View Full Version : Iron Avatarist Contest -- Summer Olympics 2008

Roland St. Jude
2008-07-30, 12:37 AM
Welcome to the latest edition of...
Iron Avatarist

This Iron Avatarist contest will be judged by

(Vorpal Tribble/Oblivion/Bookman/Serpentine/Possibly Pirate Roland)
(Final lineup subject to change - If any of you want to draw instead just let me know!)

Our theme this month is...
Summer Olympics

Whether it's drawing your nation's summer Olympic stars (past or present) in OotS form, or just generic athletes, or even drawing the OotS characters themselves vying for the gold, it's time for some Olympic-size fun. Make sure you stick to the Summer Games (http://en.beijing2008.cn/), so that we can save Winter Games for a more appropriate time.

Remember: All artwork must be your own. Do not take, alter, or use any of the The Giant's art. Thanks. :smallsmile:

As usual there will be a First through Third place award for each of the following, with trophies by Oblivion:

Best Olympic Avatar (single being, roughly avatar-sized)
Best Olympic Scene/Group (anything bigger than ^ or >1 being)
Best Olympic OotS
Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Best Olympic Erf-atar

And, as always, the Best Overall award.

As usual, I'll be giving the golden Roland’s Choice Award to the avatarist's creation that most appeals to my, admittedly ancient, sensibilities.

Ooh, and new this time, a Rookie Award granted to the best piece by someone who has never entered a Iron Avatarist Contest before. You can enter this in addition to whatever other category your work belongs to. Just note: ROOKIE with your image.

Every entry must include a bolded introduction as to what category you are trying to enter in.
Every entry must include a bolded introduction as to what your entry is.

For example:
Best Olympic Avatar
Roy as Olympic fencer

Only the avatarist who created the avatar may submit it.
However, you may submit old creations as long as they have never been entered into an Iron Avatar Thread before. It does not have to be something made specifically for this thread.

Please do not put your images in spoilers or post images that stretch the page.

All entries must be posted by August 30 at Noon Eastern Standard Time.

2008-07-30, 05:36 AM
Yay! My idea, 'twere listened to ^_^ Happy to judge this one. Incidentally, my favourite events are equestrian and gymnastics - especially the disasters :smallwink: The prancing that women have to do on the floor annoys me, though :smallyuk:

Ashen Lilies
2008-07-30, 07:15 AM
I'm doing a whole bunch of related images, but I'm posting this first one so I can brag about how I was the first to make an avatar. :smallamused:

Best Olympic OotS
Haley the Archer

2008-07-30, 07:32 AM
Nice, I have a good entry for this.

Ashen Lilies
2008-07-30, 08:21 AM
Image the 2nd. Also Haley. I think I'll do Elan next. (It's a cross-class skill!)

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group

Roland St. Jude
2008-07-30, 09:11 AM
Yay! My idea, 'twere listened to ^_^ Happy to judge this one. Incidentally, my favourite events are equestrian and gymnastics - especially the disasters :smallwink: The prancing that women have to do on the floor annoys me, though :smallyuk:

Hmm, yes, I had meant to include that bit of info. For all of you rookies out there, the rookie award was Serpentine's idea. :smallsmile:

2008-07-30, 09:11 AM
Oh...this will be fun...

*beings to plot*

2008-07-30, 10:25 AM
Hmm... I have an Idea...

2008-07-30, 10:56 AM
Hmm, yes, I had meant to include that bit of info. For all of you rookies out there, the rookie award was Serpentine's idea. :smallsmile:
Can I get it? *is noob at IA contest and can't really draw*

2008-07-30, 04:51 PM
Uh oh. I don't know anything about the Olympics!

2008-07-30, 05:10 PM
Best Olympic Scene/Group
He's good with a blade, but he doesn't know the French


Best Olympic Scene/Group
Someone should tell him it's not like that anymore...


2008-07-30, 11:20 PM
Ok, lets see how many of us actually remember this (http://www.allcareproducts.com/images/longevity/wheaties.jpg):

Best Olympic Avatar
Bruce Jenner Wheaties Box

2008-07-30, 11:29 PM
Best Olympic Scene/Group
Someone should tell him it's not like that anymore...


This one made me laugh. :smallbiggrin:

Ninja Chocobo
2008-07-31, 05:52 AM
Rookie Award

:smallfrown:The one award I could have won, directly AFTER I could have been eligible for it.

I don't think I'll be entering this. There's really nothing I can think of.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-07-31, 07:21 AM
Awesome theme! Anyone that's lacking an idea just ask me. I got tons!

