View Full Version : 4E Keep on the Shadowfell IC

2008-07-02, 03:37 PM
The Keep on the Shadowfell, Chapter I.

You have been traveling west along the old King's Road for several days now. It is a hot summer day, but the wind in your face is cool and comfortable. An occasional ancient cobblestone peeks through the dirt road, indicating decades of neglect. It winds though a lush forest of old oaks and elms, the sound of small birds filling the air around you. Having left civilization behind you quite some time ago, you can't help but wonder occasionally when it will disappear to leave you stranded in the surrounding wilderness. Up ahead in the distance, you can see several large boulders looming up close to the side of the road.

2008-07-02, 03:56 PM
OOC:Durik is obviously young, with fair, unblemished skin. He gives off an unkempt air, with tousled dark brown hair that has gone uncut for far too long. He is short (5'6") and wiry (120lb). While traveling he has been placid with only his constantly shifting hazel eyes showing much energy about him. His clothing is rough and faded, most likely second-hand. He carries a longbow as tall as he is on his back, with a small sword and knife belted across his waste. While not unpleasant to be about, he has not spoken around the campfire much, prefering to quietly enjoy the company of the group from the fringes in the languid manner of a housecat./OOC

Durik has been quiet for most of the journey, basking in a feeling of serenity as civilization drifts further behind. However, as he rounds a turn into view of the boulders his brow furrows and he starts looking around and behind the group.

"Something bothers me about this..."

He kneels to the side of the road, pushing weeds back from a dusty patch to show a small clawed footprint.

"I've been seeing these occasionally for the last mile or so, and there are many on the road here. Unless halflings in this area grow claws like rats..."

He stands, looking nervously at the boulders ahead and unshoulders the well oiled longbow from his back.

"I can't tell how old these are. Maybe I'm just being skittish, but the number of tracks here raise my hackles. Should I try and take a look?"

[edit:I've adopted Dark Green as my color, and modified the post to put a rough description of Durik into the narrative.]

2008-07-02, 04:43 PM

The eladrin follows the rest of the group, rather haughty as you first met him, only giving his name as Aramil, insisting that their paths merely coincide until Winterhaven. Standing at medium height with his long blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin - the typical eladrin trio - he walks with elegance in his simple green traveler's robes. While seeming to stand offish and quiet at the back of the group, he occasionally gives a scoff at the members of the group if they do anything unsightly, like Durik scavenging about for tracks on his hands, only coughing and excusing himself if questioned.

(OOC: I didn't get a chance to speak in this post, but I will be reserving Purple as my speech color)

2008-07-03, 03:02 AM
The massive dragon gives a serious look at Durik.

He's not an outdoors-man like him... and now, with possible threats looming on them, he feels his inadequacy, as his scales take a turn to an even redder color. I haven't noticed a single thing - cor, I don't even know what to look for! he thinks, thankful for the presence of his travelling companions.

Old habits return to him quickly as he takes his shield from his back and puts it on, trusting on Durik's sense of danger as he would on that of an other guard back in the city.

2008-07-03, 05:39 AM
If Thorgrimm's appearance could be summarized by one word, that word would be "solid". This five feet tall, barrel-chested dwarf resembles a small boulder, especially when clad in his battle-worn plate armor, a sturdy round shield at his side. His wide, square face is framed by a wild mane and a thick beard, both of the color of iron, and a pale grey complexion certainly contributes to his overall "stony" look. When he first met the other travellers along the King's Road, Thorgrimm was quite happy to join them for mutual protection; he also seemed rather impatient to put a healthy distance between himself and Fallcrest.

*As the young hunter warns the traveling group about the possible dangers ahead, Thorgrimm unhooks the throwing hammer from his belt*

"As I told you when we decided to band together, this road is infested by treacherous bandits. But fear not! The mere sight of this fine company boldly marching towards their ambush should make them think twice about molesting us! Ho-ho-h...hey Durik, what do you mean CLAWS?"

2008-07-03, 09:40 AM
With a tentative smile Durik steps back towards the treeline. "I'll be back in just a moment." He turns and vanishes into the treeline, his faded cloak blending into the colors of wood and leaf.

And this is me playing around with the die roller so I can be sure I understand how it works. Rolling Stealth:

OOC:Durik is attempting to flank the boulders, or at least get a vantage point from which he can see past them, even if it is not necessarily within bowshot.

2008-07-03, 01:31 PM
"Be careful out there, young man!"

*Thorgrimm turns to the companions at his side, with a worried expression*

"If things get rough we are supposed to go and bail him out. We better get ready... and whatever happens, I'll do my best to shield you from harm. The guy mentioned clawed footprints...what should we expect?"

*He then addresses the Dragonborn, whose majestic appearance has deeply impressed him*

" What do you think we should do, honourable Dragon Man? Slowly advance towards those boulders so that we can intervene in a moment should our scout get in trouble? On the other hand, doing so could give out his position..."

2008-07-03, 01:40 PM

Raella watches in closely guarded admiration as Durik faded effortlessly into the trees. However his simple act only seemed to highlight Raella's growing sense of unease. The wilderness was not simply not her world, and she did not fancy her long-term chances if this group should decide to abandon her also.

Raella moves closer to the dwarf and dragonborn listening closely to their conversation.

2008-07-03, 02:22 PM
*As the half-elven girl approaches, Thorgrimm greets her with a broad smile*

"Probably we are just being over-cautious about those mysterious footprints and that rocky outcrop ahead of us, Madam... "

2008-07-03, 02:23 PM
OOC: Durik, check your PM.

Durik creeps away from the rest of the party, silently disappearing into the surrounding undergrowth. It's surprisingly quiet all of a sudden. Nothing can be heard but the sound of the wind in the trees...

2008-07-03, 02:33 PM

Lowering his voice, the dragon turns to Thorgrimm, hating the situation as much as he does: "I don't like one bit having a lad on his lonesome like this, master dwarf, but we make ourselves known, and we're rattling him out as well.
I think we've no choice but keeping at the ready, hears open, in case he shouts an alarm... or someone else does."
Worriedly, Korash loosens his blade in its scabbard, fearing soon the steel will be drawn - "But if he takes more than ten clacks, I'm running in no matter what - he must be in a though spot, if he isn't back by then."

2008-07-03, 02:43 PM

Looking disenchanted, Aramil proceeds to walk past the group saying, Excuse me, and heads down King's Road on his business.

My my, getting scared of rat tracks. Life doesn't wait for the timid, as I always say.

