View Full Version : LGBTAI+ LGBT people in the playground - part II

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2008-09-07, 10:53 PM
I vote portmanteau.
Soulgang... that one sounds dirty.
Hell, they both sound dirty.

Dirty's not so bad.

You just need to mix it up a bit more; when in doubt, homogenise.

2008-09-07, 10:55 PM
Oh my god, that is the single most messed up word I've ever seen.

You really do rock.

2008-09-07, 10:56 PM
I vote portmanteau.
Soulgang... that one sounds dirty.
Hell, they both sound dirty.

Lol. that was a great one.

2008-09-07, 10:57 PM
Oh my god, that is the single most messed up word I've ever seen.

You really do rock.

Well, I did invent the word anomalytical earlier today.

And yes, I do. And for recognising this so quickly, that makes you insanely awesome. That's like, 80 awesome points in one fell swoop. Only three other people even have that many points, let alone gain them so quickly.

2008-09-07, 10:59 PM
Well, if there's one person in my house right now that rock out-freakin'-loud...

'tis me, I must confess. I wished to be humble, but alas, the power chords that emenate from my body gave the lie to my humility.

2008-09-07, 11:02 PM
Well, if there's one person in my house right now that rock out-freakin'-loud...

'tis me, I must confess. I wished to be humble, but alas, the power chords that emenate from my body gave the lie to my humility.

Ah, for he is a prideful man!
He is, hurrah for the prideful man!
But it is, sometimes, a worthwhile thing to be a prideful man.

I mean, look at me. I mortify my pride continually.

That a gentleman of my importance can do it at all is somethign I never can, never shall understand.
[/Mangled G&S quotes]

EDIT: I did not notice the Modern Major General part of your signiature until after posting. Shock and alarm! You know G&S?
if that is so... sing derry down derry, it's evident, very, our tastes are one! Away we'll go, and merrily marry, nor tardily tarry till day is done!

2008-09-07, 11:06 PM
Sadly, in that I am but a pretender to the throne.
I do wish to learn, however.

2008-09-07, 11:10 PM
Sadly, in that I am but a pretender to the throne.
I do wish to learn, however.

Come, my child... let us talk this over.
Which is to say, gimme the night to ponder on this, and I will gladly provide you with means to learn as well as I have.

Side Note: We may as well subtitle this thread "Where Collin makes passes at anything remotely male"

2008-09-07, 11:14 PM
Just a little side note on that:

You can try if you want, but I'm afraid of long-distance relationships.

Doesn't mean I don't flirt, though.

*Giggles cocquettishly*

Man, I don't get to use that word enough.

*Sighs mournfully.*

2008-09-07, 11:16 PM
You can try if you want, but I'm afraid of long-distance relationships.

Psh, you think you are? I'm afraid of most forms of distance communicae, and am terrified of most of the prospects of relationships anyways, all rationale notwithstanding.
I will oneup people in the department of fear, I'm afraid.

2008-09-07, 11:18 PM
I'm a chicken, Monsieur. (I spelled it wrong, I just know I did.)
I also happen to be a social idiot, which doesn't help, but the fear of long distance relationships you can thank my ex-boyfriend for.
He's a great guy, which is a large part of the problem there.

2008-09-07, 11:19 PM
I'm a chicken, Monsieur. (I spelled it wrong, I just know I did.)
I also happen to be a social idiot, which doesn't help, but the fear of long distance relationships you can thank my ex-boyfriend for.
He's a great guy, which is a large part of the problem there.

Hey, at least your problems come from having a boyfriend, wheras many of mien stem from a distinct lack therof.

2008-09-07, 11:21 PM
Hey, at least your problems come from having a boyfriend, wheras many of mien stem from a distinct lack therof.
"Mien", Collin?

Art thou German now?

2008-09-07, 11:22 PM
"Mien", Collin?

Art thou German now?

It's a trademark of mine to put i before e with more frequency than is normally done.
I do it all the tiem.

2008-09-07, 11:23 PM
It's a trademark of mine to put i before e with more frequency than is normally done.
I do it all the tiem.heeeee....

You maketh me to laugh.


2008-09-07, 11:24 PM

You maketh me to laugh.


The laughter of my fellowman is assuradley one of the greatest rewards of my noble profession.
What precisely that profession is, I haven't the foggiest.

2008-09-07, 11:24 PM
Professional bser?

2008-09-07, 11:25 PM
Professional bser?

I beg your pardon!

2008-09-07, 11:26 PM
Bologna Sausager, only not bologna sausage. Rather, male bovine excrement.

2008-09-07, 11:35 PM

Dear fellows,

To make:
I make.
Thou makest.
He maketh.
We make.
You make.
They make.

As my is to our, thy is to your.
As mine is to ours, thine is to yours.

Carry on then.



2008-09-07, 11:37 PM
Party pooper.

Phae Nymna
2008-09-08, 12:24 AM
1: How far does my story go from the norm as you've experienced it?
2: Is there an easy way to tell your family?
3: What's the best way to be open about your sexuality in public?

Since this is gaining meme status quickly, I might as well join in. (if it'll get you to leave my Collin alone!)

1. Sounds fairly normal. Nothing to difficult to analyze.
2. AHEHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA! That's FUNNY! Unfortunately, no. There really isn't. When you do, if you do, we'll be waiting with hugs.
3. Be proud, set a good image, and know your rights.

Alternative Answer to q. 3-

Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

With that out of the way...

I need serious help dealing with rumors. On my american football team. In the locker rooms. Surrounded by half-naked men covered in glistening sweat. :smallfrown:

2008-09-08, 12:32 AM
Tell them you consider it a test of manliness to see how long you can take it?

On another note, I just got bored an made a banner for myself.

Uploading now....

*sips tea*

EDIT: Huzzah! (Have at you, sir! A thrust of my blade to counter the slash of yours. Let us duel unto the very death, my friend!)


Umm.. how do I spoiler it?

2008-09-08, 12:41 AM
Admiral, sir: it all depends on how much you're willing to lie. My advice would be, if you're aiming for deflection rather than denial, to play up the unflammable parts of your personality and make them your public identity among these people. And also, to enjoy it while you can. ...the locker room thing, that is.

Unique: the code is <spoiler>What the **** am I doing? I'm covered in bees!</spoiler>. Except [] instead of <>.
It's a cool image, although to speak pertly, the text seems a bit unpolished, MSPaint-unpolished I mean. Neon on black: very 80s retro.

And what kind of tea?

2008-09-08, 12:44 AM
Uhh... Bigelow brand, "constant comment".

The package says that it's flavbored with orange rinds and "sweet spices"
It's like drinking God.

By the way, if anybody wants to use my banner or alter it for their own purposes, feel free.

2008-09-08, 12:48 AM
Ah, good taste, sir... that's a loose leaf blend, isn't it?
Is there licorice root in that?

I'm drinking an estate Darjeeling.
I'll tradja sip for a sip?

2008-09-08, 12:50 AM
I have no idea if there's licorice root involved. Alls I know is it's tastifying, and I want another cup.

Phae Nymna
2008-09-08, 01:17 AM
Tea is for tea-time, now's time for Gin!

*passes around bottle of gin*

2008-09-08, 01:48 AM
Mmm, Gin.
I will confess for a fondness for Gin. Slow Gin especially.
Havent had any of the former lately, as my father's girlfreind steals all of our Gin. Bloody scotswomen, coming over here, using our hot water and taking our Gin.

All the teasing is far more than worth it, though.
And I probably shouldt be drinking on a school day anyway.

2008-09-08, 02:17 AM
Guys? I really don't mean to be a spoilsport, but could we try to shy away from this chatroomy/Random Bantery stuff? I know we don't necessarily have a grand topic of discussion right now, but I'm starting to worry we'll bury it in talk of gin if we do.

2008-09-08, 04:11 AM
Unique: A question to ask yourself that goes back to a minirant I've posted once or twice (you're welcome to look for it if you want, but it might be a bit strong for this): Why do you need people to know? Why isn't it enough just to not hide or deny it? The only real reason I can think of is to make it easier to find partners, which is fair enough.

2008-09-08, 10:59 AM
Serpentine, did you see the post I made last time you said that?

2008-09-08, 01:34 PM
Serpentine, you just made me go looking for the rant to better understand you.

Just so we're clear, that puts you three niftypoints in the hole.

In response to it, yes, I get problems with the assumption of heterosexuality, just as Devin said. While I am rather decidedly bisexual, that doesn't mean I have no preference whatsoever, and I often find guys more attractive than the sex not well-known for growth of facial hair.
That said, there are times when I feel more affinity for a girl han a guy, too, but I feel that if people don't know, that could very well wind up causing problems or even making me miss a great romantic opportunity.
Is it, strictly speaking, necessary for me to have others know?
Do I think that others knowing would likely bring benifits at least in proportion to the disadvantages (and make no mistake, those disadvantages scare me to death sometimes) that it would bring?
Yeah, I do.

2008-09-08, 05:25 PM
(if it'll get you to leave my Collin alone!)

Your Collin?
Well now, this is exactly how I want to be treated. *hug*

Unique: A question to ask yourself that goes back to a minirant I've posted once or twice (you're welcome to look for it if you want, but it might be a bit strong for this): Why do you need people to know? Why isn't it enough just to not hide or deny it? The only real reason I can think of is to make it easier to find partners, which is fair enough.

Now see, i said something like that to him myself, but when it comes down to it, if one feels they need it known to all, little will disuade.
If people are anything like me, anyways. Half of the time I feel like I'm just an observer in this mind of mine, without any genuine control over any of my thoughts or actions.

2008-09-08, 11:14 PM
It's not that I'm bound and determined to have absolutely everyone know, it's just that...

It's just that I want people to know, you know.

Ahh, 'tis complex.

2008-09-08, 11:18 PM
It's not that I'm bound and determined to have absolutely everyone know, it's just that...

It's just that I want people to know, you know.

Ahh, 'tis complex.

And yet, I understand.
I had such a desire m'self.
And then I remembered that there are scary people in the world who wouldn't like hearing it.

2008-09-08, 11:43 PM
I'll deal with that by... umm.. staying away from scary people....

Yeah, that's one of those disadvantages I mentioned.

2008-09-09, 12:26 AM
The humorous/ironic thing is that this is a conversation about how to let people know your sexuality, on a message board, where the whole thing reads like two of the posters flirting.

2008-09-09, 12:32 AM

Hey Collin! Meaningless sex under the bleachers out back. I'll meet you in thirty minutes!

2008-09-09, 01:05 AM
Teenagers...so honest, energetic, and oblivious...

