View Full Version : Kobold campaign

2008-07-31, 08:24 AM
The mines of Ironthorn. A vast underground system of caves inhabited by a tribe of kobolds. Much like any other day, the day begins with the Searching for the dragon meditation, afterwhich, everyone goes about their business.

But today is no ordinary day. Today, you have been summoned by Yahmok the All Watcher. Besides him there are Gebwip, captain of the warbands, and Tadfas, the tribe's diplomat.

Yahmok: I guess you are all wondering why you have been summoned here. It is because one of our spies, Ph'dgig, has overheard a group of adventurers planning a hunting expedition in this region. This would not be a reason for concern, if they weren't hunting for our new brother, Azreth. He is still young, and has much to learn. And keeping an escort around him while he wanders through the forest is not a viable option. We already have a squad of rangers there to search for any signs of intrusion and we cannot spare more able workers for guard duty.

Gebwip: Your mission is to go to the town of Nacela, meet up with Ph'dgig, and put a stop to this plot. From the inteligence report, it seems that the leader of the group is a gnome by the name of Enelt. After killing him, make sure to take his head as proof of your success.

Tadfas: You shall now be known as the fellowship of the drake ! Oh, wait. There are ten of you. Well, I guess one of you must stay behind so the fellowship can have only nine members.

Both Gebwip and Yahmok eye out Tadfas (:annoyed:)

Yahmok: By the way, you have been assigned a diplomatic mission in the Slaughterlands.

Tadfas: But...I just returned from the Salughterlands. They were not interested....I barely got back alive...

Yahmok: Oh I'm sure you will be succesful this time, one way or another.

Tadfas: :frown:

Gebwip: Back to your mission, since the town of Nacela is currently neutral towards us, it would be best if you dont do anything to make them mad. Your identities should also remain a secret.

Also, Ph'dgig is known around those parts as Dig.

Yahmok: Well, you got your mission. Now get moving !

On the way out, the kobold outfitter offers everyone a cloak to help you blend in with the locals. (the cloak offers a +2 circumstance bonus to disguise checks)

2008-07-31, 08:33 AM

"A gnome?! This will truly be a wonderous opportunity for I, Nupnyx, to show o... to teach the younger warriors how to fight our foes! I shall bring you his head on my spear!

Nupnyx smiles broadly at the tribe's leaders, drawing himself up to his impressive (for a kobold) four foot height and giving a hearty salute before marching off to get his things.

A few moments later Nupnyx returns, still marching.

"O' great and wise All-Watcher, I have a question! Do we know anything about these adventurers other than their disgusting leader? Nupnyx would like to know what height to be stabbing at."

2008-07-31, 08:51 AM
"QUESTIONS!? in my days we didnt ask questions! we got a job and we did it. regardless of how un-informed we was! infact, when we were at war, we barely knew who the enemy was! but we was damn sure they were gnomes! ... or in league with them... and we won!" Droggom coughs and keep on limping after the younger kobolds.
mumble grumble no respect mumble youth today grumble...

2008-07-31, 09:22 AM
"That's why Nupnyx is Kobold Hero, and you be just grumpy kobold. Nupnyx knows how to use his head!"

Nupnyx headbutts the air as though slamming his noggin' into a gnome dome.

((<T_T> OK, I thought I'd avoid it, but I'm going to have to talk like Deekin.))

2008-07-31, 09:52 AM
" unrespectfull runt! Moral-less wyrmling! fiddlesticks and wormeggs!" droggom spat and cursed at him and waved his crossbow around like a old human would've done with his cane and his frog croaked angrily.

2008-07-31, 09:54 AM
(ha Mist:p)

"As you wish Elders" The Kobold nodded a tad more seriously than the first pair, lowering his head in obedience. He steps away quickly, and slips into the stream of Kobold workers, soldiers and artisans as they scramble from place to place like a school of fish. His own small cave, an off-shoot off of the main barracks, is rather bare, containing only a small pile of soft furs and bedding, and a stone chest built into the floor with a wooden, hinged top.He pulls his armor out, shedding the cloak for a moment as he slips the oiled, maneuverable armor over himself. He tugs an over-sized seeming quiver off a hook on the wall, belting it around his waist, the non-pointy edge of shortspears sticking out, in easy range for his clawed fingers to pluck outwards. He shrugs the cloak over the whole thing and steps out, headed for the entrance to Ironthorn, stopping at the Dire weasel stables to see if the All-Watcher had provided them with mounts to speed them on their journey...

(yay first kobold post)

2008-07-31, 10:03 AM
Gebwip: Dig should have more information. From the report, Enelt seems to have a bodyguard...a really stupid bodyguard. All meat and no wits.

2008-07-31, 11:26 AM
"Do we have any information on the gnome or his bodyguard? Do either of them have any distinguishing features? Does the gnome wear robes? Do strange things happen around him? How fast can the bodyguard run? What weapons does he use, if any? And what about the city? Is it a city of kobolds, or some other race? Not a city of gnomes, I hope."

Kem smiled. Yahmok usually seemed to think everyone knew enough to do what they did. Even Gebwip could leave out useful information sometimes.

Gather Information: [roll0]
No mods :smallredface:. This is only if I need it, to try and get any useful information of any type out of them past the above questions.
Edit: Ouch.

2008-07-31, 11:29 AM

Kwehk was nervous enough around the smattering of strange kobolds but being sent out to kill a gnome...

"Yes! Finally my worth is being recognized!" Kwehk jumps up from where he was sitting and starts giggling madly. Though the others can't see his eyes through his ever-present sundark goggles Kwehk is clearly staring off into nowhere.

"Death by acid? Fire? Or should I make him fall asleep and then torture him while he's tied up? Ooh I can freeze his joints and smash his limbs off one by one..."

Kwehk adopts a mad scientist pose and keeps giggling softly. After nearly half a minute of this he settles down and smoothes out his battle smock and coughs.

"Umm, thank you honored elders. Would this gnome happen to be a worthless spellcaster of some sort? I already have plenty of scrolls to take care of meatheads but I may need something special for the Glitter-runt."

2008-07-31, 11:40 AM
"WHADDYA MEAN 'worthless spellcaster'!? HA!?"
*waves crossbow at*

2008-07-31, 11:46 AM

Khewk tries to keep himself out of the path of the point of the crossbow by leaning and ducking.

"Bah, give me the time and I can do anything that you can."

2008-07-31, 12:16 PM
"can you grow a beard, youngling?"

2008-07-31, 12:32 PM

"No, but that's because I'm all kobold old worm. Maybe your clutch got a bit of gnome in it by mistake?"

2008-07-31, 12:55 PM

"Oooo... burn!"

Nupnyx laughs slightly louder than appropriate.

2008-07-31, 12:55 PM
" You young crackerjacks! no respect for us elders! no respect for our elderly mutations of wisdom! i will have your tongue for that! "

[roll0] melee claw attack

2008-07-31, 01:05 PM

With his epic AC of 17 Kwehk slips out of the way and let's out a loud yelp.

"Self defense!" he screeches before taking a swipe at the elderly kobold.


2008-07-31, 01:50 PM
Droggom sidesteps the blow.
"self defence? i am merely smacking you on the back of the head, as elders SHOULD do with respecless wyrmlings! your generation is foolish, arrogant and popinjays!" Droggom limps to the other kobolds muttering in his beard about how lost Kwehk's generation is.

2008-07-31, 02:16 PM
Nupnyx sighs heavily and shakes his head, looking at the squabbling kobolds.

"Nupnyx always stuck being the responsible one. Save it for gnome! Gnomes may be stupid, and smell bad, and messy...

