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View Full Version : Well, it's official

2008-07-01, 11:04 PM
I've exhausted the entertainment power of the Internet. Yup, it's true. After several months worth of perusing the Internet for hours at a time, it's ceased to amuse me. The moment of epiphany came when I managed to read an entire Cracked.com article without laughing.

Does this mean I'm an adult now? Because I don't think I want to be an adult.

2008-07-01, 11:05 PM
Nope, it simply means you have not seen enough of the dark side of the internet. Join me, and together we can rule the interwebz as /b/ and son.

2008-07-01, 11:12 PM
It simply means you have not yet seen how deep the internet hole goes.

So which is it? Red, or blue?

P.S. I hereby demand at least one pop culture reference per post.

P.P.S. Try [url=http://www.mcsweeneys.net/]McSweeny's, [url] for intertainment!

2008-07-01, 11:12 PM
You've just becme resistant to its powers.
Take up smoking or something and give it time.

2008-07-01, 11:13 PM
Nope, it simply means you have not seen enough of the dark side of the internet. Join me, and together we can rule the interwebz as /b/ and son.

So, what are we going to do tommorow knight PirateJesus

The same thing we do every night Ninjahippy, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE INTERNET

Oh their Hippy and the Pirate, Hippy and the Pirate.

Mauve Shirt
2008-07-01, 11:16 PM
The internet can not be boring, you really just aren't looking hard enough.

2008-07-02, 12:31 AM
The internet can not be boring, you really just aren't looking hard enough.

I beg to differ.

NinjaHippy, I have the same thing. With the exception of about two games on this forum and my e-mail, the Internet has ceased to hold my interest. What to do about it, though, I do not know.

2008-07-02, 12:45 AM
Oh, oh, oh. I know. Try porn.

It's what the internet is for.


2008-07-02, 01:00 AM
Oh, oh, oh. I know. Try porn.

It's what the internet is for.


You beat me to it.

There is a whole universe of porn on the internet! Maybe two universes! With alternate dimensions!

Lady Tialait
2008-07-02, 01:28 AM
Your bored with what you are currently doing on the interwebs. Try doing something else for a while. and when you come back to what you where doing you'll find you might find it neat. Then again, I'm just like that with everything.

2008-07-02, 01:38 AM
I've exhausted the entertainment power of the Internet. Yup, it's true. After several months worth of perusing the Internet for hours at a time, it's ceased to amuse me. The moment of epiphany came when I managed to read an entire Cracked.com article without laughing.

Does this mean I'm an adult now? Because I don't think I want to be an adult.

As long as this site is on the internet, you can never be bored of the internet.

2008-07-02, 07:34 AM
Take up an MMORPG.

Seriously. That'll make the internet new and interesting again.

A good MMO to take up would be one with a friendly playerbase, and a steep learning curve - then you have fun learning something, and when you succeed at something you feel that you've accomplished something. Plus, you meet loads of neat people.

If you do choose this route, go on Anarchy Online. RK1 - Atlantean. Clan. Then send a /tell to Castaras or Kaelde.

2008-07-02, 08:06 AM
If you do choose this route, go on Anarchy Online. RK1 - Atlantean. Clan. Then send a /tell to Castaras or Kaelde.

or /tell Coll1000 or something

You'll find something that'll be good =).

2008-07-02, 08:48 AM
As long as this site is on the internet, you can never be bored of the internet.

Mostly. I've managed to get bored, which resulted in me leaving for a few months.

2008-07-02, 09:06 AM
Download pron and Google your own name

Wreck your eyes and kill your back and brain.

Every day the blogs are all the same.

Come and get your fifteen seconds fame.




Ignore all these crazy people. Your problem isn't too much internet, your problem is too little. Like anything else, the internet falls under the auspices of the Law of Diminsishing Returns, which means that you always require more of it to create the same effect. Like heroin, but without Ewan McGregor.

If two hours of internet isn't doing it for you any more, try four hours and you'll feel great. Like you did the first day you figured out how to turn off Google's Safe Search. And when four stops working, go to six. And then eight. And so on.

I'm up to 26 hours each and every day and I feel fantastic.

PS: It doesn't mean you're an adult. Quite the opposite. EVERY adult I know (including me) spends more time on-line then we used to spend watching TV.

PPS: Lolcats. You can't get bored of locats. It's actually not possible. In all of creation, they are the only exception to the Law of Diminishing Returns. In fact, they are the ONLY thing in existence that falls under the Law of Increasing Returns, whereby you need LESS and LESS of them to get the same reaction. I'm at the point now where just typing 'lolcat' makes me soil myself.