What was the last serious issue someone discussed in this thread?

2008-09-09, 01:07 AM
Hey man! I'm almost twenty!

I'm more intellectually mature than you possibly. I may also be a black belt in tae-kwon-do, and while we're at it, I'm incredibly well-muscled and endlessly sexy.
Don't mess with me, man. I'm better than you unless we meet in person and you can prove that I'm not better than you!

2008-09-09, 01:11 AM
Hey man! I'm almost twenty!

I'm more intellectually mature than you possibly. I may also be a black belt in tae-kwon-do, and while we're at it, I'm incredibly well-muscled and endlessly sexy.
Don't mess with me, man. I'm better than you unless we meet in person and you can prove that I'm not better than you!


I didn't just go on a bragging rant on an internet message board with stick figures featuring predominantly as avatars and characters relating to a graphic fiction series based off of the combination of dramatic plot, pop culture, and roleplaying cliche parodies, in which the simplistic art is juxtaposed with a complex plot and character depth.


2008-09-09, 01:14 AM
And everything was so warm and cuddly before. Where's the love gone? :smallfrown:

2008-09-09, 01:15 AM
And everything was so warm and cuddly before. Where's the love gone? :smallfrown:

Actually, the worst part is, that was me being cute about a response, not meanspirited. :smallannoyed:

2008-09-09, 01:24 AM
And everything was so warm and cuddly before. Where's the love gone? :smallfrown:If Mr. Proverb here is to be believed, my response should be something along the lines of,

With Collin gone,
the world is wrong,
and love has fled my sight.
When he returns,
my loins will burn
eager for the sport of night.

Which is actually pretty good for thirty-second effort.

I've never liked the rhyme of gone and long, though. It comes across kiddy.

Basically, thbis whole post is an excuse to write poetry off the top of my head.

What lies in wait for me
where it is I cannot be
but that it seeks me out this day
is more than enough to bid me lay.
I lay down in the fields of grass,
and laying there, bright questions ask.
The sky will answer not my pleas,
it does naught but that which it please.

Yes. I just came up with that off the top of my head.
I like poetry.

Say, do we have a poetry thread somewhere?
I wanna post some irritating cra-- I mean high art.

2008-09-09, 01:28 AM
ah, poetry. fun.

*back to sarcastic mode*

ok, you've proven you've taken freshmen English. I think that's enough of the bad jokes about each others intellect.

*sarcastic mode off*

My don't people take me too seriously. :smallsigh:

2008-09-09, 01:30 AM
If I were taking you seriously, I'd have made some much more crushing comments, but the beauty of the internet is that none of them would have crushed you.

So, can you point me in the direction of a place I should post my poetry and/or short stories?

2008-09-09, 01:33 AM
If I were taking you seriously, I'd have made some much more crushing comments, but the beauty of the internet is that none of them would have crushed you.

Ok, now THAT was a cute comment.

So, can you point me in the direction of a place I should post my poetry and/or short stories?

ON this board or in general?

2008-09-09, 01:37 AM
This board. I post the same greatest hits collection pretty much everywhere.

2008-09-09, 01:39 AM
Arts and Crafts is a pretty decent place for that sort of thing, usually.

2008-09-09, 01:47 AM

Umm.. I feel thtupid.

2008-09-09, 01:48 AM
No worries. Shipping thread might be a decent place to try out some skills, if you've got a playgrounder pairing you particularly favour.

2008-09-09, 02:07 AM
I make it my business to actively not care what other forumites do with each other unless I happen to be told what they do with each other by one of them. I posted a story of my own invention, but one of many.

2008-09-09, 02:11 AM
No worries. Shipping thread might be a decent place to try out some skills, if you've got a playgrounder pairing you particularly favour.

that is...rather unique to this board I should have to think.

2008-09-09, 08:53 AM
that is...rather unique to this board I should have to think.

Yep. We are officially the nerdiest people on the internet.

2008-09-09, 06:05 PM
Hey Collin! Meaningless sex under the bleachers out back. I'll meet you in thirty minutes!

I may also be a black belt in tae-kwon-do, and while we're at it, I'm incredibly well-muscled and endlessly sexy.

With Collin gone,
the world is wrong,
and love has fled my sight.
When he returns,
my loins will burn
eager for the sport of night.

Oh, dear, you may or may not have made me blush as much as that charming fellow in my English class.

Poetry is good. Nerds or no.

2008-09-09, 07:58 PM
You know, that poem looked a lot more skillfully executed at one in the morning.
Which is sad, because I was going for "incredibly terrible", but just couldn't bring myself to do the poetic equivelant of comedy's ventriloquist dummy.

This is a poem
but it doesn't rhyme.
Oh well.

2008-09-10, 05:20 AM
Just a small update from what's going on with me.

So, last weekend (5th to 7th, september), I went to my parents. I was a little bit nervous, as I was going to show them the GenCon photos, and, well, they never saw me in girl mode before.

To my surprise, mom took that very well. It was almost like she was expecting that, and it felt like she knew me as a girl for long. It must be stated that she is 100% sure that Phoe was a cis girl. And that she and Reina make cute couple. :smallbiggrin:

Dad was at the hospital, and he seemed a little uncomfortable on seeing the photos, but said nothing. As my little brother said, he's not one to scold or disvow his own kin.

Later in the day, mom came to talk with me again, and brought me a box with small vials of perfume. There was 32 of those. 12 are male ones, which she said I should use at work, and then moved to talk about the female ones, pointing which ones she liked better, which would suit me better and stuff like that.
It felt great. I knew she was supportive, but she's now 100% accepting, and dad is going that way too.

Also, I'm having more and more trouble to pass as a guy for work, which is great.
For one, I haven't told older brother and my sister-in-law about it yet, but sunday my sister-in-law was talking to my nephew and told him "Go play with your aunt", pointing to me. She noticed the slip a minute later and "corrected" it, but that left me beaming inside.

And to finish this selfish post, I'm going to a dermatology clinic next week to check if laser hair removal will work for me. Electrolysis has been proving too expensive and painful.

Well, that's it.

2008-09-10, 05:29 AM
I tried electrolysis once. I didn't work for me either. And it wasn't so much that it hurt, but it became very irritating. By the time I quit, I'd spent well over $1,000.00. I was NOT happy. :smallfrown:

2008-09-10, 02:22 PM
Good to hear that everything is going well SMEE. Don't be worried about the "selfish" post, if we can't talk about ourselves here where can we?

I'm halfway tempted to look into laser hair removal myself... I hate shaving.

2008-09-10, 02:26 PM
Never bothered with shaving. But if i want to go back to swimming I might have to start.

Oh, people seem to have found out via rumour. Or are unsure, or whatever.
Works for me, I guess.

2008-09-11, 01:30 PM
Wow. That's great SMEE. I imagine things are going to get confusing at your work though. :smalltongue:

2008-09-11, 05:49 PM
I'd like to offer a hearty "well done" to SMEE as well. Here goes: Well Done!

2008-09-11, 09:58 PM
I'd like to offer a hearty "well done" to SMEE as well. Here goes: Well Done!

Was that hearty, or just filling? :smallwink:

2008-09-11, 10:03 PM
Looked hearty to me.

2008-09-19, 12:09 PM
I totally knew going out with a guy from school would be awkward. I mean, awkward. For one thing, we didn't even hit it off as friends, let alone friendly penis friends. And, now, I see him everywhere. And my friends giggle, coz they know. And his friends don't. 'Cause he didn't tell them. :smallyuk: GAH!

2008-09-19, 12:12 PM
Hehe, freindly penis freinds.

Relax, kae. Awkwardness will leave, eventually.

2008-09-19, 12:21 PM
Hehe, freindly penis freinds.

Oh, the hilarity!

Relax, kae. Awkwardness will leave, eventually.

It's been ages! And he hangs round places I hang round! And he's always hanging! And I can't help bumping into him! GAH!

2008-09-19, 12:24 PM
Look if he's bothering you that much then just kill him. Or tell him he's bothering you, and you'd like him to leave now, on account of your woefully pointy knives.

2008-09-19, 01:35 PM
I totally knew going out with a guy from school would be awkward. I mean, awkward. For one thing, we didn't even hit it off as friends, let alone friendly penis friends. And, now, I see him everywhere. And my friends giggle, coz they know. And his friends don't. 'Cause he didn't tell them. :smallyuk: GAH!

I only did it once, all right! And you made up for it with the punch later... :smallannoyed:

Anyways, I've checked our PSHE syllabus for this year and guess what, we're having all Sex Ed throughout the year, one aspect focusing on sexuality, homophobia and sexism. Fun fun fun! :smallfrown:

But a very great congratulations, SMEE, it must feel great. :smallsmile: :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-23, 11:16 PM
Look if he's bothering you that much then just kill him. Or tell him he's bothering you, and you'd like him to leave now, on account of your woefully pointy knives.

Or ask him to leave while cleaning a gun.

2008-09-24, 03:36 PM
Or ask him to leave while cleaning a gun.

Rocking chair, front porch, cleaning a shotgun... Only way to do it.

2008-09-24, 03:46 PM
The LGBT thread : Reccomending creepy ways of getting rid of linger exes since 2008.

Have i done the "Why are there no good gay guys available" rant? I must have done.
Go search the thread for a good one, and just imagine i'm saying it now.

2008-09-24, 03:49 PM
The LGBT thread : Reccomending creepy ways of getting rid of linger exes since 2008.

Have i done the "Why are there no good gay guys available" rant? I must have done.
Go search the thread for a good one, and just imagine i'm saying it now.

a) Not a linger ex. There was no proper going out for him to become an ex.
b) Because the world hates everything it spawned. :smallyuk:

2008-09-24, 04:12 PM
"Why are there no good gay guys available"

Tch, so obviously I'm no good.
You should throw 'local' in there, just to be safe.
I'd like to know why too, really.

2008-09-24, 04:13 PM
I once had to ask a guy to leave whilst he was cleaning a gun. That was pretty much the final straw, I came home and he was cleaning his gun in the dark.

Also, there are no good guys. Only guys whose decent qualities are enough to make you forget about the stupidness they commit.

2008-09-24, 04:15 PM
I once had to ask a guy to leave whilst he was cleaning a gun. That was pretty much the final straw, I came home and he was cleaning his gun in the dark.

Also, there are no good guys. Only guys whose decent qualities are enough to make you forget about the stupidness/evil/acts of random psychosis (and/or bitchiness) they commit.

Minorly corrected there, m'laddie.

2008-09-24, 06:03 PM
Tch, so obviously I'm no good.
You should throw 'local' in there, just to be safe.
I'd like to know why too, really.Why is this entire board osessed with white text?


