View Full Version : The Guild of Honorable Interplanar Entrepreneurs IC

2008-07-30, 03:29 PM
To a creature from the Prime Material Plane, as it is called out here, the Outer Planes may indeed seem like a strange place. The natives, be they mortal or not, claim that the heart is stronger than the sword or the pen out here, that belief shapes reality and that the mind is the only certainty in this shifting worlds.
For some, however, that is just the talk of philosophers and bubbers. Yes, the factions are powerful, but like all power, it's mostly based on wealth. Why, if belief is so strong, do sensates charge money for their memory theatres? No. Out here, like everywhere else, money is the first and foremost power. Who cares whether Experience or Laws or Freedom are the greatest principle if you don't have the money to buy it? Shouldn't this be even more true for immortal creatures? If you have longer to live, this life might as well be good.
And for this reason, Merchants exist, even on the outer planes. Some sail the River Oceanus, selling spices from Elysium, wine from Arborea and Gnomecraft from Bytopia to all the Upper Planes. Others scavenge the battlefields of the bloodwar for forgotten artefacts and sell slaves to armies of Baatezu and Tanar'ri alike.
And then there are those who do everything, if the price is right. Like you.

You had been lucky, some would say, to find your new home. Others might say that there is no such thing as luck, and that it was skill and skill alone, or fate.
Those who said luck might just be right. Yes, from time to time one might find one or the other walking tower in the outlands. Some ancient mage or mages seems to have created these, because they are all ancient. But what you found is astounding: an entire walking fortess, four towers and a three-story main building in between, walking around on a dozen foot-thin legs of magical energy. An amazing treasure if there ever was one.
Of course, it wasn't empty. You don't get that lucky. But that vampire infestation wasn't hard to remove, you just had to stake two dozen spawns and toss the vampire lord a large, large bag of gold.
It was worth it. You have now had this fortress for a year, and the publicity it gave you alone was worth the "purchase". It also had rooms for everyone of you, a large main hall, a treasure chamber secured with lead, runes and a forcecage and, best of all, a room with a dozen stone arches, each of them a portal to a different place. So far, you have only found out where two of them lead, one to a small forest in the middle of nowhere on Ysgard, and the other one to the backyard of a nice little halfling tavern in the Clerk's Ward of Sigil.

It has been quiet the last few days, no offers, no big deals, giving you a little time to do whatever famous traders do in their time off.

2008-07-31, 12:40 AM
Xietzan sits in his room--more like a library with a bed and chamber pot--studying by the light of a pair of tallow candles. When not on a mission, he can usually be found here, though his door is open if he is in. The mild-mannered half-fiend likes his books, but doesn't ever seem to become irritated at the usual interruptions.

His room is large, but his living area is tiny, dwarfed by the shelves of books and scrolls, clay tablets, and stone sculptures, a veritable treasure trove of archeological knowledge from many cultures the multiverse over. Xiet does not really explain much about what it is that he searches for so singlemindedly, but he makes no attempts to hide the general occult themes of the library, the papers written about ancient mythology and cosmology, and the mystic nature of the gods.

Rubbing his tired eyes, the winged man stands and stretches, then takes a deep breath and leaves his room to get a breath of fresh air. The door to his room swings shut behind him without any instruction, and Xietzan makes his way down the halls of the slowly lumbering fortress.

so, what plane are we stationed on?

2008-07-31, 02:27 AM
Your fortess, like all walking towers, is stationed in the Outlands. Due to the weird geometry of this plane, you can't really tell where you are, since it takes between three and twenty days to get anywhere on this plane, no matter where you are, and not even the same amount of time everytime.
You can however tell that the fortess is currently walking through a very flat savanna, with the light of the sky (there's no sun) burning down on you. The infinitely high spire in the middle of the plane is casting a long shadow past you, vanishing in the distance.
The castle marches on, on a course that seems mostly random to you, whenever it's control room isn't manned. Even then, forcing the fortess to take a certain course can be a difficult task, more like convincing it than steering. The control room is located in small dome above the main building, a room only two by two steps, with arcane runes carved into every surface and eldritch crystals floating in mid-air.

2008-07-31, 07:27 AM
Syssis is busy in her room messing around on a piano she recently bought. Her room isn't entirely complete but is otherwise well furnished, the color scheme a soft red with bronze/gold details, such as the tapestries along the walls, the large couch and even a large pile of cushions. Everything is clearly designed for comfort and entertaining guests, though it's clearly a work in progress, with some areas left barren.

The only practical area of the room is more of a walk in closet, containing her various magic items and scrolls. In the corner, she has a simple wooden desk with several books across it. Each one is a collection of information on important subjects, such as new creatures she has encountered, carious cultures and their practices, the planes, the majority of her transactions, all meticulously kept in order.

She sighs and stops practicing her scales. She wasn't tired of the repetition, but she felt restless, unproductive. She walked along the halls of the fort, taking her usual human form with the red dress and long black hair, looking for her comrades.

