View Full Version : Classic Traveller: Round up a Posse (IC)

2008-08-02, 02:46 PM
You have just disembarked from the Subsidised Liner Phantasmagoria into the orbital starport Franklin's Folly in Mjolnir orbit. The arrival lounge is full of bustling people disembarking and heading towards the foyer. There is a small bar in the nearest corner sellings beverages at extortionate prices; it has attracted a small crowd of naive recent arrivals. By the bar a tall man in a sharp suit waves a plaquard with your names on it with his left hand, nursing a drink with his right. Two marines flank the exit door, and check each person passing through with a scanning arch.

2008-08-02, 05:05 PM
Doctor Seong's hoverchair silently glides over to the bar. "Good afternoon," he said to the man with the placard. "I think you're waiting for me. Among others, of course." With a bit of maneuvering, he got the chair close enough to the bar to pass a few credits over. "Something local and strong, please."

2008-08-02, 05:26 PM
Orwn enters the starport area, wearing his imperial style buisiness suit for the occasion. Maybe this was a bit less formal then a real buisiness meeting but it is always better to be overdressed then the other way around.

Humans are so much more depending on visual clues to form their first impression of someone after all.

With the smell of literally dozens of other beings (human and otherwise) hanging in the air, it is nearly impossible to pick out individual scents.

Oh well, it had been a pretty spontaneous decision to join the TAS ship lottery with this bunch of humans but sometimes, the most spontaneous ideas are the best. But hey, humans are an interesting species and the ability to spend some time with a bunch of them, not only working together but also sharing the same living space would be a new experience.

Orwn spots the plaquard-waving man and nudges his fellow teammate.

"Over there. Our greeting commitee."

He start walking over to the man, tail held high in excitement and anticipation.


2008-08-02, 05:37 PM
Becky walks quickly to the group, catches her foot on the edge of the carpet, stumbles, and drops one of her suitcases, spilling out some of her tools. She curses fluently under her breath as she gathers everything up, then joins her party. "Sorry, guys. What'd I miss?"

2008-08-03, 05:28 AM
The blonde, muscled barman spends an inordinate amount of time mixing up an infernal ale-based concoction. It has a plume of steam frothing off it.

"One Thor's Hammer. It'll put hair on your chest, eh? Or maybe you light it on fire and take out a small air/raft." He says with a carousing smile. "1Cr, sar."

The man holding the placard is wearing a shabby suit, and a TAS lapel pin. He sways slightly as he gets up to shake your hand. "Muzz J-ckson, d'cr See-ung." He does a double-take at Orwn, then clears his throat "Grrrhhrrraarrgghh-Gdfgggrhhhrrr. *hick*"

The drink has done little for his already shoddy Vargr, and Orwn can only guess at the meaning of his greeting.

"Gr'tings from th' TAS. Mah name is Johann King. I h'v been assigned to 'scort you to y'r ship. Pls 'scuse mah drunk-ness. Th' said your liner was d-layed so ah didn't think you'd be makin' it t'night. We'll wait for Mr..." He looks at a scrap of paper. "Macout, to arr've, then we'll get moving. I h'v b'n 'nstructed to ansser an' qweshuns you might have."

Jolly Steve
2008-08-03, 06:16 AM
Here I am!

Tuesday runs up, dragging his suitcases.

2008-08-03, 10:22 AM
Orwn shots a glance at Becky, waiting for her to give him a signal if he should proceed with the talking, or if she wants to take over this one.


2008-08-03, 10:31 AM
Becky nods at Orwn to proceed. She's still a bit flustered and trying to count her tools inside her suitcase to make sure they are all there.

2008-08-03, 02:38 PM
TThe man holding the placard is wearing a shabby suit, and a TAS lapel pin. He sways slightly as he gets up to shake your hand. "Muzz J-ckson, d'cr See-ung." He does a double-take at Orwn, then clears his throat "Grrrhhrrraarrgghh-Gdfgggrhhhrrr. *hick*"

The drink has done little for his already shoddy Vargr, and Orwn can only guess at the meaning of his greeting.

"Gr'tings from th' TAS. Mah name is Johann King. I h'v been assigned to 'scort you to y'r ship. Pls 'scuse mah drunk-ness. Th' said your liner was d-layed so ah didn't think you'd be makin' it t'night. We'll wait for Mr..." He looks at a scrap of paper. "Macout, to arr've, then we'll get moving. I h'v b'n 'nstructed to ansser an' qweshuns you might have."

Wasn't it a sharp suit in the first post? :smallamused:

Orwn decides to ingore the inebriated state of their contact for the sake of diplomacy.

"Ah, our little crew is complete now, Mr. King. Allow me to introdruce ourselves: This is Captain Becky Jackson, our captain and..."

Orwn hesistates for a moment and remembers that, according to human customs, he is supposed to introduce himself last instead of going in the order of rank/charisma.

"... this is Mr. Tuesday Macout, our Pilot. And this man here is Doctor Archibald Seong, our engineer."

