View Full Version : Act 1: The Dance of Exploration (OOC)

2008-07-06, 01:47 AM
I'll fill this out more in a bit, as I'm kinda stretched for time atm, but for now here is the OOC thread. I'll post everything we need here in a few hours.

First post of old thread:
This is an interest finding thread. I basically want to know if anyone would be interested to join it, to enter my world, as they say. If enough people want in, I'll start a recruitment thread.

Still Recruiting!!! I should say though, I'd like to have a long running group, I'd like it to be a longish campaign. With that said, I am pretty lax about posting, so long as its at least once every three days, I would like everyday however, but I know life can be hectic sometimes. We might go a few times to IRC if we're all liking it.

My plan is if people want to try it out, to have a small adventure with the party to test drive this, as they say. If I don't like it or If I'm finding it too hard I'll stop it after that adventure. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd like this to be around for the long haul, one of those adventures spanning ages, the kind of campaign that stay with you long before they've ended, and part of the characters that helped you along the way stay with you forever. I plan to gather interest this week, then if I think the people interested are swell then I'll be open for recrution for a week or so. (Yes, I realize some concepts I've blatantly ripped off, clearly I haven't thought of a good rename/just liked it so much I had to put it in ^^')

Any questions, about the world, the kind of campaign I hope to run, backstory, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask! I think I missed out on a lot of things... you know when it makes sense in your head, but then when you write it down you miss some stuff? Yeah, maybe. A lot of the world and things is in my head, so I should be able to answer any questions. The world isn't set in stone either, and is one I would like to develop as we play, adding cities and landmarks as we go along, so make up places in your backstory and I'll add them to the world, its very bare at the moment, just so long as you don't add things like continents :smalltongue:.

The Chronicles of Anorith
Volume Two, Excerpt from Chapter 1 "Brief overview of history before the Great Blight":At the forming of our world, Anorith, the Gods came from another existence and created the first spawning of Dragons as defenders of their new prodigy. Dragons are the spiritual link between the mortal realm and heaven, they can only be created by the divine and with their immortality are immensely powerful. The Dragons created the first sentient race of beings in the world, that of the Saurans. They have since become long extinct, their remnants becoming the race we now know as Lizardfolk. The Dragons commanded the Saurans as masters, and under their leadership the Saurans created a dimensional portal to heaven, so the Gods could influence the world directly instead of through their avatar Dragons, who while immortal, were still of flesh and blood and easily tire from the strain of the gods channeling through them. This direct control of the world made it easy for the gods to change whatever they wish, the Creater Gods birthing the races of Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Halflings and Orcs, the rest evolving though their own will. This was a time of peace and worship around the world, until one day, the dark forces decided that they didn't like the Gods creating the world and making its rules, and rebelled from their internal prison from the bosom of the world.

When the gods first came to the world, it was a place overrun with demons and devils, all fighting each other over supremacy for the blasted lands of Anorith. The Gods sealed them up in their millions in a newly created realm in the middle of the world. This was so they wouldn't ruin the world any further, and it took the Gods eons to fix the damage the infernal spirits inflicted. They sealed them away easily because at the time the Demons and Devils were only interested in fighting amongst themselves for supremacy, and with no leader, they fell to the combined efforts of the Gods. With no random chaos plaguing the landscapes the races of the world begun to grow and florish, however were still very primal at this young stage, with only the Elves and Dwarves with a form of writing.

After ages of waiting, one Devil however, named Kwangma was able to muster enough strength to scare the rest into loyalty and created a legion of the infernal to wield as he saw fit. Using the combined efforts of the strongest evils, he broke through the seal of their prison and then used the dimensional portal to break free into the mortal realm. The next decade is that of bloodshed and murder, the forces of heaven and hell clashing together for the supremacy of the world and mantle of rulers. The Saurans and Dragons tried to protected the world that the Gods had created, and did so mostly successfully, however their were mass extinctions, with 90% of life on Anorith whipped out. It was a close battle. The Elves, being the only race at the time being advanced enough with a strong society and defenses, recorded most of the events, the most important being the creation of the three legendary swords of Anorith.

The first sword, the Sword of Kwangma, was wielded by the leader of the Demons and Devils, Kwangma himself.
The second sword, Kris of the Guardian Spirits, was given to the Elves from the Gods to protect themselves from the war.
The third sword, the Sword of Pachun, was wielded by a mysterious lone Human warrior, the origin of the sword is unknown.

