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King Tius
2008-07-29, 06:52 PM
Dawn of Zor, the 19th of Therendor

The city of Fairhaven wakes to the last morning frost of Therendor, the first month of Spring. Since it is Therendor, month of the Mark of Healing, House Jorasco is offering a discount on all services for the duration of the month. As the city vendors begin to open their shops and the streets begin to bustle with the morning trade our intrepid adventurers greet the day looking for work. Though there are plenty of ways to make an honest day’s pay in the city, our heroes go to the Sivis Station looking for the higher paying, higher risk jobs. At different points throughout the day, you each approach the small tower bearing the crest of House Sivis. The building, made of white stone, has large wooden doors that open to a room full of small letter boxes and a high counter. The upper levels of the tower have smaller windows and closer spacings than one would expect of a human building, showing that this is indeed a gnome establishment. Several message boards are posted in the small courtyard outside the building, each littered with parchments. As you scan these, all kinds of job opportunities present themselves. A scholar from Morgrave University is leading an expedition into Xen’drik. A long flyer recruits for the Blademarks and Defenders Guilds. An exacerbated mother seeks a babysitter for her half-ogre twins, and some rich collector looks for a group to help find “the Sankara Stones and Save Children.” One particular piece of fresh parchment, written in a particularly flourishing script and green ink, offers the following:

The Baron ir’Kusk seeks those of stout heart and sword arm for the refounding of Merylsward. Inquire within for details.

Inside the main chamber sit two gnomes, one male and one female, at opposite ends of the large counter. Behind them, amongst the giant piles of tomes and parchments sits the messenger stone that the Sivis gnomes use to transmit their arcane messages. After you’ve waited in line along with the other assorted customers, you finally have the chance to speak to the male gnome. He looks down at you from his high counter and says with practiced courtesy, “What can House Sivis do for you today?” Upon inquiring about the flyer outside, the Sivis gnome nods in recognition. “Ah yes, the Merylsward project. Just a minute, let me find that book…” Turning to a stack of giant tomes next to him, the gnome grabs hold and lifts up the pile of books that easily weighs as much as he does. A small red ring on his finger glows slightly as he effortlessly picks up the books and moves them to one side. Opening the newly uncovered book and flipping to a specific page, he clears his throat and reads the job description (see below). Once finished, he looks at you and says “Now if you’re still interested, you’re in luck! The next supply train to Merylsward leaves tomorrow at daybreak outside the west gate. Will you be needing ID or Traveling papers?”

Merylsward Job Description

The Lord Baron ir’Kusk has undertaken the restoration of the once-glorious town of Merylsward. Once a major port and fishing town for the northwestern part of Old Aundair, tragedy befell the town when the bay entrance was blocked by a rockslide. Those seeking to assist in the reconstruction of the town or the reclamation of the surrounding lands shall be paid according to the services provided. All items retrieved in the reclamation, so long as they are not Kusk family relics or plunders from hardworking citizens are to be kept at your discretion. Any persons with relations to the druidic sects of the Eldeen Reaches should make their connections known. Karnathi need not apply. Specific job assignments shall be delivered by Baron ir’Kusk or any other overseeing personnel assisting in the reconstruction of Merylsward.

OOG: As this is the first post, I wanted to set the tone of the adventure but also get the ball rolling. You may interact with the gnomes and spend your day however you’d like. Please have your post end with your character heading towards the wagons on the following day. The next post will be the introductory post and then we’ll hit the road! I promise all my posts won't be this railroaded, but I don't want to take ten posts getting everyone to the wagons when we can get our swords wet!


In order to make my life a lot easier and your lives a lot more exciting, I am going to run this game straight up like a tabletop adventure. That means you will be doing all your own rolls. Some of you are playing some quirky classes or have interesting abilities and it will take me a week to write each combat post if I have to dive into manual after manual to look things up. As such, I would like you all to adopt the following format for posting. Things written with ** in front of them are my notes.

Sir Example the Correct
**Begin each post with your character’s name in bold**

:: Sir Example scans the ongoing battle with his steely gray eyes. Spotting the closest orc, he raises his sword to the sky and cries out to his allies as he attacks::

**Descriptions or movements should be bracketed with “::” on either end**

“Come now my brothers, drive these fell beasts back to the filthy caves that spawned them!”

**Dialogue in quotes. If you are whispering or speaking only to one person, please say so. If you “want” you may each pick a dialogue color, though I don’t require it. Don’t pick anything obnoxious/hard to read**

Long Sword +1: 1d20+7
Damage: 1d6+3

**Please roll damage along with the attack. If it hits, I will use the damage score. If it crits, I will look up your sheet and see if it is successful. You must handle all conditional modifiers that affect your character. If Sir Example is under the affect of an Aid spell, it is up to you to remember to add the bonuses. I will factor all external combat modifiers (firing into a crowd, flanking, etc) and will inform you of Attacks of Opportunity and the like. If you have a feat that aids you in fighting (like Precise Shot or something like that, please say so in the beginning till I get used to it all**

Lightning Bolt: 1d20+5 (ranged touch)
Damage: 5d6 (electricity)

**For spells, please include the attack roll required and the damage magical damage type. If you need to roll a DC check for something like commanding an animal companion or making a binder check, include the DC with your roll. Also include a brief description of any unique abilities or not-completely-obvious spell effects. I know what a fireball does off hand, but not all the psychic warrior abilities.**

**Skill checks work the same way**

::Sir Example the Correct searches the body for loot::

Search: 1d20+8

Aid Spell: Two rounds

**Please keep count of spell effects and stuff like that during combat. If it is a party buff, only the buffer need keep track. This isn't so much to keep people honest as it is to help keep track over long periods of time. Counters should also be kept for summoned creatures, negative effects, etc.**

OOG: Sir Example is t3h 1337z0rz

**Finally, since it is a big group and I’m a space cadet sometimes, please include what result you want from anything out of the ordinary that may lie in your description but doesn’t have a roll with it so I don’t forget it**

<result of tasting potion>

**Now I know this is a lot at once, but with this system it should make it much easier for me to post and for you to read. Let’s give it a try, shall we?

The Party
{table=head] Character | Player | Class | Race
Rhukaan Thaar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69922) | Qualia | Soulknife | Bugbear
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875) | Fishy | Spirit Shaman | Synad(Kalashtar)
Bruggin Stonehammer (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=15746) | MountainKing | Fighter | Dwarf
Timber (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=137650) | Mantis | Druid | Warforged
Gwydr (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=24335) | Maurkov | Cleric | Human
Juleran (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=5835) | Bigmac | Swordsage | Kalashtar

The Map

Red = New Merylsward
Green = Grass
Dark Green = Forest
Light Blue = Old Merylsward
Blue = River
Dark Blue = Ocean
Brown = Cliffs
Light Grey = Kusk Manor
Grey = Rocks
Dark Grey = Cave
Tan = Beach
Black = Road

”A Stroll Through Town”

The Town Hall: The first building constructed in New Meryslward! The ground for the foundation was broken ceremoniously by Baron Ir’Kusk himself. A ten foot wall surrounds the modest courtyard of this sturdy building. Clearly it was built first to act as a fort in case of need (what with there being no acropolis to build). Most of the rooms are currently being used for dry storage or lodging, though Mayor Brisby has taken an office for himself and one for his few underlings.

Elementally Unbound: The sign hung haphazardly in front of this half-finished building has its letters burned in the wood, though it looks like someone wrote them with a shaky blowtorch. The most notable feature of the building in its current state is the small swarm of elementals that seem to inhabit it. Around the outside two large sized earth creatures carry carefully hewn stone and place them along the walls. A fat and awkward looking homunculus teeters uneasily on the wall carrying a mortar board and spatula to secure the stones as the elementals place them down. Peeking inside from a safe distance, a small tornado whirls about the inside of the place moving crates and wooden beams with surprising accuracy. Once in a while a thin and unusually wiry and built gnome is seen scurrying about carrying an armload of tools or reagents. A cacophonous crash and a string of gnomish curses periodically break the dull rumble of the elementals. The curses seem to come from a particularly deep basement.

The Gilded Loon and the Red Moon Inn: The only other completely finished building in town, the Gilded Loon boasts a well crafted sign of a golden water bird spreading its wings before a crescent red moon. The sign is old and worn, clearly coming from some previous establishment. Upon the moon is painted the dragonmark symbol of House Ghallanda. Unlike most inns, the Loon holds no tavern or bar for rowdy clientele. It too is currently functioning as housing and storage like the Town Hall, though it still has a “vacancy” sign posted under the sign.

The Drunken Clam: (couldn’t help myself) Next to the Gilded Loon stands two walls of the town watering hole, still under construction. Inside the frame of the house a large pavilion style tent has been rigged. While the tavern may not be open yet, the bar sure is.

The Church of the Silver Flame: Though they arrived along with you, the Cleric of the Flame has taken his family to a double plot of land that appears to have been waiting for him. His children have helped him pitch the family tent and then they have immediately gone about erecting a primitive altar in the grass so they can begin holding services. Their arrival has spurred conversation among many of the mason workers and carpenters who feel that other house projects should be halted until the church is built. Quite a few more people seem to be grumbling that the church is that of the Flame and not the Sovereign Host.

Dockside Warehouse: Though no docks have been built yet, a large storage building is nearly finished being erected to encourage farmers to bring their wares to store here.

”Dwarves”: The name “dwarves” has been chiseled into a nice stone sitting in front of the lot. A large furnace is being built on the land by two dwarves, both with jet black hair and long braided pony tails. Unlike all the other buildings under construction, no masons are seen working on this building. Apparently these dwarves like to do things themselves. A large and sturdy wagon is parked inside the house’s plot which is full of pieces of metal and assorted weapons/armor. An anvil sits awkwardly in the ground where it was pushed off the wagon.

People of Interest

Mayor Brisby: Appointed by the Baron himself, Brisby is a large and even-handed man. He was with the first group of workers to arrive at New Merylsward and has been leading the building of the town with an almost military efficiency. The workers revere him and though he keeps to himself he occasionally makes an appearance at The Drunken Clam. Nobody as of yet has managed to pry his past out of him, but he seems to know which end of a sword to hold and how to get things done.

Khayla of the Twin Oaks: When the first foundations of the town were being dug, the good folk of New Merylsward were besieged by a small band of crazed druids. Wearing skulls on their clothing and calling forth swarms of insects, the half dozen of them took the workers by surprise. Luckily Getty’s elemental friends stay close at hand or else the town might never have gotten off the ground! Not two days after the attack Khayla appears in town, walking with two doe (does?) flanking her and bearing an olive branch. The slender and beautiful Elf explained to the town makers that the Eldeen Reaches are home to many types of druids and that she is much different from those who attacked. Offering her services to the budding town as a liaison to the local friendly druids and fey, Khayla has begun building, or rather growing, her home on the very edge of town. With her magical druidic powers she is causing a great oak to grow at an incredible speed. She can often be found working her ways on the tree or wandering through the shallower groves of the forest line, always with woodland creatures in tow like Snow White.

Getty Ginglegrook: The curious owner of “Elementally Unbound,” this little gnome is surprisingly lean and well built for a gnome. He keeps a small cadre of magical companions ranging from two large earth elementals and an air elemental to his odd little homunculi. It is rumored that Getty used to be one of the chief elemental binders for the famous airship factories before leaving and joining some nut-case cult.

The Workforged: A group of Warforged, now out of a job with there being no war, have banded together and formed a contract labor company. Run by the Cannith artificer who claims to have built every one of them, the Workforged have been hired to help clear the opening to the ocean. The Workforged keep almost entirely to themselves and do not assist in defending the town or its inhabitants as it is not “part of their contract.” Their “father” Hugo d’Cannith does all the talking on their behalf.

Cliffwalker Tribe: While the lands around the lake have become mostly inhabited with monstrous creatures, a small band of semi-nomadic shifters have also claimed the cliffs as part of their home. They have done nothing to help nor hinder the budding town and have presently moved off towards the eastern seaside cliffs. The arrival of the Silver Flame has caused some unrest among them.

Haskul: A tall and thin elf who always seems far too busy to give you the time of day. He is the mayor’s assistant who has been assigned to managing your tasks. He will inform you of any jobs that need doing around town, provided you ask nicely.

Oin and Gloin: The two dwarven brothers who have come to Merylsward to serve as "dwarves." Though this seems like enough of an explanation for them, they often have to explain to the other residents that they are armor and weapon smiths. Though they are still setting up their forge, they have brought along a few samples of their work which are far more impressive than what most of the local farmers and masons have ever seen.


Ominous Cavern: Along the path to the bay’s mouth is a dreadful looking cave entrance nestled in the low cliffs. Howls have been heard coming from around the cave and many townsfolk are worried about such a den being so close to our dreary new home. It could also be used as an outpost or even a nice little home for you to go live in. You seem like cave types.

Ir’Kusk Manor: Our Most Benevolent Benefactor Lord Baron Ir’Kusk has requested that the ruins of the old manner on the northwestern cliffs be investigated and cleared out of any new residents. He asks that any antiques or items bearing the Ir’Kusk family crest be retrieved intact. Stealing and grave robbing will not be tolerated.

Farmer Dissent: While not every farmer in the Reach is overjoyed that we are building this town, one in particular is trying to rally the local dirt diggers against us. His farm lies a day’s ride south of here. This man goes by the name of Calhoun and needs to be quieted. If you can’t reason with him to join with us or bribe him to stay quite, bash his skull in. That, at least, I’m sure even you can handle.

Crazy Druids: Though we were able to repel those crazy druids that besieged us a week ago, many of them retreated back into the Towering Wood. They will undoubtedly strike again, probably in greater numbers and maybe even with those Lizards.

Completed Tasks

Lizardfolk Nuisance: Those lovely little mud dwellers have taken a liking to harassing the work crew clearing the rock debris at the opening of the cove. The lizards aren’t attacking the workers directly but are destroying equipment at night and dropping rocks from the cliff face above. This problem needs to be dealt with immediately. I’m not sure you’re smart enough to set a trap for these overgrown alligators so maybe you could just go knock on their nests and ask them nicely to stop? However you manage to fail to deal with this, the sabotage is delaying the opening of this town.

Missing Persons: Several workers and townspeople have gone missing in the past week. They have all been younger men and one was seen wandering off towards the great forest. I doubt you are any good at tracking, but you do have a dog with you (looking at you Maizur), so maybe you’ll be able to find the missing men? Apparently the ladies in town report that they were the better looking of the hideous plebs.

Hammer Time: The pesky little gnome Getty has requested a few “able bodied fighters” to help him with an unbinding of some sort. Even if you die your corpses could act as shields for that little psychopath.

Moss Bandits: The mayor informed me that the Baron of Moss must have even worse recruiting standards than we do since apparently you dispatched a band of his men on your journey here. Since this is something you have proficiency for, one of the baron’s outposts is rumored to lie due east of here in the forest. Your little "prisoner" finally managed to confirm this for me after I asked him very nicely. If the Baron keeps attacking and taxing farmers and merchants traveling here, we will all be starving before the winter.

2008-07-29, 09:11 PM
Before I go crazy posting fun things, uh, is it correct to assume then that everyone who's listed in your "Submitted Characters" table in the recruitment thread is in fact in the game? Or did you PM the people who made it individually?

King Tius
2008-07-29, 09:58 PM
Whoops! Everyone who applied is in. The party might be a little big, but I'll just kill off the weaklings :smallsmile:

2008-07-29, 10:08 PM
:: Sim, in his identity as Quel ' Dolan, elven noble, merrily strides the city, looking for a shop in which to purchase some jewelry. Quel enjoys the finer things in life, and often indulges himself thusly.::

Gather Information check, if needed: [roll0]

2008-07-29, 11:29 PM

::Maizur stares up blankly at the gnome::

"Papers? Are they needed?"

::Maizur digs through the folds of his clothes and the bedroll tied across his back for any scraps of paper, before glancing around for help::

2008-07-30, 01:04 AM

:: Margie looks almost as confused as the shifter. Dealing with crowds really isn't her strong-suit. She pulls out her own crumpled papers, showing them to the gnomes and her fellow adventurer. ::

"Like, um. Like these?"

:: It takes the better part of the day, but she eventually gets her own traveling papers, contracts, insurance, documentation and suchlike sorted out- she ends up not even sharing a word with the gnomes about the village. So much for those prepared speeches. ::

The day of, Margana prepares her Generic Utility List, and shows up at the wagons.

2008-07-30, 01:20 AM
eh, ignore that first post, i wasnt quite sure what to do. heh.

Sim (as Quel'Doran)

:: Sim, in his identity of Quel ' Doran, elven noble, stares blankly at the gnome. ::

"Why, yes, papers... they are unfortunately not on my person, they are at the inn in which I am staying. I will go get them..."

::He leaves the tower and heads to an inn, where he sits down, takes out parchment and a quill, and forges a set of papers for Quel'Doran, elven noble.::

Forgery check (finally, it comes in handy!) [roll0]

::When finished, he returns, papers in hand, and shows them to the tiny man.::

"I believe everything is in order."


2008-07-30, 02:49 AM

"Papers? Hmm... I suppose it would be useful. Will they cost me anything? And will they take long? I'd like to be out of here as quickly as possible."

::Hydalia Veher stands at the counter, speaking with the gnome and quietly surveying the crowd for signs of the Inspired she fears are still tailing her; as unlikely as it is she would be found here, she has learned that there is no such thing as 'too careful' with regard to the Dreaming Dark.::

((Search - [roll0] +6 = 20))

2008-07-30, 04:48 AM
"I am indeed interested, I asume all matters of renumiration will be discussed at a later date , I am not one to be haggling over such matters , Rest Assured I shall be at the appointed place at the appointed time"
With that Gallik spins on his heals and marchs out of the building little caring for who he walks through to get to the door . Well if this was to be his task this was to be his task , although it urked Gallik that his first real mission for the Host would be so mundane , it all seemed rather straight forward . Head to the coast , rebuild a town then back to Fairhaven before any real time has passed . Still at least if you where rebuilding a town a dwarf would be your best bet , If they had got the dwarfs involved last time propably wouldnt even be in need of rebuilding , dwarf work seldom needs repairing . Gallik would be at ease with sacrificing his time and effort for the good of others , it was his responsibility now , so he would make sure all that could be done to make the venture a triumph would be done .
Gallik headed back to the church , after praying to Kol Korran for a swift journey and to Boldrei to bless the project to restart a community in Meryslward he headed out to the yard to practice with his halberd .
When finally exhausted he retired for the evening .Ate a simple but large meal Saying a final prayer to Dol Dorn for strength in arms and Dol Arrah to guide him to righteousness. He slept soundly then in the morning after the morning meal he went through some simple prayers to the Host and then double checked his equipment was all in order headed to the appointed meeting place

King Tius
2008-07-30, 07:23 AM
I should have posted this, too....

