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2008-08-01, 12:15 PM
For those starting in the Yawning Portal Inn:

You are sitting in the bar room of the Yawning Portal Inn, the largest room of the pub. The room is crowded with those who have decided to visit Undermountain and attempt to solve the new mysteries and rumours caused by the strange events three days ago...and others who have gathered to watch, toast, taunt and make bets about those entering Undermountain.

All the furniture in the room is heavy, stout wood and the lighting is provided by chandeliers made from wagon wheels hung from the ceiling by chains and filled with thick, lit candles.

On the shelf behind the bar rests a double crossbow, ready at hand and a few other weopons to serve as a warning. In front of these is the barman, leaning on the bar and serving his customers. He is a gruff man, his sholder-length hair graying, and eyes icy blue, he looks strong, alert and ready for battle.

For people in the warehouse:

The warehouse is crouded, dark and a little smoky. The people inside it gamble, talk and occasionally roar with laughter. Everything in the room looks a little battered, worn and either bored or menacing. The small fire place near the stairs feebly attempts to warm those around it. A brawl breaks out upstairs and thudding can be heard, some people run down the narrow stairs to the main floor, flee the building leaving a trail of choas and what looks a bit like blood behind them.

For Nolan:

An inn stands before you, announcing itself to the watching world by way of a hanging signboard. The sign reads simply "The Yawning Portal." The words are carved deeply into the board, weathered to a silvery hue that hangs by two short loops of chain from a black-painted iron pole above the front door.

The Yawning Portal Inn stands on Rainrun street in the city's castle ward, two doors west of the Empty Keg Tavern. Right next to the inn, between it and the Keg, stands Mother Salinka's House of Pleasure, a shabby low-coin fest hall. On the right of the Yawning Portal is an old warehouse often used to meet and great other adventurers and plot.

2008-08-01, 12:23 PM
Avoraelde is sitting on a chair, waiting for the inn-keeper to finish with his current stream of customers.

As soon as he is not occupied, I walk up to him.

Hello, can I rent one of your rooms for a few days? says Avoraelde, Also, can you tell me about how one gets into Undermountain, if you know? While doing this Avoraelde unhooks a bag from his belt containing a small collection of coins and holds it in his hand.

Duke of URL
2008-08-01, 12:34 PM
Derrick Heathertoe, Halfling Warlock

(( In the warehouse. ))

The sounds of the scuffle upstairs brings Derrick to a state of mild alert. What could that be about? Assuming the noises don't indicate too intense of a fight, he tries to slip up the stairs without drawing too much attention to himself, to check things out.

2008-08-01, 12:40 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Sitting at a table in the Inn, the strange-looking bald humanoid with a shiny metallic body and silvery eyes with no pupils beats rythmically on his bongos, keeping a steady beat occasionally interspersed with a flurry of quicker and smaller beats before returning to the steady, almost time-keeping beat.

2008-08-01, 12:49 PM
For vampire2948: Durnan nods his head to the customers in acknowledgement as they head to their table mugs of ale in hand, then glares at you while he speaks.

Fer a room, it'll cost ye 5sp per nigh' an' we offer food too. The near'st entrance? That's below yer feet boy, in our wine cellar. Only a small fee to get in there, jus' one gp. For helping ye down on the rope. If yer thinking o' goin' down there i suggest yer find yerself some friends ter look out fer yer, Undermountain's too much fer one person.

Duke of URL: As you go up the stairs the shouts and yells gets slightly louder and you enter the top room of the warehouse. Two men are engaged in a fight in the far corner of the room but aren't using weopons. The other occupants of the room turn to look at you, then look back at the fight almost bored.

Duke of URL
2008-08-01, 12:51 PM

Right. Not much to see here. Though, those who fled... He turns around and heads outside to see if he can spot the bloodied men out in the street.

2008-08-01, 12:53 PM
Very well, I shall purchase four nights now...and possibly more later. He replies, sliding the coins across the counter for the inn keeper to pick up. Nearest enterance? You imply that there are multiple enterances. Where are they?

Also, can you indicate any persons present in your inn who are availible for hire? I lack any friends who will venture into the Undermountain complex with me.

2008-08-01, 01:00 PM
Duke of URL: Cold wind and rain plets you as you step outside, looking around you find a man huddled in the entrance of the Yawning Portal Inn, clutching his arm his sleeve bloody.

Vampire2948: Aye, there are more, te one in the cellar ere is i reacon the most used an' well known. I dun't know about the others are. An as fer people ter go wit ye, you'd ave to ask around. I only know the regulars.

Four nights was it? Thas fine. Any thin' else?

*He picks up the coin and places them in a small chest partially hidden from view, fishes a key from a box and hands it to you.*

Up te stairs, turn left, go down te corridor, right an then its the room at the end.

2008-08-01, 01:03 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

The warforged looks up briefly at Avoraelde before looking back down at his bongos. A mean-looking ranseur (a polearm) rests against the table he is at.


Duke of URL
2008-08-01, 01:10 PM

Let's see if I can get a little information... "You look hurt... I may be able to help you. Let me look at your arm. So... how did this happen?"

Attempting to bluff healing competence (and concern) [roll0]

2008-08-01, 01:12 PM
Avoraelde, having attained a room key and information on the best way to get into Undermountain, gazed around the room looking for likely allies.

His gaze was drawn to a strange metal man (for he was unsure of gender in such things...if they had gender.) who appeared to be playing some form of drum...in the middle of an inn.

Hmm...why not? Avoraelde thought to himself, negotiating his way through the tables till he reaches the table that the strange metal figure sits at, an impressive weapon leaning against the edge.

Greetings. I am Avoraelde Mizobi, I have a proposition for you, may I sit?

2008-08-01, 01:16 PM
Duke of URL: The man looks into your face and smiles weakly.

I'm fine, bit shaken is all. The bugger just scratched me with his knife. Look if you want *rolls up sleeve*

The wound isn't too deep and has almost stopped bleeding.

Are you from round here? Because you should know it's not a good idea to show too much interest in strangers in these parts. It can get you into a rather sticky business. Rather like this one. *he jestures at his arm*

Duke of URL
2008-08-01, 01:22 PM

"Oh, good. It's not too serious." Which means I don't have to pretend to know how to fix it. Good.

He steps back a little. "I guess I'm just too much of a 'people-person', as the saying goes." Yeah, right. "I probably should heed your advice -- you sound like you speak from experience. So, what did you stumble into that resulted in this?"

2008-08-01, 01:25 PM
A young man with dirty blonde hair looks down the street. His clothes are travel stained and close to being threadbare.

Cymran had travel for quiet a long time to get here, and now that he was here he wasn't quite sure what to do next. It would come to him he was sure, but it was a new place and he was busy taking in all the sight and sounds.

2008-08-01, 01:31 PM
Duke of URL: The usual, tried to help a friend but he didn't need it or me. He's in there now *points to warehouse* Idiot. Well, i'm off...careful about who you talk to right? Durnan's a good fellow, the one who runs the Yawning Portal. Trust people he trusts and you'll be alright.

He walks into an alleyway and dissapears from sight.

Estradling: ((You can see and hear this conversation as they are only standing a little way from you.))

2008-08-01, 02:09 PM
Having overhead the conversation the young man looks over to the inn. The Yawning Portal what an interesting name. Still it looks like a good a place to go as anywhere else. And it had an absolute strangers approval for what it was worth.

Still nothing ventured nothing gained so Cymran enters the inn

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 02:12 PM
Amist Halcyon, half-Drow Duskblade
in the Yawning Portal Inn:

A young woman sits at the bar, sipping a drink. Dark of skin and white of hair, at a glance she might well be dismissed as a drow, however closer inspection would reveal finer features and smaller ears than would be expected of a full-blooded dark elf. A greatsword is strapped in its sheath to her back, and the distinctive crooked blade of a kukri can be seen on her hip.

Having overheard the barman speaking with the cleric, she idly turns on her seat to watch as he approaches the drumming Warforged.

2008-08-01, 02:18 PM
Nolan Brook, Human Rogue

Nolan stands outside of the Yawning Portal contemplating his empty coin purse, he sighs thinking that he would have liked a soft bed after days of travel. He turns away from the inn and walks away only to have a person storming out of the door of the warehouse next to the inn run into him. The two stumble of balance but manage to stay standing, Nolan recovers first and spots an opportunity. Pretending to aid the man that crashed into him he attempts to cut the strings of the man's coin purse while he is distracted and then quickly makes of, mumbling a quick apology as he does so.

2008-08-01, 02:26 PM
Avoraelde, having attained a room key and information on the best way to get into Undermountain, gazed around the room looking for likely allies.

His gaze was drawn to a strange metal man (for he was unsure of gender in such things...if they had gender.) who appeared to be playing some form of drum...in the middle of an inn.

