View Full Version : The Return of Shadow, D&D 3.5 homebrew

2008-07-21, 11:32 PM
Please note:

Baron Von Mod: Hello peeps, in the interest of house keeping can we have a go at starting new threads when the current one gets to around 50 pages please?

PS That's by the default view of 30 posts per page (~1500 replies)

Out of character chat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4582913#post4582913)

From the far frozen north, with the Burning Forest and Barbarian lands; the south, where desert nomads roam, fending off Wyrm attacks and raiders; the west where Kaslan and Door naval ships clash on the open sea and play hide and seek in the collection of razor sharp rocks known as the Maze. But even in the heartland, the old Kingdom of Ragnarok, or rather what’s left of it, a massive incohesive stretch of land ruled by any who can take over. But even amidst all this chaos, there are a few bright points; the nation of Ibiern to the south west with their new ways of thinking and advancing technology; Bastion of the North, the great walled city of Tanton that has stood for more than a thousand years; and the Illion Woods, home to the largest known settlement of High elves.

Once, in millennia past, there was more to the known lands, where the Maze is, once there was land stretching down to the far south. The Sundered coast was once a great inland plateau, and the Broken isle was a paradise.
But that time has past, the land is broken and has recovered. After the Dark Time, a two thousand year stretch when there were no real kings or lords or laws but that which were made by the strongest, came the Kingdom of Ragnarok. The high king united all the warring human tribes under one banner. And for a millennia there was relative piece. Then the Kaslans attacked. They invaded killing and purging the land of all they deemed ‘unworthy’. That was the first of three Kaslan invasions over the next thousand years. The second invasion, combined with the death of the high king and a massive orc horde that year caused the fall of Ragnarok Castle and then the Kingdom itself.

NOTE: yes, I know there is a city called Cliffport in the order of the stick. In my defense, I named the city that about ten years ago. so i had it first.
Besides, what else would you call a city that has a port and is built into a cliff?

This is the area that encompasses everything from the Southwall mountains in the north, to the Devide, a massive mountain range, even impassable to flying creatures.
Wellspring wood
here on the north the gigans clash with giants and beasts, to the south is the Shadow road where only the bravest go across the mountains to the Waste and the death that awaits in the sands there.
The east is guarded by one of the oldest raysarine (wood elf) forests, beyond that the Vialene Empire. Effectively cut off from the outside these people have their own ways and standards, often at odds with the outside.
Notes: warm climate, sub-jungle forests
The Old Kingdoms
The remains of a once great nation this place is now ruled by every manor of lord or lords. Great forests and rivers are found here among ruined aqueducts and towers holding lost tomes.
This is the most vast region on maps, its wild politics and natural dangers make it hard to map, or rather, keep map makers alive long enough to do their job. A thousand leagues stretching from the center, it is bordered on the north by Tanton, the south by wild lands and the southwall moutains. The east is covered by endless ocean, and the west, the broken coast and the maze, an impassable maze of rocky shoals that ships avoid.
Notes: Cooler, north American climate
Nothing is known of this old Raysarine forest, except that one does not enter if they wish to keep their sanity.
Vialene Empire
Only a few hundred years old it was founded by Nappile Vialene, who, not mincing words, was a conqueror, a millitary genius. But others have tried to form realms here in the wild country but failed, how did he succeed?
His other talent, finding those who were good at their jobs and letting them do it. From the outpost of Markest, the port of Cliffport and the capital named for the founder, Vialene, there comes a iron, yet velvet covered, fist of the emperor.
The citizens are proud and enjoy the prosperity and safety the Empire brings, so what if they raise a statue or two of the emperor in the town square? Besides, our ruler can kick your rulers ass.
Calvite Vialene(cal-veet vIa-lean), the grandson of Nappile, is just as devious, and intelligent as his ancestor, and is quite willing to let the regional magisters, and judges decide the law in their steadings. And in the captial, the Imperial Council provides guidance to the other leaders and maintain the day to day running of the empire.
In the last few years, Calvite has brokered deals with Tanton, the Iberians, and the dwarves of Undercliff(a city under Cliffport) for trade and support.
As of now he has had his eyes on the scattered Old Kingdoms, the divided land is a good prize, and the various lords that rule top their whims refuse to unite, except against the Empire.

The town of Bit is a bustling bubble of activity, it is spring and the rains have stopped . Hunters from the mountains and farmers from the plains have come to trade with the caravans and each other.
This place is normally peaceful, needing only a few guards but during the spring and summer months the need for enforcers greatly expands.
Caravans from the north and west arrive and begin trade with the dwarven carts that show up full of metals and gems from the Iron Hills.
The people this trade brings are varied, Humans, Dwarves, a few Elves, Even the odd Gigan and Hobgoblin are seen. Most of theses are guards the caravan master’s hire under tight contracts to guard their wares. And such wares they are, spices form the south, worked metal goods, armors and weapons, from the Empire and every manor of trinket from the Old Kingdoms.
All this color is intermixed, here at the crossroads of the mountains, plains and forests, the town of Bit stands.
It is a medium size town now with the sudden influx of caravans, too many people for the high stockade walls of hewn timbers to hold so the caravans have set up stalls outside the city.

'Tormod' Rostfrei:
As you are sitting in your room, after a good day working the streets there is a knock at your door. If you look out the small peep hole in the door you see a young human boy, no more than a dozen summers of age on him. His clothes are plain, but well made, the pocketed vest he wears bears the symbol of Pelor, a god of the sun and healing.
“Sir,” he says if you speak or open the door, “I have a note here for a mister Rostfrei.”
The boy will accept payment if you offer it, but will not tarry long after giving you the note.
In a neat precise style the note says simply:
Dear sir, my name is Rufus Tageret, I am a cleric at the temple of Pelor near the center of town, and have been asked by an injured party to invite capable individuals here to speak of employment. If you are interested, then come to the temple today at midday, further information will then be forthcoming.

"Tim" Arthurson:
You sit in the, well, rather comfortable cell made from thick reenforced timber. Your equipment was taken, but the guards while brusque , weren’t overly forceful. Its been nearly a day now, it's morning and you’ve been fed, rather well. Well, it was just as good as the food at the inn where you were staying, but this meal didn’t cost 3 pieces of copper.
As you sit there, the rays of the morning sun shining in, you hear the scrape of boots on the earthen floor and one of the guards from the previous day enters the holding area, holding the heavy door open for someone.
http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/4089/morgreaaatel4.th.jpg (http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=morgreaaatel4.jpg)
As she steps through the threshold, you see she is a high elf, and carries herself with the grace of that species. Her clothing, while rugged and unadorned, is fine and tailored to her slim frame. She nods at the guard who vacates the room, leaving you alone with her, she approaches, her sizing gaze washing over you.

