View Full Version : Minus just ended

2008-07-03, 11:41 PM
The last page of Minus (http://www.kiwisbybeat.com/) was posted today. I'm rather saddened that it's over; it was one of the web's better (arguably best) comics. Even though the author said he'd suddenly end it sometime, and the past few updates have felt like it was dying (yes, dying is how I'd best describe it. Like someone in a bed on their last breaths).

I can't say that I'm happy with the ending, either. Though if there's one thing that makes Armand's work different from most webcomics, it's how he likes to give his readers unresolved, confusing, and melancholy endings.

Thoughts? Did Armand surprise anyone by ending now?

Lord Seth
2008-07-04, 01:37 AM
The comic's point was always to be zany and wacky, so I guess the ending fit it. Still, I wouldn't have minded a little more closure. Plus, why does the final strip hardly feature the titular character?

Oh well, perhaps better to end like this than try to somehow use the series' personality-less characters in some kind of confusing plot like Dresden Codak tried.

Kurald Galain
2008-07-04, 01:58 AM
It didn't surprise me in that his recent work seemed to be running out of ideas.

On the other hand, it did surprise me because most webcomics continue for years after they run out of ideas.

But Minus was a lot of fun.

2008-07-04, 02:09 AM
On the other hand, it did surprise me because most webcomics continue for years after they run out of ideas.

I'm really glad that wasn't the case with Minus. I'd sooner miss its quality than despise its shoddiness.

2008-07-04, 06:22 AM
Apparently we'll get a few more pages, at least.

2008-07-04, 09:04 PM
Oh well, perhaps better to end like this than try to somehow use the series' personality-less characters in some kind of confusing plot like Dresden Codak tried.

Dear Lord, please NO. That "Hob" storyline was crafted out of failure, and looks to be somehow deteriorating further. His stand-alone jokes were his strength (along with the art).

Apparently we'll get a few more pages, at least.

Yes! I missed this; thanks for bringing it to my attention.

2008-07-24, 11:20 PM
Aaaaand now it's done for good. We'll have to wait till 2009ish for more stuff from that brilliant fellow.

2008-07-24, 11:28 PM
I can't say I'm massively upset. It wasn't a bad comic, but it was fairly disturbing. I'm not sure whether this was intentional or not, but some of the actions of the titular omnipotent child were morally questionable enough that they kind of negated any real humour value in those strips. Even if it was intentional though, I still wouldn't call it brilliant.

2008-07-24, 11:44 PM
Well that’s sad; I really enjoyed most of Minus, at least each individual strip in isolation.

Dear Lord, please NO. That "Hob" storyline was crafted out of failure, and looks to be somehow deteriorating further. His stand-alone jokes were his strength (along with the art).

Have to concur, this one (http://dresdencodak.com/cartoons/dc_014.htm) had me chuckling for near a week, but the adventurers of half-asian, nerdy, female protagonist (did I mention she’s half-asian) bored me to tears.