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View Full Version : What is best +1 LA race for Int casters?

2008-07-08, 03:59 PM
If you could have a +1 LA race for free as you wish to cr eate an Int-based character like Factotum, Wizard, Beguiler, Duskblade, etc, which race would you pick? Tiefling is the only +int character I could think of off the top of my head.

On a side note, is there a level 4 or lower spell that can let me fly for 10 min/level or hours/level that is not Alter Self?

2008-07-08, 04:05 PM

It's in the Fiend Folio.

2008-07-08, 04:18 PM
Flight of the Dragon, 4th level, from the spell compendium. 10 min/lvl, and gives you fly 100 ft. (average). If you didn't want alter self because it required growing wings, this won't help you, otherwise, hopefully it's something like what you're looking for.

2008-07-08, 04:28 PM
Well, the big advantage of going Tiefling is being an Outsider. If you can get Templates instead see if you can get Fire-Souled (DR 314) for immunity to Daze and Stun for Born of Three Thunders fun.

+Int races include:

0 LA
Deep Imaskari (Underdark)
Fire Elf (UA variant)
Gray Elf (Monster Manual)
Exiled Modron (DR 354)

+1 LA
Sharakim (Races of Destiny)
Ghost Elf (DR 313)
Fire Hobgoblin (UA variant)
Tiefling (Races of Destiny)

2008-07-08, 04:44 PM
Flight of the Dragon, 4th level, from the spell compendium. 10 min/lvl, and gives you fly 100 ft. (average). If you didn't want alter self because it required growing wings, this won't help you, otherwise, hopefully it's something like what you're looking for.

Hmm, Alter Self doesn't give me the physical stats of my new form does it? If I Alter Self into a Raptoran for example, I wouldn't have 10 for my physical stats?

Oh yeah, do you guys think Sun Elf or Gray Elf is better?

2008-07-08, 04:52 PM
Well, the big advantage of going Tiefling is being an Outsider. If you can get Templates instead see if you can get Fire-Souled (DR 314) for immunity to Daze and Stun for Born of Three Thunders fun.

+Int races include:

0 LA
Deep Imaskari (Underdark)
Fire Elf (UA variant)
Gray Elf (Monster Manual)
Exiled Modron (DR 354)

+1 LA
Sharakim (Races of Destiny)
Ghost Elf (DR 313)
Fire Hobgoblin (UA variant)
Tiefling (Races of Destiny)

Firesouled is +3 LA


Anything with only +2 to int is inferior to Gray Elf, since you lose access to Elf sub levels. Let me know if you find anything with +4 or more to Int at 1 LA, I never have.

2008-07-08, 05:08 PM
Are Elf sub levels that good? Wizard is not bad I guess, being a generalist.

2008-07-08, 05:25 PM
Hmm, Alter Self doesn't give me the physical stats of my new form does it? If I Alter Self into a Raptoran for example, I wouldn't have 10 for my physical stats?

Nope, stats are unchanged, unlike Polymorph and other higher-level effects.

2008-07-08, 05:35 PM
A Gray Elf with a template is really probably your best option...
If you are allowed dragon magazines, there's the Fire Hobgolin (+2 Int, +2 Con, +2 Dex, -2 Cha, some other small things), but really, I would still rather grab something like 'Gray Elf + Dark Template'.

2008-07-08, 05:51 PM
The dark template sounds...sexy. But does it make me look "wierd" all the time or can I have a normal appearance if I want to? Hehe, I'd be a Dark Gray elf or a Dark Sun Elf. Oxymoronic character here I come!

2008-07-08, 07:18 PM
What is the DR of which you speak in which the Rogue Modron race appears?

2008-07-08, 07:26 PM
That'd be Dragon magazine, I believe...

2008-07-08, 07:29 PM
DAMMIT! The one source I have no chance of getting my hands on at this point!

