View Full Version : Forgotten Realms: Murders in the Rue Inn

2008-07-06, 04:40 PM
The sun is barely in the sky as you enter the small city of Asbravn, main marketplace for the farmers of the Sunset Vale. The air is brisk, and the cobblestone streets and roofs are dusted with snow. Despite the idyllic scene, in the distance, the Far Hills and the fortress of Darkhold and the Zhentarim in particular cast a threatening pall over the city.

Your organization, operating out of Scornubel, is employed by Asbravn as well as the leaders of the other cities in the vicinity—Lord Dhelt of Elturel, Lady Cylyria of Berdusk, and others—to deal with mysteries, monsters, Zhentarim plotters, and others, that their guards cannot handle.

Today, mystery is on the agenda. Just over 24 hours ago, you received a message via a Sending spell from Karth Malakir, the captain of the Riders in Red Cloaks. It read as follows:

”Seventeen dead in the past tenday under mysterious circumstances. We believe the cause of the deaths to be mystical. We request you come at once.”

You pass through the streets of Asbravn, en route to the headquarters of the Riders in Red Cloaks. This is the first time since you began this job that you have been called to Asbravn. Usually a quiet city, you were here once before, where you met Captain Malakir, an energetic, tall, broad-shouldered man of perhaps 55, who wore a gemmed sunburst of Lathander’s church about his neck. Popularly believed to be a paladin, Malakir leads the Riders personally, keeps order in the city, and attends to the everyday affairs thereof, while the city is ostensibly ruled by a distant Marquis, Jacquin Latinay.

The town seems quiet this winter morning, excepting a few wagons and assorted pedestrians who pass you without incident. Within a short while, you come upon the large, brick building, situated on the main street through town, “Chauntea’s Way,” just before the large central market. In the summer, the market would be teeming with peasants, wandering merchants and grain dealers, and but today it is empty. On the far side of the market sets the Rue Inn. A very large inn, more a hotel as we might understand it, the Rue Inn provides a wide variety of accommodations to those who use Asbravn as a trading center.

A pair of guards in ground-length red cloaks greet you outside the headquarters. One of the guards, a man with a long graying moustache, leads you up the marble steps and through the heavy wooden doors, down a short hall, and to the door of Karth Malakir’s office. Seated behind a desk is a thin, remarkably pale, young man, around 20 years of age, wearing fine silk clothes.

”Greetings, gentlemen,” he says. Although his voice is not unpleasant, he seems to be attempting to imitate a Waterdhavian accent…poorly. “I take it you are the men I sent for to deal with our problem.”

Whoever this is, he is not the man you remember.

Posting Conventions:Name, optionally location:

In-character actions

OOC information: Dice rolls and mechanics go here, e.g.,

"I cast scorching ray at <target>.

If I roll between a 2 and a 5 to-hit, I'll add an action point."

2008-07-06, 06:23 PM
Thaedras Valarion

Thaedras steps into the room then looks up at the man sitting behind the desk. Slightly confused, he speaks,

Why hello young lad, who might you be? We were called here by Karth Malakir to come speak to him. Now it would be appreciated if you dropped that terrible accent and went off to fetch him for us.

As he finishes he pulls out his pipe, fills it with tobacco and lights it, blowing a large smoke ring towards the young fellow.

Well off with you boy!

Well first off I'm going to use Discern Lies as soon as he says that he sent for us.
Spot [roll0] see through Disguise.
Sense Motive [roll1]
Intimidate [roll2]

Anything else you need just let me know.

2008-07-06, 09:07 PM

Ark sizes up the man who is not Captain Malakir, wondering at the bad deception. He surruptitiously moves back into a corner, hand rested on the pommel of his sword. He lets other people do the talking, since words are not his forte.

2008-07-07, 03:34 AM

Being poor with words as well, Jared follows Ark and quietly moves into the corner, hand on spell component pouch. This man isn't Malakir, what is going on?

2008-07-07, 07:41 AM

What appears to be an oversized golden retriever follows Thaedras into the captain's office, and steps up to investigate the seeming impostor. He looks up at the seated man with friendly, bright blue eyes, and approaches to sniff his hand. His pointed ears and straighter coat betray a wolfish heritage.