ID Papers: 5 gp
Traveling Papers: 2 sp
Service Charge for immediate drafting of papers: 4.8 gp
Total: 10 gp

They're up to you if you want them. It takes the female gnome about two hours to process your hurried request. ID papers identify you as residents of Fairhaven and citizens of Aundair (unless you've already got them from your native land) and Traveling papers are like a passport saying that you are granted fair passage through most human-run lands.

And real quickly...
Hydalia doesn't think she sees any Inspired dogging her. You can never be sure, though...

::When "Quel'Doran" tries to pass off his fake papers, the Sivis gnome scrunches up his nose and looks sternly down at him.::

"Say, you think these are funny? My cat can forge better papers than this! This is a Sivis Station, pointy-ears. It's our business to certify documents and stop forgeries. Luckily for you, I'm in a good mood this mornin' on account of the missus over there. I'm going to charge you double for some real papers and in return I'm not going to call the city guard on you."

Anyone who gets papers talks briefly with the female gnome to give her your name, age and other information for the papers.

2008-07-30, 07:38 AM

"Alright then. Should I just wait here while you work? Or would you mind if I walk about a bit and return in a few hours?"

{{If they say its OK for me to go off for a bit, I'd like to scout out the wagons. I don't want to approach them yet, rather, just get a feel for the people starting to gather.}}

2008-07-30, 07:59 AM
Bruggin Stonehammer

Iron shod military boots thud and grind as Bruggin Stonehammer stumps forward, a fairly neutral expression on his face. The sturdy warrior had not slept peacefully in two days; it was time to get out of town, and this seemed the quickest way. As he reviewed the job postings board, he snorted loudly at one of the postings.

"Fah! "'Alf-ogre twins? That'll learn ye!"

Finally, Bruggin saw a posting, and immediately settled upon it; the posting he chose? A repeat posting for the flier he'd seen out front. When he finally got to his turn in the line, he placed ten gold coins on the desk.

"Ah'll b'needin' papers, fer travelin'. Ah've taken interest in yon flier, an'me ol' papers esspired a fortnight ago."

Without being too impatient with the female gnome, Bruggin calmly answered all of her questions, until one came up along the course of things that caught him off guard. In what lands were you born? Bruggin swallowed hard, steeling his gaze as his neutral expression faltered, and a gruff, stern face crept over his features.

"Ah coom from th'Five Nations. Cyre."

2008-07-30, 08:24 AM
OOG: Margana is a longtime resident of Fairview, and *probably* already has ID and travelling papers. Plus, she doesn't have the money to pay for a rush-processing charge. Is that acceptable, Tius?

2008-07-30, 10:21 AM

::The bugbear struggles to fit his large frame in the Gnome sized building, his patience tested by the unnatural act of queuing. When asked about papers, he produces a small pouch in which several pieces of parchment are kept::

"You mean these?"

::Once his travel arrangements have been secured, he makes his way to the local watering hole, and passes the time engaged in his favourite activity - eating, whilst listening to the local gossip::

Gather Info[roll0]

2008-07-30, 01:46 PM
Sim (as Quel'Doran)

::Quel'Doran looks surprised as he snatches the papers from the gnome::

"What? Why, that no good... someone switched my papers! Must have been one of my many rivals... I'm a noble, you know.

Bluff check: [roll0]

2008-07-30, 07:11 PM

::Although he doesn't quite understand the papers, Maizur digs out a handful of coins and slowly counts out ten gold pieces for them. Shoving the papers under his belt, he heads off toward where the wagons will depart from, intending to find a place to rest till morning::

King Tius
2008-07-30, 09:54 PM
OOG: Fishy, I’m in a good mood so I’ll let you have ID papers. Don’t everybody start asking for favors at once though or I’ll start handing out whoopin’ cans (oh you know what kind of whoopin’ I’m taking about).

::Hydalia has two hours to scout things out before her papers are ready. Though there are some carts and such outside the west gate, none of them are bound for Merylsward. At the station the gnome replies to Maizur that while the papers aren’t required, they sure are a good idea if you’re leaving Aundair (It’s like leaving the US without a passport). Rhukaan grab a bite to eat at the Hippogriff’s Roost, a local eatery not far from the Sivis Station. He manages to overhear some chatter about local politics and the ever-so-ambitious Queen’s latest scheme for the throne, but nothing about Merylsward or the Baron. The gnome sits up a little straighter and looks down sheepishly at Quel'Doran when he declares himself nobility.::

“Oh, forgive me, sir. I meant no offense. Will you still be needing a new set of papers? Unfortunately we cannot have portraits drawn in such short notice but we can have one delivered. Are you a guest of Lord ir’Kusk’s then? Please speak with my sister and she can look you up in the registry.”

OOG: Would you all prefer if I split specific responses to characters into separate paragraphs or is the bolding of the names sufficient?

The Following Day
::As the sun slowly begins to crest the distant mountain peaks our intrepid adventurers set out towards the west gate. It seems that today you’ve managed to beat the street vendors to their setups and the city seems nearly deserted as you exit. Passing some sleepy guards with halberds you see before you a four wagon train being assembled. The first three wagons bare no particularly interesting features and are loaded above their sidewalls with cargo and then are tarped over. These three carts are being tended to by a rather portly man and two leaner humans. The fourth cart, bringing up the rear, has been painted light silver and bears the mark of the Silver Flame etched into its side. An older man sits patiently at the reigns with a young woman seated next to him, sleeping on his shoulder. Another man looking to be in his early twenties rummages around in the back of the cart. As you approach the large man looks up from his working and smiles at you.::

“You must be the hired help. Name’s Barley and these are my cousins Bim and Pavel (25 bonus xp to the first person to ID those two). We’ll be heading out just as soon as the last cart shows up. Now before you go jumpin’ down my throat about your gold know that I’m paid by the Baron ir’Kusk to bring people and supplies to Merylsward and that’s it. I don’t know why he doesn’t use the Orien wagons, but I don’t ask questions when the coins are as shiny as his are. If there’s room you’re welcome to ride on top of the cargo but this is a freight run, not a lightning rail. Hope you like walking.”

2008-07-31, 04:00 AM
Margana Sykes

:: Margie makes her way to the wagon circle, through a light haze of early-morning confusion. All of that vanishes, though, when she reaches the clearing and stops. And. Stares at the silver wagon at the end of the train. She grips her quarterstaff/walking stick in two trembling hands, almost strangling the thing. In a moment, though, it passes, and she greets Barley in her usual restrained and meek manner. ::

"Pleasure to meet you, Barley. Is it a long journey, then?"

2008-07-31, 05:03 AM
{{OOG: Bim and Pavel were from the Tutorial of Neverwinter Nights (the first one) <^_^> I remember because I started SO many g'damn characters in that game <O.@>}}

Hydalia gives a rough grin to Barley.
"There's worse things than walking, though I will probably avail myself of the chance to ride on the cargo at some point. Do you have any idea how long the trip is likely to take? I'm just curious is all."

The longer the better for now, its not so likely they'll catch up on the road. I hope I'm not getting overconfident.

Hydalia looks at the other adventurer's arriving, trying to make out what she can of each. ((Is "Sense Motive" appropriate? If it is, here's the roll [roll0] - if not just ignore it))

*edit* ((Ew... bad roll <T_T>))

2008-07-31, 07:04 AM

"Well thats good then, no point hangin about is there now . Well when your ready my good man ,just give me the nod . The names Gallik , devotee of The Sovereign Hand , if your the fellow in charge here I am at ya service"
With that Gallik finds a spot , checks over his donkey to make sure everything is stowed correctly and then waits .

2008-07-31, 10:01 AM
Bruggin Stonehammer

Bruggin arrives, his pride still hurting a little from the ordeal of the day previous. His homeland was... a touchy subject at best. Bruggin gives the wagon with the Silver Flame insignia a dark look, but doesn't look for long. Rather, he makes his way to the head of the caravan, addressing the portly man.

""Ah tehk it this'll be tha caravan departin' fer Merylsward?"

2008-07-31, 10:17 AM
Sim, as Quel'Doran
::Quel'Doran chuckles a bit, as he realizes he embarrased the poor gnome::

"Now, now, Mr. Gnome, no need to worry. I'm not very well known outside of Elven lands, I can understand why you wouldn't recognize me. I'll pay your fee of 20 gold for the papers."

::Quel'Doran reaches into his lavish coinpurse and hands the gnome 20 gold pieces for the papers::

EDIT: looks like im the only one left on this day - guess I'd better skip ahead.

::Quel'Doran wrinkles his nose at the caravan, obviously dissatisfied with what he's been given.::

"THIS is what I am to be travelling with? Well, I suppose I've travelled with worse company, although I can't particularly remember when. I will require a horse, because walking will get me all sweaty, and I can't have that."

((If I need to, I will rent a horse from the stables))

2008-07-31, 05:49 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080) - This link will always be in one of Adel's posts so you have easy access to the sheet, Tius.

[OOC: Sorry for the lateness. Birthdays were had, so I've been semi-distracted. My apologies for the excessively long post, but I feel I need to make up for my day or so of not postingness :smalltongue: For all textual references, speech will be bolded and "quoted," and thoughts itallicized, with all of Adel's thought and speech colored in Navy Blue to distinguish it from everyone elses. Also, I have no idea how to make spoilers, so sorry for the abbrasive OOC nonsense :smallfrown:]

It had been a long and arduous two days for poor Adel, his sudden and expeditious task thrust upon him as if he were some mercenary looking for coin. To be perfectly fair, he wasn't as happy about his newfound mission as his father was, but Adel, being as cowardly and sheepish as he was, couldn't find it in his heart to deny the task laid before him. So, here he sat, packing the gear he'd acquired from his father's personal funding after having his travelling papers notorized, brooding over what tomorrow would bring him...

"You'll do fine, dear," Ophellia cooed lovingly to her son as he set about to pack his things the day before his departure, cooped in his room willingly as he slung all manner of goods into his under-used pack. "Besides, it'll be good for you to get out of this dreary room you love so much. There's a whole world out there, you know," she insisted, picking up a few vials gingerly before sticking them into a humble, specifically tailored slot on the leather belt hanging over a nearby chair, removing it too cautiously and laying it daintily upon Adel's azure bedspread and double-checking beforehand that they're properly sealed, should Adel ever feel the need to fill them.

"I know, mother," is all Adel could reply, stuffing another torch delicately into his the bulbous satchel, the sound of wood grinding against wood not even striking a chord as the young Cannith boy's eyes remained downcast, his heart heavy as a looming fear begins to overtake him, the prospect of being ransacked by bandits or eaten by monsters none too appealing in his mind. Ophellia certainly wasn't doing a very good job of reassuring her fledling child, and it was plain as day that Adel was unconfident in the fact that he really had nothing to contribute to the expedition other than mathematical prowess and the ability to fix things.

"Oh, come now! Don't be such a Gloomy Gus!" she chortled in response to the dreary retort, resting her hands upon Adel's shoulders in comfort as he finished packing his tools into the burlap sack, sealing it by buttoning the flap shut and adjusting the straps for comfort, leaning it against his bedroom wall for the coming dawn. "Maybe you'll meet a nice girl while you're out there. You know how much I want grandkids!" Ophellia prattles on, chuckling a little under her breath. Adel, however, remains unphazed by the on-going joke his mother makes at every available opportunity.

"I know, mother," he replies once again, his hands falling still upon the densewood table, letting out a long, pint up sigh before removing his spectacles and setting them on the hard surface with care, making sure not to scratch or scuff the rather expensive lenses. Ophellia's lips once more curled into a frown, her eyes speaking volumes as she looked down at her only child, absent-mindedly combing her hand over his head with affection.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to, Adel. I wouldn't be any less proud of you, and House Cannith doesn't own you," his mother genially assured him as she continued to pat him with affection. Adel was taken quite aback by his mother's sudden statement, tensing at the prospect of remaining where he belonged: amongst his Housemates in Fairhaven, away from adventure and danger and whatnot.

Almost, anyway.

"I know, mother," is all poor Adel seems capable of mustering out, much to his own disagreement. As much as he'd rather not go forth and risk life and limb for some Gods forsaken bit of land, he knew that if he refused his father's heart would be crushed, and the lad just couldn't live with the guilt hanging over his head. His father's happiness was important to him, and Adel felt that - in some strange, illogical way - it would make Randolph proud to call him his son, and a valued member of House Cannith.

"Okay," Ophellia whispered in acknowledgement, removing her hands as she moves towards the wooden door, pausing only briefly to give her boy another loving glance before disappearing through the doorway and into one of the Cannith Enclave's many halls as all fell quiet within, the sun long since set and the moon risen high into the sky. Adel, too, began to slink off towards his bed, once more slinging the pouch of vials back over the backing of the chair beside his bureau before changing into his pajamas and crawling under the blankets in a vain attempt to rest.

Tomorrow would be a long day.

Adel woke the next morning, the sun peeking at him slyfully from his ill-placed window, the glare from the light against the glass window focusing solely on his pasty face, causing him to squint as he fumbled for his glasses on the adjacent bureau clumsily, finally catching hold of one of the corners of the frame and dons them readily, stretching as he arose, already contemplating when next he'll see a soft, warm bed.

Just as Adel finished getting dressed and grooming himself, there was a rap at the door and, without so much as an invitation, swung open as Randolph stood in the door way, bright as the noon sun with a smile the color of shined snow.

"Rise and shine, kiddo. Better get some grub before you head out," exclaims the particularly jovial man, his short, thick beard practically hiding his mouth so it looks more like a sock puppet speaking. "Could be your last hot meal for a while," the big man laughed, his belly jiggling like a ripple in the water after a stone had been tossed into it. Adel, still tired from the day before, simply shook his head, his eyes averted from his father's happy-go-lucky gaze. "Huh? What's the matter, kiddo? You sick or somethin'?" Randolph inquired, cocking his head playfully as if to simulate himself not knowing, but really did.

"Just nervous, I guess," he responded, picking up his pack and slinging his arms through it, strapping all of his belts with loving care across his waist, snapping buckles, latching steel prongs through holes, so on and so forth to secure all of his belongings to his body as his father nodded sagely, scratching his beard as if lost in thought.

"Probably for the best that you don't eat nothin' then. I remember when I first left home... man, I was shakin' like a leaf, kiddo. Puked my guts right outside the gates I was so nervous," Randolph chimes, laughing once more in his typical, booming voice. "Take it from me, Adel: once you get started, it'll get easier. So just relax, and don't worry too much about it, ya know what I mean?" Easy for him to say... he was six-foot four and could probably crush an ingot of iron with his bare hands, whereas Adel was small, squishy, and generally ill-suited for travel! Of course, Adel keeps this to himself, sufficing to simply nod in acknowledgement. "Anyway, you'd better get goin'. Don't wanna miss your ride and stuff,"

After a brisk walk through the enclave and quadruple-checking to insure that all of his belongings are in his possession, Adel steps through the enclave's entrance, where his mother and a few of his friends stand idly to see him off. It's a relatively quiet send-off, and no tears are shed as Adel quietly hugs his closest companions farewell. Just before he can make off into the sunset, Randolph chucks from the doorway a rather worn, thick staff made of the same substance as his own bureau.

"It's the one I took with me, kiddo. Maybe it'll bring you luck, know what I mean?" the large man winks at his son, almost as if to say 'you've got it in you.' With a faint smile stretched across Adel's face, and a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach, he begins his march through the city of Fairhaven. Leaving the city gates would be the farthest he'd ever travelled, and this thought alone filled him with dread and worry.

Winding his way through the well-paved streets, Adel gets one last look at his beloved home... the shining architectural buildings, many of which Cannith themselves built alongside their dwarven compatriots, the fine apothecaries that dotted here and there, and even the Sivis Enclave, where he'd been only yesterday. Stepping past the pair of groggy guards at the end of the main entrance and pushing his spectacles up, Adel spots what he thinks to be the caravan he was to travel with.

"E-Excuse me," Adel practically mumbles, stuttering as he does so with pronounced difference than when he had been conversing with his family only minutes ago, "But... erm... is... is this the, uh, c-caravan t-t-to M-Merylsw-ward, sir?" he finally musters out, keeping his eyes from making contact with the portly gentleman.

2008-08-02, 08:25 AM

::The large bugbear comes lumbering up to the wagon trail. He looks round at the assembled help, and nod's to them by way of general introduction::

"Name's Rhukaan."

::He makes his way slowly around the wagons, inspecting them for weak spots that are likely to be hit in an ambush. Once he's finished the inspection, he takes a seat and pulls out what can best be described as 'salted meat' and starts to devourer it, finishing it off with a slug of bloodwine, which he then offers to the assembled crew::

2008-08-02, 09:38 AM

Hydalia gives Rhukaan a bewildered look, not being from Khorvaire, having a bugbear just walk up to her is disconcerting. Just the same, she tries not to show her discomfort and offers Rhukaan a polite nod.

"It seems we'll have a strong compliment for the trip, then. Good."

Glancing around at the rest of the assembled adventurers, Hydalia surmises this is likely everyone.

"Mister Barley, how soon do you expect us to be leaving?"

<X_X> I forgot which color I was here lol

2008-08-02, 10:39 AM
Margana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Because it would have been rude to refuse, Margie finds herself holding a jug of bloodwine and wondering how that happened. She takes a sniff, makes a face, and turns to shoot Adel a smile. ::

"Erm, yes, that's right," she says, encouragingly. "And I think we're leaving soon. Soonish. Are you coming with us?"

:: She carefully brings the jug to her lips, and takes a very small sip- and then quickly returns the bloodwine to its owner. ::

OOG: Spoilers, incidentally, are created by typing: {spoiler}Hello World!{/spoiler}, except with square brackets instead of curlies.

2008-08-02, 01:18 PM
Sim, as Quel'doran

::Sim makes a face at the large goblinoid beast, a face which shows his disapprovement better than any words can::

"Do you expect me to drink that? Hmpph. I take no alcohol from beasts like you. Where's fine elven wine when you need it...?"

::Sim gazes off longingly into the distance::

King Tius
2008-08-02, 02:06 PM
OOG: 25 xp to Hydalia. I played through that first part of the game so many times Bim and Pavel were having me over for dinner with their wives. Also, rpgramen that was quite a post. Nice work! 10 xp for the excellent set-up.

::Barley turns to Margana and the rest of the assembled crew. He wipes the sweat from his brow and looks everyone over.::

“Aye the road’s not long but these carts move slow. It will take us a tenday to reach Owl’s Roost and another four after that to reach New Merylsward. If you want to get a horse, run along quick. We won’t wait up for you and you’ll have to catch up to us (You can’t “rent” one but you can buy one. Use www.d20srd.org for pricing). Now, as soon as that other cart gets here…”

::As he speaks a fifth cart comes rolling out of the gates. It is an extremely sturdy one with iron bandings and metal-trimmed wheels. Rather than two horses a large ox pulls it, piloted by two dwarves. The back of the cart is laden with crafting tools and building supplies including a large anvil. They pull up behind the cart and hop out, making their way towards Barley. As they pass they glance at the party, their eyes lingering on the two dwarves.::

“We’re here you overstuffed bag of hot air.” They say with a smile. Barley smiles in return and shakes their hands. “Was wonderin’ if you two midgets were gonna show. Can we get a move on now or do you need to comb your prissy little beards?” The two dwarves head back to their cart as Barley twirls his hand over his head. “Wagons, ho!” The train begins to move off slowly. Those of you who wish to run and grab horses/ponies better get a move on.

