View Full Version : Talon and Claw. (A Diabolical Campaign)

2008-07-21, 04:43 PM
The night is a thing ripped open, the red moon Selia giving the black clouds beneath her an eerie red glow as they give over their lifeblood to the earth, causing it to become a mire of slick, bone-chilling mud. The sons and daughters of Selia can be heard, the great bloody wolves native to the Demonspires baying and yapping as they chase their unknown quarry, uncomfortably close to the six creatures who are to meet here among the ruins of Mist. All around great structures of wood and stone rise up from the ground, cast in a sickly red light they appear as bloody bones rising from the earth, too stubborn to succumb to the woods that slowly swallow them.

The place is like something from a nightmare, and it is such a nightmare that has brought six champions to this place. Each has been chosen by their shamans and elders to come to the ruins of Mist and take up the clawed standard, to be a bladed shield against the Talon that would see them all enslaved even as their world burns. Some were chosen for their cunning, others their strength but all have been deemed worthy in the eyes of their people even as they have yet to deem their unknown compatriots worthy themselves.

[You have yet to meet though you know that you are to meet the other chosen champions here. Please post a introductory description as you all come upon each other.]

2008-07-21, 05:19 PM

As everyone else approaches it seems they aren't the first here. Gli'lix is standing at the top, drapped in all black. He looks like your standard bugbear, standing 6'11", possibly weighing near 300lb's, with a rather large sword hung across his back.

At first you aren't quite sure how you would have missed him, as the first few glances towards this direction he wasn't there, it was almost as if he appeared out of no where. As you approach you feel his eye's weighing your worth, and sizing you us not only as an ally but also as an adversary.

2008-07-21, 08:24 PM
Mon Nailgrinder (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=67055)

Dressed in chainmail spotted red with his victims, whether ally or enemy, Mon exemplifies hobgoblin. 6'4", hair as thin and dry as grain, skin the color of Bloodstone, and tusks showing enough to tell people his scowl is serious.

Mon heard about these new champions that needed some direction. Maybe he'd make it big with them and not like his former team of bithels. He looked up and down the bugbear that had already showed up. Big sword and muscles to match. Not bad, Mon said with a grin. Finally! Someone worthy of his command.

2008-07-22, 02:53 AM

Looking at the other Champions, Graese can tell why they were chosen. The King that Crawls will enjoy the suffering these shall wreak. He shoos some flies away from his eyes. Damn overground...

The trog shifts uncomfortably. He does feel somewhat... inadequate up against some of the huge Champions gathered in the ruins. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea... but no, the visions...

2008-07-23, 07:49 PM
S'theliss moves through the vast ruins edgily, hunched over and skulking from shadow to shadow. He doesn't see the other champions until well-up close, and is sure that they must have glimpsed him beforehand. Padding up far behind the blood-armoured hobgoblin, the lizardfolk shakes his head from side to side uneasily, tongue darting from his fanged lips.

The lizardman looks meagre in comparison to some of the other arrivals. His hide clothing is barely tanned, and his belt is little more than a rope wit trinkets and fetishes hanging from it. The two longswords strapped to his back look scarcely better, unscabbarded, blunt and chipped. S'theliss stands shorter than most of his kind, and his green scales are mottled and fade to a lighter hue at the neck. Though his arms and shoulders are hugely muscled, it has little effect other than to make the rest of him look disproportioned, and strangely weak.

2008-07-25, 08:30 PM
Lightning spills forth from the sky's maw, briefly illuminating the area around you even as the roar of thunder rolls over you, drowning out all other noise for the briefest of moments. You are in the courtyard of a once great cathedral, its once beautiful gardens given over to weedy mud, its once proud walls crumbled and pitted though a great stained glass window remains. The once vibrant stained glass is now faded and caked with the grime of countless seasons. Despite this you can still make out the large symbol that dominates the window, a white bolt of lightning on a red circle.

This symbol of familiar to you, and the fact that one would find it on a civilized building is almost unthinkable. This is the symbol of Lakzyr the Storm Lord, son of Selia and the enemy of Erathis. Lightning strikes closer, crashing into a sagging ruin a few dozen yards away, turning it into nothing more than a soggy cloud of debris that fills the air with the smell of burning dust for a brief moment before the rain washes even that away.

"You look promising, yes yes, I promise not to eat them Lord, not your chosen." comes a small, groaning voice from the doorway of the temple and when you turn your head to get a better view of the speaker you can hardly believe your eyes. It is a small thing, smaller than a halfling, it's hunched form is covered in small gray scales while long narrow eyes the color of old piss rest above reptilian nostrils. It's mouth is spread wide, completely dominating its face and giving one a good view of it's several rows of extremely long, needle like teeth. It hobbles forward slowly, using a long rune scribed bone as a cane it does so. The creature eyes each of the heroes in turn before it points its bone cane like a rod at each of them.

"You the ones who are chosen. You the ones to fight the great hate. You the claws but not yet." the creature says rather matter-of-factly before it lowers its bone, once again being used like a cane. "You come for standard, you find standard here if you worthy. I Storm Shaman aid you. Come come." He motions for those to follow as the creature turns and starts to slowly head back to the ancient cathedral.

2008-07-25, 09:22 PM

Putting away his anxiety, Graese chuckles softly at the thought of the little green thing eating any of the Champions. Never the less, he follows the little thing at a distance, his hand on his weapon.

Lets do some rolls shall we? First I want to know what the little thing is.
Dungeoneering: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]
And I want to know more about Lakzyr
Religion [roll2]

2008-07-25, 09:31 PM
Mon Nailrinder

Mon tries thinking over the icon and this strange man with his knowledge from various stories he's heard and told, but he can't gleam a single thing from it. He spits angrily at the ground in frustration and grudgingly follows the small creature.
History Check (1d20+8=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1676174/) First roll of the game is a Nat1? Damn you Batman! DAMN YOU!!!! :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-25, 10:46 PM
Flicking a dry scale from his forehead with one chipped claw, S'theliss rubs his brow and looks towards the small, sinister creature walking away from them. The lightning has left a bright streak of white imprinted momentarily on his vision.

The lizardfolk tries to recall any relevant information about what has just happened.

Religion: [roll0]

Nature: [roll1]

Dungeoneering: [roll2]

Arcana: [roll3]

Once the other champions start to follow the squat little lizard leading them on, he quickens his pace and moves into the middle of them. Turning in an arc to face them all, S'theliss hisses: "Who are you all? Your names?"

2008-07-25, 10:56 PM

Graese pushes the aside the lizardfolk, addressing him gruffly. "We are Chosen, we are Champion." He echoes words from a vision he had. "And I am Graese, chosen of the King that Crawls."

2008-07-26, 12:48 AM
Mon Nailgrinder

I'm Mon, and you're in deep skla if you need to know the rest of my name. I came hear because some "champions of the people" needed help. In fact, Mon turns and motions his head toward the elderly lizardfolk, I think he was the one that told me. Feeling tricked, Mon's scowl tightens and exposes his lower tusks, riddled with plaque and erosion. :smallmad:
[OOC: Assume an Intimidate check if the elder tries Mon's patience anymore.]

2008-07-26, 08:42 AM

Following behind everyone else, staying cautious of the situation, but trying to seem accepting. Seeing the tiny reptilian talk about eating him puts a smirk on Gli'lix's face. But he knows that not everything is as it seems, tiny things can be dangerous and giant things can be gentle.

When confronted by the Lizardman asking who they were, Gli'lix just looks at him and keeps walking, Barely even giving him a second glance.

A very low mutter is heard from him, Gli'lix

Following the small creature, Gli'lix keeps his eye's open for anything that would catch his attention.


not sure if you want to roll these, or you want us to when we are actively looking.

2008-07-26, 04:21 PM
The Storm Shaman is a strange creature to be sure, and you are unable to put a claw on exactly what the little toothed horror it. At a glance it appears to be some bastardization of a Sahaugin and a Foulspawn perhaps, at least as far as it's appearance goes.

Lakzyr is the god of the unyielding tempest and a patron of the wilderness. An enemy of Erathis and all that goddess stands for. A darker patron than Avandra, he does what the more benign Avandra cannot, He takes the battle ot Erathis herself. A diety considered to be a great evil among the more civilized tribes of the world it is a strange thing to find a temple dedicated to him in the middle of a once great city. Despite being seen as an evil diety many uncivilized tribes consider him a hero, a god who fights to keep the cancerous growth of civilization from swallowing the world and enacting genocide on the more monsterous races.

The heroes follow behind the Storm Shaman and enter the cathedral on the strange beings heels. The great cathedral is a strange thing on the inside, its floors are overgrown and mostly flooded due to the rain outside leaking through the many holes in the ceiling. The many pillars that hold up the remains of the roof are heavily runescribed, each rune pulsing with crackling energy much like the lightning outside.

The Shaman heads to the fore of the cathedral, coming to rest before a haggard altar stone set with multitude of red candles that bath the altar in an eerie red light. The shaman turns to the group and holds up a hand, a silent command for them to remain where they are.

"You here to be claws of Lakzyr." it says simply, pointing its bone cane at the group once more. "But you not good as you are. You be tested before you take standard." The thing narrows its dark yellow eyes and meets the gaze of each hero in turn. "If you not want be Claw, say and I eat you." he smiles, showing them all his rows of needle like teeth once more. "You want be claw, you say 'Lakzyr to your wrath I commend my spirit, at your will my claws find flesh and my maw find blood of your enemies."

The Shaman's lets the the words sink in before it leans forward on it's cane, waiting expectantly for the groups answer.

2008-07-26, 04:32 PM
Mon Nailgrinder

This is as good as it gets for a showing of leadership. Being a "claw" of this Lakzyr fellow. Mon was never on the hobgoblin bandwagon of worshiping Bane or Kord, he believed leadership came from one's self and drawing it out from others through word and force.
He turns to the others of the group. I'm up for this. The rest of you sricks?

2008-07-26, 05:01 PM
The lizardfolk steps edgily into the cathedral, avoiding the pillars and keeping to the back of the group. Such an obvious manifestation of divine power makes him more than a little uneasy. He's glad to have a reply from the other champions, and supposes their manner could have been far worse than it was. Still... he doesn't relish spending much time with these ones. That's not what's important here, though.

At Mon's insult, S'theliss turns towards him and replies, "I am here." He veers his long head towards the little shaman and answers him. "I have seen humans for what they are. Empty. Brittle. They have no strength. I know of no others in this way." He draws the next word out with his tongue, making it little more than a lingering, rattling hiss. "Lakzyr... to your wrath I commend my spirit, at your will my claws find flesh and my maw find the blood of your enemies. Hesitation doesn't mark his voice, but it runs thick and heavy in his mind.

2008-07-26, 07:30 PM
Mon Nailgrinder

After guaranteeing someone else going with him, Mon now pledges.
In a triumphant voice, Lakzyr! To your wrath I commend my spirit! At your will, my claws find flesh and my maw will find the blood of your enemies! Mon get's a nice tingly feeling; he hasn't felt as motivated as this since weed-out periods in his home clan.

2008-07-27, 12:49 AM

Being rather quiet and gruff this whole time, once again only a mutter escapes the lips of the large bugbear Lakzyr to your wrath I commend my spirit, at your will my claws find flesh and my maw find blood of your enemies.

2008-07-27, 02:28 AM

"Lakzyr to your wrath I commend my spirit, at your will my claws find flesh and my maw find blood of your enemies." He hisses, his heartbeat racing. It was a similar oath he had made to Torog, and he has no qualms making an oath to Lakzyr, since it serves the will of the King that Crawls.

2008-07-27, 10:58 AM
"Yes yes. Good you do this." the Shaman says excitedly, moving around the altar and out of sight for a moment you can hear the sound of claws digging into stone and the little creature grunts as something moves. Suddenly the back wall of the cathedral slides slowly to the side, revealing a dark passage way that descends into the unknown depths of the cathedral.

"Now you get standard, be claws." the creature says, pointing a long twisted claw towards the passage. "You go, bring standard and I tell you what to do. I good at that." The shaman smiles toothily as he awaits the groups action.

(The passage is ten foot wide with an eight foot ceiling.)

2008-07-27, 11:56 AM
Mon Nailgrinder

Mon heads first into the passage. He knows he can take a frontal assault better then any of the other 'champions'.
How wide is the passage? Mon will try to stay in the middle to prevent a blitz.

2008-07-27, 12:16 PM

Graese steps into the passage, comforted at the thought of returning below ground.

2008-07-27, 12:30 PM

Gli'lix follows the others into the tunnel and tries to remain hidden with-in. Staying close to his friends to attempt to hide behind them he keeps pace ready to strike at anything that threatens them

[roll0] +11 normal, -5 for moving more than 2 squares

2008-07-28, 11:13 AM
The group enters the passage behind the altar and begin to descend at a rather alarming angle. Whoever dug this passage made it rather steep and with the water from the flooded cathedral leaking down the muddy slope you find yourself having to be exceedingly careful to stay on your feet.

The Storm Shaman watches you descend for a moment before the little creature laughs childishly. "You go be claws and bring back standard, or rot with others!" he shouts just as you hear the stone entrance slide easily back into place. The little bastard has sealed you down here. Forever or until you get the standard, who knows at this point but there is nothing you can really do besides continue.

After a moment you find yourselves at the bottom of the muddy ramp, standing in a large room whose ceiling is held aloft by large stone pillars like those in the cathedral, and like those in the cathedral they are embedded with pulsing blue runes that give off enough light for you to see by.

You see objects in the mud, as well as feel things bump into your legs as you move through it. Upon closer inspection you find them to be the gnawed bones of various monsters, no doubt the 'others' the Shaman was talking about.