I happen to have the same question, with the whole local bit added in.
I mean seriously....
All the guys within driving range of me that I know are straight.
All the gay guys I know either live far away from me or are taken and live far away from me. Well, or they're taken, they live far away from me, and they're wonderful people except for one glaring flaw, like spelling "Colin" with the wrong number of l's.

What? It's really frustrating. I have to take a whole extra fraction of a second.

2008-09-24, 09:44 PM
Or they're just not interested.

2008-09-24, 10:12 PM
Or they're just not interested.

That's the problem I run into most often...
Which, to be fair, I can only prove happened once, but i have credible evidence has happened on other occaisions...

2008-09-24, 10:15 PM
That's the problem I run into most often...
Which, to be fair, I can only prove happened once, but i have credible evidence has happened on other occaisions...

Well, so far its happened to me. Every single time I was interested.

2008-09-24, 10:17 PM
Well, so far its happened to me. Every single time I was interested.

Every time I was interested in someone whom I had confirmed that their orientation was in my favor, they weren't interested.
That was one time.
Every other time, they were either comfirmed as straight or ambiguously so.

2008-09-24, 10:32 PM
Every time I was interested in someone whom I had confirmed that their orientation was in my favor, they weren't interested.
That was one time.
Every other time, they were either comfirmed as straight or ambiguously so.

Says the man who spends entire pages flirting with Unique

2008-09-24, 10:35 PM
Says the man who spends entire pages flirting with Unique

Doesn't count!

It baffles me how easily I flirt on the internet, and yet am apprently a rambling lunatic if I try to use my voice.
Lousy body. Don't do me no good for nothin...

2008-09-24, 10:36 PM
Doesn't count!

It baffles me how easily I flirt on the internet, and yet am apprently a rambling lunatic if I try to use my voice.
Lousy body. Don't do me no good for nothin...Aw, come on, Skeletor.... I think you're sexy.

(Just to clarify: no, he has never sent me pictures. He just won't shut up about how he's excessively skinny.)

2008-09-24, 10:37 PM
Aw, come on, Skeletor.... I think you're sexy.

(Just to clarify: no, he has never sent me pictures. He just won't shut up about how he's excessively skinny.)

I mentioned it once!

2008-09-24, 10:38 PM
I mentioned it once!No, you've mentioned it multiple times. Because you've mentioned it more than twice, it is ingrained in my subconscious and is therefore classified as something you won't shut up about.

2008-09-24, 10:40 PM
No, you've mentioned it multiple times. Because you've mentioned it more than twice, it is ingrained in my subconscious and is therefore classified as something you won't shut up about.

I like fish. I like fish. I like fish

Screwing around with peoples subconscious: FUN.

2008-09-24, 10:42 PM
I like fish. I like fish. I like fish

Screwing around with peoples subconscious: FUN.That only counts as one mention. And I'm not keeping up a constant stream of sarcasm with you, so it's not gonna stick.

2008-09-24, 10:42 PM
No, you've mentioned it multiple times. Because you've mentioned it more than twice, it is ingrained in my subconscious and is therefore classified as something you won't shut up about.

Would you prefer I never shut up about how fat I think I am?

2008-09-24, 10:48 PM
That only counts as one mention. And I'm not keeping up a constant stream of sarcasm with you, so it's not gonna stick.

I like fish.

And I'm sure I can find a way to make it stick. :smallamused:

2008-09-24, 10:49 PM
I like fish.

And I'm sure I can find a way to make it stick. :smallamused:

What he means to say is, he doesn't think about you as much as he does me, so nothing about you will ever stick.

2008-09-24, 10:52 PM
What he means to say is, he doesn't think about you as much as he does me, so nothing about you will ever stick.Guilty.

Sorry, TP, but aside from the fact that you abbreviate to the same thing as toilet paper and are now inextricably linked with defecation in my mind (congrats, by the way), there's is nothing about you that has yet been shown to be all that remarkable.

Collin, on the other hand, is my self-declared soupplegangmate. He's non-hideous, and seems to be somewhat witty.

He, therefore, wins the interesting competition.

2008-09-24, 10:54 PM
He's non-hideous...somewhat witty.

Excuse me?

2008-09-24, 10:54 PM

Sorry, TP, but aside from the fact that you abbreviate to the same thing as toilet paper and are now inextricably linked with defecation in my mind (congrats, by the way), there's is nothing about you that has yet been shown to be all that remarkable.

Collin, on the other hand, is my self-declared soupplegangmate. He's non-hideous, and seems to be somewhat witty.

He, therefore, wins the interesting competition.

ok, now that I'm frightened out of my mind by your invented word, I think I understand.

But I DO like fish.

2008-09-24, 10:55 PM
ok, now that I'm frightened out of my mind by your invented word, I think I understand.

But I DO like fish.

I invented that word...

2008-09-24, 10:56 PM
Excuse me?
What? You're non-hideous and somewhat witty. Please note that I am comparing you to Clark Gable in the looks department and my friend Wil's hypothetical lovechild with Robin Williams for the wit.
Wil is a freakin's genius. He's smarter than I am, and has mastered the dry, sarcastic offhand comment.

2008-09-24, 10:57 PM
I invented that word...

Ah, that explains some of it.

2008-09-24, 10:58 PM
What? You're non-hideous and somewhat witty. Please note that I am comparing you to Clark Gable in the looks department and my friend Wil's hypothetical lovechild with Robin Williams for the wit.
Wil is a freakin's genius. He's smarter than I am, and has mastered the dry, sarcastic offhand comment.

Telling it like it is is no way to make a guy feel like you like him...

2008-09-24, 10:58 PM
I'da got around to it eventually. I like portmanteaus.

2008-09-24, 11:02 PM
I'm sorry, I have to leave the thread for a moment. seeing a one eared gungan sith lord flirt with a necromancer and ghost.


2008-09-24, 11:03 PM
Telling it like it is is no way to make a guy feel like you like him...Oh, and Collin, the thing is that I'm using the epitome of awesome as a yardstick and then downplaying your appeal.

It's a thing I do.

2008-09-24, 11:04 PM
I'm sorry, I have to leave the thread for a moment. seeing a one eared gungan sith lord flirt with a necromancer and ghost.


He is not a necromancer, and that is not a ghost!
He's a Dreamer, and that's his Imaginary Friend, that uses the stats of an Invisible Stalker!

2008-09-24, 11:08 PM
He is not a necromancer, and that is not a ghost!
He's a Dreamer, and that's his Imaginary Friend, that uses the stats of an Invisible Stalker!
That went completely over my head....

2008-09-24, 11:11 PM
That went completely over my head....

Project C.U.T.E. The characters were small children, and this avatar was of a hypothetical villain for it.
The class was called Dreamer, it created imaginary freinds, but Vinnie's was corrupted.

2008-09-24, 11:17 PM
Huh. Cool.

I like that concept.

2008-09-25, 12:43 AM
Project C.U.T.E. The characters were small children, and this avatar was of a hypothetical villain for it.
The class was called Dreamer, it created imaginary freinds, but Vinnie's was corrupted.

It's like something out of care bears or rainbow bright.

Not that that's a bad thing...

2008-09-25, 02:31 PM
Moving swiftly on... I found an old diary today (from the few months when I kept a diary) where I'd been crying because I couldn't understand the gay thing goin' on, and was getting uber-bullied. Hehe.

Also, moving swiftly back, I too am scary skinny! Serious!

2008-09-25, 03:48 PM
I'd be terrible at keeping a diary.
Also, what if someone found it?
Such reasoning is why my stash of pics of cute guys is so well hidden.
But damn, they're cute!

2008-09-25, 04:39 PM
I'd be terrible at keeping a diary.
Also, what if someone found it?
Such reasoning is why my stash of pics of cute guys is so well hidden.
But damn, they're cute!

lol. been there. still hiding my bl/y mangas from professors.

2008-09-25, 04:44 PM
Ah. the bl/y collections are hidden obsessively well. If i could only find a passwordy program for them!

Phae Nymna
2008-09-25, 05:36 PM

I am not alone then.

300+ megabytes of bl/y material, and it's all in a folder called "Yaoi". On my flash drive, buried under... let's see... only three folders. This could create problems. Needs encryption...

2008-09-25, 08:42 PM
This from the Man with the Rorschach Cupcake? Then again, it is only 300 Megs on your hd.

Anyway, search password encryption online, Aziraphale, they're not hard to find.

2008-09-25, 11:28 PM
Heh, if you're really dedicated, it's pretty easy to make an encrypted disk image on a Mac. Very, very safe. It's not like I am hiding certain questionable content on one or anything...

2008-09-25, 11:31 PM
I have a large collection of gl/yuri, all out on the open on my laptop.
However, yes, my bl/y is hidden very well.
I can explain why I would have lesbian material on my laptop. I can imagine that wouldn't bother my family.
BL/Y? Oh, gods, my parents would disown me.

2008-09-26, 01:13 AM
I think I recommended that method of hiding things to a guy I know.

2008-09-26, 01:17 AM
What a surprise, that this is where we discuss how to hide files...

It only makes sense, really.
In our nature to be masters of subtlety.

Says the lad posting all this on a public forum, where anybody looking could easily find it...

2008-09-26, 01:19 AM
What a surprise, that this is where we discuss how to hide files...

It only makes sense, really.
In our nature to be masters of subtlety.

Says the lad posting all this on a public forum, where anybody looking could easily find it...

Assuming people know we post here.

2008-09-26, 01:21 AM
Assuming people know we post here.

If they care enough to be looking in the first case...

2008-09-26, 01:27 AM
If they care enough to be looking in the first case...

so, that just leaves nosy relatives basically.

2008-09-26, 01:29 AM
so, that just leaves nosy relatives basically.

Which is the worst kind of trouble some people could get.

2008-09-26, 01:33 AM
Which is the worst kind of trouble some people could get.

Tell me about it. I'm not sure there's a whole lot I'm NOT hiding from my family...

2008-09-26, 01:36 AM
Tell me about it. I'm not sure there's a whole lot I'm NOT hiding from my family...

It helps that I have natural charisma.
I mean, if I can explain storms as being interactiosn between the classical elements in a believable but atypical way off the top of my head that passed for being "thought about a lot"...

But, yeah. I can find the right words to get anythign I want, and if this is privacy... it's good to be king.

2008-09-26, 01:44 AM
It helps that I have natural charisma.
I mean, if I can explain storms as being interactiosn between the classical elements in a believable but atypical way off the top of my head that passed for being "thought about a lot"...

But, yeah. I can find the right words to get anythign I want, and if this is privacy... it's good to be king.


