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2008-07-30, 06:20 PM
so yeah ive seen about five THIS IS WHAT IM GOING TO DO TO MAKE MY LIFE BETTER threads, which started with weight issues and then went on to a pattern of basic self-bettering threads. i dont think bettering is a word. watev.

It'd prolly be easier just to put your goals/achievments to make yourself a better person RIGHT IN HERE. it'll be amazing!

i'll edit mine in later im heckadecka tired right now.


2008-07-30, 07:09 PM
lose 20 kilos and get a girlfriend
(probably on the same order. Seeing how one needs the other to happen before it can happen)

2008-07-30, 07:31 PM
I'm trying to be more considerate to other people.

2008-07-30, 07:33 PM
Be more tolerant of my fellow beings. Except moths, Okay? Moths are annoying.

2008-07-30, 07:34 PM
I'm trying to be more considerate to other people.

shut it, aussie, the adults are talking over here.

2008-07-30, 07:37 PM
Be more tolerant of my fellow beings. Except moths, Okay? Moths are annoying.

And surely chavs? No-one should be tolerant of them.

I'm gonna try and get better at this 'talking to people' thing. See my friends more often, be more part of their lives.

2008-07-30, 07:40 PM
shut it, aussie, the adults are talking over here.

*breathes very deeply*

I will also try to control my violent outbursts...

2008-07-30, 07:41 PM
Phshh. Chavs != People.
Chavs < People.
Yay, extremism!
it is mainly the highly annoying that I currently take issue with. And what makes it worse is that they do not KNOW they are annoying.

2008-07-30, 07:46 PM
Well you didn't specify people, you said 'beings'. And even chavs are beings. I think.

2008-07-30, 07:59 PM
*breathes very deeply*

I will also try to control my violent outbursts...

whatever, just walk over to the border and get me some of that delicious beer of yours.

*hopes she realizes i'm kidding*

2008-07-30, 09:53 PM
*breathes very deeply*

I will also try to control my violent outbursts...

...good for you, hun. *snuggles*

I will try to be more deserving of other people's affection. *nods*

2008-07-30, 10:12 PM
I intend to get down to at least 75kg and get my scuba license by my class trip to Heron Island. 2 months ago, I was a steady 90kg, and now I've just gotten down to 84kg. I should probably try to make myself lose it in a rather healthier way than I have been, but... I'm lazy, self-hating and wallowing in self-pity? Also it's a novel feeling, this "not hungry" thing. I don't know whether to be proud, glad or worried about this peculiar weightloss :smallconfused:

I just want to be normal again :smallsigh:

2008-07-30, 10:37 PM
*hugs Serpentine*
I suck at saying stuff. Hugs and Best wishes are pretty much all I can do.

As for myself..... I think pretty much everything that's wrong with me revolves around the fact that I'm extremely lazy. I guess if I fixed that I would improve myself a lot.... *sigh*

2008-07-30, 11:20 PM
With my junior year in high school and looking back on my sophmore year, I've decided to do a couple of things differently, mainly

Homework before video games, last year I would play whatever video game until around 8 or 9 then do my homework, but now I'll do my homework first

Secondly, less video games(and sadly GITP boards) It's not really an addiction, but I don't really have much else to do, and I need to change that

And Lastly, I need to get in better shape in general. That probably means jogs every day, as well as more working out during sports.

2008-07-30, 11:40 PM
And Lastly, I need to get in better shape in general. That probably means jogs every day, as well as more working out during sports.

Good luck with that one. I mean it. Maybe I just have terrible self-discipline (actually, I know for a fact that I DO have terrible self-discipline), but I find it really hard to make myself go running, even when I know I should.

Hope it all works out for ya.

2008-07-31, 12:01 AM
get over my distrust of danger, to put it simple my middle name is "scardy-cat"

everything in my life should be coming along quite well, if i dont screw up my interview tomorrow

2008-07-31, 12:21 AM
...good for you, hun. *snuggles*

I will try to be more deserving of other people's affection. *nods*

I think you should resolve to give more hugs. This is my first one in a long, long, long time.

Em Blackleaf
2008-07-31, 12:26 AM
I plan on working harder in school. I definitely don't work hard enough in math class.
I intend to understand Algebra 2, not just pass it.

I want to learn more reciepes, because all I can make now is pasta, eggs, cheesy biscuits, and deep-fried potatoes.
And that's not a very good diet. :smalltongue:

I also need to finish my summer assignments for English class. Believe me, that is a nearly impossible goal. >.>

2008-07-31, 12:28 AM
I will not procrastinate.