Hmm...why not? Avoraelde thought to himself, negotiating his way through the tables till he reaches the table that the strange metal figure sits at, an impressive weapon leaning against the edge.

Greetings. I am Avoraelde Mizobi, I have a proposition for you, may I sit?

Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Chronos looks up at Avoraelde. Then, as if unsure of the correct convention, he gestures to an empty chair on the other side of the round table. "Sit, Avoraelde Mizobi." All this time he doesn't stop playing his bongos.

2008-08-01, 02:30 PM
Thank you, errm...? He says, as he sits down.

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 02:43 PM
The half-drow woman at the bar leans forwards just a little, discreetly, trying to listen in to the conversation between the chap who was asking about the Undermountain, and the Warforged.

Listen check: [roll0]
EDIT: whoops, my Listen modifier is only +1. Not that it makes any difference. :smalltongue:

2008-08-01, 03:00 PM
Taking in the Inn from the doorway Cymran sees the bar. Working his way pass the other patrons he slides up to the bar. Seeing the Drow he simply nods while waiting for the barkeep

2008-08-01, 03:01 PM
Thank you, errm...? He says, as he sits down.

Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Not really noticing the female half-drow, Chronos just looks at Avoraelde, then mutters to himself not *too* quietly (DC 15 listen check to clearly decipher) "Humanoid is expecting more information...attempting identification." He states clearly, "My original designation was R66-Y. My current designation is Chronos."

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 03:07 PM

She frowns as the ambient noise of the tavern keeps her from overhearing the conversation she seeks to listen in on. Debating approaching them, her attention is caught by the newcomer to the bar nodding at her, and she returns the gesture, a little stiffly.

2008-08-01, 03:10 PM
The bar man finishes cleaning a few glasses and walks towards Cymran, putting one elbow on the bar and leand towards him.

He asks Can I 'elp yer?

2008-08-01, 03:14 PM
Nolan Brooks

Smiling at this fortunate turn of events as he pulls the gold from the stolen purse Nolan rethinks his earlier decision and heads back towards the Yawning Portal. A warm meal and some ale could go a long way after all, and a night spend sleeping in a soft bed was better then one spend in the gutter.

Entering the inn Nolan makes his way to the bar and catches the inn-keeper's attention. ''Some hot food and an ale my good man.'' After ordering Nolan turns around and takes in the other patrons in the room.

2008-08-01, 03:14 PM

The young man answers with a gravelly voice that seem out of place on the human, "Good day." As weird a his voice sounds it has a certain quality about it that almost makes a person want to continue to listen to it.

To the bar keep his replies, "Ale please."

2008-08-01, 03:20 PM
Thank you, Chronos. I take it from your weapon...and the fact that I have never seen you around my home-town, not anything alike to you before, that you are a traveller, and therefore possibly willing to help me.

Now, about that proposition I mentioned. I am attempting to get a group of, for want of a better term, 'adventurers' to go into the area beneath this inn, and try to find out what caused this movement of the land, and if required, prevent such a thing from happening again. My motives at my own...and would be lengthy to explain.

If you choose to join me, then i'd be willing to either pay you a wage, dependent upon time spent in service...or a share of the treasure that we might find there.

Any questions?

EDIT : I do not say this quietly. Anyone who is paying attention will get the gist of the conversation.

2008-08-01, 03:21 PM
Durnan pours two mugs of ale and calls to a bar maid for a plate of food.

Can i get you anything else?

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 03:25 PM

She turns her attention to the barkeep.
Excuse me, sir, could you tell me what that man - she points at Avoramelde - was inquiring about the Undermountain for?

2008-08-01, 03:29 PM
Yer, the fool is going into Undermountain. And i said to him that he'd be a fool ter go alone. So he's trying ter find more ter join 'im.
Shaking his head he rinsed his flanel and wiped down the counter.

2008-08-01, 03:31 PM
Nolan Brook

''A room for the night, if any are still free.'' The rogue replies after winking at the barmaid. His attention is attracted by the man sitting next to him, a traveler if Nolan is any judge.

''You look like you've walked a few miles sir, want to share a few stories?''

2008-08-01, 03:38 PM
Durnan nodded, We've a room for yer, that'll be 5sp

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 03:46 PM

Thank you.
She slips out of her chair and starts in the direction of the cleric-and-warforged duo.

2008-08-01, 03:50 PM

The young man shrugs as the guy asks if he is interested in hearing stories, "I'm kind of interested in this Undermountain one myself." His gravelly voiced answered the guys question but it was directed at the bar keep

2008-08-01, 03:55 PM

Sitting at the bar with his beer, Karilu is keeping an eye and an ear out for any disturbances or anything that could be related to the earthquake. From this vantage he watches the human enter, talk briefly with the barkeep and then walk over and start talking to the metallic fellow. Seeing the drow join them, he decides that they are most likely discussing the recent events and decides to go and join in, and see if there's anything to be learnt.

Greetings. I was wondering if ye be knowing any information about the recent goings on around here?

2008-08-01, 04:01 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

The shiny metallic man mulls this over. "Wage...pay based on time...a share...then this proposition would not constitute the arrangement known as slavery then." His expression changes ever so slightly, becoming more focused, and he stops thumping his bongos. "I will go with you, provided you will allow me time to free others of my kind should we encounter any. Also, at the end of our "adventure," I will remit any wage you have provided to me. However, it is very important that during our adventure, you pay me accuracy and in a timely manner. It is...important to me. We shall share any goods we find."

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 04:07 PM
The young half-drow clears her throat as she approaches the table, but before she can speak Karilu beats her to the punch.

2008-08-01, 04:10 PM
Slavery? Of course not! I agree to your terms. Thank you.

He looks up at the people arriving at the warforge's table.

Hello, can we help you?

2008-08-01, 04:12 PM
After Karilu speaks, he says, No. I have no information concerning that subject. I intend to obtain some.

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 04:26 PM

That is intriguing, because I, at least, am seeking the same thing.

2008-08-01, 04:40 PM
As am I, though I fear that I am in the worse position to be able to provide any information to yourselves, maybe between us we can discover more about these happenings.

2008-08-01, 04:42 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Chronos nods. "Shall we be departing soon? We will gather much information when we actually descend into the depths."

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 04:48 PM

I have nothing holding me here.

2008-08-01, 04:55 PM

As eager as I am to get on with exploring these events, would it not be more sensible to determine what we can about them from here before descending? At the very least, lets wait until I've finished my drink before rushing off.

2008-08-01, 04:55 PM
Well, earlier I talked to the inn-keeper, he warned me that my own strength would not be sufficient to survive for any length of time.

That is the reason I tried, and succeeded it would seem, to find more individuals who were willing to come with me.

We shall depart soon...as soon as we have enough strength. Perhaps we could begin tomorrow? We will surely perform better after rest.

He turns to Chrono.

Do you require sleep? I am not really sure. I have not come across texts describing your race.

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 04:59 PM

The half-drow inclines her head slightly.
I suppose that would be a prudent course of action to take, for a variety of reasons.

2008-08-01, 04:59 PM
Anyway, I still do not know who you two are. He laughs. But I shall introduce myself first.

He sits up in his seat a little straighter.

I am Avoraelde Mizobi, son of the wealthy Mizobi family that exists locally. I have taught myself arts known as 'divine' or 'defic', you may have encountered them before. In short, I have the ability to heal...and other things.

And you?

He looks around at the others at the table, inviting them to speak.

2008-08-01, 05:01 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Chronos slowly shakes his head 3 times, seeminly with the tick of each second. "I do not require many of the biological functions that you need. I know not exhaustion or fatigue, and I do not need to rest. However, I would quietly repair myself. Do not worry, I would not wake you even if I were doing that in your room." The warforged seems to not grasp the idea of contractions yet.

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 05:04 PM

Well met. My name is Amist Halcyon, and I have studied the ways of the warrior-mages known as the Duskblades.
Amist seems to radiate a quiet pride at this as she finally takes a seat.
My sword and spells are at your disposal.

2008-08-01, 05:05 PM

I am Karilu Farpacer, come from the city of Everlund by the Nether Mountains. I have come to see the world, and was on my way to Neverwinter, and had stopped in Waterdeep for supplies when the earthquakes came. That is what has brought me here to try and see what is going on.

With that, he takes a seat and continues with his beer, still paying attention to the others.

2008-08-01, 05:11 PM
Well, I have purchased a room for a duration of four nights. I believe that the rooms here are equipped with facilities for more than one person. If they aren't, then it is feasible that I could purchase more rooms to accomdate all of us.

2008-08-01, 05:30 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

"Do you have need to stay here for all 4 days? Or are we coming back up here between explorations?"

2008-08-01, 05:40 PM
The idea was that I would return each night, to rest, recover, and prepare for the next day.

However...depending on what we find down there, it may be possible to remain down there for extended periods.