2008-07-31, 10:52 AM
Kalender is atop the roof of the tower where he resides, looking at the infinite yet close horizon of the Outlands, to the point where the spire's shadow disappears far from view. Why he likes that spot, he has never told, and may not even know himself, but since time means very little to him, spending hours looking at a point in the horizon doesn't seem so relevant.

Without any warning, the death knight descends from the rooftop and begins walking briskly to his room. The dim lighting of the room contrasts heavily with the sharp sunless bright of the exterior. Kalender's eyes, unlike those of the living are unhindered by the transition. In fact, his real eyes withered centuries ago, and the orange dots of light that occupy his eyesockets do not have a physical iris to adjust.

Although quite large, his quarters are almost devoid of furniture. Large tapestries of a deep red colour cover all windows, allowing very little light into the room. Large ebony weapon racks hold a large variety of melee weapons of varied facture and shape against each of the long walls. Three worn practice targets stand in triangular formation towards one end and on the other is a massive stone throne, with a large black axe resting between its arms, with not much more in the room other than a couple of ornamental statues.

Kalender reaches for one of the weapon racks and grabs a flail whose's heads have been fitted with wicked spikes. The death knight makes a couple of turns with the weapon to get the feel of it and detaches a large metal shield from the wall.

A moment later, the lonely silence of the tower is interrupted by the constant ring of metal against metal. Sparks fly from the practice targets as Kalender moves in a complex pattern among them, lashing out with the flail and deftfully avoiding or parrying their spinning blades.

2008-07-31, 11:10 AM

The aboleth sat in his room, wearing his natural form at the moment. His deep red eyes gazed into the magical tome that one slave, a female that he understood to be asthetically pleasing in the extreme to most of the humanoid and demi-humanoid races, was holding aloft, sitting perfectly still on her knees as she held the book over her head like a piece of living furniture. Alshibboruth felt a shudder of enjoyment run through his massive, hovering form as her counterpart, a bulky male of a Prime species closely resembling baseline humans, worked vigorously at clearing bits and pieces from beneath his layered plates. He gave the aboleth equivalent of a sigh as he felt the slave pull out a piece of jagged metal that had been bothering him for days - almost six inches long, the head of a spear that one of the unfortunate vampires had attempted to use right before Alshibboruth had blasted him into oblivion.

He remembered that fight with mild annoyance - the aboleth hated dealing with the undead. they were immune to his favorite form of attack, his awesomely potent mind-breaking powers, and thus the fight was far less profitable than it could have been. He needed a better class of slave, he mused, turning a page with one prehensile tentacle - these two were fine for the menial tasks, but frankly they were useless for more important work. He needed more reliable, more powerful slaves. He would have to see about it sometime soon.

Dismissing the slaves with a wave of his tentacle, he floated out into the hallway, drifting through the fortress with no real aim in the moment, his tail moving idly through the air, as if he were one of his aquatic cousins deep beneath the sea.

2008-07-31, 02:54 PM
Xietzan passes Alshibboruth in the hall and smiles in greeting, hands clasped behind his folded wings and back.

2008-07-31, 03:06 PM

The aboleth returned the greeting, waving a pair of tentacles in a complex pattern. As the half-fiend passed, the aboleth slowly turned his massive bulk with a ponderous grace, his voice coming in a curious sound like the sigh of the night-wind.

Greetings, Xietzan... has there been... any news... of interest?

2008-07-31, 03:37 PM
At that moment, the third of the aboleth's servants came down the broad spiral staircase that connected the main hall to the portal room. A thin elf with some unidentifiable planar influence in his bloodline, for his skin had a bluish colour.
"Master", he said, his voice monotonous and empty.
"Three letters have arrived for you."
In his outstretched hands he held three objects:
The first seemed to be a quite normal letter in an envelope of white paper, so thin that one could see the shadow of the servants hand through it. Obviously extremely expensive. The Sigil on the back, in red wax, showed a very ornate "W".
The second was a head-sized bundle of what appeared to be white skin of some kind, held together by a hair-thin silver thread spun around it in a complicated pattern.
The third one seemed to be a marble tablet, wrapped in black fur and a massive bronze chain, which, on it's lock, depicts the symbol of two ram's horns.

2008-07-31, 04:07 PM

Alshibboruth's tentacles stretched out, deftly plucking all three messages from the servant's hands. He opened the first package, the sealed letter with his spare manipulator, handing the second, the bundle of skin to Xietzan to unwrap while he perused the contents of the first missive. As he was doing so, he sent a telepathic message to both of his servants to alert the others that new opportunities had been made clear.

2008-07-31, 04:22 PM
The letter contained the following message, written in a very ornate and squiggly handwriting, with the complicated signature alone filling a third of the page.