I will try to get my sleep schedule back on human time.




Aw, who am I kidding. That's just not gonna happen. Before I do any of that, I need to work on my lack of self-discipline. So yeah, I'm gonna work on that one first. Definitely.

2008-07-31, 01:53 AM
I think you should resolve to give more hugs. This is my first one in a long, long, long time.

I'm sorry, hun, I've not been on in some time. There was Reece and Nicole kidnapping my computers, then they broke my intarnets, then forum went down...

...excuses aside, if you're lacking in the snugglies, IM me. *nodnod*

Oh, and...*snugglecuddlehuggle* ^_^

2008-07-31, 02:44 AM
Great idea for a thread. Kinda like a newyears promise, hope it goes better for posters then New years resolutions supposedly is.

1. I need go Get It Done ! Pretty much everything I do, I do late, or not at all. What needs to be done gets procastrinated until I barely get it done in time, or late. Bad bad BAD. Most if not all woes I have stem from this.

2. Join the local ju-jutsu club. Cause Brownbelt and not training anything for 5 years or so is bad, a waste and (as seen above) needlessly procrastrination. Ill do it next week...

3. Get my work in order. I got things piling up at work, that i procastrinate into piles needlessly. It needs to be done and the sooner the better (quality of work).

4. Stop with the surfing the internet in boredom. One thing to Websurf and LIKE it, another to surf when bored and stay bored while doing it.

5. Buy myself a newer comp so I can upgrade my software, gamelibrary (Age of Conan), perhaps set up a more sleek, neat and controlled windowsinstallation (as in reinstall on a fresh harddrive) along with all that comes with it (bios, drivers, virusprotection, firewalls and so on). I rather do all that on a new comp so I don't become computorless is things take time (or crash).

6. Need new cellphone. Shouldnt take long really, its just in my procastrination pile.

7. May or may not need to get a new car. Lets not get into the why's and how's.

8. Learn how to cook and start bringing some nutrition to work.

2008-07-31, 02:56 AM
I need to learn to be a semi-normal socializing human being. Also I need to not labor endless over everything I say/post, because then I wind up just keeping my mouth shut for fear of it not coming out right (as indicated by the fact I joined this forum 9 months ago and am still a pixie). Funny thing is, I'm decent once the conversation's been started (unless it seems like I'm interrupting something), but no good at initiating anything.

(There are tons of other things that need doing; sleep schedule, working out, etc, but this one was sort of relevant, as it were.)

Phae Nymna
2008-07-31, 02:57 AM

I need to lose some weight. It's really not that I'm obese, but ANY extra weight when you're my size is bad. :smallfrown: 5' 11" and 226 lbs is not the most beautiful thing. The worst part really is that most of it is bone, organs, and muscle, NOT fat. Gym regimen is going to get stepped up, bad foods will be cut, and cardio time will increase.

THEN is the hard part. This will be easiest if I let you piece this together.

1. I am bisexual but I like guys more than girls.
2. Despite living in a city with a large gay population, their are very few gay kids my age.
3. My two potential targets for boyfriendness have major complications. One is a good friend who may or may not be gay and if he is, he is in denial, while the other candidate is older than me and goes to a different school.
4. My school is a prudent, homophobic, and brutal environment.
5. My only way to meet other guys is to a) Make it blatantly obvious to everyone around me or b) infiltrate the ranks of a local youth acting program (something I actually want to do) and find compatible people.

You may say,"Why not just act straight and get a girlfriend?"
But the sad truth is, in no offense to the most worshipped sex on the planet, I want a boyfriend. It would make me feel satisfied, accomplished, happy, excited, and all around good. So If you're out there. I'm here. :smallsigh:

2008-07-31, 05:37 AM
I need to get my physical environment organized. My house is so messy that it's making me stressed out. :smallfrown:

2008-07-31, 05:46 AM
I need to learn to be a semi-normal socializing human being. Also I need to not labor endless over everything I say/post, because then I wind up just keeping my mouth shut for fear of it not coming out right (as indicated by the fact I joined this forum 9 months ago and am still a pixie). Funny thing is, I'm decent once the conversation's been started (unless it seems like I'm interrupting something), but no good at initiating anything.

