View Full Version : Infinite Fantasy IC

2008-07-10, 03:00 PM

All characters discover themselves in a very large room. In the center is a wide, pool of water, which can be drinkable. Visions of your world can be seen. You are all aware of a new massive, trade situation taking place between planets through portals. It appears, through the visions in the pool, that something is manipulating events to cause a catastrophic event that none of you are certain of.

Further investigation will lead to the discovery of a vast number of rooms capable of holding at least a city full of people. A computer is discovered in one of the massive rooms, serving what may be a bridge. Even closer inspection will reveal that this artificial city is both something of deep technological and wizardly design.

You've been here for three hours, and there is still much to be discovered, apparently there is no way out, yet.

2008-07-10, 03:06 PM
Vivi observed the new land, the new land was suspiously advanced, what sort of devices could it contain, what dangers could they hide?

ooc: what's te last thing that goes through your mind when Vivi kills you?

2008-07-10, 03:12 PM
Vivi observed the new land, the new land was suspiously advanced, what sort of devices could it contain, what dangers could they hide?

ooc: what's te last thing that goes through your mind when Vivi kills you?

OOC:This sure hurts!

2008-07-10, 03:32 PM
Vivi then looked meekly(if you could see his face) at the rather tall,and fugly demon. Excuse me sir, Do you happen to know where we are?

2008-07-10, 03:48 PM
His hat pulled low, most of Greg's scowl was hidden-but it was clear he was uncomfortable in this environment. He kept his ARM ready to put down any varmints or golems that might jump up. The silence was broken by what looked like. . .a talking doll?. . . .

I don't know where we're at son, but I'll promise you this. There aint a lick o' good in this situation. Tech like this aint for nothing but a society ready to blow its damn self up."

2008-07-10, 03:52 PM

Kezrad, resplendent and mighty in his demonic form standing 13 feet tall, impressive for one of his kind, looked up from the pool. Besides being tall, he had scales all about his form, his scales were a fiery red color, tinged with a sickening green on his skin and around his eyes. His eyes glowed with fire the same color as the green on his skin. His long scaled reptilian tale swayed back and forth as it seemed to sprout from under his long tattered cloak of blood red. Ancient twisted armors adorned his form, leering demonic faces carved in bronze and iron. He shifted left to right on his large cloven hooves as he looked up before finally settling in a relaxed pose, his arms folded on his chest. No, I do not little creature. I grow weary of this forced confinement. A pity you do not seem to know either. An ugly look came upon his face, a look that did not seem at all pleasant, and then it passed just as quickly.

2008-07-10, 04:14 PM
Vivi would have looked confused, if he had a face to see.
The fugly demon didn't know, and the nice western man did'nt know, well then there's only one way to find out.
Vivi bounded off to the city with surprising speed for such a little guy calling back to Mr.demon and the nice western guy.
What are you waiting for? Let's get goin' we've only got one life, why not make it a blast?

2008-07-10, 05:35 PM
The first thing outside the door visible is a large area full of plants taken care of by automated systems once its time to do so. The air is very refreshing and everyone, even Vivi feels invigorated.

2008-07-10, 05:59 PM
Vivi took an audibly deep breath, he felt great for the first time in a long time.
See nothing bad happened, aren't you glad you followed me now?
With that statement/question Vivi walked up to the big door, and realizing that he did'nt have the strength to make an audible knock, he asked Mr.Demon to please come over. However he was still trying to jump, and reach the knocker as he asked
Mr.Demon sir would you mind ehh, coming over, and, ehh using this, ehh, knocker for me?

2008-07-10, 06:11 PM

Kezrad was still staring into the pool, calming his mind in preparation for an advanced spell when the annoying little creature piped at him. He turned, annoyance clearly written upon his features, and flicked his wrist at the door. The knocker knocked loudly on the door three times, and then he went back to crafting his spell. The spell was designed to use ordinary water as a sort of "scrying screen" when there was lack of a proper tool, but given that this pool already had such properties he was molding the spell to enhance the properties and show everything in more detail at his whim.

2008-07-10, 06:24 PM
The spell seemed ineffective. Kezrad did see Azeroth united, however. It seemed he may have been gone longer than he had thought. Dalaran had been rebuilt and it had seemed as if the southern former Kingdom of Azeroth were taken over by the Legion.