2008-07-03, 02:56 PM
*Mellandra save me from fools and wizards...*

OOC:PM replied to, with an if statement. What happens next from me is GM's decision. :smalleek:

2008-07-03, 03:10 PM
*Thorgrimm's expression changes from worried to horrified as he notices the noble Eladrin nonchalantly walking toward the boulders*

Excuse me, my good sir, but that's not a good idea... for your own safety you should wait until Durik comes back and tell's us that the path is clear...uhm...

*The dwarf stops talking, confused by Aramil's confidence*

This fairy creature really looks like he's perfectly in control of the situation... I just hope that he knows better than me.

2008-07-03, 03:30 PM

The eladrin stops to talk sense into the dwarf.

No worries, Master Dwarf. Did you not say yourself that any ambush would be scared of my presence? As a master of the arcana, no being would dare attack, unless he be brave or a fool. Nay, only a fool would attack.

2008-07-03, 03:52 PM
"Yes but..."

*The dwarf look slightly puzzled*

Ar-kah-na. Whatever it is, it sounds quite menacing...

"...well, if it is ok with the mighty Dragon-Man, it is ok with me. Just make sure that Durik's position isn't revealed by your advance...uh, but I'm sure you didn't need the words of this dwarf to take that into consideration..."

*Thorgrimm is genuinely persuaded that the Eladrin could take care of himself *

2008-07-03, 04:02 PM

Arrogant little twerp...

"Sir," Raella turns to address the eldarin in quiet tones "how very pleasing it is to hear your confidence in your abilities. Perhaps though you could remain here with us - just until Durik returns? Professional courtesy for his skills and all that? I mean, if it is just nothing, then what is a few moments rest to us while he skulks foolishly in the undergrowth?"

2008-07-03, 04:25 PM

Somewhat viewing Raelia in new light, Aramil considers for a moment and says,

I suppose so. The travel was long and might as well as rest awhile the ranger scouts. Winterhaven isn't going anywhere, neither is my glory and fame.

2008-07-03, 05:20 PM
Just as Aramil agrees to wait for Durik with the rest of the party, the young ranger suddenly shows up on the fringe of the treeline to the north side of the road. He's excitedly waving a red piece of cloth from behind his cloak to draw your attention!

When he has it he holds up four fingers and two, pointing towards the builders at the south side of the road ahead. Then he holds up two fingers and points towards the boulders at the north side of the road (remember that the road runs from east to west). Having done this he points at Karosh and Thorgrimm, motioning for them to move along towards the builders. Finally, he draws and nocks an arrow to his bow, aiming for the road up ahead...

2008-07-03, 06:15 PM
*Thorgrimm sighs, and quickly double-checks the straps that fasten his armor and shield*

"Alright, it looks like we're headed for some trouble."

[To Aramil and Raella]

"Kerosh and I are going to engage whatever is lurking behind those boulders. There's no need for you to be involved in the fight if you don't feel up to it...but I guess Aramil is eager to unleash this portentous ar...cana. If by chance some enemy manage to attack you, call me and I'll be there as soon as this short legs allow me to."

*Said that Thorgrimm looks at Kerosh, waiting for instructions from the Dragonborn*

2008-07-03, 06:55 PM

Following closely behind the two warriors, Aramil says,

More like, you guys will help me while I dispatch those fools that would try and ambush me. Watch closely, this kind of magic isn't common.

He takes out an emerald orb that shines mysteriously from his sleeves, as it gives off a sparkle of power as Aramil gets ready for combat.

2008-07-04, 04:38 AM

Either he's a fool, as those that would attack him... or he's very, VERY good... the dragon thinks hearing the mage's talk.
Praying (mostly for their brave scout) that he's really all that good, he calls on him, with "pre-battle" efficiency: "Master of the arcana, I'm ready to be impressed - it will be a first for me, seeing magic in field action.
We're going to flush our ambushers out, unless you require a different set-up."
Waiting a moment for the mage's thoughts, he unsheats his sword and readies for the charge - "Master Thorgrimm, the charge's ours - it will be an honor being together in the melee" and starts a slow, accellerating run toward the southern boulders, and the six ambushers that so badly outnumber the chargers.

2008-07-04, 05:58 AM
*Thorgrimm nods in approval and begins to advance at the Dragonborn side*

2008-07-04, 09:57 AM
Karosh charges forward with his sword raised, closely followed by Thorgrimm and Aramil. Meanwhile, Durik keeps his longbow trained on the road ahead and Raella remains behind.

When he is about halfway towards the boulders flanking the road, a group of five little humanoids with reddish scales and long snouts jump out from behind the one to the south. They snarl as they bare their tiny, sharp teeth with a look of menace in their glittering little eyes! Brandishing long, barbed spears they step forward, preparing to dash towards the trio of adventurers charging their way!

[OOC: Roll for initiative and post your action for this round! Neither side is surprised, so we all get an action right away. Raella is standing down the road about 60 feet away from the boulders, Karosh and the others are about halfway there at 30 feet. They're just passing Durik, who is at 30 feet distance as well, except that he is standing 10 feet into the forest at the treeline. Five kobolds have just appeared from behind the boulders.]

2008-07-04, 11:13 AM
Wait for it.... wait for it....

Twin Shot the scaly things as they pass me (2 in one, or at separate if the first one drops)


First Shot:
[roll1] vs AC to hit
[roll2] damage

Second Shot
[roll3] vs AC to hit
[roll4] damage

I might have combat advantage (an additional +2 to hit) due to sneaking. GM's discretion.

I will also use Fox's Cunning against the first foe to make a melee attack against me.

2008-07-04, 11:55 AM

Initiative:[roll0]+2 thanks to Korash

Aramil stops and backs up 30 feet once he has the little critters in sight. He chants incomprehensible words as the orb in his hand shines. With a final decisive word, he thrusts his hands towards the fools and suddenly the road beneath them is covered with ice.

Icy terrain. It's burst one, so Aramil is aiming to get the most he can in the effect. I'll roll five attacks, in the lucky case all five fit in. If not, just use the rolls from top down. Also, if it hits, they are prone. In addition the area that spell was cast in counts as difficult terrain.


2008-07-04, 12:10 PM
Seeing the puny abominations in an almost draconic form, the true dragonborn lets his momentum crash into them, breaking their formation, knowing that as soon as Thorgrimm will join arms, the true melee will start.

Initiative: [roll0]
Korash takes a move a couple of squares forward (10 feet), then charges the nearest kobold:
attack [roll1]
damage [roll2]

Bonuses for everyone (within 50 feet): +2 Initiative

2008-07-04, 12:17 PM

* Thorgrimm whirls the small hammer above his head and throws it at the nearest scaly monster in sight. He then moves forward to engage the enemy while unhooking his trusty warhammer.

Initiative: [roll0]

Ranged Attack: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

The dwarf moves up to 25 feet, possibly stopping when he is adjacent to an opponent. He wields the warhammer as a minor action.

