View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 45: Greyven vs. Caleb Vestrit

2008-07-26, 02:11 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 45: Grayven vs. Caleb Vestrit


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Grayven - Thrall of Ao (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=2240)
Caleb Vestrit - Adumbration (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=60959)

All Combatants, please roll initiative.

2008-07-26, 09:07 AM
Purchasing a Braid of Dire Shifting, -100 gps.

Initiative: [roll0]

2008-07-26, 11:56 PM

Purchase- Scroll of Bull's Strength 150gp & Scroll of Command 25gp

OOC Question: What source does the "Braid of Dire Shifting" come from and what does it do if I may be so bold as to ask?

Initiative: [roll0]

2008-07-27, 01:06 AM
Races of Eberron. Do we reroll or will the one with higher modifier start?

Reroll, just in case: [roll0]

EDIT: Ok, so the one with the higher modifier starts. I'll take my turn as soon as possible.

2008-07-27, 04:00 AM
Round 1 - Caleb

Starting at Y 10. Free actions to activate whirling frenzy and longstrider shifting ability, in conjunction of which I use the braid of dire shifting. Caleb becomes Enlarged, as per the spell, for the duration of the shifting.

Then Caleb moves next to the enemy, using double-move, where-ever in the starting square it will be. Caleb should see it once he gets there, he's taking the upper road. He will move to an adjacent square. I calculated it using Paint, he should have about twenty feet of movement spare.

HP: 15/15
AC: Full 19, Touch 15, Flat 14.
Rage 0/6.
Longstrider 0/8.
Enlarge Person 0/8.
Weapon: +5/+5, 2d6+10/2d6+10
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0.
Landspeed: 75 feet.

2008-07-27, 08:05 AM
ref chilepepper

A braid of dire shifting grants an enlarge person effect as a swift action usable in the same turn that a character shifts. It is a one time use item.

Grayven, please state your starting location and in hand items, but do not take your turn yet.

2008-07-27, 07:01 PM

Thanks for the clarification CP.

In hand: Unfurled scroll of Command in my off-hand.

If more information is required here, let me know, I'm rather new at this.

HP: 10/10
AC: Full 16 Touch 11 Flat 15
Divine Might: 0/6
Luck Domain: 0/1

Weapon (current): +3 , 1d4+3
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +4
Landspeed: 30'

2008-07-27, 07:46 PM
High Ref chilepepper

Coming via the north half of the map, a large, furry Caleb moves to W9-X10. Caleb, I assume by your stat block that you are wielding your greatsword, don't forget you need to declare what is in hand and readied at the start of the match for clarity.

Greyven is in Y10, holding a scroll.

It is Greyven's turn.

2008-07-28, 12:02 AM
Yes, indeed, it is a greatsword.

2008-07-28, 11:44 AM
Please clarify- W9-X10?

Is W9 his location and X10 his reach?

Action pending...

2008-07-28, 11:46 AM
Due to him being Large, he occupies two squares. I think. (I wasn't so sure about it myself, either...)

2008-07-28, 02:49 PM

Ref. only
Never mind the above question if he is large, I'm threatened even if he was only in X9.
Please double check his AC and BAB to verify they are correct, making sure that the -1 due to size is factored in, as well as -1 to attack.
Not sure how/if he has two attacks (+5/+5) but whatever...

Reading his scroll while doing his best to avoid the cheeta-like beast man, he says in a commanding voice"Filthy mongrel! You dare threaten a servant of Istus!?! Drop your weapon at once!"

Standard- Attempting to use scroll of Command: "Drop" DC12 to resist
Concentration, DC16: [roll0]
NOTE: AC is 16 vs. AOO, weapon is not drawn yet.

In case anyone is wondering, yes, scrolls (and all other spell completion items) can be used defensively to avoid AOO (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicItemBasics.htm#spellCompletion).

HP: 10/10
AC: Full 16 Touch 11 Flat 15
Divine Might: 0/6
Luck Domain: 0/1

Weapon (current): +3 , 1d4+3
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +4
Landspeed: 30'

Turn not ended.

2008-07-28, 11:46 PM
High Ref chilepepper

Alright, I need a Will Save from Caleb.

2008-07-29, 01:30 AM

There you go. It's the command, isn't it?

2008-07-29, 07:44 AM


Move action- Grayven draws his War-Mace.

Turn over.

2008-07-29, 07:53 AM
I'm assuming it's the "Drop your weapon?"

