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2008-07-01, 12:56 PM
Few month past befor Xandar and Borak arrive to the desert. They train a little during the long walk they do. They explore the world a little... And they remenber Frosty sometime... Exeptionaly Xandar when he saw his home... Home of hot weather and sable. The sun shine powerfully and reflects his power on the golden sand. A little wind pass on the face of the two friends. The weather looks good, but hot... Really hot... Some insect runs on the ground and some cactus live there. The next village was far away... And they start to need water... The crystal shines, he not shining during a month ago, and he saids: ''Phew... It's hot here... I remenber my sister like that, but... Anyway! Master Xandar, you a to go in front of you a little distance, a think, for find a village... If my memory his good...''

2008-07-01, 03:05 PM
Meet Borak the Wizard

the climat was fun and Borak was just well. Never one drop of sweat pour down the body of Borak, it was like he found his real home. Surprisingly Borak learn a lot in a small amount of time under the teaching of Xandar and he was still learning.

he asked to Xandar
Were are we going now ?

2008-07-01, 04:55 PM
Xandar - More a Wizard than You!

"Back to the Frozen North?" Xandar replied wistfully. Every step south had been a reluctant and regretful one for the fire genasi. He did not wish to find the desert again, though he knew well enough he had to. 'Having to' was also a feeling he had trouble getting accustomed to: throughout his life, Xandar had nearly always acted out of personal desire.

At least the long month of travel had taught him something. Or rather, Borak's questions about magic had. "There is no better way to learn than to explain." Master Garrett had often told him, and it was one of the few piece of wisdom Xandar now understood well. That and "The hotter it gets, the more dressed up you must be."

Thus he made sure to tell Borak that - sweating or no - he should be wearing long robes that covered every part of his body. Not that Xandar himself did: his natural connection to fire protected him some from the desert's dangers. Some being the keyword, as experience had proven, but it wasn't like Xandar learned much from experience.

Leading Borak without another word, the fire genasi listened to the Frozen Crystal advice and made his way forward, heading straight ahead.

2008-07-01, 06:57 PM

Are we going in your village?

2008-07-01, 07:16 PM
"No." Xandar replied. "My village is deeper into the sea of sand."

2008-07-02, 10:47 AM
They walk in the sand some time and... ''It's hot!'' Screams the Crystal on the head of his master. ''Why mys sister choose hot place... oh... Right... She's the Blazing Crystal... Oh well! The village was here!'' He saids when few house appears on the horizon.

2008-07-02, 12:20 PM

"Let's get some Shade." Xandar suggested, hurrying towards the village. Hey, crystal, do you have a name? Or do you and your sister just call yourself 'Frozen Crystal' and 'Blazing Crystal' all the time. It sounds a bit long.

2008-07-03, 07:27 AM
''Good question...'' Saids the crystal. ''Just call me Chris... It's sound good. For my sister... Flore. I think it's good too.''

2008-07-03, 10:44 AM

"Okay, Chris. Although I wonder about Flore. There isn't many plants around the desert. I guess she'd like the other warm places too, like jungles." Xandar continued to ramble on about the desert and the jungles as he headed toward the village.

2008-07-04, 09:01 AM
''She calls Flore, because all flames have to blossom to be beautiful.'' Chris saids inspire be the weather.

2008-07-04, 05:43 PM

"Good point." Xandar replied aloud. "Heard that, Borak? Your crystal's going to be called Flore. Mine's Chris."

2008-07-05, 01:14 AM

Flore what a strange Name why's that ?

2008-07-05, 10:03 AM

"Because all flames have to blossom to be beautiful!" Xandar repeated proudly. "That's what Chris said.

2008-07-05, 12:13 PM

Borak surprise by what just said Xandar that means that you can have fire seed ? and you can cultivate Fire ?

2008-07-05, 12:56 PM

"I think it's a metaphor, Borak. Fire seeds do not exist." Xandar whispered, trying to hold back a laugh. The seeds certainly weren't needed around here.

2008-07-08, 09:04 AM
The two friends arrive in the lonely village. Sable runs on the ground, push by the low wind. The house was in blond sable brick with burning straw for the roof. Some window have burn brown shutter, but some are broken. Dark wood door are open for some house, but no bodu since to live their. The wind was the only sound they heard... Ecept...

''Get out of here monster!'' Saids a unknown voice behind one of the house of the village.

2008-07-08, 09:58 AM

We are not monster we are travelers, could you please tell me what happened here ?.

2008-07-08, 10:48 AM

"Monster? Where?" Xandar looked left and right, the first words of a spell already on his lips. When Borak answered, however, he understood the true meaning of the voice's words. "I'm not a monster..." He said sadly, glancing at his tanned skin. "I came from here. Well, not here, but from the desert. But I guess monsters do come from it too sometimes."

He slowly walked to the house, heading for a window. "I'm Xandar. Your town looks like it's in a bad shape. Can we help?"

2008-07-08, 11:23 AM
When Xandar looks in a window he saw someone who fight a create. The person, because it's not so clear if it a man or a woman, fight with his/her two purple fan. He/she have sable skin and light of fight shines on his/her onyx black eyes. His/her tightly curled fire red hair was cover by some grain of sable. He/she charge the monster of sable dust. ''I hate when you enter in my house monster!'' The dust monster repulse with a great wind and sratchs her with his long claws. ''Dam' you Dust Twister! You can't destroy more this city!'' The dust twister don't looks to listen him/her, but he looks furious.

2008-07-08, 01:31 PM

"Hey, hey!" Xandar grinned, suddenly relieved to learn he'd not been categorized as monster - yet, at least. Stupid glass, he thought, before turning to Borak. "Think you can break it?" He asked, pointing to the window.

2008-07-09, 11:03 AM
The little... things looks by the broken window and saw Xandar. ''Hey! You! Are you stupid or what? Do somethings!'' He/She attacks against with his/her fans the monster.

2008-07-09, 12:35 PM

Huh... Xandar stared at the window, trying hard to understand how he'd missed the fact that there wasn't, in fact, one. Then it crossed his mind the other being had called him stupid.

"Hey! I'll have you know that I'm a powerful wizard!" He called back. Decided to prove himself, he immediately launched an orb of pure cold through the window.

That's it, jerk-thing. It's personal now! :smalltongue: Still aiming for the creature, though. Not him. Her. It.
I hate this roller. Seriously.
D20 of Doom - Let's hope the four-leaved clover will help: 1d20+6=24. (http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=5764)

2008-07-09, 12:48 PM

Borak, who just saw the scene from behind decide to act he took he suglinn and attacked let me pass

1d20+19=36 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5759) damage=2d8+5=20 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5760)

2008-07-10, 08:34 AM
The person saw the pathetic shoot of the wizard and looks discourage. He/she sigh. ''I thinks it's better when you don't want to help my powerful wizard! It's the samethings! Look your friend he better than you!'' The monster want to strike the... things and miss him/her. With his/her two fan, he/she hurt really badly the Dust Twister.

2008-07-10, 11:04 AM

Xandar felt bad. And ashamed. And angry. A mix of emotion that brought up something else than cold spells in it. He wanted to prove the other... creature that he could be useful. He knew well, however, that he channelled fire far better than ice.

Through practice with Borak, he'd discovered that he could attain greater power when using the unmodified version of a spell. Of all of them, the rays of fire marked by far the best difference: by drawing on his connection to the Fire Plane, he could create one more.

That should show him. Her. Xandar thought.

Yeah, I'm actually keeping one Scorching Rays prepared as a Fire Spell. Hey, getting CL 7 gives me a third ray, and that rocks! :smallwink:
Ray 1: [roll0], [roll1]
Ray 2: [roll2], [roll3]
Ray 3: [roll4], [roll5]

2008-08-12, 01:44 AM

Borak was always astonish when Xandar used his fire spell they seem more powerful than his. He looked in the air for a moment and then Attacked

attack 1d20+19=37 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5965) damage 2d10+5=18 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5966)

2008-08-13, 08:24 AM
The Dust Twister looks really in bad shape. The little thing in front him looks happy when he/she saw the attack of the barbarian. ''Great! Someone useful this time.'' He/she saids, gives a look to the wizard. He/she turns''You pay for destroyed my hometown Dust Twister!'' He/she runs to the monster, turning to him/her self, attacking with his/her two fans. His/her attacks was really fast, like a tempest of the desert. He/she takes his/her breath and looks the Dust Twister fall on the ground and reunited his self with the hor sand of the desert.

The little person looks Borak and smiles, ignoring Xandar. ''Nice attack, giant mister. You look really powerful. A aura of flame envellop you fighting spirit. This his really surprise me. You're not from this place, right? Where do you come from?''

2008-08-13, 10:11 AM

Indeed i'm not from here , I'm coming from the north were snow fall from the sky and were the cold can freeze you to death. I'm Borak.