2008-07-04, 12:43 PM

Raella hesitates briefly before pulling her wand from her belt. If they figure it out, well...we'll see. She hurries forward before pointing her wand at the nearest target. A bolt of black fire bursts from the tip.

Raella moves forward 30ft and uses her Eldritch Blast.


2008-07-04, 06:22 PM
[OOC: I made a bit of a mistake with distances, confusing squares with feet! You guys are way to close to each other, but I'll leave it as it is for now. Proceed as planned!]

Aramil 20
Spear Kobolds 18
Dragonshield Kobolds 17
Karosh 16
Diego 12
Sneaky Kobold 11
Raella 10
Thorgrimm 4

The lizard-like creatures let out a piercing yell as they rush to meet the dragonborn' and dwarf's charge! Meanwhile, Aramil slips backwards while raising a crystal orb in his hand. With a few arcane syllables the eladrin fills it with crackling energy before he sends a blast of ice towards the creatures charging you! Two of them are hit square in the face and go down with a startled grunt while a third of them manages to slip through it. Together with one of his remaining fellows he crashes straight into Thorgrimm with his spear just as the dwarven warrior tries to get his throwing hammer ready! Thorgrimm easily blocks the first blow with his shield but only barely dodges another vicious thrust by backing off quickly. The last of them manages to catch Karosh right in the middle of his charge, only a deft sidestep turning it's lethal thrust into a nasty scratch! [Karosh takes 4 damage]

Meanwhile, two especially mean and tough-looking specimens of the snarling monsters slink out from behind the boulder at the north side of the road! They are wearing scale armor and a shield shaped like a giant dragonscale. Brandishing sharp and wickedly barbed blades, they press forward from behind the others, yapping at them in encouragement.

Recovering from the glancing blow he just received, Karosh whirls his blade around to completely gut the hapless creature before him. As it goes down in a gurgling whimper whilst clutching it's throat, he is just in time to notice the two nasty-looking brutes advancing right towards them with a grim and bloodthirsty look in their eyes! Just as suddenly, the dragonborn warrior hears two of Diego's arrows hiss past him towards their new opponents. One of them glances off a scaled shield while the other finds the creature's shoulder. It let's out a hissing grunt, but does not stop...

Having his eyes on the threat in front of him, Karosh is unpleasantly surprised as a small ceramic pot hits him square in the head, splashing a strange glue-like liquid all over him as it shatters! [Karosh takes 9 damage and is immobilized; save ends] Only a few feet away from him, Thorgrimm has gotten his throwing hammer out just as Raella sends a black blast of energy towards their assailants! In trying to avoid her dwarven ally standing between herself and her target she barely misses, causing a spray of dirt and rubble to blast up from the road right next to them. The little menaces jump backwards in surprise, which leaves Thorgrimm with just enough room to send his throwing hammer crashing straight in one of their faces, leaving the other standing covered in dust and a spray of his fellow's blood...

[OOC: next round people! Post your actions!]

2008-07-04, 08:40 PM
Seeing the two kobolds with shields move into the open, Durik grins and grabs a handful of arrows from his quiver, placing two carefully between his teeth. He nocks two to his bow, one resting on each side of his hand and sights carefully. He looses the two shafts and becomes a blur of motion as he fires the third and fourth ones.

He then moves back in the woods towards his companions.

Edit: Apparently previewing the post broke things.

Minor action, mark quarry on nearest (Dragonshield, I presume?)

Split the Tree, on the two dragonshields if they are within 15' of each other.
Apply the better of two rolls to BOTH targets.
1d20+7vs AC
1d20+7vs AC
With an additional +1 to hit if I'm the closest of us to them (Prime Shot class ability).
2d10+5 on first target (if hit)
2d10+5 on second target (if hit)

Action point for additional standard action.
Twin Shot, the marked Dragonshield
1d20+7vs AC
1d20+7vs AC
Again, Prime Shot bonus if applicable
1d10 damage roll for first shot
1d10 damage roll for second shot

If any of the shots hit the marked Dragonshield he takes the additional damage from Hunter's quarry (1d6)

Then move backwards towards open ground and the rest of the party

2008-07-04, 08:45 PM
Because I fail at rollposting apparently

Split the tree, to hit
Split the tree, damage

Twin Strike to hit
Twin Strike damage

Hunter's Quarry damage
All modifiers and conditionals listed above

2008-07-04, 10:08 PM

Still holding his emerald green orb, Aramil points at the kobold engaged with Thorgrim. Silvery needles shoot forth from his finger tips and barrages the creature. The needles proceed to create a whirlwind where the creature stands (or stood) as Aramil waves his fingers about. It sure looks like it'll hurt if anything was pushed in there...

Cloud of Daggers, whether it hits or not, that square is full of needles until the end of my next turn and anything that starts its turn or enters the square will take 3 damage, no save.

Attack [roll0] vs Reflex
Damage [roll1] Force damage

2008-07-05, 03:27 AM

Taken aback by the surreal battle taking place, the dragon finds himself nearly cut-off, covered in sticky muck!
Roaring his rage against the glue, he tries to keep a semblance of fighting wedge up - the best to protect the dwarf and himself both - and sets to recive the incoming charge.

second wind! (defenses for next round: AC 20, Fort 17, Ref 15, Will 17)

2008-07-05, 04:34 PM

Raella glowers as her blast misses, the nearest kobold catching the full menace of her stare. She then raises her wand to the sky and for the briefest moment nothing appears to happen. Suddenly a shaft of white light streaks to the ground bathing the kobold in its harsh glow.

Minor action - Warlock's Curse
Standard action - Dire Radiance

[roll0]vs fort
[roll1] + [roll2]

2008-07-05, 07:08 PM
*Thorgrimm understands that his draconic companion is threatened by the advancing enemies and rushes forward to contain them with a powerful sweep of his hammer*

The dwarf moves until adjacent to the dragonshields (possibly both of them) and attacks one with "cleave".


2008-07-06, 05:12 AM
Covered in blood and dirt, the last little kobold near Thorgrimm snarls and lowers its spear to attack. Behind them on the road, Aramil's orb glows a ghastly green as arcane needles of silver swarm toward the hapless little creature! Dropping its spear and waving his arms in vain to protect itself, the poor monster lets out a horrific scream as it is pierced and cut by a whirlwind of countless silvery needles, falling down in a pool of blood!