2008-07-28, 01:27 PM
Gauntlet trials. Mon was feeling at home already.
He squints his mud brown eyes into the barely-lit area ahead while slowly trudging in the muddy, skeleton strewn ground.
Perception (1d20+0=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1678743/)

2008-07-29, 02:18 AM

Graese stoops over and picks up a muddy bone. After cleaning much of the mud off he examines it closely for tooth marks that might indicate what could be down here.

Nature [roll0]

2008-07-30, 04:39 PM
Mon focuses his sight for a moment looks around. He takes in the claw marks on the walls, great deep gouges in the rock that look as if armor would be little protection against such claws. The Pillar too looks to have been claws and gnawed upon a bit, though the pulsing electric runes appear to be undamaged.

Graese picks up a great leg bone belonging to some unknown creature, a goblinoid perhaps. The bone has been gnawed greatly and there is not even any signs of the marrow being left inside. The fragile bone bears many marks but Graese is unable to tell exactly what caused such markings.

(I am reopening recruitment today. :smallannoyed: Jokes, Eldmor, Sharikov and Stupnik are still in. I just need another player or two to continue since Sharikov's computer is being naughty.)

2008-07-30, 05:12 PM

Well we best get a move on, don't wait here to long or we become the next meal for this beast, what ever it is.

still sneaking through the shadows as best he can to try to remain unseen Gli'lix begins moving slowly through the chamber

2008-07-30, 07:12 PM
S'theliss stoops down to pick up a bone, following the actions of the troglodyte. He runs his hand down the damp, muddy pillar, and tries to examine the thing in the half-light.

Nature: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]

Dungeoneering: [roll2]

"I'll need a torch. My eyes don't see so well here. I have one, if another will carry it."

2008-07-30, 09:06 PM

Graese idly flips the bone around his fingers, not really sure what to make of it. In the end he utters a few words and the bone begins emitting a bright light.


2008-07-30, 09:40 PM
Whatever lives down here is has some powerful claws and a strong set of teeth. Watch your backs.
Mon motions for everyone to follow him deeper into the hallway, while still staying within the radius of Graese's light bone.

2008-07-30, 09:45 PM

The lizardman tucks the bone into the rough strap holding his longswords to his back. He follows Mon further on into the dark, ruined cathedral. He draws both swords as he walks.

2008-07-31, 08:21 PM
The mud quivers for a moment, as if something massive is moving about in some unseen distant room. It is an eerie movement, one that instantly has your full attention. Whatever is in here has claws, teeth, and if the ground's quivering is any indication, size.

The lights on the pillar before you start to pulse sporadically, fading in an out faster and faster even as some discharge small bolts of lightning into the mud that makes up the floor. Quicker and quicker they flash and after a moment they are strobing violently.

In the distance you hear the sound of claws being raked against metal and stone, the clawing coming quickly as if in anticipation.

Then suddenly the runes are snuffed out, casting the room in near darkness, the only light a single glowing bone in the hands of Graese.

It is then you hear the roar. It is a monsterous cacophony of hate and malice that seems to make the very air vibrate.

It is a roar of freedom. It is the roar of the hunter.

It is the roar of a horror unleashed.

(Sorry for the relatively undetailed post. Hard day at the office. :smallamused:)

2008-07-31, 09:35 PM
Shruk! Mon said aggressively while keeping his voice down. If they didn't make a move, whatever was down the hallway was going to fruk them up first. It's a dicey move, but you need to take risks to win.
Mon pulls out his flail and light shield. He then takes a sunrod out of his pack, scratches one of his tusks against the tip, and then throws the miraculously bright stick as far as he can down the hallway.

OOC: Forcing fights to happen is fun. :smallwink:

2008-07-31, 11:12 PM

As the hobgoblin throws the glowsitck, Graese reaches into his robe and pulls out a small black orb.

"This had better be the challenge," he whispers, "if not, I can't imagine what could be."

2008-07-31, 11:16 PM

Sneaking around trying to get to a position where he can hide, Gli'lix attempts to try to identify the creatures roar.


btw can we get a map?

ES Sparky
2008-08-03, 07:51 PM
A scraping of stone... It comes. She-Who-Walks lifts her blood-smeared face from the flesh of a fallen seeker. It was the last she'd eat from that corpse, She had felt maggots squirming in the darkness. The meat would not be good much longer. The maggots would do. But It was coming. Sustenance would wait. Tightening her grip on the longspear, she moves by feel into a nearby alcove, bracing the butt of the spear into the back of the narrow opening.

Voices. She-Who-Walks lifts her head listening, quickly one way... the other way. She warbles to herself, "Chirrup?"

She leans forward, Seekers... come to take glory. My glory! She coils herself down, broken wing stumps folding close to her back. She strains to see in the maddening darkness, irises a slim yellow-gold band around large black pupils. Light flares around the corner... she flinches.

More scraping. She holds her breath. A small light. She's keen eyes pick out more details in the surroundings. And then, in a rapid succession of sounds, It roars. A bright light makes a swift looping arc past her alcove. The harpy squawks in pain and closes her eyes against the sudden light.

2008-08-04, 12:05 AM
Mon watched the rod stop abruptly in an alcove. What was more important, someone was there. Mon briskly walks up to the clawed creature and stands above it sternly.
You're too small to make these marks. You're going to help us us get rid of whatever made these marks. Mon hefts his flail in his shield-hand while he talks and gives it the most sinister of gazes. That gaze of 'do it or I will turn your world into hurt, pain, and misery'.
Intimidating She-Who-Walks (1d20+9=28) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1686497/)
Not the friendliest group invite, but it'll do for now. :smalltongue:

2008-08-04, 04:11 PM
Mon's sunrod lights up the dark room and reveals it fully for the first time. To the west is the passage you came through while to the east is another large passage but it is from the north that the mighty roar hailed from and it is in this direction that Mon throws the rod.

The sunrod sails through the air and over the crouched form of a very heavily armed woman, appearing to be the cross of Elf and Hawk with two scarred wing stumps on her back, the rest clad in solid plate armor. The rod lands some ten feet behind the strange woman to reveal a small alcove some fifteen feet deep. The small tunnel is five foot tall and five foot wide, too small to traverse comfortably but still passable. At the end of the tunnel is old, shoddy brickwork that does little to seal the end of the tunnel due to massive gaps in the wall where bricks are missing.

It is due to the gaps in the brickwork that you see movement a split second before it strikes.

The brick wall at the end of the tunnel explodes, filling the air with dust even as a deafening reptilian roar fills the air. Suddenly the small tunnel is filled with the long neck and head of a massive scaled horror, it's toothy maw snapping at She-Who-Walks though she is only a few feet away.

It claws furiously at the end of the tunnel in an attempt to make the space large enough for it to get a hold of the armored harpy. It's efforts causing the small tunnel to quake violently, large pieces of stone falling from the roof even as larger parts are ripped from the walls by the things claws. After a mere instant the great creature releases a frustrated roar and withdraws, it's massive jaws grabbing the sunrod as it retreats into the darkness of whatever lies beyond the tunnel.

No sooner than it leaves the small tunnel starts to collapse as massive chunks of natural stone fall inward from all sides, effectively sealing the small tunnel and leaving the group standing in the entrance room, in frightened awe of the events that happened in a mere matter of seconds.

You are, however, no mere group of initiates, but instead chosen heroes of your respective peoples and that is perhaps how you managed to keep your calm. Your eyes spotted what others might not have in the glow of the sunrod. You noticed the scales covering the creatures head and neck when it entered the tunnel, the large white scales appearing to glow like embers in the light of the sunrod. Your eyes saw the thing for what it was, even if everything happened in the span of three heartbeats.

Your elders speak of them in hushed whispers or in great stories that are filled with magic and awe. You know of these creatures.

You know of these Dragons.

2008-08-04, 07:58 PM
Gorthunk Facesmasher

As the dust begins to settle in the eastern passage, a rough silhouette can be made out by the faint glow of the sunrod. Tall and broad, thickly muscled about the shoulders and chest, carrying a heavy steel blade, and... running directly toward the assembled Claws...


The orc manages to skid to a stop just a few feet from the assembled party, having nearly bowled right into them. Righting himself, Gorthunk takes stock first of his own condition (very dusty, but surprisingly intact)

"... thrice-damned oracle never said anything about flying lizards...", and then gives a glance across the unexpected crew he's just come into contact with. "Huh... didn't expect to find anyone else down here either... this day just keeps getting more and more interesting. ... Well what are you lot standing around for? There's a damned dragon loose down here, don't just stand there, get some cover!"

2008-08-04, 08:16 PM
don't just stand there, get some cover!
When Mon hears these words, he feels mildly annoyed. Who's this chump of an orc to tell him to get cover? Nonetheless, it's another body in a fight, which will valuable against their 'trial'.
Cover is the last thing we need. We need to get rid of this dragon before it causes a cave-in and kills us all. Last thing I want to be remembered by is being caved-in by a hrukken lizard. He takes no mind of the Lizardfolk.
Now let's get done with this. Mon leads the party east, despite there being people more suited towards defense in the group. He still keeps close, though.

2008-08-04, 09:48 PM

Calm might not be the best term to describe Graese's current mental state. He might have looked it if his jaw wasn't so wide open. First a wingless harpy, then a dragon (a Dragon!) and now an orc.

He follows Mon, too dmbfounded to do much else.

ES Sparky
2008-08-04, 10:05 PM
She squawks her indignation and scrambles backwards from Mon, her longspear's blade keeping him at bay. She whips around at the roar behind her and scrambles to the side as snapping jaws close too close for comfort. Her feathers are standing on end in a ragged ruff around the finely chiseled features of her face.

Her clawed bird feet move well and with little resistance through the mud, a rare benefit enjoyed by the earth-bound. The chamber rumbles as the beast thrashes madly, and the bird woman recoils again, wishing for the freedom of open skies.

The snapping head withdraws and battlefervor leaves She's body trembling faintly. She squints at the assortment of beastmen, new seekers, who have come into the muddy subterranean pit. She sneers. Males.

She quorks a long low warning at Mon as she backs away from him and the others, the tip of her spear weaving back and forth between her the many encroachers, her eyes darting swiftly, birdlike, from face to face.


The armored woman screeches and whips the longspear around at the new encroacher. Another male!? There will be no rwalke in this... She bares her teeth at everyone and makes a hissing warble at Mon. It is clear from her body language, and the spear she holds that she is not enthused about her present company.

There may be rwalke yet. If that was a dragoness, perhaps I will spit their bodies on my spear and feed them to her. And then she will not eat She. She's postures straightens and her feathers lay smooth, she seems mollified for the moment.

The harpy resists any attempts to make her fall in with the rest. But, when they have passed, she follows dutifully enough.

2008-08-05, 05:21 PM

Listening to everything and watching things closely from the shadows. Gli'lix trails behind everyone and out of sight.

2008-08-05, 09:16 PM
The lizardman clambers back from the collapsing aperture, sliding across the rough stone on clawed feet. He crouches to the floor, looking in turn at each of the new arrivals, then staring into the blossoming dust of the ruined tunnel. His hands shake a little, making the tips of his swords weave and clatter. The furious, illumined eyes of the dragon in the dark are hard to forget.

He stands up when Mon leaves, and paces uneasily behind the hobgoblin, often looking back. He mouths four words silently, in Draconic - "Watch your tongue, Hobgoblin."

2008-08-05, 11:54 PM

Finally regaining his composure, or at least enough of it, Graese tries to remember what he knows about the dragon.

Nature [roll0]

2008-08-06, 06:26 PM
The group heads east, into another descending passage leading farther into the earth. Like the first passage this one is also mud slicked and rather treacherous, especially in the near darkness.

After several moments the group finds themselves in a massive room some fifty feet wide and seventy feet long with a high domed ceiling held aloft by eight rune scribed pillars. Unlike the pillar in the previous room these pillars are still alight, their pulsing blue runes crackling with power even as lightning arcs from one pillar to another followed by a deafening roar of thunder.

Everywhere there are bones scattered on the muddy stone floor and several rusted shackles are attached to the wall. Whatever this place was it is apparent that things suffered here. The eastern wall directly across from where you enter has an archway, another passage leading down no doubt but between you and the passage, in the center of the arcing lightning of the pillars, is a pile of discarded leathers and weapons, no doubt from those who thought to be Claws in the past

You notice that the entire northern wall is gone, leaving a gaping hole, beyond is an incredibly massive cavern lit by luminescent fungus, allowing you to make out the cavern's proportions. The cavern must be a few hundred feet wide and perhaps as many feet long and it is obvious that the opening places this room towards the top of cavern, for the bottom of the cavern appears to be several dozen feet below.

Though in the cavern through the northern wall's opening you can see the Dragon as it lazily soars through the air, its white form appearing a sickly greenish blue as its scales reflect the light from the fungus. It turns slowly in the air and starts to head towards you, no doubt spotting you in the light of the pillars.

The Dragon is some distance away in the large cavern, giving you the chance to either prepare for battle or to pass through the lightning and head into the passage beyond.

2008-08-06, 06:40 PM

"Damned! We're spotted. I don't suppose one of you all has a plan for taking down that scaly vulture?"

After saying this, Gorthunk plants his feet firm, eyes fixed on the circling monstrosity. He begins to pray aloud for strength, courage, and power enough to overcome the beast. You catch the mumbled names of Kord, Bahamut and Bane all together as he chants; the pace increasing as the dragon closes with the group.

2008-08-06, 09:59 PM
I'm not one to give up on a challenge. Mon gives a daring grin and braces his body for the coming fight.

2008-08-06, 10:02 PM

"Are you sure we should be fighting it here? Maybe we should get somewhere it can't swoop us."

2008-08-06, 11:14 PM

Finishing his pre-battle prayer, Gorthunk gives Graese a nod.

