View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 38: Greenscales vs. Chile V, final match

2008-08-04, 12:59 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 38: Greenscales vs. Chile V, final match


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Greenscales - Talic (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=3565)
Chilepepper - Chile V (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=10607)

All Combatants, please roll initiative.

2008-08-04, 01:48 AM
Checking in.

Observation on last match. It's rude to spit. Heh.

Initiative: [roll0]

2008-08-04, 03:21 AM
What?! I like candied habanero.

edit:purchases on sheet, another potion of invisibility and a vial of sleep smoke

Start in the same square, this time with a potion in one hand and the vial in the other.

2008-08-04, 04:13 AM
I have purchases from between rounds on sheet. I'm going to add 2 bladders of glow bug paste torch bug paste. (Complete Scoundrel)

2008-08-04, 04:21 AM
I have purchases from between rounds on sheet. I'm going to add 2 bladders of glow bug paste.

For a second, I thought you had beaten me with obscure-fu. Then I remembered bladders of some type of bug paste and I went to the bookshelf. What you actually mean is "torch bug paste".

2008-08-04, 05:19 AM
Assuming you mean the complete scoundrel bladders in the living items section, yes. Further, I'm going to sell a couple unneeded items (Potion of Babau Slime and Armor Spikes), and purchase a vial of Antitoxin.

If you have any further purchases, go ahead. Otherwise, give me the go-ahead to begin turn 1.

2008-08-04, 06:34 AM
Oh, and one quick question. Have potions of enlarge been ruled to be 50gp? I believe I saw an active match where one was bought at that rate. If so, I have a clerical error to correct.

2008-08-04, 06:44 AM
Oh, and one quick question. Have potions of enlarge been ruled to be 50gp? I believe I saw an active match where one was bought at that rate. If so, I have a clerical error to correct.

I bought it at 50 GP. And by the brew potion cost description, it should be 50 GP, not 150 GP as the DMG table presents it.

2008-08-04, 06:55 AM
I bought it at 50 GP. And by the brew potion cost description, it should be 50 GP, not 150 GP as the DMG table presents it.

Yes, I wasn't going to go back and look at it, as the match had several high refs in it, and I thought that was enough, as nobody disputed it. However, for my own records, I wanted to verify that it's official, and not just a lack of disputing. After all, if that's the case, then I've got an extra 200gp. (listed price in SRD table is 250, text for cost of potions is 50gp. In most instances, text trumps table by primary source rule.)

2008-08-04, 07:52 AM
Text trumps tables, but specific trumps general. Rules for creating potions are general, but the table prices a Potion of Enlarge Person specifically.

2008-08-04, 02:16 PM
Fair enough. Are you done with purchases?

2008-08-04, 06:32 PM
Yes 4567890

2008-08-04, 11:58 PM
So, you're in Y14, with a vial and an undetermined potion in seperate hands.

I'm in B14, with a vial in one hand, and a potion in the other. I am not wearing my armor. (left behind this match)

Standard: Drink vial.
Free: Drop vial.
Move: Southeast, breaking LOS as I leave C15, traveling southeast.
continued:Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Into D16, then E15, and E14, ending move. (25 feet total). As I have a BAB of +1, I'll draw a guisarme as part of movement, and hold it 1 handed.

I should have LOS, DC to hear/see me on this move should be the above roll +10 (entitled to a reactive spot when I reach a distance of 100 feet).


Stats:Location: E14, hiding
HP: 15/15
AC: 12 (+2 dex)
Saves: Fort: +6 (+11 poison), Ref +2, Will -2
In Hand: Potion of invisibility, Guisarme.
Effects: Antitoxin 1/600 (+5 Alch bonus on poison saves)

2008-08-05, 12:08 AM
South eh? I'll go south too.

Run to Y25.
Reactive Spot and Listen respectively

HP: 16/16
AC: 18 T14 F14
In hand: Pot of Invis, sleep-smoke
Breath: DB- none | DFA- none
Position: Y25


2008-08-05, 12:20 AM
@Refs:Reactive spot and listen for Chile's turn , if needed.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Shouldn't impact match, have a procedural issue that I wanted to note.

EDIT: A severe tropical storm is passing through my area over the next couple days. While this shouldn't impact my match, I am posting this as a notice, in the event of a power outage during/following the storm. (south texas).

2008-08-05, 03:38 AM
That's cool, I'll wait for ya.

2008-08-06, 12:38 PM
Note: Still need LOS. Will repost request.

2008-08-07, 03:10 PM
Ref Terran

You see him in Y25...

(Took me forever to figure out that there's actually only 1 pane between you 2.)

@Chile V
No LoS

2008-08-07, 03:27 PM
My Turn:
Double move to M20. Hide: [roll0]
Move Silent: [roll1]

1 pane between us. His reactive spot and listen should have a -7 penalty for 70 ft distance.