V casting Expeditious Retreat and beating Michael Johnson.
Belkar High Jump... and coming down at the judge who gave him a bad score with a dagger.
Thog Won Shiny Cup!
Elan leading whatever those canoe-thingy events are with bardic music, 'Row, Row, Row your boat!'
Xykon Olympics (think Mr. Stiffly and use your imagination)
V lighting torch with FIREBALL!
MITD chasing after the guy/gal with the torch to get light.
Roy's running with torch with his Archon as the flame (I'm an olympian!).
Demon Roach Olympics

... and more.

Gonna have to agree with Gymnastics as my favorite Olympic sport. 1996 was the best ever for that. I'm also a soccer fan and the shotput and stuff is cool. Actually, the Olympics are just cool period.

2008-07-31, 08:58 AM
Best Avatar
Javelin Catcher


Wow I've just realized how horrible those look...

2008-07-31, 09:11 AM
Awesome theme! Anyone that's lacking an idea just ask me. I got tons!

Thog Won Shiny Cup!
Elan leading whatever those canoe-thingy events are with bardic music, 'Row, Row, Row your boat!'
V lighting torch with FIREBALL!

Way ahead of you here, VT. WAY ahead of you. :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-31, 09:13 AM
Awesome theme! Anyone that's lacking an idea just ask me. I got tons!

V casting Expeditious Retreat and beating Michael Johnson.
Belkar High Jump... and coming down at the judge who gave him a bad score with a dagger.
Thog Won Shiny Cup!
Elan leading whatever those canoe-thingy events are with bardic music, 'Row, Row, Row your boat!'
Xykon Olympics (think Mr. Stiffly and use your imagination)
V lighting torch with FIREBALL!
MITD chasing after the guy/gal with the torch to get light.
Roy's running with torch with his Archon as the flame (I'm an olympian!).
Demon Roach Olympics

... and more.

Gonna have to agree with Gymnastics as my favorite Olympic sport. 1996 was the best ever for that. I'm also a soccer fan and the shotput and stuff is cool. Actually, the Olympics are just cool period.
I might just try some of these things and combine them into a comic when I get back...

2008-07-31, 09:23 AM
Awesome theme! Anyone that's lacking an idea just ask me. I got tons!

V casting Expeditious Retreat and beating Michael Johnson.
Belkar High Jump... and coming down at the judge who gave him a bad score with a dagger.
Thog Won Shiny Cup!
Elan leading whatever those canoe-thingy events are with bardic music, 'Row, Row, Row your boat!'
Xykon Olympics (think Mr. Stiffly and use your imagination)
V lighting torch with FIREBALL!
MITD chasing after the guy/gal with the torch to get light.
Roy's running with torch with his Archon as the flame (I'm an olympian!).
Demon Roach Olympics

... and more.

Gonna have to agree with Gymnastics as my favorite Olympic sport. 1996 was the best ever for that. I'm also a soccer fan and the shotput and stuff is cool. Actually, the Olympics are just cool period.

Whew, you didn't suggest any of the ones I had planned out. (though these are all good)

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-31, 04:20 PM
Curiosity got the better of me. :smalltongue:
Luckily I can say the same as qwernt, almost - I had a thought of using belkar in the high jump (before I felt I ran out of time with all other ideas whelming up).
But the suggestions are funny and I hope we see quite a few of them entered. :smallsmile:

But now I have to leave this place before something I really don't want to see shows up and get me despirited. Good luck to everyone!

2008-07-31, 10:42 PM
Actually, a couple of VT's are pretty close to mine.

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Paralyze of Gold

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Pulled Stitches

2008-08-01, 07:36 AM
My computer with inkscape is fixed! Time to celebrate with an IA entry.

Best Olympic Oots-
Belkar Wins by Default:

2008-08-01, 11:13 AM
:smallfrown:The one award I could have won, directly AFTER I could have been eligible for it.

Me too.... *sigh*

*goes off to think of entry*

Free Hand
2008-08-01, 11:35 AM
You may as well all quit now for I have entered the contest!!

Below are my first entries, I've composed them in a comic format and have separate images beneath that.

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group


Best Olympic OotS


He starts off and..


He gets a perfect 10!

2008-08-01, 08:07 PM
O lol dude that was awesome. First place!

And VT you stole my idea...now I don't feel original at all...

2008-08-01, 08:14 PM
I have no artistic ability but someone should do a OoTS of Roy as Jesse Owens holding all his medals with Xykon in the background as Hitler with a voice bubble saying this @#&%(censored random swear word)

Owens earned 4 gold medals.

Free Hand
2008-08-01, 08:31 PM
Heres a freebie since I can't think of a good enough way of doing it.

