View Full Version : Tie Me Manticore Down Sport

2008-07-03, 04:20 AM
The thread for the Aussie 4e game.

I will be your DM for today, enjoy your game.

2008-07-04, 10:05 PM
The Broken Sword is busy today. Townspeople crowd around a juggler and the rattle of dice can be heard from the corner where hard bitten gamblers ply their trade. In the middle of the crowd waitresses negotiate the patron's adventurous hands to serve drinks to the masses. Upstairs, sitting more quietly at tables are those who can afford it. The rattle of dice is prominent here too and it covers the words of the whispering men in black, but not loud enough to cover the raucous laughter from the floor below.

In the midst of this a kobold, a minotaur a teifling and a human walk into a bar. Adventures have started on less.

{{Cue players. You're in (or entering) the broken sword. Interact a bit and I'll get the adventure cues going when you're immersed.}}

2008-07-04, 10:52 PM

Nik sits at the bar near a group of hunters, who all seem to only mildly inebriated. Nik sighed and ordered an ale. He'd hoped they were drunk enough to share some tips on the hunt, but so far talk had only been on local news, something Nik is only mildly interested in.

He'd only come to town to sell the meagre furs he'd managed to get over the last couple of weeks. Hunting had been slow, for him at least, his only decent prize was a doe he found caught in another hunters snare. He felt bad about taking it, but felt worse for the doe, who seemed to have been trapped for several days. He figured the hunter wasn't coming back.

By the looks of things, the hunters weren't doing without anyway, the ale was flowing freely and they had even bought Nik a round when he first arrived, amid hushed laughter about the little kobold hunter. Naturally, he'd bought the next round for the four hunters but decided to refrain from joining the group.

I guess any dice rolls will be here?
Perception : [roll0] to overhear gossip.

I'll add up my tab when we leave.
Nik will talk in Seagreen

Silent Musician
2008-07-05, 12:18 AM
Ambition looks around as the bustling of the evening filled his ears. Groaning at the sight of it all, he heads for the middle of the bar to grab himself a drink from the waitresses, while having his eyes wander around.

2008-07-05, 02:43 AM
Tenet Khan

Tenet is situated in the corner of the room, currently engaged in a game of Liar's Dice with a group of trappers. Clad in casual clothing fitted to allow maximum range of movement, he sits as though ready to spring into action at any moment.

Every so often he casts a trained eye over the patrons of the Broken Sword, as if assessing their worth.

Tenet will speak in the very manly indigo.

2008-07-05, 04:50 AM
Mithas walks up to the bar and orders a drink and while he's waiting for the drink watches the juggler perform.

Mithas's colour is blue

2008-07-05, 08:35 AM

Staring deeply in his mug, Nik's tries to keep focus on the hunters conversation, while trying to look like he's not. His concentration is broken as an enormous beast shadows over him. He stares at it dumbly as the beast casually orders an ale.

"Muh... muh... Minotaur..." he blathers out, not thinking about what he's saying. The rest of the room seems to pay as much attention to the minotaur as they did Nik when he arrived.

Nature check for knowledge about minotaurs- [roll0]
edit: so he should know something about minotaurs then :smallwink:

2008-07-05, 09:40 AM
You remember that the typical minotaur is all very ME CRUSH!! But that many minotaurs are quite cultured individuals.

You also remember the cult of Baphomet is a cult devoted to the demon known as the horned king and is all about the inner beast. specifically, embracing it. It's like the inner child only more violent. some minotaur citys are completely populated with the followers of this cult but in others they are forced to stay hidden as would any other cult. Minotaur citys are usually in out of the way places in the mountains and valleys of the world.

Whoever they are minotaurs are very religious, following either the evil baphomet or other, nicer, more familly friendly gods such as bahamut, erathis, moradin and pelor. religious leaders often lead cities.

2008-07-05, 09:50 AM
The juggler announces "for my next feat of amazing dexterity, I shall juggle..... seven bags of silver coins!" at this he winks at the audience and says "If I drop any, you can keep 'em" With a winning smile he begins to juggle three full bags off coins as the audience Oooo and ahh, never taking their eyes of the money. He slowly adds more bags and he finally comes to seven. The audience don't move.

Silent Musician
2008-07-05, 10:50 AM
Ambition saw the minotaur come in, but his attention is next caught by the announcement of the juggler. Watching intently as three bags became seven, he was watching and waiting for one to drop, just so he can see the surrounding people dive for it like a bunch of greedy pigs. Typical society.

2008-07-05, 11:10 PM

Nik stares at the enormous beast, he just can't pull his eyes away. After a few seconds he decides to put away his beliefs about them. After all, he was a kobold, not typically found in local taverns either. He closes his mouth and goes about drinking his ale.