2008-08-01, 05:44 PM

Well met. My name is Amist Halcyon, and I have studied the ways of the warrior-mages known as the Duskblades.
Amist seems to radiate a quiet pride at this as she finally takes a seat.
My sword and spells are at your disposal.

Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Paying attention to one of the newcomers, Chronos studies the half-drow intently. "I do not understand much about these things called "spells" except that they are used to hurt things. Tell me more about your magics."

2008-08-01, 06:14 PM
I fish my notebook out of my bag and write the names of all the people who I have met up with today, along with a few details.

2008-08-01, 07:57 PM
Spells that I shall prepare in the morning...once we've all slept / warforge equivalent.

Cure Minor Wounds

Summon Undead I
Summon Undead I
D : Chill of the Grave

The Bushranger
2008-08-01, 08:43 PM

Amist turns to the warforged and listens to his question, then nods.
Many spells are offensive in nature and can be used to...'hurt people', as you put it. However magic has many other uses. It can be used to heal as well as hurt, and to create as well as destroy. And in battle it is preferable to hurt the enemy in whatever way you can, before he gets the chance to hurt you.
She then addresses Avoraelde.
If the rooms are for multiple persons, that would be advantageous. Regrefully I find myself rather low on gold.

2008-08-02, 01:29 AM
I shall go and make the required arrangements, then.

Avoraelde stands up and slides his chair backwards, then walks up to the barman.

Hello again, I purchased a room for a period of time earlier, I wish to change it to two rooms for two people for one night.

2008-08-02, 01:52 AM
As Avoraelde asks for more rooms Nolan looks at him and the group he's gathered from the corner of his eye. He empties his ale and then slides over next to him.

''Hey friend, I heard your looking to head into Undermountain. I'm a bit interested myself, do you need an extra sword down there?''

2008-08-02, 02:06 AM
Durnan checks below his counter in his box of keys then pulls out a handful of keys.

I've got three rooms fer two people left. 'Ave yer gathered a party already? Was awful quick. He finds the two keys he's looking for and puts them on the counter.'Ere yer go.

2008-08-02, 02:09 AM
Well...yes, actually. He smiles, Another member of our little group is exactly what we need. What is your name?

Edit: OOC : oh noes, Ninja'd by the DM!

IC : Thank you he says, taking the keys.

2008-08-02, 02:13 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

The warforged looks at everyone. "All these humanoids will be designated our comrades? I must get proper names to identify each without error in battle."

2008-08-02, 02:26 AM
''Sorry, the name's Nolan Brook.''He says as he places payment for his room and food on the counter. ''And what would your name be?''

2008-08-02, 02:33 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

The warforged gives a curt reply. "You may designate me as Chronos."

2008-08-02, 02:33 AM
My name is Avoraelde Mizobi, a pleasure to meet you.

My recently formed group are planning to head into Undermountain tomorrow morning, if you join us, you will recieve a share of anything of value we find there.

Do you find this fair?

If he says yes:

Avoraelde turns to the barman:

Can I purchase that other room for tonight too? he asks, sliding another 5 sp onto the counter.

2008-08-02, 05:54 AM

Folli , havng been sitting at the bar drinking, downs a mug and shoves it towards the barkeep with a nod and a chuck of a coin .He then begins to laugh , Its obviously forced and has no real mirth in it . He swivels on his seat and eyes the man who named himself Avoraelde

You be talking all wrong longshanks , Im sure what you mean to have said is that you are all going to die in the morning ,

Folli glanced at the barkeep

"Ale , I hope I dont have to draw a diagram man , my throats drying up here "

then turning to the man Avoraelde was addressing

If you join him in the morning you'll be just as dead as he is by the afternoon

2008-08-02, 06:10 AM
Pouring another serving of ale, Durnan tried to hide a frown. Their journey's goin' ter be hard 'nough without yer actin' so high and mighty, go with 'em if yer think yer so tough.

At this others drinking in the pub looked up, it wasn't often that Durnan spoke to any of his customers like that.

2008-08-02, 06:11 AM
Do not speak to me in that manner. Your point is unjustified. Do you have information about what is in the Undermountain?

None of us are going to die. he says, reassuring himself and the others.

Get back to your ale and be silent, I am trying to organise a team to work out what caused the recent earthquake. If you do not wish to help us, then I suggest that you don't speak to me.

2008-08-02, 06:15 AM

To the seemingly drunk guy at the bar. Now, would that there be a threat or a foretelling? Cause i'm not mighty fond of either...

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 07:53 AM
((thanks, Sneak!))

Athough the taven noise keeps her from making out what's being said at the bar, seeing the expressions and body language of the cleric and the stranger is enough to allow the half-drow to frown slightly at what is clearly a less-than-friendly encounter.

2008-08-02, 08:05 AM
Turning away from the Dwarf, he looks at the table where the warforged and other members of his adventuring group are.

Wow, he's just like my dad... he thinks to himself.

2008-08-02, 08:13 AM

Folli takes hold of his tankard and takes a big swig

Well no need for you all to go getting your breeches in a twist , its neither or foretelling or a threat its just plaiin simple is what it is , All i know is that you all look like your not long passed sucking on your mothers teets and ive seen enough folk go down to the cellar and not so many folk coming back up .

Nodding to the barman

The owner here will be happy to take ya coin for the trip down , but to be sure he lets more folk down than than he pulls up

Nolli takes an apraising look at the gathered companions

The only one of ya that looks like he has any chance of coming back is the golem folk if hes been put together proper he might just make it back ,perhaps my fellow dwarf here if he knows what hes about with that axe though your a scrawny looking fella , If your lucky there'll be a big bunch or orcs down there at the bottom waiting fer yeah , if yer even luckier they'll only hurt ya bad enough so that yeah can come squealing straight back up the rope .

Taking another large swig from his tankard eyeing each of them over the mug as he drinks and then directly to the man who he asumes is taking charge of the expedition

"look lad , your a damn fool if you are going down there , but just so happens ive found myself in a bit of a bind , finicially speaking that is . Me personally Im for thinking yer earthquale was likely caused by the gods or just the earth shifting as its always done from time to time ."

Stopping once more for a swig from his drink

might be that If I come along you may find yerself with a bit of loot to be sharing and ill be having myself a piece of it . Your welcome to go with your motley bunch ya have dragged together but if you wanna get out alive your best of taking someone with ya that knows the quickest way to deal with a savage orc or worse one of those nasty drow elfs , worse than most other elfs id say

Turning to look directly at the half drow

No offense of cource

He then emptys his tankard . Passing the tankard back to the barkeep with another coin

My tankards empty again

2008-08-02, 08:28 AM
Well, if it is as dangerous as you say...then it would be best to take as many people as are willing to come with me...

Avoraelde turns to the other people near him,

What do you think? As I said, it'd be best to take more, rather than less...i'm sure that if your motivations are in material gain then there will still be enough of that kind of thing for all of us, even with another person.

2008-08-02, 08:29 AM

My tankards empty again

Durnan smiles slightly, as the pressure that had begun to build up is dispersed.
He pours the ale into the empty tankard and pushes it back. The other people in the pub go back to talking and drinking, all except forone small group of people, who rise and egde towards the table there the party is taking shape.

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 09:49 AM
might be that If I come along you may find yerself with a bit of loot to be sharing and ill be having myself a piece of it . Your welcome to go with your motley bunch ya have dragged together but if you wanna get out alive your best of taking someone with ya that knows the quickest way to deal with a savage orc or worse one of those nasty drow elfs , worse than most other elfs id say

Turning to look directly at the half drow

No offense of cource


None taken. I have had many unforutnate encounters with my mother's kind.
From her tone, it's clear that there is absolutely no love lost between Amist and the dark elves who make up half her blood.
I have no objection to adding a knowledgeable guide to our party.
She raises an eyebrow as she notes the approaching patrons.
However I would have to question their motivations...

2008-08-02, 10:00 AM
I toss a gold coin onto the counter to pay for the dwarf's drink.

Then. after hearing the quasi-drow's words, Avoraelde turns to look at the ones mentioned in the aforementioned semi-elf's words.

Can I help you? says Avoraelde, sounding a little nervous.

2008-08-02, 10:10 AM
The three strange characters continue walk towards you, you see that they are an elf, halfing and a human. The halfling stands slightly infront of the other two and adresses the group.

My name's Alton, am i right in thinking that you are planning a trip into the halls of Undermountain below? If you are we would like to accompany you, we have our own business to attend to but...

He pauses and throws a glance at the human.

We lack the strength to travel farther than the first level of Undermountain.

2008-08-02, 10:12 AM
Ok, Alton...well, we'd be glad to have your assistance, and that of your friends, but I must know: what is 'your own business that you must attend to' and what do you know of the first level of Undermountain?

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 10:19 AM

The duskblade watches quietly, trying to determine whether or not these newcomers should be trusted.

2008-08-02, 10:22 AM
The elf looks sharply at Avoraelde.

