View Full Version : To Hell and Back Again[a]

2008-08-02, 08:11 AM
The group:
Vadina Arnet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=67238) Gardner (callix)
Bariis Fenwolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=67315) Don the Bastard
Raven (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4618) wiz
Emadgar Mycerild (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=67104) Rettu Skcollob
Cirrus Achenar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=71035) cbdb
Sheera Maenru (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72563) flashlight

The OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4637927#post4637927)

You have done as the vision said and you have traveled to the base of the hellgate mountains. The first to arrive set up camp and waited. Soon he was joined by more. As the days passed the group grew. Each night each individual dreams the same dream. The individual standing before you telling you that you must wait. Then just as you attempt to ask "wait for what?" the prophet is devoured by demons.

However tonight the dream is different the profit tells you that you shall wait no longer awake and prepare for the day because today you enter the mountains and perhaps hell itself. As you wake up and do your morning routine a single figure appears just outside you camp and she enters calmly. And asks

"Are you all ready for your final great task?"

2008-08-02, 08:36 AM

Just as the figure enters the camp, Sheera rolls up her bedroll and puts it into her backpack, her curly black hair bouncing as she tries to fit it inside.

Blasted extradimensional space, I knew I had to pack less...

Upon hearing the guest speaking, her head jolts up and watches the figure warely with her green eyes.

Seems friendly, but I know best what illusions can cause, so better be careful

With a slight movement, she puts a hand on her crossbow.

"Who are you?"

2008-08-02, 08:46 AM

Raven steps from behind a tree, having been awake for some time now. "I would assume that would be the prophet... but what do you mean about our final great task?"

Don the Bastard
2008-08-02, 09:19 AM


Bariis walks into the camp, dusty off her hands, knuckles bleeding slightly, she wraps her hands in cloth and approaches the stranger. (She has no belongings to pack up)

"I am ready for him, if he calls to me"

2008-08-02, 09:21 AM

Cirrus rises and crosses his armor-clad arms. His eyes dart from the new figure to those speaking to him and back, saying nothing.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-02, 01:03 PM
[Bollocks, sorry I'm late, didn't check GitP yesterday]

Emadgar rises from his pallet irritably, replacing the red-embossed leather-bound volume he had been writing in previously in his pack. Rolling up his bedroll quickly, he gets to his feet, the scant few potions he was able to procure at such short notice clinking softly in his pack. He moves with some slight stiffness, as though wearing heavy armour, although he appears to be wearing naught but a hooded black robe, typical of the spellcasting servants of Dark Gods. Grasping his heavy shield, embossed with infernal symbols around the sides in blood red, with the symbol of a scythe interposed in bone-white in the center. He throws his hood back, revealing an oddly handsome, thin face. He takes in the whole of the figure, his eyes sweeping her up and down.

[Facial Features]

Emadgar is using his Hat of Disguise to appear less rat-like than he actually is, as per the Disguise Self (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/disguiseSelf.htm) ability

To create a simple illusion is child's-play...

I serve Nerull, and I shall continue to do so, so long as he lends me his great power to do his will.

His voice has a slightly nasal tone to it, strangely seeming unmatched with the good-looking features.

His hand reaches unconsciously for the Holy Symbol of Nerull inside his robe.

My readiness for any task he should deem me worthy of completing for him is unquestioned.

However, I do not like the sound of my "Final great task"... As always however; I shall trust unto Nerull...

Be you friend or foe? I will need some token of your trustworthiness as an agent of the Reaper before I commit myself to any dangerous task. I warn you, if you are attempting to decieve, I am neither foolish, nor weak.

With that, he blinks, and the robe he is wearing shimmers, a suit of full-plate armour phasing into existence on his frame as if it was always there.

Now, if you have no objections, I must prepare for the task ahead, if you are not false. Will the journey take a deal of time? I would not wish my protection magics to end prematurely.

[If the Prophet gives an estimated journey time of less than an hour]
Mycerild begins praying, muttering infernal archaic phrases under his breath.

Unless someone interrupts him, Mycerild will cast Endure Elements on himself, and Magic Vestment on his shield, giving him a total of 23 AC and the ability to comfortably function in an extremely hot or cold environment. The AC increase will last 6 Hours, the Endure Elements will last until the next day.

[The writings on the shield, for those who can read Infernal]

The Reaper Protects the Faithful
The Reaper Harvests the False
The Reaper is Death, the Inevitable
The False Gods will succumb, the Reaper is Eternal
All Sacrifice to the Reaper
Praise Nerull

2008-08-02, 02:04 PM
The tall figure looks unimpressed by the group. Her looks leave the onlookers with an thought of pure beauty without the ability to put their thumb on what brought the thought about. Each individual feels an unnatural attraction to the figure.

I am the one who will be leading you on your quest into and through hell you may cal me Ama. It is your final great quest because I highly doubt any of you will live through this and should you live you will be rewarded well and beyond what you could imagine.

Then the figure looks directly into Emadgar eyes. As she does so his holy symbol flies from his hand directly into hers.

Disappointing to say the least. If you wish for a token you may have your symbol back.

She drops his symbol to the ground.

Our travel will take use till dusk and we must leave now are there any more questions.

2008-08-02, 02:36 PM

Interesting, Boccob... you've led me into a party of apparent malefactors for the glory of your name. And we get to go to hell. Sorry I didn't praise you more.

He shakes his head, "No further questions."

2008-08-02, 03:47 PM

Sheera does well at hiding her surprise about the finality of Ama's words, whoever she might be.

She doubts that any of the new-found group will survive?

"Well, Ama, as it seems like the fates of us are entwined, for the same quest. But it's still obscure why we have been chosen, and what our goal will be. While I can feel that you should be believed, I'm unused to agree to a deal without knowing the conditions."

While waiting for an answer, Sheera is twisting her bedroll, to finally able to stuff it into the magical backpack. Strapping it and the crossbow around the back, she stands up and examines her new companions another time.

2008-08-02, 04:56 PM

Cirrus, simply nods and gathers up his bedroll. His eyes flicker around, from companion to companion, and down to the fallen holy symbol.

I go where I am needed. he whispers through his scarf.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-03, 01:06 AM
Emadgar looks at the figure for a seemingly endless moment, then to the Holy Symbol on the ground.

I highly doubt an agent of Nerull would treat his symbol with such disdain... Most probably she is a powerful caster, in any case.

Quickly, his face impassive, he makes the formal gesture of deference common in the Church of Nerull; two fingers crooked, placed against the throat and pointed at a superior.

Power to the Reaper and the Faithful, then... sister.

The last word has a slightly sardonic tone to it, a slight smile appearing on Emadgars lips. It is clear he will not forget this, but he has always respected power. At least, until the opportunity for superiority arises... Usually on the point of a knife.

A superior only remains so, as long as they can thwart their underlings...

With that, he will begin to walk toward the woman, and pick up his [un]Holy symbol, moving back to the group.

2008-08-03, 06:02 AM

"I have a question. What did you just do to us? I am here to serve, not to be compelled." Vadina hefts her pack, ready to begin her journey. "Still, I am here to serve, and if we must travel until dusk, we can discuss it on the way."