"Sound thinking. I'm up for ideas, where do you have in mind?"

2008-08-07, 07:57 AM

Graese points down past the lightning jumping across the room, to the passageway. "Well, we could always make a run for it." He considers the lightning for a moment. "I wonder what could be controlling it?"

arcana: [roll0]
perception: [roll1] (to see if there's a switch)

2008-08-07, 03:24 PM

Drawing his rapier and waiting for everyone else to get ready for combat, He slinks into a corner to make sure the dragon won't have a chance at spotting him

[roll0] stealth

2008-08-07, 08:31 PM

"Good thinking indeed..."

Gorthunk looks about as swiftly as he's able, seeking anything that may explain or control the electricity.

Perception [roll0]
Arcana [roll1]

2008-08-07, 08:44 PM
There doesn't appear to be anything that controls the pillars in this room and the magical knowledge of the party is somewhat lacking when it comes to magical constructs of this particular nature.

Though in the instant it takes for you to rummage through your memories and gaze about the room the Dragon has moved quite a bit closer.

It spreads its jaws wide in anticipation as it braces its legs for a hard landing. Its eyes are like living ice and the air about its mouth fogs even as it releases another reptilian roar.

Whatever you are going to do, it is apparent that you do not have much time.

ES Sparky
2008-08-07, 09:17 PM
If dragon legends held true, the great beasts were feared for many things, chief among them blasts of elemental breath. Followed by insatiable hunger and a generally irascible nature.

She warbles uncertainly to herself and then, with astonishing resolve, or terrible foolishness, runs directly toward the center of the gaping hole in the north wall. Her belly twists as she stands over the precipice into the echoing cavern... falling was not a danger... before. Resolute, She holds her longspear aloft, her other arm stretched wide. She inhales deeply, the plates of her armor shifting, the feathers on her body standing up, ruffled, "Stop, Dragon! We are the Claws who will fight the Talon! We are the Claws of Lakzyr! We come to claim his standard!"

OOC: If the dragon continues its dive or makes to breathe, She will wait as long as she dares and then dive to the right or left, whichever seems the likeliest, if the time comes.

Diplomacy (if appropriate): 20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1690729/)

2008-08-11, 04:09 PM
The Dragon's gaze is fixed on She as she makes her resolute stand on the edge of the room. The Dragon continues to head towards her, only spreading its wings to slow itself at last minute.

She-Who-Walks holds her position for as long as she can, only jumping out of the way a mere instant before the Dragon slams into the floor, filling the air with debris and the dust of old bones crushed beneath it's massive bulk. She rolls to a stop some ten feet away, gaining her feet even as the Dragon turns its massive head to once more release a deafening, primal roar the fills the massive room.

"You are prey." the Dragon growls in the Draconic language as it moves forward with hostile intent.

21 Gli'lix
18 White Dragon
15 Mon Nailgrinder
14 She Who Walks
10 Graese
07 S'theliss
02 Gorthunk Facesmasher

Battle Grid

02|B| | |H| |d|d| | | | | | | |
03| | | | | |d|d| | | | | | | |
04| | | | | |*| |*| | | | | | |
05|T|G| | | | | | | | | | | | |
06>L|O| | |*| | | |*| | | | | <
07| | | | | | |$| | | | | | | |
08| | | | |*| | | |*| | | | | |
09| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10| | | | | |*| |*| | | | | | |
11| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher


= is a wall.
- is the end of the floor and the begining of the chasm.
* is a runescribed pillar.
$ is a pile of loot in the center of the pillars.

(Too many of you had names that started with the same letter so the capital letter representing you reflects your race/species and not your name :smalltongue:)

(Go ahead and post your actions and I'll bring things up to speed tomorrow.)

2008-08-11, 05:03 PM
Delay to 17

2008-08-11, 07:32 PM
Mon approaches the dragon flail drawn.
Tear him apart, Harpy!
The Hobgoblin swings his flail at the dragon but it harmlessly bounces off some chitin. Mon doesn't look happy about this turn of events.
Ferocious Smash, vs Fortitude (1d20+4=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1695059/) SWING and a miss.
Move to E2

ES Sparky
2008-08-11, 08:38 PM
Heart pounding in her chest, She dives out of the way. She comes up in a clatter of metal and leather, hissing. The dragon speaks, the lines of its body and posture promising death. Cold radiates from it, a burning ache. The paladin rises to her feet a snarl twisting her sharp features.

She circles the beast moving away from the precipice and, then... lunges! Screaming, shrieking, funneling Melora's wrath at the dragon.

Minor: Divine Challenge on the dragon
Move: Move to E4 via D4
Standard: Enfeebling Strike, CHA vs AC, 1W+4 and marked target is at -2 to attacks 19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1695122/).
Damage: 5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1695892/)

2008-08-11, 08:47 PM
Moving to get a better shot, Graese stands there, focusing his will on the dragon.

Shift to A4
Illusiory ambush
[roll0] vs will
no minor

2008-08-11, 09:23 PM
seeing that the dragon isn't moving Gli'lix moves to E2 and uses Easy Target, [roll0] to see if i can sneak attack him

Attack: [roll1] vs. AC
Hit: [roll2] damage, and the target is slowed and grants combat advantage to you (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and the target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.

if sneak [roll3]

2008-08-12, 05:03 PM

Seeing the beast has descended and bereft of other options, Gorthunk steels himself.

::Move to C3, then cast Lance of Faith at the dragon::

"By the gods, you die today wyrm!"

Lance of Faith - Wisdom vs Reflex [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Next person to attack gets a +2 to hit.

>.< I'm new at t his 4th edition thing, so someone correct me if I'm doing something wrong here btw.

2008-08-14, 05:16 AM
S'theliss runs forward, slashing hard at the dragon with one of his swords, then leaps swiftly back to safety.

Marking the Dragon with Hunter's Quarry - Minor.
Moving to E3 - Move.
Using Evasive Strike and moving back to F6 - Standard.

Evasive Strike: [roll0] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll1]

Hunter's Quarry: [roll2]

EDIT: Changed square I was moving to.

2008-08-14, 06:51 PM
Gli'lix rushes forward attempting to take the Dragon by surprise but fails to do so. The Bugbear thrusts forward with his massive rapier, the point of the blade managed to slip through the dragons armored scales. The Dragon roars with pain, lifting its front legs off the ground as it beats its wings.

Mon rushes forward an instant later, letting his flail fly into the Dragon but the Dragons reaction from the Bugbear's attack causes the flail to miss by mere inches.

She-Who-Walks runs around the flailing Mon and raises her spear as the Dragon's front comes crashing back down. The spear manages to draw blood but only just so. She shouts a challenge at the Dragon, causing it's attentions to be turned to the wingless harpy.

S'theliss rushes through the lightning pillars as lightning arcs between them, narrowly missing the lizardfolk. S'theliss finds himself in the middle of an electrical maelstorm as lightning arcs to and fro. Gritting his teeth S'theliss rushes to stand between two pillars in order to bury his blades deep into the Dragons side, causing it to roar in pain. Lightning strikes S'theliss then, causing the lizardfolk some pain, but nothing compared to what the Dragon is enduring.

Gorthunk comes to stand behind S'theliss and raising his holy symbol he sends an arc of radiance at the dragon, attempting to sear it with the holy light. Unfortunately the dragon twists to one side, causing the arc of radiance to miss.

The Dragon, having waiting before taking his own action, moves to attack Mon. Immediately She-Who-Walks lifts her spear, the divine power of her challenge issuing forth from her weapon to sear the Dragon with divine light. Though this injures the Dragon and distracts it from its target it still manages to bring both sets of its front claws crashing into the Hobgoblin. It brings its jaws down in an attempt to crush the remaining life from Mon but the radiance of She's challenge causes it to miss.

Then, in a sudden surge of action the dragon brings its head back, cold energy coalescing around its maw for an instant before it lowers its head and breathes pure elemental cold upon the party. The whole party is suddenly overcome with bone-chilling cold as the very air around them becomes hoarfrost.

Damage Taken
Mon Nailgrinder: 27 (10 Claw, 17 Cold)
She-Who-Walks: 17 (Cold)
Gli'lix: 17 (Cold)
Graese: 17 (Cold)
S'theliss: 5 (Lightning)
Gorthunk: 17 (Cold)

Dragon: 48

Everyone save for S'theliss is Slowed and Weakened until you pass a savings throw.

17 Gli'lix
15 Mon Nailgrinder
14 She Who Walks
10 Graese
07 S'theliss
02 Gorthunk Facesmasher
01 White Dragon

Battle Grid

02| | | | |B|d|d| | | | | | | |
03| | |O| |G|d|d| | | | | | | |
04|T| | | |H|*|L|*| | | | | | |
05| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
06> | | | |*| | | |*| | | | | <
07| | | | | | |$| | | | | | | |
08| | | | |*| | | |*| | | | | |
09| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10| | | | | |*| |*| | | | | | |
11| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher


= is a wall.
- is the end of the floor and the begining of the chasm.
* is a runescribed pillar.
$ is a pile of loot in the center of the pillars.

2008-08-14, 07:17 PM
As the Hobgoblin blunders in front of the running S'theliss, the lizardfolk darts to the side and runs through the pillars, swinging both swords above his head and bringing them down in a heavy slash on the dragon.

Moving to G4 - pain, I imagine.

Using Jaws of the Wolf: [roll0] vs. AC.
And: [roll1] vs. AC. (off-hand)

Damage: [roll2]
Off-hand: [roll3]

Half damage on a miss.

Hunter's Quarry: [roll4]

2008-08-14, 07:22 PM
Mon feels his flesh rend in the dragon's claws, pain he has never felt before in his life. Then the utmost cold almost sends him to his feet.
I will not be defeated!
As the chill spreads throughout his body, he summons the resilience of his race to shake off the effects. Once he thinks he is out of it's grip, the chill settles in.
Saving Throw against Frost Breath (1d20=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1698427/)
Second Wind and Inspiring Word on Mon Nailgrinder (1d6+14=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1698450/)
Mon then cries, Keep that shruk where he stands! Despite the courage behind his words, his flail makes a sizable strike into the ground.
Pin the Foe, Attack and Damage (1d20+4=5, 3d10+2=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1698458/)
Fuming at the tusks, Mon shifts out of melee to let someone else take a strike at the beast. Mon's bones still rattle with the cold of the dragon.
Shift to D4
Saving Throw against Frost Breath (1d20=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1698466/)

ES Sparky
2008-08-14, 08:59 PM
Battle fury edged in on She's vision like a red haze. The harpy warrior withdrew her spear. The spearhead had barely scratched the dragon, but the long shank of metal was smeared with dark blood. A feral hunger surged in the harpy's chest. It bleeds. The dragon trumpeted its wrath and then breathed. She gritted her teeth as the cold blast shrieked around her, burning a deep ache into her bones.

She places a clawed hand over her heart and braces herself for the shock of healing. The power cascades over her body, driving the chill from her bones. She bares her teeth in a snarl and shrieks a challenge at the dragon again.

This time she brings her spear to bear on the scaled beast and stabs ferociously at its underbelly.

Save: 19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1698550/)
Minor: Lay on Hands, self (heal 6), current HP 16
Minor: Divine Challenge
Standard: Shielding Smite (Shield) 14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1698545/)
Damage: 21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1698546/), Shield Mon (Mon at +3 to AC)

The dragon was at -4 to its attacks and STILL hit... oh boy... :smalleek:

2008-08-14, 09:24 PM

Not sensing any pain from the dragon, Graese makes to move but is hit by a blast of cold. Frost layering his scales, he makes a pained effort to avoid the dragons breath. Making it no further, he unleashes an arcane missile at the dragon.

Move to A6
Magic Missile:
- Attack [roll0] (edit: should be +4, but I don't think that will make a difference...)
-damage [roll1]
end turn

2008-08-14, 09:26 PM
Oh, my save

at least that was a decent roll

2008-08-14, 09:41 PM

Attacking the dragon again Gli'lix tries to over power him and bloody the beast

Minor action
Predatory Eye
Effect: If you have combat advantage against a target, you
deal +1d6 damage on the next attack you make against
that target. You must apply this bonus before the end of
your next turn.

Standard action
Torturous Strike
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Sneak: [roll2]
Predatory Eye: [roll3]

Action Point
Sly Flourish
Attack: [roll4] vs. AC
Hit: [roll5] damage.

i just realized i should have taken a different at will instead of sly flourish. but it gives me something to look forward to for next level : )

2008-08-14, 09:45 PM
ok forgot the save


also cut my damage in half... : (

2008-08-14, 09:54 PM

"Graaah!! You'll pay for that beast!" Gorthunk roars, charging the great wyrm with his bastard sword.

Saving Throw [roll0]

Healing Strike, Strength vs AC, 2[W], an ally can spend a Healing Surge, target is marked.

Attack Roll [roll1]

Damage Roll [roll2] (Does 2[W] double strength mod? If not use this roll for damage [roll3]

Mon can spend a healing surge if I hit.

2008-08-15, 03:56 AM
S'theliss slashes at the dragon one more time then flees, running to the right and coming back up behind the Dragon, both swords drawn.

Using the same encoutner power as last turn - Evasive Strike and moving to H3 and using an action point to use Twin Strike. My Minor Action is still Hunter's Quarry. This should give me 4 hit points, but sadly the bonus won't extent to the saving throw for being pushed off the edge. :smalltongue:

Evasive Strike: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Twin Strike: [roll2] Off-hand: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] Off-hand: [roll5]

Hunter's Quarry: [roll6]

2008-08-15, 07:12 PM
Gli'lix shakes off the effect of the cold as if it hardly mattered as he moves forward. The massive Bugbear is a frenzy of action as his rapier strikes to and fro, each strike coating it anew in the blood of the Dragon. The Dragon roars in pain at the efforts of the Bugbear and turns it's attention to him over all others.

