follows Melkor into the temple, chuckling a little to herself behind her hand. As she crosses the threshold she dismisses her magic hand and casts a glance at Leo to ensure he has taken the joke in good part.

the quinn
2008-09-22, 05:12 PM
"Bal'koth you friends out there are getting wet"
She begins speaking to the rest of the party that is out side of temple
"Come in come in, no need for you to be getting wet. I am sure you have many questions."

2008-09-24, 03:50 PM

"It would sseem, losst without trasce on a raider'ss route, that the hope of recovering the caravan'ss cargo iss dim indeed. Yet, it iss thiss problem which my companionss and I sseek to addresss... at very leasst, perhapss confirming it'ss losss will allow a requissition of emergenscy ssuppliess. To thiss end, any intelligensce asz to the caravan'ss typical routess and likely plasces to sseek ssignss of ambush would be mosst helpful.

The paladin pauses to glance at the entranceway for his companions. With a nod towards the circle of conversation about him and the priestess, he gestures any friendly faces he sees over before turning back to Avandra's speaker.

SStaul... the name ringss familiar. I believe you correct. Isz there any who know him we might sseek out? Or, one who may keep knowledge of the ressting plasce in which he wasz ssaid to have interesst?"

are we dying? hello?

the quinn
2008-09-24, 04:00 PM
To the best of my knowledge Elain would know the best of Staul. Staul had been up here once before, and the two of them spend much time talking. As to the whereabouts of his location, I would try his house, it is just east of here.

I am trying to keep it alive but some havn't posted in a long time

2008-09-24, 04:19 PM
Melkor listens intently at Bal'Koth's and the priestesses exchange. He speaks up without interrupting, "Good morning priestess, I am Melkor. We do indeed seek Staul, and we will make it a point to visit Elain today. What else can you tell us of Winterhaven? It sounds as though kobolds have become more brazen so close to the town, and we intend to speak to the lord mayor of it. Have you any idea what may be driving these kobolds?"

I think everyone has checked in within the last week except for Conners.

the quinn
2008-09-24, 06:09 PM
"hmm... a teifling in these parts? What more to tell you? My brother er... Lord Padraig" She Stammers "He has become a drunk since his wife died several years ago, now no one has enough guts to risk their life to free the area of kobolds let a alone have any loyalty to Padraig. The peasants that have been attacked don't have the training to make a difference, and those that haven't been attacked don't want to get involved. Not sure if you already know this but winterhaven was created many years ago, when the Nerath empire was still strong. They also created a large keep in the peaks, the place has always held some strange things, but most i've seen was a goblin or two. Don't take my for it, it can be seen when heading east from the gate."
As you are talking with Linora, both Bal'koth and Aur see movement in the bushes, you take a look and the figure beings to move. The unknown thing is clothed in a large brown cloak, and is hunched over. The figure begins to run heading for the market place. What do you do?

2008-09-24, 08:35 PM
I'm BACK :smallbiggrin:! Sorry for being gone so long :smallfrown:. My brother got me Fallout (which I've won), Fallout 2, all episodes of Commander Keen, Wolfenstien 3D (renamed "Spear of Destiny"), and the Xcom series (including the spin-offs). Add that with losing a staff member in my busy shop, and gaining interest in Shadowrun which I need to learn the rules of, and I was pretty lost.... Thanks very much for PMing me, quinn :smallbiggrin:.

I'll try to do my post when I can, but I might need to go to work in one minute, so it isn't going to be a long one if I do it now...


The magehand grasps around clumsily for a strap, there being none. Dark Hunter armour is worn by actually sticking each piece onto another via clips, similar to how you would clip-in a seatbelt (safety-belt). It ends with the armour being easily removable to those who know about its workings, but a vain attempt for anyone else without hours to spare.
As such Leoguard eventually notices the magehand, and, drawing his axe, he swats at it frantically in a mixed state of shock and terror. It may look humours to some... though "dangerous" is a better description of the appearance to those closer by.