Don the Bastard
2008-08-03, 06:26 AM
"Your words do not worry me Ama, I know that is where I go on passing regardless."

2008-08-03, 07:20 AM

"A good idea, Vadina"

With a last check of her belt, Sheera is ready to travel. Out of her haversack comes Twinkles, a white rat, and makes itself comfortable on the woman's shoulder. With it's red intelligent eyes, the animal watches the landscape.

"While we're traveling, Ama, I'm sure you will explain everything. Let's start marching"

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-03, 07:56 AM
To Hell then...

[Spoken in Infernal]

Though I know not your reasonings, Reaper, I defer to your greatness. Let all beings come to you inevitably, as wheat to the harvest.

Sensing that his resentment of their guide was only felt by him, Emadgar sighed. He glanced at his companions, not having paid them much attention since he arrived.

That one in the cold weather gear... Monk by the way she carries herself. I'll have to watch that one. The wizard looks to be without much guile... Rather plain, too.

Hmm. That one... Cleric? I know those eyes, those are the eyes of a prophet. Dangerous, and seems to be reserving himself. Smart, then, or paranoid. Probably both. I don't like the look of the bald man... Carries himself... Strangely. Dangerous.

And that black haired woman? Gods bane, I've never seen anyone so beautiful... She wouldn't be here if she was naught but a pretty face though. But still... Ngh! Damn these impure thoughts! I apologise, Reaper, my mind is... troubled, today.

Well then, if it is inevitable, then we should set off. My name is Emadgar Mycerild, loyal servant of the Reaper, though I suspect that our guide already knows this.

2008-08-03, 08:54 AM
I have done nothing to you I simply am. And it is not for me to know why you were chosen I am meant only as a guide. Follow...

her hand glides smoothly in a beckoning motion and she begins to walk in the direction from which she came. You all follow in your own time.

You travel for 4 hours (if you wish to add any intermediate discussion feel free to do so in OoC otherwise it will be a very quite walk :smallwink: but I thought you might want to get into a little action). The terrain is uneven and their is no path. The dwarven roads which once could be followed without trouble through the great mountains are now only rubble. The going is not easy however you can not slow down as your guide walks on unfettered by the difficult terrain.

You all hear a guttural roar and the swish of arrows mid flight. Then the two arrows meet their target. The first embeds itself just above Ama's breast the second in her thigh. She falls to her knees before falling on her side. You however have little time to react because from the west face of the mountain four figures seam to emerge as if from nowhere. The midday sun glimmers off large battle axes as the four orcs rush down the hill roaring their battle cry.


place yourself in the gray area. and roll initiative and reactions (none combat related that is)
up to each blue mark are a hill it takes 1.5 squares to move up and 3/4 to move down.
up to the green is a slight incline which does not impeed movement.
up to the purple is a severe incline coming down is at 2x speed and going up is at 1/4th. if you end your turn on the slope you must succeed on a balance check of 10. If you fail and were going up or horizontal you are flat footed if you where going down you fall prone.

everyone but raven and vadina see the orcs in the hills to the east

sorry for the ghetto map its the best I can do :smallwink:

2008-08-03, 09:07 AM

(Speaking Orcish): "Stop in your tracks rogues and explain yourselves! If you desire a fight, you are badly overmatched! I offer you to retreat and never show up again, for we are interested in much bigger foes than you."

She positions herself to a safe place (not on the ledge) and whispers to Emadgar: "Priest of Nerull, make sure Ama survives, we need her"

OOC: Seems like a can't edit rolls, so they come up in next post. I'm on the square just below "pro"

2008-08-03, 09:15 AM

Cirrus (located in the square just to the left of Pro) silently turns to face the onrushing orcs. He steels his eyes.


Cirrus flexes his muscles as he draws his crystal blade. His companions detect a faint odor, unidentifiable, but one that recalls the distant past. Cirrus grows before your eyes, standing nearly ten feet tall, he raises his shield and pulls back his sword, ready for the orcs.

(Manifesting expansion, now also occupying spaces to the left, above and above left of his original square.)

Edit: Unless, of course, the orcs are right in front of me when my turn starts.

2008-08-03, 09:24 AM
Iniative: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

OOC: Bah, I forgot the time required for diplomacy! And also the -10 penalty for a rushed action :smalleek:

2008-08-03, 11:21 AM

Raven's eyes narrow and he raises his arm, beginning to chant a spell.

Raven is standing in the square behind pro.
Initiative: [roll0]
Cast Haste on Vadina, Bariis, Emadgar, Cirrus and Sheera.

2008-08-03, 03:56 PM

Startled by the arrows protruding from her guide, Vadina can only wait for her foes to come within sight.
Vadina occupies the square behind and to the right of pro.
I was considering SMIII, but I decided that was combat-related.

2008-08-03, 06:29 PM
OoC oh an green is bushes and difficult terrain granting concealment to the orcs to the east

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-03, 07:31 PM

Hmph. Well, at least it's not so boring any more.

Emadgar looks as though he would say no for a moment, looks hard at Sheera, and finally says;

Very well.

Emadgar rushes towards Ema, his newfound speed taking a moment to get used to.

Hmm. Either those were very lucky shots, they were poisoned, or Ema is not as powerful as I'd thought.

Spoken in Infernal

Nerull, grant you servant with the power to heal your allies.

After a few brief gestures, Emadgars hand aglows with faint blue light. Kneeling, he lays his hands upon Ama, the blue light discharging into her.

This should stop you from going to the Reaper, for now.

[Move action to run to Ema, and Standard Action to cast Cure Minor Wounds]

Don the Bastard
2008-08-03, 08:51 PM
Location: 2nd square to the right of Pro.

Initiative: [roll0]

Actions: Bariis drops her heavy woolen robe to the ground, and turns to Emadgar:
Spoken in Infernal
I will break themPointing to the archers.

She will delay until casting and "diplomacy" is done, then will charge orc5 if diplomacy fails (counted 16.5 squares movement, of my 20 square charge) - If I hit I will be using Scorpion's Grasp.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-04, 02:53 AM
Emadgar looks mildly surprised at Bariis's speaking in his favored tongue.

[Spoken in infernal]

Power to you, then, sister. Perhaps our faiths have more in common than I thought... shout out in the favored tongue if you need the blessings of Nerull, and I will hear, over the fray.

His voice carries a tone of seemingly genuine respect, thought it would be difficult for those who do not speak infernal to detect this.

Hmm. This Monk could be an ally... Those of faith can be counted upon, or at least predicted... I wonder what God she serves? These thoughts should be for later, in any case. Now is the time for bloodshed.

2008-08-04, 08:33 AM

Emadagar 19
Vadina 19
Cirrus 16
Orc warriors 15
Sheera 6
Raven 8
Orc archers 6
Barris 4



As Emadgar reaches down to heal Ama his magic baths her and the arrows dislodge from their wounds. She looks up straight into Emadgar's eyes.

in infernal Your infernal is atrocious. Her words are the most perfect thing you have ever heard. Each one a distinct and subtly unique combination of the rigorous infernal alphabet. You can nearly sense the letters themselves.

