View Full Version : The Circus of Horrors (IC)

2008-07-10, 03:30 PM
A long, long time ago, on a Material Plane, far far from here... Thankfully.

It was just another city. A little smaller than their usual fare, but still a bustling town. The circus master Lacan had said it contained about forty-five hundred mortals in it, with the usual spread of the religious, the mystic, and the mundane. For those of you that paid attention, the name of the city is Dazil.

Dazil is a desert city, surrounded by sand, rock, and more sand for days in any direction. And in one particularly rocky area, within two hundred feet of the city proper, something is happening.

The first sign of it is a tensing in the air, as potential seems to build up. The air itself seems to bend in, creating waves in the air. At first, it goes unnoticed. After all, in a desert, what is one more heat wave?

And then the bends begin turning in on themselves. Twisting, turning, and finally shattering as something large starts to come through. Guards on the walls begin to raise an alarm, only for it to quiet as noise begins to come through. Circus music.

And then the broken air parts and splits. Fabric spills across the air as a tent seems to rise and tower a hundred feet into the air and a hundred feet across.

And inside the tent stand a motley crew, you all. Along with the eighty or so beings that help to run the circus and do more menial jobs. Ticket taking, crowd control, food source. That sort of thing.

The circus master Lacan motions to the few humans among the troupe, and they nod and leave the tent, already having received their orders to go out and look non threatening.

Lacan looks to the rest, including the main 'attractions,' your group. "Well, boys, girls, and others. Let's get set up and get some 'guests.' The wagons will be pulled out at dark. Let's not attract too much attention today, so we're looking to get the poor and middle-class in tonight. We'll be teleporting back out in seven days, so try not to get any mobs after us before then."

2008-07-10, 04:28 PM

Leaning up against one of the pillars supporting the tent one of the most... normal looking of the circus' crew. Of course, normality being relative, that wasn't saying much. Still, the slim figure in the well-cut black suit looked perfectly human - tall, with a handsome, aristocratic face - or at least, the kind of face one would think an aristocrat should have, rather than the sort that came from too many generations of marrying one's cousins - deep green eyes and hair the color of a raven's wings, cut about shoulder length and hanging lose at the moment. The color of his suit matched perfectly that of his hair, and he leaned on a long ebony cane tipped with a precious stone with a deep purple-black hue. The shirt he wore beneath was a deep crimson, and the whole effect was to make him look dashing, debonair, and perhaps just a bit on the dark side - but a comfortable bit of delicious, designer darkness that would send pleasant chills up the spine and provide a little fun. Which, of course, was precisely the image he intended to project. The dark cloak he wore completed the ensemble, and a few pieces of jewelry glimmered here and there - a signet ring on his right ring finger, and a headband of gold hidden beneath his hair - giving a touch of luxury to his appearance

He shifted slightly, standing straight where he had been slouching, uncrossing his ankles and arms and stretching slowly, yawning like a waking tiger. The image was apt - there was just a touch of a predatory glint in his eye, easily missed by all but those who knew him - and if one stared hard, his canines seemed a trifle too long as he smiled a hungry smile. His movements gave one the idea of caged power and easy grace, and he flexed his hands a bit, then cracked his knuckles as he spoke up.

Excellent... How much time do we have before curtains go up? I was thinking of drifting into town and seeing about the nature of any local luminaries we might want to be aware of... but if there's not time, ti can wait 'till after the show. Anyone else who wishes to come is, of course, welcome.

2008-07-10, 04:30 PM

From the pile of supplies nearby, a few wooden thumps echo as a small figure hops onto the crates. The black-furred creature stretches and flexes her fingers, claw-tips glinting in the sunlight. Her long, thin tail waves behind her and, when her eyes open after a long and luxurious stretch, she glances about slowly. Sand... Sand... Lots of sand... She could've skipped this place, she really could. Slowly, she hopes from the crates and into the sand, listening to the explanation but finding herself more interested in glancing at the landscape. A new city. Well, at least it was a new chance for some fun...

"Blithe 'n' brimstone, Lacan... Didja have ta choose a place like dis? I's a bonny braw beach but tha lack a' water leaves a lo' ta be desired." She comments flippantly, resting in the shade the boxes provide. Her trademark brogue is recognizable on first hearing, not that her unique figure wouldn't give her away. It is Luchorpan, or Katze by her stage name, the mischievous mystic maven of the magical masquerade they perform. With the speech ended, she glances about at the others and holds out her hands and emits a few dark blue sparkles. A pair of black wings arise from her back, leathery and bat-like, as she glances about.

When Altair makes his announcement, Luchorpan's reaction is instant. "Oi'm coming! Don' ya even think a' leavin' without me!" She calls, taking a few steps away from the group before hopping up into the air, flapping her wings and making a few circles to wait for people to come with her before she makes her way out. There is nothing in this world or any previous they've been in, except maybe Lacan, that could keep Luchorpan from going to have fun amongst some people. In fact, she is practically giddy at the idea, giggling eagerly, even if she isn't allowed to cause too much mischief...

Quick invoking of Dark One's Own Luck to buff her Will save, just in case.

2008-07-10, 05:00 PM

A female humanoid form rises from where she was sitting. Looking more closely, you can see that not only is she a shade of dark green, but she is covered in tiny thorns, and is wearing what appears to be a thin coat of shadows, with a leather belt at the waist. She looks around, then speaks.

"Thank you, Lacan. Though it seems I'll have my work cut out for me here. I'd better go calm Strangler, and get them all settled in."

As she moves toward the door, she starts thinking of desert flora. After all, something must grow here...

Suddenly, she pulls a sheet of parchment from a pouch on her belt. She turns to Lacan with a dark glint in her eye. "Dazil, you said?"

2008-07-10, 06:33 PM
Little Miss Eerie

She's chosen a new look today: some dark, young beauty all covered in thin veils and purple gossamer. Her eyes are wide and almond-shaped, rich brown and sharp like the knife she's toying with. She clenches her fist and it appears and disappears a few scant seconds after its thrown. Clearly, she has better ideas of how her time could be employed.

Just under the surface, there's another woman, though. To any with eyes enough to see, she'd be pretty if it weren't for loose skin drawn over thin, stretched bones. A crown of messily braided red hair tops her true head, and old markings scarred deep into her yellowing skin hint at her distant tribe.

"If that's all, I'm going into town as well," she says, lifting into the air gently and landing with equal grace near the tent's exit. "I'll try and drum up some interest. What do you think, Lacan, Altair? Mortal means or magical?"

2008-07-10, 08:14 PM

The vampire strode out towards the entrance of the tent, looking out at the desert and shielding his eyes. He poked his head out of the tent for a moment, squinting at the sky with an distasteful expression before pulling his head back in.

Yes... the climate is rather distasteful... but I'm going to throw on an enchantment to make myself a bit more.. commanding before we go into town, just to be sure... but let's keep the magic subtle until we take a reading of the town. Best to take their measure before we start the fireworks. As always, best to present an image of mystery and perhaps a taste of terror... but let them think it's a harmless thrill for now.

He gave a sudden wide, hungry grin, his canine teeth seeming more prominent than ever for just a moment. He looked at the others, and his eyes gleamed bright. Best to keep the fangs and claws and hungry, haunting eyes under wraps until the darkness comes out to play... and then so can we.

2008-07-10, 08:27 PM
Lacan looks to each of you. "It's about six hours until dark, local time. I expect you all back an hour before dark to begin your own setups. I'd suggest mortal means for the moment, until you know how well these people react to your own brands of magic."

Lacan pauses at Gardener's statement. "Yes, Dazil. Have you been to this plane before?"

2008-07-10, 09:22 PM

Luchorpan frowns softly at the remark but, with a reluctant sigh, takes the obvious course of action. Her form shimmers and slowly vanishes from the feet up, but, like the Cheshire Cat in reverse, her disappointed frown is the last thing to vanish. "Yeah yeah, oi get tha point, Lacan. Oi'll stay outta sight 'till we're in tha city." She adds with a hum-drum grumble, clearly having been looking forward to frightening the locals. Instead, she would turn invisible, fly with the others, and reappear once in the city walls. This wasn't what she had hoped for but it was better than nothing... Besides, once she was in the city walls, she could maybe place a hex or two on people who annoy her and claim self-defense... Lacan would believe that, right?

Despite herself, Luchorpan can't resist flying behind Altair and tapping him on the shoulder before rushing away once more, floating in silent, invisible circles above the group.

2008-07-10, 09:26 PM
Lacan laughs slightly at Luchorpan. "I didn't say to keep out of sight, just to keep the overt displays of magic to a minimum until you know how the locals react."

2008-07-10, 09:34 PM

Altair nods in agreement with the circusmaster, chuckling softly and rubbing his hands together at the thought of all the fresh possibilities... and he just shakes his head a little at Luchorpan. Sending a quick telepathic message to Cinderheart to let his assistant know where he's headed, he steps towards the opening flap of the tent, holding it open for any others who decide to come before stepping out. As he leaves, he grins wide despite the glare of the sun.

Ahh... it will be good when the sun goes down and the chill of the night comes out... I love opening night. So full of possibilities... so very much potential.

