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The Faceless
2008-07-10, 04:49 AM
1880, Tombstone. The air is hot and dry, without a cloud in the sky and the sun oppressively beating its heat into whatever and whoever happen to be underneath its harsh light. Most of the townsfolk are staying indoors, only the foolish or incredibly hardy can toil for long in this weather.

Jonas Hunt
Despite its ominous name, Tombstone seems like a fairly typical frontier town. Your last contact had said rumours of weird things going down here, men strong enough to lift horses and overturn stages on their own. Could just be typical rumours, but it seemed worth checking out.

Azir al-Amin
Work is as its ever been, processing through all the paperwork for the judge. Lately there have been plenty of reports of strange occurences around town, but nothing concrete. At least until now. One report catches your eye. After a quick read, it turns out to be from the bartender, saying that one of the miners had started throwing full barrels of whiskey around after a few too many shots. You've finished your quota for today, it might be worth checking out.

Dustin Black
Riding in from the north, you spot the town hall in the main square. The package contained in your saddlebags is meant to go to the mayor. It was sealed by the state treasury, probably receipts for the silver deposited in the state bank. The ride's been long and hot, your waterskin ran out about five miles back. You can see a sole figure along the road, working with a shovel.

Jesse McNewal
You're both foolish and hardy, so you're digging postholes in the outskirts of tombstone like usual. Since your visitation, its become a lot easier, the scorching sun barely bothers you, and shifting the earth is much easier. You spot a man on a magnificent black horse riding in

2008-07-19, 11:45 PM
Jonas Hunt

Entering town with his myrmidons behind him Jonas turns to them.

Jake and Rick, you two look around town for anything suspicious and to get the layout down in case things get rowdy. Tom, Eric, you two get the supplies we need and take care of the horses. Alex you're with me, we're going to find where the inhabitants spend their time. Let's find some more info on these rumors.

2008-07-20, 02:15 AM
"Dusty" Black

The heat came off the ground in waves, reducing the man riding in on the magnificent, black horse to a hazy mirage until he'd closed the distance. He rode hunched over in the saddle, his forearms crossed over the pommel and supporting much of his upper-body weight. His clothes were almost uniformly brown leather; a long duster that trailed over his saddlebags, pants, and boots with no spurs. His bandanna was shock of red draped around his neck over a sweat-stained white shirt that hung open about three buttons because of the oppressive heat. A brown hat obscured much of his face except for his lower jaw, which was angry with stubble. He looked like he hadn't been to town in weeks. Conversely, the horse looked spry enough to win a race. She had an almost mad glint in her eye that only added to her beauty. It was almost hard to believe the pure-black creature was only a mare, though she was bigger than many stallions. She tossed her head, flicking her shiny, black mane into the rider's face and he stirred, seeming to wake.

"What? What?" the rider grumbled, lifting his hand to catch the brim of his hat between two fingers and lift it up a touch to show his brilliant blue eyes. "Oh." he noticed the approaching town for the first time. "Well it took you long enough." he teased, getting an indignant chuffing sound out of the mare in response. The rider chuckled and stroked her neck as the man digging in the ground came within conversational distance.

"You'd be better off digging your own grave in this heat." he commented as he brought the mare to a slower walk. A smirky grin developed across his features as he observed the man's work.

2008-07-20, 11:38 AM
Azir al-Amin

The half-Arab squinted in the light. It wasn't usual to get out of work this early, but he was going to make the most of it. Wearing gentleman's finery, the dark-skinned man adjusted his belt, upon which two tubes like a medieval scroll case.

I wonder what's been going on here. Azir thought as he stepped into the tavern. Of course, he probably got all the usual stares. His race always did. It didn't matter. He walked to the bar and sat down on the stool. "A drink, and a word, if you'd have it." He spoke cordially.

2008-07-22, 12:11 AM
Jesse McNewall:

The shovel went in, scooped, and flung over his shoulder as rain falls to the ground in a clutter of stones and sandy dirt, and it continued in a rythem as simple and as elegant as any dancer could do on any stage (not that he had seen one of those 'European' productions. The sun beat what little remained of his Irish complexion into a deep golden-brown hue. He hummed some bawdy tune in the heat, mixing the hums with a word every so often and smiled as he worked. In a sense he was dead to the world in a way. A deep and heavy sweat glazed over his rather massive body, and soaking through his white, already deeply sweat-stained cotton shirt and workers jeans (jeans that were used by the gold miners of California no less). The black cowboy hat covered his eyes to keep out the glaze and a blue kerchief took the sun off his neck. Around his neck strapped a leather pouch, and his hands were covered with black leather, stitched with brown thread, and woodchips.

Standing next to another shovel stood a pack attached with some matter of cookware, and a polished frying pan reflecting into the sun; his leather coat hung over the shovel; and most importantly, several skins of good quality water.

A new guy in town? Certainly he would have at least recognized a horse that fine, and most people who had been here for any period of time, did not talk to him in such a matter, else, in the olden days, they get into a fight. No, he was much more for smiling than scrapping these days.

"So I would be," he leaned up against his shovel, smirking back, "but I don't think that is what I am fated to do today, my friend."

He let the shovel stand, grabbed two skins of water, and took a drink with one. He offered the other to the stranger and his horse, "Jesse McNewall, you want a guide of town? I'm nearly done for the day."

2008-07-22, 04:58 PM
"Dusty" Black

"Howdy," the rider replied, tipping his hat before wiping the sweat from his brow. "Dustin Black, just call me Dusty. This here's Callisto." he introduced himself and the mare. He slid off the saddle in one practiced motion and took the offered waterskin gratefully. He first gave some to the horse before seeing to himself. When he handed the nearly drained skin back to Jesse, he swept his hat off to look at the town. "A guide? Nah. I always know where I'm goin'. A friend would come in right handy, though. You finish up and I'll buy you a drink at the local waterin' hole to repay you for that water. Just need to hit the mayor's office and see to this here spoiled horse's needs first if your wantin' to tag along." he grinned as Callisto threw her head into his shoulder, knocking him a step or two sideways. The horse sure had a personality! Dusty calmed her by stroking her neck as he waited for an answer.

2008-07-24, 11:57 PM
Jesse McNewall:

"Howdy," he forgot the most basic of all greetings. Hello. He smiled as he nodded his head with the friendliness of the situation.

"Dustin Black, just call me Dusty. This here's Callisto."

"Jesse McNewall, nice t' meet ya, Dusty ... Callisto." He tipped his hat slightly to the horse, and smiled at Dusty again.

"A guide? Nah. I always know where I'm goin'. A friend would come in right handy, though. You finish up and I'll buy you a drink at the local waterin' hole to repay you for that water. Just need to hit the mayor's office and see to this here spoiled horse's needs first if your wantin' to tag along."

"Ahh, yeah," he looked back to his gear, "truth be told, I was just digging for the sake of ... digging." He smiled at a rather cheeky grin, and took his hand to his forehead as he slipped off some sweat. "I'll take you up on the offer." He smiled as he grabbed his stuff and easily placed his gear together and put the two shovels over his shoulder, he said with a swig and jig that would be uncommon for the heat.