2008-07-22, 07:37 PM

Resting with his head tilted back to look to the ceiling the knock at his door causes him to sit forward abruptly and jostle the stacks of coin upon the table in front of him. A single silver coin falls from a stack to land upon its side and though it wobbles it manages to roll towards the edge. It begins to fall but the eccentric man catches it in midair before he stands with a sigh. When he approaches the door his left hand crackles with a sickly green light but it fades as he looks through and finds merely a boy. The eldritch might fades and he reaches for the latch to then open the door and gaze down upon the child. Taking the note he flicks the boy the coin that was in his hand, "Be very careful with that. I once heard there was a silver explosion and you never know when it might happen again." He watches the child wander off before he speaks a single terrible word and the silver piece disintegrates in the child's hand with a surge of eldritch energy.

He mutters to himself just loud enough for the child to hear if he tries, "Kids these days, they never listen." He closes the door and moves to read it with no abundant amount of excitement and his mood only worsens as he reads, People, always wanting something, especially the gorram priests. He sighs and begins collecting his things, putting away coins, and making sure he has left nothing behind. If he has any time he'd much rather attempt to earn some gink before meeting this Rufus but that would require seeing how the crowds looked this morning. As yet, he decided to head down to see what might be found for some grub to break his fast through the night, but before he leaves the room he makes a few hand gestures and a sickly green light passes over his body.

Bluff if needed on the kid: [roll0]
Fort save by the kid vs a DC 16 or be Dazed for 1 round and deafened for 1 minute. Save negates.
Invoking See the Unseen and Spiderwalk
24 hour duration on both. Gain Spider Climbing (as the spell), immunity to webs of all sorts, See Invisibility (as the spell), and Darkvision 60ft.

2008-07-22, 09:24 PM
Tim sits leaning against the wall with his hands behind his head. I suppose this is one way to get a free meal or two...but I'd rather not do this again. As he looks toward the cell door, he sees the high elf. He smiles thinks Well, this is a nice change from the usual riff raff around here, but he decides not to speak the thought.

Wondering why she's at his cell, he asks
"Hello milady. So, what is a lovely vision such as yourself doing by visiting a lowly inmate such as I?"

2008-07-23, 04:26 PM
As you watch the boy retreat, you see him stumble and catch himself on the wall then shake his head and cover his ears. He looks at the small pile of ash in his hand that was once a silver piece and look back at your room, eyes wide.
The last you see him he’s running at full speed down the hall and out the door.
The food available is standard fare, warmed thick stew with yesterdays bread and a warmed mead to wash it down. There is just a single server who will bring your food, and leave well enough alone unless complaints are forthcoming.

“As you are not from here, you have no idea of our methods. We have no real law, or judge, no methods for punishment.” she pauses a moment, considering, “You a are capable fighter and came alone, without a caravan. You came to the market and had a confrontation with Varon. In this fight you managed to avoid harm to yourself, and didn’t kill Voron, although witnesses say you likely could have.” She pauses again, and moves to where a bar across the door to the cell keeps those inside from exiting.
“The same witnesses who say Varon started the fight and you were defending yourself.”
With a sound that resounds in the small room the latch is disengaged and the door to the cell slides open.
“However,” continues the woman, “when you shot fire from your hands, you ruined a cart of goods and while Varon has paid for the cost of the items, if you plan on staying in Bit it would be good form if you paid for the lost time.”

2008-07-23, 05:05 PM
Pay for the time? What does she mean?. Tim thinks for a moment and gets up. He slowly approaches, making sure to show he has no intention in trying to escape. "Indeed those witnesses are correct in that I was defending myself. I am regretful for being a bit reckless and ruining that cart. I've not been much on good form or tradition, however, I do agree that I should pay for it in someway. What would you have me do, miladay?

2008-07-23, 05:42 PM
Pay for the time? What does she mean?. Tim thinks for a moment and gets up. He slowly approaches, making sure to show he has no intention in trying to escape. "Indeed those witnesses are correct in that I was defending myself. I am regretful for being a bit reckless and ruining that cart. I've not been much on good form or tradition, however, I do agree that I should pay for it in someway. What would you have me do, miladay?

“The value of the items lost was two silver pieces and the owner was unable to sell for the rest of the day, amount of restitution is up to you, if that your wish.”She moves away from the cell door and motions to the outer door for you to follow. “Your equipment is through here. And after you retrieve it, I wonder if you would take a glass of wine with me? As to your other question, I have an ulterior motive for being here and this is not the surrounding for discussions of business.”

2008-07-23, 08:53 PM

Tormod chuckles to himself as he gathers the last of his things and heads down to breakfast. Despite having an endless supply of food for himself he find a true meal and the time to think a welcome experience. He orders for himself the basic fare and while he eats he shuffles through halves of pages that look as though they might be scrolls if not for their weathered texture. If anyone seems to be taking a look he will shuffle them under a scroll of an actual spell that is entirely normal, a light healing spell written in elven script. Once he finished his meal he'd head out to see what kind of crowd was out and about for the morning. He didn't expect many to be around as yet or rather, he expected most to be more concerned with their own business.

2008-07-23, 09:12 PM
Curious about this motive, never turning down a free drink, Tim responds "It would be my honor."

He walks over to where his equipment would be, collecting and equipping his possessions.

2008-07-24, 12:10 AM
Curious about this motive, never turning down a free drink, Tim responds "It would be my honor."

He walks over to where his equipment would be, collecting and equipping his possessions.

After you get your things and start walking out of the small log hewn building towards a long-house with the sign that says ‘Brindle Brier’ over its door. A tavern from its look, though its size indicates that it does not rent rooms.As you walk she continues, “My name is Sajia, I have no title but I am a protector of this town.”As you take a seat at a corner table, the matron comes to takes your order, but already has a small flute of wine for Sajia.