Did you guys know that Hitler came up with the idea of the Olympic torch? I want to see someone try to pull a comic off with this tidbit in mind simply because it amuses me to know end!

2008-08-02, 02:56 AM
Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Longer Jump

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
She Shoots, She Scores

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Thog Fences

Is there a special prize for most entries? :smallwink:

2008-08-03, 05:21 AM
I'm no artist, but I have ideas:
* Opening ceremony, with a dispute as to who represents Azure City, the hobbos, or the exiles.
* Equestrian where all paladin mounts are allowed, including Argent and Razor.
* V giving a speech about the meaning of sport and fair play and putting everyone to sleep.
* Diving into Halfling Drop Soup.
* Haley wins 17 golds, then is stripped of them when it is found she used an unauthorized potion.
* Wrestling, where Elan gives his opponent a unitard wedgie.

2008-08-03, 06:43 PM
seeing as someone already used the fencing idea, I'm submitting this


if it's any consolation, I know it's lame too

2008-08-04, 11:16 AM
Bullet throwing!

Best Olympic Scene/Group

get it?

2008-08-04, 03:26 PM
Does anyone know a good (read: easy) way to make tennis/badminton/volleyball nets in Inkscape? Or, failing that, to make lines/curves of different lengths parallel to each other?

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-04, 03:45 PM
alexeduardo, don't forget to write which class you are entering your pieces (in bold typesetting). Information is in the first post. :smallsmile:

Kd7sov, It depends on how complex the net is. I would probably do a nice curved line and then duplicate it, moving the clone to the right position. There I could change the curve marginally to make it look right while cutting of eventual odd corners with the "remove node"-tool (the one with a minus on it on paths, just make a node where you want the line to end and cut of the others).

Hopefully it will be of some help - if I have explained awfully (that is you don't get what I mean) or someone else got something better (or just an other way) - just post. :smallsmile:

2008-08-04, 03:53 PM
The only way I could say would be to do it by eye. If you want to make them perfectly parallel and straight, use ctrl while making the lines, then space them equally use the coordinate thingie at the top.

2008-08-04, 07:16 PM
alexeduardo, don't forget to write which class you are entering your pieces (in bold typesetting). Information is in the first post. :smallsmile:

Kd7sov, It depends on how complex the net is. I would probably do a nice curved line and then duplicate it, moving the clone to the right position. There I could change the curve marginally to make it look right while cutting of eventual odd corners with the "remove node"-tool (the one with a minus on it on paths, just make a node where you want the line to end and cut of the others).

Hopefully it will be of some help - if I have explained awfully (that is you don't get what I mean) or someone else got something better (or just an other way) - just post. :smallsmile:

tanks, I've changed it.
btw, how many entries can you submit?

2008-08-04, 08:20 PM
Unlimited as far as I know.

2008-08-04, 09:01 PM
best scene


2008-08-04, 10:33 PM
Best OOtS Scene/Group

Also, the 1st thing I've ever done in Inkscape :D

2008-08-06, 01:13 PM
I'm a little rusty and on a new computer but I figured I'd whip up an icon in honor of the Olympics!

Best Olympic Avatar
The Olympic Torch Arrives in Beijing

Reference and smaller size:



2008-08-06, 02:35 PM
Best Olympic OotS

blind pete goes to the olimpics!

funny thing, he shot five people and missed the target by 20 kilometers, but still managed to score higher than the mexican team

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-10, 02:00 PM
Well, time to show my ugly face around here again. As I apparently can't think of images with less than 10 people in them, I yet again enter into the groupcathegory. :smalltongue:

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Savage Competition

My original thought was to post my three main entries at once, but it might be more fun to keep the thread somewhat updated. :smallsmile:
So now I'll go and start working on the second one.

2008-08-10, 02:39 PM
I love the Judge! Brilliant! :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-10, 02:39 PM
Best Olympic OotS
Thog doesn't quite understand the rules of Judo


Best Avatar


More to come, probably more judo themed ones. :smallbiggrin:

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-10, 03:35 PM
Btw, is the judges right knee gone for you too? Might have to upload it again.

2008-08-10, 04:15 PM
oops... didn't see this second page, so my entry has nothing to do with the above shark picture... (I thought of it the moment I saw "Iron Avatarist Olympics")

Best Olympic Avatar
O-Chul's Escape (did I spell O-chul right?)


As you can sorta see, I sorta got a little lazy with the lane-lines and the pool, but that's ok...

2008-08-10, 04:32 PM
Whew. Had this idea in mind since pretty much the start of the contest, but didn't have the time to finish it. I finally had a day off, and managed to put it together the way I wanted.

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
And the Judges Say...

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-08-10, 05:21 PM
Haha, nice Zarah.