This one man with the sword took the lead from the devils near the end of the war, and by himself sealed the victory for Heaven. He was dubbed "the King of Anorith", and his sword colloquially nicknamed "The Blade of Heaven" or "The Steel of Salvation". History, however, does not say what happened to him afterwards. The infernal spirits that once plagued the world were locked back up in Hell, and the dimensional portal destroyed. The Gods decided that the world and the mortals that resided there would be better off left to their own devices, the influence of immortals once again ruining the world. The Dragons created the Tower of Ryoki as a last link to divine planes, a last link to the mortal realm that would be used as an emergency so the Gods could intervene if ever Demons somehow raged the world once again. This link, however, has never been used by the Gods. It was surrounded by a force field of pure divinity, so no-one, immortal or not, could enter unless the world was in peril. The Dragons went into deep meditative trances all around the world, only to be awoken when the world once again was under the attack of immortals...

Thousands of years later, a human sorcerer named Mavrick, through diplomatic influence and magical power, slowly started to gain raw power from other planes of existence. He used this power to create a magical cannon with enough power to destroy the world as we knew it. To do this however, he needed the hearts of the creator gods avatar dragons, which is no easy task. This took him ages, and even with a group of adventurers chasing him and battling him wherever he went, he succeeded in collecting the hearts of immortal beings. The details of Mavricks challenges and the story of the adventurers however, are too expansive for this brief chronicle of the world, that is for another story...

Mavrick succeeded in starting his cannon, and using the power of the dragon hearts, absorbed the lifestream into itself, using it as the spark to light his cannon. However instead of firing the cannon with magical energy at the world, he used himself as the bullet. Absorbed with the power of millions of souls, he shot himself at the Tower of Ryoki, and with that power, penetrated the force field, climbed the tower and ascended into a God. No one knows why the Gods let him do this however, most scholars speculate that a higher stopped them from intervening, however what that could be is unknown.

Mavricks absorption of the lifestream left 80% of the world in desert, the life sucked out of plants and soil. It shouldn't take more then a hundred years for the planet to heal itself, however Mavricks disciples, "The Blighters" are a group of Druids who wish to follow Mavricks footsteps and use the Lifestream and Nature as a source of destruction and power. For the past thousand years after Mavricks ascension they have prevented Clerics and Druids from helping heal the world and have with this the progression of the world has grinded to a halt, affecting every race on the face of the earth (the exception to this being the dwarfs, who living in their mountains do not care much for the affairs of the "surface dwellers"). For the past few decades, however, Blighter activity has been non existent, and the Elves believe that they could be planning something that could change their world forever...

A short list of words and their explanations:

Gods: Divine beings that came to Anorith at the beginning of existence. These beings represent all aspects of life and morality, being good, neutral and evil. Other then the acention of Mavrick, no new gods have arisen since the first ones arrived.

Demons: Chaotic Evil aligned spirits that plagued the mortal realm at the beginning of time. They came from the Endless Abyss, a plane of existence that never ends, and thus there are infinite Demons.

Devils: Lawful Evil aligned spirits that are finite in numbers and were first native to the mortal realm. They are spirits who reek or pure evil, and are the very stuff of nightmares.

Multiplane: There are many more planes of existence that exist other then the ones mentioned here. The mortal realm is called "The Prime Material Plane" to those who travel the planes with magic. These beings are magical and wonderful, as such their are endless possibilities and worlds that can be encountered,and endless secrets to unlock.

Heaven: Also called "the divine planes of existence", is the resting place of the Gods. There are many different planes here, one for each alignment. the creatures that live here symbolize all that is that alignment in the multiverse.

Hell: A plane of existence created by the gods to house the Devils and Demons. It is important to understand that there are Evil Gods, however they are separate to Demons and Devils, even if some of them draw their power from evil gods.

Lifestream: Previously a myth and legend, it became known to mortals when Mavrick used it to pierce the shield surrounding the Tower of Ryoki. This has sparked the debate whether your spirit after death goes to your divine alignment plane in heaven, or if your soul goes to the lifestream and is recycled into a new life. Since when someone is resurrected from the dead my magic they have no memory of being dead, many arguments have arisen. Some say the Lifestream is a sort of heaven for non-sentient animals so their souls are recycled and sentient beings go to heaven, some say that you stay in the lifestream as a sort of limbo until you are put in heaven, some say heaven is just a comfort for people who don't want to or fear death, and some say the lifestream has no significant meaning, however unless someone finds hard evidence, we will never know.