Dear Members of the Interplanar Entrepreneurs

I have recently found myself in a situation which requires the help of intelligent entities skilled in certain areas my own skills sadly do not cover. I have only heard the very best about you and your company and would be delighted if you would consider to follow the my invitation to the "Fortune's Wheel" tomorrow night, in the Lady's ward vers four hours to antipeak.
The business I would like you to partake in would involve a message, but the correct term for the entire mission should rather be "escort mission" or "herding". Should you consider this offer, I would be able to provide you with two rewards you might find promising: first, a large amount of platinum, and secondly, and perhaps more important to you, various valuable connections and business partners in the soul trading trade, Night Hags and Demon Lords among them.

Lord Winsome

2008-07-31, 04:32 PM

Filing the contents of the first letter away in his memory, Alshibboruth examined the third package, sealed with chain and lock, looking for any obvious way to open it, and at the same time examining it for any magic it or, more specifically its bindings might hold.

casting Detect Magic

2008-07-31, 05:37 PM

Eventually Syssis finds Alshibboruth and Xietzan, and cheerfully waves at them while walking over.

"Hey Xietzan, Al-Alshab-Alshiber-uh, Legs. Did we get a new job? Hope it's not today, I was thinking we should go out to Sigil. We haven't properly celebrated the, um, "acquisition" of our home."

2008-08-01, 02:11 AM
The marble radiates an Aura of enormously strong magic, of the illusion and transmutation school. As soon as Alshibboruth touches the lock, it springs open, followed by the chain snaking over the entire package and then falling to the floor, followed by the fur.
The marble, now entirely revealed, shows etchings in a kind of script you don't recognize. However, as soon as it's entirely revealed, a deep voice starts to read the message, in an almost chanting tone, which is loud and booming enough to be heard throughout the entire fortress.

2008-08-01, 11:19 AM
Xietzan was about to answer the aboleth with a shake of his head, when the aberration's servant came in. Curious, Xietzan pauses, listening and watching. He takes the bundle of skin and twine and begins a cautious examination.

(detect magic)

2008-08-01, 09:30 PM

The faint knocking at the door momentarily distracts the death knight's concentration, making him miss a parry and take a blade to his plated shoulder. He pushes the sword aside and moves away from the practice targets, not even noticing the hit in his long dead body.

He hurries downstairs to find his associates already reunited and dealing with the curious packages. Hello everyone. The servant informed me of the letters. Kalender adopts what could be called a "relaxed" posture (an old habit of when he was alive) and lets the flail rest against his shoulder. So, any interesting news? any job that could spark our interest? he inquires.

2008-08-01, 09:48 PM

The aboleth gestured to the two missives he was holding One of these... indicates interest from a patron with a stake in the soul trade... a "herding" assignment... The other comes... from an agent... of the God Hades.

2008-08-02, 12:46 AM
Xietzan smiles, "Just the kind of intrigue that i was hoping for."

2008-08-02, 02:43 AM

Syssis drops her cheerful look and starts pacing," It sounds interesting, sure, but Hades? As much as I skirt danger already, but there had better be a really good contract if were going to a place where you risk losing your immortal soul. Then again, I guess you could say the same about the soul trading business. Well, can't be any harm in checking them out I suppose."

"Okay, summarize our options then. The three days for the Hades thing means we'd have to plane shift there and teleport if we're too off target, or find the key for it in Sigil. So that would give us two full days to get ready. Or check out the other option. What does the letter say?"

2008-08-02, 06:24 AM
The third package radiates magic as well, apparently of the necromancy school. It takes quite some time to unwrap the thin silver thread, but then the package opens, revealing that it's not only head-sized, but also contains a skull, judging by the form of an elf or similar being.
As soon as it's unwrapped, the skull begins to speak, in a hollow, thin and low voice.
"The Guild of Interplanar Entrepreneurs is hereby invited to the Hunt of the Empty Moon at the Caves of the Black Dawn, by Ephaerd Inauru Shirtan Shay, Third Beater of the Left Flank and Master of the Seven Silver Arrows.
This skull will serve the Guild as a mimir and guide, and answer all questions, if there should be any.
Exact details regarding the nature of the mission given to the Guild, as well as rewards, payments and any negotiations pertaining to these facts will be discussed at the Black Sails Tavern in Sigil, on the evening of the day after this package arrived."

2008-08-02, 03:28 PM
Xietzan carefully examines the skull in his hands (assuming it is still in his hands, and not floating around now or something), "Do you have a name, skull?"

He turns to the others, "So, two of these contracts would require us to meet tomorrow night for details. The third, sometime before the end of the following night. I suppose that we could split up for the meetings in order to get sufficient information to make our decision, though I am ever wary of splitting up--slight as it might be, there is always the chance that one of these could be some sort of trap or sabotage."

2008-08-02, 06:09 PM

The aboleth dipped its body slightly in a motion of agreement, speaking once again. I... agree. I will go... with the group investigating... the soul merchant... that is a business.. I have a desire to... break into.

2008-08-03, 01:12 PM

Then I'll take this 'hunt' thing. Should be interesting at least," she says, stopping her pacing to lean up against a wall.

2008-08-04, 12:44 PM
"I will go with the aboleth, then." Xietzan says quietly, a distracted look in his eye as he ponders the nature of the soul-trade alluded to.

