View Full Version : Manifest Destiny V2

2008-08-02, 06:07 PM
One hundred years ago, The Ring was a bright and pristine place. Then, suddenly, the Lamp in the center of The Ring went dim, the Girdle of the sky winked off, and the Sentinels that had for so long spirited away the most learned inhabitants of the Ring died in place. Famine set in as the temperature sank, and for a time, all the races of the Ring appeared doomed.

But with the death of the sentinels came a burst of new ideas from scholars. The population shrank and contracted to its most dense, most arable regions, and there the last bastions of civilization made a stand, in order to make the Ring livable once again. While the Lamp does not provide enough life-giving heat to make what was once a paradise livable, through the blood of their people some areas are arable enough to eke a living out of.

Now ice and permafrost cover much of the land that had formed a patchwork of nations of varying species, and those species that managed to save themselves hole up in the few regions they've protected. All is not negative, though; as the century went by, scholars came up with wondrous new inventions- industrial machinery, electricity, medicine- that have far surpassed the greatest achievements of the golden age before the Dimming.

These new developments have ushered in another new era; it is now possible to reclaim lands covered in eternal snow. Organized agriculture allows the tilling of cold-hearty crops with special fertilizers, coupled with breaking the frost with industrial plows. The dawn after the dusk of the Dimming is upon the Ring, and it is now time for the various factions to reach out and claim their destiny...

Federal States Central: Orange
The Petran Federation: Red
Thymin: Blue
The Diamond Collective: Purple
The Far-Eyes Defense League: Green
CHAASI: Yellow
The Flowing Stream: Dark Blue
The Treasured Depths: Light Green
The Terran Federation: Khaki
Goldjuristen: Pink

Resource and terraforming levels of unoccupied regions.


T: terraforming level
R: Resources

Note: the map wraps top to bottom-- region 2 and region 30 are connected, for example.
Corners are considered borders, for example, moving from region 14 to region 19 is only one move.
I'd also appreciate if everyone posted names for their regions in their first status post, which should begin your first turn's post.

Turn 1 begins now. It will end Sunday, August 10th, at 5 PM AZ time (GMT-7)


Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-02, 06:45 PM
Efficient +7
Original +3

The Seraphim as a species used to consider themselves the children of the gods. Whatever they did seemed to go far better then the other races, as if each of their individuals was worth twice as much as those of other races. As such they reach for the stars and beyond, always seeking to better themselves and unwilling to stop or get bogged down in details. Often described as haughty or arrogant the Seraphim can be quite condescending to the other races, which they often see as mere children.

Ground Force Wimps -4
Naval Force Wimps -2
Air Force Supremacy +4
Cantankerous -9
Fast Reflexes +3
Workaholics +2
Tactically Astute +1

The Seraphim seem to command the wind themselves and distain those fighting on the ground, even when such tactics more sense. In addition their high level of induvidualism makes for poor coordination. Though what they lack in co-ordination and tactics individual warriors more then make up for in their ferocity and death defying air manouvring.

Federal States Central

Faction traits

The Federal States Central is actually a highly centralized state, the federal implying a kind of worldwide ambition. Fully engrained with the Seraphim sense of greater maturity the FSC sees itself as a big brother that cares for all its sibling states. In fact the Seraphim of the FSC have grown to a level of arrogance that they do no longer see themselves as children of the gods, but almost divine beings in their own right, direct messengers from the gods with a sacred duty to spread his word. A single religious figure, the exalted messenger, unites all the Seraphim, though the country is ruled by a number of elected cardinals. Each year the Seraphim elect several new cardinal to take a seat in their council of cardinals, a lifelong apointment.

Interventionist -2
Religion -2
Perfectionist -4

Tech-Savvy +8
Collectivist +8
Poor Traders -2
Gullible -5
Air Force Supremacy +4
Ground Wimps -4
Naval Wimps -2
Great Investors +3
Martial +3

The faith has many teneths, but seems to exalt those who dedicate themselves to the sky...as close to the gods as one can be. The entire soceity is dedicated to their belief and vast temples are build to commemorate progress. Naturally the religious leaders are somewhat blind to the truth if it contradicts their beliefs and as such it's easy to pull one over on them.

The Seraphim native lands are like a great fortress, with deep fjords cleaving the land and steep cliffs rising along them. As such they have only ever relied on airpower, their limited naval and ground forces consisting of auxiliaries to their airpower, such as submersibles, carriers, paratroopers and engineers. Still with the coming of the modern age the Seraphim might have to rethink their military position, which will prove hard considering the faiths hold on society emphasising airpower above all.

National Statistics

Military Technology level cap 4
Military Facilities level cap 4
Research Labs level cap 4
Development level cap 4
Capitol: level 1
Espionage: level 1

- Fission 3rd

Region “The Sacred Highlands”

The sacred highlands were nothing short of an idyllic place holding the FSC capitol and in a different sense they still are. Most of the highlands are urbanised holding the majestic, beautiful gothic architectural wonders of the Seraphim. Marble streets and great cathedrals dominate the towns of the seraphim. The place is a mixture of hills and mountain ranges with steep cliffs and deep valleys carved out by the melting glaciers. The grand canyon of the seraphim being the central most feature and is seen as the place that the gods nominated as the central focus for the ring, running neatly north to south. Fjords reach deep inland and many fisheries are found along their shores. (Think Scandinavia, but with fjords way deeper inland). Airpower is what dominates here as ground and sea alternate, fjord, mountain, fjord, mountain, making manouvering difficult unless one can soar overhead...

Development level: 2
Military/Labs: 2/2
Resources: 5
Terraforming Level 10 (Max 50 point population)
Industrial Infrastructure: 0
Population (points) 50 (effective: * 2 = 100 (Efficient, Seraphim))
Populations (people) 1250 million
Population growth: (20%): 20 points
Income (80% tax) = 630 T (+1 develpoment level for income)
Trade available = 5

WMD: 0
SDI: 0
fortifications: 0
Labs: level 2
Military Facilities: level 2

9 level 1 ground
10 level 1(+2=3) air
10 level 1 naval

Region “The God's Fists”

To the south the grand canyon continues and though the landscape changes only a little two great craters, one on either side of the canyon dominate the regions myths and legends. It is said that two evil gods once ruled the Seraphim and to free them the god of war stomped the lands with his bare hands shaking the lands and causing the Seraphim to be flung into the skies. There they were blessed with wings and flew to the north where they settled and formed their civilisation. The craters have red veins running throughout them, likely iron oxides, that are said to be the bloody remains of the evil gods smashed by the Lord of War. The region was long devoid of Seraphim, but mineral deposits found have caused a renewed interest, claimed by the church to be hidden blessings of the War-god.

Development level: 2
Military/Labs: 2/2
Resources: 5
Terraforming Level 10 (Max 50 point population)
Industrial Infrastructure: 0
population (points) None
populations (people) (token presence of Seraphim)
population growth: (20%): none
Income (80% tax) = 30 T (+1 develpoment level for income)
Trade available = 5

WMD: 0
SDI: 0
fortifications: 0
Labs: level 2
Military Facilities: level 2

1 Ground lvl 1

"The day of Glory..."

So it was proclaimed by the council of cardinals as Seraphim ground forces were send out to reclaim the lands around them that were once inhabited by them.

(visible to all)
1 Ground moves from TSH to 3
2 Ground move from TSH to 4, one of which will move on to 5
3 Navy moves from TSH to 1 (Region 1 = Ocean of Promises), 2 of which will move on to region 2

A statement is made to all nations.

"In spreading it wings the FSC wishes to ensure that all the lands of the ring are used as well as they can be. Our act is one of hope and rebuilding. Our species has long lived along all the coast of the Ocean of Divine Promises. We will now rebuild those lands. We will work with you on rebuilding your lands too. To the Petrans on the other coast we'd like to say that we would welcome if you too would reclaim your ancestral lands on your side of our shared continent."

(OOC: will update later)

Probable turn 1 budget:

TOTAL: 700 T (630 TSH, 30 TGF, 20 Trade)

Research (in following order) 185 T

Build 2 units of air 10 T (these will move to regions of the Diamond collective upon completion, to aid in their defence)

Upgrade 10 Units of Air by 1 level = FREE (from Martial)
Upkeep 30 * 0.5 = 15T

Boosting the Sacred Highlands to development level 4: 60+80= 140 T

Special Expenditures: 170 T (for boosting rolls and reserve cash for projects)

Increase Government to Lvl 4 = 20 + 30 + 40 = 90 T
Increase Espionage to Lvl 4 = 20 + 30 + 40 = 90 T



Fission: Application 4
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $5T

Fission: Application 5
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $5T

Fission: Masterty
Cost: 20 RP
Progress made this turn: 20 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $10T

Composite Materials: Breakthrough
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $5T

Composite Materials: Application 1
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $5T

Composite Materials: Application 2
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 5 RP
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $2.5T

Composite Materials: Application 3
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $5T

Composite Materials: Application 4
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $5T

Composite Materials: Application 5
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $5T

Composite Materials: Masterty (WILL be stopped if PF reduces it's masteries to only this one, the spending will then be fueled into the next tier and 15T extra will be spend on ensuring the breakthrough)
Cost: 20 RP
Progress made this turn: 20 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $10T

Professional enginering: Breakthrough (only if above comes true)
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 20 RP + 30 T (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $10T + 15T

Fusion: Breakthrough
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $25T

Fusion: Application 1
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $25T

Fusion: Application 2
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $25T

Composite Materials: Application 3
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $25T

Composite Materials: Application 4
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2 (1 + 1(original))
Cost to me: $25T


10 T from Diamond Collective (me delivering military services in return)
10 T from CHAASI

10 T to CHAASI

Government Actions
Will probably colonise region 1 and spend 10 T on it from special expenditures budget for an automatic succes + 25 T for the actual colony first virtual population and development level

Contingency and Espionage (secret)
Contingency against Petran (Moody) invading in the sacred highlands

Likely Counter Espionage 10 T from special expenditures plus possible extra spending...

2008-08-02, 06:47 PM
The Diamond Collective

Daily Diamond
Today, the Central Council announced the budget plans for the next government period. As usual, a large part will be spent on research and education, but long-promised development project will also proceed as planned. Now an interview with Council member El Dan, regarding the details of these budgets.

DD: Sir, the issue that is, at the moment, the most important one to our audience is of course: which of our many research laboratories will receive government backing?
El-Dan: Well, I can't disclose any names right now, but we decided that computers and chemistry are the areas of research that will be the most important ones in the future, and will help the Collective to increase it's research speed later on.
DD: I see. In an survey, people on the streets often also commented on the massive amount of, well, let's call it propaganda authorized by the Council. What is the reason for this?
El-Dan: You see, psychosocial research showed a certain... tiredness in our population. We hope to lighten up their mod, so to speak, and arouse some enthusiasm. We are all Nelothi, after all.
DD: Thank you, Councelor.

Status Turn one:


Budget turn one:

60T: Increase development level of Lumina to 3
60T: Increase development level of Adamanda to 3
35T: Research breakthrough, all applications and mastery on Electrical Computers
33T: Research breakthrough, all applications and mastery on molecular chemistry. The research points from hobbyists are also included here.
15T: Upkeep
17T: Left open for now.

Trade Turn 1:

10T go to the Seraphim

Turn one Contingency Planning, Capitol Actions and Espionage (Secret):

Plan: The Petran Federation invades Lumina
Capitol Action: Propaganda pro Diamond Collective in Lumina: [roll0]
Espionage Action: Detection [roll1]

2008-08-02, 07:37 PM
Species Eldrenth
Faction The Central Hrithite Agency for the Advancement and Sharing of Information (CHAASI)

base 5
Space force wimps 4
slow reflexes 3
unfruitful 3
plodding 1
tacticum 1
original 3
efficient 7
workaholics 2
tactically astute 1
intelligent 4


The Eldrenth (singular Eldren) are a cold reptilian race. They are extremely intelligent, logical, and efficient, and are best at finding new ideas. However, they dislike trying to find something new without fully understanding and utilizing their current information. They are excellent tacticians, but have slow reflexes and are bad at reacting quickly. they need very little comfort time and can work around the clock . They have a fairly low birth rate.


perfectionist 4
interventionist 2
militant atheism 4
base 5
15 to spend on traits


patriotic 6
tactically astute 1
ground force supremacy 4
studios 5
hobbyists 3
air force wimps -4


History. When the lamp dimmed, The Eldrenth nations fell into constant war-fare fr the resources. Eventually a research alliance was formed between some of the more academic states. Soon it became a military alliance as well, and many more small states joined. With large investments into life science research, the way to make the area habitable was uncovered. All the other states almost immediately joined in order to gain access to the tech, which turned out to be fairly basic.
Soon the smaller nations started complaining that they were underrepresented. So with typical eldrenth problem solving, the nations were abolished and redivided into smaller member states, intentionally crossing former borders.
Government: CHAASI is a governed by an assembly of doctorate-holders with 10 elected from each state, who elect an executive council of 5 members who have complete control of the Agency for a 10-year term. There is no limit on reelections.
Values: The majority of the population is intensely atheist, believing anything can be changed if yo understand it fully, and that any god is just a millennial-old scam
The CHAASI state-sanctioned philosophy of understanding equals control has led scientists to be intensely competitive in winging every possible benifet out of any given technology.
The average CHAASI citizen has a strong belief that no unjust war should be waged and that any war should be as short as possible, this has led the CHAASI leadership to have a very interventionist attitude to war.
Traits: The constant war-fare that birthed CHAASI led to a very tactically astute command staff and superbly trained ground forces, it also led to an intense patriotism and a belief that that the government is the sole keeper of peace. the great store placed in intelligence and discovery has created a very study-oriented civilization and and large amount of amateur scientists.
Since the formation of CHAASI has led to the air force being left uncared for, with fail old equipment and a not-to tough training regime.