Dimensional Portal: A portal used by dimension travellers to easily and effortlessly travel from anywhere in the Multiverse to the Prime material plane (mortal realm). Normal dimention travelling takes large amounts of energy and is only possible by very high powered wizards and clerics, it is simpler however to summon beings for short amounts of time, they are then however pulled back to their original plane.

Society: With 80% of the world in desert, most of the worlds population is coastal, with a large Archipelago being the most populous place on the planet. There is one supercontinent, Armaldo, where in the last large pockets of forests left on the earth the remnants of the Elves struggle to protect their homes against the blighter's.

Elves: Most live in the last forests of the world, it being a dishonor to leave them in their time of need (which, to the elves, is all the time). There are some who leave, however, due to the monotonous day to day lives the last Elves have to endure to save their old ways, they are labeled outcasts and are generally not welcomed back. Their capital and the oldest living city and forest is the Great Forest, located in the middle of Armaldo

Humans: Being the most resourceful of the races, they have done the best during these trying times. Their lives have not been affected greatly.

Gnomes: Most live in the last forests with the elves, either that or they live in the islands as traders of various goods. The best kind of traders in the world, it is said that if you're a friend with a gnome you're a friend with nearly everyone in the world. They even created the artificial landmass and city nicknamed "The Floating city", or as the Gnomes call it "The Gnomish Grandeur Floating Paradise of Inventions and Nick-nacks", to which they'll say many times in the same sentence.

Halflings: The race who was hit the hardest with the blight, with the exception of the elves. The plains they lived in desecrated and dry, they have become a desert farthing race, salvaging the remnants of the ancient ruins that now lay waste throughout the world. Those who did not want to live this lifestyle went to the Human cities, where they are the lowest on the cities food chain and are generally used as slaves.

Dwarves: Living in undergound caravans rumoured to tunnel the entire world. While they used to be outgoing and friendly thousands of years ago, they have become somewhat reclusive the deeper they dig. It is not uncommon to see a Dwarf on the surface, however, it is rare to see one who has been in the deepest underground at all in its lifetime.

Goliaths: These nomadic people took the hit of the Great blight hard, their widespread plains and hills becoming deserts and shambles. Most of them now reside atop of the Brow of Armaldo or at the Isle of Origin, it is a rare sight to see them on the islands of Ruba.

Blighters: Druids who use the power of nature against itself, they use this stolen power in a "get rich quick" sort of scheme. How they have survived for so long, however, is still a mystery. Many of the most powerful Blighters are also Ur-priests.

The Deserts: Dry plains of the undead. Many stories have been told about its decrypt sand and hidden riches. While large patches of forest still reside there, the elves look like they have been backed into a corner.

The Ruba Archipelago: This is where most of the worlds population now resides, having been the least affected by the Great Blight. Bustling and overpopulated, sometimes complete anarchy sweeps these islands, with pirates being very popular amongst these parts.

Anoriths Pain: This is where Mavrick used his cannon to shoot himself into the Tower of Ryoki. Spanning thousands of kilometers wide and many many kilometers deep, it is a gaping wound that reminds us all what the power of evil can do.

The Banem Seas: Located in between The tower of Ryoki and Armaldo, it is the most treacherous sea in all of Anorith. With storms and whirlpools commonplace, only the most brave, or foolhardy, would sail in these seas.

The Isle of the Ancients: Supposedly where the Gods created the first sentient beings, many temples scatter these landscapes, devotedly guarded by tribes of lizardmen. There are a few settlements here, but the thick tropical forests and poisonous wildlife make it hard for any major cities to live there

The Ruins of the old Capital of Anorith: Once the most populous place in the world, it now stands as a testament of how life once was. Its population used to be what the population of Anorith is now. Many treasure seekers have traveled to reclaim its riches, however none have returned, many speculating that it is now home to numerous blighters and undead.

Map of the World

1. What game system, and edition, are you running?
- DnD 3.5

2. What is the setting for the game?
- This is based in a Homebrew world of Anorith, 1000 years after a great catastrophe.