Mon takes a moment to recover from the devastating attacks inflicted upon him earlier before sending his flail crashing forward where it once again misses though the force of it's impact with the ground fills the air with stone dust.

She moves forward to once again allow her spear to taste the cold blood of the Dragon but the massive beast twists and the spear head meets only air. Mon finds himself divinely protected as a feeling of bloody calm overcomes him.

Graese conjures a missile of pure force and with his mighty will he sends it flying towards the Dragon. However, the Dragon is indeed a foe worthy of the Troglodyte and sensing its approach it ducks low, using Graese's own allies to shield itself as the missile flies overhead.

S'theliss brings his swords down once again upon the Dragon and once more they are dipped in the thick blood of the beast. He manages to not get hit by the arcing lightning as he takes a step back before rushing eastwards, once more passing through the arcing lightning and once more being struck but S'theliss manages to shrug off the damage as he comes to flank the Dragon and once more he sinks his blades into the Dragon's backside. The Dragon stumbles slightly from the blow and from it's appearance and its behavior you instinctively know that the creature is bloodied.

Immediately it rears back and unleashes a icy blast upon those before it even as it twists its head to gain a better look at the flanking lizardfolk. Gli'lix, Gorthunk, and Graese are overcome by the chilling breath and the three heroes fall to the ground, unconscious and dying. It is up to those who are still aware and still standing to end this threat.

The Dragon then turns to the Lizardfolk and sends claws and teeth crashing into the creature who had dared bloody it. In a flurry of claws and teeth the Lizardfolk too falls, bleeding and dying on the floor of this strange room. Seeing it's own state the Dragon roars in frustration as it turns to She-Who-Walks and it stops, and suddenly the room grows cold as the Dragons presence fills it, making all those who gaze upon it quiver in fear. The Dragon turns and jumps out of the room, spreading its wings to fly away as the party is left to recover.

Damage Taken
Damage Taken (Current HP)
Gli'lix 29 (-4)
Gorthunk 36 (-5)
Graese 37 (-11)
S'theliss 32 (-2)
Mon Nailgrinder 11 (17)
She-Who-Walks 11 (16)

Dragon 106 (94)

(Mon and She are under the effect of the Dragon's Frightful Presence, the Dragon has escaped and each of you who are dying need to make a recovery roll BEFORE Mon or She can act to heal you.)

2008-08-15, 07:30 PM
Death saving throws?


2008-08-15, 07:34 PM
S'theliss desperately fights for life, his limp, convulsing body torn to ribbons by the dragon's claws. One bloodstained sword, still clutched tight in his spasming hand, clatters against the stone floor.

Don't die on me, man!


EDIT: Eek.

2008-08-15, 08:30 PM
death save

ES Sparky
2008-08-15, 08:44 PM
The might of the dragon fills the room. Fills She-Who-Walk's mind and heart, crowding out her rage. The harpy cowers, her wing stumps quivering, the broken and tattered feathers shaking. The dragon leaps off of the precipice and its presence fades, flowing from the room like smoke on the wind.

She looks with disdain at the inert forms around her and thinks for a moment of leaving them to die as befits the weak. But I cannot leave unless I have the banner. And weak or not... they may help me get it. They can at least die in my stead. Until then... A dire expression twists the sharply beautiful face ...this is my new murder.

The harpy takes a deep breath an moves to the the lizard... thing. She stoops and wordlessly begins to administer a rough chafing of the reptilian's limbs.

Heal check to stabilize: 6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1699811/)
Doh! I'll try again as soon as I can. When can I, DF?

2008-08-15, 08:53 PM
Save vs Death [roll0]

2008-08-15, 09:03 PM
Mon trembles at the power the dragon just exhibited. Almost all of us. In such a short time. After a few seconds pass and the dragon glides away, Mon snaps out of his fright and views the scene.
Harpy, I'm not so good with administering aid. I'll just lend you a hand. Mon deposits his sword and shield in their grips and helps She find make-do supplies from everyone's gear.
Assist Heal, She-Who-Walks (1d20=8) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1699830/) No bonus.
In frustration, Mon grabs the Bugbear and punches his torso. Get up, shrakla!
Inspiring Word, Gli'lix (1d6+6=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1699845/) Inspiration strikes you!... in the chest. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-15, 09:11 PM
Uh, guys, you can just use you healing powers, you don't have to try and stabilise. We just had to make throws because you were stunned.

Since everyone has taken their turn
save [roll0]

ES Sparky
2008-08-15, 10:33 PM
Not so, Jokes. She can only use Lay-on-Hands 3 times a day. And she's used it once already. Eldmor, maybe we should focus on Gorthunk, since he's a cleric and all... if we're allowed to meta-game like that.

2008-08-15, 10:52 PM
But Mon can use his twice per encounter, (I think he's used it once this encounter) so he could use that on Gorthunk. edit: unless he just used it on Glilix

2008-08-16, 12:12 AM

Standing up, Gli'lix looks towards where the dragon stood.

Grumblin under his breath, What happened there, did we get it? Looking at his blade, he smiles rather largly It seems like we hurt it really well. Where did it limp off to?

nice inspiring word....mind if i ask how you got it to give 1d6+6?

2008-08-16, 06:28 AM
Still bleeding on the floor, the end draws nearer for S'theliss. :smalltongue:

Second death saving throw: [roll0]

ES Sparky
2008-08-16, 11:28 PM
She glares at One-Who-Shouts as he interferes with her not-so-gentle ministrations to the lizardman. A low, strange warble comes from deep in her throat... definitely a warning.

Keeping a keen eye on those who are still, or have just now, regained their feet, She moves around finishing the rounds, slapping life into chilled limbs and faces... or snouts.

When all are back on their feet, She takes up a watch with her back to a wall near the opening into the cavern. She alternates between suspicious glares at the humanoids and glances into the gloom of the cavern, her ears and eyes straining for a glimpse of the white dragon.

Now that everyone's stable, Heal checks to trigger Second Wind, took two tries on Gorthunk.
S'Theliss and Gorthunk: 18, 4, 12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1700714/)
Graese: 21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1700715/)

2008-08-17, 07:47 AM
We did hurt it bad, but it escaped. For the better it seems. Now help the Harpy get people patched up, she seems to know what she's doing.
Assist Heal, She-Who-Walks (1d20=7) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1701152/) No bonus.

2008-08-17, 10:38 AM

Only bring brought back to conciousness himself just recently he goes over to attemp to stabilize one of the others.

[roll0] DC10 stabilizes, DC15 uses 2nd wind if they haven't used already

ES Sparky
2008-08-17, 12:42 PM
Everyone should be on their feet, no more rolls needed. All of the downed PCs stabilized on their own (or in Gli's case, were brought to their feet by Inspiring Word).

She's heal checks have triggered everyone's Second Wind. Everyone should mark off a healing surge and be at their healing surge value in positive HP. And we can move on.

2008-08-17, 01:54 PM
A distant roar announces that the Dragon is still present in the distance as the party begins to stir in the wake of the battle. Dust is thick in the air, as the massive beast and Mon's own flail have done much to shatter the stone blocks that make up the floor.

The crackling of lightning still echoes about the chamber, drawing your attention once more to the ring of pillars surrounding a small pile of items no doubt left by other Claws, though why one would place them in such a perilous place is a thought that passes through each of your minds.

It would seem that for now you are safe but you do not think the Dragon will wait too long before it makes another move against you. The archway at the other end of the room draws your attention as well and your choice is once again evident.

Either wait for the Dragon to make another attempt on your lives or move forward, deeper into the undercroft.

2008-08-18, 12:47 AM

Gorthunk pulls himself back to his feet, ragged and beaten; but alive.

"We've got to get cover... gods help us if that thing comes back. Come on, the archway, its our best bet!"

Gorthunk begins to move toward the archway, keeping an eye on his companions as he does so.

2008-08-18, 03:34 PM
The orc is right, we need out of here now! Mon grabs the slowest person and then runs/drags them through the archway.
Mon then summons more energy within him to ignore the rending wound he has been dealt. [Spend one healing surge.]

ES Sparky
2008-08-18, 04:03 PM
While not the slowest, She has been making a point of trying to be last. Mon grabs for her arm as she lingers near the back. She squawks angrily, tendrils of power forming at the back of her throat, her eyes glinting dangerously. She swipes at his hand with a taloned claw.

An unmistakable challenge, not to Mon's leadership, but to his assault on her person.

She isn't making an indication that she's staying behind. Just that she wants to be last.

2008-08-18, 07:12 PM
The lizardman begins to limp away as fast as he can manage, having been hastily pulled back from the brink of death. He turns back momentarily to see what looks like the start of a fight between the hobgoblin and the harpy. He hurries on.

Leaving the scene ASAP.

2008-08-18, 07:38 PM

Rising, the Trog stretches, a layer of ice cracking from his scales. "It's going to take hours to warm up..." he grumbles. Seeing everyone moving off he makes to follow them, though he takes one more glance around the room. Spying the gear in the middle of the room left by dead adventurers, he calls out for the group to wait up.

Not wanting to go near the lightning arcing from pillar to pillar, Graese raises his hand and whispers a few words. A spectral hand appears next to the gear, and Graese commands it to drag the loot towards him.

Mage hand to get the loot.
Using 3 more healing surges to come back up to max.

ES Sparky
2008-08-19, 01:31 PM
Is it okay to run on in spoiler tags with OOC chatter? I sure hope so.

Eldmor, I'm rather enjoying my suspicious, misandrist harpy. If the IC interactions become wearisome, that's not the intent. Just let me know.

I guess that should really go for everyone.

2008-08-19, 01:52 PM

Following after everyone else, he spends a few healing surges to heal back towards full

2008-08-19, 06:32 PM
Everyone makes their way towards the archway at the other end of the room while Graese stays behind for a few moments in order to magically drag the items in the center of the pillars towards him. It is an effort of concentration only and the items pass beneath the lightning unharmed.

The pile of items is mostly cast off pieces of leather and hide armor with about enough pieces to make one suit of each. However, beneath the cast off armor is a set of Scale Mail that to your eyes is simply magnificent. It's shining scales are sharpened, each possessing a razors edge while the plates at the shoulders, knees, and forearms are covered in wicked looking spikes. The armor, as magnificent as it is, is far from shining, its dark razored scales seeming to be coated with the dried blood of some past creature that got a bit too close. It is a shame that while your efforts managed to drag most of the cast off pieces of armor it did little to move that set of scales towards you for it still rests in the middle of the room, surrounded by the lightning pillars.

(Going to go after the not-so-shiny armor that practically has a neon sign over it saying 'GET ME!'? :smallbiggrin:)

2008-08-19, 07:14 PM
S'theliss snarls, his eyes passing over the armour and disregarding it. He looks beyond the crackling energy of the pillars, to where the dragon was. With the pain of his wounds fresh and livid over his body, and his scales stained brown and crimson red with his own blood, he addresses the group. "This place runs deep." He hisses, "We should too."

2008-08-19, 07:16 PM
That armor isn't worth getting killed by a dragon. Make haste! Mon orders.

ES Sparky
2008-08-19, 11:46 PM
She-Who-Walks' rebuke of Mon is stillborn in her throat as her eyes dilate at the glittering prize in the pillars. So beautiful. She wrests her arm from Mon's grasp and takes a wary step toward the pillars... and the prize.

Crowlike, she warbles... entranced. Mon barks his order and She whips around to glare at him. She brings the spear up between herself and Mon protectively and sidles toward the precipice to see if the dragon is winging their way. Her eyes dart all over the room. To the cavern, to Mon, to the shining armor.

If there is no dragon in sight, she will wave at Graese impatiently to hurry up. If there is a dragon in sight and it's headed their way, she will squawk an alarm and make for the archway.

2008-08-20, 01:07 AM

Spying the wicked looking armour, something inside of Graese ignites. The blood stained razors lining the armour remind him of his set of knives he uses in his "sessions." Barely thinking, he takes a step forward between the two pillars. Almost in a trance he doesn't notice the sting as the lighting passes through him. Retrieving the armour, he runs a clawed finger along one of the razor's edge. Still sharp.

Being careful not to cut himself on on the razor sharp spines of the armour, Graese drags the amour towards out between the pillars. The second bolt brings him out of his trance. Away from the pillars, he looks down at the armour, wondering why he had gone through such an ordeal. He looks over at She, whose eyes seem to be darting towards him every so often. No, not at him, the armour.

Panting, he drags the armour towards She and presents it to her. "May your enemies feel the cut of your claws and the bite of your steel. For the King that Crawls."

Y'know, provided I don't die from lightning damage, of course.

2008-08-20, 04:26 PM
She-Who-Walks see's nothing in the fungus lit darkness of the great central cavern, nothing to indicate where the scaled form of the Dragon is and the roar you heard a mere moment ago did sound rather distang. It would seem that for now the Dragon is willing to leave the party alone.

As S'theliss addresses the group and Mon starts to head through the archway Graese finds himself heading between the treacherous pillars in order to gain possession of the prize that they ring.

Lightning lashes out at the Troglodyte, flailing about the air like a living thing as it seeks the scaled flesh that dares pass through its domain though it finds only air as the form of Graese manages to pass through unscathed.

Graese picks up the heavy armor and holds it, the scales groaning slightly as they move, like a woeful beast whose thirst goes unquenched. The Troglodyte caresses the armor gently with the tip of a claw and quickly discovers that the edges of the scales are indeed still sharp, for that gentle caress cost Graese the tip of his claw.