Nupnyx spends about thirty seconds berating gnomes and anything vaguely gnomish before getting back to his point.

"... point being, gnomes have to be stabbed lotsa times before they realize they be dead! Save fighting energy for that, or Nupnyx have to demonstrate famous 'gnomecracker' technique on yous!"

2008-07-31, 02:25 PM
Yahmoh: It is always entertaining to see the others resolve their differences through a claw fight.

Gebwip: Indeed. Good thing that these kind of conflicts often end without any form of injuries.

Tadfas: Umm...shouldnt we worry about TPK ?

Gebwip & Yahmot towards Tadfas: :annoyed:

Tadfas: :smallsigh:I'll stay in character...

2008-07-31, 02:33 PM
Kem tapped his clawed foot on the ground impatiently, waiting for a response.

"Uh, about the questions I had. If you could answer them it would make us much more likely to succeed."

2008-07-31, 03:04 PM
Kem tapped his clawed foot on the ground impatiently, waiting for a response.

"Uh, about the questions I had. If you could answer them it would make us much more likely to succeed."

Gebwip: See...someone misplaced some pages of the intelligence report. We only found information regarding a group of adventurers lead by a gnome. But I'm sure that Dig will have every bit of information needed for you.

Hahaha, Nacela, a city of kobolds ? Have a mine in the middle of a field ? No. Most towns are inhabited by larger species. Predominant humans. Curios species I might add.

Well...at least they are more open to diplomacy than those zombie ogres...

I already apologised about that. The last time we talked with them, they were alive.

Yeah yeah. Whatever youhalfgnomegoodfornothing

What was that ?

Think it was a fly :biggrin:

2008-07-31, 03:14 PM
Grumbling to himself, Kem can't help but wonder why these fools were in charge, to not even be able to handle something so critical as an information report.

"You know how many there are, at least don't you? Probably not. Well, in that case, can you at least tell us anything you know about the city? And how are we supposed to blend in with the crowds when they are all twice our size?"

As he says this, Kem looks over the cloak he was handed, wondering how it was supposed to help him look like a human...

"At our height, we would only be able to pass off as malformed human children. I won't even bring up the possibility of disguising ourselves as gnomes. I doubt I could convince the others to take part in such a thing."

2008-07-31, 03:16 PM
Mumble grumble
mumble grumble

2008-07-31, 03:19 PM
"GNOMES?! Disguiise... as... gnomes?! Nupnyx's stomach is turning just at the thought! There has to be another way, has to be! YARK YARK! Can't Nupnyx just stab them all? Always solve problems before. Stabbed things not get back up."

2008-07-31, 03:27 PM
whaaat? speak louder!

2008-07-31, 03:33 PM

Kwehk chuckles under his breath at the plan.

"Heh heh, luckily Droggom's halfway there already."

2008-07-31, 03:34 PM
"AND WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" Droggom barks at the upstart.

2008-07-31, 03:51 PM

Zara sits near the back of the group, fiddling with the items in her new tool kit. It had been old Troth's, who, when he heard she would be going out to serve the tribe, had let Zara borrow his time-tested kit. It might not have been as shiny as a new one, but it certainly had worth. All the tools were of the highest quality, and yet showed a bit of wear and tear around the edges that spoke of many nights toiling away to perfect something.

As she continued looking through her gear, she mumbled under her breath "...Sneak in under cover... Slip the guards a bit of coin... Greedy humans..." Looking up, she said more clearly "If you can get me close, I can set a trap for the fools"

2008-07-31, 04:03 PM
"Hmm... traps is good... Zara, how many humans can you trap at once? Nupnyx is strategerizing..."

Nupnyx rubs his chin, deep in thought (at least for Nupnyx).

2008-07-31, 04:57 PM
Slipped back in unobtrusively, and sighed a bit at the older pair's bickering. He had heard them from halfway across the mine!

"Already thinking of ways in?Good, that's two people thinking straight."He sighed a bit as he spoke sidelong to Zara, shifting from clawed foot to clawed foot to keep either from falling asleep.He knew from experience that the rabble would die down eventually if left to its own devices, keeping his expression neutral, his calm, bright orange eyes quiet.

2008-07-31, 05:01 PM

"I can do somethin' wit this!" she said, pulling a large stone out of her pack. It seemed to faintly hum as she showed it to Nupnyx. "This'll rattle the teeth in their skulls!" Looking through her pack some more, she also brough out a bag of Caltrops. "I can use these to. Wit' enough planning and surprise, we can leave them helpless!"

((The stone is a Thunderstone, btw.))

2008-07-31, 06:51 PM

"Nothing old one, we should start focussing on business now."

Despite his mad scientist look Kwehk quiets a moment for introspection.

"We shouldn't come up with plans yet, we need to see Dig first. Might as well get dressed up as a travelling band of halflings and head out. The sooner the better I'm guessing."

Turning his back to Droggom Kwehk sniggers beneath his breath.

"Nothing, at least to one of your wit."

2008-08-01, 02:03 AM
"no respect. NO RESPECT. thats whats wrong with your generation! when i was young-*long rambling about how things were when he was young-*-and we had to do it in meter high snow."
Droggom limps toward the exit, using his crossbow as cane.
*oldman whistling*

2008-08-01, 02:25 AM

Sarach sighs. With these idiots, they were likely to be found out before they'd evens started. "I think...I think I should be the one to take this Enelt down, you people deal with whatever people he's with. I can easily slip my way past, with nothing but my own skills, or a bit of magical assisstance. The rest of you swarm...heh, back in the dessert if we had issue...we'd do more than strike down the guilty. And the weak. This forrest seems...laking in discipline."

As she speaks, she draws her sicle, tossing it in the air before delicately catching it by the blade, and throwing it again, eyeing her comrades.

2008-08-01, 07:56 AM
ENOUGH! I am tired of your childish bickering. Droggom I am ashamed of you. You of this lot should understand such mindless and childish games are of no use in getting a job done. If the mines were left to a lot like you we would still live on the surface.

Thurgix stands strong an stares down the young kobolds. He fiddles with a length of twin between his legs. Those whom are well versed enough, none of those present are, can recognize him twisting letters from a variety of languages each group of letters culminating in a curse.

We have little information; our good leaders have sent fools to do dragons work and now out clan is at risk. So we must do the information gathering ourselves. Therefore let us leave to go to this city. On the way there we will disguise ourselves as a band of halflings. They are foolish creatures about the size of a human child. Given enough layers we may be able to pass as a traveling band of their merrymakers.

2008-08-01, 08:15 AM
"Nupnyx still would rather stab. But Nupnyx suppose this plan have merit too. Gnomes easier to stab if they not expect stabbing!"

2008-08-01, 08:53 AM
" when i was young, elders respected each other nowdays theyre just plain hostile..."

2008-08-01, 11:31 AM

Zara starts sullenly putting her trap materials back in her pack. "You are right, of course... Though I still wanna stick this stone in that Gnome's face..."

Pulling out the cloak which she had been offered, she shook it out and placed it around her shoulders. It was a deep shade of crimson, and after gathering the extraneous folds, she made herself a make-shift robe that left everything but her face and claws covered. As it settled on her, she noted that the voluminous fabric made it difficult to tell anything about her except her size. As she pulled up the hood, her red eyes looked out at the others. "How's it look?"

2008-08-01, 11:37 AM

"*sniff* not bad," Kwehk dons his own cloak, a little upset that his 'look' has been compromised. Kwehk takes great pains to make sure that his tail is looped up nicely into the fabric, causing him to trip over himself on his first test-walk.

"It's too bad that I don't speak halfling though... anyways, I'm ready to head out whenever the rest of you are."

