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View Full Version : Billy Versus Snakeman (The Anime Parody Game)

2008-07-09, 01:36 PM
So Welcome All BvSers!
This game is about Parody, Ninjas, Villages, and of course, comedy. It is also a very competitive game that is updated many times of week adding new content, new art, and always more things to do. There are already many Giantitpers that play this game and I'm rebuilding an old thread.
So basically you start out as a ninja sort of how Naruto is (though I'm not really a fan its completely a parody) and you quickly are opened to new content and new styles of the game that are always a challenge and interesting to unlock with storylines.You'll unlock content parodying several other anime games and make Allies with many of them to help you get past challenges and unlock more storylines. This game has a very interesting and unique fanbase always eager to unlock new content and always up for fun.

It will take a little time but there will always be people to help through the first stages of the game progressing your ranks and anyone is welcome to join Fax Celetis' Village Anansi village where a couple of us Giantitpers currently reside there. We are rebuilding one of the top villages in the game that was lost due to plot in one of the most epic quest in the game and we are looking for fun and enjoyable people to share fun with in this game.

I'll update more content about this later here is the link to join the game, it is my own referral link, which means I will get just a minor permanent item if enough people join, and if you don't want to use my referal link that is fine too I will post both links.

http://www.animecubed.com/billy/pics/sigs/Harima.jpg (http://www.animecubed.com/billy/?Harima)
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN (http://www.animecubed.com/billy/?Harima) today!

That is my refferal link, you if you join you should be set up in anansi village immediately and fax and I can help you out
http://www.animecubed.com/billy/pics/sigs/Fax.jpg (http://www.animecubed.com/billy/?Fax)
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN (http://www.animecubed.com/billy/?Fax) today!

That's Fax's if you'd much rather be referred by someone more known at giantitp than myself

and if you'd rather find a different village than ours here is the link for the main site its still worth a look.

Thank you for your time and please enjoy this game, I know I have. Also any discussions can be held here, if you have any questions you can pose them here.

For Troubleshooting I always use another Giantiper's site Uzuki who hosts this site:

Have fun everybody!

2008-07-21, 02:33 PM
Sorry if this counts as a double post but this thread was created just a few short hours before the server crashed, I wanna give you guys a chance to experience this fun game.

Dairun Cates
2008-07-23, 02:07 PM
Probably already know this, but joined the game, referred you, and joined the village. Pretty fun game. Reminds me of Kingdom of Loathing.

2008-07-23, 03:20 PM
Ya, the game gets real fun as you progress there are many things one person can do and it is constantly expanding and adding new things a couple times per week. Did I also mention that the game is absolutely free? it has so much interactive games and things one can do, its a big game that is growing everyday.

2008-07-28, 02:43 PM
so any comments or questions about this game? its a really enjoyable game it does take a bit of time to do everything but its constantly updated so there is always some sort of goal to achieve.

Dairun Cates
2008-07-28, 02:54 PM
so any comments or questions about this game? its a really enjoyable game it does take a bit of time to do everything but its constantly updated so there is always some sort of goal to achieve.

Eh. I'm still trying to get levels with Dairun. Just learned Bring Down the House though. So, I probably can actually do some damage to Kaiju's now. Should help out a bit.

I am curious, though. Is there a cap on the number of Jutsus you can know?

2008-07-28, 04:55 PM
Just wondering if someone can get in for a moment to accept my village application. Thanks!:smallbiggrin:

2008-07-28, 09:05 PM
Ya, the game gets real fun as you progress there are many things one person can do and it is constantly expanding and adding new things a couple times per week. Did I also mention that the game is absolutely free? it has so much interactive games and things one can do, its a big game that is growing everyday.

It sounds interesting, but could you please stop talking like your advertising it on TV. I dont apreciate that.

Dairun Cates
2008-07-28, 09:26 PM
It sounds interesting, but could you please stop talking like your advertising it on TV. I dont apreciate that.

Eh. He's just excited about it. Not really a sin against God, and certainly no reason to be uncivil about it.

2008-07-30, 01:13 AM
The game, from what I understand, is a lot like Kingdom of Loathing. I never played a bunch of KoL, but I heard some about it from other people.