2008-08-13, 11:28 AM
''Nice to meet you!'' He/she saids, holding one's hand out to him, ignoring the wizard, same if he never exist. ''I'm Takioti, great Cleric of Aurifar. So... You come from of the North, right? Why are you here? I know the desert was a fabulous place, but travellers are rare there.'' He/she never take a look to the fire genasis, but he/she looks really impress by the tall barbarian.

2008-08-13, 11:58 AM

Borak look surprised and said So you are Takioti we were sent here to find you. Apparently you know where is the Blazing Crystal

2008-08-13, 12:56 PM
''Really?'' He/she looks surprise and continues to talk. ''I'm surprise a person from the North have be chosen by the Blazing Crystal. So you meet Frosty, right? How he's been? Who is be choose by the Frozen Crystal?''

2008-08-13, 01:00 PM

Borak look down and said Frosty have joined his god, and Xandar have been chosen by the Frozen crystal

2008-08-13, 01:09 PM
He/she looks surprise and saids: ''Who is Xandar?''

2008-08-13, 01:38 PM

Borak pointed a finger at his friend and said him

2008-08-14, 10:00 AM

"Sorry about Frosty." Xandar muttered, avoiding Takioti's gaze. He took out a piece of paper - the letter from the frost pixie - and handed it to the fire cleric. "He wanted us to give you this."

2008-08-15, 10:54 AM
He/she took the paper who the wizard give it to him/her and read it. When he/she finishs, he/she looks Xandar and saids: ''It's a joke, right? He give me a failure like you?'' He/she whisps and take a look to Borak. ''Well, he give me someone who useful at last... Alright! I shows you where the crystal is.'' He/she starts to walk where a door was here in the past.

2008-08-15, 08:34 PM

"I'm not a failure!" Xandar replied instantly, clenching his fists. "Just because I chose to use ice does not make me a failure."

2008-08-16, 11:44 AM
''Yes, you are.'' He/she saids calmly. ''You're a fire genasis, for honor your blood you have to use fire!'' He/she turns back and starts to walk out of the ruins house.

2008-08-16, 12:49 PM

"My blood probably comes from an efreet who had fun using his superior power to enslave a bunch of helpless humans. There is no point in honouring it." Xandar replied, although he didn't sound quite convinced of his own words. "If anything should be honoured, it's Frosty's memory and choices. He brought me to the Frozen Crystal and Chris chose me. That's two of them saying I'm worth something, and that I made the right choice about my path."

Although he obviously tried to hide it, it was clear from the fire genasi's tone that Takioti's words were hurting him. He'd finally found acceptance in the frozen north, but his previous difficulties with desert folks weren't far below, and the fire cleric was slamming them right into his face.

2008-08-16, 02:55 PM
Back to Xandar, he/she saids: ''Don't cry like a baby, mister the failure.'' He/she calms him/herself and continues: ''I'm not really happy to be with you, but we have not choice to be cooperate, because the Crystal was... It's just dangerous in that place.'' The bhuka takes a long breath of the hot air around the village. ''Nice day. So, do you continute to disturb me or you walk with Borak and me to the Blazing Crystal?'' He/she looks Xandar with his/her Black Onyx eyes.

2008-08-16, 05:03 PM

Resisting the urge to actually begin crying, Xandar pushed off his emotion and let his mind take over instead. "By your very definition of my usefulness, I will be of no help facing the dangers while we attempt to reach the Blazing Crystal. Thus you do have a choice about whether or not you desire to cooperate with me, since my presence next to you in the trials ahead will make absolutely no difference in your opinion."

"But no matter. Frosty believed I could make a difference. Years of studying tell me I can make a difference. Logical thinking tell me I can make a difference. Why? Because this is a world of fire and sand, and the path to the Blazing Crystal with be fraught with creatures relying on it, using it. It just happens that the cold you so easily mock is our best weapon against it.

So I'll come, and I'll prove you wrong like I've proved others wrong before."

2008-08-17, 12:26 PM
''right, right, right.'' He/she saids without looking Xandar. ''So let's go, we don't have more time to lose.'' He/she gave a black look to the wizard and starts to walk outside the village.

I'm sorry, I think Takioti don't like Xandar... :smalltongue: If you don't see it. :smalltongue:

2008-08-17, 01:48 PM

Xandar silently followed him, firmly in the opinion he had won this argument.

Nooo, really? All because I can't roll for my life!

2008-08-17, 07:14 PM

Borak look at Takioti and said Please stop being mean with Xandar he helped me a lot when we were looking for the Frozen Crystal , and he became my teacher you know, his teaching me magic!

2008-08-18, 08:05 AM
''Alright, if he tricks your mind it's your problem.'' He/she continues to walk outside the village. ''And if you want your Crystal fallow me and don't disturb me more you two. You probably useful mister Borak, but you don't look to use your brain.'' He/she turns to the two boys and place his/her hands on his/her hips. ''So, do you continues to blane my self for his failure or you fallow me to the Crystal?''

2008-08-18, 10:24 AM

"He follows." Xandar replied, stepping up next to Borak. "I told you, we both follow. That is why we are here. You should listen more."

2008-08-19, 07:43 AM
''Not you.'' Repleid Takioti. He/she walks in the desert, his/her village starts to dissapear, to become a ocean of sand. Nothing since to live in that hot place, bot the cleric doesn't look touch by the weather around his/her hometown.

2008-08-22, 07:25 PM
They walk few hour without a word...

''This is boring master...'' Said the crystal of Xandar.

2008-08-22, 07:37 PM

When are we arriving this is boring

2008-08-22, 08:09 PM
''You're not going to start that!'' Said Takioti.

When she saids that, sands starts the spin in the horizon. ''We have a little problem...''

2008-08-22, 09:48 PM

I know, but I wasn't about to say a word. Takioti hates me enough as things stand. Xandar sent back through the telepathic link.

When sand rose, the fire genasi peered ahead intently. "Sandstorm or... monster? If it's the former, we need a hiding place, and fast."

So, let's try to use that extensive knowledge of stuff to be helpful and actually get some approval from the cursed cleric. :smallamused:
Knowledge (Nature) on that sand thing: 1D20+10 = [18]+10 = 28 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6077)

2008-08-23, 11:21 AM
''Oh! Are you serious mister stupid wizard! Yes, I know that! But if you don't look around you, we are in the medal of the desert! We have nothing where we can flee.'' He/she turns his/her face to the sandstorm and saids: ''But I'm certain... This is not a sandstorm...''

2008-08-23, 01:54 PM

"Desert, yes! Dunes as far as the eye can see. Even a slightly steeper one could've said our life in a sandstorm." Xandar countered. "Since this isn't one, we can always meet it head on."

With that, the fire genasi stalked forward and towards the rising sand. He wasn't afraid of the desert, and he wanted to prove he could achieve something.

2008-08-23, 02:03 PM

So you're sure this is not a storm ? Borak didn't wait the response of any of the two wizards and run in the direction of the big Sand pile which were rising in front of them, with a big smile I definitely love the desert it's like the north but with less snow

2008-08-23, 02:32 PM

"Except the Frozen North was friendly." Xandar remarked at Borak, with a none-too-subtle glance at Takioti.

2008-08-23, 04:36 PM
Takioti sends a dark look to Xandar and saids: ''And people of the South use more them brain! So, yes, this is not a sandstorm... It's one of the dangerous tribe who live in there.''

2008-08-23, 05:03 PM
Xandar <--- Useful name thing.

"Brain often clouds one's heart." The fire genasi replied, trying his best to sound wise and knowledgeable.

2008-08-23, 05:33 PM
In the horizon, the three friends start to saw some warriors with elf traits and his there hands some strange blade. They gold shirt reflect some particle of the sun's light. They charge the little group.

Takioti sighs and saids: ''This clan... Those half-jannis... The clan of Disckert was really dangerous, they destroyed the village.''

2008-08-23, 06:59 PM

"Borak, Chris and I have dealt with real dangerous before." Xandar answered firmly.

He stepped forward once, set his legs firmly in the sand as he raised his arm and said calmly: "Wait for my ice blast to go off before you rush in, Borak."

Trying to remain calm as the enemies rushed in, he launched into spellcasting.

And Fireball [Cold]: [roll1]
Reflex DC 20 for half.

2008-08-23, 10:55 PM

Borak through lesson with Xandar learn to listen to him because he knew better than him the desert

1d20+2=19 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6082) but Borak will attack after Xandar (retarding his action :D)

2008-08-24, 03:24 PM
Takihoti takes his/her fans and prepares to fight. ''You are fool you two...'' He/she murmurs. ''Alright! I help you Borak! But be careful, they dangerous and visious. They are seven... Aurifar... I thinks I have to use your power for this fight.''

