View Full Version : What if Roy's brother didn't die young?

King of Nowhere
2008-08-02, 04:43 AM
I was thinking what would have happened if Eric (remember him, Roy meets him in the afterlife?) could grow up. Roy states that he would have probably become a bard. My point is, how would Eugene have reacted to it? We know that:
- Eugene believes only wizard are powerful and everybody else is a schmuck. He beated the crap out of Roy for being a fighter, and bards are much more underpowered than fighters.
- Eugene believes only wizards have brain, everybody else is stupid (except maybe uncle Myrtok, who was a cleric). Bards are not better than fighters on that.
- Eugene hates sorcerers, he despised them much before he knew Xykon. Now, a bard can be seen as a sorcerer with underpowered spellcasting ability.
- Eugene was all serious and important and no-time-to-play, bards are the opposite.
- Eugene behaved as we all know with Roy.

How would he have reacted if his son was going to be a bard????
i believe the beings of pure law and good weres pitiful and killed Eric when he was a child simulating an accident, to spare him a miserable life. It was a good and pitiful act.

Please don't be totally serious. This thread wasn't intended to be serious.

Tempest Fennac
2008-08-02, 05:06 AM
I don't think Eugene was physically abusive, and I don't think he sees all classes as useless (in SoD, he assebled a balanced party rather then using all Wizards). He would have probably been annoyed at Eric due to apparently wanting all of his children to become Wizards. What do you think he would have thought of Roy becoming a Duskblade? It would have taken advantage of Roy's high Int while acting as a sort of compromise (DBs weren't around at the time, though).

2008-08-02, 05:24 AM
I once had a theory that Roy's brother was MitD. I can't for the life of me remember why, though.

King of Nowhere
2008-08-02, 05:45 AM
Since I don't have any idea of what a duskblade is, so i can't really answer to this one. Still, I believe Eugene would have been with a bard son even harsher than he was with Roy.
I just had a flash of the scene from otoopc's when Eugene go talk to Roy, only instead of being in the university's library it was at summer camp...

2008-08-02, 06:08 AM
I think Eugene would have probably treated the kid the same as he treats Roy, (He doesn't appear to be an abusive father, more of a controlling, irritable one) but the OoTS would have been a bit different.

Without Elan the Bard, we would have Roy's little brother as the Bard, thus irritating Roy even more than Elan does.

Eric: (Takes Banjo) I shall call him...BANJO! GOD OF PUPPETS!!!
:roy:Someone kill me, please...

Tempest Fennac
2008-08-02, 06:12 AM
Duskblades are detailed on page 149 of http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/rules/DnD3.5Index-Classes-Base.pdf . They are basically warriors with some Arcane magic capabilities.

2008-08-02, 06:27 AM
Without Elan the Bard, we would have Roy's little brother as the Bard, thus irritating Roy even more than Elan does.

No, see, I think Elan irritates Roy partly BECAUSE he thinks his little brother would have grown up to be a bard--the best, most competent bard ever, and here's this blond schmuck acting like an idiot instead. If Eric grows up to be a bard, Roy would likely still love him and respect him, and maybe he wouldn't be so gruff with Elan, too.

2008-08-02, 09:47 AM
I was thinking what would have happened if Eric (remember him, Roy meets him in the afterlife?) could grow up. Roy states that he would have probably become a bard. My point is, how would Eugene have reacted to it? We know that:
- Eugene believes only wizard are powerful and everybody else is a schmuck. He beated the crap out of Roy for being a fighter, and bards are much more underpowered than fighters.
- Eugene believes only wizards have brain, everybody else is stupid (except maybe uncle Myrtok, who was a cleric). Bards are not better than fighters on that.
- Eugene hates sorcerers, he despised them much before he knew Xykon. Now, a bard can be seen as a sorcerer with underpowered spellcasting ability.
- Eugene was all serious and important and no-time-to-play, bards are the opposite.
- Eugene behaved as we all know with Roy.

How would he have reacted if his son was going to be a bard????
i believe the beings of pure law and good weres pitiful and killed Eric when he was a child simulating an accident, to spare him a miserable life. It was a good and pitiful act.

Please don't be totally serious. This thread wasn't intended to be serious.

Roy's father may actually support the idea of him becoming a Bard because as we've seen through Elan bards can cast illusion spells. Remember Eugene was an illusionist. I think he would fully support Eric and us that as flak against Roy. Example: He would say "Why aren't you like your brother Eric"

2008-08-02, 11:26 AM
As I see it, Eric couldn't of become a bard because he would have to be non lawful and right now he's in the lawful good afterlife

Tempest Fennac
2008-08-02, 01:11 PM
That could only have happened because of most of his relatives apparently being in the LG afterlife (it would be awkward if they were mostly evil, unless he would have ended up in the TN afterlife if that was the case).

