View Full Version : Stories of Arsoni, Chapter 1: Nation Profiles

2008-07-28, 07:48 PM
you know what to do.

EDIT:good, we now have one of the civilized nations (and an island one at that)

EDIT: great, the libertarians are in

EDIT: Awesome, we've got the were-romans!

EDIT: ah, the horde, I acknowledge your existance

EDIT: yes, another tidbit of civilization

EDIT: joy! the other Llyn inhabitant is here!

EDIT: thank you, alexeduardo, for contributing

EDIT: good to see the filthy rats cooperating

Innis Cabal
2008-07-28, 08:02 PM
Seniholm is a city based and built around an ancient caldera, its architecture makes great use of wind harnessing devices and geothermal technology, and towers are fairly common in the outlying areas. Seniholmn is ruled by a mage council, known simply as The Vanhoom. Seniholmn relies heavily on mining from the mountain’s, and a heavily controlled fishing industry in the caldera, relying on trade for grain’s and fruits. Seniolhmn is a largely mixed race city, the largest population being half elves and teiflings, with a smaller population of hobgoblins and gnolls. While not a war like nation, the many towns and hamlets of the nation experiment with long range communication devices and transportations, along with the constant development with weaponry to trade to other nations for quality goods. This does not mean of course, that the city lacks an army or defenses. The Seniholmian army utilizes long range weaponry and land moving macines to put their advantages to greater use.

Captial City: Urtruldian
Based on a small island in the center of the lake, Urtruldian has taken up as much of the surrounding land as possible, building ever upwards in large tower complexes. The city itself is mostly a simple administrative and cultural hub, holding few non-arcane workshops. The Mage guild is based in the city itself, and a large deal of their profits go to the continued defense of the island.

The Rim
The Rim, as it is commonly called, is a series of small towns, linked together with a complex road system leading around its entirety and down a good portion of the mountain itself. Each rim town is marked by a large tower, with several smaller buildings, forming a fortress like community. Most of the military is based within the rim town’s

Geothermal Vent Towns and Wind Cities
All other towns of the region are placed at geothermal vents still active on the mountain. Each town or city holds a war mage guild hall, which oversees the daily going on’s of the towns, such as collecting tax’s and enforcing laws. A barracks is also maintained in the largest of the cities, and it is customary for the soldiers to life off the herding and farming of their base town. Such towns are the products of all things Seniholmn stands for, industry is typically the largest business, while farming and herding make up a small, but vastly important, niche business. Most industries vary from town to town, depending on what ore veins can be found. Those towns that do not have ore veins are typically processing plant towns, building and constructing objects.
Wind cities are often built upon the bluffs and cliff’s of the mountain where geothermal vents are not present, utilizing and storing the ever present resource of the often gale force winds. Most buildings are made from the surrounding rock themselves, tunneling deep into the rock face to protect their holdings from their industry. Barracks are rare,

The Climate of Seniholmn remains fairly temperate year round, winter being the coldest season with heavy snowfall. Spring and Fall are marked by continuous rain, and what little farming the mountain can sustain is done during this time. Average temperatures in summer range from pleasant to scorching, and humidity is an ever present issue.

Basic Geographic Features and Events
The Mountain nation of Seniholmn is a largely forested mountain, the largest population of tree’s being pine and aspen tree’s. Several large rivers run from deep within the mountain, and several smaller streams are fueled by the large caldera found at the summit of the mountain itself. Due to the heavy rainfall in the spring and fall seasons, large mudslides are not uncommon, though many cities have created ways of harnessing the mud and rock flows, creating safe zones for more material to fall and harvest.

The Marked Caldera-The caldera of which the country of Seniholmn was first founded upon. Found at the summit of the mountain, its waters are cool and clean year round, supporting a thriving, though engineered, fishing industry.

The Gray Forest-The large expanse of forest found in the mountain, it supports the lumber and mining industry where the use of wind and water energy can not.

Snaketounge River-The largest river of the mountain, it is fed by several smaller rivers from the caldera. The river itself boasts a large mill city, owend and operated entirely by the mage guild, providing energy to many of the inner workings of the mountain through ingenious clockwork machines.

The Mage Guild: Not truly a guild, or truly mages in their own right. The Mage guild operates the civic functions of the city, screening children for technical, magical, or other outstanding abilities, and raising them as wards of the state. They are headed by the Vanhoom, a secretive, powerful council that controls the very essence of Seniholmn. The members of the Vanhoom can be noted by their customary silver lower face masks, a single cloth rolled over their eyes, and dark robes. The lead of the Vanhoom forsakes his name, taking on the title of Kentark.

The Mortuary Procession: Death is hardly cheap, and in the country of Seniholmn, this saying takes on a level of extreme almost fanatical ideals. All matter stores minerals, energy, water, and other valuable commodities that while not exactly in short supply, are valuable to the small nation. Members of the Mortuary Procession form a small niche within the Vanhoom, and control several industrial bases at the bottom of the caldera. Here, they stores organic matter for processing, whether it be once living, refuse, or agrarian waste. It is then processed, having all nutrition extracted and stored, and all minerals deposited for retrieval by industrial services. All criminals are shipped to the Procession and reduced down to base components, their bioelectric energies stored and used to maintain the facilities.

Magnet-Tech-The Vision of Seniholmn

Magnatram: The magnatram is a large rail system built throughout the mountain of Seniholmn, connecting even the most remote processing plant back to the Capital. They are currently working on expanding the rail system over the whole of the island, linking all nations back to their capital, in hopes for greater revenue.

Farshot: The Farshot is the single greatest defensive weapon that Senihomn has developed to date, and the systems employed are such a well kept secret many believe only the council knows how to construct more. Each Farshot is a massive tower based on a rotating land base. For all outer appearances, the farshots appear as large metallic towers, whose peaks are marked by intricate mystic symbols and promises of retribution. Due to their complex nature, the farshot has resisted all attempts at minimizing the size of the internal devices, and attempts at transportable systems have met with poor ends. Due to the large amount of magnetic resources, and internal devices, farshots are limited in number, and are used in only times of invasion. The internal working of the tower is based on a large clockwork engine that process’s the local cities energies, powering large magnetic turbines that are built along the entire length of the tower. Once the weapon is powered up, taking several hours for the largest of the farshots, large slugs of compacted scrap metal and slag refuse are then placed into the center of the tower, and shot through the magnetic turbines.

Twilight Shields: The Twilight shields are short use, transformational shield’s, used in the defense of the merchant navy of Seniholmn. Each requires three turbine’s to power, requiring large fleets to triple up for greater defense. Each shield deflects incoming metal rounds, but has no effect on objects smaller then a cannon shot. Each shield takes an enormous amount of energy, and a single ship can power each for up to 20 minutes before the turbine is broken and overheated, requiring months of repair.

Other Defenses
Cannon Tower’s: Seniholmn has developed a series of interlinking communication towers throughout the mountain, each armed with several cannons, and a platoon of rangedmen.