2008-08-05, 03:36 AM

And I'll go with the pixie to the Black Sails Tavern says the death knight. I just hope they don't intend us to join as quarry he says, although something in his tone of voice seems to indicate he would be ready to give the hunters some trouble. Mimir, tell us what you know about the empty moon hunt. he asks

2008-08-05, 03:46 AM
The Mimirs jaw doesn't move as the same hollow voice answers your questions.
"This skull once belonged to Serena Il-Yanandra Shirtan Shay. Now it is Mimir.
The Hunt of the Empty Moon is celebrated by the Unseelie Court, whenever the moons of Lor align benath the black star. To honour the Queen of Air and Darkness, the Dark Hunter will hunt down and kill a quarry chosen by the Queen from mortals presented to her by the nobles of the court."

2008-08-05, 06:55 AM

"Hmm... any number of possible reasons to hire us, really. Anything from security to finding them good prey. Well, I'll get packing then. Do you have anything you want to do in Sigil? I might leave a little early, and take a look around the meeting place. Or just find something to do, you know, stretch my wings a bit," she says casually as she begins to walk back towards her room.

2008-08-05, 04:17 PM
Xietzan turns to Alshibboruth and sighs, "Well then, I suppose that we could also get a head start, maybe get some background on these possible associates."

2008-08-07, 02:17 AM

I just need to get my axe, an I'll be ready to leave. says the death knight. I have nothing special to do in Sigil he adds but I can go early to check the meeting place. I would not like to walk into a trap he says. He walks towards Xiextan and stretches a hand to grab the skull. Mind if I pick that? I would like to know more about the Dark Hunter.

2008-08-07, 02:29 AM
"The Dark Hunter is the favored Knight of the Queen of Air and Darkness and the Strongest Warrior of the Unseelie Court. He hunts down those who oppose or insult the Queen and punishes them. He also performs all traditional hunts."

2008-08-07, 02:29 AM

Alshibboruth nodded his assent, Agreed... Sigil would be... the logical place... to begin inquiries.

2008-08-07, 03:18 AM

Syssis has most of her magic equipment in her Handy Haversack, and finishes gathering up spell components and all of her scrolls. She also grabs her Cloak of Resistance, an unassuming plain black one that was somewhat out of place for her, but she wasn't too interested in making a fashion statement in the middle of a fight. Finally, she grabs her notebooks in order to record the nature of this hunt, as well as a few changes of clothes. After that, she makes her way to the portal leading to the halfling tavern, waiting for Kalender.

2008-08-09, 12:42 PM
(color change)"Well then, shall we?" He asks, motioning the aboleth toward the portals.

2008-08-09, 11:29 PM

Syssis motions for Kalender to stop when he reaches the portal. She looks serious again, her arms crossed, saying" So, I figured out a little more about our employer. I didn't get it at first, but I recognized the name 'Unseelie" right away. They're fey, specifically the kind that will do anything, as long as they think it's amusing. And they have a dark sense of humor. Of course, I suppose you could say the same about me, being a greedy fey creature myself. Still, the amount of power they have means they can get away with more, so I wouldn't trust them at all. They're not... evil, I suppose, they're as likely to pay us in full as well as kill us, but generally, once you attract the attention of the Unseelie court, they either kill you or use you.

It could still be worth the money, maybe. We just need to make sure they can't hold onto us. I have a few contingencies, but we should try to keep things on neutral ground as much as possible."

With that out of the way, she relaxes a bit, and smiles. She looks off into space as different scenarios and plans of action play out in her mind," I don't trust them, but this could be fun, don't you think? Working with, or against, people like me gives me both chills and excitement," she looks at Kalender," you could even say I enjoy flirting with death on occasion, if you'll pardon the pun."

2008-08-10, 07:10 PM

Arzuc's room was exquisite. That which had been left behind by the vampire lord had been quickly seized by him, as much as he could anyway. A great deal of the theft had taken place immediately, Arzuc casing the undead's chamber for the most luxurious items almost before the rest of the group had convinced it to leave. Arzuc's room consisted primarily of a large, plush bed and several wardrobes he had absolutely no need for, but most of it glittered and all of it was beautiful. To say that he lived decadently, by common standards, was an understatement. Arzuc spent the vast majority of his time in the castle simply lounging, both in his room and amongst the multitude of other rooms the group had yet to assign specific purpose to.

He had just settled back onto his bed to close his eyes for sleep he didn't need when the death knight started hacking away at his training dummies. The demon tossed and rolled, eventually finding himself thwarted by the noise. Arzuc got out of bed and twirled what had once been a fine silk curtain around himself. While his nakedness was simply natural, Arzuc had come to understood that most other species preferred everybody to look as timid as they were. He clicked through the halls with an intent to tell the knight to silence himself when he was lured away by the sound of voices. Mail had arrived for him and his companions.

"I," Arzuc announced himself slowly and continued to step towards the group, "would prefer to not be involved with the soul slavery contact. If Syssis and the knight are investigating those fey, then I prefer to go with them. Unless it would be more prudent for me to begin looking after our Hades contact. A god showing interest in the Outlands is bound to be news here."