Unless the young man bears the old paladin's scent, Walfir scours the room for traces of Malakir.

Scent - (1d20+10)[15] to detect Malakir.

Do Scent checks use Survival, or just Wisdom? If Survival is included, add 14 to the above roll.

2008-07-07, 07:46 AM
The young man gives Thaedras a sideways look, then continues, maintaining the same ostentatious accent.

"I AM Karth Malakir. Well, his son, named after him. My father passed on a few months ago, and unfortunately, you can't include everything that happened for a year in that spell we used to contact you."

"My father told me that you were very skilled investigators, despite your, um, unfortunate deformities. So when these strange deaths began to occur, and we could not find anything out ourselves, so I thought it best to seek help."

He reaches for a leaf of parchment, then hands it to you, then smiles at Walfir, and pets him on the head. "Nice doggy you have there."

"Here are the details so far. Seventeen, before today, most found in their bedrooms... All, um, what is the word... drained of all their bodily fluids-- dried into powder. Two more were found this morning in the Rue Inn. I've had some of my men ensure that the scenes remain as undisturbed as possible in anticipation of your arrival."

"Any questions?" he asks.

The sheet details the names and locations of the deceased:

Alastair, 23, Priest of Selune -- Rue Inn, 7th of Nightal
Jethran Kohl, 29, merchant---Rue Inn, 8th of Nightal
Heinrich Festal, unknown, unknown, ---Rue Inn, 9th of Nightal
Filan Ederlie, 147 (elf), Priest of Chauntea --- Temple of Chauntea, 10th of Nightal
Jasper Harr, 81, retired--- private residence, 10th of Nightal
Hester Olbram, Unknown, unknown --- Rue Inn, 11th of Nightal
Jonathan Carr, 33, caravan guard --- Rue Inn, 11th of Nightal
Eliza Forsyth, 41, baker --- private residence, 12th of Nightal
Unknown, Unknown, unknown -- Rue Inn, 12th of Nightal
Cornelius Paran, 60, shop owner -- private residence, 13th of Nightal
Unknown, Unknown, unknown -- Rue Inn, 13th of Nightal
Unknown, Unknown, unknown -- Rue Inn, 14th of Nightal
Jethram Hollowood, 21, musician -- Rue Inn, 14th of Nightal
Quint Pansick, 64 (dwarf), miner -- Rue Inn, 14th of Nightal
Unknown, Unknown, unknown -- Rue Inn, 15th of Nightal
Helrick, 31, beggar -- Temple of Chauntea, 15th of Nightal
Unknown, Unknown, unknown -- Rue Inn, 16th of Nightal

You fail to spot any disguise, and your attempts to detect deceit, both skillful and magical, seem to indicate he is being truthful.

He doesn't smell anything like the paladin. Yes, scent uses your whole survival skill, not just wisdom.

A quick sniff around the room reveals that it smells slightly of the paladin. There seems to be a stronger scent coming from some of the drawers in a chest, and under the desk.

2008-07-07, 11:18 AM

Marcus studies the list, frowning in concentration. It seems the killer has a grudge against priests, though that is tentative.

2008-07-07, 12:04 PM

The canine accepts his petting impassively, cocking his head slightly so that young master Malakir does not disturb the pink ribbon affixed to his left ear.

At 'any questions', the big dog crowds around Marcus to investigate the parchment he finds so interesting.

2008-07-07, 09:39 PM

Glancing through the list Jared replies, "Yes, all these people whose race are not listed, were they presumably human?"

2008-07-07, 10:16 PM
Thaedras Valarion

Thaedras takes a step back and bows.

I'm deeply sorry lad, you can't trust anyone in this business. But, if you mock our blood again your name may soon be added to this list! Do you hear me? We have worked hard and dealt with things that would make you run back to your mothers womb so we could be free men without prejudice. Your father treated us with respect and I hope you can be smart enough to do the same.

He pauses for a moment and puffs out another smoke ring, leaving a moment of silence for the fallen.

