View Full Version : Persona 3, or infact any SMT games

Purple Cloak
2008-07-09, 07:01 PM
Well as the title implys, who out their has played persona 3, Digital devil saga, or any other Shin megami Tensei games?

As such who are your favorate charicters, moments, or even tactics.

Also in the offchance people want any advise of beating bosses or somthing I will gladly help, asuming i've defeted it myself. :smallwink:

To start of my favorate charicters are:
the Main charicter (of course) useing an axe
Aigis (hits well and often and learns some good suport moves)
Yukari (mostly for healing and raiseing)
Junpei (he starts faily inaccurate but he improves later)

In DDS (one, I haven't played two yet) my prefrence is:
Serph, with lots of hunt skills, ice skills and passive physical
(this includes the mantra that means when he devours foes she atma is shared, nuliying the others need for hunting to an extent)
Heat, with physical and fire.
Argilla for earth and healing.
other elements can easily be subsitised bithin these four when a good selection of mantras have been mastered

In lucifers call I have the main charicter physicaly enclined learning as many absorb skills as possable, with Fire axis, that skill is VERY useful. As for team members I like the feinds, but thats only an option if you do certain things to allow their fusion.

As for favorate moments:
P3 = 'Operation babe hunt'
DDS = Ciello 'escaping' with help from a 'little freind'
LC = nothing realy sticks out