View Full Version : Act 1: The Dance of Exploration.

2008-07-06, 01:42 AM
As the sunlight seeps through a window onto your bed, you awake with a fresh sea breeze brushing your cheek. As you leave the building you were sleeping in, you walk down the cobble stone roads of the small town of Seawell. Docked ships slowly sway with the waves of the ocean, silently whispering the stories of the world they've sailed. As you walk through the streets, you come to the center of town, a large stone square with a giant fountain in the center. Atop of the fountain you see a statue of a female elven beauty in flowing robes holding a pitcher flowing out the fountains water. At the bottom you see a plaque with the words: "To Ehlonna, Guardian of us all". Although there are children playing with a leather ball, you find it strange that there are no other people out, it is almost as though it is a ghost town. You reach for a flier you received from a young boy handing them out to whoever would take them yesterday. You re-read it to make sure you have your information right:

"To all adventurers and mercenaries,

Meet the mayor at sunrise at his residence. He has a job concerning the wellbeing of this town. A reward of 500 gold will be given at the completion of the task."

You find yourself and a group of five others standing outside of the mayors mansion, two guards in red and gold standing outside the door. An older man appears from the building draped in brown robes, with a look like he hasn't slept in a few days. Concern spreads across his face as he looks upon the people who have gathered. He speaks slowly, as if carefully choosing every word he speaks:

"Ahh, it is good to see that in the world of decay and corruption there are still those good and brave enough to help out those in need." He takes a deep breath, as if this is something he much rather would not want to do. "As you may or may not know, this town has been in some strife for some time now. For the past two weeks our town has not received any supplies from our trade partners. Seawell is one of the major port towns on this side of the coast, which is why this is of a great concern to me... Also because Seawell is surrounded by swampland before the Great Desert, we have no farmland or a way to sustain our food supply, so we are bound to them to survive. You can imagine my worry... If we don't receive stock in a week or so, I fear the worst for this town... Not that there are many people still here."

His weary face seems filled with sadness. "There are two trade routes into this town, one from the sea and one through the desert, I need you adventurers to find out what has happened to those routes. If you follow this road out to town it will take you to the towns lighthouse, the family that lives there might know what is happening to the boats, although I haven't heard from them in a few weeks either." He points out to the west of town.

"If you take this road to the north, you will find the Teetering Edge, a small establishment that resides on the edge of the desert. Most caravans pass through there, so they may know of their absents." The Mayor points north to a larger compacted dirt road that leads out of town.

"Another concern to me is the recent spree of lizardmen attacks against this town. We have always had friendly relations with them, however recently they have become hostile, attacking anyone they see. It is of a mystery to me as to why this would happen... If you need any help with the inhabitence of the swamp or of the surrounding geography, the local ranger should be able to help you with any questions you need to know." The Mayor looks up and meets everyone eye to eye.

"Here is a map of the surrounding area. If you have any questions for me, please, do not hesitate to ask.".


2008-07-06, 03:17 PM
Boltz Blunder

hmm I could use some money and these people need help, certainly no blighter would do this task

Sir as long as some of these fellows also partake in this task I will aid them in my own way. Personally I believe that the brightest Idea would be to check out the light house first seeing as the desert is riddled with undead. The elf with the waist length silver hair peers at the other adventurers just his posture gives off a sense of masculinity and his eyes like the night sky are captivating.So who's up for a walk through a lizard infested swamp eh?

2008-07-06, 03:30 PM
Ursuun Mithrilfire

Description, since it's been a while:
Ursuun Mithrilfire stands as a mountain of metal, covered head to toe in the finest dwarven steel. He sports a massive, bushy brown beard which tapers to a point near his solar plexus, which along with his temper and frontline combat abilities earned him the nickname "Grizzly." His armor, as mentioned before, is a set of full plate custom fitted to him, with the dark red tabard of the dwarven unit he served with hanging to his knees front and back. An open faced helmet covers his head and sweeps down to cover the sides of his face as well. The detail and decoration on the helmet is that of backswept reptilian wings, which fan for a short distance out from and behind his head. He carries the massive one-handed axe the dwarves are so fond of, and totes a large metal shield hanging from one shoulder. A backpack complete with strapped-on bedroll completes his attire.

Ursuun eyes the map, then the other people who came to answer the call for help. He poses his question in a voice deep enough to rattle furniture. His common is quite good, with only a trace of accent. "I am new to this area. How bad are these attacks? It may be more efficient to split our numbers and investigate both locations at once, if time is of the essence."

