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The Demented One
2008-08-04, 08:03 PM
Soul Disciple

Thanks to Krimm Blackleaf

Soul Disciples call themselves the true heirs of Reshar and the Temple of the Nine Swords. While other martial adepts merely mimic and imitate the maneuvers taught there, Soul Disciples call upon the very souls of the great blademasters of ancient times. They use a combination of martial arts and soul magic, creating powerful incarnum soul melds by channeling the essential of the great martial adepts. Soul Disciples are very rare, and most belong to one of the three so-called Blue Cults, mystic orders that revere the ancients. There is the Sapphire Temple of Harmony, a pseudo-religious society made up primarily of lawful Soul Disciples; the Cobalt Rings, a loosely-knit order of Soul Disciples of all descriptions, found mostly in mercenary or military posts; and the Midnight Dragon School, a heretic offshoot of the Sapphire Temple that teaches only the martial arts and meldshaping techniques, forsaking any religious reverence. Soul Disciples can use powerful martial attacks and shape magical soulmelds, and achieve even greater effects by combining the two.


Constitution is essential, as it increases your hp and allows you to shape your soulmelds. A high Dexterity score improves your AC and can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat to increase your attack bonus. Most Soul Disciples eschew Strength, but it is important to those who do not take Weapon Finesse. Wisdom is important for many of the Soul Disciple’s class features.


Most Soul Disciples are Azurin or Rilkans. Among the non-incarnum races, Humans and Dwarves are the most common disciples, the humans' versatility and the dwarves' hardiness making them well-suited for it.


Soul Disciples must be of Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, or Lawful Neutral alignment.

Hit Die


Class Skills

The Soul Disciple’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb, Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Listen, Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot, and Tumble (Dex).

Skills per Level
4 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level)

BAB|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Maneuvers[br]Known|Maneuvers[br]Readied|Stances[br]Known|Soulmelds|Essentia|Chakra[br]Binds

Aura, Warrior’s Soul|4|4|1|0|0|0


— |6|5|2|0|1|0

Chakra Bind (Crown)|7|5|2|1|2|1

Bound Strike|8|5|3|1|3|2

Chakra Bind (Feet, Hands)|9|6|3|1|4|2




Warrior's Memories|13|7|4|2|8|3

Chakra Bind (Arms, Brow, Shoulders)|13|7|4|2|9|4

Bound Stance|14|8|4|3|10|4

— |14|8|4|3|11|4

— |15|8|5|3|12|5

— |15|8|5|3|13|5

Chakra Bind (Throat, Waist)|16|9|5|4|14|6

Improved Mettle|16|9|5|4|15|6

— |17|9|5|4|16|7


Azure Wrath, Chakra Bind (Heart)|18|10|6|5|18|8[/table]

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Soul Disciple.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Soul Disciples are proficient with all simple and martial melee weapons, including thrown weapons, and with all medium and light armor and shields.

A 1st-level Soul Disciple has knowledge of four martial maneuvers. Soul Disciples have access to the Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Stone Dragon, and Tiger Claw disciplines. In addition, Soul Disciples have access to an additional discipline based on their alignment. Those of Neutral Good alignment gain access to the Golden Saint (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76150) discipline; those of Neutral Evil alignment gain access to the Dread Crown (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76218) discipline; those of Chaotic Neutral alignment gain access to the Kaleidoscopic Dream (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86163) discipline; and those of Lawful Neutral alignment gain access to the Quicksilver Aegis (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86266) discipline.

In order to use a maneuver, you must first ready it. Your maneuvers are extraordinary abilities unless otherwise stated. Your maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and initiating a maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

You learn additional maneuvers as you gain more levels. You must meet a maneuver’s prerequisites to learn it. At 4th level, and each subsequent even level, you can exchange one of your maneuvers known for another maneuver of any level you are capable of initiating.

You can ready your maneuvers by exercising or meditating for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose remain readied until you choose to ready new maneuvers. You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers unexpended, but once you initiate it, it is expended. Whenever you take an attack action, you may recover one of your maneuvers. However, you cannot recover maneuvers when you make attack actions as part of a maneuver. In addition, the Bound Strike class feature allows you to recover certain maneuvers as a swift action.

