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2008-07-30, 04:34 PM
Adventure Background

When you arrived in the village of Blackbrook, you couldn’t help but notice the anxiety and gloom in the faces of the locals. When you bought the bar a round and asked the villagers about their troubles, they explained that the dead have not been resting easy.

“Oh, we’ve often had a problem with the restless,” said a wizened old woman in the corner. “Vampires, zombies, even wild ghouls from time to time. But they mostly stay in the mountains, where the hunting is easy. But that might be changing now.”

“Five nights ago, Dekellus, the lord’s son, went missing. We found him a day later on the edge of town, dead. There was a vampire bite on his throat, and not a drop of blood in him. Looks like the restless dead are on the hunt again. You’d best be careful if you’re traveling at night.”

Now, two days out of Blackbrook and half a day into the mountains, the old woman’s words come back to haunt you. The sun has just sunk beneath the horizon, and you hear clanging steel, shouts, and other sounds of battle from over the rise before you. You could try to walk away from this trouble, but it may just follow you. After all, the night is still young.

Philistine (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=36653)-Dast Liphus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=70672)
Lex-kat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=20190)-Doreen (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4654)
mangosta71 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=37728)-Thaelrid Primrose (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=115027)
Vael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=17962)-Sibyl (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=15756)
Helfdan (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=27024)-Athelstane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=70844)

((Please introduce your character and your reactions to the sounds on the other side of the hill in front of you.))

OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4622831#post4622831)

2008-07-30, 06:32 PM
Thaelrid comes to a halt, signaling for the others to do the same as he crouches to inspect the ground. He moves forward slowly, cautiously, eyes darting as he seeks signs of activity. He loosens his weapons in their sheaths, motioning that his companions may proceed carefully, as he nears the top of the rise. He lowers himself further to a crawl as he crests it, with bow drawn and an arrow nocked while he surveys the scene.

2008-07-30, 07:10 PM
Sibyl, who was likely towards the back talking up a storm, brings her gabbling to a halt, mimicking Thaelrid and crouching, though she cranes her neck and uses a bit of height to try and see anything around them. Unsatisfied with her lacking view of the area, she concentrates on other things and quietly mutters the words to a spell as she casts Mage Armor on herself, a temporary sheen like light off of glass the only sign that she had successfully cast anything.
After a bit, she decides to try and get some information out of the ranger.
"Do you see anything?"
She asks in a stage whisper.

2008-07-30, 09:34 PM
Doreen, had decided to bring up the rear, since Thaelrid had taken point. She was trying to acknowledge Sibyl's rambling, without actually listening, when Thaelrid signaled for them to halt, and crouch down.

Quietly drawing her Bow, and nocking an arrow, she heeds his warning. When he moves closer to the rise, she also crawls forward, to get a better look.

Move Silently [roll0]
Spot check- to see better because the sun has just set.

2008-07-30, 09:45 PM

The tall young man in plate-and-mail armor readies his shield, and his hand drops to the flail at his right hip. He steps up beside the ranger. Though his pale blue eyes cannot see far in the dusk, he mutters a prayer to Heironeous, that the presence of evil be revealed.

Detecting evil

2008-07-31, 12:42 AM
Thaelrid glares up at Athelstane. He hisses, "You just advertised our presence to everyone in the valley. On the off chance that nobody has seen you, get on the ground."

2008-07-31, 12:52 AM
Dast Liphus

At Thaelrid's signal to come forward, Dast moves up next to him and Athelstane, drawing his shield from his back and strapping it to his arm as he advances. The last rays of the setting sun pick out highlights on his enameled armor, and he briefly raises his holy symbol to his lips before releasing it to hang on the chain around his neck. His habitual easy smile has vanished since the distant din resolved itself into the sounds of clashing arms.

"What have we here, Thaelrid?" he asks, concern in his voice.

2008-07-31, 10:48 AM

Looking up at the cleric and the paladin. "Oh, for the love of... Will you two get down and let us" Indicating Thaelrid "do our job."

2008-07-31, 12:00 PM
"Well someone should do something. Either we're going to sneak a look or we're going to go charging in. Lets make a decision before we're too late to do something about... something. Whatever is down there. We've got no time for indecision!"
Sibyl fidgets with impatience and irritation, waiting for someone also to take charge and give directions, but pushing others to make a solid and unified decision.

2008-07-31, 12:21 PM
Thaelrid shakes his head and sighs, raising a hand to shield his eyes as he turns back to survey the scene in the valley before him. His thoughts drift. How did I get myself caught up in this? Charging up a hill and silhouetting yourself for everyone to see is as good as suicide out here. Especially with the setting sun to reflect off that heavy armor they insist on wearing. I had hoped that these city boys would have learned that before now. I'm glad to have one companion that's knowledgeable. And the mouthy one is at least bright enough to stay back. Easy on the eyes, too...

2008-07-31, 05:19 PM

The knight smiles at the words of both elf and scout. A different approach to battle... "I understand your concerns, but at least now any wayward arrows have a target other than yourselves." Nevertheless, he is surprisingly graceful as he crouches beside them, still searching for the presence of evil ahead.

2008-07-31, 06:23 PM
The road before you dips into a small valley, then rises again into the higher foothills of the Deathpeaks. Looking down from the hill, you see three horse-drawn carriages on the road. The front carriage is on its side, its horse dead and twisted in its harness. The second horse is barely held in check by a man in light armor with one hand on its reins and the other wrapped around his sword. The third carriage is on fire, and its horse is rearing in panic. Between the sun’s dying red light and the flickering carriage, you can make out at least five humanoid figures circling the caravan. They seem to be held back, just barely, by a handful of people with swords.

One of the defenders spots you (yes...shiny armor and a low sun angle...) and yells, “Please, help us! Or the princess will surely perish!”

Oddly enough, there seems to be a blank spot where the group is down in the valley. You are unable to tell who is evil.

2008-07-31, 06:41 PM

"By my Troth!! No damsel shall be harmed whilst I stand idly. For Heironeous!!" Athelstane draws his sword and begins jogging towards the melee, intending to charge as soon as he is close enough.

2008-07-31, 07:21 PM
Thaelrid glances over at Doreen, his glance saying so much for getting the lay of the land. He looks back to Sibyl. "Looks like someone needs help." He slips over the crest, circling to the left, drawing a bead on one of the apparent aggressors with his longbow.

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Hide

2008-07-31, 08:23 PM
Sibyl gets to her feet and squints as she looks down at the sight below, then starts moving towards the action, trying to get in at a semi-close distance.

Initiative: 1d20+2=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1683550/)

Sibyl will stop 30ft from any enemies.

2008-07-31, 08:30 PM

Doreen shrugs at Thaelrid. "I don't know how he survived long enough to buy that armor." Then she follows him over the crest and circles right, aiming at the nearest aggressor.

Initiative [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2008-07-31, 09:45 PM

"You two worry too much. Have a little faith!" Dast flashes a quick grin at Thaelrid and Doreen, then sets off down the slope after Athelstane. He draws his weapon and mumurs the words to a quick prayer as he goes.

Initiative: [roll0]
Moving 20' down toward the caravan, and casting Bless at the end of the move.

2008-08-01, 05:28 AM
Innitiative [roll0]
I guess in that round Athelstane moved 60' (3x speed for run in heavy armor)
No dex bonus to lose :)

2008-08-01, 04:05 PM
Thaelrid slips off to the left, finding some cover behind a small scrub brush about 50ft away from the fight. Three of the attackers are carrying torches, as they attempt to light the other carriages on fire and make themselves walking targets in the process.

Another servant falls to a ghoul as the party begins to approach. There seems to be one fighter among the defenders, he’s busy defending one of the carriages, he strikes down a ghoul before it can reach the door. Several other servants are using whatever handy weapons they were able to find to beat at the enemy.

Dast jogs towards the enemy, he gets about 1/3 way there before he stops and casts Bless on his allies. They feel the effect and their attacks will be stronger (+1).

Doreen circles right and finds a rock outcrop with some brush about 40ft away from the fight. In the encroaching darkness, with the clash and cries from the fight below, not many notice her movements.

Sibyl makes her way to a spot 30ft away from the fight. She’ll notice there aren’t many, if any ranged weapons among the attackers.

Athelstane quickly moves toward the fight. He easily is within charging range and woe unto the ghouls in his path…and indeed there are a few targets in front of him.

---------- round 1- running to the rescue----------


Thaelrid 21
Leader of the Ghouls (unseen at this time)
Dast 9 (1st round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

2008-08-01, 04:44 PM
Thaelrid draws, the fletchings of the arrow against his cheek as he takes aim at the torch-bearing figure nearest him. The bow twangs as he looses, sending a feathered shaft speeding toward his target. While the arrow is still in flight, he slips his bow into its case on his back and draws his scimitar and dagger.

[roll1] damage (if the attack hits)

Edit: Well, that's a natural 20. [roll]1d20+8 crit confirmation
2d8+4 bonus crit damage (if applicable)

editedit: Actually, if it's a ghoul, I can't crit it anyway. Never mind.

2008-08-01, 06:59 PM

Dast continues to close the distance. When he recognizes the creatures attacking the caravan as undead, he transfers his mace to his shield hand and grasps his holy symbol and holds it aloft, shouting, "Accursed spawn of darkness! May the blessed light of Pelor drive you OUT!"

Another 20' move straight ahead - he wants to end up between the ghouls and Sibyl, but offset 5' or so to the side - followed by Turn Undead.
Turning Check: [roll0]
Turning Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Okay, not bad. So he's turning 18HD worth of 4HD undead.

2008-08-02, 04:15 PM
Thaelrid’s arrow flies true and hits the nearest torch bearing ghoul (1) in the arm. It turns and snarls in his direction.

The defender with the sword, fights off a second ghoul with a torch (2), keeping it back from the main wagon, while the several servants fight off the third and barely manage to keep the third wagon from going up completely in flames.

One of the ghouls closest to Athelstane leaps forward to bite the heavily armored paladin and fails miserably, the other ghouls concentrate on the easier and weaker servants, another one falls.

---------- 1st half of round 2 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Leader of the Ghouls (unseen at this time)
Dast 9 (1st round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

((pause for others to post…Philistine, you may of course keep your actions if you wish, but if you post a new one and roll lower, I’ll take the last post.))

2008-08-02, 06:18 PM
Thaelrid's eyes narrow and his lips compress into a thin line. Cursed undead. That shot would have killed a living target, or at least crippled that arm.

[roll0] Spot

2008-08-02, 06:28 PM
Sibyl frowns and repositions herself a little so she can see one of the Ghouls attacking the servants, then raises her hands, grinning as flickering lights form around them, then surge at the ghoul she had targeted, swirling around it to make it difficult for it to see things, and also sending jolts of damaging energy at it.

Sibyl will cast Luminous Swarm (level 2 evocation [force] spell) on an undamaged ghoul attacking the NPCs.
Affects one creature within 35ft. Gives a 20% miss chance on attacks for five rounds. Each round the target takes 1d6 damage, but this damage (but not the miss chance) can be negated with a successful reflex save each round.
Reflex save DC 17 or take 1d6=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1685537/) damage.

2008-08-02, 07:22 PM
Allowing Sybil to do her thing, Doreen will move to get a better shot at the third torch bearing ghoul, she will fire.

[roll0] to hit,
if it hits [roll1]

Realizing that this is quickly becoming a melee fight, she will then put the bow away, and close the distance with the third ghoul, while drawing her short sword.

2008-08-02, 10:06 PM

The paladin shoves the ghoul back with his shield, and attacks it with a fierce overhead swing.

Attacking with power attack -2
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If the monster drops (unlikely) use a move action to continue towards the main wagon, engaging any monsters in the way.

2008-08-03, 09:17 PM
Thaelrid’s arrow flies true and hits the nearest torch bearing ghoul (#1) in the arm. It turns and snarls in his direction.

The defender with the sword, fights off a second ghoul with a torch (#2), keeping it back from the main wagon, while the several servants fight off the third and barely manage to keep the third wagon from going up completely in flames.

One of the ghouls closest to Athelstane leaps forward to bite the heavily armored paladin and fails miserably, the other ghouls concentrate on the easier and weaker servants, another one falls.

Dast dramatically raises his holy symbol and in the name of Pelor he turns 4 ghouls. One of the ghouls (#2) with a torch suddenly drops it and runs off into the darkness, 3 more follow him. The fighter grimly smiles while the remaining servants are beginning to hope that they’ll survive the night.

Doreen fires at the closest ghoul (#3) with a torch, but misses, the arrow skitters off into the darkness. As she moves towards the battle, she catches a glimpse of a white haired man standing in the shadows near the edge of the fight. He's very handsome, but his smile is cold and sardonic.

Sibyl gestures and one of remaining ghouls (#9) is now surrounded by a luminous glow (down 2 hp).

