View Full Version : To Hell and Back Again[b]

2008-08-02, 08:17 AM
The group:
Ryan Liam O'Connell (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=15713) The Bushranger
Todd Devilslayer (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4614) Chineselegolas
seren (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=15701) tophat
Portraal (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=71075) Cheesegear
Grimbold Stoneaxe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=59328) Greg
Dalton Lemnah (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=71631) SilentNight

The OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4637925#post4637925)

You have done as the vision said and you have traveled to the base of the hellgate mountains. The first to arrive set up camp and waited. Soon he was joined by more. As the days passed the group grew. Each night each individual dreams the same dream. The individual standing before you telling you that you must wait. Then just as you attempt to ask "wait for what?" the prophet is devoured by demons.

However tonight the dream is different the profit tells you that you shall wait no longer awake and prepare for the day because today you enter the mountains and perhaps hell itself. As you wake up and do your morning routine a single figure appears just outside you camp and she enters calmly. And asks

"Are you all ready for your final great task?"

2008-08-02, 09:31 AM
As Dalton tightens his bandana and checks his chain, he whips around at the sound of the voice. "You would be the prophet then," he says. Although he seems at ease, white sparks dart between the spikes of his gauntlet.

The Bushranger
2008-08-02, 10:02 AM
Ryan O'Connell, Human Bard/Rogue

The young man looks up from checking his swords and watches the woman approach.

Well, I'd like to think I'm ready, seeing as apparently you've dragged us all out here. And I'd also presume that we'd better be because it's time for whatever we're out here for, eh?

2008-08-02, 03:28 PM
Grimbold regards the woman with a hard stare."Final? Who are you, and what is this quest?"

2008-08-02, 05:07 PM
Portraal stared at his companions, they'd probably had the same dream that he had.
"I don't expect this to be my final great task. I should hope that I have many great tasks left ahead of me. But, yes, I am ready." said Portraal, riding atop his fearsome heavens-sent companion, Bane.

2008-08-02, 06:56 PM

Getting to his feet, and leaning forward on his greatsword, driving the point a short way into the rocky ground, "Final task, I think not. There are still many devils in this world and not all are here."

2008-08-03, 09:23 AM
The tall figure looks unimpressed by the group. Her looks leave the onlookers with an thought of pure beauty without the ability to put their thumb on what brought the thought about. Each individual feels an unnatural attraction to the figure.

I am the one who will be leading you on your quest into and through hell you may cal me Ama. It is your final great quest because I highly doubt any of you will live through this.

She looks at Todd with a bemused look and smiles catching him of gaurd.

The devils you must worry about are not on this plane.

The Bushranger
2008-08-03, 09:34 AM

Well ma'am I don't want to dissapoint you but I have every intention of living through this. I've still got too many places to go and ladies to seduce, you see.

2008-08-03, 09:39 AM
My musical comrade speaks the truth. I have no intention of dying anytime soon. But what manner of task would this be?

2008-08-03, 04:41 PM
Portraal shifts a little uneasily as he listens to the prophet; They hadn't steered him wrong yet. And one announcing that he was going to die unsettled Portraal just a little bit. But - then again - why would they send him on a quest that would end his life?

"Like my comrades, I too have every intention of living through this quest. Although, I suppose you are right, that doesn't mean that I will. Unless, part of this quest requires that we die in order to enter the Spirit World, to solve some trouble there?"

Portraal seemed quite pleased with this logic. Even though he was probably wrong, he could still hope, right?

2008-08-03, 05:27 PM
"And what shall our deaths achieve?"

2008-08-03, 09:37 PM

"Well Ama, we shall see how many of us will live through this and prove you wrong. But as he says" pointing over his shoulder with his thumb at Dalton, "What is this great task you would have us do. I've been away from my tribe for long enough, I should be back with them protecting the young and old from the tide."

2008-08-04, 09:04 AM
You are indeed a curious and un-trusting bunch. I believe that may indeed be the very flaw which will end you all. How many of you are familiar with the afterlife and hell itself?

She does not wait for a response before moving on.

When you die as you mortals always do if you are not deemed worthy by your deity or evil in any manner your soul does not go to the realm of your god but to the pits of hell. There it is dissolved on the rocks of the River Styx until nothing remains of you. However some things the river can not even destroy. The great falls that fall to the forgotten lake is the last place where all the good things go to die. That is where we are going and there you will be tested.

2008-08-04, 06:44 PM
"Tell me more. What would you have us do?"