Btw, Tsofu, that is really well down and has an incredible amount of detail... but I can't quite make out half of what is actually going on in that.

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-11, 12:21 AM
Sheepofoblivion, we shouldn't need to say that sort of thing (that pics aren't connected). It would probably taken me atleast 2 days to do smth like your picture (due to timerestraints). ^^
If anything people could say I sort of got the idea from happyturtle (wich I certainly didn't, due to the time it took to make the image). :smalltongue:

Zarah - :smallbiggrin:

TVT, I suppose I just have to blame myself for not following the advice in the first post (don't make 'em bigger than they need to be). But the only thing really hard to spot would be all the darn olympic rings I put in, and maybe some smaller details - but if you look long enough you'll probably see most of it. :smallwink:

And to all, nice that people are posting again - it is fun to have a new entry every now and then.

2008-08-11, 02:46 AM
uuh *AHEM*
best oots Olympic scene
Roy and Elan boxing
was that right...? anyway

2008-08-11, 09:34 AM
Ah well, no more rookie...
Anyhow, this had to be done.

Best Olympic Scene
'Red wunz go fasta!
http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/4298/luferxl8.png (http://imageshack.us)

So long,Arokh.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-08-11, 10:13 AM
Oh, he so needs his rocket boots...

TVT, I suppose I just have to blame myself for not following the advice in the first post (don't make 'em bigger than they need to be). But the only thing really hard to spot would be all the darn olympic rings I put in, and maybe some smaller details - but if you look long enough you'll probably see most of it.
Not saying hard to spot, just hard to understand. Like...

#1. What's that on fire?
#2. What's going on with that helmet there?
#3. Go Baby/Audience Demands Action?

2008-08-11, 10:33 AM
Best Olyimpic Avatar


If you saw the opening ceremonies you could not have missed this special moment.
A moment in which China got together as one to say

2008-08-11, 10:56 AM
also, who can ever forget this next scene?

Best Olyimpic Avatar

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-11, 11:32 AM
Not saying hard to spot, just hard to understand. Like...

#1. What's that on fire?
#2. What's going on with that helmet there?
#3. Go Baby/Audience Demands Action?

Thank you, its nice to know I just don't make sense. :smalltongue:
As the answer is quite long and I don't want to bore more than necessary I have spoilered it:
#1. I suppose you mean the Olympic torch that the judge hold in his right hand.
#2. Three helmets, but I think you mean the one (at the left frame) handled by the lady in yellow. It is just about to set itself hard, back-to-front on the intervening hobgoblingcasters head interrupting vision.
#3. "Go baby", well I allowed the audience to bring banners, this one is lateral thou as our hobgoblin use one of his hands to reach for his own face (the banner is in between two staffs, and need two people or atleast two hands) - showing fear (and who wouldn't with his girlfriend in the same pool as a shark?).
"Audience demands action", well I think that swimming can be quite boring, so I gave Belkar his placate reflecting my views upon him. :smallredface: And I thought he would probably don't mind it as there is quite a limited supply of allowed sports involving daggers and fighting to the death. ANd I thought it might be a bit comical that he actually might miss the action he demonstrated for. (Good jokes don't need to be explained, so I send this one a long way down on the list. :smalltongue:)
I'll see if I will do the same mistake in the next image. :smallwink:

2008-08-11, 04:11 PM
Best Olympic Scene
Red Ogre Clan takes the Field

First entry into the Iron Avatarist, wish me luck.

2008-08-11, 11:28 PM
...'nother one, after seeing the opening ceremony with all the boxes full of kids waving to the audience, I couldn't help but think of this:

Best Olympic Scene/Group
What If....


(if you don't get it, think Azure City, Little Children...)

@V: pssssst, H-i-T but your image in a spoiler, it's stretching the screen

2008-08-12, 04:57 PM
Best Olympic Scene/Group
On the Podium

2008-08-13, 01:39 PM
Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Elan, Celia, and O-Chul


2008-08-13, 07:16 PM
V lighting torch with FIREBALL!
And here it is:

Best Olympic OotS
V Lights The Torch


2008-08-13, 07:38 PM
Martial Artists in the playground may recognize this scene:

Best Group
Athens 2004 - Tae-Kwon Do Finals
Moon Dae Sung (KOR) v. Alexandros Nikolaidis (GRE)
Moon wins by K.O.