Turn 1 stats stats

Region Central Hrith
Development level 2
Development level cap: 4
resources 7
population (points) 50(efficient)
populations (people)700 million
population growth: 10 percent: 5 points
Capitol: level 1
WMD: 0
SDI: 0
fortifications: 0
Labs: level 2
Lab cap 4
Military Facilities: level 2
Military cap 3
income(40% rate) [(7+60)*2=134 TC]
Military:5 level 2 ground
2 level 1 air
10 level 1 naval

Region Hrith Mountains
development level: 2
development level cap 4
resources 7
population(points) 50
population(people) 700 million
population growth: 10%/5 point
Espionage/secrete police headquarters: level 1
fortifications 0
Lab level 2
Lab level cap 4
Military facilities level: 2
Military facilities level cap 3
income(40% rate) [{7+60)*2=134 TC]
Military 5 level 2 ground
8 level 1 air
turn 1 global income(without trade) 268 TC
17 research points from hobbyists on turn 1 (120 (global pop)*1.45(intel+study)/10=17)
120 global population.
global military
10 level 2 ground
10 level 1 naval
10 level 1 air
Researched tech
L1 Genetics
app 1
app 2
app 3


labs. 178RP( payed for)+178RP(original+80(45% intel+study)+10(hobbyist+10(original)+4(intel)=420
genetics app 4 (10)
genetics app 5 (10)
translation genetics 50
translation genetics app 1 50
translation genetics app 2 50
translation genetics app 3 50
translation genetics app 4 50
translation genetics app 5 50
translation genetics mastery 100


Central Hrith
50 T*2*1.5=150 T
7T (resources)*2*1.5=21 T
Hrith Mountains
same 164T
10 t FSC
1 T Petran Federation
2 T Treasured depths
---------------------13 T
175 research
60 to bring Central Hrith DL to 3
60 to bring Hrith Mountains DL to 3
15 T to upkeep
15 T upgrade 1 ground unit to level 3
13 T for bidding


spy, capital, and contingency secret!

subvert Central Hrth to be more happy with CHAASI
2T base bidding
5t cost
6 T left.
Capitol pro-CHAASI propaganda in Central Hrith
2T bid
4T left
contingency Petran confederation invades Hrith Mountains.

flavour soon and turn two stats soon.
Turn two stuff
tech benefits

Adds 1 to all checks to modify the attitude of a controlled region positively. Increases population of all regions by 10%(20 because of efficent)
Increases Development Level Cap to 5.
Allows population to be moved on capitol ships (50 cargo points/point)
Increases population growth rate by 5% (to 20%).
Increases Military facility level cap to 4. Increases Lab level cap to 5
Allows Manticore Plagues Chemical/Biological WMD. Allows Natural Vectors Chemical/biological WMD delivery mechanism.
increases population by 15% (300 because of efficient
builds monolithic Bio-Sciences Hub in Central Hrith.

turn two stats

Region Central Hrith
Development level 3
Development level cap: 5
resources 7
population (points) 82(efficient)
populations (people) 1,950 million
population growth: 20 percent: 16 points
Capitol: level 1
Monolithic Bio-Sciences Hub
WMD: 0
SDI: 0
fortifications: 0
Labs: level 2
Lab cap 5
Military Facilities: level 2
Military cap 4
income(60% rate) [(7+82)*3*1.5+8=399 TC]
Military:2 level 3 ground
3 level 2 ground
2 level 1 air
10 level 1 naval

Region Hrith Mountains
Development level 3
Development level cap: 5
resources 7
population (points) 82(efficient)
populations (people)1, 950 million
population growth: 20 percent: 16 points
spec op HQ: level 1
WMD: 0
SDI: 0
fortifications: 0
Labs: level 2
Lab cap 5
Military Facilities: level 2
Military cap 4
income(60% rate) [(7+82)*3*1.5+8=399 TC]
5 level 2 ground
8 level 1 air

2008-08-02, 07:44 PM
and since I accidentally changes my roll in an edit, here's it again

Capitol actions.
2T bid

Moody the Wise
2008-08-02, 07:57 PM
Species (Petra)

Species Traits

Tactically Astute(1): +5 objective modifier to all battles

Flighty (-5): May not research any breakthrough past its second application until a breakthrough of the same type one tier down is researched.

Sneaky(2): Espionage actions may be rolled twice. If either succeeds,
the action succeeds.

Space Force Wimps(-4): Units of the chosen type all count as if they
were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1)

Skewed Psyche (3): Pick two branches of technology (Engineering and Life Science). Progress in those two categories proceeds 1.5 times faster. Pick one branch (Physics); progress in that branch proceeds at half the rate.

Intelligent (5): A cut, mentally, above the rest. It comes in varying degrees, but helps with research and tactical planning. For every point spent, research points are acquired 5% (round down) faster, and +1 objective modifier is added to all battles (round down).

Original (3): Nothing excites this species like discovery, and they are very, very good at it. This natural brilliance does not make them popular at interspecies seminars, though. Research proceeds 2 times faster for breakthroughs and applications that no one else has discovered as long as they are not cooperating with any other faction. Research proceeds normally on breakthroughs and applications that have been discovered. Mutually Exclusive with Copycats.

Efficient(7): Each population point is half the number of individuals as other races. Doubles starting population points, population from direct bonuses, halves cargo capacity to transport population points.

Workaholics (2): Doubles Military Capacity and Research Capacity

Cantankerous (-9): Attitude of all regions decreases by 1 per turn if above Unhappy (-3 points), Hostile (-6 points), or rebellion (-9 points). Mutually exclusive with Naturally Happy, Patriotic.

Faction (Petran Federation) Values

Perfectionist: With: Research a Mastery Application. Against: Lose progress on a Mastery application because another faction finished it.

Non-interventionist: With: Do not interfere in a foreign war (a war
where your faction is neither attacker nor defender). Against:
Interfere in a foreign war.

Prosperity: With: Spend at least 50% of your budget founding or improving colonies or improving development level. Against: Spend less than 25% of your budget improving colonies or development level.

Faction Traits

Tech-Savvy(8): All facility level upgrades are built as soon as they are allowed by increasing development level. All special facilities are built in all regions with population as soon as they are available.

Collectivist(8): All regions tolerate a 80% (8 point) tax rate without decreasing in attitude rating.

Investors(3): Development level, for income purposes, counts as 1 higher.

Tactically Astute(1): +5 objective modifier to all battles.

Space Force Wimps(-4): Units of the chosen type all count as if they
were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1)

Individualist(-9): Attitude of all regions decreases by 1 per turn if above Unhappy (-3 points), Hostile (-6 points), or rebellion (-9 points). Mutually exclusive with Naturally Happy, Patriotic.

Ground Force Supremacy(4): Units of the chosen type all count as if they were 1 level higher

Expert Builders(5): All development level and facility level upgrades are built at half cost.

Taciturn(-3): This species just doesn't have a lot to say. As such, matters of diplomacy and tact don't go well. Capitol actions must be rolled (and succeeded on) twice to be effective.

Region 1 Lacedaemon

Capitol Level 1
Development Level 2
Population Level 25 (Max 50; counts as 50 as per efficient)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 5 (1 overharvested, counts as 10)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 2
-Capacity: 200T (PL 50 * MTUL 2 * 2 for Workaholics)
Labs Level 2
-Capacity: 200T (see above, it's the same calculation)

7 Ground Forces, Level 2
3 Air Forces, Level 1
5 Naval Forces, Level 1

Region 2 Thebes

Espionage HQ Level 1
Development Level 2
Population Level 25 (Max 50; counts as 50)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 5 (1 overharvested, counts as 10)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 2
-Capacity: 200T (PL 50 * MTUL 2 * 2 for Workaholics)
Labs Level 2
-Capacity: 200T (see above, it's the same calculation)

3 Ground Forces, Level 2
7 Air Forces, Level 1
5 Naval Forces, Level 1

Turn 0 Spending - $40T saved for turn 1


Region 1
(PL + R + I) * DL * TM
(50 + 10 + 0) * 3 * 2 = $360T
[Notes: 1 point of R overharvested; DL counts one higher due to Investors; Taxes set at 80%; Population counts double as per Efficient]

Region 2
Same as region 1

Turn 0 $40T unused

Budget: $760T

Turn 1 Budget

$30T Raise DL of Lacedaemon to 3 [at 1/2 cost from Expert Builders]
$30T Raise DL of Thebes to 3
$40T Raise DL of Lacedaemon to 4
$40T Raise DL of Thebes to 4
$50T Raise DL of Lacedaemon to 5
$50T Raise DL of Thebes to 5
$10T Establish Colony of Syracuse in Region 5, DL 1
$20T Raise DL of Syracuse to 2
$30T Raise DL of Syracuse to 3
$40T Raise DL of Syracuse to 4
$50T Raise DL of Syracuse to 5

$20T Raise EHQL to 2
$10T Raise CL (Capitol Level) to 2
$15T Raise CL to 3

$15T Military Upkeep
$20T Upgrade 4 L1 Navy to L2
$20T Upgrade 4 L1 Air to L2
$15T Upgrade 3 L2 Ground to L3

$172T Research (described below)

$10T Modify Colonisation check

Civilian (raising DL and founding/improving colonies): $390T, 51%
National Facilities: $45T, 6%
Research: $172T, 23%
Military: $70T, 9%
Discretionary budget: $83T ($10T used so far), 11%
(%s are approximate and may not add up to 100% due to rounding)

Life Sciences: Subtotal: $59T
L1: Genetics; Total spent here: $40T
Genetics: Breakthrough
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 1.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent))
Cost to me: $6T

Genetics: App 1
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 1.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent))
Cost to me: $6T

Genetics: App 2
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 1.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent))
Cost to me: $6T

Genetics: App 3
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 1.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent))
Cost to me: $6T

Genetics: App 4
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Genetics: App 5
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Genetics: Mastery
Cost: 20 RP
Progress made this turn: 20 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $8T

L2: Translational Genetics; Total spent here: $19T
Translational Genetics: Breakthrough
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $19T

Engineering: Subtotal: $51T
E1: Composite Materials; Total spent here: $32T
Composite Materials: Breakthrough
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Composite Materials: App 1
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Composite Materials: App 2
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Composite Materials: App 3
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Composite Materials: App 4
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Composite Materials: App 5
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Composite Materials: Mastery
Cost: 20 RP
Progress made this turn: 20 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $8T

E2: Professional Engineering; Total spent here: $19T
Professional Engineering: Breakthrough
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.75 (1 + .5 (Skewed Psyche) + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $19T

Chemistry: Subtotal: $62T
C1: Molecular Chemistry; Total spent here: $32T
Molecular Chemistry: Breakthrough
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Molecular Chemistry: App 1
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Molecular Chemistry: App 2
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Molecular Chemistry: App 3
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Molecular Chemistry: App 4
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Molecular Chemistry: App 5
Cost: 10 RP
Progress made this turn: 10 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $4T

Molecular Chemistry: Mastery
Cost: 20 RP
Progress made this turn: 20 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $9T

C2: Molecular Machines
Molecular Machines: Breakthroughs
Cost: 50 RP
Progress made this turn: 50 RP (complete)
Modifier: 2.25 (1 + .25 (Intelligent) + 1 (Original))
Cost to me: $23T

2008-08-03, 05:48 AM

The Flowing Stream

Species & Faction - Traits & Description

Ground Force Wimps (-4): Units of the chosen type all count as if they were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1)

Gullible (-2): Espionage Actions must be rolled (and succeeded on) twice to be effective.

Fruitful (6): Base Population growth rates are 25%.

Lithovore (4): For purposes of determining the population cap of each region, add the terraforming level and the resources of the region together, then treat that as the terraforming level.

Verbose (1): Capitol actions can be rolled twice, and if one of them succeeds, the action succeeds.