2008-07-08, 07:42 PM
Firesouled is +3 LA


Anything with only +2 to int is inferior to Gray Elf, since you lose access to Elf sub levels. Let me know if you find anything with +4 or more to Int at 1 LA, I never have.

Stupid Crystal Keep typos...:smallfurious:

Frosty, I vote for a Dark Sun Elf....would you get free psionics? :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-08, 07:55 PM
It looks Sun Elf isn't a choice...oh well, Gray Elf it is.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-09, 12:24 AM
I don't think this race has an LA, but you may be interrested in using a Tabaxi for this: http://www.silverdragonpress.com/rpg/tabaxi_3e.html .

EDIT: It looks too powerful for an LA 0 race due to the skill bonuses. I'd reduce them to a +2 bonus to Balance and Tumble with those 2 skills always counting as class skills.

2008-07-09, 12:56 AM
The dark template sounds...sexy. But does it make me look "wierd" all the time or can I have a normal appearance if I want to? Hehe, I'd be a Dark Gray elf or a Dark Sun Elf. Oxymoronic character here I come!

"Dark creatures tend to be much duller in color, with more gray and black skin tones and hair high lights, than the Material Plane versions. In general, they also weigh less, as if part of their very substance was mere shadow stuff."

- Tome of Magic, page 161

2008-07-09, 01:03 AM
Btw sweetrein, do you have your old avatar? I really liked it.

2008-07-09, 01:04 AM
Btw sweetrein, do you have your old avatar? I really liked it.

The blue kitty, or catworld?

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-09, 01:05 AM
Frosty, do you think a Tabaxi would work if it was altered slightly? (Those stats seem to be for the 3rd Edition, so they may need changing a bit.)

2008-07-09, 01:07 AM
The blue kitty, or catworld?

Both really, but Catworld is cuter ^_^ Who is Phoe btw?

Tempest: Yeah it's pretty decent for a +0 LA, but it's not too broken compared to Dwarves or Warforged.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-09, 01:09 AM
Thanks for telling me. Do you think you'll use that race rather then an Elf? How are Dwarves and Warforged broken, though?

2008-07-09, 01:25 AM
Warforged aren't really broken. Dwarves are the top of the line as far as LA +0 races go. Just look at how much racial abilities they get. The +2 vs spells alone is amazing. They also get +2 to an important stat (Con) and -2 in a dump stat for many characters (Cha)

2008-07-09, 01:34 AM
Both really, but Catworld is cuter ^_^ Who is Phoe btw?

Tempest: Yeah it's pretty decent for a +0 LA, but it's not too broken compared to Dwarves or Warforged.

PhoeKun, Phoebe, 100% beautiful and my fiancée.

Also, I am rather fond of the catworld, as well. I shall switch back (though, the catgirl hugging the world is older, the catworld is supposed to be the child).

Finally, the only other template I can find that would be decent would be the chameleon template. For 10' reach reasons.

Warforged aren't really broken. Dwarves are the top of the line as far as LA +0 races go. Just look at how much racial abilities they get. The +2 vs spells alone is amazing. They also get +2 to an important stat (Con) and -2 in a dump stat for many characters (Cha)

Top of the line? Lies!
They are no Anthropomorphic Bat! :smalltongue:

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-09, 01:36 AM
I'd forgotten about those. Apart froma +6 to Wis and small size, what else do they have?

2008-07-09, 01:38 AM
I'd forgotten about those. Apart froma +6 to Wis and small size, what else do they have?

Anthropomorphic Bat:
-4 Str
+6 Wis
-2 Cha
5 ft. (fly 20 ft. average)
blindsense (ex)
monstrous humanoid
favored: Druid

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-09, 01:42 AM
Thanks for telling me (I suppose the really slow ground speed makes them a liability initially, at least in places where they can't fly, but that's pretty much a non-issue once Wildshape is gained.

