View Full Version : Drums in the Moonlight [IC]

2008-07-27, 04:13 PM
Drums in the Moonlight

The life you chose hasn't been easy. Since becoming a professional adventurer, you haven't found any long-term employment, and the work you have gotten has barely kept you fed and equipped.
Most recently, you've come, or returned, to the Alcedonian Lowlands, searching for work in the mercantile land of Nenézzi. You've made it to the borderlands between the City-States and the Eladari Empire, and have stopped for the night in an encampment set up by fellow travelers.
You've gotten some food for dinner, and have checked into your possibilities of spending the rest of the evening. Checking the center of camp, you found a post with several pages of parchment posted.

One page tells of a performance by a travelling acting company scheduled for half an hour from now in a nearby clearing.

One tells of a couple needing an escort to a nearby town.

A third tells of a traveling halfling willing to tell fortunes for five gold a person.

Others have been torn up or seem unremarkable.

2008-07-27, 05:02 PM
Michalson examines all the pages carefully.
Well, well, me mutters to himself, looks like there might be some money to be earned after all.
(OOC: I don't know if other players are reading the post as well. If they are, Michalson asks everyone around him: What do you all think?, and if they aren't, he goes back to the camp to ask them)

2008-07-27, 07:00 PM
You're not a group yet, so you're all just in the same, relatively large crowd around the message post. There's a lot of people chattering, so you probably wouldn't pick out anyone muttering to himself, but you're all relatively near each other.

2008-07-28, 12:37 PM
Jaras Silverblood

Looking over everyone's shoulder towards the posted messages, not wanting to be to pushy and elbow his way through. Seeing the message about the escort, he get's a smirk on his face and exclaims quietly "Hopefully this escort business won't be taking me into the Eladari Empire."

He then quickly scratches the meeting location and time on a piece of parchment, and turns to head away towards it.

2008-07-28, 03:11 PM
"Huh, fortunes," Anesta said as she looked at the small notice board. She was a little antsy, constantly trying to keep her tail from being trod upon. "Might as well, the escort thing won't leave for a while."

She left from the crowd and went back to her things, shuffling through them as she decided to try and find the halfling.

Radiant Dragoon
2008-07-28, 03:37 PM
Hmm... an escort request. Sounds like money. Radis jots down the meeting point and heads there.

2008-07-28, 03:38 PM
For those who looked up the escort page:

Help Needed! My wife and I are traveling through dangerous territory and need a traveling guard. Willing to pay for a safe passage.
We plan on leaving after the show, please meet us in the southern clearing after it ends.

For those who looked up the play advertisement:

Travelers! Why grow weary waiting for stars to fall? While away the night with the Fairview Players, traveling actors of great esteem.
See our latest production: "The Crossing at Kallan", by Esteemed Eladari Playwright Calear Redleaf
Performing in the southern clearing at sunset.

For those who looked up the Fortune Teller:

Does love lie in your future? Heartbreak? Danger?
A destiny lies before all those who make their own way, don't wander into it blind.
Mistress Minka Cedian, Halfling Mystic, can reveal your future for the low price of five gold.

It's currently about a half hour before sunset.

2008-07-28, 04:06 PM
Well, I might as well see the show while I'm at it. Michalson grabs his backback and heads for the clearing.

2008-07-28, 05:07 PM
Anesta gathered her things into her backpack and locked it up tight, keeping several coins in her hand. She slipped the bag on as she began to look around the camp, searching for the little fortune teller before the play.

2008-07-28, 10:23 PM
Asking around, you find a series of small tents that you recognize as a halfling encampment. In the center of that encampment is a colorful purple and blue tent, sized for a human.
Several halflings stand around the tents, in loose tunics and trousers. A few are eyeing you, or perhaps just your pocket book, suspiciously.
Tossing aside the tent's front curtain, you make your way inside. Baubles and curios of various make hang from various points in the tents simple rafters. In the center of the tent, a circular table rests, holding an intricately woven purple and blue table-cloth. To the side, you notice an aged halfling woman reading a book. She turns to you as you enter, and smiles.
"Oh, you sweet thing." She speaks with an affectionate drawl, stepping up onto an elevated stool behind the table. "Would you like a reading? A future husband maybe?"
Her smile droops slightly, her eyes narrowing into a calculating stare. "Or maybe something else." Her smile returns, but takes on a sly manner.

Those seeking the escort can head to the clearing now, wait until the play starts in about half an hour, or just show up afterwards.
If you're waiting, you can just hang out around camp or try to find something of interest in the camp.

If you go right now:
The clearing to the south is a large area, cleared of the trees which otherwise occupy the surrounding terrain. Several, relatively flat stones, stumps, and logs have been gathered in the area to serve as impromptu seating. A large semi-circle of stones surrounds smoothed out area of dirt, with some fancifully costumed individuals are planting some long torches into the ground. Others in similar dress are waiting near the edge of the circle, chatting with each other.
A good number of people have already gathered there, staking out seats for themselves, and more seem to be filtering in.

2008-07-28, 11:28 PM
"A reading yes, a husband some time if you could release him when I'm ready," Anesta offered to the halfling. She grinned, counting out several golden coins and laying five of them on the table. The tiefling relaxed as she matched the smaller woman's expression. "I have one request. I am from Nenezzi, and from a smaller house there. How will it fare when I return to the City-States? The city as well, if your power can show it."

She picked up a coin, spinning it on the table between them. "Not too much information though. That might just make it a bit too easy."

((OOC: Just going to also mention that Anesta will watch the play following the fortune. Just so nothing is really slowed down.))

Following her fortune, Anesta made her way to the small clearing, hoping that she isn't too late to watch the play.

2008-07-29, 11:05 AM
The woman looks back. "The fate of the entire city? Oh, sweet thing, I'm afraid that's just a little too much for my reading. Of course, I'd be glad to tell you about your return there."

After pocketing your coins, she reaches into a pouch on the side of the table and lays out a series of round discs, laying eight of them in a circle around the edge of the table. She also hands you what looks like the tip of a deer's antler, polished to a beutiful sheen.

"Take this horn, and drop it in the center of the ring, sweet thing."

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2008-07-29, 11:45 AM

A kobold, having read the announcement- the broadside- the pitch- regarding fortune telling, made her way into the encampment; head shrouded, eyes goggled in brass and smoked volcanic glass.

"The fortune teller, little ones, hm?"
The reptilian, grinning widely through a thin red veil, gestures to the gathered halflings, gracious and mocking at once. Her sleeves bunch and gather as her arms raise, and she gives what might almost be a coquettish shrug, disarranging them further.

2008-07-29, 01:59 PM

Heading towards the clearing, Jaras intends to watch the play but keep an eye around. Gathering this many people in a central location could always bring trouble.

2008-07-29, 05:16 PM
Michalson finds himself a seat and makes himself comfortable, waiting for the play to begin.

2008-07-29, 06:31 PM

The tiefling complied, taking the small horn to the table. With an odd feeling of either amusement or wonder, she dropped the small horn into the circle.

2008-07-30, 12:07 AM
The horn bounces once in the center of the table and settles pointing slightly to the left of Minka. She flips the disc, revealing thre curling lines, her eyes widen.
"The disc of air, certainly a rarity. Your future must be immaterial, it cannot be settled upon. Still, air always travels along the wind, and your future demands movement toward a future, even if it cannot be seen yet."

She flips the two discs adjacent to the disc of wind, one bears a three thin triangles, layerd upon each other. The other shows three jagged lines of various length. "The discs of cold on lightning!" She sounds excited. "Both paraelements of air, your future is forked, and yet unified. The freedom of air brings difference, but the unified travel of wind brings togetherness. Different facets of the same whole, different aspects in a single being."

She flips the discs adjacent to cold and lightning. The disc next to cold bears a single hexagonal formation, and the disc next to lightning bears several curves wrapped tightly around each other, growing wavy at their tips. "Earth and fire." She sounds pensive. "Lightning lies between air and fire, the explosive rush of new freedom becomes the potentials and powers of change. Earth after cold shows the path of wind chilling substance, solidifying the nature of your goals. In the flux of change you will find a solid place."

She flips the next two discs. Next to earth is several lines curving and cresting into a single point. Next to fire is three curving lines piercing a circular shape. She looks excited, but her expression suddenly becomes slightly dissapointed. "Water and acid. Water beats against earth, challenging the solidity we build. It can wash us away, but if we survive it carves in us the history that makes us what we are. Acid upon fire represents the spread of energy, growing from a chaotic, destructive forse into a focused, corrosive entity burning evenly across all that it encounters. You will achieve something real, but it will be threatened as nascent dangers become precise threats."