We don't know yours, how can you ask for our reasons?

The halfing turns his back to you and speaks to the elf very quietly. I told you to be polite!

The halfling looks round to face you all once more and smiles feebly. Sorry about that, she's been travelling on her own too long.

I will tell you what you wish to know. With us is an artifact we wish to sell in Skullport but erm...we came by it in a odd way, if you know what i mean and we are but only three adventurers and the monsters are a little too much for us.

2008-08-02, 10:27 AM
Okay...well, you didn't answer my second question. What information do you have on the first level of the Undermountain. And what is this magic item.

2008-08-02, 10:38 AM
We have been in almost every room of the first level and know a little about the history of the town of Waterdeep and Undermountain. I know quite alot about Skullport but haven't had the chance to visit it in some time, i don't know how to get there past the first level. It's like a maze down there and i've forgotten too much.

He hand his hand through his hair and sighed. As for this magic item even i am not sure of it's properties. My father sealed it in a box which can only be opened by a certian trader who lives in skullport.

The elf made an elaborate gesture with her hand. Any more stupid questions?

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 10:41 AM

Well, he seems to be telling the truth...
Nevertheless she scowls at the elf a little, not liking her attitude.
The fact that she's an elf doesn't help matters for the half-drow.

2008-08-02, 10:48 AM
I don't feel that that question was stupid. It is a perfectly valid thing to ask people who wish to travel, fight alongside, and possibly die with.

Also, I don't know why you are so impolite. People aren't commonly like that when they are asking for a job, are they? No!

Good luck with your attempt to reach Skull Port, however, i'm afraid that you will have to go apart from myself and my friends.

Good day.

I turn so I am not facing them.

Now... he starts, looking at Folli, What is your name? And what method do you employ to fight? Do you use magic in any form?

2008-08-02, 10:56 AM
The halfling clambers onto a nearby table in an attempt to look more intimidating. Well i'm sorry if we all don't have a sunny disposition like some people! Life isn't so kind to some people Mr. Look-At-Me-Trying-To-Find-A-Group.

He then calls to Durnan behind the bar, We'd like to go down your well shaft into Undermountain as soon as possible!

Durnan nods and calls for one of his staff to take his place behind the bar. He leads the three out of the room.

2008-08-02, 11:18 AM
Talking to more friendly people :

Oh well, maybe they'll go get themselves killed. It's a bit silly to say 'We'll die in there if you don't come with us.' and then run off into there without help...

2008-08-02, 11:24 AM
Durnan returns and as he passes your table on his way back to the bar you hear him mutter something about money, time and idiocy.

2008-08-02, 11:27 AM

Hearing the various conversation going on around him he smiles. "Sounds like this undermountain place has quite a reputation.", he says in his gravelly voice.

2008-08-02, 11:29 AM

Indeed. Them going off by themselves like that probably means that it's not as bad as they were making out, and they were after us for some other reason... Most likely we are better off without them...

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 11:32 AM

The half-drow just shakes her head, mildly amused at the entire spectacle.

Indeed, it does seem that way.

2008-08-02, 11:36 AM
Well...we have the six of us. We'll be fine, I'm sure. I smile.

I hand out room keys for the three double rooms that I paid for.

We shall meet back here at the third hour past dawn tomorrow morning. Chronos, you're sharing a room with me, if that is agreeable to you.

Does anyone need any gear anything like that?

I stand up, pack my notepad into my bag, and sling it across my shoulders.

I then wait for a reply from the people present, cleaning my glasses with a white cloth with the Mizobi family crest (two dead Phoenixes with an arrow pointing to a cooking pot, set infront of two crossed swords and a blue shield).

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 11:48 AM

Thank you, sir. She accepts one of the keys. Aside from, perhaps, a grappling hook, I believe that I have all the gear I shall require.

Given that there are no other females present, I would suggest perhaps that the dwarf might make a suitable roommate.

2008-08-02, 12:02 PM
Excellent. I shall try to arrange a grappling hook for you.

Good night.

I walk over to the inn-keeper and start a conversation:

Hello, thank you for the rooms and everything, we'll be heading off to sleep now.

A member of my group requires a grappling hook, I don't suppose you havve one handy that you could sell to me?

2008-08-02, 12:06 PM

Nolan shrugs as he picks up a key. ''Don't really care who I room with. I think I've got everything I need but... come to think of it we might need some extra food and water, no tellin' how long we'll be down there if things don't go as planned. And between you and me, rat stew gets old really fast.''

2008-08-02, 12:14 PM
I turn my head and say to Nolan, Yes, I get us some food in the morning.

2008-08-02, 12:24 PM
To Avoraelde: I don't keep such things handy to sell, this is 'n inn not a general store. But one er my regulars owns a little place, he normally comes in after closin' time at his shop. It won't be for another couple of 'ours, so i'll see that their's one for yer ter buy tomorrow morning from me.

To Nolan: I can provide yer with food, jus' tell me how much and what yer want an' i'll have it ready by tomorrow mornin'

2008-08-02, 12:51 PM
Thank you.

I head upstairs to my room, dump my gear at the foot of the bed and read my notebook for a while.

2008-08-02, 02:32 PM
After a few minuites of familiarizing himself with all the notes that he made in preparation for his trip to Undermountain, Avoraelde put his book away, left the door unlocked for Chronos to come in, and crawled under the covers of the bed, which turned out to be comfortable, warm and free of lice.

Then he fell asleep.

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 08:23 PM

Thank you kind sir, and goodnight.
And the duskblade prepares for a night's rest as well.

2008-08-03, 02:57 AM

''G'night then, I'll catch some sleep as well.'' The rogue says before heading to his room.

2008-08-03, 11:31 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Charonos was silent during most of the unpleasantries. He never understood the need for them, and he files them under the heading of "illogical emotional responses." When every goes to their rooms, Chronos, if he was not given a room for himself (ooc I'm not sure if he was given a room) will offer to stay in Amist's room if she is not comfortable with the dwarf.

2008-08-04, 02:49 AM

Folli drinks a few more tankards of ale before asking the barkeep to have a bucket of cold water outside his room in the morning and then goes to bed , falling into bed and proceding to snore loudly through most of the night

2008-08-04, 06:46 AM
Next morning, the sun rises high above the buildings. Even though the dark of night has dispersed, the ominous shadows still lurk in every corner. Reminding you of the stories and gossip about Undermountain, and the dangers that await you.

Duke of URL
2008-08-04, 06:51 AM

(( Switching to blue, since someone else is using green. ))

Having decided that the warehouse held no real possibilities, Derrick decided to check out the inn as suggested by the man he questioned. He listens in on the conversations and smiles to himself. This looks like just the thing.

Hearing that they plan on leaving in the morning, he slips back out to quickly go shopping for some adventuring equipment. He then heads back to the inn and gets a room, with an extra coin or two to the innkeeper to ensure that he is awake before the group is ready to leave.

2008-08-04, 07:25 AM

Arrg...why is the sun so bright? Avoraelde asked himself when he opened his eyes, the sun streaming through the curtains and assaulting his fragile retinas.

After a few seconds of blinking, Avoraelde sat up, and remembered the events of yesterday, aided slightly by the sight of the large mechanical warrior who was in the room with him.

I guess i'd better get downstairs and wait for everyone to get up...

Good Morning, Chronos! I'm going to get downstairs and make sure that we have everything we need. See you down there.

I grab my bag and stride out of the room and downstairs to the tables at the bar.

I sit at the largest one and take out my notebook, and my holy symbol, which I play with, trying to see through it's complexity and find the solution to Rubik's puzzle.

Prepared Spells:

0th Level

Read Magic
Cure Minor Wounds

1st Level

Summon Undead I
Summon Undead I
Unseen Servant
Domain : Chill of the Grave

Duke of URL
2008-08-04, 07:30 AM

The halfling quietly moves to the table before it gets too crowded. "I couldn't help overhearing your plans last night," he says. "I didn't want to get lost in the crowd, so I decided to wait until morning to see if you wouldn't mind one more in your group."

2008-08-04, 07:31 AM

Having possibly had too much to drink the previous night, Karilu wakes up in an unfamilier room with someone he only vaguely recognizes, and with recollections of agreeing to go down into Undermountain to try and discover what was going on.

Attempting to not disturb his roommate, he quietly gathers his things and heads downstairs to see if anyone else from last night was around yet.

2008-08-04, 07:32 AM

Red...blue...green...twist...twist again...rotate...

Avoraelde looks up at the disturbance.

Oh, hello, yes, we could use another in our group. Please tell me about yourself.

I put the Rubik's cube down, and open the page in my notebook that has the information I wrote about the members of my group, ready to note a few details about this new person.

2008-08-04, 07:33 AM

Avoraelde waves at Karilu and indicates that he should sit at the table with him.

2008-08-04, 07:40 AM

Seeing one of the humans from the night before waving at him, but talking to a halfling that he didn't recognize, Karilu heads over to the table and joins them.