Stats:Location: M20, hiding
HP: 15/15
AC: 12 (+2 dex)
Saves: Fort: +6 (+11 poison), Ref +2, Will -2
In Hand: Potion of invisibility, Guisarme.
Effects: Antitoxin 2/600 (+5 Alch bonus on poison saves)

2008-08-07, 05:03 PM
Active Spot [roll0]
Ready an Action to Breath (DB) on LoE
Reactive Spot / Listen for his turn

HP: 16/16
AC: 18 T14 F14
In hand: Pot of Invis, sleep-smoke
Condition: none
Breath: DB- none | DFA- none
Position: Y25

Done pending LoS.

2008-08-11, 03:45 AM
I noticed a sheet discrepancy. You're listed as a Barbarian(Wolf totem) but you still have the fast movement ability listed. That should be replaced by "additional +2 attack when flanking".

2008-08-11, 06:16 AM
Wrong totemic barbarian. The one I'm using is from Complete Champion, if memory serves, and provides the Improved Trip feat at level 2, rather than Uncanny Dodge.

I believe the one you're looking at is the unearthed arcana variant.

EDIT: Memory serves someone else, it seems.

2008-08-11, 08:12 AM
Maybe you've got that flipped. I'm looking at the CC.

edit: okay, you're the totem from UA, I see now

2008-08-11, 08:20 AM
Sorry, I do. UA has the Totem Barbarian variant used.

Here's a link. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#barbarianVariantTotemB arbarian)

EDIT: For pending LOS Check, Post 19 and 20 has the last turn. Previous LOS is in post 18.

2008-08-12, 10:48 AM
Ref AlterForm

ChileNo LoS

TalicYou see him in Y25. He readied an action on his turn.

Play continues to Greenscales.

2008-08-12, 02:39 PM
Thanks for the check, Alter.

My turn:

Ok, I've played this enough to know when someone's keeping an open firing line. That's a readied action to breathe. Since he's not needing to move, he's likely using that for a freebie look around. No matter, at this range, with my hide, he won't see me.

Maintain hide (20), distance 70', -7 penalty on his spot check to see me.
Ready an action: Move if he readies an action.

No need for LOS, I performed no movement on my turn.

Location: M20, hiding (hide check = 20, distance 70')
HP: 15/15
AC: 12 (+2 dex)
Saves: Fort: +6 (+11 poison), Ref +2, Will -2
In Hand: Potion of invisibility, Guisarme.
Effects: Antitoxin 3/600 (+5 Alch bonus on poison saves)

2008-08-12, 03:58 PM
Active spot
Ready an Action to Breath (DB) on LoE
Reactive Spot / Listen
[roll1][roll]1d20-2) edit:the listen is broken, but since it's so low, I'll let a ref roll if it's needed

HP: 16/16
AC: 18 T14 F14
In hand: Pot of Invis, sleep-smoke
Condition: none
Breath: DB- none | DFA- none
Position: Y25

Done, pending LoS.

2008-08-12, 04:11 PM
Initiate Ref

No Los OR Loe Chilie, this guys just to damned god at hiding for you to spot him right now, and the glass just so happens to be blocking your lin e of fire.

2008-08-12, 04:13 PM
Please Spoiler LOS checks, and list them for both players.

2008-08-12, 04:17 PM
owwy, First time here.

You see him, in the same square he was in last turn.


No LoS,

2008-08-12, 04:24 PM
My Actions:
By text, opponent readied an action which triggered mine. Move to P16 , hiding: [roll0] Moving silent: [roll1]

Ready action places my initiative just above his. Will take my turn momentarily.

Turn not done.

2008-08-12, 04:47 PM
My actions, continued:
Ok, readied action has me at a hide of 11, move silent of 13, at a range of 65 (-6 spot and listen penalty). That gives him a 50% shot of seeing me, which I don't like. So, here's my turn:

Move: to I20. If my opponent has LOS, he should lose it as I leave J20, travelling West. Hide: [roll0], Move Silent: [roll1] (distance of 65 feet at shortest point, opponent entitled to another reactive spot/listen roll at -6 penalty for distance). Rolls at -3 as I am moving at over 1/2 movement for this move action, and thus incur a -5 penalty.

Move: to J19, re-establishing LOS (opponent gets a 3rd reactive spot/listen, distance 90 feet, -9 penalty), then onward to N19. Hide: [roll2]. Move Silent: [roll3].

Will need LOS.

Stats: Location: N19, hiding (current distance, 70 feet)
HP: 15/15
AC: 12 (+2 dex)
Saves: Fort: +6 (+11 poison), Ref +2, Will -2
In Hand: Potion of invisibility, Guisarme.
Effects: Antitoxin 4/600 (+5 Alch bonus on poison saves)

2008-08-12, 05:23 PM
Ref Stuff

For Talic's move in Post #31

For Talic's first move in Post #32

For Talic's second move in Post #32

You gain LoS. Your opponent appears at J19, then moves to N19. It is then your turn.

He's still at Y25.

Play continues with Chile V.