2008-08-01, 12:41 PM
Nupnyx attempts to don his own cloak, but his first several attempts wind up with him looking very much like a kobold trying to look like a halfling, or in the last attempt, a mobile pile of dirty laundry.

Nupnyx does, at last, get his disguise on properly, barking loudly as he finishes.

"Yark! Nupnyx now perfectly disguised! None shall suspect that halfling merchant is, in fact, great and powerful Kobold warrior!"

He continues to admire his handiwork in a puddle on the cavern floor for several long moments before finally turning back to the group.

"Yes! Nupnyx is completely ready! There is stabbing to be done!"

Ghal Marak
2008-08-01, 01:05 PM
Gathnik accepted the cloak without a word and doned it, noting what not to do by watching Nupnyx put his on. As one of the younger kobolds in the group, he couldn't afford to make mistakes. He then picked up his bow and quiver and paused. "Does it matter if we go in armed? Or do we need to smuggle in our weapons?" The question wasn't adressed to any one kobold.

2008-08-01, 02:50 PM
" get me some iron i can stick to my face and a pillow to put over my gut and i can pose as a dwarf!" Droggom smiled and ran a clawed hand trough his beard.
*puts on cloak*

2008-08-01, 06:05 PM

Very quiet until now, Zynne remains that way, taking a cloak humbly and perfecting his disguise as best as he can.(Take 20) He only wodners why Gathnik is attacking their all-watcher with a barrage of questions. He his mouse in one of the inside cloak pockets, petting it gently with one finger.

((Hang out in the...HAHAHAHA DESSERT!!!!!!! HAHAHA.....like a pie.))

2008-08-01, 09:12 PM
Weapons would be best disguised. However for those of you with cumbersome weapons I am sure we can make excuses. Now does anyone her speak halfling besides myself?

As he address the group he turns to his loyal pet whom to this point had been laying patiently to the side. with a quite word Vers pads next to the elder kobold and thurgix begins to open flaps in the saddle and close others. When he is done he has hidden his weapons and donned the cloak and was adjusting his disguise (he will take 20 on the check and expends a inspiration point for a check of 28)

Now I am sorry for the unruly rabble of Wyrmlings all watcher but do you by chance have any means of travel for us besides our own two feet? Perhaps a cart or a few horses.

2008-08-01, 09:14 PM
The Kobold sighed softly and watched the ordeal for a moment longer.
"Yes, will you be providing us mounts for the mission All-watcher?We would be able to deal with this gnome and his lackeys quickly if we could travel more ground. I would prefer one fo the Dire Weasels myself, they are quite nimble." He mused thoughtfully, shrugging his own cloak on with casual ease, the folds drooping around his frame, leaving only his orange eyes staring out from under the darkened hood.

Edit: Curse you for posting before me crazed!:p]]

2008-08-01, 09:59 PM

He decides to speak up, little more than a whisper, "I think we should go now."

2008-08-01, 11:40 PM
Fiddling with the cloak, Kem held it out to one of the others.

"Could someone help me with this? I'm not very good at this kind of thing. I think it would be much more convincing if someone else did it for me..."

Can I use someone else's score for the disguise check? If not, then I can at least get an aid modifier, and take a 20. I think that would be 24 total. (Heh, no points in disguise, and no charisma bonus...bleh)

2008-08-02, 01:32 AM

"Hang on...if this town is neutral towards us...why do we need the halfling costumes?" Sarach asks, as she puts on her cloak, before turning around, trying to get a proper look at herself. "Hmm...seems decent enough."

2008-08-02, 03:38 AM

"Hang on...if this town is neutral towards us...why do we need the halfling costumes?" Sarach asks, as she puts on her cloak, before turning around, trying to get a proper look at herself. "Hmm...seems decent enough."

"so that they dont become hostile if we're caught killing people in their town. classic guerrilla tactics. thats what we like!!"

2008-08-02, 03:45 AM

"But, if we act quick and smart," Sarach gives a disaproving look at her 'colleges', Nupnyx in paticular, "they needn't even know it was us."

2008-08-02, 04:35 AM

"But, if we act quick and smart," Sarach gives a disaproving look at her 'colleges', Nupnyx in paticular, "they needn't even know it was us."

"See? Nupnyx has good plans! Stabbing much less complicated than disguises!"

2008-08-02, 05:55 AM
You will be given a dire weasel to ride, but beware, to dismount and send them back before reaching the village. Halflings are not known to ride weasels...

2008-08-02, 06:04 AM
" riding weasels. hah. when i was young we didnt have no fancy weasels. we walked. IN SNOW! and BROKEN GLASS!!" Droggom hisses and flails with his arms.
" but my back hurts so im not saying no to some new-age transportation..."

2008-08-02, 06:33 AM
Ignoring Droggom's obvious lies Thurgix explains the reason for disguises.

Its rather simple to understand when you break it down. If our kind are seen in the city and this band of adventurers is found dead we will be the first accused or assumed to be the culprits. This is because our kind though superior to all but the dragons themselves are thought suspicious, this we know is because of jealousy but that matters not. The leader being a gnome lays even more suspicion our way. If another group of adventurers are hired to find out who did the job we will be in the same situation we are in now only the new group may be stronger. However should a merry band of halfings show up we will draw no suspicion as the foolish halflings often travel in such groups. I would suggest we do not even ride the weasels part way as any passerby may relay the sighting to a follow up group. However should you wyrmlings be to lazy to walk like you should far be it for me to stop you.

(oh and that check was actualy a 30)

2008-08-02, 07:20 AM
"I don't suppose any of you would know how to disguise a riding weasel as a riding dog, do you? If not, then I agree with Gix here. At most, we take the weasels to the edge of the city, and dismount before we move into sight of the city itself. Then again, how far is this city? If it's less than a day or two's walk, then there's no need to use the weasels at all."

2008-08-02, 07:30 AM
If you leave soon, by nightfall you will arrive at the city gates. If going by foot that is.

2008-08-02, 07:45 AM
"Yark! Too much talky, not enough stab! Nupnyx say we just walk, simpler that way! Plus no risk of being chewed on when we sleep."

2008-08-02, 07:57 AM

"Be there by nightfall? I agree with Thurgix, we walk."

2008-08-02, 08:24 AM
"im for that!"
and im against it. hahaha. no.

2008-08-02, 08:41 AM

The small kobold comes running up, carrying a small contraption.

"So sorry I'm late, I was just working on my latest development. It uses an inverted spring to power a small catapult... "

>some time later<

"....so that should increase the efficiency by at least 10%."

Kruak finally notices the cloaks.

"Oh, are we travelling disguised as halflings. I am fluent in a number of halfling dialects, as well as the gnome tongue. I also have a recipe for gnome tongue that is quite delicious. A little salt rubbed into it really brings out the flavour ..."

2008-08-02, 08:51 AM
"see, this kid is smart! 10PERCENT MORE EFFICIENT! that more than i can aboot most youths!"

2008-08-02, 08:56 AM
And yet he is still late for an important meeting. A trap is of no use if it is sprung to late. Learn to be on time young one and your abilities will not go unnoticed. Quickly put on a disguise and let us get on the road.

2008-08-02, 09:59 AM

Zynne heads for the exit, still semi-talking "We should just go... Walking's fine."

2008-08-02, 10:58 AM
i'd like to take 20 on my disguise as dwarf check.

"its all in the beard..."

2008-08-02, 02:30 PM

Kwehk caughs a few times before talking in a stream of gnomish.

"Nothing like a gnomish voice to fool a gnome, eh? In fact, I've got an idea for a spell that'll be quite useful..."