"And last but not least, i am Orwn Ewon, former Assistant Manager of the Knol Dourrg trading company (human resources branch) and now Captain Jackson's aide and liason."

Orwn nods and places a hand on his chest, just below his medaillion, to draw Mr. King's attention to it.

"Mr. Macout and Doctor Seong will have a few technical questions for you, no doubt."

With a short nod, Orwn passes the conversation on to the technical staff.


Jolly Steve
2008-08-03, 04:45 PM
Yes...um, in regard to the specs of the ship...which is the button that makes it go?

Tuesday giggles explosively at his own joke, stopping only when he realises that no one else is laughing.

2008-08-03, 07:00 PM
Seong smiles a bit at Tuesday. "We'll need full copies of all her papers, of course, and her tech books and logs. I'll need to know if there have been any major modifications, and the last time she had an overhaul. But really, right now, I want to see our ship." Excitement burns in his eyes. Or perhaps that's the alcohol he just tossed back in one gulp.

2008-08-04, 05:37 AM
No flies on you, Voshkod. It looked sharp from a distance, but up close you can see it has seen better days.

"Regr'ttableh, I cannot take you to the ship at this exact moment, as Customs ar' passin' bricks over 't fr sum reason, but it shud b' ready f' t'mmorrow mornin'. Until then, the TAS wud like to off' iss hosptal'ty. The papers are 't the TAS h'stel. 'm not a spacer m'self, so I can't tell ya much 'bout the ship. Look's prett' new though."

He gestures towards the exit hatch.

"'fter you."

[[Forgot to ask earlier, what are your characters carrying on them? I'll assume everything else is in their luggage.]]

2008-08-04, 11:13 AM
Orwn waits for Becky to take the lead and files in behind her.

His luggage is being taken care of.

I will just go ahead and assume a service exits to have your luggage brought to your hotel room or whereever for a small (or not-so-small) fee. He'll use his PDA to re-route his stuff to their quarters.

"Certainly. Now if you would tell us the adress of our quarters, i'll arrange for our luggage to be sent there."


2008-08-04, 02:54 PM
"Jus' t'll 'em t' send it to th' TAS, th'll know where t' t'k it."

Jolly Steve
2008-08-04, 02:57 PM
[[Forgot to ask earlier, what are your characters carrying on them? I'll assume everything else is in their luggage.]]

Are we meant to buy weapons/equipment before starting?

2008-08-04, 03:05 PM
"Listen, sweetie, are you for real?" Becky sniffs to see if the guy smells drunk or if he's faking it. He's coming across as seriously over the top.

Becky has two bags, one with her tools, and the other with her clothes and personal items. If it's legal for her to carry her weapons, she's got them too. Otherwise, they are in the checked luggage. She'll also have the tech level equivalent of a cell phone and laptop, though neither are state of the art. She doesn't use them often.

2008-08-04, 03:35 PM
"Great," mumbled Seong. "I have a bad feeling about this." His fingers flicked a few controls on the hoverchair and he began to follow the drunk.

2008-08-05, 06:04 AM
[[Mjolnir is law level 8, so no guns]]

Johann smells like he took a trip to a brewery and decided to go swimming.

The two marines at the door seem non-plussed by his inebriated state, but run him through the scanner, then nod him through. Orwn's appearance gives them a start, but they clear the rest of you fine. He leads you down several wide corridors, well-lit and fairly clean, before reaching the shuttle bay down to the planets surface. There is a shuttle waiting; the information board tells you it is due to leave in 5 minutes, and has space for 10 people left. [[Orwn's computer tells him your luggage is aboard]].

There is no scanner here, but two more marines flank the shuttle's entry door. They eye you warily as you approach.

"Our chario' 'waits."

2008-08-05, 06:26 AM
Upon approaching the shuttle, Orwn quickly checks the status of their luggage on his wrist terminal. Satisfied with the result he reports to Becky.

"Captain? Our luggage is already loaded, we can embark."

Naturally, he waits for her to go first, so he can follow directly behind her.


2008-08-05, 03:28 PM
Becky puts an arm around Mr King to keep him from falling over, and helps him into the shuttle.

2008-08-06, 08:55 AM
The shuttle appears to be a standard 95 dton shuttle, fitted with 120 couches in two decks, plus cargo space. The gangway is level with the second deck. Inside there are 60 seats, set in four columns of 15, two on each side of the aisle. Only a few are remaining. A stewardess in a red uniform ushers you to the four seats at the back, with Johann being scooted off somewhere near the front.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to launch. DFG Starlines wishes you a pleasant trip."

You feel a distinct jolt as the docking clamps are released, and hear the rapid hiss as the docking bay is exposed to the vacuum. A gentle acceleration tells you the shuttle is being rolled outwards along a rail. As you clear the bay, you can see the starport out of the portholes. The other passengers begin to chatter.

Jolly Steve
2008-08-06, 12:22 PM
Tuesday talks amongst himself.