Concussion Rifle: Concussion rifles are intricate and well made long ranged rifles. Each is fueled by a single high pressure thermal device, allowing the guns to fire up to 5 times before needing to be reloaded.

The Rangedmen: The Rangedmen make up most of the standing militia of Seniholmn, and each member is well versed in the use of intricate and accurate concussion rifles. Each wears a simple suit of lightweight armor, consisting mostly of leather.

Multi-Tram: The Multi-tram is the armored transport of the rangedmen, allowing a division to march over long distances, each has a single cannon mounted on a rotation point, and several openings for rangedmen to fire from the protected inside. Each runs on a small magnetic ball, that allow’s it complete 360 rotation and hair pin turn control.

Ango-Aushi: The Ango-Aushi are the elite’s found in the standard militia, boarding on full military service. Ango-Aushi operate in individual cells, and are armed with cutting edge technology, answering to the council themselves. Each is armed with an experimental blast cannon, and covered in a ultra lightweight poly-metal armor that deflects most high impact blows, though highly venerable to blunt force trauma.

Battle Tower: Several towers of the militia have been fitted with long spider like legs, allowing them to become virtual mobile fortress’s. Each is fitted with several rotating cannons.

Sea Dragons: The Sea dragons are the defensive forces of the merchant army, though small in number, at least one is required for any merchant expedition. Each is shaped like an elongated eel, virtually gliding on the water with the use of air controlling vents on the underside of the body. While lightly armed, each has a crack team of boarding experts, armed with both concussion rifles and various bladed weapons for close quarters combat.

On the Drawing Board

Automated Defense Grid (above and below ground): The AGB is a proposed anti aircraft system, using high bursts of steam and clockwork automations, disabiling, and bringing down any air support an army might have. Below ground defense grids are used against borrowing foes, emplying much the same technology
Mobile Processing Plants: The MPP’s are purposed mobile fortresses made to cross the ocean with merchant fleets, landing on unclaimed territory. Each is operated by a single militia force, with the express purpose to drill for more material, and to reduce and study foreign material down to their base components. In times of war, they are sent to the battlefront, where the dead or dying are brought within to help fuel the creation of more of the March
Moblie Rail-Tech: A continued endeavor for Seniholmn, the attempt is to place rail-tech on the forefront of the technologic scene, creating, among other things, faster transportation throughout the world at large, but also for mobile defense platforms.

Army List-This is the list for when they mobilize

The Merchant Fleet: The merchant fleet, as its name suggests, is the main source of income for Seniholmn. They dock in any port that will have them, selling everything from glass, to technology
Rangedmen: Standard infantry
The March of 1,000 Feet: The March, as it is called, is a mass of clockwork machines and automations created for the express purpose of oversea combat.
Clockwork Horror’s: The Clockwork Horror’s are a “machine plague” engineered by the MPP’s with the express intent to demoralize, and reduce a foe’s military advantage. The more advanced horror’s also work as shock troops for the March.
Mobile Defense Platforms: Armed with concussion cannons, the mobile defense platforms are based off the shore of the mountain, maintining peace in what few ports Seniholmn holds.

2008-07-28, 08:07 PM
Name: Libertatia
Leader: Captain James Mission... sort of.
Population: An ever changing figure which generally hovers around 3000-5000 people, but could possibly swell as high as 10000 if everyone aboard called in all the favors people across the world owe them. If you count humans and half-elves together they form a slight majority aboard "the island," and dwarves are a definite minority, but for the most part the population is a pretty even mix of all sentient races.
National Emblem: All Libertatian flags are crudely homemade, and vary widely, but they generally feature the following: A blue anchor in front of a red four bladed propeller on a white flag with the words "For Liberty" at the bottom. (http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c78/Chris-Ascended/LibertatianFlag.jpg)

Founded by the notorious air pirate Captain James Mission, Libertatia is a enormous floating "island" built on top of a motley assortment of airships. It's a young "nation," and much of the world still refuses to see it as a legitimate political entity. Its precise legal status is hard to determine, as no one really owns the skies, and Libertatia generally doesn't linger in one nation's airspace for very long anyway. Mission preaches an odd doctrine of anarchy and communism, and his raiders often leave behind almost as much loot as they steal, like some unorthodox form of barter. Libertatia is highly unpredictable in its movements, in its political dealings, in everything. The only thing that you know for certain when it blots out the sun above your head is that a little bit of chaos is headed your way.

Social/Political Structure:
Libertatia's political functioning is a peculiar admixture of anarchy, direct democracy, and monarchy. The day to day activities of Libertatia's populace are not governed at all by anyone, but the movements of the island itself and its raiders are directed by popular vote. Mission himself rarely speaks to any political matter, and certainly does not style himself as a king or any sort of leader, but when he does speak, the people of Libertatia... who are all, in one way or another, part of the great captain's "crew"... can be counted on to bow to his every whim.

Libertatia's social structure is highly egalitarian, tolerant of people of any race, gender, or creed who wish to live on the "island." Everyone twelve years old or older (aside from Mission) gets an equal vote when the time comes for Libertatia to move on to its next destination. Everyone who boards the floating island swears an oath to share any and all of his or her property freely with any other citizen of Libertatia, so class differences are largely a moot point. Of course, life on Libertatia isn't perfect, and many find it hard to abide by the society's many unwritten rules, but pirates have a way of policing themselves, and the greedy or brutish often find themselves making a one way trip to the ground.

Libertatia doesn't exactly have geography. For one thing, it's an artificial city built in the sky, and for another thing, the big airships on which it is built are only loosely bound together, meaning that the "island" is hardly static. Navigating around Libertatia is largely a matter of guesswork and intuition. It can take residents months even to learn to consistently locate the flying nation's major landmarks. I suppose it would be most accurate to term Libertatia an amorphous blob.

Due to its peculiar nature, Libertatia has one of the most advanced air forces in the entire world. Every single airship that forms a component of Libertatia is or was once a heavily armed pirate airship, and in times of trouble the "island" can hemorrhage out enough of an air fleet to put many large nations to shame. It cannot fully utilize this immense air power, though, due to the rather non-centralized nature of its government. Each pirate airship fights primarily for itself, with little coordination between the various vessels. Only Captain Mission himself can force the highly chaotic Libertatian Air Force to follow any sort of organized plan.

Most of Libertatia's airships are standard zeppelins or blimps, simply refitted with larger engines, bomb racks, and a few cannons and air-to-air guns. At the heart of the "island," though, are three much larger, much more advanced airships, constructed solely for the purpose of piracy. These flagships only disengage themselves from the "island" in times of great crisis, since, due to their bulk, they represent a good chunk of its mass and its population.