I hate you now. I have to think for hours to say anything out loud and it still comes out in the worst way possible.

2008-09-26, 01:47 AM

I hate you now. I have to think for hours to say anything out loud and it still comes out in the worst way possible.

It helps to use an accent, and to plan out retorts weeks in advance on the off chance you'll get to use one.

2008-09-26, 01:54 AM
What's bl/y? :smallconfused:

2008-09-26, 01:55 AM
What's bl/y? :smallconfused:

Boys love/yaoi.
Japanese gay story/porn, to be brief about it.

2008-09-26, 01:56 AM
's pictures of dudes smoochin' and romancin' one another.

And, in answer to Colin's remark about subtlety, I'm about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. I'm prety much destined to have this discovered, i'm sure. >.>

2008-09-26, 02:07 AM
It helps to use an accent, and to plan out retorts weeks in advance on the off chance you'll get to use one.What if someone calls us a "pair o' pathetic parapetics?"

2008-09-26, 02:09 AM
What if someone calls us a "pair o' pathetic parapetics?"

I admit, I have nothing to say to that.

2008-09-26, 02:10 AM
I admit, I have nothing to say to that.You're supposed to say that you didn't think anyone would go to the trouble to rhyme their insults.

2008-09-26, 02:13 AM
Least, not most people over the age of 12....

2008-09-26, 02:14 AM
You're supposed to say that you didn't think anyone would go to the trouble to rhyme their insults.

Well, it's somethign I would do, is all, and I'd be settign myself up for an easy comeback...

2008-09-26, 09:58 AM
I'm home. :cool:

2008-09-26, 01:42 PM
No, guys, It's a reference to Calvin and Hobbes.

Which I love.

2008-09-27, 01:33 PM
I have a large collection of gl/yuri, all out on the open on my laptop.
However, yes, my bl/y is hidden very well.
I can explain why I would have lesbian material on my laptop. I can imagine that wouldn't bother my family.
BL/Y? Oh, gods, my parents would disown me.

Even i as a straight male might probably like some of it(never heard about this sub genre of manga before, so ive been busy reading wiki links :smallbiggrin: ).

Granted im perhaps somewhat open, but i do prefer gl in front of bl stories personally.

Personally id take GREAT CARE to hide any bl/y in my PC, since im known to totally overlook girls in rl when other ogle them sometime. I definitively prefer girls, not shure ppl would belive it if anyone spotted bl/y. :smallamused:

2008-09-27, 10:36 PM
New to this thread, sorry about the lack of cohesion, but I need a place to vent.

Ok, first things first, lets get it said and done: I'm gay. Well, technically bi, around a 4.5 on the Kinsey scale, but gay sounds better. I've told one person, my sister, who was fine with it, but seeing as she's at college, can't be around to unload on or what have you. I would tell my parents, I'm pretty sure my mom would be fine, my Dad on the other hand, would be uncomfortable at best and flip out at worst. He already thinks there's something wrong with me, due to my lack of interest in girls, but I don't think he suspects anything. So, in short, telling my parents would be a gamble with possibly disastrous consequences. That leaves my friends, who could possibly be worse than my parents. I know that one friend who has directly stated that "if any of you turn gay, we're no longer friends". He also is not the type of person you'd tell a secret to, so If he found out, my entire school would know in a matter of hours. Which would leave me really screwed, as the majority of the school, my grade especially, is homophobic. This would be fine, not being able to tell anyone, except that my friends have also noticed my lack of interest in girls and joke about me being gay. This is all compounded by the fact that there are some really cute guys who are openly gay, but I can't date them or what not without letting everyone know, which would make me a larger social outcast than I am already, and probably cost me a few of my few friends in the process.

I don't know, thanks if you took the time to read the above mess, I just needed to unload all the crap I've been feeling since school started again.

2008-09-27, 10:40 PM
New to this thread, sorry about the lack of cohesion, but I need a place to vent.

Ok, first things first, lets get it said and done: I'm gay. Well, technically bi, around a 4.5 on the Kinsey scale, but gay sounds better. I've told one person, my sister, who was fine with it, but seeing as she's at college, can't be around to unload on or what have you. I would tell my parents, I'm pretty sure my mom would be fine, my Dad on the other hand, would be uncomfortable at best and flip out at worst. He already thinks there's something wrong with me, due to my lack of interest in girls, but I don't think he suspects anything. So, in short, telling my parents would be a gamble with possibly disastrous consequences. That leaves my friends, who could possibly be worse than my parents. I know that one friend who has directly stated that "if any of you turn gay, we're no longer friends". He also is not the type of person you'd tell a secret to, so If he found out, my entire school would know in a matter of hours. Which would leave me really screwed, as the majority of the school, my grade especially, is homophobic. This would be fine, not being able to tell anyone, except that my friends have also noticed my lack of interest in girls and joke about me being gay. This is all compounded by the fact that there are some really cute guys who are openly gay, but I can't date them or what not without letting everyone know, which would make me a larger social outcast than I am already, and probably cost me a few of my few friends in the process.

I don't know, thanks if you took the time to read the above mess, I just needed to unload all the crap I've been feeling since school started again.

Collin has read this self proclamed mess, and has determined it to be of pure heart.
Welcome brother, we hear you, we love you, and together we will rule the world.

Incidently: I envy the presence of cute, openly gay people around you. I have to go through so much espionage, it's not even fun anymore.

2008-09-27, 10:49 PM
Collin has read this self proclamed mess, and has determined it to be of pure heart.
Welcome brother, we hear you, we love you, and together we will rule the world.

Incidently: I envy the presence of cute, openly gay people around you. I have to go through so much espionage, it's not even fun anymore.

yay, world domination.

Also, in response to your envy, you could always move here. The weather isn't that bad. :smalltongue:

2008-09-27, 10:52 PM
yay, world domination.

Also, in response to your envy, you could always move here. The weather isn't that bad. :smalltongue:

If I knew where "here" was...
And you just want me to be closer to you, admit it.
No shame; it's a common sensation around here.

2008-09-27, 11:00 PM
If I knew where "here" was...
And you just want me to be closer to you, admit it.
No shame; it's a common sensation around here.

Cleveland, Ohio would be 'here'. And I confess.

2008-09-27, 11:02 PM
Cleveland, Ohio would be 'here'. And I confess.

I like this one.
Can I keep him, guys?

Phae Nymna
2008-09-27, 11:06 PM

Not yet. Need more time. Decision being made.

2008-09-27, 11:12 PM

Not yet. Need more time. Decision being made.

Oh, I love you too, but what am I going to do, turn this poor chap out into the cold night?
C'mon, pleeeeease can I keep him?

I'll need to get his measurements for his custom-tailored uniform anyways...

Phae Nymna
2008-09-27, 11:18 PM
You didn't understand my reasoning there...

Can we share him?

2008-09-27, 11:19 PM
I will NEVER come out. NEVER. Its not sad...

Actually, come to think of it, I think the Kinsey Scale is a joke..

2008-09-27, 11:21 PM
You didn't understand my reasoning there...

Can we share him?

Up to him.

I will NEVER come out. NEVER. Its not sad...

Actually, come to think of it, I think the Kinsey Scale is a joke..

People often misunderstand the purpose of the Kinsey scale.
I knew it once, but I have since forgotten it. Must have been when I came outta Nirvana. Yeah, it's not as permanent as they lead you to think.

2008-09-27, 11:25 PM
Up to him.

Why not. So, this custom made uniform you speak of...

2008-09-27, 11:30 PM
Why not. So, this custom made uniform you speak of...

Soon as I get the design all sorted out.
After all, we can't overthrow an opressive regime of ignorant fools without looking good doing it, can we, lieutenant?

2008-09-27, 11:37 PM
Soon as I get the design all sorted out.
After all, we can't overthrow an opressive regime of ignorant fools without looking good doing it, can we, lieutenant?

of course not. Thought you mean looking fabulous don't you?

Phae Nymna
2008-09-27, 11:39 PM
On a more serious note, welcome to the thread. We're here for you. Unless we aren't. But we'll try to be. Uh, Yeah.

Status Report: MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH- I'm seeing a pyschiatrist/psychoanalyst. It's actually quite enjoyable. Next week I get to do psychological testing! YAY! (Seriously, I am psyched about this. [Apology for Pun]) I might get to do Rorschach blots. Happy happy joy joy. It's nice having someone to talk to who is bound by the law to never repeat what you say.

Depression is waning also. Mood swings when hypoglycemic. (Duh.)

Still slightly uneasy in therapy. Could not answer "3 Wishes" question truthfully.

Father and I are on unsteady terms. Mother and I are alright. Father and Mother trying their bests. Father has trouble.

Meeting new people through American football team. Also through gaming cafe. Maybe bad crowd. Not offered, but discussed controlled substances. Being offered substances not beyond reality.

Gaydar has unconfirmed targets. New kid. Older new kid. The one my age seems like he might be closeted. He has the slightly overdramatic thing that I have. People mistake this for joking pretentiousness. Happy day.

Trying to find willpower to work out more. I need to get faster. Flexibility too. Don't ask for reasons. Just do.


2008-09-27, 11:39 PM
of course not. Thought you mean looking fabulous don't you?

I don't need to feed the flame, dear, it's burning hot enough on its own.

2008-09-27, 11:42 PM
I don't need to feed the flame, dear, it's burning hot enough on its own.

fair enough, fair enough

2008-09-27, 11:46 PM
Gaydar has unconfirmed targets. New kid. Older new kid. The one my age seems like he might be closeted. He has the slightly overdramatic thing that I have. People mistake this for joking pretentiousness. Happy day.

Oh, happy day, oh joyous glee, they will away and married be.
Wait... wrong.

How about a deal... That pesky little device is often biased by its holder... what say we arrange an exchange of evidences, to see if we can't get soem better opinions on the accuracy of our respective gaydars, or something like that?

Am I not unclear?

2008-09-27, 11:47 PM
Oh, happy day, oh joyous glee, they will away and married be.
Wait... wrong.

How about a deal... That pesky little device is often biased by its holder... what say we arrange an exchange of evidences, to see if we can't get soem better opinions on the accuracy of our respective gaydars, or something like that?

Am I not unclear?

I can't tell if you are talking about me, since you are discussion more than one person at once.

2008-09-27, 11:51 PM
I can't tell if you are talking about me, since you are discussion more than one person at once.

That was adressing my dear Admiral, but hey, if anybody wants the cross-checking goodness...

2008-09-27, 11:53 PM
You are an Arizonan, Collins? :)

2008-09-27, 11:56 PM
You are an Arizonan, Collins? :)

Aye, I be Ar-yz-ninian, Mr. Tamzarian.