But even as the words pass her lips the rest of the group had already burst into action. Shielding the others from the Direct attack from the orcs Cirrus becomes twice his size. The casters quickly begin to gesture and mutter in their arcane tongue.

But with the speed of the hills behind them the orcs come crashing into the group before the spellcasters can finish their arcane gestures. (Cirrus gains an AoO as they move through his now enlarged threatened area)

The orcs bring their axes down into Cirrus and Emadgar their thick plate armor creates a cacophony of sound as the blades reflect off the smooth sides. However three blades is to much for Cirrus as one slips past his shield and catches Cirrus in the folds of his armor. (11 damage to Cirrus)

((OoC those after the orcs can change their action
Don you can not quit make it up the hill each square between the green and the purple takes 20ft
Gardner feel free to clarify your action.))

2008-08-04, 09:49 AM

As the orcs barrel down into the ravine, Cirrus regards them grimly. As the first comes into range, he slashes out with his blade, imbuing it with psionic energy.

AOO on Orc1:
Channeling psionic energy through deep crystal longsword.

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

Note, due to expansion, his AC is presently 22.

2008-08-04, 09:58 AM
As the orcs come down upon the group Cirrus concentrates and slices just as the orcs momentum is at its greatest. The orc continues with his charge apparently unharmed. But as the orc begins his swing his torso splits from his legs and tumbles into a bloody heap.

2008-08-04, 10:01 AM

Damn, I'm so stupid!

More than little angry with herself after the less-than-stellar diplomatic performance, Sheera reaches into her spell pouch and produces the ingredients for a spell, immediatly beginning to chant and weave.

"Good Night..."

Sheera will cast Deep Slumber, centered on Cirrus to affect all orcs, to be more precise, just under the "C" of "Cir". Even if they resist the enchantment, they feel a tingle that harms their fighting ability.

2008-08-04, 04:02 PM
Vadina recovers her composure and begins chanting an arcane formula. As she completes it, a huge, feral-looking ape appears in a swirling cloud of smoke. The smoke coalesces around one of the orcs, and Vadina calls out in Infernal.
"Kill the one to the north first."

The ape swings a massive paw at an orc, its claws prominent.

Summon Monster III for a Fiendish Ape with his bottom-right corner four squares left of Ama. He flanks all the surviving orcs. Smoke Orc3, attack Orc2.


2008-08-04, 04:18 PM

ooc: I don't understand... did my spell get disrupted, did someone hit me?
If not, this is round 1 (out of 5 of haste for those I cast it on).

Raven takes a sideways step to the southeast, clearing Ema and gesturing to catch Orc 3 & 4 in the edge of a 15' cone formed from a chill blast of pure Winter! "Freeze!"

[roll0] damage to the orcs...

2008-08-04, 07:30 PM
(ooc: I think your first turn is just coming around, which would be the casting of haste, the orcs went first because of initiative)

Don the Bastard
2008-08-04, 08:31 PM
Bariis will move and attack the nearest orc, attempting to use scorpions grasp if she hits.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Scorpion's Grasp Grapple: [roll2]
Scorpion's Grasp Damage: [roll3]

Flavour text if she hits:
Bariis leaps across the battlefield, dodgig under the beasts axe and inside it's reach, she grabs hold of the orc by the shoulders, driving her thumbs deep into the bone with an unhealthy pop... she stares into the eyes of her foe for just a moment gauging him... a droplet of saliva drips from it's mouth... she cranes her neck to one side then... CRACK... brings her forehead crashing down across it's nose.

EDIT: THAT SUCKS, 1 on my first attack roll 20 on my second.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-05, 12:19 AM
Emadgar is dumbdounded for a moment as his guide displays a far superior ability in Infernal than he does.

Gods Breath, do they give away Infernal dictionaries in ration packs now?

His distraction is curbed abruptly, however, by the Orc attempting to slice and dice him. He brings up his shield just in time to deflect a ringing blow, the back of his shield arm going slightly numb from the force of the heavy strike.

Oh, this is going to be FUN

Oh, you'll regret that you Green BASTARD

Emadgar's face contorts manically, a deeply unsettling grin branching out across his features. He bellows in harsh, guttural Infernal.

REAPER! Grant me the power to send your pathetic enemies souls crawling to your feet! DEATH AND DECAY

Emadgar begins rapidly chanting in Infernal, his eyes fluttering. He reaches inside himself, feeling the familiar dark energies that lie inside him. Drawing on his reserve of Unholy power, he gasps as the crackling Unholy force seems to fill his veins. Looking out of his fluttering eyelids, he sees he is clutching his Unholy symbol tight enough to draw blood. He smiles as he feels the pain, a crimson flow running down his arm. Linking his blood-stained symbol-holding hand and his shield hand together, a surge of red light erupts from his feet, a chill wind whistling about him and fluttering his hair and clothes.

[I]That Orc isn’t going to be able to resist a free shot at me, better brace myself.

[Spontaneously] Cast Inflict Serious Wounds (Provoking an attack of opportunity) giving up Animate Dead as a spell slot.
Concentration (If the Orc hits) [roll0]

2008-08-06, 08:02 AM
(sorry about the confusion Wiz this round is when you cast haste last round was a surprise round)

The arcane energy begins to swirl around the group. Just as Sheera begins to form a long arcane ritual every movement of the group becomes elongated and exaggerated as Raven finishes her arcane chanting. Their new found speed allowing the group faster reflexes. Just then a great ape appears the cloud which envelops the creature causing the near by orc to stumble and nearly vomit. With the other orc swaying the Ape hears its masters commands and turns its great paws to bear on the northern orc dealing a blow which causes the orc to stagger before regaining his stance.

But as the arcane energy peeks a single bolt of lighting flashes in the sky and lands square in the middle of the group. The bolt intended for Sheera as she is distracted by the complex ritual of spell casting (reflex save 16 for half 11 damage and then a concentration (dmg taken +10) check to maintain deep slumber)

Before the rest of the group can see to the bolt a new volley was in the sky and racing towards the group. the majority of the arrows missing their mark but the first to land digs deep into Cirrus's shoulder (13 damage)

Bariis leaps through the group charging the orcs whom has charged from the hills. However in her haste she stumbles in the crevice left by the lightning bolts impact. She stumbles forward leaving herself open to an attack by the orc which she had intended on harming (16 damage). But even as the axe impacts her she rolls with the blow and stands ready for the next assault however there is no need as Emadgar uses the distraction to summon the dark energy of the reaper.

When the orc feels the cold hand of death touch him his body convulses as the dark energy raps like flames around his body. The warriors eyes roll into the back of his head and a guttural scream of pure pain is let lose. Then the skin on his body begins to shrivel as if he were to big for it and it tears before disappearing all together. The orc falls to the ground as all the soft matter that makes up his body and cloths dissolves into a pool of ooze. All that is left is the skeleton of the orc and his steal axe head.



((Now it will be back to the top of the order (Emadgar has already gone) so that means I need actions from Vadina and Cirrus and a reflex save and concentration check from Sheera))

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-06, 08:31 AM
Yes, yes YES!

Grinning hysterically, Emadgar watches as the Orc is consumed by the dark energies he controls. As the dessicated corpse drops to the ground, he throws back his head, laughing with an inherent hysteria that is plain to hear.