They come more closer. They attack the first. Three charge the giant man, two choose the cleric and the two last attack Xandar. The first attack of those three touch Borak, the blade of those scimitar slashs his neanderthal body. The first one who attack the Bhuka miss his target and the other one hurt him/her. He/she keep his/her laugh, when he/she saw the other one... Perfect moves pierce his/her armor and he/she sreams because that really hurt. They other touch there target esaly and hurt him a lot. The wizard starts to feel a little dizzy. His crystal shines and continues the incantation without his master. Half of them dodge a part of the magic create by ''Xandar''.

''Master, please... Don't died... I'm... My power... was link... with your... strength...'' And the voice of Chris dissapear in the black... Like Xandar...

Borak Takes 30 domage
Xandar takes 30... (Ok it's crazy.... You takes exatly 30 domage...)
And don't worried if you fall uncounsious, it's alright!

2008-08-24, 04:04 PM
Actually, I don't. 0 HP is a state called Staggered. I can only take one action each round, and doing anything strenuous (casting spells, attacking) will drop me at -1. Thus, Xandar will do the following.

"I - ack." Xandar spit out some blood, then tried speech again. "... Fine. Yeah." Conscious more out of sheer desire to show Takioti he wasn't completely useless than out of physical prowess, the fire genasi stepped back from the fight and shoved his hands into a side pocket, looking for the familiar shape of a curative vial.

Taking out a Potion of Cure Moderate Wound. Gotta wait for next turn to drink it!

2008-08-24, 04:16 PM

Borak saw the blood coming out from his body looked at the attacker and then he saw Xandar fell and he look back at the attacker NO XANDAR WHAT DID YOU DO HAAAAAAAAA his eyes start to shine red his wounds stop bleeding, his muscles start to swell up and he made a scary face, his greataxe in the hand. With a monster voice he scream HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

then he attack the nearest attacker
entering rage :smallsmile:
attack:1d20+18=30, 1d20+6=25 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6088), damage:1d12+7:11, 1d12+7=12 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6089)
Oh and this is on the same guy
with the rage I am at 52 HP :smallcool:

2008-08-25, 02:57 PM
Takihoti murmurs: ''Can hve a useful Wizard in my team...'' And sreams: ''There are too much for use, we can win! But I don't let them take your life.'' He/she surrender by his/her ennemis, so he/she can't goes to Xandar, before a anoter attack. He/she turns to him/herself. The blood of his/her oppenents fallow his/her moves. His/her fans, covert of there blood, don't looks in bad shape.

There ennemis don't look really hurt by the powerful attack of the barbarians. They replied with there scimitar and hurt him. One of those half-janni hurt Xandar and when a other one want to hurt Takioti jumps in front of the attack and the blade pierce his/her little body. ''I don'T like you Mister stupid wizard... But... Frosty thrust in you... And I thrust him... Please... Survive...'' Xandar falls uncounsious when other half-janni attack him/her. Borak saw the cleric fall in the ground and blood escape of his/her wounds.

Borak takes: 31
Xandar was in -9
Takioti... *toux* 41!

2008-08-25, 03:32 PM

Borak saw everybody fell, the rage in him became bigger he took his sugliin and attack

attack 1:1d20+19=36 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6097)
attack2:1d20+7=10 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6098)
damage1:2d8+7=13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6099)

2008-08-25, 03:57 PM
One of the half-janni falls in the dark abyss of his dead. His friends replied and touch Borak who falls uncounsious. The hot sand burns on his face.


Xandar senses some water falls on his face and the cold grounds brushs his face. Borak senses the cold wall on his back.

2008-08-25, 09:51 PM

Cold... It's so nice up here. Xandar sighed happily, glad he'd found a home in the Frozen North. Wait a minute...

His eyes snapped open as he realised he wasn't supposed to be in any kind of cold, and he groaned as he looked around. His head still rang, and he wondered if something inside it hadn't decided to bonk a gong, but he tried to focus past it to get an idea where he was.

2008-08-26, 01:50 PM
Xandar and Borak was in a prison. A dirty prison. Some rats runs on there hiding place when they saw the wizard moving. Some water patch was in the ground and a metal barrier block there ways. But someone was missing. The name of the cleric pass in the head of Xandar.

2008-08-26, 04:30 PM

Borak got up a said Die you bad men he realize he was in prison he look everywere and said to Xandar Are you Ok ? Where is Takioti ?

2008-08-26, 06:51 PM

"I... seem alright." Xandar said, tentatively touching his wounds. He winced in pain, but decided it wasn't too bad. "You think the metal will just disappear like the door opened last time?"

He moved to the water patch and tried to reach the metal gateway and push on it.

2008-08-27, 06:31 AM
The door wont open. The cold metal don't move. A rat pass across the leg of the wizard.

2008-08-27, 10:02 AM

"Huh... Borak." He looked at the neanderthal and frowned. "If this is a closed space, and the only way out is the water, where are the rats coming from?"

His eyes trailed after the rat, trying to see where it went.

2008-08-27, 03:02 PM
The black eyes of Xandar saw a little hole, where some rats get outside.

2008-08-27, 03:16 PM

"Oh. They've got a tiny tiny hole to leave. We'll need to break the barrier. Remember what I did in the frozen tower?" He looked at the metal bars. "Maybe we could try it here. Dilate them heavily with fire before freezing them solid. But I'm not sure I'm powerful enough for it to work but..."

Sitting back down, Xandar waited for Borak's approval and thought Maybe I really am useless.

2008-08-27, 03:24 PM
''Yes you are Master Xandar!'' Saids Chris. ''I help you! Make the temperature of that barrier higher and strike with me.'' When his voice stops the crystal shines and the light become more longer. Little by little the light low and a blue crystal blade takes his place. ''I'm show you how to use me in that form. Let's work together!''

2008-08-27, 03:30 PM

The fire genasi stared at the blade suddenly appearing in his hand and nearly dropped it to the ground. "I'm not - I don't - !" He took a deep breath and finally managed to say "I can't use blades..."

For all the protesting, he moved closer to the bars and raised his left hand. "But you're not a blade. You're the Crystal. It's just... why make it higher? Shouldn't you want me not to use fire?"

2008-08-27, 03:33 PM

Borak was surprised by the suddent change of the Crystal but just said
don't hurt yourself Xandar

2008-08-27, 03:43 PM

"I'll be fine." Xandar replied with a slight pout - the expression of a four-year-old who was just refused a candy.

2008-08-27, 03:48 PM
''Use a fire magic on the barrier and I strike after. Don't worried, you be alright. You important for me master.''

2008-08-27, 03:54 PM

"I'm not your master." He repeated before finally whispering the words of magic. Fire gathered around his raised hand, until he called loudly the last word of the arcane spell. Twin rays shot forward, each hitting a different bar of the metal barrier and heating it hard.

Once the heat partly dissipated from his hand, he gripped the Crystal-Sword and swung it hard at the barrier. Not used to weapons, he put all his weight behind the strike, overbalancing and nearly stumbling into the white-hot bars.

2008-08-28, 07:58 AM
The bars broke and a passage appears. The lonely corridor was for them.

2008-08-28, 09:25 AM

"Wow." Xandar said. "You didn't even have to punch them, Borak. Thanks, Chris."

Without further ado, Xandar stepped in the corridor and randomly picked a direction, strolling down that way.

2008-08-28, 02:53 PM
''You're welcome master.'' Saids the Frozen Crystal.

The two friends walk across some other cell and say some prisonners who sleep, or look death... A stair was in the end of the corridor.

2008-08-29, 09:16 AM

"This is kind of familiar." Xandar commented as he headed up the stairs.

2008-08-29, 06:09 PM

Borak looked at the stairs I dont remember seeing this stairs before .

2008-08-29, 08:25 PM

"Frelia's tower had stairs and a prison." Xandar stated with a smile. "You hadn't run off at that point. We'd just left the cell. And Frosty - like Takioti now - was gone."

2008-08-30, 02:43 PM
I don't realise but Xandar was right...

Some footsteps sound in the up of the stairs and go in the direction of the two friends...

2008-08-31, 06:41 PM

"Hello?" Xandar called up. "I just woke up and am kind of hungry! When do we get food in this prison?"

He smiled somewhat and tried to step out of view. Maybe they could surprise the guard.

[roll0] If needed.
[roll1]Again, if needed.

2008-09-01, 07:56 AM
The footstep come more closer and heavy voice come up of the stairs. ''Silence prisonner, or I give you to the monster of the prison! I give you food when you are too weak and you eat your friend!'' The person gets down of the stairs and saw nobody. But he saw also a prison whose break! He takes off his helm and show his silver hairs. His turquoise eyes shines of a little panic, butt he calm his self and screams: ''Alert! The prisonner gone!'' A smile form on his face a little silver squirel runs on him and hide on his armor.