2008-07-09, 02:22 AM
Thanks for telling me (I suppose the really slow ground speed makes them a liability initially, at least in places where they can't fly, but that's pretty much a non-issue once Wildshape is gained.

Level 1 spell: Aspect of the Hunter, effectively a wildshape into wolf, combine with your 2 bonus spells from Wisdom, and you can spend every combat as a Wolf with a Riding Dog companion, kicking butt.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-09, 02:26 AM
I can't find that spell anywhere online. It would solve that particular problem, though.

2008-07-09, 02:35 AM
I can't find that spell anywhere online. It would solve that particular problem, though.

Spell Compendium

Lasts for 10/min per level, as well.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-09, 02:38 AM
Thanks. That sounds really powerful, at least as far as Anthromorphic Bats are concerned. Is it particularly useful for other races as well?

2008-07-10, 05:57 PM
PhoeKun, Phoebe, 100% beautiful and my fiancée.

Also, I am rather fond of the catworld, as well. I shall switch back (though, the catgirl hugging the world is older, the catworld is supposed to be the child).

Finally, the only other template I can find that would be decent would be the chameleon template. For 10' reach reasons.

Top of the line? Lies!
They are no Anthropomorphic Bat! :smalltongue:

Well I've never seen any DM allow any anthropomorphic animals as PCs, so... :smalltongue:

In any case, isn't Phoekun female?

2008-07-10, 06:42 PM
In any case, isn't Phoekun female?

Yes, and you could have picked that up from Reina's sentence.
Fiancée implies female. Fiancé is male.

"Now we know!"
"And knowing is half the battle."

/off topic nit picking.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-11, 01:10 AM
Frosty, did your comment aqbout your DM not allowing the use of Anthromorphic animals apply to just Anthropomorphic Bats and similar creatures, or did it also gover things like Tabaxis and Gnolls? (I'd have real problems with picking a race if I was involved in a game like that.:smalltongue:)

2008-07-20, 12:15 PM
Yes, and you could have picked that up from Reina's sentence.
Fiancée implies female. Fiancé is male.

"Now we know!"
"And knowing is half the battle."

/off topic nit picking.

I had no idea the entra e implies female for fiance :smalltongue:

Tempast My DMs may or may not allows races like Gnolls depending on the campaign, but no one I know has allowed something as cheesy as an anthropomorphic bat druid.

2008-07-20, 12:24 PM
Yes, and you could have picked that up from Reina's sentence.
Fiancée implies female. Fiancé is male.

"Now we know!"
"And knowing is half the battle."

/off topic nit picking.

Wow, I never knew that! Thanks for the tip, Vael!

2008-07-20, 12:27 PM
I had no idea the entra e implies female for fiance :smalltongue:

Tempast My DMs may or may not allows races like Gnolls depending on the campaign, but no one I know has allowed something as cheesy as an anthropomorphic bat druid.

I had a DM allow me to play an Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale Barbarian, and then killed it off by the second session. With a ghost assassin.

2008-07-20, 12:27 PM
Get Deep Imsakari and add the feat Otherworldly. You are now an outsider with no LA. at level 5 you can alter self into a Dwarf ancestor. 'nuff said.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-20, 12:29 PM
The Whales are even worse then the Bats, aren't they? I think I read that they get ridiculously high Str and Con bonuses with no LA.

2008-07-20, 02:45 PM
The Whales are even worse then the Bats, aren't they? I think I read that they get ridiculously high Str and Con bonuses with no LA.

Meh. No matter how high its physical stats are, it won't beat a caster with high mental stats.

50 Int >> 50 Str.

2008-07-20, 02:58 PM
I still thought he RAWKED! His name was Mafatu, meaning "Stout Heart," because as a child, he had been discovered by his barbarian tribe by one of them having harpooned him straight through the heart! (BTW, it was +8 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con, +4 Wis)

Anyway, Deep Imaskari are good for the aforementioned reason, and, yeah, Gray elves FTW!