Oh GODS the POWER! Ngh, I love it!

Hn.. Ha... Haha HA HA HA HA HAA! Reapers blessing upon you, BROTHER!

With the last word he near-collapses with hysteric laughter once again, placing his hand over his mouth as he giggles, leaving blood smeared upon his face.

Don the Bastard
2008-08-06, 08:32 AM
Bariis recovers from the trip, and shakes off the effects of the orcs pitiful attack, readying herself for the next attack.

Bariis' action

If orc2 or 3 are still alive at my turn I will move and attack (5' step & full attack if possible)

If they are both dead I will double move 10 squares to the east and 4 squares to the north, ending in cover, somewhat closer to the archers.

Rolls if necessary
Attack1 [roll0]
Damage1 [roll1] (realised I wasn't adding the amulet bonus)
Attack2 [roll2]
Damage2 [roll3]

Scorpion's Grasp1 [roll4] (for first unarmed attack)
Grapple Damage1 [roll5]
Scorpion's Grasp2 [roll6] (for second unarmed attack)
Grapple Damage2 [roll7]

I think that covers it.

Also, there seems to be some gender confusion surrounding Bariis, she is not the new Varsuvius, she is a she.

2008-08-06, 08:42 AM

As she feels the arcane energies tingle through her body, Sheera notices a blue bolt of energy striking toward her from the sky.

What the...

Reflex Save: [roll0]


Concentration: [roll1]

The pain numbs her hands for a split second, but Sheera bites her teeth together and forces her arms to complete the last gestures needed for the spell, pointing at the remaining two orcs.

2008-08-06, 08:51 AM

Cirrus grunts in pain as the arrow finds its mark. With the surge of energy brought about by the haste spell, he turns to the two orcs facing him.

(Apologies in advance to Sheera if I bring them down before the sleep spell can take effect, I just can't take too many more of their hits. He will attack the orcs, first the one he flanks, then the one in the cloud if he drops the first one.)

First attack, on the flanked orc:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Second attack, on the flanked one if necessary, on the one in the cloud if not:
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

If he attacks the one in the cloud, he will channel psionic energy through his crystal blade for an additional:

Edit: due to haste, AC is now 23

2008-08-06, 04:05 PM
OOC:@Cirrus: You flank both orcs; the ape is Large.
@Crazedloon: Can Raven and I see the archers now? If not, I'll spend a move action for another Spot check.

2008-08-06, 04:18 PM

Cirrus(Apologies in advance to Sheera if I bring them down before the sleep spell can take effect, I just can't take too many more of their hits. He will attack the orcs, first the one he flanks, then the one in the cloud if he drops the first one.)

It's ok, I had to anticipate that we would kill them so quickly and instead do something against the archers

2008-08-06, 05:02 PM
Vadina begins another incantation. Though her expression never changes, the arcane phrases are less harsh. This time, as she finishes her chant, the bushes concealing one of the orcs explodes in golden sparkles and green smoke. Both smoke and sparkles fall on the orc, distracting him.

Glitterdust Orc 6 and cloud him. Will save DC 19 or be blinded for 6 rounds, possibly at -2 depending on your interpretation of Cloudy Conjuration.

Oh, [roll0] for the lightning. -5 if it's Evocation, Enchantment or Necromancy, +2 if it's Conjuration.

2008-08-06, 06:38 PM
Vadina moves her attention from the orc warriors and begins to cast as spell at the far off archers. With the completion of her arcane movements and words a great cloud covers the closest orc. The orc begins to rub at his eyes and scream as the creature loses sight of the world around him. Even worse for the orc he bends over and begins to vomit.

The ape continues his masters request and attacks the same orc with two powerful claws. The creature rips at the orc until he rips the poor warrior limb from limb. The ape lets loose a guttural yell.

Cirrus Picks up where the conjured cloud left of. He lifts his blade in a great sweeping motion slicing the orc before bringing his blade down clean through the orcs body before spinning to face the remaining orcs in the hills.

But with the warriors killed the gathered arcane energy surrounding Sheera is wasted as she disipates it in an area away from her allies.

((Ok now its Sheera and ravens action and sorry but no one saw a spell caster or heard a spell caster to identify any spell))

Don the Bastard
2008-08-06, 09:00 PM
I'll wait until Sheera and Raven have had their turns, I'm pretty sure the axe orcs will be toast by my turn so I will alter my actions from above slightly.

Since I am now hasted I move at 80' so that is 32 squares in a double move, I will double move to orc5, since I can't charge through difficult terrain. You guys concentrate on orc6 & what is left of axe orcs, I will tear this one's arms off!

Shoulda just stuck with plan A, oh well... not that it realy matters

2008-08-07, 12:25 AM

Looking like a porcupine after the lighning attack, Sheera realises that her spell was pretty much useless. She shakes her head.

Reaching into the spellpouch again, Sheera's arms become a blur and when she finishes... she disappeares.

Sheera casts invisibility and then moves 7 squares right and 2 up, and hiding.

OOC: Which turn are we on right now? The second?

2008-08-07, 12:32 AM
Hide check in the bush: [roll0]

2008-08-07, 07:20 PM

Raven makes more arcane gestures, speaking strange words, then looks around carefully.

cast See Invisibility

2008-08-08, 04:44 PM
The group learning that they are not the lone magic wielders quickly take evasive actions. Sheera Quickly summons her magic to cover her form and she disappears from view before running to the safety of the bushes hoping no one follows her actions.

Raven summons his magical energy and focuses it with his eyes and scans the area for invisible foes. However even as he looks around the landscape is unchanged. Except his ally seams a to be outlined in a haze as she runs up the hill and hides among the bushes.

but as the others seek means to avoid the arrows of the orcs more arrows fall from the sky surrounding the reaming warriors. As the new volley falls among the group a single arrow digs deeply into Bariis shoulder just between the collar bones (8damage)

As the monk recovers from the shock of her new wound the plants around her and the others begin to grow amazingly fast. As the plants grow the entwine themselves about everyone's legs in an attempt to hold them (reflex 14 or entangled if pass in difficult terrain everyone in the red area ((ok so that is everyone but sheera:smalltongue:)) sorry don you will now have to recalculate that run).



2008-08-08, 06:09 PM

Cirrus attempts to avoid the curling foliage, hacking at it with his blade.

(Reflex save: )

His bulky form moves with supernatural speed as he bounds out of the foliage, skirting quickly across the valley floor. His eyes fixed on the archers, he takes cover behind a small copse of trees, hopefully protecting him from the archers' volley. He pauses for breath, leaning against a tree. Closing his eyes for a moment he focuses and his woulds begin to close).

(Cirrus will manifest Hustle to take two move actions, moving (via diagonals) a total of 6 squares to the right and 10 squares up, placing him directly to the left of the four-block of trees. He will then manifest Body Adjustment with his standard action (augmented by 2 points) to cure himself of [roll]2d12 hp.)

2008-08-08, 06:17 PM
Roll for Body Adjustment: [roll0]

2008-08-08, 06:48 PM
[roll1] if you haven't handled that yourself.