Athelstane pushes back the ghoul (#11) and just barely misses with his downward stroke, the longsword misses the ghoul by a hair.

---------- 2nd half of round 2 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Ghouls (8 left, #9 is now luminous and by the npc’s/carriage, #11 is in front of Athelstane, #12 is near Athelstane and the remainder are near the carriages 5, only 1 has a torch)
Leader of the Ghouls (in the shadows)
Dast 9 (2nd round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

((mangosta71, your roll didn't show anything, so took it as a thought/thinking type thing and make your actual action...))

2008-08-03, 09:37 PM
Thaelrid steps around the bush into the open and advances toward the caravan carefully, brandishing steel in each hand. His eyes gleam as they follow the ghoul from whose arm his arrow still sprouts.

I will move around the bush and close to a range of 40 ft from ghoul 1. Designating it as my opponent for dodge and fighting defensively.

1d20+9 Spot

edit: Bloody stupid roller. If you'll allow a roll on the shelf that my keyboard is on, the total is a 16.

2008-08-03, 10:19 PM
Thaelrid moves around his cover and advances towards the fight, stopping when he’s about 40 ft from the ghoul (#1) he wounded previously. As he advances, he also notices the white haired man in the shadows watching the fight.

The defenders renew their attacks, the fighter strikes out at the ghoul with the torch (#3 (previously missed by Doreen)) and his blade sinks into its flesh. The servants do their best to keep the ghouls at bay as the new arrivals jump into the fray.

The ghoul (#11) in front of Athelstane is enraged by his actions and jumps forward for a full attack and the ghoul ineffectively slides down his armor, unable to find any purchase for his claws or teeth. The other ghoul moves forward for an attack against the heavily armored paladin and is equally ineffective. The luminous ghoul lunges for a servant and falls on its face as it misses. The servant hurriedly takes a 5 foot step to the side and prepares to hit it while it’s down.

---------- 1st half of round 3 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Ghouls (8 left, #9 is now luminous and by the npc’s/carriage, #11 is in front of Athelstane, #12 is near Athelstane and the remainder are near the carriages 5, only 1 has a torch)
Leader of the Ghouls (in the shadows)
Dast 9 (3rd round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

2008-08-03, 11:50 PM
"****!!" Doreen says under her breath as the arrow disappears into the night.

When she sees the white haired man, Doreen wonders Who is that? But since he doing nothing, does not challenge him.

Instead, she continues toward the single fighter & the servants. She will attack ghoul #3, unless he is re-dead. If so, she'll attack the nearest ghoul.

Attack [roll0]
Damage, if it hits [roll1]

2008-08-04, 05:06 AM

The paladin grits his teeth under the relentless assault, and stirkes back fiercely.

Let's try this again, power attack 2
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2008-08-04, 07:58 AM

Transferring his mace back to his weapon hand, Dast charges down to Athelstane's side and strikes at the second creature.

Attack: vs. #12
Damage: 1d8+2[/roll]

AC decreases to 18.

2008-08-04, 08:00 AM
OOC: Oops.
Let's try that damage roll again: [roll0]

2008-08-05, 12:27 PM
Sibyl looks over at the other carriage and takes aim, then slings a ray of enervating energy over at the torch wielding ghoul.

Ray of Enfeeblement.
Ranged touch attack: 1d20+4=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1688042/)
Strength penalty: 1d6 2=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1688043/)

The ghoul with the luminous swarm spell needs to make a reflex save for 17 or take 1d6=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1688047/) damage.

I really need to work on my spell selection. I'm practically useless over here.

2008-08-05, 01:14 PM
Thaelrid moves around his cover and advances towards the fight, stopping when he’s about 40 ft from the ghoul (#1) he wounded previously. As he advances, he also notices the white haired man in the shadows watching the fight.

The defenders renew their attacks, the fighter strikes out at the ghoul with the torch (#3 (previously missed by Doreen)) and his blade sinks into its flesh. The servants do their best to keep the ghouls at bay as the new arrivals jump into the fray.

The ghoul (#11) in front of Athelstane is enraged by his actions and jumps forward for a full attack but the ghoul ineffectively slides down his armor, unable to find any purchase for his claws or teeth. The other ghoul (#12) moves forward for an attack against the heavily armored paladin and is equally ineffective. The luminous ghoul (#9) lunges for a servant and falls on its face as it misses. The servant hurriedly takes a 5 foot step to the side and prepares to hit it while it’s down.

Dast moves forward to attack the other ghoul (#12) near Athelstane. His mace slams into the ghoul’s side, but the creature barely feels it.

Doreen goes to help the fighter and the servants. She moves against the nearest ghoul (#3) and it falls under her attack. The torch falls to the ground and gutters out.

Sibyl reaches out with one hand and a ray spell finds the other ghoul (#1) with a torch. It sags beneath the attack, the torch falling from its fist and it almost falls over. The luminous ghoul is on the ground and resists the side effects from the spell this round.

Athelstane renews his attack against the ghoul (#11) that has relentlessly attacked him. His long sword bites deeply into the ghoul’s side, enough for the creature to feel it and falter. He almost sliced its top from its bottom, but the ghoul is hanging on and will certainly fight til the bitter end.

---------- round 3 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Ghouls (7 left, #9 is now luminous and by the npc’s/carriage, #11 is in front of Athelstane, #12 is near Athelstane and the remainder are near the carriages (4), the torch wielding ghouls have been dissuaded or killed
Leader of the Ghouls (in the shadows)
Dast 9 (3rd round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

2008-08-05, 01:32 PM
Thaelrid, abandoning his defensive stance, raises his scimitar high and rushes at the ghoul. The blade hums as it twirls through the air.

Charging ghoul 1.
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

AC reduced to 15 (16 versus the ghoul he is attacking, though if it falls he will designate the next nearest ghoul as his dodge opponent). Also, as undead, ghouls are immune to ability drain/damage such as Ray of enfeeblement.

edited to add the spoiler tag

2008-08-05, 01:39 PM
Also, as undead, ghouls are immune to ability drain/damage such as Ray of enfeeblement.

A coruscating ray springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5).

((Emphasis mine. It is not drain or damage.))

2008-08-05, 02:00 PM
Thaelrid charges the weakened ghoul and it has a difficult time trying to defend itself against the elf with the scimitar. Thaelrid raises his scimitar high and completely cuts the ghoul in two when he brings it down.

The fighter doesn’t seem too happy to have help, but he gruffly acknowledges Doreen with a slight nod of his head. He renews his attack one of the ghouls (#4) trying to climb up onto the carriage. His bastard sword bites deeply and as he wrenches it out, the ghoul falls to the ground although it immediately tries to get back up.

The servant wields the makeshift weapon, thumping the previously downed luminous ghoul on the back, but otherwise not doing much to the creature other than keeping it down.

Two ghouls circle the carriages, waiting for a good attack, while the two around Athelstane and Dast attack, biting and clawing at their opponents. The ghoul (#11) attacking Athelstane is getting frustrated; he hasn’t broken through the paladins armor yet. The ghoul (#12) attacking Dast almost makes it through, but Dast gets his shield up in time to deflect the undead creature.

---------- 1st half of round 4 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Ghouls (6 left, #9 is now luminous and by the npc’s/carriage, #11 is in front of Athelstane, #12 is near Athelstane and the remainder are near the carriages (3)
Leader of the Ghouls (in the shadows)
Dast 9 (4th round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

2008-08-05, 02:25 PM
((Emphasis mine. It is not drain or damage.))

((My mistake - haven't read the spell description in a while.))

2008-08-05, 04:32 PM

Dast grunts as the ghoul slams into his shield, then brings his mace up to strike at the creature again. "Hells take you!" he gasps.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-08-05, 05:35 PM

"For Heironeous!" Athelstane slashes fiercely, aiming for the ghoul's neck.

Attacking ghoul #11 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If it drops, and #12 still standing, will cleave:
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

He then declares shield defense (+1 to AC for 22 against one foe)
as follows:
On #11 if its still standing
On #12 if 11 falls and 12 survives
On the nearest one after he moves if 12 is dead(see below)

If 11 falls, use move action to move 20' towards the beleagered carriage. If #12 is alive, would risk attack of opportunity (note ac would be 22 as above)

wow.. too many contingencies ) :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-05, 06:07 PM

When Doreen arrives, she stabs at the prone luminous ghoul (#9). If it dies, she'll go towards the nearest ghoul that is circling.

Attack [roll0]
If hits, damage [roll1]

Spot check, to notice fighters dislike of my "help." [roll2]

2008-08-05, 06:11 PM
Feeling that she should save a little bit of her magic just in case there was something more dangerous lurking, Sibyl frowns and looks around, trying to locate anything out of the ordinary in case there was a trap. As she looks around over the various lights of the scene, she gets an idea, grins, and casts a spell. Four eerie orbs of light appear, and Sibyl points towards the remaining clump of ghouls and speaks an order.
"Kill them."
The orbs begin closing in with frightening quickness.

Okay, so Sibyl is just trying to mess with people's heads here. She cast Dancing Lights to summon, and I quote:

Four glowing spheres of light (which look like will-o’-wisps)
Figuring that they realize she is a spellcaster from what she has already done, she's faking that she summoned four will-o'-wisps and is essentially ordering them to kill the ghouls (who would stand no chance against such creatures).

In reality, she's sending dancing lights at them.
So here is a bluff check:
1d20+9=28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1688310/)
And because of the situation, an intimidate check might also be in order:
1d20 5=19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1688314/)
It may not be necessary, but I thought just in case.
I'm just trying to get them to run.

Now, another DC 17 save for the luminous ghoul...
Damage: 1d6=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1688303/)

2008-08-06, 02:32 PM
Thaelrid charges the weakened ghoul and it has a difficult time trying to defend itself against the elf with the scimitar. Thaelrid raises his scimitar high and completely cuts the ghoul in two when he brings it down.

The fighter doesn’t seem too happy to have help, but he gruffly acknowledges Doreen with a slight nod of his head. He renews his attack one of the ghouls (#4) trying to climb up onto the carriage. His bastard sword bites deeply and as he wrenches it out, the ghoul falls to the ground although it immediately tries to get back up.

The servant wields the makeshift weapon, thumping the previously downed luminous ghoul on the back, but otherwise not doing much to the creature other than keeping it down.

Two ghouls (#5, #6) circle the carriages, waiting for a good attack, while the two around Athelstane and Dast attack, biting and clawing at their opponents. The ghoul (#11) attacking Athelstane is getting frustrated; he hasn’t broken through the paladins armor yet. The ghoul (#12) attacking Dast almost makes it through, but Dast gets his shield up in time to deflect the undead creature.

Dast’s mace slams into the creature, it staggers for a moment and then it’s ready to renew its attack.

Doreen stabs the ghoul on the ground but it isn’t ready to give up yet. In the heat of battle, Doreen is to busy dealing with ghouls to see any more than the brief nod.

The luminous ghoul continues to resist the damage from Sibyl’s spell. The dancing lights descend threateningly towards the ghouls. The two circling ghouls (#5, #6) look up as Sibyl commands the lights to kill them. They both decide it isn’t worth it, no matter how much they’ve been ordered/commanded. They both dodge and run away into the darkness. The ghoul (#11) in front of Athelstane realizes it’s about to be flanked and the ghoul is utterly frustrated by Athelstane’s AC and starts to beat a hasty retreat. The other ghoul (#12) refuses to feel intimated by a ball of light.

Athelstane attacks the ghoul (#11), separating its head from its shoulders just as it was about to run from the light. He turns to the ghoul (#12) threatening Dast and takes that one apart with one swing of his longsword. With no remaining ghouls to threaten him, he moves toward the carriage with the remaining 2 ghouls.

---------- round 4 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Ghouls (2 left, #9 is luminous and by the npc’s/carriage and the other one is near the carriages (1))
Leader of the Ghouls (in the shadows)
Dast 9 (4th round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

2008-08-06, 02:49 PM
Wrenching his blade free of the shattered corpse at his feet, Thaelrid turns toward the next ghoul. He stomps through the gore as he runs. He makes a backhanded slash at his opponent's chest.

Assuming the ghoul is more than 10 feet away, Thaerid charges. If not, he'll move toward it and engage. The numbers here assume a charge.

AC down to 15 (16 versus the ghoul he's swinging at).

2008-08-06, 03:04 PM
Thaelrid rushes the ghoul (#4) currently on the ground in front of the fighter. His blade slashes into the ghoul’s back, almost disabling its left arm.

The fighter crunches his bastard sword into the downed ghoul, finishing it off. The servants look around for any remainder and the one near the glowing ghoul hits it again.

The luminous ghoul jumps to its feet and turns to attack the servant who dared to hit it twice.

The leader disappears into the shadows.