Back in Draconic Kwehk turns to the All-Watcher and bows slightly before leaving the cave.

"I shall personally make sure that this gnome feels every moment of his death," he winks evily at Droggon before continuing, "I don't mean you, of course."

2008-08-02, 02:35 PM
Droggom leans over to Kruak and whispers "dont look now kid, but i think he is hitting on me."

2008-08-02, 02:41 PM

"Well, you can never tell the sex of dwarves since their women have beards, so you'd better get used to it. I hear that humans love a nice bearded lady."


2008-08-02, 02:43 PM
"hah! you've HEARD. ive EXPERIENCED. do i have to remind you that i lived with humans for several years and traveled trough their lands for more!? oooh i could tell you a thing or two about human women..."

2008-08-02, 02:47 PM

While they're walking out of the All-Watcher's cave Kwehk wrinkles his snout at the thought of human women.

"I just never understood how their race has survived for so long, they just seem like a massive bunch of idiots to me."

2008-08-02, 02:48 PM
"i can assure you...they are." Droggom sayswith a pained expression.

2008-08-02, 03:32 PM
Thurgix leaves with the rest shaking his head. He mutters to himself

Stupid all watchers to much power for undeserving wyrmlings.

Overhearing the others Thurgix snorts to himself.

The reason humans have survived this long is because unlike us they are flexible. They do not brand their children at birth with social positions like we do. Humph interesting concept at least.

2008-08-02, 03:38 PM
" then again, humans have a tendency to run themselves down cliffs." Droggom sighs. "can we get a move on. all this socializing makes me tired..."

2008-08-02, 03:43 PM
Zynne hears but decides to ignore the pompous Thurgix, he makes sure his weapons are strapped on right, only his two spears outside of the cloak. He walks off, finding his way out of the mines. He waits right outside for the others.

2008-08-02, 05:26 PM

"No positions at birth? And they build great shrines to their gods, I hear. But not to the rightful rulers of this world...it suprises me that they are still of this world."

2008-08-02, 10:31 PM

Zara hefted her pack, adjusting it to take into account her new cloak. "We best be going, everyone. Don't wanna get caught out in the open after first light." Turning to the elders, she said "Are we being given transportation or shall we walk, All-Watcher?"

2008-08-02, 11:08 PM
"Were walking, zara. Pay attention. It's only a few hours walk, it turns out."

2008-08-03, 06:51 AM
Although the sun was shining in the sky, you were determined to make the journey to Nacela. As you crossed through the forest, you found yourselves on the main road towards your destination. During the couple of hours spent walking, you hardly see anyone else on the road (only about 3 merchant carts, 2 going the other way you are going, and one that was pulled off the road). As sunlight starts fading, you arrive at the gates of the town. There is one guard with a halebard standing on one side of the gate.

You shouldn't be out at night, little travelers. We had some problems with wolfs lately so travels during the night are usually dangerous. Welcome to Nacela !

As you go past the gate, you can see torches and lamps glowing in front of houses. There are still people out on the streets, mostly humans, either talking about the day that has passed, either enjoying an evening meal in front of a roast chicken stand.

2008-08-03, 07:29 AM

"I'm going to head off, try and find somewhere to grab a scroll. Anyone else coming? Oh, and I'm not taking Nupnyx." Without waiting for an answer, Sarach begins to head off. "Oh, and while we're here, I assume it's costume up?"

I'm on the lookout for a scroll of alter self if possible, if not, disguise self. Oh, and I've got about a third of the cost for the scroll. I'll discuss plan with anyone who comes.

2008-08-03, 09:15 AM

Let us find a place to stay during our time here probably the local inn. Let me do the talking. Once we have rooms we can split up I suggest you not travel alone and sneak as much as possible. This way the locals will think we are just sleeping for the night. Sarach you don't get out of the mines often do you? You will find no one selling at this time and if you do they are probably out to steal your money.

Thurgix looks around himself and the group carefully making sure no one is overhearing their conversation.

spot [roll0] (looking for anything suspicious)

If he sees no one

Let me do the talking for now it will be simpler if we have fewer people doing the talking. If you need to talk, talk quietly amongst yourselves and keep from the locals from hearing. Once we have a room we can split up.

Thurgix walks over to the closest friendly looking passerby or guard.

He speaks first in halfling

Do you know where the nearest in is?

If or when he gets a quizzical look he speaks in common

Oh I am sorry comes from traveling with my friends here. he points to the group. Do you know where the nearest inn. Or even better the best in to find some adventurers. You see we are a group of entertainers and adventurers tend to have the best coin.

2008-08-03, 10:19 AM

The cloak was suffocating, and Kwehk couldn't wait for them all to get somewhere private so that he could toss it off and stretch his tail. Hearing the kobold, what was his name... Sarach, that's right, talk about buying a scroll made Kwehk shudder. Kwehk quickly shifts over to stand next to his foolish clan-mate in order to speak softly to him.

"Sarach, don't wasting your money on spells when I can draw up anything that any cleric or wizard can cast. Their might is feeble when compared to my greatness!" He shakes his little fist for a moment before calming down, "In any case, it will only take me twenty-five minutes or less to scribe a... suitable spell, and at half the price."

2008-08-03, 10:41 AM
Zynne slows his tread so the others can keep up and whispers to anybody within earshot, "Let's just find out where the gnome is so we can get him before morning." in undercommon. Wolves? A pity we didn't see any.

2008-08-03, 10:52 AM

"Nupnyx not want to go get stupid scroll anyway, see if Nupnyx care." the kobold mutters to himself.

2008-08-03, 11:32 AM
" how about we just...you know...do our job!?"

2008-08-03, 12:05 PM
"Yark! Droggum and Zynne have good idea! Stab gnome now, get out of stinky human city sooner!"

::Nupnyx mumbles to himself a moment, before adding in a conspiratorially low voice::

"Then maybe All-Watcher give Nupnyx back his sleep mat."

2008-08-03, 02:06 PM

A guard directs you to a place called "The arrow head". He says that it's a nice place for tired travelers to recover their strenght.

2008-08-03, 03:18 PM

The kobold pulls out his crossbow with a smile.

"The arrowhead? This is good fortune indeed. You know, I have a plan for a spiral tipped arrow that would enable it to burrow into the flesh, perhaps with some form of poison bulb that could deliver a ..."

2008-08-03, 03:32 PM
" arright. we find the gnome, wait 'til he falls asleep and then break in and kill him and escape. sounds good?" Droggom whispers.

2008-08-03, 03:35 PM

The kobold pulls out his crossbow with a smile.

"The arrowhead? This is good fortune indeed. You know, I have a plan for a spiral tipped arrow that would enable it to burrow into the flesh, perhaps with some form of poison bulb that could deliver a ..."

The DM voice

you do realise that you are in a predominant N towards lawful town, disguised as a halfling, trying to stay disguised as a halfling, drawing out a weapon for no apparent reason and saying that like a complete weirdo in front of a guard...

2008-08-03, 04:33 PM
" arright. we find the gnome, wait 'til he falls asleep and then break in and kill him and escape. sounds good?" Droggom whispers.

Zynne agrees, in undercommon, its the safest. Draconic is suspicious and people can understand common.

2008-08-03, 05:46 PM
Thank you sir

After asking the guard has moved away Thurgix turns back to his companions.

You all are far to impatient. Thurgix shakes his head. Let us check into a room or two and not do anything tonight. If we make our move tonight we once again will be suspected and that is not what we want to do. Once we have a room we can look for the gnome ad lure him somewhere where his death will not be noticed for a few days or so. That is the kobold way not a direct attack. Where you all raised by orcs?