She flips the final disc, her eyes downcast. On the disc is a long line down the center, surrounded by a broken parralel lines on either side. "The disc of ash. I'm sorry sweet thing, this is as rare as the opening of the air disc, but it is a very ill omen. The trials that await you end in ash, the expenditure of energy and it's return to earth. It signifies the end, and something most assuredly will. However, from ash grows anew, and something may yet rise from this end."

She gathers the discs, and the antler fragment, and she smiles at you. "You asked about your return to the City of Gold and Spires. As I see this fortune relating to that goal, your future rides on the winds, and is not sure by any means. However, you are led towards a solidity, formed of odd elements and differing aspects, but sure nonetheless. You must struggle to maintain it as you move towards your goal, because you move towards a trial that will forge you as you are. The trial ends in destruction, but also rebirth. If you go to Nenézzi, travel only when you are confident that you have the substance and support to resist the dangers that await you."

She sighs, and smiles to you. "Sorry to be so dour, sweet thing, had you asked about a husband I probably could have just waved my hands and given you some "tall dark stranger" nonsense, but I can't resist plumbing the depths of a grand fortune like yours."

(For those awaiting the play, I'll get to you in a minute, thanks for waiting. :smallsmile:)

Radiant Dragoon
2008-07-30, 11:06 AM
Radis heads to the clearing, staying on the outside edge. "Best keep and eye out." he mutters. "I have a bad feeling about this"

2008-07-30, 10:43 PM
In the fortune tent
The tiefling nodded, unsure about what to say. It was the first time in a long while where she had nothing that she could say. She nodded to the little halfing, thanking her and exiting the tent and wondering. Anesta sighed, heading towards the play and hoping that she would get a chance to think about what may happen in the future.

2008-07-31, 01:12 PM
Minka curtseys politely as you leave. Making your way across the camp, you notice quite a few other people doing the same. After a short walk, you make it to the southern clearing.

A good number of people have already gathered around the clearing, staking out seats for themselves, and more seem to be filtering in.
The sun falls and time passes to dusk, and most of the seats are full, plus some standing room.

A man walks from the group in the back, a handsome young human with trimmed brown hair, and stands in the center of the impromptu stage. "Greetings, friends and travelers, I'm glad to see that the Path of Clouds has lead you to our little stage. And here, we're pleased to come from our little coastal town to share with you are most favored story," he raises a hand, gripping as though holding a chalice "The Crossing at Kallan." He backs away off the stage and joins the line of other actors.

(Anyone with experience in the Empire can roll a History check. If you beat a DC 15; or a Streetwise check with a DC 20)
For reasons you'll never fully understand, Eladari plays tend to combine serious storylines with gratuitous slapstick comedy, usually with "commentary" from a fey chorus that is invisible to other characters.
From what you remember of this play, Kallan was a small town in the East of the Alcedonian Lowlands. When the Empire spread across the Lowlands, the town of Kallan surrendered rather than try to resist the Host.

The first three actors to step forward are fancifully dressed in green and silver, and all wearing masks. They differ from Nenézzan masks in their general crafting schemes, and that they all have a large hole over the mouth and chin.
One actor has a horned mask and carries a set of panpipes. Another actress wears a severely ruffled dress colored in earthy brown, and has a similarly colored mask. Another actross wears pair of glossy wings over her shoulders.

They explain to you, alternating between speaker, the setting, using somewhat flowery prose. It is a town called Kallan, on the edge of the Empire and Alcedonia, on the eve of the Empire's conquest of it.

The horned actor speaks forcefully and with anger, the winged actress speaks jovially and humorously, and the brown-dressed actress speaks mournfully and tragically.

Other actors join the stage, and the play proceeds apace. Eladari soldiers come to a small town, and the town surrenders rather than try to fight them.

The 'normal' actors are strangely clumsy, and trip over themselves in comic fashion at every opportunity.

They rest for a night before passing on. At night, to the commentary of the Fey Chorus, an eladrin myrmidon has an affair with a human village woman.

The army leaves the town, and the village woman gives birth to the soldier's son, a half-elf, nine months later. The fey comment tragically on her plight, raising the mixed-breed child alone.

The child grows into a youth, and the mother descends into a kind of depressive madness. The son tries to cheer her up, leading to some gratuitous pratfalls.

Deciding that the only way to raise his mothers spirits is to find his father, he leaves Kallan to follow the Host's path through Alcedonia. The fey comment on his foolishness.

He travels the continent, finding town after town either surrendered to or routed by the Host, and is awed by the power of the Eladari.

He finally catches up with the army, but he has no idea what his father looks like. He takes a single, well-carved dagger, which is the only item of his father's that he owns, and shows it to one the army's watchmen. The fey warn of danger, and the watchman recognizes the dagger as belonging to one of the myrmidon commanders.

The watchman takes him to visit the commander, and he begs his father to return to see his mother. The myrmidon refuses, claiming his place is with the army. In anger the boy strikes his father with the dagger he had been given, and kills him in his surprise.

The fey bemoan the tragedy as the other soldiers apprehend the boy, and execute him as an assassin.

The play ends with the woman in Kallan, wasting away with grief while she waits for her son’s return.

The fey finish by speaking in unison.
“In bitterness of death’s dark rest
Our fleshbound woes exceed our life
And spread from us to bleak infest
Our pious duties made our strife”

The actors gather on stage for a bow, and the crowd applauds heartily for quite a while. Eventually, it dies down and people start to scatter. As they do, you can't help but notice a tiefling man gently stroking the shoulders of his pregnant wife, also a tiefling, and looking around at the various people who are leaving and remaining in the clearing.

2008-07-31, 01:20 PM

Not caring for the play or the actors Jaras doesn't even pay attention to it at all. Being spurned by the Empire has caused him to be rather hateful of it.

Seeing the couple waiting in a clearing, he immediately recognizes them as the ones who would have placed the add and walks over, still keeping an eye open for anyone or anything that could potentially cause trouble in this area.

Good Evening Sir, Madam. My name is Jaras Silverblood. I am here in response to your posting for an escort. Mind if I ask the destination?

2008-07-31, 01:49 PM
Michalson was raised in the Empire and knows a fair bit about history.
(History check: [roll0])
However, this particular piece of imperial history eludes him. Still, he watches the play with interest, as it's a bit similiar to his own life as a half-elf.

2008-07-31, 07:35 PM
"Yes, we are." The man rises with a smile, and extends a hand. "Are you here to help us? My name is Teffir, and this is my wife Adiala." The woman smiles and lowers her head, remaining seated.
We're traveling to Rose Creek, it's a small town about a day's travel from here. Adiala is expecting soon and we're trying to get to a decent place so she can give birth."
"My husband's very worried about me," Adiala smiles and rubs his shoulder, "But I keep telling him i'm fine."
"Nonsense!" he says abruptly, "No son of mine is going to be born in a dirty camp." He turns back to you.
"We're looking for a big enough group that we can scare off any small brigands, I'm not taking any chances with her."
Adiala rolls her eyes and looks away.
"Anyway, I'll actually be looking to hire some mre people, aside from just you."

Radiant Dragoon
2008-07-31, 09:05 PM
Radis mutters under his breath. "Curses. Beaten to the job."

Upon hearing that the couple would like more than one escort. "Hello, Sir, Ma'am. I'm here for your request for ab escort. The name is Radis Silverwing."

2008-07-31, 10:37 PM
"Ah, good to meet you sir!" Adiala smiles and gives a short nod. "Well Teffil, it looks like we're hiring up faster than you thought, we'll be able to leave sooner than we thought.

Teffil extends a hand. "Jaras, Radis, good to have you on board."

2008-07-31, 11:12 PM

Nods towards the Tieflings, and then towards the new person to walk up. Well glad to be hired and given a job. If it's more people you are wanting I am sure we can find them. More people garauntee more security.

2008-07-31, 11:40 PM
Anesta watched the play, enjoying it well after the hearing. Bits and pieces were confusing, but it was far from bad and she was entertained. The ending was a bit more sad then she would have liked it though.

She gathered her things as people began to disperse, seeing the two other tieflings as they waited. The woman's pregnant body made for little confusion as to who needed the protection. She approached them carefully, already a bit wary of the others who wanted the job as well.

"You are still looking for someone on the escort quest, no? Could I be of any assistance?" Anesta presented herself before the two potential employers, ready for their response.

2008-07-31, 11:50 PM
"Ah, you're right Jaras, we can find people." Teffil nods to Anesta. "Good to meet you miss, you have the look of a fellow Nenézzan, "it'll be a joy to have you on board."
"The reason we came to this camp was to find some people to help us."
"That and the fortuneteller," Adiala interjects, rubbing her belly, "I'm having a girl.
"And the fortuneteller," Teffil rolls his eyes. "But we're having a boy."