Species Background


The Aquaolk as a species are rooted deep in the Ring's history. Indeed, they evolved on a completely different route, in parallel to a number of other species. The lack of fire was initially the biggest problem they had to overcome, for it is what originally sparked the brilliance of the mind. But with contact with land species they continued learning. Contact and communication was most important, and it was exchanged against prized treasures of the cold depths of the oceans and rivers yet unexplored. It is worthy to note that it is mainly because of this frequent exchange and initial reliance on the truthfulness of ground species knowledge that made them a very verbose, but gullible race.


The Aquaolk eventually found that some of the newest technologies were applicable underwater, and with artificial means of producing light they soon began to work around the clock to catch up and assimilate technology in their own way. There is little known of how they managed to create their installations by 500 meters deep and the species clearly hold dear their knowledge. While they are unable for now to imitate this technology on solid ground, they are most adept at creating what they call liquidware. The concept is -to them- fairly simple. Bubbles appear to be the main interface where the surface of it acts as a haptic sensor, the bubbles are static and produced by a steady inflow of air. The air is kept in a bubble shape thanks to a special membrane that the Aquaolk are used to produce for their eggs. It is a translucent membrane and can become as hard as a thin sheet of metal, though that is inappropriate for birthing.


The overall architecture of the Aquaolk is composed of cliff habitation and coral masonry. They lodge in gaps in the ocean floor or underwater cliff faces or ridges, and whenever the cities expand on flat ground, coral is used most of the time and creates enclosures, similar to houses and their gardens, with streets virtually non existent and almost all traffic occurring above the accommodations. It is also frequent for them to artificially excavate the ocean floor to artificially recreate cliffs. It is like this that great cities of rock, with underwater 'sky-scrapers' eventually formed, niched below the ocean floor, carved out of the rock itself.


As a species in general, they are mostly a very tall and slender race. As swimmers, they have acquired powerful humanoid legs, palmed feet and hands as well as translucent fins protruding out of their backs, drifting with the current as they swim. Their shoulders are powerful and they are used to having well adapted sea mobility. Comparatively, those species fare badly on land. Not only can they not breathe over water without artificial means, they also find the gravity a lot stronger on land. This has led them to train a number of their peers to land movement for military and trading purposes. However, they still seem to be sluggish because of the difficult conditions above the sea.


This species has both a female and a male, with the only distinction that females has longer translucent fins than the males as well as a very slightly more prominent bust. They couple almost exactly like humans do, but with each pregnancy the female lays eggs. Typically, the average female Aquaolk will lay around 8 eggs in her life time.

Of course, this means that as a species, the Aquaolk has grown in numbers in a rather absurd manner, and females are often grounded to their homes because of the sheer amount of responsibility they have in educating their young. It is tradition that the female will determine what each child does best and educate them in this way.

Faction Values

Honesty (-2): With: Take no Espionage actions that are discovered this turn. Against: Take more than one espionage action that is discovered.

Happiness (-2): With: All regions have an attitude 0 or above. Against: Any one region is in rebellion.

Religion (2): Special: Your faction is the founder of a major religion (The Stream). Someone in your faction is the leader of this religion, and may make decrees in its name. Regions that have this religion must obey this edict, regardless of owner, or immediately decrease by one attitude level. Regions that obey these edicts increase by one attitude rating (though they may only increase by one category per turn through this method). Religion can only be spread if the faction with military control of the region allows it. A faction may remove a religion from any region under its military control with a DR 8 opposed Capitol or Espionage action, though the attitude of the region will immediately decrease by 2 categories. This removal negates any attitude decrease from disobeying edicts that turn. Only one religion may be present in any one region. With: Spread this religion to another region. Against: If this religion is removed from any region, regardless of owner.

Faction Traits

Earth Force Wimps (-4): Units of the chosen type all count as if they were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1).

Nonviolent (-5): Costs to build and upgrade military units doubled.

Individualist (-9): Attitude of all regions decreases by 1 per turn if above rebellion.

Collectivist (8): All regions tolerate a 80% tax rate without decreasing in attitude rating.

Tech-Savvy (8): All facility level upgrades are built as soon as they are allowed by increasing development level. All special facilities are built in all regions with population as soon as they are available.

Investors (3): Development level, for income purposes, counts as 1 higher.

Family-Focused (2): Population growth is 5% more.

Faction Description

Flowing Stream. It is the main belief of the Flowing Stream that everybody has a main stream in life. In this stream, the Aquaolk of Flowing Stream float in honesty and happiness. Those of Flowing Stream are usually called streamers, while their brothers of The Treacherous Depths are usually called Deepers.

Family is an important aspect in society, for they are those closest to you from birth and you share their stream from early in life. Hold your family together as water holds its own together. Make use of your ancestral stream and flow with it. Let the advice guide you on your stream of life, but let it not dictate it, for you are as free as the water to flow where you wish.

For each of the Aquaolk it is important to follow his or her own stream in life and flow with it. This value has made the Aquaolk in Flowing Stream focus on their own individual development instead of the development as a whole. This is the focus of the government, composed out of Aquaolk who feel it is their stream in life to guide the others and allow them to flow as they wish. In return, the Aquaolk realise that while they have to find their own stream and can focus on this, all the little streams make up the Flowing Stream that is their faction. The safety of the faction's stream is there, as long as you dedicate your stream to the faction. If you do that, the faction will provide.

And provide they do, for they allow those most interested in sciences to get in the right places and provide the best facilities for all Aquaolk in the faction's stream. Many also realise that if they invest in other streams, that their own stream can flow on the other's stream and profit, which translates to investing being a common practise, though the largest investment is always for the faction's stream when taxes are high. This is very accepted, for the stream provides with all kinds of facilities to find your own.

Because of that freedom to find yourself, Aquaolk are non-violent and crime is hardly an issue. But they are accostumed to that freedom and expect no less from the faction. While many do realise that going in the army is required to make sure the whole stream is safe, many would rather see no drafting in the army required. Those in the army are usually only those who feel it is their stream in live to be there. And when in the army, the Aquaolk prefer to stay in, or above familiar territory, instead of the strange land area. For that reason, land forces are less developed. Air forces do not suffer from this stigma, because most hover above the naval forces and the seas in which the Aquaolk dwell.

Note that the belief that everybody has his or her own stream, or path as the land dwellers would say, is actually a religion within the society of Flowing Stream. But since it is integrated within Flowing Stream society, they regard it as part of their society, instead of a seperate religion. Any individual who wishes to join The Stream and find his or her own stream in life is welcomed amongst the Aquaolk of the Flowing Stream. Through finding your own stream, you can find happiness and find the divine spark within yourself, which is present in everybody. Those of other factions may say that the Stream religion tells that God is within everybody.

Current Turn 1
Initiative: 8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4647377&posted=1#post4647377).8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4659276&posted=1#post4659276)

Faction Stats

National Statistics
Development Level Cap: 3
Lab Level Cap: 3
Military Facility Level Cap: 3
Military Technology Level Cap: 3

Capitol: 2
Spy HQ: 1

Population Growth: 30%

Electrical Computers Breakthrough
Electrical Computers 1st application

About Region Stats
Base Income is at 40% tax.
Population: x/y. X is current population points, y is maximum population points.

Whirlpool (Region 10)

Development level: 2
Military Facilities: 2
Research Labs: 2

Resources: 5
Terraforming: 10
Population points: 25/75
Attitude: Indifferent
Religion: None

Research Capacity: 50 (25 Population * 2 Labs)
Military Capacity: 50 (25 Population * 2 Military Facility)

Base Income: $90T
Base Income: (25 Population + 5 Resources) * (2 Development Level + 1 Investors)
Trade: 10
Trade: (5 Resources * 2 Development Level)

Electrical supercomputer

2 level 1 naval
4 level 1 air
4 level 1 ground

The Central Stream (Region 11)

Development level: 2
Military Facilities: 2
Research Labs: 2

Resources: 5
Terraforming: 10
Population points: 25/75
Attitude: Indifferent
Religion: The Stream

Research Capacity: 50 (25 Population * 2 Labs)
Military Capacity: 50 (25 Population * 2 Military Facility)

Base Income: $90T
Base Income: (25 Population + 5 Resources) * (2 Development Level + 1 Investors)
Trade: 10
Trade: (5 Resources * 2 Development Level)

Electrical supercomputer

4 level 1 naval
4 level 1 air
2 level 1 ground

Region 17
Potential Colony

4 level 1 naval
2 level 1 air
4 level 1 ground


Region 10
Base Income: 90T
Tax Rate: 80%
Total Region Income: 180T

Region 11
Base Income: 90T
Tax Rate: 80%
Total Region Income: 180T

180T Region 10
180T Region 11
18T Trade

Total Income: 378T


20T Actions
0T Development
94T Research
15T Military

Total Spending: 128T


Previous Turn Treasury: 0T
Total Income: 378T
Total Spending: 129T
Treasury: 249T


Honesty: With: No spy actions
Happiness: With: All regions at or above 0 attitude
Religion: With: Spread Religion

Honesty: Yes
Happiness: Yes
Religion: Yes

Advantages: +1 attitude (counterbalanced by Individualist), Development Level and Facilities 1 level higher (counts for next turn).
Disadvantages: None


20T for Colonisation of Region 17. Dice Rolls yet to be made.


None as of yet.


Total Research Capacity
50RC Region 10
50RC Region 11
Total: 100RC

Life Sciences
L1: Genetics Breakthrough
L1: Genetics 1st Application
L1: Genetics 2nd Application
L1: Genetics 3rd Application
L1: Genetics 4th Application
L1: Genetics 5th Application
L1: Genetics Mastery

E1: Composite Materials Breakthrough
E1: Composite Materials 1st Application
E1: Composite Materials 2nd Application
E1: Composite Materials 3rd Application
E1: Composite Materials 4th Application
E1: Composite Materials 5th Application

All Life Sciences and Engineering Breakthroughs and Applications are in cooperation with Treasured Depths. Both Flowing Stream and Treasured Depths invest 7, and give the other 50%/+3 bonus from cooperation.
Thus, each Life Science and Engineering Breakthrough and Application costs 7 to get.

Tier 1 Breakthroughs and Applications in single cooperation: 12
12 * 7T = 84T Investment

L1: Genetics Mastery cost
10T Investment
+10RP Electrical Supercomputers

Total Research Investment: 94T/100 (84+10)

Research Benefits
Population Growth Rate +5%
Natural Agents Chemical/Biological Warfare
Development Level Cap +3
Lab Level Cap +2
Military Facilities Level Cap +2
Military Technology Cap +1
Resources +4
+1 to all checks to modify the attitude of a controlled region positively
+10% Population
Composite Factories


50MC Region 10
50MC Region 11
Total: 100MC

30 units in army.
Upkeep per unit: 0.5.
Total Upkeep: 15T

Total Military Spending: 15T
Military Capacity: 15/100

2 Contingies Available (Capitol Level 2)

Contigency Plan Region 10 vs ?
Contigency Plan Region 11 vs ?


Outgoing Trade
18 Trade to Treasured Depths

Incoming Trade
18T Trade from Treasured Depths

Trade Status
20 Total Trade
18 Outgoing Trade
2 Trade Available


Religion spread to the Central Stream.

Send out all trade.

+1 attitude to Region 11 for following Edict.


"Laqua, did you hear?" "What should I have heared, dear?" Said Laqua as she studied her instruments. "Well, it is not just us that are doing research on the field of genetics. Others are looking to study the genes within us as well." "Yes, dear, I heared that. Or rather, read it. It was in the newspaper the other day." The other Aquaolk, a man, bubbled a sigh. "I ought to read those." "Yes, you should." The other Aquaolk shrugged momentarily and swam next to her with a smirk on his face. "But did you hear that they are seeking to unravel the secrets of the gene on a grander scale as well? Projects are being funded just like in our society." Laqua shaked her head. "Rumours, Damun. Rumours." Damun shaked his head fiercely. "They are going to ask the others stop doing research so that only we will have a dedicated branch to genetics." Laqua bubbled a sigh and looked up from her instruments. "Or we could do our work, like we are supposed to be doing. Maybe then we will be able to beat them in the race, though I still think it is just a bunch of rumours." Damun grinned and returned to his own work. "Alright, alright, I will focus on breaking this genetic code."


"May the flow be with you." "Cut out the quoting of movies already, Janice. We have work to do here, remember? We have to interview this important fellow about the colonisation plans. To extend our society in new waters." Janice shrugs. "We already have plenty of room, why would we want to do that?" "Hello? This is our work, remember?" "Fine, fine, I guess you are right." Then as the two swam on ahead, another Aquaolk came from the other direction, swimming to them. "Bad news, pals. No interview today." "What!? why not?" "Well, because they are currently having a meeting about where to actually set up the new colony." "But wasn't that yesterday? The fourteenth?" "The fourteenth!? It IS the fourteenth, you idiot!" The newcomer slaps his forehead. "We are so stupid.. well, we better come tomorrow then."