Thurgix begins to twitch with his loop of string once again just as before he signs different curses. As he addresses the group he begins to lead them to the inn to which they were directed.

If we see him tonight do not engage him. Murder is not allowed in this town and a dead kobold is of no use to the clan.

2008-08-03, 05:54 PM
"Much as Nupnyx hate to agree... Thurgix be right. Stab gnome now, risk being overwhelmed by big folk and gnome-friends (pleh!). Glorious last stand or no, perhaps it better to remain breathing. Breathing is conducive to stabbing, as Nupnyx always say!"

Nupnyx nods to Thurgix, indicating he should lead on.

"Yark, come, follow Thurgix!"

2008-08-04, 02:16 AM

Sarach agrees to firstly, work with Kwehk, for the scroll.

Present time: Sarach mutters, in common, so as not to arouse suspicion from anyone nearby, but quietly, so as not to be overheard: Thurgix, I might have an idea for getting our target alone. He would hardley go anywhere with a kobold, but with a pretty young halfling? Or a gnome itself...if you get the drift? Kwehk, when can you have the scroll done?"

2008-08-04, 01:16 PM

"It will take me three and a half hours to complete the scroll, so I can get started on it while some of you go and find our contact."

2008-08-04, 05:51 PM

Zara nods at Kwehk's comment. "I'll go with the group that's going to find the gnome. If we find where they're staying, I can start working out how i'm going to set up my traps."

2008-08-04, 06:47 PM

"I will assist Kwehk. I wish to see first hand his famed ability to craft scrolls. There is much he could teach me."

2008-08-05, 12:25 AM

Sarach grins, under her hood. The plan had started. "I'm with Zara. I look forward to finding out about our mark." turning to Thurgix she speaks again: "I trust you're with us? And I'm sure that Nupnyx should, ah, guard Kwehk."

Nothing personal mistformsquirrl. I'm just reasonably certain, from what I've seen, that Nupnyx isn't the most subtle of people.

2008-08-05, 12:55 AM
I am going to the inn. There I will rest from today and tomorrow we can search for our target. In that task I will help with what I can.

2008-08-05, 01:17 AM

"Agreed," he turns to Kruak, "Yes, you can assist me in drawing the necessary forces into alignment... heheheheheh..." Kwehk starts giggling again, "Oh yes, I think that our joint efforts will end in a most profitable enterprise. What are your areas of expertise?"

2008-08-05, 05:54 AM

Kruak launches into a long stream of information, barely pausing for breath.

"I have an invented a method for extending the life of a spell beyond it's normal means by applying the principles of .... I have studied the principles of architecture and engineering ... the study of armoursmithing, with a particular bias towards scale based armour ... bowmaking, with attention to the principles of crossbows ..."

2008-08-05, 11:09 AM
Zynne stays quiet, waiting for SOME resolution.

Why do they just talk and talk?

2008-08-05, 11:27 AM
"are we there yet?" Droggom wheezes.

2008-08-05, 03:17 PM
Reaching the Arrow Head, you can hear sounds of music and laughter and chatter. Seems that the people are happy and jolly. Entering the tavern, you can see that the spirits are high. And I mean the rum and beer is everywhere and people are enjoying themselves as if it was the year 666.

2008-08-05, 03:58 PM
"call this a party? when i was young we had parties that was twenty times as ...partyish!"

2008-08-05, 10:37 PM
With no problems to apply himself to solving, Kem merely sat at the bar and ordered a drink. If there was nothing to do, at least he could enjoy himself.

2008-08-06, 05:39 AM

The tiny kobold stands slack jawed at his first sight of non-kobold society. It is so loud, so disorganised, so ... so ... he does not even have the words. Then he remembers the words of the All Watcher, and starts to wander amonst the revellers, listening out for any mention of Enelt or a dragon hunt whilst drawing his cloak tight around him as some means of protection

Not sure if this is listen or gather information so I'll roll and give the two modifers.

[roll0] (0 for Gather Info, -3 for Listen)

2008-08-06, 10:26 AM
Zynne takes a seat next to Kem, sitting quietly and whispering to himself.

2008-08-06, 12:05 PM
Thurgix avoids the festive environment for now and finds the in keeper.

Good evening fine sir. Would you by any chance have any rooms open? If you do how many of my companions he gestures to the various kobolds around the room do you think you could house in the rooms and how much would it be for a night or two?

2008-08-06, 12:12 PM

Though he is by no means a social animal Kwehk siddles up to the keeper with Thurgix and tries to get an ale out of the barkeep as well as some information.

"Just like my erstwhile companion says, but add an ale in with it too!" Kwehk tries to be personable, ""Anything exiting going on in town, we just got in not even ten minutes ago."


2008-08-06, 12:50 PM

Nupnyx finds being crammed in an area with so many creatures larger than himself horribly unsettling, and decides to stick close to Thurgix, since he seems to have an idea of what's going on. He remains uncharacteristically silent.

2008-08-06, 03:07 PM
Of course little masters ! We have two free rooms with beds fit for your size ! We run a profitable business here, so we use a policy: newcomers get to rent a room for only 3 silver pieces. A bargain ! 6 silver coins for both rooms a night. Or, you know, you could spend the night in the alley for free...that is if the guards dont find you hahahahaha :smallbiggrin:

In the meantime, a cute half-elf waitress served Kem his drink.
Does your...pal want a drink too ? she asks Kem reffering to Zynne.

Going through the tables and people, Kruak tries to listen for anything useful and at the same time ask someone about their targets. Suddenly, a man starts vomiting right in front of him, obviously having one too many drink for the day. Everybody around starts laughing and returning to their own pints.

Kwelk and nupnyx join Thurgix and the innkeeper.

Come to think of it, yes. Old man Erol, the town priest lost his minds. he keeps walking down the streets, muttering to himself in a strange language. heh, we think he managed to talk to his patron god, but being such a weak minded fool, he lost whatever remained of it :smallbiggrin:. Other than that, there were a couple of newcomers around these parts, looking to recruit townsfolk for a hunt or something. Strange group...a gnome, a human and two half elves...I mean honestly, that is just strange.

2008-08-06, 03:24 PM
"hrrm... cute waitress. for a mammal."
"what? why do you look on me like that?"

2008-08-06, 04:03 PM
Well thank you sir here we will take those rooms for the night. Mind helping me out with a few questions.

Thurgic hands the innkeeper two gold from his pouch.
[roll0] diplomacy
[roll1] gather info check

Have these newcomers caused any trouble as of late? And where could we find these newcomers? And did their search for help bring up any volunteers?

Thurgix asks cautiously.

((hopefully the extra money will smooth out (give circumstance bonuses :smallbiggrin:) those horrid checks))

2008-08-06, 04:07 PM

Kwehk gives a low chuckle.

"Ah, it's always been my policy to let the gods do their job and me do mine, no reason to let the two cross eh? Now we heard from the guards that there are wolves about but what's this about a hunt, someone looking to get a few pelts?"

[roll0] [attempting to diplomance him into telling us more]

2008-08-06, 06:33 PM
Zynne answers her in Common, deciding "I'll have some wine."

2008-08-07, 03:38 AM

The tiny kobold backs away from the drunken revellers, retreating to the safety of the group. He begins examing the structure of the building, looking for the best way to demolish the building.

Knowledge architecture [roll0]

2008-08-07, 01:25 PM

Looking around her, Zara is almost sickened by the... DISORDER around her... Nothing like a well-organized troop, or a meticulous trap... She also retreats back to the safety of the group.