“Mister Arthurson, I know as yet you may not have a good impression of our town, but I would like to ask of you a favor. You see several weeks ago a large group of dwarves came into our region, the built a small earthen battlement out of a hill, a quarter mile from town. A dwarf appeared and went not to their ‘hill’, but here, half dead and weak to the temple of Pelor and has been there since. None of his kin have attempted to see him and he has refused to see anyone else. But early this morning he put out word that he was hiring mercenaries. What he doesn’t know though is that at this time of year, when the caravans are readying to leave all the guards and mercenary types have already signed on with someone. Right now Arthurson you have a very rare commodity, fighting skill that is not under contract.”She pauses and takes a sip of her wine.
“While the dwarves of the Iron Hills are our allies, they are most, introspective, allies, and don’t share their intentions with outsiders. So we have no idea why a formation of fully armed dwarves have carved up our countryside, and why they have sent scouting parties into the Southwall mountains, towards the Vale. They seem to be searching for something.”
She takes another sip.
“What I would like for you to do, is when, quite soon, when a young page in the colors of Pelor approaches you with a message you accept and meet with the dwarf in the temple, and find out what him and his kin are doing marching allover the mountainsides stirring up every beast from here to the Waste. I will of course, pay you for this information.”She looks at you holding the wine glass in her hand.

2008-07-24, 09:57 AM
Addressing the matron Tim responds I'll have what she's having.

Turning toward Sajia he thinks Hmm, asking me to spy on supposed allies? Then again, what kind of ally tears up another ally's land?. Now resolved, Tim looks at Sajia and says Well, Sajia, we can't very well have allies of yours tearing up your countryside without good cause. I will accept the invitation and find out what I can.

2008-07-24, 02:35 PM

Standing outside the inn where he was staying he looked about to see what sort of people were about. If no one looked too receptive to potential street acts of juggling and minor legerdemain he'd simply move on and head to the temple.

(I don't know what sort of check would be needed, if any. For a spot check he'd just basically be passively scanning any outside for an effective take-10 on spot. Maybe a Sense Motive [+3 mod] or something?)

2008-07-24, 06:22 PM

Standing outside the inn where he was staying he looked about to see what sort of people were about. If no one looked too receptive to potential street acts of juggling and minor legerdemain he'd simply move on and head to the temple.

(I don't know what sort of check would be needed, if any. For a spot check he'd just basically be passively scanning any outside for an effective take-10 on spot. Maybe a Sense Motive [+3 mod] or something?)

A simple awarness roll is fine. but teh city is packed right now, almost anywhere is a good spot for street performance.
do a Perform check with a synergy bonus from slight of hand. useing any spell-like abilitys will aid this.

2008-07-24, 06:33 PM
Mrogg Tern:
As a Gigan, you tend to be able to make your own terms for contracts. So, unlike most of the guards in the caravan your service ended when you arrived in Bit. As you sit and sip from your oversized ale mug, a young boy comes up to you. His clothes are plain, but well made, the pocketed vest he wears bears the symbol of Pelor, a god of the sun and healing. You note that his right hand is covered in what looks like soot and is holding a folded paper out to you.
“S-sir,” he says in a shaky voice coming up to your table, “I-I have a note here for you.”The boy will refuse payment, even if you offer it, and will not tarry long after giving you the note.

In a neat precise style the note says simply:
Dear sir, my name is Rufus Tageret, I am a cleric at the temple of Pelor near the center of town, and have been asked by an injured party to invite capable individuals here to speak of employment. If you are interested, then come to the temple today at midday, further information will then be forthcoming.

2008-07-24, 10:40 PM

Surveying the crowd he lays his pack on the ground with the flap open, an inviting but not pressing way of offering a place to place any coin for his show. He makes sure to not be an obnoxious obstruction to traffic and makes a grand gesture as he addresses the people of Bit, "Just a mere moment of your time, good citizens. A moment of entertainment so that perhaps I might earn my bread and bring joy to a few faces." He begins with a few feats of juggling and minor tricks such as pulling a copper from behind a child's ear but swiftly moves into tumbling and even running at the wall of the inn and running up the side, aided through the use of spiderwalk, whereby he leaps off after a certain distance as to not be unbelievable but merely amazing in a fanciful flip to land in a shatter of stone and a rumble of the earth itself. Streamers of pale green light spiral up from his body into the sky and disperse in a shower of what would otherwise seem to be fairy dust.

Sleight of Hand (Performance): [roll0]
Spiderclimb for a flip, Athletics? [roll1]
Baleful Utterance for an ominous sound on the landing and to make his landing seem more XTREME! XD
Eldritch Blasts into the sky to simulate fireworks at the end?

2008-07-26, 04:45 AM
"Thankyou," I say upon recieving the note. I offer the boy payment, and am taken aback by his refusal. Poor boy, I wonder what happened to him? Finishing my ale, I pay whatever money is owed to the barman, and ask what he knows about Rufus Tageret, the cleric who sent me the note. Afterwards, I head out into the streets and amble towards the temple, looking forward to the prospect of employment, and wonering what the job could be.

2008-07-26, 09:55 AM
"Thankyou," I say upon receiving the note. I offer the boy payment, and am taken aback by his refusal. Poor boy, I wonder what happened to him? Finishing my ale, I pay whatever money is owed to the barman, and ask what he knows about Rufus Tageret, the cleric who sent me the note. Afterwards, I head out into the streets and amble towards the temple, looking forward to the prospect of employment, and wondering what the job could be.

The barman says he’s only been here a few days, he took the bar over from his late brother. He knows nothing of Rufus Tageret.

2008-07-26, 09:57 AM

The crowds are relatively light but you attract the attention of a caravan master and he tosses a handful of coins in before moving on.
You earn: 1sp 5cp
not bad for barely three hours work

gonna be at work for the next couple of days. so there will be lack of posts from me

2008-07-26, 11:20 AM
Izu viselle

You are startled from your action as there is a loud rapping at your shop door, if you glance out the window it’s Sajia, the council leader Erivans sister, a respected leader around the city and known as a fair judge. While she has no actual ‘rank’, no one in this town really did but she hired the extra guards every year around this time and decided punishments for their detainees, among other things. With here you see a wiry man of medium height and build, his ragged brown hair looking unkempt. His equipment give him away as a warrior of some sort, a long sword, and small shield on his back.
“Izu,” calls out Sajia, “I have an opportunity that you may be interested in, may we enter?”

If you allow them to enter you are introduced to Tim Arthurson (kladams707)

2008-07-26, 03:15 PM
Izu Viselle

Bad... Good... Fresh... Bad.. Bad... Good... Ugh, this is rotten!

Izu lets his mind wander as he sorts the pile of featherfronds into those still usable and those that should be thrown out. The repetitive routine is soothing and familiar, and was neglected for too long. With fingertips, Izu picks up a slimy tangled clump, and sighs wearily as he drops it into a cracked flask marked for destruction. He had been busy at the shop since noon a day ago, looking over the wares, recording inventory, and sorting perishables; readying the shop - left untouched since his parents' recent passing - to reopen its doors.

