View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 34: Sir Schwant vs Chili IV vs Grawl vs Kor

2008-07-03, 03:35 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 34: Sir Schwant vs. Chilie IV vs. Grawl vs. Kor



1st: 1200XP and 1100GP
2nd: 400XP and 500GP
3rd: 200xp and 200GP

Bayar - Kor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=42319)
chilepepper - Chile IV (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=10467)
KCiemir - Sir Schwant (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=1272)
Bigmac - Grawl (http://www.3edb.com/viewCharacter.asp?cid=16904)

All combatants, please roll initiative.

2008-07-03, 05:54 PM
Buying some stuff:
Chain Shirt +1
Spiked Darkwood Shield
5 shortspears

Also, thinking of buying a potion of blindsight, but I can't remember how much it costs and I'm AFB at the moment.

Anyway, Starting in Z14 with a shortspear in one hand and a loose spiked shield in the other.


2008-07-03, 05:58 PM

I will still make purchases depending on what everyone else buys.

2008-07-03, 05:59 PM
Init. to win it [roll0]

2008-07-04, 03:12 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Still thinking what to buy...

2008-07-04, 07:47 PM
Alright! Everybodies here, good to see you all. Good game to you all.

The order is:

chilepepper - Chile IV
bayar - Kor
Bigmac - Grawl
KCiemir - Sir Schwant

I'll start in M26 with scroll in hand.
I have no initial purchases.

2008-07-05, 02:50 PM
I'm still here, just waiting on Bayar's purchases before I do my own...

2008-07-05, 03:56 PM
I'm still here, just waiting on Bayar's purchases before I do my own...

Wait, you are wielding a large greatsword with monkey grip ? :amused:

And Bigmac, that studded leather only gives 3 AC. think you need to re-type the name into chain shirt...

As for purchases...mmm...purchases...I'll just buy 2 potions of enlarge person (50 each = 100), a masterwork spiked chain (325), a potion of bull's strenght (300) and a potion of cure moderate wounds (300).

Might modify them to reflect other purchases though...

2008-07-05, 05:28 PM
I'll buy the potion of blindsight if it is only 300gp (I know that it is a sorc/wiz lvl 2 spell, but can't recall if it is self only. I know the 3rd lvl cleric spell is definatly able to be used as a pot, but that will cost 600gp and I'd rather not waste the cash on it. If blindsight costs 600gp, I'll spend the 300gp on a potion of shield of faith +3 instead.) Otherwise I am ready to roll. Chilipepper, take it away.

2008-07-05, 06:17 PM
Wait, you are wielding a large greatsword with monkey grip ? :amused:

Yeah, so?:smallconfused:

anyway, I'm gonna buy a potion of invisibility, and three smokesticks

2008-07-05, 09:44 PM
I'll buy the potion of blindsight if it is only 300gp (I know that it is a sorc/wiz lvl 2 spell, but can't recall if it is self only. I know the 3rd lvl cleric spell is definatly able to be used as a pot, but that will cost 600gp and I'd rather not waste the cash on it. If blindsight costs 600gp, I'll spend the 300gp on a potion of shield of faith +3 instead.) Otherwise I am ready to roll. Chilipepper, take it away.

edit2: I'm retarded, why can't I read. Blindsight is 3rd level for Cleric, Druid, and Sorc/Wiz. So it would be 600g, but it is potionable.

edit: Bayar, did you want to purchase anything else before we begin?

2008-07-06, 03:55 AM
Switching Bull's strenght with Invisibility. If anyone modifies their buyage, I might too...if not, GAME ON !

2008-07-06, 10:52 AM
Round 1: Chile

Read a spell from my scroll, no visual effects
Mage Armor
HP: 7/7
AC: 19 t15 f14
-Mage Armor 1/600
Position: M26

Spells: 5W,5S / 4W,4S / Ice Knife

Done. bayar - Kor's turn.

2008-07-07, 04:37 PM
Kor - Round 1

Starting in M2 with sling in one hand and a potion in the other, move to I7.

Ready an action:
Sling someone if LOE is established.

HP: 21/21
AC:15 T:11 FF:14
Wielding: Sling
In hand: Potion of invisibility.

Crystals of returning are equipped on: Sungliin, Spiked Chain

Everything listed on my char sheet is on my persona.

End turn.