Well now on to new business. These people on this list, where are their bodies. Were they burned, buried, or preserved in some way? We should need to take a look at them after we check through the Inn the Temple and the two homes. We will of course go to the Inn first seeing as it has had the most deaths, and is the closest to our current position.

2008-07-08, 06:34 AM

Ark annoyedly looks at Thaedras, saying: "Thaedras. Stop trying to scare or posture at him." He goes back into his observant silence.

2008-07-08, 07:05 AM

Thaedras shoots a glance at Ark and says,

I'm sorry Ark, I don't take kindly to being called a deformity.

He then turns as if adressing Ark and Karth II,

The Drow are scum, but I have severed all ties with them. I have not been a Drow for years. But enough about me, we need to get to work, sorry to hold you up.

Thaedras then attentively listens to what Karth II has to say.

2008-07-08, 07:13 AM
Ark chuckles. "So sensitive, when he just as easily could have been talking about my eyes. Which would have been an accurate label."

2008-07-08, 07:22 AM

Ignoring the chatter around him, Jared kept his eyes on the list, his white bushy tail stiff and tense, and his fluffy wolf ears pressed down in concentration.

2008-07-08, 10:19 AM
Karth turns to Jared. "Yes, all men. We don't get too many...others...around here, so it made sense to list the exceptions..."

Karth straightens his back as he speaks to Thaedras, his pseudo-accent becoming even more haughty. "Drow blood, the blood of a race of murderous sociopaths, is not to be mocked, now? You'd be wise to take care with the threats, we don't take kindly to such around here. Anyway," he continues, relaxing somewhat, his accent breaking, "all I meant was that it must be difficult to do your line of work when, in many places, you'd be killed on sight, or have such strange appendages as your friend there. If you say you've repudiated the Drow, than until proven otherwise, that is enough for me."

The young man then adjusts his shirt, and continues. "Down to business, then. The bodies of today's victims have been left undisturbed, but local law requires that bodies either be returned to their families, or buried, within 48 hours. We still have yesterday's victim, as his identity was unknown, awaiting burial in the backroom, but I don't know how much you will be able to glean from it--it is in a.. poor state. I'll have one of my men show you to it, if you wish."

2008-07-08, 10:53 AM

Thaedras nobs his head in understanding at this "apology" and calms down.

Well why didn't you mention that already? Okay men if you don't mind I think we should start with this body, then head to the rooms of the Inn. Any objections?

2008-07-08, 11:10 AM
Ark nods. "Seems like as good a place as any to start."

2008-07-08, 12:28 PM

The dog takes little notice of the deformity-related conflict, his attention fixed like Jared's on the only scrap of evidence so far. At "all men", Walfir's ears prick up for a moment, then fall again in realization and disappointment. He pads toward the door and looks back expectantly for the group's imminent departure.

2008-07-08, 03:51 PM
"As you wish," Karth says.

"Geoffrey!" he yells, bringing the guard who escorted you in through the door.

"He'll show you the way," he says, then looks at Walfir as he mills about the door. "You're taking the dog? Um, well, as you will, I suppose, but see that he doesn't disturb the remains."

2008-07-08, 09:17 PM

"I wouldn't worry about it, Walfir here is a lot smarter then he looks." Jared remarks, before going off with the guard.

2008-07-09, 08:41 AM
"Umm, I see... good." Karth says, then shouts "May Tymora smile upon your investigation," as you depart.

The older guard leads you down a poorly-lit, wood-paneled hallway. Intermittent torches provide dim illumination, and the floorboards creak occasionally when stepped on. Once out of earshot, the older guard speaks as you walk.

"Don't let the young Karth get to you. He's not an entirely bad sort, just...spoiled, I guess. He doesn't take after his old man at all. He's always off hob-knobbing with the nobles and the Marquis, thinking he earned his station and looking down his nose at everyone, when he got there through his connections. Still, I suppose he has good intentions."

The guard leads you around a corner and down a shorter passage. "Here we are. I don't know how much you'll learn from it. It was more...solid, when they found it, but all the handling crumbled it up."