The knocking catches him by surprise. Startled, Izu looks up from the counter, one hand still sorting the mound of dark green as the other hand comes up to scrub at his eyes. He blinks wearily and looks out the window. Oh, the sun rose already, he thinks blearily before focusing on his visitors. "Oh!" he exclaims and he quickly jumps off his stool. Hurrying to the door, he opens it and waves the guests in. "Be welcome in my shop," he greets them. "Well, my shop until sundown this day, that is," he corrects himself with a wry look.

He continues talking as he shows them inside and brushes off two stools and offering it to them. "Please excuse the mess. I've been trying to get everything ready for Mister Jacobsen tomorrow. He said he wanted to open the shop right away, but I don't think he should do the cleaning and lifting with his leg half-healed, so I'm trying to get it all done this day. I realize he was a cavern guard and his body's very tough, but wounds don't mend that quickly!" He looks frustrated as he rummages behind the counter. "Please excuse my lack of hospitality. Unfortunately I don't have refreshments available. If you have time," he looks at Sajia, "I can boil water for tea. Or I have water..." he trails off uncertainly. If Sajia indicates she has time, Izu starts preparing tea; otherwise, he serves water.

After Sajia's introduction, Izu turns to Tim. "Hello Mister Arthurson, I'm pleased to meet you. Please be welcome in our town."

Details: Sajia
[OOC: Ajax, I hope you don't mind me populating your world's flora with stuff I randomly make up]

2008-07-26, 06:00 PM
I look for the temple so that I know where it is. I take my lunch at a decent looking tavern in the area, and patiently wait for midday to come around making polite conversation with those around me. At noon, I go to the temple and ask after the cleric who sent me the note.

2008-07-26, 06:54 PM

With eldritch light fading from his fingertips and the fatigue of pouring his all into his little show he slowly stands. He turns just in time to notice the caravan master drop in a token of appreciation and Tormod responds with a nod and a partial bow, "Your generosity knows no bounds, m'lord." He waits for the crowd to fully disperse, masking his wait for more coin with a series of stretches, though in all honesty they would help to loosen him up after that performance and keep away the strain it would have otherwise caused him. Finally stretching his back and throwing his arms wide in a yawn he is ready to go. He scoops up his bag and closes the flap before heading off to find this Rufus fellow.

2008-07-26, 11:36 PM
Izu Viselle
[OOC: Ajax, I hope you don't mind me populating your world's flora with stuff I randomly make up]

its fine

Details: Sajia
http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/4089/morgreaaatel4.th.jpg (http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=morgreaaatel4.jpg)
Sajia Lachois (Sa-schia la-Shoi)
High Elf
Mostly quiet, she seems to have no ambition for leadership, leaving that to her brother. However, she is known to a capable warrior, employing a unique weapon, her belt; it composed of a fine mithril chain to which is attached an weight of adamantine. Some think she is a cleric, others a sorcerer, those who practice such things know this is not true, there is nothing arcane or divine about her.
OOC: she’s a dragon shaman a’la twist, instead of a dragon her patron is an Air elemental.

2008-07-27, 12:08 AM
Tim looks at Izu and smiles in greeting.
Thank you. I was in a small row earlier, but other than that, it seems to be nice. I didn't catch your name Mr..."

2008-07-27, 01:35 AM
Tim looks at Izu and smiles in greeting.
Thank you. I was in a small row earlier, but other than that, it seems to be nice. I didn't catch your name Mr..."

OK, some how a post didn't make it. but my saving of everything to WordPad pays off in the end.

kladams707 this was supposed to be my last post for you:

Turning toward Sajia he thinks Hmm, asking me to spy on supposed allies? Then again, what kind of ally tears up another ally's land?. Now resolved, Tim looks at Sajia and says Well, Sajia, we can't very well have allies of yours tearing up your countryside without good cause. I will accept the invitation and find out what I can.

“Thank you Arthurson.” she smiles, “It’s been hard, keeping track of allies who don’t like to talk to you but I make do. When you need to contact me, I can be found here.” she finishes pointing her hand around the tavern.
Fo a moment there is silence and she hesitates before continuing, “There is one other thing. There is someone else who has not been contacted by the priest. His parents recently died and I think this will be the proper distraction for him, a little adventure if you will. “After we finish our drinks, I can introduce you.” she finishes paying for the wine.

After the afore mentioned she leads you outside and through the streets, the small crowds beginning to grow and sellers hawk their wares and street performers practice their art. She takes you to a small shop, the weathered sign labeling it ‘apothecary’ and knocks on the wooden door.

2008-07-27, 01:42 AM
After full introductions (Tim & Izu) : Sajia asks, “Normally I would accept a drink but I have just had my morning wine, I shall pass. I brung mister Arthurson here because he has just accepted a job, and I had hoped that you Izu would consent to go along with him. I would be chance to get away from town, even make a friend and some coin."

After a moment she moves back closer to the door, and glances out.
“Well, gentleman, I have other matters to attend and your messenger is approaching. He will have the time and place where you can get you details. I will take my leave.”

And if no one says anything she leaves.

2008-07-27, 03:39 AM
Izu Viselle

Tim looks at Izu and smiles in greeting.
Thank you. I was in a small row earlier, but other than that, it seems to be nice. I didn't catch your name Mr..."

"My name is Izu Viselle, but please don't call me Mister Viselle, that's my father." Izu pauses. "Ah, that WAS my father," he corrects himself. He continues in a smaller voice. "Please call me Izu. That's what everyone calls me and I'm used to it."

Izu will not stop Sajia, simply waving goodbye. She's always so busy, this must be important for her to come. I hope I can help.

If Tim doesn't stop Sajia either:
After Sajia leaves Izu turns to Tim, a confused look on his face. "Job? Messenger? Mister Arthurson, I hope she told you more because I don't know what she needs from me. I had planned to leave Bit very soon, within this sevenday in fact, so I'll be ready for travel. But where are we going and why?"

2008-07-27, 11:23 AM
Tim let's Sajia go.

He turns to Izu and responds...

"Apparently there are some dwarves tearing up the countryside. The messenger coming is a page with the colors of pelor. Sajia wants us to accept the message, which is to meet the dwarf in the temple, so we can find out what they are doing."