2008-07-08, 10:11 AM

Grawl shifts into his beast form and then runs to Z18 where he uses his sudden leap maneuver to jump [roll0]ft to Z22. He then finishes by moving to M25. As he moves he straps his sheild into place.


AC:27 ff:23 th:16
Effects: Shifted 1/9
Maneuvers: Sudden Leap, Wolf Fang Strike, Shadow Blade Technique, Distracting Ember

2008-07-08, 04:55 PM
Free action to speak at the end of your turn: "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

(I've got 0 experience with tome of battle, so um, holy ****e that's some awesome movement)

2008-07-08, 05:12 PM
Base Speed of 30ft + 10ft (quick) +10ft (longstrider shifter trait) = base speed of 50ft. The jump netted me the extra 20ft of movement to get to you.

2008-07-08, 06:08 PM
Start in B13 with sword in one hand and potion in the other.

Double move to I10

Current Buffs: none
in hand: pot of invisibility

2008-07-09, 01:12 AM
Round 2: Chile's turn

Swift Action: no visual effectActivate Law Devotion: +3 AC
Move Action: Draw a vial of sleep smoke (DC15 fort save, fall asleep)
Standard Action: Fighting Defensively, Throw at L/M 24/25, smoke covers those four squares (provoke AoO)
[roll0] vs AC 5
If miss [roll1]
5'step: to N26

HP: 7/7
AC: 24 t20 f17 (Armor 4, Dex 5, Sacred/Profane 3, Dodge 2)
-Mage Armor 2/600
-Law Devotion 1/10
Position: N26
Spells: 5W,5S / 4W,4S / Ice Knife

Need the save from Grawl, then I'm done.

2008-07-09, 05:53 AM
Need the save from Grawl, then I'm done.

Actually, you need to see the AOO result first, and then the save...

2008-07-09, 07:09 AM
He doesn't have to take the AoO, so I don't technically need that to be done. I was hoping to slip that by him, but I guess there's no such luck now.

2008-07-09, 09:49 AM
First, you provke the AoO when you draw the smokestick, so I'll take the attack when you draw it out.


and here's the save in case you can still throw the smokestick


2008-07-09, 10:03 AM
First of all, it's Sleepsmoke, not a smoke stick. Secondly, it's a weapon so I don't provoke while drawing it. I do however provoke when I throw it, so you can just apply your AoO roll to that instance. Thirdly, unless I'm mistaken, succeeding at the AoO doesn't prevent me from throwing it. However that's a moot point because fourthly, the attack misses. Fifthly, since you failed the save, you are unconscious for 1 minute at which point you need to save again or be unconscious for an additional 1d3 minutes.

Bayar, it's your turn.

2008-07-09, 10:54 AM
What book is sleepsmoke from? Is it a simple, martial, or exotic weapon?

2008-07-09, 11:03 AM
What book is sleepsmoke from? Is it a simple, martial, or exotic weapon?

Think it is an alchemical substance like Acid flask that is "Weapon-like".

Althoug, I can argue about the RAW-RAI of this because, you cannot threaten anything with an alchemical flask...

2008-07-09, 11:28 AM
you can't threaten with a bow either. I was just concerned about it since I should be able to hit him on a 19 if he isn't fighting defensivly so it is kinda important when I take the AoO. As far as I can tell though, since it's a weapon like object i'll go with the interpretation of RAW that drawing it does not provoke an AoO. So, Grawl misses and goes to sleep.

2008-07-09, 11:59 AM
Kor - Round 2

Move to O4.

Sheathe sling.

Free action: Think we should band together Sir Schwant. That spellcaster is fighting using tricks !

HP: 21/21
AC:15 T:11 FF:14
Wielding: Fist
In hand: Potion of invisibility.

Crystals of returning are equipped on: Sungliin, Spiked Chain

Everything listed on my char sheet is on my persona.

2008-07-09, 12:53 PM
Free: OK Kor, I won't make the first move against you!

Double move to I17

Current Buffs: none
in hand: pot of invisibility

2008-07-09, 03:51 PM
I will be away for 2-3 days. Dont DQ me or kill me please.

2008-07-09, 09:24 PM
you can't threaten with a bow either. I was just concerned about it since I should be able to hit him on a 19 if he isn't fighting defensivly so it is kinda important when I take the AoO. As far as I can tell though, since it's a weapon like object i'll go with the interpretation of RAW that drawing it does not provoke an AoO. So, Grawl misses and goes to sleep.