2008-08-06, 01:10 PM
Orwn is content to wait out the flight, eager to get to their prize ship.

Except that the seats are a bit umcomfortable.

Except that he could do with a light snack and some refreshments.

Oh well, maybe the on-board service makes up for it?


Jolly Steve
2008-08-06, 03:56 PM
So...what are we gonna call it?

2008-08-06, 03:59 PM
"Jack Daniels," Becky says. It's not quite clear if she's offering a suggestion or asking the stewardess for a drink.

2008-08-06, 03:59 PM
Seong is running over plans for the ship model, getting familiar with what it's supposed to look like. That way, when he finally sees it, he can see what's wrong.

"A name?" He looks up from his computer. "Yes, that's a critical question. We need to get just the right name. We're going to need all the help we can get, I suspect."

Jolly Steve
2008-08-06, 04:06 PM
My little sister died a few years ago. And I...I made a promise, that one day I would own a ship, and I'd name it in her honour.

So I suggest The Sadde Fairy Who Wore Black and Nobody Understood Her But Really She Was A Super-Powerful Witch.

(sniff) She was very creative.

2008-08-06, 04:09 PM
"Did you now?" Becky says, patting his hand. "Well that can be what we call your cabin then."

Jolly Steve
2008-08-06, 04:22 PM
Oh, I've always called my bedroom that.

2008-08-06, 04:22 PM
"Perhaps we should look at her first," Seong said, "so we know if she should be named the 'Festering Dungheap.' I really have a bad feeling about this. Let's say, for example, you wanted to get rid of a ship, a real crate. I mean, something so bad that a scrapper doesn't want her. Maybe's she's radioactive, or rusted out so badly she can't make orbit. It'll cost a pretty penny to get rid off. Or, you could raffle it off to a bunch of morons. We haven't signed the title papers yet, right?"

2008-08-06, 04:24 PM
"Festering Dungheap," Becky says, brightening. "I like that. We can call her Fester for short."

Jolly Steve
2008-08-06, 04:29 PM
Hmmm...a cunning plan. But better yet, why don't we call it....Not A Festering Dungheap?

2008-08-06, 04:32 PM
"Even better," Seong muttered. "I bet the ship is stolen, or under bounty, or a former smuggling vessel. We'll find the corpse of some mob boss in the engine room, and suddenly everyone will want us dead. Might as well call her the Coffin Corner."

2008-08-06, 04:34 PM
"Don't be silly," Becky says cheerfully. "We're far more likely to die from a lifesupport malfunction than a hitman."

2008-08-06, 04:39 PM
"Only if you get me mad. Otherwise, life support will work just fine. Now, who do we have to . . . ask to get a drink on this shuttle?" Seong looked around for a steward of some sort.

2008-08-06, 06:03 PM
Orwn looks between his alien compatriots as they seem to make fun of the naming issue. So many years of living with besides humans and they still can give one pause every now and then.

"Er... i don't think that an organization such as the TAS would have the bad sense to try to pass off a wreck as a prize. Think of the damage to their reputation."

"So... do you put much value on a ship's name? It is often a ... cultural thing i understand?"


2008-08-06, 06:15 PM
"The name of a ship affects everything inside it," Becky says. "Take two sister ships, built at the same dockyards. Name one of them Camel and the other one Rabbit. I guarantee you, within ten years, Camel will be more reliable, and Rabbit will be faster. Not because the name affected the machinery of the ship, but because it affected the people who maintained the machinery, who crewed the ship, who made the decisions that made the ship what she is."

This is fairly philosophical talk from the normally down-to-earth Marine, and she seems as surprised by it as anyone else.

2008-08-07, 04:22 AM
Orwn listens to Becky, at first a bit concerned about what seems to be superstition coming from the Captain of their crew. But then he smiles.

"Ah, of course. Motivation is a key element for everybody's performance after all. And if you are part of a crew, you want to live up to it's reputation. In that case we are well advised to delay any naming until after we have an actual plan about what to do with our prize."

"Considering that a scout isn't exactly a trader, we should think of something other then trying to scrape by transporting goods for third parties."

Orwn looks over at their pilot.

"Tuesday, you've been with the Scout Service. Do you know how private interests work at the borders? Exploration buisines and such?"


2008-08-07, 04:40 AM
From the technical specs Seong has, the ship is shaped like an elongated arrow-head, a tell-tale sign of one of the newer lines of Type-S ships, replacing the blunt triangle shape of the older models. Its maintenance log dates it at being brand new, with no mechanical problems. You wonder what exactly has customs in such a tizzy.

A waitress glides somewhat inhumanly down the aisle, reinforcing your impression that the staff are all banged out of moulds. Her tray boasts a veritable cornucopia of alcoholic beverages, snacks and tapas.

"Can I interest you in anything, courtesy of DFG Starlines?" She says with a smile that looks like it was sculpted on to her face.

2008-08-08, 12:49 AM
Orwn uses the opportunity to order something.

"What food do you have? And some fruit juice for drink? Bring a straw."