2008-08-01, 05:40 AM
Seeing three people already talking with the ones who need escorting, Michalson hurries towards them. I see you've alread hired someone for the job, he says, grinning rather dishonestly, but couldn't you use a skilled arcane caster on the road ahead? My name's Michalson Barring, it's an honor to meet you.

2008-08-02, 01:39 AM
"Welcome aboard then," Adiala smiles, "I knew this camp would be a good idea."
"It was, sweetie." Teffil smiles and lightly brushes back her hair. "Oh, this is my wife Adiala, and I'm Teffil, for those of you just joining us." He chuckles. "And what are your names exactly?" He glances to Michalson and Anesta.

2008-08-02, 08:58 AM
"It's not a problem at all, I am Anesta, and I am from the City-States," she replied quickly. She grins slightly, glad to be with hose of her hometown, even if it rattled her a little bit.

2008-08-02, 03:11 PM
Michalson nearly starts to frown upon his name not being remembered, but he changes his expression quickly and simply says: My name is Michalson Barring the wizard, former apprentice of wizard Filavandrel. I'm imperial citizen.

2008-08-04, 05:54 PM
"Good to meet you Anesta, Michalson." Teffil makes a curt bow, and looks to the sky. "It's getting dark, we should start heading out. If we find anyone else willing to come, we can catch them on the way out."

He and Adiala start making there way into the center of camp.

2008-08-05, 03:56 PM
Alright then, I'm glad we have a deal. Michalson follows his new employers.(note: I'm assuming we're heading off now, if I'm wrong, Michalson says goodbye and goes back to the camp.)

2008-08-05, 05:18 PM

Very nice to meet you all, I am Jaras Silverblood. I guess we will be working together making sure that these two arrive safely. It will certainly be a pleasure working with such a nice diverse group of people.

While speaking and listening to the others speak Jaras listens to everything they have to say and watches there body languages for any inconsitancies, as well as subtle hints for lies.

2008-08-05, 09:50 PM
"I guess we will, though I'm curious as to where we're going exactly. I'm not too familiar outside of the City-States just yet," Anesta replied to Janas. She followed her employers, a bit careful and wary of the night already. She wouldn't be the one to let a fellow tiefling get hurt under her watch.

2008-08-05, 10:57 PM
OOC: I'm waiting on Shiny to hear what Kur-Naraat is up to, but otherwise, yes, we are close to leaving.

Adiala turns to Anesta while she speaks. "We're heading to Rose Creek, it's a small village about a day's walk from here, closer to the city-states but still in the borderlands."
Teffil sighs, and adds in. "It's supposed to be a nice place, but some of the travelers here mentioned that it's become dangerous at night.
Adiala continues, "In other circumstances we'd probably just go somewhere else, but I need to be in a decent town to deliver."

2008-08-09, 11:01 PM
Continuing out of the camp, the two start on the path leading to the main road. "Let's go, everyone." Teffil starts, and smiles wryly. "After you," he gestures, returning his hand to Adiala's.

She smiles. "Such a nice halfling." She rubs her belly and looks down. "Hear that little Vida? You're going to be a beautiful little girl?"

Teffil frowns. "Young Morgan will be a handsome young son. And we can talk about this on the road. Let's go everyone."
He leads you out of the camp. Stopping to unhitch a riding beast which he helps Adiala on to. The beast is a large, stout teal reptile with four lean legs and a long neck topped by a beak. He taps it's tail and it starts walking smoothly.


You walk on a loosely beaten out path for about an hour, stopping occasionally while Teffil dotes on Adiala, asking how she is and giving her a chance to sate her considerable appetite.

They're up for conversation with you if you ask, but most of Teffil's attention is on Adiala otherwise.

You make it to a larger, partially paved road just as the night hits. "We can stop here for the night, we're making pretty good time." He gives Adiala a tender kiss and rubs her belly. "You two doing alright."

She giggles. "Both your girls are doing fine."

He harumphs. He grabs some packs off the reptile, including a feed bag that he attaches to its mouth. He pats it a few times, "Good girl."

He turns to the three of you and hands out some packs. "Alright, let's get started on these tents." He turns to Michalson, "Michalson, do you think you can get a fire going?"

2008-08-10, 07:23 AM
I can make a small fire sir, after that we'll have to blow it normally. After saying that, Michalson casts Predistigation to lit up campfire with a small flame. I'm afraid I don't know any more potent fire-based spells.
(Note: More insightful characters might notice that Michalson is annoyed at his magic being used for such mundane matters, but tries not to show it)

2008-08-11, 09:50 AM

Smirking as the fire is being started, Jaras begins to set up camp and help the others. It seems this is as good place as any to set up camp.

I don't believe we got everyone's name. It would also be wise that we all know what skills the others possessed at least to a minimum level in order to take advantage of the situation should anything happen.

I will start. My name is Jaras. I specialize in close up hand to hand fighting with dual spears. I am not ineffective at ranged combat however.

2008-08-11, 11:24 AM
"Thank you, Michalson," Adiala smiles sweetly as she speaks.

The pair listen intently to Jaras as he speaks, and Teffil's interest looks to be piqued after he mentions his dual spear style.

"Interesting style," Teffil raises an eyebrow as he helps Adiala down, and onto an unfolded bedroll. "Mind if I ask where you picked it up?"

2008-08-11, 11:44 AM

Ah yes, I don't mind one bit. It is my families style of fighting. We have used it to protect and guard the nobility of the Eladari Empire for Many decades. It consists of quick attacks and movements to leave your enemies guessing your location. It was taugh to me at a very young age, and I have been attempting to master it since.

Those that are very insightful and pick up on others emotions may notice when he mentions this, he get's upset and saddened. Although he does try to hide it the best that he can.

2008-08-12, 05:27 PM
"Curious, I haven't seen that either," Anesta responded after Jaras was done. She finished pitching her tent, struggling somewhat to make it upright. "Well, I'm good with direction, I think would be the best way to put it. Having a friend be in the right place in the right time, and just keeping the battle going our way. I suppose in a pinch I'm hand with an axe as well."

She grins, not bothering to mention more then that.

2008-08-12, 11:03 PM
"You seem to have some combat experience Althea" Teffil notes, scratching the back of his neck, "Were you in any battles during the War, or are you one of the newer students."

2008-08-13, 06:59 AM
Michalson spent last few whiles blowing into the campfire and stroking it with his staff, and raising from his kees, content with the fire now, he joins the conversation. Ah, discussing tactics, are we? I admit I haven't seen anyone figthing with two spears at once either. Well, I think we're diverse enough group to work well together.

2008-08-14, 08:12 PM
"I was just a student, I've never been in any wars yet," Anesta replied. She shifted to make herself more comfortable. "And what can you do Michalson? I'm curious."

2008-08-15, 07:51 AM
I'm too much of a fledgeling wizard to mave any distinct style, Michalson says, and I don't really want to have one. If you have a distinct combat style, your enemies might learn it and use it against you. That said, don't expcect many elemental-based spells from me. Theyr'e crude, noisy and overly flashy. I prefer to deal with my enemies with subtlety. Putting someone to sleep is just as good as setting them on fire, but less messy.

2008-08-15, 03:44 PM
Teffil listens intently to everyone's discussions. "You have a good instinct Michalson. Although, if you eschew flashy and destructive magic, I'm afraid you're already on your way to a pretty distinctive style compared to most wizards. In my experience, they abandon all subtlety once they've learned to use magic as a sledge hammer."

"It's great to hear more about you all, but I think we should get to bed soon," Adiala interjects, "the baby's starting to calm down, and I think I could use the rest."

"Alright dear," Teffil briefly turns to his wife, and then back to you. "Well, we should get some sleep, I want to make Rose Creek before nightfall tomorrow. I'm going to be in our tent with Adiala, the rest of you should decide on some kind of watch schedule, I'd like to leave in about ten hours.

2008-08-16, 03:02 PM
Alright then, Michalson says turning back to the rest of the party, I volounteer to take the first watch. I'm used to going to bed late.

2008-08-16, 03:54 PM

Listening to the rest talk, Jaras just takes in what he is hearing. When they begin to talk about setting up watches for the night Jaras Volunteers for any shift needed. I believe having 3 watches, 3 hours per watch, that will give each person the needed 6 hours of sleep and allow us to double up on watches so one person isn't alone.

2008-08-19, 09:40 PM
"That sounds fair enough then," Anesta replied. She yawned, blinking a few times before looking at the other two. "Can you two figure it out, I wish to get some sleep before I need to do much else."

2008-08-19, 10:16 PM

Michalson I will go ahead and take a rest to. Wake me up in 3 hours.

2008-08-20, 07:18 AM
Alright, I'll wake you up in 3 hours. Michalson makes himself comfortable by the campfire and begins his watch.

