View Full Version : Risk : My own house-rules

2008-08-05, 01:32 AM
For a more satisfying Risk game:

1- Play with more territories and links. Here are the new territories added (I tasted them on a computerized version of Risk): Hawaii, New-Zealand, Hong-Kong, Sri Lanka. Here are the new links:
Argentina-South Africa
Argentina-New Zealand
New Zealand-Eastern Australia
Western USA-Hawaii
Japan-Hong Kong
China-Hong Kong
Hong Kong - New Guinea
Madagascar-Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka-India
Sri Lanka-Western Australia

2- No limits on the amount of armies on a single territory (some people have an arbitrary limit of 13, which I personnaly find tasteless)

3- No limit on the number of conquest you make each turn (but still limited to 1 Risk card/turn)

4- Every army can only move ONCE per turn, but ALL army can move. That move can be either a strategic movement or a conquest. No more will there be: I attack North Africa, Then Brazilia, then Venezuela in 1 turn. Conquest and troop movement is slow (until we'll get mechanized warfare and Bliztkrieg, but that's for another timeframe)

Armies that were just recruited cannot move during that turn.

5- (The most complicated) The amount of army raised on a territory is limited by it's centrality. You can only raise a number of X army on a given territory, where X is (1 + Bordering territory owned). When I say "bordering", it can either be by sea or land. No more will sole Iceland, sorrounded by Blue on one side and Green on the other, have a crop of one million soldier appearing from thin air. This rule, taken with the rule number 4, is showing how long and painful it can be to recruit your soldier and send them to the front.

ex: If you own all of North America and Iceland (and only those), you can only raise 2 armies per turn into Iceland, since it only borders with 1 territory you own. Greenland, however, borders with 4 of your own countries, which allows it to raise 5 armies per turn. Central Canada can raise up to 7 armies (!). the more within your own territory you are entranched, the easier it is to recruit troops. The closer to the front line, the harder it is.

6- Inspired by Twilight Imperium III. At the start of every turn, all played roll a dice, and the highest wins the beggining of the turn. He can deploy up to 5 armies during his own turn or move armies from ONE country to ONE another (1 single attack). Then the other players will play each 1 action, in a clockwise order, until it is the 1st's player turn again, and then it begins all over again. One player can say "pass", but he will be able to play if he wants to next time it's his action.

When every players said "pass" in a row, the turn is finished. Even if players still had armies to deploy (which are considered lost), or attacks to make. Too bad for you gentlemen, you should've Carpe Diem rather than leave for later what you should have done NOW. Indecision is a common problem in many general, and players should be penalized in that fashion for saying "pass" too liberally.

7- Victory shall be declared when loosing players say so, and everybody agreed on the order of the Victors. Players should try to achieve the highest ranking possible, even if the did not won 1st place. Getting out 2nd in a war is better than having your head roll on the floor.

8- (Because of rule 5) Since the number of army to recruit is quite limited for people with a small territory, one player can see when all hope will be lost for supremacy. He can offer to become the "vassal" of another player, and will share victory (as 2nd, or 3rd place in the game). the "vassal" player will ALWAYS be of lower rank than it's Lord (if the Lord lost the game).

When you become a vassal, it's for the rest of the duration of the game. (this is meant to allow players to still have fun and try to win something out of the game even if they knew they were finished)
the Lord shall decide what is the acceptable ranking for it's Vassal. If the Vassal stated as a condition to it's potential lord "I want to be 2nd place", the Lord HAS to respect his own words. So it is recommended to Lords to promise "3rd place up, 4th place up" to the first vassals he creates. After all, the player was one of the first to loose the game.

A Vassal can attack as he wish, except when forbidden by it's Lord. but cannot be forced to attack.

PEACH the rules

Note: I am well aware that rule 7-8 is more complicated than it should be, but I am trying to make up for the fact that it can be lousy if a player is eliminated soon into the game, he's up for 2 hours of solo-fun. But I was trying to create rules to not over-break the game itself.. anyway, if you want to comment, you are invited.

2008-08-05, 10:31 AM
What if you'd normally get more armies than what you can place according to rule 5?

2008-08-05, 11:57 PM
2 choices.

1- You loose your spare armies. Yhea, that sucks, but that's life. If it's because you are at the beggining of the game, too bad for you. If it's because you are loosing, that's why I created rule 8. When you cannot deploy armies because of a small territory, you know you've lost. Better try to suck up to someone else :smallbiggrin:

2- The other players agree that you are allow to ignore rule 5, but they get to choose where you put your supplemental armies. They will either try to screw you, or to screw each others, and that leads to more fun.

Flying Elephant
2008-08-07, 06:09 PM
How would the other players choose to place your extra armies? Obviously, you don't want them on your border.

2008-08-08, 04:52 AM
Perhaps, but maybe they would want them on another player's border, don't you think?

EDIT: They are each given an equal number of army (rounded down), and they get to distribute them on your territories each one at the time. That might be usefull for a player who already have a vassal at the time, since the vassal still count as a player.

Note: That's the single reason why I never kill opponents in Alpha Centauri. They still count as an equal vote for Aye/Nay Planetary Council Vote, and since they are MY puppets, MY proposition always pass. Yay for democracy!!!