He walks towards the party, the gaze of the Harpy following his every step, taking in every inch of the armor that can only be described as beautiful in her eyes. When Graese steps through the pillars once more he finds the aim of the lightning to be true and as it connects he feels a spastic heat crash through his form, removing any previous chill and replacing it with a surging, white hot pain that refuses to be denied.

With a half step Graese finds himself beyond the pillars, though with several scales having been burned from his right shoulder. Despite the pain Graese stands before She-Who-Walks and the others, prize in hand.

Graese takes 4 Lightning damage.

ES Sparky
2008-08-21, 01:29 PM
The dragon appears to be gone and She-Who-Walks edges away from the precipice towards the other lizard creature and his shining burden. She croons at the armor as the light of the arcing bolts plays across the razors.

The troglodyte holds the armor out to her, the stench of its cooking scales reaching the harpy's nose. Yes... this is as it should be. She reaches out a claw to run it over the metal scales, careful.

Remembering where they are and who she is with, She's eyes flash. "And for the Queen that Soars."

Those are the first words the harpy has spoken. Her voice is a deep, gravelly warble, seeming to have two tones at once that harmonize - harsh and sweet. Powerful.

She she snatches the tribute away from the lizard thing's claws and backs towards a wall, eyes darting to the others challenging them to take her glittering prize. She makes that strange drawn out quorking that seems to be a warning of sorts. Holding her longspear and the armor to her chest she seems torn between wanting to stop and properly examine the armor and the necessity of leaving the deadly room.

Her breath clouds around her face, a reminder of the dragon's dread might.

At the last, she decides to scurry through the archway with her prize. Her expression as she passes Graese is flat, considering, but it twists into her characteristic snarl as she passes the goblinoid.

I'm not acutally sure how encumbrance works in 4e (and I don't have access to books atm) but she's carrying 131 lbs at the moment and 120 is her STR*10 limit. Movement penalty?

2008-08-21, 02:22 PM
trying to stay in the shadows as they creep on Gli'lix follows everyone else, silently.

2008-08-21, 05:12 PM
She-Who-Walks holds onto the armor as one would a cherished lover, gently stroking the scales with the tip of her talon, careful not to feel the bite of those blood coated scales. However, the armor is heavy and when added to that of her current weapons and armor it becomes burdening. She must carry her gear in both hands and her movement is now a third of what it used to be. Apparently if she wishes to be of use in battle she must be rid of some of her equipment.

Yes. You are considered to be Slowed and it takes both of your hands to lug that equipment around.

The passage beyond the archway is a long, snaking thing that slowly leads the party northwards. Unlike the previous passages this one is not caked with mud and grime and though the steps are worn and a little small they do not do much in the way of hindering your movement.

After several minutes of walking the passage widens into a small landing that isn't quite large enough for the entire party enter at once. The small space, some eight foot by twelve foot contains only a door on it's northern wall.

The door is sturdy oak, reinforced with straps of iron and bolts. As you examine the room and the door you hear the by now familiar crackling of lightning coming from beyond the door. Apparently you can expect more lightning runes or pillars to be on the other side.

As you finish examining the room, door, and the noise, She-Who-Walks slowly moves down the steps behind you, catching up with her heavy load a minute or so after the rest of the party had arrived. Though this spot is small and probably not perfect it would seem like a good place for a short rest, Lakzyr knows you need it.

2008-08-22, 07:54 AM
Ok, I'm new on this thing... how do I use a Healing surge? Do I just use it? >.> Also how long are we talking between the use of encounter powers outside of combat? Sorry to have to ask so blatantly, been without internet for a day and trying to get caught up post-haste >.<

2008-08-22, 08:44 AM
We are considering this break a short rest, so use as many healing surges as you want. As for encounter powers outside of combat, I just treat it as they're refreshed when the next combat happens. Prevents people from begging the healers instead of spending surges out-of-combat.

2008-08-22, 09:06 AM
The lizardfolk steps gingerly up through the group, to the door. Reaching out one hand, he slowly runs his fingers down the hard oak of the door, increasing the pressure until the ends of his sharp claws and pressing into the wood. He places the hand flat against the door, and then reaches up and pulls forth one of his longswords. His tongue flickers out against the hard scales of his mouth. "It looks safe," he whispers, "but what's on the other side?"

ES Sparky
2008-08-22, 10:24 AM
The harpy rounds the last bend with a clatter of plates and scales. She stops as she sees the others and hears their lowered voices. She is not a creature built for portage and burdens, rather for flying and agility.

When it seems like the group is taking a pause, she carefully lowers the glittering bladed scalemail onto the floor of the entrance to the narrow room. She fishes a sticky, crumbling cake from her belt pouch. She murmurs what seems to be a prayer over the food and sits on her haunches over the armor, munching quietly, taking occasional swigs from a waterskin and running her claws delicately along the metal scales.

When her meal is done, She-Who-Walks unbuckles the burdensome, clanking platemail. The badge of her great shame. A token granted to those who failed the Rites. Those who would never mount the skies again.

When you cannot fly, it doesn't matter the armor you wear. The heavy plate, a constant reminder of the failure. In a short time the harpy has a pile of discarded armor next to her. She spits on the pile and squawks a curse before turning to her tribute. Her prize. Her eyes grow wide, claws flexing in anticipation as she reaches out and begins putting on the beautiful blades and scales. She croons to herself, pausing only to squawk or warble a warning at the others if they appear to be taking too much notice.

Spending 2 healing surges to get back up to full.

2008-08-22, 12:14 PM

Gorthunk's heavy breathing finally slows to a more regular pace as he takes stock of his wounds.

"Well... that could have gone better. Are the rest of you alright, still got all your limbs?"

Using 4 healing surges to bring myself from 1hp up to 28hp (my max)

2008-08-22, 12:20 PM

It would seem as we are all still in one piece. I say we don't rest for to long, We should strike at that beast before it has a chance to recooperate.

spending 2 healing surges to bring me to 22

ES Sparky
2008-08-22, 12:55 PM
Using 4 healing surges to bring myself from 1hp up to 28hp (my max)

A note, when you were brought back to consciousness by the Heal check that She made it spent a healing surge and put you at 0 + HealingSurgeValue hitpoints. So instead of having to heal up from 1hp, it should be more like healing up from 6 or 7, whatever your surge value is. If that's not clear enough, we can take it into PMs and I'll explain more.

Actually, for those who were unconscious and were 'healed' by She's First Aid checks, be sure to mark off the surge for that.

2008-08-22, 04:02 PM
Oh >.>m Didn't know that. Oddly enough, it doesn't change anything <,< I was 1 point over my max by the use of 4 surges, and using 1 then 3 instead of 4 at once equals out the same <@_@> good to know though! Thanks!

2008-08-22, 08:20 PM
After everyone reaches back to the door moon lets out a snarl and spits at the nearby wall.
That was one klag of a fight back there. I'm sure if we all put more effort next time, we can slay it! Mon then gives that evil, glinting eye glare to S'theliss.
He was able to pierce the dragon's hide and I wasn't even able to hit the fruking thing! Mon's jealousy and anger sears the Lizardfolk's brain. He knows to keep working hard.

2008-08-22, 08:26 PM
S'theliss feels strangely... motivated, but he nevertheless turns on Mon with a cynical reply, "I think we have too. It's eaten here or..." he breaks into a snickering grin and motions upwards, "...eaten there, remember?"

2008-08-22, 10:29 PM

Sitting down to rest, his back against a wall, he watches the harpy from the corner of his eye. As she finishes donning the armour, Graese smiles. He nods at the bloodstained scales. "It looks good on you, Redscale."

He looks over at the lizardfolk. "Do you still have that bone? Its light is out, you may have dropped it during the battle. If you like I can light it again when we continue on." His eyes squint for a second, "Did... did you tell me your name? I think I may have forgotten it."

A tale of damage and healing
-Knocked below 0 (0/24)
-'stabilised' and second winded (6/24)
-Walked through lightning (2/24) (looking back, probably not a great idea, but I thought I had used my healing surges at the time)
-short rest, 3 healing surges. (20/24)

2008-08-23, 10:12 AM
S'theliss scowls at the troglodyte and claps one hand to the fur covering his scaly chest. The bone is no longer there. "I am S'theliss. Your trinket is gone."

2008-08-23, 03:35 PM
If everyone could tell me what their HP total is and how many healing surges they've used total that would be helpful. Also if you could tell me what kind of rest you are taking, short or extended, that would also be helpful.

ES Sparky
2008-08-23, 04:50 PM
I was planning on a short rest. She hadn't used any encounter powers (apart from Second Wind to trigger healing surges... if that's how you're handling it. I keep her sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=71895) updated at Mythweavers. 3/13 healing surges spent so far.

Is there anything to note about the armor (or should I make Arcana checks?)? I updated She's sheet with standard scale stats.

EDIT: Doh, not trained in Arcana. Checks would be rather unrevealing.

2008-08-24, 01:16 PM
The group takes several minutes to recover from their ordeal with the dragon as they rest in the small space at the foot of the stairs, before the heavy door. The longer you sit in this space the more you notice, like the sound of the crackling energy beyond the door sounds a lot like the lightning from the previous rooms but there is something off about it's sound, almost as if it were more organic, less chaotic perhaps, than those in the previous chambers.

As you sit in the small space, resting, you begin to notice a very pungent smell coming from the other side of the room. The smell is a mix of rotting flesh and old, stale herbs, though they are much less potent in smell than the rotting flesh. Apparently whatever is beyond the door is slowly decaying.

2008-08-24, 02:00 PM
Smells like a battlefield in there. Mon states as he wipes the smell from his nose.
So which one of you sriks wants to go in first? My attempt wasn't as successful as I thought. He holds his hand to the talon-sized rips in his armor, with sprayed blood covering the links of his mail. Mon is gritting his teeth a little at the pain still, even after a rest.

2008-08-24, 08:25 PM
S'theliss pushes himself up from his seat on the rough stone floor and, still nursing a cut on his torn-up arm, motions with one hooked claw at the Bugbear. "You. Stalker, scavenger. You proceed, and we shall follow."

2008-08-25, 07:22 AM

"I'll bring up the rear and keep an eye out for our flying friend. Just shout if I'm needed at the front and I'll be there."

Gorthunk takes up the rearguard position, hefting his heavy orcish bastard sword onto his shoulder.

2008-08-25, 09:36 AM

Letting out a low growl towards S'theliss, Gli'lix begins to move forward, in almost a whisper, Don't be suprised if I forget to mention where I see a trap. And with that he slinks into the shadows and slowly moves onward keeping his eyes and ears peeled as he goes.

2008-08-25, 04:56 PM
The oak door creaks open and the smell of decay washes over the party in a wave of nausea. Beyond the door is a long tunnel, dimly lit by runes on the floor that look like those on the lightning pillars of the previous rooms though these issue forth a roving darkness instead of a thrashing light like the runes before.

The black runes on the floor are not the only things that catch your attention and the cause of the smell becomes rather clear. Manacles line the walls on either side of the hallway and hanging from each set of manacles is the rotting remains of a corpse. The corpses are varied, some being Human while several of the monster races stick out but each is similar in that they are hooked to the wall by their wrists and they are cleaved in two, their legs and hips missing leaving only the arms, torso, and head to hang.

As you looks at the corpses one of the dark runes flares forth, its dark energies slamming into the half-corpse of a Human. Immediately the corpse-flesh begins to quickly heal, the desiccated torso becoming whole and flush though the missing flesh doesn't regenerate.

Immediately blood starts to ooze from the Humans torso, eyes, and mouth as it thrashes against its bonds in pain. The remains open its mouth to scream but you notice that the thing has no tongue so only a low moan escapes, barely loud enough for those in the back to hear. All too quickly the Human begins to wither again as its world becomes nothing but the physical pain of dying and the mental pain of knowing that it is inevitable.

"Yes yes you found it. The great failures yes Lord they found it." comes the groaning voice of the Storm Shaman from above you. You look up and you can see the little creature looking down at you from a small, heavily rusted grate placed in the ceiling. The Storm Shaman grins it's needle toothed grin, acrid black saliva slowly dripping from between its teeth as it leans over, looking at the party. "You this far, maybe not fail like these." he croaks, gesturing to the half-corpses on the wall. It is apparent to you that these corpses are the remains of the failed Claws, at least those that weren't consumed by the Dragon.

The Storm Shaman's smile fades and it hobbles away after its few words, "Far to go still, best keep moving before the Standard knows." it says as it rights itself and begins to move away, apparently having a conversation with itself as it walks away, no doubt to some other spot where it can keep an eye on you.

2008-08-25, 05:25 PM

Shaking his head at the scene before him and the creature above him, Gli'lix presses onward. Crazy little thing isn't he. I wonder what he has instore for us...

2008-08-25, 05:55 PM
The lizardman draws his sword and pushes past the Bugbear into the hideous room. Swinging the blade in a half-arc, with the pommel pressed against the edge of his hand, he beheads the moaning, half-living human creature.

2008-08-25, 06:12 PM
S'theliss' blade arcs through the air, striking the tortured shell of the Human as it slowly begins to decompose once again. The blade lands with a sickening, soggy thud followed by a grating sound as the blade strikes the stone wall. The head rolls to the side, still connected by a small piece of flesh but another swift slice from the Lizardfolk and the head rolls free, landing on the floor.

A moment after the head falls on the floor, separated from the torso, the entire thing begins to smell even worse and you can see some twitching below the skin. An instant after that and the whole body dissolved into a wave of bone white maggots that fall to the floor, wiggling over each other to look like a sickening layer of milk white filth that covers the entire floor before S'theliss.

