View Full Version : Food Fight (SR4)

2008-07-07, 12:53 PM
Seattle, 2071.

Great tracts of neon and flourescent lights that leech away color to make everything a uniform, dull gray indicate that you have arrived at the home of synth-alcohol, soykaf, porno-simchips, Holohayo 3D greeting cards, pneumatic fluid for your bike, cheap fetish trinkets for the magical wannabes, soygrits, and a full line of stuffers with no redeeming nutritional or social value. Yep, the good ol' Stuffer Shack, home to a smell you can't recognize (and probably don't want to) and thousands of nuyen worth of stomach-rotting chow. As an added benefit, it's open 24-7-365.

The store clerk is flipping through a holo-zine as his girlfriend sits on a stool next to the counter babbling loudly and incessantly about her completely uneventful day. A young couple in full punk regalia is shopping sullenly for cat food. A thin nervous man searches the ice-cream cases frantically as though his life hung in the balance.

In other words, everything is normal for a Stuffer Shack, even at 4 am.

Nothing out of the ordinary for your characters here. Just a run to the 24-hour for a bite to eat or some other late night "must-have." Introduce your character, and let me know what gear they're carrying. If you have a pre-made list for general circumstances ("walking around," or "'typical' run," for instance) you can just mention that.

Emperor Tippy
2008-07-07, 02:54 PM
just need to grab some chow, shouldn't take more than 5 minutes or so thinks Solomon as he walks into the Stuffer Shack after parking his bike outside. To his bike's pilot he sends keep an eye out and let me know if anyone pulls up, can't ever be to careful..

Solomon grabs a bag of chips and a cola before heading back to the counter to pay.

My Fly-Spy proceeds me into the Stuffer Shack, flys to the center of the store, and stays on over watch. If Solomon comes within 15 meters of anyone with cyberware or weapons he gets to roll 6 dice to detect and identify the gear.

2008-07-07, 06:01 PM
Jack Snipe

Walking down the long walk to what could be called her local 'stuffers if she lived here that is, but right now a fairly large and toothy grin was plastered over the orks face. She had just come from a nice and clean 'run. Didn't even have to fire a shot, this does make her backpack a little heavy with all the extra ammo she is carrying, not to mention the sniper rifle disassembled in there. The Cherry-Blossem hiding up her right arm was begining to chafe a little from being stuck there all night, but the mechanism holding it still worked dandy. As her boots moved her closer to the 'stuffers clearly marked on her mapsoft a breeze filled with pollutants caught her lined jacket and flung it open showing the rarther normal looking clothes she had on. The secret was they were woven with ballistic resistant fibers. Sliding into the shack' 'Snipe moved down the isles searching for something meaty to fill her orkish belly.

"Calling blue for her speach."

If it's ok she just got back from a 'run and just got payed. One thousend two hundrednuyen to just sit a perform overwatch, it's just fluff and is the starting nuyen she would have already. This would also explain why she has her weapons at all, or infact even here at such a mad hour.

Emperor Tippy
2008-07-07, 08:23 PM
As he approaches the counter he nods to the clerk, puts his goods on the counter and heads towards the restroom.


"Calling blue for her speach."

If it's ok she just got back from a 'run and just got payed. One thousend two hundrednuyen to just sit a perform overwatch, it's just fluff and is the starting nuyen she would have already. This would also explain why she has her weapons at all, or infact even here at such a mad hour.

Yeah, I'm calling [color=green]green[/green]. As for why Solomon has his gear on, Seattle isn't a safe place at noon much less 4 AM and most of it is standard wear for him. The only thing that isn't is the extra ammo in his satchel and he is just coming back from buying it so that explains that.

2008-07-08, 10:11 AM
A tall, lanky man with a mess of frizzy brown hair walks down the aisles, his stomach grumbling audibly as he tosses a big packet of doughnuts into his cart. He whistles a jazzy tune- pretty well, actually- as he ambles toward the frozen food section.
Overall, he seems like a bit of a goofball.
Speaking in Dark Red. Loadout is standard street.

2008-07-09, 07:51 PM
A Van rolled up into the parking lot of the Stuffer Shack, idling for only just a moment before the engine died and a man stepped out of the back; rather thin and wiry with a gasmask strapped to his head. He strode into the market paying no real mind to whom was there as he immediately went to the back and started looking through the sodas and energy drinks. He sighed in his mask as he saw that they were out of his favorites, but kept looking to find a suitable alternative while a small insect like drone crawled around him looking at the world with digital eyes.