2008-08-02, 02:58 PM

::Hydalia paces the left side of the silver-trimmed wagon, deciding to walk, at least for now, and lets the morning air ease her mind a bit::

2008-08-02, 08:05 PM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

::Sim returns shortly after they begin to leave, mounted on a horse::

2008-08-02, 08:21 PM

::The shifter gives the sliver wagon a wide berth. He vaguely remembered the shifters of the grave telling tales of silver flames and the horrors they brought with them.::

::He says little to the others, taking up the large man's offer to ride on top of the cargo. Climbing up, Maizur lays down as comfortably as he can on the boxes and crates and rests::

2008-08-02, 10:09 PM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

::Sim rides up next to Hydalia and speaks to her::

"Hello there, [insert race here]. Are you part of this caravan, or are you here for the job?"

::He holds out his lavishly bejeweled hand in a handshake::

2008-08-02, 10:16 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

Having received no response from the apparent caravan leader, Bruggin shrugged. As an ox-pulled cart handled by Dwarves rumbles up to join the caravan, Bruggin feels himself compelled to go speak with them... they were his kin, after a fashion, even if they weren't from the same homeland.

"Hoy there, masters! May yer beard grow ever longer," he said in Dwarven, greeting the Dwarves with a traditional, if old fashioned, Dwarven saying. He continued, still speaking in his native tongue,

"Do ye seek t'begin a smithy in New Merylsward? If so, would ye be needin' anoth'r set o' hands?"

2008-08-02, 11:10 PM

::Hydalia looks up at the noble-elf quizzically before cautiously granting him a handshake::

"I'm here for the job myself, what about you? You seem err... rather nicely dressed for this line of work."

OOC -Race-wise I'm a Kalashtar, but I'm not really letting on about that, so most would see me as a tall human.

I hope I didn't make a mistake before >.< this was meant OOC; but if I farked up, well, we'll work it through!

2008-08-02, 11:34 PM

::Hydalia looks up at the noble-elf quizzically before cautiously granting him a handshake::

"I'm here for the job myself, what about you? You seem err... rather nicely dressed for this line of work."

Race-wise I'm a Kalashtar, but I'm not really letting on about that, so most would see me as a tall human.
Sim, as Quel'Doran

::Sim removes his hat to reveal that he is completely bald. He places it with care in one of the bags on the horse::

"I, too, am here for the job. I'm going to be honest with you, which isn't something I normally do. I'm not really a noble, I just pretend to be one. The wealthy can get into a lot of places other people can't."

::Sim hesitates for a moment, looks around to see if anyone else is listening, then continues::

"Nor am I really an elf."

2008-08-03, 11:02 AM

::Hydalia's confusion is painted plainly across her face, but she manages to keep her voice down.::


::Her eyes flare briefly, a renewed sense of wariness pervading Hydalia's conciousness once more::

"You had better explain... quickly. Who are you, and why would you tell me this?"

((Sense Motive - [roll0]))

*edit* Check the previous post spoiler tag again, I editted something >.< since I'm unsure what's going on and I want to make sure I didn't make a mistake.

2008-08-03, 12:24 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Adel, quite sheepishly, rubs his hands nervously as he's offered the reddish liquid, miming a 'no thank you' by shaking his head and inaudibly replying in similar manner.

When queried as to his involvement with the caravan to Merylsward by the stringy-haired girl, Adel, in typical fashion, tries to find the words, only to succumb once again to Nodding-Ham Syndrome, bobbing his head rapidly and sputtering what can only be presumed to be a vain attempt at the word 'yes.'

"Suck it up, you idiot!" the young Artificer screams in his own mind, shaking his head rather strangely as he feigns an attempt at being courageous. Best get to know the lot of those whom were clearly embarking on the same journey, as they would seemingly be the only ones standing between him and a rather painful, likely slow death at the hands of gods only know what.

"I-I-I'm C-Cannith. I m-mean, Adel. A-Adel d'C-Cannith. Nice to m-m-meet you," stammers the cowardly youth, reluctantly shaking hands with the young woman whilst holding his trusty stave in a deathgrip with his off-hand. He didn't stand by to wait for a response, drifting to the back of the pack just as the fifth cart wheeled itself up to the already large caravan, the steel-rimmed wheels and forgecraft materials catching the curious Cannith's eye quickly, all but oblivious to Bruggin's inquiry, far too focused on the smithing equipment to pay attention to anything else as he practically stumbles his way behind the fifth cart to keep up with everyone else.

Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering to Identify the Craftsmanship of the Forging Equipment


2008-08-03, 03:14 PM

:: The large bugbear sets off with the wagon train, but drops back in step with Adel as he starts to lag behind ::

"Best keep up boy, or you'll be easy prey for bandits."

:: He gives the young d'Cannith an appraising look, up and down ::

"Nice staff."

2008-08-03, 04:09 PM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

"Margana. Or, Margie, if you like. Or. Uh."

:: Margie's face falls at Adel's reaction, and clutches at her own staff with a grip that mirrors his. "He doesn't want to talk to me. Well, of course he doesn't, why would I ever think that he'd- Rgh!" ::

:: Fleeing the embarrassment, she strides away from the back of the convoy- which of course puts her right next to the silver cart. ::

:: Fleeing from *that* eventually brings her up to the head of the wagon train, where Maizur is riding in silence. She joins him, also in silence. ::

2008-08-03, 06:19 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Oblivious as always, Adel weezes his way along with the caravan, completely unaware of the accidental scorning of poor Margie, only vaguely catching her name on the wind as he prattles off ditzily, oggling the anvil as if it were a curvacious young lass.


:: The large bugbear sets off with the wagon train, but drops back in step with Adel as he starts to lag behind ::

"Best keep up boy, or you'll be easy prey for bandits."

:: He gives the young d'Cannith an appraising look, up and down ::

"Nice staff."

This comment brings the Cannith boy back to reality, nearly causing him to double-take to find the location of the voice, his skin crawling as Rhukaan eyes the small man up and down.

"I-I-I'll t-try," Adel weezes out, already winded and the journey has only just begun. He tries to pick up the pace, putting most of his weight on his staff as he uses it as a makeshift walker to navigate the ruddy terrain.

2008-08-03, 07:50 PM

::Hydalia's confusion is painted plainly across her face, but she manages to keep her voice down.::


::Her eyes flare briefly, a renewed sense of wariness pervading Hydalia's conciousness once more::

"You had better explain... quickly. Who are you, and why would you tell me this?"

((Sense Motive - [roll0]))

*edit* Check the previous post spoiler tag again, I editted something >.< since I'm unsure what's going on and I want to make sure I didn't make a mistake.


::Sim's face begins to change; his mouth fades out until it is no longer visible, his ears melt into his head, his nose seems to grow flatter, and his eyes turn a pale shade of gray, making him look like he is almost blind::

"Well, there's no reason to hide it from these people. I'll probably get along with them better as a Changeling, anyway. I just can't wait to see the looks on their face when they see the stuck up elf has disappeared, replaced with this streetrat."

::Sim chuckles and puts the hat back on his head, but leaves his face the same::

2008-08-03, 07:53 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)

::Maizur sits up as Margana joins him on the cargo. He studies the apparent human carefully for a moment before deciding her company was acceptable.::

::The shifter said nothing as he lays back down. He didn't feel there was much to say; he accepted that she was there and she apparently accepted his presence. Words weren't necessary for such a simple arrangement. Besides, Maizur knew he wasn't the smartest humanoid around and so conversations would often show this weakness. His time in the wilds had taught him it was dangerous, if not fatal, to show any weakness::

2008-08-03, 08:14 PM

::Hydalia is clearly disconcerted by the Changeling, but at the same point is also comforted, realizing her initial fears were most likely unfounded. She relaxes a moment before finally responding to Sim.::

"I suppose so. We certainly do have an interesting crew then, don't we?"

::Hydalia attempts to shake off some of her discomfort with the situation by looking at the motley crew now marching with the wagons::

"Yes, quite the crew indeed... So, at any rate... I aught to introduce myself properly then, I'm Hydalia. Does the former Lord Quel'Doran have a real name? Or should I stick to that?"

2008-08-03, 08:17 PM

::Sim removes his hat and bows (at least as much of a bow as you can on a horse), before replying to her question::

"Greetings, Hydalia, my name is Sim. That is my entire name; unlike you humans, we don't particularly care for long arbitrary names."

2008-08-04, 08:48 AM

"Well then, its good to meet you Sim. The real you I mean."

::Hydalia gives him a polite nod::

King Tius
2008-08-04, 11:40 AM
::The two dwarves nod politely to Bruggin and return his greeting.::

“And yours twice as long.” They reply in the proper Dwarven response. “Aye, we were hired by this Baron fellow to set up a smithy in the new town. Nice to see there will be two more dwarves to keep us company. This land is all elves and humans and trees, they say. We’ll be making our basement extra deep to keep out all their faerie singing.”

::Adel’s keen eyes scan the Dwarven cart and finds that most of their gear is higher quality than the usual small town smithy. The anvil has runes etched into its sides (Dwarven, naturally) and several of the hammers and tools have similar carvings. All the tools seem to have seen their fair share of use, despite being in extremely good condition. Adel sees several specialized pieces of equipment for the crafting of particular weapons and armor as well as several small casks and chests containing alchemical ingredients for smithing. ::

::Hydalia is unable to get a sense for what Sim is hiding but luckily enough Sim makes his intentions known. ::

OOG: Excellent RPing you guys! I haven’t seen this caliber of posting from any of the other games I have been in.

::The next week of travel passes without incident. Everyone flashes their papers to the Aundair border guards and the caravan arrives safely in Owl’s Perch. After spending a night and restocking supplies, the wagons set out on the final leg of their journey towards Merylsward. During the trip the Silver Flame family keeps to themselves and talks only to those who approach them. The dwarves and the wagon drivers make camp with you and cook over a hot fire. Barley tells of how he has made this journey three times now and looks forward to being one of the first major wagon companies to run business out of New Merylsward. ::

::One day out of Owl’s Perch and the wagon train has entered the first of the deeper Eldeen forests. As you round a bend in the trail you spot some sort of blockage up ahead about 100 yards. Barley turns around and calls out “look alive, might be some trouble up ahead.” As the train approaches you see that a makeshift blockade of two felled trees has been set up across the road. Guarding this are a dozen men, all of them armed. Two of them are half orcs and another three are shifters. One of the humans, obviously the leader, holds up his hand in a stopping motion as the wagons draw near.::

“Welcome to the Mosslands! On behalf of the Baron of Moss, we’ll be searching your wagons now.”

::Several of the men begin to walk down the length of the caravan, one on each side of each cart. They start to peak into the wagons and untie the ropes that hold down the tarps. Barley looks at the boss and says “We aren’t looking for any trouble now.”

Everyone please make Spot checks and declare where exactly along the caravan you are located.

2008-08-04, 12:10 PM

::Sim is along the left side of the cart, next to Hydalia::

Spot: [roll0]

2008-08-04, 01:01 PM

spot check = [roll0]

Rhukaan is taking up his usual position, bringing up the rear of the caravan.

2008-08-04, 04:21 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)


Might was well put Maizur on the crates again. :shrug:

2008-08-04, 04:24 PM

Oops! That'll teach me to try to make my d20=1! :smalltongue:

2008-08-04, 04:28 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

The young Cannith lad was perfectly content to jabber - if one could even call stammering words occasionally speech - on and on with the dwarves about their trade and heritage, pausing only briefly from tagging along with the caravan to drink from his waterskin, and only conversing with the Bugbear when - and only when - it indulged him with a query of some sort, the massive creature more frightening than calming, even though it would likely be the massively hairy critter that pulled Adel's fat out of the proverbial fryer.

Everything was going fine otherwise, however. At least he'd thought so until this little incident, anyway. The sudden appearance of huge, armed orcs and shifters was almost enough to make poor Adel wet himself as he creeped behind Rhukaan to serve as his gigantic meatshield.

"W-w-we're j-just passing t-through, sirs," the Cannith craftsman states, trying his best not to sound afraid... and failing miserably, shaking like a leaf in Rhaan. "A-a-all we have i-is c-c-c-crafting materials for our expe-expe-expedition,"

Spot +0: [roll0]
Sense Motive +0: [roll1]

2008-08-04, 07:38 PM

::Hydalia is on the left side of the cart, where she was when she spoke with Sim::

Spot - [roll0]

2008-08-04, 08:35 PM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margana keeps mostly to herself during the first leg of the trip, with occasional attempts to engage Adel in conversation. As she is not made of metal, she mostly fails to hold his interest. At the time of the incident, she is on top of the cart in front of the Silver Flame's, with Maizur and the rest of the 'avoiding the Silver Flame' contingent. As is her habit, she has the Generic Utility list memorized, and Psionic Focus on. ::

Spot Check: [roll0]

2008-08-04, 09:15 PM

::Before the orcs notice him, Sim switches his face back to that of Quel'Doran::

"I really pray this not take too long, we are in a bit of a hurry."

2008-08-05, 06:14 AM
Gallik had been keeping himself mainly to himself , keeping up the rearguard


2008-08-05, 09:59 AM
Bruggin Stonehammer

Bruggin, for his part, had kept to himself, marching alongside the Dwarven ox-cart. The soldier's head shook, setting his beard braid to swaying. His teeth gnashed, and leather gloves wrapped around the hafts of a pair of finely crafted picks at his belt. He'd not stand down, whilst riff-raff simply walked about trying to steal what wasn't theirs.

"Hoy then, what's yer business fer this mosslord such'nsuch? If ye thinkin' ye're fer stealin' this caravan by Moradin's beard I'll run ye through!" With that, the Dwarf hauled his picks to bear, sharpened steel glinting in the sun whilst fury glinted in his eyes.

"Be off wit ye, scum! Ye're not fit t'paint th'road red!"

Untrained Intimidate attempt! ...oh, and no, seriously, who's this moss guy? I can't find mention of him in the books I've got... soooo... here we go!


...annnd failing that, my armor class is 17.

2008-08-05, 01:49 PM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

That's a good question, actually. I'd like to spend a power point on Margie's 'Collective' racial ability, and find out what she and The Professor know about this Baron.

Knowledge: (Local) [roll0]

<Who are these guys?>

King Tius
2008-08-05, 03:15 PM
:: Adel tries to get a read on the boss but can’t figure out what he’s up to. The human who strides up to near Sim and Hydalia scoffs at the guised changeling.::

“Bah! This’ll go quickly if you keep your prissy mouth shut!”

::Apparently the henchmen aren’t as charming as the management… Bruggin Stonehammer (an excellent Dwarf name) pulls his picks and attempts to dissuade the man in front of him. Unfortunately he doesn’t come across as menacing as he had planned. The human man draws his sword and whistles, drawing the half-orc’s attention behind him.

“Co! We got ourselves a biter! I’ll have to bend my knees so I can get low enough to hit his head.”

::The half-orc chuckles at the insult to the dwarf and picks up his greataxe. Margana asks her “professor” who these chumps are and gets the following mental response.::

”From what I can recall when the Eldeen Reaches declared their independence from Aundair during the war they did so without any government in place. After the Aundarian troops moved out the area fell into disarray. Several bandit kings have taken up portions of the land, building their forts deep within the woods. Unless I am mistaken the “Baron of Moss” is just such a man.”

::The shifter (sh1) that approaches Maizur’s and Margana’s wagon snarls at them and jerks his thumb, indicating that they should get off so he can search the back. The young girl (Gl) in the Silver Flame cart screams as one of the bandits grabs her by the arm.

“Well hello little girl, why don’t you come with us?”

::The man gives her a sharp tug and nearly drags her out of the cart. The yet unnamed young man (Ym) jumps to his feet and draws a longsword from the crates around him. Their father (Ol “Old Man”) stands up and raises his hand. An orb of silver flame erupts into being and coalesces around his outstretched hand. ::

“Unhand her, you foul wretch! By the Fire I will strike you dead if you do not let my daughter go at once!”

::The rest of the thugs all pull their weapons in anticipation of the ensuing fight. Rhukaan and Sim catch a glint of something out of the corner of their eyes in the woods to the left. Margana and Gallik catch this glint, too but they manage to see several more bandits crouched in the woods, holding bows. The two Dwarven smiths stand up in their seats as Bim, Pavel, and Barley all duck down their heads.::


As for the map everyone is named after the first two letters in their name, except for Maizur and Margana who get the first and third letters.

2008-08-05, 03:48 PM

:Hydalia grins. At first it starts as a small thing, a tiny smirk as the human approaches her and Sim; but the expression grows rapidly until a huge manic smile has consumed the lower half of her face.::

"Poor little man. Don't know what you've gotten yourself into now do you?"

((I'd like to use the conversation as a distraction and forge a Mind Link with Sim so we can talk unnoticed - its a standard action; and is a racial power for Kalashtar; can I do it?))

King Tius
2008-08-05, 03:51 PM
Yes, go ahead. I forgot to say so, but everyone please roll for Initiatives. Remember, if you are going to use a weird ability that requires a saving throw on my part somehow, please indicate it. Also, I keep a chart of your AC and HP and the like for combat. If you have something modifying these stats, please post that so I can give you the buffs you deserve.

2008-08-05, 04:05 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

"FAH! Tehk two of ye t'stand up t'sommun shorter'n ye? A buncha cowards!" Spitting at the half-orc's feet, Bruggin launched himself at his opponent with a howl.

Bruggin will activate Napoleon Complex for one round, then move and attack with his heavy pick (as I'm not sure a five foot step covers all that ground).

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2] (Go go x4 crit!)
Damage: [roll3]

2008-08-05, 04:27 PM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

::Sim acts surprised at this sudden turn of events, although he saw this coming as soon as he noticed the bandits::

"Now, now, sir, we want no trouble at all..."

Readying an action to cast color spray in his face.


2008-08-05, 04:44 PM

The giant bugbear turns and smiles at Adel, revealing a mouth full of yellowing fangs.

"Stay here and you should be safe."

He turns back, crouching down so as to spring forward, charging into shifter 3 as he generates a blade of pure energy, burying it into the unfortunate shifter's chest.

Initiative = [roll0]
Attack = [roll1]
Damage = [roll2]

My AC is 16 this round, due to the charge

2008-08-05, 04:51 PM
<<MindLink>> Sim, its Hydalia, don't freak out on me - just think what you want to say back to me. After we take this one, you and I head for the boss, alright? Faster he's out of the fight the better. <<MindLink>>

::Meanwhile Hydalia draws her long crystalline blade::

{{Initiative = [roll0]}}

2008-08-05, 06:58 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

"Wah!" yapps the young, inexperienced adventurer, crouching down as the aggressors make their intentions known. In a flurry of arcane-esque gestures, occult mumblings, and frightened bumblings, Adel imbues his bugbear buddy's armor with some semblance magicka arcana in hopes that it will, in some small way, keep him - and thus, Adel - alive. "S-save me!"