2008-08-08, 04:52 AM
"We have a large vegetarian meat platter, or some lactose-free yogurt." She begins to rummage. "Nut-free nuts, tofu or salad? We do have some fruit juice I believe, sir." She produces a small colourful carton of juice, with a straw stuck to the side and a delightful cartoon animal motif. A label on the side proudly proclaims "Does not contain fruit."

2008-08-08, 03:34 PM
Orwn looks at the alien woman in front of him dumbstruck for a few moments. His right ear twitches a bit.

Then he smiles carefully and says "Ah, he he, very funny. I sure appreciate your efforts to lighten the mood a bit. Seriously now, what food do you have?"


Jolly Steve
2008-08-08, 03:44 PM
Tuesday, you've been with the Scout Service. Do you know how private interests work at the borders? Exploration buisines and such?

Why yes, I do. You see, there are all sorts of interstellar regulations on mining/settling rights, as well as first contact procedures. Basically, as long as you don't get caught you can ignore them. Tuesday says, with a slight tone of 'who doesn't know that?'

2008-08-08, 04:00 PM
"Listen, sweetie," Seong says to the stewardess, "can you bring me two vodkas with a vodka chaser and a tall glass of ice?" He twisted uncomfortable in the seat, looking out of place outside of the hoverchair.

2008-08-09, 10:59 AM
The stewardess seems confused by Orwn's rebuke, but the fixed smile never leaves her face.

"I am sorry sir, this is the only fruit juice we have."

She turns to Seong and whips the drinks out from under her trolley, in a "here's one I made earlier" kind of way.

2008-08-10, 08:29 AM
The stewardess seems confused by Orwn's rebuke, but the fixed smile never leaves her face.

"I am sorry sir, this is the only fruit juice we have."

Orwn looks at the stewardes again for a moment.

(Maybe it's an android. Humans are pretty advanaced in robotics after all. Well, not that advanced maybe, if this is one, it's malfunctioning.)

Leaning a bit over into her direction, Orwn sniffs the air a bit, trying to pick up her scent. Does she indeed smell like a living, if dimwitted, human being or...


2008-08-10, 02:38 PM
She smells like a human, underneath layers of perfume, clothing starch and hair products.

A steady rumbling and sligh increase of cabin temperature indicates you are beginning re-entry.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. DFG starlines wishes you a pleasant trip."

2008-08-11, 02:43 AM
"... right. Just some fruit juice will be fine then."

Orwn takes the offered pack of fruit juice reluctantly. He peeks at the table of contents for a moment.

(Ugh.. no actual fruit content, all artificial flavouring. I suppose it's to prevent them form being sued if someone has an allergic reaction. But vegetarian meat platter.. come on...)


2008-08-12, 04:55 AM
The cabin is now becoming uncomfortably hot, and a rumbling noise can be heard from somewhere off the starboard side. Your experience with atmo re-entry tells you that something is going wrong. Some of the other passengers are beginning to look somewhat distressed.

[Tuesday's piloting expertise tells him the pilot is not using his thrusters to correct your entry vector, meaning you're hitting the atmo at the wrong angle]

Jolly Steve
2008-08-12, 06:21 PM
I call out to the pilot


2008-08-13, 05:20 PM
Orwn feels the rising heat and starts to pant slightly.

However, since his experince told him that humans can't help but look at him funny if he lets his tongue hang out, he strives to keep it inside his muzzle.

Oh well, at least he has some fruit juice.

"*pant* What's going on? What about the thrusters? *pant*"


Jolly Steve
2008-08-13, 10:36 PM
If the pilot doesn't respond, I'll get up and walk towards the cockpit.

2008-08-14, 08:16 AM
'Walking' toward the cockpit becomes more of a controlled stumble as the ship starts to shake rapidly. Fortunately, the cockpit is on the same deck as your seats. Unfortunately, the door is locked, but doens't look to sturdy. A stewardess, eerily similar to the one that served your food, shouts at Tuesday.

"I'm sorry, sir, the cockpit is off limits to passengers! DFG Starlines would like to-" She is cut off by a large jolt that knocks her off her feet.

The passengers are in full blown hysterics now, screaming their heads off; the stewardesses try in vain to reassure them.

2008-08-14, 09:12 AM
"Well, this is just typical." Seong tosses back his last vodka. "Let me guess, this time I'll just end up as a head in a jar."

2008-08-14, 02:01 PM
"Why, do your people put the heads of their deceased on display?"

Orwn seems to be a just a wee bit anxious about the situation. You know, ears laid back flat on the head, 'grinning' nervously and if he wouldn't already be sitting on his tail, it would probably be firmly between his legs now anyway.


2008-08-14, 06:34 PM
"Last time I was in an accident, Lon, I lost the use of my legs. You think I sit in that damn hoverchair for fun?" Seong snorted. "This time, I'll lose my arms, or my head, or other more important parts. You just wait."

2008-08-14, 06:38 PM
Becky follows Tuesday to the cockpit to help him force the door if needed.