They are:

The LAS (Libertatian Air Ship) Terra Incognita, Captain Mission's personal flagship. It's an ironclad airship with a very well protected envelope. Its gondola bristles with heavy cannons, and it can carry a sizable load of incendiary bombs. Unfortunately, all this protection and firepower comes at the price of speed and maneuverability. The Terra Incognita may very well be the slowest airship currently aloft.

The LAS Sturm und Drang, an experimental airship able to disguise itself as a peculiarly malevolent thunderstorm. It carries numerous smoke and fog generators which allow it to shroud itself in a faux thunderhead, and it is armed with massive air-to-ground and air-to-air lightning guns. It even carries the proper equipment to seed nearby clouds so as to disguise itself as merely one rain cloud amongst many. While it is a very advanced ship, its systems are notoriously hard to maintain, due to their highly experimental nature. Sometimes they simply won't work, sometimes they backfire, it's all highly unpredictable.

The LAS Hecatonchires, manned by hundreds of air marines and geared almost solely for boarding actions. It is equipped with many heavy harpoon guns and is additionally capable of launching four assault gliders, non-powered heavier-than-air craft which may be loaded with up to thirty marines apiece.

Libertatian raiders carry a motley assortment of non-standardized guns and swords. They are generally unarmored, in order to maximize mobility aboard ship, though there are exceptions. On most ships the people with the best guns and the best marksmanship serve as marines by default, but the Hecatonchires and Terra Incognita both carry groups of well armed, moderately armored, formally drilled marines.

2008-07-28, 08:14 PM
Name: Romano Imperiat

Leader: Romanis Augustus III

Population: 25'000 Wererats, 20'000 Werewolves, 10'000 Assorted other Were's

National Symbol: A half eagle, half man (in various forms) with a wolves head over it (or alternately, Were's heads on either side, usually a wolf and a rat), and the latin Supero, Subiungo, Assimilatus written on a scroll beneath it (and sometimes with the nations name above it, though less often closer to the capitol)

Overview: The Romano Imperiat is a powerful empire based on the philosophy of expansion. They are a powerful and advanced nation, with somewhat wide-spread rule. Their leader, Romanis Augustus III, is a veteran of previous wars, and a skilled ruler and politician, who has the nations philosophy in his heart and his mind. Technology is wide-spread, and more than just nobles and wealthy merchants can be seen using steam-driven vehicles. The Romano Imperiat was founded long ago, and has been advancing their technologies and knowledge ever since. All those that become part of the Romano Imperiat become Were's. Most of its inhabitants prefer their hybrid forms, usually only taking their humanoid form when visiting other nations. The Romano Imperiat doesn't use slaves, but many recently conquered will be either part of the military or working class. That is to say, most are either put in the military or put to work building things (usually in their cities and villages first) while the rest retain their jobs (I.E. they won't make doctors become workers, though they might become field medics. So those with special training almost always keep their jobs, the rest get put in the military or made laborers) The Romano Imperiat does use its technological advances out side of the military, with constructs working alongside the were's, and iron beasts of burden and the like.

Political Field: The Romano Imperiat is, as the name suggests, an empire, though it does have a formal republic senate, this is an advisory council and nothing more. When a leader dies, his heir inherits the throne, and if he has no heirs, the senate picks a new leader. If the Emperor proves incompetent, he can and will be removed. Romanis is a title given to the nations leader.

Religion: We worship Rominar, the Great Shifter, the original Lycanthrope, who could become any animal, but who's favored form was the Eagle. He was the founder of the Romano Imperiat, and he brought the disparate Lycanthrope tribes together, and formed a powerful nation which grew into the Romano Imperiat as it is today. Indeed, he himself began the foundation of Belluaper the capital of the great nation. Heroes are also highly venerated. Ancient heroes are seen as gods, standing beside Rominar himself, carrying on the glories they had accomplished in their lives. Some of the ancient heroes are attributed with aiding Rominar in establishing the Romano Imperiat.

Location: The Romano Imperiat is located to the south, with powerful naval trade lines along the coast. Their position offers them much trade opportunity, and is also defendable. It is bordered by many forests and some mountains, and has an extensive sewer system connected to mountain streams and caves. It is a wild land, that was long ago conquered by the Were's with all the races either pushed back or changed. There are a number of main cities, with Belluaper as its capital. They have a conquered a number of the minor villages, towns, and smaller nations that surrounded it, and have expanded its borders a number of times. The Schwerzen are to the north, between us are smaller city-states and towns and villages. Our nation is somewhat cut off from the rest of the nations, not bordering them much... yet. We haven't stopped expanding, but we have not contacted many powerful nations yet, and are still in the process of conquering the surrounding areas.

Military: The military is organized into legions. Each legion is made up of a number of troops, with Fumogradior and Ferrumvir making up the core units. These large armored and steam and fire powered walkers have large smoke-stacks which belch steam and smoke. These animated suits of armor carry various weapons into war, and they are often invariably the core of the Legions forces, with Ferrequus cavalry offering support. Ferrerquus are Fire-powered horses, who's eyes burn with flames, and who's noses belch smoke and fire. They can shoot fire from their mouths, their riders are heavily armored Were's. Several legions serve under a single Lycanlord, a general who commands a number of legions. Each legion has between 1-5 thousand troops each.

each legion (which comprises of at least a thousand soldiers) would have one, maybe a few more if its larger (like one unit per thousand standard) of each warwalker type, so thats a total of three units per standard legion. A unit would generally be around 100 for Fumogradior a 30-50 or so Ferrumvir and about 100 Ferrequus cavalry.

I'll describe the three main kinds of Ferrumilitis


The Fumogradior is a large iron soldier. They stand about a head taller than the average man. They carry large steel swords, which they can swing with ease. The Fumogradior is, like the other Ferrumilitis an automata, a metal construct given rudimentary intelligence. They march or charge into battle ahead of the majority of the army, or stay behind to protect ranged units.


The Ferrumvir stand at ten feet or more, and are wider than men by a good deal. They carry an assortment of weapons, from axes to swords to maces to spears, and sometimes ranged weaponry. Whereas the Fumogradior are faceless and near mindless automata, the Ferrumvir has greater intelligence, and they have faces carved to resemble leering animal faces. They have great smokestacks on their backs which billow smoke constantly, and fire can be seen raging in their oven-like chests. The weapons they carry are massive versions of the regular man-held weapons. Their greatswords can easily be as wide as a man. They regularly dismount cavalry, as they stand taller than the horses.


Ferrequus are large iron horses. The only Ferrumilitis which actually utilize living men, the Ferrequus are ridden by powerful Were's bedecked with heavy armors, and wielding lances, with swords and axes for use after the initial charge. On rare occasions, like for the Romanis' Elite Guard, Ferrequus will be ridden by more intelligent versions of the Fumogradior. Ferrequus themselves resemble large warhorses, who's nose and mouth belch fire and smoke, and can shoot fire to a limited extent. Their eyes are also alight with flames. They are generally spiked, so as to cause maximum damage. The Ferrequus is a match in intelligence and loyalty to its rider as any horse, but it does not suffer from the fears which can be the downfall of conventional cavalry. Sometimes Ferrequus will boast rifles or cannons built into it, for extra damage during the charge.