2008-08-20, 04:45 PM
Sleep Schedule:

The night passes uneventfully, peacefully even. The rolling hills of the lowlands are uninhabited except for a sparse trees and animals.
Several more reptilian animals like the one carrying Adiala are resting near a small pond. The stars are out, and you can make out some interesting constellations.



And Neru, the Eidolon of Stars

After the 8 hours of sleep, Teffil rises and greets you all. He gets started on cooking some strips of meet from the back of the reptile, and in another hour Adiala rises, greets you all, and gives her husband a hug.

"Alright everyone," Teffil continues "You can take another hour, and then we should get going. I want to make it to Rose Creek before nightfall."

He packs up his tent, puts out the campfire, and starts loading the reptile. Without objection, he'll start moving.

We seem to have whittled down to 3 players. I'll look into an alternate, but if not I may use a DMPC to fill the defender slot. If you'd rather just stick to the 3, say so and we'll continue like that.

2008-08-20, 05:26 PM

Waking up to the smell of cooked meat was a rather appetizing thing for Jaras, who has spent most of his most recent time traveling around and eating trail rations. During the course of morning conversations it would seem that Jaras is rather happy person with no cares in the world, but those more intuitive can see it's just a front.

Well I believe setting out would be a good idea, the faster we can travel the safer it is for you and your child.

I am fine with either option. With only 3 you would need to scale it back.
Not sure on what role Anesta is, but we have a striker in me, and a controller in Michalson. If Anesta is a Leader we could get away w/o having a defender pretty easily, as long as Michalson doesn't mind getting attacked every now and then...

2008-08-20, 11:03 PM
"Smells good," Anesta replied. She took some of the meat, enjoying it as she packed up the tent and her belongings. She took a few moments to work out the kinks of sleeping on the ground, with special care to her tail and neck. The hard ground put something of a kink in both.

How'd you guys sleep? Well enough?"

I'm fine with either really. Having the defender would be good, but I could live with three. I could squeeze both spots out for now. It it makes making the encounters easier to calculate, I wouldn't mind a fourth for the defender slot.

2008-08-21, 06:53 AM
Michalson wakes up and smells the bacon, which somewhat eases his discomfort from sleeping on the ground. I've slept worse, thanks, he says and begins to eat. And just so you know, I'll need some time to study my spellbook before we leave.

I'm fine with either option too. It'd be good to have a full team, but if you can't find anyone, I guess we can go without a defender. We'd just have to take powers that'll prevent enemies from ganging up on us.

2008-08-22, 01:55 AM
Teffil waits until breakfast is done, scratching the back of his neck when Michalson mentions his spellbook. "I heard wizards need extra time with things like this. Well, go ahead."

Lighter conversation continues apace while you travel, and the couple seems to genuinely enjoy the pleasant weather and environment. In mid-afternoon, after about four more hours of travel, you crest over a small hill, and, behind a small blind spot, you notice a group of four humans and an eladrin sitting around a burnt out campfire, passing around a flask.

"Hey" the eladrin says, noticing the five of you with a smirk, "I don't know if you realized it, but you're passing through Eladari territory right now."
He stands up, and you
Anyone can make a history or streetwise check
notice his loose chain armor, bearing a worn

"And passing through Eladari territory means you pay Eladari taxes. Twenty gold from each of you ought to cover it." He shifts his head, and the humans around him, all wearing leather armor in various states of disrepair. "Or, we could handle the collection ourselves."

2008-08-22, 07:45 AM


Stepping forward towards the eladrin and the rising humans, making sure to put himself infront of everyone else, Jaras is ready to draw his spears at a moments notice. Finally speaking after a few seconds,

"I don't know if you realize who you are talking to, so let me explain a little, I am Jaras Silverblood, son of Rhiorin Silverblood honored Myrmidon of the Imperial Guard. I am Eladari Royalty and I suggest you step out of our way and move along, I will be sending a grouping of guards back to collect you rabble when I arrive at the next town, so if I was you, I wouldn't be here for much longer. But if it's a fight you are looking for, I would love nothing more as it's been quite a few months since I got to have any true fun."

Drawing out his two spears Jaras looks towards them with a smirk.

2008-08-22, 07:54 AM
sorry for the double post, but i edited my last post, and i couldn't make my rolls in there

not sure what roll you want

2008-08-22, 11:27 AM
Michalson stands behind Jaras. Yes... you look strange for Eladari soldiers. Who's your superior? We'd like to talk to him.

2008-08-22, 11:52 PM
Your personal training in Eladari military history tells you that the soldier's insignia, waves over a crescent moon, is that of the Wintermoon Bralani, the myrmidon unit which laid siege to the Nénezzan city of Marrant during the War of Four Kingdoms. They failed to take the city after years of fighting, which was the first significant defeat ever suffered by the Eladari host. Although nothing suggests the strategy was mishandled or that the battle was poorly fought–Najm-Namatha had entered the war and the Host was spread increasingly thin, and the Nénezzans were starting to consolidate their forces–the Wintermoon Bralani were disgraced after their defeat.

P.S. A myrmidon unit is typically organized as having around 15-30 myrmidons commanding 800-1000 soldiers, of which there are 100 or so captains which are not accepted myrmidons, but are accomplished soldiers given some command authority.
Jaras puts on an impressive show, and it makes an impression on the humans, they back down and start muttering to each other and to the eladrin, the eladrin just seems to react angrily.
He turns to the humans and glares at them, they stop muttering but don't seem to rally. The eladrin turns back to you.

In Elven:
"Well listen, Silverblood," he hisses, "Son of a myrmidon and a myrmidon are different things entirely." He rests his hand on a blade, "I'm a ranking captain with actual field experience and not just some sheltered training in a citadel. So unless your father shows up and backs you up, I'm the only superior you need to know.
"Now, if you want to actually be a myrmidon, learn some basic military theory and respect your superior. Pay the toll, twenty gold each, and we can take care of this."

The humans look uneasy while he speaks, two shakily put hands on their clubs and axes, but the other four just kind of back away.

2008-08-23, 08:28 PM
Anesta kept silent, though her shield and axe were ready to be drawn. She didn't understand most of Eladrin customs, and didn't really pass into their territories much. she shrugged, stepping forward and past Michalson. Jaras seemed to know what he was doing with the soldiers, but she could see a bad situation brewing. She hoped they wouldn't need to fight though, at least not for a reason that might come back to hurt them.

2008-08-23, 11:52 PM

Smirking back at the Eladrin while he was talking, Jaras just listened. Finally once he was done, a larger smile appeared on Jaras's face. I was never really one to follow the "wants" of a superior, I think I might have to pass on paying you the gold, and if you want to do anything about it, Let's go.

Drawing out his spears, looking like he is ready to attack and onguard for anything the Eladrin could throw at him, Jaras motions for the others to begin moving once again.

2008-08-24, 02:08 AM
The eladrin looks at Jaras' spears and glares. "Who are you you little bastard! I'm a soldier of the host, not just some reject, and we outnumber you. Beat the money out of them, boys!"

Roll Initiative!

Map Guide:
Blue: Active Party
Green: Noncombat Allies (Currently Adiala)
Red: Enemies

(Okay, I accidently put down Michalson in Red, I'll fix it the next time I update the map.)

2008-08-24, 06:07 AM
((So, I take it Tefil is a combatant, then?))
((Also, I suggest you could roll initiative for everyone including PCs. That'd make combats go a bit faster, I think))

Initiative roll: [roll0]
Michalson grabs his staff, grins and mutters, Come and get it, thugs...

2008-08-24, 11:23 AM

With spears in hand Jaras is ready for what the Eladrin is bringing.


2008-08-24, 06:26 PM
Anesta readied her shield and axe, silent and waiting for the others.

[roll0] - Initiative

2008-08-24, 07:35 PM
(Teffil is going to act as a DMPC for right now, but it may change as time goes on.)

19 Michalson
13 Eladrin
7 Teffil
5 Jaras
4 Thugs
2 Anesta

Combat Posting Guidelines:
Wait until your initiative order to post, don't post ahead. Some people think it works faster, but I think that the messiness of adjudicating conflicting actions takes longer in the long run. There's only three people, so we should handle it.

Format your post as such:
Teffil (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72127) (Post your sheet at the beginning of combat, you don't have to do it each post. It makes it easier to reference for me.)
HP 29/29
AC 19
Fort 12/Ref 14/Will 14

Teffil draws his sword and dashes to the orc's side, he twirls the blade in his wrist and drives it into the enemy.

Move to the B3.
Use Basic Attack on orc.
Str vs AC

DMPCs will be rolled here on the board, but I'll be rolling enemy dice myself off-screen, to save time, avoid die roller screwiness, and so, in desperate straits, I can fudge ugly die rolls in your favor.