----------1st half of round 5 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Ghouls (1 left, #9 is luminous and by the npc’s/carriage)
Leader of the Ghouls (disappeared)
Dast 9 (5th round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

2008-08-06, 03:47 PM
"Foul creature. Stay dead, damnit!"

Doreen stabs at the luminous ghoul, again.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If it dies, she heads back to where the strange man was.

2008-08-06, 04:57 PM

Seeing all the foes are down, the paladin nods to Dast. He then approaches the carriage, raising his blade then lowering it sharply in a swordsman's salute. "Is your liege-lady well, warrior?"

If the luminous ghoul is still alive when my turn rolls around, Athelstane will stab it nonchalantly (Power attack-2) on his way to the carriage, and speak as above.
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2008-08-06, 07:24 PM
Thaelrid quickly surveys the site. "Gather all the bodies and burn them." He joins Doreen. "Any sign of the old man?"

[roll0] Survival check to search for tracks

2008-08-06, 08:18 PM
Grinning to herself that her trick worked, Sibyl calls the four dancing lights over to her and keeps them close, trying to dispel the darkness around the group.

2008-08-07, 12:09 AM
Doreen looks into the darkness. Then kneels down to get a better look at the ground. "No. I can't see anything. Sibyl, maybe you could send one of your killer lights over here, please."

Doreen smiles and slightly shivers. Then says under her breath "Those things give me the creeps." Shivers again.

Spot check to see any evidence the old man may have left behind. [roll0]

2008-08-07, 12:44 AM
Thaelrid removes a cloth from a pocket and wipes the gore from his blades, then tosses it onto the flaming carriage. He addresses the survivors of the caravan. "There was an old man skulking here in the shadows. I want to know who and where he is."

2008-08-08, 08:18 AM
"Sure thing!"
Sibyl sends her lights zipping over towards Doreen, and heads that way herself.
"What are we looking for?"

2008-08-08, 05:05 PM
Doreen continues to search for any trace of the handsome man (who said he was old?) she saw earlier, as she tells Sibyl "There was a white haired man standing here, just watching. Something about him was... off. But he wasn't doing anything, so I decided it was best to destroy the ghouls first."

Search [roll0]

2008-08-08, 09:41 PM

If Ghoul #9 (Luminous) is still in the fight, then:
Charge to a flanking position with either Doreen or the NPC Servant, and
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
and go from there.

If all ghouls are down or fled, then:
Dast returns his weapon to the carry-loop at his belt and slings his shield onto his back. "Dast Liphus. You have wounded? Perhaps I can do something for them," he says to the apparent leader of the caravan's defenders. He reaches to his holy symbol and murmurs a few words, causing it to glow radiantly.

((Casting Light on his holy symbol so that he can look at any wounded.))

2008-08-09, 10:26 AM
"Oh. What would someone be watching for? Maybe he was a necromancer and made the ghouls attack?"
Sibly frowns and taps her lips as the dancing lights swirl around in a strange little manner, probably following some subconscious commands on her part.

2008-08-09, 04:21 PM
Doreen glares over her shoulder at Sibyl. "Or maybe, he was some whiney rich git, actually doing something right and staying out of the way. I didn't want to waste time finding out. And I sure wasn't going to just attack him because he's just standing there."

Then she stands up and faces Sibyl. "Maybe, my assesment was wrong, but there is nothing to be accomplished by arguing about it. We need to find him, and maybe find Dekellus. Do you agree?"

2008-08-09, 05:10 PM
Sibly pouts as she is glared at, slightly hurt, but mostly just making a big deal out of it because she wanted to.
"It was just a guess...
"And yeah, even if he had nothing to do with the attacks it isn't safe to be wandering around here if there are ghouls about."
She waves he hands and brings the four dancing lights to her hand, pretending to balance them on her palm, then roll them to her pointer finger.
"Should we wait for everyone else?"

2008-08-09, 08:28 PM
Doreen, looking a little uncomfortable, and feeling bad about raising her voice at Sybil. "I'm sorry. It's just that you're probably right. It irks me that I might have let a monster go, without even attempting to stop him."

Looking back into the darkness, with a look of annoyance. "I'm pretty sure he doesn't need protecting if he's run off after we've destroyed all the ghouls. And we definitely need to wait for the others."

2008-08-09, 11:06 PM
Thaelrid rushes the ghoul (#4) currently on the ground in front of the fighter. His blade slashes into the ghoul’s back, almost disabling its left arm.

The fighter crunches his bastard sword into the downed ghoul, finishing it off. The servants look around for any remainder and the one near the glowing ghoul hits it again.

The luminous ghoul jumps to its feet and turns to attack the servant who dared to hit it twice.

The leader disappears into the shadows.

Dast charges over to flank the downed ghoul with Doreen and slams his mace into the creature.

Doreen finally kills off the luminous ghoul, it lies on the ground unmoving

---------- round 5 ----------


Thaelrid 21
Defenders (7 dead servants, 3 living ones, 1 fighter (Phineas), and the princess)
Ghouls (all dead)
Leader of the Ghouls (disappeared)
Dast 9 (5th round of Bless)
Doreen 7
Sibyl 4
Athelstane 4

After the ghouls are dead, Doreen, Thaelrid and Sibyl inspect the spot where the white haired man was. They find a few footprints around the area, but none of them lead away from the area.

When Athelstane approaches, the fighter looks up as he’s wiping off his sword, but before he can answer, Lysara descends from her carriage. She looks upset and worried about her dead servants and the remaining living ones. She nods distractedly to Athelstane before turning her complete attention on him.

“I cannot thank you enough for your help here tonight,” says the princess. “Without it, we might surely have fallen to these horrible…unliving things. They warned us in Blackbrook that these mountains were dangerous, but I had hoped to avoid such trouble. Alas, it was not to be.”

“But now I have a request of you. As you can see, many of my guards have fallen. More than ever we will need the help and protection of brave warriors such as you if we are to make it through the Black Stairs unharmed. Please, join our caravan. For there is safety in numbers, and when we arrive at my uncle’s manor, I shall reward your efforts with gold.”

Lysara is a pretty young woman, with pale, hard-edged features and long black hair. She’s dressed in fine traveling clothes.

When Thaelrid questions the three remaining servants, they’re quiet and they don’t know anything about the white haired man who was in the shadows.

The servants have cuts, bruises, but none of the three remaining servants have life threatening wounds. The fighter has moderate wounds, but not life threatening. He brusquely responds with his name, Phineas. He brushes off the cleric and acts like his own wounds are not worth worrying about.

((I believe I remembered anything, if you see that I've forgotten anything, please let me know.))

2008-08-10, 12:32 AM

The young man sheathes his sword, and bows at Lysara. "We merely did what had to be done. May I ask, milady, where is your uncle's home?"

2008-08-10, 04:21 AM
Thaelrid sighs as he watches Sibyl and Doreen argue. Women. He turns back to his examination of the ground and frowns at the disappearance of the tracks. Catching Doreen's eye, he shakes his head. He slips his scimitar and dagger back into their sheaths absently as he approaches the caravan, straightening his cloak and shirt as he walks. He stops in a relaxed stance, hands loosely clasped behind his back, and looks expectantly at Lysara.

2008-08-10, 04:55 AM

After seeing to the wounded, Dast joins Athelstane with Lysara and Phineas. "My comrade speaks truly. The undead are anathema to Pelor - even if none had been threatened directly by these monsters, it would have been my duty to oppose them. As it is, well, I'm only sorry we did not arrive sooner. But pray, how far do you have yet to travel? And do you mean to continue on through the night?"

2008-08-10, 03:31 PM
Doreen walks back to the main camp. "I, for one, think we should rest for the night. There are some of us who don't see very well at night. Even with a torch in hand, you can only see so far."

2008-08-10, 03:48 PM
The scene…

As you look around the recent battlefield. There are 7 dead servants, 1 dead horse with a burnt carriage, 1 scorched carriage with the horse still in his harness and the carriage that Lysara uses. One servant, a burly young man, has a firm grip on the horse hooked up to the scorched harness. The horse is rolling his eyes and stamping the ground, not liking the smell of blood and fire. There are 6 dead ghouls.

The fighter stands next to Lysara, bastard sword held loosely in his hand as he watches all of the party members.

There are two other female servants. They are constantly looking out into the darkness, and look nervous.

Lysara responds, Kind Sir, my uncle’s manor lies in the Goodlands, just northeast of the Deathpeaks. I think we need to move on and get away from this area tonight, some of the ghouls may come back. I have a lantern we can use to light our way. Please, will you assist us?

You are currently in the foothills of the Deathpeaks mountain range.

2008-08-10, 04:50 PM
Sibyl skips along behind Doreen, not taking the situation very seriously at all. She's grinning and humming softly as she listens, then nods to Lysara.
"Oh, I'll help! And really guys-"
She turns to face everyone.
"Moving around at night isn't so bad. I can make lights, too, see? If we really need to see something I can handle it."
She swirls her dancing lights around so more.

2008-08-10, 05:43 PM

"Well said, Sybil!" Athelstane smiles warmly at the sorceress, nodding his approval. He then turns to Lysara. "I cannot speak for us all, but on my honor, I shall see you safely to your uncle's home, or perish in the attempt." He bows once more, formally. He then whistles, and a large shape approaches from the darkness. It is soon seen to be a dark bay stallion of over sixteen hands, accoutered in barding of thick leather studded with polished iron. For all the metal he wears, Athelstane steps into the saddle easily enough, and calms the still nervous destrier -- the beast obviously dislikes the smell of the fallen undead.

2008-08-10, 08:08 PM
Doreen smacks hand to forehead. "Well, it seems that I'm likely to be outvoted. Thanks for your support Sibyl. I'll do my best to see you arrive safely, to your uncle's manor."

Doreen then walks to the other side of the group, staying within sight. Sits down on a stump or rock, and begins cleaning the ghoul guts off her blade. She keeps aware of the noises behind her.

Listen check, in case anything attempts to sneak up behind her.

2008-08-10, 10:41 PM

"Agreed. We can do no less than see you safely home; in any event I'd want to keep an eye on your injured for a day or so incase of infection - ghouls are vile things, truly!" He looks around the scene again, taking a deep breath. "I really would rather not travel at night, though, lights or no. And before we go anywhere, we simply must do something for the fallen - carry them out of the road at least, or better yet get them properly buried. And the remains of the ghouls must be burned, of course."

2008-08-10, 11:20 PM
Thaelrid nods at Dast. "To be safe, your fallen servants should be burned as well. If they were infected before they died, they will rise at midnight. They'll be hungry and angry. We only have a few hours."

I'm assuming that, as my favored enemy is undead, I would know these things about ghouls.

He turns back to Lysara. "Whether we travel by the light of the sun or the stars makes little difference to me. However, I would advise getting into a defensible position while all of you can still see. If the ghouls want us, they'll find us whether we're moving or not. It will be much easier for them to see us than it will be for us to see them if we're traveling by lantern light. By the time we know they're close, it may be too late."

2008-08-11, 08:19 AM
Sibyl shrugs at what the others say, not really caring how they travel. She just wanted to show off her lights again.
Still, she seems upset by Doreen's reaction, and watches her go with a sigh. The woman just seemed determined to be unhappy with something.

2008-08-11, 06:23 PM
The princess smiles in relief, Oh, thank you so much. Let me introduce myself and the others. I am Princess Lysara, Phineas is here next to me. He barely nods when his name is mentioned. The young man with the other horse and carriage is Thomas and my two maids are Anna and Lenore. Anna is the middle-aged woman and Lenore is the tiny, shy woman.

When burying and burning the bodies is mentioned, Lysara shudders a little, Sir, may I leave that up to you and Phineas? I would like to leave as soon as we possibly can. I would prefer to put as much distance between us and this site as possible.

2008-08-11, 09:20 PM
She wants to travel through rough terrain at night with nothing but a lantern. Curious. I wonder what she's really running from. Thaelrid eyes Lysara warily, then nods after a moment. He approaches the nearest corpse, rifles quickly through its pockets, then drags it to the burning carriage.

I'll search each body as I come to it before tossing it on the pyre. I figure it'll take about 15 minutes to get all of them. Less time if someone helps.

2008-08-11, 10:44 PM
When Doreen notices Thaelrid going through the pockets of one of the servants, she becomes immediately angry.

"Thaelrid!" She marches over to him. In the time it takes her to get to him, she softens, only a little. "How thoughtful of you. Yes, we should remove anything of value, so we may return them to these poor servants families."

Turning to the princess. "Lady Lysara, could we perhaps borrow some parchment, quill, and ink?"

2008-08-12, 12:34 AM
Thaelrid raises an eybrow at Doreen. "They have no further use of anything that they might have been carrying. On the other hand, something that they have might make the difference for the rest of us." Finished, he calmly tosses the corpse onto the burning carriage and turns to the next.