2008-08-04, 07:44 PM
"Well, Mystara was kind enough to save me in my youth. Hopefully I'll prove my worth. Shall we be off?" He turns to pack up the rest of his gear.

The Bushranger
2008-08-04, 08:13 PM

Then let us be tested. I for one believe that I am ready.

2008-08-05, 06:52 AM
Todd Devilslayer

"So we are basically going to have a very thorough bath" Todd said with a grin, "Already had one this year, but fine, if that is what is required." Getting up and putting everything back into his backpack he slung it over a shoulder, "So who brought the soap?"

2008-08-05, 07:17 AM
Portraal snorted at the prophet.
"My faith in my Gods is strong, my faith never waivers! I've fought with demons from the Nine Hells themselves and I'll do it again if that's what's needed. If I should die, I die knowing my ancestors are proud."

2008-08-05, 09:17 AM
Let us be going, I tire of this place

her hand glides smoothly in a beckoning motion and she begins to walk in the direction from which she came. You all follow in your own time.

You travel for 4 hours (if you wish to add any intermediate discussion feel free to do so in OoC otherwise it will be a very quite walk :smallwink: but I thought you might want to get into a little action). The terrain is uneven and their is no path. The dwarven roads which once could be followed without trouble through the great mountains are now only rubble. The going is not easy however you can not slow down as your guide walks on unfettered by the difficult terrain.

You all hear a guttural roar and the swish of arrows mid flight. Then the two arrows meet their target. The first embeds itself just above Ama's breast the second in her thigh. She falls to her knees before falling on her side. You however have little time to react because from the west face of the mountain four figures seam to emerge as if from nowhere. The midday sun glimmers off large battle axes as the four orcs rush down the hill roaring their battle cry.


place yourself in the gray area. and roll initiative and any character reaction to the ambush

up to each blue mark are a hill it takes 1.5 squares to move up and 3/4 to move down.
up to the green is a slight incline which does not impeed movement.
up to the purple is a severe incline coming down is at 2x speed and going up is at 1/4th. if you end your turn on the slope you must succeed on a balance check of 10. If you fail and were going up or horizontal you are flat footed if you where going down you fall prone.
the green is bushes and other difficult terrain.

sorry for the ghetto map its the best I can do :smallwink:

2008-08-05, 10:20 AM
inititive[roll0] .

Ill cast magic missile at orc5 [roll1]

ooc :sorry i havent seen the post til now, ill get into the roleplaying after the g fight

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 01:20 PM

((on the gray square 1 behind and 1 left of 'pro'))

Ryan pulls out his wand of Magic Missile (5th) and targets orc #3.


Magic Missile - auto hit, all three missiles at orc #3, damage

2008-08-05, 08:36 PM
Dalton is two squares to the right of pro.

Dalton uncoils his chain and then holds out his left hand.
If he acts before the orcs.
White sparks dance across the gauntlets spikes and then coalesce into a bolt that shoots at orc4.
Attack (ranged touch):

If not, he will attack the nearest orc in range.
Attack: 1d20+10
Crit Confirmation:1d20+10
Damage: 1d6+1

2008-08-05, 08:40 PM
Apparently rolls don't work on edit.

Crit confirmation:[roll1]

2008-08-05, 08:59 PM
Is each 'square' 5ft.? If so, Pythagoras' Theorem tells me that the grey square furthest west of 'Pro', up to the square between O1 and O2 is 30ft. x1.5 (moving on the blue hill), gives me a distance of ~45ft. Easy move distance for a Dire Wolf mount. YAY SCIENCE!

Portraal's Combat
I'll assume that the 'blue' counts as difficult terrain, and therefore can't charge.
For expediance, I've written everything now, if the attacks don't hit, disregard everything else.
Portraal's Initiative: [roll0]
Bane's Initiative: [roll1]

Bane runs to the space between O1/O2, Portraal casts Bless as a swift action (Battle Blessing).

Bane attacks O1 with Bite [roll2], +12 BAB, +1 Bless
Portraal attacks O2 with Longsword [roll3], +10 BAB, +1 Bless
If Bane's attack hits, he Trips (touch attack) the Orc-1 [roll4], +13 Attack, +4 Size (Large)

Bane's Bite O1: [roll5], in addition to a Trip - if any.
Portraal's Sword O2: [roll6]

2008-08-05, 09:07 PM
Since Bane goes before Portraal, it means he moves before Portraal casts Bless, so, Portraal is ~45ft. away when he casts Bless, and since Bane goes first, -1 from all his attacks and damage. I think he still hits/trips/damages Orc-1 for a fair bit though.
Bane really does this;
Attack Roll = 18
If that hits
Trip Roll = 22
Damage = 12

2008-08-06, 08:58 AM

Turning to see and hear the Orcs, Todd yelled back at them, just as loudly, if not more so, drawing his blade covering the gap between himself and Orc #2 in a great strides, his blade twirling around him as he continued to yell like a mad man.