The map will be updated at the top of each round.

Whew; that said, Michalson's move.

2008-08-25, 07:20 AM
Michalson (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=13182)
HP 24/24
AC 14
Fort 12/Ref 13/Will 14
Michalson outstretches his staff and shouts a spell that puts brigands' minds to sleep.
Cast Sleep on C7
Attack vs. E: [roll0]
Attack vs. H1: [roll1]
Attack vs. H2: [roll2]
Attack vs. H3: [roll3]
Attack vs. H4: [roll4]

2008-08-25, 06:53 PM
The five man start to blink heavily and look loose on their feet. They start to stumble, three of the humans worse than the rest, and they struggle to hold onto their weapons.
The eladrin, holding his temple with one hand and his blade with the other shouts back. "Pull yourself together! This is just some trick, kill the mage and it'll stop."
He pushes forward steadily, and tries to strike at Jaras with his longsword.
His reactions are less than razor sharp, but he still solidly bangs into your armor with a thundering clang.
The motion seems to get his adrenaline flowing, as he seems to shake off the worst of the affects.
H2, H3, and H4 are hit by Sleep, E and H1 are not but are still slowed. The eladrin moves to G6 and makes a basic attack against Jaras, dealing 4 damage. He successfully saves against sleep.

HP 29/29
AC 19
Fort 12/Ref 14/Will 14

Teffil flips a long, inwardly curved shortsword out of his jacket and spins on his feet, darting out in a wide curve before swinging back around to the Eladrin. He holds his sword out on his right side and quickly draws his left hand across the flat of the blade. A rush of dark violet energy rushes from the blade and into the eladrin, forming as an intricate rune over his body.
Tightening his grip, he moves the blade again, in a wide sweep. The same purple energy rushes from the blade toward one of the human thugs.

For those curious, Teffil is a hexblade, a nominally modified version of the swordmage.
Teffil moves to G5, moving wide to avoid an opportunity attack. He uses Hexblade's Curse (Aegis of Defense) to mark the eladrin, and he follows up with Devil's Hex (Multiclass Infernal Pact Warlock At-Will Ability) against H1.

[roll=Damage]1d6+Con Psychic

(Screwed up the roll, but it's irrelevant)

The violet energy strikes through the chest of the thug, and he falls to the ground, contorting in agony.

2008-08-25, 09:55 PM
Jaras (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70693)

27/31 HP
15 AC
14/13/13 F/R/W

Seeing the Eladrin come at him, Jaras smiles rather large. When the Eladrin strikes him, and it barely bypasses his armor, Jaras just quietly mutters "Your going to wish you had just moved to the side and let us pass" Focusing down the Eladrin, the ranger strikes out at him

Minor action mark the Eladrin

Jaws of the Wolf


1/2 damage on misses

forgot to roll Quarry damage.

btw if you can, for future, specify who failed there sleep saves and fell asleep.. i was going to teleport to them and do an aoe attack on them, but i didn't want to hold up combat

BTW i want to do non-lethal damage, as i don't want to kill him.

2008-08-25, 09:58 PM
sorry for the double post. I forgot to roll hunter's quarry damage

would be on the first attack, since it missed it get's added to second attack since it's only once per round when i hit.

so first attack deals 7, second attack deals 20+ above roll

so 30 damage dealt total to him, as i am assuming a 21 hits his AC

2008-08-26, 05:00 PM
(You're right, I should have specified but I forgot to in the crunch text.)

The eladrin falls with the dull weight of the two blows, each slamming a hard wooden side into his chest, transferring the impact through his chain armor. He coughs, the wind knocked out of him,and falls to his knees, tipping over. The humans turned around, deprived of their leader and groggy fom the spell. One seems to shake it off, but the other two fall unconscious.

Eladrin down, H2 saves but H3 and H4 are both unconcsious. Anesta's turn.

2008-08-26, 07:46 PM
Anesta's Profile (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70041)

HP - 24/24
19 AC
13/13/14 Fort/Ref/Will

Anesta hurried forward, bearing her axe at the one thug who seemed to be standing well after Michalson's spell. She brought it up and down, not bothering to let him have a moment of respite.

Viper's Strike. Going Strength vs. Fortitude.
[roll0] - To Hit
[roll1] - For Damage.

If it hits, and he lives, and he moves, Anesta gets an AoO on him.

EDIT: Yay! I gots a Natural 20. Though now I'm not sure what to do.

2008-08-27, 12:10 PM
(Critical hits now deal max damage, and maybe other effects if you have a special weapon or poewr)

Anesta's axe breaks through the human's minimal skills and downs him with a solid blow into his side. All the humans are either down or unconcsious, and the Eladrin is knocked out and beaten up.

Battle Over! Enjoy 100 Experience for defeating one Level 3 soldier and 4 level 2 minions.

Teffil smiles and sheathes his blade. "Good job, I knew I made a good choice when I hired you. Feel free to take anything useful they might be holding."

He looks down at the eladrin and takes on a quizzical look. "He's not dead...Jaras, any reason you left him alive?"

2008-08-27, 12:38 PM
I don't think those thugs are dead either, Michalson points at humans he put to sleep. What shall we do with them? After saying that, he approaches the humans and starts searching for valuables in any case.

2008-08-27, 01:04 PM

Breathing heavily, Jaras looks around and sees that he wasn't the only one with some decent combat training. Smiling he responds to Teffil, "It's not his fault that the Eladari Empire turned there backs on him. He should not be killed for this, it is wrong and he should not do it and should find some reputable work, but I don't believe any of us have the right to kill or even pass judgement on him, unless we were to be put in his boots for just a few hours.

Placing a few days worth of food and some water at the man's side, Jaras then reaches into his belt pouch and draws out some coin. Opening the Eladrin's hand Jaras places 5 gold in it.

Alright, I believe we can continue towards our destination, I don't want to waste any more time that we have to. Go ahead and begin, I will catch up with you.

Letting eveyone get a little bit ahead of him, Jaras attempts to wake the Eladrin up and as he begins to walk away with the Eladrin coming to, Jaras turns back to speak to him. Now, I have spared your life, in hopes you will pass this kindness on. There are plenty of opportunities for you outside the Eladrin Empire. Use the food and coin to head to the next town over and begin searching for your new calling. I don't want to find you here the next time I pass through. And I do not want to hear from anyone else around here that you are still here harassing them or I will come looking for you and not be so gracious.

Turning and jogging to catch up with his other companions, Jaras leaves the man laying there on the ground.

2008-08-28, 01:02 AM
"Fair enough, let's just get going," Anesta replied to the others. She took a moment to wipe her axe on one of the bandit's shirts, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the men. She sheathed her things, and caught up with the others as they all began to walk away.

"Has there always been such a tax to enter the Eladrin lands, or is it new?" Anesta asked the others.

2008-08-28, 05:03 AM
I left the Empire long ago, I don't remember, says Michalson, still searching the brigands' bodies. Then he turns to Jaras. So, a son of imperial Myrmidon? I see we've come into a noble company.

2008-08-28, 01:59 PM
Teffil makes a noncomittal grunt. "You have a strange way about you Jaras, but I don't suppose it's a problem. We should get going though, I want to reach Rose Creek by nightfall."

(I'm giving you a while to wrap up remaining conversation, then I'll post the next action)

2008-08-28, 02:09 PM

Trying to Catch up with the group, Jaras jogged for a few seconds. Looking around at everyone, and suprised that no one had gotten hurt, except for himself, he just smiled. Well it seems decently well that we are able to handle ourselves in combat if the need should arise again.

Yes Teffil, I believe we should pick up the pace to get there before night fall. And I may act strange but It's just the views I was raised with.

Then turning towards Michalson, Jaras speaks, Yes I am, but that is a part of my past I try to leave where it lies. I was told I wasn't disciplined enough to become a Myrmidon myself, so I left to find myself and see if I can learn to keep myself focused.

2008-08-28, 02:18 PM
Michalson waves his hand. Alright, alright. You don't have to tell me your life's story. I'm not overly concerned with the past of people I work with. It just came as a bit of surprise to me.
((Also, since Michalson spent a while searching, what did the thugs have?))

2008-08-29, 10:20 PM
(The thugs have 27 gold between them. Teffil doesn't ask for a share, so you can divide it between the three of you)

The loose road you follow starts to cut through some well-tilled farmland and crosses a small river. After stopping to boil some water and refill your waterskins, you continue up a small hill.
After you crest the hilltop, you reach the outskirts of a village just as the sun starts to set. A sign on the path reads ‘Rose Creek, 2 Miles'.

The sun starts to set in the distance.
"Ah, finally," Adiala sighs sweetly. "I think we're just in time."