Round 2 - Adumbration

Move action to retrieve the weapon. Take your attack of opportunity.

Standard action to attack Grayven.

Attack #1:
Damage #1:
Attack #2:
Damage #2:

HP: 15/15
AC: Full 19, Touch 15, Flat 14.
Rage 1/6.
Longstrider 1/8.
Enlarge Person 1/8.
Weapon: +5/+5, 3d6+10/3d6+10
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0.
Landspeed: 75 feet.

2008-07-29, 02:34 PM

"A futile attempt curr. I promise it will cost you dearly."

Rules-y bit (open to be read)

Ah, if only it were that easy.
Alas, the Command (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/command.htm) spell is more powerful than that my friend.
Please read carefully.

Now, whether or not you can even attempt such an action, provoking that attack of opportunity (and wasting your move action) is now the question.

I'm rather curious how you managed to get those two attacks you have as well...

I'll put up a post and get some clarification.

Also, do take a moment to reread Enlarge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/enlargePerson.htm), I'm not sure, but you may have forgot to apply the -2 Dex & -1 AC & -1 to attack penalties (although I'm pretty sure you remembered the +2 size bonus to Str).

My thanks.

2008-07-29, 02:57 PM
Ref Bayar

1. I cant see your sheet Adumbration. And dont remember anything about shifters being able to do 2 attacks in 1 turn.

2. You cannot retrieve your weapon this turn.

According to the command drop:

On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any dropped item until its next turn.

That means, at the start of your turn, you drop your weapon and cannot pick up any other weapon until your next turn (or round 3 to be precise).

2008-07-29, 03:34 PM
GM Kyeudo

Whirling Frenzy allows him to make an additional attack in each round.

He still can't retrieve his weapon this round, so he will at least need to reroll his attacks.

2008-07-29, 11:44 PM
Ah, right. My bad. I'll redo the turn tonight.

EDIT: Might as well do it now, so we get it out of the way.

Taking Total Defence action.


HP: 15/15
AC: Full 23, Touch 19, Flat 14.
Rage 1/6.
Longstrider 1/8.
Enlarge Person 1/8.
Weapon: +5/+5, 3d6+10/3d6+10
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0.
Landspeed: 75 feet.

I did the action in spoilers, becouse I'm not sure if Grayven would notice anything. If he can, let me know, or just tell him.

End of turn.

2008-07-30, 12:51 AM
GM Kyeudo

Whirling Frenzy allows him to make an additional attack in each round.

He still can't retrieve his weapon this round, so he will at least need to reroll his attacks.

Ref's Only-
Please clarify:
1. Does he lose his move action due to his failed weapon retrieval attempt?

1a. If yes, does this prompt an AOO?

2. Does he have to attack, due to him stating that he did as much (despite having to reroll his attacks?

I don't mind if the answer is "no" to either or both, I'm just asking for a fair ruling either way, and neither answer given was difinitive enough to be considered a clear ruling either way.

If no IS the answer to either or both, please let me know if I can see what he's doing. Also, please check his current stats vs. his activated abilites to make sure that everything adds up. Particularly the negs due to being large. I'm not sure how a "one time use item" like the braid has 8 uses either...but that's really the least of my concerns right now.

Thank you in advance!

2008-07-31, 12:08 PM
GM Kyeudo

Caleb Vestrit simply got to redo his turn, since his actions were accidently illegal (We tend towards being lenient here). He took a full defense action. It is Greyven's turn.

2008-08-01, 03:03 PM

Grayven smiles grimly.

Leans down and deftly snatches the weapon from the ground infront of Caleb, and moves directly past him and up to beside the lava pool, tossing the blade into it's depths.

Turning about, he eyes the brute warily as he readies his massive mace.

Standard-Pick up greatsword (No AOO since Caleb is in FD)
Move-from Y10-S8
by way of: X11 W11 V11 U10 U9 U8 T8 S8
Free-Drop sword in lava pool.

Not sure what kind of action you guys require for regriping here. If he's able to this turn, he'll do so.

HP: 10/10
AC: Full 16 Touch 11 Flat 15 Ref., please see spoiler below
Divine Might: 0/6
Luck Domain: 0/1

Weapon (current): +3 , 1d4+3
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +4
Landspeed: 40' (typo before, he has Celerity domain and is in Light armor)

Ref. Only-
NOTE:if regrip is possible, then AC drops by 1 due to the weapon. CW doesn't specify what type of AC penalty it imposes. Let me know what you'd rule (it didn't occur to me that that detail was missing until now!).
Thanks in advance!