2008-07-27, 02:03 PM
Izu Viselle

Am not sure what sort of rolls these should be. Feel free to make the correct rolls for me.
Knowledge check about Pelor’s church in Bit. [roll0]
Int check about what Izu knows about the dwarves in the countryside (Know:local?) [roll1]

"So if she wants us to meet this dwarf and find out what’s going on, wouldn’t we just tell her what we found out in the temple? Why would she mention getting away from Bit?" While Izu asks his questions, he pours a mug of water and offers it to Tim before pouring himself another mug. After drinking the water his body lets him know that skipping eveningmeal and morningmeal wasn’t a good idea. I should really eat something but Sajia said a messenger was coming soon. A moment’s thought and he retrieves a small pouch from the back room. After wiping off a reasonably clean area on the counter, he shakes out some dried fruit from the pouch and chews on one as he wordlessly offers some to his guest.

(Kladams: If you want me to just read through your secret spoilers so you don’t have to explain, tell me. Or you could retype. Your choice, I don’t care either way.)

2008-07-27, 05:26 PM
I apologize, I should have explained better, but it sounds like something has happened in the countryside. A half-dead dwarf came into town, nearly dead. He's been staying at the temple and no kin has come for him nor had he spoken to anyone. However, dwarf sent out a page to hire some mercenaries this morning. Sajia said that all of your town's mercenaries are out on other contracts so I've agreed to be hired on so I can find out what they are or were doing.

2008-07-28, 12:58 AM
Izu Viselle

"Oh, I see now! So Sajia wants us to sign up as this dwarf's mercenary and do his bidding and report to her, not just listen to what he has to say?" I wonder how long this interview will take? Which means... I need get this shop cleaned up before the messenger comes!

Izu jumps off his stool and darts around, organizing wide-necked glass bottles of herbs here, pulling out small bottles of tisane there, and hurriedly tidying up the shop in general. Sometimes he takes a container off the shelf and transfers a portion of its contents into a small metal tin, which he packs into one of several boxes stacked behind the counter. A small shelf, also behind the counter, is completely emptied and its contents also packed.

After his rush through the shop, Izu stops and looks around. He stands still for a moment and closes his eyes as he concentrates. He puts one hand on his chest and raises the other, weaving his fingers in the air as he hums a tuneless melody. Several seconds pass. Then he sits down at the counter again and grabs another dried fruit.

"Do you know when this messenger is supposed to come?" he asks Tim anxiously, as he scribbles furiously on parchment.

A broom lifts itself from a hook on the wall, and starts to sweep the floor.

2008-07-28, 04:43 PM
Tim doesn't answer at first, a bit surprised to see the broom sweeping w/o anyone else.

I'm not sure, but I'd imagine fairly soon. Hopefully

2008-07-29, 10:08 AM
Izu Viselle

Izu frowns and his scribblings speed up. The broom, too, seems to sweep a little faster. It sweeps the dirt on the floor to the door and leans itself against the wall. A small dustpan floats over. The broom and dustpan collect the dirt, the front door opens, and the dustpan shakes itself out somewhere outside the door. The door closes. Broom and dustpan floats back to their original positions.

Next a wet rag floats from the back room and starts wiping the shelves.

filler post ahoy!

2008-07-29, 02:05 PM
Izu Viselle
The temple of Pelor caters to the sick and needy, healing any who come regardless of their ways or faith. Rufus Tageret is the ranking priest of three clerics at the temple. (Stereotypical Pelor temple)
Several weeks ago a large group of dwarves came into the region and built a small earthen battlement out of a hill a quarter mile from town. According to rumor there is something going on in the Iron Hills, exactly what is unknown and the subject of conjecture.

Izu, Tim:
There is a tapping on the door, If you look out you see a young human boy, no more than a dozen summers of age on him. His clothes are plain, but well made, the pocketed vest he wears bears the symbol of Pelor, a god of the sun and healing.
“Sir,” he says if you speak or open the door, “Is there a mister Arthurson there, I have a note for him.”

If you open the door the boy will hand Tim a note and quickly leave

In a neat precise style the note says simply:
Dear sir, my name is Rufus Tageret, I am a cleric at the temple of Pelor near the center of town, and have been asked by an injured party to invite capable individuals here to speak of employment. If you are interested, then come to the temple today at midday, further information will then be forthcoming.

sorry for teh slow responce.
to move things along, it is now noon and i will assume you all go to the temple

Located on the east side of town the ‘temple’ of Pelor is rather plain and unimposing, only notable because of its stone construction rather than the usual wood and log buildings found around these parts.
Inside is plain, with simple flag stone floor many windows and a sun ray motif throughout.

As you arrive you see a small crowd milling about, a vendor has set up shop nearby and is selling fresh apples.
Mong the crowd you see the other PC’s.

A seven foot tall gigan with both a greatsword and greatclub over his brestplate armored back; a wiry man of medium height and build, his ragged brown hair looking unkempt. His equipment gives him away as a warrior of some sort, a long sword and small shield on his back. He walks with a man who is of medium height and build with cinnamon hair over eyes redened and sunken from stress.
There is what looks to be an exceptional specimen of noble breeding and upper class social grooming when as you look upon him from a distance. Alluring emerald eyes shine as gems set in a pristine mask of ivory wreathed in lustrous auburn locks of flowing hair. His green eyes are slightly sunken to give the appearance that he has missed more than his fair share of soundly slept nights. His sleeves are sliced to ribbons past the midpoint of the forearm and stained a pinkish hue.

Order of arrival is order of posted response.

When you first enter you see several clerics and petitioners talking, a young boy dressed like the messenger who delivered your note is lighting a row of candles ringed around a large bronze sun statue located on the wall opposite the door.
An older man with a short grey beard and staff marked with the sun symbol of Pelor takes note of your entrance, his gaze noting your dress and manor.
"Ah, you must be the warriors I was told about, I am Rufus Tageret, high preist of Pelor, I will take you to the your prospective employer."

if there are no questions; He leads you the rear of the temple where there is a door leading a hall with several doors lined up on the either side. He knocks one as he opens it an inside is a bed, and laid upon is a dwarf with his broken legs held aloft by a brace. To his right beside the bed is a stand with a suit of platemail hanging from and a large warhamer leaning on the bedside.
The dwarf in the bed is gazing upon a map and looks up as Rufus enters.

"What 'tis it there priest?” he askes.

“I have brung the individuals who responded to my notes master dwarf.”

“Well, bring ‘em in then, I’ll see if’n their fit for workin.”

While the room is small, there is room for all of you to enter although heavy movement is rather restricted.

After you all enter:
“Well, I supose it’ll do. Thank ye Rufus, can ye shut the door on yer way out?”

Rufus nods and leaves.

“Well, yer probably wondering what this is all about, and its quite simple, I need ye to go in the mountains and start up a forge fer me. I would of course be willin to pay fer this service, but I dina exactly have much in the way of gold but have worked goods that ye’d be welcome to.”