2008-08-12, 12:49 AM
Doreen steps in front of Thaelid. "What do you hope to find on these servants that is so valuable, that you are willing to demean them, in front of their friends?"

Whispering to Thaelid. "You could have at least waited until they pointing at Lady Lysara's maids "were on their way, before committing such a heinous act."

2008-08-12, 09:33 AM
Thaelrid shrugs. "Perhaps a weapon. Maybe some rations that they had hidden away. Maybe even a little bit of gold that we can donate to a temple if we should need a healer's services. I won't know until I've finished searching." He glances toward the maids. "How am I to take the point if I wait until everyone else has already gone ahead? Are you volunteering to do this? If you are, I'll start scouting now."

2008-08-12, 09:51 AM
What's her problem?
Sibyl thinks to herself as she watches Doreen. Normally she'd agree with her, but the woman had just been so tetchy over everything else that Sibyl doesn't feel inclined to put her argument against Thaelrid down as sensibility.
She goes over to one of the remaining wagons and keeps playing with her lights as she sits down on the back.

2008-08-12, 11:24 AM
"You're not the only one who can take point, you know. I'll scout ahead. I believe you'll have no problem catching up."

Doreen then walks toward the princess, stopping about four feet away. "Are we ready to go then?"

When everybody has stated their readiness, Doreen will head towards Sibyl. "I want to apologize for earlier. I can be a bit of a grump when I feel that I messed up, and when... Well, I'm sorry."

Then she'll pull out her short sword, and head off, taking what looks to be the best route towards the Deathpeak Mountains, and the Goodlands. Once she's far enough ahead (about 30 yards) she slows down and moves quietly.

To discern the best route: 1d20+6
Listen check: 1d20+7
Spot check: 1d20+5
Move Silently: 1d20+10

EDIT: Don't know why it didn't roll. Rerolled in OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4696432&postcount=31)

2008-08-12, 12:47 PM
The paladin braces his lance as he observes the discussion amongst his companions. He has seen enough combat that he recognizes Thaelrid's pragmatism, but he can sympathize with Doreen's noble viewpoint. Well, they thought me reckless earlier. He chucles to himself as he pulls his destrier closer to the elf. "What say you, friend... should we try to march an hour or two before seeking a campsite?"

2008-08-12, 01:09 PM
Thaelrid glances up at the paladin. "That seems to be Lysara's wish. If we are to escort her, we have little choice in the matter. Why don't you, Dast, and Sibyl ride with her? I'll keep watch on our trail." Holding his cloak to his face, he approaches the makeshift pyre to ensure that all of the dead are burning, then follows the caravan from the clearing.

I'll keep a distance of about 50 feet behind the others as we travel, keeping to the shadows as much as possible.
[roll0] - Spot
[roll1] - Listen
[roll2] - Hide
[roll3] - Move Silently

2008-08-12, 04:26 PM

Athelstane nods to the ranger, then walks his horse to the others. "Dast, may I suggest you ride in the other wagon?"
Meaning the one SYbil is not on, as she did not specify :)

"This good lady and her lethal lights should keep this wagon safe." He smiles and winks at Sybil before leading the wagons forward, lance and shield at the ready.

2008-08-12, 04:47 PM
Sibyl gives Doreen a smile, playing with her lights a little more.
"Don't worry about it- I'm sure things are going to turn out fine."
A little more happily, she nods to Thaelrid and Athelstane, bouncing a bit as she sits and hums, sending her lights orbiting around her head.

2008-08-12, 05:40 PM
Princess Lysara only has eyes for the paladin and barely notices how Thaelrid treats the dead. She is more concerned about moving onwards. Phineas, the fighter notices and frowns a little, but doesn’t protest. He knows it is needed but it’s an unpleasant business.

Thaelrid won’t find anything of note with the dead servants. Most of their belongings are kept in the carriages.

Lenore has already climbed back into the Princess’ carriage and shut the door; it’s obvious that no one else is invited inside that carriage. Phineas will be driving the main carriage and Thomas will be driving the second carriage. There is a spot next to the driver on each carriage.

When Doreen asks for writing supplies, Lysara briefly opens up her carriage and talks quietly for a moment. Soon she hands Doreen the supplies.

There is a track/road to follow into the Deathpeaks and once everything is settled, and everyone is ready…It’s time to head off into the night. Lysara has Phineas hang the lantern from the top of her carriage. The lantern is a heavy hollow sphere of black iron with 13 wide, ornate holes carved through its metal shell. A pale bluish-white light emanates through these holes after Phineas hangs it up. Lysara looks up at it and it brightens when she commands it. It will complement Sibyl’s dancing lights.

((So I have Doreen scouting ahead, Athelstane riding his horse, Sibyl riding up next to Phineas on the Princess’ wagon, Dast with Thomas on the second carriage and Thaelrid as rear guard))

Doreen and Thaelrid don’t find anything unusual in their scouting.

The caravan pushes on into the night, stopping a few hours later to rest just off the road. Shortly after dawn, the servants produce a simple breakfast of dried fruit and bread, and it looks like they expect to keep traveling through the daylight hours as well as they begin to pack up the breakfast supplies.

2008-08-12, 07:00 PM
Athelstane brushes down, feeds, and saddles his horse before joining the others for breakfast. "Praise Pelor and Heironeous, but it is good to see sunlight!"

2008-08-13, 04:18 AM

Dast rises to his feet after his morning prayers and begins donning his armor. Hearing Athelstane's comment, he smiles, "A fine day, indeed. Pelor grant that it remains so."

Slinging his pack and his shield onto his back, and hanging his mace at his belt, he checks one last time to make sure he's not leaving anything behind before turning and calling out, "Everyone ready to move on?"

2008-08-13, 09:22 AM
Thaelrid takes a last deep breath before opening his eyes. His legs unfold, bringing him smoothly to his feet, and he raises his head. He releases his cloak to flutter in the breeze while he eats a quick breakfast, then slips out of the camp to begin scouting the path ahead.

[roll0] - Spot
[roll1] - Listen
[roll2] - Hide
[roll3] - Move Silently

2008-08-13, 02:38 PM

Athelstane steps into the saddle, and approaches the princess and her escort. Somehow he manages a graceful bow from the destrier's back. "Good morning, Your Highness. And to you, master Phineas. Are you ready to continue our journey?"

2008-08-13, 02:47 PM
Sibyl, being the carefree and somewhat thoughtless person she is, has fallen asleep on the back of her wagon, snoozing quite peacefully without any regard to the serious situation they're going through.
Her lights have long since vanished.

2008-08-13, 04:07 PM
Listen [roll0]
I'll assume this is good enough to hear Thaerid go past.

Doreen awakens with a start as Thaerid attempts to quietly begin scouting ahead. Damn him.

Doreen goes to the camp and quietly eats breakfast. Where's Sibyl? she wonders to herself.

She'll wait for everyone to go, then begin following about 30 ft. behind.

The appropriate rolls are in this post. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4703756&postcount=32) Sorry.

2008-08-13, 07:34 PM
Before the sun clears the horizon, everything is packed up. Lysara nods in reply to Athelstane, she’s ready to go. Everyone else in her party is ready to go. Lysara and Lenore reenter her carriage and Phineas brusquely nods, Yes, we’re ready He climbs back on the princess’ carriage and he’s been quite thankful that Sibyl has been asleep…he doesn’t like idle chatter. The lantern remains hanging from the carriage. Thomas climbs back on his and they’ll roll out and down the road.

Eventually, the caravan reaches the infamous Black Stairs. The road is steep and blanketed in black gravel that occasionally slides beneath wheels and feet. It narrows hwere to 15 feet across, with a hundred foot drop on one side and a steep slope covered with trees and rocks on the other. For several hours, the road winds its way along the edge of the mountain.

Thaelrid and Doreen will feel like someone is watching them as they scout and Thaelrid will catch a fleeting glimpse of something in the trees, but it might be just an animal.

As they’re scouting ahead they come across a tree that’s fallen across the roadway. The carriages aren’t far behind.

((Everyone make another spot check))

2008-08-13, 08:34 PM

The changing motion of the carriage as it slows to avoid running into the downed tree snaps Dast out of his reverie. "What-"

Spot: [roll0]

2008-08-13, 08:50 PM
A quiet buzzing snore comes from Sibyl as she turns over, probably failing her spot check automatically.

2008-08-13, 09:25 PM
Thaelrid comes up short and signals the caravan to a halt as he peers into the forest.

[roll0] - Spot

2008-08-13, 09:32 PM

Athelstane walks his horse to the downed tree, looking around warily.

Spot [roll0]

2008-08-14, 02:40 AM
Preparing her bow, Doreen slowly approaches the halted caravan. She looks around warily for trouble.

Spot [roll0]

2008-08-14, 09:18 AM
Thaelrid glances at Athelstane as he comes alongside, but says nothing. His blades leave their sheaths with a faint hiss as he examines the fallen tree.
Assuming that the tree is large enough, Thaelrid will circle around to look behind it, using the tree as cover to hide.
[roll0] - Hide
[roll1] - Move Silently

2008-08-14, 06:18 PM
Thaelrid would have to go over the tree trunk to get around it.

No one spots the mercenaries before they attack the caravan. They seem to leap out from the underbrush next to the road. On their side is a hill covered in trees and underbrush, on the other side is a steep drop off, the trail is about 15 feet wide at this point.

Three mercenaries (1,2,3) head directly for the lead carriage and begin attempting to break in. Phineas draws his bastard sword. Anna moves to hide behind the closest wagon.

Three mercenaries (4,5,6) each head for individual party members. Thaelrid and Doreen notice that they’re wearing red skull patches on their right shoulders. #4 moves to engage Thaelrid, attacking with his longsword and instead almost trips and falls. He ends up in front of Thaelrid. #5 moves to engage Doreen and gets past her armor (damage:11). #6 moves to threaten and attack Athelstane and succeeds with a well placed swing with his longsword (damage: 12)

---------- Surprise Round ----------

Mercenaries (6)

((all roll init and actions))

2008-08-14, 06:44 PM
Initiative [roll0]

2008-08-14, 07:07 PM
Doreen will step away (5 ft. step) from Merc 5, moving closer toward Athelstane, and shoot an arrow at Merc 5. She's fighting defensively (Combat Expertise).

Combat Expertise: -2 Attack, +2 AC
Point Blank Shot: +1 Attack
attack [roll0]

2008-08-14, 08:08 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2008-08-14, 09:33 PM

"Cowardly varlets!" Athelstane's steed rears, and he directs it to attack as he draws his sword and slashes viciously at the mercenary's skull.

Free Action to drop lance
Full attack from horse:
Hoof 1 attack [roll]1d20+6 damage [roll0]
Hoof 2 attack [roll]1d20+6 damage [roll1]
Bite attack [roll]1d20+1 damage [roll2]
Move action to draw sword
Ride check [roll3] (If 10 or more, he can attack as well)
Power attack -2
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
HP 29/41

2008-08-14, 09:35 PM
Here go the horse's 3 attacks:

hoof 1 [roll0]
hoof 2 [roll1]
bite [roll2]

damage as above

2008-08-14, 09:42 PM
Thaelrid glides back a step and raises his blades in challenge. [roll0] - Initiative

2008-08-14, 10:00 PM
OOC: Oh, I forgot damage.:smallyuk:


2008-08-14, 10:06 PM
(oops, forgot to post an action)

Thaelrid glides in close, bringing his scimitar down on the bandit's right shoulder, the dagger coming in on the left.
using the rolls from the OOC post, in which the thing worked:
[roll0] = 18 - Scimitar Attack
[roll1] = 7 - Damage
[roll2] = 24 - Dagger Attack
[roll3] = 2 - Damage

2008-08-15, 01:26 AM

Dast grabs his shield and chants a quick benison for the group.

Initiative: [roll0]

Casting Bless.

2008-08-15, 09:57 AM
Sibyl slowly wakes up at the sound of fighting, yawns, and stretches, blinking around a bit blearily. There is an expression of surprise on her face as she realizes what is going on.
Realizing that action is needed, the sorceress bites her lip and points towards one of the bandits and weaves her hands and mutters a few words, sending a weird stream of hypnotic lights at him.

Move Action: Wake and sit up.
Standard: Cast Hideous Laughter at the bandit closest to her and the cart. (I really think the laughter thing is stupid, so I reflavored it to be lights that cause momentary epilepsy. No mechanics changes- it just fits Sibyl's theme).
Will Save DC 17 or drop prone and take no actions for four rounds.

2008-08-17, 05:29 PM
Thaelrid attacks the mercenary (#4) in front of him. His scimitar slices into the chainmail around his upper arm, leaving a long bloody slice. The dagger makes its mark lower on the mercenary’s other arm, as Thaelrid darts inside the mercenary’s guard.