Okay, Sleepsmoke is from City of Splendor Waterdeep. It's a thrown weapon, like an acid flask. Drawing a weapon doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. However none of that matters because even without the fighting defensively bonus, you still didn't hit me.

2008-07-10, 12:05 AM
Round 3: Chile's turn

Free action: "Uh, hey, I'm not using dirty tricks. Did you see how far he just moved?! Man, I'm just trying to survive."
Move Action: Grab a vial off of Grawl's body.
Free action: "You two should really just focus on each other. I'll leave you two alone."
Standard Action: Read a spell off of my scroll
Invisibility - caster level check [roll0] DC 3, and it was the potion of CLW that I took

I'll finish my move with an edit - stay tuned.

edit: I disappear.
Oh and the smoke expands to a 10' radius

Done. Kor's turn.

HP: 7/7
AC: 22 t18 f17 (Armor 4, Dex 5, Sacred/Profane 3)
-Mage Armor 3/600
-Law Devotion 2/10 (ac)
Position: N26
Spells: 5W,5S / 4W,4S / Ice Knife

2008-07-10, 03:01 AM
I will be away for 2-3 days. Dont DQ me or kill me please.

Just wanted to keep this on the current page for the refs.

2008-07-10, 05:44 AM
Just a little clarification - when the smoke expands to 10' radius, wouldn't you too be required to make the save against it?

2008-07-10, 07:19 AM
Nope. That's actually why I took the 5' step after throwing it. Here's the area the smoke occupies after it expands.

Game on.

2008-07-10, 08:07 AM
I could argue that you had to go through gas when you reached to take the potion, but since there's no RAW about it...

Jeah, go ahead.

2008-07-10, 10:40 AM

How do you know where my vials are? Can you see them through the smoke? I have more than one type of potion, are you sure which one you took? What if it was a vial of alchemist frost instead? I think we need to get a high ref to interpret / create some rule on taking stuff from a downed opponent. Also, you might need to make a fort save yourself if you are going to be taking stuff off of someone who's in the smoke.

2008-07-10, 08:10 PM
GM Kyeudo

This all depends on exactly how metagame we are going. By the Arena rules, he knows the entire contents of your inventory, unless you have used part of it during this match while he was unable to see you. We can either do this the simple way and let him take what he wants or the more difficult way of randomly rolling among all similar looking objects. Which will it be?

I would say that retrieving an item from a downed person is at least a full round action, though. (Precedent: Psionic Tatoos on downed characters.)

2008-07-10, 09:00 PM
You have 1 Potion of Shield of Faith, 1 alchemists frost, and 2 potion of CLW. On you sheet, the potion of CLW is listed as being IN anything, so I don't have to search for it. As far as which I take: alchemists frosts, like fire, is in a clay pot, not a glass vial.

I looked for the quote for that and I'm wrong about that. However, alch. fire is in a flask which holds 1 pint, potions are in vials which hold 1 ounce.

Physical Description

A typical potion or oil consists of 1 ounce of liquid held in a ceramic or glass vial fitted with a tight stopper.

Alchemist’s Fire

You can throw a flask of alchemist’s fire as a splash weapon.

Flask: This ceramic, glass, or metal container is fitted with a tight stopper and holds 1 pint of liquid.

Vial, ink or potion

A vial holds 1 ounce of liquid. The stoppered container usually is no more than 1 inch wide and 3 inches high.

That narrows it down to three vials, two of which are identical. I take one of the two identical ones. Not to mention, during declaration of items before the match, I would have seen exactly which one it was.

As for it being a full round action, I don't think so. If he were conscious, I'd have to use a disarm, which is a standard action. Since he's unconscious, I'm picking up an item, a move action. He certainly didn't have enough actions in round 1 to sleight of hand and hide it, so I don't have to search for it. And as I said, his sheet doesn't list any of them as being IN anything, so I don't have to manipulate anything to get to it.

edit: and the smoke doesn't obscure vision
edit2: and you can pickup things in adjacent squares without moving, so at no time do I occupy a square that has the smoke in it, therefore, no fort save. I know in reality, my hand would be exposed, but by RAW, I'm not exposed.
edit3: corrected an incorrect statement within the ref only spoiler

2008-07-19, 04:58 PM
Think you should do a search check to retrieve the correct item...if it was a weapon, then it would have been a move action since it is something easily identifiable. A certain potion amongst other potions, not so easy...