This sounds a lot like me. Obviously not quite the same, since my rank has reached Orc, but I still sometimes feel uncertain about replying to things. Like, I'll think of something to say, then not say it, go look at something else, maybe come back and say it later. Or I click on the post reply button, start typing it out, but it doesn't come out right so I just give it up and go back to browsing threads. I almost didn't post this!
I also have a problem with initiating conversations, over the internet and IRL.

2008-07-31, 05:48 AM
I need to lose some weight. It's really not that I'm obese, but ANY extra weight when you're my size is bad. :smallfrown: 5' 11" and 226 lbs is not the most beautiful thing. The worst part really is that most of it is bone, organs, and muscle, NOT fat. Gym regimen is going to get stepped up, bad foods will be cut, and cardio time will increase.

I don't get it. If you are 226 pounds with NO fat when 14 years old, you have just damn strong build. What's so bad about it?

2008-07-31, 05:49 AM
I also have a problem with initiating conversations, over the internet and IRL.

Yeah, me too. Introversion sucks.

2008-07-31, 06:24 AM
I am going to try to think more.

And think harder...And be cleverer (not sure if that is a word).

I have a lazy brain :smallredface:

2008-07-31, 06:28 AM
And be cleverer (not sure if that is a word).

The correct attitude is "It's a word now."

2008-07-31, 06:36 AM
I'll get on to the OED we'll make it a word by sundown!

2008-07-31, 07:05 AM
Hmmm... self improvement... I suppose I could stop cursing in front of the baby. Not in anger mind you, it's just one of slips in casual conversation like "Cool, that s**t is pretty tight!". Probably not healthy that she laughs when I say such odd words. :smallredface:

Though maybe I'll luck out and by the time she's old enough for school those words will be outdated locally like "Poppycock" and "Bloody".

2008-07-31, 07:07 AM
I LOVE those words!!!

I also like spiffing and dashing but they are more complimentory.

2008-07-31, 07:30 AM
I suck.

Any advice except mirroring Goof, Shadow and Borīs actions?

2008-07-31, 11:07 AM
I suck.

Any advice except mirroring Goof, Shadow and Borīs actions?

you should go vegan. i don't know many vegans that suck

Gem Flower
2008-07-31, 11:11 AM
Hmm, goals...

1. Accept that I'm in puberty and have next to no control over my physical appearance.

2. Do better in school. (Even though I got straight A's last term.:smallbiggrin:)

3. Be a nicer person.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-07-31, 11:43 AM
I suck.

Any advice except mirroring Goof, Shadow and Borīs actions?
Awww, little buddy...Imitation is supposed to be the height of flattery. Thus, I am flattered. :smallwink:

That said, I highly recommend you simply be yourself, emulating those values you like in others, and incorporating them into yourself. Be your own "good person" without trying to become someone else. :smallsmile:

PS: You do NOT suck. You lack experience and skill, and those come with time. Stop trying to rush your life.

2008-07-31, 05:48 PM
alright so what am i going to improve upon...

1. Do not expect the worst of people. Guys, in particular. give nice-seemings guys a chance. NEXT GUY THAT ASKS ME OUT, I WILL GO OUT WITH HIM. regardless. because it cant hurt, and its rejection is mean.. HOWEVER I will stay away from COMPLICATION in relationship type things. only simple. on that note...

2. Pay attention to my surroundings/people. People say i ignore them/ditch them often without thinking about it. Guys, in particular. notice when somebody notices me. now my MOTHER is telling me when guys are checking me out, before i ever notice :smallconfused:

3. Be less superficial. care less about what I look like, worry less that i look like crap. or, deal with the fact that i look like crap, dont obsess over it.

4. Put my heart and soul into something the way I used to. Maybe my club, maybe photo again...just love something unconditionally enough to be my escape so i can possibly rely on a select few close friends less. be passionate.

5. Again, volunteer the way I USED to.Just as many hours. Give back to the community and all that good stuff. I love to do it, anyways.

6. WORK hard in school. i know im stressing about everything being over my head, but i think i might use that as a motivator to prove it isnt.

7. Be less critical/cynical. in general.

8. Compliment five people everyday. hug at least three

9. MOST IMPORTANTLY, be the strong, opinionated, dedicated person that people used to admire for that. "Brave" was always a word used fairly often. And I think if I keep remembering people who have told me they love how strong/passionate I can be, I'll remember i have to be.