Feel the flow around you, the water that surrounds us all. We are part of that great Stream, of The Great Stream. However, we each take up a special part of that Stream. The Stream does not dictate our lives, for we can swim instead of float. To just flow with the stream is not enough. We must swim to that part of the Stream that calls out to us. In a manner of way, each of us must find his or her own stream. Do you Understand?" "Yes, wise one. We thank you for your guidance and your wise words." The wise one smiled. "Go forth and find your stream." His students bowed and swam off, each to find their own stream. May each of us find his or her own stream.. From individuals to governments.


2008-08-03, 12:15 PM
Military order( open to all)

2 ground units from hrith Mountains will move and Occupy region 20 (Western Hrith)
2 more will do the same with region 21 (Eastern Hrith)
1 level 2 ground unit from Central Hrith will move to an Occupy region 16(northern Hrith)
one of the remaining level two unit in Central Hrith will move to and Occupy region 22 (Edgwards Hirth)
5 points of navy will move from central Hrith to Ocean region 17 (Hrithie Ocean)
another level 2 ground unit will hitch a ride on the navel units to get to region 9
and 2 will continue to ocean region 12 (Hrithite ocean pt. 2)

Public address
Let us be clear, this is not and invasion, the set-up to an invasion, or any such thing. Quite simply, we estimate that, within 15 years, we will no longer be able to support our population with our current lands. As such we are simply claiming nearby unoccupied lands as potential colonies.

and since I'm posting anyway, here's my flavor for my budget.

Reporter Well, today the high council handed down it's budget for the next 5-year period. Aside from a very large investment in government research apparatuses and educations, there was also a large investment in infrastructure and public services, although dectractors claim that they could theoretically improve the system much more.
Aside from this, due to a large population influx from increased medical technology, the Council has voted to claim several large regions as potential colonies.

I other news, a controversial new training program for about a third of the CHAASI ground forces as dawn fire as being "war-mongering" and "trust-breaking". These complains have been dismissed, and the government report says the new forces will be used only in defence and peacekeeping operations.

2008-08-03, 01:30 PM
anyway, base bidding for genetics mastery 5T

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-03, 02:20 PM
Military Movements...
1 navy from region 2 will set a course to region 9

FSC Statement

"The unclaimed continent, designated as regions 9 and 13, will be transformed into a free haven for all those that seek to find new opportunities. The FSC and CHAASI governments have taken it upon themselves to provide the resources and security forces and set up the government institutions to make this possible. The resources of these lands will be used for the benifit of all sentient life on the ring as forces will be stationed there that will be used solely to aid nations that have need of them to maintain peace and security."

2008-08-03, 02:36 PM
Military movement

send the level 3 ground force and one of the points of navy in central hrith to region 13, to help the current guy, he ships will obviously stay on the coast.

we would like to say that this venture does have our full support and we will be erecting major civilian and academic infrastructure within 10-15 years, as well as making a base for an elite peace-keeping force.

2008-08-03, 02:36 PM
Race: Berwocks
Faction: The Far-Eyes League

Eyja, Speaker for the Directorate of the Heart, Annual Directorate Joint Address, Year 101 AD (After the Dimming)
"My fellow Berwocks, your officials in the Wellspring know that you have concerns about the recent actions of our neighbors to the north-east. They have assured us that their intentions are peaceful, and we see no reason –- for now -- not to believe what they say. Rather than take new lands, however, we have focused on developing those we have inherited from our forebears. We have also investigated the applications of our computing technology, and progress has proceeded apace."

Wuj, Speaker for the Directorate of Distant Lands, Annual Directorate Joint Address, Year 101 AD (After the Dimming)
"As my colleague from the Directorate of the Heart has said, at this time we have no reason to suspect CHAASI's motives. Nonetheless, we strongly disapprove of the annexation of what they term the "Western Hrith" and what we know as the Jotone Mountains. We bear them no animosity and wish to avoid war, the last argument of nations, at all costs, but have expressed our displeasure to them formally.

On another, happier note, we have joined a mutual defense treaty with The Aqualok nations of The Treasured Depths and The Flowing Stream. This treaty, the Adamant Alliance, is merely to protect us and our new allies from the aggression of others. In the interests of peace, we hope to invite CHAASI to join this alliance as well."

Public Actions

Faction initiative: [roll0]

Revenue: (population + resources +infrastructure) * (DL+1) * tax bonus (80%, x2)
(50+5+0)*3*2 (The Fount) + (50+5+0)*3*2 (The Jormund Coast)
= $660T

Military upkeep: $15T
$110T: Research (Electrical Computing and Chemistry, see below)
$200T: Colonize the Jotun Mountains and upgrade it to DL 4. Spend $15T
$140T: Develop The Fount to DL 4
$140T: Develop The Jormund Coast to DL 4
$40T: Upgrade The Directorate of Eyes (Espionage HQ) to level 2
Total: $645T

Net Budget Surplus: $15T
Remaining funds: $35T


$100T -> 100 research points. +10 from Electrical Supercomputers
60 rp: Applications 2-5 and Mastery of Electrical Computers. 60 rp
O1: Electrical Computers
1) Allows the construction of electrical supercomputers.
2) Increases Lab Level cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Adds 3 points of Objective Modifier to any battle. Reduces cost of electrical supercomputers by $10T.
4) Allows 5 points of virtual population.
5) Increases Development level cap by 1. Increases Lab Level cap by 1. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Constructs an Internet Hub in a region of your choice.
60 rp: Research the Breakthrough and Applications 1-5 of Molecular Chemistry
C1: Molecular Chemistry
1) Allows Basic Chemical/Biological WMD Strike
2) Increases Military technology cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Increases Development Level Cap by 1.
4) Increases Lab Level cap by 1, increases resources of all regions by 2
5) Increases military facilities level cap by 1, increases resources of all regions by 2. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Increases development level of two regions of your choice by 1, provided they are under the current cap.

Population: Both The Fount and The Jormund Coast gain 62.5 million population, or +2.5 population points (considered rounded down for all purposes save calculating new population. This takes effect next turn.)
The same number move to the

Private Actions

Subvert my own regions to be more favorable toward me (rolls in a later post. Success.) (2 actions)



The Berwocks are small reptilian humanoids who feed on carrion, though they are omnivores. They are adapted for dusk and dawn, and during the day and night they are often slow to act.

The Far-Eyes League (called just "Eyes" by its residents) is a group of city-states and regional governments that agreed to share a foreign policy and resources for the better safety of all. It's military is small and its army quite weak, but the espionage network is extremely good to the point where the military's role is generally just to hold off the enemy until sufficient unrest has been caused that the enemy has no choice but to pull back their military to prevent open rebellion. Eyes also has a distinct advantage in technology, devoting a great deal of resources to ensuring that they have the absolute best. To the Berwocks, knowledge is the only power really worth having.

Species Traits

Recycle Mania (3): This species is loathe to waste anything, and this includes other people's trash. This species may add 1 resource point to one of its regions for every 2 points of resources (round up) overharvested on the same planet that turn by any faction that does not have the Recycle Mania trait. Each region may gain no more than 1 point of resources per turn through this method regardless of the amount overharvested.

Slow Reflexes(-3): If, during the casualty resolution phase, a force of this species takes enough damage to be eradicated, it does no damage to its opponents. Excludes Fast Reflexes

Tactically Moronic(-1): -5 objective modifier to all battles

Taciturn(-1): This species just doesn't have a lot to say. As such, matters of diplomacy and tact don't go well. Capitol actions must be rolled (and succeeded on) twice to be effective.

Efficient(7): Each population point is half the number of individuals as other races. Doubles starting population points, population from direct bonuses, halves cargo capacity to transport population points.

Faction Values

Non-interventionist (-2): With: Do not interfere in a foreign war (a war where your faction is neither attacker nor defender). Against: interfere in a foreign war.

Green (0): With: Improve the resources rating of one of your regions. Against: Overharvest or use WMDs that reduce the resources of the target region.

Pacifist (0): With: Be at peace with all your neighbors. Have no forces stationed outside of annexed or home regions. Against: Be the attacker in at least one battle this turn.

Faction Traits

Sneaky (2): Espionage actions may be rolled twice. If either succeeds,
the action succeeds.

Slow-Growing(-2): Population growth is 5% less.

Nonviolent(-5): Costs to build and upgrade military units doubled.

Nefarious (5): Espionage actions cost $10T less (minimum 0). Espionage
actions per turn doubled.

Tech-Savvy(8): All facility level upgrades are built as soon as they are allowed by increasing development level. All special facilities are built in all regions with population as soon as they are available.

Collectivist(8): All regions tolerate a 80% (8 point) tax rate without decreasing in attitude rating.

Investors(3): Development level, for income purposes, counts as 1 higher.

Universal Wimps(-14): All units count as if they were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1)

The Fount (capital region)

Capitol Level 1
Espionage HQ Level 3
Development Level: 4
Population Level 50 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 9
Labs Level 4 (cap 5)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 4 (cap 4)
Electrical Supercomputer: Adds 5 research points to any one project per turn receiving at least 5 points of research points from investment. If less is invested, it matches the investment. Cumulative with all other such increases.

3 Ground Forces, Level 1
3 Air Forces, Level 1
3 Naval Forces, Level 1

The Jormund Coast

Development Level 4
Population Level 50 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 9
Labs Level 4 (cap 5)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 4 (cap 4)
Electrical Supercomputer (see above)

3 Ground Forces, Level 1
3 Air Forces, Level 1
3 Naval Forces, Level 1

The Jotun Mountains

Development Level 4
Population Level 5 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 8
Resources 19
Labs Level 4 (cap 5)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 4 (cap 4)
Electrical Supercomputer (see above)

4 Ground Forces, Level 1
4 Air Forces, Level 1
4 Naval Forces, Level 1

Unused Cash: $0T
Trade Output: $20T

2008-08-03, 02:39 PM
Central Council Spokeswoman

Spokeswoman Al Eor entered the stage. A veritable horde of newspaper and television reporters surrounded it, each one seated on a cushion, but obviously still trying to get the best view. She gave a bright smile, revealing her perfectly polished incisors.
"Dear members of the press, citizens of Lumina and Adamanda.
We have all heard the news. Chaasi claimed land as their own which, until recently was neutral. This alone would not be a reason for any kind of commotion, since we appreciate any effort to reclaim lost territories.
However, these lands, called Eastern and Edgewards Hrith by the Eldrenth, border on our own territory.
Of course we are very willing to believe that they don't intend an invasion or anything similar. Why should we, our relations with the CHAASI have always been perfect.
However, the precautious thrive, as my grandmother used to say. Therefore, we will redistribute some of our troops. We wish to ensure the public, the CHAASI and the entire ring that this is not meant as a preparation for war, merely a precaution, to protect the integrity of our borders. Thank you.

Military Orders:

4 ground and 4 air forces will be stationed in Adamanda, along with 5 naval forces.
3 ground, 5 naval and 4 air forces will be distributed throughout Lumina.
3 ground and 2 air forces will be patroling the borders to territory 22, with clear orders not to attack anything, except in self defence in the case of an invasion.

2008-08-03, 02:53 PM
Military order

send the two points of ground force in Western Hrith(area 20) to edgewards Hrith.
Send one of the two troopers in Eastern Hrith to edgewards Hrth.
send 3 points of air to edgewards Hrith.
at any time, two of the ground forces will be patrolling the border, along with the air forces not refueling, the other ground forces will be setting up a base camp and occupying the territory. they are instructed not to shoot except in self defense or in case of an invasion

In response to the Far-Eye league's concerns, we are moving our troops out of Western Hrith and away from their lands. We are also moving them to edgewards Hrith, this is not an aggressive act, it is simply o defend our borders from the most likely threat, although we have no reason to doubt the Collectives intentions, we are simply moving the troops to the most dangerous point under our control

2008-08-03, 03:23 PM
Race: Berwocks
Faction: The Far-Eyes League

Wuj, Speaker for the Directorate of Distant Lands, Year 101 AD (After the Dimming)
"The Wellspring of The Far-Eyes League would like to express its pleasure, indeed delight, at the news that CHAASI has withdrawn their troops in the Drasil Mountains. We commend their actions and efforts to maintain the peace and look forward to continued peace and trade with them."

Private Actions

Espionage: Subvert The Fount and The Jormund Coast to be more favorable toward the Far-Eyes Defense League. Roll 1d6+1 against difficulty of 4
The Fount
The Jormund Coast
EDIT: Both succeed. If this affects their attitude this turn, please PM me.



The Berwocks are small reptilian humanoids who feed on carrion, though they are omnivores. They are adapted for dusk and dawn, and during the day and night they are often slow to act.