Jolly Steve
2008-08-14, 10:07 PM
I kick down the door.

That's strange - I just had a strange feeling that I was looking for treasure in a quasi-medieval world.

2008-08-15, 05:40 AM
Between the two of them Becky and Tuesday manage to gain entry to the cockpit, amid cries of alarm from the Stewardess. The cockpit is rather large, roughly 20ft in both directions with an 8ft ceiling. Banks of instruments and readouts obviously to do with flying the ship take up most of the walls. There is another door on the left hand wall, which you presume leads to the staff area.

On the floor lie two people who you assume from their uniforms to be the pilot and co-pilot, both bleeding out from gunshot wounds. In the pilot's seat sits a medium-sized man with a shaved head, wearing a casual shirt and slacks. An accelerator rifle lies on his lap. His body convulses slightly now and then. He appears to Tuesday to be deliberately crashing the shuttle.

Orwn and Seong hear the commotion from the front as Becky and Tuesday do a little freelance door-smashing.

2008-08-15, 06:03 AM
Becky tackles the gunman, with the intention of dragging him out of seat and keeping him out of the way while Tuesday tries to save the ship.

(brawling roll needed?)

2008-08-15, 12:30 PM
Orwn is still in conversation with the crew's engineer when he suddenly realizes that his pack leader captain is moving towards the cockpit, just as their pilot did.

Looking at Dr. Seong for a moment his instincts register that the majority of the pack crew has just moved. Of course this leaves only one conclusion...

(No way i'm gonna leave all the glory to that young upstart Tuesday. My charisma is at stake here!)

"Hold this position!" Orwn orders the pack's omega Dr. Seong with a snarl before unbuckling his own seatbealt and rushing after Becky and Tuesday to see what's going on.


2008-08-15, 01:07 PM
"You got it, Lassie," Seong yells after the departing creature. With a slightly off grin, he reaches over to the abandoned drink cart and pulls a couple of tiny bottles out. "No way I'm going to die sober."

2008-08-15, 02:19 PM
(@Happy Turtle: Yes. He doesn't resist much, so DM +2)

Orwn is now in the cockpit.

2008-08-15, 03:35 PM
Rolled an 11 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4717707#post4717707) for brawling. EDIT: +1 for strength of 9, so actually a 12.

2008-08-15, 04:02 PM

"What the hell is going on here ?!" Orwn barks as he burst into the cockpit.

Then he remembers that the others don't speak Gvegh.

But before he gets about to ask again in Galanglic, he realizes that a struggle is going on between his captain and some stranger.

Naturally he joins into the fray.


Jolly Steve
2008-08-15, 10:42 PM
I try to grab the rifle off the man.

2008-08-16, 11:26 AM
Becky slams him to the floor with a diving tackle. Tuesday scoops up the rifle off the floor, and presumably covers him with it. You are taken aback as you realise his left eye is missing, and inside it is a single glowing light. To your surprise he is sobbing and crying uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. We didn't want to-" His supplications are cut off, as he suddenly slumps, dead. The light slowly goes out, and his last tear drops to the floor.

Jolly Steve
2008-08-17, 01:40 AM
I sit in the pilot's chair and right the shuttle.

2008-08-17, 05:53 AM
The ship is fairly far gone and the thrusters have been damaged, but it can still be saved.

[Make a Pilot check]

Jolly Steve
2008-08-17, 06:53 AM
[roll0] +1


2008-08-18, 05:57 AM
Fortunately, the ship's orbit has not decayed too far, and Tuesday can right the craft. Some mad scrambling with the controls puts the craft on an unorthodox but stable orbit. The coms panel has a blinking green light indicating an incoming transmission.

The staff door opens with a 'whoosh' and a similarly dressed man with a missing eye stands in the door, an accelerator rifle levelled.

2008-08-18, 06:11 AM
Becky's still on the ground with the dead guy, so she's going to tackle the intruder at about knee level to take him off his feet.


2008-08-18, 12:07 PM
Taking a hint from his captain (and instinct taking over for a moment here), Orwn also goes for the hostile with a snarl.

But as a sentient canine, he knows to go for the gunhand and not for the jugular. Not until that rifle is taken care of that is.

So he lounges foreward, trying to get in hand-to-hand range, wrestling the rifle to point it away from him and maybe land a good bite on the wrist.

That ought to show him...


2008-08-18, 01:26 PM
[Seeing as this is basically going to come down to who reacts first, we'll use the rules for drawing against each other. Roll 2d6, add Dexterity.



2008-08-18, 01:32 PM
Becky: [roll0]

2008-08-18, 02:36 PM
Reaction: [roll0]


2008-08-18, 08:05 PM
In the back, Seong starts whistling some opera whilst rifling through the drink cart.

2008-08-19, 10:18 AM
Orwn slams into the assailant like a lupine buzzsaw, sending him flying back down the corridor and onto the floor, then lands astride him, stripping him off his weapon. A second later, Becky lands on top of him. The man is out cold. He too has the eye implant. A shiver runs down him, and then he goes limp like a puppet who's strings have been cut.