Legio Telum:

Legio Telum are Were's armed with long spears and Scutum, huge rectangular shields. They were well armored, and can form shield walls, or turtle up, with shields on all sides to protect them from ranged fire. They strike from behind their large shields, utilizing the length of their spears to fight from behind their shields. Each shield carries the emblem of the Romano Imperiat. Legio Telum are standard troops, the backbone of the Romano Legions

Legio Ignis:

These Legionaries are somewhat similar to the Legio Telum. They wear lighter armor, but wield the same kind of shields. They carry long rifles, and usually erect the Iron Turtle, with one group at the front being the best marksmen, they would fire from behind the shields, and the troops behind them would pass them pre-loaded rifles, and the Legio Ignis would pass back their rifles to be reloaded. Sometimes, they pair into twos, so as to spread a long line, and two shields would protect the front and above, one soldier would fire and the other would reload.

Legio Ballistica:

Large Ballista would serve as the common siege weaponry. Spear-arrows would be tipped with an exploding head, and launched at the enemy. Upon impact it would explode, capable of knocking out walls. The explosion can also be used to spread fire, so as to cause confusion among enemy ranks.

Legio Gladius:

The Legio Gladius are the swordsman of the Legions. They are often as heavily armored as the Legio Telum but with smaller shields. They would follow after the Legio Telum protected by their large shields, until they met the enemy lines. After that, the Legio Gladius rush forward and cut into the enemy with unmatched ferocity. As Were's, they utilize their superior size to overpower foes, as well as using their heightened agility to be truly fearsome foes.

Legio Vesica: Lightly armored, and wielding little more than short swords and daggers, these wererat units specialize in hit and run tactics. They usually head around more heavily armored units, and head for the enemies ranged troops. Using speed and stealth they come upon lightly armored units, and strike quickly, cutting down their enemies and then receding into the shadows before striking again in another location. These Legio troops, while affective at any time, are most often deployed at night, where they can use the shadows and their silent movements to the best advantage.

Naval Forces:

Note: All ships have murder slits built onto the sides of the hull, where rifles can be stuck through and fired from belowdecks. Also, most of the crews, and often the Legio exclusive to the ship are aquatic types of Were's, such as Weresharks, Werecrocodiles, and others.

Navis Proellium Large ships, made with thick metal hulls and armed with a combination of cannon and turreted Legio Ballistica these ships are low and long, with high walls to prevent water from getting onboard. These ships have mighty smoke stacks which belch fire and smoke, testament to its power source. Primitive fire-spitters, that take the form of leering open-mouthed lycanthrope heads, often with a demonic caste.

Navis Ire

Small but fast, these ships are outfitted with a single fire-spitter on a turret at the front, and two turreted Legio Ballistica one in front behind the fire spitter, and one in back. These don't have smokestacks, but smoke billows from holes built in the back.

Navis Venator

These ships are even smaller than the Navis Ire, with only one Ballistica turret, but instead of the average exploding tip, its a grappling harpoon. The Navis Venator hunt in packs, the crew often keep tamed sharks that swim around the ship. They surround larger ships and latch on, then disgorge Legio troops, usually Legio Vesica[/B] and Legio Gladius to either take the ship, kill everyone on board, or burn it.

Navis Caterva

These are troopships, often with only one or two Cannon or Ballistica these ships are easily the largest ships in the fleet, their sides have hundreds of murder slits, and it has a massive ramp on both ends to disgorge troops. Massive troop compartments can hold hundreds of troops easily.

Navis Armarium

Merchant ships, lightly armed and armored, usually parts of convoys their weapons are light, and usually only meant to take out roving pirates. They are large, but not as large as Caterva they transport goods from port to port, to other cities and nations.

2008-07-28, 08:23 PM
Name: The horde
Ruler: Crovax the cursed
Population: 51000 undead, and one vampire me.
Armies: The many armies of the horde include, the vast, and powerful armies and ever growing forces of the animated reborn(this time infection style :p.) . Basiclly they have huge numbers, and mighty tech but little training.

Social structure: A advanced monarchy with the Vampire acting as The Demon fathers choosen.
technonlogy: The undead came into being after the demonfather cursed their race with the inablility to die, as well as with the ability to pass their curse onto others, their technology is mostly scavenged from the ancient civilization that they were once a part of.
Capital: The old southern capital A mighty city captured about 200 years ago from the alliance. It's fortifactionms are old, but they have been kept in good condition by the goblins, and are still slightly enchanted from the old days. They are very strong, and magiaclly resistant but are old, and thus will crumble under prolonged assulut

Antehm of Undead awesomeness!:http://youtube.com/watch?v=jJOwDYDAtsM
The leader of the Undead, and Demon fatehrs Choosen.
Ruler: Crovax the cursed.
Crovax is an ancient vampire of inceridble Vampiric power, he is also one of the few "day walker" vampires his powers are shwouded in myth, and legend some even saying that he has the ability to devour the souls of the living. Wether or not these abilities are fact or fiction is yet to be seen.
Here are his true abilities.
Flight of the damned: As all true vampires can he has access to the flight of the bat, while he has long ago learned to fly without wings he occasionly does it for that "fear factor" that comes from having a bat winged opponet fly over you.

Gaze of the forsaken: Whenever he focuses his gaze into the eyes of an opponet or person he wishes to control he temporarily gains control of
them based on their strength of will, which is far different than courage for those of ou wondering.

Strength of the dead: Crovax even for a vampire is inceridbly endurable, as well as monstorusly strong by Vampire standards he is tuely a beast to behold on any level.

Special units;

Ghosts: (so orignal.) These are the spies of the horde, they are the few blessed with a beautiful countanence even by human standards although they have shorter lives, they are also the most likely to be accepted into human society, andthus thats why their roll has been choosen, each one is trained in the most elite of Ninja arts, and although th are few in number, they are VERy good at their job.
Number: 350, rare but not impossible

The HEAVY units of the Horde:
Steam skiff: These skiffs come in varing calsses from Imperion, to the fabled juggernauts. The imperion class skiffs are smaller, and carry a lower grade of weaponry, and armor but they are the fastest of anty skiff class. With their only real use being scouts they were not really mass produced, and thus only 500 are stil in service.
Next up on the classes is the Rebirth, a heavier class but not quite the destroyers of the fleet, they have a standard load out for amor, and weapory, with 3 guns on each side of the skiff with one M.O.L.P cannon on its main deck, with all its versatality, and a similar low cost for production this is the most common class, and over 1000 were made, and are still in service, while it is larger than any skifff you will ever see it is more like a small floating armored yatch with a small steel dome from which the M.O.L.P appears.
Now comes the Juggernaut class this is the largest heaviest, and biggest skifff although its barely a skiff anymore, its more like a giant floating armoured tank, with the quad gatling S.H.M.A.G s on each side, and the dual M.O.L.P's on the sides of the main deck. This being both the heaviest unit, as well as the most expenisve to make only 300 remain in service.