Initiative: [roll0]
Casting Shield of Faith (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ShieldOfFaith.htm) on Rhukaan's Armor, moving if neccessary to keep up.
Shield of Faith: +2 Deflection Bonus to AC. I think Shield of Faith only requires a Standard Action, as per the spell itself since it isnt stated as needing a minute or more, as per most Artificer spells. If it does, however, require a minute or more, subtract 1 Action Point to cast it in 1 Round instead. If Adel can, however, get it off as per a Standard Action, he'll use the rest of his initiative to move underneath the dwarven cart and hide - yes, hide like a coward - for the remainder of the encounter.

HP: 16/16
AC: 15
AP: 6/6

King Tius
2008-08-05, 08:17 PM
I've always found spells that take more than one round to cast to be cumbersome. Unless it inherently needs to take a long time, treat them as one round. The Binder's abilities would require more than the 3-6 seconds to draw, call, and speak with a Vestige, so it makes sense that it isn't 1 round. A spell like Shield Of Faith seems like it should be a one rounder

2008-08-05, 09:11 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 15/15, AC: 14(11), PP: 8/8

::Maizur stands, the hair on his head and arms growing slightly longer, his face losing definition as it takes a more bestial look, and his fingers elongating into claws (Swift action - shifting, +2 str, 7 rounds). He snarls at the demanding shifter (Sh1)::

"I'm comfortable where I am. I'll not move for some noisy dog."

::Maizur forces his defensive reactions outward, letting his mind give them form. A faint, barely viable screen grows in front of him, its edges constantly shifting and changing (Standard Action - Manifesting Force Screen, +4 shield AC, -1 PP, 20 rounds)::


2008-08-05, 10:41 PM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margana takes a moment to process The Professor's somewhat smug explanation. "Oh, you mean they're-" But she's cut off, and just in time. Mittens has seen what those archers will do in the next 12 seconds, unless someone steps in. ::

:: Margana blinks, then shifts, somehow- Her shoulders drop, her knees bend, and she holds her hands in front of her in a clawlike gesture, staring intently at something entirely invisible, right over the heads of the closest warrior. ::

Initiative: [roll0], using up Margie's Oracle power for the day. (Because why the heck not.)

When her turn comes up, she'll hammer the archers with an Entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm), prompting a DC 14 Reflex save or entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled) from anyone in a 40 foot radius burst of plants, for the next 2 minutes. If I can get all four of those archers, that would be awesome- I can't quite tell what the scale is on that map, though.

King Tius
2008-08-05, 10:52 PM
Ha! You assume there is some method to my madness. I am exploring alternate map making options with a grid system to make movement and such easier. I'll be implementing it as soon as I figure it out.

2008-08-05, 10:58 PM
I'm also assuming that Ar1 ~ Ar4 are nameless bad guys. :P

EDIT: Oh, wait, read the post again. I knew there was a reason I was zapping them. Phew!

2008-08-06, 01:53 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16)

::The handsome big man, who had so far remained silent throughout the trip, rode near the middle of the caravan. Though a darkwood shield was strapped to his right arm, that was the hand with which he held the horse's reins. The fingers of his left hand twitched slightly, caressing the well-crafted heavy mace on his belt as he waited for the inevitable outcome to manifest itself. He took the opportunity of the dialog to drop from his horse's saddle and stand firmly on the ground, and draws his mace and readies his shield.::

"I knew I should have used the raven earlier to keep an eye on things," he mutters softly in slightly accented common.

Initiative: [roll0]

Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOG: I can't access the map, by the way. Picture won't show. Was I placed? What/Who is around me?
Also, I will keep an account of the abilities my Vestige provides on my character sheet, and will explain details as I use them for clarification.

2008-08-06, 03:34 PM
Seeing the situation turn nasty , Gallik heads in to swing for the halforc (ho2) thats nearby with his halberd.

( it hink im close enough to get there )


King Tius
2008-08-06, 04:59 PM
Drago (20)
(Drago is on the map, to the right of the first wagon)
With a mighty swing from his heavy mace the groups second (and now vocal!) Dwarf crushes the human standing next to him, kicking combat off!

Maizur (19)
The shifter stands and takes on his beastial form. His Force Screen seems to seep out of his body and come into existence around him. (OOG: Does manifesting a power while in combat provoke an Attack of Opportunity? I’ll need to know in the future)

Adel (18)
The timid artificer fires off his Shield of Faith spell, infusing the mighty bugbear’s armor with protective might. The young man manages to dive under the nearest wagon before the fighting really picks up.

Bad Guys (17)
The Boss shouts out “Kill them!” in stereotypical bad guy fashion. He steps back a few paces and begins weaving a spell. Sim and Hydalia feel a spell wash over them and an overwhelming feeling of drowsiness. Sim is able to shake off the effects but Hydalia, even with her psychic nature, falls victim to the Sleep spell. As Hydalia crumples to the ground in slumber the first half or lumbers towards Sim, ax in hand. He takes a swing and connects with the changeling for 5 points of damage. H2 steps over Hydalia’s body and attempts to stab Sim. Fortunately he does not compensate correctly for Sim being mounted and misses. Sh2 goes feral and his front teeth elongate as he emits a low snarl and takes off towards Drago. Sh1 also grows fangs and rises to Maizur’s challenge. He attempts to bite the party’s shifter and manages to push through the psychic barrier, chomping down on Maizur’s leg for 8 damage. H3 takes a swing at Margana but her armor deflects the blow. H6 drags the girl halfway out of the cart and takes a small fireball to the face. The old man cries out in victory but quickly switches to pain as H4 stabs him square in the back. Sh3 steps towards Rhukaan and growls like a cat as the hair around his neck fills out. He grabs the bugbear as he casts a quick spell and shocks the big guy for 5 points of electricity damage. Bruggin takes 6 points of damage from H5’s sword and is fortunate enough to dodge Ho2’s mighty swing. The archers let their arrows loose and one of them lights Sim up for 4 HP.

Rhukaan (13)
A shimmering blade of psionic energy appears in Rhukaan’s hand as he lunges at the shifter. He manages to drive his blade into the shifter’s side, wounding it severely.

Margana (11)
“Mr. Crabs” fires off her(his) entangle surprise and to all five of Margana’s personalities’ delight manages to entangle all four archers (I hope the grammar is correct in that sentence).

Bruggin (10)
The dwarf unleashes his picks at his two aggressors, going for the human first. (I rolled your other attack for you) With a cry of victory he drives both picks into the man’s chest, dropping him to the ground in a spray of gore.

The Others (8)
The old man falls backwards into the cart, gripping his back in pain. The young girl kicks and screams as the son attempts to jump out of the wagon. Unfortunately he fails his jump roll and topples into the cargo. The two dwarves reach behind them and after a second of rummaging produce war hammers.

Sim (7)
The changeling fires his Color Spray spell at his two assailants. While the human seems unaffected the half-orc crumples to the ground, barely missing Hydalia’s inert form.

Hydalia (4)

Gallik (1)
Bringing his halberd to bear, Gallik moves in to assist Bruggin. He scores a hit on the half-orc but the hulking brute remains standing.


***A Blue streak indicates that the creature/PC is down but not out***

2008-08-06, 05:07 PM
((I can't help but laugh <T_T> I have a 17 wis and a sleep spell still got me! Ahh well <,<))

2008-08-06, 05:12 PM
Drago (20)
(Drago is on the map, to the right of the first wagon)
With a mighty swing from his heavy mace the groups second (and now vocal!) Dwarf crushes the human standing next to him, kicking combat off!

OOG: King Tius - You really want me to be a dwarf, don't you? :smalltongue: Is it the name? I love 'em and all, but I needed/wanted the skill points and feat more'n the darkvision and other loveliness that comes with my favorite race.

2008-08-06, 05:33 PM
"BAH!" Bruggin roared, barely feeling the wound; he was a Dwarf, Cyran born and raised! An uppity human wasn't going to lay him low that easily, and some half-orc wasn't going to do it either! Roaring, the Dwarf brought his picks to bear on the half breed, swinging the weapons in tandem.

I hope for future reference you adjusted my attack roll to account for TWF; I wasn't sure if I was close enough to five foot step and then full attack, so I only made a single attack.

Attack (Hvy Pick): [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack (Lgt Pick): [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2008-08-06, 05:48 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 7/15, AC: 14(T:11 FF:13), PP: 7/8, Shifted(6), Force Screen(19)

::Maizur growls as the other shifter's teeth tear into his leg. Stooping down, Maizur rips at the shifter's head and neck with his claws::


Claw 1:

Claw 2:

About Manifesting Powers:

(OOG: Does manifesting a power while in combat provoke an Attack of Opportunity? I’ll need to know in the future)

(OOC: Manifesting Powers isn't much different than casting a spell, it does provoke an AoO in melee, I was assuming there was enough distance to do it safely this time... anyhow powers can be manifested defensively with a concentration check just like casting a spell and require a concentration check for most of your standard spell casting interruptions, such as injury or bouncing around or what not)

2008-08-06, 05:58 PM

The bugbear lets loose a mighty battle roar, spittle flying into the shifter's face.

"Time to die!"

He grabs the shifter around the base of the neck to give him better purchase to drive his mindblade through the chest and out through the back.

Attack Roll - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2008-08-06, 06:08 PM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margana snaps out of whatever fugue she was in, staring at Maizur in shock. "You're hurt!" She turns her back on her attacker, apparently unaware of his presence- but Mr. Crabs hasn't forgotten about him. ::

Hokay. Margana will throw a Cure Light Wounds at Maizur, healing him for [roll0] damage. She'll cast defensively, and spend her Psionic Focus to 'take 15' and automatically succeed on the check.

Simultaneously, she'll spend her second power point of the day on her Multistask racial power, which allows Mr. Crabs to throw a Mind Thrust at H3. [roll1] damage, DC 14 Will save negates. I'm pretty sure I don't provoke an AoO while Multitasking, since it's a purely mental action while Margie's body is doing something else.

2008-08-06, 07:02 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

"Oh no!" Adel whimpers from beneath his caravanal cover, hunkered down as far as he can get under the cargo freighter as he bares witness to his compatriots' subsequent pounding. Thankfully, Margana seems to be quite the capable cleric, but it still wasn't enough. Mustering what little courage he can without actually leaving a rather messy wet spot beneath the cart, Adel whips out his wand - the magic one, before confusion ensues - and, vainly, attempts to cure the remainder of his companions of their combat-oriented troubles.

Adel's going to pull out his Wand of Cure Light Wounds and try to smack Rhukaan with a heal (Sorry Sim, you look to be out of range :smallfrown:), with a DC 20 Use Magic Device check. Move Action to Draw his Wand of Cure Light Wounds, and a Standard Action to perform a Use Magic Device check.

Use Magic Device vs. DC 20: [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds if Successful: [roll1]

If Adel is incapable of casting from beneath the wagon (which I'd simply assume that, if he could, it'd be like casting from cover or something), he'll slink out and go for it in the next round: Move Action to crawl out from under the wagon, and another Move Action to stand up.

2008-08-06, 07:47 PM
ADDENDUM TO THE ABOVE: Expending 1 Action Point to try to get that 20.

Action Point Roll - +1d6: [roll0]

EDIT: And by the skin of Adel's teeth, assuming he can actually get it off from under the wagon.

2008-08-06, 08:00 PM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

::Sim holds up his hands as if he were surrendering::


::Whether or not his feint was successful, he lets loose with another color spray. If his feint worked, then the DC is increased by one::

2008-08-06, 08:03 PM
erm, lets try that feint again.

King Tius
2008-08-06, 10:52 PM
Gimli: I think it's both the name and the fact that the "sample Binder" is a dwarf. Whenever I picture Drago I can't help it! I'll get it right eventually, I promise

2008-08-07, 05:22 AM
If Ho2 goes down under brugins attack ill move to attack H6 , if not ill just hit the Ho2


2008-08-07, 09:16 AM
Gimli: I think it's both the name and the fact that the "sample Binder" is a dwarf. Whenever I picture Drago I can't help it! I'll get it right eventually, I promise

OOG: No worries! By the way, the picture still won't load for me. Any thoughts? Maybe someone could email the pic to me or something? Who/What else is around me?

2008-08-07, 10:32 AM
Here's a map link. (http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/218/c/0/Baracade1_by_tiuseht.jpg) Hopefully that'll work for you, Gimli.

2008-08-07, 10:35 AM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

::As his opponent goes down, Drago sees the approaching shifter. He seems to focus inward for a moment.::

"As the blood is the power, and the blood flows through me, the power is mine," he intones.

::After a moment, the big man fades away, as if he had never been there. Now invisible, Drago takes a step back (5-foot step) from his previous position and prepares to strike his unsuspecting assailant.::

Invisibility: full-round action; lasts 2 rounds; once visible, can't be used for 5 rounds.
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOG: I figured I'd go ahead and set myself up for next round I will also get Sudden Strike damage (+1d6) next round since he will be denied a Dex bonus while I am invisible.

rpgramen: No good. Work's filters won't allow it, pro'lly because of the "deviant" part, I guess. Grr. Thanks for the attempt! :smallsmile:

King Tius
2008-08-07, 11:01 AM
I'll try using another picture site next time. Right now a shifter (Sh2) is right next to Drago (who is human)

2008-08-07, 11:04 AM
I'll try using another picture site next time. Right now a shifter (Sh2) is right next to Drago (who is human)

No worries. I didn't realize the shifter was right next to me. Should I alter my action?

2008-08-08, 01:05 PM
Third Time's the Charm: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i29/rpgronin/Baracade1_by_tiuseht.jpg

2008-08-08, 01:14 PM
rpgramen:Thanks. Now where am I? I don't see a shifter next to me! I see one on the other side of a wagon from what I think is Dr (Drago?). There's H3? and Ho2 near that as well. Who/what're they?

2008-08-08, 02:36 PM
no, your abbreviation is Da. H3 is human 3 and Ho2 is Half orc 2.

2008-08-08, 02:41 PM
no, your abbreviation is Da. H3 is human 3 and Ho2 is Half orc 2.
Why am I Da?

2008-08-08, 03:14 PM
i think Dr was taken for something else, but i dont know. all i know is that you are Da.

2008-08-08, 03:17 PM
i think Dr was taken for something else, but i dont know. all i know is that you are Da.

Okay. That makes sense. This map must be from pre-Actions. I plowed H1 to the ground on my first action and Sh2 is fairly close by and would be the one who's threatening me.

King Tius
2008-08-09, 01:19 PM
Drago (20)
The big HUMAN fades into nothingness and steps away from his assailant. (I changed you to Dr on the map. Not sure why you had an “a”.

Maizur (19)
OOG: You weren’t in any threat of an AoO, I was just curious. Thanks!
The shifter’s first claw manages to catch flesh though the second is rebuffed by the enemy’s armor.

Adel (18)
The young artificer just barely (!) manages to operate his wand under duress and heal the hulking bugbear next to him.

Bad Guys (17)
The Boss Man moves forward and switches tactics and fires a magic missile spell at Sim for 4 points of damage. The changeling feels woozy as he is brought to 0 hp (Sim is disabled and may take 1 move action a round). The shifter near Drago looks around wildly as his quarry disappears. The bandit next to Sim attempts to hit him with his sword again but still has no luck. The shifter that Maizur just attacked growls in pain and tries to bite him again. Unfortunately the hostile shifter trips over his own feet and falls to the ground (critical miss!).The human assailing Margana strikes true with his sword for 5 points of damage. H6 finally drags the girl from the wagon and moves off towards the woods with her. H4 rushes towards Ruhkaan to assist his fellow bandit and scores a light wound (-2 HP) to the bugbear. The half-orc attacking Bruggin brings his mighty axe down on the dwarf for 12 damage. The shifter spell caster again tries to shock Rhukaan, this time doing 8 points of damage.

Rhukaan (13)
The hulking bugbear wraps his massive hand around the arcane shifter’s throat. As he drives his mind blade through the bandit’s chest the shifter lets out a strangled cry and goes limp.

The young psychic splits her personality in twain, simultaneously healing Maizur and mind blasting her assailant. The man stumbles slightly from the blow but is still in the fight.

Bruggin (10)
Feeling the effects of his wounds (6/21 HP by my count) the dwarf lashes out with both his picks and manages to land his lighter one on the half-orc.

The Others (8)
The Young Man gets to his feet and successfully jumps out of the wagon in pursuit of his sister. The first dwarf hops out of his wagon and takes off at a run towards the archers. The second dwarf stumbles his jump and falls out of the cart. He manages to hold onto his weapon and stands up, ready to assist Bruggin and Gallik. The archers all struggle against their woodland bonds and two of them manage to bust out.

Sim (7)
Dizzy from his massive wounds, Sim holds his hands up and feigns surrender. The changeling manages to dupe his assailant but unfortunately the bandit seems unaffected by his color spray and turns back towards Sim to finish the job.

Hydalia (4)
Since nobody has made an attempt to wake her, Hydalia sleeps peacefully

Gallik (1)
With a great thrust of his halberd, Gallik impales the imposing half-orc and brings him to the ground.


Gimli, can you see this?

2008-08-09, 01:27 PM
What's the distance between Bruggin and I think it's Human 3?

2008-08-09, 01:41 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

::Smiling to himself, Drago moves behind the shifter and swings his mace down at the thug's skull. After the attack, he fades into view as quickly as he had previously disappeared.::

"Thus are the wicked struck down!"

Attack: [roll0]; NO DEX MOD! :smallbiggrin:
Crit?: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sudden Strike Dmg: [roll3]

Invisibility: full-round action; lasts 2 rounds; once visible, can't be used for 5 rounds.
Sudden Strike: Add +1d6 damage when foe denied Dex.
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOG: I can see that :smallsmile:, but I'm on my home computer, no work firewalls. I'll letcha know Monday if that works from work. :smalltongue:

2008-08-09, 01:43 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

OOG: Can't let such a good line go to waste! :smallwink: Sorry for the Double Post.

Action Point for Attack Roll: [roll0]

2008-08-09, 02:18 PM

The bugbear casts the limp body of the shifter aside, letting it hit the floor with a limp thud. He turns to face his next assailant, wiping the shifter's blood across his face as some macabre war paint. He attempts to wheel the human's back against the cart.

"So eager for death are you? Rhukaan will not disappoint you!"

Cleave attack (from last round)
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2nd Attack (if Cleave allowed)
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2008-08-09, 02:24 PM
What's the downward pointing arrow next to Sh1? Is he out of the fight somehow?

2008-08-09, 02:37 PM

I think it means he's prone.