Duke of URL
2008-08-04, 08:25 AM

"Me? I'm just a guy with a nose for trouble, and a little bit of power to help get me out of it. Don't expect to see me charge into a battle, but instead I can provide tactical support... think of me as an archer who uses raw energy rather than a bow."

2008-08-04, 08:30 AM
Well, you seem to be an interesting guy to have around. Consider yourself hired. You will earn the same wage as the rest of the members of our group, which now numbers seven. You get a share of the treasure also.

Sound good?

2008-08-04, 08:36 AM
Durnan stands behind the bar, watching yet another adventurer join the new party. Sorting though much of the junk kept behind the counter, he finds the grappling hook and a small piece of paper with the food order written on it.

Placing both of these on the bar he waits for the adventurers to collect these things, knowing that the food is ready and waiting for collection in the kitchen.

Duke of URL
2008-08-04, 08:39 AM

He appears to mull it over for a second, although he's actually eager to accept -- the job intrigues him. "Agreed. It should be an interesting adventure."

2008-08-04, 08:47 AM

Excellent! Welcome to the team.

I stand up and pick up the items that were left on the bar, and take them to my table.

Now, if you'll excuse me for a while...I must complete this puzzle.

I pick up the cube again and continue to try to unravel the solution behind the coloured squares.

2008-08-04, 09:13 AM

In the morning Cymran finds himself once again at the bar in the inn. Overhearing bits and pieces of conversion he asks the innkeeper, "So what is this undermountain I keep hearing about?"

2008-08-04, 10:02 AM
Yer dun't know what Undermountain is? What hole have yer been living in for the past thousand years!

Durnan roared with laughter, aware he was making him uncomfortable but unable to stop himself. Sorry about that... But i'll tell yer since yer asked. Undermountain is below us, a series of levels, a labyrinth inhabited by monsters, thieves an' treasure. Waterdeep couldn't survive without it, an' the world couldn't survive if Waterdeep wasn't 'ere. It's the monsters see, we all live in fear of the day they come to hte surface again. B't I'm ready! This inn is the most used and well known passage inter Undermountain.

Durnan had gestured with his hands while he gave his over-done speech and now dropped them to the counter. Embarrased by his actions and looked away, past you at a small table close to the bar. If yer lookin' ter go down there ask that fellow. He's goin' down with a group later today.

2008-08-04, 10:10 AM

The young man just grinned, "I'm from quiet some distance away. Anyways if it always been there why is there all this excitement now? From the way people are acting you'd think it just appeared or something. I've seen less frantic activity in a kicked over ant hill."

2008-08-04, 10:32 AM
Durnan shook his head as he turned back to Cymran. Yer must be from one hell of a place. The reason fer all this is because a few days ago, people had a vision. Not all can do magic, but all were in Undermoutain. Just about everyone and his dog saw a screaming man, ter wizards recognised 'im as Halaster ter 'Mad Mage'...as they call 'im any way. So people 'ave been going down to discover what this was, as well as the usual tasks they 'ave ter do in Undermountain.

Shaking his head again Durnan asked Is there any thing else yer want ter know, I'm only a bar-man but I'll answer yer as best i can.

2008-08-04, 10:40 AM

Nolli wakes as the daylights streams into the room , a groggy familiar feeling accompnaid by a slight sickness in the stomach greeted him along with the new day , fumbling around he located his belt pouch to see once more it was severly depleated . bah
Stumbling across the room he opened the door , just outside a bucket of water had been left for him . Reaching down with an unpleasant rush to the head , he grabbed the bucket and headed back into the room . Stuicking his head out of the window and quickly tipping the content over his head .
With a loud curse he shook his head to ring of some of the water , at least his head was feeling clearer and with that clarity a moment from the last evenings drinking came ponderously up to his mind .Had he really told that stupid lad he'd guard him into the undermountain .
With a shrug he figured he properly had , gearing up into his armour and grabbing his axe he headed back down to the common room , this evidently was going to be a corker of a hangover,undermoutain indeed

Eyeing the Innkeeper has he enters the common room

Innkeeper , Bring me some food , preferly something meaty thats been cooked in fat could be me last meal may as well make it a good en ..and chuck in some eggs if you got em and maybe a loaf a bread

2008-08-04, 10:54 AM
Innkeeper , Bring me some food , preferly something meaty thats been cooked in fat could be me last meal may as well make it a good en ..and chuck in some eggs if you got em and maybe a loaf a bread

Are yer sure? Yer look like you've got one hell of a hangover, wouldn't you prefer fruit or something fresh?...no...oh well, i'll see what i can do.

Making one or two jestures at a passing staff, a plate of steak, eggs and a fresh baked loaf were soon on the table.

2008-08-04, 12:08 PM

"So its a chance for riches fame and glory... While also offering up a possibility of painful death?" He responded to the barkeep. He pauses thoughtfully, "Well its either that or watch all my coins disappear." Looking around he finds the guy the barkeep had pointed out earlier. With a look to the barkeep the young man walks over the human playing with a colorful cube.

"Are you the one pulling together a trip to this Undermountain place?"

2008-08-04, 12:47 PM

Not taking his eyes off of the multi-coloured cube in his hands, he replies:

Yes, that is us. Come over here and sit down, please. I'll explain things.

2008-08-04, 12:53 PM

The young human pulls up a chair at the table to listen

2008-08-04, 01:06 PM
I stop my struggle with the Rubik's cube and lay my hands on the table, after setting the cube carefully down beside them.

Thank you. My group currently numbers seven, and I am assured by the inn-keeper that we will need as many people as possible to have a chance of survival, hopefully survival will also entail recovery of something shiny and, or, useful.

You are welcome to join us, I ask that you tell me your name, and your method of combat, if you are capable or willing to fight.

We leave as soon as everyone is up and ready to go.

I wait for you to repond.

2008-08-04, 01:23 PM

"My name is Cymran. As for fighting... I can fight, and I am willing to do so, but prefer not to as a matter of course." His studded leather armor and plain morningstar are silent testament that at least the young man has the tools to do so.

"I can be ready to go in about five minutes. What are you offering by way of incentives to go on this expedition?"

2008-08-04, 01:45 PM
Ah, of course, sorry I did not notice your weapon. I sort of block out all else when i'm with my cube, it's a very intresting form of puzzle.

As for incentives, you get a share of the treasure and you will be paid a wage on top of that. I will be distributing all treasure found fairly between our group which now numbers seven.

Sound fair?

I write Cymran's name and a few notes in my notebook.

2008-08-04, 01:53 PM
Nolan Brook

With a yawn Nolan opened his eyes and got up out of bed. He streched his arms before putting his boots on, grabbing his backpack and heading downstairs.

''G'Morning,, is everyone up yet?'' He says upon arriving in common room. He orders some breakfast (bread and eggs) and sits down near Avoraelde.

2008-08-04, 01:58 PM

"Indeed it does... Consider me signed upped." Pausing for a bit, Cymran wasn't sure how he would react to this next bit. "I realize this next bit might sound weird, but I have the ability to adapt to what I need to do, if I know about is far enough in advance. I know you said you need fighters, how about scouts? Or how about people who can negotiate?"

2008-08-04, 02:00 PM
We need all those things, though I can negotiate rather well, my family took me to several courts and such when I was younger. Though I did not turn out to be the heir that they so dearly wanted.

Fighters are good, scouts are good.

Your choice, really. I do not know exactly what will be ahead.

Good morning Nolan!

2008-08-04, 02:04 PM

"Hmm... well... Chances are you will not need more then one negotiator or scout really. Whereas it sounds like you can use all the fighters you can get."

2008-08-04, 02:15 PM
I concur.

We are just waiting for one more member, Amist Halcyon, our half-drow duskblade, to wake up.

Then we can check we have everything we need...make any last arrangements, or plans, and get going!

2008-08-04, 02:20 PM

"I'll get my stuff," With that the young man gets up and goes to the room he had for the night.

In the privacy of his room he quickly draws out a summoning circle in chalk and calls forth Savnok

2008-08-04, 02:55 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Sitting in the common room of the inn, he has quielty starting playing his bongos once more. "I have met a few of the humanoids classified as "drow" in the past. If my memory banks function correctly, they do not require this "sleep" like other humanoids do."

2008-08-04, 03:11 PM
Durnan looked up at the noise and seeing the party called across the room.

Are yer ready ter go ter Undertown yet? Or are yer waiting on anyone else?

2008-08-04, 03:13 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Looking back slowly at the barkeep, he intones, "I believe we are missing one member. Female humanoid of the drow type."

2008-08-04, 03:14 PM
One more person. he tells the inn-keeper.

And to Chronos :

Yes, I know, howerver, most of them have the ability to 'trance', a form of meditation. I am sure she will be down shortly.

