View Full Version : Help with iTunes/moving files?

Ego Slayer
2008-07-07, 12:24 PM
Okay, so I have all my music on iTunes. I have two hard drives; the main C drive, and a G drive. The program and mp3s are on the main C drive, in the My Music folder (it is not in C's Program Files). I don't want them there. I wanted to defrag C, but it only had 3% disk space (it wants 15% to defrag), and even after deleting a ton of programs that shouldn't have been on C anyway, I only got up to 7%. :smalleek: Everything is supposed to be on the G drive, because C is so damn small it's not supposed to really have anything on it that could be on G. I want to move the iTunes folder to G, but I'm unsure on whether it just wants to be on C in My Music, or if it is dependent on it. The G drive does have an iTunes folder, that's where it's technically installed, but they don't contain the same files; only the C folder actually contains the mp3s. Can I move the iTunes folder to G? Maybe it's a really nooby question, but I'm afraid of breaking the links/iTunes being mad at me.

Halp? :smallconfused:

2008-07-07, 12:29 PM
I'm not 100% iTunes savvy, but you should be able to move your music folders to your G drive and in iTunes change your default library path to your relocated drive.

The Apple website says go Edit > Preferences and you should be able to change the directory that iTunes looks for music there.

Also: Handy link for said support site [link (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1364?viewlocale=en_US)]

2008-07-07, 12:34 PM
I moved iTunes from one folder to the folder up, so just changed it localisation on the drive.

It gives a communicate :

iTunes was not properly insalled. If you want iT to be able to retrieve CD information from Net, you have to reinstall.

Everything seems to work nice, I can access music store.

Whatever is up with this CD information from Internet, I never used it.

Your choice.

I'm not sure what will happen if your drives are different physical drives.

However, moving files break the links of course, and iTunes itself is only 30Mb (at least mine).

Ego Slayer
2008-07-07, 12:48 PM
Well, for the most part, that worked B. Thanks. A ton of stuff got unlinked, through, because... I'm not exactly organized with where the original mp3s are stored. >.<

2008-07-07, 12:56 PM
Whee! I'm helpful! I'm helpful! For the most part!

Do you know if you would be able to scan the music directory to refresh those links?

2008-07-07, 01:14 PM
Do you let iTunes organize your music for you? If so, it defaults to putting files in c:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes. I think that that path can be changed in the preferences, but I'm not 100% sure.

What I'd do if I were you is turn off iTunes organization and move all the music to G. Delete it from iTunes, but make sure to do keep files instead of move to recycle bin. Then add it all to iTunes again.

I usually like Apple products, but if you don't want to do something Apple's way things can get ugly. Turning off iTunes organization is usually a good idea since it lets you put your music wherever you like. I like my files to be genre/artist/album/track_number song_title.mp3. But then again I'm pretty anal about these things.

Ego Slayer
2008-07-07, 01:26 PM
Yeah, looks like I need to go on a massive music organizing mission, because, well... it's a bloody mess. All the mp3s aren't all nice and neat in one folder. =/ I guess this means I DO need to move them all, and completely start over in iTunes. :smallsigh: Crap. This isn't going to be fun. :smallsigh:

2008-07-07, 02:36 PM
I've been having a similar problem. The problem is, I changed the default directory, moved my files to the external drive, deleted the original folder, and now...I can't open any of the music files on iTunes anymore. It says that the directory where they were is missing and I have to find every individual music file.