A 1st-level Soul Disciple knows one stance of any discipline available to him. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 20th levels, you learn an additional stance. Stances do not have to be readied, and are never expended. You can enter a stance or change stances as a swift action. Stances are extraordinary abilities unless otherwise noted.

At 4th level, you gain the ability to shape your incarnum into soulmelds from the Soul Disciple list (see below). You know and can shape any soulmeld from this list, although you cannot shape a soulmelds whose alignment descriptor is different from your own aligment. The DC for a save against one of your Soulmelds is equal to 10 + the amount of essentia invested in the meld + your Wisdom modifier. You can shape only a certain number of soulmelds per day based on your level, given on the table above. In addition, the number of melds you have shaped cannot exceed your Constitution score minus 10.

At 3rd level, you also gain access to a personal pool of essentia, which can be invested into soulmelds and incarnum feats to increase their power. The size of your essentia pool is given on the table above. You character level determines the maximum amount of essentia you can invest in a single soulmeld. You can reallocate your essentia investments as a swift action.

You do not have to study or prepare your soulmelds in order to shape them. However, you must get a good night’s rest to shape them, and must spend 5 minutes in meditation.

Chakra Binds
Beginning at 4th level, you can bind your soulmelds to your chakras, granting new powers based on the soulmeld and chakra chosen. Binding a soulmeld to a chakra closes the body slot associated with that chakra, so that you do not gain the benefits of a magic item worn in the body slot associated with the chakra.

The number of chakra binds you can have active at any one time is determined by your level, given on the table above. At 4th level, you can bind soulmelds to your crown chakra. At 6th level, you can bind soulmelds to your feet and hands chakras. At 11th level, you can bind soulmelds to your arms, brow, and shoulders chakras. At 16th level, you can bind soulmelds to your throat and waist chakras. At 20th level, you can bind soulmelds to your heart chakra.

Aura (Ex)
You have a powerful aura of your alignment. The power of your aura is equal to your initiator level. Your soulmelds radiate chaos, good, evil, or law (based on your alignment) as if they were magic items with caster level equal to your initiator level.

Warrior’s Soul (Su)
At 1st level, you gain a companion, the soul of a warrior from the ancient days of the Temple of the Nine Swords. It takes the form of an incorporeal wisp of incarnum that hovers around your head. The warrior’s soul is not a creature and has no skills, but it is intelligent, with mental ability scores determined by the DM by rolling 4d6 three times and dropping the lowest dice. The warrior’s soul can communicate telepathically with you. The warrior’s soul grants you a +2 insight bonus on all Listen and Spot checks. In addition, you may invest essentia in the warrior’s soul as if it were a soulmeld. Its essentia capacity is one higher than normal. For every point of essentia invested, the bonus on Listen and Spot checks increases by one, and you gain a +1 bonus to initiative. Once you have invested essentia in the warrior’s soul, you cannot reallocate it for 24 hours.

In addition, the warrior’s soul can take on new forms if you invest enough essentia in it. If the warrior’s soul has 3 points of essentia invested in it, it transforms into a blade of incarnum. It still grants you the bonuses to skill and initiative checks, but it can also be used as a weapon. It functions just as the incarnum weapon soulmeld, with some differences. The base form of the weapon is a longsword, regardless of your alignment. However, if you have bound maneuvers to your chakras with the bound strike class feature, you may change its form as a swift action into any weapon associated with one of the disciplines of your bound maneuvers. You cannot bind it to your chakras as you could with a normal soulmeld.

If the warrior’s soul has 4 points of essentia invested it, it also extends an armored shell of incarnum around you, while retaining its weapon form. This grants you a +6 armor bonus to AC. You are treated as wearing light armor, but take no armor check penalty and there is no maximum Dexterity bonus.

If the warrior’s soul has 5 points of essentia invested in it, the armored shell becomes a veritable carapace. The armor bonus to AC increases to +10 and you gain damage reduction 5/—. You are treated as wearing heavy armor, but take no armor check penalty and there is no maximum Dexterity bonus.

Bound Strike (Su)
At 5th level, you can bind your martial maneuvers to your chakras, gaining benefits based on the chakra chosen. Only strikes can be bound to chakras. You determine which maneuvers to bind to your chakras when you ready your maneuvers, and you cannot change them until the next time you ready maneuvers. Using the Adaptive Style feat to change your readied maneuvers does not let you change your bound maneuvers, but if you change them so that a bound maneuver is no longer readied, its chakra bind is removed.