Doreen takes a step back, raises her shortbow and fires at mercenary #5. Her arrow skitters off his chainmail and lands behind the mercenary.

Phineas hops off the carriage and attacks one of the mercenaries (#3) trying to come around to the side, near the horse. Phineas stops the mercenary from moving further as his weapon slices into his enemy’s side.

Sibyl starts awake, suddenly realizes that the caravan isn’t moving any longer and sits up. She takes a good look around and finds several mercenaries headed directly for the carriage she’s sitting on, intent on getting in. She sends a stream of hypnotic lights at the closest and he gets extremely dizzy and promptly falls over… (#1 out for four rounds)

The mercenary (#3) in front of Phineas tries to beat him down so he can get around him, but his blade slides off as Phineas successfully blocks the blow. Mercenary #2 begins beating on the door to the carriage, trying to get inside, but he’s making no headway yet. #4 near Thaelrid presses his attack, trying to give the others time to let the others do their work. He gets in a very good return stroke with his longsword on the ranger (damage:11). #5 steps forward to engage Doreen, he attacks, slipping upward and in with his longsword (damage:14). #6 is trying to avoid the warhorse while attacking the paladin. He swings upward, but his longsword misses as the warhorse shifts backwards.

Dast puts on his shield and quickly casts Bless over his allies.

Athelstane and his warhorse attack #6, but despite Athelstane’s efforts to take the mercenary’s head off his shoulders, he misses rather dramatically and barely misses his horse. The horse strikes out with his hooves, one gets in a solid hit (it’s going to leave a mark), the bite misses as the mercenary dodges around the warhorse’s head.

---------- Round 1 ----------

Thaelrid 24 (damage: 11)
Doreen 24 (damage: 14)
Sibyl 19
Mercenaries (6) (1 (out for 4 rounds),2,3 near carriage, 4 near Thaelrid, 5 near Doreen, 6 near Athelstane)
Dast 11
Athelstane 6

((We'll go to Thaelrid, Doreen and Sibyl posting, then me with the first half of the round and then Dast and Athelstane. So everyone will know the status of the enemies for their turn.

One more note, please refrain from using swear words in OOC stuff, thank you.))

2008-08-17, 07:38 PM
Thaelrid snarls wordlessly as he presses his attack. He reverses his arms as he drops into a crouch, then springs up, slicing both scimitar and dagger across the merc's gut in an attempt to disembowel his opponent.

[roll0] - Attack 1
[roll1] - Damage
[roll2] - Attack 2
[roll3] - Damage
If the mercenary goes down, Thaelrid will take a 5 foot step toward Athelstane and his attacker to set up flanking (I think I'm close enough to them for that).

2008-08-18, 06:21 AM
Doreen glaring at her enemy, will take another 5 ft. step toward Athelstane. Then she'll pull out a potion of Cure Light Wounds and drink it.


2008-08-18, 12:33 PM
Sibyl frowns as she gets to her feet, glaring over at the mercenary beating on the door. Drawing on some inner reserve of power, she raises her hands, strange lights gathering around her arms, swirling and writhing before she flings them at the assailant. Something about their movement and appearance is unspeakably horrifying- twisting in ways that bend and warp the psyche.

Sibyl is using her Cause Fear spell-like ability from Necropolis Born on #2.
DC 16 will save or be Frightened. A successful save means he is shaken instead.
Sibyl also uses her move action to stand up.

2008-08-22, 04:15 PM
The mercenary (#4) in front of Thaelrid is rather surprised to find his scimitar and dagger slipping underneath his guard and almost disemboweling him. The damage looks severe as he starts bleeding out onto the roadway. He’s barely standing.

Doreen takes a step back and drinks a healing potion.

Phineas presses the attack against mercenary #3, severely disabling him.

Mercenary #2 pauses in his efforts as Sibyl’s spell takes effect. He looks visibly shaken.

The mercenary on the ground is still down for the count. The other two near the carriage take stock of the situation, #3 is almost dead and he knows it. He calls for the others to retreat. The mercenary still standing near the carriage grabs something and takes off into the woods. Doreen’s opponent takes a step back from her and disappears into the woods. The mercenary (#6) by Athelstane hurridly takes a 5 foot step away from the warhorse and takes something out of a pouch.

---------- Round 2 first half ----------

Thaelrid 24 (damage: 11)
Doreen 24 (damage: 7)
Sibyl 19
Mercenaries (6) (1 (out for 3 rounds),3 near carriage, 4 near Thaelrid, 6 near Athelstane, 2 and 5 disappear into the dense woods)
Dast 11
Athelstane 6

((We'll go to Thaelrid, Doreen and Sibyl posting, then me with the first half of the round and then Dast and Athelstane. So everyone will know the status of the enemies for their turn. Sorry about the slow reply, been busy with a lot of things.))

2008-08-22, 08:19 PM

Athelstane guides his horse forward, as he addresses his foe.
"Yield now, varlet, or your life is forfeit!"
Seeing the man is not surrendering, he attacks once more with blade and stomping destrier.

Warhorse takes 5'step
Warhorse full attack
Hoof attack [roll0]
Hoof damage [roll1]
Hoof attack [roll2]
Hoof damage [roll3]
Bite Attack [roll4]
Bite Damage [roll5]
Ride check [roll6]
Sword attack [roll7]
Damage [roll8]

2008-08-23, 08:16 PM

Dast draws his mace as he clatters down from the carriage and rushes toward Phineas and the apparent leader of the mercenaries. "Pelor shine down upon us!" he cries. He swings at the mercenary's head, deliberately overextending his arm in an effort to strike with the haft rather than the weighted end.

Attack: [roll0] (-4 on the roll for attempting to deal non-lethal damage)
Damage: [roll1]

2008-08-24, 06:55 PM
The mercenary (#4) in front of Thaelrid is rather surprised to find his scimitar and dagger slipping underneath his guard and almost disemboweling him. The damage looks severe as he starts bleeding out onto the roadway. He’s barely standing.

Doreen takes a step back and drinks a healing potion.

Phineas presses the attack against mercenary #3, severely disabling him.

Mercenary #2 pauses in his efforts as Sibyl’s spell takes effect. He looks visibly shaken.

The mercenary on the ground is still down for the count. The other two near the carriage take stock of the situation, #3 is almost dead and he knows it. He calls for the others to retreat. The mercenary still standing near the carriage grabs something and takes off into the woods. Doreen’s opponent takes a step back from her and disappears into the woods. The mercenary (#6) by Athelstane hurridly takes a 5 foot step away from the warhorse and takes something out of a pouch.

Dast succeeds in laying the mercenary out cold on the ground.

The warhorse attacks with hooves and teeth; one hoof gets through and almost knocks the flask from the mercenary’s hand. Athelstane’s sword gets through on the other side, wounding the mercenary.

---------- Round 2 ----------

Thaelrid 24 (damage: 11)
Doreen 24 (damage: 7)
Sibyl 19
Mercenaries (6) (1 (out for 3 rounds), 3 near carriage (knocked out by Dast), 4 near Thaelrid, 6 near Athelstane, 2 and 5 disappear into the dense woods)
Dast 11
Athelstane 6

2008-08-24, 07:11 PM
HP: 29 -11 -14 +7 =11.

Doreen eases her stance. Looks around. Aims and shoots at Merc #4.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

EDIT: Wrong Merc.

2008-08-25, 01:33 AM
Thaelrid knocks his foe's blade to the side then steps close, bringing the hilts of both his weapons in at his temples.

[roll0] - Attack
[roll1] - Damage (nonlethal)
[roll2] - Attack
[roll3] - Damage (nonlethal)

2008-08-25, 10:27 AM
Sibyl swiftly moves from her position near the carriage towards Athelstane and the mercenary near him, knowing that the man she disabled will be down for a while longer, and that the other two men are well handled by the others. Swiftly she chants her spell, her hands weaving strangely again as she summons a rioting blast of colors, aiming them away from Athelstane, but towards the mercenary who just stepped away from him.

Move action to get near Athelstand.
Standard action to cast Color Spray (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/colorSpray.htm). DC 16 will save.

2008-08-25, 12:22 PM
Thaelrid bats aside his foe’s blade and steps closer attempting to knock him out with a blow to the head. The mercenary (#4) lifts his shield up and blocks him.

Doreen looks around and takes aim at the fourth mercenary. This time, her arrow thunks solidly into the man and he has a surprised expression right before he falls over dead.

Phineas takes a few steps to the stunned mercenary (#1) on the ground. He delivers a coup de grace, killing him as he cuts his throat.

Sibyl casts Color Spray and the mercenary (#6) pauses as the colors swirl in front of his eyes and he goes blind.

---------- Round 3 first half ----------

Thaelrid 24 (damage: 11)
Doreen 24 (damage: 18)
Sibyl 19
Mercenaries (6) (1-dead, 3 near carriage (knocked out by Dast), 4-dead, 6 (now blind) near Athelstane)
Dast 11
Athelstane 6

2008-08-25, 04:16 PM
Athelstane approaches the blind mercenary, and puts his blade at the man's throat. "I suggest you yield now, rogue, an you wish to live out the day."

Ready action to attack with the flat of the blade for nonlethal damage if he attacks or runs.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1] (nonlethal)

2008-08-25, 06:37 PM

Dast watches in horror as Phineas executes the helpless mercenary. "What are you doing, man? Have you lost your wits?" he cries out. "We have this under control, there's no need for, for that!"

Dast moves to block Phineas away from the two remaining mercenaries, his mace and shield at the ready.

2008-08-26, 08:15 AM
Thaelrid bats aside his foe’s blade and steps closer attempting to knock him out with a blow to the head. The mercenary (#4) lifts his shield up and blocks him.

Doreen looks around and takes aim at the fourth mercenary. This time, her arrow thunks solidly into the man and he has a surprised expression right before he falls over dead.

Phineas takes a few steps to the stunned mercenary (#1) on the ground. He delivers a coup de grace, killing him as he cuts his throat.

Sibyl casts Color Spray and the mercenary (#6) pauses as the colors swirl in front of his eyes and he goes blind.

#3 is laid out cold on the ground, #6 is blind and holds his sword warily in front of him.

Dast moves to protect the mercenary he knocked out.

Athelstane moves up to the blind one and suggests that he yield.

The mercenary pulls his sword in closer as Athelstane moves in closer and when he feels the steel against his throat he slowly drops his sword to the ground. He does not drop the flask in his other hand.

---------- Round 3 ----------

Thaelrid 24 (damage: 11)
Doreen 24 (damage: 18)
Sibyl 19
Mercenaries (6) (#3 near carriage (knocked out by Dast), #6 (now blind) near Athelstane) ((2 dead, 2 ran away, 1 knocked out, 1 surrendered))
Dast 11
Athelstane 6

((and then I forgot to do the mercenaries on the first half…but it’s not like they were going to do a whole lot…))

Phineas looks up at Dast, I am protecting my Princess. He leaves it at that.

2008-08-26, 10:06 AM
Thaelrid spares a glance for Phineas as he approaches the blind mercenary, stepping over the corpse in front of him. "He was potentially useful alive." He returns his scimitar to its sheath, but holds the dagger ready as he makes a grab at the mercenary's wrist. "What have we here?"

I guess this is a grapple situation. If I'm reading things correctly, my target is unarmed. I'm attempting to pry the flask from his hand.
[roll0] Attack (touch)
[roll1] Strength check

Edit: oops, forgot to add a flanking bonus. Not that the roll was high enough for it to matter.

2008-08-26, 02:18 PM

"In case you'd forgotten, we're protecting your Princess too," Dast retorts. "But there's no need to act like, like barbarians! He wasn't a threat anymore," he winds down.

Dast looks back over his shoulder toward the carriages. "Now, we're going to need some rope to tie these men with while we ask them some questions - and we'll need more to drag that tree off the road. And then- Doreen, are you okay? Did anyone else get hit? Ath? Sibyl? Thaelrid?"

2008-08-26, 04:26 PM
"This varlet did manage to stab me, good priest." Athelstane grunts, his sword not moving from the mercenary's throat. "But please see to the lady first." He signals towards Doreen with his shield. He continues to look at the brigand as he speaks again. "Master Phineas, I must agree with brother Dast. Throat-cutting a stunned foe is not a way for a true and honorable man to conduct himself in battle!"

((OOC: 16 hp wound))

2008-08-26, 05:42 PM
Phineas replies in a cold voice, He was a potential threat. They're all potential threats and we already have two prisoners.

The guy with the flask in his hand isn't moving...there's a blade to his throat and he can't see a thing. Thaelrid grabs his wrist and slowly takes his fingers from around the flask and gets it before it falls. He doesn't answer as to what it is.