2008-09-27, 11:57 PM
Aye, I be Ar-yz-ninian, Mr. Tamzarian.

So... PMS

2008-09-27, 11:59 PM
So... PMS

I ain't touchin' that one.

2008-09-28, 12:01 AM
I ain't touchin' that one.

::PMS:: I am personal messaging you. :))))

2008-09-28, 12:03 AM
::PMS:: I am personal messaging you. :))))

Ah, see, I read that as...
What's the S stand for, then?

2008-09-28, 12:06 AM
Ah, see, I read that as...
What's the S stand for, then?

messages.. I wasn't thinking clearly. It was "message" singular, not plural.

2008-09-28, 10:45 AM
a few thoughts of my own, if i may? take them with a grain of salt, of course, because i can't know your circumstances as well as you do:

I know that one friend who has directly stated that "if any of you turn gay, we're no longer friends"....This is all compounded by the fact that there are some really cute guys who are openly gay, but I can't date them or what not without letting everyone know, which would make me a larger social outcast than I am already, and probably cost me a few of my few friends in the process.

how much can you possibly like that guy? if he's making explicit that he would hate you over such a trivial issue? if anyone ever said anything like that to me i would have no further desire to talk to them at all. if nothing else i would never be able to like or respect them again.

you might lose some of your friends but from the sound of it there's a gay population where you might find more acceptance. something to think about anyway.

that said, don't necessarily assume every gay person you meet will be chummy if you came out. i went to the GSA at my college for a year, and in all that time, all that happened was folks teased me for being too "trashy", which basically meant i wasn't acting adequately "gay" for their tastes. not my fault they couldn't recognize art if i slapped them in the face with grand theft auto 4.... sorry, what? i lost my train of thought.


*isn't bitter at all, no really*

2008-09-28, 11:17 AM
that said, don't necessarily assume every gay person you meet will be chummy if you came out. i went to the GSA at my college for a year, and in all that time, all that happened was folks teased me for being too "trashy", which basically meant i wasn't acting adequately "gay" for their tastes. not my fault they couldn't recognize art if i slapped them in the face with grand theft auto 4.... sorry, what? i lost my train of thought.
Agreed. In my experience, the LGBT world happens to be more judgmental than even some of the straight people I've met.
My experience? I'd met other bi/pansexual people in college, and, upon giving them my history, I had been determined "not bi enough" because I've dated more men than I have women. Lets not stop to consider the fact that I find women infinitely more beautiful, and there are less bi/lesbian woman then there are straight men.

2008-09-28, 12:19 PM
how much can you possibly like that guy? if he's making explicit that he would hate you over such a trivial issue? if anyone ever said anything like that to me i would have no further desire to talk to them at all. if nothing else i would never be able to like or respect them again.

you might lose some of your friends but from the sound of it there's a gay population where you might find more acceptance. something to think about anyway.

I don't really like him, but the group of people I hang out with formed around fifth grade, so I can't really not hang out with him, so ya. Also, most of the gay population I know doesn't go to my school, and I don't know any of them that well, so it'd be kind of awkward and what not.

2008-09-28, 05:12 PM
Agreed. In my experience, the LGBT world happens to be more judgmental than even some of the straight people I've met.
My experience? I'd met other bi/pansexual people in college, and, upon giving them my history, I had been determined "not bi enough" because I've dated more men than I have women. Lets not stop to consider the fact that I find women infinitely more beautiful, and there are less bi/lesbian woman then there are straight men.

Puh, im calling myself straight, and i havent dated any women yet. :smalltongue:
Granted, if you're NOT straight if you find both men and women intereting at all, im not straight, its taken a time for me to actually come to an understanding its because of local bigotry ive deeply feared being "non straight" as a kid.

Honestly, im much more interested in women than men, but have had moments ogled men (but like women quite much more), how would you define "pansexual", btw? how does it differ from being "bi"?

2008-09-28, 10:27 PM
I don't really like him, but the group of people I hang out with formed around fifth grade, so I can't really not hang out with him, so ya. Also, most of the gay population I know doesn't go to my school, and I don't know any of them that well, so it'd be kind of awkward and what not.

Ah, I've been in that situation (At least being stuck around someone I've known for years because my friends hang out with him.) Its not something easy to deal with. And don't expect too much from the gay populations at your schools/town. I've found they can be surprisingly judgmental.

2008-09-29, 12:40 AM
Honestly, im much more interested in women than men, but have had moments ogled men (but like women quite much more), how would you define "pansexual", btw? how does it differ from being "bi"?

We've had that discussion before. Pan means everything, Omni means anything, or maybe it's the other way around. Regardless, same idea either way. Bisexual, literally, means attracted to two genders. I don't like the word, as it implies that everyone is either one gender or the other, or that a bisexual person is only attracted to males and females, no one who falls in between, et cetera. Though a lot of sexual labels are self-made, if you're attracted to people regardless of where they fall on the gender/sex scale, and want to call yourself bisexual, that's fine. I just feel the need to make things complicated.


2008-09-29, 06:52 AM
Most locals would guess pansexual means attracted to flutes i guess, its really not a well known term, and ive not heard it in my own language in scandinavia. :smallamused:

Personally ive not liked the local LGBT prejudice, i could not identify at all with the imaginary consept of males attracted to males as living a life with free floating sexual norms.
I like women, my identify is male, though i do not feel confortable with the way society label us, put us in gender roles. I might be more androgynous in my look on gender roles, but i am not transgendered, i do not feel im "wrong", as is typical of transgendered ppl.
Honestly, my gut feeling is transgendered ppl should have no need to go trough anything to gain accept, its like you have to have label A or B, but not able to identify with both? why not?

Granted most societies with accept of ppl with transgender traits got equally odd labels. Perhaps we need the labels, arbitrarily putting ppl in 2 boxes when there should be no real reason to.

A question to you guys and girls here: Is it just me, or is there an abundance of transgendered ppl playing roleplaying games? This isnt the first place ive seen D&D and Transgender mentioned in same sentence, think i remember a story where a MtF was having issues at psychologist times since she had assosiations as Dragons on rorschach inkblot tests, instead of proper daffodils and donuts.
Perhaps Pen and Paper RPGing isnt as boyish and nerdy as ppl seem to belive? (ive never believed that ,ever), since there is no winner and loosers most of the time, i think it unites several boyish and girlish ways of playing games. Social gaming, in a team, playing "lets pretend" , using some boyish imagery and allowing an arena where noone "win" or "loose". :smallsmile:

2008-09-29, 10:38 AM
Most locals would guess pansexual means attracted to flutes i guess, its really not a well known term, and ive not heard it in my own language in scandinavia. :smallamused:

Personally ive not liked the local LGBT prejudice, i could not identify at all with the imaginary consept of males attracted to males as living a life with free floating sexual norms.
I like women, my identify is male, though i do not feel confortable with the way society label us, put us in gender roles. I might be more androgynous in my look on gender roles, but i am not transgendered, i do not feel im "wrong", as is typical of transgendered ppl.
Honestly, my gut feeling is transgendered ppl should have no need to go trough anything to gain accept, its like you have to have label A or B, but not able to identify with both? why not?

Granted most societies with accept of ppl with transgender traits got equally odd labels. Perhaps we need the labels, arbitrarily putting ppl in 2 boxes when there should be no real reason to.

A question to you guys and girls here: Is it just me, or is there an abundance of transgendered ppl playing roleplaying games? This isnt the first place ive seen D&D and Transgender mentioned in same sentence, think i remember a story where a MtF was having issues at psychologist times since she had assosiations as Dragons on rorschach inkblot tests, instead of proper daffodils and donuts.
Perhaps Pen and Paper RPGing isnt as boyish and nerdy as ppl seem to belive? (ive never believed that ,ever), since there is no winner and loosers most of the time, i think it unites several boyish and girlish ways of playing games. Social gaming, in a team, playing "lets pretend" , using some boyish imagery and allowing an arena where noone "win" or "loose". :smallsmile:

I think it may be to do with pretending to be someone you're not.

My first DnD character was bisexual, before I realised I was gay, and then, as I started... considering, I realised he'd been gay all along.

2008-09-29, 02:13 PM
...don't expect too much from the gay populations at your schools/town. I've found they can be surprisingly judgmental.

despite the horror stories, including mine, if you do get a chance to reach out to lgbt folks where you'd feel safe doing it, i heartily encourage you to take it, even if it's just to chat for 5 minutes. sure, some of 'em are jerks, but find me a group of which that couldn't be said. (you can't, can you?) there was at least one person at my college's GSA i would've liked to have gotten to know better, and i never did because i didn't take more of an initiative in that respect.

2008-09-29, 05:34 PM
So, dunno how long I can keep this up, not telling anyone, that is. I just, don't know who I can trust anymore... college has an LGBT group, but I'm just not, I don't know, I guess I'm just not ready to be openly out as bi... Might not be helped by the fact that the two people who sit behind in Maths are rather loud. What do they talk about? Their bisexual friend who seems to have fallen out with them due to homophobia related issues. Urge to throw in my two cents was rising. However, I'd rather let a close friend know first, rahter than two gilrs I've only known for 4 weeks.

Also, I'm becoming increasingly attatrcted to guys and less so to girls. I'm still trying to figure out whether having a boyfriend is causing that, or just something else.

Urgh... okay, well, this post is probably poorly structured, but y'know, I'm just trying to make sense of my own mind at the moment.

2008-09-29, 05:48 PM
So, dunno how long I can keep this up, not telling anyone, that is. I just, don't know who I can trust anymore... college has an LGBT group, but I'm just not, I don't know, I guess I'm just not ready to be openly out as bi... Might not be helped by the fact that the two people who sit behind in Maths are rather loud. What do they talk about? Their bisexual friend who seems to have fallen out with them due to homophobia related issues. Urge to throw in my two cents was rising. However, I'd rather let a close friend know first, rahter than two gilrs I've only known for 4 weeks.

Also, I'm becoming increasingly attatrcted to guys and less so to girls. I'm still trying to figure out whether having a boyfriend is causing that, or just something else.

Urgh... okay, well, this post is probably poorly structured, but y'know, I'm just trying to make sense of my own mind at the moment.
This may just be a preference; we all have them.
It could be because you have a boyfriend, or...you might just like men more.
I happen to know for a fact that since I've been in a relationship with a man, I've gone the opposite way. Aside from him, I've found myself checking girls out more and more...