His attention is drawn by the juggler. He had no need for the coins. After he left his clan, he'd managed to nick a few coins, and the fur trade was paying well, he'd saved quite a bit.

The pomposity of the juggler caught him though. He considers drawing his bow and shooting a bag of coins out of the air, but dismisses it. If a human does it, he gets a pat on the back and a few free drinks. A kobold gets run out of town, if not killed.

2008-07-06, 05:47 AM
Tenet Khan

If the other players at his table are distracted by the juggler, he uses the opportunity to cheat outrageously at dice.

Thievery: [roll0]

Other than that, he shows no outward sign of noticing the new arrivals.

2008-07-06, 07:29 AM
cheating, DC10

Outrageous cheating DC20. close.

You earn yourself 10gp.

2008-07-06, 09:05 AM
Tenet Khan

His days work done, he leaves the game and heads to the bar, hoping to buy himself a round and a meal, maybe spinning a tall tale to those gullible enough to take his stories seriously. Its a good life, he reflects, as he hands a gold piece to the innkeeper.

Silent Musician
2008-07-06, 10:08 AM
Ambition looks at Tenet when he comes over to buy a drink, raising a scaled eyebrow as he looked at the human. Finding that he needed someone to say something to about this, he speaks to the man in his growly-like voice, deep and making him sound older than he was.

"What do you think of the current entertainment? A joke, huh?"

2008-07-06, 12:52 PM
Tenet Khan

"Everyone has to make a living, my friend." Tenet says, smiling broadly. "Besides, dirt for diamonds says that our jugglers bags aren't filled with real coin, except for a piece or two tucked in his sleeve."

He takes a sip of his drink. "I've learnt not to take appearances at face value in my travels, Mr...?"

Silent Musician
2008-07-06, 02:52 PM
Ambition stops to think about that, looking toward the juggler again, then back at Tenet. Being a cleric had dumbed his common sense a little. Of course the juggler could be just playing a ruse. He had seen much of this foul play back when he was just a little tiefling when he visited the taverns.

"You are a smart one, I will give you that," he says to the human. "And call me by no other name but Ambition. As a return of the favor, your name would be most welcomed, too."

2008-07-06, 04:47 PM
Tenet Khan

Tenet assesses the Tiefling with his eyes. "Ambition, eh? Pleased to make your acquaintance. You must have some mighty powerful goals to go by that name. However, that ain't my business, either way." He shrugs. "As for me, Tenet Khan, gentleman of fortune, at your service." Tenet extends his arm in friendship.

He thinks to himself, Nice to meet a member of the clergy who didn't insist on preachifying or arresting me as soon as he laid his eyes on me. 'Course, I haven't nicked anything off him yet, so I 'spose I'll give it time.

Silent Musician
2008-07-06, 05:29 PM
Ambition extends his hand to hold his, shaking it. He had no reason to distrust Tenet for now, seeing as he did not see when the man cheated. But he also wasn't going to trust the stranger so soon. For now, Ambition just gives him a stranger's trust.

"Yes, you can say I have some big goals. But in order to reach those goals, I have to become stronger than I am now. Everyone in this world has an ambition, when you look at it. But by my name, I believe mines is stronger."

2008-07-06, 09:16 PM
((since our minotaur isn't posting i'm going to assume he'll go along with whatever it is that you lot do))

A man in black robes appears at the landing of the stairs with two other, armed, men. He shakes the hand of another man, by all appearances a merchant, and smiles. The merchant smiles also and turns to go back down the stairs but he stumbles and falls, landing in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.

((Perception check everyone))

2008-07-06, 09:24 PM

Nik watches the robed man coming down the flight of stairs. He didn't like robes, the shaman of his village wore robes...


2008-07-06, 09:50 PM
Hearing the thump of a person falling down the stairs Mithas turns to see that a person was lying at the foot of the stairs seemingly lifeless. He gets up from where he is and goes towards them to see if they are alright.


2008-07-06, 10:03 PM
Tenet Khan

Perception: [roll0]

Tenet hears the loud noise at the other end of the room and turns to look.

2008-07-06, 10:10 PM
Nik, you not only notice that the man is dead but that the reason for this is that he has a small dagger sticking out of his back. As the robed man resettles his black sheets of cloth you catch a glimpse of similar daggers in an 'easy to throw' position.

Edit: so does tenet.

Silent Musician
2008-07-07, 12:46 AM
"Hm?" He looks toward the man who suddenly plummets down the steps.

Perception Check:


2008-07-07, 12:48 AM
The other two notice that he's dead.