2008-08-13, 08:10 PM
Best Olympic Avatar
America Takes the Silver

2008-08-13, 08:11 PM
Best Olympic Avatar
Canada Takes the Gold

2008-08-13, 08:12 PM
Best Olympic Avatar
Japan Takes the Bronze

2008-08-13, 08:13 PM
Best Olympic OotS
Elan Takes the Gold

2008-08-13, 08:15 PM
Best Olympic OotS
Celia Takes the Silver

2008-08-13, 08:16 PM
Best Olympic OotS
O-Chul Takes the Bronze

Ninja Chocobo
2008-08-13, 08:32 PM
I believe that you are unaware of the criteria for Best Avatar.
The images have to be roughly avatar-sized, i.e. ~120x120 or lower.
Your latest entries are about 413x322 pixels. That's 118586 pixels too big.

2008-08-13, 08:55 PM
I believe that you are unaware of the criteria for Best Avatar.
The images have to be roughly avatar-sized, i.e. ~120x120 or lower.
Your latest entries are about 413x322 pixels. That's 118586 pixels too big.

Avatar size is much preferred, but not strictly required. Somewhere around 117 square or 120 square is prefereable, though.
It is preferable but not required, so I think they are fine.

2008-08-14, 01:32 AM
But did you really have to post them all in seperate images?

(also, your podium ones are too big, they stretch the screen. That applies to Alexduardo to, even if it is in a spoiler, it's not just perferred, it's required.)

(...I think)

2008-08-14, 01:58 AM
Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
But words don't hurt!

2008-08-14, 12:37 PM
But did you really have to post them all in seperate images?

(also, your podium ones are too big, they stretch the screen. That applies to Alexduardo to, even if it is in a spoiler, it's not just perferred, it's required.)

(...I think)
I thought they had to be in separate posts. Sorry. This is my first time in an IA. I fixed the ones that stretched the page. Are they better now?

2008-08-14, 02:02 PM
I thought they had to be in separate posts. Sorry. This is my first time in an IA. I fixed the ones that stretched the page. Are they better now?

Yeah, that's better... (now Kigganaku! and AlexDuardo! make your images smaller!)

Occasional Sage
2008-08-14, 02:10 PM
Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
But words don't hurt!

Seriously, seriously brilliant. The real-world reference is great, the reprise of a running OotS gag is clever, and the inclusion of your other entry on the screen is genius.

2008-08-14, 02:15 PM
Best Group/Scene
Athens - 2004 - Tae-Kwon Do Finals
Version 2


2008-08-14, 04:55 PM
Yeah, that's better... (now Kigganaku! and AlexDuardo! make your images smaller!)

Fixed now. Meynolds, nice scene.

2008-08-14, 06:40 PM
Best OotS Group scene
how the casters fence
oh no! I forgot to add

best oots Group scene
Lime-Green or not gold is gold
if I post enough ideas I've got to win something right?:smallconfused:

2008-08-15, 03:32 AM
best oots Group scene
Lime-Green or not gold is gold

if I post enough ideas I've got to win something right?:smallconfused:

I thought someone would beat me to this one, Though I was thinking to have Thog in Jet-Skates vs Haley in the boots of speed... I think yours is simplier and clearer. Well done.

As for the post enough and win - that has been my approach.

Oh, and Occasional Sage - Thanks!

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-15, 11:24 AM
Heh, well the boots are in the competition then *muttering and looks at my own image*. Well, fruit worked last time so why not? :smallwink:

I really like the last two, and you got a nice expression on haley there - although I had to look a bit to notice the tounge (it is one isn't it?).
And post on, qwernt need some competition for the "most entries in the competitionaward". :smalltongue:
I'll go back and painfully slowly make some progress.

2008-08-15, 12:05 PM
Heh, well the boots are in the competition then *muttering and looks at my own image*. Well, fruit worked last time so why not? :smallwink:

I really like the last two, and you got a nice expression on haley there - although I had to look a bit to notice the tounge (it is one isn't it?).

yeah it is, also YES positive feedback:smallbiggrin:

2008-08-16, 07:04 AM
Here's my entry

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Belkar at the Javelin Throw


And bigger

For those wondering, Belkar threw a stick, remember the Halfling games :smallsmile:
(I didn't know if it was an OotS scene or not)

2008-08-16, 11:20 PM
Best Olympic Avatar
Michael Phelps

(that would explain it, right?)

2008-08-17, 09:32 AM
Best Olympic Oots
Monster in the Smog

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-17, 02:25 PM
Best Olympic Avatar 118x120
Gustav Larsson
This one without a background.

And with grey background for white messageboards:

Bigger images can be supplied on demand, although I don't think there is any. :smallwink:

Everyone who knows who this man is and what he did, please raise a hand. :smalltongue:
And for the rest:
On the 13th of August, 2008, Larsson won a silver medal in the 2008 Olympic Games, for his 2nd place in the Men's Individual Time Trial. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Larsson)

I bow for those (not nordic or spanish) people who knew the answer. *Bows*

2008-08-19, 01:34 AM
Best Olympic Oots
Monster in the Smog

Excellent idea!