2008-08-07, 04:15 PM

They are a weird bunch. They claim that there are dragons in the mountains nearby, but there havent been dragons here for at least 30-40 years. An no, they havent managed to get anyone to join their wild goose chase.

The guards can slay the wolves if they can catch them first. But those beasts are smart. they stalk travellers and ambush them, retreating if the odds are turned against them.

Coming right up !

Kruak determines that the best way to demolish the building would be to chop down the main support beams.

Droggom draws some attention to himself but only for a couple of seconds, since people that drink often think they heard something wrong.

2008-08-07, 10:48 PM

Zynne speaks up, in Common, "Would you happen to know where him and the others are staying?" pulls out and passes 3gp to him.

Gather Information [roll0]
(Thats 3 11's out of six rolls on this page.....)

2008-08-07, 11:13 PM

"Dragons? Dangerous business there, but if a halfling knew a thing or two he might make a gold or three," Khewk adopts a pensive pose, then leans towards the inkeep, "I overheard someone saying something about a kobold named... oh what was it again... Dig! Yes, Dig. Maybe if I talked to the little fellow he might be able to weigh in on this whole dragon business and I might be able to get a few gold out of those adventurers."

Kwehk slides six silver pieces over to the inn-keep and then a gold piece.

"That's for the two rooms friend, and would you happen to know where that kobold is as well?"


2008-08-08, 05:27 AM
Droggom the elder

"cough. Dwarven ale fer me, bonny lass. if yeh have some." Droggom shouts (not like SHOUT, shout. but more like a...raised voice) to the waitress.
"miss me dwarven homelands, ye ken'." he says to his companions.

Ghal Marak
2008-08-08, 12:54 PM

Gathnik stood next to Zara and Kruak, peering about the room. While he didn't despise the place, he didn't much care for it either. "Let's just go to our rooms and wait for the others there. I don't like how unprotected we are here.", he wispered to the other two.

2008-08-09, 06:35 AM

Also retreating to the saftey of her compatriots at the back, Sarach says:"If you're leaving this stinking room for some peace and quiet, I'm with you.", muttering in draconic, under her voice.

2008-08-09, 01:03 PM

"Nupnyx comes with. This place give me creeps!"

He gives a small shudder.

2008-08-09, 05:39 PM

He is probably staying at one of the houses here in town.

And why would you think Dig is a kobold? He is just a smallfolk good at digging. Why, he dug my new cellar. And boy, does he have work at the rich people's basements. Though I dont know where he lives...

And I also wonder why you keep giving me coins. Though I dont complain about it :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-09, 05:57 PM

"Damn, see where rumor gets you? Well, I think that we'll retire now goodman, it's been a pleasure doing business with you."

Kwehk grabs the keys to the rooms and as soon as he's up with the others he kicks a bed and hisses in kobold.

"I hate humans so much! Argh!"

2008-08-09, 05:58 PM
"and you've just been here for some hours. or something..." Droggom says hoarsely "i've lived most of my life with them!"

2008-08-10, 01:01 AM

Kwehk hisses in acknowledgement to Droggom before setting his pack down against one of the beds.

"At least I learned a few things from those softskin fools. Dig lives somewhere in town, and makes a business out of digging out basements, so if we asked around it shouldn't take that long to find him. I'm thinking though... if Dig has been doing what his names implies for a while then he must have dug out a few secret passages around the town. It's what I'd do," Kwehk's eyes glaze over as he imagines dozens of kobolds rampaging through the town, using the tunnels to strike fast and hard, keeping the villagers fleeing and in a pannick, "Err, in any case," he blinks a few times to clear his vision, "There's the gnome bastard, of course, but a big human bruiser and two half-elves are with him as well. Oh, and something got into the priest of this town, probably an infection the way these pigs live. We should split up a bit though, some of us to check around for Dig and a few of us to check the basement of this place to try and find a tunnel."

2008-08-10, 09:35 AM
Thurgix lets the others leave him at the bar.

Thurgix thinks to himself Stupid wyrmlings nearly messed up a simple bribe. Thurgix rubs his head before looking around the inn for any interesting looking people who may be of some use to him.

((look around to see any interesting or shady characters.))

Could I get an ale. I can't stand them younglings.

He comments to the barkeep

2008-08-10, 06:32 PM
Zynne asks, "Er, can I check out the basement? I'd rather do that than wander around this place."

2008-08-12, 04:22 PM
Thurgix recieves the ale from the waitress.


Now why would you want to see my basement ? The rats probably started to swarm about now...it kinda happens when the night falls.

I have to get a cat...

2008-08-12, 07:38 PM
Thurgix begins to drink his ale and sighs as he feels the years which his body does not show.

So anything interesting going on around town? Anyone hiring adventurers or entertainment or any specialty work? You get any unusual customers around here?

He drinks some more of his ale as he waits for an answer and looks around some more for any weakness in the structure or some obviously flammable or exploitable weaknesses.

[roll0] (using a point)

((my god the rollers hate me))

2008-08-12, 07:54 PM
Zynne sees a chance for opportunity "Not your basement, but I could help with those rats."

2008-08-12, 08:12 PM

Kwehk nods to the other kobolds upstairs.

"Let's rest for a while and then start our searches once the softskins have gone to sleep. We can move about a lot easier since we can see in the dark and they can't."

2008-08-12, 11:14 PM

Zara nods at Kwehk's plan. It seemed sensible enough.

2008-08-13, 03:44 AM

"It is a good plan."

2008-08-13, 03:57 AM
Droggom the notorious
"i call the top bunk!" droggom wheezes

Ghal Marak
2008-08-13, 01:12 PM

Gathnik looked at Droggom oddly. "How do you even know there will be bunks?" He pushed past the other kobolds and went up the stairs to find their rooms.

2008-08-13, 04:38 PM
Droggom the repetitive.
"well try to see it this way: either it is, or someone is sleeping on the floor!"

2008-08-14, 11:40 AM
"Nupnyx, being leader of glorious expedition, will definitely not be sleeping on floor. All-Watcher already took Nupnyx's good sleep-mat, gotsta get rests while resting be good!"

2008-08-15, 05:06 PM
Why yes, there were a strange bunch trying to recruit people for a hunt. No luck though...

Oh, if you would help me, I'd be grateful :smallbiggrin:

Thurgix notices that the people that are drinking beer look preety combustible at the moment, and has a hunch that the barrels of alchool in the storage area would be flamable too.

Meanwhile, the rest of you guys arrive in one of the 2 rooms. There are 5 small beds, 2 are bunks (yay for Droggom), and one is simple. There is a nice green carpet on the ground, a small table in one corner and three stools next to it. On the table there is a pitcher (?) of water and a couple of mugs. By the window, there is a flowerpot complete with small purple flowers.

Not long after you made yourself comfortable to chat in the room, there is a knock on the door, followed by a voice whisperring:

Hey, you guys. It's me, Dig. I saw you when you came to town and followed you here. Open the door so we can talk.

2008-08-16, 01:03 AM

Zara, ever the suspicious one, gets up and heads towards the door. She whispers back to "Dig", "What is the name of our clan's All-Watcher?"

2008-08-16, 07:37 AM
:sigh: Yahmok. Now open the door.

2008-08-16, 04:59 PM

Nodding for Zara to open the door Kwehk loads his crossbow and keeps it ready, just in case.

2008-08-16, 08:46 PM

He nods as best as you can with hood on "I'll see what I can do later."

2008-08-17, 12:08 AM

Zara opens the door cautiously and lets Dig in. "Sorry, can't be too careful when Gnomes are running around."