There Sharikov, don't ever say I didn't give you anything. :smalltongue:

2008-08-25, 06:19 PM
S'theliss takes a step back in disgust, spitting on the writhing insect mass in front of him. With a sibilant hiss, he gathers what little arcane power he can. His eyes light up, and a static charge rattles across his scales with the sound of thunder, blasting outwards.


Not sure if I need to roll, but hey - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Also pushes enemies back - I won't be using this if anyone near me if affected by it, but I'm assuming I'm far enough away from the rest of the party to do so with free reign.

2008-08-25, 06:29 PM
S'theliss calls upon his arcane power and sends a blast of thunderous energy crashing down the hall. The maggots are sent flying, a white sheet of filth that dissolves as it flies through the air. Also struck are five more of the half corpses, who are likewise thrown down the hallway, their arms ripped from their manacles though the hands still remain locked in the rusted iron.

The five bodies tumble as they strike the floor, the movement causing their dried husks to break, sending black, ichorous blood splashing across the walls and floor where it slowly oozes. Once more the bodies start to twitch and their dark blood seems to boil a moment before the remains become naught but a writhing pile of maggots large enough where you are unable to simply step over them.

The maggots now cover one of the dark runes, which seem to be pulsing a sickly purplish black color through them. At this Graese's Arcane knowledge stirs and he is able to discern that these runes give off blasts of Necrotic energy rather than Lightning like the previous runes.

2008-08-25, 07:00 PM
I see he's taken the liberty of decorating the place. Not exactly my style, but it is unique. Mon recalls the countless times driving nails, bolts, and pitons through the bodies of his failures of minions. He is unmoved by the white maggots and the destroying of more corpses, he's more concerned with something the Shaman has let slip.
Before the Standard knows? So this Standard is living. I'm also betting it's that dragon; what more of a victory could there be then the slaying a dragon? Mon lets loose a sadistic grin of grudge. Next time I see you, it'll be on the floor as I fillet your body into trophies.

Mon just got a bit more Evil. Like he needed it. :smalltongue:

2008-08-26, 09:45 AM

Gorthunk blanches momentarily at the disgusting room. He mumbles a brief prayer of protection to the powers-that-be.

"This place gnaws at me. Best we not remain in this spot too long I think."

2008-08-26, 10:54 AM

Stepping into the chamber, Graese alerts his comrades of the runes. "I don't need to tell you this, but avoid the runes, they look evil, necrotic, maybe." He stops near the pile of maggots, wondering what kind of abomination would rise given the right amount of negative energy.

2008-08-26, 03:42 PM
As the group moves through the corridor they are witness to more incidences of necrotic energy revitalizing the half corpses that line the wall and each time the results are the same as the corpse comes alive only to die a grisly and no doubt extremely painful death. You can't help but notice how many corpses are shackled to the wall, for it is a very long corridor and at a glance you would assume there to be more the fifty such husks lining the walls and though your nose grows accustomed to the stench after several moments you can't help but wonder if you will share a similar fate.

As you near the end of the hallway She-Who-Walks steps on a loose stone and slips, falling hard on her rear as the floor stone shifts away. Immediately afterward you can hear a great groaning sound as something up ahead begins to shift position, a sound similar to a giant pestle grinding into a mortar. Whatever is moving it is massive and soon after you hear the organic thunder of a necrotic rune lashing out. The runes in the hallway grow dim and flicker for a moment before they are snuffed out entirely, leaving the party in the inky darkness, their only defense their light sources.

Once the necrotic runes in the hallway die the sound of necrotic power lashing out increases several fold, filling your ears with the eerie sound of unliving power. Whatever awaits you in the room beyond, it is best you prepare for it now.

2008-08-26, 04:08 PM

Seeing all this unfold before his eyes Gli'lix shudders a little, Turning toward the group only a few words are able to escape his lips. I'm not going first.

2008-08-26, 08:02 PM

"The gods demand courage, and they shall not find me wanting. Faith is perhaps the best shield in a place like this. Follow close and be wary."

Gorthunk steps forward, readying himself to face the peril.

"C'mon, just a little peril?"

"No no, its much to perilous!"

ES Sparky
2008-08-27, 12:56 PM
After She is suitably re-garbed she warbles to herself happily and preens. The harpy catches Graese's furtive glances. She meets his eyes levelly and holds him in her gaze before squawking a startling rebuke.

She treads warily into the runed room keeping as much distance as she can from the runes, the twitching dead, her compatriots. The maggots don't seem to disturb her somehow. Instead she eyes them hungrily and puts a hand over her belly wondering idly what manner of creature the grubs would become. She pulls her eyes away as the group moves forward down a seemingly endless hall of torment.

She moves forward more lightly than before, but awkwardly, her new armor fits strangely. It binds where it shouldn't and is free where it shouldn't be. She quorks with annoyance and pulls at some straps and... slips!

She hoists herself up and storms to the front of the group, trying to regain a shred of dignity. The eerie light flickers and is gone, their only light the torches. She squawks in alarm and clutches her longspear.

If there is room to stand next to Gorthunk she does, otherwise, she'll squeeze around him, squawking angrily if he doesn't give way, to the edge of the darkness. There she stands, her head weaving back and forth, peering into the darkness. She lowers her spear whips it back and forth in front of her, like a blind woman feeling her way down a corridor. A militant blind woman feeling her way down a putrid corridor filled with unknown nightmare horrors.

Doh, sorry to have disappeared there. I should know better than to rely on subscriptions - always check the real threads, Sparky!

2008-08-28, 05:54 PM
The group moves forward, the sound of massive, grinding stone becoming louder and louder as they traverse the long, dark corridor. With the necrotic power leeched from the runes on the floor the corpses remain inanimate and as you walk each of you sees a member of your own race shackled to the wall, serving to remind you of your possible fate. Soon the party reach the end of the hall, where there stands a massive gate.

The gate is made of sturdy wrought iron forged to resemble heavy vines bearing inch long, razor sharp thorns. Nestled in the iron vines are the bleached skulls of creatures as varied as those hanging from the walls behind you, apparently absorbed by the iron gate. Upon the thorns you can see blood stains and the occasional piece of dessicated flesh but nothing too recent. A small lever rests on the wall to the party's left, near Gorthunk and is apparently the opening mechanism to the oddly intriguing gate.

The vines are too thick for you to gain a view of the room beyond, though from the noise you can certainly be sure that whatever is making that noise is on the other side of the gate.

As you examine the gate a sudden noise from above you alerts you to a presence and when you look up you see another rusted grate with the large, piss colored eyes of the Storm Shaman gazing down on you. "The passage of thorns tsk tsk... Claws can tear through thorns or pull lever and let them open, pull lever and let Standard know you come. Yes yes Lord, your Claws must choose roads.." he says, smiling his needle-toothed smile at the party. As you listen to the words of the strange creature you can't help but wonder if all those 'failures' behind you had to bear such a commentary.

2008-08-28, 07:04 PM
Nothing like being the first to overcome a challenge. Orc, open the gate and prepare for battle. Mon readies his flail and shield, desperate to succeed in battle after the crushing defeat of the dragon.

2008-08-28, 07:31 PM
S'theliss takes up position behind Mon as the warlord motions for the Orc to open the door. He unsheathes both longswords and stands there ready to fight. Looking idly at the back of his skull, from ten or fifteen feet away, he hisses at Nailgrinder, "Think you'll be able to hit it this time, Hobgoblin?"

2008-08-28, 10:16 PM

His hands trembling Graese draws both his orb and sickle, while he slowly takes a few steps back, remembering the chill of the beasts breath.

right now, Graese believes the dragon can use his breath every round (as was demonstrated last time we met). He's more than a little bit ****ting himself.

2008-08-28, 11:44 PM

Gorthunk nods solemnly to the rest of the group.

"We shall come through this trial and shed the shackles of those who came before us."

Gorthunk pulls the leaver, then steps back from the gate a little and readies his bastard sword once more.

2008-08-29, 08:55 AM

Waiting for his meat shields to proceed in the room and through the hallway, Gli'lix waits off the to side. Standing there with his rapier draw in 1 hand and a shuriken in the other, he tries to blend into the shadows around him to keep out of notice.

Hearing the voice of the little creature again above him, he begins to get annoyed. Why couldn't we have just gone into this dungeon at a later point. he thinks to himself. He's no one's plaything. When he get's the chance he's going to cut the heart out of that creatures chest.

ES Sparky
2008-08-29, 09:51 AM
She hisses at the Shaman, her feathers standing up in a short, angry crest. Her eyes move abruptly from feature to feature and she shifts her head quickly from one side to the other. She clenches the spear in her clawed hands and moves forward, tapping the ground ahead with the point of her spear - she would not be embarrassed by a shifting stone again.

2008-08-30, 01:19 PM
Gorthunk reaches out and grabs the rusted lever, enclosing it in his rather large fist and with a mighty effort he is able to pull it down where it locks in position. A loud thunk is heard and suddenly all the runes in the hallway flare brilliantly for a brief instant before fading once more to darkness and an eerie feeling creeps down each of your spines, like something knows where you are and that you are coming. The group turns now to the gate awaiting its opening to allow them access into the room beyond now that they have pulled the lever.

Nothing happens.

After a long moment of the gate not moving you hear the a croaking, wheezing laughter coming, no doubt, from the Storm Shaman who is still standing above you. "Miserable Claws, stupid Claws." the creature says, shaking it's head in mock pity. "Claws tell enemy where they are, what they intend just to pass gate easier. Smart claws walk harder path enemy not expect but you stupid Claws." it says, nodding its head vigorously, dripping its thick black saliva over the party. "Yes yes, you must attack gate anyway even though Standard know you here anyway. Maybe Claws will learn from this Lord, or maybe they die." The Storm Shaman croaks out a low, sickly chuckle before it moves off the grating, leaving the Claws to the business of the gate before them.

2008-08-30, 04:08 PM
FRUK! We need to smash this gate down NOW! Bugbear, lend me a sword to the cause! Mon whips his flail against the door as he encourages Gli'lix to do the same. The clashes of the flail and the courtblade against the gate reverberate throughout the hall, showing what force they came with.

Mon and Gli'lix, Hammer and Anvil (1d10+2=8, 1d10+8=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1713473/)
I assume we don't have to roll to hit a stationary object.
EDIT: Forum roller is bugging for me, so back to Invisible-Castle.

2008-08-30, 05:23 PM
Mon calls upon Gli'lix and together they send their weapons careening into the heavy iron gate with a thunderous smash of steel hitting iron the gates shiver mightily. Mon examines the damage to the gate and finds that the combined attack of the Bugbear and himself was not nearly as effective as he thought it would be. However, as Mon no doubt prepares for another attempt to strike the gate he realizes that the gate hasn't stopped shivering from the blow, something it should have done immediately afterward.

Suddenly the iron vines of the gate are sheathed in necrotic power, coursing into the iron gate from some unknown source. A great creaking scream fills the air, causing the party to take a step back and cover their ears lest they go deaf from the noise. Slowly the vines begin to unfurl themselves and you discover that the skulls you saw in the gate make up the end of each vine, their once empty eye-sockets now crackle with necrotic power, their skeletal jaws open as if silently screaming.

Eight great iron vines now writhe in the air before you, their lengths sheathed in necrotic power and covered in inch thick razor-sharp thorns, their tips decorated with skulls who snap at the Claws as if wanting nothing more than to taste their flesh. Even as you face all this you can't help shake the feeling that something is looking at you through those once hallowed eye sockets, and that something wants you dead.

18 Gli'lix
17 Graese
13 S'theliss
12 Gate
11 Mon Nailgrinder
10 Gorthunk Facesmasher
05 She-Who-Walks

Battle Grid

01| | | | | | | | |O|g|
02| | | | | | | |L|H|g|
03| | | | | | | |T|G|g|
04| | | | | | | | |B|g|

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher

g= gate

2008-08-30, 09:06 PM

Seeing the gate come alive takes Gli'lix by suprise.

Looking upward he glares at the small creature that has been watchinig them, silently cursing him and vowing to take his life. Gli'lix yells out at him Damn you slimy bastard, Why would you send us up against something with out giving us any details. If we fail you are only ensuring your death.

Turning his attention towards the gate, now alive with necrotic powers, Gli'lix strikes out at it. Taking a step back as soon as he does that as well.

Minor Action-Predator's Eye, +1d6 damage
Standard Action-Torturous Strike
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] damage.
Move Action-Shift to open space behind me

2008-08-30, 10:41 PM
Stupnick, if Gli'ix uses his Move action to step back I can come in and hit the gate after you. It's up to you though.

EDIT: In fact you should probably stay up close for CA.

2008-08-30, 10:53 PM

As the gate awakens, Graese takes a few surprised steps back. Out of reflex he hurls a magic missile at the gate.

Move: E3
Standard: Magic Missile
-Attack [roll0]
-damage [roll1]

2008-08-30, 11:17 PM
i agree that i should step back, i can't get combat advantage again and you can take the hits : )

editing original post.

2008-08-30, 11:30 PM
I can take a hit, but I suspect it will have some kind of hideous area attack, so we may both end up getting hurt anyway. I more meant for successive rounds, but you have it then in any case.

S'theliss sidles past Gli'ix, flicking both his swords to the side and then bringing them forward to crash on the gate. He haphazardly aims for one of the glowing, wailing skulls.

Moving to I4

Attacking the gate with Twin Strike:
1st: [roll0] [roll1]
2nd: [roll2] [roll3]

Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry: [roll4]

Decent - 20 damage?

2008-08-31, 03:02 PM

"By the gods, die abomination!""

Gorthunk's bastard sword ignites with divine anger as he attempts to cleave through the iron vines.

Using Avenging Flame (Daily Power) - Strength vs AC [roll0]

If hit: 2[W]+Str [roll1] +5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

If miss, half damage, no ongoing fire damage.