Xandar really do this! Sometime I think he don't use his brain... BTW... I thinks you have a chance! He don't see you :smallwink:

2008-09-01, 10:28 AM

Borak saw the guard screaming and react almost immediatly he took his great axe and hit the guard

attack1:1d20+18=17+18=35 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6175)
attack2:1d20+6=13+6=19 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6176)
domage:1d12+5=6+5=11 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6177)
domage2:1d12+5=10+5=15 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6178)

2008-09-01, 11:49 AM
The guard, when he saw the axe of Borak move back and dodge the hit of the weapon. He continues to smile and saids: ''Calm down mister the chosen.'' The squirel get out his head of the armor of his master. ''I thinks, if you want to live, you have to fallow me.'' He remove his armor. He have a gray shirt with a little armor hide by his clothes and his want pant don't looks armes. The peaceful voices of the man reach the hears of Xandar. ''I thinks one of you friends wating for you. By the way, you have his weapon with you.'' He chases away one streak of his long silver hair.

2008-09-01, 01:32 PM

The fire genasi let out a loud gasp, and immediately clasped his hands over his mouth. He was supposed to be hiding, not loudly calling up his position. Chris! Chris, I think he's talking of Frosty's trident!

2008-09-01, 04:18 PM
''I think you right, master...'' The Frozen Crystal take a pause and continues. ''I sense a strange aura around him... It's could be... Master, don't hurt him... I have some bad things append if you hurt him...''

2008-09-01, 06:46 PM

What if he wants to hurt Borak? I can't let him do that. Xandar sent back, but he remained still. He would try to follow this strange man and Borak if he could, and see what he could do to help.

2008-09-02, 07:17 AM
''He don't looks draw any weapon... I'm sure he don't try to attack Borak.'' The strange man smile and turns back to the little group. ''And I thinks he don't try to attack me again.'' Saids the voice of the stranger in the head of Xandar. ''Well you two, do you want to leave this place?''

2008-09-02, 09:42 PM

"Huh..." Xandar's already tanned skin took a deeper tone as the strange man talked in his head, and he could not help but fumble with his words. "I-I, no. Not without Takioti."

2008-09-02, 09:53 PM

Borak, who put his axe back on his big belt when the guard told them to stop, was astonish to hear those words coming out from the mouth of Xandar, he listen to the what the guard had to offer.

2008-09-03, 06:38 AM
The man turn to the two man and saids: ''We already go to search to Takihoti. I know some hidden path, so if you want to survive this time, you have to fallow me.'' His advice sound calm and he continues to smile.

2008-09-03, 08:43 AM

"Right, hum. I won't go elsewhere." He mumbled, uncomfortable under Borak's stare. They needed Takioti. He should know that. And he couldn't just leave the cleric behind -- that would be mean.

Psst. Avertissement = Warning, Conseil = Advice.
In fact, advertisement is "Publicité". Yay for a quick vocabulary capsule! :smallwink:

2008-09-03, 10:45 AM
For show his goodwill, he enters the prison where the two other from and touch a specific rock on the wall. The room shacking a little and the wall moves. ''If you fallow me, we can rescue you friends in one piece... If the cleric was not death.''

2008-09-05, 01:04 PM

"Not dead? Of course he isn't! He can't be." Xandar muttered, trying to reassure himself more than anything. He'd already lost Frosty, and he'd feel very, very bad to lose his friend too, even if that friend was a meanie.

2008-09-05, 03:38 PM
The stranger stops a moment and saids: ''Actually... Your friend was... Never mind.'' He smiles and goes inside the passage.

2008-09-07, 06:38 PM

"Huh?" Xandar said aloud, before sending his thought at the crystal. D'you think he's talking of Frosty? Because if he is, I am going to mind.

2008-09-08, 07:53 AM
The enter in a strange corridor by the cell where Borak and Xandar was be prisonners, and when they enter, the wall takes his original place and darkness surrond them. A little light shines around the body of the man, he do a wink to Xandar and he starts to walk in the corridor of sand and rock.

Few minutes later, they find a passage who separeted in two, the stranger takes the left path without hesitation. He arrives in front of a door. ''This passage was here to help people if the fortresse was under attack.'' He explain to the other. ''But some tief and prisonner create some other passage for escape. Your weapon was inside the room.'' He saids befor to open the door and enter in.

2008-09-08, 12:15 PM

The fact that they were missing all equipments only just occured to Xandar, who glanced at the Chris and suddenly pipped up "Why did they let me have the Crystal?"

Whether or not the man answered, Xandar followed him into the room and will head to his meager equipments.

2008-09-09, 01:15 PM
When Xandar enter the room with the man, he turns to the wizard and saids: ''They try to get those durty hands to the Frozen Crystal, but they fail. The Crystal was, for now, a part of you body.'' He takes a pause and restart what he saids: ''It's not exatly a part of you body... It's just... You and the Frozen Crystal was united by the union of you love of the cold, snow and all of this environnement. This is why he chooses you. Chris know who already like his power. You strenght was... A strange Friendship.'' The sliver fur squirel get out of his gray shirt and his master caress the little animal.

2008-09-09, 04:48 PM

"That's a nice squirrel!" Xandar exclaimed, as if he hadn't heard the explanation. He was grinning, however, and inwardly quite happy to be told he had strength. "How does it deal with the heat?"

2008-09-09, 04:52 PM
''He... He's a little special.'' He saids with a smile.

2008-09-09, 08:46 PM

Borak who follow the two little guys didn't say a word and just listened

2008-09-10, 01:40 PM
After Xandar and Borak take there weapon, the stranger smile to them. ''Alright! We can go rescue Takihoti.'' He takes his rapier and goes to the other door in the oposite side of the room.

2008-09-10, 07:23 PM

"Special squirrel. Awesome." Xandar commented vaguely, following the cleric out. He was ready to rescue Takihoti. He owed it to the cleric.

2008-09-12, 03:29 PM
They take the door and enter in a long hall and the man takes the left. He walks like a arrow in the direction he fallows, he looks to know where he goes.

In a hall again...

2008-09-12, 03:44 PM

Xandar followed happily, looking around his surroundings and humming a small song. He wasn't good at it, but that was apparently the least of his concerns. As they crossed the hall, he turned to Borak and mentioned "You know, I miss the snow."

2008-09-12, 03:48 PM

Borak looked at Xandar and said I don't, I prefer this place.

2008-09-12, 05:25 PM

"This place is only a dark hall that belongs to brutes. It's nowhere near as majestic as wild plains of snow and ice-capped mountains."

2008-09-13, 01:08 PM
''Please, silence you two... I heard something.'' The man saids calm. ''Takes you weapon... Just for our safety...'' They heard some footstep in front of them.

2008-09-13, 01:12 PM

"You mean the Crystal? I can't use it as a weapon, I'm really, really bad with swords." Xandar replied with a sigh. He ran a hand through his fiery orange hair before deciding it best to take out a wand, and to point it at the incoming footsteps. At least, that'd be useful.

2008-09-13, 06:00 PM

Borak took out his weapon and didn't say a thing

2008-09-13, 06:22 PM
They continues to walk, but they stay calm and they're ready to a possible fight. They heard people talk.


''This person was crazy!'' Saids the first one. ''I know... And this Bhuka was dangerous... This thing hit me with his fans!'' ''I see it! It's turn around his self and attack you...'' ''Ye'... I know, it's why we attach this... thing!'' The other one dump his sword to the wall and he leans on the wall, to fold one's arms. ''It's really hurt you know.'' He saids when he looks his wounds. ''If my memory was good, he's two friend was more docile.'' ''It's normal!'' Replied the first one. ''They're unconsicious.'' ''Yey, yey, I know... The wizard, if he really a wizard, was really weak.'' ''Ye'! And the big muscle head was really stupid too, that what I heard.''

2008-09-13, 08:02 PM

"Hey! I'm not -" Realising he was calling it out loud, Xandar stopped and finished his sentence in a mumbling tone "Weak."

2008-09-14, 07:40 AM
''Do heard something?'' Saids the first one. ''Nope. It's probably your imagination.'' Replied his friend. ''I'm sure I heard someone talking.'' ''Yes, we talking.'' ''Yes I know, but somone else.'' ''Really? If you worried, we can take a look.'' The guard takes a time for answer. ''No. If I heard something again, we go check.''


The stranger looks Xandar angry. ''I told you to not talk. Down you voice, mister Xandar.'' He muremurs to the wizard.

2008-09-14, 11:04 AM

Looking very, very sorry, Xandar clapped his hands over his mouth and stared down the corridor where the guards were. He didn't say another word, and clamped his mouth so tightly the dark skin - lacking proper blood flow - began taking a paler tone.