2008-08-10, 08:38 PM
Xietzan nods in Arzuc's direction as the tanar'ri approaches them, "We were just mentioning that we would like to try and complete both contracts if at all possible. So we are splitting up to hear out the deals. Then we will try for the third contract two nights from now. You still going with Sys and Kalender?"

2008-08-10, 09:08 PM

"Yesss," Arzuc drawled with a hiss and stopped close to a wall. He leaned against it for support as though the walk from his chamber had drained him when it clearly had not. The demon started to pick under his claws. "As I said, I have no wish to accompany you and Alsh on that soul business. I trust the two of you to be capable of handling that. Not that I don't have faith in Syssis and the knight, of course. I just wish to avoid any hassles involving my cousins. I imagine things are less likely to get messy with the fey."

2008-08-11, 11:44 AM

Alshibboruth made a distasteful, liquid little sound, speaking quick gurgling sentence in the aboleth language, the cadence of which revealed it to be some sort of curse or oath. I assumed as much regarding the Unseelie. I feel it is likely a waste of time, unless we can bind them in some sort of oath. My knowledge on the subject is far from complete, but I believe that the fae are required to abide by oaths, so long as they are made carefully. Otherwise, we might well complete the task only to find ourselves betrayed by such capricious creatures. That said, their offer might hold hidden other opportunities, and should be investigated.

He paused for a moment, his sighing voice like the wind in lonely, barren places. I am still very interested in the soul-herding contract. I feel that it might give me opportunity to acquire some superior slaves. I could use a larger herd. And, of course, such a bounty will benefit all of us perhaps more muscle, or even magical might, not to mention the bounties from the contract itself I also feel that Hades might be a lucrative contract. He paused again. However, I am leery of trying to bargain with a god, or even his high servants. we would be working from a position of utmost weakness - never beneficial in bussiness dealings.

2008-08-11, 12:04 PM

"I doubt Hades would be so brash as to attempt any sort of double cross. The fact that we have been approached by him or his followers means that they have found themselves unable to carry out the task themselves. They are requesting our aid, after all, not our fealty. I would be more concerned about side effects of the plane itself more than the intent of the buyer." Arzuc let out a listless sigh. "As for the Unseelies, I agree that they are the most likely to attempt deception, but that is why we are gathering details about the request in advance. If the plan to hunt us, I doubt they can keep that too secret. Between Syssis and myself, even a fae's mind is an open book."

2008-08-11, 03:46 PM
...means that they have found themselves unable to carry out the task themselves...

"Unable, or unwilling. Either way, I am more curious than alarmed. Even the devils have desires, and ones that we might be able to provide. For the right price, of course."

2008-08-14, 12:57 AM

"I suppose that is a possibility. Here in Outlands, however, I believe the former to be more likely. Especially so if Hades is interested in some part of Sigil. That place doesn't take kindly to gods and I would think that their high followers are as equally unwelcome. Regardless..." Arzuc trailed off and turned around, adjusting the curtain around his waist.

He sauntered back through the halls of the castle to return to his room. The demon picked a single bag off one of several nightstands he had scattered through his room and dropped the curtain from his body. Arzuc stepped into a scavenged pair of trousers that had belonged to the vampires and strung the bag to the belt. He returned to the others in his one article of clothing, with all of his useful possession waiting in that bag. "Well then, if the fae and the knight are ready?"

2008-08-14, 03:19 AM

Syssis makes a lazy welcoming gesture, saying," Ladies first, then," before stepping into the portal. She waits for Arzuc to come through before continuing," I suppose we should have a plan, then. First off, we check the area. Reading thoughts if necessary, though I doubt there would be anything that elaborate. Just read the mood, perhaps. Additionally, determine if the client is there ahead of time. Plan B would be the usual, escaping any holds and making for a public area. I suppose I won't have to remind you that the Unseelie wouldn't be interested in taking us here if they wanted to though. Too risky for them. Never hurts to be prepared though.

In any case, I suppose it can't hurt to look our best. Not that I should need to tell you, but there's a chance we might get a better negotiating foothold if they believe we are, 'like them,'" purposely sounding sarcastic on that last line.

2008-08-14, 03:38 AM
On the other side of the portal, the typical smell of Sigil greets you... a unique mixture of thin air, smoke, exotic trade goods from a thousand worlds.
This being the clerk's ward, one of the six districts of Sigil, it is also the most ordered of the many wards. Even though the "Law of Unified Architecture" was voted down in the hall of speakers years ago, the Clerks ward still sports mostly rectangular, grey blocks of stone, with Sigils typical metal blades sprouting out of steep roofs.
Guards in the Harmonium, one of Sigils philsophical factions, patrol the street your portal overlooks in great numbers, as always armed and in full plate armor. Apart from them, as the name implies, the ward is mostly inhabited by clerks, scribes, scholars and librarians, professions always needed in a city with trade as it's only income.
This being Sigil, the variety of creatures on the streets is astounding. Beings in all sizes from one to ten feet, in all colours of the rainbow and in the strangest shapes hustle along, all busy with whatever it is they make their living with.