2008-08-09, 03:01 PM
Eh, doesn't matter, because I'm the only healer that can get to Sim in time. :/

Margana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margie winces from the force of the blow, but even more distressing is the blast of light and sound from the bandit leader's magical attack. Fortunately, she's far away enough the she probably won't- "Hey wait! Where are we going?!" ::

:: The girl turns her back on her attacker, (Provoking an AoO from H3), and rushes into the magical fray, drawing her wand from her belt as she goes. She rushes up behind Sim, desperate to get there in time. ::

Margie will hit Sim with a Vigor, granting him Fast Healing 1 for the next 12 rounds. Unless, of course, he's in several pieces by the time she shows up, in which case she'll spend a standard action trying to shake Hydalia awake.

Edit: Also, don't forget that on Margana's turns, which come after the archers, they all get hit with another DC 14 save-or-entangle. Best. Spell. Ever.

2008-08-09, 03:06 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Pleased with his own impromptu heal, Adel pushes his now-dirtied glasses back up so as to keep them from falling off of his face, scuttling his way back a few inches under the wagon for safety. Panning around like a frightened mouse, Adel catches a glimpse of poor Bruggin as he's waylaid once again by the Mossy Banditos.

Once more, Adel tries his best to will the wand to heal Bruggin's serious wounds, culling the magic gingerly with soft arcane-esque words and tender wielding, both to lessen Margie's workload as well as to keep his companions as far from Death's Door as he possibly can.

Repeating as per the last round, except this time Bruggin is the intended recipient of the Cure Light Wounds spell.

Use Magic Device vs. DC 20: [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds: [roll1]

EDIT: Note to Self - Take Skill Focus (Use Magic Device) at 3rd Level.

2008-08-09, 06:34 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 12/15, AC: 18(T:11 FF:13), PP: 7/8, Shifted(5), Force Screen(18)

Growling, Maizur leaps down at his unfortunately opponent, raking at him again with his claws.

Claw 1

Claw 2

2008-08-10, 03:56 AM
Seeing the wound that Bruggin has taken Garrik follows him and casts cure light wounds on him .


edit:channeling shield of faith

2008-08-11, 11:57 AM
Gimli, can you see this?

Yessir, I can! Muchas gracias! :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-11, 12:02 PM
hmm, im not sure what to do now that im at 0 hp and against an enemy i cant defeat. any suggestions?

2008-08-11, 12:04 PM
hmm, im not sure what to do now that im at 0 hp and against an enemy i cant defeat. any suggestions?

Total defense or FLEE. Better part of valor! :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-11, 12:21 PM
Nah, total defense is a standard action, so that'd drop you to -1hp, and you'd fall over unconscious. That kinda negates the benefits of total defense.

I'd try waking up Hydalia, since the traditional solution to mage-related problems is 'stab them in the face'.

2008-08-11, 12:23 PM
Nah, total defense is a standard action, so that'd drop you to -1hp, and you'd fall over unconscious. That kinda negates the benefits of total defense.

I'd try waking up Hydalia, since the traditional solution to mage-related problems is 'stab them in the face'.

Forgot that part. Sorry.
Fall down and play dead? :smalltongue: How's your bluff?

2008-08-11, 12:34 PM
hmm, im not sure what to do now that im at 0 hp and against an enemy i cant defeat. any suggestions?

I'd play dead or try bluffing your enemy by telling him there's someone behind him, then legging it.

2008-08-11, 03:13 PM
Nevermind, I have an idea.

Bruggin moved forward a few spaces, switching his light pick for a light hammer as he did so, shouting to the human who was trying to kidnap the human girl.

""Oy! Ye're nae fer leavin' th'parteh, ya khughruk-khalam!"

Move to within a range increment of the bandit who is escarping, fling hammer at same bandit, after calling him something very, very *bad* in Dwarven.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

King Tius
2008-08-11, 05:24 PM
Rhuukan’s Cleave (last round):
Wham, Bam, thank you ma’am! H4 falls victim to the bugbear’s mind blade with a sickening scream.

Drago Hellekanus (18/18): 20
With a mighty swing and a not-too-cheesy one liner the Binder attempts to bash the unsuspecting shifter. Unfortunately his strike barely misses the shifter as he moves around warily, sniffing for his prey. Drago has one round of his invisibility left.

Maizur (15/18): 19
Dropping from the wagon, Maizur drops his weight behind his claws as they rend into the opposing shifter, killing the prone bandit where he lay.

Adel d'Cannith (16/16): 18
Our sub-wagonous (see what I did there?) artificer turns his healing wand on the beleaguered dwarf. Rather than the intended healing light, the wand spits out a small spray of green sparks and a strong smell of sulfur at Adel’s urgings. He feels the magic of the wand fade slightly as a charge is burnt.

Bad Guys: 17
Abandoning his search for the invisible Drago, the shifter turns and starts to leap onto the adjacent cart. This provides an opportunity for the invisible human to strike. With a critical hit (!!!) Drago fades into visibility as his mace shatters the shifter’s spine. His victory celebration is cut short by the Boss who has just seen him reappear. With a flittering of his fingers the Boss sends a wave of exhaustion over Drago that sends him crumpling to his knees like Hydalia, now deep in slumber. With a final jab from his longsword H2 knocks Sim into unconsciousness. The changeling takes 3 points of damage from the stab and another 2 as he falls off his horse, landing awkwardly on his head in a pool of his own blood. H2 then bends down and nudges Ho1 awake. H3 takes a swing at Margana but still cannot seem to hit her. H6 drags the young girl several more feet, reaching the tree line. Two of the archers have managed to avoid being reentangled and fire their arrows at the charging dwarf, both scoring hits but barely slowing him down.

Rhukaan Thar (27/37): 13
With no immediate assailants, the bugbear……(let me know where you want to run/attack if you can)

Margana Sykes (12/17): 11
Turning her back on her assailant and jumping from the cart, Margana miraculously manages to jump down successfully despite the nasty stab in the back for 7 points of damage. She rushes to Sim and manages to hit him with her Vigor, healing him 1 point straightaway. Margana is now at (5/17) HP. One of the remaining unsnaggled archers gets caught by vines. Again.

Bruggin Stonehammer (6/21): 10
Bruggin takes off after the absconding bandit and lets his hammer fly. Though he misses the bandit, he is fortunate enough to also miss the girl.

Others: 8
Now within range, the Young Man takes a stab at his sister’s abductor but he fails to hit the man. The second dwarf takes off at a run towards Sim while the first dwarf continues to hump it towards the archers, getting just out of range of the entangle.

Sim (-4/13): 7 (Vigored)
Though he is stabilized an on the mend from the Vigor spell, Sim is still bleeding on the ground.

Hydalia Veher (18/18): 4
With no Changeling to wake her, Hydalia continues with her nap

Gallik Bleakstom (18/18): 1
Gallik moves after Bruggin and hits him with his soothing light, healing the dwarf 6 points of HP (now Bruggin is at 12/21).


Yes, a blue arrow indicates prone and a blue slash indicates asleep. Red slash means negative hit points.

2008-08-11, 05:31 PM

With no immediate assailants, the bugbear charges towards the archers, following the Dwarven line.

2008-08-11, 05:42 PM
hmm. that sucks. guess i just wait now.

2008-08-11, 06:16 PM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margana gives Hydalia three light, precise taps on her cheek, using the back of her hand. When she comes to, the first thing she sees is Margie, looking beatific. ::

:: "We're going to need you," she intones, drawing her quarterstaff and pulling herself into an approximation of a fighting pose. ::

Sim's Vigor: 10 rounds remain (I forgot that Vigor comes from her wand at CL 1. Oops!)
Entangle: 17 wonderful rounds remain.

2008-08-11, 06:59 PM
"BAH! A trick of the wind!" Bruggin bellows angrily, muscular (yet short!) legs grinding into a charge; now the Dwarf was really angry. Gripping his heavy pick tightly, he charged forward, intending to skewer the bandit with great prejudice!

Charging, wielding the heavy pick two handed (I *think* I can do that).

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2008-08-11, 11:13 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 12/15, AC: 18(T:11 FF:13), PP: 7/8, Shifted(4), Force Screen(17)

::Maizur climbs back onto the crates. Standing straighter than normal on top of the cart the shifter lets the excitement and anger from the battle rise up, his vision turning as read as his shifted eyes just before he thrusts the energy outward at the bandit (H3) on the other side of the cart.::

Move action: Getting on the cart.
Standard Action: Mind Thrust with Wild Surge
Will save negates all damage, DC 14
-2 Power Points

[roll1] - On 5 or less, Maizur is stunned and loses 2 PP.

H2 is a bandit right? I'm a little confused... D2 is on our side?

hmm. that sucks. guess i just wait now.

Could be worse, you could have failed a Will save against a sleep spell the first round... :smalleek:))

2008-08-11, 11:14 PM
[roll0] :smallredface:

2008-08-11, 11:18 PM
Aww. I liked the idea of a 40 damage mind thrust.

2008-08-11, 11:22 PM
((It is only be one level until it's possible, although unlikely since I'd have to roll 10s on all the dice. :smalltongue:))

King Tius
2008-08-11, 11:23 PM
D1 and D2 are the dwarves. Everyone else with a number (and Bo) are enemies. We'll find out the dwarves' names and the names of the Silver Flame family soon enough.

2008-08-12, 12:52 AM
Assuming they survive.

2008-08-12, 12:54 AM
((Heh. Yeah. I almost mind thrusted one of the dwarfs until I figured out who was who! :smalltongue:))

2008-08-12, 02:29 AM
Gallik runs towards h3 with his halberd ready to attack .

(oc: not sure if i can get there if not ill just move towards h3 anyway )

pain [roll1]

2008-08-12, 02:38 AM
{{Since Margana has a higher initiative than me; and she woke me up this round, is it possible for me to take an action this round? I'll list what I'd like to do below, and ignore it if its not possible >.>m}}

::Hydalia looks up at Margana, at first confounded by the situation, then momentarily she stands up, realizing what just happened::

"Thanks!"; then she takes a hefty swing at the nearby bandit, sending her crystal greatsword into a great sweeping arc toward his neck.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage if hit: [roll1] (If Crit - [roll2])

Critical Confirmation if threat: [roll3]

2008-08-12, 05:11 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

With a sheepish meep of disappointment in conjuring another handy-dandy heal from his trusty wand, Adel, unsure of what else he can do that won't result in his imminent death, cowers beneath the wagon some more, eyes covered by his forearms to as not to see any more blood.

~Cower, cower, cower like a lost child beneath the wagon!~

2008-08-12, 10:18 AM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

::The big human lays still in slumber where he fell.::

Invisibility: full-round action; lasts 2 rounds; once visible, can't be used for 5 rounds (4 rds remaining).
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOG: Wakey-Wakey! Eggs and Bakey! My trouble is there's no one within range to awaken me!

2008-08-12, 11:19 AM

Assuming I got at least half way to the archers last turn...

The bugbear runs headlong towards the nearest archer, a blood curdling roar issuing from his lips, the blood of his last two opponents staining his right arm. As he reaches the edge of the entangled area he leaps into the air, aiming to use the bandit to soften his landing.

"Nowhere to run dog! Nowhere to hide!"

Jump [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

(AC 16 due to charge)

should I lay him out in one blow and cleave becomes an option (I'm not sure how far apart the archers are)

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Do I need to make any entangle saves?

2008-08-12, 12:38 PM
Ohh - crit chance on the cleave (if it comes off)

Crit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

King Tius
2008-08-12, 08:32 PM
Drago Hellekanus (18/18): 20

Maizur (15/18): 19
Climbing onto the cart, Maizur delivers a deadly Mind Blast to H3 and sends his limp body flopping awkwardly backwards towards the tree line. (40 damage Mind Thrust FTW!)

Adel d'Cannith (16/16): 18
~Cower, cower, cower like a lost child beneath the wagon!~

Bad Guys: 17
The Boss weaves another spell and nails Margana for 6 points of damage with his Magic Missile, dropping her into unconsciousness next to Sim. Ho1 and H2 move down the caravan to intercept the second Dwarf. H6 releases the Girl and swings at the Young Man. The lad seems to have some sword training, though, and easily deflects the attack. The southern two archers manage to break free of their entanglements but the northernmost one remains ensnared. The final archer draws a bead on D1 again and hits the unarmored Dwarf square in the chest, causing him to stumble.

Rhukaan Thar (27/37): 13
Having already moved halfway to the archers (see how I did that) Rhukaan takes a running jump and drops onto Ar4, killing him instantly. With a mighty swing the bugbear tries to cleave the next archer but he finds himself trapped in Margana’s entangle spell himself (I rolled for you, no worries).

Margana Sykes (-1/17): 11
**Roll to see if you stabilize**
Margana lies knocked out on the ground with all five of her consciousnesses oblivious to the world around her. Her entangle spell continues to rage on…

Bruggin Stonehammer (12/21): 10
The newly healed Dwarf puts his heavy pick to good use and plants it square in H6’s chest. With a shove from his shoulder Bruggin knocks the limp bandit’s body sideways so it doesn’t fall on top of the young girl.

Others: 8
The plump Barley tries to slither out of the wagon onto the ground next to Drago. He is successful, though he makes an awful racket doing so. Drago is awoken by his urgent proddings and half-whispered “get up!” D1 stops running and raises his hands to the sky. A healing light emanates from his outstretched hands and pours down upon him. D2 alters his course ever so slightly as he raises his warhammer. With a mighty slam he breaks H2’s skull as he skids to a halt in front of Ho1. The Young Man turns to his sister and says hurriedly, “Nadia, are you alright? Quickly, run and help father.” Once his sister has nodded meekly in response the Young Man turns and heads towards Ho1. “Be careful Fathas!” calls out Nadia as she gets to her feet and moves towards her cart.

Sim (-3/13): 7, Vigored
Sim regains a hit point but remains conked out

Hydalia Veher (18/18): 4
With her second would-be waker now also dying, Hydalia is able to continue to sleep peacefully. (OOG: Wow, I feel bad for you, mistformsquirrl. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of chances for you to get your butt-kicking on!)

Gallik Bleakstom (18/18): 1
With H3 dead, Gallik gets his double-move on and heads towards the fight (I assume).


I have instituted a green X to indicate entanglement. The brother and sister have been appropriately named on the map. I also uploaded the wrong map yesterday (I think) since I still haven't totally figured out this new picture hosting site. Bear with me...

2008-08-12, 09:32 PM
Do I know who cast the spell on me and can I see him? How far away? Use wagon for cover?

2008-08-12, 10:03 PM
Ah, drat. Margana enjoys her dirt nap, Sim's vigor wears off in 9 rounds, and Entangle wears off in 16.

King Tius
2008-08-12, 11:44 PM
Gimli: Yes, Yes, 30 ft as the crow flies, Yes

2008-08-13, 12:11 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

With a cowardly, cold sweat trickling down his brow, Adel seemed infinitely lost and helpless, unable to really aid his comrades with any surefire method. He could steel himself and face his aggressors, but he had no training to do so, and would surely be cut down.

The pathetic Artificer could attempt to aid his fellows with his wand, but even it didn't seem to want to cooperate entirely in his sweat-laden grip, soft words unable to pierce its hollowed, wooden heart to coax forth any support... but it still remained his best chance, assuming he could muster enough courage up to slink his way closer to Margana and Sim's locale.

Adel'll slink his way out from under the wagon as a Move Action, and take another Move Action to stand and try to get into wand-range to stabalize Margana. If he is in wand range (and Im just reading the map wrong), he'll go ahead and try to hit Margana with a Cure Light Wounds spell from his wand.

Use Magic Device vs. DC 20: [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds on Margana: [roll1]

2008-08-13, 12:27 AM
Oh hey, read that wrong: didn't realize you wanted me to roll.

Margana becomes stable on a 10: [roll0]

2008-08-13, 12:55 AM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 12/15, AC: 18(T:11 FF:13), PP: 5/8, Shifted(3), Force Screen(16)

::The shifter resumes his normal hunched posture and turns around just in time to see Margana fall to the ground. She had accompanied Maizur on the cart and had made the bite on his leg hurt less not too long ago. He didn't like seeing her fall::

::Leaping down from the wagon again, he hurries over to the group of injured and sleeping adventurers, growling and looking for what may have attacked them. Finally he focuses on the Boss as the culprit. Letting his anger rise up again, he focuses it and launches an ferocious attack on the mind of the Boss::

Move action: Move to our injured

Standard Action: Wild Surge Mind Thrust
[roll0] (Edit: Oh, beautiful...)
Will save negates, DC 14
-2 Power Points

[roll1] - 5 or less is bad

2008-08-13, 03:41 AM

The bugbear starts to hack his way through the foilage, cutting a path back out of the entangled area.

"One down, three to go."

1/2 move as a full action as per the spell.

2008-08-13, 08:59 AM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

::Drago nods and silently mouths thanks to Barley. He rises to a very low crouch, picks up his mace and shield and makes his way around to the front of the wagon so he can get a good view of the spellcasting leader. He waits silently, biding his time for a strike.:

Invisibility: full-round action; lasts 2 rounds; once visible, can't be used for 5 rounds (3 rds remaining).
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOG: Apparently I was wrong! :smallbiggrin: Happily!
I figure crouching as I move to the front of the wagon takes a bit, if I have move left, I'll just save it. Hoping to catch Boss off guard with a Sudden Strike next round! :smallcool:

King Tius
2008-08-13, 09:13 AM
A little poll:

What does everyone think of the initiative system on this? I've played PbP games that used this system or just had everyone go in order of postage and the "bad guys" go last (or first at the end of the previous post). Since none of you have Improved Initiative I don't think anyone would be getting screwed if we switched, but I'm fine doing it either way. Hydalia's predicament points out the downside of doing this on boards, but it won't always be this bad. Thoughts?

2008-08-13, 09:32 AM
I like it. :smallbiggrin:
You might allow a minor rewrite to those who go later in the round should they need it, depending on situations, but I've actually always been a fan of everyone's reacting at the same time for the most part, as individuals so it's a bit more difficult to coordinate things and react immediately. Remember this all happens in 6 seconds!

2008-08-13, 09:41 AM
OOC: I like the way you're handling it. It presents itself almost identically to tabletop, but without the advantage of being able to kind of talk actions out with your friends when you're not so sure.

Bruggin Stonehammer

"FAH! Not so big'n tough now, are ye, human?!" Bruggin snarled, giving the human a derisive kick in the head as Bruggin plowed onward, following after Gallik. He followed for battle, he followed for glory... he followed for Cyre... and as he hustled, he hauled another light hammer to bear.

As a new target came into view, Bruggin drew a bead on it, before letting the hammer fly.


Drawing a light hammer as part of my move, if any enemies come into firing range, Bruggin will fling a hammer. Also, as much as I like the battle picks thing, I think I'd like to call in dibs on some weaponry... at least a sword or something? Maybe that half-orc's greataxe (it'd be a "special occasions" weapon). Just... d4 and d6 damage hurts my soul.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Let it be known that I hate you, dice. I hate you so very much.

2008-08-13, 10:46 AM
Gallik tries to impale the Ho1


If the ho falls beginheading to the bossman

2008-08-13, 07:58 PM
((OOC: I like the way its handled <. .>b I just wish I weren't unconcious <,< oh well, such is the nature of failed will saves!))