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-29, 05:53 PM
So, dunno how long I can keep this up, not telling anyone, that is. I just, don't know who I can trust anymore... college has an LGBT group, but I'm just not, I don't know, I guess I'm just not ready to be openly out as bi... Might not be helped by the fact that the two people who sit behind in Maths are rather loud. What do they talk about? Their bisexual friend who seems to have fallen out with them due to homophobia related issues. Urge to throw in my two cents was rising. However, I'd rather let a close friend know first, rahter than two gilrs I've only known for 4 weeks.

Also, I'm becoming increasingly attatrcted to guys and less so to girls. I'm still trying to figure out whether having a boyfriend is causing that, or just something else.

Urgh... okay, well, this post is probably poorly structured, but y'know, I'm just trying to make sense of my own mind at the moment.

Firstly, ignore those two idiots. No good can come from calling them out on their bigotry.

To me, it honestly sounds like the LGBT group might be the best thing for you. No one really has to know that you've gone to a meeting, if you don't want them to (though, in my experience, the only people that thought someone was homosexual just for going to a meeting were the idiots anyway), and I'd be more than willing to bet that at least one of the members has a similar story.

2008-09-29, 06:15 PM
To me, it honestly sounds like the LGBT group might be the best thing for you. No one really has to know that you've gone to a meeting, if you don't want them to (though, in my experience, the only people that thought someone was homosexual just for going to a meeting were the idiots anyway), and I'd be more than willing to bet that at least one of the members has a similar story.

I still don't know. I'd be very uncomfortable sharing my story with anyone I know IRL. Just the way I am. I'd like to but I keep telling myself I need more time to think about it... but if I continue like this, when am I gonna stop needing more time?

You're right, y'know. I do need to act. Just mustering up the courage to do so is difficult.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-29, 06:18 PM
I still don't know. I'd be very uncomfortable sharing my story with anyone I know IRL. Just the way I am. I'd like to but I keep telling myself I need more time to think about it... but if I continue like this, when am I gonna stop needing more time?

You're right, y'know. I do need to act. Just mustering up the courage to do so is difficult.

Heh, no one ever said it was going to be easy :smallsmile:

If it helps, remember that (if/when you go to a meeting) the people you're going to talk to have all been where you're at now in one way or another. If anyone is going to understand what you're going through...

2008-09-29, 06:23 PM
This may just be a preference; we all have them.
It could be because you have a boyfriend, or...you might just like men more.
I happen to know for a fact that since I've been in a relationship with a man, I've gone the opposite way. Aside from him, I've found myself checking girls out more and more...

One of my friends did that, a woman who dated men, then figured out she liked women better, and lost interest in devloping romantic relationships to men.

Since i AM male, im sort of happy to find a woman i can be friends with, without any of us trying to "date" the other at all. Just, her ex bf got angry. :smalleek:

He want her back, and, hm, he give me odd looks(seemed angry, actually), think he's believing i try "take his girl", and, she's now almost 100% lesbian based on what she tells. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-29, 06:28 PM
On the subject of shifting sexual preference:

I've personally found my tastes to swing heavily back and forth depending on... I have no idea what. There was a time I was strictly interested in girls, and then a time a little less than two years ago where it swung hard the other way, and men were all that caught my fancy. It kind of evened out, but I've found, especially with the relationship I'm in, that my interest is leaning fairly heavily back in the female direction once again. Even the boys I am attracted to tend to be described as feminine, although it's still very much an attraction to them as men.

There was a salient point in there at some point, I'm sure, but I misplaced it along with my cell phone charger. Still, I think I'm a good example of just how fluid preference can be, don't you?

Random update: Ordering food at a drive thru, my crappy voice got pegged as male over the intercom. "Please drive around, sir." When they reached out to hand me the bag, it was with an embarrassed look and a cry of "I'm sorry, ma'am!" Just when I feel most down about my ability to pass as a girl, something like this happens. The universe can be a nice place, sometimes. :smallsmile:

2008-09-29, 06:34 PM
*hugs Phoe sister*

That random update made me very, very happy! :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-29, 06:37 PM
Congrats PhoeKun. Always nice to have a little pick me up, isn't it?

2008-09-29, 06:44 PM
I don't know if I fit into this thread. I don't even know where I fit in anywhere, come to think of it. I think I'm just myself... whatever weird combination that is.

I've never felt attracted to anybody--ever. Not male, not female, not androgynous, not any sort of human being. Whenever I wanted to be with someone, I always wanted to talk to them, to do things together, to basically act like close friends. Sex... I don't understand what people see in it. I understand, obviously, that it's pleasurable; and that it's required to have babies; but... why is it so important? Why spend so much time pursuing it when you can just take care of your sex drive alone?

So. Asexual. Which is annoying, not because people are prejudiced, but because people don't believe you. They say you are just homosexual and repressing it, or else you haven't found the "right person", or else THEY are the right person and determined somehow to force you to fall in love with them.

Gender? "Biologically female". Yes. I don't really have a gender, if you're describing gender socially. I don't mind being female, but it just doesn't seem significant. It's like any other physical aspect of me... On personality tests, I score halfway between the genders; I have both stereotypically male and stereotypically female characteristics in personality, cognition, preferences... For example, I hate make-up, love calculus, have made five quilts, and can repair a bicycle.

The annoying things about this whole situation:
Constantly being asked whether I have a boyfriend.
Constantly being told that I should put on a little make-up so as to attract a boyfriend.
Not being believed when I say I'm asexual.
Not being believed when I say I don't hate men.
Having people expect me to act a certain way because I have two X chromosomes.
Watching ads, TV shows, movies, songs, and just about every piece of pop culture... and seeing sex EVERYWHERE.
Having to try to find comfortable clothing among all the "stylish", uncomfortable things.
Having to explain to somebody who asks me out that I really don't want to date anybody, and NO, it isn't YOU, I'm really not attracted to anybody... I hate the thought of hurting somebody like that.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-29, 07:05 PM

Someone on another board I used to go to was the exact same way. I remember finding it really odd how everyone (well, mostly everyone) reacted pretty much the exact way you've said. It seems we can handle people being attracted to our own gender, to the opposite gender, to goats (well...maybe not quite that), but when it comes to not being sexually attracted to anyone it just kicks the disbelief switch. Some of it really is simple curiosity, the rest...I dunno.

It's like the "I don't want to have kids" of the sexuality world.

Anywho, if no one's done it yet, velcome to our little corner of the asylum :smalltongue:

2008-09-29, 07:15 PM
On the subject of shifting sexual preference:

I've personally found my tastes to swing heavily back and forth depending on... I have no idea what. There was a time I was strictly interested in girls, and then a time a little less than two years ago where it swung hard the other way, and men were all that caught my fancy. It kind of evened out, but I've found, especially with the relationship I'm in, that my interest is leaning fairly heavily back in the female direction once again. Even the boys I am attracted to tend to be described as feminine, although it's still very much an attraction to them as men.

There was a salient point in there at some point, I'm sure, but I misplaced it along with my cell phone charger. Still, I think I'm a good example of just how fluid preference can be, don't you?

Random update: Ordering food at a drive thru, my crappy voice got pegged as male over the intercom. "Please drive around, sir." When they reached out to hand me the bag, it was with an embarrassed look and a cry of "I'm sorry, ma'am!" Just when I feel most down about my ability to pass as a girl, something like this happens. The universe can be a nice place, sometimes. :smallsmile:

*Is suddenly very glad he is a effiminate emo kid*
But i understand how you feel as a bi suxual person myself, and a emo kid I sometimes doubt my own reasonings for liking EITHER sex, and I'm like almost constantly made fun of for my non masculinity, and I haven't even come out to anybody yet. >.> <.< I honestly pray no one I know will ever join these boards.

2008-09-29, 07:17 PM
*Is suddenly very glad he is a effiminate emo kid*
But i understand how you feel as a bi suxual person myself, and a emo kid I sometimes doubt my own reasonings for liking EITHER sex, and I'm like almost constantly made fun of for my non masculinity, and I haven't even come out to anybody yet. >.> <.< I honestly pray no one I know will ever join these boards.

Attracted to males?
If you dress in black with any degree of frequency, you've got a bingo in my books, for the record.

2008-09-29, 07:21 PM
Attracted to males?
If you dress in black with any degree of frequency, you've got a bingo in my books, for the record.

Hmmm.... I'am most interested now...:smallwink:

2008-09-29, 07:24 PM
Hmmm.... I'am most interested now...:smallwink:

Y'See! Why can't it be this easy in real life?

2008-09-29, 07:29 PM
Y'See! Why can't it be this easy in real life?

Becuase RL requires us to meet face to face, and I'm the most bashful person on the planet outside the boards.

2008-09-29, 07:31 PM
Becuase RL requires us to meet face to face, and I'm the most bashful person on the planet outside the boards.

I challenge that title.
I blame it on my face, personally.

2008-09-29, 07:43 PM
I challenge that title.
I blame it on my face, personally.
I haven't asked anyone out.... EVER... In my entire life.

2008-09-29, 07:44 PM
I haven't asked anyone out.... EVER... In my entire life.

Neither have I.
Though I've been turned down without needing to...

2008-09-29, 07:45 PM
Neither have I.
Though I've been turned down without needing to...
My case is literal though... Never ever.. even though I have had multiple "relations" I have always had the other person make the first move, and most likely the second move as well.... afterwards I tend to go out of my way to please them though.:smallredface:

2008-09-29, 07:47 PM
My case is literal though... Never ever.. even though I have had multiple "relations" I have always had the other person make the first move, and most likely the second move as well.... afterwards I tend to go out of my way to please them though.:smallredface:

No relations.
Check and mate.

2008-09-29, 07:48 PM
No relations.
Check and mate.

You win this time Collin!:smalltongue:

2008-09-29, 07:50 PM
You win this time Collin!:smalltongue:

I usually do. :smalltongue:

2008-09-29, 07:53 PM
I usually do. :smalltongue:
Conceited, but in this case he haz ta skillz to back it up. :P

2008-09-29, 07:55 PM
Conceited, but in this case he haz ta skillz to back it up. :P

I am not conceited!
I just notice patterns very easily.

2008-09-29, 07:56 PM
I am not conceited!
I just notice patterns very easily.
i was refering to the comment.

2008-09-29, 07:58 PM
i was refering to the comment.

So was I.

2008-09-29, 07:59 PM
So was I.
Should we avoid derailing the thraed further, and mvoe it to PM?

2008-09-29, 08:01 PM
Should we avoid derailing the thraed further, and mvoe it to PM?

Thought we were done?
But if you have something to say...