2008-08-14, 12:18 PM

"Reading minds? That is easy enough for me. However, looking like a fey will be, well, impossible. My people are shapeshifters, but only because we prey on mortals. I...do not have a way to disguise myself as a fey. That being said, I am sure they will be more at ease if they think I am something besides a demon." Arzuc waved his hands, prompting his body to warp and ripple slightly. A tan replaced the pallor of his skin as his wings shrunk into his shoulders. He shrunk a few inches and his ears pointed; a short goatee sprung up on his chin. In a matter of moments, he was a black-haired, blue-eyed half elf. The incubus was still shirtless and barefoot but hardly seemed to care. "Here's to hoping that Plan B will remain our back up. Lead on, Syssis."

2008-08-14, 12:20 PM

The Aboleth shifted into an alternate form, taking on the appearance of a tall, powerfully built human male, though his red eyes, along with the fact that he had a third in the middle of his forehead and that he drifted a few inches above the ground rather than walking made it plain that he was no normal human. Checking the letter once again, he moved off without another word, heading for their destination.

2008-08-14, 07:52 PM

"The Unseelie court is well known for taking interest in anything exceptional, fey or not. Just look and act as you normally do and I'm sure we'll get along fine, she says, passing through the tavern and to the main street.

"Let's see then... I think it's this way. Well, if we get lost we can ask the mimir for directions."

Bardic Knowledge roll [roll0] on Black Sails Tavern

2008-08-15, 12:32 PM
Xietzan nods in approval as he sees Alshibboruth's humanoid form and starts off with him, "I think I am going to enjoy this little meeting. It certainly has my interest anyway."

2008-08-15, 01:05 PM
The black sails tavern is in the lower ward, which is most famous for housing most of both the cities industry and it's fiends, which gives it a very unique air quality.
Catering mostly to the more secretive inhabitants of the ward, being named after the heavy black curtains that cover the small alcoves surrounding the dark common room, making it almost impossible to hear or see anything going on in one of them from the outside.

2008-08-15, 02:18 PM

"Was that a compliment? Well, I suppose I should thank you for flattering me, then." Arzuc cooed to himself. He, of course, knew he was 'exceptional', as the pixie had put it, but he did so enjoy to hear others acknowledge that fact as well. If the pixie thought as much about him, perhaps the Unseelie Court truly would as well, and then it would be as easy as Syssis had predicted. The disguised incubus stopped in front of the inn, taking in the scenery of the lower ward. He watched fiends go by for a moment before moving to open the door of the inn and make his way inside, holding it behind him for the pixie. "Shall we start by asking the staff?"

2008-08-18, 08:11 AM

"I suppose," she says, nodding politely to Arzuc as he held the door open.

"Let's continue the conversation this way, though," she says telepathically," We'll ask directly. This place is likely to be prepared for anything intrusive, like alignment or thought detection. That works out for us as well though. At this point, I just want to know how long the Unseelie has been here, if at all, and if they've seen anyone else with him or her.

She immediately heads for the bar, and reaches into haversack for a small, jingling coin pouch. She tries to get the bartender's attention politely, but without the loud, peppy attitude she sometimes slips into. While hardly innocently looking in a hardly innocent place, she slips into a expression that never outright says what she's here for, but that she knows what this place is for. A "I'm in on the joke" kind of grin, if you will.

"Ah, if you don't mind, if you have anything light? I'm bad with the drink," she says, trying to sound slightly embarrassed," and, well, we were expecting to meet someone here but we don't know how to get in touch yet. I don't suppose you've seen any fey recently? He would have been sent by a... Mr. Shay, I think.

2008-08-18, 03:28 PM
Xietzan walks the halls with Alshibboruth beside him, approaching the portals. As he nears them, he rearranges the essence of his soulmelds, causing the features of his body to flare with crimson and azure light momentarily as they reabsorb power.

2008-08-19, 02:42 AM

The death knight smiles with Syssis continuous jokes, not that it can't be really seen under the helmet (or without it anyways, the lack of a lower jaw doesn't precisely help to smile...) He lacks the shapeshifting abilities of his associates, so he just picks his things from the room (he leaves the lance there) and follows them along in his black spiked armour, the red scarf flowing behind him as he walks with long strides.

Kalender stays behind once they arrive to the tavern and lets the pixie do the talking with the bartender, surveying the varied clientele of the tavern.

2008-08-19, 04:03 AM
The bartender appears to be a tiefling, with ash-grey skin, yellow eyes and short claws on the tips of his bony fingers, wearing a black hood and robe. Nodding wordlessly, he fills a small glass with a clear, green liquid and hands it over to Syssis. Then he extends one long arm and knocks on the door behind the bar.
After a few seconds it opens, revealing another tiefling, this one female, sporting a tail covered in black scales and a pair of carmine-coloured horns, wearing the same hood and robe, as well as a complicated symbol featuring something looking like the skull of some exotic creature around her neck, the symbol of the doomguard faction.