3. How many Players are you looking for?
- 4-6, based mainly on if I like them or not (ie personality/background). Party design will be part of it, but If I really like a group of characters I couldn't care less if they were all monks, I'd make it work.

4. What's the gaming medium?
- Here on the boards, rolls here too.

5. What is the characters' starting status?
- Everybody will start at level 1, with standard gold for a level 3 character, because after the first adventure I'll be bumping you up to that.

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
- Umm... yeah, above.

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
- No psionics, Prestige classes will be limited for RP reasons, however if you pursue these ingame you will most likely be able to get them. I am hoping this game will be more based around your characters then your classes and abilities, so while I won't make it a walk in the park, if your blantently having trouble because of the difficulty I'll dumb it down. Homebrew... I'm not sure, you'd have to run it by me. I'd prefer core, really, but I'm not fussed about things from the complete series or the races books, so try not to deviate too much! Anything thats not Core, in the completes or races books run by me please.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
- I'd prefer Core races, Nothing over LA+2. You'll really have to sell me anything thats not Human, Half-elf/orc, Gnome, Halfling, Elf, Dwarf, Assimar, Teifling or Goliath.

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
- 4d6, drop the lowest die roll for each one. Re-rolls if your total stat bonus is less then +4

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
- Alignment is used, but loosely (ie if you eat babies you are totally not lawful good). Its quite flexible, but if you deviate from the mean too much it'll change

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
- Yes, XP penalties for multiclassing, however some races have theirs changed, read the changes below at 13.

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
- Players will roll die that they choose their characters to do, I'll do my rolls behind the scenes as to speed up combat and things (also I'll roll some character saves, just little things to speed up the process, however if its an epic roll like, say, your last save until you die or the damage being dealt to the final boss, I'll let you guys roll it :smallwink:.) Show your rolls in your posts somewhere with the action that you rolled for.

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.
- Because this is a homebrew world, somethings have changed:

*Elves favored class has become Druid. During these times of protecting the little nature they have left, almost all new born are taught the ways of the druid. Also their age categories have changed to the following:
Adulthood: 110 Years
Middle aged: 550 years
Old: 990 years
Venerable: 1200 years
Maximum age: +d8%

*Half-elves gain the racial stat modifiers +2 Wis, -2 Con.

*Halflings now have no favored class.

*Gnomes gain +2 Int instead of +2 Con as a racial bonus, favored class is changed to Wizard.

*Bards have the trapfinding ability and disable device class ability, however lose Move Silently . At level 5, they gain the song "Inspire Inner Strength". As long as they have the ability to sing, the bard gains +2 Initiative and a deflection bonus to AC equal to his charisma modifier (to a maximum of 2). At level 10 this bonus changes to +4 Initiative and +4 max deflection bonus, and at level 15 becomes +6 Initiative and +10 on the max deflection bonus. This lasts for as long as the bard concentrates and takes up one daily use of bardic music.
At level 8 they gain the "Offensive Blade spin" and "Defensive Blade spin" class abilities as Extraordinary abilities and can be used 3 times a day, they gain + 1 more use every two levels. Offensive Blade spin gives the bard an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus for 4 rounds, while Defensive Blade spin increases his deflection AC by +10, however he cannot move until the duration of the 4 rounds. Despite the name, any melee weapon can be used for these abilities, however you cannot use ranged weapons. You cannot use both spins at once.

*Half-Orcs can go into a Rage identical to the Barbarian class ability once a day per Charisma modifier Bonus (minimum of 1)

*Monks can multiclass freely, however the classes must be within two levels of each other. As soon as this ratio vanishes, you can no longer gain levels in Monk (even if the ratio is in favor of monk).

*Because the life has been sucked out of the planet, a lot of areas (especially the deserts) have become "dead magic" zones. Basically, magic (divine or arcane) simply will not work due to them being cut off from either the gods who give them spells or the energys mages congure their spells from. Only disciples of Mavrick can cast spells in these areas, how or why this is possible is unknown. The spell "Hallow" counters this effect, and turns dead magic zones back to normal, the spell "Unhallow" creating these dead zones. There will be wand-like items of this spell ingame (albeit rare ones).