King Tius
2008-08-13, 09:54 PM
Drago Hellekanus (18/18): 20
Drago creeps behind the front horses, keeping low. He makes it around the cart and has a good view of the Boss’s back.

Maizur (15/18): 19
Hoping down from the cart, the shifter moves closer to his downed allies and mind blasts the Boss. His blast connects, though it doesn’t do much damage.

Adel d'Cannith (16/16): 18
The sheepish artificer climbs out from under his wagon and darts along the wagon line. He makes it most of the way towards his downed companions, but is still out of wand range. (We’ll ignore that low roll…)

Bad Guys: 17
The Boss weaves yet another spell and directs his hands out towards the ongoing ruckus. A flash of light reveals a Fiendish Monstrous Centipede now standing next to Gallik and Fathas. With a twittering of its mandibles it bites into the back of Gallik’s leg, inflicting 5 damage (Gallik, please make a fortitude save). The half-orc sees the centipede and decides to strike at Gallik as well, dealing a whopping 10 damage with his great axe. The two unfettered archers let fly at Maizur, striking him with one arrow for 4 damage (11/18 HP). The third archer hobbles towards the tree line and just manages to clear the entangle spell.

Rhukaan Thar (27/37): 13
Mimicking the archer, Rhukaan steps back outside the spell’s radius and finds himself standing near his next victim…

Margana Sykes (-2/17): 11
Margana continues to slowly creep towards Death’s door
OOG: I’m pretty sure you keep rolling, right?
Another archer gets wrapped up by roots

Bruggin Stonehammer (12/21): 10
Taking off after the fight, Bruggin pulls a hammer just as a giant (Medium, actually) centipede appears. Though he throws his hammer with great force, it fails to hit the fiendish insect.

Others: 8
D1 hustles past Rhukaan and drops Ar3 with a blow from his warhammer, issuing a hearty Dwarven “Bah!” as he does so. D2 continues his assault and swings for Ho1 but fails to connect. Fathas plunges his sword into the fiendish centipede and manages to snuff out the beast’s life before it can do any more damage. Nadia climbs into her wagon and those nearby can hear her chanting a spell.

Sim (-3/13): 7, Vigored
Invigorating, isn’t it?

Hydalia Veher (18/18): 4

Gallik Bleakstom (3/18): 1
Finally wounding the half-orc, Gallik rams his halberd’s spike into the brute’s side for 10 big ones. The ugly bandit is still on his feat, barely.

GAME DELAY: I will be taking a road trip to California on the 15th. I will be returning on the 25th and will continue the game as normal. I will also PM everyone when I update it. I do not expect to be able to update on the road, but miracles happen…


2008-08-13, 10:47 PM
Yup, I continue to roll until I stabilize or die horribly.

10 stabilizes: [roll0]

And enjoy your trip!

2008-08-14, 02:37 AM
Bruggin Stonehammer

Eyes burning with battle rage, Bruggin continues his advance. Though he can't charge his enemy, he can certainly maneuver around his fellow Dwarf and attempt to whet his pick further... and so he does, roaring in Dwarven as he goes.


For those who speak Dwarven: "Dwarves to battle! Crush them all!"

...because I like to make stuff up like that.

Move to attack the Half Orc, if he dies before Bruggin gets there, can I instead make a double move/move toward the Boss/Hydalia?

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2008-08-14, 03:12 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Adel - quite foolishly - continues to meander along towards Margie and Sim, wand in hand, as he closes the gap. As he gaps the distance, Adel lets fly his wand once more... third time's the charm!

Keep on truckin' till' Adel can get into Wand-range to hit Margana with Cure Light Wounds.
Use Magic Device vs. DC 20: [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds: [roll1]

2008-08-14, 05:17 AM
Fort Save -

I try to finish of the half orc if i am still able to act at the end of the round ( darn rubbish inititive :) )

power attack +1[roll]1d20+4
decapitate ? 1d10+4

if that takes him down ill cleave through into the centipede if possible

power attack +11d20+4

If by the time it gets to my turn both the centipede and the halforc have been dealt with by someone else , ill instead cast cure light wounds on myself


2008-08-14, 05:21 AM
Fort Save -(1d20)[15]

I try to finish of the half orc if i am still able to act at the end of the round ( darn rubbish inititive :) )

power attack +1[roll0]
decapitate ? [roll1]

if that takes him down ill cleave through into the centipede if possible

power attack +1[roll2]

If by the time it gets to my turn both the centipede and the halforc have been dealt with by someone else , ill instead cast cure light wounds on myself


2008-08-14, 11:38 AM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

::Seeing his opportunity, and hoping Gallik can hold out until he can finish his current target, Drago charges the spellcasting leader of the brigands, swinging his mace in a deadly arc.:

Attack: [roll0]; Charging
Crit?: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Invisibility: full-round action; lasts 2 rounds; once visible, can't be used for 5 rounds (2 rds remaining).
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOG: I dunno if Sudden Strike will apply to this attack, but if it does: [roll3]

2008-08-14, 11:39 AM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

Let's try another Action Point!
Action Point for Attack Roll: [roll0]
:crosses fingers:

2008-08-14, 03:51 PM

Rhukaan makes his way along the edge of the area of the entanglement, towards Archer 1, calling out as he moves.

"I am coming for you manling, and I bring your doom with me."

I'm assuming this is a full round action to reach, but should someone get within mindblade range (you never know your luck :)

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-08-15, 10:41 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 8/15, AC: 18(T:11 FF:13), PP: 7/8, Shifted(3), Force Screen(16)

::Maizur snarls as the arrow strikes him. Crouching down, the shifter circles around around to Hydalia, keeping an eye on the archers and an eye on "the boss". Placing a foot against Hydalia's side, he half-shakes, half-kicks the sleeping warrior until she awakes::

Move action: Go to Hydalia
Standard action: Wake her up!

Btw, did I miss a buff cast on me? I notice I keep being listed as having 3 more HP than I should...

2008-08-19, 04:53 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

::Drago hopes to BUMP the brigand leader into an embrace with Khyber.:

OOC: :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

2008-08-25, 08:57 AM
*cough* still here *cough*

King Tius
2008-08-25, 09:21 AM
Hey all! Just flew in from LA and boy are my arms tired (ba-dum). Hopefully I will have enough time today to update, if not, definitely tomorrow. I will be moving up to school over the next week, so things might be a little splotchy, but I have every intention to keep this game rolling. Thanks for your patience

2008-08-25, 09:28 AM
((Take your time! ::Continues to kick Hydalia:: :smalltongue:))

2008-08-25, 12:13 PM
:continues to be unconscious:

((Awesome! Good to have you back!))

2008-08-25, 01:39 PM
Happy to hear the game will keep running :)

King Tius
2008-08-25, 04:56 PM
Drago Hellekanus (18/18): 20
Drago charges the unsuspecting spell caster and nails him in the back, staggering the man forward.

Maizur (8/15): 19
The shifter moves towards his sleeping companion, keeping an eye on the archers. With a nudge he brings Hydalia out of her slumber and back into the fight.
OOG: No idea why I had it listed differently, whoops!

Adel d'Cannith (16/16): 18
Using Sim’s horse and his other companions as shields, Adel creeps closer to Sim and Margana. Unfortunately his attempt to coax the wand to heal is once again unsuccessful.

Bad Guys: 17
As the one archer frees himself from the vines and tries to move out of the area the second one lets an arrow loose at Rhukaan. Fortunately the shot goes wide. The Boss turns to face Drago and begins to weave a spell. Drago’s attack of opportunity fails to make contact and the Boss somehow manages to grab Drago on the arm with an electrified hand, dealing 8 points of damage. (Drago = 10/18).

Rhukaan Thar (27/37): 13
Rhukaan moves into position to skewer the “manling” (lol) but does not get an attack this round.

Margana Sykes (-3/17): 11
Little Miss Many-Minds continues to slip towards oblivion

Bruggin Stonehammer (12/21): 10
Thanks to some flanking bonuses Bruggin jams his pick into the half-orc, bringing the brute down.

Others: 8
D2 and Fathas take off towards the archers. D1 voluntarily charges into the entangle spell to get close to Ar2.

Sim (-2/13): 7, Vigored
Climbing, ever so slowly

Hydalia Veher (18/18): 4
Utilizing her first full-round action of the day, Hydalia stands up!

Gallik Bleakstom (7/18): 1
Gallik hits himself with a healing spell, regaining 4 hit points.


OOG: Well, that was a little rough, but not too bad.

2008-08-25, 05:03 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

"You will harm no one else this day, fiend!"

::Fighting through the pain of his still partially charged and twitching limbs, Drago growls as he swings his mace at the caster once again.::

Attack: [roll0]
Crit?: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Invisibility: full-round action; lasts 2 rounds; once visible, can't be used for 5 rounds (1 rds remaining).
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOC: Let's see if I can get through a round without having to spend an Action Point?

2008-08-25, 05:04 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

OOC: Doesn't look like it... Here goes another!

Action Point: [roll0]

2008-08-25, 06:01 PM

"Stand still, and your end will be quick."

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-08-25, 08:09 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

"BAH HA HA! FER THE GLORY O' THA STONE'AMMER CLAN!" Bruggin roared, pick glistening in the afternoon sun, wet with blood as it was. He'd need to bathe after this one; his armor, his beard, all of it was splattered with blood, his own, and that of his enemies. Enemies o' Cyre, t'tha last dog o' 'em! With a mad look in his eyes, Bruggin stumped onward, pick gripped tightly in his hands as he advanced, moving himself closer to the last enemies on the field.

The day was not won just yet.

Accursed 20 ft move speed! If there's an enemy I can reach (I'm getting confused by the massive number of letters on the map), I'll charge and attack, if not, I'd like to take a move/double move closer to the boss, in the hopes that that will set me up for a glorious charge.

...assuming he isn't dead when it gets to be my next turn.

2008-08-25, 11:02 PM

10 stabilizes: [roll0]
Sim's Vigor wears off in 7 rounds, Entangle wears off in 14.

All the cool people are spending action points, but I think I'll keep mine for right now.

2008-08-25, 11:36 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 8/15, AC: 18(T:11 FF:13), PP: 7/8, Shifted(2), Force Screen(15)

::Snarling, Maizur charges toward the spell caster, his claws held wide ready to rend his enemy's flesh::

Assuming the spell caster is within 60' and that Hydalia isn't in the way of a direct line... Maizur is using a charge action, given him two attacks with his Razorclaw Elite feat.

Claw 1

Claw 2

2008-08-26, 08:04 AM
Gallik runs over to Margana and tries to patch her up as best he can

First Aid DC 15 [roll0]

2008-08-26, 09:24 AM

Now awake, Hydalia looks around, anger growing steadily as she sees the carnage. Then she spies the bandit leader ahead of her.

"You! I'm going to have to kill you for this, you know that right?"

Hydalia lunges for the bandit lord, sending her heavy crystal blade arcing to seperate his head from his shoulders.

Charge attack: [roll0]
Critical confirmation (just in case) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] if Crit [roll3]

2008-08-26, 01:24 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but on crits, don't you just multiply whatever you rolled for your weapon damage by whatever the crit modifier is on a weapon? I've never seen it where you roll extra dice for crits. A recent example is Hydalia (not trying to pick on you), and I think I've seen it once or twice before in this thread. If we're handling crits differently, then please ignore this, otherwise, uh, can we get a DM ruling?

2008-08-26, 03:56 PM
In 3rd edition (maybe they changed it back in 3.5e but no one ever told me if they did <@.@>) they changed it so that you roll your weapon damage crit-mod number of times, instead of multiplying what you roll.

So for example, a 2x crit longsword rolls 2d8+strx2 on a crit, rather than (1d8+str)x2.

King Tius
2008-08-26, 03:57 PM
I've always played the critical "multiplier" to be just that and would double (or triple) the normal damage roll. That's how I will be handling it on here, too. Thanks for bringing that up, MountainKing

2008-08-26, 05:26 PM
No worries, I wasn't trying to bring down the Haterade or anything (sorry again for using you as the example, mistform (btw, Mistform Colossus would eat you alive! :smallamused:)), I was just confused because I kept seeing it and couldn't find anything on crit rules in the homerule section.

2008-08-26, 09:26 PM
<. .> Tis fine hehe; Btw, I cost far less than Mistform Collossus <^,~> and create tokens! (That is unless they've finally gone and made a real Mistform Squirrel card... in which case I must hunt it down. Tis a homebrew otherwise hehe <,<)

2008-08-27, 07:58 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Adel - now in a disasterously frantic slinging of his wand - flails it in an almost mindless manner in hopes that, by some small miracle, the magic therein sparks back to life as it did before, Margie's life hanging in the balance upon the teetering edge of whimsical arcana and death.

"H-hang in t-there," Adel mutters in an almost inaudible whisper, waving the Wand of (Continuously Fail to) Cure Light Wounds, ever hopeful.

Use Magic Device vs. DC 20: [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds on Margana: [roll1]

OOC: I swear I'll pony up for Skill Focus: Use Magic Device and Magical Aptitude if everyone manages to survive this :smalleek:

EDIT: *facepalm*

2008-08-28, 12:41 AM
Obviously, it's cursed.

And while I'm thinking of it- [roll0]

Nothing to see here, move along.

And actually, if it's not too late, I think I would like to use an Action Point to stabilize. I don't know if it's kosher to do this after I already failed the roll, but it can wait until next round if the DM says so.

King Tius
2008-08-28, 12:28 PM
::With a crushing blow to the head Drago manages to drop the Boss Man once and for all. Maizur takes off towards the Boss just as Drago fells him. Changing directions, the shifter moves towards the first archer and digs into the weak man’s chest, ending his life too. Adel, once again, fails to get the wand to work. The last remaining archer drops to his knees amidst the vines and cries out “I surrender I surrender!” Gallik moves to stabilize Margana but is unable to stop the bleeding. Now that combat has ended Nadia hops off the wagon and runs over to Margana, nudging Gallik aside. Placing her hands on the fallen Khalastar, she closes her eyes and begins to mutter a prayer. Nadia’s hands begin to glow with a silvery healing light the seeps down into Margana. Regaining consciousness, Margana opens her eyes and sees Nadia kneeling over her (+7 hit points to Margana : 4/17). After a few seconds Sim likewise returns to consciousness and feels the effects of the Vigor spell heal him (Sim: 5/17). Bim and Pavel look up from their hiding places as Barley gets to his feet and dusts himself off::

“Well thank the Host we had you along! I’ll be sure to tell the Mayor how you kept us all safe. What should we do about these bodies? I’ve no real experience in this sort of thing.””

::Nadia looks around to everyone and starts to try and speak but she cannot seem to summon up the words. She begins to shake and drops to her knees where she bursts into tears. Fathas slowly walks over to her and crouches down, placing his arms around her to comfort her. The two Dwarves make their way back to their cart and the one casts another healing spell upon himself. Turning to the group, he motions towards his brother.::

“If any of ye be needin’ healin’, Oin can help ye. Someb’dy give me a hand draggin’ these bodies in a heap.” (Since I forgot to name them before, the Dwarves are henceforth named Oin and Gloin).

XP: You all gain 600 xp from the encounter! Woooo!
OOG: No need for the action point, Fishy

2008-08-28, 02:16 PM

The bugbear escorts the prisoner to the back of the wagon whilst licking the blood from his clawed hand. He gestures for the man to take his boots off, growling if necessary, then stands guard over him.

"Where's your camp? How many others are there? Speak truthfully and you may live through this."

2008-08-28, 03:25 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

"Hoo, aye! An' good riddance!" Bruggin shouted, giving a nearby corpse a hefty boot to emphasize how he feels. Putting up his pick, he puts his muscle to good use, hauling bodies to the pile after giving them a brief ransacking; he makes a point of doing this only to bodies that he himself put to rest, and will give a firm "Harrumph!" to anybody trying to edge in on what he's doing, but will give no other resistance.

After the deed is done, Bruggin will head over to the Dwarves, tossing Oin and Gloin a hearty grin.

"'Twas a messy bit o' work, but good fer tha hahrt! Could I perheps get a bit of patchin' up, good Oin?"

I'd like to call dibs on, at the least, a longsword and a greataxe. If any of the bandits had, say, battle axes or warhammers, that'd be cool also (I will gladly change my mind on swords in exchange for axes and hammers!). Bruggin will also be taking 10 on any necessary Search checks, and again, is only looting bodies he himself had a hand in killing (though he'll of course share what he finds, if grudgingly :smalltongue:).

2008-08-28, 03:33 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 10 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16); Init: 20

::Drago checks the bandit leader for anything substantive. He then cleans his mace as best he can on the dead man's clothes and drags the corpse to Gloin's pile. He repeats the process with the other two bandits the big man had dispatched. Once he finishes, he too approaches the dwarves.::

"I took a bit of a shock from the spellcaster before I split his skull. Could I ask for a bit of healing before I help move the rest of these fools?"

Invisibility: full-round action; lasts 2 rounds; once visible, can't be used for 5 rounds.
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

2008-08-28, 06:41 PM
Seeing the whole situation seems in order Gallik takes a few moments to offer thanks to the gods for seeing himself and the caravan through the bandits attack safely .
WHen the bodies are collected he says a quick prayer for the souls of the fallen and another in hope that others wont take up a wasted life of banditry.
Ater business is taken care of he casts a simple spell and checks over the bandits equipment (casts detect magic)

2008-08-28, 06:44 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)
HP: 8/15, PP: 6/8

::Maizur wipes the blood off his claws just before his shifting comes to an end. The shifter makes his way back toward the carts, shaking off excessive hair from his shift.::

"Heel in?"

::Maizur studies his feet for a moment. Finally he sticks his injured ankle out to the dwarven healer::

((+1 PP as shifting ends... corrected my PP as well, after commenting on my HP being incorrect I go ahead and un-deduct my second mind blast. :smalltongue:))

2008-08-28, 09:25 PM
Margana/Mr. Crabs (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margie slowly struggles to return to consciousness- but her body snaps awake in an instant, ignoring the little girl that rescued her, and glaring furiously at Adel as he continues to fidget with the wand. ::

Disarm attempt! [roll0]

"Give me that, you useless, sniveling little miserable WASTE of a-"

"... Um. Can I borrow this for a second?"

2008-08-29, 06:03 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Blinking in shock and awe at the vast change in personallity, Adel - cravenly, and shaking like a leaf, eyes wide and bewildered - forks over his handy-dandy magical wand to Margana, taking a few steps back afterwards, palms upraised as if to say 'dont hurt me!'

2008-08-29, 11:08 AM

::Sim stands up from the puddle of his own blood, and looks at his bloodstained outfit.::

Aw, poo. Those bandits ruined my good clothes. Well, no matter.

::Sim, in his natural gray form, approaches the dwarves.::

Do you have anything that gets blood out of clothes?