2008-07-06, 09:09 PM
Callow stands in the back of the group and says nothing, wondering if he really ought to be getting himself into this.

2008-07-06, 09:35 PM

Tollin stands quietly near the edge of the group, listening to the mayor as he explains the task. He closes his eyes and mutters a quick prayer before looking back over the group. At the dwarf's suggestion, he shakes his head.
"That may not be such a good idea. If the lizardfolk are truly riled up, we will need to stick together. After all, what do any of you know of fighting in a swamp? Not nearly as much as those that call it home. But I agree we should go to the lighthouse first."
Tollin looks around at the others gathered, then back at the mayor, waiting to hear from the others.

2008-07-07, 03:37 AM
Nystar of the Blades

The slight form of Nystar is only lightly clothed, so as not to obscure his heritage: his fair skin is covered in mysterious blue markings, embossing his face and limbs - tattoos representing his identity, family, and destiny.

Aside from this bizarre trait, Nystar's torso is protected by a grubby but well-crafted breastplate, and he is armed with two swords and a longbow, all of similarly high quality and worn appearance.

The visitor listens closely to the mayor's story, and quickly makes up his mind. "The lighthouse first," he agrees, speaking with a light accent. "Seahwell is a port town; shipping is more himportant than caravans." Besides, he adds to himself, I don't know if I could stand going back into the desert without even approaching an answer.

2008-07-07, 04:16 AM
The Mayor turns to the long, silver haired elf "The Teetering Edge is a well fortified establishment, which is why caravans feel safe to stay there the night. The last time it fell was... oh... about 40 years ago. I wouldn't worry too much about swarms of undead unless you decide you need to travel further down the desert road." The Mayor then looks upon the dwarf "The Lizardmen attacks are not too bad, they usually only attack anyone traveling through the swamps. They sometimes skirmish the town however, although those attacks are more vandalism by juveniles then serious threats to our safety. They usually scout either alone or in groups of three."

The Mayor then pulls out a sheet of paper from his pocket "Well then! It seems as though most of you like the idea of this job, so if you could please write your names on this contract, I'll let you be on your way. If you ever need any help, you can always ask some of the city guard to assist you if you need additional manpower. Oh, before I forget, the man of the family at the lighthouse is called Thorm, tell him Blem send you and I am sure he will help you however he can! Send him my thanks." The contract details that after the Mayor is satisfied with evidence as to what happened to the caravans that payment of 500 gold will be given to each participant. It expires in a week.

2008-07-07, 05:22 AM

Callow waits for a couple of the others to sign before taking the pen and writing his own name.

2008-07-07, 03:00 PM
Fearn Hock

Fearn, who has stayed in the back of the group of adventures until this moment, stands forward. He is clad in an armor with some golden parts here and there, a longsword is hanging by his side, and he is carrying a wooden shield with a golden dragon motif on his left arm.

Greetings sir! He says to the mayor, I'm Fearn Hock, a half-elf paladin of the golden dragon. I would like to join this aswell.

The paladin hands out for the contract, signing it with the pen.

2008-07-07, 09:49 PM
Ursuun raises an eyebrow at the paladin's announcement, and his moustache and beard twitch a little, but he says nothing and signs the contract. Humans... I had heard that they liked putting things down in writing...

2008-07-08, 01:09 AM

The tatooed elf hesitates. A contract! Why does it have to be a contract? But noone else seems to mind, so he moves forward, takes the pen, and struggles to remember what his name looks like.

2008-07-08, 06:01 AM

Tollin takes the contract and quickly signs it before passing it on. He eyes the 'paladin', a thoughtful expression on his face.

2008-07-09, 01:44 AM
Boltz Blunder

I do not appreciate the contract our word should be enough good sir and as for the time limit if we run into trouble it could take longer then the week you have provided us. We are saving your town and you wish us to sign a contract. The absurdity astounds me or maybe you don't have the money and cannot pay us so you've created this contract to skrew us if we do manage to solve your problems but this is for the good of the people in the town so here is my signature

Boltz rants as he grabs the contract and signs a most pecular signature; the constallations on his eyes.

If this turns out to be a blighter plot I will spare no one in this village!

2008-07-09, 05:06 PM
Fearn Hock
Don't distrust him just because he wants a proof. If there's no proof of that we've accepted this... quest, how could he be sure that we won't just leave this city with the gold? I'm not saying someone in this group will do it, but I'm saying this: Believe the best in people.