2008-07-02, 09:07 AM
I beg to differ.

Not really. It's like what I always say: If you think you've got too much porn, you've obviously not got enough porn to judge properly.

As it is with the Internet. I do that many different things on here that it's impossible to get bored with everything at once.

Victor Thorian
2008-07-02, 09:27 AM
Encyclopedia Dramatica. The ultimate holy book.

2008-07-02, 09:30 AM
Nope, it simply means you have not seen enough of the dark side of the internet. Join me, and together we can rule the interwebz as /b/ and son.

Pirates and ninjas working together!? Under the the dark powers of /b/?!

You want to end the world! That can only lead to apocalypse!

2008-07-02, 10:18 AM
Seems pretty clear to me that you've just reached the end (http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm).

Zar Peter
2008-07-02, 03:51 PM
Thank you for the link, dear Sir!
Now that I've reached the end I finally can turn off the computer and go sleeping! At last!

2008-07-02, 04:37 PM
Games: flash; browser; downloadable; MMORPG; any of them will get you back into the internet. Even if you don't spend that much time playing, all the time you'll spend reading tips and arguing builds will consume a lot of time. Try more humor sites. Fark, The Onion, CollegeHumor, etc. update often enough. Get interested in anime. There's a reason why so many internet dwellers love it: they can watch it for free on here. If that doesn't work, get some real-life friends and stalk them on Facebook.

2008-07-02, 06:34 PM
Pirates and ninjas working together!? Under the the dark powers of /b/?!

You want to end the world! That can only lead to apocalypse!

But what you don't know is that they're both just my Mindraped minions.
The true final boss... is me!
Cue the Latin choir.

2008-07-02, 09:57 PM
Gah, /b/? Egads, no. I swore I'd stay away from that place.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-07-02, 10:07 PM
Wow. I actually agree with the OP. Except I've tried more stuff like watching Scrubs and Doctor Who online (I'm not exactly a fan of anime), stalking my friends on Facebook which got old, fast, played Neverwinter Nights on a PW which is just like an MMORPG except you can do more to customize your character than just choosing a random class. And you can also make some very fun things in there like a paladin-bard-red dragon disciple with 76 AB and a 12-20 crit range with devastating critical or a bard-blackguard-red dragon disciple with 90 AC, 65 AB, the same 12-20 crit range with devastating critical and a very nice 10 minute bard song.

2008-07-02, 10:16 PM
Obviously you've never seen Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page). Or TVTropes (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage).

Click either of those links, find a random article, and start reading. Come back and thank me in, oh, 3 hours or so. :smalltongue:

2008-07-02, 10:23 PM
Play Kingdom of Loathing.
Search Youtube for humorous videos.
Watch Yugioh Abridged.
Post in forums.
Play some freeware.
Read some webcomics; xkcd, pbf, Girl Genius, 8-bit theatre, etc.
Watch mudkips on youtube on loop.
Watch leekspin on loop.

2008-07-02, 10:31 PM
/b/ was never good.

suptg on the other hand...

Oh, Doc Aquatic, you and your shenanigans

2008-07-02, 10:53 PM
Oh, oh, oh. I know. Try porn.

It's what the internet is for.


How did this happen, without THIS (http://youtube.com/watch?v=YRgNOyCnbqg) happening?

2008-07-03, 04:19 AM
Ive got about 20,000 bookmarks or so. I can always send you a few hundred.

The Demented One
2008-07-03, 08:04 AM
I will second tvtropes. If you can open links in tabs, you can easily sink hours into that site and never notice.

2008-07-03, 06:04 PM
I will second tvtropes. If you can open links in tabs, you can easily sink hours into that site and never notice.

I know. I've crashed so many browsers by opening more tabs than I thought there.
Just one session there and you already feel mroe genre savvy.

2008-07-03, 06:11 PM
Or you could take this as an opportunity to break free of the internet's grip and find something to do with your life. :smalltongue:

I'm perfectly content with this website.

2008-07-04, 01:18 AM
GASP say it aint so. Bored of the internet!?!? Are you some sort of undead freak?!?!:smalleek:

2008-07-04, 11:18 AM
GASP say it aint so. Bored of the internet!?!? Are you some sort of undead freak?!?!:smalleek:

So, undead = freak now, does it?! :smallfurious:

Inhuman Bot
2008-07-04, 01:01 PM
Good, Induran. We *can't* have a thread with the words "porn" and "internet" without an Avenue Q referance.