2008-08-29, 12:18 PM

After halting her charge against the bandit leader halfway (as he'd already been killed), Hydalia stops to survey the battlefield, realizing she has apparently missed the excitement completely.

"Well... that was a good nap I suppose."

Meditate for a moment to regain psionic focus.

King Tius
2008-08-30, 05:36 PM
Rhukaan half drags, half carries the captured archer to the back of the wagons. Quickly removing his boots and dropping to his knees, the man looks up at the bugbear and shakes his head. “I aint telling you a thing.” As some of you begin to loot and pile the bodies, Margana quickly snatches the wand from Adel. Sim approaches Oin and inquires for something to clean his clothes with. The dwarf looks at him blankly for a second before turning to his cart. He rummages around the back for a moment before turning and handing Sim a small hammer used for forging. Without a word he smiles at Sim and moves off to heal people.

Anyone who asks for healing receives one healing spell from Oin 7 points of healing.

The following items of note are found on the bandits…

Assorted studded leather armors, longswords, longbows
2 Great Axes
3000 gp
3 gems
Potions: Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Remove Fear
Wand of Color Spray
Ring of AC+1

Gallik’s Detect Magic confirms that none of the weapons or armor were magical

Once all of the bodies are gathered to one side of the road, the Old Man is helped out of the cart by his daughter and son. His wound has been bandaged and healed though he still seems weary from the injury. He walks over to the pile of bodies and holds his arms outstretched with palms up as he says a prayer.

“O Great Spirit of the Flame, Keeper of the Demon and Protector of Justice, thank you this day for all you have given us. Thank you for providing us with the wisdom and guidance to serve Your Will and defend these lands from injustice. Thank you for sending these men with us to protect your servants. Thank you for keeping us safe and providing Your Wisdom to grant us healing. Finally, please take these souls and cleanse them of their injustice. Let them be bathed in Your Fire and let them be purified.”

As he finishes his prayer a silver fire erupts in his palms. He casts them onto the bodies and they begin to burn as if they were a fully stoked pyre. The Old Man nods at the group and moves back towards his cart. Everyone else has gathered around Rhukaan and seem to be anxiously awaiting what the bugbear will do next.

2008-08-30, 08:19 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

...everyone, that is, except Bruggin, who doesn't give the hairs on a goblin's backside what the bugbear is going to do next. Shoving a sheathed longsword into his belt, the Dwarf snatches up one of the glittering gems and a handful of gold, stuffing the goods into his backpack before hefting one of the greataxes and slinging it over his shoulder. As he passes a longbow, he spits and snorts derisively.

"Fah! Cowards!" Thus, covered in blood and weaponry, Bruggin returned to stand near the Dwarves' cart, ready to move on, and willing to make real conversation with his kinfolk, should they feel so inclined.

Bruggin is taking an axe and a sword, as I said, along with one of the gems, and half of whatever an equal portion for the party would be in gold (split ten ways, it's 300 gold each, meaning 150 for Bruggin). If anyone contests, we can discuss it over PM like civil persons. :smallsmile:

King Tius
2008-08-30, 08:32 PM
Just so you all know, you are on your own as far as gold, loot, and xp are concerned. When you level up or buy something, please keep me posted but I just don't feel like managing all the loot and experience info for your characters on top of running the game. Besides, keeping count of that stuff is half the fun of the game!

2008-08-30, 08:47 PM
((Titus, is that an actually a Ring of AC +1, as in giving an armor bonus of +1, or is it a Ring of Protection +1, giving a deflection bonus of +1?))

2008-08-31, 09:52 AM

The bugbear looks down upon the kneeling archer, and smiles, revealing the fangs in his maw.

"That's what I was hoping to hear. Get the rest of your clothes off."

Rhukaan looks around at the assembled group,

"Can one of you tie his hands, behind his back, then lash him behind a wagon. He'll face justice once he reaches Merlysward."

Rhukaan will strip him if he refuses to take the clothes off himself.

Once this has been done, he'll wander over towards the loot, and grab a gemstone and a share of the gold coins. He calls out in a loud voice

"Does anyone have any honey?"

2008-08-31, 02:13 PM

::Sim looks at the hammer in his hand for a minute before finally realizing the joke::

Disgusting dwarves with their dirty metal... wow, I'm starting to sound like Quel'Doran. I must be really good at this.

::Sim stops talking to himself before anyone thinks he's strange. Well, stranger::

Also, I call dibs on the wand of color spray.

2008-08-31, 03:14 PM

Hydalia looks down at the bandit archer and snorts derisively.

"I don't want to stare at his bare arse the whole way there. Let him keep his clothes. He'll get what's coming to him."

Hydalia also grabs a share of the loot, namely a portion of the gold and a longbow.

((Are there any arrows as well?))

2008-08-31, 07:32 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)

::Maizur wanders over to the small pile of collected loot. He picks up one of the gems and then digs through the coins, seemingly picking out random ones and shoving them inside he bed roll on his back::

((Taking a gem and 250gp))

2008-09-01, 02:17 AM

"Listen up guys , this smash and grab just wont do , we need to be sensible about this so everyone gets whats coming to them "

The money we can split easily enough , but i say we pool together the rest of the loot til it can be sold for a good price then split that , magical stuff can be split up in some fair manner too id imagine "

Gallik looks around hopefully for anyone who might agree with him .

If he gets a chance before they are all snatched he'll try to work out the value of the gems .

apraise gems [roll0]

2008-09-01, 05:52 AM
Bruggin Stonehammer

"Bah," Bruggin snorted, "I've left half me fair share be'ind in gold coins, an' ye'll b'suren tha' I'll be puttin' this 'ere axe t'work in short time! Yer help in the bettle were appreciated, but suren ye can handle takin' me leftover 'alf o' gold in eschange fer a li'l peace!"

2008-09-01, 02:07 PM

::Sim looks down at the wand in his hand, then back at Gallik::

I can still keep this, right? I'm not selling it.

2008-09-02, 04:59 AM

Gallik nods to sim
"as long as noone else wants it , if they do you'll need to sort it out with them"

then turning to Bruggin

"well sir , I wouldnt want you to get less than you deserve for your efforts , what if that little piece isnt worth half the gold you have given up , Id hate for you to miss out on what you have rightfully earnt"

King Tius
2008-09-02, 02:54 PM
The ring is a Ring of Protection +1. Each archer also had a quiver of arrows on them. All in all there are 32 in-tact arrows for the taking. Gallik appraises the gems and finds them to all be worth approximately 200 gp. Rhukaan receives several more protests from Barley and the Silver Flame priest about abusing the captive. His hands are bound and he is stripped to his undershirt before being tied to the back of the wagon. The remaining days of travel pass without incident. During this trek the Silver Flame family makes a better effort to try and meet and converse with everyone. You find that Fathas and Nadia are traveling with their father Jethram to establish a church in New Merylsward. Barley and his cousins also have their eyes set on opening a general store in addition to their wagon business.

It is getting on evening time when you at last crest a small hill and catch sight of the budding town. Small pillars of smoke rise from cooking fires and drift towards you on the ocean breeze. They rise from a small clustering of tents and half built buildings on a small hill near the cove’s water line. Across the way you can just make out the ruins of the half-sunken town that was once called Merylsward. The cove/lake is decently sized, well large enough for several seafaring vessels to drop anchor in. The mouth of the cove is a narrow inlet ringed by cliffs. The land slowly climbs to reach the seaside cliffs with only a spattering of rocky beaches here and there. Those with any knowledge of the area know that this cove is one of the only places for ships to moor within a hundred miles along the coast. The cliffs that bracket the inlet have collapsed, blocking the cove off from the sea and preventing any ships from passing through. This ancient rockslide seems to have caused the water level to rise significantly, flooding the old town. As the sun begins to approach the horizon your wagon train descends out of the forest and makes its way towards New Merylsward.

OOG: If you have anything else you’d like to do along the journey before you reach town, this is your chance. I will have a map of the area up for next post.

2008-09-02, 03:52 PM

"Unless anyone else wants them, I'll be taking these arrows for my new bow."

((Grab the 32 arrows and a quiver to put them in.))

2008-09-02, 05:57 PM
Margana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margie sputters and stammers her way through an apology, hands the wand back to Adel, "Thanks for, um. Trying." She spends most of the trip up next to Maizur again, to avoid further conversational gaffes. Or, conversation. ::

Margie is new to the whole 'looting the bodies' thing, but will take her 300 gold if someone convinces her it's her share. She also expresses timid interest in the Ring of Protection, mostly because it is pretty, but backs off if anyone else has designs on it.

Margie's opinion on giving up one's home and spending one's entire life savings trying to establish a new Silver Flame church: "That's nice."

Each night before camping, she offers Cure Light Woundses to anyone who looks like they need it. 1d8+2hp/cast x 4 casts/day x 5 days = Can we just have everybody at full HP now?

King Tius
2008-09-02, 06:00 PM
Yes, after several days of non-combat it is assumed that everyone is back to full strength.

2008-09-02, 08:03 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

For his part, Bruggin spent much of the trip in silence, trading news and stories from his travels with the other Dwarves, though he never speaks of his homeland, or life before the war. In the evenings, he can be seen borrowing tools from the Dwarves to clean and sharpen his various weapons, though he seems to take a special fondness to the axe; must be in his blood.

Anyone who wants to try striking a conversation with Bruggin is more than welcome to, but for the most part, the only persons he speaks with willingly and openly (sort of) are the Dwarves.

2008-09-03, 11:59 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Reclaiming his wand with a swift, almost abbrasive snatch, Adel simply slinks off to loathe in his uselessness behind his impromptu bugbear bodyguard, pausing only long enough to yoink his share of the gold along the way, perfectly content to let the... whatever it is the fellow whom wanted the wand was. Adel wasn't even sure anymore.

Regardless, his impracticality in this assignment was most disheartening. So far, he'd managed to bless the bugbear and coax a loan heal from his wand, then bathe in his own cowardice, only trying valiantly - and failing - when the battle had mostly been won. His silence through the trip, of course, speaks volumes, keeping his eyes downcast from the rest of the group, lost in his own thoughts.

What if the battle had gone the other way around? What if it were he whom was unconcious on the ground, lying in a pool of his own blood; he'd certainly be rather agitated too, much like Margie had acted. On the bright side, at least everyone was okay... more or less, anyway.

For the remainder of the trip, Adel sulks in silence, content to just prattle along behind the rest of the caravan.

Adel'll just take his fair share of the gold and leave Sim the wand. He's fairly inept with them until next level anyway :p

Anywho, I apologize for my rather sparse posting as of late. Been focusing more on getting my job situated and such. Should I drop out and you feel the need to keep Adel around, Tius, here's a feat and level progression chart below:

{table]Level|Feat|Skills|Attribute Bonus
Artificer 3rd|Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Craft Wounderous Item|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 4th|Legendary Artisan|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|+1 INT
Artificer 5th|Craft Magic Arms & Armor|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 6th|Magic Device Attunement (CAr)|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 7th|Craft Wand, Reckless Wand Wielder (CAr)|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 8th|Extrordinary Artisan|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|+1 INT
Artificer 9th|Wandstrike (CAr)|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 10th|-|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 11th|-|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 12th|Craft Staff, Wand Mastery|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|+1 INT
Artificer 13th|-|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 14th|Forge Ring|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 15th|Improved Toughness (CW)|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 16th|Exceptional Artisan|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|+1 INT
Artificer 17th|-|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 18th|Heroic Spirit|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 19th|-|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|-
Artificer 20th|Extra Rings|+1 to All Pre-Invested Skills|+1 STR[/table]

2008-09-03, 04:08 PM
OOC: I'd just like to point out that, thematically speaking, I'm of the strict opinion that Exceptional Artisan and Extraordinary Artisan should most definitely be pre-requisites for Legendary Artisan. Got to walk before you can run and all that. Just my $0.02, nothing to see here.

King Tius
2008-09-05, 04:28 PM
With no reason to dilly-dally, the wagon train moves on towards the new town. As you get close you see that several building are currently under construction while three seem finished. Many tents have been set up around the area, some in clusters, others arranged where building will one day stand. The banging of hammers and sawing of wood greets you as you enter the town. Many folk, at least three dozen from a quick glance, are at work on the surrounding houses. Some are digging foundations while others build frames or mortar stone. Barley stops the wagon and hops out. “You will probably want to see the Mayor about your new jobs. He’s over in that building yonder.” Barley’s fat finger points towards the largest of the three erected buildings, one that looks like a town hall sort of deal. A high stone wall has been set up around it and it seems located towards the very center of the tentative town layout. As you look around, you notice that one of the half-build houses has two stone elementals rumbling around it.

2008-09-05, 05:00 PM
Drago Hellekanus (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4633)
HP: 18 / 18; AC 19 (t13 ff16)

::Drago was glad to finally arrive at their destination, sighing in relief and grinning broadly as they crossed the threshold of the town.::

"Nothing to it but to do it," he says as he starts towards the building Barley indicated.

Today's Vestige is...Malphas again... [roll0]
Pact Augmentation: +1 insight bonus on Attacks (always active until next binding).

OOC: Drago would've liked a longsword, a longbow and maybe a half-dozen arrows, plus his equal share of the cash (which is how much exactly? We've got how many people? And if the items are claimed the values should count against their shares, IMHO!), leaving the ring for someone less well protected, the potions for others to dither over and the wand to whomever wanted it.

2008-09-05, 07:23 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

"Well then, tha' be whar I'll go," Bruggin rumbled quietly, "Fare thee well, Oin an' Gloin. May yer anvil ne'er crumble an' yer beards never catch in tha furnace!" With that, Bruggin stumped off, his armor and weapons freshly cleaned and sharpened. The greataxe bounced almost... jauntily, on his shoulder as he held it in one hand.

2008-09-05, 08:58 PM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

Margie burns a power point and asks The Professor if there's anything important she ought to know about the Mayor.

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2008-09-05, 09:43 PM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Exhausted from the trip, Adel manages to muster enough strength to nod affirmatively and mutter something that sounds like "k-'kay" before meandering along behind the rest, making sure to get an a good glimpse at the Earth Elementals hard at work. Magecraft, most likely. Cannith and Orien craftsman probably weren't far off, Adel wagered.

As Adel makes his way into the main tent where the Mayor currently resided, he made sure to note the interior... one needs to make a good impression if they're to ensure an incident free relationship with potential customers.

"H-Hello," the young Cannith crafter stuttered, eyes averted by hand outstretched in greeting nonetheless. "I-I-I'm Adel d'Can-Cannith. Nice to m-meet you, sir,"

2008-09-06, 09:40 AM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

:Quel'Doran enters the room, lightly pushing Adel aside:

Now, now, boy, perhaps its best if you leave the formalities to me.

:Quel'Doran removes his hat and takes a bow:

Greetings, your majesty, my name is Quel'Doran. I am a noble from elven lands, and I am the leader of this band of misfits.

2008-09-06, 11:31 AM

I wouldnt take too much notice of the elf , especially if hes about to say something daft , Im hear on behalf of the sovereighn host and pay no fealty to elven nobles of dubious bloodlines .

Gallik nods his head to the mayor

That being said we have all travled here for the same purpose , and a settlement here is our primary concern

2008-09-06, 07:20 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)

::Yawning, Maizur follows behind the groups headed to the Mayor::

::Reaching the mayors office, Maizur stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame, looking outside the room as often as in::

2008-09-06, 09:30 PM
Sim, as Quel'Doran
So you're going to dismiss me as I did the young ward, are you? Do you mind telling me exactly what makes you so fit at speaking to the mayor?

:Quel'Doran gets a bit miffed, as Gallik seems to pass him off as just another noble:

2008-09-06, 10:28 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

Bruggin harrumphs loudly.

"Enough, elf. Noble'r not, we're all here t'do tha same job, an' nob'dy made you tha one'n charge, so ye'd best quit waggin' yer tongue when some'un speaks sense," the Dwarf rumbles gruffly before looking to the mayor, "Bruggin Stonehammer, atcher services. What's our farst task?"

2008-09-07, 12:37 AM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)

::Seeing the excitement in the room, Maizur steps in. Putting on what he believes to be a large, friendly smile (though it appears more goofy and clueless than anything else) he pats Bruggin and Sim on their shoulders to get their attention. He then points at himself and nods vigorously with his silly, all-too-large smile::

2008-09-07, 06:38 AM

::Hydalia steps into the room, looking at the arguing party members quizzically::

"Perhaps I should come back later when the arguing is over..."

2008-09-07, 09:23 AM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

Listen, you alcohol soaked beard on legs, I am the leader of this party because I am the only one who can talk to people. Everyone else in this party is either psychotic, pathetic, or has a stupid accent.

:Quel'Doran then leans down close to Bruggin's ear and whispers:

Don't take any of this personally - I'm simply acting.

2008-09-07, 09:47 AM

The bugbear stoops to enter the room, then looks for a seat in the corner, so that he can sit down.

2008-09-07, 02:13 PM
Bruggin Stonehammer

"Yer not actin', yer bein' stupid," the Dwarf said plainly, "Yer not our "leader", an' thar ain't no special need fer speakin' skills when the only one who needs t'be talkin' right now is the man we're being paid to work for," Bruggin jabbed a finger at Quel'Doran's chest and frowned, "Now quit yer stupid playin', 'cause it's not goin' t'get us anyplace. Shut yer mouth, and let the Mayor speak, you daft fool, afore I shut yor mouth fer ye." With that, Bruggin turned back to the Mayor with an emphatic "Hmmph!"; the discussion was over, as far as he was concerned.

King Tius
2008-09-07, 04:46 PM
Querying the Professor yields no information that is particularly exciting. Whoever this mayor is, he wasn’t anyone particularly important before he was appointed to this position by Baron Ir’Kusk. He is a native of the Eldeen Reaches; of that much the professor is certain.

Passing through the gate of the indicated building, you venture inside and find yourself standing in a bare atrium. Though the outside looks like a standard government building, the inside is still very much in need of finishing and furnishing. As you enter a woman peaks her head out from a side door and quickly disappears. A moment later a burly human man walks out. He is middle aged and very weathered, as if he’s seen his fair share of the world. He moves to speak but checks himself as your argument kicks up. Waiting patiently with his arms crossed, he watches your little power struggle with amused eyes, paying as much attention to the silent members of the group as those in heated debate. At last he speaks, spreading his arms out wide and smiling.

“Welcome to New Merylsward. I’m Mayor Brisby and you must be the lot that answered the Baron’s note. As for your role here, we’ve got ourselves a sizable work force of masons and what not to help build the town. We even have a few dedicated guards on loan from Aundair to help keep order and protect the town proper. Problem is there are all manner of folk and creatures who don’t want us putting this town up. You’ve got the lizard folk across the water, the crazier of the druids in the forest, the Baron of Moss, the local fey, and the angrier of the locals, just to name a few. What we need you adventuring types for is to deal with the grittier exploration and diplomatic relations that this town is going to need to stay afloat. The Baron has sponsored farmers to move into the region, but it’ll take a smooth tongue or a swift kick in the ass to get those druids off our backs. Don’t even get me started on the lizard folk over in the sunken town. Enough of that for now, it’s your first day in town and you should go get settled. Grab a patch of grass to set up your tents near the outer rim of town. If you want to pick out an actual plot in town and build yourselves a house, you’re more than welcome to, though you’ll have to pay. Come back tomorrow and I’ll have one of my assistants set up to deliver your assignments and deal with your payment. When you’ve got downtime, which I’m sure you will, there’s a whole town to be built, so you can always find some manual labor. Any questions?”