2008-09-14, 02:23 PM

Borak who was insulted by the two men get out from his hidding place and attack them. who is stupid ?

attack: 1d20+16=36 CRITICAL (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6286)
confirmation:1d20+16=34 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6287)
attack2:1d20+11=26 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6288)
domage 4d12+20=31 (8+6+11+6) (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6289) all the damage will be on the same guy

2008-09-15, 05:09 PM
''Are you crazy!'' Screams the man, a little too late for stop the barbarian. The two guard takes there weapon an replied to the attack of Borak. ''That hurt!'' Replied the first one who be hurt by the axe of the north. ''But you don't stop us!'' Saids the second. ''Ready?'' His friend saids ''yes'' with head. The two guard charge in the same time his giant opponent. The two blades touch each side of his stomach. ''You find a hard opponent, mister.'' ''We alway find together.'' ''This his...'' ''...Our true strenght!'' The wounds of Borak look like a really critic view.

Borak lost 21 hp! You're really crazy! They destroye you last time!

2008-09-15, 09:27 PM

Borak fell on the ground uncouncious

2008-09-16, 12:21 PM

"And they say I'm reckless." Xandar muttered, as he watched his friend jump forward. "We need to help him!" He added, as if he wasn't convinced their companion would do so.

Without waiting, the fire genasi then rose his two hands and chanted. Beams of pure ice shot forth from his palms, twirling around each other and towards one of the two enemies.

Two Scorching Rays (Cold!) Those are ranged touch attack. :smallsmile:
[roll0] (25) and [roll1] (12)
[roll2] (22) and [roll3] (16)

2008-09-16, 04:52 PM
The guards are hit by magic of the wizard. The first one fall on the ground. ''We need help!'' Screams his friend. A other guard runs to help his friend. They close to Borak.

The man with long silver hair turns to Xandar and give him a bottle. ''Give this to Borak. This is cure some wounds. When he wakes up, run with him. Escape safety of this place.'' He takes a pause for be sure his friends understand. ''Avoid all guard. They dangerous. Rescue you friend and I come to search you later.'' He pierce the eyes of the wizard with his turquoise eyes. ''Now go!'' The stranger runs to the two guard and attack them with his rapier. He blocks a attck of the guard and takes some looks to Xandar for see if he do wath he saids.

2008-09-16, 08:37 PM

"What?" Xandar repeated, stunned that the man with turquoise eyes would consider it even possible for Xandar to leave (after all, it was such a nice colour! One'd expect more understanding from turquoise.)

"I stay and fight with you. I'm not weak as they said. I just took one down. I can help, and I will." Borak wouldn't leave either, anyway. He'd get up and be angry and attack again. With that in mind, the fire genasi was confident his decision was the right one, and he lifted a hand again. He prepared to cast another attack spell, knowing he was quite good at them and loving the cold-blasting effect they had, when an idea crossed his mind.

"Let the air cool, gather the humidity.
Form up, water. Form up, ice.
Before us, raise as a single body.
I command thee, wall of ice!"

Rock on, Xandar! Told you he'd do rhymes again. :smallwink:
I'm casting Wall of Ice (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsTtoZ.html#wall-of-ice), if you hadn't guessed!
The wall is 7-inch thick, and covers an area of 70-square-feet. I do believe that's more than enough to block off the hall, which is the whole point here. He'll block the guards, giving them all time to escape. Creatures next to the wall can attempt a Reflex Save DC 22 to block the wall's apparition, in which case the spell fails.

Edit: Also, how much HP do I have right now?

2008-09-17, 06:45 AM
The wall appears and the stranger jumping back to avoid to be prison in the other side. ''Thank Xandar. But you must escape safety with you friends. You have to find Takihoti and the Blazing Crystal.'' He smiles and saids: ''Don't worried about me, I'm going fine.''

By a secret passage some guard charge the angelic man. He avoid the attack of the soldier and kill him quickly when he find his weakness. A strange sound resound in the hall. ''Now that... The alarm...'' He turns to the wizard. ''Please escape. You life was value.'' He smiles with his peaceful face.

2008-09-17, 04:23 PM

"All life has value." Xandar declared philosophically, moving close to Borak and force-feeding him the potion. "The wall will hinder them. Come with us."

2008-09-17, 05:02 PM
The man smiles to him. ''I fallow you, when I'm certain anybody can't hurt you.'' He takes a another pause. ''By my name, Silvess Winterwind, I promise you to come to see you when you escape, this place.'' The litthe squirel show his head and looks the wizard with his tiny black eyes.

2008-09-17, 06:24 PM

"But, Silvess, you don't understand. You're not finding us after we escape. You are escaping with us."

2008-09-18, 02:59 PM
Some other guard appears on the door and attack man with silver head. ''Start to run you two and I fallow you, like the light.'' Silvess smiles and, like a angel, attack for punish his opponents. His magnificiant rapier pierce the defence of his ennemies and some star sparckle fallow his movement. His silver hairs fallow his graceful move. His turquoise eyes shines of energie. The squirel jump on some guard for distract them.

2008-09-18, 07:01 PM

The fire genasi whirled towards one of the guards, ignoring his angel-y companion. He raised his voice into another arcana chant, and soon a tiny ball of pure ice flew towards the enemies and exploded. As ice engulfed his target, he crossed his arms and told Silvess "Make me."

Fireball [Cold]! Ref DC 21

2008-09-18, 07:53 PM

Borak who just woke up from the last attack of the two guard decide to help Xandar
This is the result of my training, may the fire of my anger burn you forever in hell Borak closed his eyes and small flames appear on the end of his fingers. the flames went in his hands and appear concentratein one unique flame in the middle of his palms. He opened his eyes and the flame made a cone which burn his foes

he attack the biggest number of foe without touching any allies,

Burning Hands: 1d4:1 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6309) what a lame damage ! DC 12 for half

2008-09-19, 07:30 AM
Silvess smiles. ''I'm sorry. I think I can't let you do that...'' A light shines around his body and golden sparckle move to Borak and Xandar. He do a wink to Xandar. Takihoti was up their, go and save you friend. By the way... Frosty waiting for you. Don't died, please.'' The two friends start to see hazy. ''I rejoin you later.'' The room dissapear around the two guys and they appear in a other hall... Without other people.

2008-09-19, 09:14 AM

"Now that is sooo unfair!" Xandar declared, crossing his arms and sitting down.

2008-09-19, 05:52 PM

Borak looked at Xandar and lift him let's go

2008-09-20, 01:03 PM

The fire genasi stubbornly remained in his current position: arms and legs crossed, he let Borak lift him and carry him.

2008-09-22, 04:25 PM
They runs in the hall, the echo of there path resound inside. They suddendly heard someone, a person they know. ''And you think I going to help you? How amusing. You really think I betray those boys?'' The voice laughs. ''If you think that you probably just stupid!'' A another voice sound like a murmur. ''I can kill you easly. You more weak that me, when you alone.'' ''And What?'' Replied Takihoti. ''I prefer to died to serve you and kill my friends.'' ''So... If it's you wish.'' ''Yey, yey, just a word. Try to hit me first and we see who his better.''

2008-09-22, 10:06 PM

"He said friends!" Xandar repeated loudly, suddenly worming his way out of Borak's end. He gleefully ran ahead, calling out. "Takihoti, we're here!"

2008-09-23, 07:58 AM
''Yey... For a help I have a incompetent...'' Takihoti wisp. ''Alright, mister wizard, help me if you can.''

2008-09-23, 08:06 AM

Borak put Xandar on the ground

2008-09-23, 04:08 PM

"Sure I can! You'll see, I learned new things since we split! Just gotta aim straight..." Xandar replied as he rounded the corner, coming into view.

Erm, a little description before I throw cold s**t around?

2008-09-23, 06:56 PM
Takihoti attacks the man with long pink hair. He prepares to replied to the little Bhuka with his two scimitar. The fast movement of the two opponents look like a mystic dance. The fans in the hands of the little thing and scimitar in the other one. They look concentrate to their fight, in the small hall they are. the cleric jumps to avoid the blade of his enemy. ''Show me you real power, mister arrogant!'' He/she saids. ''You know, your mouth going to kill you one day, miss Takihoti.''

2008-09-23, 07:58 PM

The fire genasi had raised his hand, fingers pinched around his spell component, ready to cast... when he heard the vile enemy call Takihoti 'Miss'. "..."

He stared blankly at the small Bukha for long seconds, before calling loudly "You're a woman?"

2008-09-24, 05:35 AM

Borak whispered to Xandar Can you imagine the man version of takhioti ?

2008-09-24, 09:58 AM
''What are you imagine? Sure I'm a women! Are stupid or you can't reconise a women by yourself!'' Replied Takihoti.

2008-09-24, 10:07 AM

Sorry but you certainly don't look like a women

2008-09-24, 11:16 AM

The man version would look exactly the same. Maybe it'd be kinder. Xandar thought, but he decided it'd be mean to say it, and kept it to himself.

"I don't care." Xandar simply replied, and he raised his spell component again. "Pinky is even meaner than you." His choice made, the fire genasi began chanting. A perfect sphere of ice hovered in front of his extended palms, easily a feet in diameter. Controlling it with his mind, Xandar flung it at the pink-haired man.