The Far-Eyes Defense League (called just "Eyes" by its residents) is a group of city-states and regional governments that agreed to share a foreign policy and resources for the better safety of all. It's military is small and its army quite weak, but the espionage network is extremely good to the point where the military's role is generally just to hold off the enemy until sufficient unrest has been caused that the enemy has no choice but to pull back their military to prevent open rebellion. To the Berwocks, knowledge is the only power really worth having.

Species Traits

Recycle Mania (3): This species is loathe to waste anything, and this includes other people's trash. This species may add 1 resource point to one of its regions for every 2 points of resources (round up) overharvested on the same planet that turn by any faction that does not have the Recycle Mania trait. Each region may gain no more than 1 point of resources per turn through this method regardless of the amount overharvested.

Slow Reflexes(-3): If, during the casualty resolution phase, a force of this species takes enough damage to be eradicated, it does no damage to its opponents. Excludes Fast Reflexes

Verbose (1): Capitol actions can be rolled twice, and if one of them succeeds, the action succeeds.

Tactically Moronic(-1): -5 objective modifier to all battles

Intelligent (5): A cut, mentally, above the rest. It comes in varying degrees, but helps with research and tactical planning. Research points are acquired 25% faster, and +5 objective modifier is added to all battles.

Faction Values

Non-interventionist (-2): With: Do not interfere in a foreign war (a war
where your faction is neither attacker nor defender). Against:
Interfere in a foreign war.

Green (0): With: Improve the resources rating of one of your regions. Against: Overharvest or use WMDs that reduce the resources of the target region.

Pacifist (0): With: Be at peace with all your neighbors. Have no forces stationed outside of annexed or home regions. Against: Be the attacker in at least one battle this turn.

Faction Traits

Sneaky (2): Espionage actions may be rolled twice. If either succeeds,
the action succeeds.

Slow-Growing(-2): Population growth is 5% less.

Nonviolent(-5): Costs to build and upgrade military units doubled.

Nefarious (5): Espionage actions cost $10T less (minimum 0). Espionage
actions per turn doubled.

Tech-Savvy(8): All facility level upgrades are built as soon as they are allowed by increasing development level. All special facilities are built in all regions with population as soon as they are available.

Ground Force Wimps(-4): Units of the chosen type all count as if they were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1)

The Fount (capital region)

Population Level 25 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 5
Attitude: 1 (change this turn: +1)
Capitol Level 1
Espionage HQ Level 1
Labs Level 2
Military Training and Upkeep Level 2
Electrical Supercomputer: Adds 5 research points to any one project per turn receiving at least 5 points of research points from investment. If less is invested, it matches the investment. Cumulative with all other such increases.

7 Ground Forces, Level 1
7 Air Forces, Level 1
7 Naval Forces, Level 1

The Jormund Coast

Development Level 2
Population Level 25 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 5
Attitude: 1 (change this turn: +1)
Labs Level 2
Military Training and Upkeep Level 2
Electrical Supercomputer (see above)

3 Ground Forces, Level 1
3 Air Forces, Level 1
3 Naval Forces, Level 1

Tech Tree Progress

As-yet unresearched technologies are in standard text. The Furthest extent of researched progress in each path is in bold. Previously researched technologies are in italics. Breakthroughs and applications which are still being researched are underlined.

Life Science
L1: Genetics
1) Increases population growth rate by 5% (to 15%). Allows Natural Agents Chemical/Biological Warfare
2) Increases Development Level Cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Increase Lab Level cap by 1, Increase resources for all regions by 2.
4) Adds 1 to all checks to modify the attitude of a controlled region positively. Increases population of all regions by 10% (in addition to normal growth rates).
5) Increases Development Level Cap by 1. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Constructs Genomics Lab in a region of your choice.

C1: Molecular Chemistry
1) Allows Basic Chemical/Biological WMD Strike
2) Increases Miltary technology cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Increases Development Level Cap by 1.
4) Increases Lab Level cap by 1, increases resources of all regions by 2
5) Increases military facilities level cap by 1, increases resources of all regions by 2. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Increases development level of two regions of your choice by 1, provided they are under the current cap.

O1: Electrical Computers
1) Allows the construction of electrical supercomputers.
2) Increases Lab Level cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Adds 3 points of Objective Modifier to any battle. Reduces cost of electrical supercomputers by $10T.
4) Allows 5 points of virtual population.
5) Increases Development level cap by 1. Increases Lab Level cap by 1. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Constructs an Internet Hub in a region of your choice.

Unused Cash: $1T
Trade Output: $20T

2008-08-04, 02:54 AM
The Collective secures it's interests

Spokeswoman Al Eor appeared before the press today, to read out a brief note from the Central Council:
"Since the lands directly clockwise of our borders are currently being held by CHAASI forces, the council has currently set it's eye on the Coast of Rubia, a long and currently uninhabited stretch of land counterclockwise of Adamanda.
Statistical models show that with the current growth rate, we will need new lands to colonize in less than 5 years, even less if the rate should increase due to scientific breakthroughs in medicine or genetics. Therefore, Rubia will be an almost perfect spot for a colony. We have already ordered some of our air force to map the terrain in more detail than has previously been the case."

1 point of air forces from Lumina and one point of air forces from Adamanda moved to region 29.

2008-08-04, 03:42 AM
Newscoral The Daily Fish
Today it has been made official, the colonisation project for the new Region The Deep Reef has started. It is a region rich with resources and currently the first preparations are made to install the facilities needed to make it a suitable living place for the Aquaolk of the Flowing Stream.

Weeks ago it was already on the news. The Leaders of the Flowing Stream would select a new region to colonise, but which region was to be colonised was not sure at that time. After a research group was created to look for the best region, the result was was the region to the far east of our current regions, lying against the side of the Ring. [ooc: region 17] Resources are most abundant in that water region, meaning that it is the region of choice to colonise. There will be plenty of room and food for the coming inhabitants, who have already applied for a home there, feeling that it is their flow to go inhibit the new region.

While it is true that CHAASI has been moving through the nearby water regions with naval forces, the Flowing Stream does not predict any difficulties in setting up this new colony. After all, only the Aquaolk can live in the water regions of this world. Still, there is scepticism about the new colony. Questions arise why a new colony is needed and some think that the money could be spent better, but there have been a number of Aquaolk who wish to spread to other regions, considering it their flow. They say that the government is fulfilling their flow, while other Aquaolk claim that their flow is followed due to the fantastic new opportunities with gaining resources.

It is true that the Foundation of Resource and Food Sciences have shown great interest in this new opportunity, and there have already been numerous investors waiting for such an opportunity to invest in. In general, the opinion seems to be positive for this colony and scientists predict that they may even be able to discover new knowledge about resources. That is to be seen, but until then, the colonisation of the new Region, dubbed The Deep Reef due to a deep reef full of resources, is going on steadily.

Colonising Region 17.

Units to Region 17
4 level 1 naval
2 level 1 air
4 level 1 ground


2008-08-04, 08:28 AM
Species and Faction Stats

Species Name: Aquaolk
Faction Name: The Treasured Depths.


Ground Force Wimps (-4): Units of the chosen type all count as if they were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1)

Gullible (-2): Espionage Actions must be rolled (and succeeded on) twice to be effective.

Fruitful (6): Base Population growth rates are 15% (2 points), 20% (4 points) or 25% (6 points), depending on spending.

Lithovore (4): For purposes of determining the population cap of each region, add the terraforming level and the resources of the region together, then treat that as the terraforming level.

Verbose (1): Capitol actions can be rolled twice, and if one of them succeeds, the action succeeds.

Species Background


The Aquaolk as a species are rooted deep in the Ring's history. Indeed, they evolved on a completely different route, in parallel to a number of other species. The lack of fire was initially the biggest problem they had to overcome, for it is what originally sparked the brilliance of the mind. But with contact with land species they continued learning. Contact and communication was most important, and it was exchanged against prized treasures of the cold depths of the oceans and rivers yet unexplored. It is worthy to note that it is mainly because of this frequent exchange and initial reliance on the truthfulness of ground species knowledge that made them a very verbose, but gullible race.


The Aquaolk eventually found that some of the newest technologies were applicable underwater, and with artificial means of producing light they soon began to work around the clock to catch up and assimilate technology in their own way. There is little known of how they managed to create their installations by 500 meters deep and the species clearly hold dear their knowledge. While they are unable for now to imitate this technology on solid ground, they are most adept at creating what they call liquidware. The concept is -to them- fairly simple. Bubbles appear to be the main interface where the surface of it acts as a haptic sensor, the bubbles are static and produced by a steady inflow of air. The air is kept in a bubble shape thanks to a special membrane that the Aquaolk are used to produce for their eggs. It is a translucent membrane and can become as hard as a thin sheet of metal, though that is inappropriate for birthing.


The overall architecture of the Aquaolk is composed of cliff habitation and coral masonry. They lodge in gaps in the ocean floor or underwater cliff faces or ridges, and whenever the cities expand on flat ground, coral is used most of the time and creates enclosures, similar to houses and their gardens, with streets virtually non existent and almost all traffic occurring above the accommodations. It is also frequent for them to artificially excavate the ocean floor to artificially recreate cliffs. It is like this that great cities of rock, with underwater 'sky-scrapers' eventually formed, niched below the ocean floor, carved out of the rock itself.


As a species in general, they are mostly a very tall and slender race. As swimmers, they have acquired powerful humanoid legs, palmed feet and hands as well as translucent fins protruding out of their backs, drifting with the current as they swim. Their shoulders are powerful and they are used to having well adapted sea mobility. Comparatively, those species fare badly on land. Not only can they not breathe over water without artificial means, they also find the gravity a lot stronger on land. This has led them to train a number of their peers to land movement for military and trading purposes. However, they still seem to be sluggish because of the difficult conditions above the sea.


This species has both a female and a male, with the only distinction that females has longer translucent fins than the males as well as a very slightly more prominent bust. They couple almost exactly like humans do, but with each pregnancy the female lays eggs. Typically, the average female Aquaolk will lay around 8 eggs in her life time.

Of course, this means that as a species, the Aquaolk has grown in numbers in a rather absurd manner, and females are often grounded to their homes because of the sheer amount of responsibility they have in educating their young. It is tradition that the female will determine what each child does best and educate them in this way.

Faction Values

Prosperity: With: Spend at least 50% of your budget founding or improving colonies or improving development level. Against: Spend less than 25% of your budget improving colonies or development level.

Perfectionist: With: Research a Mastery Application. Against: Lose progress on a Mastery application because another faction finished it.

Faction Traits

Apathetic (-2): One less Value.

Patriotic (3): Attitude of all regions improves by 1 per turn if below supportive (3 points), happy (6 points), or Fanatical (9 points). Mutually exclusive with Cantankerous, Individualist.

Expert Builders (5): All development level and facility level upgrades are built at half cost.

Investors (3): Development level, for income purposes, counts as 1 higher.

Naval Force Supremacy (2): Naval units count as if one level higher.

Faction Background


The ruling body of the Treasured Depths is a monarchy. As opposed to their very individualist brothers of the Flowing Stream, these Aquaolk respect and follow a particular man's orders, he is chosen from a royal family and has authority over the military, justice and industry. At first glance, it seems his rule is absolute, but it is only an illusion. He gives power to a number of Aquaolk nobles and they are the ones that hold the most power in reality. It appears as though the king's will is carried out, but it is only through the nobles desire to do so that it remains so. Perhaps, as opposed to their cousins, they are much less individualist and much more patriotic. Their ruling figure is a sign of pride and an example for all of them to follow. The only other ruling authority that is a separate entity from the government is the R.F.T.D. (Research Facilities of Treasured Depths) which deals with most of the research and executes it completely independently -or so it is believed- of the King's, or his nobles, will.


With a king as ruling figure, Treasured Depths are expansionists, they create, build and colonize relentlessly. The idea of bliss for an enterprising Aquaolk lies in a bare patch of ocean floor. To them, any piece of land holds great potential and prosperity and nobility are very prized social statuses. Indeed, the more prosperous you are, and the more patriotic you are, the better you fare in this society. It is why they are renowned as extremely talented builders and entrepreneurs.

Their belief in their King also has given rise to a trend, a recurrence in Treasured Depths behaviour where they seek to emulate that perfect image they have of their King. It is probably of interest to note that this seems to affect all areas of society, from nobles to entrepreneurs to scientists, and that scientists take very seriously any research they undertake to the end. Their goal being to access the knowledge as accurately and thoroughly as possible.


Military service in Treasured Depths is, interestingly, twice higher than their neighbours in Flowing Stream. They regard any threats with extreme caution and seriousness and protect their entire race with equal determination, unaffected by differences of perspective or opinion. Treasured Depths, is, like all Aquaolk, less potent on land, but has taken much more seriously this weakness than their other kin. It is also noteworthy that their training focuses primarily on sea supremacy and they are used to three-dimensional tactics as well as formations. They seem to be a rather defensive faction overall, very focused on protecting their race and their water space from infiltration.