Total skiff count by class:
Impeions: 400
rebirth class: 700
Juggernaut class: 300

S.H.M.A.G: The Super,Heated,Metal, Accelration,Gun works by like its namesake superheating metal in ithe gatling chamber, and propelling it at incerdible speeds. These golbs of molten metal shred through anything froom a knights armor, to a steam skiffs hull, while this is quite powerful it does require two personell to operate, a loader, and a gunner.

M.O.L.P: The Massive, Ordanence, launch, platform works in a similar way to the S.H.M.A.G by super heating metal in its chamber, but this operates on a much mlarger scale, this is the heaviest artilleryavailble to the horde, and when they deploy it. You just know they mean bussiness. This is very hard to use, and requires 4 people to use 2 loaders, a spotter, and a gunner. Though the spotter is only used for long range shots, the loaders, and the gunner are always required.

The HEAVIEST units of the horde:

The Bloodhulk: The bloodhulks are acutally genetic deformites, and occur only every so often, butt seem to be far more common than most genetic faults. They are massive, and as their namessake suggest they're skin is the color of blood, these beast have incerdible durability, and is inceridbly difficult
to kill even when you ram it head on with a imperion skiff it has been known to come out beaten but alive. (Undead over the age of 700 have their licenese revoked now.) These are the heavy infanrty of the horde while they are difficult to train, they do learn quickly while in battle, and some bloodhlks have even managed to fit into society.
They only make up about 13% of the standing army though.

The warhulk: (man I'm original.) These beasts seem to have only one purpose, to wage war, they are impossibly large, and are almost insensible to pain, their skin is as tough as the strongest steel. They can easily lift up to ten kilo tons, and although some have been put to work in the mines doing heavy lifting, most of them are merely slumbering in the great catacombs benath the city.
These Warhulks are mostly in slumber, and without a 2 month long ritual to awaken them they only make up about 5% of the current army.

Anyway Anthem lyrics! Curtosey of dragonforceoffical.com!
On a cold winter morning
In the time before the light
In flames of death's eternal reign
We ride towards the fight

When the darkness has fallen down
And the times are tough alright
The sound of evil laughter falls
Around the world tonight

Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel
Through the wastelands evermore
The scattered souls will feel the hell
Bodies wasted on the shores

On the blackest waves in hell's domain
We watch them as they go
Through fire and pain and once again we know!

So now we fly ever free
We're free before the thunderstorm
On towards the wilderness
Our quest carries on

Far beyond the sundown
Far beyond the moonlight
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls!

So far away we wait for the day
For the light source so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on!

As the red day is dawning
And the lightning cracks the sky
They'll raise their hands to the heavens above
With resentment to their lies

Running back through the midmorning light
There's a burning in my heart
We're banished from the time in a foreign land
To a life beyond the stars

In your darkest dreams see to believe
Our destiny is time
And endlessly we'll all be free tonight!

And on the wings of a dream
So far beyond reality
All alone in desperation
Now the time has gone

Lost inside you'll never find
Lost within my own mind
Day after day this misery must go on!

So far away we wait for the day
For the light source so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on!

Now here we stand with their blood on our hands
We fought so hard, now can we understand
I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can
For freedom of every man!

So far away we wait for the day
For the light source so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on!"

2008-07-28, 08:29 PM
Name: Kingdom of Schwerzen
Leader: King Iblis II, Prime Minister Philomel Gant
Population: 30,000 human, 10,000 dwarf, 10,000 gnome
National Emblem: Two-headed phoenix

Overview: The Kingdom of Schwerzen is an emerging power on the continent, thanks to the inventive genius of its people and the ruthless political skill of its ruler. No, I don't mean the king, he's useless. Prime Minister Philomel Gant has elevated himself to de facto head of state and diplomatically absorbed three neighboring city-states into an effective nation without firing a shot. Meanwhile, the nation's military and economy enjoy the fruits of an industrial revolution.

Social/Political Structure: Schwerzen is a feudal monarchy, with much of the power in the hands of the aristocratic parliament (including the former rulers of Schwerzen's neighbors, who maintain their position of power here). However, the man controlling the parliament and the weak-willed king is without a doubt the Prime Minister, who controls the country with an invisible iron grip. Below the government, the usual classes of urban merchants and manufacturers and peasant farmers exist, with the latter declining in number as steam-powered farming devices become widespread.

Geography: The core of the Kingdom of Schwerzen, King Iblis II's hereditary demesne, consists of a large valley in the foothills of the Phoenix Mountains. A sizeable river runs through the middle of the valley, providing transport throughout, as well as fresh water and watermill-derived power for the capital city and several outlying towns. The primary products of this area are grains and sheep from the rural areas, and manufactured goods from the towns.
Upriver of this are the mountain duchies of the dwarves and gnomes that formed a political alliance with Schwerzen. Existing mainly in cavernous mining colonies, these areas produce the majority of Schwerzen's technological devices, as well as iron and precious ore, in exchange for foodstuffs (and hops - these are dwarves we're talking about) from the central kingdom.
Finally, in the forest downriver from Schwerzen proper is the forested province of Duwald. Originally a fractious colony settled by malcontents from the old kingdom, carefully applied economic pressure was enough to bring it back officially into the kingdom. Timber and furs are the region's main resources.

Military: As a feudal society, Schwerzen still mainly relies on peasants levied from the nobles' holdings, as well as "volunteers" from the urban areas. The Royal Army is an elite core force 3,000 strong responsible for keeping the peace and keeping the borders secure in peacetime. The nation has the arms stockpiled to easily equip their army with bayoneted muskets and steam-bombards. The Royal Army and select nobles have more exotic tools at their disposal, such as rifles, light airships, steam-powered armored siege weapons, and clockwork self-firing weaponry. And, under the Prime Minister's policies of promoting education and science, their tools are improved, refined, and added to every day.

Notes on military tech:

Muskets, pistols, and rifles pretty much standard. Muskets are for the peasant levies and are gradually being phased out.

Helium dirigibles. Have not quite been built up to major airforce level yet, but could be used as scouts or close air support.

Steam Mortars. Rather than gunpowder, they lob heavy shells using pressurized steam (I saw it on Mythbusters. With a sufficiently sturdy boiler, it's pretty effective.)

Clockwork Gun: Self-firing weapon emplacement. They can't actually aim or think, but they're good for laying down defensive fire without putting fleshy troops in danger. May develop into full automata later.

Clockwork armor: rare, and only issued to the most elite of the Royal Army. Effectively steampunk powered armor that increases strength and speed through clockwork mechanisms while providing protection from most weapons.