I call Cyan because it seemed like a good idea at the time.

2008-07-09, 11:14 PM
Here's a map. Feel free to point out where you are.

Hey boss, van just pulled up. Solomon's bike pilot lets him know as he heads into the restroom. The clerk doesn't notice the junk food at first; the entire Stuffer Shack learns about it at the same time he does. "So Synthia says that the cream somehow got the--Vern. VERN!" the pudgy dwarf next to him screeches. "He wants some chips and a drink, are you BLIND? Gawd. So Synthia says..." Vern glares, and gives the antique barcode scanner a kick before grabbing the items. Fairly expensive car just rolled up, boss.

Jack passes a pair of rocker wannabes making out in the pet supplies aisle. The amount of leather shared by them could coat at least two dairy cows, the head-to-toe white sharing space with the guy's fake gold, the skin-tight black vying with the girl's endless zippers and chains. Food of every variety beckons; there's something for every sort of taste. For the rockers, this appears to mean cat food--the girl slips several cans of it into her jacket as she continues to make out.

As Dodge nears the frozen foods, he sees a mousy man pull out a pail of ice cream, look quickly side to side, then peel the top and and dip his finger in. He doesn't appear to have anything modern, expensive, or electronic on him. He's twitching slightly, and looks around again as he reaches for another carton of ice cream.

The masked man, not paying attention to other individuals, fails to notice a mildly attractive elf woman with a crying infant following him inside. The door closes in her face, and she stops to shift the child to her other arm before opening it back up.

Tippy, feel free to roll for each person in the store except the masked fellow and the elf. Just put a name next to each roll.

Anyone else who wants to roll for something can feel free to as well.

Emperor Tippy
2008-07-09, 11:46 PM
Solomon asks his fly-spy what it's sensors see. seems odd for this many people to show up at 4 AM

Assuming that his sensors detect any signifigant amount of cyber or weapons he sends to his bike pull around to the back door, this could be a shake down or robbery and and I might need a quick exit

Solomon then proceeds to use the facilities.

Cyberware Scanner: 1 hit tells me what weapons are about and any basic cyberware. 2 hits gets alpha ware as well. I get extra dice based on how many weapons and implants the person has, just use however many dice are relevant for exach person in order from left to right.
Vern: [roll0]
GF: [roll1]
Jack: [roll2]
Dodge: [roll3]
Rocker 1:[roll4]
Rocker 2:[roll5]
Ice Cream guy:[roll6]

2008-07-22, 08:08 AM
A disgusted grimace crosses Dodge's face at the man's bizzare antics.
"People have to eat that, you know."
He stares at him for a moment longer before determining that whatever the weirdo is up to, it's somebody else's problem. And also that he won't be getting any ice cream today, so he tosses a few cans of frozen lemonade into his cart and heads for the checkout counter.

2008-07-23, 01:20 AM
The mousy man, startled, drops the carton he's holding with a squeak.

Sure thing, boss. Headed back now.

Just as the woman and child enter the store, they're flung like a pair of dolls by a massive explosion out front. Glass and Stuffers spray across the room. The wall near the front door caves in and the dangling fluorescent lamps spark and sway. Most of a rack of a display rack of junk food falls onto Dodge. After the flash and boom, Jack and Dodge can see Vern sprawled out behind the counter, and everyone can hear his girlfriend whimpering loudly next to him. The mousy man opens a freezer door and starts dumping out ice cream as he tries to squeeze in.

Through the hole in the front wall stride two large men. Quite noticeable, these two: they're armed, and they're ugly. The ganger clothing they're sporting doesn't help matters. The uglier one waves his large pistol around, shouting "None of ya's is gonna get hurt if ya keep yer yaps shut and stay outta the way. Now tell me where the lady wid the baby is and you all is gonna live to see sunrise." His buddy with an automatic waves the business end around, trying to look menacing.

Roll for initiative.

@ Tippy:
Vern: You detect a shotgun nearby.
GF: See Vern.
Jack: You notice a pistol and plenty of ammo.
Dodge: You pick up 2 pistols.
Rocker 1: Pistol detected.
Rocker 2: Nothing detected.
Ice Cream guy: Nothing detected.