The Bushranger
2008-08-04, 07:20 PM
((Real life sucks sometimes))


Speak of the devil...or, rather, the half-drow, as Amist comes downstairs at this point.
My apologies for the delay. And how is everyone this day?

2008-08-04, 07:22 PM
Good Morning, Amist!

Good, everyone is here. We picked up another two members for our little group this morning, by the way.

Well...once everyone is ready, we'll leave.

Inn-keeper, what is the fare for using your passage into the Undermountain?

The Bushranger
2008-08-04, 08:03 PM

And a good morning to you as well. I am well rested and believe that I am ready when everyone else is.

2008-08-05, 04:32 AM
Excellent, I shall make the required arrangements with the inn-keeper for our passage into Undermountain. I am not sure what the fare is to use his passage...but I may not be able to afford it on my own, as I am lacking in funds after paying for the rooms.

Avoraelde stands up and walks toward the bar, pocketing his Rubik's Cube.

2008-08-05, 04:57 AM

After eating his way through his large breakfast Nolli sat back in his seat and let out a large belch . Well looks like its about time to be going . Standing up he adjusts his armour , checks his axe and ensures all his equipment is in order . Then walks over to the group as its gathering .

Come on then death or glory time , although I wouldnt be putting my money on the glory if i where a betting man

2008-08-05, 05:19 AM
Durnan sees Folli stand and walks from behind the bar to stand with the group. Are yer ready then? I'll be takin' a fee of 1 gp ter lower each of yer down to ter dungeon level er Undermountain.

He beckons to a bar maid who leaves the room and returns with a sack of food.

Which of yer wanted the food?

After handing it to the correct person Durnan leads you out through a doorway, down a flight of stairs and along a corridor to a large well.

Ere's ter entrance, pay up and i'll get yer all down there.

2008-08-05, 05:36 AM

Folli peers over the edge of the well down into the Undermountain. Stupid, very stupid
Guess Ill be heading down then , chucking a coin to Durnan see ya all down there

2008-08-05, 05:53 AM

Avoraelde splits the food between the group (none for Chronos...as he doesn't need to eat).

Then he hands the barman a coin and follows Folli to the rope.

See you all down there!

2008-08-05, 06:07 AM

Let's be getting on with this then, see what's to be seen.

Also tossing a coin to the barkeeper, Karilu heads down with the others.

Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 06:27 AM

After double-checking his backpack, Derrick declines taking any additional food. "I'm not exactly built to carry heavy loads, and I already have several days worth." He pays the innkeeper and heads down with the others.

2008-08-05, 07:58 AM
The last echoes of the Inn, toasts and betting whisper about you as you descend into the well. As the light from above fades, a chill overtakes you, and you find yourself sinking with no end in sight. You drop slowly and steadily deeper on the rope, almost as if you were the bait on an un-weighted fishing line in placid waters, but the cold and quiet that surrounds you is anything but peaceful. The silence has more of a threatening quality to it. After being lowered for what seems like too long a time, you at last see the bottom.

Finally, your feet touch the bottom of the well, several inches of sand covers the floor of this roughly square room. Broken and dented shields hang in stone walls covered in chalk and charcoal graffiti. The ceiling looms a mere 10 feet above you-as it does in the hallway that leads out of the room to the south- but a 30-ft diameter hole in the ceiling forms a chimney that rises up over a hundred feet.

2008-08-05, 08:09 AM

Avoraelde touches the ground shortly after the dwarf below him.

He grabs his notebook and begins to make notes on what he can see before him.

Everyone, be careful. If you see anything hostile, make sure to inform the rest of us at the earliest opportunity.

I straighten my robes and look around at the graffiti to see what it says.

Spot Check, if it is required.


Then, I gaze into the darkness that surrounds us.

2008-08-05, 08:22 AM

I straighten my robes and look around at the graffiti to see what it says.

The graffiti on the wall is written in a variety of different languages, and by the handwriting in some cases, by a lot of different people. The prefered methods of writing seems to be writing with sticks of charcol and chalk.

You read the ones which you can understand.

In common: 'Durnan is a bastard. I swear by Gruunsh that when i get out of here I'll stuff his throat with gold pieces until he chokes. Signed Slurg.'

'Here awaits a secret door, but you will not find it or you won't be able to open it, and then you'll rot here in this pit.'

'Dumbar Ironshanks was here and killed more orcs than he could count.' Underneath this, written in Undercommon was the phrase 'That means eleven.'

Looking around you notice a secret door in a corner of the room away from the passage to the south.

2008-08-05, 08:32 AM
Okay, team, some of this graffiti tells us that there is a secret door here.

Now, that means that there are three ways out of this room, up, south and this secret door, which I can see over there.

I point at the secret door.

Now, as many of you may have noticed. I don't carry any weapons, and only one of my clerical spells is dedicated to causing damage to my enemies. I fight using undead slaves. I hope no one is offended by this, as they can, and will be, I hope, very useful.

Unfortunately, my undead summoning ability is not as good as I wish it was. Mainly due to lack of practice, as most people disapprove of undead. Thus, I cannot summon undead for very long...at the moment, I can keep them in existance with me for a small amount of time. As my experience grows, I will be able to do better.

Now, I think we should try to work out which would be the best course of action. We can try to open that secret door over there, or we can head down the southen path.

I indicate the southen path.

Secret doors are usually secret because there is something worth keeping secret behind them, and secrets are occasionally valuable.

2008-08-05, 08:43 AM

Problem with secrets is that the owner wants to keep 'em secret. Meaning that they are likely guarded or trapped... Then again, it must've been here a long time, and any guards or traps are possibly long since gone - as are the secrets behind them...

2008-08-05, 09:01 AM
That is true...perhaps we should just continue down the less secret route.

2008-08-05, 09:04 AM

Oh no - that wasn't quite what I meant. I just meant that if there's anything valuable to be had from behind that there secret door then we want to be very careful in looking. Likewise, there's the strong chance that others have already had the same thoughts and there's no danger or valuables to be had any more...

2008-08-05, 09:09 AM
Hmm...that is true...

Avoraelde walks over to the door and inspects it, methods of opening it, inspecting the ground around it for any signs of a recent opening, and listening as hard as he can through it.

Listen Check:

Seach Check:

2008-08-05, 09:46 AM

Karilu goes and helps with inspecting the secret door

Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 10:01 AM

Derrick hangs out in the center of the room, waiting to see what happens.

2008-08-05, 10:14 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Chronos had put away his bongos and bells in his pack before he descended. Now in the cold atmostphere (which he doesn't really feel), he feels slightly at home. "I had worked in such environments in the past. While my sensory apparatus is not designed to detect hidden things, I have survived un-planned events in the past due to my tough plating."

2008-08-05, 10:28 AM

Binding Savnok didn't go as cleanly as he would have hoped, and that had put him in an irritable mood. Realisticly he knew that talking and caution was a wise thing down here, but did they really have to do so much of it? With a thoughtless gesture he rubs his aching shoulder.

OOC: Don't mind Cymran he is just under the influence. :)

2008-08-05, 10:30 AM
You see that the door has been opened recently, judging by the foot prints on the sandy floor only two people went this way and did not come back. You hear a muffled snarling, words from an unknown language reach you through the door.

A tiny hole in the door, large enough for a key is barely visible in the door. The door does not seem to be very thick.

2008-08-05, 10:37 AM

Avoraelde looks at Folli. Avoraelde looks at the door.

Folli...think we should break it? Or can anyone pick locks?

Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 10:41 AM

"Pick locks? Don't look at me... I can blast it down for you if you like, though."

2008-08-05, 10:44 AM
Do your blasts cause a lot of noise?

2008-08-05, 10:45 AM
Folli raises the butt of his axe and smashes it into the place where the secret door has been indicated .

Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 10:48 AM

Do your blasts cause a lot of noise?

"By themselves? No. But I imagine the door itself might have other ideas once it starts absorbing blasts of energy."

2008-08-05, 10:55 AM

Looking at Folli and his axe, I'm not sure being quiet is such a problem any more...

2008-08-05, 11:04 AM

He laughs, Of course, well...we seem to have made some noise and probably alerted whatever is in there.

I suppose we should just take down the door before they can prepare themselves...

Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 11:16 AM

"Of course, we could just try knocking. It's likely they're already alerted, and it's possible that they might even be friendly..."

2008-08-05, 11:17 AM

I draw my scroll of Magic Missile out of my bag and ready an action to cast it when the door opens, if there are hostile things inside, on the closest one.

Well then, continue to open the door? By either method.

2008-08-05, 11:20 AM
Suddernly the noises behind the door stop. Then a shuffling is heard and the door thrown back. Light floods the small room from the passage behind the door and six angry goblins can be seen behind it. The passage is thin, only allowing for two people through at once, you see that the corridor opens out into a larger room. One standing closer to you than the rest, gnashing his teeth in annoyance after being disturbed with the noise made by Folli. They start to move towards their weapons, but are clumsy and don't reach them before you have a chance to ready yourselves.