2008-07-19, 07:05 PM
Checking back in after the down time.

2008-07-20, 01:49 PM
GM Kyeudo

Chili does make a good case for it being a move action, given that Grawl's gear does not need to be searched through to find the potions and he is unable to resist.

He also makes a good case for why he would not mis-identify a potion from alchemist's fire or frost.

Still, the SRD lists only two methods for identifying a potion, i.e. Magic and Taste. Color was not included as a possibility. Therefore, I think randomly determining the potion grabbed would be the most fair method.

Since Chili can't identify which potion it is, I'll spoiler the random roll. Grawl can know what he lost.

1-2: Potion of CLW
3: Potion of Shield of Faith

2008-07-20, 09:23 PM
Well, the taste thing is an example, but I can't argue the possibility that the different potions happen to look the same. So since I can't determine which is which, random it is. Thank you Kyeudo, for your time.

If no one else contests his decision, I believe it is Kor's turn.

2008-07-21, 03:52 PM
My turn...so, you are invisible, right ?

Kor - Round 3

Move from O4 to O12.

Ready an action:
If anything attacks me, move in the direction from where the attack came from.

End turn.

HP: 21/21
AC:15 T:11 FF:14
Wielding: Fist
In hand: Potion of invisibility.

Crystals of returning are equipped on: Sungliin, Spiked Chain

Everything listed on my char sheet is on my persona.

2008-07-22, 05:10 AM
That is correct, I am invisible.

edit: Also -

Hey everyone, KCmier just sent me a message through ArenaManager explaining that he is having difficulty logging in with his normal account. Nobody DQ him until he can get his account problems resolved.

2008-07-30, 03:13 PM
Update transcribed from the waiting room.

Update on KC: He just sent me another PM using ArenaManager and says he should be able to regain access by the Fourth of August.

2008-08-06, 01:14 PM
well, it is 06-08...

2008-08-06, 02:06 PM
I'd be O.K. with him posting his actions under the arena manager account if he wants to. I only have a few weeks before I go back to lala land.

2008-08-06, 03:12 PM
Or he could just make a new account.

2008-08-10, 01:57 PM
GM Kyeudo

Sir Schwant is disqualified due to prolonged abscence.

Carry on.

2008-08-10, 05:06 PM
Quick recap
Chile - Chile IV - 18
Bayar - Kor 5(+1)
Bigmac - Grawl - 5(-1)
KC - Sir Schwant - 4

Round 1
Chile - Chile IV - Cast a spell from a scroll
Bayar - Kor - Move to I7
Bigmac - Grawl - Move to M25
KC - Sir Schwant - Move to I10

Round 2
Chile - Chile IV - sleep smoke, move to N26
Bayar - Kor - move to O4
Bigmac - Grawl - asleep
KC - Sir Schwant - move to I17

Round 3
Chile - Chile IV - stole a potion, disappeared
Bayar - Kor - move to O12
Bigmac - Grawl - asleep
KC - Sir Schwant - DQ

2008-08-10, 05:20 PM
Round 4 - Chile's turn

The sleepsmoke dissipates. I'm still invisible.

Move action: stow the Scroll, hide [roll0]
Ready an Action to cast Launch item on LoE to Kor.

HP: 7/7
AC: 22 t18 f17 (Armor 4, Dex 5, Sacred/Profane 3)
-Mage Armor 4/600
-Law Devotion 3/10 (ac)
Position: N26, invisible, hiding
Spells: 5W,5S / 4W,4S / Ice Knife
Grawl's sleep smoke: secondary save Round 12, Chile's turn.

Done, Bayar-Kor's turn.

2008-08-12, 04:13 PM
Kor - Round 4

Will try to spot you:
Free spot: [roll0]
Extra spot (move action) [roll1]

If he hasnt rolled a hide check, he should have only a DC 20...

And will ready an action:
If anything attacks me, move in the direction from where the attack came from.

HP: 21/21
AC:15 T:11 FF:14
Wielding: Fist
In hand: Potion of invisibility.

Crystals of returning are equipped on: Sungliin, Spiked Chain

Everything listed on my char sheet is on my persona.

End turn.