When you use a bound maneuver, any attack made with as part of it is treated as being made with a magic weapon for overcoming damage reduction. As a swift action, you may recover any one of your expended bound maneuvers, though you cannot initiate a maneuver in the same round you do so. In addition, whenever you initiate a bound maneuver, you gain bonuses based on the chakra it is bound to:

Arms: The critical threat range of the weapon you wield is doubled for any attacks you make as part of the maneuver, and you gain an insight bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit. This ability does not stack with other abilities that increase a weapon’s critical threat range.

Brow: Whenever you damage an enemy with the maneuver, you may make an Intimidate check to demoralize them, with an insight bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier, as a free action.

Crown: You gain an insight bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on all damage rolls for the maneuver.

Feet: After you initiate the maneuver, you may take a 5-ft. step as a free action. It does not count as your 5-ft. step for the round.

Hands: You gain an insight bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on all attack rolls made as part of the maneuver.

Heart: Whenever you make an attack as part of the maneuver, you may then make another attack at your highest base attack bonus, with the full benefits of the feat. If the maneuver allows you to make multiple attacks, you instead make a single additional attack, at your highest base attack bonus minus 5.

Shoulders: You gain a +5 ft. bonus to your reach when making attacks as part of the strike.

Throat: All variable numeric damage dealt as part of the strike is increased by one-half.

Waist: An enemy damaged by the maneuver must make a Fortitude save, DC 10 + the maneuver’s level + your Wisdom modifier, or be stunned for 1 round.

Mettle (Ex)
At 9th level, your mind and body have been hardened through training and testing. If you make a successful Fortitude or Will save against an effect that allows a save for half or partial effect, that effect is instead negated.

Warrior's Memories (Su)
At 10th level, you gain the ability to tap the memories of ancient swordsman, drawing on their techniques. Once per encounter, you may draw on the knowledge of your warrior's soul companion. As a swift action, you may ready a single maneuver. The maneuver does not have to be among your maneuvers known, nor does it even have to be from a discipline you have access to. Once readied, you can use the maneuver normally, but once expended, it cannot be recovered. The maneuver's level must be less than the highest level of maneuver you can initiate.

Bound Stance (Su)
At 12th level, you gain the ability to bind martial stances to your chakras, gaining bonuses based on the chakra you choose. You determine which stances to bind to your chakras when you ready your maneuvers, and you cannot change them until the next time you ready maneuvers. Using the Adaptive Style feat to change your readied maneuvers does not let you change your bound stances. While you are in the bound stance, you gain benefits based on the chakra you bound it to:

Arms: You can make an extra attack of opportunity each round for every point of Wisdom modifier you have.

Brow: You gain the slippery mind class feature.

Crown: You gain the uncanny dodge class feature. If the stance’s level is 4th or higher, you instead gain the improved uncanny dodge class feature.

Feet: You gain a +5 ft. bonus to your base land speed for every point of your Wisdom modifier, minimum +5 ft.

Hands: You gain an insight bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks, and on all skill checks based on those ability scores.

Heart: You gain immunity to death effects.

Shoulders: Whenever you would be dealt extra damage from a critical hit, sneak attack, or other source of precision damage, there is a 50% chance that the extra damage is negated.

Throat: You gain immunity to all mind-affecting spells and abilities, as the mind blank spell.

Waist: You ignore difficult terrain, and may take a 10-ft. step each round instead of a 5-ft. step.

Improved Mettle (Ex)
At 17th level, your mind and body are impervious to harm. Even if you fail a Fortitude or Will save against an effect that allows a save for half or partial effect, you still only suffer the reduced effect.

Azure Wrath (Su)
At 20th level, you can initiate one of your bound maneuvers as a swift action by investing two points of essentia in this class feature. If the bound maneuver's initiation time is greater than one standard action, you may instead use it as a standard action. You cannot reallocate essentia invested in soul strike for 24 hours.