2008-07-10, 06:26 PM
Vivi chuckled to himself, the demon really didn't know that he knew what he was doing, he just didn't care a scrying spell is a scrying spell, nothing big to worry about.
Thank you Mr.Demon.
He now waited for a response from the door.

2008-07-10, 06:52 PM

Kezrad growls deep in his throat, and shifts his focus. He knew the situation on Azeroth, and it didn't seem like something he would want to get caught up in unless he could get to the Lich King. He had garnered some small aid from Ner'Zhul in the past, but he didn't know exactly what influence the change to the Lich King had brought upon him, and he didn't want to test that unless he had to. His focus shifted to the other worlds, and more notably the one most similar to Azeroth. This time he used the knowledge of some ancient tomes of magic he had "acquired" from Dalaran, and an old technique he learned back in the First Invasion of Azeroth. He attempted to use the power of the pool, but he was careful to keep it separate from himself, lest something go awry.

2008-07-10, 06:52 PM
The door opens, as a faceless automoton greets him."Welcome to World City." It then goes back to gardening.

Kezrad feels a massive backlash. Mystic force propels him against the walls of the room. Something has gone awry.

2008-07-10, 07:03 PM

Using his brute magical force he keeps himself steady. Since he had taken the precaution of keeping the energy separate, it was easy to dissipate the spell and cast off the energy assailing him by releasing his hold on the magic of the pool.

2008-07-10, 07:10 PM

Using his brute magical force he keeps himself steady. Since he had taken the precaution of keeping the energy separate, it was easy to dissipate the spell and cast off the energy assailing him by releasing his hold on the magic of the pool.

An automoton speaks from behind him."If you try that again the pool may place you in an undesirable location."

2008-07-10, 07:16 PM
As the automaton appears, instinct briefly overrides reason. Greg in an instant has placed himself between Vivi and the accursed faceless machine-the oversized barrel of his gun leveled at the machine.

"Watch it young'un! No matter how nice these things talk, you gotta remember they aint no better than whoever programmed 'em. "

As the automaton ignores him and goes back to gardening, Greg settles down.

. . .Sorry. . .So what's your handle ((ooc: name)) any how son?"

2008-07-10, 07:16 PM

Kezrad turns irritatedly at the voice. Perhaps you would care to explain how I can get this pool to display the visions of my choosing. It would have been nice not to resort to messing with the inherent energy of an unknown magical source just to get the view I want, unless of course you have a normal pool of water I can use, or a mirror. Kezrad, over his self-imposed exile, had learned that dealing with the lesser races was more yielding when diplomacy was used, and of course it didn't hurt that he was a "guest" and he knew it. He could not obtain power if he was dead.

2008-07-10, 07:23 PM
Vivi looks up with cheerful yellow eyes and says to Greg
Well, my names Vivi, and I fancy my self a mage. So what's your name freindly western man?

2008-07-10, 07:42 PM
Cloud looks around, clearly not happy about his current situation. His hand rests on hilt of one of the six blades emerging from the complex harness which serves a sheath. (it's difficult to tell which sword). He seems unfazed by the automaton, his only expression a grim deadpan. He stays near the others, but hangs back a bit.

2008-07-10, 08:20 PM
"The Pool of Omens is not a mere tool of wizards. Any may access its secrets merely by thought."

2008-07-10, 08:26 PM

Kezrad spoke without emotion in his voice, reciting fact and not opinion. I've seen "mere tools for wizards" that could destroy worlds on their own, the tool of a master-arcane is nothing to be scoffed at. With skill and knowledge, wizards have power to envy. The information will be most useful. It was the closest he would come to thanking the automaton without it actually saving his life, and even then it would not be guaranteed. He turned back to the pool and thought of the world that was most similar to Azeroth. He did not know its name, but he knew it reeked of the influence of powerful extra-planar creatures, and the influence of creatures much like himself pervaded it.

2008-07-10, 08:40 PM
"Hmph. . .friendly. . .I been called plenty o' things, but i can't recall the last time "friendly" was one of 'em."

The outlaw gruffly tried to ignore Vivi's question. He instead looked past the tiny mage to size up the other members of the room.

A demon. . .great! Hell, I'd still rather deal with a demon than a bunch of soulless automatons. And then. . what? A swordsmaster? Maybe some sorta soldier? Probably salty either way. . .