*Bringing back characters from the dead isn't as easy as usual, however how much harder I haven't yet fully decided

*We'll be using the standard Greyhawk deities, plus one new deity:
The Absorber of Souls
Intermediate Deity
Lawful Evil

*I will allow flaws and traits. You can select as many traits as you want, and you can select up to two Flaws, however you only get one bonus feat for the two flaws. If you only choose one flaw, you get nothing. You have to be able to roleplay the flaws and traits, or otherwise I'll take them off you. They are more for roleplaying then for min-maxing here, just want you guys to know.

(its late, I might add more later as I remember, however as you can see, they're not really game changing).

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular?
- Yeah, a paragraph or so should be fine. Tell me about the character, why he/she wants to be an adventurer, etc. Write him as though he is level 3, so he/she has probably done something in their lives, although they can be, as they say, "fresh off the ranks".

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
- I'd say 50% roleplay, 40% battles, 10% puzzles (hopefully I can do more in the puzzle department!)

Hmm... I think thats it at the moment. I'm not too happy with how I've written the backstory at the moment, it seems a little in shambles. I'll try and rewrite it this week, nothing will change however. Your characters start of in the town of Seawell, your reasons for being there are your own. You hear a herald calling in the streets for mercenaries to come forward and help your town in its time of need. Interested, ether for the monetary reward or the want to help others, you go towards the town hall, curious as to what the problem plaguing this town is.

__________________________________________________ ________________
Characters Submitted so Far! If you haven't created a character yet, don't be shy! Its not first in first served, and If I get enough interest, I may run a second group.
Talyn 'Rageheart' es Duret (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=57326): Halfling Ranger
Callow (http://playrpgonline.net/3eprofiler/view.php?id=2393): Halfling Rogue
Flynn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56868): Human Swashbuckler
Mart Intwisca (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56231): Human Sorcerer
Tollin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56041): Human Cleric
Boltz Blunder (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56316): Elf Sorcerer
Talanriel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53178): Elf Ranger
Ursuun (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56784): Dwarf Fighter
Tharik (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=57049): Half-Elf Monk
Fearn Hock (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56851): Half-Elf Paladin
__________________________________________________ ________________


"Let me go!" a voice echoes in the empty hallways of the dungeon. A human girl of about sixteen years paces around her small dank cell, awaiting for her captor to arrive. Wearing worn-out commoner rags and a poorly stitched together leather cape, she wonders how the others she was with are doing. "I hope they got away..." She thinks to herself, remembering the frightening events that occurred hours ago.

"You have been quite difficult to track, but after a long chase... I finally have you..." A dark figure walks out of the shadows, advancing towards the cold, steel bars. The red-headed girl turns to it and starts to yells, "Why have you caged me!? Where are the others!?".

"You are not in a position to be demanding answers, scum! You KNOW why I have brought you here. Give me the Argentum viscus, then you, and your pathetic comrades, may leave here with your lives".

Panic starts to sweep over the young girl, "Oh no! They caught Riisa and Kroq-Gar!" She though to herself, sweat starting to run down from her brow. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't have it! I don't even know what this... thing your seeking is! If you were so sure I had it, why haven't you just taken it from me!", she retorts back. The dark figure gives off a heavy sigh, "I will be back soon with your dim-witted companions, and when I return I expect some... willing co-operation." The figure beings to laugh, turning and walking back into the darkness of the hallways, disappearing as ominously as it came.

"No!" The girl shouted. She runs up and grabs the bars, wanting to rip them from their very foundations and chase the being that imprisoned her and her friends, however she is propelled backwards by an electrical blast that was surging through the metal bars. She slams hard on the back wall of her cell, falling limply to the ground. "D-damn you!" she utters through her teeth, eventually loosing consciousness...

IC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4539155)

Oh, also if you don't mind, could everyone post their timezone? Just for book-keeping. If you do not want your timezone public, you can always PM me it and I shall keep it secret. If you don't want to disclose it at all thats fine too :smallwink:.

2008-07-07, 02:08 PM
Central US, but I have wierd hours.

Edit: My bad, GMT -5.

2008-07-07, 02:10 PM
My timezone is gmt +2.

2008-07-07, 04:20 PM
New Zealand, GMT +12.

Also, notice the locations of the posters so far... There's an "Elsewhere", a "Somewhere in Nowhere", and also "Australia" and "New Zealand" which we all know are in the middle of nowhere...

2008-07-07, 05:03 PM
US Pacific = GMT -7

2008-07-07, 05:17 PM
New Zealand, GMT +12.