2008-08-17, 05:32 AM

Sarach heads up the stairs (I'm assuming the rooms were upstairs) just in time to see Dig enter, and hurridley heads up to the doorway, knocking on it, and muttering in draconic "Sarach here."

2008-08-17, 06:02 AM
Dig is what you would call...an oddball. He has a pair of goggles on his eyes, and a breathing mask with a couple of alchemical tubes sticking out of it. his head is covered with a bandana and his clothes look like they were made out of an old sack.

Well, that is what gnomes do usually. They dont mine or craft jewelery that much.

Anyway, I came to give some details about your targets. There are four of them. The gnome, Enelt, has a habbit of manifesting arcane powers. I do hope you will kill him slow and painful because he keeps bragging about his "dragon blood". BAH ! Makes me puke. His bodyguard is a human with less mind than a rock. Avoid him. he kinda smashes things with a piece of wood. And then there are the two half-elves. One is a monastic type and the other sings from a flute. Two retards if you ask me.

I was hoping to meet you guys earlier. you could have slept in my hole rather than spend money on this dump...

2008-08-17, 01:49 PM

"This way, we've got an alibi for the next few days and somewhere to look 'respectable'," Kwehk hisses in disdain, "Now I've got a couple of questions. It seems like you've done most of the cellars in town, did you put any tunnels in connecting them that we can use? I'd rather not have to walk right into wherever they're staying. Also, they're still looking for more to join them right? Maybe we can use that against them..."

2008-08-17, 02:03 PM
Droggom the senile

"dragon blood in a gnome!? now thats just heresy!" Droggom growls.
"hurm...with a silence spell we could torture him to death somewhere and no one would hear...." he muses.

2008-08-17, 02:40 PM
Seeing as there's not much to do down here, Zynne decides to make his way upstairs.

2008-08-17, 05:24 PM
OOC: Source of your avatar LeoMan ?

2008-08-17, 09:59 PM

Throwing down the last of his drink Thurgix asks the waiter with a slight swagger as if drunk.

So where did you say these people are staying so that I might go offer my services?

2008-08-18, 07:00 AM

"A Gnome with dragon blood? Unpleasant, distasteful, and unlikely, but not, I fear, unheard of. However, I doubt it's anything more than bragging. I fear that this should be too simple to be true, how hard could it be to outwit a Gnome, a Brutish thug with little to no mind, a preist and a lowly entertainer?"

2008-08-18, 08:01 AM

"If it is indeed true that he has dragonblood flowing through his veins, I may be able to extract it. I would need some of the equipment from this tavern, but I think that I could grab almost all of it. Let me make some sketches."

The small alchemist pulls out his sketch pad and starts to make some preliminary drawings and calculations.

2008-08-18, 08:17 AM
Droggom the beardy.
"i dont think it works that way. it will be gnome blood no matter what. " Droggom coughs.

2008-08-18, 02:17 PM

Kwehk moves to help Kruak with his calculations, thinking that this device would be exquisite for torture when he stops suddenly.

"Wait, this gnome has bragged about having the blood of a dragon and he wants to go hunting one of the great ones?! What is wrong with him?"

2008-08-18, 02:23 PM
Droggom the perceptive

"he is obviously some deviant pervert with a twisted mind and CLEARLY psychotic." Droggom mutters "only logical explanation i can think off."

Ghal Marak
2008-08-18, 02:25 PM

Gathnik shook his head. "Perhaps it is best not to try and figure out the gnomes motives. None of it will matter once he is dead anyway." He crossed his arms and looked over at Dig. "So where is the idiot gnome and his lackeys staying?"

2008-08-18, 05:59 PM
In a shack, not far from here. Also, why should I put tunnels in cellars ?

2008-08-18, 06:02 PM
Zynne, finds the room, it isn't that hard considering nobody closed the door, but, he isn't complaing. Walking in and closing it behind him, he stands staring at the newcomer. "Who?..uh."

Ooc: It's a zoomed in picture of a female pandaren. I like the picture. And one of my town character's got gender-bended. And considering his name's Blue the hair matches perfectly.

2008-08-19, 02:30 AM
Droggom the wise
"its the 'native' kobold. get in and close the door." Droggom hisses to Zynne "its drafty here..."

2008-08-19, 05:34 PM
OOC: It's already closed. I just now went on about you guys not closing it.

2008-08-20, 02:19 AM
OOC:what is closed!?

2008-08-20, 07:08 AM
ooc: The door.

2008-08-20, 07:31 AM
OOC:oooh oookey! hehe

Ghal Marak
2008-08-20, 12:10 PM

Gathnik gave a sidelong glance at the rather un-observant Droggom. He was going to say a snide remark, then decided to let it drop rather than anger the Kobold.

He looked back at Dig and continued his questioning. "Do they have any habbits? Does the Gnome drink? Perhaps the human is a gambler?"

2008-08-20, 12:31 PM

"Well, if it were me and I had the time then I would definitely put some tunnels under the soft-skin's homes. They'd be useful if we ever had to do some aggressive expansion."

Kwehk pauses to think for a moment and then toothily smiles.

"Alright, if it's an old shack then when they're all dead we can just make it look like the place burned down while they slept. Think we can lure one of them away from the group and pick them off easily?"

Ghal Marak
2008-08-20, 12:38 PM

Gathnik nodded at Kwehk. "That was exactly what I was getting at. If we can get at them when they are alone, no problems."

2008-08-20, 12:44 PM
Well...they are in the shack right now.
Habbits...other than going into town and telling everybody that they are searching for brave people for a dragon hunt, nothing. oh, wait, the human often ends up in a bar brawl...if you can qualify that as a hobby...

2008-08-20, 12:50 PM

Kwehk grins at Gathnik.

"Sounds like that's our chance to whittle them down a bit. We can hit the human with some sleeping magic once he leaves the bar and then drag him off the streets and slit his throat. Then we can deal with the others." Kwehk looks back to Dig, "Which bar does he brawl at, this one?"

Ghal Marak
2008-08-20, 01:32 PM

Gathnik held up his hand. "Hold on a second. Before we start messing around with easily detectible magic, couldn't we just slip a knife between his ribs during one of the brawls? He wouldn't even see it coming if it's a big enough fight."

2008-08-20, 04:23 PM
Well....yeah. Since this is the local town inn...

2008-08-20, 06:29 PM


2008-08-21, 06:04 AM

"It lacks finesse...but may be effective. If we could take him out without being noticed..."

2008-08-22, 04:01 AM

Still at the bar Thurgix begins to swagger and stumble out of his chair.

Where could I find a bunch of dirty adventurers! I hear there are a bunch of ugly wannabes are looking to get themselves killed by a dragon!

He stumbles to the bar and grabs his mug.

Another drink fine sir.

He slips a silver across the table.

2008-08-23, 07:19 PM

"Alright, if one of you wants to try that then go ahead and try to stab him in the middle of a whole group of humans who are throwing punches in every direction," Kwehk throws his hands up into the air, "but if any of the humans notice you'll have the whole town after us."

2008-08-24, 02:23 AM
Droggom the nosy

"we mussst get him... un-noticed. that is obvious. and we have alot of secret tunnels! so we must get him to some basement or toilet or sumfin'. now start planning younglings."

2008-08-24, 04:31 AM
Droggom the nosy

"we mussst get him... un-noticed. that is obvious. and we have alot of secret tunnels! so we must get him to some basement or toilet or sumfin'. now start planning younglings."

OODM: You dont have ****ing tunnels in the basement. The town is unimportant for the kobolds. See anywhere to mine for ore in the middle of the fields ? NO ! Jeez.

Call me when you decided what to do...

2008-08-24, 05:04 AM
well im old and senile. sorry very much.