Meanwhile, the mean-looking kobolds with shields and blades are already charging forward towards the trapped dragonborn! Sensing weakness in the bloodied warrior, they relentlessly press the attack. Karosh furiously smashes the first of them aside with his heavy shield as he struggles against the sticky glue that holds him stuck to the floor! The beast reels backwards off-balance with a surprised growl. The second one finds an opening in Karosh' now exposed right flank and hits him with a vicious jab in the side! (8 damage)

Karosh lets out a ferocious roar, vainly struggling against the glue that holds him down, blood running down his side. He takes a moment to catch his breath, trying to keep the little devils off him. (healing surge, regain 7 hp)

As he does so, they are already circling him with a menacing gleam in their eyes, waiting for the right moment to strike. Suddenly both of them let out a surprised roar as arrows seem to come towards them out of nowhere, skewering them like stray rabbits! (all four arrows hit). Suddenly they are staggering backwards, blood running through their armor, trying to take cover from the fatal hail of arrows.

Durik, standing at the treeline with his focus on the dragonshield kobolds, is surprised as another clay jar shatters but a few feet to his right, causing the ground to erupt violently in flames! Because of this, the armored kobolds notice the hidden archer and they are beginning to look a bit more confident.

Suddenly however, one of them is enveloped in a searing white light! It stumbles backwards with a frightful yelp of terror just as Thorgrimm crashes into it with his hammer, bringing the creature down with the sound of breaking bones and a heavy *thud* when it hits the dirt road.

The last remaining kobold nervously licks his snout with a red, pointed tongue. It looks ready to bolt, slowly edging backwards towards the boulders...

2008-07-06, 08:06 AM
Thorgrimm addresses the last standing foe with a rumbling voice :

"Back off, foul creature, if you value your life!"

He then disregards it and (apparently oblivious to the mysterious pot thrower) attempts to get Karosh out of the sticky substance that imprisoned him. Unsure about what to do, the dwarf uses the haft of his warhammer to pull some of the goo away from the Dragonborn.

Thorgrimm makes a Heal check (DC 15) to grant a +2 to the Dragonborn's next saving throw (Karosh needs to delay his initiative for this trick to work)


2008-07-06, 08:14 AM
What the...

Durik, startled by the fire, moves away from the flaming patch, nocking another arrow. He surveys the field, sighting on the closest kobold and looses again.

[Move]Move away from the fire, staying within the trees for cover/concealment. If closest is the slinger, making sure to stay within 100' short range of his bow.
[Minor]Quarry nearest
[Standard]Twin shot
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage
Hunter's Quarry, on the first attack (if any) to hit, [roll4] damage

Edit:Since we've not conclusively established the pot thrower's position, if there are no visible targets by the time my initiative comes about, I'll use my move action to start flanking the boulders to the south of the road (I saw 6 kobolds there, but only 5 have come out if I followed everything correctly). If I can establish LOS with a single move, Minor and Standard remain unchanged, otherwise use standard for an additional move.

25/25 HP
7/7 surges

2008-07-06, 08:32 AM

Aramil strikes again with his silvery needles, this time aimed at the remaining kobold. A similar display ensues while the old needles drop and disappear from sight. Seeing the dwarf helping the dragonborn, he cries out, Don't waste your time helping others when they should be able to get out by themselves; if you really want to help, you'd find the cretin that threw those pots and dispose of him!

Cloud of Daggers on the square that the remaining dragonshield is standing in. 3 damage if anything enters or starts on that square, etc.


2008-07-06, 08:35 AM

"Careful, master dwarf - wait for the glue to dry more, no need to get yourself stuck as well!"
Sadly, even with Thorgrimm's help, there's little to be done - he's stuck on the spot!

As the muck dries up, the dragon recovers an handaxe from his belt, and chucks his frustration off at the last kobold.
2 minor actions to sheat the sword and draw an axe, then a throw
attack to the kobold (those axes are range 5/10 - probably there's a -2 penality to be calculated in, depending on which kobold is still alive): [roll0], damage [roll1]
Seeing the kobold flinch, as missile of mundane and magical nature pile up on him from everywhere, the dragon returns to his struggle against the glue... but not to avail.
saving throw [roll2]

2008-07-06, 09:55 AM

Time to find that other little blighter.

Raella edges forward slowly as she moves closer to Durik's position. She raises her wand in readiness as her her eyes sweep across the forest floor.

Provided that Raella spots the other kobold;

Move - Towards the treeline/Durik
Minor - Curse
Standard - Eldritch Blast - [roll0] [roll1] + [roll2]

2008-07-06, 03:38 PM
Aramil boldly moves forward, raising his orb up high! The armored kobold raises his shield in vain as he is cut down by another swarm of razor-sharp needles, going down in a splash of blood... Karosh manages to sheath his blade and draw an axe from his belt, but there's nobody in sight to use it on while he vainly struggles against the glue holding him down.

Meanwhile, Diego rushes forward, trying to get a better view of the boulders up ahead. He is just in time to notice another one of the creatures appear from behind the southernmost one, swinging an large sling with an earthen jar above its head. Durik immediately sends an arrow its way, but it bounces off the boulder next to it. The kobold lets out a surprised yelp as it sends its jar flying towards straight towards Durik! Durik, who is just fitting his second arrow to his bow, is caught in the chest by the heavy jar where it bursts into flames at the same time he lets his arrow fly! While Duriks clothes catch fire [6 damage and 2 ongoing fire damage] the kobold is hit in the chest, staggering backwards into the cover of the boulder once again.

Raella is moving forward with her wand raised, but the kobold takes cover just before she manages to zap it! At the same time, Thorgrimm starts helping Karosh, but to no avail...

2008-07-06, 06:29 PM
Thorgrimm shouts back at the Eladrin while persisting in his effort to break the dragonborn free.

"Your "arcana" sounds perfectly capable of rooting that mischievous attacker out! I am not going to leave Karosh in this mess!"

Another heal check, DC 15. [roll0]

2008-07-06, 07:04 PM

Aramil circles around the stone until he sees the hiding kobold and fires another barrage of needles at the space it is standing. He sighs as the two warriors hopelessly fight with goo and says,

Of course. I've already taken down four of them myself. Leave it all up to me.

Cloud of Dagger the hiding kobold. Since it's an area attack, the origin of area square is what's important in determining cover, and in this case, he doesn't get it since he's standing in the origin square.

Attack:[roll0] vs Reflex
Damage:[roll1] Force damage

2008-07-07, 07:42 AM

Seeing the ranger going up in flames, Korash realizes that he and the dwarf might be in real danger - "Master Thormgrimm, step away - if this muck is... flammable, that lizardling could send us both in flames, in this mess"

Worriedly, he works fast against the glue.
Relief only comes as he struggles free, and hears the unseen kobold bite the dust, struck down by uncanny mystical powers.

saving throw: [roll0]

2008-07-07, 09:35 AM
Burning, ow-ow-ow-ow
Fighting to keep his concentration, Durik backpedals while continuing to flank the boulder that the last kobold is sheltering behind. He nocks and looses another arrow, but is distracted by the smouldering fire left by the dragonling's potion.