He pulls a piece of paper from under the map on his bed and turns it so you all can see, it a list of goods, weapons, armors and what have you.

2008-07-29, 03:59 PM
Izu Viselle

This conversation is before we leave the shop.
After the messenger leaves, Izu turns to Tim. "The note is addressed to you, Tim. It'd look strange if I went too, unless we had a good reason. Would it be all right if I say I'm traveling with you now? Everyone here knows I've been planning to leave Bit so it wouldn't be suspicious."

And Sajia did tell me to "go along with him."

If Tim objects or has another idea, Izu would agree to it.

The shop is cleaned and stocked as well as could be. The rag wrings itself out and lies still. Izu finishes scribbling, rolls up the parchment, and stands up.

"If you'd like to go now, I can show you the way. I grew up in Bit so I know the area well. Or if you want to do something else first, we can go if we hurry."

2008-07-29, 04:37 PM
Before temple:

Sure, that would be fine to say you're traveling w/ me. You can lead the way to the temple

2008-07-29, 05:45 PM
Izu Viselle

I forgot the post Izu’s description earlier so I posted it in the OOC thread.
Izu leads Tim across the bustling town, winding through the streets pedestrians with practiced ease. Along the way, he enthusiastically points out locations: cheap but good diners, smithys of armor and weapons, inns both big and small, anywhere he thinks Tim might be interested in.

Arriving before the temple, Izu looks around and turns to Tim. “I took us through some shortcuts. I knew we’d be the first here!” Inside the building he sees the high priest and waves.

After the dwarf makes his request, Izu prompts for more details. “It’s very difficult to make a decision without more information. Could you be more specific please? For example, where in the mountain will this forge be? How large does the forge need to be? Do you have the forge parts or do we need to cart it into place? Is there a room already prepared or do we have to prepare that as well? What is the time frame for this task?”

- Sorry, should’ve been more specific about the dwarf question. I also wanted to know what Izu would know about this particular injured dwarf.
- Details: dwarf
- Details: plate armor & warhammer
- Details: map (Izu can read common & dwarvish)
- Heal check? Spot? To attempt to learn more about his injury without actually poking & prodding. I assume it’ll be a heavily penalized Heal check as in CAdv 101?
- Sense Motive on dwarf. I don’t know how you want to handle this, I could roll once for the entire conversation or roll for each piece of info. [roll0]

2008-07-29, 08:59 PM
Izu Viselle
- Sorry, should’ve been more specific about the dwarf question. I also wanted to know what Izu would know about this particular injured dwarf.
- Details: dwarf
- Details: plate armor & warhammer
- Details: map (Izu can read common & dwarvish)
- Heal check? Spot? To attempt to learn more about his injury without actually poking & prodding. I assume it’ll be a heavily penalized Heal check as in CAdv 101?
- Sense Motive on dwarf. I don’t know how you want to handle this, I could roll once for the entire conversation or roll for each piece of info. [roll0]

Dwarf is unknown to you. Six days ago a small party of dwarves set out to the south-west, three left, and one was said to have returned.
Armor is dwarven craft fullplate, the runes engraved on it indicate he is an elder son of his clan(IE an heir to the clan leader)
Warhamer is is engraved, it is a hammer of Clouting and Flaming. a common design among dwarves of the iron hills.
The map is of the area, the moutains to the south espicaly, there are large dots on it, most have an 'X' through them. it shows the name of teams, and their search area(s) Stoneforge, Ironweaver, Glorduum are just a few of teh names.(it seems to you the whole of the Iron Hill clans are scouring teh country side)
dwarf is very injured, one leg was smashed and is being regrown.
S.motive: he seem preoccupied with somthing else; something weighs heavily on his mind.

2008-07-30, 01:50 AM
Mrogg keeps silent until the dwarf and Izu have spoken."I am Mrogg Tern. I am willing to help. But I, too have questions. Is there likely to be confrontation? Do you have enemies that may try to prevent the construction of the forge? What monsters, if any, lurk in the area?"

2008-07-30, 05:45 PM

The eccentric nobleman remains mostly quiet as the others question the dwarf but his right eye glimmers almost imperceptibly as the iris shifts to a sickly green instead of the darker hues as would be the norm for the man. The nuances of eldritch energies would become visible to his eyes as both the arcane and divine bled into his normal vision. He was passively searching for means of deception through magic until he decided he would speak.

Spellcraft, if needed: [roll0]

2008-07-30, 08:14 PM
As Mrogg and Izu ask the questions he's mostly thought about, Tim listens, awaiting the dwarf's answer. They've asked most of my questions. If I have one or two that haven't been answered, I'll ask.

2008-07-31, 01:03 AM

The eccentric nobleman remains mostly quiet as the others question the dwarf but his right eye glimmers almost imperceptibly as the iris shifts to a sickly green instead of the darker hues as would be the norm for the man. The nuances of eldritch energies would become visible to his eyes as both the arcane and divine bleed into his normal vision. He was passively searching for means of deception through magic until he decided he would speak.

the only magics you see so far are the ones on his weapon, some from his backpack and armor(evocation, enchantment and abjuration)

2008-07-31, 01:15 AM
“Are ye all daft? Dina ye hear me? I said start up a forge, not construct one. It already there all ye have ta’ do is stoke it up.”
He points to the spot marked on his map with a circle, “Look, here about three days easy walk ther’s a old somthing or the other, sum temple I think. And in the back o’ it ther should be a way into an old city belongin to my folk. Tarruk it be known as, and in side there is a forge of the same name-” He pauses suddenly here, “Look, ther’ll be fightin most likely, and danger from the mountain, its been unguarded fer ten generations. All ye have ta’ do is go in and place a item I’ll give ye in the forge and it’ll start. if ye do this I can pay ye well.”

S. motive: you are very sure he is holding something back, like he is uncomfortable talking further.

2008-07-31, 02:14 AM
"Sounds simple. So long as we keep an eye out for dangerous creatures or bandits, I don't see any problems with this task. I speak dwarfish well, which will probably be useful in Tarruk. Once the forge is started, do you want us to come back and let you know, in which case we could probably escort you there when you are able to travel, or do you want us to keep it safe until you can get there?"

2008-07-31, 11:29 AM

The altered nature of his sight blends back into the norm with but a blink of his eye, gone without apparently anyone noticing his survey. It is then that he speaks up, "This is all well and good, but is there a particular reason it has to be started without you? I don't mind leaving this place for a bit, no pun intended, but I don't seem to understand your haste in the matter."