He opens the door, leading into a dimly-lit room with several tables, one with a body-sized leather bag, fastened shut. He opens the buckles to show you the contents. Inside the black leather is what appears to be a few inches of beige powder. Here and there, chunks of the substance seem to remain more solid, and you can see bone spurs interspersed among the powder.

"Poor fellow," remarks Geoffrey. "Getting him here crumbled him to dust. Not the end I'd hope for."

2008-07-09, 09:17 AM

"Poor fella. He was an unknown right? What has become of his personal possessions?" Jared says with a sad look.

"Well, since he has already been reduced to Dust, we might as well sift around to see if we can find anything."

Since we are not pressed for time, I recommend Thaedras (the guy with the highest Search score) takes 20 to find anything of significance among the dust (or his possessions). The rest of us may Aid Another if that is permitted.

For Jared: Knowledge/Spellcraft checks to identify what could have caused this, or anything else the Search might have turned up:

Knowledge Arcane: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]
Knowledge Religion: [roll2]
Knowledge The Planes: [roll3]
Knowledge Dungeoneering: [roll4]

Spellcraft: [roll5]

Edit: OK, lets hope whatever caused this was not extraplanar in nature.

2008-07-09, 09:34 AM
Ark laughs. "You think that's bad? Ha ha ha ha! That poor sap's lucky. Dust? Bad? Ha ha oh, heh. Oh well, we better start sifting through the remnants."

2008-07-09, 11:15 AM
"His possessions are over here. He had no ID papers, and it seems like no one knew him well enough to identify him." Geoffrey looks a bit disgusted. "Do you really need to sift through...him? We...dealt with all his possessions already."

Geoffrey walks across the room, and opens a large drawer. Inside are two sets of ordinary clothes, a knapsack, a walking stick, a well-made dagger, and a purse containing a smattering of low-denomination coins, all apparently minted locally. "Poor fellow didn't have much, it seems."

Jared: You immediately think of (and just as swiftly reject) a Disintegrate spell, (as the bones remain, and there's far too much powder), but beyond that you can't think of anything that might have such an effect.

2008-07-09, 01:54 PM

The big canine circles and examines the 'corpse', looking with particular curiosity at the state of the bones. He also sniffs at the corpse, but from a distance so as not to disturb the powder.

Mindful of Karth and Geoffrey, he will reluctantly keep his paws out of the remains. However, if another investigator (perhaps Ark or Jared) sees fit to rummage through the dust despite the guard's objection, he will watch avidly.

[roll0] to look for cause of death, for damage to the victim's bones, and to estimate the victim's size from the dry volume of his remains. (This may also tell Walfir if the killer takes any non-liquid part of the body with him.) If they sift through the remains, he will also examine the skeleton to see which bones remain and if the bones are oddly discolored.

[roll1] to determine attributes (health, gender, age) of the deceased before he was attacked (from his scent residue on his personal effects), and any useful signs from the corpse. (Such as, isolating any scent that seems inconsistent with a dead human, checking if there's still marrow in the bones, seeking traces of other body fluids like blood, lymph, and bile, etc.)

Walfir is also interested in time of death, if either of his talents can provide a decent estimate, and in any signs of poisoning.

2008-07-09, 09:24 PM

"Well Ark, its not just how he was killed, but the cicumstances of his death. Think of it, to die and be buried a stranger in an unknown land. While his family back home won't know of this, and will be worried sick wondering what happened to him. Knowing he was dead would at least bring them closure." Jared says as he pulls on a pair of thick protective leather gloves.

Turning to Geoffrey, he replies, "Well, we can't risk not sifting through him, there may be important clues in there. Also, what happened to the belongings and bodies of all the other previous victims?"

Still waiting for Dustfinger to post if Thaedras will go along with Dust sifting.

2008-07-09, 10:07 PM
Ark shrugs dismissively. "Either way. It's not like anything really bad happened to him. As for his family...they'll move on. It's just life. You can't have one without the other, so live to the fullest while you've got time and hope you die without it being too messy. This guy got off easy...so he should be thankful. He's in a better place now."

2008-07-09, 10:31 PM

Well let me see his posessions for any clues. I'll check the dust too but there is no chance i am actualy rumaging through it. It seems too disrespectful.