Phae Nymna
2008-09-29, 08:31 PM
****! I don't want to become involved with myself (hear me out here), but I pretty much don't like anyone who isn't all that much like me. :smallfrown: I'm nothing like the people I find pretty and yet I can't stand most people who aren't cynical and er... like me. DEEP SEATED EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS. MEH.

2008-09-29, 08:46 PM
****! I don't want to become involved with myself (hear me out here), but I pretty much don't like anyone who isn't all that much like me. :smallfrown: I'm nothing like the people I find pretty and yet I can't stand most people who aren't cynical and er... like me. DEEP SEATED EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS. MEH.

Who doesn't want cynical deadpan snarkers?

Conversley, who doesn't want someone like themselves?

2008-09-29, 08:53 PM
Conversley, who doesn't want someone like themselves?

most magnets.

On an unrelated note, the last page-ish is why I love teh interwebs, an argument over who has less social skills.

2008-09-29, 09:26 PM
Dear lord, this thread Always descends into flirting.

Well, at least in this case it's also caused a triangle. So, are we going to see FF Fanboy fight Unique to the death?

2008-09-29, 09:38 PM
Dear lord, this thread Always descends into flirting.

Well, at least in this case it's also caused a triangle. So, are we going to see FF Fanboy fight Unique to the death?

To say nothing of the rest.
You forgot to specify:
This thread always descends into flirting with Collin.

2008-09-29, 09:45 PM
To say nothing of the rest.
You forgot to specify:
This thread always descends into flirting with Collin.

or is it you flirting with other people?

2008-09-29, 09:47 PM
or is it you flirting with other people?

Details, details.

2008-09-29, 10:07 PM
Details, details.

Ah, but the devil is in the details. And more often than not, he's also the life of the party.

2008-09-29, 10:11 PM
Ah, but the devil is in the details. And more often than not, he's also the life of the party.

Don't you go stealing my lines.

2008-09-29, 10:15 PM
Don't you go stealing my lines.

Great minds think alike. Hive minds think in unison

2008-09-29, 10:22 PM
Great minds think alike. Hive minds think in unison

Great minds think for themselves.

2008-09-29, 10:32 PM
I don't know if I fit into this thread. I don't even know where I fit in anywhere, come to think of it. I think I'm just myself... whatever weird combination that is.

I've never felt attracted to anybody--ever. Not male, not female, not androgynous, not any sort of human being. Whenever I wanted to be with someone, I always wanted to talk to them, to do things together, to basically act like close friends. Sex... I don't understand what people see in it. I understand, obviously, that it's pleasurable; and that it's required to have babies; but... why is it so important? Why spend so much time pursuing it when you can just take care of your sex drive alone?

So. Asexual. Which is annoying, not because people are prejudiced, but because people don't believe you. They say you are just homosexual and repressing it, or else you haven't found the "right person", or else THEY are the right person and determined somehow to force you to fall in love with them.

Gender? "Biologically female". Yes. I don't really have a gender, if you're describing gender socially. I don't mind being female, but it just doesn't seem significant. It's like any other physical aspect of me... On personality tests, I score halfway between the genders; I have both stereotypically male and stereotypically female characteristics in personality, cognition, preferences... For example, I hate make-up, love calculus, have made five quilts, and can repair a bicycle.

The annoying things about this whole situation:
Constantly being asked whether I have a boyfriend.
Constantly being told that I should put on a little make-up so as to attract a boyfriend.
Not being believed when I say I'm asexual.
Not being believed when I say I don't hate men.
Having people expect me to act a certain way because I have two X chromosomes.
Watching ads, TV shows, movies, songs, and just about every piece of pop culture... and seeing sex EVERYWHERE.
Having to try to find comfortable clothing among all the "stylish", uncomfortable things.
Having to explain to somebody who asks me out that I really don't want to date anybody, and NO, it isn't YOU, I'm really not attracted to anybody... I hate the thought of hurting somebody like that.

I feel almost exactly the same way... well, from across the Y-chromosome barrier, anyhow. Here I figured I was just a victim of stereotypes about the male sex drive, but it sounds like you don't have it any easier.

Unfortunately I can't offer too much in the way of advice, since basically I've fallen back on being a shut-in as a coping mechanism. It's not that I don't like other people; I just feel left out by everyone's fixation on sex, and to an even greater degree, on relationships. OK, I can understand why people would want to seek out sex... I do experience arousal to some degree, even if I don't find it very important... but why it's such a big deal that it requires so many complicated and often contradictory behavioral codes leaves me utterly baffled. Listening to peoples' relationship talk is like being stuck at a convention for hardcore fans of a hobby I've never heard of.

2008-09-30, 02:03 AM
Great minds think for themselves.

Your doing it again.

2008-09-30, 08:10 AM
Great minds think for themselves.

right. And from what I've seen, most tend to end up around the same place.

2008-09-30, 04:10 PM
Relationships... now, I can see the point in those. Two people teaming up to take on life together--that sounds pretty sensible. But being part of a very small minority--anywhere from 1% to 5%--and without any sort of subculture... I'm not gonna get very lucky going up to people and saying, "Would you go out with me?" and then either saying up front or later on, "Uuuh, and by the way, do you mind if we have separate bedrooms and never have sex?"

I think I'll just forget the romance until asexuality is a little more well known. Too bad Protestants can't be nuns...

2008-09-30, 06:16 PM
On an unrelated note, the last page-ish is why I love teh interwebs, an argument over who has less social skills.

And I missed it! Damn.

2008-09-30, 06:40 PM
And I missed it! Damn.

same here.

Say, that gives me an idea. We can turn this into a tourney type thing. I argue you, and the winner argues collin. Whoever wins that gets a "Socially inept ITP" or something.

2008-09-30, 06:54 PM
Relationships... now, I can see the point in those. Two people teaming up to take on life together--that sounds pretty sensible. But being part of a very small minority--anywhere from 1% to 5%--and without any sort of subculture... I'm not gonna get very lucky going up to people and saying, "Would you go out with me?" and then either saying up front or later on, "Uuuh, and by the way, do you mind if we have separate bedrooms and never have sex?"

I think I'll just forget the romance until asexuality is a little more well known. Too bad Protestants can't be nuns...

I'm all for mutual cooperation, I just don't see the point in highly exclusive pair-bonding. I guess it does have some practical application in terms of blending in, since if you're seen as being "with" someone it tends to deflect negative attention that accrues when you're never seen "with" anyone (or worse, if you're frequently seen "with" different people).

2008-09-30, 09:59 PM
Dear lord, this thread Always descends into flirting.

Well, at least in this case it's also caused a triangle. So, are we going to see FF Fanboy fight Unique to the death?What? He called Mortal Kombat!

Anyways, on the subject of friends who would no longer be your friends if you came out to them: That does not fit within my definition of a friend. That falls, at best, into the category of cronie or goon.

Since we seem to be in an update mood:

I have, in the last couple of weeks, told my sister-in-law and my brother. For the record, my sister-in-law, I refer to as my sister, due to awesomeness on her part.
My sister was very accepting. My brother was... well, he tried to talk me out of it, basically, and I had to go cry on my ex's virtual shoulder afterwards.

Yeah. Awkward moment, that.
I plan to tell my father before Christmas and then possibly show up at the family christmas party wearing a t-shirt....

2008-09-30, 10:08 PM
Don't feel too bad, Unique. IT could be a lot worse. At least your sister reacted well. And your bro may just need time to get over the shock.

2008-09-30, 10:08 PM
I have, in the last couple of weeks, told my sister-in-law and my brother. For the record, my sister-in-law, I refer to as my sister, due to awesomeness on her part.
My sister was very accepting. My brother was... well, he tried to talk me out of it, basically, and I had to go cry on my ex's virtual shoulder afterwards.

So what, my perfectly-present virtual shoulder wasn't good enough for you?

2008-09-30, 10:24 PM
So what, my perfectly-present virtual shoulder wasn't good enough for you?Your perfectly-present virtual shoulder could have neither assured me that my relationship with my ex was geniumne nor done so over Gmail chat if it had.

Ergo, in this one instance, no, it wasn't good enough.

In any other instance, it probably will be.

Stand comforted.
Comforting? Whatever.

@ TP: My brother is currently playing video games in the same room as I am in. He seems fine with it, but you have to remember: we were both brought up by my dad. I will probably carry a little kernel of self-loathing with me for the rest of my life...

2008-09-30, 10:34 PM
Your perfectly-present virtual shoulder could have neither assured me that my relationship with my ex was geniumne nor done so over Gmail chat if it had.

Ergo, in this one instance, no, it wasn't good enough.

In any other instance, it probably will be.

Stand comforted.
Comforting? Whatever.

@ TP: My brother is currently playing video games in the same room as I am in. He seems fine with it, but you have to remember: we were both brought up by my dad. I will probably carry a little kernel of self-loathing with me for the rest of my life...

More of a place for QED than Ergo.
It works, but I like using QED whenever it works, too.

And guess what? I was raised by my father. And my mother. And my oldest sister, really.
That's three times as much self loatihng to work through. I'm nearly done with it, too. I do have the ability to convince myself of just about anything if I put my mind to it, even if it's something like "we can't move our arms" or "we're attractive to ourself". "We don't hate ourself" wasn't very hard at all.

Yes, I refer to myself as plural often. Is that bad?

2008-09-30, 10:36 PM
More of a place for QED than Ergo.
It works, but I like using QED whenever it works, too.

And guess what? I was raised by my father. And my mother. And my oldest sister, really.
That's three times as much self loatihng to work through. I'm nearly done with it, too. I do have the ability to convince myself of just about anything if I put my mind to it, even if it's something like "we can't move our arms" or "we're attractive to ourself". "We don't hate ourself" wasn't very hard at all.

Yes, I refer to myself as plural often. Is that bad?Only if you're not royalty, Mon Ami.

2008-10-01, 10:45 AM
so, i have a question. it requires some explanation by way of setup, though:

my boyfriend has recently started at a new college in the dept of education, and at least one of these classes has dealt directly with diversity in the classroom. given the location of the college, racial diversity is probably THE major issue, but they do still have conversations about gender and sexual orientation diversity. however, i discovered a few weeks ago that, since he just started at the school and doesn't really know the environment or how far he can trust it, he has generally been referring to me, when pressed, as his girlfriend.

now, this doesn't really bother me, because he's had a *much* harder time coming to terms with his sexuality than i have, but if i found myself in that situation, i would just avoid the subject as much as possible and, if forced, just come out with the truth. i'm not sure how much of this difference is caused by his more difficult background and my penchant for / finesse with misleading or evasive remarks, but while i certainly don't resent him for it, it still kinda bugs me a little.

how would y'all handle that situation? is it utterly irrational of me to be bothered by this?