2008-07-31, 03:45 PM
Izu Viselle

Izu looks expectantly at the dwarf, waiting for him to answer the other people's questions.

- Izu will try to memorize the map throughout this converation. I assume Know:Geography +10 will be helpful. There’ll be a penalty because he’s trying to do it without getting noticed he's doing it.

2008-07-31, 07:28 PM
Tim Arthurson

Tim finally speaks up in response to Tormod's question.

"I'm wondering the same thing as. This doesn't sound like a normal forge if we merely have pop something in to start it."

2008-07-31, 07:45 PM
Mrogg too waits for an explanation. That's a good question. Why didn't I think about that?

2008-08-01, 08:42 PM
“Look, I need ye ta do this before any o’ the other clans find it. Twas my clan that was given over to guard it in ancient times and MY clan will be ta’ one to guard it now. I swore in front o the clan fathers that I’d find it with me own resources, but, um, something caused the-” he pauses abruptly again, “Look, me brothers have already been killed and my legs are useless for the next fortnight,” he abruptly rolls the map shut and starts waiving it about, “All ye have te’ do is take this here map wit ye and place me clan symbol over the forge, that will start it and when the smoke rises from the mountain I’ll be knowen ye’ succeeded. If ye want te know more than that ye have to swear not to tell a soul anything aboot the forge.”

Izu, Mrogg:Knowledge: dwarven oaths are very serious things, they are passed down from father to son etc. etc. This dwarf has taken a great risk by swearing to find the forge, if he (or his factors) do not, his clan will loose face with the other clans.

Izu:you memorized the area of the map with the forge marked on it.
Knowledge History: There was once a great dwarven city in this area called Teruk, or something.
Knowledge Lore: according to legend there was once a set of five forges made in the very fires of creation itself(dwarven myth says this was Moradins Flame) these forges were known as the Pillars of Moradin. They were the Forge of life(said to be destroyed), The Forge of Tarruk(lost several thousand years ago) The forge of Gerokk(built in the north under the mountain of Grosneghgrok) The forge of Death(located in the south) and the forge of Kebasre(key-Base-eyre)(unknown stateus)
Each of these forges are said to be able to make the most fantastic artifacts, each specializing in a particular type, the one remaining forge that is known, The Forge of Gerokk produces some of the finest magic weapons in all the world.

And that is a natural twenty on a knowledge roll.:smallsmile:

2008-08-02, 12:12 AM
"If our lives are going to be in danger it may be better to tell us what happened to your brother and yourself."

2008-08-02, 03:18 PM
Izu Viselle

Izu looks at the tall Gigan. I agree with him, but that could’ve been said better.

"I’m sure he was planning to tell us everything. After all, it would make no sense for him to gather all the uncontracted sword-folk and spell-folk in town and send them unprepared. There might not be any other uncontracted folk until the trading season ends. If we fail, he’d have to wait until then. That’s a long time to wait – especially if other clans are looking for the forge too.

But more importantly, if he DID withhold something and one of us is injured or even killed," Izu looks pointedly at the dwarf’s legs before continuing, "his success, assuming we do succeed against the odds, will be tarnished because he put us, his men acting on his behalf, needlessly in ignorance of danger. The honor due to him and his clan for fulfilling his oath will be diminished. He would not so foolish to risk that after his brothers’ sacrifice.

So, based on necessity and his honor, I believe he will not hide anything. He’s just waiting for us to swear to secrecy." He looks at the dwarf apologetically. "I understand the need for secrecy. This is an important matter that affects you and your clan’s honor. But please consider these two scenarios and how your oath of secrecy would wreck things.

First, let’s assume we travel to Tarruk, and meet something that’s beyond our power. We’re gravely injured. I ride my horse back to Bit for help. If I were bound by your oath, I would not be able to describe why I need help or where the help is needed. The chances of someone blindly following me to an unknown location for an unknown purpose are practically zero. So I wouldn’t be able to get help for them.

Second, let’s assume we finish this task. Afterwards while in town, perhaps I look like someone who’s been palming a few coins off others? The guards would like to talk to me and ask me what I’ve been doing for the past sevenday or past moon. If I were bound by your oath, I would have to not answer or lie to them – and they’re good at picking out lies. Both responses will be suspicious to the guards.

I’m sure you see why an absolute oath of secrecy would be detrimental. I’d like to propose a modified oath: I swear not to tell a soul about the forge except when I or my companion, during the course of fulfilling your task, need immediate aid, OR when being questioned by an authority of law."

I REALLY hate talking like this! It’s jawbreaking!

2008-08-02, 11:48 PM
the dwarf looks with narrowed eyes at Izu, "yer as long winded as a ruddy elf, but i see yer point." he sighs, no simple movemnet for the bearded man, "Look, it was a damned cave in. We had gotten in side, there was nothing attackin us. Me brother went poken his nose in a pile o' ruble then next thing we know teh roof is fallin down."He looks almost defeated for amoment, teh starts to blunder on again, "In the back o' teh temple, theres a room that should lead into the mines, from there you should be able to find the forge, place the amulate in the reseptical and be back here b'for a tenday." he looks at Tim, "And that be yes, it's a magical forge, older than even the moutain that holds it. But its the life and legacy of my people and needs to be reclamed before something further happens to it."

"Will ye consent to help me wit this? You'd have the thanks of me whole clan, all the Iron Hill clans even would be in yer debt cause they've already started the move, more than a thousand dwarves are counting on this."

2008-08-03, 12:01 PM
Izu Viselle

Well, the first person who taught me about working through a difference of opinions was an elf, so I guess he’s right. Elven Diplomacy’s pretty much a lot of talking. But the only other way I know, I learned from a Gigan, and I’d rather not try Gigan Diplomacy on him. He’s injured, first of all, and I don’t like brawling!

Izu ponders the dwarf’s request while he takes a look at the list of worked goods being offered as reward. Hmm, let me see… Is it a list of standard dwarven-worked equipment? Also, Appraise roll, please, to get a rough price range. Just min-max range for the entire list is good enough

2008-08-03, 01:15 PM
Izu Viselle
Izu ponders the dwarf’s request while he takes a look at the list of worked goods being offered as reward. Hmm, let me see… Is it a list of standard dwarven-worked equipment? Also, Appraise roll, please, to get a rough price range. Just min-max range for the entire list is good enough

Worked metal goods, weapons and armors from:
Mw. Daggers (302Gp)
Dwarvenworked Breastplate (1100Gp)
also there are several X-bows and tool kits listed
AMENDUM: all are PHB weapons and items
most of teh weapons are 'dwarfy' IE: axes and hammers

2008-08-03, 10:27 PM

The man nods to himself and speaks up, "Lets head off then. This dwarf here needs his healing and though my upbringing causes that festering little ball of hate the elves and fey have for the dwarves bounce around in my gut, he's in need of help and I, for one, am convinced. Lets not waste any more time. Do ye think we can get there faster on horses or does it look like we'll need to go on foot for too much of the journey for it to matter?"