Charge orc. Activate Whirling Frenzy. Pounce. Power attacking for 3
Attack 1 using first Holy Fury Point.
[roll1]. Another +2 if evil.
[roll2]. Extra [roll3] if evil
Attack 2
Attack 3

2008-08-06, 09:08 AM
Grimbold is in front of pro.

Grimbold hefts his greataxe and charges orc 3.

Attack(d20+12+2(charge)+1(racial bonus vs. Orcs)) =[roll0]
Damage(d12+9+d8(powerful charge)+2(racial substitution vs. orcs)) = [roll1] + [roll2]

2008-08-06, 09:15 AM
Almost forgot his cleave
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-08-09, 07:29 AM
I forgot initiative :smallredface:


2008-08-09, 05:47 PM

Ryan 26
bane 17
Orc archers 12
Seren 9
Orc Warriors 9
Portraal 8
grimbold 8
Dalton 6
todd 5
((next combat any familiars or animal companions act on your initiative :smallwink: you can choose between round who goes first between you but some time but for this combat you can act at different inits))

Ryan is quick on his toes and responds before the orcs can even finish their downhill charge. He whips out his wand and with a arcane flourish sends 3 magic projectiles against the nearest orcs where they explode on impact drawing blood and rewarding Ryan with a blood curdling yell from the orc.

Bane streaks across the battle field bounding up the slope with his companion on his back. He barrels into the orcs and as orc meets wolf in a terrible crash ensues and the orc is laid low. Now laying on his back the warrior is left with nearly defenseless against the wolf's onslaught.

seeing their allies plight the archers let loose a volley at the paladin and his mount. Four arrows streak through the air and they land with loud thuds into the ground. When the arrows have landed two protrude from their targets (bane takes 11 as does Portaal).

Seren begins to form the arcane gestures intended for her magic however just as she begins a bolt of lightning drops from the sky and lands square on Seren. The power of the bolt travels clean through her (10 damage) but she manages to compose herself and complete the ritual. Three missiles fly at their target and seren is rewarded as large chunks of flesh are blasted out of the orcs arm and a stream of blood flows from the wound.

The orcs finish their downhill charge into the group and those that encountered the wold stand their ground. The just tripped orc lets loose a mighty rage and swings his axe wildly. Bane ducks under the wild swing but even as bane dodges the orcs swing bane place Portaal in the way of danger and the second orcs attack come clean across Portaal's chest (17 damage)
The other orcs slam into the party slashing. The first orc to hit brings his axe down onto Todd as todd tries to strike the other orc as he rushes past. However Todd forgoes his strike to block the first orc's strike. The second orc barely being missed by Todd's attack is undaunted and bring his axe in a wide circular slash at Grimbold's head. If it was not for the great dwarven plate which covers his body he would have lost is head. Instead the blade is deflected down into his shoulder where it digs deep and comes loose with a screech of metal (23 damage).

Portaal attempts to emulates his mounts success however with no avail as his sword swings into nothing. and the orcs let loose a hoot of laughter at the paladins unskilled attack.

Grimbold wheeling from the great blow to the head does not let his wound slow him as he counterattacks with equal fury and plants his axe in the orcs gut. As the intestines begin to spill out the only thing keeping him going is his fury. But when grimbold brings the axe down on the now incoherent orcs shoulder the beast falls to the ground dead as a doornail.

Dalton steps through the group to aid Todd with his current orc problem. He heft his chain and swings it in a great arc and brings at the orcs midsection. The chain raps around the orc's body and Dalton rips as the chain shreds flesh. But the orc seems unfazed but when Todd's blade begins to rain blow after blow he is soon left as nothing but a bloody mess.



((sorry about the delay had to wait for all inits hopefuly we can get this moving along))

2008-08-09, 05:51 PM
The orcs finish their downhill charge into the group and those that encountered the wold stand their ground. The just tripped orc lets loose a mighty rage and swings his axe wildly. Bane ducks under the wild swing but even as bane dodges the orcs swing bane place Portaal in the way of danger and the second orcs attack come clean across Portaal's chest (17 damage)

So, does that mean the tripped Orc doesn't try to stand up?