2008-07-10, 09:41 PM

The fey laughs softly at that. "Mortals ten' ta react warse ta somethin' that flies but if'n ye insist..." Slowly, she reappears, having done the motions and acted indignant to get effective permission to fly into the city. All the while, her impatience starts to override her desire to wait for the others as she circles in the air, moving more and more on the path towards the city, occasionally flying towards it then stopping and circling back before continuing on the way. "C'maaan! Oi'm growin' old waitin' fer you bags a' bones!" She calls, waving for everyone to follow before continuing to sail on her leather wings towards the pillar of stone in the desert, tail waving behind her on the way.

2008-07-10, 10:22 PM

The dark skinned man sits in shadows with wisps of dark flame leaping up around his collar. It is not strange that he is in shadows but to those unfamiliar with him would find it a tad peculiar that he sits not on the ground or a crate of some sort, but upon the air itself. His eyes slowly open and a blackness pours out to join the darkness creates by the fell flames dancing about his neck. With a long sigh the light returns to touch his flesh, "I hate deserts. Very nearly as annoying as the Elemental Plane of Fire, but without the screams of things burning alive...usually. I'll need to see this town as well..." He floats towards the door and slowly lowers his legs to the ground until he is finally walking, and subsequently passes through to the outside.

2008-07-10, 10:38 PM

"Oh, no. It's just that my list mentions a rich man in Dazil. I guess I'd better come on this sightseeing trip, then. I'll calm Strangler and get my coat."

Gardener walks out of the big top and into the desert air. After stopping by the cages to calm her Assassin Vine, she climbs into her wagon, and emerges wearing a flowing, sky blue robe, with the cowl down over her face. She returns to the big top.

"Everyone ready?"

2008-07-10, 11:05 PM
"Please hold up just a second." Another man wanders back over from his own wagon. "I was just telling Cam to get ready for tonights' show. My pets were a little restless after the trip."
Although his face was changed from the last town, everyone recognizes him. No matter the hair, eyes and face (all of which were dark right now), he always wore that red cape, the same black gloves and caried around that staff of his, though his hat was now a simple loose wrap.
Sithantal twirled his staff in his hand, walking past Lucan "Don't worry about us, the fun never starts until the crowds arrive. I can hold myself back until then." He grins and wonders over to the others leaving for town. "I get bored hanging around, I want to see the town."

2008-07-10, 11:14 PM
Rahul pokes his head out of the acrobats' wagon, "So it's a desert city this time, now. Reminds me of the bad old days at home. Time to drum up some business."
/~Come on, Szrath. Let's get going.~/

/~Yeah, yeah. Coming. I hate this part.~/
/~You think I like it? I'm sure we'll be casing somewhere within a day or so. I had a new idea for the act, too. Perhaps we can try it while we show off. . . No, it should wait. Whatever, let's get a move on.~/

Szrath comes out of the wagon after Rahul, then they go into town, immersed in silent conversation while they practice back-flips and handsprings.

2008-07-10, 11:25 PM

The veiled woman bows lightly as she moves out from under the tent, squinting at first in the bright sunlight. She spins in place for a quick moment and raises her arms and brings them back down, throwing up a small spray of dust as she rises quickly into the sky, settling just a bit above Luchorpan.

"If we're all assembled, I believe, what's the expression? We're burning daylight," she says sharply, and she dives closer towards Altair, trying to learn how to make her flight look natural with illusory mortal arms.

2008-07-10, 11:35 PM
Gardener breaks into a light jog, faster than most men can run. As she nears Altair, she slows down self-consciously. "Oh. We're trying to look normal, aren't we?" She drops back to a casual stroll, at a believable human pace.

2008-07-10, 11:41 PM

Altair drifted out into the daylight, moving more carefully now that he was under the blazing sun, but still loose and graceful as he headed across the open space towards the town, sand crunching beneath his boots as he listens to the others, chuckling a bit at their familiar mannerisms. He spoke up, his tone light and bantering

I, for one, will not be sorry to see the daylight burnt to the ashes of night, the only remainders the glimmering embers in mother night's shadowy embrace... but yes, no sense in wasting time. Always so very much to do on opening night.

And yes... a more normal mode of locomotion might be wise until we see how these folk react to us.

2008-07-11, 12:39 AM
Sithantal laughs at Gardeners remark. "Just for now. We don't want to scare away the customers. After all, civililized creatures are so easily scared by what lies beyond the scope of their little worlds." He spares a quick glance in the direction of Lacan and the other humans in the group. "Present company excluded, of course."

"I too look forward to the comming of night. It brings in the first crowd, which is always a reason to celebrate. It will also mean this infernal sun will stop shining in my eyes like this. Why do any sentient creatures choose to live in this area?

2008-07-20, 08:46 PM
As you all leave the circus tent, Lacan frowns at the sky, mumbling to himself.

Listen check DC 36:
"Odd, did I enter at the wrong time?"

The walls of the town rise some forty feet above the sandy terrain, and there is only one visible entrance to the town when you come upon it from the north. Standing at the entrance are two men dressed in loose, baggy white clothing with odd devices strapped to their backs. The devices are as long as their backs, and taper off to a blunt point, with a short knife connected to them that go further up.

If you approach, they pull the odd devices off their backs and point them at you. "Who are you, and why are you here?"

2008-07-20, 09:01 PM
I can't figure out this on-board roller. Can anyone tell me how to roll 1d20+18?

2008-07-20, 09:06 PM
Got it.


2008-07-20, 09:41 PM

The vampire lord smiled and dipped a courtly bow, acting as if unaware of the strange devices - weapons, he assumed - by what appeared to be guardsmen.

Greetings... we are travelling entertainers, come to your charming oasis to provide amusement, entertainment and more to yourself and your fellows. We shall be opening soon for all who care to attend - but we thought we would take a look at your fair home that we might better cater to the tastes of yourselves and those who dwell within. May we pass?

Diplomacy - [roll0]

2008-07-20, 09:55 PM
"Traveling performers, eh? Ain't never seen something that big transport itself like that before. If your show is half as good as your entrance, you'll do fine." One of the guards says, before standing aside, putting the device back onto his back. "Welcome to Dazil. If a worm shows up, we're not responsible for your tents. If Kislev shows up, you're welcome to take refuge in the city."

The other guard nods at you all as well, and stands aside, allowing you entrance to the city.

2008-07-20, 09:59 PM
Sith grins and begins to enter. Turning to Altair, he says, "Such polite people. Much better than other places we have visited, wouldn't you say?"

He takes a look around as he enters.

2008-07-20, 10:06 PM

Altair nodded in agreement, with Sith Indeed. It does an old traveller's heart good to be invited in with such open arms. It is well to see that the customs of hospitality are alive and well here.

He turned back to the guardsmen as he began to walk through the gates. You will forgive my questions that might seem naive to you... we are, as you have probably guessed, not locals... But what are worms, and what or who is Kislev? I would guess that the worms are some sort of predatory local fauna... likely burrowing creatures that ambush prey from below. But Kislev I am at a loss, though it sounds like the name of someone or something. It would be good for us to know these things that we might secure ourselves and, of course, our customers against any dangers they might present.

Altair continued to smile in an open, friendly manner as he asked, ready to pass within the town once his questions were answered.

2008-07-20, 10:06 PM
"Good of you to be so welcoming. Would you know where to find a tavern of some sort?"

Gardener is careful to keep her hands and face obscured by her cloak. A shy priestess is odd. Green, thorny skin is a rumour that will run riot.

[roll0] to keep her skin hidden.

I'm thinking of using the name "Savron" for the merchant she's looking for. Would that fit/cause problems?

2008-07-20, 10:11 PM
The guards give Altair a disbelieving look. "Where have you been for the past forty years, some hidey hole in Aquvy? We're at war with the country of Kislev. We're close enough the border that they make the occasional foray around here. As for the worms, yeah. They stand, oh, eighty or so feet high if they don't rear up, and eat just about anything. Dazil's on bedrock, so they can't burrow up underneath us, but I doubt that your tents are."

They then look at Gardener, not bothering with looking underneath the hood. "There are several off of the market. Go down the street south here for five or six blocks, and there will be signs."

2008-07-20, 10:20 PM
"War? Truely? I myself was unaware, though I admit, I tend to miss news of such things. We also come from far away, so such information might not have been as immediate." Sith appears distracted for a moment
War... so many lives lost... so much chaos. And to think I've seen none of it. How dissapointing.

2008-07-20, 10:22 PM

Altair smiled and chuckled, practicing a routine he had used many a time before. Giving the guards a friendly wink, he explained as he walked through Ah, thank you gentlemen... My memory occasionally wanders - a result of seeing so many strange and wondrous things. We have come in recently from far beyond the horizon's horizon... just how far, you perhaps would not believe. If you wish to know more, come and see the show. We'll begin soon after sundown... the magic hour, you know. As for the beasties... well, we know more than a few tricks for dealing with such creatures. he winked again, laughing quietly as he went through the gateway. Once within, he agreed with Gardener's suggestion and went looking for the row of taverns the guard mentioned.