2008-09-08, 02:46 AM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

Listen, you alcohol soaked beard on legs, I am the leader of this party because I am the only one who can talk to people. Everyone else in this party is either psychotic, pathetic, or has a stupid accent.

:Quel'Doran then leans down close to Bruggin's ear and whispers:

Don't take any of this personally - I'm simply acting.

Well your two of the three at least , otherwise you'd have clearly seen that I havent touched a drop since we got started on this trip , and you call that talking to people , you got a lot to learn about manners if you feel thats the way to speak to people .
Your barely suitable to talk to people with your attitude , let alone lead them , my guess is you need to open your soul to the sovereighn host a little more , look for guidance in there wisdom , Ill pray for you lad , but you got to help yourself too .

This isnt hardly a proper time to be discusiing such things either so lets leave it at that for the time[/COLOR

After the mayor speaks

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]As it happens sir I do have a few questions , What I will be intrested to be knowing is if there have been any plans made at present to be building a church dedicated to the sovereighn host in these parts .
If so Id be honered if you could introduce me to the man in charge of that , if not id like permission to get to work on that , when my other dutys have been seen through at least .

2008-09-08, 09:36 AM
Bruggin Stonehammer

"Bah ha ha! The king o' dogs, more like! We've arready put paid t'a bunch o' his ilk on our way here, an' I wouldnae mind puttin' paid t'more o'em!" Bruggin bounced the greataxe a little on his shoulder, "In fact, I've somethin' t'return to him, hoo aye! I couldnae let him put this axe in me wi'out returnin' the favor."

2008-09-08, 08:36 PM

"If I may... I do have a question. When can we sit down with you to discuss strategy for dealing with these threats? I'm assuming you have preferences for how they are handled at any rate? I'd also like to know which you believe is most threatening, so we may deal with it first."

2008-09-09, 04:12 PM
Sim, as Quel'Doran

:Shock comes across Sim's face as he takes in what these people have just said. Angry, his face begins to morph over and over, as he takes on many different forms over a short period of time. He begins shouting, emphasizing different words as he speaks:

It's obvious you UNCULTURED BOORS don't RESPECT what I am DOING for you. Have you NO idea how INVALUABLE I am to the PARTY? YOU would be NOWHERE without me, you HEAR? NO WHERE!

:Suddenly, his face reverts to it's natural grey state. His voice grows calmer:

I'm afraid I cannot work under such conditions. If I am not to be respected, I'm afraid I must leave.

:He removes his hat in a courteous, almost gentlemanly bow:

I bid each of thee, adieu.

:Sim tips his hat, swirls around 180 letting his cape swish out behind him, and simply walks out of the building, smiling at the shifter as he strides past him:

King Tius
2008-09-09, 11:16 PM
Only four posts? Where is everybody?

2008-09-10, 03:47 AM

The bugbear stares at the departing Sim, raising an eyebrow at his actions. He then turns back to the mayor.

"How much for a plot?"

2008-09-10, 09:42 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Adel just sits back to where he was cast aside, flabbergasted at the current situation, the prospect of monsters, the bickering, and the final absence of Sim. He was shocked, to say the least, eyes wide yet downcast, at an absolute loss for words. With a few solemn blinks, Adel simply resides where he stands, letting the others do the talking.

His inner voice, however, was roaring. Monsters? He hadn't signed up for that! This would certainly get him killed... but he did, on the otherhand, agree to the expedition, and if the mayor - his client - insisted on thwacking druids and innane bandits, an experience Adel was not quite looking forward.

With nothing more than a half-hearted nod, Adel doesnt ask any questions. Instead, he heads out to the campsite, determined to figure out how to put together a tent. How hard could it be, right?

2008-09-10, 09:58 AM
Only four posts? Where is everybody?
((OOC: Around. Sorry. I'll IC soon! Also, I'm assuming there were no issues with my taking a longsword and a longbow and requesting 6 arrows and a quiver from whomever claimed them ALL? :smalltongue:
I repeat my earlier queries:

Drago would've liked a longsword, a longbow and maybe a half-dozen arrows, plus his equal share of the cash (which is how much exactly? We've got how many people? And if the items are claimed the values should count against their shares, IMHO!), leaving the ring for someone less well protected, the potions for others to dither over and the wand to whomever wanted it.))

2008-09-10, 11:59 AM
((I'm here, I just... couldn't figure out a thing to say. :/ ))

2008-09-10, 02:44 PM

::As poor Adel tries (and fails) to set up a tent at the campsite, he fails to notice the loud clanking footsteps until they are right behind him. A heavy, almost painful tap on his shoulder causes him to reel around... to come face-to-chest with a large warforged, towering above him. The large metallic creature looks down on him, a red slit across his face for eyes but no other facial features. The hulking brute is plated all over in adamantine, and carries in its hand a large, elaborate glaive. Its eyes light up as it speaks::

Hello. I am Wun. I am your guardian.

(ooc: yeah, new character. my other guy was crap... beguiler is such a strange class, and i am terrible at roleplaying face-types. hope this doesnt bug anyone :smalltongue:)

King Tius
2008-09-10, 11:10 PM
OOG: Sim is now Wun, Bob’s your uncle and Fanny’s your aunt. The transition was a little rougher than I would have liked, but c’est la vie.

“A church to the Host, you say? We’ve built a small shrine near one of the larger trees for the time being, but we’ve all been too caught up to construct anything of substance. I know some Silver Flame missionaries came in on your wagon train, but I don’t think we’ve got anyone here on behalf of the Host. I’ll have one of my assistants look into the town plans and see if a space has been laid out. Check back in a day or two. As for the threats in the area I have an assistant who’s in charge of all that. His name is Haskul and you will be reporting primarily to him. He’s not in the building right now and he keeps the list of things that need takin’ care of. I can tell you that the bandits and the lizardfolk are near the top of the list, though.”

The mayor turns to regard Rhukaan and looks at him silently for a bit with a stern face. Finally, he sighs and replies to the bugbear. “I’m not sure on the numbers and it depends on where in town you want. Pick out a plot and come back.”

Turning back to the group he says “Haskul will be here bright and early with a list of your assignments. I suggest you take the day to explore town and get a feel for the place.”

After all questions are answered, the mayor bids you good evening and goes back to his office.

2008-09-11, 06:06 AM
Margana/Gloria (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margie handles the 'interview' with typical awkwardness, but a calm and contented determination washes over her as she leaves the office- it took effort, but she's eventually remembered that this is exactly where she wants to be and what she wants to be doing. She nods a polite goodbye at the mayor- and whoever else doesn't want to follow her, and sets off to explore the town in search of something good to do. ::

If Margie can find a centralized, established healer, she'll introduce herself to whoever is in charge, and if she finds injured workers, farmers, or animals, she'll try and make herself useful- and try very hard not to appear like a crazy lady.

2008-09-11, 11:19 AM
Bruggin Stonehammer

As the elf began shouting, his face morphing and flickering, Bruggin contemplated just hitting him as hard as he could with a gauntleted fist... but when the elf became revealed as a changeling, Bruggin did little more than raise an eyebrow; the Dwarf didn't bother watching the elf leave. Instead, he agreed with Hydalia.

"Aye, sir mayor, I've an eye oor two set upon workin' wi' tha Dwarves settin' oop shop here, but I've gotter handle yor work first. Have ye a map of tha region tha we can jab gauntleted fingars et an' bicker o'er afore ye step in an' show us yer leadership quality?" The last bit was spoken with obvious joking intentions, even if... Bruggin doesn't handle the sound of humor as well as, say, a trained court fool.

2008-09-11, 06:44 PM
Maizur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=70805)

::Disappointed he wasn't chosen for whatever it was everyone was fighting about and somewhat bored with all the talk, Maizur turns to slip out the room only to bump is face into the Warforged's stomach. Standing up from his usual stoop to get a better view of the newcomer, the shifter still has to look up to try to see if there is anything to the construct's face other then the single slit. Cocking his head to the side, the shifter waves an apologetic "hello" to the warforged with his fingers before stooping down again to make his way out of the office to find some dinner before "grabbing a patch of grass" for the night::

((I'm assuming Wun is a typical 6-foot plus tall Warforged :smallredface:))

2008-09-11, 06:58 PM

:Wun fails to acknowledge Maizur's greeting, and instead simply looks down at him. A few strange whirring noises come from near his head, but other than that he remains silent. As the shifter passes, Wun's head follows him until the distance between them is around 15 feet. At that point, Wun's head immedietly goes back to its former position, staring straight ahead:

(ooc: yeah, Wun is about 6'6". as for appearances, did you ever see The Day the Earth Stood Still? he looks like Gort, I just realized.)

2008-09-12, 04:05 AM

The bugbear left the mayor's office and stretched himself out, eyeing the warforged warily. He nodded his head towards Adel, then began exploring Merylsward, getting the lay of the land and trying to get a handle on the scents.

2008-09-12, 09:18 AM
Adel d'Cannith (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=4080)

Blinking sheepishly and eyebrows waggling, Adel stares on in disbelief at the metallic mammoth, unsure of what to do or say as he sat paralyzed, the wrong portion of the tent in one hand, and a piton in the other for which to secure it. Anyone with eyes could see the boy had no idea which end was which.

"I... erm... I-I think you m-may have me m-m-mistaken w-with someone else, uh... s-sir?" stammers the quasi-smith, unsure of how to address the hulking herculoid of a Warforged, more intimidated by the sudden and abrupt appearance, its introduction more than a bit odd, and frankly, shocking.

OOC: Sorry, had a wedding to attend the other day, so I apologize for the not-postingness.

2008-09-12, 03:13 PM

:Wun looks Adel up and down, his one eye slit seeming to glow. He then looks back at Adel and says::

Negative. I am a protector of the weak, the meek, and the generally helpless. Therefore, I am your guardian.

King Tius
2008-09-14, 04:43 PM
Margana searches the town and asks around about a healer. She hears that Khayla of the Twin Oaks is the only real healer in town. She is directed towards Khayla's tree-home near the edge of town but does not find anyone home. The Mayor nods to Bruggin. "I'll have Haskul bring you a map when you meet with him tomorrow. You spend the rest of the day however you please. Those who walk through town and ask around get a general feel of the place and scrounge up the following information:

”A Stroll Through Town”

The Town Hall: The first building constructed in New Meryslward! The ground for the foundation was broken ceremoniously by Baron Ir’Kusk himself. A ten foot wall surrounds the modest courtyard of this sturdy building. Clearly it was built first to act as a fort in case of need (what with there being no acropolis to build). Most of the rooms are currently being used for dry storage or lodging, though Mayor Brisby has taken an office for himself and one for his few underlings.

Elementally Unbound: The sign hung haphazardly in front of this half-finished building has its letters burned in the wood, though it looks like someone wrote them with a shaky blowtorch. The most notable feature of the building in its current state is the small swarm of elementals that seem to inhabit it. Around the outside two large sized earth creatures carry carefully hewn stone and place them along the walls. A fat and awkward looking homunculus teeters uneasily on the wall carrying a mortar board and spatula to secure the stones as the elementals place them down. Peeking inside from a safe distance, a small tornado whirls about the inside of the place moving crates and wooden beams with surprising accuracy. Once in a while a thin and unusually wiry and built gnome is seen scurrying about carrying an armload of tools or reagents. A cacophonous crash and a string of gnomish curses periodically break the dull rumble of the elementals. The curses seem to come from a particularly deep basement.

The Gilded Loon and the Red Moon Inn: The only other completely finished building in town, the Gilded Loon boasts a well crafted sign of a golden water bird spreading its wings before a crescent red moon. The sign is old and worn, clearly coming from some previous establishment. Upon the moon is painted the dragonmark symbol of House Ghallanda. Unlike most inns, the Loon holds no tavern or bar for rowdy clientele. It too is currently functioning as housing and storage like the Town Hall, though it still has a “vacancy” sign posted under the sign.

The Drunken Clam: (couldn’t help myself) Next to the Gilded Loon stands two walls of the town watering hole, still under construction. Inside the frame of the house a large pavilion style tent has been rigged. While the tavern may not be open yet, the bar sure is.

The Church of the Silver Flame: Though they arrived along with you, the Cleric of the Flame has taken his family to a double plot of land that appears to have been waiting for him. His children have helped him pitch the family tent and then they have immediately gone about erecting a primitive altar in the grass so they can begin holding services. Their arrival has spurred conversation among many of the mason workers and carpenters who feel that other house projects should be halted until the church is built. Quite a few more people seem to be grumbling that the church is that of the Flame and not the Sovereign Host.

Dockside Warehouse: Though no docks have been built yet, a large storage building is nearly finished being erected to encourage farmers to bring their wares to store here.

”Dwarves”: The name “dwarves” has been chiseled into a nice stone sitting in front of the lot. A large furnace is being built on the land by two dwarves, both with jet black hair and long braided pony tails. Unlike all the other buildings under construction, no masons are seen working on this building. Apparently these dwarves like to do things themselves. A large and sturdy wagon is parked inside the house’s plot which is full of pieces of metal and assorted weapons/armor. An anvil sits awkwardly in the ground where it was pushed off the wagon.

People of Interest

Mayor Brisby: Appointed by the Baron himself, Brisby is a large and even-handed man. He was with the first group of workers to arrive at New Merylsward and has been leading the building of the town with an almost military efficiency. The workers revere him and though he keeps to himself he occasionally makes an appearance at The Drunken Clam. Nobody as of yet has managed to pry his past out of him, but he seems to know which end of a sword to hold and how to get things done.

Khayla of the Twin Oaks: When the first foundations of the town were being dug, the good folk of New Merylsward were besieged by a small band of crazed druids. Wearing skulls on their clothing and calling forth swarms of insects, the half dozen of them took the workers by surprise. Luckily Getty’s elemental friends stay close at hand or else the town might never have gotten off the ground! Not two days after the attack Khayla appears in town, walking with two doe (does?) flanking her and bearing an olive branch. The slender and beautiful Elf explained to the town makers that the Eldeen Reaches are home to many types of druids and that she is much different from those who attacked. Offering her services to the budding town as a liaison to the local friendly druids and fey, Khayla has begun building, or rather growing, her home on the very edge of town. With her magical druidic powers she is causing a great oak to grow at an incredible speed. She can often be found working her ways on the tree or wandering through the shallower groves of the forest line, always with woodland creatures in tow like Snow White.

Getty Ginglegrook: The curious owner of “Elementally Unbound,” this little gnome is surprisingly lean and well built for a gnome. He keeps a small cadre of magical companions ranging from two large earth elementals and an air elemental to his odd little homunculi. It is rumored that Getty used to be one of the chief elemental binders for the famous airship factories before leaving and joining some nut-case cult.

The Workforged: A group of Warforged, now out of a job with there being no war, have banded together and formed a contract labor company. Run by the Cannith artificer who claims to have built every one of them, the Workforged have been hired to help clear the opening to the ocean. The Workforged keep almost entirely to themselves and do not assist in defending the town or its inhabitants as it is not “part of their contract.” Their “father” Hugo d’Cannith does all the talking on their behalf.

Cliffwalker Tribe: While the lands around the lake have become mostly inhabited with monstrous creatures, a small band of semi-nomadic shifters have also claimed the cliffs as part of their home. They have done nothing to help nor hinder the budding town and have presently moved off towards the eastern seaside cliffs. The arrival of the Silver Flame has caused some unrest among them.

Haskul: A tall and thin elf who always seems far too busy to give you the time of day. He is the mayor’s assistant who has been assigned to managing your tasks. He will inform you of any jobs that need doing around town, provided you ask nicely.

Oin and Gloin: The two dwarven brothers who have come to Merylsward to serve as "dwarves." Though this seems like enough of an explanation for them, they often have to explain to the other residents that they are armor and weapon smiths. Though they are still setting up their forge, they have brought along a few samples of their work which are far more impressive than what most have of the local farmers and masons have ever seen.

NOTE: These sections will be filled in and updated as the game progresses. I will likely move these lists to the front of this thread for easy access.

2008-09-15, 09:16 AM
Margana Sykes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69875)

:: Margie's newfound resolve- well, dissolves, when she reaches the edge of town and finds the tree that is the gratuitous display of Khayla's power. Right. Finding no one around, she asks one of her personalities to remind her to find the druid later, and sets up her camp for the night- a respectful distance from the tree, in the direction of civilization. Presumably, tomorrow is going to be busy. ::

And because I love using the Oracle power, does anything about Khayla's home or the stories told about her reveal of what kind of elf she is, or which of the druidy-splinter-philosophies she follows?

Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]

King Tius
2008-09-15, 03:22 PM
The Oracle imparts to Margana that Khayla must be a member of the Wardens of the Wood. She isn't of any particular renown but she did grow her own house faster than it took some people to build theirs. That's no parlor trick.

2008-09-15, 03:46 PM

Hydalia gives a brief snort leaving the Mayor's office.

"Fat lout ignored my questions completely. Bah."

sorry I've been gone >.< my internet has been out; I just got it back!

2008-09-15, 03:57 PM

"Fah, tha Mayor be providin' a map fer our use. Quit yer complainin'. We deserve a day ta rest our feet an' be glad t'be off'n tha road," Bruggin said, gruffly as always, but not in an especially hostile fashion. Something seemed to be on his mind.

Sir, I am hurt, as the only people of interest to me in this town are Oin and Gloin, yet there is no information for them up. Could I at least get a PM or something, since Bruggin spent the entire trip traveling specifically with the Dwarves?

King Tius
2008-09-15, 04:26 PM
Sorry Bruggin, didn't mean to leave them out! I'll edit them in right now

2008-09-15, 04:39 PM
(ooc: rpgramen hasn't been on in a while, and he seems to post on-and-off. since my character kinda requires that he be on or at least posting something, what do you suggest i do?)

2008-09-15, 08:30 PM
(ooc: double post, but i really wanna do something. so here goes.)


:Wun speaks all of a sudden:

You must find shelter. Humans require a safe place to sleep. Your attempts to build a tent are failing. Come, we are finding a place of refuge for you.

:Wun grabs the poor boy by the arm, with far more strength than is required for such a task, and drags him over to Margana. He uses one oversized, adamantine hand to point to Adel, and the other to keep an overly firm grip on the boy's arm:

Greetings human. This boy requires a shelter for the night. Tell me where we can find one.

King Tius
2008-09-15, 09:26 PM
OOG: If his posting becomes too sparse and interferes with your RPing, I can NPC him if need be. Try talking to RPG (who will read this, so I feel weird talking about him) to work something out.