"We have a fey here. And he told me to look out for guests arriving today. I can lead you to his room.", she tells you.

2008-08-19, 07:50 AM

We are lucky he says, upon hearing the reply of the woman. Please, guide us asks kalender, inviting her to go ahead with a gesture of his arm. It likely is the fey we are looking for. Kalender's voice is very factual, devoid of expression to the point of being almost blunt. The death knight was eager to meet the dark hunter, to see if it was dreserving of its reputation, and causing a good impression at the Unseelie Court would open up a lot of future business opportunities.

2008-08-19, 10:30 AM

"So he is here and he was expecting us. How sad; I was hoping we would surprise him." Arzuc smiled slowly with the kind of cringing horror that his demon blood caused. He looked over the tieflings and examined the female's emblem. A rumble of a hum escaped him as he thought to himself. "Yes, please do take us to him, miss."

"Syssis, should we be worried that this fey was waiting for us?"

Knowledge - The Planes check on the Doomguards

2008-08-20, 05:52 AM

Syssis runs a finger along the edge of her glass, looking thoughtful, before taking a tentative sip. She then starts to count out the coins needed from her bag, in exact change, while continuing her telepathic conversation.

"The fact that we are scheduled to meet tomorrow night and he expected us today worries me. Still, there is the possibility he has several jobs to do in Sigil to prepare for the hunt. Maybe even hire others with the same job as ours. Additionally, there isn't much the hunter can do here without attracting attention. So, too much effort for the payoff, too much risk, and we hardly know the client. I think we're hardly in any danger at the moment, but with fey you skate on thin ice, as they say. Continued employment would be the most dangerous with them, I think.

Ah, it's a perilous line, isn't? Paranoia, too much and you can't live off it, too little and you won't live long at all." she says over the link, smiling ruefully.

"Well, if we're going already, I'd better finish this," she adds, having more of her drink.

2008-08-20, 10:21 AM

With his usual rather straightforward manner, Alshibboruth approached the bartender the fiendish tavern, inquiring whether or not any word had been left for him.

2008-08-20, 10:33 PM
Xietzan follows his friend a little more slowly into the bar; he had never been to this area of Sigil, and was curious and cautious--maybe a little more than usual. His eyes and ears are open to as many of the sights and sounds as he can concentrate on at one time.

ooc-in case it's needed:

spot: [roll0]

search: [roll1]

listen: [roll2]

2008-08-21, 01:10 AM
The drink vaguely tastes of exotic spices, barely recognizable because they are so diluted. It's effect is even stranger: it leaves the mouth slightly numb, not enough to impede speech, but enough to be a little irritating.
The tiefling guides you to a narrow flight of stairs made from pitch-black cast iron, leading upwards into a dark corridor with doors on either side.
"He insisted on using a room instead of an alcove.", she explains as she knocks on the door, then opens it.
Inside you find a small room where four chairs are arranged around a round table. On one of them you find an elf, or at least a creature looking like one, fair skinned, but dark haired, in a very expensive looking red tunic over black trousers. Holding a glass of red wine in one hand, he greets you with a smile:
"Ah, dear guests. Please enter."

2008-08-21, 08:13 AM

The demon looks from the three open chairs to his two companions. "My, how convenient. Thank you, miss." Arzuc nods to the tiefling who led the way and then takes the seat directly opposite the elf. He tilts onto the chair's back legs and braces himself with one arm on the table. "It's almost as if you were expecting us. Did you divine it or simply make a few very accurate assumptions?" Arzuc returns the elf's smile then strums his fingers across the tabletop.

"They put in enough effort to know we were coming. This makes me nervous, Syssis."

2008-08-23, 12:22 PM
Xietzan tilts his head to the side as he recognizes the song that the musician is playing over in the corner. "One of the bards with whom I worked at the college used to play that song often..." He smiles with the slight trip down memory lane.

2008-08-25, 01:48 AM

"Yes. If we assume that the staff is working with him, we don't have much choice anyways. At the very least, prepare yourself for the worst, and act with purpose. Oh, that, and try to keep an eye on the tiefling when I talk to the fey." she says, responding to Arzuc.

"Oh. Good to meet you," she says, waving a hand in greeting to the elf-thing as she takes a seat. She crosses her arms across her chest and watches him with an undisguised interest. Her mind sifts through the information in front of her as she watches his breathing, pose, and pupil dilation, looking for any sign of tensing up.

"It's nice of you to prepare a space for us to meet in properly. Some clients, well, we all started somewhere, I guess," She says, letting her voice trail off as she seems to recall earlier days on the Material Plane," Anyhow, I don't suppose you'd like to get down to the brass tacks, as it were?"

Sense Motive [roll0]

2008-08-25, 11:01 PM
Xietzan finally approaches the bar where Alshibb stands. He leans casually against the wood, feeling a little out of his element, as he is more of a scholar than a bar-hopping rogue.