Also, notice the locations of the posters so far... There's an "Elsewhere", a "Somewhere in Nowhere", and also "Australia" and "New Zealand" which we all know are in the middle of nowhere...

And don't forget "Spokane, WA" - which, as we all know, doesn't really exist. :smalltongue:

2008-07-07, 07:18 PM
IT DOES TOO EXIST!:smallmad:

just not very much:smallfrown:

2008-07-07, 08:05 PM
Central USA here, or -5.
And I have you all beat, as I really do live int he middle of nowhere: Kansas

2008-07-07, 09:25 PM
Canadian pacific wooooooooooot.

2008-07-10, 09:40 AM
Well well! It certainly has been a few interesting days. So, by group consensus it seems that you guys will be heading out to the lighthouse first, is that correct? Is there anything in town you guys would like to do before you head out? Any more questions for characters? Once everyone feels well and good, we'll set off. Also don't hesitate to ask any questions of me here if you feel it breaks the 4th wall.

2008-07-10, 04:55 PM
Yeah I think the lighthouse is the goal atm.
And I was wondering how stocked is the town, since it seems so abandoned. Anything in the player's handbook available?

2008-07-11, 05:58 AM
Ahh, yes, it'd help if I stated these things ay? The things I forget...

I'm going to be boring and say its a pretty generic town. Since its a major port its got some of the more obscure things you would see. Ask and you will see.

2008-07-20, 08:03 AM
guh, what a horrible downtime ==/

2008-07-20, 11:50 AM
guh, what a horrible downtime ==/

Seconded. And some filler text, 'cuz it says that my reply is too short.

2008-07-20, 12:55 PM
It's ALIVE again.

2008-07-20, 01:04 PM
Central USA here, or -5.
And I have you all beat, as I really do live int he middle of nowhere: Kansas

Just felt like I needed to post this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0226.html) one.

2008-07-20, 08:30 PM
Yes, I laughed pretty hard when I read that one :D

And hopefully you were productive during the downtime Pagz *winkwink* :smallbiggrin:

Also, did we lose the other two? Is this gonna be a four man group from here on in?

2008-07-21, 04:17 PM
I am here boo urns for down time

2008-07-22, 01:46 PM
Hmm. Naleh's and dougcousine's last action was at 7/11-08 and 7/12-08, respectively. Maybe they hasn't found out that the forum is up again?:smallconfused:

2008-07-23, 07:50 AM
pM them see if they reply

2008-07-24, 05:22 AM
I'll have no internet connection from now and until the 2nd of August. Feel free to DMPC Fearn or something. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may bring, and I'm sorry that I first can say this so late.

2008-07-24, 04:40 PM
well, as you all remember (because i posted it in the recruitment thread) i am at camp this week and have extremely limited internet access.

If i have time to read the IC thread and post i will, otherwise i will be posting sometime this weekend.

2008-07-27, 03:32 AM
Soooooo.... now what?

2008-07-27, 12:59 PM
well, i guess we ought to get going if everyone's done in town. i'm certainly prepared for our first random encounter.

2008-07-27, 04:22 PM
Seconded. Let's get this show on the road.

EDIT: Alright, I'm getting worried now. Anyone else?

2008-07-31, 03:40 AM
i'm out of town tomorrow. i'll get back sunday, late. i am not sure if i will have internet access. if i do and something has happened i'll totally post. if i don't i guess i mostly just follow the group and stab things.

i'm also out of town next weekend.

i guess i hope you guys don't do a bunch of posting on the weekends?

2008-08-03, 02:48 PM
I'm back again.:smallsmile:

2008-08-03, 07:50 PM
as am i.

actually, i totally had internet access. (not that i needed it)

2008-08-04, 02:28 PM
What, specifically, are we waiting on again? This isn't snarkiness, I actually want to be sure that I'm not holding up the game...

2008-08-04, 03:19 PM
i've got nothing. i'm ready to head out.

2008-08-04, 03:32 PM
I'm ready too. I'm waiting for the DM to post something, like a description of the place.

2008-08-05, 03:59 AM
Ready!!! tooo goooo

2008-08-06, 01:12 AM
Alright, I'm done waiting. This has gotten ridiculous. Real shame too. I really loved the world...

2008-08-15, 11:37 AM
agreed .