Vadina calls to her summon in Infernal.
"Up the steep hill, more enemies! Kill!"
She moves toward the blinded orc, focused on getting as close as she can, then begins casting a new spell. As the chant ends, there is a loud crack, and Bariis stands where the mage once was.
Move 4 squares east, 3 north, and cast Benign Transposition on Bariis and myself. She should be within charge range of Orc 6; I tried to get Orc 5 in range, but it doesn't quite work. That hill is a doozy.

Don the Bastard
2008-08-08, 07:45 PM
Sweet move Vadina.

I can't charge it because of difficult terrain but I should be able to move and attack Orc6. Bariis is getting frustrated now, so she will try and disable this orc, so that she might torture it later for information.

She will move so she is south of the orc to attack, keeping orc5 in sight in case he takes a pot-shot at her she can deflect.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] non-lethal
Scorpion's grasp[roll2]
Damage [roll3] non-lethal

Edit: that should be 2 hits, not very impressive damage though, but hey, he is grappled now.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-08, 09:19 PM
Emadgar sighs as the foliage begins to attack him.

Oh Gods, not a Druid.

He glances at Cirrus, noticing the amount of damage that had already been done to him.

Hmph. Suppose I'd better help the meat-shield.

His tone of voice changes as he chants in common.

Gods, grant me the power to heal my allies.

He gasps as the positive energy flows through him, every pore filling with the essence of Good. Tears flow from his eyes as he continues to chant.


Cast Cure Serious Wounds on Cirrus

The Holy energy gleaming about his hands, he reaches towards Cirrus' enlarged form.

2008-08-08, 10:45 PM

Cirrus nods to Emadgar with the touch of healing energy, he brushes the arrow out of his shoulder and runs off.

(as described above, between the spell and his own healing, he's now back to full strength)

2008-08-09, 12:24 AM

Raven tries to dodge the leafy doom.

Reflex save: [roll0]

If he is slowed by it, rather than stopped, he will push out of it to the NE (or at least diagonally toward the top, right... it is less than a 5' march to get out of the range of the writhing plants.

2008-08-09, 09:07 AM
(( Don I am going to assume that means you will be delaying your action until Gardner goes?

and that spell was surprisingly effective :smallbiggrin: ))

As the bushes and grasses grow and entwine themselves around the group Barriss dodges the plants waiting for her opportunity to advance on the orcish archers.

Emadagar seeing the plight of her warrior companion moves to heal him but just as her concentration is diverted the plants rap themselves around his legs and begin to pull on him. He manages to gather himself despite his restraint and places his healing hands on his companion.

Vadina farthest from the center of the plants rapid growth quickly runs from the area before she cast the spell which places her now enraged companion closer to her targets. At his masters command the ape rips up the plants that surround him and charge through the encroaching terrain.

Barriss now in within striking range takes it upon herself to make good use of it and is up the steep incline with no trouble before the archer can even respond. She barrels into the archer grabbing hold of the orc before he can retaliate and flips him over her shoulder. The orc impacts the ground and a gasp is forced out of the creatures lungs as it falls into unconsciousness.

Cirrus does his best to move out of the entangling plants, which is quite a good attempt and as he attempts to hide behind the small trees he finishes where the cleric left off feeling strong enough for the rest of the fight.

In the distant bushes the group hears a short scream cut short quickly and unnaturally. However it is followed near immediately with a howl of furry and then scream of terror as Sheera learns of the druids guardian and trick. A great dog leaps from the stone of the mountain and attack the mage before she can understand her new position. the dog quickly grabs hold of Sheera and pulls her to the ground (7 damage and you are prone).

Raven distracted by the screams of the near by fight is to slow to avoid the weeds as the climb his leg. The weeds take hold and pull and it is all he can do to keep from falling to a knee.

((there we go now Raven I need your action (you are entangled it take a dc 20 str or escape artist check to not be entangled each of which take a full round but you can move half your speed after) otherwise you are restricted to the square you are in (the weeds are tethered to the ground) and take -2 to attack roles and -4 to dex and need to make a concentration check of 15+level to cast spells

Flashlight you must have expected the companion to be somewhere :smallwink: now self respecting druid would leave himself open like that :smallbiggrin: at least you got your spell off.))



2008-08-09, 11:18 AM
Druids are so cheesy anyway :smallbiggrin: Thank god it's only a dog, and not a dire owlbear or whatever. Btw, from your description I assume the druid is helpless?


Sheera can do nothing but scream as the large dog falls over her and bites in her soft flesh, jumping only a second off her to growl. Pain and fear flood her mind.

"Argh! Over here!, the druid is mute now, help!

Damn animal! Take this!

Adrenaline pumping through her system, Sheera focuses on her next spell, perfectly coordinating her moves while scrambling back from the dog, denying it an easy target. Her clothes begin to meld away, flow apart and weave together into a beam of blinding colors, straight into the dog's eyes!
The spot where Sheera was lying some moments ago is empty now.

Sheera casts Blinding Color Surge at the stupid mongrel! DC 17 blind for the dog, invisibility for Sheera. I assume my crossbow is drawn like stated in PM?

EDIT: I forgot that I'm also to stand up as a Move Action.
Concentration for Defensive Casting:

2008-08-09, 04:18 PM

Raven pulls, but realizes that despite freedom being a short way off, he's not strong enought to escape easily while under attack. "We're fighting a druid... not an invisible opponent! Someone start blasting the trees!" He chants a quick spell, expecting an attack soon for his revelation.

cast Mirror Image, for [roll0] images...

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-09, 09:51 PM
[I don't think I'm entangled, so assuming there are no drastic changes, this'll be my next action]

Hearing Sheera's cry, Emadgar sighs and begins rushing towards the source of the sound.

Hmm. I better lend her a hand. Oh well, at least I'll get to smash a Druid. Bloody Druids.

Emadgar will use two move actions to rush towards Sheera, assuming he's not entangled on his next turn. If he is... He'll sulk or something.
Reflex Save

Don the Bastard
2008-08-11, 07:40 PM
Dropping the limp body of the orc to the ground Bariis readies herself for another assault, she bounds across the ridgeline towards the last archer, clenching her fists with a crack before she leaps into the bush.

Moving to Orc5 and attacking, scorpion's grasp as usual
Scorpions grasp Damage:[roll2]

Edit: Lethal this time

2008-08-12, 05:12 AM
Vadina struggles with the vines once again, and calls out to her summoned beast once more.
"Kill the dog!"
Bound by the vines, Vadina can only attempt to wriggle free.

The ape steps toward the hound, and lashes out with both arms and his jaw.
[roll1] -2 to Dog's AC for blinding.

2008-08-12, 05:17 AM
Vadina's struggles are in vain; the vines hold her tightly.

2008-08-12, 10:37 AM

Emadagar 19
Vadina 19
Cirrus 16
Sheera 6
Raven 8
Orc archers 6
druid/companion 5
Barris 4

Raven gathers himself and with a few arcane gestures completes an illusionary spell. His image seams to split and the new figures begin to react differently the first pulls at the vines and free himself and steps out of the vines before peering about looking for a target the second falls as it attempts to get out of the vines. It crawls to the square next to the true Raven but the two new images cause even the keen of eye to second guess which is real.