When Leo is finally satisfied the magehand is very dead, he gasps for breath for several few moments. Finished resting, he quickly puts away his axe and continues his path to the church, pretending nothing had happened just a moment ago... but sending a suspicious glance, from his concealed face, toward Melkor--when the "demon" himself is not looking, that is.

Later. The young warrior remains quiet in the temple, bored and wondering whether he should just head back to the inn and see about bathing. When Bal'Koth draws attention to the cloaked figure, however, Leo's interests are refreshed. Quietly and inconspicuously as he can manage, he draws his axe, and edges to a good point to chase-down and assail the cloaked figure, should that "hopefully" be the need.

[roll0] [roll1] To try and notice Vael's mischief :smalltongue:.

Wow, I beat it with both rolls :smalleek:. OK, onto the fluff :smallbiggrin:!

2008-09-25, 01:24 AM

Bal'Koth's attention snaps to the rustle in the bushes, alerting those around him with his sudden stare towards the noise. As the cloaked figure turns to run, he glances quickly towards the priestess, looking to see her reaction. At the smallest hint of alarm or lack of acceptance or reassurance, he explodes into a sprint after the figure, roaring "HALT!" in the unusually deep, echoing, hissless character of command his voice carries when raised to a volume only Dragonborn lungs could produce.

2008-09-25, 02:56 AM
((OOC: I edited my post in. It's just above Bal'Koth drawing attention to the cloaked person.))

the quinn
2008-09-25, 02:42 PM
The cloaked assailant runs with great speed into the busy market place. They easily make their way through the mass of people and are lost in the crowd. You get the point of disappearance, finding the brown robe it had been wearing. The surrounding peasant take little heed to you, even the might dragonborn is pushed about mass of people.
What do you do?

2008-09-26, 01:04 PM

OOC: I'm not dead, just resting :smallbiggrin:

Vael enters the temple with the others, smiling gently to herself. The little trick was very puerile, and Leo's reaction more extreme than she had thought, yet she had found herself unable to resist. She listens to the priestesses answers with interest, nodding at each new piece of information. "So many leads to follow... perhaps we should follow the closest first?" she asks, half to herself.

The tall Eladrin was examining the decorated interior of the temple when she saw Bal'koth and then Leo run off in pursuit of something. Unclear what they pursued, she bowed briefly to the priestess, "My thanks!" before chasing after the others. Surrounded by the crowd, she concentrated on keeping her eyes on the tall dragonborn and slowly working her way towards him.

She puts her hand gently on Bal'koth's shoulder both to get his attention and to stop the crowd seperating them. "Ai! Let us not get seperated again. What did you see to make you dash off so?" In contrast to her measured words her smile is animated and she appears to have enjoyed the exertion.

2008-09-26, 01:20 PM

Seeing his companions take off, Melkor gives a brief bow to the priestess before running off after the others.

2008-09-28, 01:53 AM
OOC: Man I get side-tracked easily... Sorry, again. I've been playing the new Sonic RPG, and been watching the Hare Hare Yukai (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mljdpRp41I4 ) and forgot completely about the forums... I'll post now, though :smallbiggrin:.


Leoguard curses in his language as the cloaked figure disappears into the crowd. He begins to search carefully through the crowd and markets for the strange being--but he stops. Sighing, he realizes that he has no idea about this person, much less what they look like without the suspicious robe and cloak.
Before he can make his way back to the temple, he meets up with the others. "Curse mine sluggishness, for preventing me from knowing this strange being..." he comments to the group, ashamedly. With that, he steps away from them enough to be distanced, but not so much as to lose himself in the crowd (hard as that would be with Leoguard's unusual attire of black steel...). He awaits a course of action to be suggested.

the quinn
2008-10-06, 04:16 PM
The party makes its way to Valthrun's tower hoping to discover the location of Douven Staul. You knock at the large wooden doors, and after several minutes of cold silence, Aur find the courage to speak up. Soon after he pens you a small map to the location of the dragon burial site. There is little to be know about it, and the last time he was it was rather dull.

We can either roll play some of this out or speed things up, up to you.
P.S. Is there any time in which we could try to meet at around the same time in order to make three (or something like that?) successive posts? I am open from 2100-0400 GMT. I hope we can get this moving again.