2008-07-20, 10:36 PM
You all enter the town proper and are almost immediately surrounded by voices, people shouting to one another, deals, trades, buying, selling. As you walk down the street, you see that the buildings are made of the same stone as the walls of the town, but several of the buildings tower above the mark of the walls.

The buildings that do so are much more pock marked, where the sand and sandstorms have ravaged the buildings. As you continue towards the market area and the taverns, you pass by one building that catches all of your eyes. Adorned on the building is a symbol none of you recognize, it looks like a capital Y with a horizontal bar right below the split.

Ɏ, but move the bar lower.
But that isn't what caught your eye. What catches your eye is the gargantuan construct that is half-way in the building, and you can see several people climbing on it, working on it with odd tools. One even sits inside it, and if you get closer, the inside of it includes many flashing lights and other oddities.

Hmm, can we guess what it is? Or better yet, can we guess what universe I dropped you all in?

2008-07-20, 10:56 PM
Adorned on the building is a symbol none of you recognize, it looks like a capital Y with a horizontal bar right below the split.

Ɏ, but move the bar lower.OOC:
Hmm, can we guess what it is? Or better yet, can we guess what universe I dropped you all in?

Something like this? Ұ It sounds familiar, but I can't directly place it. Warhammer does come to mind though, or something like it. Sounds like the guards had guns, in any case. Anyway;

Sith's jaw drops at the sight. Such a massive construct. It rivals his effigies in magnificence. How could such a thing be made, how could it move on it's own? More importantly, what could it do? Such a thing may even be capable of tearing down the entire circus. Could the entire group combined even harm this thing?

2008-07-20, 11:02 PM

Eerie flits through the streets in her thick veils, jumping in the air and staying there just a bit too long to be really jumping. She sings, gently at first but then more brazenly as she goes if she judges the crowd's response to be generally receptive:

Oh, sand ravaged cities, and building so pretty,
Come along, come along, and come to the show.
We've lions of iron and a master so witty,
Come along, come along, let's all of us go.

There's no magic in her words yet save her own skill and preternatural charm, and she winks playfully at Altair as she mentions their master.

Performance check! [roll0]

2008-07-21, 12:28 AM
Gardener walks in silence. Even without speaking, it is obvious she is seething with fury.

War? This is slaughter. How many mountains and valleys have been ground to dust for this abomination? And when it comes to bear on this... Kislev... will it care how many oases get in its way?

There may not be much I can do, but at least I can find out what I can.

Gardener seems to come to a decision. She turns to the others.

"Well, our customers will be in the markets and taverns, so let's get looking. And we know what they say about hard times."

2008-07-21, 12:51 AM

Despite himself, the vampire couldn't help but be impressed by the war machine. It was a true work of art - obviously the product of master craftsmanship. He kept moving, however, and did his best not to stare - such things might be quite usual on this world, and he'd already made himself look out of place once - it was acceptable, of course, to a point, but like anything could easily be overdone. He spoke to his companions in a low voice designed to carry no further.

Aye, let's see what information we might exhume - this place seems like it carries with it many dangers, and we'd best be familiar with them. That machine, for example - reminds me of constructs used in some of the great battles of the Blood War. If such things are the usual tools of war in this place, we'd best keep on our toes should the war those guardsmen mentioned come 'a marching home. Still... where 'ere danger's on the wind so too do we find opportunity - deals to be woven in shadow and blood. Let us see what our eyes and ears might ferret out. With the sun so bright, the shadows will be all the darker.

He continued, heading towards the door of the most convenient tavern and for now leaving the war machine to its workers until he had more information about it. But remember, my friends... let's keep the claws in for now. We want to find their fangs, not show our own, lestways not yet.

2008-07-21, 03:27 AM

The dark skinned man does what he can to stifle and hide his surprise at the giant construct. He finds his voice lacking the words to even truly describe his awe in bearing witness to something so massive that was not a living being or a conjured monolith built of the elements by the armies of the Janni. While not truly harmed by the heat and the light of the desert he contemplates erecting darkness around himself to alleviate the strain upon himself and the others but not yet wanting to reveal too much about their troupe he restrained himself.

2008-07-21, 08:33 AM
Eerie's song gets a few claps and several interested people looking at the troupe a little closer, but since the group seems to be going into a tavern, no one actually follows. Instead, they look above the town walls if they can to see the circus tent rising high.

You all pass near the market to enter into a tavern named "The Sandy Oasis." Stepping inside, you find the tavern to be of fair size, with about a dozen tables. Eight men dressed as guards are sitting at three of the tables, and about fifteen others sit at most of the others. There are two unoccupied tables, one near the bar and another about in the center of the room.

For the most part, every one of them is human. At a far table, there are three non-human looking people, but they don't look like any humanoid you've ever seen before. They look more like a were in hybrid form, but extrude none of the aura of strength even the weakest of weres have.

2008-07-21, 09:06 AM
Rahul + Szrath
On seeing the construct, Rahul stops in mid-flip, floating for a moment before he drops. He goggles.
/~Do you see that?~/
/~I'd have to be blind not to. What do you think it would take to get it for ourselves?~/
/~I don't think it would be too hard to get. The getaway might be difficult, though. If we got Lacan's support. . .~/
/~Big if. Keep it in mind, though.~/
Both walk into the tavern with the others.

2008-07-21, 09:54 AM
Sith takes a look about the tavern. Mostly it seemed fairly normal. He shrugged and decided to see what was available to drink. Moving towards the bar, he leaned on his staff and anks the bar keeper "What's available?"

2008-07-21, 10:08 AM
"Whiskey, Scotch, Bartweiser, or Fatima Fallout are yer choices."

2008-07-21, 10:10 AM
Luchorpan, who has been following in silence up until this point, has already been getting ideas in her head. Not good for someone, certainly, but she is enjoying herself. War, raiders... Conflict. Every good story needs conflict. Conflict is the basis of drama. All that's needed now is a little fire to the tinderbox and this could be a beautiful show. Now just to test the air... Instead of following the others into the tavern, she tries to find someone mildly inebriated nearby. When she has, she lands adroitly and skips across the sand towards them.

"Boi gar, tha' las' raid really di' a number, eh? Really ga' walloped." She says with a smile. Of course, she didn't say who, she's just trying to find the score and not seem like she came to the game midway through.

Just in case I need to make one, Bluff Check - [roll0]. Should probably get a circumstance bonus if you find it believable or not suggestive of a bluff.

2008-07-21, 10:14 AM
Luchorpan lands near a man sitting against a wall in the shade from the heat and approaches him.

The man looks up at the spryte and frowns. "Yeah, and y' damn demi's didn't even have the c'rage to e'vn fight back. Get 'way for I swat ya, stu'pd demi."

2008-07-21, 10:31 AM

The silvery portions of his skin seem to grow lighter as he passes into the less opressive light of the tavern and a mischevious twinkle enters his eye. He takes a cursory glance around the tavern to see if anyone might have something he might be able to snatch without creating too much mischief. He'd much rather bend fanciful stories of lies to delude these mere mortals but figures their group is not yet well enough known for his stories to be anything but absurd to these folk. If he can find nothing of interest aside from the weapons of the guards he'll move up to the bar for the time being.

Spot check: [roll0]
I want to seeeeeee, but I'm so bad at it! I doubt I could even beat my own sleight of hand check, even if I was observing myself intently.
And then I roll a one. XDDD

2008-07-21, 10:33 AM
Cairn manages to spot the others he came in with, but it was a close thing. Other than that, not really anything that stands out.

2008-07-21, 11:11 AM

Altair slid up to the bar, ordering a shot of whisky and sliding a sliver of black sapphire accross the bar in payment - this one fortunately unoccupied, but still valuable for the material itself, far, far more so than one drink. A glass of your whisky for myself, and a measure of whatever the rest of the bar is drinking for each in turn. I'm afraid I've no coin at the moment... The Circus of Horrors travels so much, one finds it easier to deal in gem than in coin. if that will not suffice as payment, perhaps I can provide a little preview of the night's entertainment in recompense, instead... but only a taste, mind you. If you wish to drink deep of a different type of draught, you'll need to visit our tents when the sun falls below the horizon.

2008-07-21, 12:04 PM
The barkeep takes the piece of gemstone and holds it up to the dingy light, before putting it in a pocket. He then pulls a bottle from the bar behind him and pours for Altair. "Neat whiskey." he says, but doesn't make any mention of Altair's mention of the circus.

2008-07-21, 02:09 PM
The man looks up at the spryte and frowns. "Yeah, and y' damn demi's didn't even have the c'rage to e'vn fight back. Get 'way for I swat ya, stu'pd demi."

Luchorpan laughs at that. Demi, that's a word she hadn't been called before. "Ha! Demi? Oi dinnae realoize ye ha' a group a' half-sproites about. Now, oi jus' got in'a town, sa' oi'll gi' ya a chance ta apologize, 'fore oi teach ya s'me respect fur de Fey." She says with a grin, a wicked smile that says that she is just waiting for him to throw the first punch so she can justify smacking his face into the dirt. She has a hand behind her back, a purple glow forming over her fingers and then burst into eldritch fire.