Emperor Tippy
2008-07-23, 01:43 AM
****. this place has my face on camera, should clear that before I do anything else.

Solomon grabs the front of his coveralls and yanks them off before stuffing them in his satchel, he then runs into the managers office.

Initiative is hits plus 6: [roll0]

2008-07-24, 01:00 AM
A gun is in the lanky man's hand, without any sense of transition or even movement- like a lethal magic trick. The weapon spits out a round at the slightly less ugly of the two gangers as its owner rolls behind a shelf, takes a deep breath, and has a good look around him. His carefree manner is gone, but it has not been replaced by fear or aggression- just a calm focus.

Quick Draw and making a single shot with the IWI Baby Eagle. Load is gel, making base damage 7P Stun, resisted with Impact armor +1. Moving to cover and Perceive the environment in detail, with particular attention to the gangers and their gear, anyone who may be coming from inside to assist them, the reactions and movements of the others inside the Stuffer Shack, any handy cover that may be nearby, and elements of the environment that may lend themselves to interesting tricks or are just good to hide behind. I've rolled everything but the Perception, which the book says you should secretly do for me.
Perception 5; possibly applicable modifiers include the -2 DP penalty for distraction, the +3 DP bonus for actively looking/listening for something, and the +2 DP bonus for the thing being perceived standing out in some way.

Food Fight Initiative (10d6.hits(5)=2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1673441/)
Quick Draw test (13d6.hits(5)=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1673491/)
Snap shot (12d6.hits(5)=2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1673492/)

2008-07-24, 02:55 AM
Jack Snipe

Twisting round with practiced speed Jack sent an electrical impulse to her arm slide slipping her weapon into her waiting hand. Moving her other hand and grabing hold of her weapon with both hands a twitch of her right eye as she looked down her sight taking aim at the twitchy ganger with the automatic. Squeesing the trigger three dull shots ring out through the sound suppressor as she fired a narrow burst, then with more practiced speed darted behind a nearby aisle.

Free Action: Active the Hidden Arm Slide.
Simple Action: Fire a short burst into a ganger
Simple Action: Sprint behind a nearby aisle

Narrow Burst: +2 to DV, does not count for penatrating armour.
Initative 7d6.hits(5)=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1673642/)
Narrow Burst 12d6.hits(5)=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1673640/)

2008-07-26, 10:11 PM
Jolt had ducked and hit the cover of a nearby aisle as the blast took him by surprise; he peered over the aisle and looked at the two gangers through the tinted lens of his goggles while he drew his pistol. He hated his pistol, he was never a good shot with it; not while he was practicing and especially not while he was stressed, but his thoughts launched a few commands within the moments while he readied.

The small insect looking drone that had clung to him buzzed up and to the ceiling where it merely hovered while; its unusual coloration and build almost made it look like a real insect as it hovered. It twitched slightly while its digital eyes scanned the room while its more blunt yet subtle instruments told it details on the distances the two who had appeared so violently were to it and the rest that it figured; but this information was not held to its self, but quickly passed on to another who would make better use of it.

Things had been quiet for a while, like a summer of nice cool days in a sim that most would complain about being boring; though unlike most, complaining was reserved for those who could and wanted to. Less then a moment after the explosion sounded its blades were in motion, a moment later it received the information it had almost hoped for. This is indeed much like the sim with the boring summer days, because unlike most who were too impatient; it knew that this was merely a calm before a storm.

The back doors of the van opened and a hover drone flew out while its weapon pivoted based on the information that its comrade had given it; the muzzle flashed brightly as it fired at the more talkative ganger, illuminating the unusual body and vicious sneer on the roto-drone.

Free: Command Davy to lock onto the gangers and Thunder to attack them
Simple: Move to cover behind aisles
Simple: Ready weapon
Initiative 9d6.hits(5) 9=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1677057/), so 13
Davy Jones’s(bug drone):
Free: transmit lock to Thunder
Simple: Fly to Ceiling
Simple: Sensor Scan
Initiative 9d6.hits(5)=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1677061/), so 11
Sensor Scan 7d6.hits(5)=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1677064/)
Thunder’s(roto drone):
Free: Start up
Simple: move for clear shot
Simple: Long burst, wide burst
Initiative 9d6.hits(5)=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1677063/), so 12
Long Burst 9d6.hits(5)=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1677068/)