2008-08-02, 01:16 PM
Roy's father may actually support the idea of him becoming a Bard because as we've seen through Elan bards can cast illusion spells. Remember Eugene was an illusionist. I think he would fully support Eric and us that as flak against Roy. Example: He would say "Why aren't you like your brother Eric"That's probable, but going Bard for an arrogant Wizard would be like the son of a neurosurgeon becoming a nurse. I'm sure Eric would've been treated better than Roy (who went blue collar if I may stretch the analogy), but not by much imo.

2008-08-02, 01:53 PM
Eh? Eugene beat Roy? When did that happen, exactly? Could you name the strip, or the page of the prequel book where we saw it?

Or, to put it another way--I know people don't like Eugene, but accusing him of child-beating with absolutely zero evidence is pretty rich.

David Argall
2008-08-02, 02:05 PM
He would be a mage, and be maybe 4th level at this time.

King of Nowhere
2008-08-02, 02:57 PM
Eh? Eugene beat Roy? When did that happen, exactly? Could you name the strip, or the page of the prequel book where we saw it?

When did I say that Eugene used physical violence agains Roy? I used some expressions with the meaning of "being really annoing", and if some of them meant other it's just because my english isn't perfect.

And I expected Eugene to be like he is with Roy:
"I told your brother to learn magic, and he didn't. Now, you at least can cast spells. Too bad you don't know real spells. No, no, maybe you will sing to Xykon and he will be so excited that he will have an heart attack. Oooo, right, skeleton! Or maybe you'll sing so loudly that you'll break his ears. Or"....

2008-08-02, 03:17 PM
But what is Roy's brother's gender? There's the real question.

2008-08-02, 04:56 PM
- Eugene hates sorcerers, he despised them much before he knew Xykon. Now, a bard can be seen as a sorcerer with underpowered spellcasting ability.

Actually, no, he didn't.
In SOD, when Xykon turns out in Master Fyron's lab, Eugene asks him what's a sorcerer, so there's no why that he hated them before he met Xykon because he didn't even know that they exist...

2008-08-02, 05:56 PM
I once had a theory that Roy's brother was MitD. I can't for the life of me remember why, though.

Maybe Roy's brother is Therkla.

2008-08-02, 06:22 PM
I think Eugene would be pretty miffed at Roy's brother for being a bard. But I can see why Eugene is so pushy toward his children being spell casters. He believes that no non-spellcasting class could ever beat Xykon and due to his issue of never being granted a real afterlife unless someone permanently kills him. At least Roy's brother would have a slightly larger chance to do the dead with some spell casting ability.

2008-08-02, 06:34 PM
I'm going to go a little off the deep end here. According to the strip, Roy's brother died as a result of an accident. The accident is implied to have been caused by Eugene's experiements.

I believe that Roy and Eugene's poor relationship stems from this incident. Roy blames Eugene and as a result he rejected his father's career path and chose to emulate his grandfather instead. My guess is that if Roy's brother didn't die, that Roy may have actually become a wizard with his little brother following in his footsteps. Granted, Roy had admired his grandfather previously but I believe that his father would have pressured him into the wizard path if it weren't for his brother's death.

2008-08-03, 01:16 AM
When did I say that Eugene used physical violence agains Roy?

You said:

He beated the crap out of Roy for being a fighter

"Beat the crap out of" does not in any way mean "annoying"--it means physical violence was used.

2008-08-03, 02:36 AM
Eugene is the epitome of real world fathers who believe that if their son doesn't play football like they did, then they're a failure.

So, no Eugene wouldn't be happy if his son became a bard, because a bard isn't a wizard. The fact that Roy became a fighter is the equivalent of stabbing Eugene in the back with a rusty spatula while defecating no him, as far as Eugene's concerned.

It's either wizard(Illusionist) or nothing.

Just look at his daughter, whose name escapes me. No matter how much of a tramp she appears to be (whether she is or not is of little significance), Eugene would praise her to the ends of the earth, despite her actual knowledge of magic. Just because she is of the wizard class, he will love and adore her; but even if Roy saved all of existence from ruin and became a god, Eugene would still disdain him for not being a wizard.

2008-08-03, 11:17 AM
I wonder what would happen if Roy's little brother became a Psion. Int-based progression, but not a magic user.

Mina Kobold
2008-08-04, 03:39 PM
you all got it wrong Eugene dislike fighters because of his dad. hes driven nuts because of Roys choice of class. he has nothing against any spellcaster class not even sorcerers.

2008-08-04, 04:08 PM
If he didn't die, he clearly would have become Evil, because only the Good die young!

... okay, that was terrible, you can put down your rotten fruit.