Thaedras sits quiet for a moment then takes his special lens out of his case and looks through the posessions and "body".

Search Posessions [roll0]
Search Body [roll1]

2008-07-10, 10:08 AM

"Disrespectful? Perhaps. But it seems to me, it would be far more disrespectful to leave any stone unturned, and dust unsifted, in search for his killer." Jared gives a small shrug before continuing, "But I'm just the walking encyclopedia here, you're the detective, so its your call."

P.S. Since we are not rushing for time at the moment, you could just take 20 to Search.

@Hydwen: Are there scraps of cloth mixed in with the dust?

2008-07-10, 10:32 AM
Geoffrey mills around as you conduct your investigations. "I suppose that's true. I didn't think of his family. Thanks," he says, his voice turning sarcastic on the last word.

Walfir: You can't really determine any cause of death from what is visible, other than the obvious. It seems like it's about the right volume of material for an average-sized human, but you've never tried to estimate such a thing before. The bones seem to be those of a healthy adult human, but not enough are visible to determine gender. It seems, however, that the bones are parched and bleached, as though they had been dried.

As to scent, with there being no putrification, it smells like a live human, but far far more intense. You can detect no poisons or toxins.

Thaedras: You don't find anything interesting on the surface of the body, other than what has already been described.

While going through his belongings, you notice a concealed compartment in the handle his walking stick. Retracting the tight-fitting plug, you find inside a small vial containing an inky black fluid.

I'll assume, for purposes of expediency, that you do search further (take 20). You notice nothing else, other than the compartment revealed in your first search.

2008-07-10, 09:12 PM

Jared thinks for a bit before asking, "By the way Geoffrey, what has happened to the remains and possessions of the previous victims? Are they available for inspection?"

@Hydwen: Are there scraps of Cloth mixed in with the Dust?

2008-07-10, 09:27 PM
Ark speaks up. "All the other bodies, except for the ones in the Rue Inn now, have been buried or cremated, remember?"

2008-07-10, 10:18 PM

Jared gives a small frown before replying, "Well buried doesn't mean not available for inspection. If there are no other leads, we could have them exhumed, but I sincerely hope it won't have to come down to that."

"Also, the possession of known victims are returned to their family, but what happens to the possession of unknown victims? Are they buried with the bodies? Or are they kept somewhere else where we can see them without going Grave Robbing?"

The nature mage pauses to scratch himself behind his fluffy white ears before continuing, "Well, we'll think about that later. If there is nothing else here, lets take that vial, and see what happened at the Inn."

2008-07-21, 02:51 AM
"The rest of them were just like this, more or less. We checked them over...even had a cleric come down and see if he could make heads or tails out of this, but no luck," Geoffrey says, looking away from the body. "You'd have to get a special order from the Marquis anyway, and he seldom worries himself with such trivialities."

"Well, we kept the possessions of the unknown, in case their identities become known, and if not, the city auctions what they can after a year. They're over in the evidence room..." he says, looking back toward the door. "We've got records too, lists, of the possessions of the known victims. We asked their families, or the people they were traveling with, to keep their things around until the investigation is complete, but no telling how that worked out. A fair number of them were just passing through, so their stuff could be halfway to Baldur's Gate by now."

Nope, no scraps of cloth as far as you can tell, although that could be that they were removed, not disintegrated.

2008-07-21, 04:27 AM

Jared nods as the guard answers, "I see. One last question, I notice the dust doesn't seem to have cloth scraps. Did the Victims have their clothes on when they were found and you removed them, or were they found, uh, naked as it were?"

I leave it to you guys whether you want to go to the inn, or rummage through possessions the of the unknowns.

2008-07-22, 10:44 PM

Well I need a copy of the lists and records as soon as you can get one for me. Also I would like to check the other items here then go to the inn. There's no more time to dally.

2008-07-24, 05:53 PM

Walfir curiously examines the inky vial, but with little experience in human alchemicals the big dog has nothing to add. Disinterested in the administrative details of the Riders' investigation, he pads to the door and looks back pointedly for Geoffrey to lead them off.