2008-08-04, 02:53 AM
Izu Viselle

Yes, I guess we should argue about reward later.

Dropping the list back on the dwarf's lap, Izu comments, "I would like to help but I'm not convinced our payment is commensurate with our risk and your return. However, I agree that haste is needed. It's still midmorning, if we hurry we could get a good half-day's travel closer to this temple. I propose that we hold off discussions about our reward until after we succeed." Or fail, Izu thinks to himself morosely. I hope everything goes well. Think positive. And if we do get this done, the dwarves will be happy. Happy people tend to be more generous. Izu will wait for the dwarf to agree before continuing.

"As for horses, I think we shouldn't bother. 3 days dwarves' walk is 2 days for humans. And I know these woods and mountains like the back of my hand," Izu reassures everyone. "I can take us there directly. If everything goes well, I could probably get us there, hmm, half-day today, whole-day tomorrow, oh, morning the day after that." Izu will attempt to use Survival skill to Trailblaze and increase party's travel speed, as in CAdv 103

"Even if we do take horses there, they probably won't go into the mountains. They don't like caves. At least that's what I hear from folks." Izu's best guess whether his Hyrac will enter the mountain with him.

2008-08-04, 07:56 AM
Mrogg is taken aback at being put in his place.

"Well, let's get the amulet and go then. I'm getting bored of this town." Mrogg looks the dwarf in the eye. "I agree not to tell anyone about the forge, or anything that is an internal dwarvern matter, unless questioned by an authority figure, or a member of the party requires immediate aid. Will that satisfy you, dwarf?"

2008-08-04, 11:15 AM
"Alright, it sounds to me like everything is set." Tim says breaking his silence. "I'm w/ you Izu, we can discuss rewards later. The sooner we get going, the sooner this can be done for our friend here."

2008-08-04, 03:10 PM
Izu Viselle

"As for horses, I think we shouldn't bother. 3 days dwarves' walk is 2 days for humans. And I know these woods and mountains like the back of my hand," Izu reassures everyone.

"I can take us there directly. If everything goes well, I could probably get us there, hmm, half-day today, whole-day tomorrow, oh, morning the day after that." Izu will attempt to use Survival skill to Trailblaze and increase party's travel speed, as in CAdv 103

Izu's best guess whether his Hyrac will enter the mountain with him.


"I thank ye all . . ." he rubs his chin, "Huh, i all this i done forgot to ger yers name an tell me own, im Killdak son of Ordak, family Glorduum. and i thank ye for this. if ye be needin any weapons i do have some in teh stockcaid south o' town."

2008-08-04, 08:36 PM
Izu Viselle

"I'm Izu Viselle and I have no family left, but I will do my best to help you. I don't need weapons but we can stop by on the way if anyone needs some. I'm ready to show the way whenever we're all ready."

2008-08-04, 09:09 PM
"I am Timblond Arthurson, aka Tim. I am in no need of weapons right now either. And I'm ready to go"

2008-08-04, 09:40 PM

The quiet man says but one word, "Tormod." He gives no last name and will not speak if urged to give any more. He obviously waiting to get this show on the road.

2008-08-04, 10:41 PM
"As I said earlier, I am Mrogg Tern. And I don't need any weapon other than my grandfather's sword. Heal quickly, Ordak."

2008-08-05, 05:06 PM
Izu Viselle

"We're decided then. If there isn't anything else?" Izu checks with Killdak, and assuming the dwarf has nothing further to contribute, he turns to his companions. "Before we leave I need to hand over these keys to Mr. Jacobsen. My shop'll be his shop at sundown. He bought it, you see, and he's planning to open tomorrow. I'll meet you all at the town gate in a quarter-hour?"

If no one objects, Izu jogs out the room, twirling a set of keys on his fingertips.

Izu will attempt to track down Sajia and quickly relay what he learned. "Over a thousand Iron Hill dwaves are trying to find and repopulate Tarruk, an ancient dwarven city. In the city is an ancestral forge that holds special symbolism to them, and the dwarves are racing to locate it. Killdak son of Ordak, family Glorduum, has sworn an oath to find this forge that his clan once guarded, and hired folk to find it." He'll add his conjecture about the nature of the forge and sketch a rough map of the area. Izu will also ask Sajia to deliver the shop keys and inventory list to Mr. Jacobsen.

If he can't find her, he'll pen a note describing the same thing and leave the items in the care of someone on the council.

Izu'll jog to the gate to find his companions.

2008-08-06, 12:07 AM
Izu will attempt to track down Sajia and quickly relay what he learned. "Over a thousand Iron Hill dwaves are trying to find and repopulate Tarruk, an ancient dwarven city. In the city is an ancestral forge that holds special symbolism to them, and the dwarves are racing to locate it. Killdak son of Ordak, family Glorduum, has sworn an oath to find this forge that his clan once guarded, and hired folk to find it." He'll add his conjecture about the nature of the forge and sketch a rough map of the area. Izu will also ask Sajia to deliver the shop keys and inventory list to Mr. Jacobsen.

You find her easily

Izu'll jog to the gate to find his companions.

2008-08-06, 12:49 AM
Izu Viselle

Relieved to get his last-minute task out of the way, Izu jogs to the town gates. After finding everyone, he beckons and leads the way. He follows the well-traveled main thoroughways for a while, then scampers off onto a faint trail into the woods. "We'll walk hard until sundown this day," he calls out.

Trailblazing attempt: [roll0]
Quick Reconnoiter: free Awareness+14 check each round

Any further instructions from Sajia?

2008-08-06, 09:50 AM
If needed:
Day 2: [roll0]
Day 3: [roll1]

2008-08-10, 05:22 PM
At one point on the trail Tim will ask Mrogg & Tormod...

"What brought you to Bit? Just out of curiousity."

2008-08-11, 03:49 AM
death in family. unable to post untill further notice.

2008-08-11, 09:23 PM
My condolences. Take your time.

2008-08-12, 06:55 AM
My dad was very unwell a couple weeks ago. He's better now, but I know what you're going through. Take all the time you need.