Add an entry:
Best Olympic Erf-atar
Marbit Hurdler
One of the few that I like zoomed in a bit more...

2008-08-21, 02:46 AM
Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
OotS 20 meets the Olympics

(yeah, I could have done "Call Lightning" as well... but #20 is about the best OotS ever)

2008-08-22, 11:36 PM
Best Olympic Avatar
Belkar learns that shooting is an Olympic sport

http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7886/g2507di8.png (http://imageshack.us)

whoops, too small. rehost soon

2008-08-23, 12:15 AM
Haha, that's great, Qwernt.

Bolt really is superhuman.

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-24, 11:51 AM
Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
:roy:: Well, it can't get any worse...

I like that erf-atar qwernt, it feels like you captured the speed nicely! :smallsmile:

2008-08-26, 04:24 AM
So. 10m diving. China's the favourite, Australia's never won anything, the Aussie entrant - apparently the only openly gay Australian olympian at these games - doesn't expect to get any medal. Then he totally nails his dive, and not only wins gold but gets the highest score of any diver in any olympics ever.
Awesome? Totally.
Avatarable? I hope so!

2008-08-26, 11:32 AM
ROOKIE: Best Olympic OotS Olympic Scene

Belkar misunderstands the Shooting Contest

:belkar: WHAT?! I'll have you know that shooting is a valid Olympic sport!
http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/5134/path4600zh5.png (http://imageshack.us)

I'll make one more version, with a background and more charcters(celia witrh orange patinbrush and file saying, "I'm on it!")

2008-08-26, 09:01 PM
Here's my entry

Best Olympic OotS Scene/Group
Belkar at the Javelin Throw


And bigger

For those wondering, Belkar threw a stick, remember the Halfling games :smallsmile:
(I didn't know if it was an OotS scene or not)
Okay, that is funny. Also, how do you become a judge? Do you have to be chosen, or can you just ask?

2008-08-27, 04:52 AM
...now I'm trying to remember how I became a judge, and it only happened a few months ago :smallconfused: I think it's generally pretty much just the IA ol'-timers (I even took part in one or two run by Wukei! :smalleek:), and I believe it was vaguely invite-slash-expression of interest.

2008-08-27, 08:05 AM
Okay, that is funny. Also, how do you become a judge? Do you have to be chosen, or can you just ask?

For me, I used to participate in many IA (I'm also a Wukei old timer, i.e., when Wukei used to run the IA contests before Roland). At some point, Roland asked people (through a post) if they would be interested to either become a judge or to make trophies. If I remember right, it was at a time where judges and trophy makers were less stable than now, because it was people that used to do it for a while and I guess grew tired of doing it.

So, I volunteered in the post, and a couple of months later, I got a PM from Roland asking me if I wanted to make trophies for a IA because the usual trophy maker was not available. After a little while, the other person withdraw from the job (I think he didn't have time anymore) so I became the main person who's making the IA trophies.

And some couple of months later, Roland was missing some people to be the judge for an IA, so he asked me if I wanted to fill in. I've been a judge since then. So the process to become a judge has took some time for me.

But I guess that in order to become a judge, you need some experience in IA contests. So keep participating and keep an eye on a post (mostly from Roland) that could advertise some openings. :smallsmile:

Roland St. Jude
2008-08-27, 11:24 AM
Okay, that is funny. Also, how do you become a judge? Do you have to be chosen, or can you just ask?

Most judges have come from this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31675). Feel free to post there (notwithstanding that it'd be thread necromancy) and consider yourself generally in the mix somewhere. When I need new judges/trophy artists, that's where I typically go. In fact, let's take all this business talk over there and let the drawy bits take center stage here. :smallcool:

2008-08-27, 12:46 PM
One quick entry

Best Olympic OotS
Demon Roaches as Fire Carriers


2008-08-27, 08:22 PM
One quick entry

Best Olympic OotS
Demn Roaches as Fire Carriers


This one makes me laugh. Good stuff

2008-08-30, 01:31 AM
Yess! Not (quite) too late!

Best Olympic Scene/Group
Colosso 2008: Badminton

Man, I really hate hair. Which is probably why I picked Azart as the opponent.

For those not in the know, Colosso is a gladiatorial event in the video game Golden Sun.

Best Olympic Scene/Group
Colosso 2008: Basketball

Curiously, Garet's hair was a lot easier than I expected. I have no idea what team(s) the Golden Sun crew are on.