[Start of turn] 2 fire damage.
[Move]Continue strafing around the boulder, angling away from it (to hopefully get the kobold into his "long range" while still in my short one)
[Standard]Nimble shot (shift another square in the same direction)
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
[Saving throw] [roll2] vs ongoing fire damage

17/25 HP
7/7 healing surges

2008-07-07, 12:49 PM

Raella contiues to search amoungst the boulders for remaining kobold. She grips her wand tightly, ready to to attack the moment she gets an opening.

Move - As needed find him
Minor - Curse
Standard - Dire Radiance [roll0] - [roll1] + Curse ([roll2])

2008-07-08, 09:09 AM
Aramil circles around the boulder, cutting the last kobold down with his swarm of needles just as two of Durik's arrows hit a nearby tree and Raella comes around with her wand raised. Meanwhile, Thorgrimm manages to help Korash break free from the glue.

You look at a grisly scene, the signs of fighting all around you...

Two dead kobolds covered in rhyme lie in the middle of the road on a patch of melting ice. Six of their fellows lie spread around you as well; three cut up in a pool of their own blood, one with an axe buried in his face and two armored specimens feathered with several arrows. In the middle of this Thorgrimm supports a bleeding Karosh, covered in a hardened brownish glue that's beginning to flake off as they move. Aramil and Raella stand near the boulder untouched while a scorched patch of earth still smolders near Durik, the singed ranger at the edge of the woods.

What do you do?

2008-07-08, 09:47 AM

Aramil almost laughs out loud at the astray arrows, but contains himself. He puts away the orb and brushes dust off his robes, although there is none. He looks around at the disaster of a battle and says,

Well, I sure showed them! You have done well, perhaps it is fate we meet on this road. I will grace you with my accompaniment to Winterhaven. If you wish to catch your breath, I can wait, but not too long.

2008-07-08, 12:21 PM
Thorgrimm sighs with relief as the raging battle comes finally to an end. Impressed by the prowess displayed by his companions, he silently stares at them.

I've never seen a similar display of witchcraft and markmanship before, these travellers are exceptional indeed!

2008-07-08, 01:45 PM
Durik sits back against one of the boulders, slumping slightly.

A lot different than shooting rabbits

After a moment he shakes himself and rises, surprised at how little damage his skin and clothing had taken from the fire

Must have just surprised me something awful.

He makes a quick survey of the field looking for arrows that might be reused with a minimum of repair, and then returns to the group.

2008-07-08, 01:58 PM

The fury of battle leaving him, the dragon now feels all the pain accrued with scarcely few minutes in the press.
"Catch your breath... sure... in a moment..." he mutters, scanning the now empty battlefield.
Recovering his wind, he stumbles to their other wounded, their scout.

A trained eye on the scorch marks tells it's only a flesh wound, the scalykin takes a sip from his "tonic" flask, and offers it to the lad - both for the scratches and for the spirit - "Hey, Durik - you did well over there. You risked quite a bit, beckoning on to us like that - but it was brave. It gave us quite an edge. I didn't know you could keep... so calm, right under the enemies'noses"
If you want, you can consider that an out-of-combat inspiring word. It gets you +1d6 hps over a normal healing surge, if you need them.

In the meanwhile I'm banking in an healing surge (it's a strong tonic :smallwink:), unless something breaks the moment of peace.

2008-07-08, 02:35 PM
OK then, Enough dawdling. Time waits for no one. On to Winterhaven.

The eladrin walks out, completely on his own pace, looking back menacingly at those that don't immediately follow.

2008-07-08, 02:44 PM
Er... thanks... says Durik as he is offered the "tonic".

He turns a light shade of pink as the dragonborn compliments him and mumbles
.. er .. it's not that hard really..

At Aramil's words he scrambles upright, thrusting the flask back to Korash. Not meeting the reptilian eyes of his companion, We should go before our master wizard leaves us behind.

2008-07-08, 03:16 PM
Thorgrimm hooks the warhammer back to its belt-ring, then moves to a nearby reptilian corpse and retrieves the throwing hammer from its crushed skull.

"I guess these ugly creatures were waiting for some unprotected merchant to prey upon. Now that we thwarted their murderous scheme, this part of the King's Road is once again secure."

The dwarf then kneels to pick up a fragment of solidified glue. He frowns as he carefully examines the concoction. A couple of seconds later, he tentatively brings the dried chip under his nose.


"Awww! This smells like an ogre's armpit!"

2008-07-08, 06:03 PM

Raella leans back against the boulder as the others take their well-earned rest. With a few discreet glances she looks over at the rest of the group checking that none of them are very badly hurt.

"I would like to offer my thanks to you ranger. Without your warning our injuries could have been far more numerous."

She inclines her head towards Durik before she begins to follow Aramil.

2008-07-08, 06:06 PM
Durik goes from light pink to cherry red and mumbles incoherently.

2008-07-08, 06:20 PM
*throws back long blond hair*

Oh, come on. Like they could have been a threat. Knowledge is important but it really wasn't needed for this fight. I think you guys were way above them, but of course not as great as me.

2008-07-09, 10:56 AM

Those burns must have been worse than I thought - look at the color of the lad... the dragon thinks...
Unsure of the ranger's condition, he plucks carefully the flask from his hand, and, silent, moves up - the moment of peace was needed, but they really could use a less... inimical... place to rest.
Winterhaven would be perfect.

2008-07-09, 12:22 PM

Resisting the temptation to roll her eyes at the Elderin's last comment, she instead just shrugs. "What you say is probably true enough, but still... His warning wove the strands to our victory even stronger. For that I am grateful."

Raella takes a few steps further along the path. "Of course your own abilities were very praiseworthy. If it isn't entirely too presumptuous of me, could you maybe tell me more about your magic as we walk?" she asks with genuine interest.

2008-07-09, 01:17 PM
The dwarf shakes the flake of glue off his hand in disgust. He then makes a short run to catch up with the others.

"Shouldn't we inspect the boulders a little more carefully? Those scaly brigands could have a small stash hidden under those rocks... or maybe they were just a fraction of a larger gang of marauders, like the one that worries the merchants in Fallcrest so much. Our infallible Durik could search for more tracks and determine where they came from, and in what numbers."