Powered Rams: Small but heavily armored steam-powered wheeled vehicles equipped with either a pneumatic battering ram or a small Steam Mortar. May develop into proper tanks or be combined with the above to form proper mecha later. Steam-powered wheeled vehicles will probably also filter into civilian use.

Electroweapons: Electrically charged swords, spears, and the like for that added kick. Though the army is mostly musket/rifle based, officers and elite would be equipped with these for close quarters combat.

Dynagun: experimental heavy weapon that effectively shoots electricity over a moderate distance. So far only exists in emplaced-gun form. Should be particularly effective against airships.

Troop numbers:

The Royal Army has about 3,000 total troops.
100 5-crew dirigibles (armed with small-bore cannons and bombs)
250 2-crew Powered Rams
1000 Cavalry
950 Regular Infantry
50 Powered Infantry (with Clockwork Armor)

The Royal Army is equipped with top-of-the-line weapons including electroweapons and high-power rifles. The infantry frequently works in squad-based groups with clockwork guns and dynaguns as support, and are frequently a testing ground for any new weapons that are developed.

The maximum number of levies that the King can call up in wartime is around 35,000. This, however, would be every able-bodied person in the Kingdom, and 15-20,000 is a far more reasonable maximum. Levied troops would consist of about 10% Cavalry (armed with rifles, revolvers, and electrosabers) 10% Armor (powered rams), and 80% Infantry (armed with bayoneted muskets or, in richer fiefs, rifles and swords). The infantry is supported with Steam Mortars, as well as limited numbers of dynaguns and clockwork guns if they're lucky and entrenched.

2008-07-28, 08:31 PM
Name: Steelflame Industries
Leader: Chairman of the Board and President Arthur Zigoli
Population: I'll get to that
National Emblem: A Flaming Gear (I'll get it up later)

Founded long ago as a simple manufacturing company in the nation of Rigato, Steelflame industries grew to control the entire nation and more. Though technically it's a company, it is effectively a powerful mercantile nation. Every citizen is born an employee, though with the varying sectors and redundant departments there is still a good deal of competition and advancement.

Social/Political Structure:
Steelflame Industries is controlled by the Board of directors, vice presidents, and a massive bureaucracy of managers. In this way it is sort of a Meritocracy, although political skills will get you farther than anything else. Failure is met with demotion or reassignment to more dead-end areas of the corporate structure. Accelerating the careers of family members is considered inappropriate, so even the Board of Director's families must work their way up from the bottom of the management system. Most low level employees are simply raised and trained to work in their field, occasionally they can be promoted to management, but this is rare. Most managers start out that way due to family connections.

Military: Technically, Steelflame Industries has no Millitary. It however does have a large security force that serves the same purpose. Steelflame security troops mainly serve as escorts for trading convoys from the Sales division. Because of this, Steelflame forces are highly trained and well equipped. Most of them were assigned to the Security forces at a very young age, either because their parents worked there, or because they lost their parents somehow. Steelflame Security troopers also defend the corprate holdings, and occasionally work to acquire new holdings, especially holdings that contain valuable resources. The Steelflame security division is currently run by Security Chief Anna Zigrati, who encourages a no-nonsense, no-patronage approach. Under her command the security forces have become the most egalitarian division of Steelflame Industries.

Geography: Steelflame Industries is based on the Island of Lyla, which contains a variety of different climates used for various purposes. Mainly agriculture, mining an manufacturing. The manufacturing center is based around the Rigalto volcanic vents. The corprate headquarters is based on Clearwater bay, in the former Rigalto Royal palace

Millitary Units
Steelflame Security Trooper: Often Hobgoblin or Human, steelflame security troopers are well trained and well equipped. They wield bolt-firing "Spiker" rifles with vicious bayonets when outside corprate holdings or near the borders. Inside cities or factories, they usually wield electrified net-launchers and stun-clubs.
Steelflame Human Resources/Offic of internal investigation agents.: The Office of Internal Investigation is one of the most powerful branches of Steelflame industries. It acts as a secret police force, it's agents are usually armed with hidden gas-emmiters or magic to take people alive so they can be taken to the Internal Investigations central offices for "therapy", for their own protection. It also doubles as the department of Humanoid Resources.
Reliance-II transport: The Reliance-II was designed as a heavy-duty land transport for carrying supplies that could also defend itself from raiders. However, the Steelflame security forces are in the habit of using them as troop carriers or self-propelled artillery platforms. because each one looks identical until it's top hatches are open, attackers never know what the bulky trucks contain. Usually it's either a battery of automatic weapons, a platoon of security troopers, or a pair of heavy artillery.
Wardog-IV Outrider: A fast-moving vehicle that mounts a light rocket launcher. Requires a driver and a gunner, can carry up to six.
Steelhound: Pretty much, a tank.
Excavator: An all-purpose vehicle used by combat engineers to quickly build fortifications. It's Ground clearing and excavating blades can be used in combat or against structrues, but they are fairly clumsy and are mainly used for construction purposes.
Cloudscour: A small steelflame escort airship armed with a pair of rapid fire Gatling guns and a single powerful rocket. Their main tactic is to cripple and enemy ship with the Gatling guns, and then finish the job with their rockets. Can be re purposed and rearmed, but the standard armament is by far the most common.

CloudCarg: Like the Reliance this large airship was originally designed as a transport that could defend itself from raiders. Steelwind Aerial Security forces like using the solid, reliable design and the ample cargo space in various ways, everything from massive rocket-batteries to airborne refuling and rearming stations for Cloudscours. There are a few proper Battle-built arships, however they are fairly rare and follow no set design. Usually a repurposed Cloudcarg or a flight of Cloudscours does the Job.

Arac-III: A six-legged spiderlike patrol walker, used primarily in the corporate homeland to hunt down fugitives. Each leg has a retractable set of wheels, allowing it to move quickly over solid ground, or carefully over rough terrain. Moves fairly quietly and runs off an internal power battery, so it dosn't give a telltale smoke cloud. . Like most Steelflame machines it can be re purposed, It has three standard armament patterns. A capture pattern with a retractable shock-net. An assault pattern with an underslung flamethrower. And an Assault pattern with an underslung canister cannon (Pretty much a really big shotgun).
Skitterbug: These Automata are kind of like miniature versions of the Arach. Each one carries a light canister rifle, and has two clawed arms attached to the main body for meele combat. Very few of them are in existence, as the Security Troopers usually fill SI's needs, however the design is on hand. If there is a millitary threat, Steelflame Industry's factories can convert and start churning out Skitterbugs within five days. If every single factory in the nation was turned to this purpose, they could build thousands of skitterbugs a day.
The Leatherback: A seaborne version of the Cloudcarg. The Leatherback is an armored cargo ship with millitary-grade engines. It is built so that it can be easily converted to a fully-functional battleship with only a short time spent in shipyard.

The Sawtooth: The Sawtooth is a destroyer ship used to escort Leatherbacks. It's primary armaments are a torpedo launcher and an Anti-air gun. It also mounts some standard ship-to-ship cannons, but not like a standard surface battleship.