2008-08-26, 07:21 PM
Thaelrid raises an arm, showing Dast a long, bloody weal. "It's not serious." He sheaths his dagger and looks closely at the flask. ""Can any of you tell what this is?" He seems completely unconcerned about Phineas's slaying of the unconscious merc and the ethical debate. But that's because he is unconcerned.

2008-08-26, 08:05 PM
Doreen puts her bow away. "Yeah, I was stupid and tried to fight a melee fight with a bow." Doreen says as she walks toward Dast.

She looks as if her pride had taken as much damage as her body.

2008-08-26, 11:17 PM

"However many prisoners we might or might not have isn't the point, Phineas - that man was out of the fight, helpless," Dast fires back as Doreen approaches. "And anyway, how much of a threat was he going to be once we'd confiscated his arms?"

Teeth clenched, he turns back to Doreen. "Amazing. Simply amazing. Some people-" he breaks off. "My apologies, Doreen. Let us see what may be done here."

Converting one Bull's Strength to a Cure Moderate Wounds for [roll0] healing.

2008-08-27, 01:16 AM
"No point arguing about it now. Two prisoners are easier to handle than three anyway." Thaelrid turns toward Phineas. "Has the lady received any type of formal education in alchemy? I would like to know exactly what this substance is," brandishing the flask, "and what he might have intended to do with it." He glances back toward the conscious prisoner. "Regardless, I suppose the purpose of taking them alive is interrogation?" His tone is warm as he address the mercenary. "Just think, friend. My companion here can keep patching you up all day. There's no limit to how much I can hurt you. The only way to stop the pain is to tell me what I want to know."

Not quite sure if a roll is called for here. I'm not bluffing the prisoner, but I want the rest of the party to think that I am...

2008-08-27, 08:02 AM
Sibyl cranes her neck to look at the flask that Thaelrid was holding, then holds out her hand for it.
"I might be able to figure it out."

Okay, here go all the rolls I might need for it. If I don't cover the correct skill check here, just tell me what I need to roll.
Appraise: [roll0]
Craft (Alchemy): [roll1]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll2]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll3]
Spellcraft: [roll4]

Wow, I didn't remember that I completely skimped those skills.

2008-08-27, 01:39 PM
Sibyl knows the flask has to do with Alchemy.

Phineas doesn’t respond to Dast, he starts systematically looting the dead bodies and storing their possessions in the second carriage. He also gets out a rope to move the downed tree with.

Thaelrid (damage: 11)
Doreen (damage: 2)
Athelstane (damage: 12)

mangosta71 you can make a bluff check and anyone who’s interested can make a sense motive check.

2008-08-27, 02:04 PM
Thaelrid passes the flask to Sibyl with a grin and a wink. His face becomes neutral again as he turns to the rest of the group. "Who wants to help question them?" He draws his dagger and begins cleaning under his fingernails with it.

[roll0] - Bluff

2008-08-27, 02:56 PM
Sibyl pouts as she can't quite figure out what the flask is.
"I'm not entirely sure what it is- I don't think it's magic. Probably some kind of alchemical weapon."

2008-08-27, 03:13 PM
Thaelrid nods. "So acid, or alchemist's fire, or something along those lines? We could always dribble a few drops on our new friend here and watch what happens."

2008-08-27, 07:39 PM

Dast frowns as Thaelrid talks, but decides not to interrupt unless things move beyond talk. Clapping Doreen on the shoulder, he moves to where Athelstane is still guarding the conscious mercenary and draws upon the power of his faith again.

Casting a prepared Cure Light Wounds on Athelstane: [roll0]

Also, Sense Motive: [roll1] to determine how serious Thaelrid really is.

2008-08-27, 10:10 PM

"Thank you, Dast." The paladin smiles in thanks, and walks to the Lysara's carriage. He calls politely. "Your highness, are you well?" He does narrow his eyes as he hears Thaelrid interrogating the prisoner. Intimidation was borderline already, but torture...
Sense Motive [roll0]

2008-08-28, 12:06 AM
Doreen looks at Thaelrid suspiciously. But says nothing. She figures that her "friends" are already annoyed with her after the incident the day before.

She looks at Dast and waits for him to say something.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2008-08-28, 08:10 AM
Lenore cracks the door and answers him from inside the carriage, ”Yes, the Princess is well, no harm has come to her. Thank you. Are all of the bandits dead or gone? Is everyone alive?”

Anna comes around the side of the other carriage looking relieved. She goes to lend her help to Phineas in slowly moving the fallen tree.

The blind mercenary looks stoic in the face of torture. The one on the ground begins to stir.

Doreen and Dast are a bit unsure of exactly what Thaelrid is doing if he really means it or not. Athelstane recognizes the tactic for what it is, but should he let it go to far…

Thaelrid (damage: 11)
Doreen (damage: 2)
Athelstane (damage: 3)

2008-08-28, 08:19 AM
Sibyl frowns and pulls the flask a bit away from Thaelrid's direction.
"Um, no. Even if we weren't concerned about the ethics of this, some alchemical solutions respond to light. Opening it to pour out just a few drops might be just as bad as breaking the entire flask.
"And anyways, I stunned him so he wouldn't be killed and hurt by you pointy edged weapon users, thank you very much!"
She sounds rather indignant.

2008-08-28, 08:41 AM
Doreen decides that if it goes too far she'll do something, but does NOT want to instigate another fight with Thaelrid.

She decides instead to help Phineas and Anna move the fallen tree.

Strength check [roll0]

If the fallen tree is not moving, even with the three of them, she'll offer up the idea of using some rope and one of the horses.

Use Rope check [roll1]
(untrained) Handle Animal Check [roll2]

2008-08-28, 10:07 AM
Stunned? Maybe that's why he isn't responding. Can he even hear me? I would hate to think that my performance was wasted. Thaelrid prods the mercenary with a finger, pushing just hard enough to topple him if he is unable to react.

2008-08-28, 08:37 PM

"Some of us were wounded, good maiden. But thankfully no deaths. As to the foe, we captured two, but the rest were slain."

2008-08-29, 01:07 AM
Thaelrid shoots a hard look at Athelstane. "Two escaped. We might be able to track them back to their camp. I'm not certain that these two will be any use at all. It may be better to just hack off their hands and feet and leave them here. By the way, do you recognize their sigil?" Thaelrid holds a badge up so that Lysara can see (or take) it.

2008-08-29, 05:45 AM

"Cut off their..." Athelstane's young features hold an incredilous look that for a moment is almost comical, but then he darkens with suppressed rage, and speaks in a low, firm voice. "None of that, now. Out in the wild, one may be forced to make harsh choices, which in extremis, may include execution. But we will NOT be maiming anyone and leaving them to blees out!"

2008-08-29, 05:00 PM
Doreen, Phineas and Anna move the tree out of the way and send it tumbling down the hillside.

The man steps back a pace in response to the prodding, but otherwise don’t react. The other one on the ground elects to remain there for the moment.

Lysara remains in the carriage, Lenore is speaking for her. She makes worried noises in response to Athelstane’s reply. ”Is anyone in need of a healing potion?” She gets out of the carriage to survey the condition of everyone.

Lenore looks carefully at the badge, but shakes her head, she doesn’t know what it means.

Phineas starts walking back, They’ve probably been waiting there by the tree for days, looking to hit the first wagon to come along. When he sees the badge, They’re probably deserters from the local military. Regardless, we need to tie them up and move from this spot. We’re sitting here just waiting out in the open if they went to get reinforcements.

Thaelrid (damage: 11)
Doreen (damage: 2)
Athelstane (damage: 3)

2008-08-29, 05:30 PM

Dast crosses back to the awakening mercenary and kicks the weapon away from the fallen man's hand. "You may be right, Phineas," he says. "Let's get them out of their armor and secured. Of course, if one of them were willing to talk to us, I'd think we could forego the 'tying to a tree.' They'll still be unarmed, and very soon they'll be miles behind us as well." He returns his mace to the loop at his belt and slings his shield on his back again before stooping to begin removing the mercenary's armor.

2008-08-29, 06:58 PM
Thaelrid steps away from Lenore, brushing her worry aside. "My wound is not serious."

Turning back to the group, "Dast has a point. You never know when rope will come in handy; no reason to just leave any of our supplies behind. If you want to slow them down, take their boots as well. Though I would recommend execution. I'm sure that there are a number of creatures in the vicinity that would appreciate an easy meal."

2008-08-29, 08:00 PM
Doreen steps up to Lenore. "May I have a couple?"

Then she turns to Thaelrid, "I'll agree that we could take their shoes, maybe their clothes, also. But I don't believe in killing these unarmed men outright."

"Let them survive the wilds without their protection. If they survive, they may have learned a lesson. Of course, their friends are still out there. So they may not have to worry for too long."

If Lenore gives her two healing potions, she'll put them both in her Belt, along with the others. ((What type are they?))

2008-08-29, 08:01 PM
((sorry, was reminded by Vael))

The one on the ground is still stunned, etc for a little while longer, so he won't protest when his weapon is kicked away or whatever else you choose to do to him in the near future.

((the potions would be Cure Light Wounds))

2008-08-29, 10:15 PM
Athelstane recovers his lance and steps back into the saddle. "You had best return to the carriage, Lenore. Phineas is right, as soon as they are unarmed, we must continue."

2008-08-29, 11:12 PM
Seeing that Dast & Athelstane have the discussion well in hand, Doreen takes this opportunity to head off and begin scouting ahead.

Move Silently 1d20=10
Hide [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2008-08-29, 11:14 PM
Move Silently [roll0]

2008-08-30, 09:36 AM
Sibyl goes and hops on the back of the cart she was guarding, crossing her arms and watching over everyone else.

2008-09-01, 03:57 PM

Dast carries the unconscious mercenary's armor over to the second carriage, packing it away with the gear Phineas had looted from the dead. Crossing back to the one mercenary still on his feet, he asks, "Well? Got anything to say to us? You understand - I'd just as soon leave you free when we ride out of here, but some of my companions have other ideas, and you're going to have to help me convince them."

Let's try a little Diplomacy: [roll0], see if it gets us anywhere.

2008-09-01, 04:11 PM
Lenore nods once in reply, looks around again before climbing back into her carriage. It’s now early afternoon.

On each of the fighters they’ll find a longsword, longbow, 17 arrows, chainmail, shield, a red patch on the shoulder, stakes and garlic.

Doreen begins scouting ahead. The trail continues to be narrow and dangerous, but she’ll find the trail clear of trees or other brush and she doesn’t find anyone waiting to ambush them.

The standing mercenary doesn’t answer Dast.

2008-09-01, 05:51 PM

The cleric's eyes narrow as he looks over the mercenaries' equipment. Stakes and garlic? Time for a closer look at that sigil they wore.

"Vampire hunters - hunting us. Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me, son?" he asks the mercenary.

I'll take Knowledge(Religion) for $200, Alex: [roll0] trying to ID the emblem on the badge.

2008-09-02, 12:50 AM
Thaelrid adds the arrows taken from the mercenaries to his quiver. His eyes narrow at the garlic and stakes, and he nods at Dast's words. Vampire hunters. This is interesting. They wanted Lysara, who I have yet to see outside her carriage in the daylight. I don't like this. He approaches the silent mercenary and looks hard into his eyes. Thaelrid's voice takes on a softer edge. "I am a hunter of undead myself. We should not be enemies. However, if you insist on opposing me, I will be forced to strike you down."

[roll0] - Diplomacy

2008-09-02, 05:23 AM

The paladin eyes the stakes grimly from his saddle. He addresses the prisoners sternly. "An you are vampire hunters, you are not very observant. Dast wears a symbol of Holy Pelor openly, whereas I bear the sigil of Heironeous, Champion of the Gods. What vampires could wear these, pray tell?"

2008-09-02, 11:40 AM
Dast still isn’t sure what the red skull patches mean, other than the obvious – we’re all members of the same group of people…

The man still refuses to talk

Now that the tree is moved, Phineas is getting irritated that they haven’t left yet. They’re just common thieves, waiting here for unsuspecting caravans to come along. We heard the same stories of undead that you must have before we started our journey into the mountains, perhaps they’re taking precautions against actually finding some.

We need to get moving. Do something with them and let’s get going.

He jumps up on the carriage he’s driving and he’s ready to go.

2008-09-02, 01:20 PM
Thaelrid sighs and shakes his head, then turns to the others. "Go on. I'll do what must be done and then bring up the rear." His scimitar leaves its sheath with a hiss and comes to rest against the mercenary's neck. "This is your last chance."

2008-09-02, 03:14 PM
Sibyl keeps waiting on the others, watching it all with disapproval.

2008-09-02, 05:36 PM
His gaze flicks from his downed comrade, to the carriages and back to Thaelrid.

Phineas hmphs and gets the horses going. He doesn't care what happens to the two men.