The remaining archer levels his bow at Barris who has just finished leveling the other orc. Two arrows streak towards the monk. The first flies past Bariis's shoulder the other is on target directly at barris's gut. Barris still holding the other orc responds with lighting reflexes and she lift the unconscious orc up and uses it as a shield. A loud thunk and a groan exit the unconscious orc as the arrow digs into his back.

The druid still stands in the same position. His companion Snorts as the surge of color blasts against it. However it seems unfazed by the spell and starts to sniff around and finds his target. The dog begins to maul Sheera's invisible form It digs its claws into her flesh and bight at her throat (10 damage).

Bariis drops her most recent victim and sprints towards the remaining archer. Leaping into the bush she brushes the orc's bow to the side. Then she catches the orc under the ribs and pulls herself close and delvers a second punch to the heart. The orcs ribcage collapses and crushes the orcs heart.

Emadagar tries to pull his legs free and move to help his companions however the vines still cling to his legs and restrain him. He curses as the druid's spell confounds him.

Vadina struggles in the undergrowth but her summoned companion steps forward ready to maul the druids companion. Its giant claws rises to the sky ready to kill the dog but his target doges just out of range and the apes bight doesn't pierce the dogs flesh and the dog shakes the ape off.

(( Cirrus you are up ))



2008-08-12, 04:04 PM

Cirrus smiles quietly to himself as he hears the crackling end of the orcish archer. His gaze turns to the final melee between animals and humanoids. With a deep breath he sprints south, swerving around the melee. He stands unwittingly next to his invisible companion, attempting to bring town his crystal blade one the ravenous mongrel.

(ooc: Cirrus will again manifest hustle and double move 12 squares down and three squares right and will attack the dog, again channeling psionic energy ... goodness I'm getting low on power points :smallcool:)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-08-12, 07:18 PM
Cirrus once again draws forth the power within him to aid his companions in combat. As he sidesteps the combat to gain a better position he summons forth his inner power to smite the mongrel. But even as his psionic blade comes down the mongrel's magically enhanced hide deflects the blow harmlessly to the ground where a great crater appears as the power in the blade dissipates.

Sheera scrambles in the dirt as the dog bights at her throat and she pushes it off in time to prevent it from killing her outright however she only has seconds to gather herself and dissolve all the color from her body. They lance of color shoots towards the dog but it seems unfazed except for a snort as if an irritant had gone up its nose.

((Ok I just figured out I f'ed up a few things (luckely they were not to game effecting) I misplaced some initiatives mainly last round I rolled for the dog as if Sheera was invis which she is not.... now she is oops :smalltongue:

ok now we are back on track its ravens turn sorry if there was any confusion ))

Don the Bastard
2008-08-12, 08:38 PM
OOC: Did you take into account my deflect arrows?

2008-08-13, 02:18 AM

Protected slightly by his images, Raven will now try to break the hold of the plants.

Is it possible for Raven to move very carefully and slowly and take 20 to break out of the hold of the plants, because that should free him.

2008-08-13, 07:32 AM
OoC : No it is not possible to take 20 on an escape artist check in this situation. Carefully taking the bonds off does not help as that gives time for others to cling on to you. The escape artist check reflects a quick squirm and pull and then a hop and skip through the underbrush to get away while a str check is just a all out pull on the vines.

you can attempt spells but must make a concentration check = 15 + spell level.

2008-08-13, 10:18 AM

Raven begins gesturing, sending out blasts of wintery cold. He does not cast where other party members might be, and he cuts as close to himself as he dares without actually inflicting any damage on himself. "Looks like an early frost this year!"

Do I need a concentration roll for a spell-like ability? If so, here it is... [roll0]. Obviously I'm only sending one blast per round, and I don't know if you want me to roll 3d4 each time or just come up with a general effect of highly damaging frost on the plant life.

Don the Bastard
2008-08-17, 07:07 AM
Bariis grins sadistically at her last victim, then turns and barrels down the hill towards the second melee, ignoring the stiff and motionless druid she goes to work on the dog instead, but Bariis is being careful not to kill the beast, it might be a good pressure point to get the druid to talk.

Damage:[roll1] non-lethal
Scorpion's Grasp: [roll2] non-lethal

2008-08-20, 01:21 AM
The vines and weeds which entangle Raven freeze and break apart as his cold blast withers the animated plants. However even as the magic cold dissipates the plants begin to creep across the ground and try to latch back on to the mage. ((you get a new reflex save on your turn to resist being entangled and can do so each turn you use the blast.))

I am tired of this game! It is time for you to die.

As the druid screams this his head begins to morph and his ears begin to elongate. His face begins to contort and shift and a high pitch screech issues forth. His arms lengthen and flesh stretches between his fingers and his waste. As is cloths disappear long shaggy hear sprouts along his back. When the transformation is complete what stands there is what appears to be one of the great mountain hunting bats. The druid raises his new wings and and issues another screech and bears his teeth.

The druids animal companion shifts its position now that his first target is gone and turns to his new large opponent. The dog lunges at Cirrus trying to get a hold of his leg and pull him to the ground, but Cirrus lifts his leg just at the right moment and tries to bring it down on the dogs head but the dog shifts again just out of reach.

((sorry for the delay I have been in a creative funk as of late but I hope to get back into this and hopefully none of you have been scared away

And again I think you might want to change your move in respect to the druids action :smallwink:))

Don the Bastard
2008-08-20, 01:55 AM
OOC: Sorry, I had thought that the Druid was held for some reason, just re-targetting then to the druid, trying to get him/her in a flank with Cyrus too.

2008-08-20, 03:39 AM
OoC:He was held until he made his saving throw last round :smallwink:

Bariis careens across the battle field nearly as fast as Cirrus. He collides with heavily with the druid and grabs hold of the druids hair and uses the force of his run to punch the druid square in the face. Blood begins to dribble out of the druids maw before Bariis continues his rush right into the square that the druid occupies an repeats the blow to the head.

((next time remember you do not need the initial touch attack but you still need the grapple check.))



Back to the top of the order

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-20, 04:12 AM
[OOC: Crap. Not much Emadgar can do.]

A thousand and one curses on all Druids! A THOUSAND AND ONE, I SAY!

Right. Time to put a bolt through this bastards face. Heh. And they laughed when I spent all that time practicing with it. Well, at first they laughed. Then they screamed. Got to get this shield off first though.


Hmm. It says in the PHB that loosing a shield is a move action, but it can be a free action if your BAB is ≥+1 and you combine it with a regular move. Assuming I can do that, by combining it with my move action of retrieving Emadgars Heavy Crossbow or Loading it, [Via the Rapid Reload Feat] I'll do that. If not, I'll loose it on my next turn. The following assumes I can combine it.]

Reaching back into his pack with his be-shielded left hand, Emadgar rapidly undoes his shield strap with his right. As the shield begins to fall down to the ground, his left hand rapidly emerges from his large pack, grasping the stock of a large, powerful looking crossbow, the string already taut. No sooner is this completely out of his pack than Emadgars right hand retrieves a bolt from a small handy quiver built into the left hand of his pack. This he slots into the crossbow with the practiced ease of someone who has done so a thousand times before. Emadgars shield hits the ground with a hollow, metallic sound, mingling with the metallic 'click', of the loading mechanism. He smiles, slightly.