More Ref Stuff
Talic doesn't know his opponent gained LoS, does he? 90% sure he doesn't, but just making sure I'm not missing something.

2008-08-12, 05:40 PM
Well, I'm sure he's been watching me for a while, hiding. Let's see what he does. Maintain readied action. I don't need a LoS check, but if I don't ask for one, he'll metagame that I've seen him. So give me spoilered LoS check like normal refs.

HP: 16/16
AC: 18 T14 F14
In hand: Pot of Invis, sleep-smoke
Condition: none
Breath: DB- none | DFA- none
Position: Y25

Done, pending LoS.

2008-08-12, 06:07 PM
Opponent is at N19

Opponent is at Y25, with a readied action

2008-08-12, 06:27 PM
My thoughts: Agh! I liked this so much better when the odds of him not seeing me were 100%. As is, I've been thinking about this match, and have a better idea for how to do this. He's gonna see me, but that can't be helped.

My actions:

Move: From N18 to U18. Not hiding.
Attack: Glass at U17/V17, using Unarmed strike (kick).

Attack: [roll0] vs AC5
If Hit: [roll1] vs Hardness 1, HP 3.

Edit: Whether or not you saw me before, you do now, as I move from N18 to U18, and, with a devastating kick (unarmed strike), shatter the glass between U17 and V17.

Done. No LOS required, as we see each other, through the glass, and with concealment.

Stats:Location: U18
HP: 15/15
AC: 12 (+2 dex)
Saves: Fort: +6 (+11 poison), Ref +2, Will -2
In Hand: Potion of invisibility, Guisarme.
Effects: Antitoxin 4/600 (+5 Alch bonus on poison saves)

2008-08-12, 07:33 PM
Move to X19, throw sleepsmoke, pray for a miracle.

U/V 17/18 [roll0]
[roll1] miss direction


2008-08-12, 07:59 PM
Fort Save vs Poison: [roll0]

85% chance. Crossing fingers, and offering the RNG its choice of my firstborn child, 25% of my personal WBL, or free puppies for life.

Edit: Yay! My Antitoxin made the difference!

Turn forthcoming.

2008-08-12, 08:08 PM
My turn:

Free actions: Rage, Drop Guisarme in U17.
Move action: Move from U18 to X18. (U18>U17>X17>X18)

Standard Action: Touch attack to initiate grapple.

Touch attack roll: [roll0] vs AC 12
Opposed Grapple, if Hit: [roll1]
If Successful, Damage (lethal): [roll2]
If all is successful, I move into X19 with you, and we are grappling.

Done, pending opposed rolls.

Stats:Location: X19, grappling Chile V
HP: 17/17
AC: 10 (+2 dex, -2 Rage)
Saves: Fort: +8 (+13 poison), Ref +2, Will -2
In Hand: Potion of invisibility.
Effects: Antitoxin 5/600 (+5 Alch bonus on poison saves), Sleep-smoke 1/10, Rage 1/9

Edit: Wow, and emphatically. That's grappled, no choice in the matter. 11 damage to you.

2008-08-12, 08:11 PM
You've got to be kidding me! Three max rolls in a row?!

2008-08-12, 08:14 PM
I think the RNG likes free puppies.

EDIT: If it assuages anything, the odds for that exact roll set were 1 in 1200.

Rolls I needed to auto-win the grapple were something like 56% odds.

2008-08-12, 08:18 PM
Well, I believe I've lost this match. But, I might as well do what I can instead of giving up. It's only a 30%ish chance, but I'm going to try to...

Attempt to pin you. [roll0]

edit: Not enough, your next round will kill me surely. Good game. At least we're both level 2.

2008-08-12, 08:21 PM
Resist roll: [roll0]

Opposed grapple check to damage you: [roll1]
Damage, if success: [roll2]

Stats:Location: X19, grappling Chile V
HP: 17/17
AC: 10 (+2 dex, -2 Rage)
Saves: Fort: +8 (+13 poison), Ref +2, Will -2
In Hand: Potion of invisibility.
Effects: Antitoxin 6/600 (+5 Alch bonus on poison saves), Sleep-smoke 2/10, Rage 2/9

Edit: I do believe that's match. Good show. I didn't think you'd beat me that first time, but you're wily with the readied actions.

2008-08-12, 08:25 PM
Yeah, I wasn't counting on winning either. When I avoided the grapple last match, I was amazed. I almost just forfeited this match to you in the beginning since we both level if you win. I decided to play it out, see what happened. I enjoy matches against you, you're very analytical. Congrats!

2008-08-12, 08:30 PM
Yeah, but you play the shell game better. I was counting on winning those grapples, as my actual odds of it with a +13 mod is 94.75%.

With the +11 last match, it was 91%.

But who knows? The RNG is a curious thing.

And congrats to you as well, on a well deserved level 2.

2008-08-14, 08:40 AM
High Ref Morbius

Greenscales is delcared the winner for the match and round