2008-08-05, 11:20 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

"There is a possibility that there are trapped friendlies on the other side. We should proceed with caution not hurt a non-hostile."

As he says that and the door opens, he looks at the goblins. "I guess we shall have a chance to find out. Does anyone speak their language?" He readies his own weapon, the Ranseur.

2008-08-05, 11:23 AM
I don't know, Chronos, they look pretty hostile!

Spellcraft Check:


If it works:


It works, and a single missile of light streaks from my arms and strikes the nearest goblin.

Everyone, the goblins are going for their weapons. They are clearly hostile. Kill or subdue them all.

2008-08-05, 11:27 AM
Ha Goblin scum die

Folli piles into the goblins swinging his axe

[roll0] inititive
[roll1] to hit
[roll2] If i hit

2008-08-05, 11:30 AM
The goblin crumples, dead, and two other goblins run forwards.

Folli misses the goblin and they laugh at his words, even though they don't understand them, it sounded funny.

2008-08-05, 11:30 AM

As the goblins open the door and the leader begins to cast, Cymran lets out a, "Finally!" Calling upon his bond, Cymran becomes wrapped up in fancy full plate armor that appears out of no where.

OOC: Using Call Armor power as Full round action

Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 11:34 AM

"Ah. Well. So much for friendly contact." He makes sure there's a little space to work in, and lets loose a blast of Eldritch energy at the most opportune target.

Moves to get a clear line of effect and to ensure he is at least 10' away from the nearest goblin.

[roll0], in case you're using it.
[roll1] (includes +1 for PBS, ranged touch attack), [roll2] (includes +1 for PBS)

On a hit (which it should be), target must make Will save DC 16 or be shaken

2008-08-05, 11:46 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Shifting gears, the warforged says, "Switching to battle mode. First priority is to ensure the safety of allies. Everyone, follow my lead. I will strike at the leader to make him more vulnerable to attacks."

Chronos moves and uses his long reach to strike at the biggest, meanest looking goblin of the bunch. If the strike lands, everyone has a +4 to hit vs that goblin.

Attack [roll0]
ooc - how do I do something like 2d4+1d6+3? I need to roll multiple times? Jeez.

Damage rolls [roll1] + [roll2]

2008-08-05, 11:47 AM
ooc - rolling for crit confirmation. [roll0]

If that confirms the crit, then Chronos deals an extra 14 damage.

2008-08-05, 12:11 PM

''Not a big fan of subtelty are you?'' Nolan remarks after seeing Folli take a swing at the door. He draws his shortbow as soon as he spots the goblins and takes aim at the ones further back, not trusting his aim with his companions that close to the target.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2008-08-05, 12:18 PM
Chronos kills the goblin (several times over :smalleek:) and Derrick's attack wounded the other but did not kill him. The goblin behind him is hit by Nolan's arrow and dies too. Only two goblins are left and they attempt to retreat through a hallway leading to the east.

2008-08-05, 12:21 PM
We must take them out, before they bring other goblins to assist them!

I drop the depleted scroll on the ground and cast Chill of the Grave on whichever goblin is in front:

To hit:




Edit : I missed.

2008-08-05, 12:23 PM

The newly protected young man lumbers into the room after the fleeing goblins

Init [roll0]
Attack Morningstar [roll1]
Damage (if needed)[roll2]

2008-08-05, 12:27 PM
Run little Gobbos Im gonna get ya anyway

splat [roll1]

2008-08-05, 12:28 PM
Chronos kills the goblin (several times over :smalleek:) and Derrick's attack wounded the other but did not kill him. The goblin behind him is hit by Nolan's arrow and dies too. Only two goblins are left and they attempt to retreat through a hallway leading to the east.

ooc - heh, how many times over? :smallwink:

Chronos the Warforged Warblade

After running the goblin through with the spear, Chronos will attempt to catch up with the goblins and attempt to grapple the goblin, hoping to take it alive, when he has the chance.

Touch attack to start grapple 1d20+4
Grapple check [roll0] vs the Small-sized goblin's opposed grapple check.

2008-08-05, 12:29 PM
Touch attack didn't roll, trying again.

Touch attack to start grapple [roll0]

2008-08-05, 12:33 PM
Ok, trying it ONE more time.


Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 12:35 PM

The halfling closes (if he can) before letting loose another blast.

[roll0] (add +1 if within 30'), [roll1] (add +1 if within 30') and target shaken (Will DC 16)

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 12:43 PM
Guess I shouldn't have slept in this morning.
:smalltongue: ))


The duskblade pays the ferryman inkeeper, and in she goes with the rest.


She targets one of the goblins, and fires a Ray of Frost at the critter.

Ray of Frost: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] cold

2008-08-05, 12:43 PM
The final two goblins are hacked to pieces by Chronos and Cymran. Ahead of you the corridor continues westward with a turning to the south before it vears off to your right.

2008-08-05, 12:49 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

The threat over, Chrono shuts the outside world out temporarily to refresh his memory banks on the techniques and strikes that he knows how to do. Shall we explore the chamber that the goblins came from?"

Duke of URL
2008-08-05, 12:50 PM

"Well, that was exciting. Shall we see if they have anything of value to compensate us for our trouble?"

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 12:54 PM

That would sound like a good idea. I apologise for not contributing further, however it seemed that you had the situation well in hand.

2008-08-05, 01:09 PM
I concur. Let us find anything of value we can...and then pick a course to contnue along.

I cast Unseen Servant and instruct it to put all valuable objects and weapons in a pile infront of us.

2008-08-05, 01:18 PM
I cast Unseen Servant and instruct it to put all valuable objects and weapons in a pile infront of us.

The goblin's tattered armour stays with their bodies, four of their shortspears group together with 100gp, an amysthyst gem(worth 100gp) and a wand of levitate (worth 4500gp!)

(the rolls were good :smallwink:)

2008-08-05, 01:22 PM

Well...that went well, the fight as well as the spoils.

Avoraelde walks up to the pile of loot and inspects the wand.

Knowledge Arcana and Spellcraft check (if that helps) to try to find out what the wand does. I know you said Wand of Levitate...but we don't know exactly what it is just from looking at it, normally.


Okay, team, shall I take care of the loot for now, and distribute it later when we return above ground?

2008-08-05, 01:24 PM

You know what wand is for ^^

2008-08-05, 01:29 PM
This wand is a wand of levitate, I think. It's probably worth a pile of gold if we could find a buyer, I don't think it'd be much use to us.

But we'll talk about that later!

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 01:33 PM

I agree that the wand and perhaps the gem should be kept and sold later. However, would it be possible to take one of the shortspears for my useage, please?

2008-08-05, 01:38 PM

I command my unseen servant to pick up a short spear and deposit at it Amist's feet.

2008-08-05, 01:38 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

ooc - who will keep track of the loot and hold on to it?

Chronos studies the shortpsears with a discerning eye. "These are of passable quality, but I believe my Ranseur surpasses them for combat."

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 01:41 PM

Thank you, good sir.
She scoops up the shortspear and briefly tries it for feel.
Not exactly what I am used to, but it will do.

2008-08-05, 01:44 PM
ooc - who will keep track of the loot and hold on to it?

OoC - If no one objects, I will take care of the items.

I'll look after the loot, if you wish.

I quickly count up the coins and write the amount in my notebook, along with a note on the items we found, I then put all the items in a pouch in my bag.

There are one hundred gold pieces. I shall split them up for us later, okay?

I put them in the pouch as well.

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 01:54 PM

That is acceptable to me. Perhaps we might want to keep that wand in mind, it doesn't seem likely to be useful at the moment, however one never knows.
The duskblade positons her newly-acquired spear as an ersatz walking stick, and looks around at her companions.
I would say that we fared quite well here. Perhaps I shall soon get the chance to bloody my own blade.

2008-08-05, 02:04 PM
Hmm...which way to continue along...

2008-08-05, 02:58 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

"There are no other exits from the chamber which the goblins came from? If so, then we shall go through the only other visible exit."

2008-08-05, 03:51 PM
Ahead of you the corridor continues westward with a turning to the south before it vears off to your right.

((This is from the corridor the goblins led you to))

2008-08-05, 03:56 PM
Well, lets get back into that room that we came down into from the inn then, then head along that south-leading path.

Avoraelde walks out of the room and looks at the south path, searching for any sign of what might be lurking in the darkness.



2008-08-05, 04:10 PM

Can your eyes see much down there then? Or you need some help from someone a bit more accustomed to being in the dark?

2008-08-05, 04:37 PM
That would be helpful he smiles.

2008-08-05, 05:54 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

If this warforged knew how to sigh, he would. "Unfortunately, my ability to see in the dark has never been enhanced. I do, however, remember some sort of lamp that rests on one's shoulder and shines in a cone in one direction. It was rather useful, and does not require too much of what you call "gold coins."