2008-10-01, 04:16 PM
I don't think it's irrational of you to find it slightly weird, after all, it's not the truth, but then again, I think I might have done something like that someday ago. I don't know the circumstances he was in or he's been through (and I can't say I've been through traumatizing stuff here) but I might have been bent to the will of the stupid, homophobic, prejudiced society in the wrong mood and wrong time.

Which brings me on to another point, I've just realised how many superiorly homophobic pupils there are in my school, some of which I am friends with. Most of them are apparently "devout Christians", bending their rules only for condoms and sex before you're married, but I actually don't think that's the main cause of it.

I've been through many heated and interesting arguments throughout my breaks on the topic (I'm a debater at heart) and I like to think I've sprouted a few seeds of doubt in their strong advance against homosexuality, but I can't help but wonder, is this what people are like? It worries me, as I'm certain it worries you, and I can't help but feel despair-y for the future ahead.

P.S./Disclaimer: I'm not pointing any fingers at religions here, I'm a Christian myself, and I realise religion isn't up for debate on these forums.

2008-10-01, 06:53 PM
I don't think it's irrational of you to find it slightly weird, after all, it's not the truth, but then again, I think I might have done something like that someday ago. I don't know the circumstances he was in or he's been through (and I can't say I've been through traumatizing stuff here) but I might have been bent to the will of the stupid, homophobic, prejudiced society in the wrong mood and wrong time.

Which brings me on to another point, I've just realised how many superiorly homophobic pupils there are in my school, some of which I am friends with. Most of them are apparently "devout Christians", bending their rules only for condoms and sex before you're married, but I actually don't think that's the main cause of it.

I've been through many heated and interesting arguments throughout my breaks on the topic (I'm a debater at heart) and I like to think I've sprouted a few seeds of doubt in their strong advance against homosexuality, but I can't help but wonder, is this what people are like? It worries me, as I'm certain it worries you, and I can't help but feel despair-y for the future ahead.

P.S./Disclaimer: I'm not pointing any fingers at religions here, I'm a Christian myself, and I realise religion isn't up for debate on these forums.1: okay... the color thing is a bit irritating... I'll get over it.....


@ 308: I'd be offended if, given that I had a boyfriend, my boyfriend did something like that. Depending on the strenght of the relationship, and on his personality, weaknesses, strengths, and such, I might insist that he stop doing it. It's all really a very relative thing, I think. Personally, it's something that I can't see the logic behind. To tell others that you have a girlfriend and later reveal that, hey, guess what, she's got a penis! is something that I would find a lot more embarassing than to just go around and tell them the truth. I'd probably find myself unable to reveal that my "girlfriend" is named Arron and sports a well-trimmed goatee.
And has dreamy, deep green eyes and a well sculpted body, is a sensible dresser with longish brown hair and a quick smile, matched only by his wit....

2008-10-02, 01:04 AM
It can be hard for a teacher to imagine their students taking them seriously if they feel they will be looked at "differently." Your boyfriend's choice of words has nothing to do with your relationship, and everything to do with his own discomfort. I know if can be hurtful, but try not to take it personally, you'll drive yourself mad. Let him get the lay of the land, be supportive. Soon enough he'll be comfortable being himself. But if your life starts devolving into something resembling The Birdcage, there's a problem. For now, it seems he just needs time.

@ Ethrael:
In my opinion, "devoutly religious" + "bending the rules" does not compute. Regardless, one doesn't have to support a given lifestyle, or even accept it, to be humane to a person who practices that lifestyle. Some people don't ascribe to the "kindness unto others" parts of their own religions (I live about an hour from the Westboro Baptist Church, look it up.) There will always be people like that, but as I've said before, the wheels keep turning. Women wearing pants, interracial marriages, these things and more were forbidden by some interpretations of scripture. Now, in most of the Western world, at least, the idea that these are "sins" is almost laughable. Things are constantly getting better.


2008-10-02, 01:04 AM
1: okay... the color thing is a bit irritating... I'll get over it.....

Wha? :smalleek: Gah! :smalleek: No- eeek! :smalleek: But... :smalleek: *wails in sobs in colours*

@ Ethrael:
In my opinion, "devoutly religious" + "bending the rules" does not compute. Regardless, one doesn't have to support a given lifestyle, or even accept it, to be humane to a person who practices that lifestyle. Some people don't ascribe to the "kindness unto others" parts of their own religions (I live about an hour from the Westboro Baptist Church, look it up.) There will always be people like that, but as I've said before, the wheels keep turning. Women wearing pants, interracial marriages, these things and more were forbidden by some interpretations of scripture. Now, in most of the Western world, at least, the idea that these are "sins" is almost laughable. Things are constantly getting better.


Yeah, I guess since they "have to live with us" we'll "have to live with them". But still, bringing religion into I find simply idiotic.

And yeah, *bi christian high-five* I'm Greek Orthodox, so there's hardly anything in the religion about homosexuality which is sorta great. The only heat I'd get from people is from their folk/island upbringing. They have it written in their system that men aren't supposed to love men. But they are surprisingly lenient. My great-aunt looks down on gays but she doesn't outright hate them or call them unnatural. They're mostly of that type of people who understand they do not understand it. Which is good in a way, I guess...

2008-10-02, 07:44 PM

i'd like to draw you all to the t-shirt of one of the characters in todays questionable cartoon comic

message ends.

2008-10-02, 07:46 PM
That conversation soudns strangely familiar.

Also, LGBTerrific... Eh. I'd rather do somethin with each letter.
You know, Backronymn it.

Phae Nymna
2008-10-02, 09:32 PM
Mah Gaydar is going crazy over this new kid... Today we made a duet piece of V for Vendetta: The Musical. Not saying that musical theater is anything for anyone in particular, but in New Orleans it definitely is.

2008-10-02, 09:35 PM
Mah Gaydar is going crazy over this new kid... Today we made a duet piece of V for Vendetta: The Musical. Not saying that musical theater is anything for anyone in particular, but in New Orleans it definitely is.

And here I thought "into musical theatre" was a "euphemism" for saying somebody was gay.

Here's the litmus test:
Stare at his eyes. If he stares back for an even number of seconds, or an odd number of seconds and is interupted by a sneeze, you win.
If not, you did it wrong.

2008-10-02, 10:30 PM
And here I thought "into musical theatre" was a "euphemism" for saying somebody was gay.

it usually is

Here's the litmus test:
Stare at his eyes. If he stares back for an even number of seconds, or an odd number of seconds and is interupted by a sneeze, you win.
If not, you did it wrong.

You sir, win.

The Rose Dragon
2008-10-03, 04:19 AM
And here I thought "into musical theatre" was a "euphemism" for saying somebody was gay.

I take offense to that one. I certainly am very straight. And I love musical theatre. If I ever get to the States, I will spend one weekend out of every month in musicals.

2008-10-03, 04:33 AM
Most of the uni G&S society here is straight. I think it's just a stereotype.

2008-10-03, 10:25 AM
I like musicals...

Also, I want an LGBTerrific t-shirt, 'cause it's awesome.

2008-10-03, 12:59 PM
That is a great shirt.

2008-10-03, 01:19 PM
It is pretty cool, aye.

2008-10-03, 06:52 PM
I take offense to that one. I certainly am very straight. And I love musical theatre. If I ever get to the States, I will spend one weekend out of every month in musicals.

I diddn't come up with it.
Blame society.

2008-10-03, 11:27 PM
I diddn't come up with it.
Blame society.*BEEEEP*

Society is busy being an imperfect system and can't take your blame right now. Would you like to shift the blame to God, the government, or gremlins?

2008-10-04, 03:34 AM

Society is busy being an imperfect system and can't take your blame right now. Would you like to shift the blame to God, the government, or gremlins?

GOBLINS! I knew it be thems, with their teeth, and their little blades! :smallmad:

2008-10-04, 02:20 PM

Society is busy being an imperfect system and can't take your blame right now. Would you like to shift the blame to God, the government, or gremlins?

Foward it to Big Brother, wouldya?

2008-10-05, 04:21 AM
In my opinion, "devoutly religious" + "bending the rules" does not compute.I disagree. "Fundamentalist" + "bending the rules", in my mind, does not compute, unless "bending the rules" involves "creative interpretation". You can be devoted and still questioning.
My university made international news a couple of years ago. As a part of political issues, the party-in-power of the student council cut funding to the Queer Officer, scrapped the Queer Space, and appointed a "Heterosexual Officer" as part of an "equal-rights" bulldung movement. They had a "Heterosexual of the Year" competition. I put it to y'all, if they were going to make it "equal", shouldn't they just have made it a "Sexuality Officer"? Yeah. It was pretty damn disgusting.

2008-10-05, 04:44 AM
Was it an actual serious attempt at making things equal, or a tounge-in-cheek thing? I might be misinterpreting it, but it does seem to be a bit of a joke.

How exactly would one become "Hetero/Homosexual of the year", anyway?

2008-10-05, 04:48 AM
Was it an actual serious attempt at making things equal, or a tounge-in-cheek thing? I might be misinterpreting it, but it does seem to be a bit of a joke.

How exactly would one become "Hetero/Homosexual of the year", anyway?

Judging by the fact that they REPLACED those things with the Hetero versions, I'm not so sure it was a joke.

2008-10-05, 04:55 AM
It was real. Can't go into the details here, but look up Samantha Aber, UNESA and Young Liberals*, possibly on Wikipedia, although the Aber Wiki entry was removed due to vandalism :smallamused: Technically I think there was still a Queer Officer, but that position was pretty drastically crippled.

*Note: The Australian Liberal party is actually Neo-liberal. That is, economically liberal and socially conservative.

2008-10-06, 09:28 PM
Got shot down by another guy today. Evidently I'm not, erm... "flowery" enough for him.

I'm beginning to see why so many people are exclusive to women. :smallfrown:

Cristo Meyers
2008-10-06, 09:34 PM
I disagree. "Fundamentalist" + "bending the rules", in my mind, does not compute, unless "bending the rules" involves "creative interpretation". You can be devoted and still questioning.
My university made international news a couple of years ago. As a part of political issues, the party-in-power of the student council cut funding to the Queer Officer, scrapped the Queer Space, and appointed a "Heterosexual Officer" as part of an "equal-rights" bulldung movement. They had a "Heterosexual of the Year" competition. I put it to y'all, if they were going to make it "equal", shouldn't they just have made it a "Sexuality Officer"? Yeah. It was pretty damn disgusting.

I'm finding the idea of a "Sexuality Officer" too bizarre to make much of a comment at all, really...