2008-07-21, 02:22 PM
"Fey?" The man says, the word sounding strange as he tries it, possibly saying the word for the first time. His eyes clear slightly as he looks closer at Luchorpan, as the glow from the fire cascades around her hand, visible because of her tiny size compared to the human. "God preserve me, you're a talking Wels!" His voice rises at that, and all sound around Luchorpan and the man stop.

And then the screaming begins.

The man scrambles backwards, sliding along the wall trying to get away from Luchorpan while the local area clears out.

The others in the tavern can hear screaming coming from a nearby area, but don't know what caused it, although they did hear someone shout about a Wels, whatever that is. Although apparently the people in the tavern do. The eight guards stand and shift weapons, before leaving quickly.

2008-07-21, 02:39 PM

Luchorpan isn't sure what a Wels is, but she knows that people don't like it, and that's a good enough reason for her to make herself scarce. "Oh boggles... Lacan is nae gonna li' this..." She says with a worried glance about. The unnatural fire burns out and she vanishes swiftly, taking off to get up to the rooftop, landing there and watching the man run. Then she makes the decision that would either be helpful or haunt her, leaping into the air and floating after him and watching to see where he was going. He would give her some answers...

2008-07-21, 02:43 PM
The crowd has fairly well disappeared by the time the man pulls himself to his feet and runs off, fleeing the last spot he'd seen Luchorpan.

He runs away from the market area and down several streets, panicked face but deadly silent, so once he is out of the area his voice was first heard, the streets start to have a few more people in them. Eventually, he enters into a three story building and slams the heavy door behind him.

2008-07-21, 04:02 PM

Altair sighs a little, but takes the sudden panic with an air of wry amusement. As the people clear out, he calmly downs his whisky in one swig, and stands, dusting himself off and adjusting the broad-brimmed hat on his head. Turning to the others, he spoke up Well... I've seen worse. So, any ideas on a plan of action from here? To retreat to the tents and speak with our circus' master, or to try to smooth over this little peccadillo?

2008-07-21, 05:15 PM
Gardener walks up to the barkeep. "Scotch and soda, thanks."

Heading over to one of the tables with apparently ordinary people, she tries to start up a conversation, drink in hand. "Hello, gentlemen. You wouldn't be able to help a lady, would you? I've just rolled into town, and I'm supposed to meet someone named Savron. Trouble is, no-one said much past 'in Dazil'. I don't even know what he looks like." She almost manages to sound silly.

Sorry about the screw-up.

2008-07-21, 06:09 PM
Sith sighs as the screeming starts outside. Someone was already having fun. Normally they had to wait at least a day, usually more, before that was allowed. But there wasn't time to join in the fun, as Altair had put it. "Give me a whisky if you please." When he receives his drink, he gulps it down and turns to the ringmaster "Let's try talking it out first. We don't want to ruin our reputations now, do we?

2008-07-21, 06:14 PM
Unless you've got some link to Luchorpan you haven't told me about, you know nothing of any racist ideas. Luchorpan's stuff happened outside the bar, and you heard nothing of the conversation. Care to update your post?

2008-07-21, 08:06 PM
Unless you've got some link to Luchorpan you haven't told me about, you know nothing of any racist ideas. Luchorpan's stuff happened outside the bar, and you heard nothing of the conversation. Care to update your post?

Sorry. Also, if Diplomacy doesn't make much sense any more, [roll0]

2008-07-21, 08:14 PM
Tis fine, I just wanted to keep things from spilling over between locations. I'll start breaking things into spoilers to keep it apart if need be. And the Diplo and Gather Info rolls work well together.

"Savron? He's one of the more well to do merchants. Deals with a lot of the local excavations and mining and such. You'll usually find him at the Buyer's Hall, doing business. Can't miss him, he's probably the fattest man in Dazil."

2008-07-21, 08:46 PM
"Thank you, gentlemen." Gardener drinks her scotch and wanders over to Altair.

"Is Pan causing trouble again? Should we try to find her? I could find her cloak easily enough, and it usually stays attached to her.
"Anyway, I think heading back is a bad idea. This city isn't the frendilest of places, and if Pan's annoyed anyone important, we don't want to get run out of town."

2008-07-21, 10:00 PM

Eerie slides gently towards Altair, leaning in to whisper to him:

"Can I please just start enthralling them now? They've got all their big shinny bits of scrap, doesn't seem the kind of place that's likely to know siren magic from simple song," she says softly, then waits with her arms angled on her hips for an answer.

2008-07-21, 10:20 PM

The vampire lord chuckled softly. when he spoke up, his voice was so soft as to be almost a whisper One at a time, please, ladies. Gardener - I think our fey companion will be able to handle herself without our assistance - besides, I have the feeling she'd resent the assumption that she couldn't. If she asks for our help, we'll render it, but until then, let's just let things be.

And my dear siren... hmmm... while the idea is tempting, let's save it for now. While I doubt anyone here would know the tune you sing, we don't want any word of it somehow getting to someone who might be better informed. Someone had to build that construct, after all, and for all we know they might possess a great deal of magical power and knowledge.

2008-07-22, 10:18 AM

Shortly after Altair's speech, a sudden weight is pressed onto his shoulder, nothing to such a powerful creature though. Slowly, Luchorpan's form appears on his shoulder, laughing and giggling with glee. "Thanks fer the vote o' confidence, boyo." She says with a smile, messing up his hair and then cartwheeling to the side, landing on her feet. "Oi've found out a few int'restin' facts out 'bout this place... Seems woi ain't in the same world." She remarks, climbing onto an empty bar stool.

2008-07-22, 06:19 PM

The dark skinned man catches the barkeep's attention and when he makes his way over the Khayal he leans forward, "As with the rest of my friends I happen to be new to these parts and was wondering if you might happen to know where a man might find some games of sport or chance. I'm always in the mood for a fine wager, if nothing else. Perhaps your fine establishment might have a reigning champion of the ale? Or mayhap you know of something more... interesting." With a mere flick of his wrist and a flourish of his fingertips a golden coin appears between each of his fingers as if from nowhere, "I can compensate you for your trouble, if need be."

Suddenly! Coins! Dozens of them! ...or just 3 [roll0]
A few social skill checks, as needed.
Diplomacy: [roll1]
Doubt I need it (Don't think I did any bluffing), but a Bluff: [roll2]
And a Gather Information for kicks: [roll3]

2008-07-22, 09:00 PM
The bartender looks at the coins traveling between Cairn's hands before answering. "There's an arcade about a ten minute walk from here, and bike racing goes on about once a week behind there. No drinking contests, people tend to get too rowdy. As for something more... interesting, what are you looking for?"

2008-07-23, 04:50 AM
Gardener turns to the barkeep. "Would you mind giving me directions to the Buyer's Hall? There's someone I need to meet there."

2008-07-23, 06:16 AM
"Two blocks south of here, turn right, three blocks, it's the four story building with a scale motif on it."

2008-07-23, 06:40 AM
"Thank you." Gardener turns to her companions. "So, is there anything pressing we need to do? If not, I have something to take care of at the Buyer's Hall. It shouldn't take too long. Plenty of time left to set up for tonight."

2008-07-23, 08:17 AM
Sith looks Pan over as she appears again. "I have no doubts you could get yourself out of trouble. I also don't doubt that someone would be bleeding soon after you did it. Well, that's not really important now. What did you find out?"

He gives Gardener a glance "Nothing really necesary. I may take a closer look at the giant construct, but other than that... Enjoy yourself." He gives her a wave.

2008-07-23, 10:03 AM

The vampire grinned at Luchorpan, carefully rearranging his hair You're quite welcome. As Sith asked, what did you find? Or would it be something better discussed elsewhere?

2008-07-23, 11:31 AM

A slow smile comes over the Fey as she takes out a little rag-doll from her coin pouch, affectionately brushing its hair with her clawed hands. Where she got it is anyone's guess, but she has already restyled the probably once primp and proper doll into something more resembling something befitting the word trouble-maker. She cackles softly at it before giving Sith the attention he requested.

"Well, the place woi're in 'as a lot a' stories. Thar seems ta be a lo' o' monsters here, called Wels, some roilly big too. Tha's no the fun part, though. Turns ou' tha', to comba' 'em, these folks 'ave buil' a real bonny braw constru', one oi reck'n's worth takin' a gandurr a', if'n ye get moi drift, burr aye?" She explains with an ever widening smile, wiggling her claws to suggest doing more than just looking at this machine.

2008-07-23, 03:43 PM
Gardener seems to consider for a moment, then shrugs. "We've only just arrived. My business can wait for tomorrow, if there's something that needs to be done." She turns slowly, assessing the establishment. "Then again, perhaps it's best to discuss this in private. Should we head back home?"

2008-07-23, 08:06 PM
Sith ***** an eyebrow. "You talking about that big one we saw? Well, I was planning on taking a look at it anyway. A close look. Also at the work area nearby. See what sort of equipment they have, what... supplies." Sith grins back.