Teffil spurs the mount again, and they continue down the hill.
You continue walking, and crest the hill, and make your way down to the village just past the crest of the hill. A sign near the edge of the village reads, "Rose Creek"

The village is pleasant, but as you walk the cobblestone paths between the wooden houses, you notice that the streets are completely empty, and every door and window is closed and some are even barred.
A chilly wind is blowing through the streets, and everything is dead quiet. After a while wandering the streets, you notice a building with the lights on. A shingle hanging on the wall reads “Dancing Rhino”.

"It's true what they've been saying," Adiala mumbles as you walk through the town, "it's a good thing we got here when we did.

2008-08-31, 03:43 PM
What's that supposed to mean? Is this some kind of a local party, or someting?
((Alright, I'll take 9 gp then.))

2008-09-02, 09:52 AM
Streetwise checks if you have them

"Rose Creek is supposedly a nice place, but rumor has it that something bad's been happening at night. Of course, that's not really our problem, fortunately."

He knocks on the door to the inn, and in a few moments a small slit opens in the middle of the door, and two eyes peer out. Looking you over for a moment, the door then opens, revealing a burly looking human gentlemen with a rough beard and short brown hair. "Greetin's travelers, good to see friendly faces. Hurry in so I can get this door closed back up."

2008-09-02, 10:23 AM

Seeing the reaction of Teffil and the innkeeper Jaras's interests have been peaked. Stepping into the establishment Jaras glances around and takes in the sights before turn back around to talk to the doorman.

What seems to be the problem, why so much security for a small town?

no streetwise here, well -1. im not trained so i don't know if i get a roll.. but will roll either way [roll0]

also on the gold, did you split it as we were walking or when we were still with the thugs?

2008-09-02, 06:01 PM
The doorman, after locking the door, turns around and circles behind the bar. Several other people are seated at some small tables, mostly humans and also a tiefling, murmuring as you enter.

The barman raises an eyebrow at your question, "I guess travelers wouldn’t have heard about the problems of our little town. Rose Creek was a nice little place until about a month ago, when we found the body of pickpocket slashed up in an alleyway. At the time, everyone thought that it was just a robbery gone wrong, but over the course of the month, over a dozen more people were found dead, hacked up and robbed blind.”
He smiles wryly, and leans away from the bar. “The reason you didn’t see a single soul walking the streets tonight is because nobody’s brave or stupid enough to be outside after dark now that the Rose Creek Ripper is out and about."

2008-09-02, 11:30 PM
"That is information I kind of wish I knew a few hours ago," replied Anesta. She let her axe rest against an empty chair and goes to the bar. She holds out one of the gold coins to the barkeep. "So, could I get a drink before anything else begins to bother what could be a peaceful night?"

She looks back at Teffil and Adiala. "Do you still need us for a bit, at least until you give birth?"

2008-09-03, 02:05 PM
Teffil strokes his chin. "I only knew that something was wrong, I didn't know it was this bad. Yes Anesta, I'll definitely be wanting to keep you three on for a while."

"You're right to do so," the bartender replies, "Cadorro hasn't done much to help." Teffils eyes pick up at the mention of the name.

At this point, Adiala listens with an uneasy expression. "Darling, I'm going to bed." Teffil nods and rises to support her. "Get some sleep tonight, we'll be busy tomorrow. Barkeep, put four rooms on my bill, I'll settle them later." He begins leading his wife up the stairs.

The bartender looks to the three of you. "We have some wine from a local vineyard, it's not much for a city girl like you. A gold piece for a cup if you want some."

2008-09-03, 03:55 PM

With a questioning expression on his face he watches Teffil head upstairs.

Turning back towards the bartender, Who's this Cadorro? What would he have to do with what is going on?

And why is the wine so expensive, is it because of all these problems you are having trouble getting supplies?

2008-09-03, 07:59 PM
"Well," the barkeep responds "business has been limited, since I usually serve travelers and travel has been declining. The price hike's a sad fact of doing business nowadays. You're lucky your friend's paying for your rooms."

"As for your first question," the tiefling sitting at a nearby table answers, "is the weasely little ferret who's supposed to be protecting us. Damn bit of good he is."

The barkeep rolls his eyes, "Teppen there is a little more negative than I am." The tiefling shakes his head slightly. The bartender continues, "In his prime, Cadorro was a myrmidon, when the war ended the Empire stationed him as the magistrate here. Ostensibly, he's responsible for taking care of the Ripper, but nothing he's done worked that well. Town patrols didn't work and we don't have any town guard to speak of."

Anyone can roll History checks.

2008-09-04, 08:16 AM
History check: [roll0]
A murderer on the loose, and authorities can't do anything about it. Michalson smirks. How very classic. I wonder if this Cadorro fellow is simply incompetent or something else.

2008-09-04, 12:39 PM
Eladrin myrmidons who serve the Empire in war are awarded a position of nobility, and are usually given rulership of a conquered city. The unofficial policy is that your proximity to the Spiral Palace indicates your favor in the Empire.

The barkeep listens to michalson and sighs. "He says he's requesting a guard unit from the tower, but nothing's been said yet. We don't have a town guard, and when we tried to organize militia's it didn't work. Well, it did, but when men were out all night they couldn't work in the day, we had to try and split up the patrols just to cover the town, and we lost two good men when they tried to walk alone. Past that, nothing's worked."

"A bunch of crap," the tiefling continues, "everyone knows he hates it here. He's holed himself in his villa and making token efforts while the rest of us die."

2008-09-04, 12:48 PM

Listening to the story that they are telling, and nodding in agreeance. Jaras finally speaks back up and ask's another question. Is there any kind of patter to the attacks? Always attacking in the same location or near it, Attacking drunk people, Attacking near the same time of night? Anything I can use to help solve this problem doe you all.

2008-09-05, 09:17 AM
Yeah, we could help you with this, if the guardsmen can't. We'd need to know more, though.

2008-09-05, 10:06 PM
The barman rolls his eyes slightly. "Once again, we don't have any town guards. As for your questions," he returns his gaze to Jaras. "Only people walking alone have been attacked, and only at night, and it always picks the victims clean. Otherwise, it's happened all over town. It stopped for a week while we had militia patrols, but we couldn't keep those up. Nobody really knows anything worthwhile."

2008-09-08, 10:19 PM
"Well, I'll still take some wine anyway," Anesta replied as she listened to their story. She thrummed her fingers on the table top, more just to keep them moving then anything else. "How big is this area anyway? Or is this mystery killer a foreigner?"

2008-09-09, 09:29 AM

Ordering a glass of wine, Jaras sits down with his companions and reflects on the information they just aquired. Well it seems this town is bad off. I am not sure about you all, but I believe something needs to be done about it, and quickly. I do not want any of these deaths weighing on my conscience. What I suggest is someone goes out and pretends to be drunk and tries to get attacked, the others stalk that person. When the person attempts to attack him, we capture and turn in the murderer.

Taking another drink of his glass, Jaras adds Well, no time like the present, we ready to go out and save the town.

2008-09-09, 01:17 PM
M0rt has some offline issues, so may be posting slow for a while. We'll continue as much as possible until then, then we handle as we can.
The wine is tasty, despite being local. Lively in taste with pleasant backnotes of lemon, it's a welcome taste.

The bartender listens to your story with a half-confused expression. "Uh, right. Listen I can't recommend that but if you want to I won't stop ya."

The tiefling stands up slightly, "we want nothing more than to save this town from the Ripper, but we have responsibilities of our own. If we stop working to go chasing dead leads the town will collapse. You, however, don't have those concerns, so if you sellswords want to fix things be our guest. I'm going to bed Leo."

The barkeep nods, "sleep tight."

2008-09-16, 06:26 AM
I'm back. I hoped I'd be able to get internet connection in the hospital, but alas, I couldn't.
Michalson drinks his wine, frowning. It could be risky. This someone has apparently managed to kill two militiamen, not to mention there might be more of those someones. Still, maybe it could be worth it to stop this butcher... The last sentence seems to be more of a question than a statement.

2008-09-19, 01:10 PM
OOC: So, to confirm, you guys are going to look outside? If so, who is going to be bait?

2008-09-19, 03:49 PM
OOC: Well, Michalson in any case agrees, but he flat-out refuses to be the bait.

2008-09-19, 04:01 PM

Jaras stands up looks at his companions, and then towards the door. Well no time like the present, and I can't quite require anyone else to be bait for my idea. Picking up his stuff, he tries to hide them the best he can, making himself not look so "trained". He then takes the glass of wine he ordered and splashes himself with it, to make himself smell like alcohol. Heading out the door, he turns back real quick, Keep your ears open.

i apologize, my last two weeks have been hectic. i have been in and out of the vet with my dog. i have done numerous xrays. they have finally found the problem, so i should be a little more attentive.