Best Olympic Scene/Group
Colosso 2008: Boxing

Hurrah for any excuse to draw as little hair as possible. The guy with his back to us is Agatio; the other is Piers. The poles holding up the ropes are supposed to be ice- and fire-themed to reflect the contestants.

I think it's obvious that I know next to nothing about boxing.

Best Olympic Scene/Group
Colosso 2008: Kayaking

I really liked making this one.

Best Olympic Scene/Group
Colosso 2008: Fencing

I have no idea why Isaac and Jenna (yes, that's Isaac) are competing against each other, considering that they're from the same town.

Hurrah for cameos. The audience includes one Anonymous Faceless Individual, Helen Narbon, and Dave Davenport (both from Narbonic (http://www.narbonic.com)) I really liked how Helen turned out, although I probably should have made her "evil" bigger. Dave really disappointed me. I didn't really expect to do his shirt/coat thing very well, but the rest of him could very much be better. Especially his hair and beard. Also he's supposed to be facepalming, not adjusting his glasses. I had intended to have Lupin Madblood somewhere in the back of the audience either sulking or glaring at Dave, but I ran out of time and the audience never really showed up.

2008-08-30, 02:30 AM
Can't help one last pun

Best Olympic Avatar

and no, I don't know what makes this either funny or OotS, but I enter it anyway:smallbiggrin:

2008-08-30, 06:29 AM
Best Olympic Scene/Group
Colosso 2008: Boxing

Is the guy in the lower left corner nude?:smallconfused:


2008-08-30, 12:33 PM
ROOKIE: Best Olympic OotS Olympic Scene

Belkar misunderstands the Shooting Contest

:belkar: WHAT?! I'll have you know that shooting is a valid Olympic sport!
http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/5134/path4600zh5.png (http://imageshack.us)

I'll make one more version, with a background and more charcters(celia witrh orange patinbrush and file saying, "I'm on it!")

Can't make another one... oh well! I'm still a rookie :smalltongue:


2008-08-30, 12:44 PM
Can't help one last pun

Best Olympic Avatar

and no, I don't know what makes this either funny or OotS, but I enter it anyway:smallbiggrin:

Yes!!! the force is strong with this one.

seriously, this should win

2008-08-30, 03:03 PM
Contest is now closed! said the moderators....:smalltongue:

2008-08-30, 03:50 PM
Is the guy in the lower left corner nude?:smallconfused:


Ah, no. I just forgot to distinguish his pants.

It seems that every picture I make has to have at least one thing missing that I intended to include. Probably it's to keep me humble.

Roland St. Jude
2008-08-30, 05:48 PM
Contest is now closed! said the moderators....:smalltongue:

Did I say that already? Hmm, well it is closed whether I say it or not. :smallsmile:

Keep an eye out for our next Iron Avatarist contest coming soon!

2008-08-30, 06:03 PM
How long will it take for the results to come in?

Midnight Son
2008-08-30, 06:42 PM
How long will it take for the results to come in?Shorter than you can imagine, but longer than you would believe. Or something like that. I'm misquoting from somewhere.

2008-08-30, 07:34 PM
Did I say that already? Hmm, well it is closed whether I say it or not. :smallsmile:

Keep an eye out for our next Iron Avatarist contest coming soon!

nah, I just decided to say it myself... it *was* noon ... ish

(that happens a lot at water polo while my coach is coacing the varsity portion of the team. "umm....... hello?.... ok.... umm I guess.... group 1, go!")

Elder Tsofu
2008-08-31, 06:27 AM
Aw man, it was 30?! :smallsigh:
Very well, I suppose I'll save my last one for my own pleasure then. :smallwink:

Good luck to all participants!
(and good luck to the judges, may your choices be the right ones)

2008-08-31, 09:03 AM
How long will it take for the results to come in?

Usually it's about a month, they report the results when they close the next IA thread.

2008-09-17, 10:19 PM
soooo.... when do we get the results?

2008-09-18, 02:15 AM
Usually it's about a month, they report the results when they close the next IA thread.You could always look up a post :smallwink:

2008-09-18, 09:26 PM
Well, nhey! :smallyuk:

Occasional Sage
2008-09-25, 05:01 PM
soooo.... when do we get the results?

For other people wondering the same thing: Abuse of Status (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89648) closes 9/30. Just five days more!

Roland St. Jude
2008-09-27, 12:12 AM
I had intended to post the results this weekend. The awards are done and votes tallied. But SP1 for Vista killed my computer. I'm told my files are recoverable, but it may be a while. So there may be a slight delay. :smallannoyed:

Roland St. Jude
2008-09-29, 09:06 PM
And now, without further delay...The Results for IA Summer Olympics 2008...