2008-07-23, 10:43 PM

Altair nodded slowlyAye... there are some interesting options here. But we have time. Let us make sure that everything is in place before taking any... drastic action. Still... but in any case, unless there is anything further to do, I would agree that returning to the circus to discuss our findings might not be out of place... ah, one thing I almost forgot.

Wandering back to the barman, he leaned over a bit and smiled Tell me, friend... are there any important personages in town whose good side it would be best to stay on? We sometimes give free tickets or better seats to such people, to ensure that our stay in town goes as smoothly as possible.

2008-07-23, 10:55 PM
"Honestly," she says in a whisper to Altair and the others still gathered there, "the way some of you look at these things borders on perversion. If this infatuation is all we're to speak of, I'm going to go work on our publicity."

Eerie scoffs at the laborious affection being paid to that -thing- and leaves the bar in what can only be described as a dignified pout. As she walks back into the streets she strips a red veil from over her head and begins to dance with it like a cloak, stomping her feet like a rythmic bull as she sings.

"L'amour est un oiseau rebelle..."

That's right, she knows the Habanera. For convenience, I've translated it from Harpyanese to French :smallwink: Once she's got a good crowd going she's going to lay up with a sales pitch
[roll0] Performance check to see how badly, if at all, Eerie butchers the subtle joys of French.

2008-07-23, 11:16 PM

With a sigh the magician flicks his wrist and the coins disappear about his person before he shakes his head and gets up from his stool to leave the bar. His mind expands from his frame and reaches out to his companions, I have ideas for the monolith, but our time here is better served with more immediate concerns. Miss Eerie is correct, we must draw in others first and pilfer this world's belongings second. He passes outside to watch Eerie's show and once she has gathered a crowd he plans to join in himself.

2008-07-23, 11:54 PM
"In that case, I'll take care of my business, then I'll head back to camp and set up. Spot will want feeding soon, and I don't want him on show hungry." Gardener turns and walks out of the bar, following the barkeep's directions to the Buyer's Hall.

@Lochar: Do you want to handle this privately? She's just going to try and find him, then skulk in the crowd for ten minutes while studying him as a Mark. Nothing too drastic.

2008-07-24, 08:10 AM
If you leave the group, send me a PM and we'll play it out that way.

Eerie's singing quickly draws a crowd of curious onlookers. She doesn't notice anyone recognizing the language she is singing in, but the tune, the dance, and the general atmosphere she is creating is enough to snare most passerbys. After twenty minutes, she has a crowd of about forty or so.

2008-07-24, 01:08 PM

Luchorpan laughs gently and picks up a rock from the tavern floor. "Fargeh headin' ba'k ye'. Oi'm ge'in' a drink." She says with a smile, swaying her hands over it, pressing her palms together and, when they slip apart, a gold coin is in its place. She hops up onto a barstool, pressing the "coin" down on the bar, slamming her fist on it twice right after. "Barkeep! Gimme sa'm m Mead!" She yells, smiling as she waits.

2008-07-24, 01:29 PM
"Whiskey, scotch, Bartweiser, or a Fatima Fallout. We don't have any mead. The honey is too expensive in the desert."

2008-07-24, 02:45 PM
Miss Eerie

"Thank you, thank you," Eerie says, taking a small bow before doing a spiraling jump high into the air. "And if you've seen something that may entertain, then the only kindness I may ask is that you join us tonight, under our tent-" she says, and gestures towards where it breaks through the skyline, "for an evening that you shall never forget. We've only a seven day engagement, I'm afraid, so better sooner than later."

2008-07-24, 02:51 PM
Many of the gathered people clap, and as Eerie finishes her routine, a few walk up, coins in hand to give them to her.

How, exactly, are you going to take them?

2008-07-24, 03:08 PM
Wandering back to the barman, he leaned over a bit and smiled Tell me, friend... are there any important personages in town whose good side it would be best to stay on? We sometimes give free tickets or better seats to such people, to ensure that our stay in town goes as smoothly as possible.

Savron's the man to talk to if you're looking to get in good with the merchants, and Captain Illis is the head of the guard here. The Ethos' lead tech here is Miniz Terras, but he's not often available for anyone to talk to, and I'm not sure if he actually has a sense of humor. 'Mayor' Brand Iston, possibly, but I'm not sure how far that would get you on the good side of any of the others."

2008-07-24, 03:10 PM

The vampire looked curiously at the barkeep Uou mean the mayor is unpopular with the town in general? or just with the other folk of importance?

2008-07-24, 03:12 PM
The barkeep shrugs. "Not as much unliked, as more or less a figurehead who doesn't want to be."

2008-07-24, 03:15 PM

Altair nodded briefly, still thinking. Really? What is the source of his reluctance?

2008-07-24, 03:19 PM
"What's the source of his not wanting to be a figurehead, you mean?" The barkeep gives you an odd look.

Also, please use " " for speaking, otherwise I'm going to think you're thinking to yourself.

2008-07-24, 03:23 PM

The vampire nodded "Yes... I mean, why take up such a position if he had no desire to do so? Or is his reluctance of more recent origin?"

2008-07-24, 03:26 PM
The barkeep shrugs. "I can't say I know his mind. You'd have to ask him."

2008-07-24, 04:55 PM
Sith sticks his tongue out as Eerie walks out. Yes, it was childish and silly. But it made him feel better.

He turns and listens to the conversation between Altair and the barkeep. "I say we offer some tickets to these Savron and Illis fellows. Oh, and we should probably offer one to Miniz, just to be polite. Tomorow night though, or maybe the day after that. Let's see the general response of the town first. Wouldn't want to dissapoint them, right?"

He pauses for a minute "We could also check with the mayor, see if he minds a ticket or two. Or at least see if he'll do an announcement for the circus. We could use a little publicity." He pauses to look over at the dancer outside. "Though I think we may have that covered already."

2008-07-24, 05:01 PM

As the onlookers move forward to offer their coins to Eerie a trail of darkness flits past them and the Khayal steps forward with a smile. Held between his fingers are many of the coins that had been presented with many more falling to the ground around him in a shower of shimmering light and shadowy darkness. He he chuckles as he palms the coins he had been holding between his fingers and suddenly they disappear from view, "The alluring dance of our dear Miss Eerie is merely the beginning of the grand mysteries to be found within our festival of fright and fancy. Death defying stunts and feats of legerdemain to dazzle and amaze one and all! Fearsome fauna, exotic flora, and a show you must simply see to believe!"

So I may have stretched it a little bit, but Umbral Hand, Quicker than the Eye, and Sleight of Hand for all! [roll0]

2008-07-24, 05:17 PM

Altair nodded at Sith. A good plan... a bit of publicity and getting a bit friendly with the local notables always helps a show go smoothly. Let us see what we can do, hmm?

He strode outside, following the path of Eerie and Cairn, watching bemusedly as they worked the crowds and seeing if there was an opportunity for him to add his own talents to the effort.

2008-07-24, 06:11 PM
Several people startle at Cairn, but applaud when he speaks. Unless someone else continues, the crowd will disburse shortly afterwards.

2008-07-24, 06:18 PM

Deciding to add a few finishing touches, Altair nimbly leapt atop a number of stacked crates, his cloak whipping dramatically about him. He gave a sudden grin, his face in shadow, and he leaned forward on his cane, peering down from beneath the shade provided by his hat, only his bright eyes gleaming.

"That's right... one and all, come for thrills and chills, strange marvels and otherworldly wonders - the esoteric, the exotic, the marvelous and fantasic. Sights to make you scream... with delight." He chuckled softly, then threw his arms out as if to embrace the crowd. "Our circus is the greatest show on this world, or any other for that matter. And don't forget... it's not just entertainment... we have all sorts of solutions for whatever might be plauging you. Need a charm, a trinket, a handy love philter for that special someone? Don't be afraid, come down and see us... there's something for everyone at the Circus."


2008-07-24, 09:10 PM
The crowd claps loudly for Altair, before breaking up and going about their business.

You can hear them discussing the circus as they leave though.

2008-07-24, 10:26 PM
Sith claps as the crowd disperses. "I call that a successful introduction. We can probably expect a fairly large crowd at the opening tonight. I'll have to work to live up the hype we're going to be facing." He rubs his hands together gleefully. "I can not wait."

2008-07-25, 12:07 AM
"Whiskey, scotch, Bartweiser, or a Fatima Fallout. We don't have any mead. The honey is too expensive in the desert."


Luchorpan glances up at the bartender and sighs, a little disappointed at that. "Foine... Gimme Whiskey." She says with a smile, waiting for him to give her the glass. She picks it up carefully in her claws, holds it up to the air, and gives a traditional sylvan toast of "Uisce beatha" before downing the entire glass and releasing a full body shiver. Clearly, whatever she just drank is high grade stuff, probably flammable if it had a match dropped in it. "Wahter of loife. Not quoite the fuisce oi'm used ta, bu' it'll do. Another sho' of tha' Craythur, if'n ye please..." She said with a smile, rolling her glass on the edge on the bar. She repeats this request again and again, glammering rock after rock until the little pixie's head is resting against the table and one can practically see bubbles floating over her head. Slowly, she sways her full body weight from her right to her left. "Did oi ever tell you abou' tha' toime oi set foire to a monastery? Reeeeally took da piss outta dose monks... Ya see..." She lifts her head up, then blinks, noticing that the man who had been sitting next to her as a target for her long, disjointed, rambling stories has gotten up and left. "Oh... Yer gone... Well, fargeh you..." She says, waving at the empty space where he was, beginning to laugh her head off at some joke that was, in her head, clearly hilarious.