2008-08-31, 04:31 PM
Alive or not, this gate will crumble! Mon swings his flail in a wide arc toward the skulls, not focusing on damage but inspiring his allies.

Standard:Ferocious Smash (Attack vs Fort; Damage) (1d20+4=9; 2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1714817/)
Minor: If gate damaged anyone heavily before me, Inspiring Word on them.
Conditional: If Mon gets a saving throw ends condition, Hobgoblin Resilience.

ES Sparky
2008-08-31, 05:51 PM
She-Who-Walks glares at their slavering guide and tormentor. She wants to shout at the slavering, half-mad creature. To unleash the power of her voice, but she refrains, settling for a loathing glare because at the moment, the gate has come alive.

The harpy plants the butt of her longspear in the dark stone of the floor. She holds out a claw and slashes symbolically, then lets fly with a piercing war cry.

Minor: Divine Challenge (on J4)
Deadly Shriek: 18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1714883/) vs Fort (details on her character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=71895)), blast should cover the gate and beyond (not the PCs)

2008-08-31, 08:00 PM
Gli'lix strikes out at the animated gate, putting his enormous bugbear's strength behind the blow. As Gli'lix's massive rapier strikes one of the vines the gate shifts, attempting to coil itself around the bugbear's weapon and arm. Gli'lix jumps back, however, and when he examines the damage he caused he finds that his light blade has done naught against the iron vine. (Miss)

Graese moves back, falling farther behind his companions as he watches for a moment to strike as the gate's vines shift to and fro in some oddly hypnotic dance. It his hard to find a target amidst all the movement but Graese watches carefully, and when the time is right he bends the forces of magic to his will and sends a missile of force flying towards the gate. Sadly, once where there was a skull and instant later there was nothing and Graese's attack fails to hit the gate. (Miss)

S'theliss rushes forward to fill the opening that Gli'lix made when he jumped back. The Lizardfolk raises his twin longswords and taking a step forward, placing himself so close to the vines that it would be nearly impossible to miss, he brings them crashing down into the vines. The weapons hitting the vines fill the area with sparks and when S'theliss steps back he finds that his swords have left deep gouges in the iron of one of the vines. (Hit&Hit)

The Gate issues forth a creaking groan as it slowly withdraws its vines only to them shooting out an instant later accompanied by that same scream it made when it awakened. She-Who-Walks, Gorthunk, Mon, and S'theliss are suddenly covered in the iron vines as they curl around them, finding purchases in the weak parts of their armor and sinking their thorns into their flesh. One of the skulls does something the others do not. It brings itself up high, overlooking the melee it settles its gaze on Graese and suddenly the necrotic power in its eyes grows blindly bright for a moment before a bolt of necrotic power issues forth, slamming into Wizard. (She, Mon, Gorthunk, S'theliss, and Graese are hit, Gli'lix is missed.)

Mon looks around quickly, seeing who is the most hurt before his gaze settles on Graese. Graese stands there, his scales pale and most of his chest and face flayed open and Mon knows that if the Troglodyte takes another hit he will fall. Mon swings his flail over his head, saying something truly inspiring to the half-dead wizard before he sends his flail crashing down towards one of the vines. Sadly, Mon's words of inspiration distracted him from the vines movements and his flail misses, crashing into the floor where one of the stones is turned into a cracked, ragged mess and the air is filled with stone dust. (Miss)

Gorthunk speaks a quick prayer and suddenly his sword erupts into cleansing flame. The Orc thrusts his sword deep into the fell gate and strikes true, his blade biting deep into the iron an instant before the entire gate bursts into righteous flame. The gate issues forth its deathly scream though it sounds more like a scream of frustration rather than rage now and when Gorthunk steps back he can't help but admire the prowess of this attack. (Hit)

She-Who-Walks takes a deep breath and suddenly releases a scream that makes the ones the gate has been issuing forth look like the work of a sick child. Before the onslaught of She's voice the iron crumples slightly and power of the skulls flicker for a brief instant. All to quickly the scream stops however, and the gate begins to sway and threaten the party once more. (Hit, but need to roll damage)

18 Gli'lix
17 Graese
13 S'theliss
12 Gate
11 Mon Nailgrinder
10 Gorthunk Facesmasher
05 She-Who-Walks

Battle Grid

01| | | | | | | | |O|g|
02| | | | | | | | |H|g|
03| | | | |T| | | |G|g|
04| | | | | | | |B|L|g|

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher

g= gate

Current HP
Graese: 17/25 (6/25 before surge + 5 from Mon's IW)
Mon Nailgrinder: 19/28
She-Who-Walks: 23/27
Gorthunk Facesmasher: 21/28
S'theliss: 13/29
Gli'lix: 22/24

2008-09-01, 06:20 PM

Shifting back, Gli'lix shifts his weapon to his other hand and draws out a shuriken. Launching it at one of the necrotic heads.

Move-Sheath Rapier
Minor-Draw Shuriken
Standard-deft strike
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] damage.

2008-09-01, 09:34 PM

Reeling from the skulls attack, Graese takes a few more steps back. In the space behind his comrades, he summons a vision of dozens of fighters lashing out at the gate.

Move C03
Standard: Illusory Ambush
-Attack: [roll0] vs Will
-damage [roll1]
On hit, target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.
And lets try some knowledge checks
Nature: [roll2]
Arcana: [roll3]
(HP:17 AC:14 F:13 R:14 W:13)

2008-09-01, 10:17 PM

Gorthunk, enraged at being struck by the vines lets out a roar of contempt and pummels the gate mercilessly.

Using Healing Strike:

Strength vs AC [roll0]

If Hit: 2[W]+Str = [roll1]; also S'theliss may use a healing surge if they desire.

2008-09-01, 10:38 PM
Harpy, aim for the skull! It should shatter just like any normal one. Mon says with a sadistic tone. He then brings his flail in an uppercut against one of the skulls, not causing much damage but setting it up for She to crush it.
I think I may have hit. :smalleek:
Ferocious Smash (Attack, Damage) (1d20+4=14, 2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1716674/)
+4 to attack and damage for She if it connects.

2008-09-01, 10:49 PM
Bleeding from many cuts, S'theliss haphazardly moves back from the gate, striking out at the vines that curl to follow him as he does so.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry: [roll0]
Standard: Hit & Run (So no OA): [roll1] [roll2]
Move: Move to F4

If someone is able to take a 5-foot step this turn, I'll use my encounter power to run in, hit and move out in the next.

ES Sparky
2008-09-02, 08:53 PM
She screeches in pain as loops of thorny iron vines reach out to engulf them, tearing at her flesh, necrotic energy shivering darkly toward blood spilled from living vessels. She imagines that her new armor would feel much the same...

The vines retract and One-Who-Shouts barks at her. She spits a curse at the dancing skull. She stabs. In her mind she sees the point of the spear driving into the orbit and exploding from the back, shattering the skull, but in her mind it is the Shaman she stabs.

She screams as she thrusts the spearpoint forward, the scream taking shape as a red haze that flows in an instand from her mouth and out, in a flashing, coalescing around S'theliss. She-Who-Walks does not look left or right to see what has become of her protective magics, her eyes bore into the skull's as she attacks.

Minor: Divine Challenge - Skull
Standard: 18 to hit, 16 damage (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1717747/) Shielding Smite, +3 AC for S'theliss until She's next turn

2008-09-05, 08:31 PM
Gli'lix shifts back and draws a shuriken from his belt. With a mighty effort he unleashes the thrown blade with all of his vast strength but the gate is too quick and its swaying vines are able to dodge the weapon, albeit only just.(Miss)

Graese moves back, bending his magics to his will he seems to summon forth a dozen armed Troglodyte warriors that lash out the claw with sword, axe and claw and then disappear, their forms fading to nothing in the space of a heartbeat. The gate seems unaffected by the Wizard's attack however, perhaps more physical means of attack are needed here.(Miss)

S'theliss shifts his scaled frame and keeping with the momentum gained from his successful attack a moment ago brings his right blade around to send it crashing into the gate but finds nothing for his blade to bite, for the vines have moved upward and out of the Lizardfolk's reach. Quickly, before the gate can counter attack S'teliss jumps back, moving past the Bugbear and hopefully out olf the gates threat range.(Miss)

The gate withdraws its vines and as it does so it attempts to swipe at those Claws still standing before it. Though the gate seems mighty it's attacks are hasty as it withdraws its vines and the armor of the Claws are more than a match for the razor thorns this time. The vine that struck Graese still lingers by the ceiling, swaying too and fro as it attempts to fix its gaze upon the Troglodyte. Once more the skulls eyes crackle as it builds necrotic energy and once more it releases it as the sky would release lightning. The necrotic bolt tears through the air with a dread scream and once more Graese finds himself struck with the power of death itself. (Everyone missed save for Graese)

Mon lashes out once more with his flail, yelling for everyone to attack the skulls that tip the vines. He sends his flail lashing out to the side, where S'theliss once was but is no longer. The ball of the flail misses its target but the chain strikes, causing the flail to tangle itself with one of the vines. For a brief moment Mon is forced to grit his teeth and fight to remain in possession of his weapon and with a mighty roar of challenge the Hobgoblin rips his weapon free of the gate, looking all the more angry as he realizes that the brief tussle didn't damage the gate.(Miss)

Gorthunk holds his sword up high as he calls upon the blessings of any god who will answer. He brings his sword crashing down, attempting to cleave one of the great iron vines in two even as he prays for S'theliss to be bolstered by his divine actions. His sword misses the vine which had withdrawn even as Gorthunk brought his weapon crashing down. The sword hits the floor with a loud crash, the sword reverberating so violently from the impact that the Orc nearly losses his grip. Gorthunk looks up to see the a skull drifting slowly away from him, almost as if taunting him though the effect is lost when looking past, Gorthunk can still see the flames of his earlier strike spreading through the core of the gate.(Miss)

She-Who-Walks thrusts her spear forward as she releases a powerful scream. None present are aware of the goings on in the Harpy's mind, though if they did they might smile as they would see She piercing the mocking Shaman instead of the gate-skull. Her spear point goes wide and the vine twists around the shaft of the spear, threatening to pull it out of her hands even as the vines constricting causes the wooden shaft to bend and creak.(Miss)

18 Gli'lix
17 Graese
13 S'theliss
12 Gate
11 Mon Nailgrinder
10 Gorthunk Facesmasher
05 She-Who-Walks

Battle Grid

01| | | | | | | | |O|g|
02| | | | | | | | |H|g|
03| | |T| | | | | |G|g|
04| | | | | |L| |B| |g|

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher

g= gate

Current HP
Graese: 9/25
Mon Nailgrinder: 19/28
She-Who-Walks: 23/27
Gorthunk Facesmasher: 21/28
S'theliss: 13/29
Gli'lix: 22/24

(Don't have time to proofread, so please forgive any mistakes.)

2008-09-05, 09:55 PM

Getting mad now, Graese hurls two bolts of energy at the gate. As the attack shoots off, he calls to his allies. "I think you might like to take a step back for the next one."

Standard : Magic Missile
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
Action point to take another action (regain 4hp, thanks mon)
Standard: Magic Missile
attack: [roll2]
damage [roll3]

If he's still alive next turn, it's acid arrow time, and I don't want to hit everyone with it.

2008-09-05, 10:01 PM

Drawing out another shuriken, Gli'lix moves back once again, and let's it launch at the gate.

Move-Shift back 1 square
Minor-Draw Shuriken
Standard-deft strike, shift back two squares
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] damage.

2008-09-05, 10:55 PM
Trog, keep it up! Mon says through heavy grunts, trying to regain composure of his flail. Now let's try this again! Mon swings his flail in the same smashing manner sideways, trying to force it closer to She for a devastating blow. He then backs up due to Graese's warning; battle is no time for friendly fire to happen.

Minor: Inspiring Word on Graese (Surge+1d6) (6+1d6=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1721856/)
Standard: Ferocious Smash [roll0] 2 damage and +4 to attack and damage for She on hit.
Move: Shift 1sq back, away from the gate.

2008-09-06, 10:00 AM
The lizardfolk keeps his momentum as he evades the attacks of the Gate, pressing forward to strike another blow and then hastily backtracking once again.

Move Action: Move to I04
Standard Action: Evasive Strike: [roll0] [roll1]
+ Move back to F04 after this attack.
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry: [roll2]

2008-09-06, 06:23 PM

"Damn you..."

Gorthunk deftly steps back from the taunting skull before beginning a brief prayer of restoration.

Shift 1 square back, use Healing Word on Graese, he can use a Healing Surge and recovers [roll0] extra HP in addition

ES Sparky
2008-09-07, 05:21 PM
She-Who-Walks grits her teeth as the vines lash and thrash around. She comes away from the assault unscathed, her own thorns protecting her. She clenches her jaw and steps back, thrusting her spearpoint in a vicious jab - once again aiming for the skull, but happy to strike any blow she might.