2008-09-02, 08:43 PM

The normally impulsive knight walks his horse to stand by Thaelrid. Something about this is just wrong. He grasps his holy symbol and examines the prisoners for thepresence of evil. He then implores them one last time. "If you are righteous men, you have nothing to fear. If you are simple brigands, your lives will also be spared. But meseems you were too well equipped and organized for bandits. You have my word, nay, my OATH... as knight of the realm, and paladin of Heironeous, that if you are truthful with us, no harm shall be done to you."

Will detect evil. Diplomacy check [roll0]

2008-09-03, 12:36 AM
Thaelrid addresses Athelstane without looking away from the mercenary. "Did you not swear to uphold the laws of this land? The prescribed punishment for bandits is execution." He presses his blade against the mercenary's neck, hard enough to draw a thin line of blood.

2008-09-03, 08:52 AM
Sibyl turns her attention away, and looks over at Phineas for a moment before watching where they were going, looking over the landscape and trying to get the feel for it.

2008-09-03, 10:53 AM
The trail continues along the steep cliff as Doreen scouts ahead. The steep drop off on the left side does not look pleasant, rocky with scattered trees. She finds nothing of note.

Phineas leaves the two to argue about the remaining two mercenaries. Sibyl scans the trail ahead, it looks the same, hillside to the right, steep drop off to the left and the road is barely 15 feet wide.

The carriage behind him, driven by Thomas, follows him.

The mercenary flinches when Thaelrid draws blood, but he remains quiet despite the differing opinions offered over his life or death.

Neither prisoner shows signs of an evil aura.

2008-09-03, 01:25 PM
Doreen will make her way back to the group. What was taking them so long?

She sees them just starting to head out. She gives Vael a smile and an all clear signal. She's pretty sure Vael might not understand, but Doreen figures that Phineas should.

Then she'll turn around and stay just ahead of them. Bow out, watching for any changes to what she saw before.

Listen [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2008-09-03, 03:01 PM
Why is he not begging for his life? Or at least making some attempt to justify his actions? Thaelrid glares after the wagons. Nothing has been right since we joined with them.

His eyes narrow as a thought strikes him. Could they be under some compulsion? "Dast! Sibyl!"

2008-09-03, 04:14 PM

"Come, now." The paladin speaks earnestly. "I can see no taint of evil upon you. Why do you not speak?"

2008-09-03, 09:53 PM

"Hold a moment, Thomas, if you please," Dast says quietly. "I don't expect this to take long."

Dast swings down from the second carriage. "What is it, Thaelrid?"

2008-09-03, 10:44 PM
Sibyl barely hears Thaelrid and cranes her head to look back at him, though her carriage is pretty far by now.

2008-09-04, 12:36 AM
Thaelrid beckons Sibyl over and turns to Dast. "You and Sibyl are more familiar with the workings of magic than I am. Can you tell if these men are being compelled by magical means?"

If Sibyl approaches, Thaelrid will wait for her to come close enough before asking so as not to have to repeat himself.

2008-09-04, 09:19 AM
Seeing that the warrior is waiting for her, Sibyl heaves a sigh and gets off of the carriage, moving over to him to hear his question.
"Oh! I can probably do that."
She casts Detect Magic and focuses on the man, trying to see any magical auras.

2008-09-04, 09:24 AM
Phineas halts his carriage when Sibyl hops down, Thomas follows Phineas' lead and halts as well. Phineas rolls his eyes after Sibyl leaves. Lenore pokes her head out and talks briefly talks with Phineas before withdrawing back inside.

The man with the blade to his throat does not have any magical auras about him.

2008-09-04, 10:05 AM
"Hmmm. No, he doesn't seem to be magically affected at all."
Sibyl shrugs.
Deciding that was over with, and really not wanting to walk, she swiftly heads back to the carriage.

2008-09-04, 02:29 PM
Thaelrid sighs heavily. I did not want to have to do this. His eyes are sad as he looks at the mercenary, then the blade of his scimitar rakes the man's throat.

2008-09-04, 05:17 PM

Dast grabs at Thaelrid's arm. "What are you doing, Thaelrid? You're as bad as that Phineas! How was he going to be a threat to us, when he was unarmed, afoot, and soon to be miles behind us, with his unconscious friend to take care of besides? No, never mind," he says, shaking his head. "I don't even want to hear it. Just... get going." Dast glares at Thaelrid, and clearly intends to follow Thaelrid to the carriage to prevent him murdering the last of the mercenaries.

2008-09-04, 07:00 PM
Thaelrid barely feels the hand on his arm. He stands silently, staring at the blood on his blade, the spreading pool on the forest floor, obviously distressed.

2008-09-04, 09:22 PM

"Holy Heironeous!" Athelstane looks on in shock. "Cold-blooded murder... 'tis ghastly..." His words are not accusatory, rather, infinitely sad. His next question, though spoken in his rich baritone, is almost child-like in its innocence, a tone quite unexpected in the heavily-armored, battle-scarred young man. "Why did you do this?"

2008-09-05, 05:55 AM
There is a gush of blood as the body falls to the ground. Thaelrid ends up with much of it over him. The unconscious mercenary stays that way or seems to.

Phineas looks over at Sibyl when she returns. He asks, Are they ready to move on? Short and to the point.

2008-09-05, 08:17 AM
"I don't know."
Sibyl doesn't exactly seem pleased with her answer, frowning and crossing her arms.

2008-09-05, 09:01 AM
Thaelrid closes his eyes and inhales deeply. His lips move quietly. "It had to be done." His voice picks up as he continues, though his eyes remain closed. "I can't do that again. One of you will have to execute the other." He wipes the blood from his scimitar and sheaths it slowly with a shaking hand before turning to follow the caravan.

2008-09-05, 04:34 PM

"Dast, I... " Athelstane turns to the cleric, as if seeking an answer. Suddenly his features harden once more. "It is too late to fix this. But let there be no more murder. Next time, we know to keep him away from the prisoners." He then turns his steed, lance high, and gallops back to the wagons, until he is keeping pace with Lysara's.

2008-09-05, 05:48 PM

"Let's go, Thaelrid," Dast says, nodding toward the carriages. "I want you up near the front, backing up Doreen. We'll forego a rearguard - anything moving fast enough to catch us up should be making too much noise to surprise us. Now, go on."

2008-09-06, 01:17 AM
Thaelrid finally opens his eyes as he reaches the caravan. He silently climbs atop one of the carriages and sits cross-legged on the roof, staring down at his hands.

2008-09-06, 05:34 AM
Phineas urges the horse to get moving again and the carriages start rumbling down the road again. They leave behind one dead mercenary and one lying in the middle of the road.

2008-09-06, 05:57 AM
Not too far ahead. They find Doreen, whittling at a small piece of wood.
When she sees them approaching, she tosses the wood behind her, and continues to scout ahead.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2008-09-06, 12:56 PM
Sibyl fidgets in place, obviously discontent with sitting for extended periods of time. She peers around at anything and everything nearby, looking for distractions, or someone to talk to besides Phineas, who seems a bit grumpy to her.

2008-09-06, 02:03 PM

Athelstane smiles as he sees the sorceress fidgeting, and slows the warhorse to walk beside her wagons. "So, my lady Sibyl... killer lights... that was splendidly done!"

2008-09-06, 02:31 PM
Doreen, who's not that far ahead, notices Sibyl fidgeting. Why don't you come down and walk besides me. I've already scouted pretty far ahead. We're in no immediate danger.

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

If Sibyl does join her, So what happened back there, after I left?

2008-09-06, 04:33 PM
Phineas prefers to drive the carriage and remain silent. He isn't really the talkative sort.

2008-09-06, 05:16 PM

Sibyl gives a shy, slight mischievous grin at Athelstane.
"Thank you! I wasn't sure what to do, but suddenly that idea just popped into my head and I went with it."
She's extremely tempted by Doreen's invitation, but at the same time she doesn't want to just bounce away from Athelstane, so...
"If you've already scouted pretty far ahead, why not come back here and join us for a bit?"
The sorceress grins and hops down off of the carriage, barely catching her balance as she walks beside it and Athelstane's horse.

2008-09-06, 06:22 PM
Sure. Doreen moves back, and walks just slightly ahead of Sibyl and Athelstane.

So what happened back there?

She'll continue to watch for anything suspicious.

2008-09-06, 06:27 PM

Sibyl looks extremely hesitant, then and glances up at Athelstane, begging him for help.
The spellcaster is obviously unsure of how she wants to say this.

2008-09-06, 07:16 PM
Okay, since it obviously got worse, after I left. Let's talk about something else.

Doreen ponders for a moment.

Why did you start adventuring? Either of you can answer, of course.

2008-09-06, 09:21 PM

The knight nods at Doreen's words. He steps gracefully down from the saddle, and continues walking beside the two women. "We should speak of what happened, but later... once we all calm down a bit." He glances briefly at Thaelrid, concern in his eyes, then turns a smile back on Doreen and Sibyl.
"I also would like to learn more of such brave and resourceful ladies."

2008-09-06, 09:36 PM
Oh, um... me? I have no story. Seriously. I don't remember anything before three years ago. Everything I'm doing now, is just coming naturally to me. I think I was a scout, before whatever happened, happened.

2008-09-07, 08:42 PM

The knight's open countenance cannot hide puzzlement at Doreen's words, but he is too polite to voice it. "Well, meseems wherever you trained, you trained well, lady. Your skills and courage are beyond repproach." He bows to Doreen, formally yet naturally. "What of you, lady Sibyl? You seem to be of elven stock, yet never have I seen one such as you among the fair folk."

2008-09-07, 10:26 PM

Sibyl giggles and hides her mouth behind her hand, glancing between them.
"Promise you won't tell?"
Assuming that they will say yes, she bounces along the road, smiling sheepishly.
"Well, way back in my ancestry someone got involved with an eladrin- one of the angels, you know. We guess everything just aligned right with my heritage, and when I started showing sorcerer powers it all became more and more pronounced."
She looks to one side.
"I was... and am, I guess... a bit of a mischief maker. I always conflicted with my parents. They wanted me to learn wizardry, I wanted to just rely on the magic I had...
"So after a while I ran away from home. They haven't seen me since."
She grins shyly.
"If I were still in elven lands, I'd be considered little more than a child. But it's just silly- no one else is sheltered and taught that long. The other human races manage with shorter life spans- why coop yourself up all that time?"
Sibyl doesn't look like a child at all. She's young yet, but a young woman, hardly a little girl.
"Anyways, after I left home I realized I didn't have a way to support myself, and people started talking about how much money adventuring could get you- so here I am!"

2008-09-08, 02:14 AM
Doreen smiles at Athelstane's puzzlement. She enjoys hearing Sibyl's story.

So what of you, Sir Athelstane. What made you decide to be a Paladin?

2008-09-08, 05:44 AM

Athelstane smiles at Sibyl's enthusiasm... Descended from angels! Such light-heartedness did him good after the recent grim events. He then speaks thoughtfully. "I was raised in a backwoods barony, carved from the wilderness by my grandsire. As fifth son, I was expected to be a household knight -- little better than a man-at-arms. I yearned for more, though I did not know what, so I set out to seek glory." The tall man blushes in mild embarrassment. "I travelled as a knight-errant, but soon found myself little better than a mercenary, like those poor fools back there. Feeling this was ignoble, I sought counsel in the temple of Heironeous. It was there that I found my calling, so to speak. Not glory, but service..." He smiles kindly. "I've tried to help others more than myself, since... I guess that is why I am here."

2008-09-08, 06:01 AM
Everything is quiet as the group travels along, no signs of further problems.

2008-09-08, 08:15 AM

Sibyl shakes her head and giggles a little.
"I could never get into the temples and religious scene myself- I wasn't serious enough for it. Last time I went into a temple a priest threw me out for laughing during a ceremony..."
She smiles up at Athelstane.
"I'm glad it's worked out for you though. It's not everyone who gets to become a paladin- you must be very noble and kind hearted."

2008-09-08, 11:46 AM

Athelstane smiles again. "Thank you for your kind words, dear lady... though I fear more apt descriptions would be stubborn and too impatient to be a priest... although, if a descendant of ANGELS does not take to religion, my lack of interest in sermons and ceremony bothers me much less! THank thee!" He bows deeply, as if in court, but cannot help laughing out loud with genuine humor.

2008-09-08, 10:26 PM
I still can't get over the fact that you are a descendant of angels, Sibyl. Doreen shakes her head a little. It's almost too much to believe.

Doreen begins walking backwards, to better see her companions. Athelstane, I respect your courage, as well, but could I ask you a question?

Could you give us a... AHHH!! Doreen trips over a root in the road, and lands on her behind. OUCH!

Doreen laughs a little, and gets up, giving them a smile, a rare sight to see from her. Well. That wasn't too smart, was it.