2008-08-24, 10:18 AM
"Let's just go into that "shack" and kill them while they sleep. Or pretend to go "dragon-hunting" with them and kill them outside of town."

Ghal Marak
2008-08-24, 02:44 PM

Gathnik sighed. It didn't look like the others favored his idea. "Fine. I'll go with whatever plan."

2008-08-27, 06:00 AM

"If the human comes into the inn to drink, then returns to the shack drunk, we can set a trap and ambush him on his return. It should be relatively simple. We should examine the route between the inn and the shack to determine the best ambush site. Who is with me?"

2008-08-27, 09:00 AM
Droggom the senile

"he's a human now!? wasnt he a gnome some minutes ago!?"

2008-08-27, 09:15 AM

"If my notes are correct, then the gnome leads this foul group, but the human often over-indulges his taste for fermentated drinks, then engages in a brawl. Following such an activity, he should be in a weakened state, both mentally and physically, allowing us to ambush him upon his return to the shack, thus weakening the party. While they search for their missing comrade, we can pick them off one by one. Now we will need to decide what to do with the body. Should we disintergrate it with an acid bath, or do we chop it up so they can find false clues?"

2008-08-27, 11:52 AM

"Exactly what I meant! Now, we should go back down to the common room and wait for this human to arrive and when the brawl starts we can use that as an excuse to leave. Halflings are known to run from fights... I think. Then we follow him back to the shack and the first time he's alone and no one's around we strike. Then we can hit the cabin, fire is always a favorite of mine."

Kwehk goes to the door of their room.

"All right, we spend any longer talking and the sun will be rising, let's get going."

Ghal Marak
2008-08-28, 12:46 AM

Gathnik walked over to Kwehk and nodded. "I'm with you. And not all of us need to go."

2008-08-28, 02:06 AM

"Ambush? An easy tactic, when done right. I'm with you." says Sarach, moving to the doorway. After all, this needs to be done right.

2008-08-29, 12:29 PM

Nupnyx, who has been uncharacteristically silent of late (which is absolutely in no way shape or form related to a previously unspoken fear of humans), finally pipes up.

"Nupnyx with Gathnik. Best to have strong warrior when ambushing large ones!"

Somewhere deep inside, Nupnyx is wetting himself.

2008-08-30, 08:06 AM
Droggom the shaky

"And i shall fizzle them with arcane arts and... ehhh... pointy bolts...."
lets get this killing ON!

2008-08-31, 09:57 AM

The small artificer gathers his possessions together as he prepares to set out with the group.

"Can you tell me the route between here and their shack so that I am able to determine the correct location for our planned ambush and trap."

2008-08-31, 06:10 PM
Zynne decides to do whatever the majority of the group wants, as seeing nothing is going to happen otherwise.

OOC:(Gone for 3 days and nothings happens....:smallsigh:)

2008-09-01, 06:17 AM
The shack is 4 houses away. It is not too hard to find. After discussing your strategy, you all come down to the common room. Dig points out a man: That's him. You may want to keep your distance from him, since he is kinda violent sometimes, for no apparent reason...as he says this, the man quickly jumps uff his seat and starts bashing it with a mace.

die die die ! dont give splinters !

2008-09-01, 12:06 PM

The small kobold slips out the door and starts to examine the (short) route between the inn and the shack, so as to build some form of trap to incapacitate the large human. He is also looking around to see how well observed the route is, and how many people are likely to use it.

Would it be possible to engineer a small part of a nearby building to fall on him?

Know: Architecture [roll0]

2008-09-01, 02:19 PM
Not unless you have something that can powerfully bash a wall...like an elephant or a dinosaur or something...

2008-09-02, 02:08 AM

Sarach looks upon the violent human with clear disdain in her eyes. "Well. As long as it doesn't come down to a battle of wits, we'll be fine."

2008-09-02, 05:03 AM

After studying the area, Kruak opts on a crossbow based ambush and looks for a suitable location that will enable him to fire unseen. Once that location ahs been determined, he starts to work on a small trap that will render the target prone when triggered.

Trapbuilding 1d20+9

2008-09-02, 05:05 AM

Berates himself for being unable to spell

Trapbuilding [roll0]

2008-09-02, 12:21 PM

Kwehk stays well clear of the mad human as their group exits the tavern. Once outside he tries to remain unseen while taking a good long look at the adventurer's shack, and the path up to it.


2008-09-02, 01:55 PM

Nupnyx whispers to Kruak.

"Nupnyx is wondering if maybe fire would be best? Burn shack while human sleep, then poke with sharp things when he runs."

2008-09-02, 07:59 PM


Zynne walks up to the fighter from behind, whispering something rude, anything rude, in Gnomish.

2008-09-04, 04:36 AM
You cant tell Kruak that, since you didnt went to the shack.

He manages to construct a rope that will trip his target when he walks through that area. Also, he finds a bush where he can hide.

The path is dim lighted, by torches. It appears to be devoid of any living being except your companions and the big idiot.

Leave me alone, busy !
((as a side note, trying to talk in a language that a big fat idiot that attacks anything suspicious doesnt understand might not be a good idea...))

2008-09-04, 06:12 AM
Droggom the sleepy.
Droggom is ready to fire spells!
just so you know it

2008-09-04, 01:15 PM
Droggom the sleepy.
Droggom is ready to fire spells!
just so you know it

I am glad he is ready to fire spells. So, where is he ? Inside the pub? Outside ? Following someone ? Or just sitting on his top bunk in his room ready to fire spells at random flies ? :annoyed:

2008-09-04, 01:31 PM
Droggom is senile and therefore follows Kwek for the moment.
he seems like he needs spells.

2008-09-04, 07:09 PM
Bah, I'm really sorry for the short notice, but I'm gonna have to drop out here. Its been fun, but there's a lot of stuff clawing at me right now and its for the best if I go ahead and go. Nupnyx should be pretty easy to handle in my absense - just think "Aggro Deekin" and you're pretty much 90% of the way there.

Anyway, its been fun all, good luck!

2008-09-04, 08:05 PM
Leave me alone, busy !
((as a side note, trying to talk in a language that a big fat idiot that attacks anything suspicious doesnt understand might not be a good idea...))

*smile innocently*

He whispers something else, anybody who has the capability to uderstand him would notice it's gibberish.

2008-09-11, 05:36 AM

The small kobold crouches in his bush, weapons at the ready, as he waits for his prey to enter the trap.

2008-09-11, 07:27 AM
Get lost ! screams the man in a fit of rage and he makes a hand gesture towards Zynne as if he was brushing a fly away.

Arriving at the shack, he tries to go through the door but trips on Kruak's trap. The others inside the shack notice him crashing in.
(you can now shoot him, and he is flat footed).
(also, each kobold near the shack gets a surprise round).

2008-09-12, 03:55 AM

Seeing his prey fall prey to his trap filled Kruak with glee. He snatched up his crossbow and aimed at the large human, looking for the right spot to unleash his bolt.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-09-13, 06:46 AM

With an intricate gesture, and a mutter under her breath, Sarach sends a carefully aimed blue blast at the mans head.

Using ray of frost.[roll0]

Edit: Oh god. What awful damage rolls!

2008-09-13, 09:07 AM

As the huge human fumbles his way through the door Kwehk sights down his crossbow and fires a bolt at him.


[roll2] Might as well do this too, unless you're rolling ti yourself Bayar.

2008-09-16, 09:27 PM

Zynne follows the human silently out of the tavern, making sure not to get noticed, he follows him from a distance up to the shack, unofrtunately being caught unawares himself by the trap, he hangs back about thirty feet from the trap.