2008-09-22, 07:57 AM
Got it. Michalson waits for Jaras to leave, then wanders in the same general direction, trying not to looks as if he's following him. Bluff check in case it's needed: [roll0]

2008-09-22, 05:10 PM
"I will, no worries," Anesta replied. She finishes her wine quickly, thanking the good barkeep for giving it to her. She shrugged, picking up her items and slinging them over her back once more and left with Michalson.

((OOC: Anesta agress, and good to see this going again.))

2008-09-24, 12:35 AM
"Good luck," the bartender deadpans, wiping off a glass. "I'll let the town know you died trying to help us."

After each of you leaves the Dancing Rhino, you reenter the familiar, eerie silence of Rose Creek after nightfall. One by one, you make your way out, first Jaras, followed by Michalson and Anesta.

Jaras does his best to stagger like a drunkard, and from watching him he seems to do a pretty good job; Staggering isn't really a science.

Anesta and Michalson trail close behind Jaras, waiting for something to approach him.

Hours begin to pass, and the silence seems to deepen in contrast with the staggering of Jaras.

You seem to cross most of the town as you walk. The town is heavily residential, but you notice several shops of potential interest. Shoalfellow's Tannery, Mathiel's Finery, Chissdae's Smith and Repair. A few more restaraunts are visible other than the Dancing Rhino, such as the White Dragon and Kerrek's Stoop.

Finally you reach the town's forum, a relatively new part of the town judging by it's fresh architecture. A large, open, freshly paved area flanked on either side with several benches and potted gardens, fresh with colorful violets.

While you watch Jaras. Michalson feels a set of small claws work their way up and around his neck, and a large, glossy-furred rat settles on his shoulder, it's black tail curving around and down his back. "This town smells of death master, it hangs in the air." The whisper of the rat is low and raspy, but oddly smooth. "It's almost suffocating. The cloak of this stench will choke this town into nonexistence if it continues much longer as it does now. Perhaps it'd be best to leave before the miasma intensifies, perhaps watch it die from a safe distance."

Before you have any chance to respond, something lunges at Jaras, something with claws...

You failed the perception check to determine surprise, but your plan did succeed in getting you attacked. :smallbiggrin:

Roll Initiative

2008-09-24, 10:49 AM

Woot, getting attacked is fun : )


2008-09-24, 12:13 PM
Michalson (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=13182)
Initiative: [roll0]
((I seem to have lucky rolls during this adventure.:smallwink:))

2008-09-24, 01:22 PM
Anesta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70041)


2008-09-24, 02:20 PM
Michalson 19
Enemy 16
Jaras 15
Anesta 2

Surprise Round before anything, however.

Jaras is taken unawares by the wide swipe of a scythe-like, chitinous claw. It slams into his armor, barely missing his flesh but still knocking the wind out of him.

Jaras is hit with a basic attack and takes 8 damage

With the surprise round over, you can get a good look at the creature. It's a reptilian about three feet tall on five feet long, covered in chitinous plates and walking on four pointed claws. On its underside are two smaller hind legs that hang above the ground. It's jaws are wickedly sharp and it's eyes are beady, and a ridged sping arcs down its back.

Roll Nature checks if you have them.

Roll nature if you have it.

2008-09-24, 02:49 PM
((The surprise round's resolved, so I guess I go in first. No nature check for me, though.))
Seeing Jaras attacked, Michalson moves to a more advantageous position and fires a ray of sickeningly green energy from his staff.
Move action to get two squares behind Jaras and standard action to use Ray of Enfeeblement on the monster. If the monster attacks, use Staff of Defense if it'll change hit into miss. I'm not entirely clear if the monster gets cover or not, but the situation doesn't really allow tactical thinking.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-09-24, 03:51 PM
Nature Check

2008-09-24, 04:31 PM
(Jaras: You don't recognize this creature, but at the moment you're occupied with other things so you didn't think too hard about it.)

Michalson's ray bolts forward, but in the dim light of nightfall his aim skews and it blazes uselessly against a wall. The creature, now adjacent to Jaras, turns to look at the new source of danger, it lunges again, resting on its smaler legs, and tries to tackle Jaras with both its foreclaws. Jaras nimbly dodges one, but one scrapes across his arm, leaving a burning sensation and a faint, but harsh, odor.

The enemy uses Ripping Strike, missing with one attack but hitting with the other. Take 5 damage.

Anesta's turn.

2008-09-24, 06:27 PM
HP: 18/31
AC: 15
F/R/W: 14/13/13

((I believe it is my turn, as I go right after it))

After many hours of wandering around, stumbling this way and that, Jaras finally is able to lure out the creature behind the attacks.

Drawing out his spears he attacks it full on.

Minor Action - Hunters Quarry
Move Action - Draw Out Spear
Standard Action - Attack Creature

Action Point
Second Wind
Regain 7 hp, putting me at 25/31, and giving me +2 to all defenses

2008-09-24, 06:44 PM
Anesta frowned as she ran forward and struck at the monster beside Jaras, bringing her axe around in an attempt to stop the creature from attacking.

Furious Smash!
[roll0] - does 2 damage if it hits and gives Jaras a power bonus equal to my Charisma bonus (3) against the thing next time he attacks.

2008-09-24, 10:54 PM
(You're right, my bad it was Jaras then Anesta.)

While the beast tries to pin Jaras, the ranger tries to drive his spear into the creature's exposed underside. However, the point sticks wide and the creature dodges. In its distraction, however, Anesta is able to maneuver into position and drive her shield into the creature's side. The creature doesn't look too hurt, but it is knocked off balance.

Round 2
Michalson's turn

2008-09-25, 05:33 AM
Michalson swears as his spell goes awry and runs forward so that he doesn't have to sling spells from behind his companions' backs. Then he fires a bolt of dim, grey energy from his staff.

Move action to move 5 squares in order to have a clean shot -specifically, two squares northwest of Jaras- and then standard action to use Magic Missle on the creature.

2008-09-25, 01:37 PM
The creature screeches as the energy bursts into his side with considerable impact.
The creature reacts sharply to the blows, it seems surprised by prey that resists.

The creature looks to the source of his pain and abandons its quarry to remove the threat. It hops out of melee and on to the masonry wall of a building and claws its way across the side, leaving pocked dents along the wall. He drops down between Jaras and Michalson, and claws at the mage. The mage hastily blocks the worst of the attack with his staff but is still bruised by the attack.

The beast moves, provoking opportunity attacks from Jaras and Anesta. It climbs along the wall and drops to the space between Jaras and Michalson, and makes a Basic Attack, which hits for 7 damage.

2008-09-25, 02:05 PM
HP: 25/31
AC: 15
F/R/W: 14/13/13

Striking at the creature who is trying to avoid the attacks


Jaras then spins around and attacks the creature, shifting to gain combat advantage if able.

i can't see the map at work. move if am able to grant combat advantage from it.
minor draw other spear
attack creature
[roll2] +2 if CA gotten

2008-09-27, 02:12 PM
Jaras punches away with his spears, but each blow bounces off the creature's tough hide, unable to find purchase between the chitinous plates.

Anesta's AoO and turn.

2008-09-27, 07:56 PM
Anesta struck down hard with her axe, and then followed quickly with another blow, hoping to catch the creature off guard.


Viper's Strike

((If target moves before my next turn, I get another AoO))

2008-09-28, 01:36 PM
Anesta swipes with her axe as the creature moves away, but slashes only air as it dashes swiftly around the edge of the building.

However, when she dashes around for a better vantage, she manages to land a thrusting cut into a hole in the creature's plates, penetrating with massive force.

The beast screeches and stumbles, turning it's attention to the source of its great pain.


Michalson's turn.

2008-09-28, 03:02 PM
HP: 17/24

Michalson tries to futher distract the creature with his staff while giving Jaras a chance to land a solid blow. Come on, stab it while it's distracted!

In other words, he uses Commander's Strike to grant Jaras a free attack against the monster.

2008-09-29, 11:35 AM

Following his friends orders, Jaras strikes out at the precise moment and point specified.

[roll2] hunters quarry as i did not hit on my normal attack last round.

2008-09-29, 01:02 PM
Jaras' spear drives between the defenses of the creature, striking into its flesh and causing it to recoil in pain as it dodges to avoid the worst of the blow. Still, it looks hurt as it turns to the sources of its anguish, whirling a claw at Jaras, striking into his shoulder with a burning, slicing pain. Blood streams from the wound as the beast withdraws the claw and prepares to lunge again.

The monster strikes Jaras with a Basic Attack, dealing 10 damage and bloodying him.