2008-08-02, 10:13 AM
Interesting. :smallsmile:

By the way... After reading the rules-y bit in your post a while ago - I think it was off-limits previously? - I did include the penalties from enlarge person. I'm a bit insulted that you assumed that I didn't. It's all in the stats.

Round 3

"Let's put a smile on that face!"

Attacking unarmed - feel free to take your AoO. Damage is nonlethal.
Attack #1:
Damage #1:
Attack #2:
Damage #2:

HP: 15/15
AC: Full 23, Touch 19, Flat 14.
Rage 2/6.
Longstrider 2/8.
Enlarge Person 2/8.
Weapon: +5/+5, 1d4+10/1d4+10. Nonlethal.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0.
Landspeed: 75 feet.

2008-08-02, 10:14 AM
End of turn, by the way.

2008-08-03, 11:32 PM
Regarding my questioning your stats, I mean no offense, I just want to make sure that things are staying fair. I'm sure (as I mentioned before) that any mistakes are entirely unintentional.
Speaking of which, in your last post (on 8/2), you seemed to have cut and pasted without adjusting your AC after your full defense action (minus the +4 bonus).
Also, even with/if Long Strider Agility pushes Caleb's standard 17 AC up to 19, he would still suffer a net -2 AC penalty due to being large. Not to mention an additional AC penalty for raging (or frenzy, unless you somehow don't incur one).

Lastly, you made no mention of his movement, which would be necessary for him to attack. This would greatly effect how your attack action (and my AC vs. it) would be resolved.

2008-08-04, 12:24 AM
High Ref chilepepper

Match on hold pending Kyeudo's ruling on the following.

refs only
Bolding by me. I believe Thrall is looking in the stat block of his opponent.

Regarding my questioning your stats, I mean no offense, I just want to make sure that things are staying fair. I'm sure (as I mentioned before) that any mistakes are entirely unintentional.
Speaking of which, in your last post (on 8/2), you seemed to have cut and pasted without adjusting your AC after your full defense action (minus the +4 bonus).
Also, even with/if Long Strider Agility pushes Caleb's standard 17 AC up to 19, he would still suffer a net -2 AC penalty due to being large. Not to mention an additional AC penalty for raging (or frenzy, unless you somehow don't incur one).

Lastly, you made no mention of his movement, which would be necessary for him to attack. This would greatly effect how your attack action (and my AC vs. it) would be resolved.

2008-08-04, 01:06 AM
GM Kyeudo

Regarding my questioning your stats, I mean no offense, I just want to make sure that things are staying fair. I'm sure (as I mentioned before) that any mistakes are entirely unintentional.
Speaking of which, in your last post (on 8/2), you seemed to have cut and pasted without adjusting your AC after your full defense action (minus the +4 bonus).
Also, even with/if Long Strider Agility pushes Caleb's standard 17 AC up to 19, he would still suffer a net -2 AC penalty due to being large. Not to mention an additional AC penalty for raging (or frenzy, unless you somehow don't incur one).

Lastly, you made no mention of his movement, which would be necessary for him to attack. This would greatly effect how your attack action (and my AC vs. it) would be resolved.

Alright, looks like we have some confusion going on right now.

Caleb's AC, without the +4 for the Full Defense, is 19. He gets a +2 bonus to dexterity from shifting, a +1 dodge bonus from the Shifter Agility feat, a +2 dodge bonus to AC from his Whirling Frenzy, and a -2 penalty from being enlarged.

Thrall of Ao is correct on the need to move to attack him, but I believe he has our spoiler policy very wrong.

His last action spoiler should not have been spoilered. All of his actions are completely within Caleb's LoS. This is the likely culprit for Caleb's lack of movement. Caleb again gets to redo his turn, since he was not informed of the specifics of Greyven's actions.

Thrall of Ao should not have known that the AC line of Caleb's stat block had a typo in it. Our spoiler policy is that if it is spoilered and not marked as okay to be read, you arn't supposed to read it while the match is still ongoing.

Since this whole thing seems to have stemmed from a mistake (otherwise why would Thrall of Ao admit to breaking the rules?), Caleb gets to redo his turn now that he knows that Grayven is in S8 and we will simply continue from there.