2008-07-09, 03:19 PM

Why of course. Though I must warn you that it will be nigh impossible to understand the intricacies of the Art without proper training, I can put it in layman's terms like no others can. So the basics are in controlling the pervasive energy that is within everything known as mana...*blabbers on for awhile*

The eladrin's long ears pick up the sound of troubled village and he says,

Plagued by these unsightly critter you say? Sound like a task for a hero, like me...*pause*... and us.

2008-07-09, 05:22 PM
You travel further down the worn road for the remainder of the afternoon to find yourself climbing a steep hill. As you finally reach its top the forest gives way, revealing a large valley ahead of you. The road winds down from here through large fields of wheat and corn that wave gently in the breeze. At the end of it, in the middle of the valley on another large hills, a walled town resides. You can spot several watch-towers in the sides of a stone wall. From beyond it the roofs of many houses can be seen, some thatched, some gabled. A single tower stands high above the others inside the walls and several lonely farmhouses can be seen scattered across the valley. Far off to the north impressive mountain peaks loom over wooded foothills, while the west and south side of the valley give way to more level forest.

2008-07-09, 05:55 PM

Upon arriving at the gate of the town, Aramil turns and speaks to the party.

Ah, we have arrived. I'm sure it has been a great pleasure to travel with me. Well then, we each have our own business around these parts, maybe we'll meet again. If you need my help, just look for me in town, I'm impossible to miss. So long then.

He gives a bow and is off to the inn to acquire a room and gather information.

2008-07-10, 08:52 AM

"Winterhaven, at last!"
Now it begins - he shall redeem his sacred vow!

Sure - he thinks - alone, in a new town, and asking "difficult" questions... I'll be rat-meat in two days, tops.
Maybe if he could impose on his travelling companions - it's a longshot, but he must try it. They have already proven their valor - and valor is the first part of honor, after all. This evening, he'll tell them...

"Thorgrimm, we'll both need to find an inn - would you think of sharing a room, and drink up what we're saving?"
Knowing his words won't stop the master of arcana (and could fall quite badly with the others as well), he continues anyway
"Better yet, we could all five go and bunch up in a common room - even there, we'll avoid all of the... usual troubles if we stick together"

2008-07-10, 10:18 AM

The eldarin looks quizzically at the dragonborn and answers,

I'll have to refuse, no less than a private room for the genius that is me. How would rooming together deter the flocks of people that try to get a glimpse of me or their constant plea for help? Besides, I enjoy the troublesome beings, strange as it may be.

2008-07-10, 10:25 AM
"Excellent idea, Karosh! I could really use a pint of good ale or three. Onward then, to our well-earned rest!"

2008-07-10, 04:41 PM
It is getting late in the afternoon and the sinking sun is basking the valley in a deep golden orange. As you move down the road through the fields, the walled town of Winterhaven comes closer at every turn. It leads to a large, heavy wooden gate set between two small towers. As you come closer, a passing Farmer respectfully doffs his hats and a large, empty ox-cart passes you on the way out of town. When you finally reach the gate, you notice two guardsmen carrying hauberks of mail and long halberds standing on either side of it. They look at you thoughtfully while Aramil says goodbye and everyone decides to head off towards the nearest inn together. Afterwards one of them steps a little closer with a stern look on his face and calls out a greeting:

"Hail travelers! What brings you to Winterhaven?"

2008-07-20, 02:06 PM

Aramil struts and puffs his chest, although the effect is minor in his frail frame.

I believe I need no introduction, but just in case, I am Aramil Silverleaf, wizard extraordinaire, savior and hero. Take me to your leader so we may talk of what the great hero can do for this humble village and garner your praise and worship.

Sparks burst from Aramil's back, decorating his little introduction.

2008-07-20, 04:12 PM

The dragon's eyes lose focus for a moment, hearing the mage bragging
He *is* damn good... but what is he trying to do? The leaders could be part of the cult! Or maybe opposing it... with some luck...
Maybe he's right - thise city needs him.

When he comes back to reality, he spurs with a bark the guardsmen reaction - he knows he wouldn't be so happy to bring "heroes" to the higher-ups, in their shoes... more so if the heroes were armed and armored.
"Haven't you heard the hero? Announce him! The lord mayor needs him!"

2008-07-21, 12:13 PM
The guard's jaw drops open at Aramil's introduction and he positively jumps at Korash' orders.

"Ehm, yessir. Lord Padraig, sir. Right this way."

With that he stalks off through the gate, looking nervously over his shoulder to see if you'll follow. His fellow guardsman straightens and salutes as you pass him.

You climb the winding cobblestone road that moves uphill through town past several houses. You pass a large stone building with a sign that says "Wrafton's Inn", opposite a large wooden stable with a thatched roof. The people passing on the streets all look at you, whispering behind their hands. Ahead much clamor can be heard and soon you pass through a large market square crammed with stalls, hawkers crying their wares all around. Produce, lifestock, farming tools, everything an honest farmer could want seems to be represented.

As you make your way though the square, you can see a large tower looming ahead in the distance. Some ways behind it to the west the roof of a small church can be seen, bell tower and all. As the guadsman leads you north, the din of the marketplace makes way for the clanging of a large smithy at your right. Opposite it is a building carrying another sign that says "Bairwin's Grand Shoppe", right next to a large timber hall with a thatched roof. Up ahead another gate seems to lead to the highest spot on the hill, where you can spot a large manor house standing behind the walls. Another set of guards is standing in front of a closed gate along with a positively rotund fellow with greasy black hair and a rough beard wearing chainmail and a sword at his side. He is talking to the guards in a heated voice, going suddenly quit as he sees you arrive.

"What's this then? Why aren't you at your post?"

He barks at the guard that led you here. The young man jumps up again, stammering.

"Ehm, err, this is... ehm... err... sir... sir Silkerbief! And he sayeth Lord Padraig be having some business or another with him Rond... it's true, he says he does!"

He steps aside, pointing clumsily at Aramil. The big man puts his thumbs in his belt, eying your party over intently with beady black eyes under thick bushy eyebrows.

"Does he now lad? Does he now... Good day, sir. And what business might you be having with our good Lord Padraig?"

P.S.>how do you do that 'spoiler' text thingy?

2008-07-21, 04:11 PM

Aramil follows the guard, still walking every step with pride. He positively glares at the guard as his name is butchered,

Silverleaf! And that was in Common so you could actually pronounce it right and you still get it wrong... You need to train your men better, captain or whatever you may be. Anyway, business. You humans being what you are, obviously must have troubles in the village. I am here to fix them, and I need your leader, Lord Padraig, to arrange the rewards and festivities after they are corrected.

You put {spoiler} and {/spoiler} around the text except the {} are [] instead.

2008-07-22, 06:11 PM

Raella wistfully glances back at the road she had just followed not entirely sure why she hadn't just made her excuses and left yet. Both the inn and market had looked busy. Someone's bound to remember him-

"...I am here to fix them, and I need your leader, Lord Padraig, to arrange the rewards and festivities after they are corrected."