2008-07-07, 12:56 AM
With the eyes of all the patrons fixed on the rotating bags of coins only the four adventurers and one other notice the falling man. That one other is the only other man in the room not focussed on the coins. The juggler. He sees the flash of a knife and he sees the man tumble. He drops both his jaw and the bags of coins, which fall to the ground and split spilling silver coins and spare scraps of metal all over the floor.

As the coins drop the crowd pounces, scraping the coins hurriedly off the gound. In the middle of it all one man gets greedy and makes a grab for another's coins. The other man takes offence at this and punches the first, who drops like a stone. His inebriated mates take offence and soon the tavern is a mass of flying fists and chairs.

Through it all you see the three men from the landing try to forge a path to the exit.

2008-07-07, 01:26 AM
((Can you describe the room for me before I take an action?))

Silent Musician
2008-07-07, 01:32 AM
Seeing the three robed men responsible for the death of the man walking toward the exit, Ambition finds an obligation to get a hold of them before they can get away. Being a cleric and all, he didn't like when people executed such an action, especially in public. So moving his way through the rioting crowd after placing down his drink, he keeps both of his eyes on the three fellows, removing his warhammer and keeping it held in his right hand as he moves to intercept the three men, trying to not seem that obvious with his intention with the hammer keeping at best low.

2008-07-07, 01:48 AM
Lots of flying fists, a bar on one side and a line of overturned card tables on the other. The bar runs all the way to the door and the top of the bar is completely clear. The card tables effectively block off the other side of the room. this results in a cooridor of fighting between the stairs and the door.

2008-07-07, 02:22 AM
Tenet Khan

Tenet leaps up onto the bar, runs along it and jumps off, standing in front of the doorway, rapier in hand. "Tsk tsk, boys, didn't anyone ever teach you not to leave a mess?"

Acrobatics: [roll0]

While not really troubled by the killing, Tenet frowns on overly public executions like this.

2008-07-07, 05:42 AM

Nik draws his bow and notches an arrow. He knew he didn't like these men, the robes...

He lets a slight hiss escape his lips as he jumps onto the bar, training his bow on the man in robes.

Nik waits until the Man in Robes attacks before he does.

2008-07-08, 10:16 AM
acrobatics check passed.

2008-07-08, 10:38 AM
The robed man and his two companions hit the door at a run, the bulkiest of the three slamming into Tenet.

This will be a skill challenge of a sort.

Bluff, Diplomacy, acrobatics, athletics, insight, athletics and streetwise are all open to you.

Tenet, choose a check to hold him off.

2008-07-08, 02:36 PM
Tenet Khan

"Now now, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Me gangs outside waiting, but we can settle this like gentlemen." Tenet holds his hand up in front of him placatingly, yet his stance is still set to dodge a blow or grab one of the men, if necessary.


2008-07-08, 04:03 PM
The man in the robes looks worried, and he holds the bulkier of his two companions back as he goes to push past you.


2008-07-09, 12:03 AM

Seeing the men stop at the doorway, Nik steps down to the other side of the bar, sneaking around towards the door, his bow at the ready.

Stealth [roll0]

2008-07-09, 12:15 AM
Mithas seeing that the kobold and tiefling had their weapons out and their attention on the men heading for the door heads there as well drawing his sword as he goes.

2008-07-09, 12:18 AM
+2 to your next check nik

2008-07-09, 06:19 AM
Tenet Khan

Tenet tries to get a read on the man in the robes, looking for identity and motivations.

Perception: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]

2008-07-09, 07:00 AM
sorry tenet, fail fail. -4 to next check due to preconcieved ideas

Silent Musician
2008-07-10, 01:33 PM
Ambition follows along, seeing that the Minotaur was taking up arms, too.

"It seems like we have common goals this night," he says to the beast.

2008-07-20, 12:17 AM

Poking his head above the bar top, Nik sees the Tiefling and Minotaur coming to surround the men. He slowly rises and lifts himself on top of the bar, aiming his bow down at the Man in Robes.

2008-07-25, 01:55 AM
The robed man spins around and takes stock of his situation. Fearing the gang out the front he spins and pushes back through the crowd towards the stair, with his guards trailing behind him.

2008-08-23, 10:32 AM

Suddenly feeling like he has nothing to lose, Nik takes a shot at the robed man and his guards.

Hey, who knows if this gets reignited...

Initiative [roll0]

Shortbow: Split the Tree, take the best of-
-[roll1] vs AC
-[roll2] vs AC
and apply it to both targets (the man in robes and one guard)

Damage: [roll3]

edit: you are kidding me...