The Demented One
2008-08-04, 08:04 PM
Soul Disciple Soulmeld List

Acrobat Boots (Feet)
Apparition Ribbon (Throat)
Astral Vambraces (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20060217a) (Arms, Hands)
Blink Shirt (Heart)
Bloodtalons (Hands)
Bloodwar Gauntlets (Arms, Hands)
Claws of the Wyrm (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060912a&page=4) (Arms, Hands)
Crystal Helm (Crown)
Diadem of Purelight (Crown)
Dragon Mantle (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060912a&page=4) (Heart, Shoulders)
Enigma Helm (Crown)
Fearsome Mask (Brow)
Flame Cincture (Waist)
Hunter’s Circlet (Crown)
Incarnate Weapon (Arms)
Lightning Gauntlets (Hands)
Lucky Dice (Hands)
Madspawn Mantle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86886) (Heart, Waist)
Mantle of Flame (Shoulders)
Mauling Gauntlets (Arms, Hands)
Pauldrons of Health (Shoulders)
Prophet's Gaze (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86886) (Brow, Crown)
Rageclaws (Hands)
Riding Bracers (Arms)
Sailor’s Bracers (Arms)
Spellward Shirt (Heart)
Strongheart Vest (Heart, Waist)
Therapeutic Mantle (Shoulders)
Thunderstep Boots (Feet)
Truthseeker Goggles (Brow)
Warforged Soularmor (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86886) (Hands, Heart)
Wind Cloak (Shoulders)

2008-08-04, 09:12 PM
Neat class; I've always liked the fluff of incarnum, even if the crunch all confuses the hell out of me.

One thing: the Warrior's Memories ability seems over-powered in its current incarnation. What's to stop a level 10 Soul Disciple from using, say, a 9th level maneuver? Maybe limit it to the highest level maneuvers you qualify for?

The Demented One
2008-08-04, 09:26 PM
One thing: the Warrior's Memories ability seems over-powered in its current incarnation. What's to stop a level 10 Soul Disciple from using, say, a 9th level maneuver? Maybe limit it to the highest level maneuvers you qualify for?
Wow, meant to put in a bit about that.

The Demented One
2008-08-05, 11:52 AM
Azure bump!

2008-08-05, 02:02 PM
Awesome job, mixing two of the most flavorful rules into one base class. Looks pretty balanced to me.

2008-08-05, 02:51 PM
Looks like an awesome class. I really like both MoI and ToB and seeing a base class that mixes both... Well.

Just one thing, Azure Wrath. Does that mean you "sacrifice" two essentia points for the day to initiate a single bound maneuver, or you 'spend' those two points to use any amount of bound maneuvers?

The Demented One
2008-08-05, 03:34 PM
Looks like an awesome class. I really like both MoI and ToB and seeing a base class that mixes both... Well.

Just one thing, Azure Wrath. Does that mean you "sacrifice" two essentia points for the day to initiate a single bound maneuver, or you 'spend' those two points to use any amount of bound maneuvers?
You've got to invest two points of essentia per maneuver you use that way.

2008-08-05, 04:39 PM
nice. but who screwed the page format up?

2008-08-05, 05:00 PM
The Bound Stance benefits for hands and waist are the same.

Also, the top row of the table is broken. That happens whenever you edit a post with br tags in it. They;re converted to <br> tags and stay that way.

The Demented One
2008-08-05, 05:29 PM
The Bound Stance benefits for hands and waist are the same.

Also, the top row of the table is broken. That happens whenever you edit a post with br tags in it. They;re converted to <br> tags and stay that way.
Fixed both of those, nice catches.

2008-08-05, 06:05 PM
Oh, I see something interesting here. It seens that at level 18 you gain another readied maneuver.


But at level 19 you lose it.

That's weird uh?


The Demented One
2008-08-05, 06:08 PM
Oh, I see something interesting here. It seens that at level 18 you gain another readied maneuver.

But at level 19 you lose it.

That's weird uh?

Um...must be a flaw in your vision.

2011-01-18, 09:25 AM
Using this class for a game and just noticed that it doesn't get Martial Lore as a skill. Is that intentional?

Moose Man
2011-01-18, 11:05 PM
Hmmm, In the text for azure wrath, you didn't change soul strike to azure wrath. Otherwise, looks good.

The Tygre
2011-01-18, 11:20 PM
Hmmm, this looks like a massive case of thread necromancy. :smalltongue:

2011-01-18, 11:52 PM
Bah, we notice things when we come across them! Do you realize exactly how much homebrew TD1 does that I find uses for? Hint: it's a lot! lol