10. uhhh i dont have a ten but its awkward to end on a 9 :smallredface:

2008-07-31, 06:36 PM
1. Stop being such an ******* when it comes to girls and learn to look before I leap, and become romantically interested in girls who are not emotional minefields because god knows I only make things worse for them.

2. Beat my school's judo team captain in a fight.

3. Make more of an effort to finish things that I start.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-07-31, 06:40 PM
Ummm...Jae? Because the world in general knows you're physically attractive, and many believe you are Miss Teen Awesome 2008, here is how your post will read to the average male (and it's not quoted for effect):

alright so what am i going to improve upon...

1. Do not expect the worst of people. Guys, in particular. give nice-seemings guys a chance. NEXT GUY THAT ASKS ME OUT, I WILL GO OUT WITH HIM. regardless. because it cant hurt, and its rejection is mean.. HOWEVER I will stay away from COMPLICATION in relationship type things. only simple. on that note...

2. Pay attention to my surroundings/people. People say i ignore them/ditch them often without thinking about it. Guys, in particular. notice when somebody notices me. now my MOTHER is telling me when guys are checking me out, before i ever notice :smallconfused:

3. Be less superficial. care less about what I look like, worry less that i look like crap. or, deal with the fact that i look like crap, dont obsess over it.

4. Put my heart and soul into something the way I used to. Maybe my club, maybe photo again...just love something unconditionally enough to be my escape so i can possibly rely on a select few close friends less. be passionate.

5. Again, volunteer the way I USED to.Just as many hours. Give back to the community and all that good stuff. I love to do it, anyways.

6. WORK hard in school. i know im stressing about everything being over my head, but i think i might use that as a motivator to prove it isnt.

7. Be less critical/cynical. in general.

8. Compliment five people everyday. hug at least three

9. MOST IMPORTANTLY, be the strong, opinionated, dedicated person that people used to admire for that. "Brave" was always a word used fairly often. And I think if I keep remembering people who have told me they love how strong/passionate I can be, I'll remember i have to be.

10. uhhh i dont have a ten but its awkward to end on a 9 :smallredface:

Some men might notice the dots that are still visible, though they may not recognize them as smilie faces. So, while your PM box fills up with forumites asking you out, you might consider making number 10, "Learn how to end a list at 9." :smalltongue:

2008-07-31, 06:52 PM
Hey Jae! Platonic date! You and me!
Just to save you from the lurking whorrers.
See that? Not only did I use Whore to describe men, but I made a pun on the word horror! ^^

2008-07-31, 06:55 PM
My goal...Lose weight without exercising or drastically changing my diet.

2008-07-31, 06:56 PM
Ummm...Jae? Because the world in general knows you're physically attractive, and many believe you are Miss Teen Awesome 2008, here is how your post will read to the average male (and it's not quoted for effect):

The average male probably doesn't post on this forum.

2008-07-31, 06:59 PM
My goal...Lose weight without exercising or drastically changing my diet.

no way to do that, unless you experiment with forced vomiting.
But it didn't turn out well when I did it.
then again, you are jesus...

2008-07-31, 07:01 PM
My goal...Lose weight without exercising or drastically changing my diet.

Well, I fortunatley know a little magic.
It's a talent that I always have possesed.
Getting to the point.
I'll trade you my weight-losing karma for something of equal value. Wht'cha got?

2008-07-31, 07:36 PM
alright so what am i going to improve upon...

1. Do not expect the worst of people. Guys, in particular. give nice-seemings guys a chance. NEXT GUY THAT ASKS ME OUT, I WILL GO OUT WITH HIM. regardless. because it cant hurt, and its rejection is mean.. HOWEVER I will stay away from COMPLICATION in relationship type things. only simple. on that note...

2. Pay attention to my surroundings/people. People say i ignore them/ditch them often without thinking about it. Guys, in particular. notice when somebody notices me. now my MOTHER is telling me when guys are checking me out, before i ever notice :smallconfused:

3. Be less superficial. care less about what I look like, worry less that i look like crap. or, deal with the fact that i look like crap, dont obsess over it.

4. Put my heart and soul into something the way I used to. Maybe my club, maybe photo again...just love something unconditionally enough to be my escape so i can possibly rely on a select few close friends less. be passionate.

5. Again, volunteer the way I USED to.Just as many hours. Give back to the community and all that good stuff. I love to do it, anyways.

6. WORK hard in school. i know im stressing about everything being over my head, but i think i might use that as a motivator to prove it isnt.

