View Full Version : City of Heroes

Green Bean
2008-07-30, 01:28 AM
So, I recently found a copy of City of Heroes/Villains on sale, and decided to pick it up. Does anyone have any good advice on a good solo build? Personally, I'm looking into either a Scrapper or a Blaster. Anyone have any recommendations?

On a side note, do any of the more technical minded of you know how CoH works with regards to international borders? I have the European version, but I'm going back to Canada at the end of the summer. Will I be able to keep my characters?

2008-07-30, 01:51 AM
You can play it just fine from wherever you are. I'm in Europe, and play on the American servers since I started playing before the game was released in Europe. You'll keep your characters and can keep playing with your friends :)

For soloing, scrappers are the best at it. They have no downtime, can withstand lots of damage and are among the best damage dealers in the game :)

When it comes to builds, I'd suggest keeping in mind that most things at higher levels are resistant to lethal and smashing damage. So things like fire and dark melee are possibly the best in the later stages of the game, but everything works fine tbh.

The new mindpower defense is a very easy powerset for beginners, as it keeps you alive with a minimum of fuss. Regeneration is also a great choice.

All in all, if you pick a scrapper, you can't really go wrong. It's the best soloer in the game, so I'd just focus on finding a suitable theme for your character and go with it :)

If you want more detailed recommendation, just ask, I'll be more than happy to help try to assist you :)

Green Bean
2008-07-30, 07:54 AM
The update's finally downloaded, so I'm the proud new owner of a Dark/Regen Scrapper. Any specific tactics/powers I should use?

Mr. Mud
2008-07-30, 08:22 AM
CoH!!! Good game... very good game... as for build I never liked Scrapers much, but I did have a Tough-Talking, Cigar-Chomping Blaster who was very powerful...

As for the server thing, I have no clue but if wikipedia (http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_Heroes#Servers) doesn't help, I don't think anything can.

Good luck.

Didn't read the newest post :smallbiggrin:.

For a Scraper...:

Broad Sword - A nice powerset, albeit very one-dimensional. Every power is basically the same. Kill what you have targeted. Either get both or neither AoEs. Aside from that, get whatever powers you'd like. The most damaging up front of the primaries.

Claws - A powerset with low damage and low recharges. It has very long animation times, however. Swipe does very little damage and has a very long animation time. I'd advise against it. Strike and Slash are much better. They also have long animation times, but much better damage.

Dark Melee - Shadow Punch isn't worth it. With Perma-Hasten, it's more efficient to sit there and Smite over and over than it is to Shadow Punch. Smite and Shadow Maul are your one-two punch until level 32. Luckily, your one-two punch is incredibly strong. Smite/Shadow Maul will kill just about anything, and once you get to SO's, you can one-hit even cons with Shadow Maul. Lining up for Shadow Maul is like second nature once you get used to it, and it's quite effective.

Katana - Take broadsword, make it do less damage, reduce the endurance cost, and make the recharge times lower. Done.

^Curtesy of Gamerstemple.

2008-07-30, 10:17 AM
I once played this game... I had a blaster, who derived his powers from magic. His magic assault rifle and greathelm made many a criminal pee their pants. After a while I got used to his silliness and the game got old.