After doing this for a second Greg notices Vivi still looking up expectantly with those cheerful yellow eyes. Innocent. . almost. . childlike. . . Old memories stir-painful, but good. He sighs and relents to Vivi's question.

"Don't know the last time I had reason to share my name in company. If it suits ya', call me Greg."

2008-07-10, 08:43 PM
Sanctuary was seen in the pool. It was the most peaceful existence Sanctuary had for decades. Fifty had passed since Deckard Cain's death.

2008-07-10, 08:58 PM

Kezrad looked on Sanctuary and saw nigh infinite possibilities. To his magical senses the world seemed alight with power. If he could get to that world, he could increase his abilities manifold. He smiled, and then grinned, sharp demonic teeth gleamed in his mouth, the flames in his eyes danced at the prospect. But now was not the time, he needed to know more of his current situation first. His passive emotionless mask came again, and he once again crossed his arms in front of his chest. He walked closer to the others. He towered above them, his reverse jointed legs strode with long strides cloven hooves clacked on the ground. He observed them dispassionately assessing them without showing signs of threat or will to harm, a difficult prospect for a creature created to bring destruction, but one easily accomplishable by a Man'ari as powerful and as well versed in the arts of diplomacy as he. If it came to it, he could even appear pleasant.

2008-07-10, 08:58 PM
Cloud moves up a bit, ending up next to Greg and Vivi. He seems more relaxed now, although that's speaking in relative terms: he looks like he is totally alert, and is paying special attention to Kezrad. He speaks quietly, and and doesn't draw attention to himself as he speaks. "The name's Cloud. I don't suppose either of you know anything about this place?"

2008-07-10, 09:50 PM
Vivi smiled, these people seemed freindly enough, of course this didn't mean he'd let his gaurd down. The demon and Cloud were ones to be suspious of, the demon because he was well, a demon and Cloud, well he just looked shifty.
Vivi walked up to the group, and said
Well I don't think any of us know what's going on.(Shouts over to Mr.Demon) Mr.Demon! When your done bragging,I see the door is open and nothing deadly or evil came out so, can we please get moving, and go through the door?
ooc:I still dislike you for stealing my thunder Dor.:smallannoyed:

2008-07-10, 10:07 PM
"Yeah, I reckon we're all equally clueless on what's afoot. Suppose no good'll come of twiddling our thumbs here. If'n ya'll aint opposed, lets keep formation just in case. I can take point with my ARM here, lil' man in the middle, and-Cloud was it?-maybe you can be rearguard. An I figger the two ton demon'll likely just do whatever he damn well pleases."

2008-07-10, 10:12 PM

Kezrad smirks at the little mans speech. How wonderfully astute of you. I'm nowhere near two tons, but I shall indeed do as I please. Seeing as we seem to be equally ignorant of our surroundings I shall accompany you.. for now, though if I'm not mistaken theirs still one more of us, another human back in the pool chamber.

OOC:Executor has yet to post, he's playing a paladin from Diabloverse, I'd hate to leave without him

2008-07-10, 10:21 PM
"You may not quite tip the scales at two tons, but from the look of you I'd wager you're worth four times your weight in nasty. That aside, if we're stuck together, mind if we ask yer name stranger?"

2008-07-10, 10:22 PM
Meanwhile, the robots scrambled doing their tasks, ignoring the party members. Fresh fruits were ripe for picking in the garden. They glowed a pretty blue light around them. A plaque could be seen in the garden, which was on both sides of the party members as they searched the World City. A strange looking, albino man dressed in regal clothing seemed to be waiting there.

2008-07-10, 10:40 PM

Kezrad looked down at the human, his long sharp claws flexing in response to his words. I am known as Kezrad, Kezrad the Destroyer. I was formerly a lieutenant, the right hand to Kil'Jaeden the Deceiver, who was in turn the right hand of the great Titan Sargeras, the Lord of the Legion. No longer, though I still claim the title of Destroyer As Kezrad spoke his eyes were not idle, with his magical senses he surveyed everything he could find, and he longed for the power of the place, he saw too the odd figure, who to his senses seemed to burn with an energy all his own.

