View Full Version : Shounen System: PvP Playtest

2008-07-24, 07:25 PM
=~=PvP Playtest=~=
Haruki Kumo (Collin152)


Hissori Utaguri (OverWilliam)

You've checked out the last available practice court for the day...and as luck would have it, it's the worst of the bunch. Large rocks dot the field for some reason, and weeds have sprung up as well. At least the walls are sturdy-looking, so you won't have to worry about them collapsing or anything.

Battlemap (Big Image)



+ You each choose to start within one of the 6 squares designated by the colored ovals. First poster gets first pick, but the battlefield is symmetrical
+ The rocks are 7 feet tall and block line of sight. Because of this, you do not start the battle with LoS.
+ The rocks also provide cover.
+ Nothing else on the map has any effect on the battle, I just didn't like looking at a bland map. :smallbiggrin:
+ In your first post, please post your Initiative and Evasion stat publicly, and any information you don't want your opponent to see (like your starting position) in a spoiler block.
+ Witty banter!
+ Unless you both agree to make moves in the open, post in a spoiler block what actions you took (fast/move/med/slow) and what they consisted of (move, tech, etc).
+ When you make an attack, roll for your opponent and yourself (Acc and Evs) to save time. Post the DMG of your technique as well.
+ If you took a hit on your opponent's turn, feel free to figure out how much damage you took after accounting for your defense. Otherwise, I'll tally it up at the end of each round.
+ In case it wasn't obvious (:smallsigh:) the map has been labeled with a grid. When you move, post your start square, and your end square. As far as I saw, there's nothing in the rules that would need us to track exactly what squares you pass through.
+ Although the rules mention not being able to move diagonally (at the moment; BtV mentioned he'd change that), you may do so. All diagonals cost 1 square of Move.

Most of all, have fun and learn the system. Also, if I forgot anything important, please mention it in your first post.

2008-07-24, 07:47 PM
Initiative: +8

Evade: 5

I'll start on Blue.
I'll take D5.

2008-07-24, 08:07 PM
Initiative: +8

Evade: +5

Guess I'm left for to choose a red square...
S7 should do nicely.

Roll0? Did I do something incorrectly? Probably.

2008-07-24, 08:17 PM
Syntax for a roll is


where X is how many, Y is what size, and MOD is the modifier. IIRC, however, it can get messed up sometimes for some random reason.

So, if you don't mind Collin, I'll do your initiative...

Which means...OverWilliam is up first.

And I just noticed I have the same character name twice in the OP. -.-

2008-07-24, 08:22 PM
Technically, shouldn't that be a 10 sided die? Ah, he can go first anyways.
But really, I think I typed it in correctly...

2008-07-24, 08:23 PM
Me and my big fingers. :smallannoyed:

[EDIT]: Let's keep this thread clean by moving any more chatter to the OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85343).

2008-07-25, 06:31 AM
Can I fight the winner?

2008-07-25, 09:26 AM
First round actions:
Move 4 spaces to G4

2008-07-25, 02:24 PM
I assume it's my turn, and we resolve anything after we've both declared?
Move to O9

2008-07-25, 02:40 PM

You catch sight of Hissori as you pass into Q8. He is at G4. I don't think there's anything you can really do, but you may revise your move from that square on. If you don't post before Hissori does, the turn will pass to him.


Stay ready, abjudicating with your opponent. If he doesn't post within 2.5 hours of this edit, take your turn. Do not open the following spoiler until then.

You catch sight of Haruki at Q8 and P9 before disappears behind the rock at M8::N10

2008-07-25, 06:13 PM
Second round actions:
Move to H3

2008-07-25, 06:39 PM
And mine:
Move to k6

2008-07-25, 07:00 PM
No LoS yet.

Round 3.

2008-07-25, 07:13 PM
Third round:
Start Position: H3

I use Jump skill to jump onto the rock that I'm standing next to: expend 10 EN.

End Position: I3

HP: 900/(900); EN: 140/150; Def: 80; Res: 90; Move: 4

2008-07-25, 11:40 PM
Move to H6

2008-07-25, 11:59 PM
Haruki emerges from cover, and the two sparring Genin lock eyes on each other. A charge runs through the air. Something, anything, has to happen now.

Both of you:
You catch sight of each other. Hissori is on top of the rock at square I3. Haruki is on the ground at square H6. I'm heading to bed for the night. And more witty banter! This be the Narutoverse! :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-26, 07:45 AM
There's a problem with that... My character isn't actually capable of witty banter. :smallconfused: Also, since we can see each other and what the other person does, we shouldn't put it in spoilers anymore?

Fourth round actions:
Starting Position: I3

Slow action: Full Defense (defense x3)

Ending Position: I3

2008-07-26, 05:14 PM
OOC: I'm working on the banter. It's just that... He can't talk, and until I get to know his character, I can't really come up with wit. Who am I, Spider-Man?
I could go really true to source and make my dialogue Japanese. Hint hint.

Starting Position: H6

Move to G4.
Fast Action: Exploit Weakness
Opposed Intuition check

Trade Medium Action for a Fast Action.