Best Avatar
Gustav Larsson by Elder Tsofu

The Olympic Torch Arrives in Beijing by Ava

Bruce Jenner Wheaties Box by Qwernt

Best Group
Athens 2004 - Tae-Kwon Do Finals - Meynolds

Arokh - 'Red wunz go fasta!

Colosso 2008: Badminton by Kd7sov

Best OotS
Haley the Archer by KidKris

Demon Roaches as Fire Carriers by Kwarkpudding

Free Hand - He starts off and..

Best OotS Scene/Group
And the Judges Say... by Zarah

Pulled Stitches by Qwernt

Savage Competition by Elder Tsofu

Best Erf
Qwernt - Marbit Hurdler

Best Rookie
Thog doesn't quite understand the rules of Judo by Exeson

O-Chul's Escape by sheepofoblivion

how the casters fence by Nevitan

Best Overall
Savage Competition by Elder Tsofu

Roland's Choice
How Casters Fence by Nevitan...very nice, especially for a rookie! Well done!

Thanks as always to the great judges and specifically to Oblivion for another really gorgeous set of trophies! Well done all, enjoy the next couple contests and see you all in 2012! :smallwink:

2008-09-29, 09:09 PM
Whoo! I gots an award!

does victory dance to "any way you want it" (just because it's playing right now) :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-29, 09:10 PM
How Casters Fence by Nevitan...very nice, especially for a rookie! Well done!

Thank you very much!
Two awards! YES!

Roland St. Jude
2008-09-29, 11:41 PM
How Casters Fence by Nevitan...very nice, especially for a rookie! Well done!

Thank you very much!
Two awards! YES![/QUOTE]

You're welcome (for the Roland's Choice Award) - it's quite an acheivement given that I almost always go for the cheap pun entry. :smallwink:

2008-09-29, 11:44 PM
Thank you very much!
Two awards! YES!

You're welcome (for the Roland's Choice Award) - it's quite an acheivement given that I almost always go for the cheap pun entry. :smallwink:[/QUOTE]

Man, I can't wait to get started on the next one :smallbiggrin:

Elder Tsofu
2008-09-30, 12:47 AM
Oh, I got more golds than Sweden! (no big feat thou :smallwink:). I may have to shrink the awards in my signature...

Grats on the Rolands award nevitan, I really liked your entry. :smallsmile:

2008-09-30, 06:06 AM
given that I almost always go for the cheap pun entry. :smallwink:
*takes note*

And grongratulations to all the winners!

Ninja Chocobo
2008-09-30, 06:43 AM
Best Rookie

Still bitter about that being instated one month after my first entry ever.:smallannoyed:

2008-09-30, 07:37 AM
Hey Roland,

Just want to let you know that you posted the wrong trophies for the OotS Group category... :smallredface:

Btw, congrats to everyone! :smallsmile:

Elder Tsofu
2008-09-30, 09:15 AM
Hey Roland,

Just want to let you know that you posted the wrong trophies for the OotS Group category... :smallredface:

Btw, congrats to everyone! :smallsmile:

Wee, how fun - I wondered if you had become lazy or if it was a mistake. :smalltongue:

Great trophies btw, and congratulations to the judges - you seem to have done an good job once again. [insert applause here]

2008-09-30, 09:49 AM
Demon Roaches as Fire Carriers by Kwarkpudding

I won something! :smallbiggrin:

That's one thing I didn't expect.

Congratulations to all the others, aswell :smallsmile:

2008-09-30, 11:46 AM
Yay, I won a trophy. It is a shame my pc died so I lost my group picture but I don't mind. :smallsmile:

2008-09-30, 12:26 PM
Yep, I knew my OotS stuff wouldn't win a gold - too much good competition... that is why I added the Erf-atar. Easier to win when you are only competing against yourself ... though a loss in that scenario is really embarrassing.

Congrats all, lots of good entries.

2008-09-30, 07:51 PM
Congrats to all who won something! Including me (hehehe!!!)

runs off in victory!

2008-09-30, 08:40 PM
Two awards, sweet. Though it does list the same drawing.

Is it one for each version I made (One w/background one w/o)? Or was someone else supposed to get a trophy?

Roland St. Jude
2008-09-30, 09:04 PM
Just want to let you know that you posted the wrong trophies for the OotS Group category...

Oops. Fixed.

Two awards, sweet. Though it does list the same drawing.

Is it one for each version I made (One w/background one w/o)? Or was someone else supposed to get a trophy?

Double oops. Fixed now.

Occasional Sage
2008-10-02, 01:25 AM
Hey, results! Good job, everybody, and congratulations to the winners!

*goes to look at winning entries*