Faction Start

Development Level Cap: 3
Lab Level Cap: 3
Military Facility Level Cap: 3
Military Technology Level Cap: 3

Capitol: 2
Spy HQ: 1

Population Growth: 25%

Treasury: $0T

Base Income: $180T
Upkeep: $15T
Trade: 20

Nothing here yet...

Base Income is at 40% tax.

Population: x/y. X is current population points, y is maximum population points.

Region 1: The Sea Dragon Rift

A region that is nested against the cliffs and a gaping gash in the sea floor. From the maps of the Aquaolk, the rift resembles a great clawed dragon with a mane of fire. Ironically enough for this region that bows and greatly respects royalty, the symbol fairly easily replaced the older name that the King had given it. It is generally said that the proudest and fiercest soldiers of the Aquaolk are born here due to the spirit of the mighty Sea Dragon.

Development level: 2 (Effective 3)
Military Facilities: 2
Research Labs: 2

Resources: 5
Terraforming: 10
Population points: 25/75
Attitude: Indifferent

Base Income: $90T
Trade: 10

Nothing here yet...


2 level 2 naval (Effectively level 3)
3 level 1 naval (Effectively level 2)

5 level 1 air (Effectively level 1)

5 level 1 ground (Effectively level 1)

Region 2: The Jaded Seabed.

Having its name from its lush bright green seabed, and being a very fertile and surprising place for the very first Aquaolk to settle in, the vast flat lands of this region has charmed many of Treasured Depths people. They even say that the slight murkiness of the water above the lush grass makes it look wavy, almost like a dream. It has not stopped the Aquaolk however, who quickly started expanding down and sideways across the plains.

Development level: 2 (Effective 3)
Military Facilities: 2
Research Labs: 2

Resources: 5
Terraforming: 10
Population points: 25/75
Attitude: Indifferent

Base Income: $90T
Trade: 10

Nothing here yet...


2 level 2 naval (Effectively level 3)
3 level 1 naval (Effectively level 2)

5 level 1 air (Effectively level 1)

5 level 1 ground (Effectively level 1)



(25pop+5res)*(2dl+1investors)*1.5(60% tax)= 135T. (per region)

18T with Flowing Stream.
2T with CHAASI.

Total Income this turn: 290T.


Cooperative Research with Flowing Stream and Far Eyes.

L1 break and applications 1-5
E1 break and applications 1-5

83T spent.


Military Upkeep, 15T.
Upgrade 9 units, 45T.


Sea Dragon Rift
30T on Development level 3. (Expert Builders)

Jaded Seabed
30T on Development level 3. (Expert Builders)

Kelp Waters
Colonize Action. 60T on Development level 3. (Expert Builders)

Still editing

Military Movement

Moving two level 3 naval units from Jaded Seabed to region 24.
Moving two level 1 ground units from Jaded Seabed to region 31.
Moving two level 3 naval units from the Sea Dragon Rift to region 30.

"The King of Treasured Depths, Prometheus the Fourth!"

As the crowd cheers and masses of bubbles slowly ascends towards the surface, making it bubble on a surprising surface of water, the King raises his hands for silence, and indeed, silence follows soon.

"I have dispatched our forces to areas that were once ours. It is finally time for our people to retake our once lost lands and to make sure our people can grow peacefully in those areas. The Island of Oracles shall be made habitable later on, as well as the Kelp Waters surrounding it. Next to the Sea Dragon Rift, we have also gone back to one of the lands we have known and lived in a long time ago: The Crystalline Depths. To work towards this new development, I am commissioning our engineers to create a colony in the Kelp Waters, and would encourage any of you to seek me and claim land there, after which I will dub you as part of our nobility and count on you to master the wilds there."

The King pauses.

"Let it be known to the countries neighboring us, that those troops are non-hostile and there only to keep our ancestral lands in hand. To all of the Aquaolk and their allies, I wish you all an excellent Age of Remaking on the Ring."

And with that, the King retires to his quarters.

((OOC: Colonizing !))

2008-08-04, 02:53 PM
alt codes note to self:
ä is ALT-0228
ö is ALT-0246
ü is ALT-0252

The Mentevigilo

The Mentevigilo are a race of highly intelligent beings. Their high intelligence leads the bipeds to a nearly hive-mind like state. As such, each can alert the rest so long as they are nearby. This trait, from when they were preyed upon by predators, leads to a peculiar cycle of sleeping and working; their sleep patterns are staggered in order to increase the effectiveness of their work. The lifespan of a typical Mente is 220 years.


Intelligent (4)- +20% research (after spending), +4 objective modifier
Insomniacs (3)- Never surprised in combat, can spend 50% more on research and military
Gullible (-2)- Must succeed twice on espionage


The Mentevigilo choose a council of leaders known as the Council of Eleven (although the number may be as low as 8 during elections or as many as 15) to lead them for 20-year periods, also staggered like their sleep patterns. The council has an array of advisers for different matters. A peculiar ritual leads to these selected leaders' and advisors' skin color fading from the normal light lavender color to a distinct orange-gold, hence the name Golden Judges.


Favorite Technology branch (computers) (0)
Unity (-2)
Non-interventionism (-2)


Workaholics (2)- +100% spending max for military and research
Investors (3)- +1 development level for taxes
Collectiveist (4)- 60% taxes without losing happiness

Tax Rate: 60%

Pre-game investments
Upgrade Capitol to level 2
Income: $270 T
Total available cash: $290 T
Capitol Actions: $70 T
Colonize region #7 (base $20 T) Check 1d6+2 vs. 4
Move 2 population points to region #7 ($50 T) if colonization suceeds
Military Actions: $40 T
Upkeep: $15 T
10*L1 ground = $5 T
10*L1 air = $5 T
10*L1 navy = $5 T
Upgrading 5*L1 ground currently in Silbertal to 5*L2 ground: $25 T
Espionage Actions: $0 T
Other Actions: $0 T
Research: $180 T
Fission to application 1
Cost 20 RP
Spent $13.33 T * 1.2
Total research 16 RP (4 remaining)
Effects: Nearly there...
Life Science
Genetics to application 3
Cost 40 RP
Spent $33.33 T * 1.2 (total spent this turn: $50 T)
Total research 40 RP
Effects: Increases Pop. Growth to 15%, allows Natural Agents Bio/Chem Warfare, increases development level cap by 1, increases lab level cap by 1, increases resources in regions by 2
Electric Computers to mastery
Cost 80 RP
Spent $66.66 T * 1.2 (total spent this turn: $116.66 T)
Total research 80 RP
Effects: Allows Electrical Supercomputers (cost $-10 T), Lab level cap +3, Objective modifier +3, Development level cap +2, Virtual Pop. Cap 5
MASTERY BONUS: Free Internet Hub
Composite Materials to mastery
Cost 80 RP
Spent $66.66T * 1.2 (total spent this turn: $183.33 T)
Total research 80 RP
Effects: Allows Composite Facilities (cost -$10 T), Military Facilities cap +2, Military tech cap +1, Regional resources +2
MASTERY BONUS: Free Military-Industrial Megalith

Cash remaining: Exactly $0 T

National Stats
Capitol Level: 2
Espionage HQ Level: 1
Military Unit Tech Cap: 3 ((4))
Development Level Cap: 3 ((6))
Military Facility Cap: 3 ((5))
Research Lab Cap: 3 ((7))
Max Virtual Pop: 3 ((5))
Max Infrastructure: 0
Population Growth: 10% ((15%))
Objective Modifier: +0 ((+3))
Regional Resource bonus: +0 ((+4))

Regional Stats
Grünberg (Currently region #32)
Development Level: 2
Terraforming: 10
--Max Pop: 50
--Current Pop: 25 (+2)
----Number of People: 625 M (+62.5)
Resources: 5 (+4)
Attitude: 0 (+1, maybe)
Infrastructure: 0
Military Facility Level/Max: 2/$125 T
Research Lab Level/Max: 2/$125 T
Current Military Units: 5-L1 ground
5-L1 air (4 moving to region 7)
5-L1 navy (3 moving to region 8)

Silbernesfeld (Currently region #5)
Development Level: 2
Terraforming: 10
--Max Pop: 50
--Current Pop: 25
----Number of People: 625 M
Resources: 5 (+4)
Attitude: 0 (+1, maybe)
Infrastructure: 0
Military Facility Level/Max: 2/$125 T
Research Lab Level/Max: 2/$125 T
Current Military Units: 5-L1 ground (upgrade to 2, 3 moving to region 7)
5-L1 navy (3 moving to region 8)
5-L1 air (3 moving to region 7)

Diamantecanal (Currently region #7, to be colonized)

Development Level: 0 (1)
Terraforming: 7
--Max Pop: 35
--Current Pop: 0 (+2)
----Number of People: 0 (+62.5)
Resources: 5 (+4)
Attitude: 0
Infrastructure: 0
Military Facility Level/Max: 0/$0 T
Research Lab Level/Max: 0/$0 T
Current Military Units: (3*L2 ground, 7*L1 air)

8.4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4657065#post4657065)
Public Actions
Upgrading 5 Ground units in Silbernesfeld to L2
Colonizing region #7, bidding $0 T (Check bonus +2 vs. target 4) ---done bidding---
--Moving 2 population to region #7 (Now known as Diamantecanal, if success)
Moving 3 Ground units to region #7
Moving 3 Air units to region #7 from Silbernesfeld
Moving 4 Air units to region #7 from Grünberg
Mastery applications researching:
Electrical Computers, (conflicts with: Diamond Collective)
Composite Materials (conflicts with: FSC, PF)

Moody the Wise
2008-08-05, 12:27 AM
OoC: Apologies for the brief post, but it's late and I need to sleep. Perhaps I'll expand on the fluff later.

Orders: 3 L2 Ground from Lacedaemon move to Region 6
Colonisation check is initiated:
Colonise Region 6, henceforth to be called Syracuse
1d6 + 1 (+2 modifier purchased for $10T)
Colonise actions are made in the public sphere, so anybody can modify the check. Will wait to make the roll so that others have a chance to bid. Those of you who think you have already made "guaranteed" colonisation checks should probably reread the rules.

Excerpt from a Public Address by Lysander, Consul of Lacedaemon

The stress of population pressure has begun to take its toll on the crowded cities of our Ring. Brave men and women from Thebes and Lacedaemon are ready to reclaim the wild expanses to our northeast, and we their government are ready to commit the resources to support their endeavors. It is with great pride that we will welcome the city of Syracuse into the fold of the Petran Federation.

2008-08-05, 08:15 AM
((Check the updated map. I'm in region 5. I believe you fail, no save. Take your $ somewhere else. Unless there's a way for two populations to coexist.))

---to the petran federation--- You are aware of our existence, correct? Perhaps then you should establish your colony somewhere else. Although we appreciate your eagerness to assist us, we have no need of it at the moment.

With all due respect, Council of Eleven ---end of message---

((Moody, the point auto-overharvested from Wasteful only counts as 3 extra resources))

Moody the Wise
2008-08-05, 10:55 AM
Military orders:
The 3 L2 Ground forces come to a halt and set up camp just inside the Region 6 border as orders from the Lacedaemon command come screeching in. 2 more units of L2 Ground forces join them.
4 L1 Air Forces from Thebes are ordered to Lacedaemon, where they join the 3 L1 Air Forces already there on red alert. The air force makes regular reconnaissance missions in a radius over the ground camp.

Ground units have orders to shoot on sight. Air units have orders to shoot only in self-defense.

To the GoldJuristen:

Do not take another step. Order your ground and air forces to stand down and return to Silbertal. We will be sending diplomatic envoys to resolve this conflict peacefully. However, if you want to resolve it otherwise, you will be destroyed, and we won't shed any tears over your loss.

2008-08-05, 11:45 AM

$10T for +2 modifier on Petran Federation Colonisation Check as long as the area is contested between multiple colonisation attempts (currently Petran Federation and Goldjuristen).

Petran's Colonisation Stream?

Both the Petran Federation and the Goldjuristen lay claim to the same region. Diplomatic contacts have been established, but before a resolution is made our government has committed to the side of the Petran Federation, supporting their cause publically.

While the colonisation project of the Petran Federation seems to have stumbled upon a administrative error, due to the forces and funds having been sent towards the homelands of the Goldjuristen, it has now corrected this error and have begun the project in a neighbouring region. This region is between both the Petran Federation and the Goldjuristen, and now both lay claim to it. Diplomatic discussions are ongoing, but Monsen Durens has, on behalf of the Flowing Stream dedicated support to the Petran Federation cause. Monsen Durens said "We of the Flowing Stream believe that it is the Petran Federation's stream to settle in their new region and we support them following their own stream in this way. While we regret that the Goldjuristen will have to move their efforts elsewhere or compete with the Petran Federation, we believe this is the right thing to do." in a public statement. When asked if there were other reasons, the response was: "No comment."