2008-07-26, 12:17 PM

The Vampire smiled. it seemed they'd drawn a large crowd... now the thing was to return to the tents and prepare for the show... and ponder over what they'd seen. Heading back to the bar, he poked his head in, seeing Luchorpan getting rather smashed and ranting about burning monestaries. Putting one hand on her shoulder, he moved to guide her out as quietly as possible.

2008-07-28, 10:46 PM
Sith glances over as Altair exits the bar leading a drunken Luchorpan. Laughing, he says "I guess that's our cue to head back then? We can get ready for the grand opening, and worry about our other plans after that. Speaking of the opening... Altair, would you have a problem with me borrowing one or two of your wolves? I'll take good care of them, I'd just like to have them run around as part of my performance. Please?" He smiles hopefully.

2008-07-29, 10:09 AM

With a quick shift, Luchorpan spins and punches Altair hard in the stomach. Of course, to the vampire it does nothing, but it is still an impressive first strike. "Stay away from moi woife!" She yells, though it only reaches the nearest vicinity. She then pauses as her mind processes things for a moment. "Oh... Roighsh... Oi dunnae have a woife... Well, bugger..." She murmurs, then hugs Altair's waistline, clinging for a moment, and drops to her feet, trying to walk out and showing remarkable composure, considering the six empty glasses stacked up on the bar. Getting a maniacal glint in her eye and a smile on her now rather pink cheeks, she fades out of sight for a moment, sneaks up on a man standing with some friends, and yanks his pants down before walking back towards the door, reappearing just in time to ensure that maniacal, drunken hoots of laughter would not be emanating from a disembodied voice near the door frame.

2008-07-29, 10:11 AM
The man jumps up as his pants fall, tripping over himself and causing a loud uproar of laughter in the bar.

2008-07-29, 10:21 AM
Miss Eerie

Eerie stares at Luchorpan with a deadly sort of disinterest, as if wondering just how much trouble she'd get in if she vexed the little trog. She shrugs and spreads her wings in a great yawn: she's already feeling a little constricted in this particular disguise.

"I'm heading back. Will any of you be joining me, or will there finally be a bit of peace and dignity in the Circus for an afternoon?" she asks, and a wicked smile spreads over her lips.

2008-07-29, 04:29 PM
"We'll be heading back, I think. We have a few . . . plans we'd like to discuss away from the town proper. Sith, you'll be especially interested in this one, we think. Right up your alley."

I could roll a Bluff check to convey a secret message if you like, but I think this is a fairly easy one, probably not worth it.

2008-07-29, 04:43 PM

The vampire sighed, wincing a little at the punch in the chest just to seem a bit less... hardy than he really was, even though striking him probably hurt Luchorpan's knuckles more than his stomach. Walking out next to her, he had to chuckle and sigh once more as she pulled her prank. He smiled tolerantly down at her as they walked out, guiding her back towards the circus.

I just hope you can sober up before your act, My friend. Otherwise our illustrious master might have you used as a target for the knife-thrower.

2008-07-29, 10:30 PM

Luchorpan just laughs and continues to walk along. "Nyeh... Oi kin ge' a restarin' spell... Ahll better... Ar jess relax..." She laughs, swaying and smiling as she dances to the music she hums randomly, moving as one would expect a Fey to move; airily, fluidly, and without any seemingly obvious pattern, simply letting gravity and the weight of her body drag her about as she spins and bounds, occasionally using her wings to brace herself and push her back onto her feet when she gets close to hitting the desert floor.

2008-07-29, 10:54 PM

With their promotion of the circus completed for the time being the Khayal turns to head back towards the gates. His voice floats through the minds of his comrades, I'm heading back to get out of this blasted light. Our work here is done and I'd like to get out of the sun and into some soothing darkness to calm myself and prepare for the show to come.

2008-07-30, 03:51 PM
You all will get back to the circus about an hour and a half before dark. Once there, Lacan looks you all over for a moment. "Welcome back. Did you learn anything valuable, or better yet, did you attract enough attention to bring in a good crowd tonight?"

2008-07-31, 11:22 PM
Sith looks over at Lacan. "Well, we got the names of some of the major people, the head merchant, guard captain, mayor, those types. We can send them a free invitation tomorow, or the day after to get some more attention. Our singer over there," he gives a quick wave to Eerie "managed to snag a good sized crowd. The others sealed the deal, and we can probably expect a good opening night."

He looked over towards his wagon. "[COLOR="seagreen"Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get my pets ready. They're looking forwards to seeing the new crowd.[/COLOR]"

2008-08-01, 09:45 PM

Altair nodded in agreement with Sith's assessment of their performance, and began to head back to his own trailer.

Indeed.. the prospects are promising at the moment. I'm going to my trailer... Last minute costume checks and so forth before the show.

With that, he headed out of the tent, going to his own trailer to take care of the last minute details.

2008-08-02, 02:33 PM
Szrath head to the wagon and begins to prepare for the show. While he does, Rahul follows Altair and calls to him "Altair! A word?" After he catches up, he says, "We're all busy getting ready now, but after the show we'd like to speak to the others regarding a possible job. We're very interested, but this isn't something we could do alone. Could you spread the word?"

2008-08-02, 08:27 PM

As soon as he is out of sight of the town a flickering darkness grows around him and will remain most likely until it is time for his show. He slinked off to his trailer to clean up his various toys to prepare them while also considering procuring something larger he could animate, though not so large as to surpass his skills.

2008-08-02, 09:25 PM

Eerie smiles, moving from a stretch into full-blown flight, her wings still pretending to be arms. She pitches her voice, tunning it carefully and, after a moment's practice she speaks, largely to Lacan, as she settles down on solid ground again.

"This lot doesn't seem to be too terrifically magical. With any luck it'll only take a song or two to have them fawning and lolling."

2008-08-02, 09:28 PM
Lacan shrugs. "Looks can be deceiving, look at yourself, Eerie." The circus master grins at her, showing his own human teeth. "But I will enjoy the show tonight, regardless."

Anyone still want to do anything pre-show?

2008-08-02, 10:19 PM

Heading for his trailer, the vampire nodded at Rahul. Aye... I'll make sure to pass it along as I introduce the acts. So saying, he stepped into the trailer, flashing Cinderheart, his Nightmare assistant, a brilliant smile as he relayed the details of their little foray into town. Even as he was doing so, she helped him into the costume for that evening...

2008-08-03, 05:53 AM
Gardener steps out from the cages. "Strangler's ready for the show, and now you're back I have something to discuss. I was thinking of setting up a spectacle, and could use a hand setting up the finish. I'll need a bit of magical fire." She steps over to an open space in the camp, well away from the tents and wagons. "A wicker man. I can set one up for two hours, but it'll just fade away. On the other hand, magic fire will give them ten minutes of spectacle and a reason for it to disappear. I'm sure I could make it thirty feet tall, and it should be safe enough. Anyone interested?"

2008-08-03, 06:39 PM

As Eerie prepares herself from her wagon, her gaze wanders from the mirror to her shelves. With her hair still half-up and half-down, she stands and slides a tightly-wound roll of parchment pulled taut around a golden spindle. A small wax sigil marks the scroll with the sign of a falling star.

I suppose places like this with monsters like that construct are the whole reason I bought this, she thinks to herself as she tucks it neatly into her sash.

Eerie's ready; she decided to take the safe route and is carrying her Scroll of Meteor Swarm. She's ready now.

2008-08-04, 12:04 AM
Sith grabs his fence supplies and sets up a large area outside the main tent. Directing Cam and any idle stagehands, he soon has a large enclosure fenced in, blocking whatever is inside from general view. "Come now, my pets," he calls, bringing his other constructs out and directing them into the enclosure. Grinning, he looks over each one, ensuring the coverings disguising them as regular animals remain perfect.* With that done, he sends Cam back to the wagon to wait for the crowds, then moves to look for the others and await the comming opening. Spotting Gardener wondering around, he goes over to check up on her, and overhears her idea.

"A thirty foot tall, ten minute bonfire? Count me in! I can supply a few fireballs, or something, if you need it."

(He's taken 20 on his disguise checks, setting the DC's to see through the disguises at 49 for the snake, 47 for the lions, 46 for the bears and 44 for Cam, if it applies for her)

2008-08-04, 02:58 AM
Gardener smiles. "Well, when I give the signal, send a fireball into the chest. I'll leave a hole in the back for you. Perhaps before the main event? It'll attract attention, if nothing else. And attention usually means customers." She turns to Lacan, obviously distracted by plans of her thorny creation. "So, how long until the lights go up? I hope I've got time for the vines."

2008-08-04, 12:54 PM
"Hee hee. I'll be sure to make a big show of it. In fact, I know just the disguise I'll use for it. This will be fun..." Sith starts mumbling to himself as Gardener starts talking to Lacan.