The Groundscour: A modified version of the Cloudscour, the Groundscour is built with most of it's weapons aiming towards the ground, and a bomb bay in place of the rockets. It's purpose is to engage and destroy ground targets from the air.

2008-07-28, 08:35 PM

The Manzano Kingdom
(a troll barbarian state)

Geography: the Manzanos have long lived in the space between the Schwertz and the (other complex europe-y state). A forestal and mountainy region, they spent many centuries waging war against each other and learning the ways of their ancestors.

Military: The pride of the Manzanos are their Mountain knights. They are just a few houndred trolls, chosen by the mountain and using rudimentary axes to defend their clans.
For many generations they fought with wood and stone, but recently they captured a western outpost, which happened to be full of muskets and a mortar. They now have over three thousand musket-wielding soldiers and are looking for someone to sell them more.
The 2 thousand remaining men still use spears and stones.

Politics: the Manzanos just recently went through their most bloody war of their history. A war that unified the clans but shattered the friendships. This fragile alliance is led by the mighty warchief XelaOdrau, who is in the process of preparing for war with their steel-working neighbors.

Religion: they revere the 7 mighty mountqains and accept the stone tower as a minor entity.

(yes, it's a short description but so will their life in arsoni be :smallbiggrin:)

2008-07-28, 08:37 PM
The Bene Scavil

Race: Bene Scavil (base race - heavily modified variants exist). The base race resembles small humans. The resemblance is minor up close as the Bene Scavil an oily, pigmented hide, little to no hair anywhere, and rudimentary sensory organs. Their large eyes lack pupils or irises and rather than focus the light through lenses fully bend a slick concave to convex surface to capture the little light the caverns.

Religion: these troglodyte-like humanoids are zealots. Their religion of self-perfection makes vanity of other high courts seems minor primping. It also leaves then extremely Xenophobic and racist - believing themselves to be in the process of rebirth. Rebirth in their practice entails body grafts and genetic manipulation until they are born into the image of a god. Thus they have no god, rather a strict set of practices and an inherent self-delusion of divinity.

1) Bene Scavil - as mentioned, the majority of the race and clans
2) Face Dancers - These monstrosities are the few agents of the Scavil to ever see the outside world. They are changelings and morphers. These drones are asexual and live only to serve their clan in the collection of information and transactions with lesser surface races. They are the assassins and infiltrators. They are relatively rare outside of Tleilax.
3) Gholas - regrown bodies of the dead. These are not undead, rather clone-like replicas of the past. Face Dancers often sell gholas to outside agents in exchange for genetic material from various sources. They are the docile labour class within Bene Scavil society often grafted for strength but whose mind has been altered or lobotomized.
4) Gholas Abominations - the gholas process has been long modified and elite Bene Scavil voluntarily 'rebirth' themselves into the Abominations. A Bene Scavil will spend much of their life scheming and scrounging for the perfect combination of genetic samples. The process is far from perfected but allows one to be reborn into a tauric or half-template version of themselves. Rumours exist that the highest and richest clan are lead by those unlike anything that has walked the earth before...

The Scrag is a series of interconnected tunnels spread beneath the lands near Tlielax. These deep vents are analogous to the underdark, a mix of natural caverns and hewn rock shunts and lairs. Throughout much of the continent small bands, or Scragholds, has been established by the various clans of the Bene Scavil. Each specializes and adapts to its surroundings based on the genetic diversity of the region. Each hold has little connection or loyalty to the others clan separate or as a whole. Often their only dealing involve gholas swapping or banding together during raids for exotic samples.

In recent years the Scrag begins to tunnel into the surrounding nation and the collective work of separate tribes pushes it further.

Captial City: Tleilax
This is not a capital so much as a trade hub and front to the outside world. Populated almost entirely by Face Dancers it is a black market of illegal trade and banditry. Few if any know the true power behinds the hub and often are ignorant that the man they finished business with was a changeling. In recent years the Face Dancers have been infiltrating pirate crews, influencing their pillages and secretly replacing members with gholas.

The Scrag is a dark and twisted route full of dead passages and deadlier traps. Each Scraghold is a humid pit lined with lucuferase fungi with stone worn rooms and laboratories.

Tleilax is a coastal port posing as an free trader society. Tleilax itself maintains a strict policy of neutrality and offers no indication of its allegience or connection with the Scavil. The military of the city-state is mostly mercenary or gholas posing as mercenaries. Under the waves and beneath the wharfs is a clan of sea-adapted Abominations secretly running the city and acting as a final assault squad should the city be openly attacked.

Other than the mercenary/pirate/gholas defensive armies of Tleilax the overall military might of the Bene Scavil is relatively small but made of highly specialized units. They do not possess or care for any air units and their few ships are currently a rag-tag of overthrown pirate and merchant vessels.

Their major advantage is the diffuse and subterfuge nature of their society. Each clan is relatively independent and to date most nations are unaware that they exist buried within deep warrens or of the horrors of the abominations.

They tend to be raiders and opportunist only surfacing in noticeable numbers if the potential resources gained are too great to pass by. Most often however they send Face Dancer agents to infiltrate/assassinate/and impersonate ruling members of the lands above.

Thus an invasion by Bene Scavil will be one of hushed dealings and quiet deaths. They would prefer stability through puppet governments so that they can ignore the chaos above.

Face Dancers - Highly agile and skilled assassins these units primarily infiltrate and sow chaos from within.
Gholas - Look like ordinary men, but augmented to be extra strong but with low intelligence and naturally docile if not commanded by a Face Dancer or Scavil.
Abominations - These are true monsters. Crafted Flesh and bone into huge abberations capable of tearing apart legions. Each one is highly unique.
- Under water in Tlielax = massive levathian leading a handful of yuan-ti like abominations
- Defending the Scrag, a collection of half-trolls, half-ogres, half-fey, etc one unique to each clan.
- Massive Half-dragon generating a large clan in a warren open to the upper lands near the inner boarder.
Scavil - the flesh-engineers and healers.
Flesh Golems - employed as defenders of the warrens
Siege Beetles/Knell Beetles/Ankhegs - used at mounts or siege weaponry in battle. Otherwise used to burrow passages and spring up from beneath foes.

The Bene Scavil excel at melee combat and are a deadly force if they have the advantage of surprise. Their twisted and dark warrens has never encouraged ranged combat. The rare and elite Abominations are monsters of titanic strength and ferocity, often possessing unique and terrifying abilities. Legions attacking a Bene Scavil scraghold often find their own officers suddenly turn against them and lead the men into deadly ambushes (infiltrated face dancers).

In an open surface and pitched battle the Bene Scavil do not possess the ranged capability or numbers to win a fight.

Their machines and vehicles are organic in nature. Massive insectoid vermin gholas act as mobile burrowing machines capable of surfacing and leading a charge from behind enemy lines.