2008-07-10, 10:42 PM
Vivi walked innocently up to the albino man looking at him with those same yellow eyes, and he tugged on one of the albino mans long sleeves sleeves.
"Excuse me sir. Do you know where we are?

2008-07-10, 10:56 PM
"You are in World City. I arrived here apparently an hour before you all did. Ghaleon is my name. The place contains an inoperative computer about a ten minute walk from here. It must run the place. The robots and androids here were built to serve us, but they don't apparently know why. I've investigating our confinement here for four hours, and I've seen enough room here to hold many thousands of people. It seems that there are five others exploring the place like us somewhere where I can't find them."

2008-07-10, 10:59 PM
Vivi being a child just wanted to be helpful, so he told the nice man where the rest of the group was.5 others you say, hmm oh do you mean them?(points to the rest of the group)
Vivi looked happily at them all, wanting to introduce them to his new freind he DRAGGED the white man over to meet them like all little kids magiclly can.
He then proceeded to practiclly yell about how e had found a new freind who wanted to meet them, and that he was ottaly awesome in everyone the general message was this:HEY EVERYBODY, LOOKIT MY NEW FREIND!!

2008-07-11, 07:15 AM
Cloud facepalms himself and then shakes his head. "If this keeps up, that kid's going to get us all killed."

2008-07-20, 01:34 PM
"Hello..... I see that you've made yourselves comfortable."
"I was wondering if you would have questions for what I've seen on this station."

2008-07-20, 02:57 PM
Vivi was still clutching the mans hand in a vice like grip despite his small size the man was unable to break free of his grip. Vivi looked up at the hodge podge group which consisted of a paladin, a demon, a spiky haired swordsman, and a old western guy. after thinking on this for a moment he turned to the albino man. Uh, I have a question mister. when he recieved a small nod, and a curt reply he said "Can I have a cookie mister?"

2008-07-20, 04:13 PM
Cloud sighs resignedly at Vivi's antics. The rest of the group looked competent, if some of questionable motivation. Or unquestionably not good. "Yeah, I've got a question or two. The first needs saying before I ask anything else. What reason do we have to trust you? How do we know you're telling the truth?"

2008-07-21, 03:33 AM
One 'bot had been enough to make Greg edgy. Being surrounded by them-especially when their programming was unknown-made his stomach roil with bile. Glaring disapprovingly at his surroundings the gunslinger chimed in.

"That Cloud feller has some fair questions. . .and lil' bit there likely could go fer some biscuits. Me-I just wanna know how to get back. I got unfinished business. Not to mention the fact I aint real particular to bein' cooped up here. These techie cities always feel like oversized metal coffins to me."

2008-07-21, 02:50 PM
OOC: I'm glad you think so Dorizzit, you have apperently fallen for Vivi's ruse.)

Vivi pacedd about impatiently, taking in the details of the large techy city. "Yes Greg was indeed correct about this city being suspicious. There was an awful lotta of technology flying around for to be just for keeping the city in maintained condition. Vivi began staring into space as he thought his bright yellow eyes looking blankly into the distance of the city.

2008-07-21, 05:35 PM
"I have no cookies... As for how can we trust eachother, I don't know. I know I can't trust that demon thing over there."

Ghaleon looked a bit aloof. "I was supposed to kill you all, but I am free from my master's control. The god Zophar desired to take control of the city."

2008-07-21, 08:18 PM
Vivi looked up with teary yellow eyes a small whimper (obviously fake) escaped his thorat as he heard this news You were going to kill us, but, but I thought you were my freind? He collapsed to the ground now in tears small whimpers escaping his lips occasionly. (to those suspious, and knew him at ALL it was obviously fake.)

2008-07-21, 08:32 PM

Kezrad chafes at the comment. Not the part about not being trusted, that was clear enough for most mortals to see, this one seemed perceptive, but he did not like being called a THING. Oh, I'M not to be trusted, says the mysterious albino elf, who was supposed to kill us. How reassuring. Next thing you know liars won't be trusting thieves. He rolled his eyes sarcastically, his arms crossed in front of his chest, all the while watching the elves reaction carefully.