Jaras' turn.

(OOC: I'll be out for a day or two, so feel free to post the rest of your turns before the monster's next attack.)

2008-09-29, 02:04 PM
HP: 15/31
AC: 15
F/R/W: 14/13/13

Feeling that claw digging into him, Jaras tries to judge the condition of the creature. Then striking out with his second spear trying to catch the creature off guard, Jaras jabs at him.

[roll0] both heal and nature are the same, what ever skill would be needed to tell if this creature has even been bloodied yet.

Attack information

2008-09-30, 09:06 PM
You automatically know if an enemy is bloodied; this is not.

Also, Jaras, what kind of attack are you using?

2008-10-01, 08:58 AM
just standard basic attack

2008-10-01, 07:32 PM
(OOC: I'm a bit confused why you are not using your At-Will powers, but if you are entitled to use your Basic Attack)

Jaras attempts to get leverage against the beast, but his efforts to penetrate the beast's hide are in vain.

Anesta's turn.

2008-10-01, 08:20 PM
reason i don't use at wills in this instance, is that i have hit and run, which just allows me to more w/o opportunity attacks, and then twin strike, which is less avg damage..... i could use it but i figured 6-13 was better than 2-16... didn't realize that he was THAT hard to hit..

2008-10-02, 09:30 PM
Anesta cursed as the beast didn't really seem to be slowing down, despite what they kept doing it. She struck again with her axe at the creature, hoping to injure it even more.

Viper's Strike vs. Fort

2008-10-02, 11:10 PM
Anesta tries to press through the creature's endurance, but the creature stands strong against her strike.

Michalson's turn.

2008-10-03, 12:21 PM
((OOC: It's time for Anesta to use encounter powers, I guess.))

Michalson seems enraged and insulted by this... bugs resilience. He steps back and fires two bolts of energy from his staff very quickly.

Shift one square away from the creature, cast Magic Missle and use action point to cast it a second time.
1st attack: [roll0]
1st damage: [roll1]
2nd attack: [roll2]
2nd damage:[roll3]

2008-10-03, 01:11 PM
Michalson's blasts are rapid, but in his frustration his aim suffers and the bolts swing wide, breaking cobblestones and denting a wall.

The monster's eyes dart between the two melee warriors, he slashes a claw at Anesta, hitting the blunt end across her chest and knocking her back a bit. Using the distraction, it scurries swiftly out of its cornered position.

He hits Anesta with a Basic Attack, dealing 10 damage, and shifts a space away.
(PS Artifex, don't forget the combat heading.:smallsmile:)

2008-10-03, 02:20 PM
HP: 15/31
AC: 15
F/R/W: 14/13/13

Forgoing accuracy Jaras just tries to win the contest with wild stabs. Stabbing at the creature with both spears trying to hit something.

Twin STrike
Attack information



2008-10-04, 01:49 PM
Although his first strike nearly penetrates the beast's thick plating, the creature swerves just in time to avoid being punctured and evade the second blow.

Anesta's turn.

(OOC: Yes, he is exceptionally hard to hit, trust me though that this is a winnable fight.)

2008-10-05, 06:49 PM
14/24 HP

Anesta gritted her teeth once more, cursing the strange creature as it struck out in hurt her. The tiefling stepped forward, bringing down her axe twice in a heavy blow intended to strike the creature down for good.

Viper's Strike ((Due to Creature shifting, I get a basic attack))

Warlord's Favor

Giving myself the bonus to AC, so I'm currently at 23 for this turn from Warlord's Favor.

2008-10-05, 06:50 PM

Messed up the first attack. Rerolling now.


2008-10-06, 04:50 PM

Anesta's advancing blows fail to penetrate the beasts tough plating, strong as they are. Michalson, close to the beast, strikes his staff on the ground and tries to break through its defenses with a burst of thundering energy.

Attacks with Thunderwave

2008-10-06, 04:59 PM
(OOC: If you're wondering, Michalson was having a momentary net issue so I posted his action for him)

The beast weathers the shockwave without flinching, and turns to attack the source of that, scraping Michalson's arm with it's claw.
The monster attacks with a basic attack, dealing 5 points of damage to Michalson.

Jaras' turn.

2008-10-06, 05:04 PM
HP: 15/31
AC: 15
F/R/W: 14/13/13

Attacking it again with a flurry of blows, Jaras strikes out at the creature

Twin STrike
Attack information



2008-10-06, 06:35 PM
Jaras: With a free action you could shift to flank with Michalson, which would mean your first attack would hit. Since there's almost no reason you wouldn't, I would let you have done that

2008-10-06, 07:03 PM
sorry i cna't see the map at work.... but yes i would have done that.

2008-10-06, 08:09 PM
Jaras' first attack manages to catch the beast off guard, and it screeches as the speartip draws blood from its flesh.

Anesta's turn.

2008-10-09, 09:03 PM
Anesta stepped forward again, beginning to get angry at the beast for not curling up and falling before their strikes. Such a beast she had never encountered before, and she wouldn't want this to be her last battle.

Viper's Strike
((giving the bonus to myself))

[roll0] - Attack Roll
[roll1] - Damage Roll

2008-10-11, 05:17 PM
Again coming close, Anesta's axe fails to penetrate the beast's carapace.

Michalson, trying to distract it to ensure Jaras' continued success, again slams down his staff, creating another burst of energy.

Thunderwave against the monster.
9 damage from a critical hit, and the creature screeches as the blast of sound breaks through it's skin.

It slashes at Michalson in revenge, but misses in its fury.

Jaras' turn.

2008-10-12, 10:44 AM
HP: 15/31
AC: 15
F/R/W: 14/13/13

Striking out once again at the creature with both spears, Jaras hopes to connect.

Twin STrike
Attack information



2008-10-12, 10:45 AM
HAHA awesome... two crits..

first one does 14 damage (8+6) second does 8 damage. total 22 damage.

2008-10-12, 04:32 PM
Jaras, capitalizing off of Michalson's deadly strike, launches his own volley of blows. Each lands dead on in the creature's sides, and it screeches as greenish blood pours out of the wounds, burning the sidewalk as it lands. The creature trembles as it tries to regain its footing, its eyes darting angrily.
However, you hear a sudden, sharp whistle echo through the streets, and the creature immediately turns away, climbs up the wall of the building and over the rooftop, and dashes away into the night.

Battle Over! Take 350 Experience each for bloodying a Level 4 Elite Soldier and Learning the Identity of the Rose Creek Ripper

So, you've confronted some kind of deadly monster, but you've come out victorious, at least for now. The streets are quiet once again, save for the heavy breaths of your comrades.

You can theoretically make attacks of opportunity and two more attacks, but even if you all rolled crits it wouldn't be enough to down it.

2008-10-13, 02:19 PM
((I'm back. I shouldn't be going anywhere for a while, so there won't be any more absences.))
Michalson leans on his staff, breathing heavily, too tired and bruised to even try to cast any more spells.
You might be right in this part about getting out of here, Gink... he mutters to his familiar. To his comrades, he says:
Well, now we know what has been gutting those people. We look like a bit too much for this thing to handle, though. Despite being very clearly scared to death, he tries to act smugly and confidently.

2008-10-14, 10:51 AM

Breathing rather heavily after driving off this creature, Jaras simply responds It would seem as though we were just what this town was needing. But it appeared to me that this thing was being controlled by something. Did you hear those whistles as well?

[roll0] to identify that creature

2008-10-15, 12:33 AM
Wracking your brains and thinking more clearly, you do remember reading an entry in a field guide that reminds you of what you just fought.
During the war, Nenézzan tieflings briefly employed insectile warbeasts called 'kruthiks' during the siege of Nacommier, a now defunct city-state captured by the empire. The beasts originally plowed through the Host's lines, but after a short time they started to congregate and nest near the walls of the city. It took the concentrated efforts of Nenézzan warlocks to bring them down, and the beasts were never seen again during the war.
According to your recollection, they few that remain are 'escapees' from the siege who survived to repopulate in scattered locales throughout the Alcedonian lowlands.

2008-10-20, 12:52 AM
(Sorry, I don't think I was clear...the monster is gone and you're in the empty alley. You're free to choose your next move.)

2008-10-20, 07:28 AM
((Well, I was waiting for ArtifexFelicis to say what Anesta does or says.))
Yes. It seems it was some sort of a signal for this creature. And what was this thing anyway?

2008-10-20, 10:18 AM

Standing there for a few moments thinking about everything, Jaras finally responds It was a kruthiks, Tieflings used them during the last war, but they became to ferocious. Only a few of those beasts remained after the war, and those were the ones tough enough to get away.

Well, we best get a move on, Head to the inn to rest for the night. The bring this to the attention of the Lord of the town in the morning?