2008-08-12, 05:30 PM
Round 5 - chile's turn
Switch Law devotion to attack bonus. Move to V26, hide [roll0], ready an action to cast LI on LoE to bayar

HP: 7/7
AC: 19 t15 f14 (Armor 4, Dex 5)
-Mage Armor 5/600
-Law Devotion 4/10 (attack)
-Invisible 3/30
Position: N26, invisible, hiding
Spells: 5W,5S / 4W,4S / Ice Knife
Grawl's sleep smoke: secondary save Round 12, Chile's turn.

Done, Bayar-Kor's turn.

2008-08-14, 04:06 PM
Kor - Round 5

K. I wanna ready an action. I ready:
An action to move if someone attacks me.

HP: 21/21
AC:15 T:11 FF:14
Wielding: Fist
In hand: Potion of invisibility.
Location: O12

Crystals of returning are equipped on: Sungliin, Spiked Chain

Everything listed on my char sheet is on my persona.

And I declare turn.

2008-08-14, 11:20 PM
Round 6 - Chile's turn

Move to Z22, cast Launch Item. Sleepsmoke at O12/P13, [roll0] vs AC 5 +2 for cover
[roll1] if miss

Not done.

From somewhere to the southeast, a vial of sleepsmoke comes flying at you, shattering at O12/P13, filling those four squares with the gas. Make a DC15 fort save or fall unconscious.

HP: 7/7
AC: 19 t15 f14 (Armor 4, Dex 5)
-Mage Armor 6/600
-Law Devotion 5/10 (attack)
-Invisible 3/30
Position: Z22, invisible
Spells: 5W,4S / 4W,4S / Ice Knife
Grawl's sleep smoke: secondary save Round 12, Chile's turn.
Bayar's sleep smoke: secondary save Round 16, Chile's turn.


2008-08-16, 07:35 AM
That triggers my readied action !

I readied to move if someone attacks me. So tehnically, you attacked me. Dunno if that breaks your invisibility, since you tried to do an AoE on me...

So, I move...to southeast ? Umm...Mythweavers is down so cant view my sheet, nor your sheet. Can I wait until it is back ?

2008-08-17, 08:24 AM
A- I didn't attack you.

B- Since I'm invisible, you don't have anyway of perceiving that I'm attacking. Therefore your readied action can't trigger.

2008-08-17, 08:48 AM
High Ref Morbius

Chile are you sure that this does not break invisibility? Throwing a item... that requires you to roll an attack roll, I don't know... is there any precedent to what you are saying?

But anyway your ready action does not trigger Bayar, you can't react to something that you are unaware of, so please roll the fort save.

EDIT: Actually when i think about it now I have a brief memory of this being discussed before and I yhink you are right about the grenade weapons too Chile, but if you could find the precedent on this it would be better anyway

2008-08-17, 10:30 AM
I can see the item flying at me since it is no longer invisible when it flies towards me. I cannot see Chile but I can prevent it...

Anyway: [roll0] Now...let us thow see...

Still want my readied action to trigger since I am being attacked...so I can move before it breaks...

2008-08-17, 03:22 PM
The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. (Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character’s perceptions.) Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack.

I'm not attacking a creature, I'm attacking the ground. It's a grenade weapon, not a spell. RAW backs me up. The discussion was whether the ground was an attended item, but was dropped because there's no RAW to back it up. Even still, I'm not doing damage.

Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible

Technically, I'm not dropping or putting down the item, so by RAW, it doesn't become invisible. There some other RAW that indicates you can't react to an attack you can't see, I'm still looking for it though.

2008-08-17, 05:09 PM
Okay, so following the rulings in the waiting room, my invisibility pops. However, you fail the save and fall unconscious, so that's the match.

2008-08-17, 06:07 PM
High Ref Morbius

Actually I think you still need to make the Coup de Grace roll for both of them or they will wake up... you have a good CDG weapon with you right?

2008-08-17, 06:32 PM
But my readied action to run away !!! :furious:

2008-08-17, 07:03 PM
High Ref Morbius

About the 1st of the 2 matchs above....

Can anyone tell me where is the rule that you cannot react to a invisible attack even if it is a ranged one? And by react I mean use a ready action against it.

Invisibility doesn't break until after the attack is made.

Ok, now we still need those CDG rolls from chile

2008-08-18, 12:19 AM
Okay, since I'm limited to getting this done in 10 rounds, I'll keep track of round by round actions.