Several professionals have already mentioned their opinion, amongst which is Gregory Sansers, a professor in inter-species relations. He claims that "The Flowing Stream Government would rather support a direct neighbour, also because the Petran Federation is powerful in its own right. Rather than angering their neighbours, they seek to support them." On another side is Nanese Esnali, who responds to this with the following response: "The Flowing Stream Government is just afraid of the Petran Federation, or at least some of the Petran's actions. Their life sciences branch is progressing faster than ours, and the government views this as a threat. Now they seek to improve relations." There are more rumours relating to the issue, where some say that the Genomics Lab project is involved. Others claim that it is purely on military reasons or that it is the Petran Federation's stream, but all agree that opinions are divided.


2008-08-05, 01:22 PM
CHAASI supports Goldjuristen
An Declaration by the ruling council today stated t's support for the Goldjuristen in the recent colonization controversy.Chief Foreign Supervisor explained "Quite simply, the Goldjuristen claimed the region first, and in the absence of any pre-existing agreement, they have control of it.
current Military dispositions (secret)

1 lvl 2 troops in edgewards Hrith
1 lvl 2 troop in Eastern Hrith
3 lvl 2 troops in Central Hrith
2 lvl 2 troops in Hrith Mountains
2 lvl 2 troops in Northern Hrith
1 lvl 3 troops in region 13
5 lvl 1 navy in Central Hrith
3 lvl 1 navy in region 17
1 lvl 1 navy in region 12
1 lvl 1 navy in region 13
5 lvl 1 air in Hrith mountains
3 lvl 1 air in Central Hrith
2 lvl 1 air in region 13

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-05, 01:58 PM
Federal Central States emergency council of cardinals meeting called on the fate of Region 6.

Cardinal Regus has commented in the press that existing agreements between the FSC and the three other nations involved make for a difficult position. The Seraphim have offered the Goldjuristen their friendship, yet have a territorial agreement with the Petran Federation which guarants them the rights to the southern continental half, with the FSC ruling the north. In addition the Petran Federation has requested representatives from the Seraphim priesthood to spread their teachings and currently are being reviewed for worthyness. The stance of CHAASI, long time friends, further complicates matters.

"I would like to not let our friends down and yet still honour our treaties. In this case we have differing treaties and differing friends are disagreeing...the meeting will discuss the extend to which our treaties cover each situation. Foreign ambassadors have been invited to sit in on the council meeting and share their thoughts."

The treaty referred to has been cleared for public viewing and was drawn up and signed by the FSC, CHAASI and Petran Federation.


The following regions will be recognised as falling under the law and influence of the following factions by each of the FSC, Petran Foundation and CHAASI government. Claims by other nations on these territories will be denied by all parties to this treaty.

1,2,4,5: FSC

6,7,8,12: Petran Federation

3: FSC/Petran joint venture

21,16,22,17: CHAASI

9,13: FSC/CHAASI joint venture

In addition all parties will allow other nations to send commercial ships through ocean territories.

Recent ammendments have been made since the coming of the gold juristen where the Seraphim are given full custodianship of region 3 and merely serve as a guarantor to Goldjuristen sovereignty not claiming region5.

NOTE: All nations ahve their abassadors invited to the meeting, so if you want to make a public statement directed to the Seraphim government...there would be the place...

Regions 1 Naval presence
Region 2 Naval presence
Region 3 Ground presence
Region 4 Ground presence
Region 9 Naval presence

ORDERS for them (SECRET)
DO NOT ENGAGE IN COMBAT, retreat to neighboring lands if provoced...

2008-08-05, 02:06 PM

Illuminus, Magazine for Philosophy, Culture and the humanities

Today: Sightseeing in Saphira, the capitol of the Collective

Saphira, the ancient but modern city at the heart of the Diamond Collective. Lying in the center of Lumina, enclosed on three sides by the Turmalin mountains, it has throughout history been well protected from storms, invaders or .
Approaching the city spinwise, one instantly recognizes the city by it's twin landmarks, the saphire and diamond domes, which house the academy of sciences and the central council.
The Diamond dome is of course not made from diamonds, but is instead a gigantic dome of bulletproof glass and translucent struts. Over it's main entrance, a magnifienct arc of marble and crystals, the motto of the council "Dictum sapienti sat est" is engraved in gold letters.
Just across the central square from the Diamond dome lies it's twin, the blue Saphire dome, seat of the Lumina academy of sciences. It's dome is not translucent, but instead made from deep blue ceramic tiles. Here as well a motto is engraved: Sapiens nihil affirmat quod non probat.
Both buildings were built in the years 204-201 before the Dimming, by the great architect De Mios, and, as was typical for the age, sport more than twenty foot high statues of Sentinels on either side of the entrance.
The city itself is estimated to be more than fifteen hundred years old, based on excavations in the famous hidden library, five hundred feet beneath the surface, the ancient recordings of which, to this day, don't cease to amaze archeologists and scholars of history.
Those who are looking for the picturesque old town of Saphira should visit the famous artisans lane, which nowadays mostly serves as a gathering point for tourists eager to learn a little more about the history of the town, with many small museums of mostly oustanding quality, catering to a variety of interests, along with sidewalk cafés and corner shops selling interesting antiques, but also various artefacts of the souvenir industry.
The modern industry, together with most laboratries and factories is seated below ground, connected, as it is usual with most modern infrastructure, by a network of tunnels and subway lines. The residential districts, on the other hand, are located in the outskirts of the town, spreading up the hills and foothills of the Turmalin mountains.

2008-08-05, 02:14 PM
CHAASI government backtracks
Quite simply, we were unaware that the treaty had been signed by the Petran confederation, following this new turn of events, We must reverse our previews statement, and give our support to the Petran Confederation. We are sorry for the confusion.

Moody the Wise
2008-08-05, 02:52 PM
To the GoldJuristen

You are lucky to be receiving a second warning. Withdraw your forces. Two other factions have supported my claim, and a third one is likely very close to doing so. None have supported yours.

If your troops are not removed from region 6 within [whatever the game-time equivalent of 24 hours is - I can't find where that equivalency was established], my units will be ordered to secure the region forcefully.

OoC: I know you've been online. Those little green dots are handy.

2008-08-05, 03:17 PM
The Flowing Stream asks an explanation of the Federal States Central, the Petran Federation and CHAASI regarding the Treaty of Territorial CostodianShip.

The Flowing Stream would like a formal explanation why the made public "Treaty of Territorial Custodianship" is as it is currently. The current treaty leaves no room for the Aquaolk to claim those waters, which is a grave offence to the only aquatic species in the Ring. Those waters were once our home and the treaty denies any claim from the Aquaolk to take back what was once theirs and to take the only regions suitable for native Aquaolk life. They are water regions, not land regions.

Further, the treaty claims land currently inhibited by the GoldJuristen as Federal States Central land, which seems an outrageous claim at best. The involved parties, FSC, Petran Federation and CHAASI seem to have divided the northern regions amongst just themselves, taking no heed at all to current factions in that neighbourhood, amongst which are the Aquaolk species and the GoldJuristen, leaving them no regions to expand to. In fact, the factions who signed the treaty would not even accept the current claim the Flowing Stream makes due to our colonising a water region.

The claim is very weird as well considering the Federal States Central, since they have a complete region already under their control without any amount of population, which obviously indicates that they do not need to lay claim to regions for population reasons. This shows only a motive to expand and lay claim to take the land so that nobody else can take it, which does not show off a positive attitude towards the other nations.

Therefore, we demand an explanation for this outrageous claim of land, obviously not made with the thoughts of neighbouring factions in mind. We of the Flowing Stream would advise an altered treaty, which does take into account the existence of other factions.

The Flowing Stream.

Moody the Wise
2008-08-05, 03:36 PM
The treaty developed by the PF, FSC, and CHAASI was written and signed before the GoldJuristen had made their presence known to the world. We are currently in negotiations to amend the treaty, and the FSC's claim to region 5 will of course be dropped.

As to the claims on water regions, I can only offer my understanding of them, which is this: The treaty establishes zones of influence agreed to by all parties to the treaty. Water regions have been included as territorial waters, not intended as areas of colonisation. The water regions mentioned in the treaty are those that the three governments feel strong ties to, and their inclusion represents an affirmation of this by the other members.

It may be that you can negotiate with CHAASI for the right to build a colony in their territorial waters. Such an agreement would probably include a restriction on military activity in the colony, being so close to CHAASI's home lands. If CHAASI is unable to make such a concession, please consider talking to us about the possibility of colonising region 8 or 12. As far as I am concerned, the treaty is not meant to be prohibitive or exclusive to others as regards water regions, but to represent the vested interests of our factions in those regions.

Consul, Thebes
Petran Federation

2008-08-05, 03:48 PM
We would like to thank the Petran Federation for swiftly clearing the issue up, and the Flowing Stream shows appreciation for this swift act. We now understand the treaty better, though we would like to see the treaty be updated to be more clear about the matter, especially the water regions. because while they have been included as territorial waters, it seems at least the Federal States Central is using it to expand its borders into the water, and thus the other factions could attempt the same and it could be done further. Hence we ask that the Treaty be clarified to an appropriate matter so that it is clear to all factions what the intent and reasoning behind it is.

We are happy to hear negotiations with the GoldJuristen are under way and hope they proceed smoothly. The Flowing Stream would hope to see a revisement to the Treaty will put our mind at ease. We will contact CHAASI about our current colonisation efforts.

The Flowing Stream.

2008-08-05, 03:57 PM
The Flowing Stream asks an explanation of the Federal States Central, the Petran Federation and CHAASI regarding the Treaty of Territorial CostodianShip.
We are responding with comment inside the quote
The Flowing Stream would like a formal explanation why the made public "Treaty of Territorial Custodianship" is as it is currently. The current treaty leaves no room for the Aquaolk to claim those waters, which is a grave offence to the only aquatic species in the Ring. Those waters were once our home and the treaty denies any claim from the Aquaolk to take back what was once theirs and to take the only regions suitable for native Aquaolk life. They are water regions, not land regions.
The water regis were calmed as naval area's of control, I have no idea why the reaty was drafted as it was, It was simply decided that the treaty was favorableto the Agency, and so it was signed.
Further, the treaty claims land currently inhibited by the GoldJuristen as Federal States Central land, which seems an outrageous claim at best.
The treaty was drafted before the existense of the GoldJusten was discoverd, obviously the FSC no longer claims the goldjusten lands
The involved parties, FSC, Petran Federation and CHAASI seem to have divided the northern regions amongst just themselves, taking no heed at all to
current factions in that neighbourhood, amongst which are the Aquaolk species and the GoldJuristen, leaving them no regions to expand to. In fact, the factions who signed the treaty would not even accept the current claim the Flowing Stream makes due to our colonising a water region.
have you asked any of the factions to recognise your claim? have any of them rejected it?
The claim is very weird as well considering the Federal States Central, since they have a complete region already under their control without any amount of population, which obviously indicates that they do not need to lay claim to regions for population reasons. This shows only a motive to expand and lay claim to take the land so that nobody else can take it, which does not show off a positive attitude towards the other nations.
We have no idea to the mothives of the FSC
Therefore, we demand an explanation for this outrageous claim of land, obviously not made with the thoughts of neighbouring factions in mind. We of the Flowing Stream would advise an altered treaty, which does take into account the existence of other factions.
If yooud have suggestions, I'm sure that some sort of accommodation of the area's not currently under the control of the factions, but claimed y them.
The Flowing Stream.
Central Hrithite Agency for the Advancment and Sharing of Information

2008-08-05, 04:02 PM
Let it be known that the Mentevigilo troops will not be removed from region #6 until a new treaty is established, and we will rescind our claims to that region if the Petran Federation does so as well.

Also, the Petran Federation obviously contradicted the terms of the (then-private) agreement by suggesting I claim regions 9 and 13.

((I haven't actually been online, I just left the window open while I was away, so the green dot was still on.))

((Edit before anyone else posts)): In other news, Mente boats are taking up positions in region #8 and letting it be known that ships must have a clear identification to pass through the area.

Public Actions

Move 3*L2 ground units from Silbertal to region #6
Move 4*L1 air units from Silbertal to region #6
Move 3*L1 air units from Grünberg to region #6
Attempt to colonize region #6 (1d6+3 (+1 capital, +2 $10 T) vs. target 4)
Move 3*L1 naval units from Silbertal to region #8
Move 3*L1 naval units from Gruenberg to region #8


Moody the Wise
2008-08-05, 04:21 PM
The Goldjuristen's troops will be removed from region 6 within the timeframe of the previously given ultimatum. All that remains to be decided is how this will be accomplished. I am willing to negotiate with the GoldJuristen to find them an appropriate home, but I will not do so until they leave ours.