2008-07-09, 08:03 PM
Ursuun Mithrilfire

"I am confused." Ursuun looks from Fearn to Boltz to the mayor and back. "Are we to be paid in advance for this task? My impression was that we were to recieve the gold afterwards. In that case, his," says Ursuun, nodding at Boltz, "interpretation of the contract makes more sense than your own."

He looks over at the mayor again - and then tacitly ignores him, turning back to Fearn and Boltz, his eyes sparkling a bit. "But more confusing is why he would bother to cheat us like that. We could have done this for him for no money at all, had he asked. He is on the verge of asking for charity as it is - and his town is in no position to make demands or to deny anyone anything. If he attempts to use the wording of the contract to cheat us out of our pay, we can simply leave without it, spreading word of the mayor who would rather ask for forgiveness than favors. He would be the laughingstock of the area, and reviled soon after that. At least, that's how it would work among dwarves. Is it different here on the surface? Is 'cheater' a characterization of little consequence?"

2008-07-09, 09:15 PM

Tollin smiles and nods agreement with the dwarf. "The term means as much to us as to your people, good dwarf. And besides, the mayor is a good man. I myself am from this area, and I vouch for the mayor if it appeases you sir." He bows his head toward Boltz.
"Now, if there are no other objections, I suggest we head out."

2008-07-10, 09:37 AM
"I'm sorry, uhh..." The Mayor looks at the signatures, "Boltz, that we may do things differently from where you come from. However this is a formality that is not unusual amongst these parts, especially with a group of strangers. Not including you Tollin, of course." The Mayor gives a nod in Tollins direction, "You have my word that I have no intention of cheating you or any of your companions out of your money, will that suffice you elf?" The Mayor gives a slight grin out of the corner of his mouth, quite pleased with himself.

He turns to the rest of the group, "This task should take no longer then a week to complete. If it doesn't then I'm afraid we will have to evacuate the town, it's not a time limit that I am arbitrarily making. And yes, you will receive your payment at the completion of the task."

2008-07-10, 08:15 PM
If I was not appeased I would not have signed the contract. Your voice shines with sencirity and I will put my trust in your word.

2008-07-20, 01:07 PM
Ursuun Mithrilfire

"Excellent! Then let us do as Tollin says, and 'head out.' It feels as though we've been standing here all week." Ursuun perks up at the prospect of a chance to do some good work. "I am Ursuun of the Clan Mithrilfire, by the way, but I am better known in some parts as 'Grizzly.'"

2008-07-20, 04:00 PM
Fearn Hock

Yes, we should begin our journey to the lighthouse.
And I'm glad to meet you, Ursuul of Mithrilfire. I'm Fearn Hock, paladin of the golden dragon, Fearn greets Ursuul.

Fearn looks at the rest of the group. What's your names?

2008-07-20, 08:27 PM

Tollin bows his head to the others. "I am Tollin Miskas, a humble servant of Obad-Hai." He meets the eye of each of the others before looking back at the mayor.

2008-07-21, 04:23 PM
You may call me Boltz as I have a rather shocking personality.Jokes boltz as he is not used to giving introductions.

2008-07-24, 04:47 PM

"Callow." The halfling mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

2008-07-28, 08:28 AM
Ursuun Mithrilfire

Seeing that the tattooed warrior had decided not to introduce himself, Ursuun shrugs and begins tromping off in the direction of the lighthouse. "Well, I'm set and ready. If none of you need anything in town then we should set out immediately."

2008-07-28, 12:40 PM

Callow follows Ursuun.

2008-07-28, 01:41 PM
Good mayor is there anywhere I can get some non perishable foodstuffs and some flint and steel in case of a need for fire.
Otherwise I am ready to head off shll we leave my most odd band of adventurers

Boltz begins to chuckle as he awaits the mayors answer.

2008-07-28, 02:06 PM

Tollin looks at Boltz sideways, then points him in the right direction. "Simply tell the man behind the counter you're working for the mayor and with myself, Tollin. He should help you get whatever you need. But hurry. We'll wait for you at the city gates no more than half an hour." With that, Tollin follows after the others, shouldering his pack as he goes.

2008-07-30, 01:14 AM
((Sorry, guys, I was having internet trouble. My ISP persists in believing GitP's new server doesn't exist...))


After adventuring into the unknown world of signatures, the warrior-elf follows closely behind the group, not saying much. But what is his name? Certainly he could have said "Nystar", but there is so much more. Aren't all his tattooes a sort of name?

But the others don't seem to mind his silence, so he follows them out into the sunlight.

2008-07-30, 12:52 PM
I collect my goods and rejoin with the party paying whatever needs to be paid an decide that I will stay close to the large tatooed man.