Seong finds enough liquor to keep him happily inebriated for the remainder of the trip.

Jolly Steve
2008-08-19, 02:36 PM
I examine the eye implant.

Yes, just as I thought...

it's a plot device.

2008-08-19, 02:40 PM
Becky checks the staff room to make sure there will be no further interruptions.

2008-08-19, 03:19 PM
Orwn finds that the human puts up a lot less resistance then anticipated.

Oh well, maybe humans aren't that tough after all.

Realizing that there may be more assailants ahead prompts Orwn to sniff around a bit, trying to 'see' if there are more people around.

Or their scents anyway.

Also, Orwn hands over the rifle to Becky. He doesn't know how to use them anyway. Okay, 'point bad end at target, growl, if target doesn't submit, pull trigger', he gets that much. But he wouldn't even know if the safety is on or off.

He's a former human resources assistant manager, not a corsair dammit.


2008-08-20, 11:30 AM
A brief examination of the staff room and corridor finds four more staff cowering in a corner. No more hostiles seem present to either of you.

The implant seems to be protruding from inside the skull, behind the socket.

2008-08-20, 06:56 PM
Orwn helps with recovering the real crew.

"Hrm. That went surprisingly well. So we just singlehandedly saved the entire shuttle from a fiery demise. If that isn't a good omen i don't know what it is."

Although curious, Orwn avoids taking too close a look at the human kidnapper's implants. He knows that humans have some pretty advanced cybernetic technology but the thought of cutting away perfectly healthy flesh to put... things inside you makes him squirm.

Oh well, aliens...

Still, the thought that the crew just managed to pull off a feat of heroism makes his tail wag proudly.


Jolly Steve
2008-08-21, 04:39 AM
I ask the crew whether they recognise either of the corpses.

2008-08-22, 05:51 AM
The staff that aren't totally revolted by the dead bodies you've just dragged into their staff room claim they have never seen them before the hijack attempt. Apparently they burst out of the ventilation ducts shortly after departure.

2008-08-25, 06:13 AM

"I'm confident your security people will figure out how they managed to subvert the security systems. We, however, have an appointment we'd rather not miss, so it would be nice if we could go ahead with the landing now."

"Captain? Maybe you want to adress the passengers and tell them that the situation is under control. If we play our cards right, we can build up a reputation here. That should serve us well once we have our ship and start looking for opportunities to exploit."


2008-08-25, 06:29 AM
Geez... I should have thought of that....

Becky uses the ship intercom to address the passengers and crew. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Marine Captain Becky Jackson speaking. Please remain calm. There was a terrorist attack on the flight crew, but we've retaken control of the ship. Be seated and fasten your seatbelts, and we'll have you on the ground in a minute. And when we do, have some drinks, on me."

She then walks up and down the aisle, making sure everyone is complying with the 'sit down and be calm' order. She'll answer questions briefly, but without giving any specifics, and continuing to move on until she's seen everyone.

((ooc: Becky's serious about the drinks thing, and has money to burn. Just let me know how many credits to mark off.))

2008-08-25, 01:41 PM
(Call it 250Cr.)

A hailing signal comes over the comms.

"DFG Starlines shuttle SC-345, this is Shipmaster Aysgir of Mjolnir Navy Frigate Wrent Asunder. We are approaching on a recipricoal of your course. Please advise us of your situation."

2008-08-25, 07:09 PM
From the back, Seong scowled into his drink. He looked down at his wasted legs and unleashed a string of curses learned from the Navy.

Jolly Steve
2008-08-25, 08:38 PM
(Call it 250Cr.)

A hailing signal comes over the comms.

"DFG Starlines shuttle SC-345, this is Shipmaster Aysgir of Mjolnir Navy Frigate Wrent Asunder. We are approaching on a recipricoal of your course. Please advise us of your situation."

We've just had an attempted hijacking - two of the crew are dead.

2008-08-26, 04:41 AM
"Acknowledged. Please hold your present course, we'll scoop you into our hangar."

Jolly Steve
2008-08-28, 05:25 PM
Man, what's taking so long? It feels like we've been flying for days.

2008-08-29, 01:41 AM

"Right then. The situation is under control here. I'll go and tell the Doctor about this."

Seeing that he can't really contribute at the moment, Orwn makes his way back to their seats to inform Seong about the situation.

"It would seem there was an attempt hijacking or something like that. But the captain has the situation under control. Some cruiser is going to dock our shuttle. Seems like we are going to be a bit late, oh well."

Having the formal part out of the way...

(And now about that comment of yours...)

Orwn starts grinning at Seong (and not really caring much about how many teeth he shows) and says "And you stayed put all the time. Good Doctor." while patting his head slightly.

Then he just gets back into his seat. Turning to Seong again and still grinning he adds "Two can play that game my dear Doctor."


2008-08-29, 06:21 AM
The scanner shows the Wrent Asunder moving to intercept you.