The armies of Bene Scavil possess an enormous healing rate and the ability to return fallen troops to the field as gholas. Of those with the means and at least a sample of themselves left behind, death is no obstacle. A gholas abomination requires utter destruction of it or all nearby forces to be truly felled.

2008-07-29, 09:48 AM
Lizardfolk of Barakki that Was

Overview: Barakki once was a mighty Theocracy, lead by High Priestess Sitt'arak. However Barakki suffered a calamity of epic proportions, and was broken into a vast island chain. The Lizardfolk and Sahuagin blamed this on Sitr'arak, and drove her back into the sea, and began to rebuild. After this, the Lizardfolk began to strive forward into invention, with the help of the devious, cunning and frighteningly suicidal Sahuagin and lead by Lord General Victant. Lizardfolk possess a high deterioration rate, due to the acid in their veins.

Social/Political Structure: Agres was once lead by High Priestess Sitt'arak, now is lead by the ruling council and Lord General Victant. Children are taught warfare at a young age, and Agres is known for breeding the greatest military minds. The social structure follows the Lizardfolk's old way; families in clans, clans in tribes, and one representative from each tribe on the council.

Geography: Due to the cataclysm in their land, the land broke apart, and the islands were formed. Inward into the nation, great cliffs seperate each island.
Outward to the coast, they appear as normal islands. The entire mainland portion is jungle, as well as the islands.

Capital: Seaspray

National Emblem: a Bull Shark with cross bones below it.

Population: 30,000 Lizardfolk, 12,000 Sahuagin, Red Sky Humans 8,000

Tech Level: Crude, but not primitive. Average weapons, steam ships, crude airships, chiropters and steam-tanks. They use heavier than air steam, and propel it underneath their battle skiffs to make them hover. Sahuagin have been known to strap themselves to manually guided missiles and fly them into enemy ranks

Lizardfolk Ground Troops

Lizardfolk Vindicators 4,000 An infantryman wielding a bladed weapon, and a standard issue pistol. They wear flak jackets, and scrap metal.
Lizardfolk Deadbolts 3,000 A ranged fighter wielding a Spiker-II rifle, and a standard issue pistol. They wear flexible armor.
Lizardfolk Red Guardsman 4,500 A combination of ranged and melee. They wear steel claws for melee, and a Spiker-II rifle for ranged.
Lizardfolk Blademaster 900 An elite class of melee troops. They wear traditional bone armor, and wield two steel Kondas.
Lizardfolk Scrappers 3,000 Anti tank infantry. They wield mortar launchers, and have pry bars for cracking open cupolas as well as standard issue pistol. They wear flak jackets. The sea variant have harpoon launchers, and the air variant drive chiropters, and carry splinter rifles.

Sahuagin Ground Troops

Sahuagin Blasters 3,500 Infantry carrying shatter rifles, short range shotgun-like weapons. They wear scrap metal for armor.
Sahuagin Saboteurs 2,900 Bomb throwing infantry. They carry standard issue pistols at their hips, and wear flexible armor.
Sahuagin Knuckleheads 2,600 Fighters wearing bone armor, wielding two shatter rifles.
Sahuagin Sappers 1,200 Infantry with bombs strapped to their bodies.


Hammerhead Assault Craft 200 Large steam-craft, with 2 cannons mounted on both sides. Holds 8 to 15 troops.
Orca Submersible Troop Transport 80 Whale-like underwater transport. Can hold up to 20 troops.
Lizardfolk Battle Skiff 300 Turret-mounted steam-craft. Holds 3 to 4 troops.
Lizardfolk Starbird 120 Light armed, war planes, holding 1 pilot and 2 passengers.
Sahuagin Hara-Kiri 100 Manually guided missiles, with 1 sahuagin mounted on it.
Boarding Craft 150 Light vessels with harpoon launchers mounted on the sides. Available as a sea or air variant.
Lizardfolk Chiropter 400 Aerial troop transports, able to land on airships. They are unarmed, but very fast.
Red Sky Charging Ox 40 A huge toop transport, able to carry 40 troops, and 30 workers powering it. 2 turrets are mounted on the front, 2 turrets mounted on the top. The ones on the top are ground-to-air, the ones on the front are ground-to-ground. A plow is at the front of the Ox. 30 workers power the steam engine powering it. Troops mounted inside can fire from bolt holes.
Blue Sky Iron Boar 120 2 workers, one driver, one engine worker can maintain this vehicle. Like its larger counterpart, it has a plow at the front. It can hold 6 troops not counting the workers, and they can fire through boltholes at the side. There is a mortar turret up top, that can be rotated a full 360 degrees. Steel blades can be fitted to the sides to tear through enemies.
Night Sky Blood Crow 40 A flying powerhouse. Two Sahuagin Hara-Kiri missiles can be mounted on them, and cluster-bombs can be released from below. 4 workers can pilot it, and 2 Sahuagins.

The Red Sky Mercenaries

The Red Sky Mercenaries were called to duty in the Spring of Burning Sea. They pledged allegiance to Lord General Victant, and served as his personal guard, as well as his watchful eye on the North-Eastern coastline. Their symbol is the Sun circled by the constellation Ring, on a red background. Their rank system is Red Sky for shock troops, Blue for heavy troops, Gray Sky for Veterans, and Night Sky for Special ops.

Red Sky Marksman 600 These are survivalists, and snipers. They wield concussion rifles, and wear orange flak jackets.
Red Sky Firebrand 400 Fighters wielding 2 Choppers, rapid-firing handheld shatter rifles. They wear heavy kevlar vests.
Blue Sky Brutalist 200 Heavy fighters with mortar launchers, and chainblades. They wear heavy power suits.
Gray Sky Dreadnought 100 Veterans who have reached perfection in battle. They wield their chosen weapon, as well as a longsword. They wear power suits, with gray rags overtop.
Night Sky Phantoms 500 Scouts in light power suits, with fog makers on their powersuits. They carry a grappling hook launchers with 30 ft long wires, as well as dart launchers packing poison.
Night Sky Puppeteer 50 Controllers with an Automaton regiment of 12 fighters. The Puppeteer designates targets, and they approach on the aggressive or defensive. The automaton's are weak, and can take bullets, but are weak and slow in melee. They are equipped with splinter rifles and wrist shockers.


Peregrine Archimedes - This is a medium battle ship, outfitted with turret placements on the hull, murder holes on the bottom for carpet bombing, and cannons on both sides. It holds ranged troops to pick off enemies in a death from above style sweep, and then heads out of range before the enemy reacts.

Gentle Colossus- This airships name is a misnomer. Slower and Larger than the Peregrine, it packs farther ranged weapons and Sahuagin Hara-Kiris. Iron flaps on the hull can be opened up, and boiling pitch can be poured on the enemy as it flies over. The Cloudhammer is a frontal cannon that tears through walls and enemies like sticks. It can only be aimed forward though.