2008-08-04, 02:01 AM
Ok, that clarifies it. Thanks.

Round 3 - Caleb, redone

Move to T 8, so as to be adjacent to him.

Then, as before, Caleb takes the standard action to attack Greyven, unarmed and nonlethal. Don't forget your AoO.
Attack #1:
Damage #1:
Attack #2:
Damage #2:


HP: 15/15
AC: Full 19, Touch 15, Flat 14.
Rage 2/6.
Longstrider 2/8.
Enlarge Person 2/8.
Weapon: +5/+5, 1d4+10/1d4+10. Nonlethal.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0.
Landspeed: 75 feet.

2008-08-04, 01:02 PM

My sincerest apologies to you, Adumbration as well as the Ref's for my mistake. I had no intention of breaking the rules in any way.

Doing his best to use the terrain to his advantage, Grayven swings at the beast in response to it's attempt to beat him unconscious with it's meaty paws.

AOO- Attack:[roll0] (additional -1 due to buckler) Damage:[roll1]

Ref Only-
Again, I apologize for the trouble, it's simply the combination of Adumbration's rather complex and obscure character (and seeming lack of experience with and knowledge of the rules), coupled with an intricate and sometimes difficult to interpret map tend to raise a lot of questions and doubts in my mind.

Questions pertaining directly to the match are: I don't believe that he's capable of occupying that location on the map, even though, or because, he's large. Unless he is, in fact, squeezing, which I highly doubt.

Please inform me of my AC bonuses (if any) vs. his attack at your earliest convenience...unless of course I finished him off with that AOO...
EDIT: Now that I've reviewed the cover rules, if he has cover (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm) relative to me, I might not have been able to make that AOO in the first place.

2008-08-04, 01:52 PM
I believe that the attack #2 put Greyven unconscious? Am I wrong?

2008-08-05, 10:38 AM
High Ref chilepepper

Backup again, you can't move to T8 because you are large and there isn't even enough room for you to be Squeezing.

2008-08-05, 10:47 AM
What prevents it? There's only a rockpillar on one side... If Caleb was moving between the lava and the rockpillar, then, yes, but now? Could you explain?

2008-08-05, 11:41 AM
High Ref chilepepper

You are large, 4 squares. To be squeezing you have to occupy at least 2 full squares. T8 is one. Both T7 and U8 are half squares with the other half being at a different elevation. That means there's a wall that blocks you from occupying the whole square. You can't be at two elevations at the same time. At +0' you have, at most, a square and a half. That's not enough room for you to squeeze without an Escape Artist check DC30. Even if you could make the check, you couldn't attack.

2008-08-05, 11:45 AM
Ok, so I occupy the space T 6-7 and U 6-7. I still have reach of 10 feet, which means I can reach him. No practical difference. Do you wish me to re-roll, once more?

2008-08-06, 01:17 AM
High Ref chilepeper

That position is legal. Note you are squeezing.

We'll use the rolls you made. You get -4 attack for squeezing, and +1 for now being on higher ground.

The AoO still happens, but misses.

First unarmed swing hits AC9
Second swing hits AC16, which I believe is a hit. 12 nonlethal damage, right?

I'll let the two of you confirm my math before I call the match.

2008-08-06, 01:23 PM
Please stand by. Currently confering.

Ref. Only-
In the spirit of fairness, I'm asking a second opinion on Chile's ruling on movement. Please stand by.

2008-08-06, 01:49 PM
GM Kyeudo

Actualy, his initial choice of positioning looks legal to me. There isn't a significant difference in elevation between T8 and U8. Most of the "walls" are just artistic touches used to divide the gradual incline squares from the normal elevation squares.

In fact, I believe that is the positioning that we should go with. It was Caleb's initial choice, after all.

That puts his best attack at hitting AC 15, due to the squeezing penalties.

2008-08-06, 02:11 PM
Thank you for the ruling.

Grayven's AC is currently 15, due to his weapon being wielded.

-12 subdual leave Grayven at -2hp, not dead but definitely unconscious.

It seems my PC needs to make some adjustments. :smallamused:

Nice match Adumbration! One more round and I think I would have had you!

I look forward to watching your next match!

2008-08-07, 12:04 AM
High Ref chilepepper

Thank you for the clarification Kyeudo. Now that everything is in order, I'll call the match.

Caleb is the winner, ice cream will be served in the lobby on your way out.