As to the Goldjuristen claims to my infidelity, I have this to say: I suggested that you look elsewhere for territorial claims. I did not say I would support your claim to either of those regions. I have spoken to my treaty members already and explained this to them, so your grand unveiling of my evil conspiracy is futile.

OoC: How many naval units are you moving to region 8? You can't just say the waters are being patrolled.

Military orders:
5 L1 Naval units in Lacedaemon are put on red alert and prepared to deploy if necessary.
3 L1 Naval units in Thebes are sent to Lacedaemon with the same orders.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-05, 04:26 PM
Indeed the FSC has received word from the PF and though it was initially disheartened we understand their point under their interpretation of the treaty. The FSC now views the treaty the same way. Essentially we have agreed to have custodianship over these regions to ensure regional stability and will support another in decisions made on the territories which we have agreed upon.

FSC leaders urge for a peacefull resolution.

FSC airforces are placed on red alert to intervene should war break out. Generals are asked to contact and draft plans for co-ordinating with PF forces.

As soon as war break outs Cardinal Marcus should only need a simple command to set things in motion.

2008-08-05, 04:45 PM
As to the Goldjuristen claims to my infidelity, I have this to say: I suggested that you look elsewhere for territorial claims. I did not say I would support your claim to either of those regions. I have spoken to my treaty members already and explained this to them, so your grand unveiling of my evil conspiracy is futile.
You did not suggest that we look elsewhere, you specifically pointed out regions #9 and #13 as "ripe for the taking". Also, you appear to be blocking off the Mente from any colonization whatsoever. If there is no space for us in your treaty, then perhaps there needs to be. As we have said before, our troops will hold their positions until you give us somewhere else to be. According to the now-public treaty, we have no place to go.

Bloodshed is not necessary. We are just trying to find our place.

As well, we are not taking another step. We are remaining where we are until we have our own place to be.

In the interests of peace, here is our proposal for the topmost 3 continents:
Region #: Owner (T/R)
Region 3: FSC (5/10)
Region 4: FSC (7/5)
Region 6: PT (3/20)
Region 7: Mente (7/5)
Region 9: Mentevigilo (2/30)
Region 13: CHAASI (1/20)

EDIT: The Mente forces in Region #6 have moved to region #7. This includes:
3*L1 ground forces to be upgraded to L2, 7*L1 air forces. Also, move the colonization attempt to region 7.

EDIT2: I'll fix my budget soon.

2008-08-05, 04:53 PM
Molecular Chemistry Mastery

Both the Pteran Federation and the Diamond Collective are competing for mastery of molecular chemistry.
Diamond Collective Initiative: [roll0]

Since we go first, we declare that we are willing to bid $10T to improve this roll.

Moody the Wise
2008-08-05, 05:44 PM
Military Orders
4 L2 Ground Forces, 3 L1 Air forces move to secure all of region 6, after Goldjuristen forces leave the region.
1 L2 Ground unit returns to Lacedaemon.
4 L1 Air Forces are taken off high alert.
10 L1 Navan Forces are taken off high alert.

It is with great happiness that I can now announce the triumph of diplomacy, as this conflict has been settled without bloodshed. To the allies who have supported us through this crisis, I thank you, and let you know that you may remove your forces from their states of high alert. To the Goldjuristen, I thank you for your eventual wisdom in this matter.

The Goldjuristen military presence in region 7 is, for the time being, acceptable to the Petran Federation. While we have not yet rescinded our territorial claim to the region, we will allow the Goldjuristen forces to remain there for the time being, while further negotiations are made.

2008-08-05, 10:29 PM
Race: Berwocks
Faction: The Far-Eyes League

Idun, Speaker for the Directorate of the Heart, 103 AD (After the Dimming)
"My fellow Berwocks, I have marvelous news. In addition to the heavy development we have undergone this turn, we are expanding into the lands nearby. The Jotun Mountains, long regarded as under our protection, will now be developed to be on par with our present lands. We have already enlisted over 600 million volunteers to move into the region and assist in the development."

Public Actions

Faction initiative: [roll0]

Revenue: (population + resources +infrastructure) * (DL+1) * tax bonus (80%, x2)
(50+5+0)*3*2 (The Fount) + (50+5+0)*3*2 (The Jormund Coast)
= $660T

Military upkeep: $15T
$190T: Research (Electrical Computing, Molecular Chemistry and Genetics, see below)
$120T: Colonize the Jotun Mountains and upgrade it to DL 3. Spend $15T to modify the colonization roll.
$60T: Develop The Fount to DL 3
$60T: Develop The Jormund Coast to DL 3
$40T: Upgrade The Directorate of Eyes (Espionage HQ) to level 2
$20T: Upgrade the Wellspring (Capitol) to level 2
Total: $505T

Net Budget Surplus: $155T
Remaining funds: $175T

3 naval units move from The Fount to the Jormund Coast.
3 ground units move from the Jormund Coast to the Jotun Mountains.
1 naval unit, 3 ground units, and 5 air units move from The Fount to to The Jotun Mountains.


$190T -> 190 research points. +10 from Electrical Supercomputers
60 rp: Applications 2-5 and Mastery of Electrical Computers.
O1: Electrical Computers
1) Allows the construction of electrical supercomputers.
2) Increases Lab Level cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Adds 3 points of Objective Modifier to any battle. Reduces cost of electrical supercomputers by $10T.
4) Allows 5 points of virtual population.
5) Increases Development level cap by 1. Increases Lab Level cap by 1. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Constructs an Internet Hub in a region of your choice.
80 rp: Research the Breakthrough, Applications, and Mastery of Molecular Chemistry
C1: Molecular Chemistry
1) Allows Basic Chemical/Biological WMD Strike
2) Increases Military technology cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Increases Development Level Cap by 1.
4) Increases Lab Level cap by 1, increases resources of all regions by 2
5) Increases military facilities level cap by 1, increases resources of all regions by 2. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Increases development level of two regions of your choice by 1, provided they are under the current cap.
60 rp: Rsearch the Breakthrough and Applications 1-5 for Genetics
L1: Genetics
1) Increases population growth rate by 5% (to 15%). Allows Natural Agents Chemical/Biological Warfare
2) Increases Development Level Cap by 1. EXPLORED
3) Increase Lab Level cap by 1, Increase resources for all regions by 2.
4) Adds 1 to all checks to modify the attitude of a controlled region positively. Increases population of all regions by 10% (in addition to normal growth rates).
5) Increases Development Level Cap by 1. FULLY EXPLORED
Mastery: Constructs Genomics Lab in a region of your choice.

Population: Both The Fount and The Jormund Coast gain 62.5 million population, or +2.5 population points (considered rounded down for all purposes save calculating new population. This takes effect next turn.)
312.5 million (12.5 points) from each region move to the Jotun Mountains (region 20).

Private Actions

Subvert our own regions toward us. Rolled in earlier post, success.



The Berwocks are small reptilian humanoids who feed on carrion, though they are omnivores. They are adapted for dusk and dawn, and during the day and night they are often slow to act.

The Far-Eyes League (called just "Eyes" by its residents) is a group of city-states and regional governments that agreed to share a foreign policy and resources for the better safety of all. It's military is small and its army quite weak, but the espionage network is extremely good to the point where the military's role is generally just to hold off the enemy until sufficient unrest has been caused that the enemy has no choice but to pull back their military to prevent open rebellion. To the Berwocks, knowledge is the only power really worth having.

Species Traits

Recycle Mania (3): This species is loathe to waste anything, and this includes other people's trash. This species may add 1 resource point to one of its regions for every 2 points of resources (round up) overharvested on the same planet that turn by any faction that does not have the Recycle Mania trait. Each region may gain no more than 1 point of resources per turn through this method regardless of the amount overharvested.

Slow Reflexes(-3): If, during the casualty resolution phase, a force of this species takes enough damage to be eradicated, it does no damage to its opponents. Excludes Fast Reflexes

Tactically Moronic(-1): -5 objective modifier to all battles

Taciturn(-1): This species just doesn't have a lot to say. As such, matters of diplomacy and tact don't go well. Capitol actions must be rolled (and succeeded on) twice to be effective.

Efficient(7): Each population point is half the number of individuals as other races. Doubles starting population points, population from direct bonuses, halves cargo capacity to transport population points.

Faction Values

Non-interventionist (-2): With: Do not interfere in a foreign war (a war where your faction is neither attacker nor defender). Against: interfere in a foreign war.

Green (0): With: Improve the resources rating of one of your regions. Against: Overharvest or use WMDs that reduce the resources of the target region.

Pacifist (0): With: Be at peace with all your neighbors. Have no forces stationed outside of annexed or home regions. Against: Be the attacker in at least one battle this turn.

Faction Traits

Sneaky (2): Espionage actions may be rolled twice. If either succeeds,
the action succeeds.

Slow-Growing(-2): Population growth is 5% less.

Nonviolent(-5): Costs to build and upgrade military units doubled.

Nefarious (5): Espionage actions cost $10T less (minimum 0). Espionage
actions per turn doubled.

Tech-Savvy(8): All facility level upgrades are built as soon as they are allowed by increasing development level. All special facilities are built in all regions with population as soon as they are available.

Collectivist(8): All regions tolerate a 80% (8 point) tax rate without decreasing in attitude rating.

Investors(3): Development level, for income purposes, counts as 1 higher.

Universal Wimps(-14): All units count as if they were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1)

The Fount (capital region)

Capitol Level 1
Espionage HQ Level 3
Development Level: 4
Population Level 40 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 9
Labs Level 4 (cap 5)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 4 (cap 4)
Electrical Supercomputer: Adds 5 research points to any one project per turn receiving at least 5 points of research points from investment. If less is invested, it matches the investment. Cumulative with all other such increases.

4 Ground Forces, Level 1
2 Air Forces, Level 1
3 Naval Forces, Level 1

The Jormund Coast

Development Level 4
Population Level 40 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 10
Resources 9
Labs Level 4 (cap 5)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 4 (cap 4)
Electrical Supercomputer (see above)

3 Air Forces, Level 1
6 Naval Forces, Level 1

The Jotun Mountains

Development Level 4
Population Level 25 (Max 50)
Terraforming Level 8
Resources 19
Labs Level 4 (cap 5)
Military Training and Upkeep Level 4 (cap 4)
Electrical Supercomputer (see above)

6 Ground Forces, Level 1
5 Air Forces, Level 1
1 Naval Forces, Level 1

Unused Cash: $175T
Trade Output: $20T

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-08, 04:41 AM

The Seraphim declare a Jihad upon the Petrans, whom they feel must prove their worth in combat before being atmitted into the faith. :smallbiggrin:

The entire FSC airforce moves to thebes with the directive to bomb their military to pieces. All other forces are withdrawn tothe capitol.

After the bombardment they move on to the next region and try and obliterate that.

Moody the Wise
2008-08-08, 08:12 AM
Petran Federation Embraces Challenge

"Bring it."

Consul, Lacedaemon
Petran Federation

5 L2 Ground Forces from Lacedaemon march into The God's Fists, with the objective to sack all facilities before moving on to The Sacred Highlands.
5 L2 Ground Forces are ordered to defend Thebes.
10 L1 Air Forces are ordered to defend Thebes.
10 L1 Naval Forces are ordered to defend Thebes.

False Orders action:
Order 10 units of FSC Air Force into region 5.
DR = 4 + number of units to move
DR = 4 + 10
$60T spent to give a +12 modifier, EHQL adds +1 modifier
*Done openly so that everyone can see it and we can resolve this ourselves. Goldjuristen, try to act surprised. And let's just say that I told you I was going to do this, and you've got a trap prepared, because the diplomacy doesn't matter anymore, just the playtesting.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-09, 05:53 AM
YEah that I still think is a silly rule...give me one instance in modern times where half a nations air forces ignored orders....

Still as it's a play test:

COunter Espionage [roll0]+20 (100 T spend)

that should adequaely raise the DC

Moody the Wise
2008-08-09, 11:10 AM
Alright, screw that, let's just get on with this battle, then.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-09, 05:04 PM
Still though being able to spend so much that the rolling becomes irrelevant is a flaw in the system. Even if we start with less money after a few turns this would still be the case...

Maybe there needs to be a spending cap like no more then current max development level? on any roll?

Moody the Wise
2008-08-09, 10:48 PM
Still though being able to spend so much that the rolling becomes irrelevant is a flaw in the system. Even if we start with less money after a few turns this would still be the case...

Maybe there needs to be a spending cap like no more then current max development level? on any roll?

Agreed on the need for such. Perhaps the spending cap is 5 times the level of the appropriate facility - either Capitol or Espionage HQ. So if you have a L3 Capitol, you can't spend more than $15T (giving a +3 bonus) to modify any capitol actions.