Maybe Seong is suffering from Space-lag?

Jolly Steve
2008-08-29, 06:02 PM
I do the thing that makes our ship go in the other ship.

2008-08-29, 06:17 PM
"Very good. If something needs fixing, you can carry me over to it. Otherwise, I'm having another one. Good dog." Seong grins lopsidedly.

2008-08-30, 02:38 PM
The Wrent Asunder makes the shuttle look like a minnow next to a basking shark as it slowly engulfs you into its boxy form. The docking bay is easily big enough to fit the shuttle in ten times over, and you share it with two assault pinnaces. Even as the docking bay doors begin to clamp shut you hear the thud of battle-dressed marines stacking up outside the access hatches.

Someone yells "Flash and clear!" and multiple bangs can be heard throughout the ship, followed by more thudding. A marine suddenly appears in the cabin doorway levelling a shotgun at you.

"Hands behind your head and down on your knees."

2008-08-30, 02:44 PM
As a former Marine, Becky isn't about to argue. She immediately complies, trusting it will all be sorted out in the debriefing.

2008-08-30, 07:50 PM

Orwn hears the shouts and the bangs and wonders aloud "What the hell are they doing? Don' they know the situation is well under control here?"

But a moment of thought gives him the answer.

"Uh.. i suppose, no, no they don't. Hrm. Typical. Not going to take the slightest chance. Although seeing that we are basically the hostages we can't really complain."

When Orwn finds himself having a shotgun pointed in his direction, he quickly complies with the request to put his arms behind his head. As for the going down to his knees part... well... digitgrade legs make that a bit hard.

He keeps an eye on Seong though, prepared to help him out of his hoverchair if need be. After all, he is part of his crew and subdominant. That, in return, means he's also responsible for him.


Jolly Steve
2008-08-30, 10:15 PM
Tuesday also complies.

2008-08-30, 10:19 PM
"I can do one, but not the other," Seong said from his chair. He put his hands high in the air, trying to ignore the shooting pains it caused in his back.

2008-09-02, 02:37 AM
After being held at gun-point for several minutes, you hear someone shout 'clear!'. One of the marines, clearly an officer, steps forward and raises the visor on his battledress helmet.

"My name is Armsmaster Fnir. I am under orders to escort you four to see the Shipmaster, where you can offer an explanation for this mess. Gnajr, access the mainframe, rip the security videos to a cassette!"

You see the other passengers being led off the shuttle and across the now-repressurised docking bay, and off into the ship. Another marine, some kind of technician, opens a toolbox and begins to access the ship's computer.

You see the corpses of the hijackers being carried off by one of the marines, using his battledress's strength to carry one over each shoulder.

Armsmaster Fnir starts to lead you toward the exit hatch.

2008-09-02, 03:20 PM
Orwn hesistates to follow the others, peering foreward to the cockpit section, where his captain and rest of the crew are.

"We'd rather not get seperated from the rest of our crew, if it's all the same for you. That would be our captain, Cpt. Jackson and Mr. Macout, our pilot. They were the ones who saved the lives of all aboard by the way."

I'll just go ahead and roll persuasion here: [roll0]


2008-09-05, 02:02 PM
"We have been appraised of the situation. All of you are to come with us."

2008-09-05, 02:08 PM
Becky complies with orders.

2008-09-06, 03:50 AM
Orwn decides not to push it with the marines. They are aliens after all. Even though Orwn has been living beside humans for quite some time now, they sometimes still manage to surprise him.

You don't want to be surprised by energy-weapon toting power-armoured aliens.

"Of course Armsmaster."

So he just tags along hoping to to be able to catch up with Becky and Tuesday soon.


2008-09-08, 07:53 PM
His hover chair in storage, Seong doesn't have many choices. "I'll come, but I'll need a lift. Who's up for a piggy-back ride?"

2008-09-10, 11:57 AM
Orwn waves over one of the stewards to help the crippled engineer along.

"Over here. Dr. Seong needs some assistance, if you please." it sounds more like a demand then a polite question though.

But that is the world of Vargr. Priviliges: Use 'em or lose 'em.


2008-09-13, 02:47 PM
A marine hoists Seong onto his battle-dressed shoulders and starts tromping towards the door. You are led out of the shuttle, into the immense hangar bay, then through a hatch into a holding room with several of the other passengers, a crotchety old man, a young woman and a middle aged priest of some kind. Two marines stand watch.

"The Shipmaster will be with you momentarily."

2008-09-14, 02:26 PM

Orwn just waits, wagging slightly with excitement and generally being in a good mood.

"Hehe, what a way to make an entrance. Maybe they'll give us a medal for taking out those terrorists or something."


2008-09-15, 06:48 PM

The Doctor shook his head to clear the cobwebs. His face set in a neutral tone, and he waited.

2008-09-18, 01:04 AM

Getting bored quickly, Orwn uses the opportunity and tries to strike up a conversation with his engineer while Becky and Tuesday are away.