The game is changing a lot right now, and on the game's website they're talking about making the game into a full time job. Check it out sometime if it sounds like your bag.

Dairun Cates
2008-07-30, 01:21 AM
Yeah. I just noticed. Thank god. Sanin isn't freaking ridiculous anymore. It's still hard to pull off, but you don't need to beat the freaks of nature that are managing 6 million exp anymore.

Although, I wish they'd make it a bit more clear about the Ninja War Battles. I didn't know they didn't require stamina until yesterday. I was busy leveling up to prepare for them.

2008-07-30, 01:37 AM
Yeah. I just noticed. Thank god. Sanin isn't freaking ridiculous anymore. It's still hard to pull off, but you don't need to beat the freaks of nature that are managing 6 million exp anymore.

Although, I wish they'd make it a bit more clear about the Ninja War Battles. I didn't know they didn't require stamina until yesterday. I was busy leveling up to prepare for them.

its not stupidly hard, I got sannin last season, and went out on top, and it wasn't even my 7 day string, but that was before mr T was around, also I didn't (and still don't) have arena favorite so its not impossible, I did get around 2mil though, it was worse when you could spam robo girls hairpin quest as many times as you had pins. though it is pretty ridiculous with people hoarding over 1mil ryo around

Dairun Cates
2008-07-30, 01:59 AM
its not stupidly hard, I got sannin last season, and went out on top, and it wasn't even my 7 day string, but that was before mr T was around, also I didn't (and still don't) have arena favorite so its not impossible, I did get around 2mil though, it was worse when you could spam robo girls hairpin quest as many times as you had pins. though it is pretty ridiculous with people hoarding over 1mil ryo around

yeah. I think that's certainly true, but getting top 3 is only going to get harder and harder as time goes on, and with more than one reason to get top 3... well, there's a lot of competition for the spot.

2008-07-30, 12:02 PM
well you have a while before you'll be a full fledge jonin, so by then the new material will be 'stagnant' and the amount of people trying to get top 3 will drop, I wasn't gonna try for sannin this season but I might now since sannin does 2x damage on kaijus but I'd need to temp leave village D:

Dairun Cates
2008-07-30, 01:23 PM
well you have a while before you'll be a full fledge jonin, so by then the new material will be 'stagnant' and the amount of people trying to get top 3 will drop, I wasn't gonna try for sannin this season but I might now since sannin does 2x damage on kaijus but I'd need to temp leave village D:

True enough. Although, by the bloody time I get to Jonin AND have the 3 Sanin, we may have the monument already. I'm only 1/4th of the way on the party-wheel expenditures for the Rack. Also, Rare mission USED to love me, but they don't seem to recently. So, J-diddy might take a while. All in all, I would definitely try it if you're doing a different bloodline this season. Those bloody themes are going to do SOMETHING (by which I mean the drop items are going to do something) eventually.

2008-07-30, 02:09 PM
I'm on same bloodline, I just can't push myself to keep doing the arena to get my bloodline, I know I can do it, and no I'm pretty good at predicting people's moves its just I'm a busy guy :/

2008-07-30, 03:15 PM
I used to play it, but I just got tired of it eventually.

I might start up again eventually, but at the moment...I dunno.

I never took the button out of my signature here...

Dairun Cates
2008-07-30, 04:20 PM
I'm on same bloodline, I just can't push myself to keep doing the arena to get my bloodline, I know I can do it, and no I'm pretty good at predicting people's moves its just I'm a busy guy :/

Also the fact that the Arena's kinda just mean bullcrap UNTIL you get your bloodline ability? It's like winning rock paper scissors against a bully that punches you in the face when he loses and declares himself the winner.

Edit: Also, there's always the money bonus and AA missions for Sanin.

2008-07-30, 04:46 PM
I already get the money bonus, spamming AA missions would be cool though, I might need a few more range though, I currently have 19 on gen and nin, 18 on tai when spamming missions.

TalAi I remember ya from alt, how is red dawn comming? I can't put my finger on who the leader is, it was someone important from alt though, I can't quite forget, any case I constantly get bingo'd by former alt members, no idea why though, we are allied with their villages?

2008-07-31, 12:02 AM
I haven't been playing recently, so I'm actually not in it anymore.

I've just been sort of bored of the game, though I log on every so often to check things out...