-but instead I seem to be playing nursemaid to a strutting Knave of the Chalice.

Stepping forward towards the guard, she leans forward and speaks in hushed tones. "Sir, please forgive his abrupt nature. He didn't er- have his porridge this morning and you know what these masters or the Arcane arts are like when they haven't had their breakfast. I mean between rewriting the laws of nature and controlling that ever powerful energy of mana, I'd start to get a little cranky too when my stomach starts grumbling. Don't worry though, I'll ensure he's on his politest behavior in front of his Lordship, I believe he is expected."

2008-07-23, 12:35 AM
The large guardsman frowns deeply at Aramil's words, apparently trying to figure out whether he really should feel honored... or insulted. As Raella leans forward and whispers something he chuckles, his belly shaking along with him.

"Hohoho! Yes, well I believe our Lord might just find him a welcome sight indeed. Tom, open the gate and announce them to Lord Padraig!"

He bellows at one of the Guardsman before addressing Aramil in more formal tones.

"My name is Sir Kelfem, captain of the Winterhaven guards, Master Silverleaf. If you are here to aid us you are most welcome and Lord Padraig will certainly see you. What, pray tell shall we call your illustrious company?"

After Aramil gives the captain the name of your company, the gates swing open to reveal a large courtyard leading to a small fortified manor at the top of the hill, flags snapping in the wind above the towers. One of the guards rushes off to announce your arrival and another escorts you to a set of stone steps that lead to an impressive wooden door set in bronze. The guard pulls at a cord next to the door and the sound of a bell can be heard. After a few moments the door opens into a large vestibule with high ceilings. A servant looks at you in surprise as the guard announces you before letting you in. You find yourself in an entryhall with a double door leading off north and smaller doors to the east and west. You are ushered into the west room, which seems to be a large dressing room of sorts. A few simple wooden benches stand along the wall with several armor stands and weapon racks. A beam of golden sunlight glitters off several steel shields hung from he wall. The servant directs you to an empty corner and coughs nervously as he speaks to you with a small bow.

"I'm afraid you'll have to leave your weapons and armor here for the audience with Lord Padraig good sirs..."

2008-07-23, 01:07 AM

Aramil pauses for a moment at the question.

Company? Oh, you mean these people I met on the road. We are not affiliated, as they are tagging along for a taste of heroism. You may announce just my name and illustration.

The eladrin gives a shake of his head to let his hair fall into place.

2008-07-23, 10:01 AM
:eek: :confused: :sigh: just about sums up Durik's reaction to the whole affair...

2008-07-23, 12:37 PM
I really hope they know what they are doing...

With the situation getting a bit too... delicate for his approach, the dragon removes his weapon-belt, his axes, and his hauberk, offering all around the sad show of a dragon in a leather shift, and begrudgingly hands it overs.

With no metal on himself anymore, he starts to feel... naked.
And ready to breath angry fire on anyone who as much as looks at him - thank the gods Riella seems to be handling things...

2008-07-23, 02:55 PM

My greatest weapon is my mind, and I don't think I'll be leaving that anywhere. Of course, you speak of those crude thing-bashers when you say weapon, and naturally, I have no need for them.

Aramil enters open handed into the Lord's chambers.

Aramil is wearing leather armor under his robes, but it is light enough to be treated as clothing, will the guards stop him if it's discovered?

2008-07-24, 10:34 AM
<because I missed the spoiler text in the GMs last post originally>

Durik carefully puts his longbow aside, and then places a short blade and large hunting knife next to it. He then removes the leather vest and bracers he wears as armor. (with clothing underneath since I imagine a town named "Winterhaven" is not known for warm weather)

2008-07-24, 01:23 PM

Looking mildly displeased as she unbuckles her leather cuirass before placing it on the table, followed by the dagger at her belt. She attempts to straighten the crinkles out of her linen undershirt before glaring at the servant.

"This had better all be here when I get back."

2008-07-25, 12:09 PM
The servant nervously rubs his hands as you all take off your armor and weapons. After you have done so he motions for you to follow him.

"Lord Padraig will see you now."

You are ushered back into the entrance hall where the guard that brought you here is still standing. Very much armed and armored of course...

At the end of the hallway, to the north, is another set of double doors. They open to reveal a grand hall with high windows, long wooden tables, a fireplace and several wooden chandeliers on the ceiling. At the East end a raised dais holds a large chair. Standing in front of it is a tall man with gray hair and sideburns and a hard, narrow face. He is wearing blue and white livery picturing a large boar and carrying a sword at his side. At the foot of the Dais is captain Kelfem accompanied by 4 guardsmen. Lord Padraig looks intently at you all with piercing, black eyes before addressing you.

"Welcome, travelers, to my hall. Forgive my precautions in having you leave both arms and armor behind, but there are trying times. My captain informs me there is a master Silverleaf amongst you and that he would speak with me about our troubles. Speak, and I shall listen."

2008-07-25, 01:09 PM

Aramil clears his throat at the mention of his name and speaks,

Yes, it is I, the great wizard Aramil Silverleaf, that generously chose to bless your village with my aid. Speak of any trouble that besieges Winterhaven, and I will solve it, for a price and recognition.

Sparks ensue once more.

2008-07-25, 01:53 PM
Lord Padraig raises an eyebrow at Aramil's words. He seems to be considering things. He then turns to Karosh:

"Tell me, Sir Dragonborn, why do you think this master Silverleaf is capable of dealing with our troubles when we are not?"

Please make a skill check along with your answer that you think should be appropriate for the situation.

2008-07-26, 12:29 AM

While the mayor questions the dragonborn, Aramil sees if he has heard anything of this Lord Padraig, possibly for any information that can be used as leverage or just general information.

History: [roll0]

2008-07-26, 03:46 AM

Great - now he's playing "ask the dragon"...

His eyes half opened the dragon studies the mayor... he has a blasted death cult to mind - what is he looking for?

Remembering the times he got sassed from townies when he still was a city guard, he answers the same way he did back then
"He is a professional - a professional hero.
We'll take care of what your town needs. That's what we do."

OOC: Diplomacy? Bluff? The modifier is the same, anyway... [roll0]

2008-07-27, 02:04 AM
Lord Padraig raises a surprised eyebrow at the Dragonborn's words and then chuckles slightly before shaking his head.

"Forgive me sir Dragonborn, I had forgotten about your kinds penchance for valor. Pray tell, what is your name?"