Ready/Loose Shield: Free Action, Combined with Draw a Weapon
Draw A Weapon: Move Action
Load a Heavy Crossbow [Aided by the Rapid Reload Feat]: Move Action
Emadgars AC is now reduced by 2 for loosing the shield, combined with the -4 from the dexterity penalty from the entanglement, bringing him down to 16. Bugger.

Gods, I'm glad that I thought to keep the crossbow cocked, the man who made this was a genius. Perhaps I shouldn't have killed him after all... No matter now.

2008-08-20, 05:10 AM

Cirrus bats the mongrel's advances out of his way with his iron shield. He grins to himself as the sound of battle ring in his ears.

Nice doggy he whispers as he brings slashes twice with his blade.

(taking a 5 foot step to the right)

Two attacks on the dog:
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2008-08-20, 08:02 AM

Sheera's eyes nearly come out of their sockets as a expression between horror and disgust appears on her face following the druid's transformation into the ugly animal. Nobody sees this of course.

Next action will depend on whether the dog will be cleft apart or still lives. In either case, I'll stand up from prone as a move action (does the dog smell that I'm getting up?) and in the second case, step back 5ft and fire my crossbow (If I assume that I took it in the PM action and it's loaded, and why shouldn't it?)

Don the Bastard
2008-08-20, 08:20 AM
OOC: I'm waiting for the druid to act before I post my action, so I don't have to chage it again.

2008-08-20, 03:55 PM
The ape continues to lash out at his foes.

Vadina once again struggles with the entangling vines

The ape attacks the dog if it's alive, or the druid otherwise. If dog's prone, +4 to hit. If attacking the druid, he's denied Dex from grappling.

2008-08-20, 09:53 PM

Raven and his other captured image once again try to avoid the entangling plants.

Reflex save: [roll0]
Edit: Raven easily dances free of the area of entangling plants and turns his attention to the shape-shifting druid.

Don the Bastard
2008-08-25, 02:51 AM
OOC: Bumping this to bring it back to crazedloon's attention.

2008-08-27, 11:48 AM

Emadagar 19
Vadina 19
Cirrus 16
Sheera 6
Raven 8
Orc archers 6
druid/companion 5
Barris 4

Emadagar’s Hands are a blur as he readies his weapons. The creeping plants tighten around his legs and begin to climb. When the shield hits the ground the plants quickly engulf it.

The great ape claws at the dog and lashes out with its teeth. However all that the ape can claw at is the air as the dog shifts it weight just out of reach and all that the ape can bight at is the rough flesh of the dog but it can’t puncture the thick skin. Vadina struggles with the plants but they continue to entwine themselves around her legs and begin to climb her thighs and no matter the squirming Vadina can not get loose.

Cirrus grins to himself as the dog slams against he shield. He takes his opportunity just as the dogs slides out of the apes way and he slashes across the dog. A yelp of pain is Cirrus’s reward and then with another downward swing the dogs skull is split open and the light leaves the dogs eyes. The druid lets loose a loud screech ,as he struggles with Bariss ,at the sight of his companions demise.

Raven and his copies reform as a single image before splitting once more. He manages to struggle free and walk out of the plants but another of his images trips and the plants seem to entangle around him. The third image stumbles out of the weeds but only gets half as far as the real Raven.

((I need flashlights change in action and once I have that I can do the druid’s turn Once again sorry for the delay))

2008-08-27, 12:56 PM

After the dog's skull cracks open, Sheera sees he opportunity and quickly scrambles from the floor, rising her crossbow, but upon seeing the ugly druid still fighting with Bariis, she lowers it again, unsure whether the situation is in control now or not.

Sheera stands up from prone and delays her action until the end of the turn.

2008-08-28, 10:45 PM
As Sheera's Invisible form collects itself and watches for an opening the druid wrestles with Bariis. The now bat like druid struggles and pulls at Bariis but the monks grip remains the same as he clamps down on the druid even tighter as the druids every squirm gives Bariis the advantage.

((map hasnt changed much :smallwink: so I need everyone's actions up to the druid))

Rettu Skcollob
2008-08-28, 11:27 PM
Seeing that the situation is firmly under the control of his companions, Emadgar sighs, and lowers his crossbow.

I'm probably more likely to hit them than the Druid.

Hurry up and kill this bastard, these damned plants are getting on my nerves!

2008-08-29, 12:32 AM

Sheera dismisses her invisibility and appears right before the druid, the crossbow resting easily on her shoulder.

"Remove your stupid plants and stop resisting, or we will kill you, slowly and painfully"

Just an off-topic question: should I roll intimidate for threathening npcs like that?

2008-08-31, 03:41 PM
Vadina continues to struggle with the vines. Her summoned beast keeps trying to hit the dog.


Don the Bastard
2008-08-31, 07:32 PM
OOC: So I take it the druid has had his/her go then? What did it do?

Don the Bastard
2008-09-01, 01:57 AM
Bariis lets go of the bat, dropping back down onto her knees in a crouching position, and roaring at the creature, her face twisted into an animalistic grin, she leaps off the ground onto the bat once more.

On my turn I will release my grapple and make a full attack action, with flurry, all non-lethal damage, and grappling again on the last attack if it hits.

Attack 1(Flurry)[roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]
Attack 2(Flurry)[roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]
Attack 3(Haste Bonus)[roll4]
Damage 3 [roll5]
Grapple Check [roll6]
Grapple Damage [roll7]

2008-09-03, 12:28 AM

Raven, freed of the vines runs toward the bat creature, getting within range of his freezing blast, and waiting for an opening... such as it rising into the air.

2008-09-03, 06:54 AM

Sheera shakes her head as Bariis leaps on the druid like if frenzied

Great bookfather, this bloodthirst is really disgusting...

"Bariis, can't you just hold him. We could get him to surrender and maybe extract some useful information"

If not, there are often other ways to extract knowledge

She grins at that thought, reminiscincing about some good times in the thieves guild. A feeling of pain suddenly interrupts her memories as the adrenaline of the fight loses it's effect, and unconsciously, she looks at the still entangled Emadgar. For a moment, she also tries to look whether Ama has moved up from her position or not.

Locking stares with the struggling druid, she repeats, more threatening:

"Remove your plants at once, druid, I will not ask another time"

Sheera is trying to find Ama between all the plants and see if she's well. Also, rolling Intimidate to force the druid into cooperation (don't forget the circumstance bonus of a crazy monk bashing at you :smallbiggrin: [roll0]

2008-09-03, 04:38 PM
When Bariis throws the creature to the ground and the druid struggles to his feat just the be knocked prone and unconscious by Bariis's volley of blows. Bariis is left standing over the crumpled form of an orc as the druids body reforms with a bunch of cracks and pops as muscle and bone change shape rapidly.