Orb of Cold, anyone? You know what's also funny? In english, it's Pinky and the Brain instead of Minus et Cortex. :smallamused:

2008-09-24, 06:16 PM

Borak followed the example of Xandar and attack the pinky guy with his axe

attack 1d20+11=18 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6318)
damage:1d12+5=6 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6320) (Mistake, I took +7 instead of +5 but it doesn't really matter)

2008-09-25, 09:45 AM
''All of you are stupid some time... Fight everyone, if we can escape, we have to run outside this dangerous place, ok? You're are too weak for defeat him.'' The icicle orb runs to the man with pink hair and hurt him. He parrys the attack of the Borak and avoids the two fans of the cleric. ''That all you can do?'' He saids with a laughing smile. ''Alright. I show you the trűe strenght.'' He move grafceful and hurt Borak and Takihoti with his elegant move. He laughs when he saw the two friends with crual wounds.

Borak lost 10 hp...

2008-09-25, 11:48 AM

"Why is everyone always saying that? Flee, I'll cover you! First Silvess and then you? I'm not running away!" Xandar exclaimed, before evoking two rays of cold again.

Scorching Rays, Cold! Those are touched attacks, of course.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
Xandar is unhappy. He wants to fight. :smallwink:

2008-09-25, 01:23 PM
Ouch that hurt Borak attacked again

attack: attack1=1d20+11=29 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6325)
attack2=1d20+6=26 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6326)
confirmation=1d20+6=14 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6327)
damage1=1d12+5=10 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6328)
damage2=1d12+5=17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6329)

2008-09-28, 07:49 PM
''If you want to died here, it's alright with me you two! I fight until my head for you safety!'' Saids Takihoti. ''I heal all of my friends with the flame of Aurifar!'' A blue flame surrond the body of the little Bhuka and dance to Xandar and Borak. Their wounds start to heal.

The pinky hair boy charge to the cleric. ''I'm sorry Miss Takiihoti. You a fabulous warrior in your heart. I'm sorry to kill you.'' His scimitar pierce the body of the girl and some blood runs to the ground.

All win 23 hp! Let's fight until the end! If you died... I'm trully sorry, I know no body want to run!... Sorry....

2008-09-28, 08:23 PM

"Taki!" Xandar called, running to the cleric and catching her. He wasn't strong at all, but the cleric was small and he thought maybe he could lift her. There were still a few things he needed to do, but he couldn't let Takihoti in this state for long.

Raising a hand, he aimed a beam of intense yellow light at the pink-boy.

I am using Ray of Clumsiness on the guy.
Now I just need to survive another turn. :smalltongue:
Oh my god, that came so close to being a critic. -14 Dex would have screwed him entirely. Still, -7 should be hard on his hits, if my estimation is right.

2008-10-03, 02:57 PM
Takihoti get up and turns off of Xandar. ''Hmm... Thanks...'' She said, turning red. ''Makalov! Why are you always don't listen at me!'' She screams to the pink hairs boy. ''Because you trick me a lot of time, miss Takihoti.'' ''I never trick you! If you want to fight, kill me and let those guys go. They have the Blazing Crystal to take. I jut have to tell them the emplacement of the Crystal and they can go without me!'' She saids, her little body start to shaking a little.

2008-10-03, 03:15 PM

"Will you stop this? You are not getting killed here! I don't care who Pinky thinks he is, or how good he thinks he is." Xandar declared stubbornly, and he cast another spell. Both Takihoti and Borak immediately felt the effect: their speed was greatly enhanced, allowing them to react faster.

Xandar lifted the small cleric in his arms with a grin. "Excuse me, Lady, but I think we should run." Suddenly accelarated, the fire genasi turned tail and ran.

2008-10-03, 03:50 PM

Run and protect him I'm taking care of this little man

ignoring his exhaustion Borak became angry and attack with his greataxe

attack1 1d20+13=17
attack2 1d20+13=29
attack3 1d20+8
damage1 =14
damage3=13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6382)

2008-10-03, 05:51 PM
Takihoti runs across Xandar and murmurs: ''He don't have to died this stupid muscle head...'' Whe she saids, Silvess runs to help Borak. He parried the attack of Makalov. ''Fallow your friends Borak.'' He saids, like a order. ''You have to survive for take the Crystal and save your friends.'' ''Who are you?'' Saids the pink hairs man. ''I don't have to tell you, Mister Makalov.''

2008-10-03, 06:18 PM

The wizard stopped in his tracks when he realised Borak wasn't following, torn between his brilliant escape plan and his friend - or friends, he corrected himself as Silvess appeared. "Silvess! Borak!"

He put Takihoti down. "Take this." He said in a hurry, handing one of his healing potion to the fire cleric. He looked back to his two other companions and called "Close your eyes. Now!" He was holding a fine dust, which he threw in front of him. He flung his palm through it, yelling a single word of power, and the dust shone brightly. It vanished, only to reappear on Makalov, clinging to him and blinding him.

Glitterdust! (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsFtoG.html#glitterdust) Will DC 17 to negate the blindness. Silvess and Borak will also be covered, but I'm hoping they get past the blindness by closing their eyes.

Oh, and the Potion is a Cure Moderate Wound.

2008-10-04, 11:42 AM

Borak closed his eyes like Xandar said

blindess check 1d20+3=7 So his blind...

2008-10-04, 03:09 PM
Glitterdust has a range of 170 feet. I can easily still be 60 feet away like I was, and cast this spell. You could move next to Xandar with a move action, and grapple with a standard. Sucks for you that Moving Someone in a Grapple is another action. Also, grapples need touch attack before you make the check. So :smalltongue: You might want to do something else. Like closing your eyes when told. :smalltongue:

2008-10-06, 04:25 PM
Makalov close his eyes and prepare to block a next attack.''Do you think you blind me, mister the false chosen?'' He sreams to Xandar. ''I don't fall in your lies, miss Takihoti.'' Silvess closes his turquoise eyes and moves his left hand. ''I help you again to escape, friends.'' When the light start to be less powerful, he turn his look to the fire cleric. ''Find the Crystal, Takihoti. We have a deal.'' He smiles to her. ''I don't let you died in this place, Silvess! I fight until my end!'' ''I know, but you know... You don't have to be worried about me.'' He do a wink to her. Takihoti turn red. ''I know, but please... Be carefull, ok?'' ''I'm be alright.'' A ball of light appear in the end of his hand, it separate in three and envelop the body of Xandar, Borak and Takihoti. Before they dissapear Silvess closes his eyes and saids: ''I see you later, my friends...''

When Makalov opens his eyes, only Silvess was in front of him.''You don't run with the other?'' Silvess smiles. ''No. We have to talk.'' Makalov looks surprise. ''What?'' ''We have to talk.'' Makalov looks offense. ''I don't talk with someone like you.'' Silvess stays calm and continues to smilling. ''Alright, if you want to fight with me.'' He prepare his rapier to attack the pink hair man. ''Ok, ok, it's alright. What do you want to talk?'' ''First, we have to go to a more... calm place, ok?'' Makalov approves and they start to walk to a other room.


When the light fade, they are in the desert. Takihoti looks alittle sad, but she turns to his two friends. ''We have to go. We have the Blazing Crystal to find. Fallow please.'' She starts to walk in the hot sand who dancing with the sun.

2008-10-06, 04:30 PM

It took a moment for Xandar to assimilate all the information he was suddenly given, but when he did, he had one single reaction.

"Love, love, love!" He sang, grinning and jumping slightly. "Love is in the air, uniting Silvess, uniting Taki! Love, love, love!"

2008-10-06, 04:37 PM
''Shut up, stupid wizard! You continue to show me you stupidity and you incompetence!'' Takihoti turns back to him and saids: ''But thank for help earlier... But I'm sure I can deal without you.'' She turns quickly to the tall man and starts to sream to him: ''And you! Are you stupid! Do you want to died? I can deal with it and I kill you if you want! You so stupid, you can't win against this guy! Makalov was much training then you! He always win against dual he do. He lost want time and-'' She suddenly stops talking. She calm herself and saids: ''By the way, we have to go.''

2008-10-06, 04:41 PM

"But-but-" Tears filled the fire genasi's eyes, who was completely taken aback by the vehemence of the small cleric's answer. He sniffed loudly and wiped out the water in his eyes, before muttering "I thought it was nice."

2008-10-06, 04:44 PM
''Love was bad for me.'' She answers calmly. ''Anymay, you never know love Xandar... And I think it's the best for you.''

2008-10-06, 04:46 PM

"Love is never bad." The fire genasi said stubbornly. "People are bad, and do bad things. But love isn't bad."

2008-10-06, 04:48 PM
''Phfff... You young in your mind mister stupid wizard. Don't mix you knowledge with you emotion.''