2008-08-04, 01:04 PM

Luchorpan just whimsically sways about the circus grounds, then, at the notion of a way to gather attention, she raises her hands in the air and yells "Oi kin ge' ye some cus'omers if'n ye lemme!" She sways again, then looks at the sun, pausing and frowning. "Gah down alreadah!" She yells, gesturing at the sun, swatting at it, trying to make it vanish over the horizon.

2008-08-04, 01:39 PM
The sun is set low in the sky, and a decent crowd of people are already gathered near the main entrance to the big top, with a pair of trolls standing guard at the tent flap, huge boxes in the hands to take tickets that a pair of dryads are selling further away.

Lacan looks at the others. "I'd wager another half hour until full sundown, and then the night begins." Lacan gives a wicked grin.

The dryads, for those wondering, have been enslaved because their trees were used to create the main tent poles. Lacan somehow keeps the trees just alive enough to not kill the dryads out right. Although, occasionally the dryads do change, and the main poles look different occasionally.

2008-08-04, 04:17 PM
Gardener is slightly startled by the sight of customers. "Well, I'll do what I can." She ducks into her caravan, and emerges with a tray full of small vines and thorns, kept in ceramic pots. Burying the pots near doorways, walls, and the wheels of her caravan, she trains the vines around their new supports. With this done, she kneels and mutters a prayer in Sylvan.
"Wanderer, your pilgrim has found a place to rest. Grant her the shade of the trees, the fruit of the vines, and the softness of the grass."
As she finishes, the planted vines swell and grow, creating a lovely ambience for tonight's show.

Lose a Mass Conviction to cast Plant Growth. I probably have to set it to a very selective Overgrowth, but I'm really just looking for cosmetic effects: make it look creepy, especially considering we only arrived today.

2008-08-04, 04:35 PM

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Altair stepped out of his trailer. As always happened when the sun began to set, he looked taller, stronger, more imposing... He flexed his hands and bared his teeth. He chuckled slightly, approaching the others with his ebon walking stick clutched in one manicured hand. He had changed clothing - his cape was longer, fuller, more dramatic, and his suit was black - not dull, dreary black, but black like a starling's wing, like midnight woven into cloth. Completing the outfit was a tall top had with a velvet band of purple near the base. Underneath, his eyes gleamed in the shadowlight as the sun fell down to die behind him. Twirling the cane over his arm and over again, he laughed again.

Good... I've been itching to try out a new dance number I've got ready for the introduction... I think it will start things of just perfectly.

2008-08-05, 09:13 AM
Gardener's plants quickly grow, twist, and sprout leaves under the command of her spell, and dark purple, poisonous looking vines and leaves quickly catch the eye. Including the eyes of many people in the line, who look very surprised at the plants rapid growth.

As the sun dips below the horizon, the trolls begin letting people into the main tent and they start filling up the benches and bleachers. After ten or so minutes, the flood of people trickles off, and the room is has a fair crowd.

Lacan moves from the entryway to Altair, who has yet to enter the center ring. "A little over four hundred. Not a bad starting night. Have fun with them."

2008-08-06, 10:58 PM
Sith looks over at Altair as Lacan makes his announcement. "Well, it's time for your big start. I'll do a quick walk around with my bears after you've finished, then someone else can take centre stage. I'm going to save the others until a little later."
He begins moving towards his enclosure while keeping an eye on Altair. He didn't want to miss what was sure to be an interesting opening.

2008-08-07, 12:43 AM

The vampire grinned, suddenly appearing center-stage in the middle of the tent. He tapped his cane on the floor, and out of the earth rose twenty skeletons - their bones bleached white by desert sun, their eye sockets hollow. Even as they clawed their way from the sandy earth, the vampire called aloud to the crowd, his voice echoing in the tent.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen... and welcome... to the Circus of Horrors. Don't mind my friends... they may be a little underdressed for the show... but they can keep a beat.

He chuckled slightly, tapping his cane on the floor. In rythm, the skeletons began to move, dancing around in a circular motion, capering and gesturing wildly. Every so often, one would break off from the whirling move towards the stands with slow, jerky movements. In the center, Altair himself danced, pounding out a quick, primal rythm, snapping his fingers in time with the beat. He snapped his fingers, and began to sing, his body moving with serpentine grace to the seductive pulse of the music.

Well come along now
Come down
See the finest
Show in town
Thrills and chills
all around
it's the finest show in town

We've got freaks and creeps
graveyard sneaks
nightmares plucked
from out your head
frightning beasties live and dead

ghouls and goblins
ghosts and ghasts
all the sights to make you gasp

So come on in
sit right down
it's the greatest
show in town
designer darkness
to delight!
stay up late, don't fear the night

come forget your cares awhile
everyone here wears a smile
but don't shocked if you should see
fur, fang or claw
'midst our, jubilee

And now my lively song is done
give a hand, everyone,
time it is our show to start
to shiver your spine and stop - your - heart

As he sang the last lines of the song, he gripped his cane tight, as if holding a sword, using the glowing gem atop it like a mace. Spinning in a quick circle, he struck the head of each skeleton, making a hollow xylophone sound, causing each skull to explode in a gout of colored flame, a different shade for every skeleton. As this happened, the rest of the body turned to dust, sinking into the earth or carried away on the night-wind.

Still grinning, Altair stood up

And so I welcome you to our humble show... please put your hands together for Sith and his ursine friends.

2008-08-08, 06:38 AM
While Altair was making his start, Sith moved quickly to the enclosure. Grabbing the two bears, he readied, then quickly cast his spells just as Altair finished. “Come my pets, talk to me.” (one extended ghost sound to imitate the sound of two bears. If I need one for each bear, let me know. Two minutes where the bears will huff and growl quietly) As the audience turned, he stepped out the gate into the audiences view and announces “Ladies and gentlemen. I offer a taste, a bite, to you, to whet your apatite for the show ahead. Come, see my pets, Dol and Kish. They are just the start of my act, but I endeavor to please you.” He flourishes with his cloak and cane as the two effigies step out into view of the crowd. Dol stands as tall as Sith and is pitch black, while Kish is the smaller of the two, and has much lighter fur.

The two bears snort and look around, following the directions of the man in front of them. Grabbing a large red ball, Sith rolls it in front Kish, saying “Up! On the ball!” Even as the bear complies, he brings Dol up to the audience, leading it around the front row. “Are there any particularly brave children out there? Who would like to go for a ride? Come on, no worries. He’s very calm.” If he receives any volunteers, he puts them onto the bear and leads them back into the middle, having Dol circle Kish balanced on the ball before returning them to their waiting parents.

Two stage hands come out carrying a large table between them, along with three more balls, one larger than the first, two much smaller. Placing the large one on the table, he quickly orders, “Dol! Up,” then turns to Kish. Putting a hand on the bears back, he vaults up and stands on the bears back, bowing to the audience. Leaning down, he pats the bears back and Kish starts moving forwards, rolling the ball towards the table, Sith still balancing on its back. At the edge of the table Kish stops. Dol is now balanced on its hind legs on the ball on top of the table, looking down at Sith below it.

Sith grabs the two smaller balls and tosses one up to Dol, saying “catch ” quietly as he does so. When the bear catches the ball between its front paws, he quietly says “return, catch”, as he tosses the second ball up. Dol pushes the first ball back to Sith, then catches the next ball. Sith grabs the ball Dol threw back, then repeats this a couple times, throwing the ball from on top of one bear, to the other balanced on the ball, on the table.

After this, Sith calls “Dol! Paw out!” As the bear holds one of its front legs out, Sith grabs onto it, and uses the bear’s strength to pull himself up and onto its shoulders. Standing tall, he bows to the audience, still holding his cane in one hand, while Kish stands up under his instructions and bows as well. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention! I will see you later, but for now, turn to your next act!”

As the next act moves to take the stage, Sith jumps down and begins directing the two bears and some of the stage hands back into the enclosure.

2008-08-12, 10:03 PM
There are many gasps and a decent number of screams when the skeletons rise from the ground, but much applause at the song and dance routine. Down in the front, you can see several children leaning forward, while parents pull them back.

In three of the seats, the skeletons have actually appeared to make the women faint.

As the skeletons burst into dust, Altair receives much applause. And as the dust drifts about the room, you see many children attempting to gather some of it from the air.

At the start of Sith's show, there are a few odd looks, considering the undead they just saw, but enough people seem pleased at the performing animals that it isn't an issue.

At the request for a volunteer, Sith is inundated with boys ranging from five to fifteen and more begging to come out and play with the bears. One of the helpers, a bound ethereal filcher, collects a boy of about nine with dark red hair, and he rides around on the bear.

At the end of the act, Sith receives a loud round of applause, although it isn't the ovation that Altair received with his dancing undead.

2008-08-29, 11:55 PM

With a gesture and a flourish, the vampire stepped back out into the center of the arena. As the applause died, he gave a wicked little chuckle. Raising both hands, he looked around, his face half-shadowed by the wide brim of his hat as he grinned a wicked grin, his voice rolling out a series of arcane words. He gestured, and the traditional five-pointed summoning pentagram appeared in the middle of the arena, towards which he gestured theatrically.