Fast Action: Swift Step
Move to F5, expending 5 EN

[EN 155/160]

2008-07-27, 12:15 AM
You can both still see each other.

If not banter, at least describe what you're doing. Like...

As he looked up, Haruki sized up his opponent for weaknesses. Unfortunately for him, Hissori was just too cunning to give up the cracks in his armor.

Disappointed that he could learn anything, he performed a quick Body Flicker behind the rock to his left, leaning against it as he waited for his opponent's next move.

"What now, Hissori?"

If you do do that, just put any mechanical stuff inside a spoiler block for cleanliness. If not...we'll just run it as a dry mechanical session.

2008-07-27, 07:39 AM
((OOC: That's the sort of thing that I am most used to, actually, it's just I was told that this game was going to be 'RP light'... Guess I mis-read that. If we put mechanics in spoilers then how are we going to know which spoilers are for only you and which spoilers are for both of us to see? Here's where private tags like they have over on Mythweavers would come in handy. :smallconfused:))

Hissori spotted the sudden, blurring speed as Haruki moved for cover and decided to match it. His body vanished for a fraction of a second; one with fantastic eyesight would've been able to track his movements from his perch on top of the rock and off toward the side, but to anyone else he had momentarily ceased to exist. He shifted back at a new position around the corner that Haruki had taken cover behind, but still at the same height that the rock he had just left provided him. He whipped a hand forward and a handful of razor sharpened kunai materialized at his fingertips, probably from under his sleeve, and sailed toward their target...

(I'm going to end my turn in mid-air, because it strikes me as an appropriate thing to do. :smallwink:)

Fifth round actions:
Starting Position: I3

Fast Action:
Swift Step, 4 squares to F2; spend 20 EN

Normal Action:
Kunai Rain technique; 320 damage

Hissori: 1d10+5
Haruki: 1d10+5

Spend 20 EN

Ending Position: F2

EN: 100/150

Umm... I'm confused. Rolls didn't work. :smallconfused:

2008-07-27, 10:51 AM
Just label the spoilers with names for who's supposed to open them.

Also, I see "RP-Lite" as "just enough description/plot to keep the game from being a collection of dice rolls and numbers. If you'd rather go RP-none (which I'd be fine with), I'll just dump you guys right into the dungeon encounter location as soon as we have the group ready.

Not sure what's going on with those rolls. Did you preview your post before submitting it? I think that can mess with the dieroller.

HissoriHissori: [roll0]
Haruki: [roll1]

2008-07-27, 03:36 PM
A handful of razor sharpened kunai materialized at his fingertips, probably from under his sleeve, and sailed toward their target...
...And landed solidly, two lodging in an arm and a leg, and the third drawing blood and then sailing into the background.

I don't quite understand the Rulebook about criticals. It says that "If you critically succeed an attack roll, your Attack is increased by one level for each level of critical success bonus for the purposes of this attack." ...But what does that mean?

Anyway, Haruki takes 320 damage + however the critical adds up...

2008-07-27, 07:18 PM
(I can't see those rolls.
Where did that critical come from?
Nevertheless, I will suffer the damage. I think I know how to work the Critical thing, too. I took 80 more damage.
Man, these dice hate me, don't they?)

Hissing at the pain in his arm and leg, Haruki dislogdges the kunai, and taking them in his own hands, prepares for his return strike. "Dammit, Hissori, watch where you aim those things! You nearly hit my heart with that one!" Lacking the time to find a weak point, Haruki throws the kunai, hoping for a clean shot.
Starting position: F5
Medium Action: Technique
Haruki: [roll0]
Hissori: [roll1]

Move: G8

Irritated by his own bad aim, Haruki flees to behind the rock for his next trick.

EN: 155/160

2008-07-27, 08:08 PM
A critical is when you exceed your opponents roll by 10 or more. See page 53 of the rules for details; in short, you start at Critical Success level 1, and every 5 further points you exceeded their roll by increases that by 1 more.

As such, that was not a crit by Hissori. Haruki is at 710/1000.
Hissori's technique (Kunai Rain) has a base power of 200, plus 160 (20 * AGL), for 360 damage. Subtract Haruki's DEF of 70, and the applied damage is 290.

Collin: I hid the rolls in a mistakenly labeled spoiler tag. Sorry. Post 21, second box, addressed to Hissori.

Round 6. BTW, I've been forgetting your willpower bonuses. You're both at +5 will from whatever you started the battle with.

[EDIT]: Alright, Haruki's at 3 Will; Hissori's at 6. Note to self, learn the characters. :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-27, 08:12 PM
No I'm not, my will goes up only on even numbered rounds.

2008-07-28, 09:48 AM
We can either cancel this, or continue it later. Preferences?

2008-07-28, 11:20 AM
I'm all for quitting while I'm ahead. :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-28, 02:38 PM
Well, if I concede, that means my prediction was 100% true...
Sure, he wins. Let's get on with the genuine thign-a-ma-job.