2008-10-06, 04:50 PM

"I'm not mixing things up. That is what Master Garrett used to say, and he was not stupid." It sounded like Xandar had accepted that for Takihoti, he would never be more than a stupid wizard.

2008-10-06, 04:59 PM
''Never mind.'' Takihoti ignoring Xandar.

2008-10-08, 09:06 PM

Having expected a long argument with the small cleric, Xandar was surprised to see himself dismissed. He remained silent for a whole two seconds before asking "So... where do we go?"

2008-10-09, 02:43 PM

Borak wasn't saying a thing during all the discussion but was thinking a lot. He was waiting for a direction.

2008-10-09, 08:55 PM
''We go to the south.'' Takihoti saids when she calm herself. ''We have to find a oasis.''

2008-10-09, 09:54 PM

"Okay." The fire genasi agreed simply. He looked up at the sun, wondered vaguely what time of the day it was, and headed south.

2008-10-11, 09:48 AM

Borak followed the group

2008-10-25, 07:28 PM
They walking during two day, sleeping in calm. Nobody look to pursuit them. They finally arrive to a big oasis. Takihoti drink some water, a pure beautiful oasis. Some trees surrond the water and some fruits grow on there top. The cleric turns to her friends. ''That our stop.'' She saids. ''The temple was here.'' But nothing look like a temple around them.

2008-10-26, 11:17 AM

Moving to the oasis, Xandar filled his waterskin and drank his own share. Takihoti's declaration had him look up, however, and he glanced around. At the risk of looking stupid once again, he asked "Hum... here, where?"

2008-10-26, 04:45 PM
''I always told you, you so stupid!'' She sreams again to Xandar. ''The temple was hide inside oasis. That really simple!''

2008-10-26, 05:58 PM

And I've told you again and again you were always screaming for nothing, and it didn't change anything. Xandar mentally replied, before deciding he'd better keep his mouth shut. He turned to the oasis, dipped the tip of his boot in it and muttered "I don't like water when it's not frozen."

2008-10-26, 08:07 PM

Borak drunk some water and start to dig next to the oasis

2008-10-27, 07:56 AM
Takihoti was surprise by the action of Borak. ''What are you doing?'' She saids. ''You're not going to find the temple in digging.'' After her comments, she turns to Xandar and replied (and screams): ''And you not going to freeze the water, alright? You're not going the swim in that water, ok?''

2008-10-27, 09:27 AM

"I know." Xandar muttered. He stared at the water a long time before letting out an heavy sigh. He put his pack on the ground, removed his scroll case from his belt and shoved it in the sack and finally removed his boots.

With another, almost pleading look at Takihoti, he stepped further into the oasis. Every step looked like it demanded great effort, as if Xandar had to fight a great battle of will simply to advance in the water. When it got waist-deep, he turned and asked in a whimpering voice "Do I really, really have to put my head in there?"

2008-10-27, 09:45 AM
Takihoti put his hand on his head, she very discourage by Xandar. ''You don't have to go in the water. Do you know what was a magic?''

2008-10-27, 09:48 AM

"Sure I know magic: I'm a wizard!" Xandar said, rushing out of the water happily. He shook his feet to get the sand away - to no avail - and added "I just don't know water-moving magic."

2008-10-27, 02:52 PM
''It's only a ancien lost art who past by generation of cleric in my clan.'' She explain. ''So please give me some place.'' She watting his friends give her some place, she goes next to the water and starts her spell.

Power of sun
Power of dreams
Reveal the temple of the heart
The health of the desert
The life of fire
Burn all nightmare
Surrond us of your protection
Give me the secret of your memories

The sands start to spin around the oasis. The ground start to shake and the water move. The sand dance around the little body of Takihoti. A red light shines on his heart and she escape of the body of the cleric. A cave appears slowly on the surface of the water. Takihoti fall on the ground and she look exausted. She stend up and turns to her friends. ''We can go take the Blazing Crystal.''

2008-10-27, 04:04 PM

"Or we can sleep." The fire genasi said. "You're visibly exhausted, I used a lot of spell and need rest and Borak was wounded quite a fair bit today. If getting the crystal is dangerous, we shouldn't go in like that."

2008-10-28, 06:54 AM
''I don't want to say, but...'' Takihoti starts to said. ''You're right, Xandar.'' She falls on ground and in sleep. She had a real big snore.

2008-10-28, 07:22 AM

Borak was already sleeping, quietly sleeping, so the only person up was Xandar

2008-10-28, 10:06 AM

The fire genasi sat down in the sand, staring at his sand-covered, bare feet as his two companions literally collapsed and sighed. Knowing he was liable to fall asleep while he should be keeping guard, he began thinking of ways to keep himself distracted.

Two minutes of hard thinking found Xandar wiggling his toes and watching the sand fall off. He could not help but wonder how Herman was doing.

2008-10-28, 12:32 PM
''You don't look happy, master.'' Saids the Crystal. ''Do you want to talk?''

2008-10-29, 10:54 PM

"I miss the snow." He replied aloud. "There's a reason I left the desert. I don't like sand. It gets everywhere and it's irritating. I'm sure there's some back in my spellbook already."

2008-10-29, 11:03 PM
''I know, master. I lies to you if I said the snow not missing inside... Alright! I'm the Frozen Crystal, but I like the snow too.'' Chris saids. ''I'm always with you master. That why I give you this little gift.'' The Crystal shines and a light snow start to fall around the little group. Takihoti and Borak don't look to sense the snow on their body.

2008-10-29, 11:07 PM

The fire genasi grinned, looking much like a kid who'd received a gift on his birthday. He reached out for the snow and was amazed not to see it melt on his warm skin. "How can you do this? Snow melts when it's hot - especially on my skin!"

2008-10-29, 11:10 PM
''It's my secret, master.'' replied calmly the Crystal. ''I'm your friend and I'm happy to see your smile.'' The snow continues to fall slowly around the camp, but he doesn't melt like ordinary snow. He doesn't accumulate too.

2008-10-29, 11:14 PM

"Thanks. I wish I was good like that. I'd cool off people here who get sunburns and make the children laugh."

2008-10-29, 11:22 PM
''One day... I try to teach you how to do that. That fine with you, master?''

2008-10-29, 11:27 PM

"Yeah, once this is over with. And don't call me master." He replied

2008-10-30, 02:01 PM
''Sorry, master. I forgot...'' Chris saids.

Later, when the snow stops to fall, Takihoti wake up. She turns to Xandar. ''Nice sleep. You can rest a little Xandar. When your friend awake, we go find the crystal.''

2008-10-30, 03:04 PM

"No, we won't, because I'll still need more rest in order to be able to cast anything. Not to mention another hour to actually prepare those spells. I am not supposed to stay awake for so long." He pointed out sharply, surprising even himself by the vehemence. But he was tired - not just physically, but also of Taki considering only herself and Borak.

"I need more than a little. You and Borak can have fun playing with the sand for hours."

2008-10-30, 10:00 PM
Takihoti closes her eyes and saids: ''I know that, Xandar.'' She replied, etrangly calm. ''Take all rest you need, I'm be alright to guard you two.'' She smiles to him.

2008-10-30, 10:05 PM

Xandar's first reaction was to continue yelling back, because he was determined to get what was rightly his, yet he realised midsentence that the small cleric had actually agreed. "You never listen to - oh. Erm.. right."

2008-10-30, 10:09 PM
She laughs a little and saids: ''That alright. Now go to rest. I thinks we going to have a big journey tomorrow.''

2008-10-30, 10:12 PM

"Yeah..." Deciding that sand would make a comfortable enough bed, Xandar laid down. "Why d'you even stay here? Deserts suck."

2008-10-30, 10:20 PM
She looks a little sad, but she smiles a little. ''First, I love the hot sun who always shines here. I love the fire and the sand around us. But it's true I want to explore the world, like ten years ago with my friend Frosty. But I... promise to someone: ''I stay here, when our journey end.'' That all. It's alright with you?''

2008-10-30, 10:24 PM

"I guess so. Promises have to be kept." He rolled around and held his chin in his hands, much like a teenage girl. "Do I know him?"

2008-10-30, 10:26 PM
takihoti turning red. ''Actually... You see him in the forteresse...'' She turns of Xandar. ''It's Makalov...''

2008-10-30, 10:31 PM

Although highly intelligent, Xandar obviously had trouble understanding that one. After a moment of silence, he asked "So when you were fighting earlier, was it like... an old couple's fight?"

2008-10-30, 10:48 PM
''Mmmm.... Not exactly...'' She takes a break and continues: ''First I have to told you our story. When I was younger, I be train in the same clan as him. We always train together and create a great friendship, later a true love... When I hear about the legacy of Crystal, him so exited... Frosty come here later to find someone in the desert want to help him to search all Crystal. So I go with him. I told that to Makalov. He was hungry first and he understand when I explain the situation of our world. I travel around the world with Frosty and two other friends we found later, Wanielle and Azten.''