As Sheera looks around she sees the vines still clinging to Emadgar and the clerics still struggles against its cling. However Ama stands calmly almost bored. Her arms are folded and she isn't even looking at the combat. Her foot has begun to tap the ground in a constant tick. most disturbing is the fact that not a single plant has touched her. A ring of dead weeds and bramble has collected around her as the plants seamed to have tried to claw towards her only to shrivel and die when it got near to her.

((OoC: ok so no more map you have two unconscious orcs one of which is a couple yards away in the bushes the other is the druid. The plants are still clinging to those entrapped and are covering the same area and are actively trying to grasp anyone who enter))

Don the Bastard
2008-09-03, 07:24 PM
Bariis drops the druids body to the ground. She then pops her neck, shoulders and knuckles in turn. "Recover! Are we all still in one piece" She lifts her large fur coat out of the way to reveal a deep gash in her six pack, "... it'll heal. Sheera, I felt it best we subdue him first, recover and then... interogate. You will notice I refrained from snapping his neck, and so he is merely unconcious" She walks over to the guide offering a hand, "Are you well enough to continue?"

2008-09-04, 12:29 AM

"Yes, nevermind"

Sheera can only sigh at Bariis words, and doesn't even flitch as the druid hits the floor. Too disturbing is the picture of the dying plants around Ama's feet.

Something is terribly wrong here...

As she feels the numbing pain again, she makes some arcane gestures, hands pointing at the vines.

Sheera casts Dispel Magic against the druids spell
Dispel Roll: [roll0]

"Here Emadgar, that should free you..."

Afterwards, she points to the other Orc, adressing Cirrus

"What to do with the other orc?"

Rettu Skcollob
2008-09-04, 05:58 AM
Emadgar curses heavily under his breath, venting his anger on Druid's in an ineffectual way by half-heartedly kicking out at some of the vines. He only succeeds in entangling his lower extremities further, which only serves to further irritate him.

Cursed Druids. This spell had best end soon, it is becoming tiring.

2008-09-05, 04:23 PM
With a word and a gesture, Vadina unravels her summoning spell, and the ape vanishes with an audible crack. The vines were becoming a nuisance, but the battle was won.

"Well, for being ambushed in a high pass, that certainly could have been worse. How is Ama?"

2008-09-06, 01:35 AM

Raven turns back to look at their guide, and see how she is.

2008-09-06, 04:08 PM
Sheera casts her spell and the plants which have become quit thick begin to shrink rapidly before disappearing entirely. All that is left is the sparse underbrush which was present prior to the druid's meddling. But the ring of dead plants still remain but as the spell disappears it begins to turn to piles of ash and the slight breeze in the pass begin to lift the light gray substance into the air and the ring begins to disappear.

Ama looks on as Bariss walks down the hill towards her and looks as the others seem concerned.

Are you done playing with the orcs. We have some way to go now and I tire of your lack of focus.

Ama's voice is cold and unkind.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-09-06, 09:16 PM
Emadgar takes a few more swipes at the plants as they disappear into the ground, with glee.

Gods breath, finally. Curse Druids and their pathetic, primitive worship.

Emadgar re straps his shield to his arm and places his crossbow back, but not before removing the bolt. As Ama speaks his eyes narrow.

Lack of...

God DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN HER!!! She was collapsed on the bloody floor before! I only gave her some minor magic to prevent her worsening while we fought!


Shall I record the XP we got then? (If so how much) Or wait until later?

Don the Bastard
2008-09-07, 05:07 AM
"Fair point Ama, perhaps 60 seconds was a little too long for this battle, next time you are shot in the chest I shall walk on"

Bariis, her point made, picks up her cloak and sets off up the hill, to drag down the second unconcious orc.

2008-09-08, 02:37 AM

Raven nods, "Indeed... and I'd like to say, the first ten minutes of doing your job, you know, guiding us... into an ambush?!? Not the most stellar performance on record. You might not want to quit your day job."

2008-09-10, 10:22 AM
These are the hellgate mountains Wizard. For one so educated as yourself you should know that these mountains are filled with primitives such as these.

She rolls her eyes at Raven as she is accused of doing a poor job. She strides through the ashen waste that is the dead plants and up the hill to where Bariis has begun to drag the orc down the hill. She gives the orc a stern look before flicking a hand over the prostrate body before turning her back. As she walks away the orcs body splits asunder and Bariis is left dragging the upper half of the what was once an orc archer.

Is there a reason you left them alive? They are a primitive barbarian tribe. They know nothing of importance. They probably just wished to kill you for your possessions or perhaps to eat you.

2008-09-10, 12:00 PM

Eww, gross

"Not a bad trick, could be a lot more useful if you had tried it in the fight. But if we're in need of a slaughterhouse, we'll let you know"

Rubbing her injured neck, she walks up to Emadgar and changes her voice to a more friendly tone:

"Hey there, could you possible lend me a healing hand?

2008-09-11, 01:37 AM

Raven shrugs, "So, this is a common occurrence here... how interesting. Stop accusing us of wasting time then just because we are dealing with the terrain. You're either part of the problem, part of the solution or part of the scenery... I suggest you stop being the latter, and we can move through these obstacles more quickly."

Rettu Skcollob
2008-09-11, 08:33 AM
Emadgar idly rubs at the blood on his face, lost in thought, but brightens up when asked for help. It had been a while since anyone had spoken to him with a friendly tone. He smiles at Sheera.

That will be no problem. In future on this trip I will prepare additional healing magic. Obviously I, or should I say; all of you are going to need it.

Emadgar once again joins his hands together, murmuring a low chant. Warm, blue light surrounds him briefly, and his hair and clothes are whipped by a wind that seems to come from nowhere. Once again, he feels the positive energy go through him, gasping slightly. His eyes fill up with tears once again.

Curse my sensitivity to these energies... Gods, how weak I must seem.

The experience passes swiftly, leaving a incandescent blue glow surrounding Emadgars hands. Without delay, he wipes his eyes on his sleeve, and turns towards Sheera. Reaching out, he places his right hand on her neck, where her wound lies.

I wonder what her reaction to the positive energies will be? It touches all of us differently.

Relax. This should feel pleasant.

Cast Cure Moderate Wounds
Damage Healed

2008-09-11, 01:43 PM

The woman closes her eyes as the positive energies wade through her body, sealing the wounds. It feels pleasant and tickles a bit, leaving a nice, fuzzy sensation on the skin.

"Thank you, much better now."

Moving closer to Emadgar, she whispers, trying to be unheard by the others:

"This Ama woman is strange, and I don't trust her. I guess it's best to be prepared, and have allies when something goes wrong"

With a nod and a smile, she continues, loud, adressing everybody.

"If we are staying too long at this place, there may be more orcs that come across. Lets get moving."

With the last words, Twinkles the rat comes out of the backpack again, resting on Sheera's shoulder.

2008-10-08, 10:23 AM
OOC: I'm assuming this is dead, from the fact it hasn't moved... PM me if it ever gets going again... removing it from my subscription list.

2008-10-09, 03:38 AM
OOC: I'm assuming this is dead, from the fact it hasn't moved... PM me if it ever gets going again... removing it from my subscription list.

OOC: Same for me

Rettu Skcollob
2008-10-09, 04:22 AM
OOC: Same here.