7. Be less critical/cynical. in general.

8. Compliment five people everyday. hug at least three

9. MOST IMPORTANTLY, be the strong, opinionated, dedicated person that people used to admire for that. "Brave" was always a word used fairly often. And I think if I keep remembering people who have told me they love how strong/passionate I can be, I'll remember i have to be.

10. uhhh i dont have a ten but its awkward to end on a 9 :smallredface:

Awesome. This is the Jae we love. Go for it, girl! :)

2008-07-31, 08:08 PM
JFTR, "bettering", "cleverer" and "dashing" are all words; "spiffing" is not, but "spiffy" is.

What I'm about to do is buckle down and finish my resume, then start applying for jobs. It's really urgent at this point, as I'm two months behind with my rent. It's still not going to be easy, though. My work history is kind of spotty, with a lot of things in it I don't want to have to explain in an interview; but I can't write a resume without calling attention to those jobs. And then come the seemingly endless rejections at the interview stage. I'm not looking forward to them. But it's time to face the music.

Anybody else in a situation like this?

2008-07-31, 08:11 PM
1. I need to stop letting the fact that I'm a really good singer from making my ego any larger. At its current size I have to rent out a few warehouses to put it somewhere.

2. Do better in school. SERIOUSLY

3. Stop lying so much. I seriously have a problem where I just lie for no good reason, about tons of stuff, and it keeps getting me in trouble.

2008-07-31, 08:13 PM
"spiffing" is not,

I have a dictionary in the next room which says you're wrong.

2008-07-31, 08:24 PM
Less lazieness and assorted stuff.

2008-07-31, 08:41 PM
The average male probably doesn't post on this forum.

Hey! I resent that! I am VERY average! Possibly even mediocre! :P

Em Blackleaf
2008-07-31, 11:59 PM
8. Compliment five people everyday. hug at least three
Hey, that's a good one. I'm gonna try to do that (or something like that) too. :smallsmile:

2008-08-01, 12:19 AM
Yes...yes! Spread the gospel of Cobra! Mwahahahaha! >.>

2008-08-01, 05:52 AM
"spiffing" is not,I have a dictionary in the next room which says you're wrong.

*goes to look up "spiff" in dictionary*

Well I'll be d____d.

2008-08-01, 06:56 AM
I LOVE those words!!!
I also like spiffing and dashing but they are more complimentory.

I guess I should be greatful that I use them as words and not like my friend who uses them like commas. :smalltongue: Spiffing is great. Better then Spiffy. Or Spiff.

Or Spi

2008-08-01, 07:07 AM
- Give my friends more gifts. I don't overflow them with enough gifts.
- Donate more to charity.
- Grow up enough courage to admit that guy mode is not working anymore and go girl mode full time.
- Try to be a better role model.

I guess that is it.

2008-08-01, 06:07 PM
Ummm...Jae? Because the world in general knows you're physically attractive, and many believe you are Miss Teen Awesome 2008, here is how your post will read to the average male (and it's not quoted for effect).....
haha thank you and I def got a kick out of that :smalltongue:

Hey Jae! Platonic date! You and me!
Just to save you from the lurking whorrers.
Sounds good!

And, to be completey honest and fair, pretty soon after posting that I was kinda asked to this dance that's tonight and I said I had plans (I do) but thats still not going when I said I would. so i broke that one. next guy..? maybe...? blah i dont know why im so hard on guys!

Awesome. This is the Jae we love. Go for it, girl! :)
thanks :smallsmile:

Hey, that's a good one. I'm gonna try to do that (or something like that) too.
Yay!! that one was my favorite. and TO BE FAIR AGAIN, I totally forgot about this one..
but without thinking about it I made those numbers anyways!! in both hugs and compliments yessss! so i think ill just up my numbers :smallbiggrin: okay im lame maybe but idc hugs are nice and compliments are fun. does it count if you RECEIVED a hug, though? i havent decided..and if it doesnt than maybeee I didnt meet my numbers :smallfrown:

btw Em idk if I've mentioned before and ive never really talked to you but I always love your posts!

Em Blackleaf
2008-08-03, 02:28 AM
btw Em idk if I've mentioned before and ive never really talked to you but I always love your posts!
Aww, thanks! :smallbiggrin:
Yes, compliments are very nice. :smallwink:

2008-08-03, 02:55 AM

*fills everyone's hug quotas for the day*

...*slinks off*...