She looks the nocturn sky and take a long breath. ''We finally found each crystal and... the guardian of the ritual. We help him to do the spell to protect our world of the destruction. When all was finish, that was we think, the guardian told us this his not the end. He told us it's not working for so long, because we don't be choose by the Crystals. There real chosen was not ready for take them. So, he demand to us to hide them and protect them.''

She turns to the wizard. ''So we separate in two group: Wanielle and Azten go with the Montains and the Wind Crystal, Frosty and me take the Frozen and the Blazing crystal. When I saids goodbye to Frosty and I comeback to the desert. I told all of my story to my love... That the start of his changing... He sure he was the chosen of the Crystal. I told him the crystal don't shine when he was across him, so he's not the chosen. That the last time we talk before the other day. I told him Borak was the chosen of the Blazing Crystal, but he doesn't trust me...'' Some tear runs on her tiny face.

2008-10-30, 10:54 PM

"Huh... I don't get it. You said it was love. I thought that implied trust. Not 'gonna kill you' like we saw earlier." Xandar said. "You know, if he wants a crystal that bad, maybe Chris would agree to change. I'm not that special or anything anyway."

2008-10-30, 11:02 PM

Borak got up and saw the other awake
I guess is my turn of guard ?

2008-10-30, 11:04 PM
Takihoti smiles. ''Power change people.'' She simply replied. ''But you're wrong a little. The Crystal know his chosen. He scans the heart of people. He know who he creates on the world for him and he told us, protector of crystal. He send us the picture of the person he choose.''

2008-10-30, 11:08 PM

"So, if you guys weren't good enough for the Crystals... what exactly are we supposed to do? I mean, you make it sound really important but I have no idea!"

2008-10-30, 11:13 PM
''You can sleep a little mor if you want Borak, you fight a lot last day. For answer you Xandar, you be reunite the power of each element for the balance of the world. Something be use the flow of each energy to destroy the world by inside. So, you going to fight your own nightmare and memories.''

2008-10-30, 11:20 PM

"Ah, yeah. Sounds like fun." He was about to add something else but was interrupted by a loud yawn. "I really should sleep."

2008-10-31, 03:03 PM
''Yes, you have to rest. Good night.'' She turns to Borak. ''Do you want to rest more, Borak? If you want I take the guard before you, or I can stay with you.''

2008-10-31, 04:58 PM

Borak was already back to sleep the moment takioti said to him to rest more .

2008-10-31, 07:55 PM

The fire genasi rolled over and, although he also had trouble, he eventually fell asleep.

2008-10-31, 11:19 PM
Takihoti looks the night sky and wating Borak sleepong enough. ''I wish your forgive me some day...'' She muremurs to the stars.

2008-11-01, 10:16 AM
The time past and Borak finally wake up for his guard round. ''Good morning Borak, nice sleep?''

2008-11-02, 02:54 PM

Hello, ok let's switch you go to bed and I guard good sleep

2008-11-05, 11:05 AM
Borak have a calm guard round. Takihoti finally wake when the sun shows the point of his nose. She starts to pray Aurifar and a red aura envellop her body. Xandar wake up too.

2008-11-08, 12:50 AM

The fire genasi woke up to find Takihoti enveloped in a wonderful red aura, which had him move next to Borak and say: "Oooh, shiny! It really is pretty, isn't it?"

2008-11-08, 05:22 PM

Yes that's true as shinny as the sun

2008-11-08, 11:02 PM

"Meh, I don't really like the sun. I've tried to look at it often, but he hurts my eyes. I think that's really mean, coming from him."

2008-11-08, 11:28 PM
At that moment, Takihoti goes out of her trance. ''You stupid some time Xandar...'' She takes a break and continues, like always: ''No, you're not stupid some tine, you're always. You have unintelligent subject to talk and you get me out of my silence prayer for Aurifar! You always disturb me! You're a big air brain! You can't use you intelligence for good! Please give me a break!'' She takes a long breath. ''So if you're prepare, we can go inside the temple for fine the Blazing Crystal, alright?''

2008-11-08, 11:58 PM

"I'm sorry..." Xandar said in a weak voice. He thought he'd finally managed to get Takihoti to like him, but apparently he had been wrong. I'm always wrong. Maybe she's right. Maybe I'm stupid.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he sniffed loudly. He hoped she wouldn't notice and quickly wiped out his eyes, but the fire genasi couldn't quite control himself. More tears came down, and he was forced to mutter yet another apology "I'm really sorry Taki. I didn't mean to - really didn't."

2008-11-09, 12:03 AM
''What again.'' She replied. ''Not that! I'm not babysit a stupid baby wizard! Stop crying! You're just a old baby wizard!''

old bay it's a oxymore :smalltongue: That my litterytage :smalltongue:

2008-11-09, 12:11 AM
Bad puns will not stop Xandar from crying. :smalltongue:

"B-but no matter what I do, you're never happy!" He answered. "You're always so angry and so stressed and I try to help and you don't like it but you really looked pretty with that red light around you and I didn't want to disturb you but I did and I never do anything right!"

2008-11-09, 01:00 AM
''Stop crying like a dog! If you do something intelligent first and I be happy for you, but I never saw something like that!'' She turns back to the wizard and wait the other at the entrance of the temple, ignoring Xandar.

2008-11-09, 01:05 AM

The fire genasi sniffed, and his tears dried slightly. His mind had been taken off his problems by something he found really intriguing. "I never saw a dog cry. What does it look like? Do they really have tears like us?"

2008-11-09, 01:09 AM
Takihoti looks desesperate, but she continues to ignoring Xandar's comments.

2008-11-09, 01:16 AM

Rather disappointed, Xandar walked back to his pack and made sure he had everything. He'd really wanted to hear about the crying dog and told himself he'd asked again later, when Takihoti wasn't so angry with him. For now, he thought it might be better if he shut up and followed - and he did, even though it was very hard.

2008-11-10, 08:27 AM

Borak tap calmy on the back of Xandar She likes you but she don't know how to express her feelings.

2008-11-11, 12:16 AM

The fire genasi nodded meekly, but he wasn't sure he quite believed it. He found saying 'I like you' or 'You are a nice guy' or any such thing a very simple thing, and he didn't think Takihoti was stupid enough not to be able to do it. Then again, he obviously didn't understand as well as he wished he did, so maybe Borak had a point.

Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, Xandar followed into the fire shrine.

2008-11-11, 06:39 AM

Borak followed Xandar and took his great axe on his shoulers

2008-11-11, 11:13 PM
Takihoti, who saw the two other fallow her, downs the stairs in the temple. Everything was in sand around us except the magic ball of light on the wall. The arrive in a long corridor and their don't see the end who envelop by the dark. ''Let's go.'' Saids the cleric and she continues to walk in the darkness of the temple.

2008-11-11, 11:19 PM

Xandar followed, stepping into the lightless corridor as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He could see there just as well, and though he'd miss the colours after a while, he did not think long about it.

2008-11-14, 06:29 AM

Borak was holding his great axe firmly and followed behind in case someone could attack them

2008-11-14, 10:00 AM
They avance in dark hall of sand during few minutes without a sounds. They arrive at a separate way. Takihoti takes the left hall. A little sounds runs around them. The cleric of desert smiles. ''They come.'' She saids calmly.

2008-11-14, 12:56 PM

"What's 'they'?" Xandar asked, looking around. "Scarabs? Rats? Scorpions? Something else that is really ugly?"

2008-11-14, 07:04 PM
''No.'' She smiles more. ''Friends. Little, but friends.'' Some golden ferret runs to Takihoti and only one climb on her. She smiles and scratchs him with her tiny hands. She closes her eyes and do a yes with her head. ''Understood.'' She turns to her friends and saids: ''Hurry. Someone arrives before us. He was dangerous and he waiting for us.''

2008-11-15, 10:40 AM

Borak nod and put another hand on his greataxe

2008-11-15, 10:52 AM
''Calm down Borak.'' She saids. ''Our enemies was in some lower floor.''

2008-11-15, 11:10 AM

Oh ok, sorry he put his greataxe back on his shoulders

2008-11-15, 01:17 PM

"So how did he get in here?" Xandar asked, frowning. "You had to do the ritual-opening-thingy and the shrine was close before, no?"

2008-11-15, 02:15 PM
''I...'' Takihoti turning red. ''Well... I emprison him here the last time I come...''

2008-11-15, 02:18 PM

"Oooh, so he was already inside!" Xandar said, apparently completely unbothered that if Takihoti hadn't imprisoned it, they wouldn't have to deal with it. It didn't even brush his mind that it had been a stupid act, and that he could've shoved it up the cleric's face at any moment.

"That makes sense," he added, "So is he hard to beat?"

2008-11-15, 02:20 PM
''Yes.'' She simply saids. She continues in the dark corridor, fallow by her army of ferret.