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 06:03 PM

Unfortunatly, I don't see any stores selling those or anything else down here. However, I also am quite good at seeing in less-than-optimal lighting.
And she moves torwards the front of the group to take advantage of that fact.

Duke of URL
2008-08-06, 07:15 AM

Derrick hangs toward the rear, but makes sure he isn't last in line.

2008-08-06, 07:51 AM

''Best we keep an eye out for any traps, goblins favor an ambush over a fair fight so there's a good chance that they set a few up around here.''

Nolan remarks as he follows the others.

2008-08-06, 09:39 AM

Dressed in his newly acquired full plate, the young man shakes goblin blood off his morningstar. He watched dispassionately as the goblins bodies were looted, his hand still instinctively trying to rub his aching shoulder through armor. He had nothing to add about the next path that they should take

2008-08-06, 10:54 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Chronos steps up the the front. "If any of you know the module for trap detection, please coem to the front with me. I can not detect traps, but I can help soak the damage."

2008-08-06, 11:01 AM
Okay, let us continue south along this path. As this seems to be the only way forward.

A happy magical accident when I was younger gifted me with rather resistant skin.

I demonstrate this by attempting to prick myself on the end of Chronos' sword, but it does not harm me.

I shall go in front, next to Chronos. However, I have few spells left today...I doubt that I will be of much use in a fight.

I walk to the front of the group and stand next to Chronos, attempting to draw a neatly annotated map in my notebook of the areas that we have explored.

I then lead the group south, along the corridor, watching and listening for anything.



2008-08-06, 11:08 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

"You still have a stout arm correct? You can still contribute by wielding a weapon. I do not have a spare polearm for you, but perhaps one of the others do?"

2008-08-06, 11:13 AM
I am not physically strong...as I spend all my time in the libary, or helping my family in social functions, or political ones. I could probably weild a weapon if I put my mind to it.

I order my unseen servant to go back into the room of the goblins and retrieve for me a shortspear, which I then weild.

Okay...well...i'll try my best. I say, with a smile.

2008-08-06, 11:33 AM
You enter an oddy shaped room, it's wall almost arranged in a diamond shape except that each of all of the corners open up onto a few steps leading down into the room. Seven pillars fill the room, arranged in pairs leading from the widest hallway to the one opposite it, spaced irregularly while the seventh pillar is placed almost in the way of one of the hallways.

Inside the room, you see a human accompained by two Bugbears, they look towards you but make no move to draw weopons or call reinforcements.

2008-08-06, 11:37 AM

Moving forward in his bulky armor, Cymran doesn't head directly toward the human or the bugbears, and he doesn't draw is weapon. He wasn't sure how this would go down, but he was willing to let the others talk first

2008-08-06, 11:56 AM
I drop the shortspear, and walk to a place ten paces from the human.

Greetings, stranger!

Duke of URL
2008-08-06, 11:58 AM

"Hullo there!" The halfling calls out. "We're just passing through the area. Any tips on sights to see?"

2008-08-06, 12:05 PM
Lore Check

Lore Check on the following subjects:



This Room


Though I might not know anything about the room...

2008-08-06, 01:14 PM
Oh what you it is to find some friendly lovable bugbears down here

Sarcasm drips off of Folli's words as he readys his axe and shield , he holds his postion though

2008-08-06, 01:16 PM
Wait, Folli, we do not know how strong they may be...it might be best to avoid a conflict if possible. he whispers to the dwarf.

The Bushranger
2008-08-06, 02:03 PM

Spotting the human and bugbears brings a slight frown to the face of the duskblade, with turns into slightly knitted eyebrows when they make no significant reaction.

She frowns at the dwarf's belligerancy, and, seeing as the others have made greetings in Common, she tries a different language, just in case.

[Undercommon]Greetings and well met.


Sense Motive: [roll0]

2008-08-06, 02:19 PM
I whisper to Amist:

[Undercommon]Folli seems rather agressive. Do you think we can restrain him if we have to?

The Bushranger
2008-08-06, 02:32 PM

Whispering back:
[Undercommon]Restraining a dwarf from battle? I am rather attached to all my extremities, thank you. Although I suppose we can try if we must.

2008-08-06, 03:04 PM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

Chronos stays silent. He is not very accustomed to social interactions in these kidns of situations. He is used to defending himself with his polearm.

2008-08-06, 03:09 PM
The human announces herself as Errya Eltorchul. My trade is maps, i draw them and sell them. Unfortunately many people like yourself simply attack me, thus the need for these bugbear guards. I don't wish to harm you, and buying a map of this labyrinthian level could help you if you need to return to a place.

2008-08-06, 03:20 PM
Bah there be safer places to set up shop , and smarter choice of guards if ya ask me , them beasts are just asking fer trouble,you'd be better of with a decent Dwarf guard if ya ask me , So how much would you be charging for your scrawlings then ?

2008-08-06, 03:20 PM
Lore Check

Lore Check on the following subjects:



This Room


Though I might not know anything about the room...

You don't know anything about the bugbears, aside from their apperance. The room is used by Errya Eltorchul to meet people and sell her wares, and the room is cloaked in an antimagic field which supresses spells.

The Bushranger
2008-08-06, 03:25 PM

Please excuse our companion. How much would it cost for us to acquire one of your maps?

2008-08-06, 04:26 PM
Errya Eltorchul, did you build the field of anti-magic in this place? Are these pillars part of the structure of the field?

Can I take a look at them?

2008-08-06, 04:28 PM
I will sell you a map which will lead to a part of Undermountain people call the Falling Stair ehich leds to the citadel of the Bloody Hand for the sum of 20 gp.

2008-08-06, 04:38 PM
Hmm, how do we know that your map is not falsified? So as to lead adventures into danger or any other type of plot? Avoraelde asks.

2008-08-06, 05:26 PM
You only have my word. And if that is not enough for you i did you good day as ask you to leave and continue on your journey without the aid of one of my maps.

The Bushranger
2008-08-06, 11:39 PM

We will purchase one of your maps, Miss Eltorchul.
The half-drow turns to the cleric.
[Undercommon]I believe she is being truthful. I presume we can use some of the goblins' money to purchase it?

2008-08-07, 04:37 AM
[Undercommon]Yes, of course.

[Common]We will purchase one of your maps.

I dig around in my pack until I find the small pouch of goblin-treasure, then take out twenty gold coins.

I walk forward with the coins, and buy a map.

2008-08-07, 07:42 AM
Okay...well, we'll carry on then. Thank you.

I look around the room, trying to find exit doors.

I put the map in my pack.

2008-08-07, 10:10 AM
Chronos the Warforged Warblade

After leaving the room, Chronos will say to to the cleric, "Does the map give us a heading or a clueon where anything important is?"

2008-08-07, 10:28 AM

To the group: If not, the seller probably knows something about the area around and might be able to help us on our way...

2008-08-07, 10:31 AM
Avoraelde looks at the map, spreading it out on the wall to get a better look.

He looks for their current area, and then for paths leading off of it.

2008-08-07, 11:10 AM
She smiles, almost sadly as she speaks. I know little of Undermountain, i have not explored it as i would like to, and in light of current events, which i am sure you are aware of i am afraid to. I hide from the monsters here because i am afraid of the outcome of any battles that i may encounter. But i don't know the names of any of the places here, it's not like they're labeled for me. After wandering around in the levels, creating maps in the hope that i would have a clearer understanding of the place, i find that it confuses me even more. So i have settled in this part of the dungeon level because i know it well, and have not gone out of it since i entered it after drawing my first map of the place.

2008-08-07, 11:23 AM
((oops, double post, please ingore))

2008-08-07, 11:45 AM
Well I say we push on , standing still in a place like this just makes yah a target for hungry monsters
with a nod to the map maker

Good luck to ya with a home like this ya may need it , andif this map is a fake you'll need it a little more

Folli chuckles to himself , then waits for a descion on which way they will be going

Id say it was best if me and the metal man led the way out of here , im made of sterner stuff than the lad and my vision is sure to be better(nodding towards the cloistered cleric)

Dont worry I wont kill nothing unless I have ta ,

2008-08-07, 11:51 AM

Standing in the room with the others it took a bit for him to notice the difference. Savnok was gone, the aching shoulder was gone, his ability to move somewhat gracefully in heavy suit was also gone. Clunking and grunting as he moved around he asks, "This Citadel of the Bloody Hand and Falling Stairs, is it some place we need to go?"

2008-08-07, 11:57 AM
To go further into undermountain you have four choices. You can take the north, south, east or west exit, the north is the one you came in by but by choosing it you could turn left and continue down the long corridor. You see on the map that the one leading to the east goes back to the entrance to the well.

2008-08-07, 12:03 PM
I look at the map, then look up at the team.

I think that the southen path would be a good choice.

Folli, Chronos, please lead the way. he smiles.