2008-07-24, 11:56 AM
Vivi noticed the complete lack of caring everyone was doing, and got up from his (obviously fake.) bawl session., and got up to go, and explore the rest of the city. As he left the group to continue on he went through the well illuminated cit taking in the spledor of flying cars um, flying above him the flashing lights of the star wars esque city. He turned the corner having to jump to avoid a particualry deep pot hole, he eventually came to a small diner run by robots he sat down at the counter, and pulled out 50 gil (what you can expect to pay fo a meal in Van'adel'.) Vvi then sat quitely at the polished counter waiting for Waitresss bot X to come, and take his order.

2008-07-24, 12:05 PM
The waiters say "No money necessary."
"We have Italian, German, Greek, Chinese, Mexican," it prattles on and on. "You can see all of the choices on the menu, browse through it from here." She points to a pad she hands you.

2008-07-24, 12:28 PM
(My enitre reason for doing this was to bump the thread, and get them to move on with the gat dang story!)

Vivi picked up the glowing blue pad, it did indeed have quite a variety of choices, but Vivi knew just what he wanted He called one of the shiny waiter/waitress bots over telling them he was ready to order as they had quite a few other customers to handle it was going to be quite a bit before they could serve him so he just mulled about reading the African, and Indian dishes in the pad, waiting for someone to serve him or for his "teammates" to catchup.

2008-07-24, 02:52 PM
Cloud frustratedly looks at Vivi leave. "Anyone want to follow him? The kid might get hurt."

2008-07-24, 04:50 PM
"Son of a. . .! Aw hell, I'll keep an eye on the runt."

2008-07-24, 05:20 PM
Vivi sat in the sterilizeddiner waiting for the inceridbly slow cook to finish his order of ramen with terryaki beef. (Yum!) Hwen he noticed the western man outside the glass looking at him angrily he sighed, and turned around, and got off his chair. He went through the sterilzed diner occasionly bumping into a waitress bot who failed to notice him. Vivi approached the door, and opened the door a crack, and said in aa voice much different then the childish one he had used before."Come on in Greg you seem cold."

2008-07-24, 07:37 PM
Greg entered the restaraunt, growling at the waitress bot as it came near. His stomache growled in tandem.

"Well pard, I guess you got the right idea. If we gotta be lost might as well not go hungry. Course I don't care for this processed food if'n I can help it. Hey! You! Yeah you ya tin can! What'll it take to let me get in back and cook us up some real vittles."

Greg lets a smile slip for just a moment to Vivi.

"Buddy, I'm gonna introduce you to the four basic food groups: Beans, Bacon, Whiskey, and Lard. Heh. No but seriously-I'll serve ya a plate that might actually put some meat on them bones."

2008-07-24, 07:44 PM
Cloud follows Greg and enters the restaurant suspiciously. At least one of his hands is always near to his swords. He thoroughly sweeps the restaurant with his eyes, making sure he sees nothing (comparatively) unusual and ensuring that there aren't any clear threats. Finally satisfied, he pulls up a chair and sits. "Stop giving him ideas. Lard isn't even a food."

2008-07-24, 08:08 PM
OOC: The power of food. XD It makes or breaks a team.)

IC: Vivi made appropriate casual chatter with Greg mainly on the topic of what bacon was, and why it was so damned good(it's one of my many vices.)
when one of the shiny waitress bot wearing a red skirt came up to the group, and asked them politely if they would perhaps want a table. vivi nodded politley SO long as it can acomadate more then 5 people, I think we'll have some more people joining us later. he let the two big people get in first because well its just polite. He turned in his chair at the table table it squeaking as he turned. Well I think this is much better, now we can eat, and get to know each other best of both worlds..

2008-07-26, 08:11 PM

Kezrad stared contemptuously down on the mortals eating. Being a demon he did not require sustenance anymore. He couldn't remember if it was because he was a demon, or because of his magic, but it didn't matter to him. He stood to the side, a large tome magically appearing in his hand, and he began to study the ancient texts.

2008-07-27, 11:09 AM
The diner had to take the next four spaces to put all the food together. Ghaleon waited outside, lounging on a bench. At the same time a computer screen showed the movement of five others seperate from the group Ghaleon was talking about. A man in a labcoat, another Western looking man with a spear and ciggarrette, a man dressed like a nobleman, also albino, as well as a woman dressed in armor with a short sword. The most curious of them all appeared to be a rat man in an oriental robe.

2008-08-21, 06:06 PM
(BUMP, I really liekd this game!)