Minor: Divine Strength (+1 to attack roll)
Move: Shift to H2
Standard: Enfeebling Strike - Attack & Damage, 22 & 8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1723491/)

2008-09-08, 06:25 PM
Gli'lix leaps back once more drawing a shuriken from his person to send it flying towards the Gate. The Bugbear's motions offset his balance and the throw is a wild one that comes close to hitting Mon but doesn't come even close to hitting the gate. (Miss)

Graese shouts, telling his companions that they might want to take a step back before the next round. He conjures two bolts of force, drawing deep from his reserves to send the twin bolts hurling towards the gates but to no avail, the gate remains unscathed by the Troglodyte's magics. (Miss&Miss)

S'theliss attacks, sending his weapons hurling through the air in an attempt to harm the gate before he takes a step back. Sadly his attack is wide and once more the gate is unscathed by the Claws as it weaves through the air, almost os if the iron construct was mocking them. (Miss)

The Gates heads are fully withdrawn back to the core of the gate where they sway in the air above the claws. Eight grisly heads stare at the claws that stand back, away from the front lines. Suddenly the skull's eyes crackle with power and the air seems to split with a moan as eight arcs of necrotic energy scream through the air, crashing into those who thought to avoid melee with the Gate. Gli'lix, S'theliss, and Graese are all struck by the dark power and both Graese and S'theliss are felled by it and though the Bugbear stands his skin is flayed and his stance is shaky. (Gli'lix, S'theliss, Graese Hit)

Mon yells at the fallen Troglodyte, roaring for the scaled creature to get its pathetic arse up. Graese see's only darkness but Mon's words call him back from the edge of death, giving him the courage, and perhaps the incentive to rise to his feet and fight once more.

Gorthunk curses the gate even as he takes a reluctant step back. He turns to see what has befallen his comrades and whispers a prayer to any god who would answer to see the Troglodyte fit enough so that his next attack will hit, and though his prayer strengthens Graese it is a moment later that the Orc see's his companion S'theliss laying on the floor, bleeding.

She-Who-Walks grits her teeth and thrusts her spear forward where it slams into one of the hovering skulls, shattering it with the force of her blow. Suddenly the vine, now without it's head, begins to convulse and flail, causing the Harpy to be weary as she takes a step back. (Hit)

18 Gli'lix
17 Graese
13 S'theliss
12 Gate
11 Mon Nailgrinder
10 Gorthunk Facesmasher
05 She-Who-Walks

Battle Grid

01| | | | | | | |O| |g|
02| | | | | | | |H| |g|
03| | |T| | | | |G| |g|
04| | | | | |L|B| | |g|

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher

g= gate

Current HP
Graese: 24/25
Mon Nailgrinder: 19/28
She-Who-Walks: 23/27
Gorthunk Facesmasher: 21/28
S'theliss: -2/29
Gli'lix: 6/24

2008-09-08, 07:14 PM

Rising from where he fell, Graese looks very angry now. "I will not rest until I HIT SOMETHING!"

Move: Stand up from prone
Standard: Acid Arrow
attack: [roll0] vs reflex
damage [roll1] acid damage and ongoing 5 acid (save ends)
Miss: 1/2 damage, ongoing 2 damage (save ends)
Using Orb of imposition- gate takes a -1 penalty to saves.

Seriously, Graese has been dead weight on this trip...

edit: that's better. Almost rolled max damage too :smallbiggrin:
edit 2: @Stupnik- Since Gli'lix is still ahead of me in initiative, I would recommend against ending your turn adjacent to that gate. But I'm sure you know this.

2008-09-08, 08:54 PM

Gorthunk shifts his attention to the downed S'theliss, muttering another prayer to the Powers That Be for aid.

Second and final use of Healing Word for the encounter; S'theliss can spend a healing surge and regains an extra [roll0] hp.

2008-09-09, 03:46 AM
S'theliss stands groggily under the influence of prayer. Shaking his head from side to side, tongue flickering out the lick the deep little cuts around his neck, the lizardfolk fights to deaden the pain coursing through him.

Move Action to stand.
Standard Action: Second Wind [On 28/29 HP, have used 6/7 healing surges]

2008-09-09, 05:48 AM
((Read spoilers!))

I'm an idiot! I totally forgot about Healer's Lore >.<; those of you who I'm healing should be adding +3 to the healing you gain from me since its supposed to add my wisdom mod. Very sorry for forgetting that. >.<

2008-09-09, 09:40 AM

Knowing he is in trouble Gli'lix shifts forwards 1 square, as they was closer to death, but farther from harm as far as he was concerned, as he has only been hit when he moved farther away. Pulling out his waterskin, Gli'lix takes a quick drink and washes the grime and blood from his eyes. Directing his glare on the gate he begins to plot what he is going to do next.

shift forward, and then second wind.
12/24 hp, +2 all defenses this round.

2008-09-09, 10:40 AM
Mon gives a tusky grin as attacks land on the gate and one of the skulls shatter with his set-up. He moves back into melee with the gate and hits another with his flail, sending it toward She's spearhead.

Move: Shift to I-3.
Standard: Ferocious Smash [roll0] 2 damage and +4 to attack and damage for She on hit.
Minor OOC: /gulp at leaders being out of words.

ES Sparky
2008-09-10, 02:36 PM
She-Who-Walks shrieks in triumph at the well-placed strike. Her wing stubs flare and shake and she narrows her eyes to strike again.

Minor: Divine Challenge (A skull)
Move: None
Standard: Enfeebling Strike - Attack & Damage, 15 & 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1726525/), 11 damage if Mon hits.

2008-09-10, 06:37 PM
Gli'lix steps forward, drawing his water skin to wash the blood out of his eyes as he does so. The Bugbear takes a moment to catch his breath, feeling his muscled relax and his mind calm as he ponders what to do next.

Graese stands and grits his teeth, looking at the swaying gate that seemed to so easily have felled the Troglodyte. He holds his hand high, calling on both his arcane knowledge and well as his personal might to conjure forth a missile of pure acid. Graese holds the ball before him with the power of his concentration as he watches the gate. Finally, after a long moment Graese unleashes his magic upon the gate and the acid arrow strikes true. Immediately the iron struck by the missile begins to melt and dissolve and an acrid smell fills the air. The gate writhes like a living thing, thrashing to and fro in a vain attempt to rid itself of the acid though the flailing only ends as one of the seven remaining skulls falls to the ground with a soft thunk, the necrotic energy gone from it. (A hit, a Glorious hit!)

S'theliss lays on the ground, his blood covered form twitching. (Failed Save vs Death)

The Gate flails, still reeling from Graese's attack and it's own attacks suffer for it. Its vines flail out, blinding seeking the flesh of the claws but finding naught but air. The gate shrieks in frustration and its vines coil inward, drawn back to the core of the gate which you cannot fully see.

Mon Nailgrinder grins as he brings his flail up once again and sheer dark delight is etched upon his face as his flail connects, sending yet another skull careening towards She-Who-Walks.

Gorthunk Facesmasher bathes S'theliss in healing light and the Lizardfolk stirs though his vision swims as the effects of near death are still upon him. Gorrthunk turns to once again face the gate as S'theliss stands, catching his breath and getting his bearings before he can once more take action.

She finds another of the necrotic skulls spinning in her direction courtesy of Mon and once more She raises her spear to pierce it. The spear shatters through the skull and for a moment necrotic energy races down the sheath of her weapon, threatening to overcome the Harpy before it dissipates to nothing. Three of the skulls are no gone though five remain and she hefts her spear as she looks for her next target, all to smug with the idea that she has destroyed the majority so far.

18 Gli'lix
17 Graese
13 S'theliss
12 Gate
11 Mon Nailgrinder
10 Gorthunk Facesmasher
05 She-Who-Walks

Battle Grid

01| | | | | | | |O| |g|
02| | | | | | | |H| |g|
03| | |T| | | | | |G|g|
04| | | | | |L| |B| |g|

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher

g= gate

Current HP
Graese: 24/25
Mon Nailgrinder: 19/28
She-Who-Walks: 23/27
Gorthunk Facesmasher: 21/28
S'theliss: 28/29
Gli'lix: 12/24

2008-09-11, 08:49 AM

Graese almost jumps in delight as the splash of acid hits the gate, causing the vines to flail wildly. Regaining his composure, he points his finger at the gate and shoots a red ray at it.

Standard: Ray of Enfeeblement
attack : [roll0] vs Fort
Damage: [roll1] necrotic damage and the target is weakened until the end of my next turn.

2008-09-11, 11:15 AM

Moving in for the strike, Gli'lix takes his rapier back into his main hand, and lashes out at the gate.

Deft Strike
shift to I4
shift to H4

2008-09-11, 12:36 PM
Another skull shattered to pieces. The sound of bone shards clinking against the ground is a musical to Mon, of triumph and malice. Another skull is in view and Mon gives it a heavy thud with his flail, once again sending it to She for another note in the symphony.

Ferocious SMASH! [roll0] 2 damage and a +4 to attack and damage for She on hit.

Spam, spam, spam; the good assist move.
Do it enough; it spells their doom.
Broken bones; and fractured skulls.
With no brain; he cannot mull.

2008-09-11, 02:05 PM
S'theliss runs in, swords aloft, screaming his pain and frustration.

I4; Twin Strike: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]; Hunter's Quarry: [roll4]

ES Sparky
2008-09-13, 01:40 AM
She-Who-Walks' eyes light with the fervor of her battle fury. She draws back and with another bone-shivering warcry, the harpy shrieks and strikes again.

Minor: Divine Challenge
Movement: None
Standard: Enfeebling Strike attack and damage, 10 and 6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1729480/)

2008-09-15, 03:42 PM

Sorry for being gone >.< my interweb died! I'm back now!

Seeing the gate remain standing, Gorthunk draws on his deepest and most primal of strengths, roaring defiance and then lunging forward, striking with all his might.

Using racial Encounter Power Warrior's Surge.

Strength vs AC: [roll0] if Hit, [roll1] and I can (and will) spend a healing surge

2008-09-16, 03:37 PM
Gli'lix grabs the rapier at his side, once more bringing the over-large weapon to bear upon the gate. He shifts forward, easily dodging the flailing vines as he wedges the point of his rapier into the iron of the gate and pushes with all his might. The rapier manages to pierce the iron and for a moment the vine begins to 'bleed' necrotic energy before the gate withdraws it, folding the wounded vine back into itself.

Graese, still drunk on the glory his last hit brought, raises his hands and with a quick gesture and a word of power his hands become shrouded in crimson energy. The Troglodyte wills the energy forward and it springs forth like a living thing, seeking to weaken the energies of the dread Gate. The ray slams into the Gate, the hallway glowing an eerie red for a brief moment due to the impact and once the light fades it appears that the ray did little to no damage, but by the way the vines droop and sluggishly move, the ray's other goal seemed to have succeeded.

S'theliss rushes forward, shouldering the Bugbear out of the way as he raises his twin longswords. The Lizardfolk roars a challenge at the iron gate and hurls his great bulk forward, crashing into the Gate even as he brings his swords down, unable to miss such a bold attack. S'theliss' swords cleave through the vines they strike, leaving them to fall, motionless to the ground at his feet.

The Gate brings its vines inward, coiling them around each other until the gate appears to be nothing more than a coiled knot of iron. Suddenly necrotic energy begins to crackle around the knotted vines, growing more and more frequent as the vines get tighter and tighter. Suddenly an eerie, disconnected voice echo's through the hall, as if your ears hear the voice an instant after your mind does. "I will never surrender my aide." the voice says and with those words the necrotic power of the gate begins to grow, the vines now glowing with the radiance of the power flowing through them.

Mon, caught up in the act of playing a morbid gang of tag with the Harpy, swings his flail at the knotted vines of the gate. The flail hits, loosening a knotted section just wide enough for the Harpy to get her spear through.

Gorthunk surges forword with the ferocity his kind are known for. He raises his weapon and attempts to bring it down upon the knotted vines but his strike is turned aside, the failure of the blow seems to make the Orc deflate for a moment before he hefts his weapon, ready to continue the fight.

She's eyes are alight in holy wrath as she lunges forward, attempting to slip her spear through the opening that Mon created. Sadly the blow falls short an instant before the knots close the opening once more leaving the skulls of the gate protected as they gather necrotic power.

18 Gli'lix
17 Graese
13 S'theliss
12 Gate
11 Mon Nailgrinder
10 Gorthunk Facesmasher
05 She-Who-Walks

Battle Grid

01| | | | | | | | |O|g|
02| | | | | | | |H| |g|
03| | |T| | | | | |G|g|
04| | | | | | | |B|L|g|

B= Gli'lix.
H= She Who Walks
T= Graese
L= S'theliss
G= Mon Nailgrinder
O= Gorthunk Facesmasher

g= gate

Current HP
Graese: 24/25
Mon Nailgrinder: 19/28
She-Who-Walks: 23/27
Gorthunk Facesmasher: 21/28
S'theliss: 28/29
Gli'lix: 12/24

2008-09-17, 03:49 PM
Mon is disappointed by the harpy no causing any harm, so he instead sends the next vine-cluster he hits to S'theliss.
You won't need to surrender, we'll beat the aide out of you! Mon screams at the skulls in the gate as he hefts his flail once again.
Ferocious Smash [roll0] 2 damage and +4 to attack and damage to S'theliss on hit. (Next turn, since I'm after you in initiative.)

2008-09-17, 05:10 PM

With his most powerful spells gone, Graese goes back to firing off magic missiles.

Standard: Magic Missile
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

ES Sparky
2008-09-21, 05:59 PM
She makes a menacing sound in her throat and stabs again at the gate, her frustration finding release in the thrust of her spear and her warcry.

Minor: Divine Challenge (Skull)
Move: None
Standard: Enfeebling Strike, attack & damage: 11 & 8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1739617/)

2008-09-22, 07:22 AM

Gorthunk steadies himself after his last blow went wild, waiting for just the right moment before attempting to land a deadly precise blow laced with divine power.

Gorthunk uses Righteous Brand

Strength vs AC; [roll0] Damage [roll1]

If hit, Sharikov gains +3 to hit with melee attacks until the end of my next turn.

2008-09-22, 09:28 AM

Striking again out at the gate Gli'lix moves in and then back out.

Deft Strike
shift to I2
shift to H1

ES Sparky
2008-10-10, 03:36 PM
She-Who-Walks screeches at the futility of their attacks. At the gate. At the shaman. At her failures. Melora's wrath flows through her like a waterfall.