"Say Dr., how comes you have no ambition anymore? Did that accident that broke your body also broke your spirit?"


Jolly Steve
2008-09-18, 06:16 AM
Yeah...we just foiled a hijacking I remark to the other people.

2008-09-18, 04:37 PM

"Boy, you've sure got me pegged, puppy," Seong says with dripping sarcasm. "Didn't know that sense of smell let you sniff my soul. You don't know me well enough to even ask that question, understand?" The anger is plain on his face.

2008-09-18, 04:49 PM

Orwn doesn't seem to be impressed the slightest by Seong's apparent anger.
He doesn't even really seem to notice that he stepped on Seong's toes, so to speak.

That, or he simply doesn't care because to him, Seong is a subordinate.

"As the crew's acting human resources manager i will ask you everything that pertains to your duties and performing the same."

"Seriously, you are a learned man, you even have a degree in engineering and all that. And yet that Tuesday boy has more drive then you. More ambition. He still has to prove himself and he is eager to do so. You however? It is as if you are content to hang around in a drive room with the gravity set to zero so that you can forget about your handicap. Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life? Come on, this is a great opportunity! This is our ship! You don't work for somebody without charisma, just because you get paid for it. You are part of a real crew now! So what do you want to do to get ahead?"


2008-09-18, 04:54 PM

The Doctor laughs. "You say you're in charge of human resources? That's rich. Listen - I'll take care of the engine room, I'll make sure she flies, I'll make sure she doesn't vent atmo at inconvienent times, and I'll stay out of your fur. What the hell else do you want?"

2008-09-18, 06:16 PM

"Hrmph. Every properly trained engineer can do that. Plus most don't need a hoverchair to get around. Seriously, why shouldn't we exchange you for someone who is, you know, not crippled? I need to know you are willing to pull your weight, despite your shortcomings. If you can convince me that, yes, you are going to perform above and beyond the call of duty, then i'll have a much easier time to justify keeping you around. Come on, give me something to work with. Where do you see yourself in a year from now? 5 years? 10?"


2008-09-18, 06:50 PM

"You can't trade me in because my name's on the form, understand? And I don't answer to you, I answer to the Captain. And where will I be in a year? Or ten years? Vacuum only knows, but if it involves a decade of listening to you, I'll sooner be sucking space."

2008-09-19, 01:29 AM

Orwn still seems to be either totally oblivious about Seongs anger, or totally uncaring about it.

"Your name being on the form means you share 1/4th of the ship with us. No more, no less. If you get to b the ship's engineer or even chief engineer depends on your ability to actually fill the job description. You already pointed out that, yes, i don't know you very well. So i have to learn about you then if i am to make a suggestion to the captain about entrusting you with our lives or if we should hire someone to do that job."

"Look. I'm not trying to make your life difficult here. Wouldn't you rather be the chief engineer and have some hired help for you? Then work with me here, give me something to recommend you to the captain for. Maybe you want to share your experience with other, less experienced engineers? Do you want to prove yourself by getting the best out of our ship's specs possible? Anything? And where does your problem with authority come from anyway?"


Jolly Steve
2008-09-19, 11:21 AM
Yeah...I ascribe our success to our incredible teamwork.

2008-09-19, 01:25 PM
The door opens, and a big blonde man in a naval officers uniform steps in, flanked by two marines. You assume he is the Shipmaster.

"I have reviewed the security footage, and it absolves you of any part in the hijacking attempt. However, before we let you go, I'd like to hear your side of the story."

Jolly Steve
2008-09-19, 01:33 PM
You're welcome.

2008-09-19, 01:36 PM
"There isn't much to tell," Becky says. "Tuesday noticed a problem with the re-entry and went to the cockpit to investigate, where he discovered that the doors were barred. I helped him break in, and that's when we discovered the hijacking. We regained control of the ship, and here we are."

2008-09-25, 02:26 PM
"The video evidence corroborates your story. Unfortunately the gunmen were Disposables so we cannot interrogate them. We will drop you off on the surface when we get a chance, but that might take a while, we're en route to investigate reported pirate activity out in the asteroid belt. Shouldn't be any trouble."

2008-09-25, 05:39 PM

Grateful for the distraction from the Shipmaster, Seong falls quiet.

2008-09-27, 05:46 PM

Orwn speaks to the Shipmaster. "Very well, Shipmaster, I fully understand that your military mission is of utmost importance and cannot be delayed. May I please ask you for a favour though? We are being expected planetside: We are the lucky crew who won the TAS contest for a scout ship. Would please foreward a message for us, detailing our situation?"


2008-09-28, 03:55 AM
"Of course. You are a guest of the Mjolnir Navy until such time as we can get you dirtside. Just stay out of the restricted areas and you should be fine for the length of the voyage. I'll drop the request in with my comms officer."

2008-09-29, 06:33 PM

Orwn looks at Becky expectantly. As their captain, it is her privilege to finalize any deal Orwn brokers for the crew after all.