2008-07-28, 10:39 AM

Not expecting common curtesy - in fact, he was expecting nothing at all... but he's not anymore in "his" town, and it shows - the dragon fumbles with his words, mixing human and draconic etiquette:
"I... hu... I was... I am Korash, egg of El-Whur."

2008-07-28, 11:16 AM
Lord Padraig nods empathicly before continuing.

"Well then Sir Karosh, I must say it is rather refreshing to hear you talk of honor and heroism. All too often, people asking to enter my service are nothing short of rough mercenaries and greedy treasure hunters."

He coughs before continuing.

"Well then, as for our trouble. As you have no doubt heard, we have been bothered by an increasingly large number of kobold raids. And it's not just the odd traveler anymore, they've gone and burned down some of the outlying farms in the past months. Some of our woodsmen have found the location of the kobold's lair and I've been trying to raise the local militia to deal with this problem, but I'm afraid most locals just aren't taking it seriously enough."

He lets out a tired sigh.

"And I'm afraid I cannot send out the small regiment of guards I have stationed here, it would leave the town entirely unprotected. A small group of dedicated *heroes* like yourselves however, might just be able to rout them out for us..."

He looks expectantly at Korash and Master Silverleaf.

2008-07-28, 03:27 PM

Giving a scoff, Aramil exclaims,

More of those little critters? They'll vaporize at my sight! We just fought a small band of them on the way here, and they were nothing. So, what are you offering me to rid your town of these menaces?

And since you probably want a Diplomacy check once more here it is. Although this is more of just hearing what his initial offer is, unless he's trying to enlist us for free. Diplomacy: [roll0]

2008-07-28, 04:29 PM
Lord Padraig nods thoughtfully at Aramil's question, apparently still trying to figure out whether he is as powerful as he claims.

"Of course, I realize you do have your expenses as well. I'm willing to reward you with a sum of 100 gold pieces if you can rid us of those kobold bandits. What say you?"

That's right, just make an appropriate check whenever you can so it's there when I want to use it! :smallwink:

2008-07-28, 09:09 PM



So, tell me where they are and the task will be done.

2008-07-29, 06:36 AM

That's good. Now we will get that death cult out of the... wait, why is he talking of kobolds...
Great. More kobolds.
Maybe Pelor's ways really are mysterious... well, at least we'll be ready for them - common travellers would be hopeless prey.

2008-07-29, 10:22 AM
Lord Padraig blinks in surprise at the sparks coming from Aramil before smiling contently. He claps his hands twice, sending echoes through the hall. A servant rushes over to the Lords side.

"Sent for some refreshments from the kitchen, my guests seem thirsty."

As he does so, the air in the hall instantly becomes more relaxed. Guards are suddenly more at ease and captain Kelfem takes off his helmet to run a hand through his coarse hair. Soon afterwards, serving wenches come in carrying trays with large clay mugs. The first one is offered to Lord Padraig and the others to you.

"Well then, let us have toast. To Honor and Valour!"

He takes a swag out of the mug before pointing to one of the nearby wooden tables.

"Please, sit down. Kelfem will bring some maps to show you where the little monsters are hiding. You'd best be careful though, they are more organized then ever before."

And as foretold captain Kelfem soon brings a large map, ready to explain the location of the kobold hideout to you.

2008-07-29, 12:13 PM

Raella clears her throat audibly. "Forgive me Lord Padraig for speaking out of turn, but I am curious. Have there been any other adventurers asking about the kobolds?"

Incase you want a diplomacy check. [roll0]

2008-07-29, 12:16 PM

Aramil doesn't take well to the crudely brewed human ale, compared to the fine eladrin wine of his home plane, but he's not one to back down from trying something new. He takes a mug, tips, find the drink not that bad as he sits to look at where the kobolds are, also taking the opportunity to see the location of the keep he is to explore.

You need not worry; all you need to do is sit back and get the welcome party ready.

2008-07-29, 04:10 PM
Lord Padraig shakes his head gravely at Raella's question.

"No, I am afraid there haven't been any other people willing to deal with this dire threat. Why do you ask? You look rather anxious about it... is there something I should know?"

Meanwhile captain Kelfem growls at Aramil's words, pointing at the map before him.

"That's all mighty great, but in order to do so you'll have to reach their lair first. It's rather isolated. But I suppose your magic will get you there fast and easy..."

He smirks at the eladrin wizard, obviously cynical.

2008-07-29, 04:24 PM
"And even if his mighty powers can't, some few of us might still mark the trail so clearly that even he can find it."

Durik winks at the guard captain, moving forward to look over the map.

"I'm likely stuck walking though and the advice of you who know the land would be welcome."

[roll0] Diplomacy

2008-07-29, 05:11 PM

The eladrin turns at Durik to glare, his green pupils growing to fill the whole eye as energy seems to crackle around him.

Do not mock me human, I know when I am being ridiculed. I am trained in dozens of studies and you would dare accuse me of not being able to read a map? If that was a joke, it surely was not funny. Now then, I will be off to do a hero's work then.

Aramil gives a bow to Lord Padraig as it is only courteous, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Fey step out of the building, as he has positioned himself close enough to the door for the teleport to take him out in a dramatic flash.

2008-07-30, 04:59 AM

"Ah...no Lord Padraig. It was just that you mentioned treasure hunters and mercenaries wishing to join your service earlier. I thought that some of them might have expressed an interest in the kobolds, or any old ruins nearby...?"


2008-07-30, 11:14 AM
Lord Padraig rubs his chin thoughtfully at Raella's question.

"Come to think of it, I have heard Eilian the Old tell some wild stories about this old burial place lately. You'd have to ask him about it yourself though, I don't know much about it. He can usually be found at Wrafton's Inn, near the gates."

As he looks back towards Raella he smiles.

"But tell me a litlle about yourself. Where are you from?"

Meanwhile their conversation is wildly interrupted by Aramil's sudden disappearance, leaving their company totally flabbergasted. The guard captain rubs his neck nervously, licking his lips in dread.

"W-Why I never thought he'd actually..."

He turns back towards Durik with a pale face.

"You don't suppose Master Silverleaf keeps a grudge over something like this, do you?"

2008-07-30, 05:16 PM
"He's mostly harmless. Just... overdone."

I hope.

2008-07-31, 10:32 PM

Aramil, appearing outside the doors, dusts his robes and proceeds down to the village commons. He gives a look back, expecting some of them to follow after him, but not for long. He leisurely walks to the village gate to prepare for the journey to the kobold lair.

2008-08-01, 09:38 AM

With a sigh, the dragonborn admits to himself that they are in this with the vanishing man, vain as he may be.
"We'd better follow him, lest our master of the arcane tackles the whole kobold nest by his lonesome.
He's an hero alright... but he really doesn't need to be one alone."