"And now, for your amusement... Luchorpan!"

2008-09-01, 01:23 AM

Suddenly, the lines that appeared on the floor shifted. The circle shifted, changed, pulsed, and glowed, forming arcane diagrams that slithered and swirled in eldritch patterns before suddenly starting to emit a cloud of purple smoke that flooded the centre of the circus ring. Lights and thunderclaps echoed from within the cloud, strange howls and sounds of the Otherworld echoing through the barrier of worlds. Then, after a few flashes, a silhouette was visible through them...

Turned invisible, cast Major Image, Fog Cloud, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, turned visible.

As the strange cloud disperses and drifts down to the floor, a small figure stands there, draped in purple robes, eyes aglow, silhouetted by unnatural light that drifts, ebbs, and flows from her like oil in slow-moving water. "Woi 'ave oi been summoned?" Luchorpan asks, her voice filling the tent, loud and commanding. Slowly, she glanced about, eyes bursting into a green glow, the same as the twisting light that flows from her. "Aaah... 'N audience... 'Ave oi been called 'ere to entertain 'em, or to steal their souls?" She asked rhetorically, rubbing her chin as she eyed the audience.

Cast Ventriloquism and shifted the Dancing Lights to create the glows

Slowly, the ground around her begins to shift. Nightmarish figures drag themselves from the ground as it twists and shifts, her cackling madly as trees with the writhing corpses of bound men hanging from nooses tied to their branches burst forth. Terrible red-capped, green-skinned monsters carrying scythes move from shadow to shadow, appearing and vanishing all the time. "Le's jess see if'n ya all got whar i' takes, mm?" And, with that, Luchorpan begins to chant, creating dark seeds in the air over the audience...

Nightmare Terrain, then Major Image

Slowly, the seeds mutate, tendrils extending and unholy ligaments form until skeletal avians are flapping their wings over the audience. Suddenly, each bursts into flame and becomes a phoenix, flying in circles in unison with the others, creating a panoply of colours that are so beautiful that they only exist in the most beautiful of wildflower fields, and, even then, they are not as dynamic as this. Soon, the colours get faster and faster, merging together, lighting up the whole tent in a raging, blazing inferno of light. The strange figures in the middle of the room were drawn up into it, vanishing one by one, Luchorpan following. Soon, her silhouette is the only darkness in the stunning light before, finally, the entire illusion is sucked into a single glowing ball of light, all the while, Luchorpan's laughter filling the air. Then, as all goes quiet, there is a bang and a shower of sparks, and the light returns to normal, nothing different from how it was before the act even began. One final haunting laugh echoes through the circus until all is silent. Then, Luchorpan appears in her normal garb, taking a bow before pirouetting and vanishing once more.

Changing the previous Major Image, flying up, disappearing, Ventriloquism, reappeared, disappeared again

2008-09-04, 03:12 AM

Pre-cast: Flicker, Sight Obscured, Quicker Than the Eye, Sight Eclipsed, Bolster for 70 temp HP. Enter with Sickening Shadows, Deadly Shade, and Curtain of Shadows.

Almost as soon as Luchorpan leaves the stage the thunderous applause at her exit is met with a burst of darkness. Streamers of blackness rise from the ground in a curtain that matches the stage but grows ever darker as the eyes fall upon it. From the ground an oily black smoke begins to rise and before it the very shadows seem to reach up and clutch wildly at the air. From within the smoke a lighter hue swirls to reveal a blackened form amongst the darkness. A strange light drips from his fingertips and despite it being composed of the oblivion it stands out against the roiling shades around him.

Greater Shadow Evocation for an Ice Storm, Perfect Flight

When first motion occurs within the darkness it is not from the bald warrior but the darkness all around him. Shards of black ice burst forth from the curtains and rain around the dark form as he slinks forward with feet a few inches above the rapidly freezing ground. Shards of ice smash against his form but he seems not to mind with the darkness around him consuming the blows. Once the shower of ice fades away his voice echoes not through only the air but seems to worm inside the minds of all those present, "They say people are above all most afraid of the dark." His laughter echoes in the air and the minds of those present while the darkness roils.

Umbral Hand, Arrow of Dusk, +61 Sleight of Hand

With a mere flick of his wrist his shadow extends out towards the audience and from among them he plucks forth several figurines that had been hidden extremely well in shadowed pockets and under benches. Darkness billows around him as the figurines gather at his feet while he rises higher into the air in a slow spiral. Pinpoints of dark red light pierce the darkness as each of the small toys snap to attention with the soldiers readying their weapons and the birds preparing to fly. With not a sound the birds take to the skies and the soldiers begin to march forward. Cairn's voice echoes once more, "They call me Darkeyes and these mere toys will bring you eternal blackness."

Feign Life on the toy birds and soldiers. Liquid Night for some ink.

The many pinpoints of light begin to spread as the birds take flight on wings that have been prepared to creak just enough to clearly be lights and clockwork. The soldiers advance on the crowd and with a snap they fire on the crowd with a burst of shadows. A spray of bubbling fluid splashes against the first few rows nearest the soldiers as the billowing darkness carries Cairn ever higher. The birds swoop low over the audience with streamers of darkness trailing behind to settle over those present. It is then that he disappears from where he had been flying to land among the crowd, "A helper is needed, but goes unharmed."

A child is whisked away from the audience into Cairn's arms with a burst of shadow and a rush of wind at his passing. He lands with a flourish among the billowing shadows and for a moment the child is struck with such incredible fear that movement is impossible. Cairn's voice sounds but once more, "A mere wave and the child is gone. And so too am I." The still child flickers with shadow before Cairn makes a flourish and suddenly both are gone. An explosion of light engulfs the center ring and suddenly all is gone, even the birds and soldiers.

Bolster the Child and shove through the Curtain of Shadows for 12d6 cold damage, use sleight of hand to 'hide' the child behind the curtain.
Flicker out. Dusk and Dawn to create Daylight. Dispel darkness effects.

2008-09-04, 03:47 PM
As the darkness (and their light-blindness) clears, the audience notices a very large man appear on the top of the large poles which hold up the tent. Attached to the pole is a rope taking up the length of the tent, ending at another pole like the one he stands on. From the edges of these poles hang heavily decorated silk ropes, and several long silk hangings decorate the rope between them.

The silk hangings are aerial silk, used in acrobatics. It can hold a great deal of weight.
All times it is stated that a fighter is knocked off, he actually jumps while the performers simulate the hit. Rahul uses his flight to guide his more difficult falls, Szrath merely jumps carefully in his one fall.

The man (Rahul) wears a flamboyant acrobat's costume in bright red, white, blue, and green. In an odd visual discord, his waist carries a pair of sheathed shortswords.

The man starts to walk across the high rope. He starts at a slow walk, then gradually speeds up to a brisk walk. It is unusual, but not particularly impressive to the audience which has seen the last few acts. As he has advanced across a quarter of the rope, he stops with a flourish and draws his swords. He flourishes them flamboyantly, staging a fencing display. As the audience has focused its attention on him, a crossbow bolt flies at him, though it goes far wide. As his gaze follows it to its source, a many-armed fiend dressed in a dark reflection of his garb is seen on the post he started on.

Rahul and Szrath take 10 on all their Balance checks (thief-acrobat class feature). either takes a penalty for moving at normal speed, and Rahul takes no penalty for fighting or running.
Szrath appears by shifting from the Ethereal Plane.
As it is stage-fighting, they deal only nonlethal damage

This fiend (Szrath) moves quickly toward the man, brandishing his own shortswords and his fearsome claws. The man flees, running along the remainder of the wire with as much ease as his walked before. The fiend follows, but is not nearly as swift. As the man reaches the far edge, he readies to fight at the far edge of the pole. As the fiend closes, they begin to fight on the top of the pole. They circle, and the man is pushed back onto the wire. Far from inhibit his skill, he fights more powerfully from the wire and stops retreating. Just as the fiend seems to regain the upper hand, Rahul attacks with a mighty blow and knocks his opponent of the pole. As he falls, he grabs one of the decorated ropes and swings across the tent, not quite reaching the ground or the opposite side.

As the fiend begins to climb the rope, the man drops off himself and swings on another rope. As they swings past, they continue their aerial duel, climbing higher between passes. As they near the top, the fencing becomes more spectacular, and the fiend seems to gain the upper hand. He jumps to the man's rope and climbs to the top, then fences with one hand while cutting the rope with the other. The man jumps to the other rope just as the fiend succeeds in cutting one rope. The fiend quickly starts to cut the second rope, but the man climbs quickly and almost reaches him. The second rope is cut out from under him, but he jumps to one of the silk hangings. He jumps from hanging to hanging while the fiend follows, cutting them as he jumps to them. The man rises slowly and eventually reaches the line.

They fight for a short time more. Then the fiend strikes, knocking the man off the wire. He falls to the ground, but nothing is seen to hit. By the time attention goes back to the fiend, he has disappeared as well.

Rahul disappears and hovers just above the ground. While he does, Szrath uses planewalk to disappear into the Ethereal Plane.