Rd 7
Double move to N24

Rd 8
Pickup spear

Now, if a CdG doesn't kill, the damagee still needs to roll fort saves. If I have plenty of time, it won't matter, but if time becomes an issue...

Rd 9 thru ?
CdG [roll0] + [roll1]
CdG [roll2] + [roll3]
CdG [roll4] + [roll5]
CdG [roll6] + [roll7]

((checking rolls))

edit: Well that's crappy!

Okay I need 5 fort saves from Grawl. Four from the CdGs and one for the secondary poison.

DC 12, 15, 12, 13, 15

edit2: I sent Bigmac a PM

2008-08-18, 07:31 AM
Actually, attacking a sleeping creature should wake him up...so only one will do.

And it is round 9 thru 12.

2008-08-18, 08:07 AM
Actually, attacking a sleeping creature should wake him up...so only one will do.

And it is round 9 thru 12.

High Ref Morbius

Unless sleep smoke is different from a sleep spell it's just like that

2008-08-18, 08:09 AM
Bayar, could you please take two seconds to read before you start dictating what does and doesn't happen?

And I know how many rounds my action take, I just don't know how many of those actions I actually have to take.

2008-08-18, 08:20 AM
Bayar, could you please take two seconds to read before you start dictating what does and doesn't happen?

Actually, attacking a sleeping creature should wake him up...so only one will do.

I didnt dictate nothing. I said "should", not "will".

subtle difference there...

2008-08-18, 08:41 AM
Then you said "only one will do". However, it does not matter, there's no reason to go back and forth about this. I apologize if my previous post was too harsh.

For your information, sleepsmoke does not cause a person to fall asleep, it makes them unconscious. That is why when each of you was affected, I said "unconscious" instead of asleep.

2008-08-18, 01:41 PM
Then you said "only one will do". However, it does not matter, there's no reason to go back and forth about this. I apologize if my previous post was too harsh.

For your information, sleepsmoke does not cause a person to fall asleep, it makes them unconscious. That is why when each of you was affected, I said "unconscious" instead of asleep.

We should petition WoTC to change the name to Unconciousness smoke instead of sleep smoke. It is misleading.

2008-08-18, 02:13 PM
We should petition WoTC to change the name to Unconciousness smoke instead of sleep smoke. It is misleading.

Lol. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well...

2008-08-18, 11:17 PM
Fort saves, in order


Oh well. Almost made it.

2008-08-19, 03:08 AM
Alright, that was round 9 and 10. I have until round 16 before Kor's secondary save.

Round 11
With great disdain, I drop the spear and say, "That's far too much work."
Double move to P13.

Round 12
Magic Missle [roll0]

Round 13
Move to U12
Magic Missle [roll1]

Round 14
Move to Y12
Magic Missle [roll2]

Round 15
Draw Scroll
True Strike (not from scroll, btw)

Round 16
Bag of Boulders - 3 charges
[roll3] vs. AC9 I believe, +4 armor -5 dex

stats at the end of round 16

HP: 7/7
AC: 19 t15 f14 (Armor 4, Dex 5)
-Mage Armor 16/600
-Law Devotion
Position: Y12
Spells: 1W,4S / 2W,4S / Ice Knife
Grawl's sleep smoke: secondary save Round 12, Chile's turn.
Bayar's sleep smoke: secondary save Round 16, Chile's turn.

That brings us to your secondary save, if you're still alive. I'm done.

edit: BTW, when the match is called, Grawl gets his potion back, since I didn't use it

2008-08-19, 05:15 AM
Wait...when did you buy the bag of boulders ?

Or...maybe I havent looked very careful at your sheet...damn.

So...rocks fall, I die ?

2008-08-19, 09:12 AM
Bag was bought between matches, when I leveled my character.

It's in the MIC, but the gist of it is:
3 charges per day
Standard action to activate which includes drawing a pebble and throwing it (user is proficient and range is 50')
Ranged attack
1 charge = 2d6 damage
2 = 3d6
3 = 4d6
Then the pebble disappears.

So you got hit by a pebble, and it hurt alot.

2008-08-20, 11:36 AM
High Ref Talic

Chile IV is declared the winner! All placing participants, pick up your allotted XP and gold at the door.

2008-08-20, 04:44 PM
Kor is second, Grawl is third. FYI.