Balance [roll0] (To keep from tripping.)
Concentration [roll1] (To talk and walk backwards at the same time.)

2008-09-08, 10:33 PM

Sibyl smiles a little at Athelstane.
"Eladrin are not known for their pomp and pride- more for their emotional and whimsical natures. I like religion, I just think people go about it the wrong way with all their temples."
She giggles at Doreen and offers her a hand up.

2008-09-09, 05:21 AM

"Are you well, lady?" Athelstane also extends an armored hand to help Doreen up.

2008-09-10, 09:25 PM
Doreen takes both helping hands. Thank you.

After she gets up, she continues smiling. It feels good to smile again. I'd almost forgotten how to do so. A single tear falls down.

Her face gets serious again. Well, I'd better check ahead, something might have changed.

Doreen runs off, getting about 20 yards ahead, before she slows down.

2008-09-10, 09:28 PM

Sibyl gives a tiny smile at Doreen as she runs off, then looks back up at Athelstane.
"She seems like a fun person, if a little stiff and unhappy at times. Maybe she needs loosen a little."

2008-09-11, 05:15 PM
The day passes quietly, with no trouble. Doreen doesn't find anything ahead and no one seems to be following them. Everyone is feeling the strain of traveling all night and all day.

Two hours before sunset, Phineas notices that their lantern is missing. He halts the carriage and knocks on the door. Lenore opens it and he briefly talks to her. Suddenly Lysara, who has been silent all day, cries out from inside her carriage:

“The lantern is missing? Please, my friends, you must recover it. For not only is it an ancient family heirloom, but its magical properties are many and great. You have already seen it shed light without fuel, but know that its light heals and protects as well. Indeed, it is even said that those how bathe in the lantern’s light will never age.”

“Please, dear companions, I implore you to find the lantern and return it to me.”

Phineas looks around at everyone, waiting for their answers.

2008-09-11, 06:15 PM
Doreen, who over the last two hours had allowed the carriages to catch up to her. Turned to Lysara.

Okay. How much? I mean, escorting you home for free? No problem, because we are also heading that way.

But hunting for a antique lantern, because you say it burns without fuel & has healing properties? That's gonna cost you.

2008-09-11, 09:46 PM
Athelstane does a double-take at Doreen's request. "Let us first see if we CAN find it, milady. Who was the last one to use it?"

2008-09-12, 12:08 AM
Doreen looks back at Athelstane.

What? I believe in doing what's right, but not always for free. Please tell me I'm not alone in this?

2008-09-12, 12:29 AM
Thaelrid finally stirs, turning his head to the conversing group. His eyes are bleak and his voice is hollow as he speaks. "The bandits that ambushed us earlier. One of them made off with something he tore from the lady's carriage. But Doreen is right. It may have special properties, but why should we care?"

2008-09-12, 12:57 AM

The big priest joins the others from the far side of the caravan - it seems that the hours of walking have finally taken the edge off his anger - in time to hear the exchange between Doreen and Athelstane.

"Surely there's little point in haggling over price when we don't even know yet whether we'll be able to find the thing, not so?" he asks Doreen. "I'm no more against being paid for work done than you are, I'd wager - but if we can't do the job..." he trails off, head cocked inquisitively at the scout. He shows no sign of having heard Thaelrid's words at all; perhaps he hasn't quite walked off all of his bad temper just yet.

2008-09-12, 01:03 AM
If we don't return with it, we don't get paid. Simple as that.

And Thaelrid is correct, it was very likely the bandits from earlier.

2008-09-12, 05:36 AM
Lysara, hearing the conflict in the party, speaks again, Please, Phineas believes the bandits took it during the conflict earlier. Please, can you help me get it back? It's very dear to me. I am willing to pay you each 300gp to bring it back to me. Will you? Her voice pleads with them to do this for her.

2008-09-12, 07:00 AM
Sold. Let's go. I believe we should head back to the scene of the crime.

I'll take point, until we get back there. Then Thaelrid will have to take over, since I apparently can't track a blindman through snow.

Doreen waits for the others to nod there agreement.

Once everyone is in agreeement, she'll head back the way we came.

Know: Geography [roll0] to remember her way back.
Listen [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Move Silently [roll3]
Hide [roll4]

2008-09-12, 08:04 AM
Sibyl bites her lip, looking up as everyone focuses on the issue.
"I think we're overlooking the most vital thing here... if we're looking for a lantern, then who is going to be protecting the carriage?"
She glances at Lysara.
"Because your servants were proven to be unequipped to handle undead last time... do you want to put everyone in your service at risk again? What's more important- a lantern, or the safety of everyone here?"
She crosses her arms and sits resolutely where she is.
"As much as I sympathize for your loss, a lantern is certainly less of a loss than a living being. I'm staying here to guard."

2008-09-12, 08:27 AM
Great Sibyl. You stay here, while the rest of us just abandon the princess to her fate. Way to make us look bad. Doreen smiles briefly at Sibyl. Then sits down next to her.

Sorry about earlier.

2008-09-12, 11:52 AM
Thaelrid eyes Lysara thoughtfully. "How far are we from your uncle's house?"

2008-09-12, 01:13 PM

"Don't worry about it."
Sibyl whispers to Doreen, smiling softly before looking over at Thaelrid.

2008-09-12, 03:59 PM
Lysara looks at Sibyl, Thank you for your kind offer to remain and aid in guarding us. She replies to Thaelrid, My uncle lives on the far side of the pass, still about a week away.

((Who will go? Who will stay?))

2008-09-12, 08:16 PM
If we are indeed splitting up. I'd suggest Sibyl, Thaelrid and myself go after the bandits. The three of us where light to no armor. And are therefore more likely to find the bandits, before they know we are there.

Dast and Athelstane both where heavy armor and are loud, so being with a couple of very loud carriages won't make a difference.

But these are just my suggestions. She looks up at Athelstane.

2008-09-13, 05:54 AM
Athelstane ponders the situation for a moment, then looks at the others. "It seems to me the choice belongs to princess Lysara. Although Doreen's suggestion is sound, we know not what the three of you would face. Should the odds be too great, she would lose the Lanthorn, and we would lose far more." He turns to Lysara. "I did swear an oath to protect you, lady. And my heart tells me I shall be needed here. But if you want us to retrieve the lanthorn, we should all go... against my best judgment."

2008-09-13, 11:15 AM
"Doreen's point is that the three of us can sneak up on the bandits. If there are too many for us, we can come back and lead the rest of you to their camp." Thaelrid turns back to Lysara. "Does your lady have any more of those healing draughts? We may need them if we're separated."

2008-09-13, 11:47 AM

Sibyl looks uneasy.
"If you want to be stealthy, I'm not sure taking me along is the best idea. I know I'm not in armor, but my magic is based on dazzling lights, and I am hardly trained in stealth anyways...

2008-09-13, 12:43 PM
It's true that you are very dazzling, but you have been quite quiet, when necessary.

And I don't know about Thaelrid, but I don't know any magic, so if we get into trouble, I was hoping you'd be of some help, in that area.

But, of course, I wouldn't force you to come, if you don't want to.

2008-09-13, 05:50 PM
Lysara listens and after careful thought, We've traveled several hours since we were attacked. If only a few of you were to go and find you needed backup, I would hate for you to have to come all the way back here to the carriages. It would be better if the majority of you went, with perhaps Sibyl remaining behind to aid Phineas.

I don't presume to dictate tactics to a group that knows what to do, but if the quieter ones were to find their camp? And then everyone could surprise them and retrieve the lantern? I would sincerely appreciate it and you would have my undying gratitude.

Phineas nods at her words. He agrees with Lysara.

2008-09-13, 06:20 PM
"I will go. By the time I reach the ambush spot, it will be too dark for any of you to see. Besides, sitting on top of that carriage is near enough to my normal resting routine that I'm completely refreshed." Turning on his heel, Thaelrid begins jogging down the road in the direction they came from.

2008-09-13, 06:31 PM
I'll go with you dabnit. Doreen easily catches up with Thaelrid. And I won't take no for an answer.

2008-09-14, 01:31 AM

"Hold up, you two!" Dast calls. He walks around to the back of the second carriage, where the gear confiscated from the mercenaries was stowed. As he digs out the stakes and garlic, he says, "It may be that those men had reason to arm themselves as they did. If so, a time may come when we want these close at hand. Here - everyone take some."

Dast will try to parcel things out as evenly as possible among the party members; if there's not enough to go around, he'll short himself.

2008-09-14, 01:52 AM
Thaelrid waits long enough to stuff the supplies in his pack, then begins moving without a word. He glances at Doreen as she comes up beside him. I would have preferred to do this alone, but at least I won't have to babysit her. Aloud, he says, "Don't fall behind."

2008-09-14, 02:12 AM

The sorceress sits tight on the wagon and watches the others leave with a bit of nervousness and trepidation, glancing over at her charge and Phineas, wondering if this was such a good idea.

2008-09-14, 02:29 AM
Doreen grabs some stakes from Dast, then catches up with Thaelrid. Don't fall behind? I can easily out-pace you. Doreen smiles to herself.

2008-09-14, 07:28 AM
Athelstane swings back and addresses Sibyl. "You need not stay behind, lady. My steed can bear us both so that we reach the others."

2008-09-14, 11:25 AM

Sibyl shakes her head, sitting on top of her hands.
"I can't just leave the people here unguarded..."

2008-09-14, 05:14 PM
Athelstane looks to Phineas and the princess, then back to the angelic eladrin. He then smiles grimly, obviously all business. "Well, I did swear to protect the princess. I stay here with you as well, lady." He accepts two shares of garlic and spikes from Dast. "Take care, my friend... and hurry back." The young knight claps the cleric's shoulder, and returns to Sibyl with her share of the supplies.

2008-09-14, 11:22 PM

After doling out the captured supplies, Dast turns to Phineas and Lysara. "Do you think this road is wide enough to turn the carriages around? We could move back down the road until nightfall before setting up camp - a few hours lost is small enough difference beside the week of travel to milady's uncle's home, and being a couple of hours closer in case the others run into difficulty could make a great deal of difference in whether we make it there at all."

2008-09-15, 11:41 AM
Thaelrid and Doreen accept the supplies of stakes and garlic from Dast before heading back along the narrow road. They find the site of the ambush easily. It will be harder to find the bandits trail into the brush on the side of the hill though. ((I need two survival checks for Thaelrid, he will need them in conjunction with his track feat))
Phineas looks doubtfully at the road and shakes his head. Lysara looks at the remaining three. No…I don’t think so. The carriages require a lot of room to turn around. We’ll remain here and wait for the others to return.

Lenore remains inside Lysara's carriage, Thomas settles the reins in his hands on the second carriage to wait. Phineas ties up the reins for his carriage and begins looking around the area. Anna finds a good spot to rest for a while.

2008-09-15, 01:17 PM
Doreen will look in the area where the bandits ran off, looking for at least a starting point.

I don't expect much from this, but I figure she'd at least try to find something.

2008-09-15, 03:19 PM
Thaelrid squats, peering intently at the ground around the ambush site.

If I find anything by taking 10, I'll do that. If not, and I can take 20, I'll do that. If not, here are the rolls.
[roll0] - Survival the first
[roll1] - Survival the second

2008-09-15, 05:38 PM
Thaelrid slowly follows the bandit's trail up the hill and into the trees and underbrush. He almost loses it once or twice, but manages to find it again. By the time they reach the top of the hill the sun is significantly lower on the horizon. Thaelrid finds evidence of horses and he will assume that they met up with one other bandit (and he was holding the horses). The trail continues onward and it's easier to follow from here. It leads across a gentle mountain slope dotted with stunted trees. You begin to wonder how far the trail goes.

((make spot, listen, search checks))

2008-09-15, 09:05 PM
Doreen follows Thaelrid, trying not to lose him.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Search [roll2]

2008-09-15, 10:45 PM
Thaelrid curses softly upon finding the horse tracks. He begins paying more attention to his surroundings as they go, stepping lightly and keeping to the shadows.

Is it search to continue following tracks? I thought it was survival. Meh. Here's both.
[roll0] - Search
[roll1] - Survival
[roll2] - Listen
[roll3] - Spot
[roll4] - Hide
[roll5] - Move Silently

2008-09-16, 06:10 AM
Thaelrid moves quietly across the grass and suddenly trips on something. Doreen halts just behind him.

Back on the trail ((make spot and listen checks))

2008-09-16, 06:20 AM
Athelstane remains quiet, on his steed, looking anxiously in the direction the two scouts went.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

2008-09-16, 11:35 AM
Thaelrid freezes as his foot catches, eyes darting around the darkening forest. After a moment, he looks down to see what he tripped on.

[roll0] - Spot
[roll1] - Listen