"So, when do you think that they are going to show themselves?" he asks as his eyes study the faces (and magical auras) in the crowd.

2008-08-26, 05:30 AM
The Black Sails Tavern

Shay laughs, a sound that for some reason doesn't sound as happy as his face seems to be. When he speaks again, the pitch and timbre of his voice seems to have slightly changed.
"Assumptions are good, but control is better, as I say. In fact, I sent someone to check were my letter went and then just put someone there to watch your portal, so I could be ready when you would arrive."
He leans back and suddenly looks a lot more serious than before.
"But let us talk business now. You must understand that the matter I'm asking you about is very, very delicate. Heads might roll, if it is not resolved carefully."
"You see, I am an agent myself, for a group of fae nobles at the court. We fae are immortal, and we have a lot of time on our hands to spend on petty intrigues and vendettas. And this is just about one such intrigue.
At the upcoming Hunt, a nobleman that has plotted against my clients in the past will have the honour to present the prey. The prey, of course, must be a mortal of considerable skill and strenght, otherwise the hunt would not be very amusing.
However, we intend to... exchange the prey. If the prey is not as strong as it should be, the Queen herself will be very upset at the one who presented it. It's considered a personal insult towards the Dark Hunter and, by extension, herself."

The Fortune's Wheel

The Fortune's Wheel is what might pass as a Casino in Sigil, a busy, bustling place, named for it's huge Wheel of Fortune. Every evening, powerful magic items and large amounts of gold are tied to the wheel. But all around it, there are other tables, where one can play cards or dice, and lose or win as much jink as he likes.
The bartender here seems to be a half-elf, with a slight golden tone on his skin, which potentially reveals some upper planar heritage.
This being a place in the richest part of Sigli, which might well also be one of the richest place anywhere, there are barely any people here not radiating any magical auras.
At the table next to you, an Osyluth and an Astral Deva seem to be engaged in a poker match, glaring at each other over their stacks of gold coins. Around them, a whispering crowd has gathered, obscuring much of what is going on further into the room.

2008-08-26, 08:22 AM

"I see. I can see why it would be unwise to do this yourself; replacing the prey is likely a worser offense than offering one too weak. There are a few questions that I would prefer answered before we give you any tentative agreement." Arzuc cleared his throat before he continued. "Primarily, how do you want the real prey disposed of and are we to secure the replacement ourselves? Also, if you would, details about this nobleman would be helpful in our decision. We have our own reputation at stake, you realize."

2008-08-26, 02:59 PM
awesome, eldan. thanks.

Xietzan continues to watch the crowd, feasting upon the sights of the magical auras, watching the various outsiders and aliens as they play and drink themselves poor and incoherent. "I prefer my library..." He mutters to himself, feeling so out of place here.

2008-09-04, 08:11 PM

2008-09-11, 06:29 PM
The Black Sails Tavern:

The fae nobleman nods.
"Certainly. The real prey is a skilled ranger and warrior from the Prime, famous on the pitty little world he is from. He set out to retrieve an Artefact from the lowest caves of Pandemonium, where he was caught. You will replace him with another human, who has been polymorphed into the shape of the ranger and given false magical auras. What you do with the prey is up to you, as long as you can make certain that the prey doesn't return to Pandemonium nor any territory associated with the Unseelie Courts in the Outlands.
"Before the exchange, the prey will be placed into a cage of Cold Iron and Adamantium, which in turn will be place in a cage of magical force. Warding spells, such as circles against various alignments, protection against planar travel and alarms will likely be in place. However, as per the tradtion, no fae may see the prey before the hunt starts. That means during the entire feast, no guards will be in the preys room."
"The Nobleman himself goes by the name Oranai Linael Koratur, while his title, given by the queen, could be translated as "First Assistant of the man on the left of the throne". Not a very important title, I might add. Still, if the hunt is sucessfull, he will most likely be promoted to a much higher position."

The Fortune's Wheel

On the neighbouring table you see the Deva pushing a small pile of platinum coins in the middle of the table with his perfectly shaped golden hand. The bone devil stares at him for a few seconds, his face motionless. The Deva stares back, a calm little smile on his face.
Suddenly, you hear a giggling laugh behind you.
"You know, those two have known each other for ages. Guess they run into each other all the time on Baator. Usually they sit there for hours, just staring at each other. The cards are just something to occupy their hands while they do that."
On a chair that had seemed empty just a moment ago now sits a quasit. His short horns and bony face are mostly hidden beneath a wide, crimson hat, his gaunt body covered by a cloak the same colour. A tiny rapier, barely a grown man's hand in lenght is fastened to the side of his belt.
"Welcome to the Fortune's Wheel. I am Lord Winsome. Excuse my Invisibility, but I wanted to get a look at you first. Now then. May I offer you a drink?"

2008-09-11, 06:52 PM
"Water for me, thank you." Xietzan watches the little quasit with curiosity, "I am Xietzan, and this is my friend and associate, Alshibboruth, though I suppose that you already know that."