2008-08-09, 06:05 PM
no he knows its better to push the attack :smallwink:

2008-08-09, 07:21 PM
Shouting to the others, "Bring the archers down, I'll help the knight!", Grimbold makes haste towards Orc1, attacking if possible.

Init (if needed) [roll0]
Attack (if needed) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2008-08-09, 07:41 PM
Todd Devilslayer

Vaguely noticing Grimbolds instruction through the hazy of his frenzy, Todd turned and moved swiftly up the hill.

The Bushranger
2008-08-09, 11:28 PM

Somebody take out those archers!

Ryan turns to Ama and drops next to her, reaching for his wand of Cure Light Wounds.

Do I need to make a Heal check to remove the arrows?
If so:
Heal: [roll0]
edit: whew! The dice seem to like me on untrained checks. :smallamused:

Either way, that wand is going to be put to use on their guide.

2008-08-09, 11:47 PM
Bane changes targets to the other Orc next to him that's standing up, whilst Portraal dismounts and attempts to stab the prone Orc.
P Attack: [roll0]
This Orc is prone, -4 to AC, right?

B Attack: [roll1]
If this hits Trip: [roll2]

P Damage: [roll3]
B Damage: [roll4]

2008-08-10, 12:12 AM
Dalton moves six squares to the left and then launches a brilliant bolt of white energy from his gauntleted hand at orc5.

Attack (ranged touch):[roll0]

2008-08-10, 03:40 AM
Seren attempts to summon aid from the celestial plane

Summon monster 3 , as near to the archers asI can get it (range 35ft)calling on a Celestial Hippogriff

2008-08-20, 02:46 AM
Ryan leans next to Ama and slides the arrows from her wounds before turning his wand on their guide. Ama opens her eyes looks Ryan straight in the eyes. She puts her hand on his face sighs slightly and then says in a calm voice Don't you have something more important to do?

Bane bites the orcs forearm and pulls him to the ground before the warrior has a chance to stop the wolf. Bane yanks him to the ground and begins to maul at the warriors face. The orc can only throw his axe up to cover his face and prevent his complete mauling.

The archers then send a volley at the two warriors who just finished massacring the other orc warriors. The volley of arrows rain down on the group. Most of the arrows careen past the warriors but one finds a chink in Todd's shirt and digs deep into his shoulder (10 damage)

Seren begins to form the signs and sigils which begin to create a temporary binding for a creature from the celestial plane. But as she forms the symbols another bolt travels from the sky and lands directly where she is standing (9 damage reflex for half and then a concentration check to not loose the spell).

The orc warriors now fighting for their lives from their backs swing their axes at the wolf with the paladin on its back. They roar with rage as the wolf presses the attack but their flailing seams useless when one of the orcs swings his axe up just as bane rears to finish of one of the orcs. The axe lands clear in the wolfs chest and a howl of pain is released from his muzzle (19 damage). Enraged by his companions wound Portraal leaps of his back and brings his blade down on one of the orcs decapitating him where he lay prone.

Grimbold sprints up the hill dodging past the wounded mount and slices the remaining orc in twain. He turns to look at the archers across the gorge and shout his command down to the rest of the group.

Dalton step away from the fire of the archers and lets loose a little of his inner fire. A bolt of pure magic spreads across the gorge and impacts one of the archers. The orcs body is engulfed in flame and a scream is issued from his lips and the orc falls to his knees as he burns to nothing.

((remember you only have 16 levels (now 6) of spellfire you need to get hit by spells to get them remember that.))

Todd begins to sprint up the hill towards the remaining archer foaming at the mouth as he lusts for more blood.


sorry for the delay

The Bushranger
2008-08-20, 07:18 AM

The bard's cheeks colour ever-so-slightly, but he nods.
Not previously, but now, I suppose I do.
He stands and takes in the situation, then runs after Todd.

I presume he did in fact use one charge of the CLW wand...
And now I regret not having had him select a ranged weapon. :smalltongue:

No problem, glad to have you, and this, back. :smallsmile:

2008-08-20, 09:27 AM
It's all good. Glad to be back. I should have 10 spellfire levels left though.

Noticing the bolt that hit seren, Dalton looks to the sky, ready to catch the next one. ((He readies an action to absorb a lightning bolt cast at him.))

2008-08-21, 05:15 AM
Grimbold advances down the hill.